Training Completion Report Teachers' Capability Workshop
Training Completion Report Teachers' Capability Workshop
Training Completion Report Teachers' Capability Workshop
Department of Education
Regional Office VIII
Training Objectives: Division of Leyte
At the end of the Pagsulhugon National High School
workshop, what must the Babatngon, Leyte
Filipino Teachers learn to
do? What change in the
values and personality-
based leadership is
1.The teacher-participants
must learn to work
together more effectively.
DAY 1 _
Republic of the Philippines
Regional Office VIII
Division of Leyte
Recommending Approval:
Great teachers help create great students. In fact, research shows that an inspiring and
informed teacher is the most important school-related factor influencing student achievement, so it
is critical to pay close attention to how we train and support both new and experienced educators.
Pagsulhugon National High School successfully conducted its Midyear In-Service Training
entitled “Teachers’ Capability Building & Values Transformation Workshop: An SLE Approach” on
October 25-27, 2018. The faculty and staff of the school manifested a hundred percent attendance
for the entire three days training signifying their interest, dedication and cooperation to the benefits
and advantages they can obtain from the activities and lectures of the training. The invited Process
observers willingly supported and helped in monitoring the progress of the event. Suggestions for
improvement and better output for succeeding In-service training for the school were as well given
and raised to its teaching force.
The activity commenced at 7:30 am-8:00 am with the arrival and registration of participants
and the lecturer-facilitator of the event. It was formally opened at 8:30 am wherein the faculty and
participants were warmly and willingly welcomed by the School Head, Maria Victoria V. Dingding
and the PNHS faculty. Ms. Maria Theresa M. Herbolingo introduced the purpose and objectives of the
event, provided a sneak peak or run through of the activities which will transpire in a three-day time
frame, she as well made clear the program approach used in conducting the training so as the End
Program Output. After the orientation, she extended a non-traditional leveling of expectation activity
particularly your “wish is my command activity” and the “hopes and fears” activity. It was followed
by the lecture-presentation on Values Clarification by Mrs. Maria Theresa M. Herbolingo herself
which started 10:00 am – 12 noon. It was then followed by a simple and happy lunch time for the
event participants. The allotted time was sufficiently used for the discussion and reflective-
interactive activities.
After the lunch break, the teacher-participants danced lively with a Zumba energizer
conducted by Ms. Francis Marie M. Miranda, LPT. It was immediately followed by Session 2:
Emmaus: Cross Cultural (ENC) from 1:10 pm – 2:30 pm, Session 3: Social IQ: Assertiveness lecture
and Session 4: Values Transformation: One Vision for Quality Education. The entire afternoon
session, group activities and lectures were facilitated by Every Nation Campus. The vision of Every
Nation Campus is Training leaders. Transforming Nations which makes them truly remarkable and
effective in delivering all the sessions mentioned-above. They made use of the training program
approach is most likely concentrated on Group Dynamics activity, interactive lectures, reflective
dyads, spiritual approach for the entire topic discussions.
The second day of the training enthusiastically began with the dancing of My perfect
husband Zumba presentation which was again headed by Ms. Francis Marie M. Miranda, LPT.
Session 5: Paghahanap: Search for Outstanding Qualities began at 8:40 am which was creatively
delivered by Ms. Michelle Mabutol, RGC of Philippine Science High School. The participants became
more knowledgeable of outstanding characteristics as an individual person and as a teacher. They as
well submitted themselves to the negative qualities, acknowledge them and consider the suggestions
given by the lecturer in order to transform them into positive ones. This session was then followed
by the 6th Session: Body & Mind: Stress Management Exercise facilitated by yours truly since Ms.
Mabutol had to leave for a staff meeting that day. The lecture was most likely focused on the factors,
situation and other causes of stress and how to combat them. One of the highlights of the discussion
was Time Management strategies which will be truly significant to reduce stress for teachers. Mrs.
Herbolingo as well introduced Mindfulness techniques like breathing exercises and visual imagery.
Exercise was as well given emphasis to be an important stress reducing activity for people. This was
followed by the Session 7: Blind Thrower: Non-Verbal Communication and Session 10: Active
Listening: Filters in Communication, conducted at 1:10 pm – 2:30 the afternoon, which were
effectively delivered by no other than the School Head of PNHS, Maria Victoria M. Dingding.
Refreshing and relevant activities was utilized by Madam Dingding in order to met the objectives of
the session. The last two topics of the session particularly Effective Feedback and Dynamics of
Rumor Mongering were delivered by Ms. Juliene Rose P. Saballa, MAEd, RGC of St. Scholastica’s
College of Tacloban. The activities turned out to be exciting as Ms. Penaranda made use of the known
Message Relay activity to the teacher participants followed by sharing and reflections for the Rumor
Mongering lecture. It was necessary since in all work environment rumors spread and negative
labeling between co-teachers creates chaos, breaks the harmonious relationships between workers
and make the employees less productive and cooperative. She as well utilized several group dyad
activities for the effective feedback lecture.
On the last day of the training, all the lecture-activities in the morning were delivered by Ms. Herbolingo due to
the conflicting schedule of the supposed lecturer of the topic from the University of the Philippines. The Group
Formation & Development: Theory Building and the last session in the morning which was Slogans: Group
Development strengthened the dedication, commitment and cooperation of the Pagsulhugon National High
School faculty as shown on their outputs on the Build a paper tower, team slogan making and all the rest of the
activities followed by reflections and group sharing. The highlight of the last day of the training was a
STRATEGIC PLANNING. The entire afternoon session was concentrated on a workshop on the creation of
working committees for monthly activities and Division initiated projects, creation of the PDRD-Working
Group to ensure personnel yearly training needs are catered and individual professional development is
sustained and all the rest of the consultation, sharing of observed problems open for suggestions from the
This year’s Midyear In-Service Training has been great success and has effectively served its purpose.
Republic of the Philippines
Regional Office VIII
Division of Leyte
MID-YEAR INSET: Teachers’ Capability Building & Values Transformation Workshop: An SLE Approach
Theme: Transformative Values, Bridging Unity, Improving Collaboration towards personnel
productivity & students’ academic excellence”
a. The most significant learning obtained from the session(s) were many and significant. The
strategic planning process and strategy is held significant and new learning out of all the
sessions discussed.
b. All the sessions were truly essential in obtaining the objectives of the overall training
program. However, if we were to chose the most significant it is the Values Clarification by
Ms. Maria Theresa M. Herbolingo and the Values Transformation: One Vision for Quality
Education given to us by Every Nation Campus.
c. Since the training program is immersed in team-building strategies and self-development
of us teachers, we consider the Body & Mind: stress management exercises by Ms. Theresa
M. Herbolingo and the Paghahanap session as our significant learning among all the
d. The Blind Thrower and the Dynamics of Rumor Mongering ideas were most significant in
order to bridge the gap, misunderstanding, conflict that has been dominating in the
school’s work environment.
e. The strategies on how to work with various personalities, different standpoints and
approaches of co-teachers and eventually make use of this differences in order to obtain
work targets and outputs were the most significant learning of all the sessions and group
2. As a participant, what would you like to recommend to improve the Training and
Development Program conducted?
a. The venue of the event should be planned will or change of venue should be take into
consideration since the nature of the training is team-building and self-development. A
proper venue could have contributed to elicited proper emotion and thoughts, terrific
motivation, better results and target and given a stress-free feeling to the participants
which was one of the objectives of the program.
b. The attendance of the participants who were observed to be good however there were
few participants observed to be present but less likely to manifest active participation
during the event.
c. There should be strategies or strong communication between the school and the invited
lecturer-facilitator in case of cancellation of the acceptance for speakership to the event.
Consolidated by:
MID-YEAR INSET: Teachers’ Capability Building & Values Transformation Workshop: An SLE Approach
Theme: Transformative Values, Bridging Unity, Improving Collaboration towards personnel
productivity & students’ academic excellence”
Session Session Title Name of Speaker Methodology/Procedure What went What can be
No. /Stage well? improved?
1 VALUES CLARIFICATION MARIA THERESA M. 4A’S METHOD/ The activity, the The session could
HERBOLINGO STRUCTURED LEARNING process, the timing be improved if
EXPERIENCE (SLE) and materials used every participant
by the lecturer were given the
was good and time to talk and
effective. share their outputs
and reflections
The facilitator was after the lecture-
knowledgeable, activities.
engaging and
creative in her However, due to
approach and time constraints
lecture concerning and the magnitude
the topic of topics to be
discussed for the
entire three days it
can be considered.
Perhaps, a follow
session or group
sharing can be
done to maximize
the sharing
2 EMMAUS: CROSS EVERY NATION CAMPUS 4A’S METHOD/ The team of Every The lecture was
EXPERIENCE (SLE) effectively needs enough time
3 SOCIAL IQ EVERY NATION CAMPUS 4A’S METHOD/ conducted the to fully facilitate
ASSERTIVENESS STRUCTURED LEARNING sessions assigned the thoughts and
EXPERIENCE (SLE) to them. They opinion so as
4 VALUES EVERY NATION CAMPUS 4A’S METHOD/ were able to reflections of the
EDUCATION non-traditional Also, there were
approach of the activities given
SLE that needs better
Their chosen SLE or appropriate
activities and venue to be
manner of delivered.
ions were There were
spiritually methods in the 4A
effective and that was forgotten
redirecting for the or not followed by
participants the lecturers
perhaps because
they are not
teachers and not
used to this
5 SESSION 5: MICHELLE MABUTOL, RGC 4A’S METHOD/ The lecturer was The lecturer
PAGHAHANAP: SEARCH Phil. Sci. High School STRUCTURED LEARNING knowledgeable arrived late for the
FOR OUTSTANDING EXPERIENCE (SLE) and effective in session which
QUALITIES her delivery of the caused a little
topic. The delay for the next
participants felt lecture or topic
the essence of the discussion.
Paghahanap of Although it is
their Outstanding understandable
Qualities as a since the facilitator
teacher. has to travel all the
way from Phil. Sci
to Babatngon,
6 SESSION 6: BODY-MIND: MARIA THERESA M. 4A’S METHOD/ The lecturer made The lecturer
EXPERIENCE (SLE) approaches, technical problems
strategies which in playing the
made the topic instrument/video
truly interesting for her
and significant. demonstration and
activity. In order to
The mindfulness avoid such their
exercises were should be a check
rewarding and a up or trial in all the
fresh learning for equipment and
the participants. facilities to be used
to avoid delay and
The time to maintain
management smooth facilitation
strategies was a of the activity.
good reminder
and manner of
reducing stress in
meeting deadlines
and target in the
workplace. Life
Balance as
discussed by the
lecturer is truly
important in all
aspects of life.
7 Session 7: THE BLIND MARIA VICTORIA M. 4A’S METHOD/ The lecture and There were no
VERBAL EXPERIENCE (SLE) properly and observed during
essentially done the delivery of the
COMMUNICATION with the immense session. The
knowledge and activity was
experience of the effective and
facilitator. spirited.
8 ACTIVE LISTENING: MARIA VICTORIA M. 4A’S METHOD/ The lecture and There were no
COMMUNICATION EXPERIENCE (SLE) properly and observed during
essentially done the delivery of the
with the immense session. The
knowledge and activity was
experience of the effective and
facilitator. spirited.
9 EFFECTIVE FEEDBACK JULLIENNE ROSE P. 4A’S METHOD/ The lecturer being The lecturer
SABALLA, MAEd, RGC STRUCTURED LEARNING an RGC was truly arrived late for the
EXPERIENCE (SLE) equipped with the session which
necessary caused a little
knowledge in delay for the next
delivering the lecture or topic
topic. She is discussion.
approachable and Although it is
noteworthy understandable
since the facilitator
has to travel all the
way from St.
College to
Babatngon, Leyte.
10 DYNAMICS OF RUMOR JULLIENNE ROSE P. 4A’S METHOD/ The facilitating The lecturer
MONGERING SABALLA, MAEd, RGC STRUCTURED LEARNING and counseling arrived late for the
EXPERIENCE (SLE) skills of the session which
lecturer were truly caused a little
relevant in the delay for the next
effective lecture or topic
attainment of the discussion.
objectives of the Although it is
session understandable
since the facilitator
has to travel all the
way from St.
College to
Babatngon, Leyte.
11 GROUP FORMATION & University of the Philippines 4A’S METHOD/ The lecturer Since the topic is
DEV’T: THEORY Visayas Campus STRUCTURED LEARNING planned and somewhat wide, it
BUILDING Maria Theresa M. EXPERIENCE (SLE) designed the was ideal that the
activities well to lecturer should
Herbolingo properly have co-facilitators
communicate the during the delivery
12 SLOGANS: GROUP University of the Philippines 4A’S METHOD/ message and of the session.
STRUCTURED LEARNING session objectives
DEVELOPMENT Visayas Campus
EXPERIENCE (SLE) of the topic. She
was articulate in
Maria Theresa M. her discussion and
Herbolingo facilitation.
13 STRATEGIC PLANNING MARIA VICTORIA M. 4A’S METHOD/ The lecture and There were no
DINGDING STRUCTURED LEARNING activities were problems
EXPERIENCE (SLE) properly and observed during
essentially done the delivery of the
with the immense session. The
knowledge and activity was
experience of the effective and
facilitator. spirited.