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Odometer W211 W219 X164 W164 W203 W251 W463 R171 W209

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Odometer Correction for W211 E-Class, W219 CLS, X164 GL, W164

ML, W203 C-Class, W251 R-Class, W463 G-Class, R171, W209


In these vehicles the odometer is stored in the following control units:

− Instrument Cluster
− Assyst
− Assyst Plus
− ESP (Electronic Stability Program)
− Electrical Seat Adjustment Driver
− Electrical Seat Adjustment Passenger
− Signal Acquisition Module
− CDI (Common Rail Diesel Injection)
− Tire Pressure Monitor
− Airbag – only stores motohours

It is a very difficult task to change the odometer in all possible places, where it is stored. However, with the
help of the Abritus Commander for Mercedes it is now very easy to make comprehensive odometer
correction in these vehicles.
While in most of the devices the software will change the odometer by OBDII, there are some electronic
control units in which it has to be done manually. This is the case with the Battery Control Module, for
example. Please, follow the guideline below.

Important note: when the Mercedes Commander asks you to disconnect the battery, please first make
sure that you remove the key from the Ignition Lock!
1. Backing up necessary files.

It is recommended to read the EEPROM of the Central Gateway (CGW) control unit and the Instrument
Cluster before proceeding with the odometer correction.
The EEPROM of the CGW control unit can be read by using the special function “CGW Explorer”. The
EEPROM of the Instrument Cluster is accessible from the special function “Read/Write EEPROM”.
2. Modifying ASSYST and ASSYST PLUS service history records.

After you read the EEPROM of the CGW control unit you must save it to a file on your hard disk and then
load it in “CGW Explorer”. You must specify the type of the dump. In case the displayed information is not
correct you can try setting another type until you get correct data. In order to see which is the correct type
for the dump you can use the “ASSYST PLUS” special function. From there you can see all the service
history and the saved information in the ASSYST and ASSYST Plus control modules.

After you have loaded the dump of the CGW you can change the stored information as you like. Then you
must click the “Save” button and save the modified dump on your hard drive. When you are ready with this
you should close this window, load the modified dump and press the button “Write EEPROM”. You can
verify that the service history records have changed according to your modifications by opening the
“ASSYST Plus” special function.

If you want to change only the ASSYST data you can do so very quickly by pressing the “ASSYST” button
from the “CGW Explorer” screen, like shown on the following screenshot:
Another screen will appear and from there you can see the current ASSYST service history records. If you
wish you can edit the records and when you are ready – you can press the button “Save Changes”. This will
update the informaiton stored inside the ASSYST control module.
Once you have finished this step you can be sure that you have changed the values of Assyst, Assyst Plus,
Central Gateway and System Diagnosis control units.
3. Changing the Main Odometer in Dashboard and EZS

Changing the odometer in the Instrument Cluster is straightforward. Please, note that the Instrument Cluster
synchronizes the odometer value with the EZS control module. So, there are 2 options – the first one is to
block the odometer synchronization between the dashboard and the EZS and the second one is to change
only the odometer in the dashboard.
When the software asks you to remove the fuse or the battery, there are 2 options:
– Some cars have a fuse for the dashboard. It is enough to remove the fuse for 10 seconds and then put
in back.
– Some cars do not have a fuse for the dashboard and it is necessary to disconnect the battery of the cat
in order to reset the dashboard. When this is the case, make sure that you remove the key from the
Ignition Lock before disconnecting the main battery. It is enough to remove the positive clamp of the
battery for about 10 seconds and then reconnect it again.

3.1 Changing the Main Odometer and blocking the synchronization between the Dashboard
and the EZS
If you choose to block the synchronization of the odometer between the Dashboard and the EZS the
dashboard will display the new odometer and will not attempt to synchronize with the EZS again. However,
the EZS will keep the old odometer and it will be visible from the “Actual Values” screen. The solution in
this case is to change the stored odometer in the EZS by using a hardware programming device – desolder
the EZS, read its EEPROM, change the odometer (using the special function “Dump Tool”) and then write
back the EEPROM and solder it back.

3.2 Changing the Main Odometer wothout blocking the synchronization between the
Dashboard and the EZS
If you choose to NOT block the synchronization of the odometer between the Dashboard and the EZS the
dashboard will freeze after you change the odometer with the Mercedes Commander. However, the EZS will
keep the old odometer and the dashboard will update its odometer the next time it communicates with the
EZS. The solution in this case is to change the stored odometer in the EZS by using a hardware
programming device – desolder the EZS, read its EEPROM, change the odometer (using the special
function “Dump Tool”) and then write back the EEPROM and solder it back. You can change the EZS to 0
km – it will take the new odometer value from the Instrument Cluster.
4. Changing the stored odometer in all other devices

Important Note: Some of the contorl units, which are listed below may not be present in the vehicle, that
you are working on.

4.1 Battery Control Module

From the Main Screen of the Mercedes Commander software, connect to the device “Battery Control
Module”, as shown in the next screenshot:

Please, note that not all vehicles have this device! If the software does not connect to it – this means that the
device is not installed in the vehicle.
After you succeed to open a diagnostic session with this device you must click the button “Actual Values”.
When this screen opens you must pay attention to the displayed values. If you wish you can erase the stored
odometer these actual values.
Close the “Actual Values” screen and click the “Actuator Tests” button. Then, from the screen that appears
you must select the different tests you wish and press the button “Start Test”. To verify the result – you can
open the “Actual Values” screen again.

4.2 Tire Pressure Monitor

From the Main Screen of the Mercedes Commander software, connect to the device “Tire Pressure
Monitor”, as shown in the next screenshot:
Press the button “Actuator Tests” and you will see the following screen:

From the dropdown box, please select each of the 3 tests and press “Start Test”. After the test is started –
wait 5 seconds and then press “Stop Test”. Verify the result by returning to the previous screen and
pressing “Actual Values”.

4.3 Electric Seat Adjustment Driver and Electric Seat Adjustment Passenger
From the Main Screen of the Mercedes Commander software, connect to the device “Electric Seat
Adjustment Driver”, as shown in the next screenshot:
Press the button “Actuator Test” and select and start all of the tests:

For Electric Seat Adjustment Passenger the procedure is absolutely the same.

4.4 Rear Signal Acquisition and Actuation Module 1

From the Main Screen of the Mercedes Commander software, connect to the device “Rear Signal
Acquisition and Actuation Module 1”. Press the button “Actuator Test” and select and select the test
“Erase Odometer in Shadow Memory”:

Press the button “Start Test” and after that return to the main menu.

4.5 Common Rail Diesel Injection (CDI)

In order to modify the stored odometer in the CDI Engine Control Unit you need to read the
EEPROM and modify it by using the Dump Tool special function.

4.6 Electronic Stability Program (ESP)

From the Main Screen of the Mercedes Commander software, connect to the device “Electronic Stability
Program”. If you press the button “Actual Values” you will see some kilometer readings.
Close the session with the ESP contorl unit and from the “Special Functions” tab select “EEPROM
Read/Write”. Select the correct type of the ESP and press the button “Read EEPROM”:
After the EEPROM has been successfully read, save it to a file on your hard drive. Close the special
function “Eeprom Read/Write” and open the special function “Dump Tool”. Choose the appropriate ESP
version and load the saved dump file.

Modify the displayed values as you wish and then save the modified dump file. Open once again the
special function “Eeprom Read/Write” and select the modified dump and write it in the EEPROM of the
ESP control unit. After that connect to the ESP control unit and check once again the displayed actual

After that press the button “Actuator Tests” and select and start the item “Erase Shadow Memory”. After
about 5 seconds you can press the button “Stop”.

4.7 Airbag
From the Main Screen of the Mercedes Commander software, connect to the device “Airbag”. If you
press the button “Actual Values” you will see the operating hours of the Airbag device. If you press
the button “Adaptations” you will see a screen from where you can unlock, erase the operating hours
and lock again the Airbag. It is up to you to decide whether to erase the hours or not.
5. Clearing all Fault Codes

At the end – when all the above steps have been followed – you must erase all DTCs (diagnostic trouble
codes) that may have been stored by the electronic control units in the car.
6. Support

In case there is a problem and you need further assistance, please send to [email protected] the
corresponding log file (or files).

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