Course Guidelines Criminal Law Review AUF AY 2018 2019
Course Guidelines Criminal Law Review AUF AY 2018 2019
Course Guidelines Criminal Law Review AUF AY 2018 2019
Course coverage
1. The course covers a review of Books One and Two of the Revised Penal
Code and Special Penal Laws.
2. These include:
4. The assigned articles in the Revised Penal Code or special laws must be
read along with the assigned cases and chapters in the basic textbook.
5. Read the assigned cases in their full text. Do not rely on case digests.
6. The basic textbook is The Revised Penal Code by Luis B. Reyes, Books
One and Two.
12. All students are required to take the Mid-Term Examination and Final
Examination. Failure to do so for any reason shall mean a failing grade of
“0” for the missed examination. A student who misses a Mid-Term
and/or Final Examination due to valid reasons may be given a
completion test/examination upon submission of the required
documents. Failure to complete a missed test/examination on the date
set shall result in a failing grade for the missed examination.
13. Any form of cheating, including plagiarism, shall be given a failing grade.
14. Attendance will be checked every class day. Any student who goes
beyond the allowable number of absences shall be dropped from the roll
and given a failing grade.