Course Guidelines Criminal Law Review AUF AY 2018 2019

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FIRST SEMESTER, AY 2018 - 2019

Dan Peruelo Calica

Course coverage

1. The course covers a review of Books One and Two of the Revised Penal
Code and Special Penal Laws.

2. These include:

Basic Principles of Criminal Law

Book One General Provisions Regarding the Date of

Enforcement and Application of the Provisions of
the Revised Penal Code and Regarding the
Offenses, the Persons Liable and the Penalties

Preliminary Title: Date of Effectiveness and Application of the

Provisions of the Revised Penal Code

Title One: Felonies and Circumstances Which Affect

Criminal Liability

Title Two: Persons Criminally Liable for Felonies

Title Three: Penalties

Title Four: Extinction of Criminal Liability

Title Five: Civil Liability

Book Two Crimes and Penalties


Title One: Crimes Against National Security and the Law of


A. Republic Act No. 9372 (The Human Security Act)

B. Presidential Decree No. 532 (Anti-Piracy and
Anti-Highway Robbery)
C. Republic Act No. 6235 (Anti-Hijacking Law)
D. Commonwealth Act No. 616 (An Act to Punish
Espionage and Other Offenses Against National
E. Batas Pambansa Bilang 39 (Foreign Agents Act)

Title Two: Crimes Against the Fundamental Law of the State

A. Republic Act No. 9745 (Anti-Torture Act of 2009)

Title Three: Crimes Against Public Order

A. Republic Act No. 6968 (Act Punishing the Crime

of Coup d’etat)
B. Presidential Decree No. 1866, Republic Act No.
8294 and Republic Act No. 10591 (Illegal
Possession of Firearms and Ammunition)

Title Four: Crimes Against Public Interest

Title Five: Dangerous Drugs Act

A. Republic Act No. 9165 (Comprehensive

Dangerous Drugs Act)

Title Six: Crimes Against Public Morals

A. Republic Act No. 9287 (An Act Increasing the

Penalties for Illegal Numbers Games)
B. Presidential Decree No. 1602 (Simplifying and
Providing Stiffer Penalties for Gambling Laws)
C. Republic Act No. 10158 (Act Decriminalizing

Title Seven: Crimes Committed By Public Officers

A. Republic Act No. 3019 (Anti-Graft and Corrupt

Practices Act)
B. Presidential Decree No. 46
C. Presidential Decree No. 749
D. Republic Act No. 6713
E. Republic Act No. 1379
F. Republic Act No. 9160 (Anti-Money Laundering
Act of 2001)
G. Republic Act No. 9485 (Anti-Red Tape Act of
H. Republic Act No. 7080 (Plunder Law)

Title Eight: Crimes Against Persons

A. Republic Act No. 8049 (Anti-Hazing Law)

B. Republic Act No. 8353 (Anti-Rape Law)
C. Republic Act No. 7877 (Anti-Sexual Harassment
D. Republic Act No. 9262 (Anti-Violence Against
Women and their Children Act)
E. Republic Act No. 7610 (Anti-Child Abuse Law)
F. Republic Act No. 9208 (Anti-Trafficking in
G. Republic Act No. 10364 (Expanded Anti-
Trafficking Act)

Title Nine: Crimes Against Personal Liberty and Security

Title Ten: Crimes Against Property

A. Presidential Decree No. 1612 (Anti-Fencing Law)

B. Presidential Decree No. 115 (Trust Receipts Law)
C. Batas Pambansa Bilang 22 (The Bouncing
Checks Law)
D. Presidential Decree No. 532 (Anti-Piracy and
Highway Robbery Law)
E. Presidential Decree No. 1613 (Amending the Law
on Arson), as amended by Republic Act No. 7659

(Act to Impose the Death Penalty on Certain

Heinous Crimes)
F. Presidential Decree No. 533 (Anti-Cattle Rustling
G. Presidential Decree No. 1689 (Increasing the
Penalty for Certain Forms of Estafa)
H. Republic Act No. 10883 (New Anti-Carnapping

Title Eleven: Crimes Against Chastity

A. Republic Act No. 9208 (Anti-Trafficking in

B. Republic Act No. 10364 (Expanded Anti-
Trafficking Act)

Title Twelve: Crimes Against the Civil Status of Persons

Title Thirteen: Crimes Against Honor

A. Republic Act No. 4200 (Anti-Wiretapping Law)

B. Republic Act No. 9995 (Anti-Photo and Video
Voyeurism Act of 2009)
C. Republic Act No. 10175 (Cybercrime Prevention
Act of 2012)

Title Fourteen: Quasi-Offenses

Course outline and materials

3. Every student is expected to read all assigned articles in the Revised

Penal Code, special laws, and cases as provided in the Course Outline.
These constitute the primary course materials.

4. The assigned articles in the Revised Penal Code or special laws must be
read along with the assigned cases and chapters in the basic textbook.

5. Read the assigned cases in their full text. Do not rely on case digests.

6. The basic textbook is The Revised Penal Code by Luis B. Reyes, Books
One and Two.


7. Passing grade is 75%.

8. Thirty percent (30%) of the final grade shall be based on Class

Performance, thirty percent (30%) on the Mid-Term Examination, and
forty percent (40%) on the Final Examination.

9. Class performance consists of recitations, writing assignments and


10. Recitation is conducted and graded every session. During recitation, no

student shall be allowed to open and/or read photocopied cases or texts,
annotations and other such materials, unless specifically instructed by
the professor. Coaching is strictly prohibited. When called upon and the
student is absent, a grade of 5.0 will automatically be given for that
session, unless the student has a valid reason for his/her absence.

11. There will be at least three (3) quizzes.

12. All students are required to take the Mid-Term Examination and Final
Examination. Failure to do so for any reason shall mean a failing grade of
“0” for the missed examination. A student who misses a Mid-Term
and/or Final Examination due to valid reasons may be given a
completion test/examination upon submission of the required
documents. Failure to complete a missed test/examination on the date
set shall result in a failing grade for the missed examination.

13. Any form of cheating, including plagiarism, shall be given a failing grade.


14. Attendance will be checked every class day. Any student who goes
beyond the allowable number of absences shall be dropped from the roll
and given a failing grade.

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