DLL in Agricrops 8

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Grade 8 School: Carmen National Agricultural High Grade Level Grade 8

Teacher: Nelfa D. Plaza Learning Area Agricultural Crop Production
Teaching Date and Time Quarter 4th Quarter
A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates an understanding of concepts, underlying theories and principles in the use of farm tools and equipment.
B. Performance Standard The learner uses farm tools and equipment in agricultural crop production based on the required task.
C. Learning Competencies (Objectives) LO 1. Select and use farm tools ( Identify farm tools according to use)
1. Define farm tools.
2. Name farm tools.
3. Classify farm tools according to use.
II. CONTENT Farm Tools
A. References
1. Curriculum Guide pages Page 2, TLE_AFAC7/8UT-0a-1
2. Learner’s Materials pages TLE Learning Module in Agri-Crop Production pp. 4-14
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from Learning
Resources (LR) portal http://www.agriculture/farm.com.au/tools+equipment/used+in+the/farm/270
B. Other Learning Resources PowerPoint Presentation
A. Reviewing previous lesson or Why do we consider the market potentials of a certain agri-crop venture before starting a business? What considerations should you
presenting the new lesson remember in engaging into an agri-business venture?
B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson (Picture Impression)
Learners look at the pictures flashed on the screen. What do these pictures show?

Should you be familiar with those pictures?

Have you seen tools like this at home?
Have you experienced using it?
Would you be able to demonstrate how to use those tools?
C. Presenting examples/instances of the On the board…
new lesson Allow the learners to participate in a game by matching the two sets of picture linked with one another in the essence of tool-function

1. Hand tools are used to perform several tasks in the farm.

2. Identify the specific farm use of the given tools.
D. Discussing the concepts and practicing Activity Based using the 3 A’s
new skills 1. Act: Group 1: Match the appropriate picture-text visuals about tools and their uses.
Analyze: Group 2: Perform verbal analysis of picture-text visuals through strategized reporting ( newscasting).
Apply: Group 3: Panel Discussion focusing on farm tools and their uses.
E. Developing mastery (leads to formative How do these tools help us in performing agri-crop production?
assessment) Do you think agri-crop tasks could be done in the absence of these tools ?
F. Finding practical applications of Simulation
concepts and skills in daily living Ask the learners to perform simple simulation using several farm tools.
1. You decided to venture in agri-crop production as a means of livelihood. After purchasing the ideal tools for agri-business, how would
you make use of your tools?
2. After clearing the land area, your next task is to prepare for planting, what are the different tools to be used for this task?
3. Large farm entails numerous farms tools. What are the basic farm tools to utilize?
G. Making generalizations and Personify
abstractions about the lesson. Ask the learners to personify a certain tool by personifying farm tools in agri-crop production.
Example: ( I am a sprinkler, I’m being used in watering the plants) Your choices.. (rake, shovel, hand trowel, pruning shears ,bolo, sickle)
Your turn.. Iam___, I’m being used in_____)
H. Evaluating learning Read and answer the question carefully.
1. Clearing is one of the crucial tasks of land preparation. To be able to do such task, whichis used to cut tall grasses and branches of
a. scythe b. bolo c. spade d. spading fork
2. Which of the following is not a basic function of spading fork?
a. loosening the soil b. digging root crops c. turning over compost d. digging top soil
3. Yumi was asked to transfer some sacks of fertilizer and manure in the farm. Which of the following farm tool is intended for that use?
a. wheelbarrow b. spade c. sprinkler d. tractor
4. How does rake help you as a farm worker?
a. it is an aid in cultivating the soil
b. it is used in leveling the soil.
c. it is used in loosening the soil
d. it is used in applying fertilizer
5. Aliana is about to dig canal and break some topsoil in her backyard farm? Which of the following farm tool is used to perform the task?
a. hand cultivator b. crowbar c. grab hoe d. rake

I. Additional activities for application or My Tool Collage

remediation Let the learners make a collage of different pictures of farm tools. Ask them to identify and describe each tool based on its function.
5 3 1
Provide 10 and above Provided 5-9 pictures Provide 4 and below
pictures of tools with of tools with pictures of tools with
descriptions descriptions description
1. No. of learners who earned 80% in the
evaluation _______ out of ______ students belong to 80% mastery level during formative assessment.
2. No. of learners who require additional
activities for remediation who score _______ students need remediation
below 80%
3. Did the remedial lesson work? No. of
learners who have caught up with the _______ out of _______ students have caught up with the lesson
4. No. of learner who continue to require
remediation _______ students need a follow up remediation
5. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why these work?
6. What difficulties did I encounter which
my principal or supervisor can help me
7. What innovation or localized materials
did I use/discover which I wish to share
with other teacher?

Prepared by: Checked by:


Subject Teacher Principal

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