Syllabus CL - Grade 7
Syllabus CL - Grade 7
Syllabus CL - Grade 7
Topic 1: The The Scriptures do not just Morals: Scriptures: The Lessons are ordered
Source: God’s contain the Word of God; We study with an open mind and Gn 1-2 – God as the to enable the students to:
Word in the because they are divinely heart and reflect on God’s Word so that Creator
Scripture inspired, they are truly the Word we may hear God speaking to us and Is 55:11 – “So shall my D – Explain what the
of God (Dei Verbum 24) guiding us in our daily moral actions. word that come forth from Bible is all about and
Sub-topics: The same Holy Spirit who my mouth know its unique
1. What is the inspired the human authors to Worship: Dt 29:28 – “What has characteristics and
Bible? write the books of the Bible In the Mass, we listen as God been revealed concerns us history.
2. What is the enables us today to understand speaks to us in the Liturgy of the Word. …”
History of the Bible and accepts the Bible as the In Sunday Eucharistic Celebration, the 2 Tim 3:16-17 – “All M – Identify ways on how
3. Getting to the Word of God. Through the Bible, Liturgy of the Word consists of the Scriptures are inspired by to give importance to
Bible’s Meaning God tells us about Himself and following readings: the First Reading God” the Bible.
His saving work in human history. (usually from the Old Testament); the
Responsorial Psalm (from the book of Church Teachings: W – Use the Bible for
Psalms); the Second Reading (usually DV 11 – Biblical Inspiration prayer and reflection.
from the New Testament Letters);and and inerrancy
the Gospel (from any of the four CFC 88 – Biblical
Gospels) inspiration
CFC81-84 – Scripture and
Core and Related Graduate Attributes Strategies/Activities Human Experiences Evaluation
Core: Faith, Truth FD.4.1.2 Gospel Preacher - Bible reading - Desire to study the Bible 1. Explain why the Bible
- Reads the Bible daily - Discussion: PPT presentation - Integrate the Bible their called the Living Word
Related: Study, FD.4.2.1 Truth Seeker - Reflection daily life and prayer of God?
Prayer - Studies the doctrine, - Group sharing - Sharing the Word of God 2. How does God
morals, and worship of - Video presentation to others communicate to us?
Catholic Church teachings - Journal writing 3. Why should we study
FD.4.1.6 Gospel Preacher the Bible?
- Joyfully talks about Jesus
Integrated Basic Education Department (IBED)
Topic 2: The Start: The world and everything Morals: Scriptures: The Lessons are ordered to
God’s Creation All in it are creations of a loving The challenge for us is to live out Gn 1-2 – The Creation stories enable the students to:
Around Us and powerful God. We are the Creation truths in our everyday Ps 8: - Divine majesty and human
special because God activities and relationships. God dignity D – Discuss how God
Sub-topics: created us and is continually calls us to develop Christian virtues created the universe
1. Religious Faith, creating us in His image and and values based on the truths of and everything in it
not Science, on likeness. Everything that His ongoing creative action. Church Teachings: including man.
Creation God creates is good. From CFC 314 – Doctrine of Creation
2. Seeing God in these truths come the ND 412 – Doctrine of Creation M – Point out ways of
the First Creation ultimate meaning, purpose, Worship: showing respect for
Story and destiny of all people God as Creator is central to our every person and care
3. Seeing God in and all creation. liturgy. In worship, we profess the for everything that God
the Second truth that we are creatures who owe entrusted to us.
Creation Story our Creator adoration and worship.
With sincerity and humility, we W – Celebrate the
present ourselves before God, our grandeur of God’s
Creator and Father. Creation and give
thanks for the
abundance of His gifts.
Core and Related Graduate Attributes Strategies/Activities Human Experiences/context Evaluation
Core: Love, SD.9.1 Steward of God’s - Poem/song analysis - Caring more respect and care 1. Why does God create?
Gratitude creation - Bible Reading for themselves, others, God’s 2. What are the images of
- Shows awareness - Discussion: PPT presentation creation God in the two creation
Related: Concern, that creation is part - Drawing/Illustration - Gratitude for all God’s gifts narratives?
Responsibility and extension of - Video presentation - Dependence on God’s loving 3. How does God continue
his/her person - Journal writing providence to create today?
4. What makes human
beings unique and
special creations of
AD.1.7.2 People Smart
- Works harmoniously 5. Explain the meaning of
with others “the interconnection of all
FD.4.2.1 Truth Seeker
- Studies the doctrine,
morals, and worship
of Catholic Church
Integrated Basic Education Department (IBED)
Topic 3: The Fall: Sin is a person’s decision not to Morals: Scriptures: The Lessons are ordered to
Originating Sin and love and it consequently causes We must realize that when we sin, we Gn 3 – The fall of man enable the students to:
Its Consequences pain suffering. But our faith harm not only ourselves but other people Gn 4:1-16 – Cain and
declares that “where sin increases, as well, and we offend God above all. As Abel D – Discuss original sin,
Sub-topics: grace overflows all the more” (Rom Christians, we should resist evil Gn 6-9:17 – The Great temptation, and their
1. The Beginning of 5:20) wherever we see it and recognize our Flood consequences
Sin God is merciful and does not own weaknesses and need for God’s Gn 11:1-9 – The
2. The Grave abandon us in our sinfulness. healing love. Tower of Babel M – Identify ways on how
Consequences of Rom 5:20 – Grace and to avoid sin and
Sin Worship: life through Christ temptation.
3. Sin Spreads Yet The Confiteor is a prayer of Rom 9:17 – Sin and
God’s Mercy reconciliation said at the start of the Death W –Pray always and go to
Continues Mass. confession regularly.
4. The Mystery of “I confess to Almighty God …” Church Teachings:
Suffering and Evil CFC 372-395 –
Among Us Original Sin
GS 37 – Struggling
Against Evil
Core and Related Graduate Attributes Strategies/Activities Human Experiences Evaluation
Core: Faith, Prayer AD.1.8.1 Self-Smart - Composing Prayer - Doing good and 1. How did Genesis present
- Manifest a sense of - Discussion: PPT presentation avoiding evil the origin of evil in the
Related: independence responsibility, - Web Chart on cycle of evil in society world?
Forgiveness and accountability for - Video presentation 2. Why is original sin called
his/her actions such? How does it affect
us today?
- Reflection - Valuing the
FD.4.1.10 Gospel Preacher - Journal Writing Sacrament of 3. Make a diagram showing
- Denounces wrong doings Reconciliation as an the pattern of sin as
and false teachings essential part of their presented in the different
Christian life sin narratives?
AD.1.2.1 Critical –Thinker - Being an instrument 4. What is the basis for
- Correctly distinguishes of healing to Christian hope in the
truths from fabricated lies / themselves, others, most evil situations?
biased opinions and society Explain.
Integrated Basic Education Department (IBED)
Topic 4: God’s Plan God is always the first to reach Morals: Scriptures: The Lessons are ordered to
of Salvation: The out to us in love. He shows His Our response to God’s revelation is our Gen 12:1-20 – The enable the students to:
Call to Faith love to us by revealing who He is. faith, which shows itself in our actions. We Abraham Story
He enters into special covenant- need to be committed to God like Gen 15 – Covenant D – Discuss how God took
Sub-topics: relationships with His people. Abraham, and patient and self-sacrificing with Abraham the initiative of revealing
1. God’s Offer of Ultimately, His plan is to share like Isaac. We must strive to overcome our Gen 22 – Testing of Himself to us because
Salvation: The Call His life with us. This what we call shortcomings each day like Jacob, and Abraham He loves us.
to Faith salvation. live in brotherly forgiveness and service Gen 25-35 – The Story
2. God’s Self- like Joseph. This is the way to respond in of Jacob M – Point out ways on how
revelation Calls for faith as friends of God. Above all, we need Gen 37-45 – The Story to respond to God’s
our Faith Response to realize that faith cannot be achieved of Joseph revelation.
3. The Patriarchs: except through God’s gracious help. Heb 11:1-3,8 – Faith of
Our Models of Faith Worship: the Ancients W – Nourish their faith life
Our life of faith is nourished through Prov 3:5-7 – Attitude of through prayer and
personal and communal prayer. During the Trust Toward God liturgy.
Mass, the community professes its faith by
reciting the Apostle’s Creed. When
renewing our baptismal promises, we Church Teachings:
answer “I do” to series of questions like CFC 120-140 – On
“Do you believe in God …?” Prayer Faith
strengthens us and gives us courage to
continue living according to our Christian
Core and Related Graduate Attributes Strategies/Activities Human Experiences Evaluation
Core: Faith, FD.4.1.5 Gospel Preacher - Interview on faith - Having an integrated 1. Why do we need
Obedience - Participates in faith - Bible Reading faith-life that involves salvation?
sharing and Bible studies - Discussion: PPT presentation believing, doing, and 2. Give a concrete example
Related: Study, - Small Group Discussion entrusting to illustrate that faith
Prayer requires from us our
SD.4.11 Peace Advocate - Video presentation - Being sensitive to belief in God’s
- Stands firm and with - Journal Writing how God operates in
conviction to uphold the their lives goodness, our obedience
truth - Translating their faith to God’s will, and our
into concrete act of trust in Him.
FD.4.2.2 Truth Seeker love 3. What role did each
- Discerns the will of God - Nourishing their faith patriarch play in God’s
through prayer and with constant prayer plan of salvation?
sacrifice and the liturgy
Integrated Basic Education Department (IBED)
Topic 5: Journeying God revealed Himself to the Morals: Scriptures: The Lessons are ordered to
in Faith as God’s Israelite as the Lord of history and The Ten Commandments provide us Ex 2-4;7-14,19-20,24 – enable the students to:
People as Savior who gave His people with basic moral norms for discriminating The Exodus Story
true freedom and better life. Having good acts from evil acts. Obeying God’s Dt 7:6-8 – “For you are D – Explain that God is a
Sub-topics: entered into a covenant of Laws means respecting the moral rights a people sacred to the loving and liberating
1. The Struggles friendship with His people, God of every human. Ultimately, God’s laws Lord ..” God who entered into
with Slavery remained faithful to them and teach us how we should live as Nm 9-11, 16, 25 – history of His people to
2. Exodus provided them with their needs individuals and as members of the Wandering in the bring them redemption.
3. The Ten even when they were unfaithful to community. Desert
Commandments Him. Ps 119 – Praise of the M – Trace their own
Worship: Law spiritual journey with
Israel learned that a life of worship was God from Baptism
central to being God’s people. However, Church Teachings: onward to the end of
God willed that their worship go beyond CFC 868-922 – The their life.
burnt offerings. Obedience to His will Ten Commandments
which was expressed in the covenant W – Celebrate the
laws was the true worship. Eucharist as a
As Christians, we are called to worship commemoration of the
God in the Holy Eucharist, In the Holy saving act of Christ
Eucharist, we celebrate the freedom which was
Christ won for us and express our foreshadowed in the
thanksgiving for the gift before God. But Passover event of
the true goal of the Eucharist is to be Exodus.
united with Christ by living out His law of
Core: Faith, Hope FD.4.6 Gospel Preacher - Film viewing - Seeing hardships 1. Why is the story of the
- Joyfully talks about Jesus - Discussion: PPT presentation and difficulties as an Israelites’ slavery in
Related: - Small group discussion avoidable experiences Egypt and their liberation
Obedience, Trust - Case analysis relevant to us Christians
- Journal writing on our way to God today?
FD.4.2.1 Truth Seeker which we can
- Studies the doctrine, morals, overcome with His 2. What do the burning
and worship of Catholic help bush, the mountain, and
Church teachings - Valuing the the desert each
- Commandments as symbolized?
FD.4.2.2 Truth Seeker moral norms that help 3. How do the Ten
- Discerns the will of God us to become better Commandments show
through prayer and sacrifice persons God’s love and care for
us? How do they make
us free?
3. What is the essential
similarity between the
Jewish Passover and the
Holy Eucharist?
4. How do the Ten
Commandments show
God’s love and care for
Integrated Basic Education Department (IBED)
Topic 7: God choose David to be His Morals: Scriptures: The Lessons are ordered to
Overcoming instrument in continuing His plan of David was a faithful servant of God I Sm 16-18, 24-25 – enable the students to:
Obstacles to Faith salvation. He did not allow David’s and yet he committed terrible sins. Sin Young David
weakness to hinder His plan. God has dire consequences especially when 2 Sm 2,7,11-12 – Kin D – Discuss the story of
Sub-topics: fulfilled His promises to David by committed by someone who is in the David David, his weaknesses,
1. King David creating a kingdom that would last position of leadership. This is due to Ps 51 – David’s Prayer and God’s forgiveness
2. King David’s forever in the person of Jesus greater harm and disgrace it causes. of Repentance of his sin
Psalms and Our Christ. David’s story teaches us that no matter
Prayers how grave our sins are, we can receive Church Teachings: M – Identify ways on how
God’s forgiveness if we acknowledge our to overcome our
sins, express genuine sorrow for these weaknesses in life
sins, and make restitution for the evil we
for the evil we had committed. W – Use the Psalms in our
daily prayer as
expressions of our need
Worship: for God in our lives
The Psalms teach us that we can call
out to God in any situation and express
our joy, praise, sorrow, gratitude, grief,
and confusion to Him. Our intimate
relationship with God through prayer can
help us face our deepest fears and our
own sinfulness.
Like David, we are all called to
repentance. In the Church, we heed this
call by receiving the Sacrament of
Reconciliation. David’s prayer of
repentance in Psalm 51 is a good
preparatory prayer for Confession.
Core: Faith, Prayer FD.4.2.2 Truth Seeker - Film viewing: David - Having intimate 1. What does the call of
- Discerns the will of God - Bible reading relationship with God David show us about
Related: Humility through prayer and sacrifice - Discussion: PPT presentation - Having a genuine how God chooses His
- Small group discussion sense of sorrow for peoples’ leaders?
AD.1.2.3 Critical-Thinker - Situation analysis their sins 2. What can we learn from
- Makes judgments and - Letter writing (letter of apology) - Using Psalms to help the fight of David and
evaluates objectively and - Journal writing them pray Goliath? What does this
fairly - Frequently go to tell us about having faith
confession to in God?
Fd.2.6 Eucharist-centered encounter the merciful, 3. How did Jonathan show
- Shows an attitude of all-forgiving Lord that he was a true friend
reconciliation to David?
4. What was so evil about
David’s sins? What
circumstances brought
him to acknowledge his
Integrated Basic Education Department (IBED)
Topic 10: The Jeremiah and Ezekiel Morals: Scriptures: The Lessons are ordered to enable
Prophets: Calling proclaimed that God is the One Jeremiah teaches us that Jer 1-38 – The Story of the students to:
Us to Renewal who heals, renews, and gives new constantly calls us to change Jeremiah
hope to His people. Jonah’s story our evil ways; Jonah urges us to Ez 1-37 – The Story of D – Explain How prophets
Sub-topics: affirms that God is the Savior of all repent and Ezekiel reminds us Ezekiel Jeremiah and Ezekiel call
1. Jeremiah: Be and just of a few. It is only God that we will be judged according people to conversion.
Confident in the who can transform and save each to what we have done in our life.
Lord one of us. We are responsible for our Church Teachings: M – Suggest ways on how to be
2. Ezekiel: Receive actions, whether good or bad. G 9 – The New like Jeremiah and Ezekiel in our
a New Heart and a With God’s help, we can change Covenant present situation.
New Spirit for the better.
3. Jonah: Salvation W – We pray to God for help in
is for All Worship: times of crises and depression.
During times of crisis and
even sin, we can reaffirm our
faith in God by receiving the
sacraments of Reconciliation
and the Holy Eucharist. Through
these sacraments, we can
receive the forgiveness and
strength we need to renew our
Core and Related Graduate Attributes Strategies/Activities Human Experiences Evaluation
Core: Faith, SD.4.12 Peace Advocate - Role play: acting out Ezekiel’s - Appreciate the value 1. How did God call Jeremiah?
Forgiveness - Live as an agent of peace message of the Word of God, How did Jeremiah respond to
and social change - Discussion: PPT presentation prayer and the God’s call?
Related: SD.2.2 Living Memory of Mo. - Sharing stories of commitment, sacraments in their 2. How did the Israelites practice
Francisca overcoming difficulties day to day life their faith? Why did they act that
- Teaches catechesis to - Film viewing - Become more open way?
others, especially the young - Journal Writing and aware to the 3. What was Jeremiah’s message
FD.4.6 Gospel Preacher transformative power regarding the way the Israelites
- Joyfully talks about Jesus of God were practicing their faith?
- Hope in God, in other
people, and in
Topic 12: Israel’s God revealed Himself in Morals: Scriptures: The Lessons are ordered to
Story Imaging Our stages. In the Old Testament, Faith is our response to God’s revelation. enable the students to:
Faith Journey God revealed Himself through It is a gift from God as well as a free human Church Teachings:
biblical signs made up of both act. We must cooperate with God’s grace CFC 69 – Biblical D – Recall the major Old
Sub-topics: deeds and words … Today, for our faith to develop. Signs Testament themes of
1. Major Old through His inspired Word in the Faith is not only believing in what God DV 11 – Divine Creation, faith,
Testament Themes Old Testament, God still reveals has revealed. It also involves doing what Revelation salvation, and hope and
2. Growing in Faith Himself to us and inspires us to God calls us to do as His people. The Ten CFC 132-133 – On their key meaning-
3. The Story does respond to His covenant. Commandments tell us how God wants us Faith and Salvation v 7 God’s constant
not end - to live. presence.
CFC 69
Worship: M – Point out how the
Aside from believing in God and doing Judeo-Christian themes
His will, faith is also entrusting ourselves touch on their daily
into God’s hands through sincere worship moral acts
and adoration. We grow as disciples of
Jesus Christ in our Catholic community W – Entrust ourselves in
through liturgical worship and through our prayer and worship to
personal prayer experience. – CFC 132- Yahweh, our faithful
133 One.
Core: Faith, FD.4.1.5 Gospel Preacher - Reflection on my own image of God - Grow into a deeper 1. What did God reveal
Related: - Participates in faith - Discussion: PPT presentation and more relationship about Himself in the Old
sharing and Bible studies - Timeline of good and bad events in life with God, nurture by Testament?
- Year-end prayer of thanksgiving prayer Which of His revelation
- Journal Writing touched you the most?