Motor Parts Shop Automation
Motor Parts Shop Automation
Motor Parts Shop Automation
1 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................. 1
1.1 DOCUMENT PURPOSE .................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 PRODUCT SCOPE ........................................................................................................................... 1
1.3 DEFINITIONS, ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS................................................................................ 1
1.4 REFERENCES AND ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ......................................................................................... 1
2 GENERAL DESCRIPTION .................................................................................................................. 2
2.1 PRODUCT PERSPECTIVE ................................................................................................................. 2
2.2 PRODUCT FUNCTIONS OVERVIEW ................................................................................................... 3
2.3 USERS AND CHARACTERISTICS ....................................................................................................... 3
2.5 DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION CONSTRAINTS.................................................................................. 4
3 SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................................................... 5
3.1 FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS .......................................................................................................... 5
3.2 EXTERNAL INTERFACES REQUIREMENTS ........................................................................................ 6
The motor part shop deals with large no. of motor parts of various manufacturers and various
vehicle types. Some of the motor parts are very small and some are very large. The owner
maintains different parts in wall mounted and numbered racks.
The shop owner maintains as few inventory for each item as reasonable, to reduce inventory
overheads after being inspired by "just in time (JIT) philosophy".
Both the user and shop owner are authorised before using the software.
Maintenance: A wall mounted and numbered racks are maintained. Stream line the
sales and supply ordering, maintains JIT philosophy.
View Product Stocks: Keep track of each product item’s stocks for selling purpose.
Supplies raw materials to the owner.
View and edit Own Details: Can view/edit his personal details, payment details, and
details about services provided.
Choosing and comparing products: Can view all available products and can compare
them and make a choice for purchasing products.
Accounting manager:
Manages invoices.
Manages transactions.
Its front end should be implemented using HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript.
The back end should be managed by the PHP & SQL.
The software will operate in any environment, including the hardware platform, operating
system and versions, and any other software components or applications. This product
is web based and can be viewed by any browser and has been tested for compliance
with Mozilla, IE and Opera.
Specific Requirements
4.1.1 Sign up
The system shall allow the administrator to register new employees along with
their credentials.
The system shall allow the administrator to de-register the employees who have
quit along with proper verification
4.1.2 Login
The system shall accept the registered employees and administrator to login after
providing proper credentials.
The system shall allow employee and the administrator to edit his/her credentials
and password.
The system shall display all the products that are for sale and stock.
The system should allow the customers to select number of products he/she
wants to order.
The system should update the price and stock of the products as delivered by the
The system should display the best product of it's own category.
The interface between the system and the users mainly include the PHP page that is loaded
using a web browser like Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, or Chrome. The PHP page includes
a form in which the user can enter the Username (unique to a user), Password and motor parts.
You can choose the products which you would want to purchase and will be added to the cart.
At the end an invoice is generated in order to make payment.
Hardware Requirements for insurance on internet will be same for all the parties’ i.e customer,
vendor and owner:
Hard disk: 1 GB for MS SQL Server 2008.
Processor : Pentium 4 or faster
Input output device : keyboard, mouse and colour monitor
4.2.3 Software Interfaces
Along with the internet connection, the system makes indirect use of an internet
browser. Outside of the HTML code and PHP, the code does not tell any software,
including the browser, what to do.
Software Requirements:
Back end : SQL Server 2008
Language : JavaScript, HTML, PHP
We will be using PHP along with SSL encryption to send and receive updates
We will be using HTTP for establishing connection between user and database.
The software will be maintainable enough so that extra features can be added or modified at
any time.
Web site can be tested with a number of users using it at a time.
It will be reliable and will send the correct information to the correct user who have registered to
the site.