DLL - Science 6 - Q4 - W8

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School: MAPUROC ES Grade Level: VI

GRADES 1 to 12 Teacher: ERNITA C. RAYMUNDO Learning Area: SCIENCE

DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and
Time: MARCH 4 – 8, 2019 (WEEK 8) Quarter: 4TH QUARTER



A. Content Standards The learners demonstrate understanding of the characteristics of planets in the solar system.

B. Performance Standards The learners should be able to design an emergency and preparedness plan and kit.

Construct a model of the solar system showing the relative sizes of the planets and their relative distances from the sun
C. Learning Competencies/ Objectives
Write the LC code for each 1. Describe the period of rotation of 1. Compare the planets of the 1. Compare the planets of Compare the planets of the
inner and outer planets. solar system as to their the solar system as to their solar system (S6ES-IVi-j-7)
2. Identify the period of rotation of distance from the sun; components 1.Describe the sizes of the
inner and outer planets 2. Illustrate and describe the 2. Appreciate the existence
planets in the solar system
3. Work harmoniously with the vastness of the solar system by of the planet earth.
group during the activity. comparing one planet to 3. Illustrate the comparison 2. Illustrate the sizes of the
another relative to its distance of inner and outer planet in planets in the solar system
from the sun as the center of the solar system. 3. Work harmoniously with the
the solar system, group
3. Work harmoniously with the
group while doing the activity.
The Solar System- Planets The Solar System- Planets The Solar System- Planets The Solar System- Planets


A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages Curriculum Guide S6ES-IVi-j7 p.104 Curriculum Guide S6ES-IVi-j7 Curriculum Guide S6ES-IVi-j7 Curriculum Guide S6ES-IVi-j7
p.104 p.104 p.104
2. Learner’s Materials pages Cyber Science 6, pp.310-311 The New Science link 6 pp. Science Links 6 pp 443-451 The New Science Links Worktext
443-451; Cyber Science 6, pp Science Journey 6, pp in Science and Technology 6 pp.
317-329 316-331 146-149
Science Journey 6, pp. 317-321
3. Textbook pages Cyber Science 6, pp.310-311 The New Science link 6 pp. Science Links 6 pp 443-451 The New Science Links Worktext
443-451; Cyber Science 6, pp Science Journey 6, pp in Science and Technology 6 pp.
317-329 316-331 146-149
Science Journey 6, pp. 317-321
4. Additional Materials from Learning EASE Science I
Resource (LR) portal
B. Other Learning Resources activity sheet Activity sheet, Illustration of activity sheet activity sheet
Meta cards solar system, Metacards Meta cards, video Meta cards, video
presentation presentation
A. Reviewing previous lesson or Reflective Approach Interactive Approach Reflective Approach Reflective Approach
presenting the new lesson Through Guessing Games about the Do Scavenger Hunt. What are different planets in What is the composition of the
inner and outer planets. solar system? different planets in the solar
Teacher asks review questions system?
about the period of rotation of Compare them.
the different planets in the
solar system and the pupils will
search the answers around the
B. Establishing a purpose for the Think Pair-Share Guided Approach/Interactive Reflective Approach
lesson Activity: Word Wizard! Approach Have you seen the sun and the
Say: I have here words 5 sets of The teacher shows picture of moon? To have a good look at
jumbled letters. Arrange the the solar system and let the the solar system from earth
jumbled letters to form the words pupils talk about on where we what are we going to use?
which we will be using in are located in the solar system,
out activity later. The meaning of the and ask:
words serves as your
clue. How could you compare the
TAORTOIN-movement of the distance of the planet from
planets one another and its distance
TRERORGAED- backward towards the sun?
rotation or from east to Original File Submitted and
west Formatted by DepEd Club
INNER PLANETS- planets closest Member - visit depedclub.com
to sun for more
OUTER PLANET- gas planets
LNAPET - a large space
object, which revolves
around a star
C. Presenting examples/instances of Exploration Exploration Guided Approach Exploration
the new lesson 1. Preparation 1. Teacher gives initial Our Earth is a rocky planet. Teacher’s Instruction
a. Setting of standards. instructions about the activity. It is the only planet in the Activity 8.4 .The teacher will use
b. Group the pupils into 5 and Activity 8.2-1 and 8.2-2 solar system that can support the activity as guide.
distribute the activity sheets. 2. Distribute the activity sheet life.
c. Check for the completeness of the for each group
materials brought by the pupils for 3. Explain the direction in each
the activity. activity
d. Explain the directions in doing the
2. Introduce the lesson: signs when
materials undergo physical and
chemical change due to application
of heat.
3. Activity Proper (Group Activity)
a. Supervise the pupils while they
are doing the activity
D. Discussing new concepts and Presentation of group outputs. Let Collaborative/ Guided Collaborative Approach Exploration
practicing new skills #1 each group present their work in Approach What do think the other 1. Setting of standard
class Students present their output planets made of? 2. Activity
on the activity. The teacher Do the Activity I-Assorting materials
will give feedback about the Presentation of output II-Paragraph Reading
result. 3. Reporting
E. Discussing new concepts and Reflective Approach Reflective Approach Guided/ Interactive Explanation
practicing new skills #2 What do you call the movement on What do you call to those Approach 1. Based on your activities
its axis called? planets located nearer to the Discuss the components of which is the biggest
How long does earth rotate on its sun? each planet in the solar planet?
axis? How about those who are far system. 2. Which is the smallest
Which planets have nearly the same from the sun? planet?
period of rotation? 3. Which planets have
almost the same size?
F. Developing mastery (leads to Interactive Approach Reflective Approach Reflective Approach
Formative Assessment 3) Venus takes 243 days for one How much farther away is What planet is said to be the
rotation. What does the minus sign Neptune from the sun in sister planet of earth?
suggest in the table’s Period of comparison with Mercury? Why?
Rotation? Venus? Earth? Mars? Jupiter?
G. Finding practical applications of Refletive/Interactive Approach Reflective Approach Interactive Approach Reflective Approach
concepts and skills in daily living If you were born on Mars, would you If you were given a chance to Do you want to live in other What is the importance of the
be older or younger than your age be an astronaut like Neil planet? Why? Or why not? earth’s size to people?
now? Why? Armstrong, which planet
would you like to visit? Why?
H. Making generalizations and Reflective Approach Reflective Approach Constructivist Approach Reflective /Interactive
abstractions about the lesson The planet Mars is farther from the Planet Mercury is been seen Using a venn diagram to Approach
sun than Earth. Which do you think on Earth even without the use generalize the concept of the What is the sequence of the
has a longer year, Earth or Mars? of telescope for a few hours lesson planets in the solar system if
Why? immediately after sunset or you arrange them according to
before sunrise. But why is it their size?
not possible to see Neptune
without using telescope?
I. Evaluating learning Choose the letter of the correct Choose the letter of the best Performance test Choose the letter of the correct
answer. answer. answer.
1. A day on Saturn takes about 1. Which of these planets 1. Which is the biggest planet
10 Earth hours. Which fact receives less heat from the in the solar system?
would best explain this sun? a. Neptune
a. Earth c. Neptune b. Venus
short day?
b. Mars d. Saturn c. Jupiter
d. Earth
A Saturn is less dense than
2. Which of these describes 2. Which is the smallest planet
the distance of the planets in the solar system.
B Saturn is much farther
from the sun? a. Mercury
from the Sun than Earth.
a. Similar b. Earth
C Saturn rotates more
b. Different c. Uranus
rapidly than Earth.
c. Changing d. Mars
D Saturn’s orbit has greater
d. Peculiar 3. Planet mars is bigger
eccentricity than Earth’s.
than earth.
3. Which of these planets a. True
2. Earth's rotation (turning on
receives less heat from the b. False
its axis) causes
sun? c. Maybe
A day and night a. Earth d. None of the above
B Solar Eclipse b. Mars 3. Which planet has almost
C. The season to c. Neptune the same size with earth?
change. d. Saturn a. Jupiter
D The moon to appear b. Saturn
as different shapes. 4. Which of these is about 1.5 c. Venus
3. Which of the following is billion kilometers away from d. Uranus
the sun? 4. Jupiter is much bigger than
a. Saturn the sun.
A. Earth rotates on its axis b. Jupiter a. True
as it revolves around c. Mars b. False
the sun. d. Venus c. Maybe
B. The sun revolves d. None of the above
around the earth while 5. Which is the most visible
earth is rotating. planet on earth with our naked
C. Earth rotates once a
a. Mars
month as it revolves b. Jupiter
around the sun. c. Venus
D. Earth completes one d. Mercury
rotation in 365 days.

4. Which of the following

causes rotation of the
I. Day and night
II. Wind Deflection
III. Climate changes
IV. Differences of time in
different places.

A. I only C. I,II,III
B. I and II D. I,II IV

5. Which causes the deflection

of the wind from the poles
to the equator and vice
A. Rotation of the Earth
B. Revolution of the Earth
C. Tilting of Earth’s axis
D. Vertical rays of the sun
6. Which of the following
rotate from east to west?
A. Earth
B. Mars
C. Venus
D. Saturn
7. Which of these rotates as
fast as the Earth?
A. Mars
B. Venus
C. Mercury
D. Jupiter
8. Which of the following
inner planets rotates the
A. Mercury C. Earth
B. Venus D. Mars
9. Which of the following the
outer planets rotates the
A. Jupiter C. Uranus
B. Saturn D. Neptune
10. Of the eight planets which
planets rotates almost the

J. Additional activities for application

or remediation

A. No. of learners who earned 80% in
the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for remediation
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No.
of learners who have caught up
with the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover which I
wish to share with other teachers?
File Submitted by DepEd Club Member - depedclub.com
File created by Ma’am ALONA C. REYES

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