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Jemberu Teka, Section A & ID. Ramit/823/07
Sumitted to the
Faculity of Water Supply and Environmental Engineering
Arba Minch Water Technology Institute
Arba Minch University
From March, 1 to May 30 2010 EC

Phone: +251915878383 Date: Oct, 2011 EC

Email: [email protected] Arab Minch, Ethiopia
Internship report on Jemmo Water Supply Project 2011EC

With the deepest gratitude I wish to thank Arab Minch university institute of technology office
for introducing such a useful internship program that helped change the perspective towards
my student life. I would like to acknowledge and express my gratitude to AARRS construction
for hosting me in their company.
I am so grateful to every person who has with in AARRS construction for guiding me through
this internship experience especially, Mr. Endalk Kassa (Former Project Manager) and our site
engineer Mr. Ermias Feyesa.
Finally I like to thanks Ms. Rediet Sisay and Mr. Bogale Bitane (Arba Minch University
lecturers) for their advancing to prepare my internship report correctly.

Internship report on Jemmo Water Supply Project 2011EC


AARRSC Addis Ababa Rivers and Riversides Construction Project
AAWSA Addis Ababa Water and Sewerage Authority
Cap Capital
CGCOC Chinese Great Construction Overseas Company
D Day
Hr Hour
IT Information Technology
M Meter
Popn Population
RC Reinforced Concrete

Internship report on Jemmo Water Supply Project 2011EC

Contents Page
ACKNOWLEDGMENT ......................................................................................................................... i

LIST OF ABBREVIATION AND ACRONYM.................................................................................... ii

LIST OF FIGURE .................................................................................................................................. v

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ................................................................................................................... vi

1. INRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................ 1

1.1 General Introduction about the Internship .................................................................................... 1

1.2 General Background ..................................................................................................................... 1

1.2.1 Background of the company .................................................................................................. 1

1.2.2 Project background ................................................................................................................ 3

1.3 Importance and Requirements of the Internship........................................................................... 5

1.3.1 Statement of the problem....................................................................................................... 5

1.4 Major Activities Conducted During the Internship ...................................................................... 6

2. MATERIAL AND METHODOLOGY .............................................................................................. 7

2.1 Materials ....................................................................................................................................... 7

2.2 Methodology ................................................................................................................................ 7

2.2.2 The methodology or procedures used to perform the internship ........................................... 7

3. TECHNICAL ASPECT OF INTERNSHIP ....................................................................................... 8

3.1 Design Works ............................................................................................................................... 8

3.1.1 Site clearing ........................................................................................................................... 8

3.1.2 Excavation of project area ..................................................................................................... 8

3.1.3 Transporting excavated soil ................................................................................................. 10

3.1.4 Replacement of black cotton soil......................................................................................... 11

3.1.5 Selected material ................................................................................................................. 11


Internship report on Jemmo Water Supply Project 2011EC

3.1.6 Lean concrete....................................................................................................................... 14

3.1.7 Reinforcement ..................................................................................................................... 14

3.1.8 Concrete work ..................................................................................................................... 16

4. ASSESSMENT OF INTERNSHIP .................................................................................................. 21

4.1 Objective of the Internship ......................................................................................................... 21

4.2 Responsibility during Internship Program on the Site................................................................ 21

4.3 Technical Skill ............................................................................................................................ 22

4.4 Management and Leadership Skill ............................................................................................. 22

4.5 Internship Common Skill ........................................................................................................... 22

4.6 Contributions .............................................................................................................................. 22

4.7 Problems and Their Solutions .................................................................................................... 23

4.7.1 Measurement to solve problems .......................................................................................... 23

4.8. Benefits of the Internship .......................................................................................................... 23

5. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION ............................................................................... 24

5.1 Conclusion .................................................................................................................................. 24

5.2 Recommendation ........................................................................................................................ 25

REFERENCE ....................................................................................................................................... 26

Internship report on Jemmo Water Supply Project 2011EC

Figure 1 Project work flow ....................................................................................................... 2
Figure 2 Location map of the project ........................................................................................ 5
Figure 3. Excavation of project area ......................................................................................... 9
Figure 4. Transporting the excavated soil ............................................................................... 10
Figure 5. Selected material...………..…………….................................................................11
Figure 6. Compaction.............................................................................................................. 11
Figure 7. Incorrect hard core and incorrect placing ................................................................ 12
Figure 8. Removing incorrect material ................................................................................... 13
Figure 9. Pure and properly placed hard core ......................................................................... 14
Figure 10. A reinforcement on the column stage .................................................................... 15
Figure 11. Spacers used in the reinforcement ......................................................................... 16
Figure 12. Transport mixer truck ............................................................................................ 17
Figure 13. Vibrator.................................................................................................................. 18
Figure 14. Slump cone test...................................................................................................... 19

Internship report on Jemmo Water Supply Project 2011EC

This paper describes and presents the overall report part of the project that conducted from
AARRS construction office. It is concerned about the Jemmo site condominium water
reservoir construction. The reservoir located around south-east of capital city of Ethiopia,
Addis Ababa.
At the first section the introduction part of the company is mentioned. Under this genera
Introduction about the internship, Background Company and the project have explained.
The second section deals with the methodology (procedure used to perform the internship and
material used with the internship methodology source of discussion).
The third section shows the overall construction of the water reservoir. This include
construction part like site clearing, setting out the project area, excavation, filling and tamping
the selected material, hard core filling, lean concrete, placement of reinforcement, and lastly
concrete testing and filling.
The fourth section deals with all the assessment of the internship, objective of the internship
and also the responsibility during internship program on the site and all encountered challenges
that face when perform task in the project, remedial measure to solve the challenge and the
overall benefit of the interns

Internship report on Jemmo Water Supply Project 2011EC

The purpose of qualified internship is to come up with practical as well as organization
working systems and process in the company, Aware graduated about word of work and
transferred theoretical knowledge to company.

1.1 General Introduction about the Internship

Addis Ababa Rivers and Riversides Construction Project Office (AARRCP) is a professional
consultancy organization, specialized in undertaking the study, design and supervision works
of medium- to mega- scale projects in water resource development including, irrigation, water
supply and sanitation, bridge, retaining wall around rivers, hydropower, land use planning and
environment, road and building. It also carries out contract administration and construction
supervision of same projects effectively and efficiently based on the correct arrangement it
inters with its client.

1.2 General Background

1.2.1 Background of the company
A. Establishment
AARRSC was established as a public enterprise in January 2007 within 35 employees. Now
in this year they are 72 employees, from Manager to the security. The office is accountable
for AA city administration.
B. Mission statement
AARRSCP is committed to provide professional services in study, design, contract
administration and construction supervision of development projects to the highest standards
of quality, within the agreed timeframe and at reasonable cost through long-term partnership
to the satisfaction of its clients, its employees as well as to the benefit of the public and the
environment at large.
Generally mission of the company is,
 Improving health of the households by supplying clean water

 Attending and controlling the construction of water work institutions.

Internship report on Jemmo Water Supply Project 2011EC

 Encouragement of clean water provision institutions to increase their income


 Providing maintenance work for damaged structures.

 Planting pump for medium and deep wells.
 Increasing quantity and quality of clean water for the people.
 Decreasing the time consumption in searching of water
C. Organizational structure
AARRSCP is led by its own rules and regulations, which is answerable for AA city
D. Staff profile
There are two major offices of AARRSCP. This includes;
1. Head office
2. Project office

Figure 1 Project work flow (Source: AARRSC Document)

E. Product and services

AARRSCP is presently involved in number of activity related to water sectors. It is quite clear
that these sectors consist wide range of service. The company has the full capacity to involve
in the following areas.

Internship report on Jemmo Water Supply Project 2011EC

 Construction of water supply projects

 Irrigation projects
 Bridge construction
 River diversion
 Construction of retaining wall around rivers
 Study, design, identify and propose potential source for water supply scheme
 Customers of the company

The main customers are that give design to the company of Addis Ababa water and
Sewerage authority with agreement to construct design within a given time and specific
costs. In addition to this the following also customers for AARRSCP. These are;

 Ministry of water, irrigation and energy

 AA Road authority
 AA Forester and Wild life office
 AA irrigation authority

The need for customers are also the following;

 Efficient and permanent supply of water.

 New project must be finished in their plan.
 Modernize users continuous.

1.2.2 Project background

The Client, Addis Ababa Water and Sewerage Authority (AAWSA), and the Consultant,
AARRSCP have signed an agreement on 13th day of September 2010 EC to carry out the
consultancy services for study and design of Water Supply System of Jemmo area collector
pipes, transmissions, reservoirs and water supply distribution system to Jemmo, Addis Ababa.

Addis Ababa Water and Sewerage Authority is currently providing water for the City of AA
from Legedadi and Gefersa dams with additional supplies from ground water pumped from
fields and other wells and springs within the City.
The specific responsibility assigned to the Consultant is therefore to undertake the consultancy
service for study and design of water supply project by considering the existing prevailing

Internship report on Jemmo Water Supply Project 2011EC

critical potable water supply shortage within the command area as the results of the ongoing
condominium housing development project. Jemmo area water supply project is planned to be
supply water condominium with additional supplies from well filed.
The project consists of study and designs of collector pipes, collection chamber, pump/booster
stations, electro-mechanical equipment, transmission mains, reservoirs, auxiliary buildings and
main distribution system that can able serve beneficiaries to condominium sites and other areas
along the way & nearby the condominium sites.
Initial population is 11200 and final population, P30 is 23500. The rate of population growth
(r) which is 3% is a statistical data obtained from AARRSC office. But using the above formula
the project area population forecasted for design period of 30 years as follow. Rationale in the
F. Description of the Existing Water Supply System
The existing water supply system of the current project area is from groundwater and Fanta
spring. It was constructed under Akaki water supply project in 1997. It is supplied by gravity
from reservoir. Fanta spring and other wells in Fanta well fields are enhance the system supply.
The current visualized areas are predominantly condominium houses in addition to the nearby
public institutions, private residential houses and factories.
Therefore, the presented water supply project area aimed to supply primarily to all of the
condominium housing sites, cooperative houses currently under construction, existing public
and residential areas located in a part of Wareda_1 and Wereda _2 of Jemmo Sub City from
deep wells of field, which can able to provide 520 m3/day (on average of 20 hour pumping) of
potable water to supply the command area.
The existing water distribution systems within the present allocated command areas are
identified and considered in the design in order to supply from the new water supply system.
G. Location and Accessibility
The proposed ground water sources are from two main well fields, Akaki and Fanta, located at the
greenbelt of Addis Ababa city. Akaki well filed is located at about 22km South of Addis Ababa.
Five deep wells were already drilled in replacing the existing shallow wells with a total expected
safe yield of 456 l/sec while four additional wells are also identified with collective expected yield
of 400 l/s. Similarly, Fanta well field is located to North of Akaki well field.

Internship report on Jemmo Water Supply Project 2011EC

Figure 2 Location map of the project (Reference: Hailemariyam Alemu, 2007)

1.3 Importance and Requirements of the Internship

The general importance of the project is its providing of safe, adequate and sustainable water
supply systems for Jemmo condominium sites and other areas along the way & nearby the
condominium sites. The study propose the system to fully provide efficient and quality services
to the project beneficiaries that can able to serve for the next 20 years.
Also it used to conduct the study and design of water supply system for Jemmo communities
and produce detailed designs with sufficient details that could allow the designs to proceed
direct implementation.

1.3.1 Statement of the problem

Before around Jemmo there are not a lot of population. As a result, the demand of water was
not so much consumed and needed. But now the number of population at condominium site
very increase as compare to with before. So, construction of reservoir was very essential to
answer the water scarcity.

Internship report on Jemmo Water Supply Project 2011EC

As the Jemoo site condominium newest area it needs much water for different purposes.
Example water for mangrove (much water to grow trees), for construction purposes and other.
Thus water demand get maximum to solve these types of problem.

1.4 Major Activities Conducted During the Internship

The work that I have been executed in my work is generally in site work. The following are
participated during internship program
As Assistance Site Engineer on Site, like
 To observe the activity of each worker
 To check the daily labor doing correctly
 Confirming accurate measurement

As a Supervisor at the site I was conducted on the following responsibilities.

 Checking the alignment of columns

 Controlling concrete mix ratio
 Checking arrangement of reinforcement and placement
 Controlling placement of concrete
 Checking the quality of the construction materials
 Checking the area of reinforcement and the overlap

Internship report on Jemmo Water Supply Project 2011EC


2.1 Materials
A. At Office
 AARRSC document--------------------------------As reference
 Computer----------------------------------------------To write the daily and monthly
B. At Site
 Construction equipment; like Excavator, Truck, Loader, Vibrator etc.
 Construction materials; Like Cement, Water, Aggregate, Sand, Hard core
 Slump cone (Metallic mould, Steel tamping rod and Shoal)
 Bar bender----------------------------------------------------To bend the steel
 Measuring tape-----------------------------------------------to measure the project area

2.2 Methodology
To do the internship the method used is worked as a worker as well as observer at AARRSCP
project and try to gather information from service provider. To do internship some steps should
be worked, these steps are data collection, data analysis. Way of data collection is through
primary and secondary data collection.
A. Primary data source: was derived from the practical moreover; this also helped that to get
measurement information directly from the employees and data are collected on-site by
observation and.
B. Secondary data source: internal sources from different documents provided by concerned
officers and different circulars, manuals and files of the organization.
2.2.2 The methodology or procedures used to perform the internship
The procedures was
1. Read manuals about the project
2. Visiting the construction steps and processes
3. Then worked as a part of worker up to the end of internship period
4. Finally doing project report

Internship report on Jemmo Water Supply Project 2011EC


3.1 Design Works
During the overall internship period; it have been observed in the construction site. The
construction process involves the various working procedures mainly;
 Site cleaning
 Excavation and back filling the selected material,
 Hard rock properly placing,
 Overlapping of the reinforcement bar,
 Concrete filling.

Those processes are applied during internship period to construct Jemmo site reservoir. The
reservoir capacity is 520m3/d.

3.1.1 Site clearing

 It is removing of unwanted particles which are not comfortable for construction.
 It is surface cleaning of grass, trees etc.
 It shall consist of the removal of all trees, other vegetation, rubbish, fences and all
other objectionable material including the disposal of all material resulting from the
clearing and grubbing.

The top soil is removed since it contains vegetable which can damage foundation and it is not
firm enough to support building. Do not use the soil to back fill holes that are created by
excavating roots in the top soil because the soil will settle to different level in the holes and
great cracks in the over site concrete.

3.1.2 Excavation of project area

Is used to remove soil to lay a foundation or reduce levels below an over site slab. It is done
by excavator for the basement of foundation of storage reservoir.

Internship report on Jemmo Water Supply Project 2011EC

Figure 3. Excavation of project area

The soil that exist on the project area is;

A. Vertis oil (black cotton) and

B. Red soil

A. Property of black cotton

Black cotton soil, a cohesive soil, is considered a problematic soil for civil and corporative
engineers. It has characteristics of swelling during rains and shrinkage during summer. In both
the conditions, it poses problems. During swelling, structure has uplift pressure and produces
heave in the foundations, plinth beams, and bottom of floors of building.
B. Red soil
The second types of soil which occur the name familiar called Red soil, which type of soil is
good as according to exercitation, therefore the budget required for excavation was afford this
quality of soil, this was good prosperity. If this quality of soil cannot afforded thereby budget,

Internship report on Jemmo Water Supply Project 2011EC

we would take such a soil and use selected material, which seeing the cost that hoick for
excavation is high with compare to the cost that buy the selected material. The soil is therefore
is a good according to exercitation, there was no soil test is scour .The depth of all excavated
area is around 6m.
3.1.3 Transporting excavated soil
Truck is used for transporting excavated soil from the project area to another places and then
filled by selected material to increase the rigidity that containing many layers compacted by
roller compactor to minimize cracks of the foundation at excavated area that selective material
from another places.

Figure 4. Transporting the excavated soil

Internship report on Jemmo Water Supply Project 2011EC

3.1.4 Replacement of black cotton soil

In our site we use selected material to avoid shrinkage and swelling characteristics due to Vertis
soil (black cotton) soil. Replaced all the black cotton soil up to whatever depth it occurs. Black
cotton soil has the swelling and shrinkage characteristics up to a certain depth called active
zone. The soil of this zone only swells and shrinks. In case, this soil is replaced with other type
of suitable soil and the replaced soil is suitably compacted, the soil would not have
swelling/shrinking characteristic.
3.1.5 Selected material
After excavation such type of selected material is compacted in order to avoid void particles.
And the machine used to compact this material is roller compactor.

Figure 5. Selected material Figure 6. Compaction

A. Diameter Hardcore
Hardcore is applied after filling of the internal part of our foundation with selected material.
The reservoir area which is 30m wider are clad with hard core which is sink down lengthwise
at about 25cm thickness.
B. Problem when hard core filling
The filling of hard core was made by the Chinese contractor (CGCOC). During this time they
are made mistake, actually this is deception as our opinion. Because they are engineer, here of
don’t expect from the experienced engineer. The erroneousness was replacement of pure hard
core by other similar material, However the material not pure hard core or not fresh basaltic.

Internship report on Jemmo Water Supply Project 2011EC

Moreover, they made a mistake such a hard core do not placed shown a photo

Figure 7. Incorrect hard core and incorrect placing

It is usually laid in 200-350mm layer to the required depth. They have to use hard core as fresh
basaltic and the material should be placed properly which sit vertically and should have 250mm
thickness, even so, they do not stanch shooting the word using for ructions. But after substantial
argument they got prescriptive from our employer what was, they have to remove all material
out of the compound and they have to use other fresh basaltic material, and have to properly
place. And the placing should be done by experienced mason. The video shown below are
removing of material.

Internship report on Jemmo Water Supply Project 2011EC

Figure 8. Removing incorrect material

C. Vertical place of material

In order to the move the water that percolate from different orientation to the outlet through
the perforated pipe by using slanted floor with some small slope around 1%-2%.The water
should not be access to the foundation, this is because it would be give rise to uplift force. This
situation may crack the structure.
Naturally the materials also smooth in structure, no possibility come inside the water to the
material rather the water slip on. And run the water to the perforated pipe finally out from the
hard core through outlet pipe.

Internship report on Jemmo Water Supply Project 2011EC

Figure 9. Pure and properly placed hard core

3.1.6 Lean concrete

Lean concrete is a layer 50 to 75 mm thick of week concrete or coarse sand should be placed
under all reinforced concrete foundation.70mm lean concrete is used to provide a true level
surface from which the reinforcement can be positioned.
 Floor structure
All over the structure is tidy with the lean concrete, here upon around the wall there is some
5cm are degrade, newly from other parts of structure, this is because the water pressure is
highly on the wall. The water need to reverse the structure, in order to prevent the structure
from this we have to attainment mass concrete. Such a concrete can protect the structure from

3.1.7 Reinforcement
Reinforcement steel are used to resist tensile strength, because concrete is weak in tensile
strength and strong in compressive strength this helps to the structure durability, rigidity, etc.
When all of the reinforcement bars have been cut as per required length and all of bars are tide
with wire. Therefore, the remaining operation was placing the reinforcement bar properly on
the floor of lean concrete.

Internship report on Jemmo Water Supply Project 2011EC

The reservoir has nine 3*3 column stages. On this stage there is a load acting on it call it tension
force, to rampart the load adjust a wealth of reinforcement bar through the depth on the buckle

Figure 10. A reinforcement on the column stage

A. Reinforcement bar placement

 Place vertical and horizontal reinforcement bar

 Place U-shape bar.

 Check No. of bars arrangement

B. Concrete cover (spacer)

It is used to prevent the steel reinforcement from contacting and keeps gap to place the
concrete. After concrete is casted this uses to prevent the reinforcement from exposing to air
and moisture because the concrete covers the reinforcement.

Internship report on Jemmo Water Supply Project 2011EC

Figure 11. Spacers used in the reinforcement

3.1.8 Concrete work

Concrete is a mixture of sand, gravel, crushed rock or aggregate held by a hardened past of
cement and water. It is the most building materials placing apart in all building structure.
Concrete is very durable and fir, weather and corrosion resistance. It does not deteriorate with
time and it is comfortable due to monolithic.
RC- is concrete with reinforcement and it is used for structural member.
A. Concrete making materials

 Cement: is one of raw materials used to produce concrete, In the time of

preparing concrete the main purpose of mixing cement is to bind materials of
exist in concrete.
 Aggregate: is the main body of in mixing, occupy about 60-75% of in volume
of concrete and we used aggregate to increase compressive strength of
Based on their size aggregate can be classified in to two
1. Fine aggregate: with size of <4.75mm

Internship report on Jemmo Water Supply Project 2011EC

2. Coarse aggregate: with size of >4.75mm

 Water: is one of the concrete mixing materials which is good for preventing
plastic, shrinkage and cracking.
A. Concrete mixing
The process of mixing cement, water, fine aggregate and coarse aggregate in suitable
proportion is known as mixing of concrete. This process should ensure uniform color,
consistency and homogeneity of the concrete. Segregation should not take place during
process of our site the mixing process is done by machine (transporting mixing
truck). Since the project is large and there is a need of producing concrete mixes of higher
comprehensive strength which often do not achieve by hand mix.

Figure 12. Transport mixer truck

B. Concrete filling
Concrete filling refers to proper distribution of concrete in the structure. The reinforcement bar
properly placed, but concrete filling may take much time at around 32 hours. It is intolerable
fill in a day, because the condition was summer it may have a rain this also not good. Although,
the concrete supplied agent (CGCOC) also cannot bring the concrete to all 30m diameter parts

Internship report on Jemmo Water Supply Project 2011EC

of reservoir. As an option it would be fill half a time. Half of the structure is filled separately
with in 16hr. During this time it has a possibility of occurring fissure between two separated
parts. It also brings on leakage on the feature. To protect the structure from leakage we have to use
water stop.
C. Concrete compaction
The objective of compaction is to achieve maximum density by removing air voids from the
concrete. We compact the concrete using machine like vibrator.

Figure 13. Vibrator

D. Leveling of concrete
After the concrete is being placed and compacted the concrete is leveled by using strait edge
E. Curing of concrete
Curing is a controlled process or keeping the newly laid concrete just most enough to dry out
without shrinking and cracking or is the process through which the concrete becomes hard and
F. Concrete test
Concrete will be tested for its properties in order to know its quality and strength.
 Slump cone test

Internship report on Jemmo Water Supply Project 2011EC

Slump cone test is a simple and popular test. It conducts at site by using cylinder. It is
workability test. At site place slump test is used to know workability of concrete.
There are three types of slump test. These Are
i. True slum
ii. Shear slum
iii. Collapse slump

For example if the supervisor wants to know the workability of concrete at site he/she will used
slump test.

Steel Tamping Rod Shoal

Slump test cone (metallic Mould
Figure 14. Slump cone test

Internship report on Jemmo Water Supply Project 2011EC

 Apparatus for conducting slump test

Metallic mould in the form of frustum bottom diameter 200mm, top diameter 100mm and
300mm height, with base plate Steel tamping rod- 16mm diameter and 600mm height

 The internal surface of the mould should be cleaned of moisture

 The mould is placed on a smooth horizontal rigid surface

 Fill concrete in the metallic mould uniformly distributed over the mould

 Compacted 25 times

 Level the concrete on the top by using shoal.

Internship report on Jemmo Water Supply Project 2011EC

4.1 Objective of the Internship
The purpose of the internship is to expose Ethiopian institute of technology (Arba Minch
University) students to the world of work. So that can relate theoretical knowledge with
application in industry.
 They will also develop skills in work ethics.

 Improve communication and management.

 It will explore students to potential employers too.

4.2 Responsibility during Internship Program on the Site

The work that I have been executed in my work is generally in site work. The following are
participated during internship program
As Assistance Site Engineer on Site, like
 To observe the activity of each worker

 To check the daily labor doing correctly

 Confirming accurate measurement

As Supervisor:-

 Checking the area of reinforcement and the overlap Checking the alignment of

 Controlling concrete mix ratio

 Checking arrangement of reinforcement and placement

 Controlling placement of concrete

 Checking the quality of the construction materials

Internship report on Jemmo Water Supply Project 2011EC

4.3 Technical Skill

I got that more knowledge for all theoretical knowledge I gotten from university to be more
confidential like mixing of concrete, placing of reinforcement, site operation, building
construction cost of material, solving of problem and so on.

4.4 Management and Leadership Skill

This helps me how to manage the project and general work flow of the project like division of
labor, work flow of the project, responsibility, activity and unity of command from top to
bottom of the company. To inspire his/her workers in to higher levels of team work, there are
certain things he/she must be known and do. This are
 Be technically proficiently

 Take responsibility for your actions

 Listen ideas of others and look out for their well-being

 Keep your workers informed, develop a sense of responsibility in your workers

 Use the full capability of your organization

4.5 Internship Common Skill

Team works are more powerful than individual works. I said this, when I were at the site and
outside of the site I participated in team working. This team work includes different field of
students like civil engineer and water supply and environmental engineer.

4.6 Contributions
Contribution that I made for the project on the site is helping the supervisor acting as Forman,
and supervising the work at all specially during excavation and follow up the workers to do
regularly during concrete filling when the supervisor at weariness due to more time that
consuming for the concrete filling it was (around 16 hr) per a day.

Internship report on Jemmo Water Supply Project 2011EC

4.7 Problems and Their Solutions

 The site was extremely far away from our home

 The weather was cold and rain, hence everyone who works there had to wear cotton

 Uncovered course

 There was no computer access to write daily report

 Lack of safety utility

4.7.1 Measurement to solve problems

To solve the challenges regarding to the piece of the site is be wakeful and going. The problem
of weather also faced by wearing tarpaulin, the major problem that I encounter from internship
is uncovered course. During this it was work off through trying to cover by reading some soft
copy, books and by asking students from other university and professional persons.
Although I would not cover this course And I would not doing some office work like, reading
of designed structure. Loss of Computer in the office also a big problem but it was subsist from
my elder sister. There is no utility service in the office so, by meticulousness the problem was

4.8. Benefits of the Internship

The internship is one of the most place where squeezing knowledge practically that gained
from university theoretically. Completing the internship allowed me to express and experiment
while going professional and exposure.
Additionally, interning helped me to develop essential skills and build the confidence to secure
a first job or graduate school opportunity. Not only this but also it important to achieve the
ability how to work and how engage in the practical work like properly placing any
construction on the ground that learned in university.
Generally it is important to get every movement in practice and others like as listed above in
this chapter.

Internship report on Jemmo Water Supply Project 2011EC


5.1 Conclusion
The internship used to upgrade the theoretical knowledge’s learned from the university by
changing it to the practical skill. This internship gave me more knowledge to be more
confidential to the theoretical knowledge’s by observing those practically. Internship is the
best program for interns to know what the working principles and the outside environment of
the various company looks like.
In our country a wealth of projects are observed, there have different purpose and different
perspective. The AARRSC office have a great sketch to minimize the population problems and
projects should have done to make the problem by considering the people.
The Jemmo site condominium reservoir project is still at construction process. An estimation
of the capital population in addition of other commercial, financial, public use water demand
design is adequate for a moment population size.

Internship report on Jemmo Water Supply Project 2011EC

5.2 Recommendation
During the internship period at the site I had recommended the following points.
 The soil that is excavated from the site is throw away without target as a waste. So,
instead it use for growing forests around the reservoir.
 The engineer (contractor) as well as the formals are doing the work as the casual
manner. As example materials The AARRSCCP should follow the engineer’s.
 Service utilities for workers are not fulfill it also affect the work. And the company
should satisfy.
 Around the site there are a lot of shelters which are named as “Ye chereka betoch”
has no opportunity to get water from the reservoir. Thus, it should address potable
water to them also.
 The company should fulfill the utilities that are available for the project office
workers (engineers and other corporative workers) such as, toilet, emergency
medical, safety shoe, and specially site car.
 Even construction materials like cement, sand, number of labor and other are stolen
inexpertly. So, it should be supervise strictly.
Therefore, if this all recommendations are kept and sweep correctly, the project will
bring a prompt result for the community.

Internship report on Jemmo Water Supply Project 2011EC

[1] Engineer Hailemariyam Alemu (2007), Addis Ababa Rivers & Riversides Construction
design document, AA.
[2] AARRSC Project Office (2009), Project Document, AA
[3] S. Shety (2005), Concrete technology, 17th edition, S. Chand and company ltd, New Delhi.


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