Cutting Classes Among Senior High School
Cutting Classes Among Senior High School
Cutting Classes Among Senior High School
A Thesis Presented
In Partial Fulfillment
Practical Research II
Jaylord Fernandez
Angelica Pelobello
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Synthesis ………………………………………………………………. 11
Chapter 1
The research entitled “Cutting at Class among Senior High School Students” because of
they wanted to discern and take deep explorations concerning the behavior of different
individuals, specially the junior and senior students who manage cutting classes and how such
dead effect their academic performance. The students need to understand that attending class in
high school is very important for good educations the students need for one future. The student
time in high school not only effects herself in a future but also their families but most important
is they know what can be the impact of cutting classes in their subjects.
Cutting classes when you don’t learn anything from them or don’t get good notes teachers
who just reads his textbook will only increase your marks if you use the time for study. Someone
who goes to every class won’t perform better than someone who skips the real bad ones some
times. Education plays a great role in the life of everyone all success and happy life just like
foods is necessary for healthy body. It is very important to live luxurious and better life. It
develops personality of the people, provides physical and mental standards and transforms
peoples living status. It promotes the feeling of physical, mental and social well being by
providing better life. Good education is constructive in nature which constructs our future
forever. The more knowledge we get, we grow and develops more in the life. Being well
educated never only means to earn certificates and good salary from the recognize and reputed
Educational institutions are not only for mental sacrifice and mental quotient feedbacks
but also for correcting, disciplining any forms of behavioral, moral, and social problems being
faced by the students. Researchers are very certain and confident to say that students’ problem
has enough period of growth and development. This development starts at the comfort of their
homes and families. Thus, it results to that of the school institutions becomes the “scapegoat” for
their problems. Consequently, professors, teachers, and school administrators have to face and
shoulder all sorts of problems from their respective students. Such is considered as the most
burdensome for any school teachers and staff. The researchers all know that this is the stage
This study aims to help students as well as their parents and teachers address the
problems in its early stage to avoid much greater problems in the future.
Education institution is not only for mental sacrifice and mental feedback but also for
connecting. Disciplining any forms of behavioral, moral, and social problem being face by the
students. The researcher are very certain and confident to say that students has not enough period
of growth and development. This development starts at the comfort of their homes and families.
Thus, its result to that of the school institutions becomes the “cutting classes” for their problems
consequently professor, teachers and school administrator have to face and shoulder all sort of
problems from their respective student. Such consider all teachers staff. (Docdue.Duv2000)
The researchers all knows that this is the stage where most of the students are beginning
curios about their life; this is where their start to come out from their comfort zone explores their
life and makes their own decisions. Every time students cut class, It’s inevitable that there are
also cut their education it is said that “going to school is like having a job” so they are mostly
Conceptual Framework
This study aimed to identify the factors of “Cutting Classes among Senior High School”
The researchers used structured survey to selected senior high school students. Furthermore,
Survey was employed to gather permanent data for this study. Because we want to know what
Senior High
The data of this study entitled “Cutting Classes among S.H students” has significance to the
following people:
To the Students
The results will provide the students with some knowledge on cutting classes and how it
can be avoided. It will give the students a realization that cutting is not useful to both the student
and the people around him. At the end od this study, students would finally know why cutting
To the Teachers
The given data would guide the teachers on what to do with the students that cut classes.
The teachers would be able to understand on why some students skip classes and later on, help
To the Parents
Like the teachers, the parents too will understand why their children skip classes through
the given data. The given data would help them formulate some preventive measures to help
their sons from skipping classes. The findings would also help them learn the actions of their
They have helped us to learn about cutting classes of senior high students, they can get a
lot of information and proper behavior and learn how to respect themselves.
Chapter 2
These chapter were firstly established the significance of general field of study, then
identified the place where a new contribution could be made. This chapter deals with the
different methodologies of related studies and literature and identified the appropriate approach
It is common for students to cut classes in college. Students in college love skipping
classes more than junior high students. Some students think that they are mature enough to do
whatever they want. Teachers’ talk is annoying. Skipping classes and having their own way is
much cooler. They think they can take responsibilities for themselves. I think there are three
First, students usually think classes are boring. They are not willing to spend time on
things they are not interested in. They may think the content of the textbook is not useful in the
future. They may think they go to college just for a diploma. They go to classes just for passing
tests. They would rather play computer games, video games, or anything they are interested in
Second, peer pressure is another factor that causes this phenomenon. I think peers can
affect a college student a lot. Youngsters love to do things with their friends. If my friends do not
go to school, I would not go to school either. I think peers are an important factor that makes
The primary cause of cutting classes is plain laziness. Students often stay up late and
thus skip classes for oversleeping. The bad weather like heavy rain is also an excuse for their
absence. It is too cold to go to school, especially the school like Chinese Culture University that
is situated high in the mountain. Many CCU students convince themselves to skip classes with
this excuse. The fact is laziness is the real reason that makes them skip classes. On the other
hand, lots of hard-working students still go to college in heavy rain as usual. Even though there
are traffic jams, they can get up early, beat the traffic, and arrive at school on time.
Although cutting classes is common, students should do their duty as a college student.
Students should have positive attitude to do everything. Even though they think classes are
boring, they can skip classes together, they are lazy to go school, and they are old enough to do
(Ian Carmichael,1996-2017) In general, the effect is bad. There are exceptions but generally,
the students who cut classes, whatever they say are actually losing touch with their fellow-
students, the material of the subject, and the person responsible for their assessment. They are
developing habits opposed to application to tasks when the going gets rough, or when the going
is routine. These situations will occur in the real world of employment too. The student’s future
employer will not be amused when they skip work for a day because it’s dull, or because it’s
If the need to cut class is really pressing, admit the truth, drop the class, choose another.
If you need the class and the teacher, in your opinion, is not cutting it, then read ahead, show up
for class, you still may learn something. They do actually have some subject experience deeper
than your own. It leaks out from time to time! You might even get some street cred.
Chapter 3
This chapter includes the research design, population, sampling technique, data collection
Research Design
This research will used descriptive type of research. Because this research aims to
describe why the students cut class, descriptive type of research s the most appropriate to use in
this study.
This study aims to know why the population from Malacampa Nationl High School cuts
class and the most appropriate population are students who are currently enrolled at Malacampa
National High school and are Junior and Senior High students.
The sample of this study was selected from the population from Malacampa National
High School. The aim to get the sample in order for this study to get the exact result needed is
20-50% of the total population and was selected randomly from the students of Malacampa
1. The researcher coordinates with the administration office to educate them with the
2. The researchers then collect data needed with the permission from the subject teacher
4. The questionnaires were filled out in the classrooms with instructions needed with the
approximate time of 20-30 minutes to e finished. Further instructions was given by the
5. The questionnaires is then collected by the researchers to be tallied in order to get the
result needed.
Data analysis
Descriptive statistics such as frequency, percentage, mean, and weighted mean. Because
this study is a descriptive study, the above said procedures in handling and solving data is the
Statistical Analysis
The procedure in getting the average is the result when the researchers divide the data
The average weighted mean is the total when you divide the data collected with the total
sample size and multiplied with the corresponding weight. The table below shows the relative
1.1-2 Disagree
2.1-3 Agree
Chapter 4
This chapter provides accurate data of the result and discussed as tables are provided with
it. In this chapter the researcher will provide the result from then data gathered from the
Table 1
Table 1 shows that 52% or 26 form the respondents tried to cut classes and 48% or 24 of
the respondents never tried to cut class. It shows that most of the respondents already tried to cut
Table 2
Table 2 shows that 46% or 24 of the respondents started cutting class at the age of 15 -
17. It also shows that 46% or 24 of the respondents never cut class also 4% or 2 of the
respondents cut class at the age of 18 – 19 and lastly 2% or 2 of the respondents started cutting
Table 3.1
To much Homework
54 % 7% 26% 13%
Table 3.1 shows that the average mean of 2.44 that shows that the respondents agree that
Table 3.2
Table 3.2 shows that the average mean of 2.34 that shows that the respondents agree that
they cut class because they live too far from school.
Table 3.3
Boring Lessons
Table 3.3 shows that the average mean of 2.56 that shows that the respondents agree that
Table 3.4
Table 3.4 shows that the average mean of 1.96 that shows that the respondents disagree
Table 3.5
Playing Computers
Table 3.5 shows that the average mean of 2.06 that shows that the respondents agree that
Table 3.6
Teachers Boring
Table 3.6 shows that the average mean of 2.36 that shows that the respondents agree that
Table 3.7
Table 3.7 shows that the average mean of 2.32 that shows that the respondents agree that
they cut class because the respondents are lazy to enter other subjects.
Table 3.8
Family Bonding
Table 3.8 shows that the average mean of 2.7 that shows that the respondents agree that
Table 3.9
Table 3.9 shows that the average mean of 2.54 that shows that the respondents agree that
Table 3.10
Table 3.10 shows that the average mean of 2.78 that shows that the respondents agree
that they cut class because they have to bond with their friends.
Table 3.11
Table 3.11 shows that the average mean of 2.68 that shows that the respondents agree
Chapter 5
This chapter presents the summary of the findings of this research, the conclusions
derived from these findings and the researchers’ recommendations for future researches of
similar concern.
Table 1 shows that 52% or 26 form the respondents tried to cut classes and 48% or 24 of
the respondents never tried to cut class. It shows that most of the respondents already tried to cut
Table 3.1 shows that the average mean of 2.44 that shows that the respondents agree that
they cut class because there’s too much homework. Table 2 shows that 46% or 24 of the
respondents started cutting class at the age of 15 - 17. It also shows that 46% or 24 of the
respondents never cut class also 4% or 2 of the respondents cut class at the age of 18 – 19 and
Table 3.1 shows that the average mean of 2.44 that shows that the respondents agree that
they cut class because there’s too much homework. Table 3.2 shows that the average mean of
2.34 that shows that the respondents agree that they cut class because they live too far from
school. Table 3.3 shows that the average mean of 2.56 that shows that the respondents agree that
Table 3.4 shows that the average mean of 1.96 that shows that the respondents disagree
that they cut class because of part time jobs. Table 3.5 shows that the average mean of 2.06 that
shows that the respondents agree that they cut class because of playing computer games. Table
3.6 shows that the average mean of 2.36 that shows that the respondents agree that they cut class
because the teacher is boring. Table 3.9 shows that the average mean of 2.54 that shows that the
respondents agree that they cut class because they have to recover from illness.
A. Students
To the students, that they may be knowledgeable enough in copingand managing their
own possible reasons on why they are cutting classes. In addition, this study is recommended, for
them to be well aware of their academic performances and for them to concentrate on their
To the parents and guardians, whom are the most involved and salient element in this
case, so that they may exert more effort on knowing the different factors on what encourages
their child to do such practice. Good communication skills are needed for both parties to address
C. School’s Administration
They would be well aware of such practice that is occurring within the institution and constitute