CHE F412 - (Proc Equip Design) Handout 2020-21
CHE F412 - (Proc Equip Design) Handout 2020-21
CHE F412 - (Proc Equip Design) Handout 2020-21
Pilani Campus
AUGS/ AGSR Division
In addition to Part I (General Handout for all courses appended to the Time Table), this portion gives
further specific details regarding the course.
1. Course Description:
Application of principles of Chem. Engg. to the selection and design of equipment for Chemical
industries; design, cost estimation and selection of process equipment; piping, pressure vessels, heat
exchangers, distillation columns etc. Use of computer software packages in the design; plant safety
practices; use of codes.
4. Reference Books:
R1 R.K Sinnot, “Coulson & Richardson’s Chemical Engineering: Chemical Engineering
Design”, Volume 6, Fourth Edition. Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann
R2 Shrikant D. Dawande, “Process equipment design- Volume 1—3”, Dennet & Co., 2007.
R3 James R. Couper, W. Roy Penney, James R. Fair, and Stanley M. Walas., “Chemical Process
Equipment: Selection and Design”, Butterworth-Heinemann, Boston, 2012
R4 Crawl D. A., and J. F. Louvar, “Chemical Process Safety: Fundamentals with Applications”,
Prentice Hall PTR, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 3rd ed., 2012.
R5 BC Bhattacharya, Introduction to chemical process equipment design-mechanical aspects.
CBS Publishers & Distributors, New Delhi, 2003.
5. Course Plan
Evaluation Scheme:
Closed Book Test: No reference material of any kind will be permitted inside the exam hall.
Open Book Exam: Use of any printed / written reference material (books and notebooks) will be
permitted inside the exam hall. Loose sheets of paper will not be permitted. Computers of any kind
will not be allowed inside the exam hall. Use of calculators will be allowed in all exams. No exchange
of any material will be allowed.
7. Makeup Policy:
If the student is unable to appear for the Regular Test/Examination due to genuine exigencies, the
student must refer to the procedure for applying for Make-up Test/Examination (see Academic
Regulations-2015). The request for the make-ups must be made in writing with a proper and reason.
Prior permission is mandatory. Certificate from authenticated doctor, say from the Medical Center,
must accompany make-up application (only prescription or vouchers for medicines will not be
sufficient). Instructor may grant Make-up for only genuine cases. The decision of the instructor-in-
charge in all matters of make-up shall be final (Sec. 4.07, Academic Regulations-2015)
8. Notices:
All notices concerning this course will be displayed in the Nalanda Portal (http://nalanda.bits- only.
CHE F412