Focus Group Discussion

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Facilitate Learning Sessions

Instructions: The Training Activity Matrix is a daily monitoring tool for the
activity of each trainee. You are to comment on how the Training
Activity Matrix of your qualification was constructed based the
components on the following table:

LEADER: Rodelyn Mae C. Paiso


1. Laiza Marie E. Juacalla

2. Leo Fernandez

Components Comments
Training Activities The trainer was able to provide relevant
activities which is included in the
a. Relevance to the session plan because she allows the the
session plan trainee to learn on thier own that make
is self study, answer self checks,
b. Variety of activities compare to the answer key and perform
the task sheet.

However the trainer was not able to

demonstrate the task in actual setting.
The trainer did not also provide variety
of activies that she should have done
during the discussion.
The trainer was able to mention the
Facilities/Tools/Equipment facilities, tools and equipment to be use
during the orientation but din not
present an actual example.
The trainer was not able to further
Work stations elaborate or discuss some areas in the
workshop but mentioned some work
stations randomly not according to the
shop lay out.
The trainer was able to discuss the use
Effectivity as a monitoring of the monitoring tools and was able to
tool diffentiate them in terms their use.
However they were not able to record the
accomplished activity properly.
The activities provided by the trainers
Usefulness are useful but not sufficient to enhance
the learning of the trainees.
The progress chart and the achievement charts are monitoring tools in the
laboratory. This is a record of all the achievements and activities of
trainees. Your task is to evaluate and comment on the progress chart and
achievement charts that you brought with you.

Components Comments
Progress Chart A Progress Chart is a monitoring tool where
you record the achivement of a particular
learning outcome for a particular unit of

The names of the trainees are written there as

well as the facilitators. It has to be
accomplished right after becoming competent
in a certain unit of competency.

So far the trainer was able to record the

achievement of her student during the

Achievement Chart An Achievement Chart is a monitoring tool

where you record the achievement of a
particular learning activities for a particular
learning outcome.

The names of the trainees and trainer is

written there as well as the diffrent activities
that is needs to be accomplished. The trainer
will checked the column of the particular
activity that the trainee was able to perform.

With regards to the discussion the trainer was

able to check a particular activity where the
trainee is found to be competent.
Minutes of the Meeting

Focus Group Discussion


Competency-based Training Delivery


1. Rodelyn Mae C. Paiso

2. Laiza Marie E. Juacalla
3. Leo Fernandez

1. CBT Layout The trainers were able to The trainers should have
explain the principles explained the principles
based on their own direct to the point using
understanding. However atleast three sentences.
they are not able to
elaborate further for the
sake of the trainees.
2. Monitoring of The trainers were able to The trainers should have
Attendance monitor the attendance been prioritize the
but it was done in the attendance right after
middle of discussion. welcoming the trainees.

3. Utilization of The trainers were not The trainers should have

Work Area able to further elaborate explained the use of the
or discuss some areas in different work areas
the workshop. Some work according to their location
stations are mention and relatedness to each
randomly but not other.
according to the shop lay (Example: Distance Learning
out. should come along with the
computer area.)

4. Orientation The trainers were able to The trainer should use an

a. CBT explain well the CBT effective teaching strategies
b. Roles process flow, the roles of that will help the trainees
c. TR the trainer and the understand the task that
d. CBLM trainees, as well as the must be perform.
e. Facilities use of the CBLM, it’s (Determining the different
f. Evaluation parts together with the learning styles of the trainees
System materials and facilities.
However, the evaluation to make it easier for them to
system regarding the task absorb the information given)
to be perform was not
properly done and
The trainees was
confused on what to do
and what to perform due
to lack of expanation and
demonstration in order
for them to fully
understand the required
5. RPL The trainers were able to The trainers activity (pre-test
recognized the prior and institutional assessment
learning of the trainees ) successfully follow the
with the use of pre-test standards in recognizing
and validation of prior learning.
submitted documents
thru institutional
6. Teaching The trainers was not able The trainers should have
Methods and to use variety of methods considered the different
Technique and techniques in characteristics and learning
teaching that will help styles of the trainees.
the trainees reach the (Facilitate slow learners and
mastery level of the monitor fast learners)
7. Monitoring of
activities The trainers should
The trainers was able to
a. Achievement introduce the use of recognize the competence of
Chart achievement and the trainees by
b. Progress progress chart. However acknowledging and checking
Chart they were not able to of their achievement and
check a particular progress right after
activity where the trainee completing each required
is found to be competent.

8. Feedback The trainers was able to

give appropriate feedback
as a result of evaluation
made for individual
9. Slow Learners The trainers was not able The trainer should take into
to facilitate slow learners. consideration in helping the
slow learner to fully
understand the lesson and
assure that they follow what
is being taught.

10. Other Consider the time alloted Observe professionalism and

Concerns during the mastery of the topic being
demonstration. Make discussed.
sure to be direct to the
point and avoid
mannerism like uttering
unecessary and informal
words, unecessary
gestures. Observe the
proper dresscode (walk
the talk). Avoid using
scripts and looking at the
projector screen.

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