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2018 Book MarketSegmentationAnalysis PDF

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Management for Professionals

Sara Dolnicar
Bettina Grün
Friedrich Leisch

Understanding It, Doing It,
and Making It Useful
Management for Professionals
More information about this series at http://www.springer.com/series/10101
Sara Dolnicar • Bettina Grün • Friedrich Leisch

Market Segmentation
Understanding It, Doing It, and Making
It Useful

Published with the support of the Austrian Science Fund (FWF): PUB 580-Z27
Sara Dolnicar Bettina Grün
The University of Queensland Johannes Kepler Universität Linz
Brisbane, Queensland, Australia Linz, Oberösterreich, Austria

Friedrich Leisch
Universität für Bodenkultur Wien
Vienna, Wien, Austria

ISSN 2192-8096 ISSN 2192-810X (electronic)

Management for Professionals
ISBN 978-981-10-8817-9 ISBN 978-981-10-8818-6 (eBook)

Library of Congress Control Number: 2018936527

© The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s) 2018. This book is an open access publication.
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‘Another book on market segmentation’ you think. Many outstanding market-

ing scientists, scholars and consultants have written excellent books on market
segmentation. Some books offer practical advice to managers on how to best
implement market segmentation in an organisation to ensure that the segmentation
strategy is a success. Other books present sophisticated algorithms to extract market
segments from consumer data. Our excuse for writing yet another book on market
segmentation is to bridge the gap between the managerial and the statistical aspects
of market segmentation analysis. We also want to give readers the opportunity to
replicate every single calculation and visualisation we discuss in the book. We
achieve this by making data sets used in the book available online (http://www.
MarketSegmentationAnalysis.org) and by accompanying each section with R code.
R is an open source environment for statistical computing and graphics, which is
freely available for Linux, MacOS and Windows.
Most of the examples used in the book relate to tourism. We have chosen
tourism because most people go on vacation and, as a consequence, can relate to the
examples, even if professionally they market an entirely different product. Tourism
is also very complex compared to other products: a trip consists of many different
elements, typically a number of decision makers are involved in the planning
process, travel can be motivated by a wide range of motives, and manifests in
tourists engaging in an even wider range of activities. Tourists can plan their trip of
a lifetime for decades or ‘impulse purchase’ a city trip a few hours before departure.
As a consequence of the complexity of tourism as a product, many alternative
market segmentation approaches can be used to break the market down into smaller,
more homogeneous consumer groups or market segments. In the case of marketing
toothpaste, for example, consumers can be segmented by their willingness to pay or
by benefits sought. Tourists can, in addition, be grouped based on their preferences
for vacation activities, the people they travel with, how long they travel, whether or
not they stay at the same destination or visit a number of destinations, the degree to
which they perceive risks to be associated with their trip, their expenditure patterns,
their level of variety seeking and so on.

vi Preface

The fact that we use many tourism examples does not mean, however, that this is
a book on tourism market segmentation. Market segmentation is a framework that is
independent of the nature of the product or service being marketed. Everything we
discuss in the book can be used in tourism, but also to market fast moving consumer
goods or to try to attract excellent foster carers. The principles and techniques
covered in this book can be applied across a variety of industries and geographic
markets. This is also reflected by our use of the terms organisation and user to signal
that market segmentation is of value to organisations aimed primarily at generating
profits, as well as organisations aimed at achieving other missions.
We have structured the book in a way that makes it possible to use it as a
companion throughout the entire journey of market segmentation analysis. In this
case, each of the steps can be processed one after the other. Alternatively, it is also
possible to just learn more about one specific step of market segmentation analysis.
We have broken down the process of market segmentation analysis into ten steps.
For each step we discuss the aims, point to potential pitfalls, and offer a range of
approaches that can be used. All proposed approaches are accompanied by R code
allowing replication of all analyses.
R started in 1992. Over the last two decades, R has developed to become the
lingua franca of computational statistics (de Leeuw and Mair 2007, p. 2). It is used
for teaching and research in universities all over the world and has been adopted by
many non-academic organisations. R is open source software. The source code can
be downloaded from the Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN) at https://
CRAN.R-project.org for free. The backbone of R’s success is that everybody can
contribute extension packages. In April 2018 some 12,500 extension packages were
available on CRAN. Many more R packages are available on private web pages and
in other repositories. Many of these packages can be used for market segmentation,
and some will be introduced in this book.
One of the extension packages is called MSA (for Market Segmentation
Analysis) and contains all data sets used in this book. The package also contains
all analyses shown in the book as R demonstrations that can be run directly using
commands like demo("step-4", package = "MSA") to run the code from
Step 4. For users of other statistical software packages, the data sets are also
available at http://www.MarketSegmentationAnalysis.org.
This book is not an introduction to R. Readers who are not familiar with R can
1. Ignore the R commands shown throughout the book, and concentrate on the
results. Many of the algorithms presented are available in other statistical
software packages like SPSS or SAS.
2. Use a companion R package written by Putler and Krider (2012) called
RcmdrPlugin.BCA that implements a graphical user interface (GUI) through
the R Commander (Fox 2017) point-and-click interface to R. Starting with a GUI
makes it easier to learn R initially.
Preface vii

3. Learn R from an introductory R textbook. Dalgaard (2008), Hothorn and Everitt

(2014) and Kabacoff (2015) offer general introductions to R; Chapman and
Feit (2015) and Putler and Krider (2012) discuss marketing and business-related
analyses more specifically.
At the end of each of the ten steps of market segmentation analysis, we offer a
checklist. These checklists are a starting point for organisations to structure their
market segmentation analysis procedure. They can easily be modified, refined and
extended to best suit the organisation’s needs.
At a practical level, this book is the result of two decades of cross-disciplinary
research into market segmentation facilitated by the research agencies of Australia
and Austria. We are grateful to the Australian Research Council (ARC) and the
Austrian Science Fund (FWF) for supporting our research programme on market
segmentation analysis under ARC project numbers DP0557769, DP110101347,
LX0559628 and LX0881890 and FWF project numbers P17382-N12, T351-N18
and V170-N18. Computations were partially run on the Vienna Scientific Clus-
ter (VSC) under approval number 70419. We thank our industry partners for
making available data sets, including the Austrian National Tourism Organisation
(Österreich Werbung) and the Australian National Tourism Organisation (Tourism
Australia). We thank Homa Hajibaba, Dominik Ernst and Syma Ahmed for technical
support and feedback on earlier versions of the manuscript. We thank the Springer
reviewers for recommendations for improvement and Joshua Hartmann for his
assistance with illustrations.

Brisbane, Australia Sara Dolnicar

Linz, Austria Bettina Grün
Vienna, Austria Friedrich Leisch
April 2018


Chapman CN, McDonnell Feit E (2015) R for marketing research and analytics. UseR!. Springer
International Publishing
Dalgaard P (2008) Introductory statistics with R, 2nd edn. Springer, New York
de Leeuw J, Mair P (2007) An introduction to the special volume on “Psychometrics in R”. J Stat
Softw 20(1):1–5
Fox J (2017) Using the R Commander: a point-and-click interface for R. Chapman & Hall/CRC
Press, Boca Raton
Hothorn T, Everitt BS (2014) A handbook of statistical analyses using R, 3rd edn. Chapman &
Hall/CRC Press, Boca Raton
Kabacoff RI (2015) R in action: data analysis and graphics with R, 2nd edn. Manning Publications,
Shelter Island
Putler DS, Krider RE (2012) Customer and business analytics: applied data mining for business
decision making using R. Chapman & Hall/CRC Press, Boca Raton

Part I Introduction
1 Market Segmentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.1 Strategic and Tactical Marketing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.2 Definitions of Market Segmentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
1.3 The Benefits of Market Segmentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
1.4 The Costs of Market Segmentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
2 Market Segmentation Analysis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
2.1 The Layers of Market Segmentation Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
2.2 Approaches to Market Segmentation Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
2.2.1 Based on Organisational Constraints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
2.2.2 Based on the Choice of (the) Segmentation
Variable(s) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
2.3 Data Structure and Data-Driven Market Segmentation
Approaches. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
2.4 Market Segmentation Analysis Step-by-Step . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

Part II Ten Steps of Market Segmentation Analysis

3 Step 1: Deciding (not) to Segment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
3.1 Implications of Committing to Market Segmentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
3.2 Implementation Barriers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
3.3 Step 1 Checklist. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
4 Step 2: Specifying the Ideal Target Segment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
4.1 Segment Evaluation Criteria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
4.2 Knock-Out Criteria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
4.3 Attractiveness Criteria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

x Contents

4.4 Implementing a Structured Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

4.5 Step 2 Checklist. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
5 Step 3: Collecting Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
5.1 Segmentation Variables. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
5.2 Segmentation Criteria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
5.2.1 Geographic Segmentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
5.2.2 Socio-Demographic Segmentation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
5.2.3 Psychographic Segmentation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
5.2.4 Behavioural Segmentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
5.3 Data from Survey Studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
5.3.1 Choice of Variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
5.3.2 Response Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
5.3.3 Response Styles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
5.3.4 Sample Size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
5.4 Data from Internal Sources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
5.5 Data from Experimental Studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
5.6 Step 3 Checklist. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
6 Step 4: Exploring Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
6.1 A First Glimpse at the Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
6.2 Data Cleaning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
6.3 Descriptive Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
6.4 Pre-Processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
6.4.1 Categorical Variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
6.4.2 Numeric Variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
6.5 Principal Components Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
6.6 Step 4 Checklist. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
7 Step 5: Extracting Segments. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
7.1 Grouping Consumers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
7.2 Distance-Based Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
7.2.1 Distance Measures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
7.2.2 Hierarchical Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
7.2.3 Partitioning Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
7.2.4 Hybrid Approaches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
7.3 Model-Based Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
7.3.1 Finite Mixtures of Distributions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
7.3.2 Finite Mixtures of Regressions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133
7.3.3 Extensions and Variations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141
7.4 Algorithms with Integrated Variable Selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142
7.4.1 Biclustering Algorithms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143
Contents xi

7.4.2 Variable Selection Procedure for Clustering Binary

Data (VSBD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148
7.4.3 Variable Reduction: Factor-Cluster Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151
7.5 Data Structure Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153
7.5.1 Cluster Indices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154
7.5.2 Gorge Plots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159
7.5.3 Global Stability Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161
7.5.4 Segment Level Stability Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166
7.6 Step 5 Checklist. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176
8 Step 6: Profiling Segments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183
8.1 Identifying Key Characteristics of Market Segments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183
8.2 Traditional Approaches to Profiling Market Segments . . . . . . . . . . . . 184
8.3 Segment Profiling with Visualisations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186
8.3.1 Identifying Defining Characteristics of Market
Segments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187
8.3.2 Assessing Segment Separation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190
8.4 Step 6 Checklist. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196
9 Step 7: Describing Segments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199
9.1 Developing a Complete Picture of Market Segments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199
9.2 Using Visualisations to Describe Market Segments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200
9.2.1 Nominal and Ordinal Descriptor Variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200
9.2.2 Metric Descriptor Variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206
9.3 Testing for Segment Differences in Descriptor Variables. . . . . . . . . . 210
9.4 Predicting Segments from Descriptor Variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215
9.4.1 Binary Logistic Regression. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217
9.4.2 Multinomial Logistic Regression . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 224
9.4.3 Tree-Based Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 228
9.5 Step 7 Checklist. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 235
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 235
10 Step 8: Selecting (the) Target Segment(s) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237
10.1 The Targeting Decision . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237
10.2 Market Segment Evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 238
10.3 Step 8 Checklist. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 242
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 243
11 Step 9: Customising the Marketing Mix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 245
11.1 Implications for Marketing Mix Decisions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 245
11.2 Product . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 247
11.3 Price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 247
11.4 Place . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250
11.5 Promotion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 251
xii Contents

11.6 Step 9 Checklist. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 253

References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 254
12 Step 10: Evaluation and Monitoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255
12.1 Ongoing Tasks in Market Segmentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255
12.2 Evaluating the Success of the Segmentation Strategy . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255
12.3 Stability of Segment Membership and Segment Hopping . . . . . . . . . 256
12.4 Segment Evolution. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 258
12.5 Step 10 Checklist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 266
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 267

A Case Study: Fast Food . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 269

A.1 Step 1: Deciding (not) to Segment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 269
A.2 Step 2: Specifying the Ideal Target Segment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 270
A.3 Step 3: Collecting Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 270
A.4 Step 4: Exploring Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 271
A.5 Step 5: Extracting Segments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 274
A.5.1 Using k-Means . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 274
A.5.2 Using Mixtures of Distributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 279
A.5.3 Using Mixtures of Regression Models. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 282
A.6 Step 6: Profiling Segments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 285
A.7 Step 7: Describing Segments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 288
A.8 Step 8: Selecting (the) Target Segment(s) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 291
A.9 Step 9: Customising the Marketing Mix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 294
A.10 Step 10: Evaluation and Monitoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 295

B R and R Packages. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 297

B.1 What Is R? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 297
B.1.1 A Short History of R. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 297
B.1.2 R Packages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 298
B.1.3 Quality Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 299
B.1.4 User Interfaces for R. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 299
B.2 R Packages Used in the Book . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300
B.2.1 MSA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300
B.2.2 flexclust . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 301
B.2.3 flexmix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 301
B.2.4 Other Packages. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 301

C Data Sets Used in the Book . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303

C.1 Tourist Risk Taking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303
C.2 Winter Vacation Activities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 304
C.3 Australian Vacation Activities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 305
C.4 Australian Travel Motives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 308
C.5 Fast Food . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 309
Contents xiii

Glossary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 311
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 319

Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 321
List of Figures

Fig. 1.1 Strategic and tactical marketing planning. (Modified from

McDonald and Morris 1987) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Fig. 1.2 The asymmetry of strategic and tactical marketing.
(Modified from McDonald and Morris 1987) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Fig. 2.1 The layers of market segmentation analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Fig. 2.2 Ten steps of market segmentation analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Fig. 5.1 Illustrating the importance of sufficient sample size in
market segmentation analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Fig. 5.2 Effect of sample size on the correctness of segment
recovery in artificial data. (Modified from Dolnicar et al. 2014) . . 49
Fig. 5.3 Sample size requirements in dependence of market and data
characteristics. (Modified from Dolnicar et al. 2016) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
Fig. 6.1 Histograms of tourists’ age in the Australian travel motives
data set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Fig. 6.2 Construction principles for box-and-whisker plots (tourists’
age distribution) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
Fig. 6.3 Box-and-whisker plot of tourists’ age in the Australian
travel motives data set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
Fig. 6.4 Dot chart of percentages of YES answers in the Australian
travel motives data set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
Fig. 6.5 Principal components 2 and 3 for the Australian travel
motives data set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
Fig. 7.1 k-means and single linkage hierarchical clustering of two
spirals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
Fig. 7.2 A comparison of Euclidean and Manhattan distance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
Fig. 7.3 A comparison of different linkage methods between two
sets of points . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
Fig. 7.4 Single and complete linkage clustering of the tourist data
shown in Table 7.2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86

xvi List of Figures

Fig. 7.5 Complete linkage hierarchical cluster analysis of the tourist

risk taking data set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
Fig. 7.6 Bar chart of cluster means from hierarchical clustering for
the tourist risk taking data set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
Fig. 7.7 Simplified visualisation of the k-means clustering algorithm . . . . . 91
Fig. 7.8 Artificial Gaussian data clustered using squared Euclidean
distance (left), Manhattan distance (middle) and angle
distance (right) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
Fig. 7.9 Artificial mobile phone data set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
Fig. 7.10 Three-segment k-means partition for the artificial mobile
phone data set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
Fig. 7.11 Scree plot for k-means partitions with k = 1, . . . , 8
segments for the artificial mobile phone data set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
Fig. 7.12 Scree plot for k-means partitions with k = 1, . . . , 8
segments for the artificial mobile phone data set including
a visualisation of the elbow consisting of two intersecting
lines with different slopes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
Fig. 7.13 Scree plot for k-means partitions with k = 1, . . . , 8
segments for the tourist risk taking data set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
Fig. 7.14 Bar chart of cluster means from k-means clustering for the
tourist risk taking data set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
Fig. 7.15 Examples of good (left) and bad (right) starting points for
k-means clustering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
Fig. 7.16 Rectangular (left) and hexagonal (right) grid for
self-organising maps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
Fig. 7.17 5 × 5 self-organising map of the tourist risk taking data set . . . . . . 104
Fig. 7.18 Schematic representation of an auto-encoding neural
network with one hidden layer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
Fig. 7.19 k-means clustering of the artificial mobile phone data set
into 30 clusters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
Fig. 7.20 Hierarchical clustering of the 30 k-means cluster centres of
the artificial mobile phone data set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
Fig. 7.21 Dendrogram for bagged cluster analysis of the winter
vacation activities data set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
Fig. 7.22 Bar chart of cluster means from bagged cluster analysis of
the winter vacation activities data set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
Fig. 7.23 Boxplot of cluster centres from bagged cluster analysis for
segment 5 of the winter vacation activities data set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
Fig. 7.24 Uncertainty plot of the mixture of normal distributions for
the artificial mobile phone data set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
Fig. 7.25 Visualisation of the 14 covariance models available in
package mclust . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124
Fig. 7.26 BIC values of the mixtures of normal distributions for the
artificial mobile phone data set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124
List of Figures xvii

Fig. 7.27 Scatter plot of the metric variables in the Australian travel
motives data set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126
Fig. 7.28 Classification plot of the mixture of normal distributions for
the Australian travel motives data set selected using the BIC
among all covariance models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
Fig. 7.29 Classification plot of the mixture of normal distributions for
the Australian travel motives data set selected using the BIC
among the models with identical covariance matrices across
segments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128
Fig. 7.30 AIC, BIC and ICL values of mixtures of binary distributions
for the winter vacation activities data set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
Fig. 7.31 Bar chart of segment-specific probabilities of the mixture of
binary distributions fitted to the winter vacation activities
data set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134
Fig. 7.32 Artificial theme park data set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
Fig. 7.33 Scatter plot with observations coloured by segment
membership from a two-segment mixture of linear
regression models for the artificial theme park data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136
Fig. 7.34 Scatter plot with observations coloured by segment
membership together with the segment-specific regression
lines from a two-segment mixture of linear regressions
fitted to the Australian vacation motives data set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139
Fig. 7.35 Biclustering with constant pattern . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144
Fig. 7.36 Biclustering with constant column pattern . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145
Fig. 7.37 Bicluster membership plot for the Australian vacation
activities data set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147
Fig. 7.38 Bar chart of cluster means obtained for the Australian travel
motives data set after selecting variables with the VSBD
algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150
Fig. 7.39 Segment separation plots (left), and gorge plots (middle) for
the three-segment solutions, and global stability boxplots
(right) for 2–9 segments for the three artificial data sets. . . . . . . . . . . 160
Fig. 7.40 Global stability boxplot using k-means clustering for 2-9
segments for the tourist risk taking data set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166
Fig. 7.41 Artificial mobile phone data set with three and six segments
extracted . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169
Fig. 7.42 Segment level stability within solutions (SLSW ) plot for the
artificial mobile phone data set with three and six segments
extracted . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169
Fig. 7.43 Segment level stability within solutions (SLSW ) plot of the
six-segment solution for the Australian travel motives data set . . . . 171
Fig. 7.44 Segment level stability across solutions (SLSA ) plot for the
artificial mobile phone data set for three to eight segments . . . . . . . 173
xviii List of Figures

Fig. 7.45 Segment level stability across solutions (SLSA ) plot for the
Australian travel motives data set for three to eight segments . . . . . 175
Fig. 8.1 Hierarchical clustering of the segmentation variables of the
Australian travel motives data set using Ward’s method . . . . . . . . . . 188
Fig. 8.2 Segment profile plot for the six-segment solution of the
Australian travel motives data set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189
Fig. 8.3 One person’s eye tracking heat maps for three alternative
ways of presenting segmentation results. (a) Traditional
table. (b) Improved table. (c) Segment profile plot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191
Fig. 8.4 Segment separation plot including observations (first
row) and not including observations (second row) for two
artificial data sets: three natural, well-separated clusters
(left column); one elliptic cluster (right column) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192
Fig. 8.5 Segment separation plot using principal components 2 and
3 for the Australian travel motives data set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194
Fig. 8.6 Segment separation plot using principal components 2 and
3 for the Australian travel motives data set without observations . 195
Fig. 9.1 Comparison of a stacked bar chart and a mosaic plot for the
cross-tabulation of segment membership and gender for the
Australian travel motives data set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202
Fig. 9.2 Shaded mosaic plot for cross-tabulation of segment
membership and gender for the Australian travel
motives data set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203
Fig. 9.3 Shaded mosaic plot for cross-tabulation of segment
membership and income for the Australian travel
motives data set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204
Fig. 9.4 Shaded mosaic plot for cross-tabulation of segment
membership and moral obligation to protect the
environment for the Australian travel motives
data set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205
Fig. 9.5 Histograms of age by segment for the Australian travel
motives data set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207
Fig. 9.6 Histograms of moral obligation to protect the environment
by segment for the Australian travel motives data set . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208
Fig. 9.7 Parallel box-and-whisker plot of age by segment for the
Australian travel motives data set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208
Fig. 9.8 Parallel box-and-whisker plot (with elements of statistical
inference) of moral obligation to protect the environment
by segment for the Australian travel motives data set . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209
Fig. 9.9 Segment level stability across solutions (SLSA ) plot for
the Australian travel motives data set for three to eight
segments with nodes coloured by mean moral
obligation values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210
List of Figures xix

Fig. 9.10 Tukey’s honest significant differences of moral obligation to

behave environmentally friendly between the six segments
for the Australian travel motives data set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214
Fig. 9.11 Effect visualisation of age and moral obligation for
predicting segment 3 using binary logistic regression
for the Australian travel motives data set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220
Fig. 9.12 Predicted probabilities of segment 3 membership for
consumers not assigned to segment 3 (FALSE) and for
consumers assigned to segment 3 (TRUE) for the Australian
travel motives data set. The model containing age and moral
obligation as independent variables is on the left; the model
selected using step wise variable selection on the right . . . . . . . . . . . . 223
Fig. 9.13 Assessment of predictive performance of the multinomial
logistic regression model including age and moral
obligation as independent variables for the Australian travel
motives data set. The mosaic plot of the cross-tabulation
of observed and predicted segment memberships is on the
left. The parallel boxplot of the predicted probabilities by
segment for consumers assigned to segment 6 is on the right. . . . . . 226
Fig. 9.14 Effect visualisation of age and moral obligation for
predicting segment membership using multinomial
logistic regression for the Australian travel motives
data set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 227
Fig. 9.15 Conditional inference tree using membership in segment 3
as dependent variable for the Australian travel motives
data set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 230
Fig. 9.16 Conditional inference tree using membership in segment 6
as dependent variable for the Australian travel motives
data set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 232
Fig. 9.17 Conditional inference tree using segment membership as
dependent variable for the Australian travel motives
data set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 234
Fig. 10.1 Segment evaluation plot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 241
Fig. 11.1 How the target segment decision affects marketing mix
development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 246
Fig. 11.2 Total expenditures in Australian dollars (AUD) for the last
domestic holiday for tourists in segment 3 and all other
tourists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 249
Fig. 11.3 Hotel booking avenues used for the last domestic holiday
by segment 3 and by the average tourist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250
Fig. 11.4 Information sources used by segment 3 and by the average
tourist. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 252
xx List of Figures

Fig. 11.5 TV station most frequently watched by segment 3 and all

other tourists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 253
Fig. 12.1 Difference in the percentage of tourists engaging in 11
winter vacation activities during their vacation in
Austria in 1991/92 and 1997/98 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 261
Fig. 12.2 Segment profile plot for the six-segment solution of winter
vacation activities in 1991/92 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 262
Fig. 12.3 Mosaic plot comparing segment sizes in 1991/92 and
1997/98 based on the segmentation solution for
winter activities in 1991/92 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 263
Fig. 12.4 Segment profile plot for the six-segment solution of winter
vacation activities in 1997/98 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 265
Fig. A.1 Principal components analysis of the fast food data set . . . . . . . . . . . 274
Fig. A.2 Scree plot for the fast food data set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 275
Fig. A.3 Global stability of k-means segmentation solutions for the
fast food data set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 276
Fig. A.4 Gorge plot of the four-segment k-means solution for the
fast food data set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 277
Fig. A.5 Segment level stability across solutions (SLSA ) plot from
two to eight segments for the fast food data set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 278
Fig. A.6 Segment level stability within solutions (SLSW ) plot for the
fast food data set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 279
Fig. A.7 Information criteria for the mixture models of binary
distributions with 2 to 8 components (segments) for
the fast food data set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 280
Fig. A.8 Regression coefficients of the two-segment mixture of
linear regression models for the fast food data set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 285
Fig. A.9 Segment profile plot for the four-segment solution for the
fast food data set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 286
Fig. A.10 Segment separation plot using principal components 1 and
2 for the fast food data set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 287
Fig. A.11 Shaded mosaic plot for cross-tabulation of segment
membership and I LIKE IT for the fast food data set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 289
Fig. A.12 Shaded mosaic plot for cross-tabulation of segment
membership and gender for the fast food data set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 290
Fig. A.13 Parallel box-and-whisker plot of age by segment for the fast
food data set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 290
Fig. A.14 Conditional inference tree using segment 3 membership as
dependent variable for the fast food data set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 292
Fig. A.15 Example of a simple segment evaluation plot for the fast
food data set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 293
List of Tables

Table 2.1 Examples of commonly used segmentation variables . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

Table 2.2 Combinations of segmentation approaches based on the
nature of segmentation variables used. (Modified from
Dolnicar 2004) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Table 2.3 Data-driven market segmentation approaches
based on data structure. (Modified from
Dolnicar and Leisch 2010) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Table 4.1 Criteria proposed in the literature for the evaluation of
market segments in chronological order. (Modified
from: Karlsson 2015) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Table 5.1 Gender as a possible segmentation variable in
commonsense market segmentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Table 5.2 Segmentation variables in data-driven market segmentation . . . . . 40
Table 7.1 Data set and segment characteristics informing extraction
algorithm selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
Table 7.2 Artificial data set on tourist activities: percentage of time
spent on three activities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
Table 7.3 The 14 covariance models available in package mclust . . . . . . . . . . 123
Table 8.1 Six segments computed with the neural gas algorithm for
the Australian travel motives data set. All numbers are
percentages of people in the segment or in the total sample
agreeing to the motives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185
Table 9.1 Differences in mean values for age and moral obligation
between the six segments for the Australian travel
motives data set together with ANOVA p-values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212
Table 10.1 Data underlying the segment evaluation plot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 240

Part I
Chapter 1
Market Segmentation

1.1 Strategic and Tactical Marketing

The purpose of marketing is to match the genuine needs and desires of consumers
with the offers of suppliers particularly suited to satisfy those needs and desires. This
matching process benefits consumers and suppliers, and drives an organisation’s
marketing planning process.
Marketing planning is a logical sequence and a series of activities leading
to the setting of marketing objectives and the formulation of plans to achieving
them (McDonald and Wilson 2011, p. 24). A marketing plan consists of two
components: a strategic and a tactical marketing plan. The strategic plan outlines the
long-term direction of an organisation, but does not provide much detail on short-
term marketing action required to move in this long-term direction. The tactical
marketing plan does the opposite. It translates the long-term strategic plan into
detailed instructions for short-term marketing action. The strategic marketing plan
states where the organisation wants to go and why. The tactical marketing plan
contains instructions on what needs to be done to get there.
This process is much like going on a hiking expedition (Fig. 1.1). Before starting
a hike, it is critically important to organise a map, and figure out where exactly
one’s present location is. Once the present location is known, the next step is to
decide which mountain to climb. The choice of the mountain is a strategic decision;
it determines all subsequent decisions. As soon as this strategic decision is made,
the expedition team can move on to tactical decisions, such as: which shoes to wear
for this particular hike, which time of day to depart, and how much food and drink
to pack. All these tactical decisions are important to ensure a safe expedition, but
they depend entirely on the strategic decision of which mountain to climb.
Preparations for the mountain climbing expedition are similar to the development
of an organisational marketing plan. The strategic marketing plan typically identifies
consumer needs and desires, strengths and weaknesses internal to the organisation,
and external opportunities and threats the organisation may face. A SWOT analysis

© The Author(s) 2018 3

S. Dolnicar et al., Market Segmentation Analysis, Management for Professionals,
4 1 Market Segmentation

Where Where do we How do we

are we? want to go? get there?

Fig. 1.1 Strategic and tactical marketing planning. (Modified from McDonald and Morris 1987)

explicitly states an organisation’s strengths (S), weaknesses (W), opportunities (O),

and threats (T). As such, the SWOT analysis outlines one side of the matching
process: what the supplier is particularly suitable to offer consumers.
The other side of the matching process – consumer needs and desires – is
typically investigated using market research. Despite the heavy reliance of market
research on survey methodology, a wide range of sources of information are
available to explore, and gain detailed insight, into what consumers need or desire,
including qualitative research involving focus groups and interviews, observational
and experimental research.
Once organisational strengths have been established, potential interference by
external factors has been assessed, and consumer needs and desires have been
thoroughly investigated, two key decisions have to be made as part of the strategic
marketing planning process: which consumers to focus on (segmentation and
targeting), and which image of the organisation to create in the market (positioning).
These decisions are critical because they determine the long-term direction of the
organisation, and cannot easily be reversed.
Only when it has been decided which group of consumers (market segment) the
organisation is going to cater for, and how it will present itself to the public to
appear most attractive to this target segment, does work on the tactical marketing
plan begin. Tactical marketing planning usually covers a period of up to one year.
It is traditionally seen to cover four areas: the development and modification of
the product in view of needs and desires of the target segment (Product), the
determination of the price in view of cost, competition, and the willingness to pay
of the target segment (Price), the selection of the most suitable distribution channels
to reach the target segment (Place), and the communication and promotion of the
offer in a way that is most appealing to the target segment (Promotion).
The tactical marketing plan depends entirely on the strategic marketing plan,
but the strategic marketing plan does not depend on the tactical marketing plan.
This asymmetry is illustrated in Fig. 1.2 using the mountain expedition analogy.
Strategic marketing is responsible for identifying the most suitable mountain to
1.1 Strategic and Tactical Marketing 5

Good Bad Good

Quick Death Success

Slow Death Survival


Fig. 1.2 The asymmetry of strategic and tactical marketing. (Modified from McDonald and Morris

climb. Tactical marketing is responsible for the equipment: the quality of the
walking shoes, food, water, a raincoat. As long as the strategic marketing is good,
the expedition leads to the right peak. Whether tactical marketing is efficient or
not only determines how comfortable (top right hand quadrant in Fig. 1.2) or
uncomfortable (bottom right hand quadrant in Fig. 1.2) survival is. If, however, the
strategic marketing plan is bad, tactical marketing cannot help. It only affects if the
wrong mountain – and with it organisational failure – is reached quickly (top left
hand quadrant in Fig. 1.2) or slowly (bottom left hand quadrant in Fig. 1.2).
The combination of good strategic marketing and good tactical marketing leads
to the best possible outcome. Bad strategic marketing combined with bad tactical
marketing leads to failure, but this failure unfolds slowly. A faster pathway to failure
is to have excellent tactical marketing based on bad strategic marketing. This is
equivalent to running full speed up to the wrong mountain. Good strategic marketing
combined with bad tactical marketing ensures survival, albeit not in a particularly
happy place.
To conclude: the importance of strategic and tactical marketing for organisational
success is asymmetric. Good tactical marketing can never compensate for bad
strategic marketing. Strategic marketing is the foundation of organisational success.
6 1 Market Segmentation

1.2 Definitions of Market Segmentation

Market segmentation is a decision-making tool for the marketing manager in the

crucial task of selecting a target market for a given product and designing an appro-
priate marketing mix (Tynan and Drayton 1987, p. 301). Market segmentation is one
of the key building blocks of strategic marketing. Market segmentation is essential
for marketing success: the most successful firms drive their businesses based on
segmentation (Lilien and Rangaswamy 2003, p. 61). Market segmentation lies at
the heart of successful marketing (McDonald 2010), tools such as segmentation
[. . . ] have the largest impact on marketing decisions (Roberts et al. 2014, p. 127).
Smith (1956) was the first to propose the use of segmentation as a marketing
strategy. Smith defines market segmentation as viewing a heterogeneous market
(one characterised by divergent demand) as a number of smaller homogeneous
markets (p. 6). Conceptually, market segmentation sits between the two extreme
views that (a) all objects are unique and inviolable and (b) the population is
homogeneous (Saunders 1980, p. 422). One of the simplest and clearest definitions
is that used in a newsletter by Grey Advertising Inc. and cited in Haley (1985,
p. 8): market segmentation means cutting markets into slices. Ideally, consumers
belonging to the same market segments – or sets of buyers (Tynan and Drayton
1987) – are very similar to one another with respect to the consumer characteristics
deemed critical by management. At the same time, optimally, consumers belonging
to different market segments are very different from one another with respect to
those consumer characteristics. Consumer characteristics deemed critical to market
segmentation by management are referred to as segmentation criteria.
The segmentation criterion can be one single consumer characteristic, such as
age, gender, country of origin, or stage in the family life cycle. Alternatively, it can
contain a larger set of consumer characteristics, such as a number of benefits sought
when purchasing a product, a number of activities undertaken when on vacation,
values held with respect to the environment, or an expenditure pattern.
An ideal market segmentation situation – for the simplest case of two product
features – is illustrated in the left hand panel of Table 2.3 on page 19. The x-
axis shows the number of desired features of a mobile telephone, and the y-axis
shows the price consumers are willing to pay. Here, three market segments exist:
a small segment characterised by wanting many mobile telephone features, and
being willing to pay a lot of money for it; a large segment containing consumers
who desire the exact opposite (a simple, cheap mobile phone); and another large
segment in the middle containing members who want a mid-range phone at a mid-
range price. This example illustrates Smith’s definition of market segmentation
with each of the segments representing one homogeneous market within a larger
heterogeneous market.
The example also illustrates why market segmentation is critical to organisational
success. A mobile phone company attempting to offer one mobile phone to the
entire market is unlikely to satisfy the needs of each of those segments; and
unlikely to develop an image in the marketplace that is distinct and reflects an offer
1.3 The Benefits of Market Segmentation 7

desirable to consumers. Rather, tactical marketing efforts may be wasted because the
mobile phone company fails to cater for any of the homogeneous market segments.
Selecting one market segment, say the high-end, high-price segment, and offering
this segment the exact product it desires, is more likely to lead to both high short-
term sales (within this segment), and a long-term positioning as being the best
possible provider of high-end, high-price mobile telephones.
Such an approach is referred to as a concentrated market strategy (Croft 1994).
A concentrated strategy is attractive for organisations who are resource-poor, but
are facing fierce competition in the market. Concentrating entirely on satisfying
the needs of one market segment can secure the future for such an organisation.
It does, however, come at the price of the higher risk associated with depending
on one single market segment entirely. An alternative approach, if the capabilities
of the organisation permit it, is to pursue a differentiated market strategy, and
produce three telephones, one for each segment. In such a case, all aspects of the
marketing mix would have to be customised for each of the three target segments. A
differentiated strategy is suitable in mature markets (Croft 1994) where consumers
are capable of differentiating between alternative products. Product variations can
thus be customised to meet the needs of a number of market segments. When an
organisation decides not to use market segmentation, it is effectively choosing to
pursue an undifferentiated market strategy, where the same product is marketed
using the same marketing mix to the entire market. Examples of undifferentiated
marketing include petrol and white bread; they are not particularly targeted at any
group within the marketplace. Such an approach may be viable for resource-rich
organisations, or in cases where a new product is introduced (Croft 1994), and
consumers are not yet able to discriminate between alternative products.

1.3 The Benefits of Market Segmentation

Market segmentation has a number of benefits. At the most general level, market
segmentation forces organisations to take stock of where they stand, and where they
want to be in future. In so doing, it forces organisations to reflect on what they are
particularly good at compared to competitors, and make an effort to gain insights
into what consumers want. Market segmentation offers an opportunity to think and
rethink, and leads to critical new insights and perspectives.
When implemented well, market segmentation also leads to tangible benefits,
including a better understanding of differences between consumers, which improves
the match of organisational strengths and consumer needs (McDonald and Dunbar
1995). Such an improved match can, in turn, form the basis of a long-term
competitive advantage in the selected target segment(s). The extreme case of long-
term competitive advantage is that of market dominance, which results from being
best able to cater to the needs of a very specific niche segment (McDonald and
Dunbar 1995). Ideal niche segments match the organisational skill set in terms
of their needs, are large enough to be profitable, have solid potential for growth,
8 1 Market Segmentation

and are not interesting to competitors (Kotler 1994). Taking market segmentation
to the extreme would mean to actually be able to offer a customised product or
service to very small groups of consumers. This approach is referred to as micro
marketing or hyper-segmentation (Kara and Kaynak 1997). One step further leads
to what Kara and Kaynak (1997) refer to as finer segmentation where each consumer
represents their own market segment. Finer segmentation approaches are becoming
more viable with the rise of eCommerce and the use of sophisticated consumer
databases enabling providers of products and services to learn from a person’s
purchase history about what to offer them next.
A marketing mix developed to best reflect the needs of one or more segments
is also likely to yield a higher return on investment because less of the effort that
goes into the design of the marketing mix is wasted on consumers whose needs the
organisation could never satisfy anyway. For small organisations, it may be essential
for survival to focus on satisfying very distinct needs of a small group of consumers
because they simply lack the financial resources to serve a larger market or multiple
market segments (Haley 1985).
Market segmentation has also been shown to be effective in sales management
(Maier and Saunders 1990) because it allows direct sales efforts to be targeted at
groups of consumers rather than each consumer individually.
At an organisational level, market segmentation can contribute to team building
(McDonald and Dunbar 1995) because many of the tasks associated with conducting
a market segmentation analysis require representatives from different organisational
units to work as a team. If this is achieved successfully, it can also improve
communication and information sharing across organisational units.

1.4 The Costs of Market Segmentation

Implementing market segmentation requires a substantial investment by the organ-

isation. A large number of people have to dedicate a substantial amount of time
to conduct a thorough market segmentation analysis. If a segmentation strategy
is pursued, more human and financial resources are required to develop and
implement a customised marketing mix. Finally, the evaluation of the success of
the segmentation strategy, and the continuous monitoring of market dynamics (that
may point to the need for the segmentation strategy to be modified) imply an
ongoing commitment of resources. These resource commitments are made under
the assumption that the organisation will benefit from a return on this investment.
Yet, the upfront investment is substantial.
In the worst case, if market segmentation is not implemented well, the entire
exercise is a waste of resources. Instead of leading to competitive advantage, a
failed market segmentation strategy can lead to substantial expenses generating no
additional return at all, instead disenfranchising staff involved in the segmentation
References 9

It is for this very reason, that an organisation must make an informed decision
about whether or not to embark on the long journey of market segmentation analysis,
and the even longer journey of pursuing a market segmentation strategy.


Croft M (1994) Market segmentation. Routledge, London

Haley RI (1985) Developing effective communications strategy – a benefit segmentation approach.
Wiley, New York
Kara A, Kaynak E (1997) Markets of a single customer: exploiting conceptual developments in
market segmentation. Eur J Mark 31(11/12):873–895
Kotler P (1994) Marketing management, 8th edn. Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs
Lilien GL, Rangaswamy A (2003) Marketing engineering: computer-assisted marketing analysis
and planning, 2nd edn. Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River
Maier J, Saunders J (1990) The implementation process of segmentation in sales management. J
Pers Sell Sales Manag 10(1):39–48
McDonald M (2010) Existentialism – a school of thought based on a conception of the absurdity
of the universe. Int J Market Res 52(4):427–430
McDonald M, Dunbar I (1995) Market segmentation: a step-by-step approach to creating profitable
market segments. Macmillan, London
McDonald MHB, Morris P (1987) The marketing plan: a pictorial guide for managers. Butterworth
Heineman, London
McDonald M, Wilson H (2011) Marketing plans: how to prepare them, how to use them. Wiley,
Roberts J, Kayande U, Stremersch S (2014) From academic research to marketing practice:
exploring the marketing science value chain. Int J Res Mark 31:127–140
Saunders JA (1980) Cluster analysis for market segmentation. Eur J Mark 14(7):422–435
Smith W (1956) Product differentiation and market segmentation as alternative marketing strate-
gies. J Mark 21:3–8
Tynan AC, Drayton J (1987) Market segmentation. J Mark Manag 2(3):301–335

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Chapter 2
Market Segmentation Analysis

2.1 The Layers of Market Segmentation Analysis

Market segmentation analysis, at its core (see Fig. 2.1), is

the process of grouping consumers into naturally existing or artificially
created segments of consumers who share similar product preferences or
This process is typically a statistical one. Yet, it is exploratory in nature. Many
decisions made by the data analyst in the process of extracting market segments
from consumer data affect the final market segmentation solution. For market
segmentation analysis to be useful to an organisation, therefore, both a competent
data analyst, and a user who understands the broader mission of the organisation
(or that of their organisational unit when working in a team) need to be involved
when market segments are extracted from consumer data. Throughout this book,
we use the term user to mean the user of the segmentation analysis; the person or
department in the organisation that will use the results from the market segmentation
analysis to develop a marketing plan.
To ensure that the grouping of consumers is of the highest quality, a number of
additional tasks are required, as illustrated in the second layer in Fig. 2.1. All these
tasks are still primarily technical in nature. Collecting good data, for example, is
critically important. The statistical segment extraction process at the core of market
segmentation analysis cannot compensate for bad data. The grouping of consumers
can always only be as good as the data provided to the segment extraction method.
Upon completion of data collection, but before the actual segment extraction
takes place, the data needs to be explored to gain preliminary insight into the nature
of the market segmentation study that can be conducted using this data. Finally, after
consumers have been grouped into market segments, each of these segments needs
to be profiled and described in detail. Profiling and describing segments help users

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12 2 Market Segmentation Analysis

Conducting high quality market segmentation analysis:

Extracting market segments

Enabling high quality market segmentation analysis:

Collecting good data, exploring data, profiling segments, describing segments

Making it happen in practice:

Deciding to segment, defining the ideal segment, selecting (the) target segment(s),
developing a customised marketing mix, assessing effectiveness and monitoring
marketing changes

Fig. 2.1 The layers of market segmentation analysis

to understand each of the segments, and select which one(s) to target. When one or
more target segments have been chosen, profiling and describing segments inform
the development of the customised marketing mix.
If all the tasks in the first (core) and second layer of market segmentation
analysis have been implemented well, the result is a theoretically excellent market
segmentation solution. But a theoretically excellent market segmentation solution
is meaningless unless users can convert such a solution into strategic marketing
decisions and tactical marketing action. Therefore, for any market segmentation
analysis to be complete, a third layer is required. This third layer includes non-
technical tasks. These tasks represent organisational implementation issues, and do
not sequentially follow the first and the second layer. As illustrated in Fig. 2.1, the
third layer of implementation tasks wraps around technical tasks.
Before any technical tasks are undertaken, an organisation needs to assess
whether, in their particular case, implementing a market segmentation strategy
will lead to market opportunities otherwise unavailable to them. If the market
segmentation analysis points to such opportunities, the organisation must be willing
to commit to this long-term strategy. All of these decisions have to be made by
the users, and are entirely independent of the technical task of extracting market
segments from data.
User input is also critically important at the data collection stage to ensure that
relevant information about consumers will be captured. Again, this is not a decision
a data analyst can make.
Upon completion of the segment extraction task, users need to assess resulting
market segments or market segmentation solutions, and select one or more target
segments. Data analysts can provide facts about these segments, but cannot select
the most suitable ones. This selection is driven, in part, by the strengths and
opportunities of the organisation, and their alignment with the key needs of the
market segments. Finally, as soon as one or more target segments have been selected,
users need to develop a marketing plan for those market segments, and design a
customised marketing mix.
2.2 Approaches to Market Segmentation Analysis 13

2.2 Approaches to Market Segmentation Analysis

No one single approach is best when conducting market segmentation analysis.

Instead, approaches to market segmentation analysis can be systematised in a
number of different ways. We present two systematics here, one uses as its basis
the extent to which the organisation conducting the market segmentation study is
willing or able to make changes to their current approach of targeting the market
or a segment of the market and has been proposed by Dibb and Simkin (2008).
It is based on the premise that organisations are not in the position to choose any
of the available approaches to market segmentation analysis due to organisational
constraints. The second systematics is based on the nature of the segmentation
variable or variables used in the market segmentation analysis.

2.2.1 Based on Organisational Constraints

Dibb and Simkin (2008) distinguish three approaches to market segmentation:

the quantitative survey-based approach, the creation of segments from existing
consumer classifications, and the emergence of segments from qualitative research.
These three approaches differ in how radical the resulting change is for the
organisation. We refer to the approach requiring the most radical change in the
organisation as segment revolution. It is like jumping on a sandcastle and building
a new one. It starts from zero. A less radical approach is that of segment evolution,
which is like refining an existing sandcastle. As long as the sandcastle is robust,
and not too close to the water, this is a perfectly reasonable approach. The least
radical approach is not really even a segmentation approach, it is like walking down
the beach and seeing a huge pile of sand and thinking: this would make a fantastic
sandcastle. It is a random discovery, like a mutation, which – if noticed and acted
upon – also has the potential of allowing the organisation to harvest the benefits of
market segmentation.
Looking at each one of these approaches in more detail, the segment revolution
or quantitative survey-based segmentation approach tends to be seen as the proto-
typical market segmentation analysis. The key assumption underlying this approach
is that the organisation conducting market segmentation analysis is willing and able
to start from scratch; to forget entirely about how its marketing was conducted in
the past, and commence the segmentation process with a genuinely open mind. If
market segmentation analysis reveals a promising niche segment, or a promising set
of market segments to target with a differentiated market strategy, the organisation
must develop an entirely new marketing plan in view of those findings.
While this approach is indeed a textbook approach in terms of having the
highest probability of harvesting all the benefits market segmentation strategy has to
offer, it is often not viable in reality. Possible reasons include the unwillingness or
inability of an organisation to change sufficiently, or the use of established segments
14 2 Market Segmentation Analysis

performing reasonably well. In such cases, market segmentation analysis does

not have to be abandoned altogether. Other, less radical approaches are available,
including that of creating segments from currently targeted sectors and segments.
This approach – representing segment evolution rather than revolution – is one of
refining and sharpening segment focus. While informed by data and possibly also
market research, it is typically achieved by intra-organisational workshopping. Dibb
and Simkin (2008) offer a proforma to guide organisations through this process.
The third approach is that of exploratory research pointing to segments. Under
this approach, market segments are stumbled upon as part of an exploratory research
process possibly being undertaken for a very different purpose initially. In times of
big data, such segment mutation may well result from data mining of streams of
data, rather than from qualitative research. The same holds for segment evolution.
The continuous tracking of the nature of market segments in large streams of
data flowing in on a continuous basis can be used to check on an ongoing basis
whether market structure has changed in ways which make it necessary to adapt the
segmentation strategy to ensure organisational survival and prosperity.

2.2.2 Based on the Choice of (the) Segmentation Variable(s)

A more technical way of systematising segmentation approaches is to use as a basis

the nature of consumer characteristics used to extract market segments. Sometimes
one single piece of information about consumers (one segmentation variable) is
used. This statistical problem is unidimensional. One example is age. The resulting
segments are age groups, and older consumers could be selected as a target segment.
In other cases, multiple pieces of information (multiple segmentation variables)
about consumers are important. In this case, the statistical problem becomes
multidimensional. One example could be consumers’ expenditure patterns. An
expenditure pattern underlying a market segmentation analysis could be the total
dollars spent on ten different vacation activities, including entrance fees to theme
parks, dining out, shopping and so on. Imagine that a tourist destination known
for its man-made attractions is trying to identify a suitable target market. Using
tourists’ expenditure patterns could be useful in this context, helping the destination
focus on those tourists who have in the past spent a lot of money on entrance
fees for theme parks and zoos. It is reasonable to expect that this past expenditure
pattern is predictive of future expenditures. If these tourists can be attracted to the
destination, they are likely to make extensive use of the man-made attractions on
offer. A few examples of commonly used segmentation variables are provided in
Table 2.1.
When one single segmentation variable is used, the segmentation approach is
referred to as a priori (Mazanec 2000), convenience-group (Lilien and Rangaswamy
2003) or commonsense market segmentation (Dolnicar 2004). Morritt (2007)
describes this approach to market segmentation as one that is created without the
benefit of primary market research. Managerial intuition, analysis of secondary data
sources, analysis of internal consumer databases, and previously existing segments
2.2 Approaches to Market Segmentation Analysis 15

Table 2.1 Examples of commonly used segmentation variables

Variable Dimensions Sample survey question
Age Unidimensional How old are you?
Gender Unidimensional Are you female or male?
Country of origin Unidimensional Where do you live?
Prior purchase Unidimensional Have you booked a cruise trip before?
Benefits sought Multidimensional When booking flights online, do you care about
• convenience
• value for money
• speed
• ability to compare fares

Motives Multidimensional When choosing a vacation, do you want to

• rest and relax
• explore new things
• meet new people
• learn about other cultures
• get away from everyday routine

are used to group consumers into different segments (p. 9). The term a priori
segmentation indicates that the decision about what characterises each segment is
made in advance, before any data analysis is conducted. The term commonsense
segmentation implies that users apply their common sense to choose their target
segment. The term convenience-group segmentation indicates that the market
segments are chosen for the convenience of serving them. When commonsense
segmentation is conducted, the provider of the product usually has a reasonably
good idea of the nature of the appropriate segment or segments to target. The aim of
the segmentation analysis therefore is not to identify the key defining characteristic
of the segment, but to gain deeper insight into the nature of the segments.
An example of commonsense segmentation is brand segmentation. Hammond
et al. (1996) show in their study that consumers who purchase specific brands
do not have distinct profiles with respect to descriptor variables. Of course, this
does not hold for all commonsense segmentations. On the contrary: if a powerful
segmentation variable is identified, which is reflective of some aspect of purchase
behaviour, commonsense segmentation represents a very efficient approach because
it is simpler and fewer mistakes can occur in the process of a commonsense market
segmentation analysis. Lilien and Rangaswamy (2003) view this kind of market
segmentation approach as reactive.
The proactive approach, which exploits multiple segmentation variables, is
referred to as a posteriori (Mazanec 2000), cluster based (Wind 1978; Green
1977) or post hoc segmentation (Myers and Tauber 1977). These terms indicate
that the nature of the resulting market segments is not known until after the
data analysis has been conducted. An alternative term used is that of data-driven
segmentation (Dolnicar 2004). This term implies that the segmentation solution is
16 2 Market Segmentation Analysis

determined through data analysis, that data analysis creates the solution. Morritt
(2007) identifies the key characteristic of this approach as being based on primary
(original) research into the preferences and purchase behaviour of your target market
(p. 9).
When data-driven segmentation is conducted, the organisation has certain
assumptions about the consumer characteristics that are critical to identifying a
suitable market segment to target, but does not know the exact profiles of suitable
target segments. The aim of data-driven segmentation, therefore, is twofold: first,
to explore different market segments that can be extracted using the segmentation
variables chosen, and, second, to develop a detailed profile and description of the
segment(s) selected for targeting.
Commonsense and data-driven segmentation are two extremes, the two pure
forms of segmentation approaches based on the nature of the segmentation criterion.
In reality, market segmentation studies rarely fall into one of those clear-cut
categories. Rather, various combinations of those approaches are used either
sequentially or simultaneously, as can be seen in Table 2.2.
Commonsense/commonsense segmentation results from splitting consumers up
into groups using one segmentation variable first. Then, one of the resulting
segments is selected and split up further using a second segmentation variable. At
the other extreme, data-driven/data-driven segmentation is the result of combining
two sets of segmentation variables. Table 2.2 provides a few examples.
Morritt (2007) recommends the use of such combinations of segmentation
variables in market segmentation analysis, which he refers to as two-stage, or multi-
stage segmentation. An example of such a multi-stage segmentation is provided by
Boksberger and Laesser (2009) who use a set of travel motives as the segmentation
variables for data-driven segmentation after having pre-selected senior travellers
using a commonsense segmentation approach.

2.3 Data Structure and Data-Driven Market Segmentation


When conducting data-driven market segmentation, data analysts and users of

market segmentation solutions often assume that market segments naturally exist
in the data. Such naturally occurring segments, it is assumed, need to merely be
revealed and described. In real consumer data, naturally existing, distinct and well-
separated market segments rarely exist.
This leads to the question: should market segments be extracted if they do not
naturally exist in the data? Dubes and Jain (1979, p. 242) answer this question in the
context of cluster validation: it is certainly foolish to impose a clustering structure
on data known to be random. Their view was largely shared by the pioneers of
market segmentation (Frank et al. 1972; Myers and Tauber 1977) who worked
on the assumption that taxonomic procedures describe natural groups present in
2.3 Data Structure and Data-Driven Market Segmentation Approaches 17

Table 2.2 Combinations of segmentation approaches based on the nature of segmentation

variables used. (Modified from Dolnicar 2004)
Commonsense/ Commonsense/ Data-driven/ Data-driven/
commonsense data-driven commonsense data-driven
segmentation segmentation segmentation segmentation
Primary Commonsense Commonsense Data-driven Data-driven
segmentation (e.g. age, country (e.g. age, country
(e.g. (e.g. travel motives,
variable(s) of origin) of origin) expenditures, expenditures)
Secondary Commonsense Data-driven (e.g. Commonsense Data-driven
segmentation (e.g. gender, travel motives, (e.g. gender, (e.g. vacation
variable(s) seeking vacation family status) activities,
adventure or not) activities) information sources
Example 1 Young female Mature aged Tourists who Tourists who want to
tourists tourists who play engage in a large learn about culture
golf, enjoy number of and local people,
wine-tastings activities that and who attend local
and fine dining attract an cultural events and
entrance fee, food festivals
such as visiting
theme parks and
zoos, and who
travel with their
Example 2 Adventure Older tourists Tourists who surf Tourists who have
travellers from who take a and enjoy the high expenditures in
Australia holiday to relax, night life of the a wide range of
have a change of destination, and expenditure
usual who are male categories at the
surroundings, destination, and use
and enjoy health airline loyalty
/ beauty program mail outs
treatments as their key travel
information source

empirical data. Myers and Tauber (1977, p. 71) explicitly state that the aim of market
segmentation is to search for ‘natural groupings’ of objects and define market
segments as clearly defined natural groupings of people.
More recently, however, acceptance of the fact that empirical data sets typically
used for the purpose of market segmentation do not display much cluster structure,
has led to a modified view: Mazanec (1997) and Wedel and Kamakura (2000) argue
that market segmentation is in fact the process of creating artificial segments that can
help users develop more effective marketing strategies. The value of this position
has been acknowledged in the early works on market segmentation, despite the fact
that the authors of those early studies still aimed at identifying natural segments.
Myers and Tauber (1977, p. 74), for example, show an empirical data set which
18 2 Market Segmentation Analysis

does not contain natural market segments and ask: Does this mean that there are no
actionable segments? Myers and Tauber (1977) then proceed by answering that this
is not necessarily the case. Rather, as long as market segments can be created from
the empirical data in a way that makes members of the segment similar, while at
the same time being distinctly different from other consumers, they may well be of
value to an organisation.
Dolnicar and Leisch (2010) distinguish three possible conceptual approaches to
data-driven market segmentation: natural, reproducible or constructive segmentation
(Table 2.3).
The term natural segmentation reflects the traditional view that distinct market
segments exist in the data, and that the aim of market segmentation analysis is to
find them. This traditional view is reflected well in the statement that the initial
premise in segmenting a market is that segments actually do exist (Beane and Ennis
1987, p. 20).
The term reproducible segmentation refers to the case where natural market
segments do not exist in the data. But the data are not entirely unstructured either.
Rather, the data contain some structure – other than cluster structure – making
it possible to generate the same segmentation solution repeatedly. The ability to
repeatedly reveal the same or very similar market segments, makes results of
data-driven segmentation studies less random and more reliable. Reliable results
represent a stronger basis for long-term strategic segmentation decisions.
Finally, the term constructive segmentation refers to the case where neither
cluster structure nor any other data structure exists, which would enable the data
analyst to reproduce similar segmentation solutions repeatedly across replications.
At first the question arises: should such data be segmented at all? Are segments
resulting from such data sets managerially useful? After all they are merely random
creations of the data analyst. The answer is: yes. It does make sense to conduct
constructive market segmentation because, even if consumer preferences are spread
evenly across all possible combinations of attributes, it is still more promising to
target subgroups of these consumers (for example, those who like to have many
functions on the mobile phone despite a higher price) than to attempt to satisfy the
entire range of consumer needs.
The problem is: at the beginning of a market segmentation analysis it is not
known whether the empirical data permits natural segmentation, or whether it
requires constructive segmentation. Ernst and Dolnicar (2018) provide a rough
estimate of the frequency of occurrence of each one of those concepts by classifying
32 empirical tourism survey data sets. These data sets varied greatly in sample size,
response formats offered to survey participants, and the nature of the constructs.
Results suggest that natural segmentation is extremely rare. Only two data sets (6%
of the data sets investigated) contained natural market segments. This finding has
major implications: it points to the fact that it is absolutely essential to conduct data
structure analysis (see Sect. 7.5) before extracting segments. Results also suggest
Table 2.3 Data-driven market segmentation approaches based on data structure. (Modified from Dolnicar and Leisch 2010)
Natural segmentation Reproducible segmentation Constructive segmentation
Cluster structure in the data Structure in the data, but not cluster structure No structure in the data
Market segments are revealed Market segments are created Market segments are created
Repeated calculations lead to very similar results Repeated calculations lead to similar results Repeated calculations lead to different results
(very stable across repeated calculations) (reasonably stable across repeated calculations) (unstable across repeated calculations)
Example data: Example data: Example data:







2.3 Data Structure and Data-Driven Market Segmentation Approaches

0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10
features / performance / quality features / performance / quality features / performance / quality
20 2 Market Segmentation Analysis

that the worst case scenario – the entire lack of data structure – occurs in only
22% of cases. Nearly three quarters of data sets analysed contain some structure
– other than cluster structure – which can be exploited to extract market segments
re-occurring across repeated calculations.
The proposed conceptualisation, as well as previous empirical estimates of the
frequency of occurrence of each of those concepts, indicate that conducting data
structure analysis in advance of the actual data-driven market segmentation analysis
is a good idea. This is comparable to driving a car in a new city following a
navigation system or looking at the map first, to get a feeling for the lay of the land,
then planning the route and driving. Data structure analysis achieves a similar aim:
it provides an overall picture of the data, which helps to avoid bad methodological
decisions and misinterpretations when segmenting the data. A simple way of
getting a feeling for the structure of the data, is to repeatedly segment it with
different numbers of segments and different algorithms. An automated approach
– using stability of repeated segmentation solutions as a criterion – is proposed by
Dolnicar and Leisch (2010) and will be discussed in detail in Sect. 7.5. Whichever
approach the data analyst chooses, it will provide insight as to the concept of market
segmentation study that can be implemented. In the case of natural clustering, the
data analyst needs little input from users because the solution is obvious. At the
other extreme, when data are entirely unstructured, the data analyst must work
hand in hand with users of the market segmentation solution to construct the most
strategically useful market segments.

2.4 Market Segmentation Analysis Step-by-Step

We recommend a ten-step approach to market segmentation analysis. Figure 2.2

illustrates the ten steps. The basic structure is the same for both commonsense and
data-driven market segmentation: an organisation needs to weigh up the advantages
and disadvantages of pursuing a segmentation strategy, and decide whether or not
to go ahead (Step 1). Next, the organisation needs to specify characteristics of
their ideal market segment (Step 2). Only after this preliminary and predominantly
conceptual work is finalised, is empirical data collected or compiled from existing
sources (Step 3). These data need to be explored (Step 4) before market segments
are extracted (Step 5). The resulting market segments are profiled (Step 6), and
described (Step 7) in detail. Step 8 is the point of no return where the organisation
carefully selects one or a small number of market segments to target. Based on this
choice, a customised marketing mix is developed (Step 9). Upon completion of the
market segmentation analysis, the success of implementing a market segmentation
strategy needs to be evaluated, and segments need to be continuously monitored
(Step 10) for possible changes in size or in characteristics. Such changes may require
modifications to the market segmentation strategy.
2.4 Market Segmentation Analysis Step-by-Step 21

Commonsense segmentation Data-driven segmentation

STEP 1 - Deciding (not) to segment

Is the market suitable? Is the market suitable?
Can you make a long-term commitment? Can you make a long-term commitment?

STEP 2 - Specifying the ideal target segment

What would your ideal target segment look like? What would your ideal target segment look like?

STEP 3 - Collecting data

Collect data Collect data
(segmentation variable and descriptor variables) (segmentation and descriptor variables)

STEP 4 - Exploring data

Explore data, pre-process if required. Explore data, pre-process if required.

STEP 5 - Extracting segments

Split consumers into segments Use distance-based, model-based
using the segmentation variable. or hybrid algorithms.

STEP 6 - Profiling segments

-- Determine key features
of the extracted market segments.

STEP 7 - Describing segments

Describe segments in detail. Describe segments in detail.

STEP 8 - Selecting (the) target segment(s)

Evaluate segments and select target segment(s). Evaluate segments and select target segment(s).

STEP 9 - Customising the marketing mix

Develop a customised marketing mix. Develop a customised marketing mix.

STEP 10 - Evaluation and monitoring

Evaluate success, monitor changes. Evaluate success, monitor changes.

Fig. 2.2 Ten steps of market segmentation analysis

Although the ten steps of market segmentation analysis are the same for
commonsense and data-driven segmentation, different tasks need to be completed
for each one of those approaches. Typically, data-driven segmentation requires
additional decisions to be made. The following chapters discuss each of these steps
in detail, and provide tools that can be used to implement each step in practice.
22 2 Market Segmentation Analysis


Beane TP, Ennis DM (1987) Market segmentation: a review. Eur J Mark 21(5):20–42
Boksberger PE, Laesser C (2009) Segmentation of the senior travel market by the means of travel
motivations. J Vacat Mark 15(4):311–322
Dibb S, Simkin L (2008) Market segmentation success: making it happen! Routledge, New York
Dolnicar S (2004) Beyond commonsense segmentation: a systematics of segmentation approaches
in tourism. J Travel Res 42(3):244–250
Dolnicar S, Leisch F (2010) Evaluation of structure and reproducibility of cluster solutions using
the bootstrap. Mark Lett 21:83–101
Dubes R, Jain AK (1979) Validity studies in clustering methodologies. Pattern Recogn 11(4):
Ernst D, Dolnicar S (2018) How to avoid random market segmentation solutions. J Travel Res.
57(1): 69–82
Frank RE, Massy WF, Wind Y (1972) Market segmentation. Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs
Green PE (1977) A new approach to market segmentation. Bus Horiz 20(1):61–73
Hammond K, Ehrenberg ASC, Goodhardt GJ (1996) Market segmentation for competitive brands.
Eur J Mark 30(12):39–49
Lilien GL, Rangaswamy A (2003) Marketing engineering: computer-assisted marketing analysis
and planning, 2nd edn. Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River
Mazanec J (1997) International city tourism: analysis and strategy. Pinter/Cassell, London
Mazanec JA (2000) Market segmentation. In: Jafari J (ed) Encyclopedia of tourism. Routledge,
Morritt R (2007) Segmentation strategies for hospitality managers: target marketing for competi-
tive advantage. The Haworth Press, New York
Myers JH, Tauber E (1977) Market structure analysis. American Marketing Association, Chicago
Wedel M, Kamakura W (2000) Market segmentation – conceptual and methodological founda-
tions. Kluwer Academic, Boston
Wind Y (1978) Issues and advances in segmentation research. J Mark Res 15(3):317–337

Open Access This chapter is licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits use, sharing,
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the copyright holder.
Part II
Ten Steps of Market Segmentation Analysis
Chapter 3
Step 1: Deciding (not) to Segment

3.1 Implications of Committing to Market Segmentation

Although market segmentation has developed to be a key marketing strategy

applied in many organisations, it is not always the best decision to pursue such a
strategy. Before investing time and resources in a market segmentation analysis,
it is important to understand the implications of pursuing a market segmentation
The key implication is that the organisation needs to commit to the segmentation
strategy on the long term. Market segmentation is a marriage, not a date. The
commitment to market segmentation goes hand in hand with the willingness and
ability of the organisation to make substantial changes (McDonald and Dunbar
1995) and investments. As Cahill (2006) puts it: Segmenting a market is not
free. There are costs of performing the research, fielding surveys, and focus
groups, designing multiple packages, and designing multiple advertisements and
communication messages (p. 158). Cahill recommends not to segment unless the
expected increase in sales is sufficient to justify implementing a segmentation
strategy, stating (p. 77) that One of the truisms of segmentation strategy is that using
the scheme has to be more profitable than marketing without it, net of the expense
of developing and using the scheme itself.
Potentially required changes include the development of new products, the
modification of existing products, changes in pricing and distribution channels
used to sell the product, as well as all communications with the market. These
changes, in turn, are likely to influence the internal structure of the organisation,
which may need to be adjusted in view of, for example, targeting a handful of
different market segments. Croft (1994) recommends that – to maximise the benefits
of market segmentation – organisations need to organise around (p. 66) market

© The Author(s) 2018 25

S. Dolnicar et al., Market Segmentation Analysis, Management for Professionals,
26 3 Step 1: Deciding (not) to Segment

segments, rather than organising around products. Strategic business units in charge
of segments offer a suitable organisational structure to ensure ongoing focus on the
(changing) needs of market segments.
Because of the major implications of such a long-term organisational commit-
ment, the decision to investigate the potential of a market segmentation strategy
must be made at the highest executive level, and must be systematically and
continuously communicated and reinforced at all organisational levels and across
all organisational units.

3.2 Implementation Barriers

A number of books on market segmentation focus specifically on how market

segmentation can be successfully implemented in organisations. These books
(among them, Dibb and Simkin 2008; Croft 1994 and McDonald and Dunbar 1995)
highlight barriers that can impede the successful roll-out of a market segmentation
The first group of barriers relates to senior management. Lack of leadership,
pro-active championing, commitment and involvement in the market segmentation
process by senior leadership undermines the success of market segmentation. As
McDonald and Dunbar (1995, p. 158) state: There can be no doubt that unless the
chief executive sees the need for a segmentation review, understands the process
and shows an active interest in it, it is virtually impossible for a senior marketing
executive to implement the conclusions in a meaningful way.
Senior management can also prevent market segmentation to be successfully
implemented by not making enough resources available, either for the initial market
segmentation analysis itself, or for the long-term implementation of a market
segmentation strategy.
A second group of barriers relates to organisational culture. Lack of market
or consumer orientation, resistance to change and new ideas, lack of creative
thinking, bad communication and lack of sharing of information and insights across
organisational units, short-term thinking, unwillingness to make changes and office
politics have been identified as preventing the successful implementation of market
segmentation (Dibb and Simkin 2008). Croft (1994) developed a short questionnaire
to assess the extent to which a lack of market orientation in the organisational culture
may represent a barrier to the successful implementation of market segmentation.
Another potential problem is lack of training. If senior management and the
team tasked with segmentation do not understand the very foundations of market
segmentation, or if they are unaware of the consequences of pursuing such a strategy,
the attempt of introducing market segmentation is likely to fail.
3.3 Step 1 Checklist 27

Closely linked to these barriers is the lack of a formal marketing function or

at least a qualified marketing expert in the organisation. The higher the market
diversity and the larger the organisations, the more important is a high degree of
formalisation (McDonald and Dunbar 1995, p. 158). The lack of a qualified data
manager and analyst in the organisation can also represent major stumbling blocks
(Dibb and Simkin 2008).
Another obstacle may be objective restrictions faced by the organisation, includ-
ing lack of financial resources, or the inability to make the structural changes
required. As Beane and Ennis (1987) put it (p. 20): A company with limited
resources needs to pick only the best opportunities to pursue. Process-related
barriers include not having clarified the objectives of the market segmentation
exercise, lack of planning or bad planning, a lack of structured processes to guide
the team through all steps of the market segmentation process, a lack of allocation
of responsibilities, and time pressure that stands in the way of trying to find the best
possible segmentation outcome (Dibb and Simkin 2008; McDonald and Dunbar
At a more operational level, Doyle and Saunders (1985) note that management
science has had a disappointing level of acceptance in industry because management
will not use techniques it does not understand (p. 26). One way of counteracting
this challenge is to make market segmentation analysis easy to understand, and
to present results in a way that facilitates interpretation by managers. This can be
achieved by using graphical visualisations (see Steps 6 and 7).
Most of these barriers can be identified from the outset of a market segmentation
study, and then proactively removed. If barriers cannot be removed, the option
of abandoning the attempt of exploring market segmentation as a potential future
strategy should be seriously considered.
If going ahead with the market segmentation analysis, McDonald and Dunbar
(1995, p. 164) recommend: Above all, a resolute sense of purpose and dedication
is required, tempered by patience and a willingness to appreciate the inevitable
problems which will be encountered in implementing the conclusions.

3.3 Step 1 Checklist

This first checklist includes not only tasks, but also a series of questions which,
if not answered in the affirmative, serve as knock-out criteria. For example: if an
organisation is not market-oriented, even the finest of market segmentation analyses
cannot be successfully implemented.
28 3 Step 1: Deciding (not) to Segment

Who is
Task responsible? Completed?

Ask if the organisation’s culture is market-oriented. If yes, proceed. If

no, seriously consider not to proceed.

Ask if the organisation is genuinely willing to change. If yes, proceed.

If no, seriously consider not to proceed.

Ask if the organisation takes a long-term perspective. If yes, proceed.

If no, seriously consider not to proceed.

Ask if the organisation is open to new ideas. If yes, proceed. If no,

seriously consider not to proceed.

Ask if communication across organisational units is good. If yes,

proceed. If no, seriously consider not to proceed.

Ask if the organisation is in the position to make significant

(structural) changes. If yes, proceed. If no, seriously consider not to

Ask if the organisation has sufficient financial resources to support a

market segmentation strategy. If yes, proceed. If no, seriously
consider not to proceed.

Secure visible commitment to market segmentation from senior


Secure active involvement of senior management in the market

segmentation analysis.

Secure required financial commitment from senior management.

Ensure that the market segmentation concept is fully understood. If it

is not: conduct training until the market segmentation concept is fully

Ensure that the implications of pursuing a market segmentation

strategy are fully understood. If they are not: conduct training until the
implications of pursuing a market segmentation strategy are fully

Put together a team of 2-3 people (segmentation team) to conduct

the market segmentation analysis.
References 29

Who is
Task responsible? Completed?

Ensure that a marketing expert is on the team.

Ensure that a data expert is on the team.

Ensure that a data analysis expert is on the team.

Set up an advisory committee representing all affected organisational


Ensure that the objectives of the market segmentation analysis are


Develop a structured process to follow during market segmentation


Assign responsibilities to segmentation team members using the

structured process.

Ensure that there is enough time to conduct the market segmentation

analysis without time pressure.


Beane TP, Ennis DM (1987) Market segmentation: a review. Eur J Mark 21(5):20–42
Cahill DJ (2006) Lifestyle market segmentation. Haworth Press, New York
Croft M (1994) Market segmentation. Routledge, London
Dibb S, Simkin L (2008) Market segmentation success: making it happen! Routledge, New York
Doyle P, Saunders J (1985) Market segmentation and positioning in specialized industrial markets.
J Mark 49(2):24–32
McDonald M, Dunbar I (1995) Market segmentation: a step-by-step approach to creating profitable
market segments. Macmillan, London

Open Access This chapter is licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits use, sharing,
adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as you give appropriate
credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license and
indicate if changes were made.
The images or other third party material in this chapter are included in the chapter’s Creative
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included in the chapter’s Creative Commons license and your intended use is not permitted by
statutory regulation or exceeds the permitted use, you will need to obtain permission directly from
the copyright holder.
Chapter 4
Step 2: Specifying the Ideal Target

4.1 Segment Evaluation Criteria

The third layer of market segmentation analysis (illustrated in Fig. 2.1) depends
primarily on user input. It is important to understand that – for a market segmenta-
tion analysis to produce results that are useful to an organisation – user input cannot
be limited to either a briefing at the start of the process, or the development of a
marketing mix at the end. Rather, the user needs to be involved in most stages,
literally wrapping around the technical aspects of market segmentation analysis.
After having committed to investigating the value of a segmentation strategy in
Step 1, the organisation has to make a major contribution to market segmentation
analysis in Step 2. While this contribution is conceptual in nature, it guides many of
the following steps, most critically Step 3 (data collection) and Step 8 (selecting
one or more target segments). In Step 2 the organisation must determine two
sets of segment evaluation criteria. One set of evaluation criteria can be referred
to as knock-out criteria. These criteria are the essential, non-negotiable features
of segments that the organisation would consider targeting. The second set of
evaluation criteria can be referred to as attractiveness criteria. These criteria are
used to evaluate the relative attractiveness of the remaining market segments – those
in compliance with the knock-out criteria.
The literature does not generally distinguish between these two kinds of criteria.
Instead, the literature proposes a wide array of possible segment evaluation criteria
and describes them at different levels of detail. Table 4.1 contains a selection of
proposed criteria.

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S. Dolnicar et al., Market Segmentation Analysis, Management for Professionals,
32 4 Step 2: Specifying the Ideal Target Segment

Table 4.1 Criteria proposed in the literature for the evaluation of market segments in chronologi-
cal order. (Modified from Karlsson 2015)
Source Evaluation criteria
Day (1984) Measurable, Substantial, Accessible, Sufficiently different, At suitable
life-cycle stage
Croft (1994) Large enough, Growing, Competitively advantageous, Profitable, Likely
technological changes, Sensitivity to price, Barriers to entry, Buyer or
supplier bargaining power, Socio-political considerations, Cyclicality and
seasonality, Life-cycle position
Myers (1996) Large enough, Distinguishable, Accessible, Compatible with company
Wedel and Identifiable, Substantial, Accessible, Responsive, Stable, Actionable
Kamakura (2000)
Perreault Jr and Substantial, Operational, Heterogeneous between, Homogeneous within
McCarthy (2002)
Lilien and Large enough (market potential, current market penetration), Growing
Rangaswamy (2003) (past growth forecasts of technology change), Competitively
advantageous (barriers to entry, barriers to exit, position of competitors),
Segment saturation (gaps in marketing), Protectable (patentable products,
barriers to entry), Environmentally risky (economic, political, and
technological change), Fit (coherence with company’s strengths and
image), Relationships with other segments (synergy, cost interactions,
image transfers, cannibalisation), Profitable (entry costs, margin levels,
return on investment)
McDonald and Segment factors (size, growth rate per year, sensitivity to price, service
Dunbar (2004) features and external factors, cyclicality, seasonality, bargaining power of
upstream suppliers), Competition (types of competition, degree of
concentration, changes in type and mix, entries and exits, changes in
share, substitution by new technology, degrees and type of integration),
Financial and economic factors (contribution margins, capacity
utilisation, leveraging factors, such as experience and economies of scale,
barriers to entry, or exit), Technological factors (maturity and volatility,
complexity, differentiation, patents and copyrights, manufacturing
processes), Socio-political factors (social attitudes and trends, laws and
government agency regulations, influence with pressure groups and
government representatives, human factors, such as unionisation and
community acceptance)
Dibb and Simkin Homogeneous, Large enough, Profitable, Stable, Accessible, Compatible,
(2008) Actionable
Sternthal and Tybout Influence of company’s current position in the market on growth
(2001) opportunities, Competitor’s ability and motivation to retaliate,
Competence and resources, Segments that will prefer the value that can be
created by the firm over current market offerings, Consumer motivation
and goals indicating gaps in marketplace offerings when launching a new
West et al. (2010) Large enough, Sufficient purchasing power, Characteristics of the
segment, Reachable, Able to serve segment effectively, Distinct,
Targetable with marketing programs
Solomon et al. Differentiable, Measurable, Substantial, Accessible, Actionable
4.2 Knock-Out Criteria 33

Table 4.1 (continued)

Winer and Dhar Parsimonious, Large enough, Growing, Competitively advantageous
Jain (2012) Measurable, Accessible, Substantial, Develops maximum differential in
competitive strategy, Preserves competitive advantage, Valid even though
Kotler and Keller Measurable, Substantial, Accessible, Differentiable, Actionable, Segment
(2012) rivalry (competition), Potential entrants, Substitutes, Power of buyers,
Power of suppliers, Compatible with company
Pride et al. (2012) Sales estimates (potential sales for product item, product line,
geographical area in the short, medium or long term), Competitive
assessment, Cost estimates, Long-term profit opportunities, Financial
resources, Managerial skills, Employee expertise, Facilities to compete
effectively, Fit with corporate objectives, Legal issues, Conflicts with
stakeholders, Technological advances
Sharp (2013) Measurable, Targetable, Large enough, Profitable

In Sects. 4.2 and 4.3, these criteria are discussed under two separate headings
to reflect the difference in nature. The shorter set of knock-out criteria is essential.
It is not up to the segmentation team to negotiate the extent to which they matter
in target segment selection. The second, much longer and much more diverse
set of attractiveness criteria represents a shopping list for the segmentation team.
Members of the segmentation team need to select which of these criteria they want
to use to determine how attractive potential target segments are. The segmentation
team also needs to assess the relative importance of each attractiveness criterion
to the organisation. Where knock-out criteria automatically eliminate some of the
available market segments, attractiveness criteria are first negotiated by the team,
and then applied to determine the overall relative attractiveness of each market
segment in Step 8.

4.2 Knock-Out Criteria

Knock-out criteria are used to determine if market segments resulting from the
market segmentation analysis qualify to be assessed using segment attractiveness
criteria. The first set of such criteria was suggested by Kotler (1994) and includes
substantiality, measurability and accessibility (Tynan and Drayton 1987). Kotler
himself and a number of other authors have since recommended additional criteria
that fall into the knock-out criterion category (Wedel and Kamakura 2000; Lilien
and Rangaswamy 2003; McDonald and Dunbar 2012):
• The segment must be homogeneous; members of the segment must be similar to
one another.
• The segment must be distinct; members of the segment must be distinctly
different from members of other segments.
34 4 Step 2: Specifying the Ideal Target Segment

• The segment must be large enough; the segment must contain enough consumers
to make it worthwhile to spend extra money on customising the marketing mix
for them.
• The segment must be matching the strengths of the organisation; the organisation
must have the capability to satisfy segment members’ needs.
• Members of the segment must be identifiable; it must be possible to spot them
in the marketplace.
• The segment must be reachable; there has to be a way to get in touch with
members of the segment in order to make the customised marketing mix
accessible to them.
Knock-out criteria must be understood by senior management, the segmentation
team, and the advisory committee. Most of them do not require further specification,
but some do. For example, while size is non-negotiable, the exact minimum viable
target segment size needs to be specified.

4.3 Attractiveness Criteria

In addition to the knock-out criteria, Table 4.1 also lists a wide range of segment
attractiveness criteria available to the segmentation team to consider when deciding
which attractiveness criteria are most useful to their specific situation.
Attractiveness criteria are not binary in nature. Segments are not assessed as
either complying or not complying with attractiveness criteria. Rather, each market
segment is rated; it can be more or less attractive with respect to a specific
criterion. The attractiveness across all criteria determines whether a market segment
is selected as a target segment in Step 8 of market segmentation analysis.

4.4 Implementing a Structured Process

There is general agreement in the segmentation literature, that following a structured

process when assessing market segments is beneficial (Lilien and Rangaswamy
2003; McDonald and Dunbar 2012).
The most popular structured approach for evaluating market segments in view of
selecting them as target markets is the use of a segment evaluation plot (Lilien and
Rangaswamy 2003; McDonald and Dunbar 2012) showing segment attractiveness
along one axis, and organisational competitiveness on the other axis (for an example
4.4 Implementing a Structured Process 35

see Fig. 10.1). The segment attractiveness and organisational competitiveness values
are determined by the segmentation team. This is necessary because there is no
standard set of criteria that could be used by all organisations.
Factors which constitute both segment attractiveness and organisational compet-
itiveness need to be negotiated and agreed upon. To achieve this, a large number of
possible criteria has to be investigated before agreement is reached on which criteria
are most important for the organisation. McDonald and Dunbar (2012) recommend
to use no more than six factors as the basis for calculating these criteria.
Optimally, this task should be completed by a team of people (McDonald and
Dunbar 1995; Karlsson 2015). If a core team of two to three people is primarily
in charge of market segmentation analysis, this team could propose an initial
solution and report their choices to the advisory committee – which consists of
representatives of all organisational units – for discussion and possible modification.
There are at least two good reasons to include in this process representatives
from a wide range of organisational units. First, each organisational unit has
a different perspective on the business of the organisation. As a consequence,
members of these units bring different positions to the deliberations. Secondly, if
the segmentation strategy is implemented, it will affect every single unit of the
organisation. Consequently, all units are key stakeholders of market segmentation
Back to the segment evaluation plot. Obviously the segment evaluation plot
cannot be completed in Step 2 of the market segmentation analysis because – at
this point – no segments are available to assess yet. But there is a huge benefit in
selecting the attractiveness criteria for market segments at this early stage in the
process: knowing precisely what it is about market segments that matters to the
organisation ensures that all of this information is captured when collecting data
(Step 3). It also makes the task of selecting a target segment in Step 8 much easier
because the groundwork is laid before the actual segments are on the table.
At the end of this step, the market segmentation team should have a list of
approximately six segment attractiveness criteria. Each of these criteria should have
a weight attached to it to indicate how important it is to the organisation compared
to the other criteria. The typical approach to weighting (Lilien and Rangaswamy
2003; McDonald and Dunbar 2012) is to ask all team members to distribute 100
points across the segmentation criteria. These allocations then have to be negotiated
until agreement is reached. Optimally, approval by the advisory committee should
be sought because the advisory committee contains representatives from multiple
organisational units bringing a range of different perspectives to the challenge of
specifying segment attractiveness criteria.
36 4 Step 2: Specifying the Ideal Target Segment

4.5 Step 2 Checklist

Who is
Task responsible? Completed?

Convene a segmentation team meeting.

Discuss and agree on the knock-out criteria of homogeneity,

distinctness, size, match, identifiability and reachability. These
knock-out criteria will lead to the automatic elimination of market
segments which do not comply (in Step 8 at the latest).

Present the knock-out criteria to the advisory committee for

discussion and (if required) adjustment.

Individually study available criteria for the assessment of market

segment attractiveness.

Discuss the criteria with the other segmentation team members and
agree on a subset of no more than six criteria.

Individually distribute 100 points across the segment attractiveness

criteria you have agreed upon with the segmentation team. Distribute
them in a way that reflects the relative importance of each
attractiveness criterion.

Discuss weightings with other segmentation team members and

agree on a weighting.

Present the selected segment attractiveness criteria and the

proposed weights assigned to each of them to the advisory
committee for discussion and (if required) adjustment.


Croft M (1994) Market segmentation. Routledge, London

Day GS (1984) Strategic market planning. West Publishing Company, Minnesota
Dibb S, Simkin L (2008) Market segmentation success: making it happen! Routledge, New York
Jain SC (2012) Marketing: planning and strategy. Cengage Learning Australia, South Melbourne
Karlsson L (2015) The impact of checklists on organizational target segment selection. Ph.D. the-
sis, School of Management, Operations and Marketing, University of Wollongong, Wollongong
Kotler P (1994) Marketing management, 8th edn. Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs
Kotler P, Keller KL (2012) Marketing management. Pearson Education, Paris
Lilien GL, Rangaswamy A (2003) Marketing engineering: computer-assisted marketing analysis
and planning, 2nd edn. Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River
McDonald M, Dunbar I (1995) Market segmentation: a step-by-step approach to creating profitable
market segments. Macmillan, London
References 37

McDonald M, Dunbar I (2004) Market segmentation: how to do it, how to profit from it. Elsevier
Butterworth-Heinemann, Oxford
McDonald M, Dunbar I (2012) Market segmentation: how to do it and how to profit from it, 4th
edn. Wiley, Chichester
Myers JH (1996) Segmentation and positioning for strategic marketing decisions. American
Marketing Association, Chicago
Perreault Jr WD, McCarthy JE (2002) Basic marketing: a global management approach. McGraw-
Hill Irwin, New York
Pride WM, Ferrell OC, Lukas BA, Schembri S, Niininen O (2012) Marketing principles. Cengage
Learning Australia, South Melbourne
Sharp B (2013) Marketing: theory, evidence, practice. Oxford University Press, Oxford
Solomon MR, Hughes A, Chitty B, Fripp G, Marshall GW, EW S (2011) Marketing 2: real people,
real choices. Pearson Education Australia, Frenchs Forest
Sternthal B, Tybout AM (2001) Segmentation and targeting. In: Iacobucci D (ed) Kellogg on
marketing. Wiley-Blackwell, Hoboken
Tynan AC, Drayton J (1987) Market segmentation. J Mark Manag 2(3):301–335
Wedel M, Kamakura W (2000) Market segmentation – conceptual and methodological founda-
tions. Kluwer Academic, Boston
West D, Ford J, Ibrahim E (2010) Strategic marketing: creating competitive advantage, 2nd edn.
Oxford University Press, Oxford
Winer R, Dhar R (2011) Marketing management. Pearson, London

Open Access This chapter is licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits use, sharing,
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Chapter 5
Step 3: Collecting Data

5.1 Segmentation Variables

Empirical data forms the basis of both commonsense and data-driven market
segmentation. Empirical data is used to identify or create market segments and –
later in the process – describe these segments in detail.
Throughout this book we use the term segmentation variable to refer to the
variable in the empirical data used in commonsense segmentation to split the sample
into market segments. In commonsense segmentation, the segmentation variable
is typically one single characteristic of the consumers in the sample. This case
is illustrated in Table 5.1. Each row in this table represents one consumer, each
variable represents one characteristic of that consumer. An entry of 1 in the data
set indicates that the consumer has that characteristic. An entry of 0 indicates that
the consumer does not have that characteristic. The commonsense segmentation
illustrated in Table 5.1 uses gender as the segmentation variable. Market segments
are created by simply splitting the sample using this segmentation variable into a
segment of women and a segment of men.
All the other personal characteristics available in the data – in this case: age, the
number of vacations taken, and information about five benefits people seek or do
not seek when they go on vacation – serve as so-called descriptor variables. They
are used to describe the segments in detail. Describing segments is critical to being
able to develop an effective marketing mix targeting the segment. Typical descriptor
variables include socio-demographics, but also information about media behaviour,
allowing marketers to reach their target segment with communication messages.
The difference between commonsense and data-driven market segmentation
is that data-driven market segmentation is based not on one, but on multiple
segmentation variables. These segmentation variables serve as the starting point
for identifying naturally existing, or artificially creating market segments useful to
the organisation. An illustration is provided in Table 5.2 using the same data as in
Table 5.1.

© The Author(s) 2018 39

S. Dolnicar et al., Market Segmentation Analysis, Management for Professionals,
40 5 Step 3: Collecting Data

Table 5.1 Gender as a possible segmentation variable in commonsense market segmentation

Sociodemographics Travel behaviour Benefits sought

gender age No of vacations relaxation action culture explore meet people

Female 34 2 1 0 1 0 1
Female 55 3 1 0 1 0 1
Female 68 1 0 1 1 0 0
Female 34 1 0 0 1 0 0
Female 22 0 1 0 1 1 1
Female 31 3 1 0 1 1 1

Male 87 2 1 0 1 0 1
Male 55 4 0 1 0 1 1
Male 43 0 0 1 0 1 0
Male 23 0 0 1 1 0 1
Male 19 3 0 1 1 0 1
Male 64 4 0 0 0 0 0

segmentation descriptor
variable variables

Table 5.2 Segmentation variables in data-driven market segmentation

Sociodemographics Travel behaviour Benefits sought

gender age No of vacations relaxation action culture explore meet people

Female 34 2 1 0 1 0 1
Female 55 3 1 0 1 0 1
Male 87 2 1 0 1 0 1

Female 68 1 0 1 1 0 0
Female 34 1 0 0 1 0 0

Female 22 0 1 0 1 1 1
Female 31 3 1 0 1 1 1

Male 55 4 0 1 0 1 1
Male 43 0 0 1 0 1 0

Male 23 0 0 1 1 0 1
Male 19 3 0 1 1 0 1

Male 64 4 0 0 0 0 0

descriptor segmentation
variables variables
5.2 Segmentation Criteria 41

In the data-driven case we may, for example, want to extract market segments of
tourists who do not necessarily have gender in common, but rather share a common
set of benefits they seek when going on vacation. Sorting the data from Table 5.1
using this set of segmentation variables reveals one segment (shown in the first
three rows) characterised by seeking relaxation, culture and meeting people, but
not interested in action and exploring. In this case, the benefits sought represent
the segmentation variables. The socio-demographic variables, gender, age, and the
number of vacations undertaken per annum serve as descriptor variables.
These two simple examples illustrate how critical the quality of empirical data
is for developing a valid segmentation solution. When commonsense segments
are extracted – even if the nature of the segments is known in advance – data
quality is critical to both (1) assigning each person in the sample to the correct
market segment, and (2) being able to correctly describe the segments. The correct
description, in turn, makes it possible to develop a customised product, determine
the most appropriate pricing strategy, select the best distribution channel, and the
most effective communication channel for advertising and promotion.
The same holds for data-driven market segmentation where data quality deter-
mines the quality of the extracted data-driven market segments, and the quality
of the descriptions of the resulting segments. Good market segmentation analysis
requires good empirical data.
Empirical data for segmentation studies can come from a range of sources:
from survey studies; from observations such as scanner data where purchases are
recorded and, frequently, are linked to an individual customer’s long-term purchase
history via loyalty programs; or from experimental studies. Optimally, data used
in segmentation studies should reflect consumer behaviour. Survey data – although
it arguably represents the most common source of data for market segmentation
studies – can be unreliable in reflecting behaviour, especially when the behaviour
of interest is socially desirable, such as donating money to a charity or behaving
in an environmentally friendly way (Karlsson and Dolnicar 2016). Surveys should
therefore not be seen as the default source of data for market segmentation studies.
Rather, a range of possible sources should be explored. The source that delivers data
most closely reflecting actual consumer behaviour is preferable.

5.2 Segmentation Criteria

Long before segments are extracted, and long before data for segment extraction is
collected, the organisation must make an important decision: it must choose which
segmentation criterion to use (Tynan and Drayton 1987). The term segmentation
criterion is used here in a broader sense than the term segmentation variable. The
term segmentation variable refers to one measured value, for example, one item in
a survey, or one observed expenditure category. The term segmentation criterion
relates to the nature of the information used for market segmentation. It can also
relate to one specific construct, such as benefits sought.
42 5 Step 3: Collecting Data

The decision which segmentation criterion to use cannot easily be outsourced

to either a consultant or a data analyst because it requires prior knowledge
about the market. The most common segmentation criteria are geographic, socio-
demographic, psychographic and behavioural.
Bock and Uncles (2002) argue that the following differences between consumers
are the most relevant in terms of market segmentation: profitability, bargaining
power, preferences for benefits or products, barriers to choice and consumer
interaction effects. With so many different segmentation criteria available, which
is the best to use? As Hoek et al. (1996) note, few guidelines as to the most
appropriate base to use in a given marketing context exist (p. 26). Generally, the
recommendation is to use the simplest possible approach. Cahill (2006) states
this very clearly in his book on lifestyle segmentation (p. 159): Do the least you
can. If demographic segmentation will work for your product or service, then use
demographic segmentation. If geographic segmentation will work because your
product will only appeal to people in a certain region, then use it. Just because
psychographic segmentation is sexier and more sophisticated than demographic or
geographic segmentation does not make it better. Better is what works for your
product or service at the least possible cost.

5.2.1 Geographic Segmentation

Geographic information is seen as the original segmentation criterion used for the
purpose of market segmentation (Lewis et al. 1995; Tynan and Drayton 1987).
Typically – when geographic segmentation is used – the consumer’s location of
residence serves as the only criterion to form market segments. While simple, the
geographic segmentation approach is often the most appropriate. For example: if the
national tourism organisation of Austria wants to attract tourists from neighbouring
countries, it needs to use a number of different languages: Italian, German,
Slovenian, Hungarian, Czech. Language differences across countries represent a
very pragmatic reason for treating tourists from different neighbouring countries
as different segments. Interesting examples are also provided by global companies
such as Amazon selling its Kindle online: one common web page is used for the
description of the base product, then customers are asked to indicate their country
of residence and country specific additional information is provided. IKEA offers
a similar product range worldwide, yet slight differences in offers, pricing as well
as the option to purchase online exist in dependence of the customer’s geographic
The key advantage of geographic segmentation is that each consumer can easily
be assigned to a geographic unit. As a consequence, it is easy to target communica-
tion messages, and select communication channels (such as local newspapers, local
radio and TV stations) to reach the selected geographic segments.
The key disadvantage is that living in the same country or area does not
necessarily mean that people share other characteristics relevant to marketers, such
5.2 Segmentation Criteria 43

as benefits they seek when purchasing a product. While, for example, people
residing in luxury suburbs may all be a good target market for luxury cars, location
is rarely the reason for differences in product preference. Even in the case of luxury
suburbs, it is more likely that socio-demographic criteria are the reason for both
similar choice of suburb to live in and similar car preferences. The typical case is
best illustrated using tourism: people from the same country of origin are likely to
have a wide range of different ideal holidays, depending on whether they are single
or travel as a family, whether they are into sports or culture.
Despite the potential shortcomings of using geographic information as the
segmentation variable, the location aspect has experienced a revival in international
market segmentation studies aiming to extract market segments across geographic
boundaries. Such an approach is challenging because the segmentation variable(s)
must be meaningful across all the included geographic regions, and because of the
known biases that can occur if surveys are completed by respondents from different
cultural backgrounds (Steenkamp and Ter Hofstede 2002). An example of such
an international market segmentation study is provided by Haverila (2013) who
extracted market segments of mobile phone users among young customers across
national borders.

5.2.2 Socio-Demographic Segmentation

Typical socio-demographic segmentation criteria include age, gender, income and

education. Socio-demographic segments can be very useful in some industries. For
example: luxury goods (associated with high income), cosmetics (associated with
gender; even in times where men are targeted, the female and male segments are
treated distinctly differently), baby products (associated with gender), retirement
villages (associated with age), tourism resort products (associated with having small
children or not).
As is the case with geographic segmentation, socio-demographic segmentation
criteria have the advantage that segment membership can easily be determined for
every consumer. In some instances, the socio-demographic criterion may also offer
an explanation for specific product preferences (having children, for example, is
the actual reason that families choose a family vacation village where previously,
as a couple, their vacation choice may have been entirely different). But in many
instances, the socio-demographic criterion is not the cause for product preferences,
thus not providing sufficient market insight for optimal segmentation decisions.
Haley (1985) estimates that demographics explain about 5% of the variance in
consumer behaviour. Yankelovich and Meer (2006) argue that socio-demographics
do not represent a strong basis for market segmentation, suggesting that values,
tastes and preferences are more useful because they are more influential in terms of
consumers’ buying decisions.
44 5 Step 3: Collecting Data

5.2.3 Psychographic Segmentation

When people are grouped according to psychological criteria, such as their beliefs,
interests, preferences, aspirations, or benefits sought when purchasing a product,
the term psychographic segmentation is used. Haley (1985) explains that the word
psychographics was intended as an umbrella term to cover all measures of the mind
(p. 7). Benefit segmentation, which Haley (1968) is credited for, is arguably the
most popular kind of psychographic segmentation. Lifestyle segmentation is another
popular psychographic segmentation approach (Cahill 2006); it is based on people’s
activities, opinions and interests.
Psychographic criteria are, by nature, more complex than geographic or socio-
demographic criteria because it is difficult to find a single characteristic of a
person that will provide insight into the psychographic dimension of interest.
As a consequence, most psychographic segmentation studies use a number of
segmentation variables, for example: a number of different travel motives, a number
of perceived risks when going on vacation.
The psychographic approach has the advantage that it is generally more reflective
of the underlying reasons for differences in consumer behaviour. For example,
tourists whose primary motivation to go on vacation is to learn about other cultures,
have a high likelihood of undertaking a cultural holiday at a destination that has
ample cultural treasures for them to explore. Not surprisingly, therefore, travel
motives have been frequently used as the basis for data-driven market segmentation
in tourism (Bieger and Laesser 2002; Laesser et al. 2006; Boksberger and Laesser
2009). The disadvantage of the psychographic approach is the increased complexity
of determining segment memberships for consumers. Also, the power of the
psychographic approach depends heavily on the reliability and validity of the
empirical measures used to capture the psychographic dimensions of interest.

5.2.4 Behavioural Segmentation

Another approach to segment extraction is to search directly for similarities in

behaviour or reported behaviour. A wide range of possible behaviours can be
used for this purpose, including prior experience with the product, frequency of
purchase, amount spent on purchasing the product on each occasion (or across
multiple purchase occasions), and information search behaviour. In a comparison of
different segmentation criteria used as segmentation variables, behaviours reported
by tourists emerged as superior to geographic variables (Moscardo et al. 2001).
The key advantage of behavioural approaches is that – if based on actual
behaviour rather than stated behaviour or stated intended behaviour – the very
behaviour of interest is used as the basis of segment extraction. As such, behavioural
segmentation groups people by the similarity which matters most. Examples of
such segmentation analyses are provided by Tsai and Chiu (2004) who use actual
5.3 Data from Survey Studies 45

expenses of consumers as segmentation variables, and Heilman and Bowman (2002)

who use actual purchase data across product categories. Brand choice behaviour
over time has also been used as segmentation variable by several authors (Poulsen
1990; Bockenholt and Langeheine 1996; Ramaswamy 1997, see also Section 7.3.3).
Using behavioural data also avoids the need for the development of valid measures
for psychological constructs.
But behavioural data is not always readily available, especially if the aim is to
include in the segmentation analysis potential customers who have not previously
purchased the product, rather than limiting oneself to the study of existing customers
of the organisation.

5.3 Data from Survey Studies

Most market segmentation analyses are based on survey data. Survey data is cheap
and easy to collect, making it a feasible approach for any organisation. But survey
data – as opposed to data obtained from observing actual behaviour – can be
contaminated by a wide range of biases. Such biases can, in turn, negatively affect
the quality of solutions derived from market segmentation analysis. A few key
aspects that need to be considered when using survey data are discussed below.

5.3.1 Choice of Variables

Carefully selecting the variables that are included as segmentation variable in com-
monsense segmentation, or as segmentation variables in data-driven segmentation,
is critical to the quality of the market segmentation solution.
In data-driven segmentation, all variables relevant to the construct captured by
the segmentation criterion need to be included. At the same time, unnecessary
variables must be avoided. Including unnecessary variables can make questionnaires
long and tedious for respondents, which, in turn, causes respondent fatigue. Fatigued
respondents tend to provide responses of lower quality (Johnson et al. 1990;
Dolnicar and Rossiter 2008). Including unnecessary variables also increases the
dimensionality of the segmentation problem without adding relevant information,
making the task of extracting market segments unnecessarily difficult for any data
analytic technique. The issue of the appropriate ratio of the number of variables
and the available sample is discussed later in this chapter. Unnecessary variables
included as segmentation variables divert the attention of the segment extraction
algorithm away from information critical to the extraction of optimal market
segments. Such variables are referred to as noisy variables or masking variables
and have been repeatedly shown to prevent algorithms from identifying the correct
segmentation solution (Brusco 2004; Carmone et al. 1999; DeSarbo et al. 1984;
DeSarbo and Mahajan 1984; Milligan 1980).
46 5 Step 3: Collecting Data

Noisy variables do not contribute any information necessary for the identification
of the correct market segments. Instead, their presence makes it more difficult for
the algorithm to extract the correct solution. Noisy variables can result from not
carefully developing survey questions, or from not carefully selecting segmentation
variables from among the available survey items. The problem of noisy variables
negatively affecting the segmentation solution can be avoided at the data collection
and the variable selection stage of market segmentation analysis.
The recommendation is to ask all necessary and unique questions, while resisting
the temptation to include unnecessary or redundant questions. Redundant questions
are common in survey research when scale development follows traditional psycho-
metric principles (Nunally 1978), as introduced to marketing most prominently by
Churchill (1979). More recently, Rossiter (2002, 2011) has questioned this practice,
especially in the context of measuring concrete objects and attributes that are
interpreted consistently as meaning the same by respondents. Redundant items are
particularly problematic in the context of market segmentation analysis because they
interfere substantially with most segment extraction algorithms’ ability to identify
correct market segmentation solutions (Dolnicar et al. 2016).
Developing a good questionnaire typically requires conducting exploratory or
qualitative research. Exploratory research offers insights about people’s beliefs that
survey research cannot offer. These insights can then be categorised and included in
a questionnaire as a list of answer options. Such a two-stage process involving both
qualitative, exploratory and quantitative survey research ensures that no critically
important variables are omitted.

5.3.2 Response Options

Answer options provided to respondents in surveys determine the scale of the

data available for subsequent analyses. Because many data analytic techniques are
based on distance measures, not all survey response options are equally suitable for
segmentation analysis.
Options allowing respondents to answer in only one of two ways, generate binary
or dichotomous data. Such responses can be represented in a data set by 0s and 1s.
The distance between 0 and 1 is clearly defined and, as such, poses no difficulties
for subsequent segmentation analysis. Options allowing respondents to select an
answer from a range of unordered categories correspond to nominal variables. If
asked about their occupation, repondents can select only one option from a list
of unordered options. Nominal variables can be transformed into binary data by
introducing a binary variable for each of the answer options.
Options allowing respondents to indicate a number, such as age or nights stayed
at a hotel, generate metric data. Metric data allow any statistical procedure to be
performed (including the measurement of distance), and are therefore well suited
for segmentation analysis. The most commonly used response option in survey
research, however, is a limited number of ordered answer options larger than two.
5.3 Data from Survey Studies 47

Respondents are asked, for example, to express – using five or seven response
options – their agreement with a series of statements. This answer format generates
ordinal data, meaning that the options are ordered. But the distance between
adjacent answer options is not clearly defined. As a consequence, it is not possible to
apply standard distance measures to such data, unless strong assumptions are made.
Step 5 provides a detailed discussion of suitable distance measures for each scale
Preferably, therefore, either metric or binary response options should be provided
to respondents if those options are meaningful with respect to the question
asked. Using binary or metric response options prevents subsequent complica-
tions relating to the distance measure in the process of data-driven segmentation
analysis. Although ordinal scales dominate both market research and academic
survey research, using binary or metric response options instead is usually not
a compromise. If, for example, there is a strong reason to believe that very fine
nuances of responses need to be captured, and if capturing those fine nuances does
not come at the cost of also capturing response styles, this can be achieved using
visual analogue scales. The visual analogue scale allows respondents to indicate a
position along a continuous line between two end-points, and leads to data that can
be assumed to be metric. The visual analogue scale has experienced a revival with
the popularity of online survey research, where it is frequently used and referred
to as a slider scale. In many contexts, binary response options have been shown
to outperform ordinal answer options (Dolnicar 2003; Dolnicar et al. 2011, 2012),
especially when formulated in a level free way (see the discussion of the doubly level
free answer format with individually inferred thresholds, or DLF IIST, in Rossiter
et al. 2010; Rossiter 2011; Dolnicar and Grün 2013).

5.3.3 Response Styles

Survey data is prone to capturing biases. A response bias is a systematic tendency

to respond to a range of questionnaire items on some basis other than the specific
item content (i.e., what the items were designed to measure) (Paulhus 1991, p. 17).
If a bias is displayed by a respondent consistently over time, and independently of
the survey questions asked, it represents a response style.
A wide range of response styles manifest in survey answers, including respon-
dents’ tendencies to use extreme answer options (STRONGLY AGREE, STRONGLY
DISAGREE ), to use the midpoint ( NEITHER AGREE NOR DISAGREE ), and to agree
with all statements. Response styles affect segmentation results because commonly
used segment extraction algorithms cannot differentiate between a data entry reflect-
ing the respondent’s belief from a data entry reflecting both a respondent’s belief and
a response style. For example, some respondents displaying an acquiescence bias (a
tendency to agree with all questions) could result in one market segment having
much higher than average agreement with all answers. Such a segment could be
misinterpreted. Imagine a market segmentation based on responses to a series of
48 5 Step 3: Collecting Data

questions asking tourists to indicate whether or not they spent money on certain
aspects of their vacation, including DINING OUT, VISITING THEME PARKS, USING
PUBLIC TRANSPORT , etc. A market segment saying YES to all those items would, no
doubt, appear to be highly attractive for a tourist destination holding the promise of
the existence of a high-spending tourist segment. It could equally well just reflect a
response style. It is critical, therefore, to minimise the risk of capturing response
styles when data is collected for the purpose of market segmentation. In cases
where attractive market segments emerge with response patterns potentially caused
by a response style, additional analyses are required to exclude this possibility.
Alternatively, respondents affected by such a response style must be removed before
choosing to target such a market segment.

5.3.4 Sample Size

Many statistical analyses are accompanied by sample size recommendations. Not so

market segmentation analysis. Figure 5.1 illustrates the problem any segmentation
algorithm faces if the sample is insufficient. The market segmentation problem in
this figure is extremely simple because only two segmentation variables are used.
Yet, when the sample size is insufficient (left plot), it is impossible to determine
which the correct number of market segments is. If the sample size is sufficient,
however (right plot) it is very easy to determine the number and nature of segments
in the data set.
Only a small number of studies have investigated this problem. Viennese
psychologist Formann (1984) recommends that the sample size should be at least
2p (better five times 2p ), where p is the number of segmentation variables. This
rule of thumb relates to the specific purpose of goodness-of-fit testing in the context
of latent class analysis when using binary variables. It can therefore not be assumed







0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10
features / performance / quality features / performance / quality

Fig. 5.1 Illustrating the importance of sufficient sample size in market segmentation analysis
5.3 Data from Survey Studies 49

to be generalisable to other algorithms, inference methods, and scales. Qiu and Joe
(2015) developed a sample size recommendation for constructing artificial data sets
for studying the performance of clustering algorithms. According to Qiu and Joe
(2015), the sample size should – in the simple case of equal cluster sizes – be at
least ten times the number of segmentation variables times the number of segments
in the data (10 · p · k where p represents the number of segmentation variables and
k represents the number of segments). If segments are unequally sized, the smallest
segment should contain a sample of at least 10 · p.
Dolnicar et al. (2014) conducted extensive simulation studies with artificial
data modelled after typical data sets used in applied tourism segmentation studies.
Knowing the true structure of the data sets, they tested sample size requirement for
algorithms to correctly identify the true segments. Figure 5.2 shows the effect of
sample size on the correctness of segment recovery for this particular study. The
adjusted Rand index serves as the measure of correctness of segment recovery. The
adjusted Rand index assesses the congruence between two segmentation solutions.
Higher values indicate better alignment. Its maximum possible value is 1. The
expected value is 0 if the two segmentation solutions are derived independently
in a random way. To assess segment recovery, the adjusted Rand index is calculated
for the true segment solution and the extracted one.
In Fig. 5.2, the x-axis plots the sample size (ranging from 10 to 100 times
the number of segmentation variables). The y-axis plots the effect of an increase
in sample size on the adjusted Rand index. The higher the effect, the better the
algorithm identified the correct market segmentation solution.
Change in adjusted Rand index

10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Number of observations (in multiples of p)

Fig. 5.2 Effect of sample size on the correctness of segment recovery in artificial data. (Modified
from Dolnicar et al. 2014)
50 5 Step 3: Collecting Data

Not surprisingly, increasing the sample size improves the correctness of the
extracted segments. Interestingly, however, the biggest improvement is achieved by
increasing very small samples. As the sample size increases, the marginal benefit of
further increasing the sample size decreases. Based on the results shown in Fig. 5.2,
a sample size of at least 60 · p is recommended. For a more difficult artificial data
scenario Dolnicar et al. (2014) recommend using a sample size of at least 70 · p; no
substantial improvements in identifying the correct segments were identified beyond
this point.
Dolnicar et al. (2016) extended this line of research to account for key features
of typical survey data sets, making it more difficult for segmentation algorithms to
identify correct segmentation solutions. Specifically, they investigated the effect on
sample size requirements resulting from market characteristics not under the control
of the data analyst and, data characteristics – at least to some degree – under the
control of the data analyst.
Market characteristics studied included: the number of market segments present
in the data, whether those market segments are equal or unequal in size, and the
extent to which market segments overlap. De Craen et al. (2006) show that the
presence of unequally sized segments makes it more difficult for an algorithm to
extract the correct market segments. Steinley (2003) shows the same for the case of
overlapping segments.
In addition, some of the characteristics of survey data discussed above have
been shown to affect segment recovery, specifically: sampling error, response biases
and response styles, low data quality, different response options, the inclusion of
irrelevant items, and correlation between blocks of items. Figure 5.3 shows the
Change in adjusted Rand index


l l
l l
l l

l Noisy variables: 0
Noisy variables: 0.25
Number of survey questions: 4 Noisy respondents: 0

Number of survey questions: 16 Noisy respondents: 0.25

l Number of survey questions: 32 Randomly replaced: 0
Correlated variables: all cor = .0 Randomly replaced: 0.25

Correlated variables: all cor = .6 Measurement: binary

l Correlated variables: groups of cor = .6 Measurement: metric

10 50 100 200 500

Number of observations (in multiples of p)

Fig. 5.3 Sample size requirements in dependence of market and data characteristics. (Modified
from Dolnicar et al. 2016)
5.4 Data from Internal Sources 51

results from this large-scale simulation study using artificial data. Again, the axes
plot the sample size, and the effect of increasing sample size on the adjusted Rand
index, respectively.
As can be seen in Fig. 5.3, larger sample sizes always improve an algorithm’s
ability to identify the correct market segmentation solution. The extent to which
this is the case, however, varies substantially across market and data characteristics.
Also, some of the challenging market and data characteristics can be compensated
by increasing sample size; others cannot. For example, using uncorrelated segmen-
tation variables leads to very good segment recovery. But, correlation cannot be
well compensated for by increasing sample size, as can be seen in Fig. 5.3: the
top-most and the two bottom-most curves in Fig. 5.3 show three different levels
of correlation between segmentation variables. If the variables are not correlated at
all, the algorithm has no difficulty extracting the correct segments. If, however, the
variables are highly correlated, the task becomes so difficult for the algorithm, that
even increasing the sample size dramatically does not help. A small number of noisy
variables, on the other hand, has a lower effect.
Overall, this study demonstrates the importance of having a sample size suffi-
ciently large to enable an algorithm to extract the correct segments (if segments
naturally exist in the data). The recommendation by Dolnicar et al. (2016) is to
ensure the data contains at least 100 respondents for each segmentation variable.
Results from this study also highlight the importance of collecting high-quality
unbiased data as the basis for market segmentation analysis.
It can be concluded from the body of work studying the effects of survey data
quality on the quality of market segmentation results based on such data that,
optimally, data used in market segmentation analyses should
• contain all necessary items;
• contain no unnecessary items;
• contain no correlated items;
• contain high-quality responses;
• be binary or metric;
• be free of response styles;
• include responses from a suitable sample given the aim of the segmentation
study; and
• include a sufficient sample size given the number of segmentation variables (100
times the number of segmentation variables).

5.4 Data from Internal Sources

Increasingly organisations have access to substantial amounts of internal data that

can be harvested for the purpose of market segmentation analysis. Typical examples
are scanner data available to grocery stores, booking data available through airline
loyalty programs, and online purchase data. The strength of such data lies in the
52 5 Step 3: Collecting Data

fact that they represent actual behaviour of consumers, rather than statements of
consumers about their behaviour or intentions, known to be affected by imperfect
memory (Niemi 1993), as well as a range of response biases, such as social
desirability bias (Fisher 1993; Paulhus 2002; Karlsson and Dolnicar 2016) or other
response styles (Paulhus 1991; Dolnicar and Grün 2007a,b, 2009).
Another advantage is that such data are usually automatically generated and – if
organisations are capable of storing data in a format that makes them easy to access
– no extra effort is required to collect data.
The danger of using internal data is that it may be systematically biased by
over-representing existing customers. What is missing is information about other
consumers the organisation may want to win as customers in future, which may
differ systematically from current customers in their consumption patterns.

5.5 Data from Experimental Studies

Another possible source of data that can form the basis of market segmentation
analysis is experimental data. Experimental data can result from field or laboratory
experiments. For example, they can be the result of tests how people respond to
certain advertisements. The response to the advertisement could then be used as
a segmentation criterion. Experimental data can also result from choice exper-
iments or conjoint analyses. The aim of such studies is to present consumers
with carefully developed stimuli consisting of specific levels of specific product
attributes. Consumers then indicate which of the products – characterised by
different combinations of attribute levels – they prefer. Conjoint studies and choice
experiments result in information about the extent to which each attribute and
attribute level affects choice. This information can also be used as a segmentation
References 53

5.6 Step 3 Checklist

Who is
Task responsible? Completed?

Convene a market segmentation team meeting.

Discuss which consumer characteristics could serve as promising

segmentation variables. These variables will be used to extract
groups of consumers from the data.

Discuss which other consumer characteristics are required to develop

a good understanding of market segments. These variables will later
be used to describe the segments in detail.

Determine how you can collect data to most validly capture both the
segmentation variables and the descriptor variables.

Design data collection carefully to keep data contamination through

biases and other sources of systematic error to a minimum.

Collect data.


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Haley R (1968) Benefit segmentation: a decision-oriented tool. J Mark 32:30–35
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Wiley, New York
Haverila MJ (2013) Market segmentation in the cell phone market among adolescents and young
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Heilman CM, Bowman D (2002) Segmenting consumers using multiple-category purchase data.
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Pract Appl Mark Sci 2(1):25–34
Johnson M, Lehmann D, Horne D (1990) The effects of fatigue on judgments of interproduct
similarity. Int J Res Mark 7(1):35–43
Karlsson L, Dolnicar S (2016) Does eco certification sell tourism services? Evidence from a quasi-
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pp 17–59
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Chapter 6
Step 4: Exploring Data

6.1 A First Glimpse at the Data

After data collection, exploratory data analysis cleans and – if necessary – pre-
processes the data. This exploration stage also offers guidance on the most suitable
algorithm for extracting meaningful market segments.
At a more technical level, data exploration helps to (1) identify the measurement
levels of the variables; (2) investigate the univariate distributions of each of the
variables; and (3) assess dependency structures between variables. In addition,
data may need to be pre-processed and prepared so it can be used as input for
different segmentation algorithms. Results from the data exploration stage provide
insights into the suitability of different segmentation methods for extracting market
To illustrate data exploration using real data, we use a travel motives data set.
This data set contains 20 travel motives reported by 1000 Australian residents
in relation to their last vacation. One example of such a travel motive is: I AM
the data is provided in Appendix C.4. A comma-separated values (CSV) file of the
data is contained in the R package MSA and can be copied to the current working
directory using the command
R> vaccsv <- system.file("csv/vacation.csv",
+ package = "MSA")
R> file.copy(vaccsv, ".")

Alternatively, the CSV file can be downloaded from the web page of the book
(http://www.MarketSegmentationAnalysis.org). The CSV file can be explored with
a spreadsheet program before commencing analyses in R.

© The Author(s) 2018 57

S. Dolnicar et al., Market Segmentation Analysis, Management for Professionals,
58 6 Step 4: Exploring Data

To read the data set into R, we use the following command:

R> vac <- read.csv("vacation.csv", check.names = FALSE)

check.names = FALSE prevents read.csv() to convert blanks in column

names to dots (which is the default). After reading the data set into R, we store it in
a data frame named vac.
We can inspect the the vac object, and learn about column names, and the size
of the data set using the commands:
R> colnames(vac)

[1] "Gender"
[2] "Age"
[3] "Education"
[4] "Income"
[5] "Income2"
[6] "Occupation"
[7] "State"
[8] "Relationship.Status"
[9] "Obligation"
[10] "Obligation2"
[11] "NEP"
[12] "Vacation.Behaviour"
[13] "rest and relax"
[14] "luxury / be spoilt"
[15] "do sports"
[16] "excitement, a challenge"
[17] "not exceed planned budget"
[18] "realise creativity"
[19] "fun and entertainment"
[20] "good company"
[21] "health and beauty"
[22] "free-and-easy-going"
[23] "entertainment facilities"
[24] "not care about prices"
[25] "life style of the local people"
[26] "intense experience of nature"
[27] "cosiness/familiar atmosphere"
[28] "maintain unspoilt surroundings"
[29] "everything organised"
[30] "unspoilt nature/natural landscape"
[31] "cultural offers"
[32] "change of surroundings"

R> dim(vac)

[1] 1000 32

summary(vac) generates a full summary of the data set. Below we select only
four columns to show Gender (column 1 of the data set), Age (column 2), Income
(column 4), and Income2 (column 5).
6.2 Data Cleaning 59

R> summary(vac[, c(1, 2, 4, 5)])

Gender Age Income
Female:488 Min. : 18.00 $30,001 to $60,000 :265
Male :512 1st Qu.: 32.00 $60,001 to $90,000 :233
Median : 42.00 Less than $30,000 :150
Mean : 44.17 $90,001 to $120,000 :146
3rd Qu.: 57.00 $120,001 to $150,000: 72
Max. :105.00 (Other) : 68
NA's : 66
<30k :150
>120k :140
30-60k :265
60-90k :233
NA's : 66
As can be seen from this summary, the Australian travel motives data set contains
answers from 488 women and 512 men. The age of the respondents is a metric
variable summarised by the minimum value (Min.), the first quartile (1st Qu.),
the median, the mean, the third quartile (3rd Qu.), and the maximum (Max.). The
youngest respondent is 18, and the oldest 105 years old. Half of the respondents
are between 32 and 57 years old. The summary also indicates that the Australian
travel motives data set contains two income variables: Income2 consists of fewer
categories than Income. Income2 represents a transformation of Income where
high income categories (which occur less frequently) have been merged. The
summary of the variables Income and Income2 indicates that these variables
contain missing data. This means that not all respondents provided information
about their income in the survey. Missing values are coded as NAs in R. NA stands
for “not available”. The summary shows that 66 respondents did not provide income

6.2 Data Cleaning

The first step before commencing data analysis is to clean the data. This includes
checking if all values have been recorded correctly, and if consistent labels for
the levels of categorical variables have been used. For many metric variables, the
range of plausible values is known in advance. For example, age (in years) can be
expected to lie between 0 and 110. It is easy to check whether any implausible
values are contained in the data, which might point to errors during data collection
or data entry.
Similarly, levels of categorical variables can be checked to ensure they contain
only permissible values. For example, gender typically has two values in surveys:
female and male. Unless the questionnaire did offer a third option, only those two
should appear in the data. Any other values are not permissible, and need to be
corrected as part of the data cleaning procedure.
60 6 Step 4: Exploring Data

Returning to the Australian travel motives data set, the summary for the variables
Gender and Age indicates that no data cleaning is required for these variables. The
summary of the variable Income2 reveals that the categories are not sorted in order.
This is a consequence of how data is read into R. R functions like read.csv() or
read.table() convert columns containing information other than numbers into
factors. Factors are the default format for storing categorical variables in R. The
possible categories of these variables are called levels. By default, levels of factors
are sorted alphabetically. This explains the counter-intuitive ordering of the income
variable in the Australian travel motives data set. The categories can be re-ordered.
One way to achieve this is to copy the column to a helper variable inc2, store its
levels in lev, find the correct re-ordering of the levels, and then convert the variable
into an ordinal variable (an ordered factor in R):
R> inc2 <- vac$Income2
R> levels(inc2)

[1] "<30k" ">120k" "30-60k" "60-90k" "90-120k"

R> lev <- levels(inc2)

R> lev

[1] "<30k" ">120k" "30-60k" "60-90k" "90-120k"

R> lev[c(1, 3, 4, 5, 2)]

[1] "<30k" "30-60k" "60-90k" "90-120k" ">120k"

R> inc2 <- factor(inc2, levels = lev[c(1, 3, 4, 5, 2)],

+ ordered = TRUE)

Before overwriting the – oddly ordered – column of the original data set, we double-
check that the transformation was implemented correctly. An easy way to do this is
to cross-tabulate the original column with the new, re-ordered version:
R> table(orig = vac$Income2, new = inc2)

orig <30k 30-60k 60-90k 90-120k >120k
<30k 150 0 0 0 0
>120k 0 0 0 0 140
30-60k 0 265 0 0 0
60-90k 0 0 233 0 0
90-120k 0 0 0 146 0

As can be seen, all row values in this cross-tabulation have exactly one correspond-
ing column value, and the names coincide. It can be concluded that no errors were
introduced during re-ordering, and the original column of the data set can safely be
R> vac$Income2 <- inc2
6.3 Descriptive Analysis 61

We can re-order variable Income in the same way. We keep all R code relating
to data transformations to ensure that every step of data cleaning, exploration,
and analysis can be reproduced in future. Reproducibility is important from a
documentation point of view, and enables other data analysts to replicate the
analysis. In addition, it enables the use of the exact same procedure when new data
is added on a continuous basis or in regular intervals, as is the case when we monitor
segmentation solutions on an ongoing basis (see Step 10). Cleaning data using code
(as opposed to clicking in a spreadsheet), requires time and discipline, but makes all
steps fully documented and reproducible. After cleaning the data set, we save the
corresponding data frame using function save(). We can easily re-load this data
frame in future R work sessions using function load().

6.3 Descriptive Analysis

Being familiar with the data avoids misinterpretation of results from complex analy-
ses. Descriptive numeric and graphic representations provide insights into the data.
Statistical software packages offer a wide variety of tools for descriptive analysis.
In R, we obtain a numeric summary of the data with command summary(). This
command returns the range, the quartiles, and the mean for numeric variables. For
categorical variables, the command returns frequency counts. The command also
returns the number of missing values for each variable.
Helpful graphical methods for numeric data are histograms, boxplots and scatter
plots. Bar plots of frequency counts are useful for the visualisation of categorical
variables. Mosaic plots illustrate the association of multiple categorical variables.
We explain mosaic plots in Step 7 where we use them to compare market segments.
Histograms visualise the distribution of numeric variables. They show how often
observations within a certain value range occur. Histograms reveal if the distribution
of a variable is unimodal and symmetric or skewed. To obtain a histogram, we first
need to create categories of values. We call this binning. The bins must cover the
entire range of observations, and must be adjacent to one another. Usually, they
are of equal length. Once we have created the bins, we plot how many of the
observations fall into each bin using one bar for each bin. We plot the bin range
on the x-axis, and the frequency of observations in each bin on the y-axis.
A number of R packages can construct histograms. We use package lattice
(Sarkar 2008) because it enables us to create histograms by segments in Step 7.
We can construct a histogram for variable AGE using:
R> library("lattice")
R> histogram(~ Age, data = vac)

The left plot in Fig. 6.1 shows the resulting histogram.

By default, this command automatically creates bins. We can gain a deeper
understanding of the data by inspecting histograms for different bin widths by
specifying the number of bins using the argument breaks:
62 6 Step 4: Exploring Data

Percent of Total




0 0.00

20 40 60 80 100 20 40 60 80 100

Age Age

Fig. 6.1 Histograms of tourists’ age in the Australian travel motives data set

R> histogram(~ Age, data = vac, breaks = 50,

+ type = "density")

This command leads to finer bins, as shown in the right plot of Fig. 6.1. The finer
bins are more informative, revealing that the distribution is bi-modal with many
respondents aged around 35–40 and around 60 years.
Argument type = "density" rescales the y-axis to display density esti-
mates. The sum of the areas of all bars in this plot ads up to 1. Plotting density
estimates allows us to superimpose probability density functions of parametric
distributions. This scaling is in general viewed as the default representation for a
We can avoid selecting bin widths by using the box-and-whisker plot or boxplot
(Tukey 1977). The boxplot is the most common graphical visualisation of unimodal
distributions in statistics. It is widely used in the natural sciences, but does not enjoy
the same popularity in business, and the social sciences more generally. The simplest
version of a boxplot compresses a data set into minimum, first quartile, median,
third quartile and maximum. These five numbers are referred to as the five number
summary. R uses the five number summary, and the mean by default to create a
numeric summary of a metric variable:
R> summary(vac$Age)

Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.

18.00 32.00 42.00 44.17 57.00 105.00

As can be seen from the output generated by this command, the youngest survey
participant in the Australian travel motives study is 18 years old. One quarter of
respondents are younger than 32; half of the respondents are younger than 42; and
6.3 Descriptive Analysis 63

25% 25% 25% 25%

20 40 60 80 100


Fig. 6.2 Construction principles for box-and-whisker plots (tourists’ age distribution)

three quarters of respondents are younger than 57. The oldest survey respondent is
either an astonishing 105 years old, or has made a mistake when completing the
survey. The minimum, first quartile, median, third quartile, and maximum are used
to generate the boxplot. An illustration of how this is done is provided in Fig. 6.2.
The box-and-whisker plot itself is shown in the middle row of Fig. 6.2. The
bottom row plots actual respondent values. Each respondent is represented by
a small circle. The circles are jittered randomly in y-axis direction to avoid
overplotting in regions of high density. The top row shows the quartiles. The inner
box of the box-and-whisker plot extends from the first quartile at 32 to the third
quartile at 57. The median is at 42 and depicted by a thick line in the middle of the
box. The inner box contains half of the respondents. The whiskers mark the smallest
and largest values observed among the respondents, respectively.
Such a simple box-and-whisker plot provides insight into several distributional
properties of the sample assuming unimodality. For the Australian travel motives
data set, the boxplot shows that the data is right skewed with respect to age because
the median is not in the middle of the box but located more to the left. A symmetric
distribution would have the median located in the middle of the inner box.
As can also be seen from Fig. 6.2, the 105-year old respondent is solely
responsible for the whisker reaching all the way to a value of 105. This, obviously
is not an optimal representation of the data, given most other respondents are 70
or younger. The 105-year old respondent is clearly an outlier. The version of the
box-and-whisker plot used in Fig. 6.2 is heavily outlier-dependent. To get rid of this
dependency on outliers, most statistical packages do not draw whiskers all the way
to the minimum and maximum values contained in the data. Rather, they impose a
restriction on the length of the whiskers. In R, whiskers are, by default, no longer
than 1.5 times the size of the box. This length corresponds approximately to a 99%
confidence interval for the normal distribution. Values outside of this range appear
as circles. Depicting outliers as circles ensures that information about outliers in the
data does not get lost in the box-and-whisker plot.
64 6 Step 4: Exploring Data

20 40 60 80 100

Fig. 6.3 Box-and-whisker plot of tourists’ age in the Australian travel motives data set

The standard box-and-whisker plot for variable AGE in R results from:

R> boxplot(vac$Age, horizontal = TRUE, xlab = "Age")

horizontal = TRUE indicates that the box is horizontally aligned, otherwise it

would be rotated by 90◦ . The result is shown in Fig. 6.3.
A comprehensive discussion of graphical methods for numeric data can be found
in Putler and Krider (2012) and Chapman and Feit (2015).
To further illustrate the value of graphical methods, we visualise the percentages
of agreement with the travel motives contained in the last 20 columns of the
Australian travel motives data set. The numeric summaries introduced earlier offer
some insights into the data, but they fail to provide an overview of the structure
of the data that is intuitively easy and quick to understand. Using R, a graphical
representation of this data can be generated with only two commands. Columns 13
to 32 of the data set contain the travel motives, and "yes" means that the motive
does apply. Searching for string "yes" returns TRUE or FALSE (for "no"),
function colMeans() computes the mean number of TRUEs (that is, "yes") for
each column as a fraction between 0 and 1. Multiplying by 100 gives a percentage
value between 0 and 100. The mean percentages are sorted, and a dot chart with a
customised x-axis (argument xlab for the label and xlim for the range) is created:
R> yes <- 100 * colMeans(vac[, 13:32] == "yes")
R> dotchart(sort(yes), xlab = "Percent 'yes'",
+ xlim = c(0, 100))

The resulting chart in Fig. 6.4 shows – for the travel motives contained in the data
set – the percentage of respondents indicating that each of the travel motives was
important to them on the last vacation.
One look at this dot chart illustrates the wide range of agreement levels with the
travel motives. The vast majority of tourists want to rest and relax, but realising one’s
6.4 Pre-Processing 65

rest and relax

change of surroundings
fun and entertainment
not exceed planned budget
life style of the local people
good company
excitement, a challenge
maintain unspoilt surroundings
cultural offers
luxury / be spoilt
unspoilt nature/natural landscape
intense experience of nature
cosiness/familiar atmosphere
entertainment facilities
not care about prices
everything organised
do sports
health and beauty
realise creativity

0 20 40 60 80 100

Percent 'yes'

Fig. 6.4 Dot chart of percentages of YES answers in the Australian travel motives data set

creativity is important to only a very small proportion of respondents. The graphical

inspection of the data also confirms the suitability of the Australian travel motives
variables as segmentation variables because of the heterogeneity in the importance
attributed to different motives. In other words: not all respondents say either YES
or NO to most of those travel motives; differences exist between people. Such
differences between people stand at the centre of market segmentation analysis.

6.4 Pre-Processing

6.4.1 Categorical Variables

Two pre-processing procedures are often used for categorical variables. One is
merging levels of categorical variables before further analysis, the other one is
converting categorical variables to numeric ones, if it makes sense to do so.
66 6 Step 4: Exploring Data

Merging levels of categorical variables is useful if the original categories are too
differentiated (too many). Thinking back to the income variables, for example, the
original income variable as used in the survey has the following categories:
R> sort(table(vac$Income))

$210,001 to $240,000 more than $240,001

10 11
$180,001 to $210,000 $150,001 to $180,000
15 32
$120,001 to $150,000 $90,001 to $120,000
72 146
Less than $30,000 $60,001 to $90,000
150 233
$30,001 to $60,000

The categories are sorted by the number of respondents. Only 68 people had an
income higher than $150,000. The three top income categories contain only between
10 and 15 people each, which corresponds to only 1% to 1.5% of the observations
in the data set with 1000 respondents. Merging all these categories with the next
income category (72 people with an income between $120,001 and $150,000),
results in the new variable Income2, which has much more balanced frequencies:
R> table(vac$Income2)

<30k 30-60k 60-90k 90-120k >120k

150 265 233 146 140

Many methods of data analysis make assumptions about the measurement level
or scale of variables. The distance-based clustering methods presented in Step 5
assume that data are numeric, and measured on comparable scales. Sometimes it is
possible to transform categorical variables into numeric variables.
Ordinal data can be converted to numeric data if it can be assumed that distances
between adjacent scale points on the ordinal scale are approximately equal. This
is a reasonable assumption for income, where the underlying metric construct is
classified into categories covering ranges of equal length.
Another ordinal scale or multi-category scale frequently used in consumer
surveys is the popular agreement scale which is often – but not always correctly –
referred to as Likert scale (Likert 1932). Typically items measured on such a multi-
category scale are bipolar and offer respondents five or seven answer options. The
verbal labelling is usually worded as follows: STRONGLY DISAGREE, DISAGREE,
frequently made that the distances between these answer options are the same. If this
can be convincingly argued, such data can be treated as numerical. Note, however,
that there is ample evidence that this may not be the case due to response styles at
both the individual and cross-cultural level (Paulhus 1991; Marin et al. 1992; Hui
and Triandis 1989; Baumgartner and Steenkamp 2001; Dolnicar and Grün 2007). It
is therefore important to consider the consequences of the chosen survey response
6.4 Pre-Processing 67

options before collecting data in Step 3. Unless there is a strong argument for using
multi-category scales (with uncertain distances between scale points), it may be
preferable to use binary answer options.
Binary answer options are less prone to capturing response styles, and do not
require data pre-processing. Pre-processing inevitably alters the data in some way.
Binary variables can always be converted to numeric variables, and most statistical
procedures work correctly after conversion if there are only two categories. Con-
verting dichotomous ordinal or nominal variables to binary 0/1 variables is not a
problem. For example, to use the travel motives as segmentation variables, they can
be converted to a numeric matrix with 0 and 1 for NO and YES:
R> vacmot <- (vac[, 13:32] == "yes") + 0

Adding 0 to the logical matrix resulting from comparing the entries in the data frame
to string "yes" converts the logical matrix to a numeric matrix with 0 for FALSE
and 1 for TRUE. We will use matrix vacmot several times in the book. R package
flexclust (Leisch 2006) contains it as a sample data set. We can load the data into
R using data("vacmot", package = "flexclust"). This does not only
load the data matrix containing the travel motives vacmot, but also the data frame
vacmotdesc containing socio-demographic descriptor variables.

6.4.2 Numeric Variables

The range of values of a segmentation variable affects its relative influence in

distance-based methods of segment extraction. If, for example, one of the segmen-
tation variables is binary (with values 0 or 1 indicating whether or not a tourist likes
to dine out during their vacation), and a second variable indicates the expenditure in
dollars per person per day (and ranges from zero to $1000), a difference in spend per
person per day of one dollar is weighted equally as the difference between liking to
dine out or not. To balance the influence of segmentation variables on segmentation
results, variables can be standardised. Standardising variables means transforming
them in a way that puts them on a common scale.
The default standardisation method in statistics subtracts the empirical mean x̄
and divides by the empirical standard deviation s:

xi − x̄
zi = ,

1 1 
n n
x̄ = xi , s2 = (xi − x̄)2 ,
n n−1
i=1 i=1
68 6 Step 4: Exploring Data

for the n observations of a variable x = {x1 , . . . , xn }. This implies that the

empirical mean and the empirical standard deviation of z are 0 and 1, respectively.
Standardisation can be done in R using function scale().
R> vacmot.scaled <- scale(vacmot)

Alternative standardisation methods may be required if the data contains observa-

tions located very far away from most of the data (outliers). In such situations, robust
estimates for location and spread – such as the median and the inter quartile range
– are preferable.

6.5 Principal Components Analysis

Principal components analysis (PCA) transforms a multivariate data set containing

metric variables to a new data set with variables – referred to as principal
components – which are uncorrelated and ordered by importance. The first vari-
able (principle component) contains most of the variability, the second principle
component contains the second most variability, and so on. After transformation,
observations (consumers) still have the same relative positions to one another, and
the dimensionality of the new data set is the same because principal components
analysis generates as many new variables as there were old ones. Principal
components analysis basically keeps the data space unchanged, but looks at it from
a different angle.
Principal components analysis works off the covariance or correlation matrix
of several numeric variables. If all variables are measured on the same scale, and
have similar data ranges, it is not important which one to use. If the data ranges are
different, the correlation matrix should be used (which is equivalent to standardising
the data).
In most cases, the transformation obtained from principal components analysis is
used to project high-dimensional data into lower dimensions for plotting purposes.
In this case, only a subset of principal components are used, typically the first few
because they capture the most variation. The first two principal components can
easily be inspected in a scatter plot. More than two principal components can be
visualised in a scatter plot matrix.
The following command generates a principal components analysis for the
Australian travel motives data set:
R> vacmot.pca <- prcomp(vacmot)

In prcomp, the data is centered, but not standardised by default. Given that all
variables are binary, not standardising is reasonable. We can inspect the resulting
object vacmot.pca by printing it:
R> vacmot.pca
6.5 Principal Components Analysis 69

The print output shows the standard deviations of the principal components:
Standard deviations (1, .., p=20):
[1] 0.81 0.57 0.53 0.51 0.47 0.45 0.43 0.42 0.41 0.38
[11] 0.36 0.36 0.35 0.33 0.33 0.32 0.31 0.30 0.28 0.24
These standard deviations reflect the importance of each principal component. The
print output also shows the rotation matrix, specifying how to rotate the original
data matrix to obtain the principal components:
Rotation (n x k) = (20 x 20):
rest and relax -0.063 0.0120 0.1345
luxury / be spoilt -0.109 0.3932 -0.1167
do sports -0.095 0.1456 -0.0456
excitement, a challenge -0.277 0.2227 -0.2103
not exceed planned budget -0.286 -0.1561 0.5831
realise creativity -0.110 -0.0122 -0.0153
fun and entertainment -0.279 0.5205 0.0865
good company -0.284 -0.0097 0.1291
health and beauty -0.140 0.0509 0.0039
free-and-easy-going -0.317 0.0575 0.2445
entertainment facilities -0.118 0.3207 0.0050
not care about prices -0.049 0.2397 -0.2988
life style of the local people -0.353 -0.2672 -0.3982
intense experience of nature -0.241 -0.2133 -0.0763
cosiness/familiar atmosphere -0.132 -0.0133 0.2017
maintain unspoilt surroundings -0.307 -0.3361 0.0052
everything organised -0.092 0.1649 0.0780
unspoilt nature/natural landscape -0.269 -0.1831 -0.0556
cultural offers -0.260 -0.1160 -0.4282
change of surroundings -0.259 0.0919 0.1043
Only the part of the rotation matrix corresponding to the first three principal
components is shown here. The column PC1 indicates how the first principal
component is composed of the original variables. This shows that the first principal
component separates the two answer tendencies “almost no motives apply” and
“all motives apply”, and therefore is not of much managerial value. For the second
principal component, the variables loading highest are FUN and ENTERTAINMENT,
third principal component not exceeding the planned budget, cultural offers, and the
life style of the local people are important variables.
We can obtain further information on the fitted object with the summary
function. For objects returned by function prcomp, the function summary gives:
R> print(summary(vacmot.pca), digits = 2)
Importance of components:
Standard deviation 0.81 0.57 0.529 0.509 0.47 0.455
Proportion of Variance 0.18 0.09 0.077 0.071 0.06 0.057
70 6 Step 4: Exploring Data

Cumulative Proportion 0.18 0.27 0.348 0.419 0.48 0.536

PC7 PC8 PC9 PC10 PC11 PC12
Standard deviation 0.431 0.420 0.405 0.375 0.364 0.360
Proportion of Variance 0.051 0.048 0.045 0.039 0.036 0.035
Cumulative Proportion 0.587 0.635 0.681 0.719 0.756 0.791
PC13 PC14 PC15 PC16 PC17 PC18
Standard deviation 0.348 0.33 0.33 0.320 0.306 0.297
Proportion of Variance 0.033 0.03 0.03 0.028 0.026 0.024
Cumulative Proportion 0.824 0.85 0.88 0.912 0.938 0.962
PC19 PC20
Standard deviation 0.281 0.243
Proportion of Variance 0.022 0.016
Cumulative Proportion 0.984 1.000

We interpret the output as follows: for each principal component (PC), the matrix
lists standard deviation, proportion of explained variance of the original variables,
and cumulative proportion of explained variance. The latter two are the most
important pieces of information. Principal component 1 explains about one fifth
(18%) of the variance of the original data; principal component 2 about one tenth
(9%). Together, they explain 27% of the variation in the original data. Principal
components 3 to 15 explain only between 8% and 3% of the original variation.
The fact that the first few principal components do not explain much of
the variance indicates that all the original items (survey questions) are needed
as segmentation variables. They are not redundant. They all contribute valuable
information. From a projection perspective, this is bad news because it is not
easy to project the data into lower dimensions. If a small number of principal
components explains a substantial proportion of the variance, illustrating data using
those components only gives a good visual representation of how close observations
are to one another.
Returning to the Australian travel motives data set: we now want to plot the data
in two-dimensional space. Usually we would do that by taking the first and second
principal component. Inspecting the rotation matrix reveals that the first principal
component does not differentiate well between motives because all motives load on
it negatively. Principal components 2 and 3 display a more differentiated loading
pattern of motives. We therefore use principal components 2 and 3 to create a
perceptual map (Fig. 6.5):
R> library("flexclust")
R> plot(predict(vacmot.pca)[, 2:3], pch = 16,
+ col = "grey80")
R> projAxes(vacmot.pca, which = 2:3)

predict(vacmot.pca)[, 2:3] contains the rotated data and selects prin-

cipal components 2 and 3. Points are drawn as filled circles (pch = 16) in light
grey (col). Function projAxes plots how the principal components are composed
of the original variables, and visualises the rotation matrix. As can be seen, NOT
EXCEEDING THE PLANNED BUDGET (represented by the arrow pointing in the top
slightly left direction) is a travel motive that is quite unique, whereas, for example,
6.5 Principal Components Analysis 71

not exceed planned budget


cosiness/familiar atmosphere
rest company
good and relax
change of surroundings
fun and entertai
everything organised

in unspoilt surroundings entertainment facilities

spoilt nature/natural do sports
intense experience landscape
of nature
luxury / be spoilt

excitement, a challenge

not care about prices


life style of the local people

cultural offers

−1.5 −1.0 −0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5


Fig. 6.5 Principal components 2 and 3 for the Australian travel motives data set

interest in the LIFESTYLE OF LOCAL PEOPLE, and interest in CULTURAL OFFERS

available at destinations often occur simultaneously (as indicated by the two arrows
both pointing to the left bottom of Fig. 6.5). A group of nature-oriented travel
motives (arrows pointing to the left side of the chart) stands in direct contrast to
(arrows pointing to the right side of the chart).
Sometimes principal components analysis is used for the purpose of reducing
the number of segmentation variables before extracting market segments from
consumer data. This idea is appealing because more variables mean that the
dimensionality of the problem the segment extraction technique needs to manage
increases, thus making extraction more difficult and increasing sample size require-
ments (Dolnicar et al. 2014, 2016). Reducing dimensionality by selecting only a lim-
ited number of principal components has also been recommended in the early seg-
mentation literature (Beane and Ennis 1987; Tynan and Drayton 1987), but has been
since shown to be highly problematic (Sheppard 1996; Dolnicar and Grün 2008).
This will be discussed in detail in Sect. 7.4.3, but the key problem is that
this procedure replaces original variables with a subset of factors or principal
components. If all principal components would be used, the same data would be
72 6 Step 4: Exploring Data

used; it would merely be looked at from a different angle. But because typically
only a small subset of resulting components is used, a different space effectively
serves as the basis for extracting market segments. While using a subset of principal
components as segmentation variables is therefore not recommended, it is safe to
use principal components analysis to explore data, and identify highly correlated
variables. Highly correlated variables will display high loadings on the same
principal components, indicating redundancy in the information captured by them.
Insights gained from such an exploratory analysis can be used to remove some of
the original – redundant – variables from the segmentation base. This approach also
achieves a reduction in dimensionality, but still works with the original variables

6.6 Step 4 Checklist

Who is
Task responsible? Completed?

Explore the data to determine if there are any inconsistencies and if

there are any systematic contaminations.

If necessary, clean the data.

If necessary, pre-process the data.

Check if the number of segmentation variables is too high given the

available sample size. You should have information from a minimum
of 100 consumers for each segmentation variable.

If you have too many segmentation variables, use one of the available
approaches to select a subset.

Check if the segmentation variables are correlated. If they are, choose

a subset of uncorrelated segmentation variables.

Pass on the cleaned and pre-processed data to Step 5 where

segments will be extracted from it.


Baumgartner H, Steenkamp JBEM (2001) Response styles in marketing research: a cross-national

investigation. J Mark Res 38(2):143–156
Beane TP, Ennis DM (1987) Market segmentation: a review. Eur J Mark 21(5):20–42
Chapman CN, McDonnell Feit E (2015) R for marketing research and analytics. UseR!. Springer
International Publishing, Cham
References 73

Dolnicar S, Grün B (2007) Assessing analytical robustness in cross-cultural comparisons. Int J

Tour Cult Hosp Res 1(2):140–160
Dolnicar S, Grün B (2008) Challenging “factor-cluster segmentation”. J Travel Res 47(1):63–71
Dolnicar S, Grün B, Leisch F, Schmidt K (2014) Required sample sizes for data-driven market
segmentation analyses in tourism. J Travel Res 53(3):296–306
Dolnicar S, Grün B, Leisch F (2016) Increasing sample size compensates for data problems in
segmentation studies. J Bus Res 69:992–999
Hui C, Triandis H (1989) Effects of culture and response format on extreme response style. J Cross
Cult Psychol 20(3):2960–309
Leisch F (2006) A toolbox for k-centroids cluster analysis. Comput Stat Data Anal 51(2):526–544
Likert R (1932) A technique for the measurement of attitudes. Arch Psychol 140:1–55
Marin G, Gamba R, Marin B (1992) Extreme response style and acquiescence among hispanics –
the role of acculturation and education. J Cross Cult Psychol 23(4):498–509
Paulhus D (1991) Measurement and control of response bias. In: Robinson J, Shaver P, Wrightsman
L (eds) Measures of personality and social psychological attitudes. Academic, San Diego, pp
Putler DS, Krider RE (2012) Customer and business analytics: applied data mining for business
decision making using R. Chapman&Hall/CRC, Boca Raton
Sarkar D (2008) Lattice: multivariate data visualization with R. Springer, New York
Sheppard AG (1996) The sequence of factor analysis and cluster analysis: differences in segmen-
tation and dimensionality through the use of raw and factor scores. Tour Anal 1:49–57
Tukey J (1977) Exploratory data analysis. Addison-Wesley, Reading
Tynan AC, Drayton J (1987) Market segmentation. J Mark Manag 2(3):301–335

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Chapter 7
Step 5: Extracting Segments

7.1 Grouping Consumers

Data-driven market segmentation analysis is exploratory by nature. Consumer data

sets are typically not well structured. Consumers come in all shapes and forms; a
two-dimensional plot of consumers’ product preferences typically does not contain
clear groups of consumers. Rather, consumer preferences are spread across the
entire plot. The combination of exploratory methods and unstructured consumer
data means that results from any method used to extract market segments from such
data will strongly depend on the assumptions made on the structure of the segments
implied by the method. The result of a market segmentation analysis, therefore,
is determined as much by the underlying data as it is by the extraction algorithm
chosen. Segmentation methods shape the segmentation solution.
Many segmentation methods used to extract market segments are taken from
the field of cluster analysis. In that case, market segments correspond to clusters.
As pointed out by Hennig and Liao (2013), selecting a suitable clustering method
requires matching the data analytic features of the resulting clustering with the
context-dependent requirements that are desired by the researcher (p. 315). It is,
therefore, important to explore market segmentation solutions derived from a range
of different clustering methods. It is also important to understand how different
algorithms impose structure on the extracted segments.
One of the most illustrative examples of how algorithms impose structure is
shown in Fig. 7.1. In this figure, the same data set – containing two spiralling
segments – is segmented using two different algorithms, and two different numbers
of segments. The top row in Fig. 7.1 shows the market segments obtained when
running k-means cluster analysis (for details see Sect. 7.2.3) with 2 (left) and 8
segments (right), respectively. As can be seen, k-means cluster analysis fails to
identify the naturally existing spiral-shaped segments in the data. This is because
k-means cluster analysis aims at finding compact clusters covering a similar range
in all dimensions.

© The Author(s) 2018 75

S. Dolnicar et al., Market Segmentation Analysis, Management for Professionals,
76 7 Step 5: Extracting Segments

k−means 2 cluster k−means 8 cluster

single linkage 2 cluster single linkage 8 cluster

Fig. 7.1 k-means and single linkage hierarchical clustering of two spirals

The bottom row in Fig. 7.1 shows the market segments obtained from single
linkage hierarchical clustering (for details see Sect. 7.2.2). This algorithm correctly
identifies the existing two spiralling segments, even if the incorrect number of
segments is specified up front. This is because the single linkage method constructs
snake-shaped clusters. When asked to return too many (8) segments, outliers are
defined as micro-segments, but the two main spirals are still correctly identified. k-
means cluster analysis fails to identify the spirals because it is designed to construct
round, equally sized clusters. As a consequence, the k-means algorithm ignores the
spiral structure and, instead, places consumers in the same market segments if they
are located close to one another (in Euclidean space), irrespective of the spiral they
belong to.
This illustration gives the impression that single linkage clustering is much
more powerful, and should be preferred over other approaches of extracting market
segments from data. This is not the case. This particular data set was constructed
specifically to play to the strengths of the single linkage algorithm allowing single
linkage to identify the grouping corresponding to the spirals, and highlighting
how critical the interaction between data and algorithm is. There is no single best
algorithm for all data sets. If consumer data is well-structured, and well-separated,
distinct market segments exist, tendencies of different algorithms matter less. If,
however, data is not well-structured, the tendency of the algorithm influences the
solution substantially. In such situations, the algorithm will impose a structure that
suits the objective function of the algorithm.
7.1 Grouping Consumers 77

Table 7.1 Data set and segment characteristics informing extraction algorithm selection
Data set characteristics: – Size (number of consumers, number of segmentation variables)
– Scale level of segmentation variables (nominal, ordinal, metric, mixed)
– Special structure, additional information
Segment characteristics: – Similarities of consumers in the same segment
– Differences between consumers from different segments
– Number and size of segments

The aim of this chapter is to provide an overview of the most popular extraction
methods used in market segmentation, and point out their specific tendencies of
imposing structure on the extracted segments. None of these methods outperform
other methods in all situations. Rather, each method has advantages and disadvan-
So-called distance-based methods are described first. Distance-based methods
use a particular notion of similarity or distance between observations (consumers),
and try to find groups of similar observations (market segments). So-called model-
based methods are described second. These methods formulate a concise stochastic
model for the market segments. In addition to those main two groups of extraction
methods, a number of methods exist which try to achieve multiple aims in one
step. For example, some methods perform variable selection during the extraction
of market segments. A few such specialised algorithms are also discussed in this
Because no single best algorithm exists, investigating and comparing alternative
segmentation solutions is critical to arriving at a good final solution. Data char-
acteristics and expected or desired segment characteristics allow a pre-selection
of suitable algorithms to be included in the comparison. Table 7.1 contains the
information needed to guide algorithm selection.
The size of the available data set indicates if the number of consumers is
sufficient for the available number of segmentation variables, the expected number
of segments, and the segment sizes. The minimum segment size required from a
target segment has been defined as one of the knock-out criteria in Step 2. It informs
the expectation about how many segments of which size will be extracted. If the
target segment is expected to be a niche segment, larger sample sizes are required.
Larger samples allow a more fine-grained extraction of segments. If the number of
segmentation variables is large, but not all segmentation variables are expected to be
key characteristics of segments, extraction algorithms which simultaneously select
variables are helpful (see Sect. 7.4).
The scale level of the segmentation variables determines the most suitable variant
of an extraction algorithms. For distance-based methods, the choice of the distance
measure depends on the scale level of the data. The scale level also determines
the set of suitable segment-specific models in the model-based approach. Other
special structures of the data can restrict the set of suitable algorithms. If the data set
contains repeated measurements of consumers over time, for example, an algorithm
that takes this longitudinal nature of the data into account is needed. Such data
generally requires a model-based approach.
78 7 Step 5: Extracting Segments

We also need to specify the characteristics consumers should have in common to

be placed in the same segment, and how they should differ from consumers in other
segments. These features have, conceptually, been specified in Step 2, and need to
be recalled here. The structure of segments extracted by the algorithm needs to align
with these expected characteristics.
We distinguish directly observable characteristics from those that are only
indirectly accessible. Benefits sought are an example of a directly observable
characteristic. They are contained directly in the data, placing no restrictions on the
segment extraction algorithm to be chosen. An example of an indirect characteristic
is consumer price sensitivity. If the data contains purchase histories and price
information, and market segments are based on similar price sensitivity levels,
regression models are needed. This, in turn calls for the use of a model-based
segment extraction algorithm.
In the case of binary segmentation variables, another aspect needs to be
considered. We may want consumers in the same segments to have both the presence
and absence of segmentation variables in common. In this case, we need to treat
the binary segmentation variables symmetrically (with 0s and 1s treated equally).
Alternatively, we may only care about segmentation variables consumers have in
common. In this case, we treat them asymmetrically (with only common 1s being
of interest). An example of where it makes sense to treat them asymmetrically is if
we use vacation activities as the segmentation variables. It is very interesting if two
tourists both engage in horse-riding during their vacation. It is not so interesting if
two tourists do not engage in horse-riding. Biclustering (see Sect. 7.4.1) uses binary
information asymmetrically. Distance-based methods can use distance measures
that account for this asymmetry, and extract segments characterised by common 1s.

7.2 Distance-Based Methods

Consider the problem of finding groups of tourists with similar activity patterns
when on vacation. A fictitious data set is shown in Table 7.2. It contains seven
people indicating the percentage of time they spend enjoying BEACH, ACTION, and
CULTURE when on vacation. Anna and Bill only want to relax on the beach, Frank
likes beach and action, Julia and Maria like beach and culture, Michael wants action
and a little bit of culture, and Tom does everything.
Market segmentation aims at grouping consumers into groups with similar needs
or behaviour, in this example: groups of tourists with similar patterns of vacation
activities. Anna and Bill have exactly the same profile, and should be in the same
segment. Michael is the only one not interested in going to the beach, which
differentiates him from the other tourists. In order to find groups of similar tourists
one needs a notion of similarity or dissimilarity, mathematically speaking: a distance
7.2 Distance-Based Methods 79

Table 7.2 Artificial data set beach action culture

on tourist activities:
percentage of time spent on Anna 100 0 0
three activities Bill 100 0 0
Frank 60 40 0
Julia 70 0 30
Maria 80 0 20
Michael 0 90 10
Tom 50 20 30

7.2.1 Distance Measures

Table 7.2 is a typical data matrix. Each row represents an observation (in this case
a tourist), and every column represents a variable (in this case a vacation activity).
Mathematically, this can be represented as an n × p matrix where n stands for the
number of observations (rows) and p for the number of variables (columns):
⎛ ⎞
x11 x12 · · · x1p
⎜ x21 x22 · · · x2p ⎟
⎜ ⎟
X=⎜ . . . . ⎟
⎝ .. .. . . .. ⎠
xn1 xn2 · · · xnp
The vector corresponding to the i-th row of matrix X is denoted as xi =
(xi1 , xi2 , . . . , xip ) in the following, such that X = {x1 , x2 , . . . xp } is the set of
all observations. In the example above, Anna’s vacation activity profile is vector
x1 = (100, 0, 0) and Tom’s vacation activity profile is vector x7 = (50, 20, 30) .
Numerous approaches to measuring the distance between two vectors exist;
several are used routinely in cluster analysis and market segmentation. A distance
is a function d(·, ·) with two arguments: the two vectors x and y between which the
distance is being calculated. The result is the distance between them (a nonnegative
value). A good way of thinking about distance is in the context of geography. If
the distance between two cities is of interest, the location of the cities are the two
vectors, and the length of the air route in kilometres is the distance. But even in the
context of geographical distance, other measures of natural distance between two
cities are equally valid, for example, the distance a car has to drive on roads to get
from one city to the other.
A distance measure has to comply with a few criteria. One criterion is symmetry,
that is:

d(x, y) = d(y, x).

A second criterion is that the distance of a vector to itself and only to itself is 0:

d(x, y) = 0 ⇔ x = y.
80 7 Step 5: Extracting Segments

In addition, most distance measures fulfil the so-called triangle inequality:

d(x, z) ≤ d(x, y) + d(y, z).

The triangle inequality says that if one goes from x to z with an intermediate stop in
y, the combined distance is at least as long as going from x to z directly.
Let x = (x1 , . . . , xp ) and y = (y1 , . . . , yp ) be two p-dimensional vectors. The
most common distance measures used in market segmentation analysis are:
Euclidean distance:

d(x, y) = (xj − yj )2
j =1

Manhattan or absolute distance:

d(x, y) = |xj − yj |
j =1

Asymmetric binary distance: applies only to binary vectors, that is, all xj and yj are
either 0 or 1.

0, x = y = 0
d(x, y) =
(#{j |xj = 1 and yj = 1})/(#{j |xj = 1 or yj = 1})

In words: the number of dimensions where both x and y are equal to 1 divided
by the number of dimensions where at least one of them is 1.
Euclidean distance is the most common distance measure used in market
segmentation analysis. Euclidean distance corresponds to the direct “straight-line”
distance between two points in two-dimensional space, as shown in Fig. 7.2 on the
left. Manhattan distance derives its name from the fact that it gives the distance
between two points assuming that streets on a grid (like in Manhattan) need to be
used to get from one point to another. Manhattan distance is illustrated in Fig. 7.2 on
the right. Both Euclidean and Manhattan distance use all dimensions of the vectors
x and y.

Fig. 7.2 A comparison of Euclidean distance Manhattan distance

Euclidean and Manhattan
7.2 Distance-Based Methods 81

The asymmetric binary distance does not use all dimensions of the vectors.
It only uses dimensions where at least one of the two vectors has a value of 1.
It is asymmetric because it treats 0s and 1s differently. Similarity between two
observations is only concluded if they share 1s, but not if they share 0s. The
dissimilarity between two observations is increased if one has a 1 and the other not.
This has implications for market segmentation analysis. Imagine, for example, that
the tourist vacation activity profiles not only include common vacation activities, but
also unusual activities, such as HORSEBACK RIDING and BUNGEE JUMPING. The
fact that two tourists have in common that they do not ride horses or that they do
not bungee jump is not very helpful in terms of extracting market segments because
the overall proportion of horse riders and bungee jumpers in the tourist population
is low. If, however, two tourists do horse ride or bungee jump, this represents key
information about similarities between them.
The asymmetric binary distance corresponds to the proportion of common 1s
over all dimensions where at least one vector contains a 1. In the tourist example: the
number of common vacation activities divided by the number of vacation activities
at least one of the two tourists engages in. A symmetric binary distance measure
(which treats 0s and 1s equally) emerges from using the Manhattan distance between
the two vectors. The distance is then equal to the number of vacation activities where
values are different.
The standard R function to calculate distances is called dist(). It takes as
arguments a data matrix x and – optionally – the distance method. If no distance
method is explicitly specified, Euclidean distance is the default. The R function
returns all pairwise distances between the rows of x.
Using the vacation activity data in Table 7.2, we first need to load the data:
R> data("annabill", package = "MSA")

Then, we can calculate the Euclidean distance between all tourists with the
following command:
R> D1 <- dist(annabill)
R> round(D1, 2)

Anna Bill Frank Julia Maria Michael

Bill 0.00
Frank 56.57 56.57
Julia 42.43 42.43 50.99
Maria 28.28 28.28 48.99 14.14
Michael 134.91 134.91 78.74 115.76 120.83
Tom 61.64 61.64 37.42 28.28 37.42 88.32

The distance between Anna and Bill is zero because they have identical vacation
activity profiles. The distance between Michael and all other people in the data set
is substantial because Michael does not go to the beach where most other tourists
spend a lot of time.
82 7 Step 5: Extracting Segments

Manhattan distance – which is also referred to as absolute distance – is very

similar to Euclidean distance for this data set:
R> D2 <- dist(annabill, method = "manhattan")
R> D2

Anna Bill Frank Julia Maria Michael

Bill 0
Frank 80 80
Julia 60 60 80
Maria 40 40 80 20
Michael 200 200 120 180 180
Tom 100 100 60 40 60 140

No rounding is necessary because the Manhattan distance is automatically integer

if all values in the data matrix are integer.
The printout contains only six rows and columns in both cases. To save computer
memory, dist() does not return the full symmetric matrix of all pairwise
distances. It only returns the lower triangle of the matrix. If the full matrix is
required, it can be obtained by coercing the return object of dist() to the full
7 × 7 matrix:
R> as.matrix(D2)

Anna Bill Frank Julia Maria Michael Tom

Anna 0 0 80 60 40 200 100
Bill 0 0 80 60 40 200 100
Frank 80 80 0 80 80 120 60
Julia 60 60 80 0 20 180 40
Maria 40 40 80 20 0 180 60
Michael 200 200 120 180 180 0 140
Tom 100 100 60 40 60 140 0

Both Euclidean and Manhattan distance treat all dimensions of the data equally;
they take a sum over all dimensions of squared or absolute differences. If the
different dimensions of the data are not on the same scale (for example, dimension 1
indicates whether or not a tourist plays golf, and dimension 2 indicates how many
dollars the tourist spends per day on dining out on average), the dimension with the
larger numbers will dominate the distance calculation between two observations.
In such situations data needs to be standardised before calculating distances (see
Sect. 6.4.2).
Function dist can only be used if the segmentation variables are either all
metric or all binary. In R package cluster (Maechler et al. 2017), function daisy
calculates the dissimilarity matrix between observations contained in a data frame.
In this data frame the variables can be numeric, ordinal, nominal and binary.
Following Gower (1971), all variables are rescaled to a range of [0, 1] which allows
for a suitable weighting between variables. If variables are metric, the results are the
same as for dist:
R> library("cluster")
R> round(daisy(annabill), digits = 2)
7.2 Distance-Based Methods 83

Dissimilarities :
Anna Bill Frank Julia Maria Michael
Bill 0.00
Frank 56.57 56.57
Julia 42.43 42.43 50.99
Maria 28.28 28.28 48.99 14.14
Michael 134.91 134.91 78.74 115.76 120.83
Tom 61.64 61.64 37.42 28.28 37.42 88.32

Metric : euclidean
Number of objects : 7

7.2.2 Hierarchical Methods

Hierarchical clustering methods are the most intuitive way of grouping data because
they mimic how a human would approach the task of dividing a set of n observations
(consumers) into k groups (segments). If the aim is to have one large market
segment (k = 1), the only possible solution is one big market segment containing
all consumers in data X. At the other extreme, if the aim is to have as many
market segments as there are consumers in the data set (k = n), the number of
market segments has to be n, with each segment containing exactly one consumer.
Each consumer represents their own cluster. Market segmentation analysis occurs
between those two extremes.
Divisive hierarchical clustering methods start with the complete data set X and
splits it into two market segments in a first step. Then, each of the segments is again
split into two segments. This process continues until each consumer has their own
market segment.
Agglomerative hierarchical clustering approaches the task from the other end.
The starting point is each consumer representing their own market segment (n sin-
gleton clusters). Step-by-step, the two market segments closest to one another are
merged until the complete data set forms one large market segment.
Both approaches result in a sequence of nested partitions. A partition is a
grouping of observations such that each observation is exactly contained in one
group. The sequence of partitions ranges from partitions containing only one group
(segment) to n groups (segments). They are nested because the partition with k + 1
groups (segments) is obtained from the partition with k groups by splitting one of
the groups.
Numerous algorithms have been proposed for both strategies. The unifying
framework for agglomerative clustering – which was developed in the seminal paper
by Lance and Williams (1967) – contains most methods still in use today. In each
step, standard implementations of hierarchical clustering perform the optimal step.
This leads to a deterministic algorithm. This means that every time the hierarchical
clustering algorithm is applied to the same data set, the exactly same sequence of
nested partitions is obtained. There is no random component.
84 7 Step 5: Extracting Segments

Underlying both divisive and agglomerative clustering is a measure of distance

between groups of observations (segments). This measure is determined by specify-
ing (1) a distance measure d(x, y) between observations (consumers) x and y, and
(2) a linkage method. The linkage method generalises how, given a distance between
pairs of observations, distances between groups of observations are obtained.
Assuming two sets X and Y of observations (consumers), the following linkage
methods are available in the standard R function hclust() for measuring the
distance l(X, Y) between these two sets of observations:
Single linkage: distance between the two closest observations of the two sets.

l(X, Y) = min d(x, y)


Complete linkage: distance between the two observations of the two sets that are
farthest away from each other.

l(X, Y) = max d(x, y)


Average linkage: mean distance between observations of the two sets.

l(X, Y) = d(x, y),
x∈X y∈Y

where |X| denotes the number of elements in X.

These linkage methods are illustrated in Fig. 7.3, and all of them can be combined
with any distance measure. There is no correct combination of distance and
linkage method. Clustering in general, and hierarchical clustering in specific, are
exploratory techniques. Different combinations can reveal different features of the
Single linkage uses a “next neighbour” approach to join sets, meaning that the
two closest consumers are united. As a consequence, single linkage hierarchical
clustering is capable of revealing non-convex, non-linear structures like the spirals
in Fig. 7.1. In situations where clusters are not well-separated – and this means in

Single linkage Complete linkage Average linkage

Fig. 7.3 A comparison of different linkage methods between two sets of points
7.2 Distance-Based Methods 85

most consumer data situations – the next neighbour approach can lead to undesirable
chain effects where two groups of consumers form a segment only because two
consumers belonging to each of those segments are close to one another. Average
and complete linkage extract more compact clusters.
A very popular alternative hierarchical clustering method is named after Ward
(1963), and based on squared Euclidean distances. Ward clustering joins the two
sets of observations (consumers) with the minimal weighted squared Euclidean
distance between cluster centers. Cluster centers are the midpoints of each cluster.
They result from taking the average over the observations in the cluster. We can
intepret them as segment representatives.
When using Ward clustering we need to check that the correct distance is used
as input (Murtagh and Legendre 2014). The two options are Euclidean distance or
squared Euclidean distance. Function hclust() in R can deal with both kinds of
input. The input, along with the suitable linkage method, needs to be specified in
the R command as either Euclidean distance with method = "ward.D2", or as
squared Euclidean distance with method = "ward.D"
The result of hierarchical clustering is typically presented as a dendrogram.
A dendrogram is a tree diagram. The root of the tree represents the one-cluster
solution where one market segment contains all consumers. The leaves of the tree
are the single observations (consumers), and branches in-between correspond to the
hierarchy of market segments formed at each step of the procedure. The height of
the branches corresponds to the distance between the clusters. Higher branches point
to more distinct market segments. Dendrograms are often recommended as a guide
to select the number of market segments. Based on the authors’ experience with
market segmentation analysis using consumer data, however, dendrograms rarely
provide guidance of this nature because the data sets underlying the analysis are not
well structured enough.
As an illustration of the dendrogram, consider the seven tourists in Table 7.2 and
the Manhattan distances between them. Agglomerative hierarchical clustering with
single linkage will first identify the two people with the smallest distance (Anna
and Bill with a distance of 0). Next, Julia and Maria are joined into a market
segment because they have the second smallest distance between them (20). The
single linkage distance between these two groups is 40, because that is the distance
from Maria to Anna and Bill. Tom has a distance of 40 to Julia, hence Anna, Bill,
Julia, Maria and Tom are joined to a group of five in the third step. This process
continues until all tourists are united in one big group. The resulting dendrogram is
shown in Fig. 7.4 on the left.
The result of complete linkage clustering is provided in the right dendrogram in
Fig. 7.4. For this small data set, the result is very similar. The only major difference
is that Frank and Tom are first grouped together in a segment of two, before they are
merged into a segment with all other tourists (except for Michael) in the data set.
In both cases, Michael is merged last because his activity profile is very different.
The result from average linkage clustering is not shown because the corresponding
dendrogram is almost identical to that of complete linkage clustering.
86 7 Step 5: Extracting Segments

Single linkage dendrogram Complete linkage dendrogram















Fig. 7.4 Single and complete linkage clustering of the tourist data shown in Table 7.2

The order of the leaves of the tree (the observations or consumers) is not unique.
At every split into two branches, the left and right branch could be exchanged,
resulting in 2n possible dendrograms for exactly the same clustering where n is the
number of consumers in the data set. As a consequence, dendrograms resulting from
different software packages may look different although they represent exactly the
same market segmentation solution. Another possible source of variation between
software packages is how ties are broken, meaning, which two groups are joined
first when several have exactly the same distance.

Example: Tourist Risk Taking

A data set on “tourist disasters” contains survey data collected by an online

research panel company in October 2015 commissioned by UQ Business School
(Hajibaba et al. 2017). The target population were adult Australian residents who
had undertaken at least one personal holiday in the past 12 months. The following
commands load the data matrix:
R> library("MSA")
R> data("risk", package = "MSA")
R> dim(risk)

[1] 563 6

This data set contains 563 respondents who state how often they take risks from the
following six categories:

1. recreational risks: e.g., rock-climbing, scuba diving

2. health risks: e.g., smoking, poor diet, high alcohol consumption
3. career risks: e.g., quitting a job without another to go to
4. financial risks: e.g., gambling, risky investments
7.2 Distance-Based Methods 87

5. safety risks: e.g., speeding

6. social risks: e.g., standing for election, publicly challenging a rule or decision
Respondents are presented with an ordinal scale consisting of five answer options
(1=NEVER, 5=VERY OFTEN). In the subsequent analysis, we assume equidistance
between categories. Respondents, on average, display risk aversion with mean
values for all columns close to 2 (=RARELY):
R> colMeans(risk)

Recreational Health Career Financial

2.190053 2.396092 2.007105 2.026643
Safety Social
2.266430 2.017762

The following command extracts market segments from this data set using Manhat-
tan distance and complete linkage:
R> risk.dist <- dist(risk, method = "manhattan")
R> risk.hcl <- hclust(risk.dist, method = "complete")
R> risk.hcl

hclust(d = risk.dist, method = "complete")

Cluster method : complete

Distance : manhattan
Number of objects: 563

plot(risk.hcl) generates the dendrogram shown in Fig. 7.5. The dendrogram

visualises the sequence of nested partitions by indicating each merger or split. The
straight line at the top of the dendrogram indicates the merger of the last two groups
into a single group. The y-axis indicates the distance between these two groups. At
the bottom each single observation is one line.
The dendrogram in Fig. 7.5 indicates that the largest additional distance between
two clusters merged occurred when the last two clusters were combined to the
single cluster containing all observations. Cutting the dendrogram at a specific
height selects a specific partition. The boxes numbered 1–6 in Fig. 7.5 illustrate
how this dendrogram or tree can be cut into six market segments. The reason that
the boxes are not numbered from left to right is that the market segment labelled
number 1 contains the first observation (the first consumer) in the data set. Which
consumers have been assigned to which market segment can be computed using
function cutree(), which takes an object as returned by hclust and either the
height h at which to cut or the number k of segments to cut the tree into.
R> c2 <- cutree(risk.hcl, h = 20)
R> table(c2)

1 2
511 52
88 7 Step 5: Extracting Segments


6 2 1 5 4 3

Fig. 7.5 Complete linkage hierarchical cluster analysis of the tourist risk taking data set

R> c6 <- cutree(risk.hcl, k = 6)

R> table(c6)

1 2 3 4 5 6
90 275 27 25 74 72

A simple way to assess the characteristics of the clusters is to look at the column-
wise means by cluster.
R> c6.means <- aggregate(risk, list(Cluster = c6), mean)
R> round(c6.means, 1)

Recreational Health Career Financial Safety Social

1 2.0 2.2 1.9 2.0 2.2 2.8
2 1.9 1.8 1.5 1.6 2.0 1.4
3 3.9 4.4 2.9 3.2 3.3 4.1
4 4.1 3.3 4.1 2.8 3.4 3.2
5 2.3 2.6 3.2 2.6 2.6 2.2
6 2.0 3.8 1.8 2.4 2.3 2.0

But it is much easier to understand the cluster characteristics by visualising the

column-wise means by clusters using a barchart (Fig. 7.6). barchart(risk.
hcl, risk, k = 6) from R package flexclust results in such a barchart. (A
refined version of this plot – referred to as the segment profile plot – is described
in detail in Sect. 8.3). The dark red dots correspond to the total mean values across
all respondents; the bars indicate the mean values within each one of the segments.
Segments are interpreted by inspecting the difference between the total population
(red dots) and the segments (bars). For the tourist risk taking data set, the largest
7.2 Distance-Based Methods 89

1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5

Cluster 1: 90 (16%) Cluster 2: 275 (49%) Cluster 3: 27 (5%)







Cluster 4: 25 (4%) Cluster 5: 74 (13%) Cluster 6: 72 (13%)







1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5

Fig. 7.6 Bar chart of cluster means from hierarchical clustering for the tourist risk taking data set

segment is cluster 2. People assigned to this segment avoid all types of risks as
indicated by all bars being lower than all the red dots. Segments 3 and 4 display
above average risk taking in all areas, while segments 1, 5 and 6 have average risk
taking values for 5 of the 6 categories, but are characterised by their willingness to
take above average risk in one category. Members of segment 1 are more willing
to accept social risks than the overall population, members of segment 5 are more
willing to accept career risks, and members of segment 6 are more willing to accept
health risks.

7.2.3 Partitioning Methods

Hierarchical clustering methods are particularly well suited for the analysis of small
data sets with up to a few hundred observations. For larger data sets, dendrograms
are hard to read, and the matrix of pairwise distances usually does not fit into com-
puter memory. For data sets containing more than 1000 observations (consumers),
clustering methods creating a single partition are more suitable than a nested
sequence of partitions. This means that – instead of computing all distances between
all pairs of observations in the data set at the beginning of a hierarchical partitioning
90 7 Step 5: Extracting Segments

cluster analysis using a standard implementation – only distances between each

consumer in the data set and the centre of the segments are computed. For a data
set including information about 1000 consumers, for example, the agglomerative
hierarchical clustering algorithm would have to calculate (1000×999)/2 = 499,500
distances for the pairwise distance matrix between all consumers in the data set.
A partitioning clustering algorithm aiming to extract five market segments, in
contrast, would only have to calculate between 5 and 5000 distances at each step of
the iterative or stepwise process (the exact number depends on the algorithm used).
In addition, if only a few segments are extracted, it is better to optimise specifically
for that goal, rather than building the complete dendrogram and then heuristically
cutting it into segments. k-Means and k-Centroid Clustering

The most popular partitioning method is k-means clustering. Within this method, a
number of algorithms are available. R function kmeans() implements the algo-
rithms by Forgy (1965), Hartigan and Wong (1979), Lloyd (1982) and MacQueen
(1967). These algorithms use the squared Euclidean distance. A generalisation to
other distance measures, also referred to as k-centroid clustering, is provided in R
package flexclust.
Let X = {x1 , . . . , xn } be a set of observations (consumers) in a data set. Parti-
tioning clustering methods divide these consumers into subsets (market segments)
such that consumers assigned to the same market segment are as similar to one
another as possible, while consumers belonging to different market segments are as
dissimilar as possible. The representative of a market segment is referred to in many
partitioning clustering algorithms as the centroid. For the k-means algorithm based
on the squared Euclidean distance, the centroid consists of the column-wise mean
values across all members of the market segment. The data set contains observations
(consumers) in rows, and variables (behavioural information or answers to survey
questions) in columns. The column-wise mean, therefore, is the average response
pattern across all segmentation variables for all members of the segment (Fig. 7.6).
The following generic algorithm represents a heuristic for solving the optimi-
sation problem of dividing consumers into a given number of segments such that
consumers are similar to their fellow segment members, but dissimilar to members
of other segments. This algorithm is iterative; it improves the partition in each step,
and is bound to converge, but not necessarily to the global optimum.
It involves five steps with the first four steps visualised in a simplified way in
Fig. 7.7:
1. Specify the desired number of segments k.
2. Randomly select k observations (consumers) from data set X (see Step 2 in
Fig. 7.7) and use them as initial set of cluster centroids C = {c1 , . . . , ck }. If five
market segments are being extracted, then five consumers are randomly drawn
from the data set, and declared the representatives of the five market segments. Of
7.2 Distance-Based Methods 91

Step 1 Step 2

Variable 2

Variable 2

Variable 1 Variable 1

Step 3 Step 4


New representative
Variable 2

Variable 2

New representative

Variable 1 Variable 1

Fig. 7.7 Simplified visualisation of the k-means clustering algorithm

course, these randomly chosen consumers will – at this early stage of the process
– not be representing the optimal segmentation solution. They are needed to get
the step wise (iterative) partitioning algorithm started.
3. Assign each observation xi to the closest cluster centroid (segment
representative, see Step 3 in Fig. 7.7) to form a partition of the data, that is,
k market segments S1 , . . . , Sk where

Sj = {x ∈ X|d(x, cj ) ≤ d(x, ch ), 1 ≤ h ≤ k}.

This means that each consumer in the data set is assigned to one of the initial
segment representatives. This is achieved by calculating the distance between
each consumer and each segment representative, and then assigning the consumer
to the market segment with the most similar representative. If two segment
representatives are equally close, one needs to be randomly selected. The result
of this step is an initial – suboptimal – segmentation solution. All consumers in
the data set are assigned to a segment. But the segments do not yet comply with
the criterion that members of the same segment are as similar as possible, and
members of different segments are as dissimilar as possible.
92 7 Step 5: Extracting Segments

4. Recompute the cluster centroids (segment representatives) by holding cluster

membership fixed, and minimising the distance from each consumer to the
corresponding cluster centroid (representative see Step 4 in Fig. 7.7):

cj = arg min d(x, c).

For squared Euclidean distance, the optimal centroids are the cluster-wise
means, for Manhattan distance cluster-wise medians, resulting in the so-called
k-means and k-medians procedures, respectively. In less mathematical terms:
what happens here is that – acknowledging that the initial segmentation solution
is not optimal – better segment representatives need to be identified. This is
exactly what is achieved in this step: using the initial segmentation solution, one
new representative is “elected” for each of the market segments. When squared
Euclidean distance is used, this is done by calculating the average across all
segment members, effectively finding the most typical, hypothetical segment
members and declaring them to be the new representatives.
5. Repeat from step 3 until convergence or a pre-specified maximum number of
iterations is reached. This means that the steps of assigning consumers to their
closest representative, and electing new representatives is repeated until the
point is reached where the segment representatives stay the same. This is when
the stepwise process of the partitioning algorithm stops and the segmentation
solution is declared to be the final one.
The algorithm will always converge: the stepwise process used in a partitioning
clustering algorithm will always lead to a solution. Reaching the solution may take
longer for large data sets, and large numbers of market segments, however. The
starting point of the process is random. Random initial segment representatives
are chosen at the beginning of the process. Different random initial representatives
(centroids) will inevitably lead to different market segmentation solutions. Keeping
this in mind is critical to conducting high quality market segmentation analysis
because it serves as a reminder that running one single calculation with one single
algorithm leads to nothing more than one out of many possible segmentation
solutions. The key to a high quality segmentation analysis is systematic repetition,
enabling the data analyst to weed out less useful solutions, and present to the users
of the segmentation solution – managers of the organisation wanting to adopt target
marketing – the best available market segment or set of market segments.
In addition, the algorithm requires the specification of the number of segments.
This sounds much easier than it is. The challenge of determining the optimal number
of market segments is as old as the endeavour of grouping people into segments
itself (Thorndike 1953). A number of indices have been proposed to assist the
data analyst (these are discussed in detail in Sect. 7.5.1). We prefer to assess the
stability of different segmentation solutions before extracting market segments. The
key idea is to systematically repeat the extraction process for different numbers of
clusters (or market segments), and then select the number of segments that leads to
7.2 Distance-Based Methods 93

6 5 2 6 3
10 5 8
9 2 1
2 3
9 7
8 4 10
3 10 4 8

Fig. 7.8 Artificial Gaussian data clustered using squared Euclidean distance (left), Manhattan
distance (middle) and angle distance (right)

either the most stable overall segmentation solution, or to the most stable individual
segment. Stability analysis is discussed in detail in Sects. 7.5.3 and 7.5.4. In any
case, partitioning clustering does require the data analyst to specify the number of
market segments to be extracted in advance.
What is described above is a generic version of a partitioning clustering algo-
rithm. Many variations of this generic algorithm are available; some are discussed
in the subsequent subsections. The machine learning community has also proposed
a number of clustering algorithms. Within this community, the term unsupervised
learning is used to refer to clustering because groups of consumers are created
without using an external (or dependent) variable. In contrast, supervised learning
methods use a dependent variable. The equivalent statistical methods are regression
(when the dependent variable is metric), and classification (when the dependent
variable is nominal). Hastie et al. (2009) discuss the relationships between statistics
and machine learning in detail. Machine learning algorithms essentially achieve the
same thing as their statistical counterparts. The main difference is in the vocabulary
used to describe the algorithms.
Irrespective of whether traditional statistical partitioning methods such as k-
means are used, or whether any of the algorithms proposed by the machine learning
community is applied, distance measures are the basic underlying calculation. Not
surprisingly, therefore, the choice of the distance measure has a significant impact on
the final segmentation solution. In fact, the choice of the distance measure typically
has a bigger impact on the nature of the resulting market segmentation solution
than the choice of algorithm (Leisch 2006). To illustrate this, artificial data from a
bivariate normal distribution are clustered three times using a generalised version
of the k-means algorithm. A different distance measure is used for each calculation:
squared Euclidean distance, Manhattan distance, and the difference between angles
when connecting observations to the origin.
Figure 7.8 shows the resulting three partitions. As can be seen, squared Euclidean
and Manhattan distance result in similarly shaped clusters in the interior of the data.
The direction of cluster borders in the outer region of the data set, however, are
quite different. Squared Euclidean distance results in diagonal borders, while the
borders for Manhattan distance are parallel to the axes. Angle distance slices the
94 7 Step 5: Extracting Segments

data set into cake piece shaped segments. Figure 7.8 shows clearly the effect of the
chosen distance measure on the segmentation solution. Note, however, that – while
the three resulting segmentation solutions are different – neither of them is superior
or inferior, especially given that no natural clusters are present in this data set.

Example: Artificial Mobile Phone Data

Consider a simple artificial data set for a hypothetical mobile phone market. It
contains two pieces of information about mobile phone users: the number of features
they want in a mobile phone, and the price they are willing to pay for it. We can
artificially generate a random sample for such a scenario in R. To do this, we first
load package flexclust which also contains a wide variety of partitioning clustering
algorithms for many different distance measures:
R> library("flexclust")
R> set.seed(1234)
R> PF3 <- priceFeature(500, which = "3clust")
Next, we set the seed of the random number generator to 1234. We use seed
1234 throughout the book whenever randomness is involved to make all results
reproducible. After setting the seed of the random number generator, it always
produces exactly the same sequence of numbers. In the example above, function
priceFeature() draws a random sample with uniform distribution on three
circles. Data sets drawn with different seeds will all look very similar, but the exact
location of points is different.
Figure 7.9 shows the data. The x-axis plots mobile phone features. The y-axis
plots the price mobile phone users are willing to pay. The data contains three very
distinct and well-separated market segments. Members of the bottom left market
segment want a cheap mobile phone with a limited set of features. Members of the
middle segment are willing to pay a little bit more, and expect a few additional
features. Members of the small market segment located in the top right corner of
Fig. 7.9 are willing to pay a lot of money for their mobile phone, but have very high
expectations in terms of features.
Next, we extract market segments from this data. Figure 7.9 shows clearly that
three market segments exist (when working with empirical data it is not known
how many, if any, natural segments are contained in the data). To obtain a solution
containing three market segments for the artificially generated mobile phone data
set using k-means, we use function cclust() from package flexclust. Compared
to the standard R function kmeans(), function cclust() returns richer objects,
which are useful for the subsequent visualisation of results using tools from package
flexclust. Function cclust() implements the k-means algorithm by determining
the centroids using the average values across segment members, and by assigning
each observation to the closest centroid using Euclidean distance.
R> PF3.km3 <- cclust(PF3, k = 3)
R> PF3.km3
7.2 Distance-Based Methods 95

Fig. 7.9 Artificial mobile

phone data set

0 0 2 4 6 8 10
features / performance / quality

kcca object of family 'kmeans'

cclust(x = PF3, k = 3)

cluster sizes:

1 2 3
100 200 200

The cluster centres (centroids, representatives of each market segment), and the
vector of cluster memberships (the assignment of each consumer to a specific market
segment) can be extracted using
R> parameters(PF3.km3)
features / performance / quality price
[1,] 7.976827 8.027105
[2,] 5.021999 4.881439
[3,] 1.990105 2.062453
R> clusters(PF3.km3)[1:20]
[1] 1 2 3 3 2 3 2 3 1 1 3 1 3 2 2 3 2 1 2 1

The term [1:20] in the above R command asks for the segment memberships
of only the first 20 consumers in the data set to be displayed (to save space). The
numbering of the segments (clusters) is random; it depends on which consumers
from the data set have been randomly chosen to be the initial segment representa-
tives. Exactly the same solution could be obtained with a different numbering of
segments; the market segment labelled cluster 1 in one calculation could be labelled
cluster 3 in the next calculation, although the grouping of consumers is the same.
The information about segment membership can be used to plot market segments
in colour, and to draw circles around them. These circles are referred to as convex
96 7 Step 5: Extracting Segments

hulls. In two-dimensional space, the convex hull of a set of observations is a closed

polygon connecting the outer points in a way that ensures that all points of the set
are located within the polygon. An additional requirement is that the polygon has
no “inward dents”. This means that any line connecting two data points of the set
must not lie outside the convex hull. To generate a coloured scatter plot of the data
with convex hulls for the segments – such as the one depicted in Fig. 7.10 – we can
use function clusterhull() from package MSA:
R> clusterhulls(PF3, clusters(PF3.km3))

Figure 7.10 visualises the segmentation solution resulting from a single run of the
k-means algorithm with one specific set of initial segment representatives. The final
segmentation solution returned by the k-means algorithm differs for different initial
values. Because each calculation starts with randomly selected consumers serving as
initial segment representatives, it is helpful to rerun the process of selecting random
segment representatives a few times to eliminate a particularly bad initial set of
segment representatives. The process of selecting random segment representatives
is called random initialisation.
Specifying the number of clusters (number of segments) is difficult because,
typically, consumer data does not contain distinct, well-separated naturally existing
market segments. A popular approach is to repeat the clustering procedure for
different numbers of market segments (for example: everything from two to eight
market segments), and then compare – across those solutions – the sum of distances
of all observations to their representative. The lower the distance, the better the
segmentation solution because members of market segments are very similar to one
We now calculate 10 runs of the k-means algorithm for each number of segments
using different random initial representatives (nrep = 10), and retain the best
solution for each number of segments. The number of segments varies from 2 to 8
(k = 2:8):

Fig. 7.10 Three-segment


k-means partition for the

artificial mobile phone data



0 2 4 6 8 10

features / performance / quality

7.2 Distance-Based Methods 97

R> PF3.km28 <- stepcclust(PF3, k = 2:8, nrep = 10)

2 : * * * * * * * * * *
3 : * * * * * * * * * *
4 : * * * * * * * * * *
5 : * * * * * * * * * *
6 : * * * * * * * * * *
7 : * * * * * * * * * *
8 : * * * * * * * * * *
R> PF3.km28

stepFlexclust object of family 'kmeans'

stepcclust(PF3, k = 2:8, nrep = 10)

iter converged distsum

1 NA NA 1434.6462
2 5 TRUE 827.6455
3 3 TRUE 464.7213
4 4 TRUE 416.6217
5 11 TRUE 374.4978
6 11 TRUE 339.6770
7 12 TRUE 313.8717
8 15 TRUE 284.9730

In this case, we extract market segmentation solutions containing between 2 and

8 segments (argument k = 2:8). For each one of those solutions, we retain the
best out of ten random initialisations (nrep = 10), using the sum of Euclidean
distances between the segment members and their segment representatives as
Function stepcclust() enables automated parallel processing on multiple
cores of a computer (see help("stepcclust") for details). This is useful
because the repeated calculations for different numbers of segments and different
random initialisations are independent. In the example above 7 × 10 = 70 segment
extractions are required. Without parallel computing, these 70 segment extractions
run sequentially one after the other. Parallel computing means that a number
of calculations can run simultaneously. Parallel computing is possible on most
modern standard laptops, which can typically run at least four R processes in
parallel, reducing the required runtime of the command by a factor of four (e.g.,
15 s instead of 60 s). More powerful desktop machines or compute servers allow
many more parallel R processes. For single runs of stepcclust() this makes
little difference, but as soon as advanced bootstrapping procedures are used, the
difference in runtime can be substantial. Calculations which would run for an hour,
are processed in 15 min on a laptop, and in 1.5 min on a computer server running
40 parallel processes. The R commands used are exactly the same, but parallel
processing needs to be enabled before using them. The help page for function
stepcclust() offers examples on how to do that.
98 7 Step 5: Extracting Segments

Fig. 7.11 Scree plot for

k-means partitions with

sum of within cluster distances

k = 1, . . . , 8 segments for the
artificial mobile phone data


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

number of clusters

The sums of within-cluster distances for different numbers of clusters (number of

market segments) are visualised using plot(PF3.km28). Figure 7.11 shows the
resulting scree plot. The scree plot displays – for each number of segments – the sum
of within-cluster distances. For clustering results obtained using stepcclust,
this is the sum of the Euclidean distances between each segment member and the
representative of the segment. The smaller this number, the more homogeneous the
segments; members assigned to the same market segment are similar to one another.
Optimally, the scree plot shows distinct drops in the sum of within-cluster distances
for the first numbers of segments, followed only by small decreases afterwards. The
number of segments where the last distinct drop occurs is the optimal number of
segments. After this point, homogeneous segments are split up artificially, resulting
in no major decreases in the sum of within-cluster distances.
The point of the scree plot indicating the best number of segments is where
an elbow occurs. The elbow is illustrated in Fig. 7.12. Figure 7.12 contains the
scree plot as well as an illustration of the elbow. The elbow is visualised by the
two intersecting lines with different slopes. The point where the two lines intersect
indicates the optimal number of segments. In the example shown in Fig. 7.12, large
distance drops are visible when the number of segments increases from one to two
segments, and then again from two to three segments. A further increase in segments
leads to small reductions in distance.
For this simple artificial data set – constructed to contain three distinct and
exceptionally well-separated market segments – the scree plot in Fig. 7.11 correctly
points to three market segments being a good choice. The scree plot only provides
guidance if market segments are well-separated. If they are not, stability analysis –
discussed in detail in Sects. 7.5.3 and 7.5.4 – can inform the number of segments
7.2 Distance-Based Methods 99

Fig. 7.12 Scree plot for
k-means partitions with

sum of within cluster distances

k = 1, . . . , 8 segments for the
artificial mobile phone data

set including a visualisation
of the elbow consisting of
two intersecting lines with
different slopes

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

number of clusters

Example: Tourist Risk Taking

To illustrate the difference between an artificially created data set (containing three
textbook market segments), and a data set containing real consumer data, we use
the tourist risk taking data set. We generate solutions for between 2 and 8 segments
(k = 2, . . . , 8 clusters) using the following command:
R> set.seed(1234)
R> risk.km28 <- stepcclust(risk, k = 2:8, nrep = 10)

We use the default seed of 1234 for the random number generator, and initialise
each k-means run with a different set of k random representatives. To make it
possible for readers to get exactly the same results as shown in this book, the seed
is actively set. Figure 7.13 contains the corresponding sum of distances. As can be
seen immediately, the drops in distances are much less distinct for this consumer
data set than they were for the artificial mobile phone data set. No obvious number
of segments recommendation emerges from this plot. But if this plot were the only
available decision tool, the two-segment solution would be chosen. We obtain the
corresponding bar chart using
R> barchart(risk.km28[["2"]])

(Figure not shown). The solution containing two market segments splits the data
into risk-averse people and risk-takers, reflecting the two main branches of the
dendrogram in Fig. 7.5.
Figure 7.14 show the six-segment solution. It is similar to the partition resulting
from the hierarchical clustering procedure, but not exactly the same. The six-
segment solution resulting from the partitioning algorithm contains two segments
of low risk takers (segments 1 and 4), two segments of high risk takers (segments 2
and 5), and two distinctly profiled segments, one of which contains people taking
recreational and social risks (segment 3), and another one containing health risk
100 7 Step 5: Extracting Segments

Fig. 7.13 Scree plot for

sum of within cluster distances

k-means partitions with
k = 1, . . . , 8 segments for the

tourist risk taking data set

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
number of clusters

1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0

Cluster 1: 155 (28%) Cluster 2: 44 (8%) Cluster 3: 90 (16%)







Cluster 4: 95 (17%) Cluster 5: 82 (15%) Cluster 6: 97 (17%)







1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0

Fig. 7.14 Bar chart of cluster means from k-means clustering for the tourist risk taking data set

takers (segment 6). Both partitions obtained using either hierarchical or partitioning
clustering methods are reasonable from a statistical point of view. Which partition is
more suitable to underpin the market segmentation strategy of an organisation needs
to be evaluated jointly by the data analyst and the user of the segmentation solution
using the tools and methods presented in Sect. 7.5 and in Steps 6, 7 and 8.
7.2 Distance-Based Methods 101 “Improved” k-Means

Many attempts have been made to refine and improve the k-means clustering
algorithm. The simplest improvement is to initialise k-means using “smart” starting
values, rather than randomly drawing k consumers from the data set and using them
as starting points. Using randomly drawn consumers is suboptimal because it may
result in some of those randomly drawn consumers being located very close to one
another, and thus not being representative of the data space. Using starting points
that are not representative of the data space increases the likelihood of the k-means
algorithm getting stuck in what is referred to as a local optimum. A local optimum
is a good solution, but not the best possible solution. One way of avoiding the
problem of the algorithm getting stuck in a local optimum is to initialise it using
starting points evenly spread across the entire data space. Such starting points better
represent the entire data set.
Steinley and Brusco (2007) compare 12 different strategies proposed to initialise
the k-means algorithm. Based on an extensive simulation study using artificial data
sets of known structure, Steinley and Brusco conclude that the best approach is
to randomly draw many starting points, and select the best set. The best starting
points are those that best represent the data. Good representatives are close to their
segment members; the total distance of all segment members to their representatives
is small (as illustrated on the left side of Fig. 7.15). Bad representatives are far away
from their segment members; the total distance of all segment members to their
representatives is high (as illustrated on the right side of Fig. 7.15). Hard Competitive Learning

Hard competitive learning, also known as learning vector quantisation (e.g. Ripley
1996), differs from the standard k-means algorithm in how segments are extracted.
Although hard competitive learning also minimises the sum of distances from

l l

l l
l l

l l
l l

l l l l

l l l l

l l
l l l l
l l
l l l l
l l
l l l l

l l

l l

Fig. 7.15 Examples of good (left) and bad (right) starting points for k-means clustering
102 7 Step 5: Extracting Segments

each consumer contained in the data set to their closest representative (centroid),
the process by which this is achieved is slightly different. k-means uses all
consumers in the data set at each iteration of the analysis to determine the new
segment representatives (centroids). Hard competitive learning randomly picks one
consumer and moves this consumer’s closest segment representative a small step
into the direction of the randomly chosen consumer.
As a consequence of this procedural difference, different segmentation solutions
can emerge, even if the same starting points are used to initialise the algorithm.
It is also possible that hard competitive learning finds the globally optimal market
segmentation solution, while k-means gets stuck in a local optimum (or the other
way around). Neither of the two methods is superior to the other; they are just
different. An application of hard competitive learning in market segmentation
analysis can be found in Boztug and Reutterer (2008), where the procedure is
used for segment-specific market basket analysis. Hard competitive learning can be
computed in R using function cclust(x, k, method = "hardcl") from
package flexclust. Neural Gas and Topology Representing Networks

A variation of hard competitive learning is the neural gas algorithm proposed

by Martinetz et al. (1993). Here, not only the segment representative (centroid)
is moved towards the randomly selected consumer. Instead, also the location
of the second closest segment representative (centroid) is adjusted towards the
randomly selected consumer. However, the location of the second closest repre-
sentative is adjusted to a smaller degree than that of the primary representative.
Neural gas has been used in applied market segmentation analysis (Dolnicar and
Leisch 2010, 2014). Neural gas clustering can be performed in R using func-
tion cclust(x, k, method = "neuralgas") from package flexclust. An
application with real data is presented in Sect.
A further extension of neural gas clustering are topology representing networks
(TRN, Martinetz and Schulten 1994). The underlying algorithm is the same as in
neural gas. In addition, topology representing networks count how often each pair
of segment representatives (centroids) is closest and second closest to a randomly
drawn consumer. This information is used to build a virtual map in which “similar”
representatives – those which had their values frequently adjusted at the same time
– are placed next to one other. Almost the same information – which is central
to the construction of the map in topology representing networks – can be obtained
from any other clustering algorithms by counting how many consumers have certain
representatives as closest and second closest in the final segmentation solution.
Based on this information, the so-called segment neighbourhood graph (Leisch
2010) is generated. The segment neighbourhood graph is part of the default segment
visualisation functions of package flexclust. Currently there appears to be no
implementation of the original topology representing network (TRN) algorithm in
R, but using neural gas in combination with neighbourhood graphs achieves similar
7.2 Distance-Based Methods 103

results. Function cclust() returns the neighbourhood graph by default (see

Figs. 7.19, 7.41, 8.4 and 8.6 for examples). Neural gas and topology representing
networks are not superior to the k-means algorithm or to hard competitive learning;
they are different. As a consequence, they result in different market segmentation
solutions. Given that data-driven market segmentation analysis is exploratory by
very nature, it is of great value to have a larger toolbox of algorithms available for
exploration. Self-Organising Maps

Another variation of hard competitive learning are self-organising maps (Kohonen

1982, 2001), also referred to as self-organising feature maps or Kohonen maps.
Self-organising maps position segment representatives (centroids) on a regular grid,
usually a rectangular or hexagonal grid. Examples of grids are provided in Fig. 7.16.
The self-organising map algorithm is similar to hard competitive learning: a
single random consumer is selected from the data set, and the closest representative
for this random consumer moves a small step in their direction. In addition,
representatives which are direct grid neighbours of the closest representative move
in the direction of the selected random consumer. The process is repeated many
times; each consumer in the data set is randomly chosen multiple times, and used
to adjust the location of the centroids in the Kohonen map. What changes over the
many repetitions, however, is the extent to which the representatives are allowed to
change. The adjustments get smaller and smaller until a final solution is reached.
The advantage of self-organising maps over other clustering algorithms is that the
numbering of market segments is not random. Rather, the numbering aligns with
the grid along which all segment representatives (centroids) are positioned. The
price paid for this advantage is that the sum of distances between segment members
and segment representatives can be larger than for other clustering algorithms. The
reason is that the location of representatives cannot be chosen freely. Rather, the
grid imposes restrictions on permissible locations. Comparisons of self-organising
maps and topology representing networks with other clustering algorithms, such as
the standard k-means algorithm, as well as for market segmentation applications are
provided in Mazanec (1999) and Reutterer and Natter (2000).

Fig. 7.16 Rectangular (left) and hexagonal (right) grid for self-organising maps
104 7 Step 5: Extracting Segments

Fig. 7.17 5 × 5
self-organising map of the
tourist risk taking data set

Recreational Financial
Health Safety
Career Social

Many implementations of self-organising maps are available in R packages.

Here, we use function som() from package kohonen (Wehrens and Buydens 2007)
because it offers good visualisations of the fitted maps. The following R commands
load package kohonen, fit a 5 × 5 rectangular self-organising map to the tourist
risk taking data, and plot it using the colour palette flxPalettte from package
R> library("kohonen")
R> set.seed(1234)
R> risk.som <- som(risk, somgrid(5, 5, "rect"))
R> plot(risk.som, palette.name = flxPalette, main = "")

The resulting map is shown in Fig. 7.17. As specified in the R code, the map
has the shape of a five by five rectangular grid, and therefore extracts 25 market
segments. Each circle on the grid represents one market segment. Neighbouring
segments are more similar to one another than segments located far away from one
another. The pie chart provided in Fig. 7.17 for each of the market segments contains
basic information about the segmentation variables. Members of the segment in the
top left corner take all six kinds of risks frequently. Members of the segment in
the bottom right corner do not take any kind of risk ever. The market segments
in-between display different risk taking tendencies. For example, members of the
7.2 Distance-Based Methods 105

market segment located at the very centre of the map take financial risks and career
risks, but not recreational, health, safety and social risks. Neural Networks

Auto-encoding neural networks for cluster analysis work mathematically differently

than all cluster methods presented so far. The most popular method from this family
of algorithms uses a so-called single hidden layer perceptron. A detailed description
of the method and its usage in a marketing context is provided by Natter (1999).
Hruschka and Natter (1999) compare neural networks and k-means.
Figure 7.18 illustrates a single hidden layer perceptron. The network has three
layers. The input layer takes the data as input. The output layer gives the response
of the network. In the case of clustering this is the same as the input. In-between
the input and output layer is the so-called hidden layer. It is named hidden because
it has no connections to the outside of the network. The input layer has one so-
called node for every segmentation variable. The example in Fig. 7.18 uses five
segmentation variables. The values of the three nodes in the hidden layer h1 , h2
and h3 are weighted linear combinations of the inputs

hj = fj αij xi

for a non-linear function fj . Each weight αij in the formula is depicted by an arrow
connecting nodes in input layer and hidden layer. The fj are chosen such that 0 ≤
hj ≤ 1, and all hj sum up to one (h1 + h2 + h3 = 1).
In the simplest case, the outputs x̂i are weighted combinations of the hidden

Fig. 7.18 Schematic

representation of an x5 x^5
auto-encoding neural network
with one hidden layer
x4 h3 x^4

x3 h2 x^3

x2 h1 x^2
hidden layer
x1 x^1
input layer output layer
106 7 Step 5: Extracting Segments

x̂i = βj i hi ,
j =1

where coefficients βj i correspond to the arrows between hidden nodes and output
nodes. When training the network, the parameters αij and βj i are chosen such
that the squared Euclidean distance between inputs and outputs is as small as
possible for the training data available (the consumers to be segmented). In neural
network vocabulary, the term training is used for parameter estimation. This gives
the network its name auto-encoder; it is trained to predict the inputs xi as accurately
as possible. The task would be trivial if the number of hidden nodes would be equal
to the number available as inputs. If, however, fewer hidden nodes are used (which
is usually the case), the network is forced to learn how to best represent the data
using segment representatives.
Once the network is trained, parameters connecting the hidden layer to the
output layer are interpreted in the same way as segment representatives (centroids)
resulting from traditional cluster algorithms. The parameters connecting the input
layer to the hidden layer can be interpreted in the following way: consider that for
one particular consumer h1 = 1, and hence h2 = h3 = 0. In this case x̂i = β1i for
i = 1, . . . , 5. This is true for all consumers where h1 is 1 or close to 1. The network
predicts the same value for all consumers with h1 ≈ 1. All these consumers are
members of market segment 1 with representative β1i . All consumers with h2 ≈ 1,
are members of segment 2, and so on.
Consumers who have no hj value close to 1 can be seen as in-between segments.
k-means clustering and hard competitive learning produce crisp segmentations,
where each consumer belongs to exactly one segment. Neural network cluster-
ing is an example of a so-called fuzzy segmentation with membership values
between 0 (not a member of this segment) and 1 (member of only this segment).
Membership values between 0 and 1 indicate membership in multiple segments.
Several implementations of auto-encoding neural networks are available in R.
One example is function autoencode() in package autoencoder (Dubossarsky
and Tyshetskiy 2015). Many other clustering algorithms generate fuzzy market
segmentation solutions, see for example R package fclust (Ferraro and Giordani

7.2.4 Hybrid Approaches

Several approaches combine hierarchical and partitioning algorithms in an attempt

to compensate the weaknesses of one method with the strengths of the other.
The strengths of hierarchical cluster algorithms are that the number of market
segments to be extracted does not have to be specified in advance, and that
similarities of market segments can be visualised using a dendrogram. The biggest
disadvantage of hierarchical clustering algorithms is that standard implementations
require substantial memory capacity, thus restricting the possible sample size of
7.2 Distance-Based Methods 107

the data for applying these methods. Also, dendrograms become very difficult to
interpret when the sample size is large.
The strength of partitioning clustering algorithms is that they have minimal
memory requirements during calculation, and are therefore suitable for segmenting
large data sets. The disadvantage of partitioning clustering algorithms is that the
number of market segments to be extracted needs to be specified in advance.
Partitioning algorithms also do not enable the data analyst to track changes
in segment membership across segmentation solutions with different number of
segments because these segmentation solutions are not necessarily nested.
The basic idea behind hybrid segmentation approaches is to first run a parti-
tioning algorithm because it can handle data sets of any size. But the partitioning
algorithm used initially does not generate the number of segments sought. Rather,
a much larger number of segments is extracted. Then, the original data is discarded
and only the centres of the resulting segments (centroids, representatives of each
market segment) and segment sizes are retained, and used as input for the hierar-
chical cluster analysis. At this point, the data set is small enough for hierarchical
algorithms, and the dendrogram can inform the decision how many segments to
extract. Two-Step Clustering

IBM SPSS (IBM Corporation 2016) implemented a procedure referred to as two-

step clustering (SPSS 2001). The two steps consist of run a partitioning procedure
followed by a hierarchical procedure. The procedure has been used in a wide
variety of application areas, including internet access types of mobile phone users
(Okazaki 2006), segmenting potential nature-based tourists based on temporal
factors (Tkaczynski et al. 2015), identifying and characterising potential electric
vehicle adopters (Mohamed et al. 2016), and segmenting travel related risks (Ritchie
et al. 2017).
The basic idea can be demonstrated using simple R commands. For this purpose
we use the artificial mobile phone data set introduced in Sect. 7.2.3. First we cluster
the original data using k-means with k much larger than the number of market
segments sought, here k = 30:
R> set.seed(1234)
R> PF3.k30 <- stepcclust(PF3, k = 30, nrep = 10)
The exact number of clusters k in this first step is not crucial. Here, 30 clusters were
extracted because the original data set only contains 500 observations. For large
empirical data sets much larger numbers of clusters can be extracted (100, 500 or
1000). The choice of the original number of clusters to extract is not crucial because
the primary aim of the first step is to reduce the size of the data set by retaining only
one representative member of each of the extracted clusters. Such an application of
cluster methods is often also referred to as vector quantisation. The following R
command plots the result of running k-means to extract k = 30 clusters:
R> plot(PF3.k30, data = PF3)
108 7 Step 5: Extracting Segments

This plot is shown in Fig. 7.19. The plot visualises the cluster solution using a
neighbourhood graph. In a neighbourhood graph, the cluster means are the nodes,
and are plotted using circles with the cluster number (label) in the middle. The edges
between the nodes correspond to the similarity between clusters. In addition – if the
data is provided – a scatter plot of the data with the observations coloured by cluster
memberships and cluster hulls is plotted.
As can be seen, the 30 extracted clusters are located within the three segments
contained in this artificially created data set. But because the number of clusters
extracted is ten times larger (30) than the actual number of segments (3), each natu-
rally existing market segment is split up into a number of even more homogeneous
segments. The top right market segment – willing to pay a high price for a mobile
phone with many features – has been split up in eight subsegments.
The representatives of each of these 30 market segments (centroids, cluster
centres) as well as the segment sizes serve as the new data set for the second step of
the procedure, the hierarchical cluster analysis. To achieve this, we need to extract
the cluster centres and segment sizes from the k-means solution:
R> PF3.k30.cent <- parameters(PF3.k30)
R> sizes <- table(clusters(PF3.k30))
Based on this information, we can extract segments with hierarchical clustering
using the following R command:
R> PF3.hc <- hclust(dist(PF3.k30.cent), members = sizes)
Figure 7.20 contains the resulting dendrogram produced by plot(PF3.hc).
The three long vertical lines in this dendrogram clearly point to the existence of
three market segments in the data set. It cannot be determined from the hierarchical
cluster analysis, however, which consumer belongs to which market segment. This
cannot be determined because the original data was discarded. What needs to
happen in the final step of two-step clustering, therefore, is to link the original data
with the segmentation solution derived from the hierarchical analysis. This can be
achieved using function twoStep() from package MSA which takes as argument
the hierarchical clustering solution, the cluster memberships of the original data
obtained with the partitioning clustering method, and the number k of segments to
R> PF3.ts3 <- twoStep(PF3.hc, clusters(PF3.k30), k = 3)
R> table(PF3.ts3)
1 2 3
200 100 200

As can be seen from this table (showing the number of members in each segment),
the number of segment members extracted matches the number of segment members
generated for this artificial data set. That the correct segments were indeed extracted
is confirmed by inspecting the plot generated with the following R command:
plot(PF3, col = PF3.ts3). The resulting plot is not shown because it is
in principal identical to that shown in Fig. 7.10.
7.2 Distance-Based Methods 109

302426 5
13 11


19 21 18

3 6 15 9
7 22

1 25 16
27 10
8 20

12 23

2 4 6 8
features / performance / quality

Fig. 7.19 k-means clustering of the artificial mobile phone data set into 30 clusters











Fig. 7.20 Hierarchical clustering of the 30 k-means cluster centres of the artificial mobile phone
data set
110 7 Step 5: Extracting Segments

The R commands presented in this section may be slightly less convenient to

use than the fully automated two-step procedure within SPSS. But they illustrate
the key strength of R: the details of the algorithms used are known, and the data
analyst can choose from the full range of hierarchical and partitioning clustering
procedures available in R, rather than being limited to what has been implemented
in a commercial statistical software package. Bagged Clustering

Bagged clustering (Leisch 1998, 1999) also combines hierarchical clustering algo-
rithms and partitioning clustering algorithms, but adds bootstrapping (Efron and
Tibshirani 1993). Bootstrapping can be implemented by random drawing from the
data set with replacement. That means that the process of extracting segments is
repeated many times with randomly drawn (bootstrapped) samples of the data.
Bootstrapping has the advantage of making the final segmentation solution less
dependent on the exact people contained in consumer data.
In bagged clustering, we first cluster the bootstrapped data sets using a parti-
tioning algorithm. The advantage of starting with a partitioning algorithm is that
there are no restrictions on the sample size of the data. Next, we discard the original
data set and all bootstrapped data sets. We only save the cluster centroids (segment
respresentatives) resulting from the repeated partitioning cluster analyses. These
cluster centroids serve as our data set for the second step: hierarchical clustering.
The advantage of using hierarchical clustering in the second step is that the resulting
dendrogram may provide clues about the best number of market segments to extract.
Bagged clustering is suitable in the following circumstances (Dolnicar and
Leisch 2004; Leisch 1998):
• If we suspect the existence of niche markets.
• If we fear that standard algorithms might get stuck in bad local solutions.
• If we prefer hierarchical clustering, but the data set is too large.
Bagged clustering can identify niche segments because hierarchical clustering
captures market niches as small distinct branches in the dendrogram. The increased
chance of arriving at a good segmentation solution results from: (1) drawing many
bootstrap samples from the original data set, (2) repeating the k-means analysis – or
any other partitioning algorithm – many times to avoid a suboptimal initialisation
(the random choice of initial segment representatives), (3) using only the centroids
resulting from the k-means studies in the second (hierarchical) step of the analysis,
and (4) using the deterministic hierarchical analysis in the final step.
Bagged clustering consists of five steps starting with a data set X of size n:
1. Create b bootstrap samples of size n by drawing with replacement consumers
from the data set (using b = 50 or 100 bootstrap samples works well).
2. Repeat the preferred partitioning method for each bootstrap sample, generating
b × k cluster centres (centroids, representatives of market segments) with k
representing the number of clusters (segments). Leisch (1999) shows that the
7.2 Distance-Based Methods 111

exact number of clusters k selected is not important, as long as the number

selected is higher than the number of segments expected to exist in the data.
If k is larger than necessary, segments artificially split up in this step are merged
during hierarchical clustering.
3. Use all cluster centres resulting from the repeated partitioning analyses to create
a new, derived data set. Discard the original data. In the subsequent steps,
replace the original data with the derived data set containing the cluster centres
(centroids, representatives of market segments). It is for this reason that bagged
clustering can deal with large data sets; it effectively discards the large data set
once it has successfully extracted a number of cluster centres.
4. Calculate hierarchical clustering using the derived data set.
5. Determine the final segmentation solution by selecting a cut point for the
dendrogram. Then, assign each original observation (consumer in the data set)
to the market segment the representative of which is closest to that particular
Bagged clustering has been successfully applied to tourism data (Dolnicar and
Leisch 2003; Prayag et al. 2015). For illustration purposes, we use the winter
vacation activities data discussed in Dolnicar and Leisch (2003). The underlying
marketing challenge for the Austrian winter tourist destination is to identify
tourist market segments on the basis of their vacation activities. The available
data set contains responses from 2961 tourists surveyed as part of the Austrian
National Guest Survey (winter 1997/1998). Respondents indicated whether they
have engaged in each of 27 winter vacation activities. As a consequence, 27 binary
segmentation variables are available for market segmentation analysis. Activities
include typical winter sports such as alpine skiing and ice skating, but also more
generic tourist activities such as going to a spa or visiting museums. A detailed
description of the data set is provided in Appendix C.2.
We first load the data set from package MSA, and inspect the labels of the 27
winter vacation activities used as segmentation variables:
R> data("winterActiv", package = "MSA")
R> colnames(winterActiv)

[1] "alpine skiing" "cross-country skiing"

[3] "snowboarding" "carving"
[5] "ski touring" "ice-skating"
[7] "sleigh riding" "tennis"
[9] "horseback riding" "going to a spa "
[11] "using health facilities" "hiking"
[13] "going for walks" "organized excursions"
[15] "excursions" "relaxing"
[17] "going out in the evening" "going to discos/bars"
[19] "shopping" "sight-seeing"
[21] "museums" "theater/opera"
[23] "heurigen" "concerts"
[25] "tyrolean evenings" "local events"
[27] "pool/sauna"
112 7 Step 5: Extracting Segments

We run bagged clustering using bclust() from package flexclust. We can

specify the same number of base.k = 10 market segments for the partitioning
algorithm and base.iter = 50 bootstrap samples as in Dolnicar and Leisch
(2003) using the following R command:
R> set.seed(1234)
R> winter.bc <- bclust(winterActiv, base.k = 10,
+ base.iter = 50)

Committee Member:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39
40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
Computing Hierarchical Clustering

bclust uses k-means as partitioning method, and the Euclidean distance together
with average linkage in the hierarchical clustering part as the default.
Bagged clustering is an example of a so-called ensemble clustering method
(Hornik 2005). These methods are called ensemble methods because they com-
bine several segmentation solutions into one. Ensembles are also referred to as
committees. Every repeated segment extraction using a different bootstrap sample
contributes one committee member. The final step is equivalent to all committee
members voting on the final market segmentation solution.
Figure 7.21 shows a dendrogram resulting from the second part of bagged
clustering, the hierarchical cluster analysis of the k × b = 10 × 50 = 500
cluster centres (centroids, representatives of segments). This dendrogram appears

Fig. 7.21 Dendrogram for bagged cluster analysis of the winter vacation activities data set
7.2 Distance-Based Methods 113

to recommend four market segments. But assigning observations to these segments

shows that the left branch of the dendrogram contains two thirds of all tourists. This
large market segment is not very distinct.
Splitting this large segment up into two subsegments leads to a SNOW-
BOARD / PARTY SEGMENT and a SUPER ACTIVES segment. To gain insight into
the characteristics of all resulting segments, we generate a bar chart (Fig. 7.22)
using the following R command:
R> barchart(winter.bc, k = 5)

To inspect segmentation solutions containing fewer or more than five market

segments, we can change the argument k to the desired number of clusters (number
of segments).
Note that the bootstrapping procedure is based on artificial random numbers.
Random number generators in R have changed over the last decade. As a conse-
quence, the results presented here are not identical to those in Dolnicar and Leisch
(2003), but qualitatively the same market segments emerge.
As can be seen from Fig. 7.22, the five segments extracted using bagged
clustering vary substantially in size. The largest segment or cluster (segment 3)
contains more than one third of all tourists in the sample. The smallest segment
(segment 4) contains only 6%. This tiny segment is not particularly interesting
from an organisational point of view, however: it is characterised by above average
agreement with all vacation activities. As such, there is a risk that this segment
may capture acquiescence response style (the tendency of survey respondents to
agree with everything they are asked). Before selecting a segment of such nature as
a target segment, it would have to be investigated (using other variables from the
same survey) whether the profile is a reflection of overall high vacation activity or a
response style.
The second smallest segment in this solution (segment 2) is still a niche segment,
containing only 11% of respondents. Segment 2 displays some very interesting
characteristics: members of this segment rarely go skiing. Instead, a large proportion
of them goes to a spa or a health facility. They also go for walks, and hike
more frequently than the average tourist visiting Austria in that particular winter
season. Relaxation is also very high on the list of priorities for this market segment.
Segment 2 (HEALTH TOURISTS) is a very interesting niche segment in the context
of Austrian tourism. Austria has a large number of thermal baths built along thermal
lines. Water from these hot thermal springs is believed to have health benefits.
Thermal springs are popular, not only among people who are recovering from
injuries, but also as a vacation or short break destination for (mainly older) tourists.
If the same data set had been analysed using a different algorithm, such as k-
means, this niche segment of HEALTH TOURISTS would not have emerged.
An additional advantage of bagged clustering – compared to standard parti-
tioning algorithms – is that the two-step process effectively has a built-in variable
uncertainty analysis. This analysis provides element-wise uncertainty bands for the
cluster centres. These bands are shown in Fig. 7.23, which contains a boxplot of the
114 7 Step 5: Extracting Segments

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8

Cluster 1: 475 (16%) Cluster 2: 329 (11%)

alpine skiing
cross−country skiing
ski touring
sleigh riding
horseback riding
going to a spa
using health facilities
going for walks
organized excursions
going out in the evening
going to discos/bars
tyrolean evenings
local events
Cluster 3: 1026 (35%) Cluster 4: 187 (6%)
alpine skiing
cross−country skiing
ski touring
sleigh riding
horseback riding
going to a spa
using health facilities
going for walks
organized excursions
going out in the evening
going to discos/bars
tyrolean evenings
local events
Cluster 5: 944 (32%)
alpine skiing
cross−country skiing
ski touring
sleigh riding
horseback riding
going to a spa
using health facilities
going for walks
organized excursions
going out in the evening
going to discos/bars
tyrolean evenings
local events
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8

Fig. 7.22 Bar chart of cluster means from bagged cluster analysis of the winter vacation activities
data set
7.2 Distance-Based Methods 115

133 cluster centres (centroids, representatives of market segments) forming segment

5 as generated by
R> bwplot(winter.bc, k = 5, clusters = 5)

Here, only the plot for segment 5 is provided. The same R code can generate
boxplots for all other market segments resulting from bagged clustering.
A general explanation of boxplots and how they are interpreted is provided in
Sect. 6.3 using Fig. 6.2. Looking at Fig. 7.23: if the 133 cluster centres are spread
across the full width of the plot for a specific vacation activity, it indicates that
the market segment is not very distinct with respect to this activity. If, however,
all cluster centres are lumped together, this is a key characteristic of this particular
market segment.
As can be seen in Fig. 7.23, cluster centres assigned to segment 5 display little
variation with respect to a number of variables: going skiing (which most of them
do), a range of cultural activities (which most of them do not engage in), and a few
other activities, such as horseback riding and organised excursions.

alpine skiing
cross−country skiing
ski touring
sleigh riding
horseback riding
going to a spa
using health facilities
going for walks
organized excursions
going out in the evening
going to discos/bars
tyrolean evenings
local events

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

Fig. 7.23 Boxplot of cluster centres from bagged cluster analysis for segment 5 of the winter
vacation activities data set
116 7 Step 5: Extracting Segments

With respect to other vacation activities, however, there is a lot of variation

among the cluster centres assigned to segment 5, including relaxation, going out
in the evening, going to discos and bars, shopping, and going to the pool or sauna.
Note that the marginal probabilities in the total population for alpine skiing and
relaxing are almost the same (both approximately 70%). The difference in variability
is therefore not simply an artefact of how many people undertake these activities
overall. Low variability in unpopular winter activities, on the other hand, is not
unexpected: if almost nobody in the total tourist population goes horseback riding,
it is not a key insight that cluster centres assigned to segment 5 do not go horseback
riding either.

7.3 Model-Based Methods

Distance-based methods have a long history of being used in market segmentation

analysis. More recently, model-based methods have been proposed as an alternative.
According to Wedel and Kamakura (2000, p. XIX) – the pioneers of model-
based methods in market segmentation analysis – mixture methodologies have
attracted great interest from applied marketing researchers and consultants. Wedel
and Kamakura (2000, p. XIX) predict that in terms of impact on academics and
practitioners, next to conjoint analysis, mixture models will prove to be the most
influential methodological development spawned by marketing problems to date.
Here, a slightly more pragmatic perspective is taken. Model-based methods are
viewed as one additional segment extraction method available to data analysts.
Given that extracting market segments is an exploratory exercise, it is helpful to use
a range of extraction methods to determine the most suitable approach for the data
at hand. Having model-based methods available is particularly useful because these
methods extract market segments in a very different way, thus genuinely offering an
alternative extraction technique.
As opposed to distance-based clustering methods, model-based segment extrac-
tion methods do not use similarities or distances to assess which consumers should
be assigned to the same market segment. Instead, they are based on the assumption
that the true market segmentation solution – which is unknown – has the following
two general properties: (1) each market segment has a certain size, and (2) if a
consumer belongs to market segment A, that consumer will have characteristics
which are specific to members of market segment A. These two properties are
assumed to hold, but the exact nature of these properties – the sizes of these
segments, and the values of the segment-specific characteristics – is not known
in advance. Model-based methods use the empirical data to find those values for
segment sizes and segment-specific characteristics that best reflect the data.
Model-based methods can be seen as selecting a general structure, and then fine-
tuning the structure based on the consumer data. The model-based methods used in
this section are called finite mixture models because the number of market segments
is finite, and the overall model is a mixture of segment-specific models. The two
7.3 Model-Based Methods 117

properties of the finite mixture model can be written down in a more formal way.
Property 1 (that each market segment has a certain size) implies that the segment
membership z of a consumer is determined by the multinomial distribution with
segment sizes π :

z ∼ Multinomial(π ).

Property 2 states that members of each market segment have segment-specific

characteristics. These segment-specific characteristics are captured by the vector
θ , containing one value for each segment-specific characteristic. Function f (),
together with θ , captures how likely specific values y are to be observed in the
empirical data, given that the consumer has segment membership z, and potentially
given some additional pieces of information x for that consumer:

f (y|x, θz ).

These functions f () together with their parameters θ are also referred to as segment-
specific models and correspond to statistical distribution functions.
This leads to the following finite mixture model:

πh f (y|x, θh ), πh > 0, πh = 1. (7.1)
h=1 h=1

The values to be estimated – across all segments h ranging from 1 to k – consist

of the segment sizes π (positive values summing to one), and the segment-specific
characteristics θ . The values that need to be estimated are called parameters.
Different statistical frameworks are available for estimating the parameters of
the finite mixture model. Maximum likelihood estimation (see for example Casella
and Berger 2010) is commonly used. Maximum likelihood estimation aims at
determining the parameter values for which the observed data is most likely to occur.
The maximum likelihood estimate has a range of desirable statistical properties.
The likelihood is given by interpreting the function in Eq. 7.1 as a function of the
parameters instead of the data. However, even for the simplest mixture models,
this likelihood function cannot be maximised in closed form. Iterative methods are
required such as the EM algorithm (Dempster et al. 1977; McLachlan and Basford
1988; McLachlan and Peel 2000). This approach regards the segment memberships
z as missing data, and exploits the fact that the likelihood of the complete data
(where also the segment memberships are included as observed data) is easier
to maximise. An alternative statistical inference approach is to use the Bayesian
framework for estimation. If a Bayesian approach is pursued, mixture models are
usually fitted using Markov chain Monte Carlo methods (see for example Frühwirth-
Schnatter 2006).
Regardless of the way the finite mixture model is estimated, once values for the
segment sizes, and the segment-specific characteristics are determined (for example
118 7 Step 5: Extracting Segments

using the maximum likelihood or the posterior mode estimates), consumers in the
empirical data set can be assigned to segments using the following approach. First,
the probability of each consumer to be a member of each segment is determined.
This is based on the information available for the consumer, which consists of y,
the potentially available x, and the estimated parameter values of the finite mixture
πh f (y|x, θh )
Prob(z = h|x, y, π1 , . . . , πk , θ1 , . . . , θk ) = k (7.2)
j πj f (y|x, θj )

The consumers are then assigned to segments using these probabilities by selecting
the segment with the highest probability.
As is the case with partitioning clustering methods, maximum likelihood esti-
mation of the finite mixture model with the EM algorithm requires specifying the
number of segments k to extract in advance. But the true number of segments is
rarely known. A standard strategy to select a good number of market segments is to
extract finite mixture models with a varying number of segments and compare them.
Selecting the correct number of segments is as problematic in model-based methods
as it is to select the correct number of clusters when using partitioning methods.
In the framework of maximum likelihood estimation, so-called information
criteria are typically used to guide the data analyst in their choice of the number
of market segments. Most common are the Akaike information criterion or AIC
(Akaike 1987), the Bayesian information criterion or BIC (Schwarz 1978; Fraley
and Raftery 1998), and the integrated completed likelihood or ICL (Biernacki et al.
2000). All these criteria use the likelihood as a measure of goodness-of-fit of the
model to the data, and penalise for the number of parameters estimated. This penal-
isation is necessary because the maximum likelihood value increases as the model
becomes more complex (more segments, more independent variables). Comparing
models of different complexity using maximum likelihoods will therefore always
lead to the recommendation of the larger model. The criteria differ in the exact
value of the penalty. The specific formulae for AIC, BIC and ICL are given by:

AIC = 2df − 2 log(L) (7.3)

BIC = log(n)df − 2 log(L) (7.4)
ICL = log(n)df − 2 log(L) + 2ent (7.5)

where df is the number of all parameters of the model, log(L) is the maximised log-
likelihood, and n is the number of observations. ent is the mean entropy (Shannon
1948) of the probabilities given in Eq. 7.2. Mean entropy decreases if the assignment
of observations to segments is clear. The entropy is lowest if a consumer has a
100% probability of being assigned to a certain segment. Mean entropy increases
if segment assignments are not clear. The entropy is highest if a consumer has the
same probability of being a member of each market segment.
7.3 Model-Based Methods 119

All criteria decrease if fewer parameters are used or the likelihood increases. In
contrast, more parameters or smaller likelihoods will increase them. The goal is to
minimise them. Because log(n) is larger than 2 for n larger than 7, BIC penalises
stronger than AIC for additional parameters, and prefers smaller models in case
different model sizes are recommended. The ICL uses an additional penalty to the
BIC, which takes the separatedness of segments into account. In addition to these
three criteria, a number of other information criteria have been proposed; no one
specific information criterion has been shown to consistently outperform the others
in model-based clustering applications.
At first glance, finite mixture models may appear unnecessarily complicated.
The advantage of using such models is that they can capture very complex
segment characteristics, and can be extended in many different ways. One possible
extension of the presented finite mixture model includes a model where the segment-
specific models differ not only in the segment characteristics θ , but also in the
general structure. There is an extensive literature available on finite mixture models
including several research monographs (see for example McLachlan and Peel 2000;
Frühwirth-Schnatter 2006). The finite mixture model literature uses the following
terminology: market segments are referred to as mixture components, segment sizes
as prior probabilities or component sizes, and the probability of each consumer to
be a member of each segment given in Eq. 7.2 as posterior probability.

7.3.1 Finite Mixtures of Distributions

The simplest case of model-based clustering has no independent variables x, and

simply fits a distribution to y. To compare this with distance-based methods, finite
mixtures of distributions basically use the same segmentation variables: a number of
pieces of information about consumers, such as the activities they engage in when
on vacation. No additional information about these consumers, such as total travel
expenditures, is simultaneously included in the model.
The finite mixture model reduces to

πh f (y|θh ), πh ≥ 0, πh = 1. (7.6)
h=1 h=1

The formulae are the same as in Eq. 7.1, the only difference is that there is no x.
The statistical distribution function f () depends on the measurement level or scale
of the segmentation variables y.
120 7 Step 5: Extracting Segments Normal Distributions

For metric data, the most popular finite mixture model is a mixture of several multi-
variate normal distributions. The multivariate normal distribution can easily model
covariance between variables; and approximate multivariate normal distributions
occur in both biology and business. For example, physical measurements on humans
like height, arm length, leg length or foot length are almost perfectly modelled
by a multivariate normal distribution. All these variables have an approximate
univariate normal distribution individually, but are not independent of each other.
Taller people have longer arms, longer legs and bigger feet. All measurements are
positively correlated. An example from business is that prices in markets with many
players can be modelled using (log-)normal distributions. In sum, a mixture of
normal distributions can be used for market segmentation when the segmentation
variables are metric, for example: money spent on different consumption categories,
time spent engaging in different vacation activities, or body measurements for the
segments of different clothes sizes.
Mathematically, f () in Eq. 7.6 is the multivariate normal distribution which has
two sets of parameters (mean and variance) like the univariate normal distribution.
If p segmentation variables are used, these have p mean values, and each segment
has a segment-specific mean vector μh of length p. In addition to the p variances of
the p segmentation variables, the covariance structure can be modelled, resulting in
a p × p covariance matrix h for each segment. The covariance matrix h contains
the variances of the p segmentation variables in the diagonal and the covariances
between pairs of segmentation variables in the other entries. The covariance matrix
is symmetric, and contains p(p + 1)/2 unique values.
The segment-specific parameters θh are the combination of the mean vector μh
and the covariance matrix h , and the number of parameters to estimate is p +
p(p + 1)/2.
Mixtures of normal distributions can be illustrated using the simple artificial
mobile phone data set presented in Sect. 7.2.3 and shown in Fig. 7.9:
R> library("flexclust")
R> set.seed(1234)
R> PF3 <- priceFeature(500, which = "3clust")

Fitting a mixture of normal distributions is best done in R with package mclust (Fra-
ley et al. 2012; Fraley and Raftery 2002). Function Mclust fits models for different
numbers of segments using the EM algorithm. Initialisation is deterministic using
the partition inferred from a hierarchical clustering approach with a likelihood-based
distance measure. Here, we extract two to eight market segments (argument G for
number of segments):
R> library("mclust")
R> PF3.m28 <- Mclust(PF3, G = 2:8)
R> PF3.m28
7.3 Model-Based Methods 121

Fig. 7.24 Uncertainty plot of Uncertainty

the mixture of normal
distributions for the artificial
mobile phone data set



2 4 6 8
features / performance / quality

'Mclust' model object:

best model: spherical, varying volume (VII) with
3 components

Ignoring the statement about “spherical, varying volume (VII)” for

the moment, we see that the BIC correctly recommends extracting three segments.
Figure 7.24 shows the market segments resulting from the mixture of normal
distributions for the artificial mobile phone. We obtain this plot using the following
R command:
R> plot(PF3.m28, what = "uncertainty")
The plot in Fig. 7.24 is referred to as an uncertainty plot. The uncertainty plot
illustrates the ambiguity of segment assignment. A consumer who cannot be clearly
assigned to one of the market segments is considered uncertain. The further away
from 1 a consumer’s maximum segment assignment probability is (as determined
using Eq. 7.2), the less certain is the segment assignment. The uncertainty plot is
a useful visualisation alerting the data analyst to solutions that do not induce clear
partitions, and pointing to market segments being artificially created, rather than
reflecting the existence of natural market segments in the data. The uncertainty
plot consists of a scatter plot of observations (consumers). The colours of the
observations indicate segment assignments. Larger solid coloured bubbles have
higher assignment uncertainty. The means and covariance matrices of the segments
are superimposed to provide insights into the fitted mixture of normal distributions.
The “spherical, varying volume (VII)” part of the Mclust output
indicates which specific mixture model of normal distributions is selected according
to the BIC. Model selection for mixtures of normal distributions does not only
122 7 Step 5: Extracting Segments

require selecting the number of segments, but also choosing an appropriate shape
of the covariance matrices of the segments.
For two-dimensional data (like in the mobile phone example), each market
segment can be shaped like an ellipse. The ellipses can have different shapes, areas
and orientations. The ellipse corresponding to one market segment could be very flat
and point from bottom left to top right, while another one could be a perfect circle.
For the mobile phone data set, the procedure correctly identifies that the ellipses are
shaped as circles. But the areas covered by the three circles are not the same. The
segment in the top right corner is less spread out and more compact.
A circle with more than two dimensions is a sphere. The area covered by a sphere
is its volume. The “spherical, varying volume (VII)” part uses the
terms for higher dimensional spaces because the dimensionality is larger than two in
most applications. The output indicates that spherical covariance matrices are used
for the segments but with different volume. This selected shape for the covariance
matrices is shown in Fig. 7.24, where the axes of the ellipses are parallel to the
coordinate axes, and have the shape of a circle.
Spherical covariance structures correspond to covariance matrices where only
the main diagonal elements are non-zero, and they all have the same value. So –
instead of p(p + 1)/2 parameters – only one parameter has to be estimated for each
covariance matrix: the radius of the sphere (circle in the 2-dimensional example).
If it were known in advance that only spherical clusters are present in the data, the
task of fitting the mixture of normal distributions would be much simpler because
fewer parameters have to be estimated.
The covariance matrices of the mixture of normal distributions used for the
segments strongly affect the number of parameters that need to be estimated. Given
that each h contains p(p + 1)/2 parameters for p segmentation variables, the
number of parameters that has to be estimated grows quadratically with the number
of segmentation variables p.
The simple mobile phone example contains only two segmentation variables
(p = 2). The number of parameters for each market segment is 2 (length of μh )
plus 3 (symmetric 2 × 2 matrix h ), which sums up to 2 + 3 = 5. If three market
segments are extracted, a total of 3 × 5 = 15 parameters have to be estimated for
the segments, plus two segment sizes (the three πh have to sum up to one, such that
π3 = 1 − π1 − π2 ). In sum, a mixture of normal distributions with three segments
for the artificial mobile phone data set has 15 + 2 = 17 parameters.
If ten segmentation variables are used (p = 10), the number of parameters that
need to be estimated increases to 10 mean values, covariance matrices with 10 ×
11/2 = 55 parameters, and 10 + 55 = 65 parameters per segment. For a three-
segment model this means that 3 × 65 + 2 = 197 parameters have to be estimated.
As a consequence, large sample sizes are required to ensure reliable estimates.
To reduce the number of parameters to estimate, package mclust imposes
restrictions on the covariance matrices. One possible restriction is to use spherical
instead of ellipsoidal covariances, such that only a single radius has to be estimated
for each segment. An even more parsimonious model restricts all spheres for all
segments to having the same radius (and hence the same volume).
7.3 Model-Based Methods 123

Table 7.3 The 14 covariance EII Spherical, equal volume

models available in package
VII Spherical, unequal volume
EEI Diagonal, equal volume and shape
VEI Diagonal, varying volume, equal shape
EVI Diagonal, equal volume, varying shape
VVI Diagonal, varying volume and shape
EEE Ellipsoidal, equal volume, shape, and orientation
EVE Ellipsoidal, equal volume and orientation
VEE Ellipsoidal, equal shape and orientation
VVE Ellipsoidal, equal orientation
EEV Ellipsoidal, equal volume and equal shape
VEV Ellipsoidal, equal shape
EVV Ellipsoidal, equal volume
VVV Ellipsoidal, varying volume, shape, and orientation

By default, Mclust tries a full model where all segments have different
covariance matrices without any restrictions (called model VVV in Table 7.3 for
varying volume, shape, and orientation). In addition, 13 restricted models are
estimated: the smallest model assumes identical spheres for all segments (EII,
spherical, equal volume). A list of all models is shown in Table 7.3, and illustrated
in Fig. 7.25. Mathematical details are provided in the mclust documentation.
The BIC values obtained for each of the resulting models for different numbers
of segments are shown in Fig. 7.26. We obtain this plot using:
R> plot(PF3.m28, what = "BIC")

R package mclust uses the negative BIC values (instead of the BIC values defined
in Eq. 7.4), but refers to them as BIC values. It makes no difference to the results,
except that we now want to maximise, not minimise the BIC.
Figure 7.26 plots the BIC value along the y-axis, and the number of segments
(ranging from 2 to 8) along the x-axis. The BIC values obtained for each covariance
model are joined using lines. The different colours and point characters used for
each of the covariance models are indicated in the legend in the bottom right corner.
As can be seen, BIC values are low for two segments, then dramatically increase
for three segments, and show no further significant improvement for solutions with
more than three segments. The BIC therefore recommends a spherical, varying
volume (VII) model with three segments. This leads to selecting a model that allows
to extract the three well-separated, distinct segments using a parsimonious mixture
model. Unfortunately, if empirical consumer data is used as the basis for market
segmentation analysis, it is not always possible to easily assess the quality of the
recommendation made by information criteria such as the BIC.
124 7 Step 5: Extracting Segments




Fig. 7.25 Visualisation of the 14 covariance models available in package mclust

Fig. 7.26 BIC values of the


mixtures of normal
distributions for the artificial
mobile phone data set




2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Number of components
7.3 Model-Based Methods 125

Example: Australian Vacation Motives

In addition to their vacation motives, survey respondents also answered a range of

other questions. These answers are contained in the data frame vacmotdesc. The
following three metric variables are available: moral obligation score, NEP score,
and environmental behaviour score on vacation. We load the data set and extract the
metric variables using:
R> data("vacmot", package = "flexclust")
R> vacmet <- vacmotdesc[, c("Obligation", "NEP",
+ "Vacation.Behaviour")]
R> vacmet <- na.omit(vacmet)

Because variable VACATION.BEHAVIOUR contains missing values, we remove

respondents with missing values using na.omit. We then visualise the data:
R> pairs(vacmet, pch = 19, col = rgb(0, 0, 0, 0.2))

Solid points are drawn using pch = 19. To avoid losing information due to
overplotting, the points are black with transparency using rgb(0, 0, 0, 0.2)
with an α-shading value of 0.2. Figure 7.27 indicates that no clearly separated
segments exist in the data.
Command Mclust fits all 14 different covariance matrix models by default, and
returns the best model with respect to the BIC:
R> vacmet.m18 <- Mclust(vacmet, G = 1:8)

Alternatively, Mclust can fit only selected covariance matrix models. In the
example below, we fit only covariance models where the covariance matrices have
equal volume, shape and orientation over segments. We can look up those model
names in Table 7.3:
R> vacmet.m18.equal <- Mclust(vacmet, G = 1:8,
+ modelNames = c("EEI", "EII", "EEE"))

The best models according to the BIC are:

R> vacmet.m18

'Mclust' model object:

best model:
ellipsoidal, equal shape and orientation (VEE)
with 2 components

R> vacmet.m18.equal

'Mclust' model object:

best model:
ellipsoidal, equal volume, shape and orientation (EEE)
with 3 components

Results indicate that – in the case where all 14 different covariance matrices are
considered – a mixture model with two segments is selected. In the restricted case,
126 7 Step 5: Extracting Segments

2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0





1 2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5

Fig. 7.27 Scatter plot of the metric variables in the Australian travel motives data set

a model with three segments emerges. Figures 7.28 and 7.29 visualise the fitted
models using classification plots. The classification plot is similar to the uncertainty
plot, except that all data points are of the same size regardless of their uncertainty
of assignment.
R> plot(vacmet.m18, what = "classification")
R> plot(vacmet.m18.equal, what = "classification")

In both selected mixture models, the covariance matrices have identical orien-
tation and shape. This implies that the correlation structure between the variables
is the same across segments. However, in the case where all covariance models
are considered, the covariance matrices differ in volume. Using mixtures of normal
distributions means that the data points are not assigned to the segment where the
mean is closest in Euclidean space (as is the case for k-means clustering). Rather, the
distance induced by the covariance matrices (Mahalanobis distance) is used, and the
segment sizes are taken into account. Assigning segment membership in this way
implies that observations are not necessarily assigned to the segment representative
closest to them in Euclidean space. However, restricting covariance matrices to be
identical over segments at least ensures that the same distance measure is used
7.3 Model-Based Methods 127

2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0








1 2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5

Fig. 7.28 Classification plot of the mixture of normal distributions for the Australian travel
motives data set selected using the BIC among all covariance models

for all segment representatives for segment membership assignment except for the
differences in segment sizes. Binary Distributions

For binary data, finite mixtures of binary distributions, sometimes also referred to as
latent class models or latent class analysis (Bhatnagar and Ghose 2004; Kemperman
and Timmermanns 2006; Campbell et al. 2014) are popular. In this case, the p
segmentation variables in the vector y are not metric, but binary (meaning that all
p elements of y are either 0 or 1). The elements of y, the segmentation variables,
could be vacation activities where a value of 1 indicates that a tourist undertakes this
activity, and a value of 0 indicates that they do not.
The mixture model assumes that respondents in different segments have different
probabilities of undertaking certain activities. For example, some respondents may
be interested in alpine skiing and not interested in sight-seeing. This leads to these
128 7 Step 5: Extracting Segments

2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0






1 2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5

Fig. 7.29 Classification plot of the mixture of normal distributions for the Australian travel
motives data set selected using the BIC among the models with identical covariance matrices across

two variables being negatively correlated in the overall data set. However, this cor-
relation is due to groups of respondents interested in one of the two actitivies only.
To illustrate mixtures of binary distributions, we use the data set containing
winter activities of Austrian tourists (introduced in the context of bagged clustering
in Sect. 7.2.4). We first investigate the observed frequency patterns for the variables

R> data("winterActiv", package = "MSA")

R> winterActiv2 <- winterActiv[, c("alpine skiing",
+ "sight-seeing")]
R> table(as.data.frame(winterActiv2))

alpine skiing 0 1
0 416 527
1 1663 355
7.3 Model-Based Methods 129

Of the 2961 respondents, only 355 (12%) stated they engaged in both activities. If
the two activities were not associated, we would expect this percentage to be much
R> p <- colMeans(winterActiv2)
R> p

alpine skiing sight-seeing

0.6815265 0.2978723

R> round(prod(p) * 100)

[1] 20

The expected percentage is 20%. This indicates an association between the two
variables across the complete data set. The expected counts for the patterns (given
the overall mean activity levels for the two activities) are:
R> n <- nrow(winterActiv2)
R> expected <- function(p) {
+ res <- outer(c(1 - p[1], p[1]), c(1 - p[2], p[2]))
+ dimnames(res) <- setNames(rep(list(c("0", "1")), 2),
+ names(p))
+ res
+ }
R> round(n * expected(p))

alpine skiing 0 1
0 662 281
1 1417 601

The model of independent binary distributions does not represent the data well (as
indicated by the discrepancy between the observed and expected frequencies). We
thus fit a mixture of binary distributions to the data. The expected frequencies of a
suitable mixture model should correspond to the observed frequencies.
The R package flexmix (Leisch 2004; Grün and Leisch 2008) implements a
general framework for mixture modelling for a wide variety of segment mod-
els, including mixtures of regression models (see Sect. 7.3.2). We use function
flexmix to fit the mixture model with one single run of the EM algorithm. We
need to specify the dependent (winterActiv2) and the independent variables
(1) using the formula interface. The formula is of the form y ~ x where y are
the dependent variables, and x are the independent variables. Because mixtures of
distributions do not contain any independent variables x (see Eq. 7.6), the formula
used for mixtures of distributions is y ~ 1. Here, we extract two market segments
(k = 2), and we use independent binary distributions as segment-specific model
R> library("flexmix")
R> winterActiv2.m2 <- flexmix(winterActiv2 ~ 1, k = 2,
+ model = FLXMCmvbinary())
130 7 Step 5: Extracting Segments

Function flexmix() initialises the EM algorithm by randomly assigning proba-

bilities for each consumer to be a member of each of the market segments. The
EM algorithm can get stuck in local optima of the likelihood. We can avoid that by
using several random starts with different initialisations, and retain the solution with
the highest likelihood using the function stepFlexmix. We specify the number
of random restarts using nrep = 10 for ten random restarts. The random restart
procedure is undertaken for the full range of market segments specified, in this
case 1 to 4 (k = 1:4). The argument verbose = FALSE prevents progress
information on the calculations to be printed.
R> winterActiv2.m14 <- stepFlexmix(winterActiv2 ~ 1,
+ k = 1:4, model = FLXMCmvbinary(), nrep = 10,
+ verbose = FALSE)
R> winterActiv2.m14
stepFlexmix(winterActiv2 ~ 1, model = FLXMCmvbinary(),
k = 1:4, nrep = 10, verbose = FALSE)
iter converged k k0 logLik AIC BIC ICL
1 2 TRUE 1 1 -3656.137 7316.274 7328.260 7328.260
2 30 TRUE 2 2 -3438.491 6886.982 6916.948 7660.569
3 22 TRUE 3 3 -3438.490 6892.981 6940.927 10089.526
4 21 TRUE 4 4 -3438.490 6898.980 6964.907 10979.912
The output shows summary information for each of the four models fitted for
different numbers of segments (k = 1:4). These four models are those resulting
from the best of 10 restarts. The summary information consists of: the number
of iterations of the EM algorithm until convergence (iter), whether or not the
EM algorithm converged (converged), the number of segments in the fitted
model (k), the number of segments initially specified (k0), the log-likelihood
obtained (logLik), and the values for the information criteria (AIC, BIC and
ICL). By default, package flexmix removes small segments when running the
EM algorithm. Small segments can cause numeric problems in the estimation
of the parameters because of the limited number of observations (consumers).
We can add the argument control = list(minprior = 0) to the call of
stepFlexmix() to avoid losing small segments. This argument specification
ensures that k is equal to k0.
Results indicate EM algorithm convergence for all models. The number of
segments in the final models are the same as the number used for initialisation.
The log-likelihood increases strongly when going from one to two segments, but
remains approximately the same for more segments. All information criteria except
for the ICL suggest using a mixture with two segments. The best model with respect
to the BIC results from:
R> best.winterActiv2.m14 <- getModel(winterActiv2.m14)
By default, the BIC value recommends a model. We can use the AIC by setting
which = "AIC". We can specify the number of segments with which = "2".
The following command returns basic information on this two-segment model:
R> best.winterActiv2.m14
7.3 Model-Based Methods 131

stepFlexmix(winterActiv2 ~ 1, model = FLXMCmvbinary(),
k = 2, nrep = 10, verbose = FALSE)

Cluster sizes:
1 2
1298 1663

convergence after 30 iterations

This basic information contains the number of consumers assigned to each segment
and the number of iterations required to reach convergence.
The parameters of the segment-specific models are the probabilities of observing
a 1 in each of the variables. These probabilities characterise the segments, and have
the same interpretation as centroids in k-means clustering of binary data. They are
used in the same way to create tables and figures of segment profiles, as discussed
in detail in Step 6. We obtain the probabilities using:
R> p <- parameters(best.winterActiv2.m14)
R> p

Comp.1 Comp.2
center.alpine skiing 0.3531073 0.94334159
center.sight-seeing 0.6147303 0.04527384

Segment 1 (denoted as Comp.1) contains respondents with a high likelihood to go

sight-seeing, and a low probability of going alpine skiing. Respondents in segment 2
(Comp.2) go alpine skiing, and are not interested in sight-seeing.
The expected table of frequencies given this fitted model results from:
R> pi <- prior(best.winterActiv2.m14)
R> pi

[1] 0.4435012 0.5564988

R> round(n * (pi[1] * expected(p[, "Comp.1"]) +

+ pi[2] * expected(p[, "Comp.2"])))

center.alpine skiing 0 1
0 416 526
1 1663 355

The table of expected frequencies is similar to the table of observed frequencies.

Using the mixture model, the association between the two variables is explained by
the segments. Within each segment, the two variables are not associated. But the
fact that members of the segments differ in their vacation activity patterns, leads to
the association of the two variables across all consumers.
132 7 Step 5: Extracting Segments

Fig. 7.30 AIC, BIC and ICL

values of mixtures of binary
distributions for the winter
vacation activities data set BIC


2 3 4 5 6 7 8
number of components

Example: Austrian Winter Vacation Activities

We fit a mixture of binary distributions to the data set containing 27 winter activities.
We vary the number of segments from 2 to 8, and use 10 random initialisations with
the EM algorithm:
R> set.seed(1234)
R> winter.m28 <- stepFlexmix(winterActiv ~ 1, k = 2:8,
+ nrep = 10, model = FLXMCmvbinary(),
+ verbose = FALSE)

Figure 7.30 shows AIC, BIC and ICL curves for 2 to 8 segments, obtained by:
R> plot(winter.m28)

Figure 7.30 plots the number of market segments (components) along the x-
axis, and the values of the information criteria along the y-axis. Lower values
of information criteria are better. Inspecting the development of the values of
all three information criteria in Fig. 7.30 leads to the following conclusions: ICL
recommends 4 market segments (components); BIC recommends 6 segments, but
displays a major decrease only up to 5 segments; and AIC suggests at least 8 market
We choose the five-segment solution for closer inspection because it represents a
compromise between the recommendations made by BIC and ICL:
R> winter.m5 <- getModel(winter.m28, "5")
R> winter.m5

stepFlexmix(winterActiv ~ 1, model = FLXMCmvbinary(),
7.3 Model-Based Methods 133

k = 5, nrep = 10, verbose = FALSE)

Cluster sizes:
1 2 3 4 5
912 414 200 218 1217

convergence after 67 iterations

The command parameters(winter.m5) extracts the fitted probabilities of

the mixture model. Function propBarchart from package flexclust creates a
chart similar to the segment profile plot discussed in Step 6.
Figure 7.31 shows the resulting plot. We can specify how we want to label the
panels in the plot using the argument strip.prefix. In this example, we use the
term “Segment” instead of “Cluster”.
R> propBarchart(winterActiv, clusters(winter.m5),
+ alpha = 1, strip.prefix = "Segment ")

As can be seen, the results from the mixture of binary distributions are similar to
those from bagged clustering, but not identical. The two largest segments of tourists
(in this case segments 1 and 5) either engage in a range of activitivies including
alpine skiing, going for walks, relaxing, shopping and going to the pool/sauna, or are
primarily interested in alpine skiing. The health segment of tourists (using spas and
health facilities) re-emerges as segment 4. Arriving at market segments with similar
profiles when using these two distinctly different techniques, serves as validation
of the solution, and gives confidence that these market segments are not entirely

7.3.2 Finite Mixtures of Regressions

Finite mixtures of distributions are similar to distance-based clustering methods

and – in many cases – result in similar solutions. Compared to hierarchical or
partitioning clustering methods, mixture models sometimes produce more useful,
and sometimes less useful solutions. Finite mixtures of regression models (e.g.,
Wedel and Kamakura 2000; Bijmolt et al. 2004; Grün and Leisch 2007; Grün
and Leisch 2008; Oppewal et al. 2010) offer a completely different type of market
segmentation analysis.
Finite mixture of regression models assume the existence of a dependent
target variable y that can be explained by a set of independent variables x.
The functional relationship between the dependent and independent variables is
considered different for different market segments. Figure 7.32 shows a simple
artificial data set we will use to illustrate how finite mixtures of regressions work.
The command data("themepark", package = "MSA") loads the data.
The command plot(pay ~ rides, data = themepark) plots the data.
Figure 7.32 shows the entrance fee consumers are willing to pay for a theme park
134 7 Step 5: Extracting Segments

0 20 40 60 80 100

Segment 1: 912 Segment 2: 414

alpine skiing
cross−country skiing
ski touring
sleigh riding
horseback riding
going to a spa
using health facilities
going for walks
organized excursions
going out in the evening
going to discos/bars
tyrolean evenings
local events
Segment 3: 200 Segment 4: 218
alpine skiing
cross−country skiing
ski touring
sleigh riding
horseback riding
going to a spa
using health facilities
going for walks
organized excursions
going out in the evening
going to discos/bars
tyrolean evenings
local events
Segment 5: 1217
alpine skiing
cross−country skiing
ski touring
sleigh riding
horseback riding
going to a spa
using health facilities
going for walks
organized excursions
going out in the evening
going to discos/bars
tyrolean evenings
local events

0 20 40 60 80 100

Fig. 7.31 Bar chart of segment-specific probabilities of the mixture of binary distributions fitted
to the winter vacation activities data set
7.3 Model-Based Methods 135

Fig. 7.32 Artificial theme

park data set

willingness to pay

0 10 20 30 40 50

number of rides

in dependence of the number of rides available in the theme park. As can be seen
in Fig. 7.32, two market segments are present in this data: the willingness to pay
of the top segment increases linearly with the number of rides available. Members
of this segment think that each ride is worth a certain fixed amount of money. The
bottom segment does not share this view. Rather, members of this market segment
are not willing to pay much money at all until a certain minimum threshold of rides
is offered by a theme park. But their willingness to pay increases substantially if
a theme park offers a large number of rides. Irrespective of the precise number of
rides on offer in the theme park, the willingness to pay of members of the second
segment is always lower than the willingness to pay of the first segment.
The artificial data set was generated using the following two linear regression
models for the two segments:

segment 1: y = x + ,
segment 2: y = 0.0125x 2 + ,

where x is the number of rides, y is the willingness to pay, and  is normally

distributed random noise with standard deviation σ = 2. In addition, y was ensured
to be non-negative.
A linear regression model with the number of rides and the squared number of
rides as regressors can be specified with the formula interface in R using:
R> pay ~ rides + I(rides^2)

Package flexmix allows fitting a finite mixture of two linear regression models.
Because mixtures of regression models are the default in package flexmix, no
model needs to be specified. The default model = FLXMRglm() is used.
136 7 Step 5: Extracting Segments

Package flexmix allows calculating mixtures of linear regression models, as well

as mixtures of generalised linear models (GLM) for logistic or Poisson regression.
The following R command executes 10 runs of the EM algorithm with random
initialisations. Only the correct number of segments k = 2 is used here, but selecting
the number of segments using AIC, BIC or ICL works exactly like in the binary data
example in Sect.
R> library("flexmix")
R> set.seed(1234)
R> park.f1 <- stepFlexmix(pay ~ rides + I(rides^2),
+ data = themepark, k = 2, nrep = 10, verbose = FALSE)
R> park.f1
stepFlexmix(pay ~ rides + I(rides^2), data = themepark,
k = 2, nrep = 10, verbose = FALSE)

Cluster sizes:
1 2
119 201

convergence after 20 iterations

The model formula pay ~ rides + I(rides^2) indicates that the number
of rides and the squared number of rides are regressors. The same model formula
specification can be used for a standard linear model fitted using function lm(). The
only difference is that – in this example – two regression models are fitted simulta-
neously, and consumer (observation) membership to market segments (components)
is unknown.
To assess to which market segments the mixture model assigns observations to,
observations are plotted in a scatter plot colouring them by segment membership

Fig. 7.33 Scatter plot with


observations coloured by
segment membership from a
two-segment mixture of

linear regression models for

willingness to pay

the artificial theme park data


0 10 20 30 40 50
number of rides
7.3 Model-Based Methods 137

(see Fig. 7.33). Function curve() defines the true regression functions, and adds
them to the plot using:
R> plot(pay ~ rides,data = themepark, col = clusters(park.f1),
+ xlab = "number of rides", ylab = "willingness to pay")
R> seg1 <- function(x) x
R> seg2 <- function(x) 0.0125 * x^2
R> curve(seg1, from = 0, to = 50, add = TRUE)
R> curve(seg2, from = 0, to = 50, add = TRUE)
The parameters estimated by the model are:
R> parameters(park.f1)
Comp.1 Comp.2
coef.(Intercept) 1.60901610 0.3171846123
coef.rides -0.11508969 0.9905130420
coef.I(rides^2) 0.01439438 0.0001851942
sigma 2.06263293 1.9899121188
Each segment has one regression coefficient for the intercept, for the linear term
for the number of rides, and for the quadratic term for the number of rides; three
estimates in total. The noise standard deviation sigma requires one additional
Fitting mixtures with the EM algorithm is as prone to label switching as any
partitioning clustering method. Segment 1 and segment 2 in the description of
the data generating process above now re-emerge as segment 2 and segment 1,
respectively. This is obvious from the below summary of the fitted regression
R> summary(refit(park.f1))
Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept) 1.6090161 0.6614587 2.4325 0.01499 *
rides -0.1150897 0.0563449 -2.0426 0.04109 *
I(rides^2) 0.0143943 0.0010734 13.4104 < 2e-16 ***
Signif. codes:
0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept) 0.31718461 0.48268972 0.6571 0.5111
rides 0.99051304 0.04256232 23.2721 <2e-16 ***
I(rides^2) 0.00018516 0.00080704 0.2294 0.8185
Signif. codes:
0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
We use the function refit() here because we want to see standard errors for
the estimates. The EM algorithm generates point estimates, but does not indicate
standard errors (the uncertainty of estimates) because it does not require this
138 7 Step 5: Extracting Segments

information to obtain the point estimates. refit() takes the solution obtained with
the EM algorithm, and uses a general purpose optimiser to obtain the uncertainty
The summary provides information separately for the two segments (referred to
as Comp.1 and Comp.2). For each segment, we can see a summary table of the
regression coefficients. Each coefficient is shown in one row. Column 1 contains
the point estimate, column 2 the standard error, column 3 the test statistic of a z-
test with the null hypothesis that the regression coefficient is equal to zero, and
column 4 the corresponding p-value for this test. < 2e-16 indicates a p-value
smaller than 2 · 10−16 . Asterisks indicate if the null hypothesis would be rejected at
the significance level of 0.001 (***), 0.01 (**), 0.05 (*), and 0.1 (.).
Looking at the summary table, we see that all regression coefficients should be
included in the model for segment 1 (Comp.1) because the p-values are all smaller
than 0.05. For the second market segment (Comp.2) only the regression coefficient
of the linear term (rides) needs to be included. This interpretation reflects correctly
the nature of the artificial data set, except for label switching (segment 1 is Comp.2
and segment 2 is Comp.1).

Example: Australian Travel Motives

We illustrate finite mixtures of regressions using the Australian travel motives

data set. We use the metric variables moral obligation score, NEP score, and
environmental behaviour on vacation score. We extract these variables from the data
set, and remove observations with missing values using:
R> data("vacmot", package = "flexclust")
R> envir <- vacmotdesc[, c("Obligation", "NEP",
+ "Vacation.Behaviour")]
R> envir <- na.omit(envir)
R> envir[, c("Obligation", "NEP")] <-
+ scale(envir[, c("Obligation", "NEP")])
We standardise the independent variables (moral obligation and NEP score) to have
a mean of zero and a variance of one. We do this to improve interpretability and
allow visualisation of effects in Fig. 7.34. The environmental behavioural score can
be assumed to be influenced by the moral obligation respondents feel, and their
attitudes towards the environment as captured by the NEP score.
We fit a single linear regression using:
R> envir.lm <- lm(Vacation.Behaviour ~ Obligation + NEP,
+ data = envir)
R> summary(envir.lm)
lm(formula = Vacation.Behaviour ~ Obligation + NEP,
data = envir)

7.3 Model-Based Methods 139






−4 −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 −3 −2 −1 0 1 2
Obligation NEP

Fig. 7.34 Scatter plot with observations coloured by segment membership together with the
segment-specific regression lines from a two-segment mixture of linear regressions fitted to the
Australian vacation motives data set

Min 1Q Median 3Q Max

-1.60356 -0.36512 -0.04501 0.34991 2.87038
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 2.96280 0.01821 162.680 < 2e-16 ***
Obligation 0.32357 0.01944 16.640 < 2e-16 ***
NEP 0.06599 0.01944 3.394 0.000718 ***
Signif. codes:
0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Residual standard error: 0.5687 on 972 degrees

of freedom
Multiple R-squared: 0.2775, Adjusted R-squared: 0.276
F-statistic: 186.7 on 2 and 972 DF, p-value: < 2.2e-16

Results indicate that an increase in either moral obligation or the NEP score
increases the score for environmental behaviour on vacation. But the predictive
performance is modest with an R 2 value of 0.28. The R 2 value lies between zero and
one, and indicates how much of the variance in the dependent variable is explained
by the model; how close the predicted values are to the observed ones.
The association between vacation behaviour score and moral obligation and
NEP score can be different for different groups of consumers. A mixture of linear
regression models helps us investigate whether this is the case:
R> set.seed(1234)
R> envir.m15 <- stepFlexmix(Vacation.Behaviour ~ .,
+ data = envir, k = 1:4, nrep = 10, verbose = FALSE,
+ control = list(iter.max = 1000))
140 7 Step 5: Extracting Segments

We increase the maximum number of iterations for the EM algorithm to 1000

using control = list(iter.max = 1000) to ensure convergence of the
EM algorithm for all number of segments.
The best model is selected using the BIC:
R> envir.m2 <- getModel(envir.m15)
R> envir.m2
stepFlexmix(Vacation.Behaviour ~ ., data = envir,
control = list(iter.max = 1000), k = 2, nrep = 10,
verbose = FALSE)

Cluster sizes:
1 2
928 47

convergence after 180 iterations

We select a mixture with two segments. The table of segment memberships indicates
that the second segment is rather small.
R> summary(refit(envir.m2))
Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept) 2.944634 0.032669 90.1342 < 2e-16 ***
Obligation 0.418934 0.030217 13.8641 < 2e-16 ***
NEP 0.053489 0.027023 1.9794 0.04778 *
Signif. codes:
0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept) 3.023214 0.139161 21.7246 <2e-16 ***
Obligation 0.018619 0.145845 0.1277 0.8984
NEP 0.082207 0.105744 0.7774 0.4369
Signif. codes:
0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

The standard errors for the fitted segment-specific parameters indicate that the asso-
ciations between the dependent and independent variables are stronger for segment 1
than for the complete data set. This means that the predictive performance of the
model is better for segment 1 than for the complete data set. For segment 2, neither
moral obligation, nor NEP score allow predicting the environmental behaviour on
Scatter plots visualise the data together with the segmentation solution implied
by the fitted model. Data points have different colours to indicate segment member-
ships. We add the segment-specific regression lines under the assumption that the
other covariate has its average value of 0 (see Fig. 7.34):
7.3 Model-Based Methods 141

R> par(mfrow = c(1, 2))

R> plot(Vacation.Behaviour ~ Obligation, data = envir,
+ pch = 20, col = clusters(envir.m2))
R> abline(parameters(envir.m2)[1:2, 1], col = 1, lwd = 2)
R> abline(parameters(envir.m2)[1:2, 2], col = 2, lwd = 2)
R> plot(Vacation.Behaviour ~ NEP, data = envir, pch = 20,
+ col = clusters(envir.m2))
R> abline(parameters(envir.m2)[c(1, 3), 1], col = 1, lwd = 2)
R> abline(parameters(envir.m2)[c(1, 3), 2], col = 2, lwd = 2)
We see in the left plot in Fig. 7.34 that the regression line for segment 1 (pink)
has a steep slope. This means that there is a strong association between vacation
behaviour and moral obligation. The regression line for segment 2 (green) is nearly
horizontal, indicating no association. The right plot shows the association between
vacation behaviour and NEP score. Here, neither of the market segments display a
substantial association.

7.3.3 Extensions and Variations

Finite mixture models are more complicated than distance-based methods. The
additional complexity makes finite mixture models very flexible. It allows using
any statistical model to describe a market segment. As a consequence, finite mixture
models can accommodate a wide range of different data characteristics: for metric
data we can use mixtures of normal distributions, for binary data we can use
mixtures of binary distributions. For nominal variables, we can use mixtures of
multinomial distributions or multinomial logit models (see Sect. 9.4.2). For ordinal
variables, several models can be used as the basis of mixtures (Agresti 2013).
Ordinal variables are tricky because they are susceptible to containing response
styles. To address this problem, we can use mixture models disentangling response
style effects from content-specific responses while extracting market segments
(Grün and Dolnicar 2016). In combination with conjoint analysis, mixture models
allow to account for differences in preferences (Frühwirth-Schnatter et al. 2004).
An ongoing conversation in the segmentation literature (e.g. Wedel and
Kamakura 2000) is whether differences between consumers should be modelled
using a continuous distribution or through modelling distinct, well-separated
market segments. An extension to mixture models can reconcile these positions
by acknowledging that distinct segments exist, while members of the same segment
can still display variation. This extension is referred to as mixture of mixed-effects
models or heterogeneity model (Verbeke and Lesaffre 1996). It is used in the
marketing and business context to model demand (Allenby et al. 1998).
If the data set contains repeated observations over time, mixture models can
cluster the time series, and extract groups of similar consumers (for an overview
using discrete data see Frühwirth-Schnatter 2011). Alternatively, segments can be
extracted on the basis of switching behaviour of consumers between groups over
time using Markov chains. This family of models is also referred to as dynamic
142 7 Step 5: Extracting Segments

latent change models, and can be used to track changes in brand choice and buying
decisions over time. In this case, the different brands correspond to the groups for
each time point. Poulsen (1990) uses a finite mixture of Markov chains with two
components to track new triers of a continuously available brand (A) over a one
year period of time. The two segments differ both in the probability to buy brand
A for the first time, and the probability to continue to do so afterwards. Similarly,
Bockenholt and Langeheine (1996) model recurrent choices with a latent Markov
model. Because several alternative brands are investigated, a multinomial choice
model is formulated. Ramaswamy (1997) generalises this for the situation that new
brands are introduced to an existing market such that the set of available choices
changes over time. The application is on panel survey data for laundry detergents.
Brangule-Vlagsma et al. (2002) also use a Markov switching model, but they use
it to model changes in customer value systems, which in turn influence buying
Mixture models also allow to simultaneously include segmentation and descrip-
tor variables. Segmentation variables are used for grouping, and are included in the
segment-specific model as usual. Descriptor variables are used to model differences
in segment sizes, assuming that segments differ in their composition with respect
to the descriptor variables. If, for example, consumers in the segment interested in
high-end mobile phones in the artificial mobile phone data set tend to be older and
have a higher income, this is equivalent to the segment of consumers interested
in high-end mobile phones being larger for older consumers and those with a
higher income. The descriptor variables included to model the segment sizes are
called concomitant variables (Dayton and Macready 1988). In package flexmix,
concomitant variables can be included using the argument concomitant.

7.4 Algorithms with Integrated Variable Selection

Most algorithms focus only on extracting segments from data. These algorithms
assume that each of the segmentation variables makes a contribution to determining
the segmentation solution. But this is not always the case. Sometimes, segmentation
variables were not carefully selected, and contain redundant or noisy variables. Pre-
processing methods can identify them. For example, the filtering approach proposed
by Steinley and Brusco (2008a) assesses the clusterability of single variables, and
only includes variables above a certain threshold as segmentation variables. This
approach outperforms a range of alternative variable selection methods (Steinley
and Brusco 2008b), but requires metric variables. Variable selection for binary data
is more challenging because single variables are not informative for clustering,
making it impossible to pre-screen or pre-filter variables one by one.
When the segmentation variables are binary, and redundant or noisy variables
can not be identified and removed during data pre-processing in Step 4, suitable
segmentation variables need to be identified during segment extraction. A number
of algorithms extract segments while – simultaneously – selecting suitable segmen-
7.4 Algorithms with Integrated Variable Selection 143

tation variables. We present two such algorithms for binary segmentation variables:
biclustering and the variable selection procedure for clustering binary data (VSBD)
proposed by Brusco (2004). At the end of this section, we discuss an approach
called factor-cluster analysis. In this two-step approach, segmentation variables are
compressed into factors before segment extraction.

7.4.1 Biclustering Algorithms

Biclustering simultaneously clusters both consumers and variables. Biclustering

algorithms exist for any kind of data, including metric and binary. This section
focuses on the binary case where these algorithms aim at extracting market segments
containing consumers who all have a value of 1 for a group of variables. These
groups of consumers and variables together then form the bicluster.
The concept of biclustering is not new. Hartigan (1972) proposes several patterns
for direct clustering of a data matrix. However, possibly due to the lack of available
software, uptake of algorithms such as biclustering, co-clustering, or two-mode
clustering was minimal. This changed with the advent of modern genetic and
proteomic data. Genetic data is characterised by the large numbers of genes, which
serve as variables for the grouping task. Humans, for example, have approximately
22,300 genes, which is more than a chicken with 16,700, but less than a grape
with 30,400 (Pertea and Salzberg 2010). Traditional clustering algorithms are not
useful in this context because many genes have no function, and most cell tasks
are controlled by only a very small number of genes. As a consequence, getting rid
of noisy variables is critically important. Biclustering experienced a big revival to
address these challenges (e.g., Madeira and Oliveira 2004; Prelic et al. 2006; Kasim
et al. 2017).
Several popular biclustering algorithms exist; in particular they differ in how a
bicluster is defined. In the simplest case, a bicluster is defined for binary data as a
set of observations with values of 1 for a subset of variables, see Fig. 7.35. Each row
corresponds to a consumer, each column to a segmentation variable (in the example
below: vacation activity). The market segmentation task is to identify tourists who
all undertake a subset of all possible activities. In Fig. 7.35 an A marks a tourist
that undertakes a specific vacation activity. An asterisk indicates that a tourist may
or may not undertake this specific vacation activity. The challenge is to find large
groups of tourists who have as many activities in common as possible.
The biclustering algorithm which extracts these biclusters follows a sequence of
steps. The starting point is a data matrix where each row represents one consumer
and each column represents a binary segmentation variable:
Step 1 First, rearrange rows (consumers) and columns (segmentation variables) of
the data matrix in a way to create a rectangle with identical entries of 1s at
the top left of the data matrix. The aim is for this rectangle to be as large as
144 7 Step 5: Extracting Segments

* * * * * * * * AAAA * * * *
* * * * * * * * AAAA * * * *
A * A * * * AA AAAA * * * *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

A * A * * * AA ⇒ * * * * * * * * ⇒ ...
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
A * A * * * AA * * * * * * * *
variables variables

Fig. 7.35 Biclustering with constant pattern

Step 2 Second, assign the observations (consumers) falling into this rectangle to
one bicluster, as illustrated by the grey shading in Fig. 7.35. The segmenta-
tion variables defining the rectangle are active variables (A) for this bicluster.
Step 3 Remove from the data matrix the rows containing the consumers who have
been assigned to the first bicluster. Once removed, repeat the procedure from
step 1 until no more biclusters of sufficient size can be located.
The algorithm designed to solve this task has control parameters – like minimum
number of observations and minimum number of variables – that are necessary to
form a bicluster of sufficient size.
This biclustering method has been proposed by Kaiser (2011) referring to it as
repeated Bimax algorithm because step 1 can be solved with the Bimax algorithm
proposed by Prelic et al. (2006). The Bimax algorithm is computationally very
efficient, and allows to identify the largest rectangle corresponding to the global
optimum, rather than returning a local optimum as other segment extraction algo-
rithms do. Among the traditional market segmentation approaches, only standard
hierarchical clustering implementations determine the globally best merge or split
in each step, and therefore generate the same results across repetitions.
Biclustering is not one single very specific algorithm; rather it is a term
describing a family of algorithms differing with respect to the properties of data they
can accommodate, the extent of similarity between members of market segments
required, and whether individual consumers can be assigned to only one or multiple
market segments. A comprehensive overview of biclustering algorithms is provided
by Madeira and Oliveira (2004), Kaiser and Leisch (2008) and Kaiser (2011).
Different algorithms search for different patterns in biclusters. An example of such
an alternative pattern – the constant column pattern – is shown in Fig. 7.36. Such
a pattern could be used to identify consumers with identical socio-demographics,
for example: all female (column with A’s), aged 20–29 (column with B’s), living in
Europe (column with C’s), and having a high school degree (column with D’s). The
same pattern could also be used to create a commonsense/data-driven segmentation
where initially large groups of consumers with the same value in several socio-
7.4 Algorithms with Integrated Variable Selection 145

* * * * * * * * A BCD * * * *
* AB * C * D * A BCD * * * *
* * * * * * * * A BCD * * * *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

* * * * * * *
* * * * * * *
⇒ ** ** ** ** ** ** *
⇒ ...
* AB * C * D * * * * * * * * *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* AB * C * D * * * * * * * * *
* * * * * *
* *variables * * * variables
* * * * *
Fig. 7.36 Biclustering with constant column pattern

demographic variables are identified. Then, among those consumers, an interesting

subsegment is extracted based on the vacation activity profile.
Biclustering is particularly useful in market segmentation applications with many
segmentation variables. Standard market segmentation techniques risk arriving at
suboptimal groupings of consumers in such situations. Biclustering also has a
number of other advantages:
No data transformation: Typically, situations where the number of variables is too
high are addressed by pre-processing data. Pre-processing approaches such as
principal components analysis – combined with selecting only the first few
components – reduce the number of segmentation variables by transforming
the data. Any data transformation changes the information in the segmentation
variables, thus risking that segmentation results are biased because they are not
based on the original data. Biclustering does not transform data. Instead, original
variables which do not display any systematic patterns relevant for grouping
consumers are ignored.
Ability to capture niche markets: Because biclustering searches for identical pat-
terns displayed by groups of consumers with respect to groups of variables, it is
well suited for identifying niche markets. If a manager is specifically interested in
niche markets, the control arguments for the biclustering algorithm should be set
such that a high number of matches is required. This approach leads to smaller
segments containing members who are very similar to one other. If the matching
requirement is relaxed, larger and less homogeneous segments emerge.
Biclustering methods, however, do not group all consumers. Rather, they select
groups of similar consumers, and leave ungrouped consumers who do not fit into
any of the groups.

Example: Australian Vacation Activities

Imagine that a tourist destination wants to identify segments of tourists engaging in

similar vacation activities. The data available is similar to that used in the bagged
146 7 Step 5: Extracting Segments

clustering example, but this time it is binary information for 1003 adult Australian
tourists about whether (coded 1) or not (coded 0) they engaged in each of 45
vacation activities during their last domestic vacation. Compared to the Austrian
winter vacation activities data set, the number of segmentation variables is nearly
twice as high, but the sample size is much smaller; only about one third of the size
in the Austrian winter vacation activities data set. This sample size relative to the
number of segmentation variables used is insufficient for segment extraction using
most algorithms (Dolnicar et al. 2014). A detailed description of the data set is
provided in Appendix C.3 and in Dolnicar et al. (2012). The fact that the list of
vacation activities is so long complicates market segmentation analysis.
The repeated Bimax algorithm is implemented as method BCrepBimax in the
R package biclust (Kaiser and Leisch 2008). The Bimax algorithm is available as
method BCBimax. The bicluster solution for this data with method BCrepBimax,
a minimum of minc = 2 activities (columns) and minr = 50 observations
(rows) per cluster can be obtained by:
R> library("biclust")
R> data("ausActiv", package="MSA")
R> ausact.bic <- biclust(x = ausActiv,
+ method = BCrepBimax,
+ minc = 2, minr = 50, number = 100, maxc = 100)

The value of 100 for the maximum number of biclusters (number) and maximum
number of columns (maxc) in each cluster effectively means that no limit is set for
both arguments.
We save the result to the hard drive. This allows loading the result from there,
and avoiding re-computation when re-using this segmentation solution later.
R> save(ausact.bic, file = "ausact-bic.RData")

We visualise results using the bicluster membership plot generated by function

biclustmember(), see Fig. 7.37:
R> biclustmember(x = ausActiv, bicResult = ausact.bic)

Each column in Fig. 7.37 represents one market segment. In total, 12 market
segments are identified. Each row represents one of the vacation activities. Cells
that are empty indicate that these variables are not useful to characterise this
segment as an activity frequently undertaken by segment members. For example:
the entire block of variables between THEATRE and SKIING can be ignored in terms
of the interpretation of potential market segments because these activities do not
characterise any of the market segments. Cells containing two dark outer boxes
indicate that members of the segment in that particular row are very similar to
one another with respect to their high engagement in that very vacation activity.
For example, members of market segment 1 have in common that they like to
visit industrial attractions (INDUSTRIAL). Members of segments 3 and 7 have in
common that they like to visit museums (MUSEUM). Members of all segments
except segments 7 and 12 share their interest in relaxation during their vacations
7.4 Algorithms with Integrated Variable Selection 147

SportEvent SportEvent
Relaxing Relaxing
Casino Casino
Movies Movies
EatingHigh EatingHigh
Eating Eating
Shopping Shopping
Pubs Pubs
Friends Friends
Sightseeing Sightseeing
ChildrenAtt ChildrenAtt
Wildlife Wildlife
Industrial Industrial
GuidedTours GuidedTours
Markets Markets
ScenicWalks ScenicWalks
Spa Spa
CharterBoat CharterBoat
ThemePark ThemePark
Museum Museum
Festivals Festivals
Cultural Cultural
Monuments Monuments
Theatre Theatre
WaterSport WaterSport
Adventure Adventure
FourWheel FourWheel
Surfing Surfing
ScubaDiving ScubaDiving
Fishing Fishing
Golf Golf
Exercising Exercising
Hiking Hiking
Cycling Cycling
Riding Riding
Tennis Tennis
Skiing Skiing
Swimming Swimming
Camping Camping
Gardens Gardens
Whale Whale
Farm Farm
Beach Beach
Bushwalk Bushwalk

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Fig. 7.37 Bicluster membership plot for the Australian vacation activities data set

Finally, the biclustering plot contains one more critical piece of information: how
distinctly different members of one market segment are from the average tourist with
respect to one specific vacation activity. This information is indicated by the shading
of the box in the middle. The lighter that shading, the less does the total sample of
148 7 Step 5: Extracting Segments

tourists engage in that vacation activity. The stronger the contrast between the two
outer boxes and the inner box, the more distinct the market segment with respect
to that vacation activity. For example, members of both segments 3 and 7 like to
go to museums, but they differ strongly in this activity from the average tourist.
Or, looking at segment 2: members of this segment relax, eat in reasonably priced
restaurants, shop, go sightseeing, and go to markets, and on scenic walks. None
of those vacation activities make them distinctly different from the average tourist.
However, members of segment 2 also visit friends, do BBQs, go swimming, and
enjoy the beach. These activities are not commonly shared among all tourists, and
therefore describe segment 2 specifically.
Note that the segments presented here are slightly different from those reported
in Dolnicar et al. (2012). The reason for this deviation is that the algorithm used
and the corresponding R functions have been improved since the original analysis.
The differences are minor, the variable characteristics for each one of the market
segments are nearly identical.

7.4.2 Variable Selection Procedure for Clustering Binary Data


Brusco (2004) proposed a variable selection procedure for clustering binary data
sets. His VSBD method is based on the k-means algorithm as clustering method,
and assumes that not all variables available are relevant to obtain a good clustering
solution. In particular, the method assumes the presence of masking variables.
They need to be identified and removed from the set of segmentation variables.
Removing irrelevant variables helps to identify the correct segment structure, and
eases interpretation.
The procedure first identifies the best small subset of variables to extract seg-
ments. Because the procedure is based on the k-means algorithm, the performance
criterion used to assess a specific subset of variables is the within-cluster sum-of-
squares (the sum of squared Euclidean distances between each observation and their
segment representative). This is the criterion minimised by the k-means algorithm.
After having identified this subset, the procedure adds additional variables one
by one. The variable added is the one leading to the smallest increase in the
within-cluster sum-of-squares criterion. The procedure stops when the increase in
within-cluster sum-of-squares reaches a threshold. The number of segments k has
to be specified in advance. Brusco (2004) recommends calculating the Ratkowsky
and Lance index (Ratkowsky and Lance 1978, see also Sect. 7.5.1) for the complete
data with all variables to select the number of segments.
The algorithm works as follows:
Step 1 Select only a subset of observations with size φ ∈ (0, 1] times the size of
the original data set. Brusco (2004) suggests to use φ = 1 if the original
data set contains less than 500 observations, 0.2 ≤ φ ≤ 0.3 if the number
7.4 Algorithms with Integrated Variable Selection 149

of observations is between 500 and 2000 and φ = 0.1 if the number of

observations is at least 2000.
Step 2 For a given number of variables V , perform an exhaustive search for the
set of V variables that leads to the smallest within-cluster sum-of-squares
criterion. The value for V needs to be selected small for the exhaustive
search to be computationally feasible. Brusco (2004) suggests using V = 4,
but smaller or larger values may be required depending on the number of
clusters k, and the number of variables p. The higher the number of clusters,
the larger V should be to capture the more complex clustering structure.
The higher p, the smaller V needs to be to make the exhaustive search
computationally feasible.
Step 3 Among the remaining variables, determine the variable leading to the
smallest increase in the within-cluster sum-of-squares value if added to the
set of segmentation variables.
Step 4 Add this variable if the increase in within-cluster sum-of-squares is smaller
than the threshold. The threshold is δ times the number of observations in
the subset divided by 4. δ needs to be in [0, 1]. Brusco (2004) suggests a
default δ value of 0.5.
Brusco (2004) suggests 500 random initialisations in step 2, and 5000 random
initialisations in step 3 for each run of the k-means algorithm. This recommendation
is based on the use of the Forgy/Lloyd algorithm (Forgy 1965; Lloyd 1982). Using
the more efficient Hartigan-Wong algorithm (Hartigan and Wong 1979) allows
us to reduce the number of random initialisations. In the example below we use
50 random initialisations in step 2, and 100 random initialisations in step 3. The
Hartigan-Wong algorithm is used by default by function kmeans in R.

Example: Australian Travel Motives

We illustrate the VSBD algorithm using the Australian travel motives data set:
R> data("vacmot", package = "flexclust")

We apply the algorithm to the complete data set when clustering the data set into
6 groups (centers = 6). The default settings with φ = 1 (phi) and V = 4
(initial.variables) are used together with nstart1 = 50, the number
of random initialisations in step 2, and nstart2 = 100, the number of random
initialisations in step 3. The maximum number of variables (max.variables)
is the number of available variables (default), and the stopping criterion is set to
δ = 0.5 (delta = 0.5).
R> set.seed(1234)
R> library("MSA")
R> vacmot.sv <- vsbd(vacmot, centers = 6, delta = 0.5)

Executing the command can take some time because the algorithm is computation-
ally expensive due to the exhaustive search of the best subset of four variables.
150 7 Step 5: Extracting Segments

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

Cluster 1: 529 (53%) Cluster 2: 99 (10%) Cluster 3: 86 (9%)

rest and relax

realise creativity

health and beauty

cosiness/familiar atmosphere

do sports

everything organised

Cluster 4: 93 (9%) Cluster 5: 152 (15%) Cluster 6: 41 (4%)

rest and relax

realise creativity

health and beauty

cosiness/familiar atmosphere

do sports

everything organised

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

Fig. 7.38 Bar chart of cluster means obtained for the Australian travel motives data set after
selecting variables with the VSBD algorithm

The VSBD procedure selects the following variables:

R> colnames(vacmot)[vacmot.sv]

[1] "rest and relax"

[2] "realise creativity"
[3] "health and beauty"
[4] "cosiness/familiar atmosphere"
[5] "do sports"
[6] "everything organised"

The original data set contained 20 variables. The VSBD algorithm selected only
6 variables. Using these variables, the final solution – together with the plot in
Fig. 7.38 – results from:
R> library("flexclust")
R> vacmot.vsbd <- stepcclust(vacmot[, vacmot.sv], k = 6,
+ nrep = 10)
R> barchart(vacmot.vsbd)

The segmentation solution contains segments caring or not caring about rest
and relaxation; the percentage of agreement with this motive within segments is
either close to 100% or to 0% (segment 2). In addition, respondents in segment 3
agree that doing sports is a motive for them, while members of segment 4 want
7.4 Algorithms with Integrated Variable Selection 151

everything organised. For members of segment 5 cosiness and a familiar atmosphere

are important. To members of segment 6 the largest number of motives applies;
they are the only ones caring about creativity and health and beauty. This result
indicates that using the variable selection procedure generates a solution that is easy
to interpret because only a small set of variables serve as segmentation variables,
but each of them differentiates well between segments.

7.4.3 Variable Reduction: Factor-Cluster Analysis

The term factor-cluster analysis refers to a two-step procedure of data-driven market

segmentation analysis. In the first step, segmentation variables are factor analysed.
The raw data, the original segmentation variables, are then discarded. In the second
step, the factor scores resulting from the factor analysis are used to extract market
Sometimes this approach is conceptually legitimate. For example, if the empirical
data results from a validated psychological test battery designed specifically to
contain a number of variables which load onto factors, like IQ tests. In IQ tests,
a number of items assess the general knowledge of a person. In this case a
conceptual argument can be put forward that it is indeed legitimate to replace the
original variables with the factor score for general knowledge. However, the factor
scores should either be determined simultaneously when extracting the groups (for
example using a model-based approach based on factor analyzers; McLachlan et al.
2003) or be provided separately and not determined in a data-driven way from the
data where the presence of groups is suspected.
Validated psychological test batteries rarely serve as segmentation variables.
More common is the case where factor-cluster analysis is used because the original
number of segmentation variables is too high. According to the results from
simulation studies by Dolnicar et al. (2014, 2016), a rule of thumb is that the number
of consumers in a data set (sample size) should be at least 100 times the number of
segmentation variables. This is not always easy to achieve, given that two thirds of
applied market segmentation studies reviewed in Dolnicar (2002b) use between 10
and 22 variables. For 22 segmentation variables, the sample size should be at least
2200. Yet, most consumer data sets underlying the market segmentation analyses
investigated in Dolnicar (2002a) contain fewer than 1000 consumers.
Running factor-cluster analysis to deal with the problem of having too many
segmentation variables in view of their sample size lacks conceptual legitimisation
and comes at a substantial cost:
Factor analysing data leads to a substantial loss of information. To illustrate
this, we factor analyse all the segmentation variables used in this book, and
report the number of extracted factors and the percentage of explained variance.
We apply principal components analysis to the correlation matrix, and retain
principal components with eigenvalues larger than 1, using the so-called Kaiser
152 7 Step 5: Extracting Segments

criterion (Kaiser 1960). The reasoning for the Kaiser criterion is to keep only
principal components that represent more information content than an average
original variable.
The risk aversion data set (see Appendix C.1) contains six variables. When
factor analysed, 1 factor is extracted, explaining 47% of the variability in the
data. When using factor scores for segment extraction, 53% of the information is
lost before segment extraction.
The Austrian winter vacation activities data set (see Appendix C.2) contains
27 variables. When factor analysed, 9 factors are extracted, explaining 51% of the
variability in the data. If factor-cluster analysis is used, 49% of the information
contained in the segmentation variables is lost before segment extraction.
The Australian vacation activities data set (see Appendix C.3) contains 45
variables. When factor analysed, 8 factors are extracted, explaining 50% of the
variability in the data. In this case, half of the information contained in the raw
data is sacrificed when segments are extracted using factor-cluster analysis.
Finally, the Australian travel motives data set (see Appendix C.4) contains
20 variables. When factor analysed, 7 factors are extracted, explaining 54% of
the variability in the data. This means that discarding the original segmentation
variables, and extracting segments on the basis of factor scores instead uses only
54% of the information collected from consumers.
Factor analysis transforms data. As a consequence of using a subset of resulting
factors only, segments are extracted from a modified version of the consumer
data, not the consumer data itself. Arabie and Hubert (1994) argue that factor-
cluster analysis is an outmoded and statistically insupportable practice because
data is transformed and, as a consequence, the nature of the data is changed
before segment extraction. Similarly, Milligan (1996) concludes from experi-
mental studies that market segments (clusters) derived from the factor score space
do not represent market segments (clusters) derived from the raw segmentation
variables well. Milligan recommends extracting segments from the space in
which segments are postulated to exist. Typically this is the space of the original
consumer data, the original segmentation variables.
Factors-cluster results are more difficult to interpret. Instead of obtaining the
results for the original segmentation variables which directly reflect information
about consumers contained in the data set, factor-cluster results need to be
interpreted in factor space. Segment profiling using segment profile plots is
easy when original consumer information is used. This is not the case when
factors are the basis of profiling. Factors contain partial information from a range
of variables, and therefore have no concrete meaning, making the translation
process from segments to practical recommendations for the marketing mix
when targeting a certain segment very difficult. Imagine, for example, a
factor which represents the segmentation variables RELAXING AT THE BEACH,
WINDSURFING , KITESURFING , and JETSKIING . If this factor is important for
a market segment, should more jetski rentals be opened? Or should they not in
order to facilitate relaxation at the beach?
7.5 Data Structure Analysis 153

An excellent conclusion of the above issues is offered by Sheppard (1996, p. 57):

Cluster analysis on raw item scores, as opposed to factor scores, may produce more
accurate or detailed segmentation as it preserves a greater degree of the original
data. Sheppard (1996) discourages the use of factor-cluster analysis for market
segmentation purposes, suggesting instead that the method may be useful for the
purpose of developing an instrument for the entire population where homogeneity
(not heterogeneity) among consumers is assumed.
In addition to the conceptual problems outlined above, empirical evidence
suggests that factor-cluster analysis does not outperform cluster analysis using raw
data. Using a series of artificial data sets of known structure, Dolnicar and Grün
(2008) show that – even in cases where the artificial data was generated following
a factor-analytic model, thus giving factor analysis an unfair advantage – factor-
cluster analysis failed to outperform clustering of raw data in terms of identifying
the correct market segment structure contained in the data.

7.5 Data Structure Analysis

Extracting market segments is inherently exploratory, irrespective of the extraction

algorithm used. Validation in the traditional sense, where a clear optimality criterion
is targeted, is therefore not possible. Ideally, validation would mean calculating
different segmentation solutions, choosing different segments, targeting them,
and then comparing which leads to the most profit, or most success in mission
achievement. This is clearly not possible in reality because one organisation cannot
run multiple segmentation strategies simultaneously just for the sake of determining
which performs best.
As a consequence, the term validation in the context of market segmentation is
typically used in the sense of assessing reliability or stability of solutions across
repeated calculations (Choffrey and Lilien 1980; Doyle and Saunders 1985) after
slightly modifying the data (Funkhouser 1983; Jurowski and Reich 2000; Calantone
and Sawyer 1978; Hoek et al. 1996), or the algorithm (Esslemont and Ward 1989;
Hoek et al. 1996). This approach is fundamentally different from validation using
an external validation criterion. Throughout this book, we refer to this approach as
stability-based data structure analysis.
Data structure analysis provides valuable insights into the properties of the
data. These insights guide subsequent methodological decisions. Most importantly,
stability-based data structure analysis provides an indication of whether natural,
distinct, and well-separated market segments exist in the data or not. If they do,
they can be revealed easily. If they do not, users and data analysts need to explore a
large number of alternative solutions to identify the most useful segment(s) for the
If there is structure in the data, be it cluster structure or structure of a different
kind, data structure analysis can also help to choose a suitable number of segments
to extract.
154 7 Step 5: Extracting Segments

We discuss four different approaches to data structure analysis: cluster indices,

gorge plots, global stability analysis, and segment level stability analysis.

7.5.1 Cluster Indices

Because market segmentation analysis is exploratory, data analysts need guidance

to make some of the most critical decisions, such as selecting the number of market
segments to extract. So-called cluster indices represent the most common approach
to obtaining such guidance. Cluster indices provide insight into particular aspects
of the market segmentation solution. Which kind of insight, depends on the nature
of the cluster index used. Generally, two groups of cluster indices are distinguished:
internal cluster indices and external cluster indices.
Internal cluster indices are calculated on the basis of one single market seg-
mentation solution, and use information contained in this segmentation solution
to offer guidance. An example for an internal cluster index is the sum of all
distances between pairs of segment members. The lower this number, the more
similar members of the same segment are. Segments containing similar members
are attractive to users.
External cluster indices cannot be computed on the basis of one single market
segmentation solution only. Rather, they require another segmentation as additional
input. The external cluster index measures the similarity between two segmentation
solutions. If the correct market segmentation is known, the correct assignment
of members to segments serves as the additional input. The correct segment
memberships, however, are only known when artificially generated data is being
segmented. When working with consumer data, there is no such thing as a correct
assignment of members to segments. In such cases, the market segmentation
analysis can be repeated, and the solution resulting from the second calculation
can be used as additional input for calculating the external cluster index. A good
outcome is if repeated calculations lead to similar market segments because this
indicates that market segments are extracted in a stable way. The most commonly
used measures of similarity of two market segmentation solutions are the Jaccard
index, the Rand index and the adjusted Rand index. They are discussed in detail
below. Internal Cluster Indices

Internal cluster indices use a single segmentation solution as a starting point.

Solutions could result from hierarchical, partitioning or model-based clustering
methods. Internal cluster indices ask one of two questions or consider their
combination: (1) how compact is each of the market segments? and (2) how well-
separated are different market segments? To answer these questions, the notion of
a distance measure between observations or groups of observations is required. In
7.5 Data Structure Analysis 155

addition, many of the internal cluster indices also require a segment representative
or centroid as well as a representative for the complete data set.
A very simple internal cluster index measuring compactness of clusters results
from calculating the sum of distances between each segment member and their seg-
ment representative. Then the sum of within-cluster distances Wk for a segmentation
solution with k segments is calculated using the following formula where we denote
the set of observations assigned to segment number h by Sh and their segment
representative by ch :

Wk = d(x, ch ).
h=1 x∈Sh

In the case of the k-means algorithm, the sum of within-cluster distances Wk

decreases monotonically with increasing numbers of segments k extracted from the
data (if the global optimum for each number of segments is found; if the algorithm
is stuck in a local optimum, this may not be the case).
A simple graph commonly used to select the number of market segments for
k-means clustering based on this internal cluster index is the scree plot. The scree
plot visualises the sum of within-cluster distances Wk for segmentation solutions
containing different numbers of segments k. Ideally, an elbow appears in the scree
plot. An elbow results if there is a point (number of segments) in the plot where
the differences in sum of within-cluster distances Wk show large decreases before
this point and only small decreases after this point. The scree plot for the artificial
mobile phone data set (first introduced in Sect. and visualised in Fig. 7.9) is
given in Fig. 7.12. This data set contains three distinct market segments. In the scree
plot a distinct elbow is visible because the within-cluster distances have distinct
drops up to three segments and only small decreases after this point, thus correctly
guiding the data analyst towards extracting three market segments. In consumer
data, elbows are not so easy to find in scree plots, as can be seen in Fig. 7.13 for the
tourist risk taking data set, and in Fig. A.2 for the fast food data set. In both these
scree plots the sum of within-cluster distances Wk slowly drops as the number of
segments increases. No distinct elbow offers guidance to the data analyst. This is
not an unusual situation when working with consumer data.
A slight variation of the internal cluster index of the sum of within-cluster
distances Wk is the Ball-Hall index Wk /k. This index was proposed by Ball and Hall
(1965) with the aim of correcting for the monotonous decrease of the internal cluster
index with increasing numbers of market segments. The Ball-Hall index Wk /k
achieves this by dividing the sum of within-cluster distances Wk by the number
of segments k.
The internal cluster indices discussed so far focus on assessing the aspect of
similarity (or homogeneity) of consumers who are members of the same segment,
and thus the compactness of the segments. Dissimilarity is equally interesting.
An optimal market segmentation solution contains market segments that are very
different from one another, and contain very similar consumers. This idea is
156 7 Step 5: Extracting Segments

mathematically captured by another internal cluster index based on the weighted

distances between centroids (cluster centres, segment representative) Bk :

Bk = nh d(ch , c̄)

where nh = |Sh | is the number of consumers in segment Sh , and c̄ is the centroid of

the entire consumer data set (when squared Euclidean distance is used this centroid
is equivalent to the mean value across all consumers; when Manhattan distance is
used it is equivalent to the median).
A combination of the two aspects of compactness and separation is mathemati-
cally captured by other internal cluster indices which relate the sum of within-cluster
distances Wk to the weighted distances between centroids Bk . If natural market
segments exist in the data, Wk should be small and Bk should be large. Relating
these two values can be very insightful in terms of guiding the data analyst to choose
a suitable number of segments. Wk and Bk can be combined in different ways. Each
of these alternative approaches represents a different internal cluster index.
The Ratkowsky and Lance index (Ratkowsky and Lance 1978) is recommended
by Brusco (2004) for use with the VSBD procedure for variable selection (see
Sect. 7.4.2). The Ratkowsky and Lance index is based on the squared Euclidean
distance, and uses the average value of the observations within a segment as
centroid. The index is calculated by first determining, for each variable, the sum of
squares between the segments divided by the total sum of squares for this variable.
These ratios are then averaged, and divided by the square root of the number of
segments. The number of segments with the maximum Ratkowsky and Lance index
value is selected.
Many other internal cluster indices have been proposed in the literature since
Ball and Hall (1965). The seminal paper by Milligan and Cooper (1985) compares
a large number of indices in a series of simulation experiments using artificial data.
The best performing index in the simulation study by Milligan and Cooper (1985)
is the one proposed by Calinski and Harabasz (1974):

Bk /(k − 1)
CHk = ,
Wk /(n − k)

where n is equal to the number of consumers in the data set. The recommended
number of segments has the highest value of CHk .
Many internal cluster indices are available in R. Function cluster.stats()
in package fpc (Hennig 2015) automatically returns a set of internal cluster indices.
Package clusterSim (Walesiak and Dudek 2016) allows to request individual
internal cluster indices. A very comprehensive list of 30 internal indices is available
in package NbClust (Charrad et al. 2014). For objects returned by functions in
package flexclust, the Calinski-Harabasz index can be computed using function
7.5 Data Structure Analysis 157

Calculating internal cluster indices is valuable as it comes at no cost to the data

analyst, yet may reveal interesting aspects of market segmentation solutions. It is
possible, however, given that consumer data typically do not contain natural market
segments, that internal cluster indices fail to provide much guidance to the data
analyst on the best number of segments to extract. In such situations, external cluster
indices and global and segment-specific stability analysis are particularly useful. External Cluster Indices

External cluster indices evaluate a market segmentation solution using additional

external information; they cannot be calculated using only the information contained
in one market segmentation solution. A range of different additional pieces of
information can be used. The true segment structure – if known – is the most
valuable additional piece of information. But the true segment structure of the
data is typically only known for artificially generated data. The true segment
structure of consumer data is never known. When working with consumer data,
the market segmentation solution obtained using a repeated calculation can be used
as additional, external information. The repeated calculation could use a different
clustering algorithm on the same data; or it could apply the same algorithm to a
variation of the original data, as discussed in detail in Sect. 7.5.3.
A problem when comparing two segmentation solutions is that the labels of the
segments are arbitrary. This problem of invariance of solutions when labels are
permuted is referred to as label switching (Redner and Walker 1984). One way
around the problem of label switching is to focus on whether pairs of consumers
are assigned to the same segments repeatedly (irrespective of segment labels), rather
than focusing on the segments individual consumers are assigned to. Selecting any
two consumers, the following four situations can occur when comparing two market
segmentation solutions P1 and P2 :

• a: Both consumers are assigned to the same segment twice.

• b: The two consumers are in the same segment in P1 , but not in P2 .
• c: The two consumers are in the same segment in P2 , but not in P1 .
• d: The two consumers are assigned to different market segments twice.

To differentiate those four cases, it is not necessary to know the segment labels.
These cases are invariant to specific labels assigned to segments. Across the entire
data set containing n consumers, n(n − 1)/2 pairs of consumers can be selected.
Let a, b, c and d represent the number of pairs where each of the four situations
outlined above applies. Thus a + b + c + d = n(n − 1)/2. If the two segmentation
solutions are very similar, a and d will be large and b and c will be small. The index
proposed by Jaccard (1912) is based on this observation, but uses only a, b and c
while dropping d:
158 7 Step 5: Extracting Segments

J = .
Jaccard did not propose this index for market segmentation analysis. Rather, he was
interested in comparing similarities of certain alpine regions in relation to plant
species found. But the mathematical problem is the same. The Jaccard index takes
values in [0, 1]. A value of J = 0 indicates that the two market segmentation
solutions are completely different. A value of J = 1 means that the two market
segmentation solutions are identical.
Rand (1971) proposed a similar index based on all four values a, b, c and d:

R= .

The Rand index also takes values in [0, 1]; the index values have the same
interpretation as those for the Jaccard index, but the Rand index includes d.
Both the Jaccard index and the Rand index share the problem that the absolute
values (ranging between 0 and 1) are difficult to interpret because minimum values
depend on the size of the market segments contained in the solution. If, for example,
one market segmentation solution contains two segments: segment 1 with 80% of
the data, and segment 2 with 20% of the data. And a second market segmentation
solution also results in an 80:20 split, but half of the members of the small segment
were members of the large segment in the first segmentation solution, one would
expect a similarity measure of these two segmentation solutions to indicate low
values. But because – in each of the two solutions – the large segment contains so
many consumers, 60% of them will still be allocated to the same large segment,
leading to high Rand and Jaccard index values. Because – in this case – at least
60% of the data are in the large segment for both segmentation solutions, neither the
value for the Jaccard index, nor the value for the Rand index can ever be 0.
The values of both indices under random assignment to segments with their size
fixed depend on the sizes of the extracted market segments. To solve this problem,
Hubert and Arabie (1985) propose a general correction for agreement by chance
given segment sizes. This correction can be applied to any external cluster index.
The expected index value assuming independence is the value the index takes on
average when segment sizes are fixed, but segment membership is assigned to the
observations completely at random to obtain each of the two segmentation solutions.
The proposed correction has the form

index − expected index

maximum index − expected index

such that a value of 0 indicates the level of agreement expected by chance given the
segment sizes, while a value of 1 indicates total agreement. The result of applying
the general correction proposed by Hubert and Arabie (1985) to the Rand index is
the so-called adjusted Rand index.
7.5 Data Structure Analysis 159

In R, function comPart() from package flexclust computes the Jaccard index,

the Rand index and the adjusted Rand index. The adjusted Rand index is critically
important to the resampling-based data structure analysis approach recommended
in Sects. 7.5.3 and 7.5.4.

7.5.2 Gorge Plots

A simple method to assess how well segments are separated, is to look at the
distances of each consumer to all segment respresentatives. Let dih be the distance
between consumer i and segment representative (centroid, cluster centre) h. Then
sih =  γ
k −dil
l=1 e

can be interpreted as the similarity of consumer i to the representative of segment

h, with hyper parameter γ controlling how differences in distance translate into
differences in similarity. These similarities are between 0 and 1, and sum to 1 for
each consumer i over all segment representatives h, h = 1, . . . , k.
For partitioning methods, segment representatives and distances between con-
sumers and segment representatives are directly available. For model-based meth-
ods, we use the probability of a consumer i being in segment h given the consumer
data, and the fitted mixture model to assess similarities. In the mixture of normal
distributions case, these probabilities are close to the similarities obtained with
Euclidean distance and γ = 2 for k-means clustering. Below we use γ = 1 because
it shows more details, and led to better results in simulations on artificial data. The
parameter can be specified by the user in the R implementation.
Similarity values can be visualised using gorge plots, silhouette plots
(Rousseeuw 1987), or shadow plots (Leisch 2010). We illustrate the use of gorge
plots using the three artificial data sets introduced in Table 2.3. The plots in the
middle column of Fig. 7.39 show the gorge plots for the three-segment solutions
extracted using k-means partitioning clustering for these data sets. Each gorge
plot contains histograms of the similarity values sih separately for each segment.
The x-axis plots similarity values. The y-axis plots the frequency with which each
similarity value occurs. If the similarity values are the result of distance-based
segment extraction methods, high similarity values indicate that a consumer is
very close to the centroid (the segment representative) of the market segment. Low
similarity values indicate that the consumer is far away from the centroid. If the
similarity values are the result of model-based segment extraction methods, high
similarity values indicate that a consumer has a high probability of being a member
of the market segment. Low similarity values indicate low probability of segment
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

Cluster 1 Cluster 2



Natural 30

segmentation 20


2 0

Cluster 3



Percent of Total
adjusted Rand index



0 2 4 6 8 10 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
features / performance / quality similarity number of segments
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

Cluster 1 Cluster 2



3 20


2 0

Cluster 3


Percent of Total
adjusted Rand index
1 0.2



0 2 4 6 8 10 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
features / performance / quality similarity number of segments
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

Cluster 1 Cluster 2



segmentation 2 15




Cluster 3


Percent of Total
adjusted Rand index





0 2 4 6 8 10 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
features / performance / quality similarity number of segments

Fig. 7.39 Segment separation plots (left), and gorge plots (middle) for the three-segment solutions, and global stability boxplots (right) for 2–9 segments for
7 Step 5: Extracting Segments

the three artificial data sets.

7.5 Data Structure Analysis 161

If natural, well-separated market segments are present in the data, we expect the
gorge plot to contain many very low and many very high values. This is why this
plot is referred to as gorge plot. Optimally, it takes the shape of a gorge with a peak
to the left and a peak to the right.
Figure 7.39 shows prototypical gorge plots for the three-segment solutions
extracted from the data sets used to illustrate the three concepts of market seg-
mentation (see also Table 2.3): natural (top row of Fig. 7.39), reproducible (middle
row) and constructive segmentation (bottom row). Looking at the natural clustering
case with three clearly separated segments: the gorge plot shows a close to perfect
gorge, pointing to the fact that most consumers are either close to their segment
representative or far away from the representatives of other market segments. The
gorge is much less distinct for the reproducible and the constructive clustering cases
where many consumers sit in the middle of the plot, indicating that they are neither
very close to their segment representative, nor very far away from the segment
representatives of other clusters.
Figure 7.39 only contains gorge plots for the three-segment solutions. For a real
market segmentation analysis, gorge plots have to be generated and inspected for
every number of segments. Producing and inspecting a large number of gorge plots
is a tedious process, and has the disadvantage of not accounting for randomness in
the sample used. These disadvantages are overcome by stability analysis, which can
be conducted at the global or segment level.

7.5.3 Global Stability Analysis

An alternative approach to data structure analysis that can be used for both distance-
and model-based segment extraction techniques is based on resampling methods.
Resampling methods offer insight into the stability of a market segmentation
solution across repeated calculations. To assess the global stability of any given seg-
mentation solution, several new data sets are generated using resampling methods,
and a number of segmentation solutions are extracted.
Then the stability of the segmentation solutions across repeated calculations is
compared. The solution which can best be replicated is chosen. One such resampling
approach is described in detail in this section. Others have been proposed by
Breckenridge (1989), Dudoit and Fridlyand (2002), Grün and Leisch (2004), Lange
et al. (2004), Tibshirani and Walther (2005), Gana Dresen et al. (2008), and Maitra
et al. (2012).
To understand the value of resampling methods for market segmentation analysis,
it is critical to accept that consumer data rarely contain distinct, well-separated
market segments like those in the artificial mobile phone data set. In the worst case,
consumer data can be totally unstructured. Unfortunately, the structure of any given
empirical data set is not known in advance.
Resampling methods – combined with many repeated calculations using the
same or different algorithms – provide critical insight into the structure of the
data. It is helpful, before using resampling methods, to develop a systematics of
162 7 Step 5: Extracting Segments

data structures that might be discovered, and discuss the implications of those data
structures on the way market segmentation analysis is conducted.
Conceptually, consumer data can fall into one of three categories: rarely,
naturally existing, distinct, and well-separated market segments exist. If natural
segments exist in the data, these are easy to identify with most extraction methods.
The resulting segments can safely be used by the organisation as the basis of long-
term strategic planning, and the development of a customised marketing mix.
A second possibility is that data is entirely unstructured, making it impossible to
reproduce any market segmentation solution across repeated calculations. In this
worst case scenario, the data analyst must inform the user of the segmentation
solution of this fact because it has major implications on how segments are
extracted. If data is truly unstructured, and an organisation wishes to pursue a market
segmentation strategy, managerially useful market segments have to be constructed.
If the segmentation is constructive, the role of the data analyst is to offer potentially
interesting segmentation solutions to the user, and assist them in determining which
of the artificially created segments is most useful to them.
Of course, there is always a middle option between the worst case and the best
case scenario. Consumer data can lack distinct, well-separated natural clusters,
while not being entirely unstructured. In this case, the existing structure can be
leveraged to extract artificially created segments that re-emerge across repeated
calculations. This case is referred to as reproducible segmentation.
Global stability analysis helps determine which of the concepts applies to any
given data set (Dolnicar and Leisch 2010). Global stability analysis acknowledges
that both the sample of consumers, and the algorithm used in data-driven segmen-
tation introduce randomness into the analysis. Therefore, conducting one single
computation to extract market segments generates nothing more than one of many
possible solutions.
The problem of sample randomness has been discussed in early work on
market segmentation. Haley (1985), who is credited as being the father of benefit
segmentation, recommends addressing the problem by dividing the sample of
respondents into subsamples, and extracting market segments independently for
each of the subsamples. Then, segmentation variables are correlated across segments
from different solutions to identify reproducible segments. Haley (1985) notes that
this approach is also useful in informing the decision how many segments to extract
from the data, although he acknowledges that the final choice as to the number of
segments rests heavily on the judgement of the researchers making the decision
(p. 224).
The increase in computational power since Haley’s recommendation makes
available more efficient new approaches to achieve the same aim. Dolnicar and
Leisch (2010) recommend using bootstrapping techniques. Bootstrapping generates
a number of new data sets by drawing observations with replacement from
the original data. These new data sets can then be used to compute replicate
segmentation solutions for different numbers of segments. Computing the similarity
between the resulting solutions for the same number of clusters provides insight into
whether natural segments exist in the data (in which case all replications will lead to
7.5 Data Structure Analysis 163

essentially the same solution), whether reproducible segments exist (in which case
similar segments will emerge, indicating that there is some data structure, but no
cluster structure), or whether segments are being constructed artificially (in which
case replications of segment extraction will lead to different results every time).
In addition, the results from global stability analysis assist in determining the
most suitable number of segments to extract from the data. Numbers of segments
that allow the segmentation solution in its entirety to be reproduced in a stable
manner across repeated calculations are more attractive than numbers of segments
leading to different segmentation solutions across replications.
Dolnicar and Leisch (2010) recommend the following steps:
1. Draw b pairs of bootstrap samples (2b bootstrap samples in total) from the
sample of consumers, including as many cases as there are consumers in the
original data set (b = 100 bootstrap sample pairs works well).
2. For each of the 2b bootstrap samples, extract 2, 3, . . . , k market segments using
the algorithm of choice (for example, a partitioning clustering algorithm or a
finite mixture model). The maximum number of segments k needs to be specified.
3. For each pair of bootstrap samples b and number of segments k, compute the
adjusted Rand index (Hubert and Arabie 1985) or another external cluster index
(see Sect. 7.5.1) to evaluate how similar the two segmentation solutions are. This
results in b adjusted Rand indices (or other external cluster index values) for each
number of segments.
4. Create and inspect boxplots to assess the global reproducibility of the segmenta-
tion solutions. For the adjusted Rand index, many replications close to 1 indicate
the existence of reproducible clusters, while many replications close to 0 indicate
the artificial construction of clusters.
5. Select a segmentation solution, and describe resulting segments. Report on the
nature of the segments (natural, reproducible, or constructive).
We first illustrate the procedure using the artificial mobile phone data set
containing three distinct, well-separated natural segments. The following com-
mand fully automates the bootstrapping procedure, and can distribute calcula-
tions to enable parallel processing. The simple artificial example below takes
approximately 80 seconds on an Intel Xeon E5 2.4GHz CPU, but only 5 seconds
when running 40 R processes in parallel using the same CPU. There are some
fixed communication overheads to start the 40 child processes and collect their
results, hence the time needed is more than the theoretical value of 80/40 =
2 seconds. For more complex examples with higher-dimensional and larger data
sets, the communication overhead is much smaller in relation to the actual com-
puting time. Details on distributing computational tasks are provided on the
help page for function bootFlexclust() which can be accessed in R using
help("bootFlexclust"). The following command applies the bootstrap
procedure for k = 2 to 9 segments, using function cclust as segmentation
algorithm with nrep = 10 random restarts:
R> set.seed(1234)
R> PF3.b29 <- bootFlexclust(PF3, k = 2:9,FUN = "cclust",
164 7 Step 5: Extracting Segments

+ nrep = 10)
R> summary(PF3.b29)

bootFlexclust(x = PF3, k = 2:9,FUN = "cclust",nrep = 10)

Summary of Rand Indices:

2 3 4 5
Min. :0.89 Min. :1 Min. :0.60 Min. :0.45
1st Qu.:0.94 1st Qu.:1 1st Qu.:0.61 1st Qu.:0.62
Median :0.97 Median :1 Median :0.80 Median :0.66
Mean :0.96 Mean :1 Mean :0.75 Mean :0.69
3rd Qu.:0.99 3rd Qu.:1 3rd Qu.:0.85 3rd Qu.:0.76
Max. :1.00 Max. :1 Max. :1.00 Max. :0.99
6 7 8
Min. :0.55 Min. :0.52 Min. :0.50
1st Qu.:0.65 1st Qu.:0.68 1st Qu.:0.69
Median :0.70 Median :0.72 Median :0.73
Mean :0.73 Mean :0.73 Mean :0.72
3rd Qu.:0.80 3rd Qu.:0.78 3rd Qu.:0.76
Max. :0.97 Max. :0.93 Max. :0.93
Min. :0.50
1st Qu.:0.65
Median :0.70
Mean :0.72
3rd Qu.:0.75
Max. :0.96

A parallel boxplot of the adjusted Rand indices is shown in the top right panel of
Fig. 7.39. The boxplot can be obtained by:
R> boxplot(PF3.b29, ylim = c(0.2, 1),
+ xlab = "number of segments",
+ ylab = "adjusted Rand index")

As can be seen from both the numeric output and the global stability boxplot in
the top right corner of Fig. 7.39 for the artificial mobile phone data set: using the
correct number of three market segments always results in the same partition. All
adjusted Rand indices are equal to 1 for three segments. Using fewer or more
segments decreases the global stability of the segmentation solution in its entirety.
This happens because the three natural segments either have to be forced into two
clusters, or because the three natural segments have to be split up to generate more
than three segments. Both the merger and the split is artificial because the resulting
segments do not reflect the actual data structure. As a consequence, the results are
not stable. The global stability boxplot indicates that, in this case, there are three
natural clusters in the data. Of course – for the simple two-dimensional artificial
mobile phone data set – this can easily be inferred from the top left corner in
Fig. 7.39. But such a simple visual inspection is not possible for higher-dimensional
7.5 Data Structure Analysis 165

Looking at the global stability boxplots for the reproducible and constructive
segmentation cases in Fig. 7.39 makes it obvious that no single best solution exists.
One could argue that the two-segment solution for the elliptic data in the middle
row is very stable, but two market segments need to be interpreted with care as they
often reflect nothing more than a split of respondents in high and low response or
behavioural patterns. Such high and low patterns are not very useful for subsequent
marketing action.
For higher-dimensional data – where it is not possible to simply plot the data
to determine its structure – it is unavoidable to conduct stability analysis to gain
insight into the likely conceptual nature of the market segmentation solution. The
study by Ernst and Dolnicar (2018) – which aimed at deriving a rough estimate
of how frequently natural, reproducible and constructive segmentation is possible
in empirical data – offered the following guidelines for assessing global stability
boxplots based on the inspection of a wide range of empirical data sets:
• Indicative of natural segments are global stability boxplots with high stability
and low variance of the overall market segmentation solution for at least a limited
range of numbers of segments, and a distinct drop in global stability for all other
numbers of segments.
• Indicative of reproducible segmentation are global stability boxplots – which
starting from a reasonable high stability – show a gradual decline in the
global stability of the market segmentation solution with increasing numbers of
• Indicative of constructive segmentation are stability boxplots which display near-
constant low stability across the overall market segmentation solutions for all
numbers of segments.

Example: Tourist Risk Taking

We illustrate global stability analysis using the data on risk taking behaviours by
R> data("risk", package = "MSA")
R> set.seed(1234)
R> risk.b29 <- bootFlexclust(risk, k = 2:9,
+ FUN = "cclust", nrep = 10)

As can be seen in the global stability boxplot in Fig. 7.40, the two- and the
four-segment solutions display high levels of global stability compared to the
other numbers of segments. The two-segment solution splits consumers in low and
high risk takers. The four-segment solution is more profiled and may therefore
contain a useful target segment for an organisation. It contains one market segment
characterised by taking recreational risks, but not health risks; and a second segment
that takes health, financial and safety risks, but not recreational, career or social
risks. The first of those two may well represent an attractive target segment for
166 7 Step 5: Extracting Segments

Fig. 7.40 Global stability

boxplot using k-means
clustering for 2-9 segments
for the tourist risk taking

data set

adjusted Rand index


2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
number of segments

a tourism destination specialising in action packed adventure activities, such as

bungee jumping, skydiving or paragliding.
For data analysts preferring graphical user interfaces to the command line, the
complete bootstrapping procedure for global segment level stability analysis is
integrated into the R Commander (Fox 2017) point-and-click interface to R in the
extension package RcmdrPlugin.BCA (Putler and Krider 2012).
The stability analysis presented in this section assesses the global stability of
the entire segmentation solution. In case of the four-segment solution it assesses the
stable recovery of all four segments. This is a very useful approach to learn about the
segmentation concept that needs to be followed. It also provides valuable guidance
for selecting the number of segments to extract. However, global stability does not
provide information about the stability of each one of the segments individually
in the four-segment solution. Segment level stability is important information for
an organisation because, after all, the organisation will never target a complete
segmentation solution. Rather, it will target one segment or a small number of
segments contained in a market segmentation solution. An approach to assessing
segment level stability is presented next.

7.5.4 Segment Level Stability Analysis

Choosing the globally best segmentation solution does not necessarily mean that
this particular segmentation solution contains the single best market segment.
Relying on global stability analysis could lead to selecting a segmentation solution
with suitable global stability, but without a single highly stable segment. It is
recommendable, therefore, to assess not only global stability of alternative mar-
7.5 Data Structure Analysis 167

ket segmentation solutions, but also segment level stability of market segments
contained in those solutions to protect against discarding solutions containing
interesting individual segments from being prematurely discarded. After all, most
organisations only need one single target segment. Segment Level Stability Within Solutions (SLSW )

Dolnicar and Leisch (2017) propose to assess segmentation solutions based on an

approach that determines stability separately for each segment, rather than for the
entire market segmentation solution. This prevents an overall bad market segmenta-
tion solution (containing one suitable market segment) from being discarded. Many
organisations want to only target one segment; one suitable market segment is all
they need to secure their survival and competitive advantage.
The criterion of segment level stability within solutions (SLSW ) is similar to
the concept of global stability (see Sect. 7.5.3). The difference is that stability is
computed at segment level, allowing the detection of one highly stable segment
(for example a potentially attractive niche market) in a segmentation solution where
several or even all other segments are unstable.
Segment level stability within solutions (SLSW ) measures how often a market
segment with the same characteristics is identified across a number of repeated
calculations of segmentation solutions with the same number of segments. It is
calculated by drawing several bootstrap samples, calculating segmentation solutions
independently for each of those bootstrap samples, and then determining the
maximum agreement across all repeated calculations using the method proposed
by Hennig (2007). Details are provided in Leisch (2015) and Dolnicar and Leisch
Hennig (2007) recommends the following steps:
1. Compute a partition of the data (a market segmentation solution) extracting k
segments S1 , . . . , Sk using the algorithm of choice (for example, a partitioning
clustering algorithm or a finite mixture model).
2. Draw b bootstrap samples from the sample of consumers including as many cases
as there are consumers in the original data set (b = 100 bootstrap samples works
3. Cluster all b bootstrap samples into k segments. Based on these segmentation
solutions, assign the observations in the original data set to segments Si1 , . . . , Sik
for i = 1, . . . , b.
4. For each bootstrap segment Si1 , . . . , Sik , compute the maximum agreement with
the original segments S1 , . . . , Sk as measured by the Jaccard index:

|Sh ∩ Sih |
shi = max , 1 ≤ h ≤ k.
1≤h ≤k |Sh ∪ Sih |
168 7 Step 5: Extracting Segments

The Jaccard index is the ratio between the number of observations contained in
both segments, and the number of observations contained in at least one of the
two segments.
5. Create and inspect boxplots of the shi values across bootstrap samples to assess
the segment level stability within solutions (SLSW ). Segments with higher
segment level stability within solutions (SLSW ) are more attractive.
To demonstrate the procedure, consider the artificial mobile phone data set from
Sect. 7.2.3. Three distinct and well-separated segments are known to exist in this
data because the data was artificially generated. If – in the process of data-driven
market segmentation – three segments are extracted, the correct segments emerge,
and segment level stability within solutions (SLSW ) is very high. If the data are
clustered into more than three segments, one of the larger natural segments is split
up. This split is not stable, manifesting in a low segment level stability within
solutions (SLSW ) for at least some segments. In the following, we inspect segment
level stability within solutions for the six-segment solution.
To illustrate this with the artificial mobile phone data set, the data first needs
to be loaded. We then cluster the data into three to eight segments. We will also
use this data set to illustrate the methods in Sect. At that point we will
need all segmentation solutions from three to eight segments, and we will need
all segments to be consistently labelled across segmentation solutions. Consistent
labelling is achieved using function relabel. Finally we save the three- and six-
cluster solutions into individual objects:
R> library("flexclust")
R> set.seed(1234)
R> PF3 <- priceFeature(500, which = "3clust")
R> PF3.k38 <- stepcclust(PF3, k = 3:8, nrep = 10)
R> PF3.k38 <- relabel(PF3.k38)
R> PF3.k3 <- PF3.k38[["3"]]
R> PF3.k6 <- PF3.k38[["6"]]
Figure 7.41 shows the segmentation solutions for three and six segments.
Assessing the global stability of the two segmentation solutions (as discussed in
Sect. 7.5.3) reveals that the three-segment solution is much more stable than the six-
segment solution. This is evident from inspecting the top right hand plot of Fig. 7.39:
if three segments are extracted, the same segmentation solution is obtained for each
bootstrap sample; stability values are always equal to 1, and the box in the boxplot
is a horizontal line. Stability values are lower and more variable if six segments are
To assess segment level stability within solutions (SLSW ), we use the following
R commands:
R> PF3.r3 <- slswFlexclust(PF3, PF3.k3)
R> PF3.r6 <- slswFlexclust(PF3, PF3.k6)
R function slswFlexclust() from package flexclust takes as input the orig-
inal data PF3 to create bootstrap samples. Then, segment level stability within
solutions (SLSW ) is calculated for the three-segment solution (PF3.k3) and
7.5 Data Structure Analysis 169

three segments six segments

3 6





1 3

2 4 6 8 2 4 6 8

features / performance / quality features / performance / quality

Fig. 7.41 Artificial mobile phone data set with three and six segments extracted

three segments six segments



Jaccard coefficient

Jaccard coefficient





1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6
segment number segment number

Fig. 7.42 Segment level stability within solutions (SLSW ) plot for the artificial mobile phone data
set with three and six segments extracted

the six-segment solution (PF3.k6). slswFlexclust implements the stepwise

procedure described above slightly differently. slswFlexclust draws pairs of
bootstrap samples, and returns the average agreement measured by the average
Jaccard index for each pair.
We obtain boxplots showing the segment level stability within solutions (SLSW )
(Fig. 7.42) using plot(PF3.r3) and plot(PF3.r6). As can be seen, all three
segments contained in the three-segment solution have the maximal stability of 1.
The boxes in Fig. 7.42 therefore do not look like boxes at all. Rather, they present as
thick horizontal lines at value 1. For the artificially generated mobile phone data set
this is not surprising; the data set contain three distinct and well-separated segments.
170 7 Step 5: Extracting Segments

Looking at the segment level stability within solutions (SLSW ) for the six-
segment solution on the right side of Fig. 7.42 indicates that only segment 6 in
this solution is very stable. The other segments are created by randomly splitting
up the two market segments not interested in high-end mobile phones. The fact that
market segments not interested in expensive mobile phones with many features are
not extracted in a stable way is irrelevant to a manufacturer of premium mobile
phones. Such a manufacturer is only interested in the correct identification of the
high-end segment because this is the segment that will be targeted. This one segment
may be all that such a mobile phone manufacturer needs to survive and maximise
competitive advantage.
This insight is only possible if segment level stability within solutions (SLSW )
is assessed. If the segmentation solution would have only been chosen based on
the inspection of the global stability boxplot in Fig. 7.39, the six-segment solution
would have been discarded.
For two-dimensional data (like the mobile phone data set), data structure – and
with it the correctness of a market segmentation solution – is seen by simply taking
a quick look at a scatter plot of the actual data. Typical consumer data, however, is
not two-dimensional; it is multi-dimensional. Each segmentation variable represents
one dimension. The Australian vacation activities data set used in Sect. 7.4.1, for
example, contains 45 segmentation variables. The data space, therefore, is 45-
dimensional, and cannot be plotted in the same way as the simple mobile phone
data set. Analysing data structure thoroughly when extracting market segments is
therefore critically important.

Example: Australian Travel Motives

To illustrate the use of segment level stability within solutions (SLSW ) on real
consumer data, we use the data containing 20 travel motives of 1000 Australian
residents presented in Step 4 (see Appendix C.4). We load the data set (available in
package flexclust) into R using:
R> library("flexclust")
R> data("vacmot", package = "flexclust")

When the data was segmented for the first time (in Dolnicar and Leisch 2008), sev-
eral clustering algorithms and numbers of clusters were tried. The data set does not
contain natural segments. As a consequence, the clustering algorithm will impose
structure on the segments extracted from the data. Selecting a suitable algorithm
is therefore important. The neural gas algorithm (Martinetz and Schulten 1994)
delivered the most interesting segmentation solution for six clusters. Unfortunately
the seed used for the random number generator has been lost in the decade since the
first analysis, hence the result presented here deviates slightly from that reported
in Dolnicar and Leisch (2008). Nevertheless, all six segments re-emerge in the
new partition, but with different segment numbering, and slightly different centroid
values and segment sizes.
7.5 Data Structure Analysis 171

Fig. 7.43 Segment level

stability within solutions
(SLSW ) plot of the

six-segment solution for the
Australian travel motives data

Jaccard coefficient


1 2 3 4 5 6
segment number

We obtain a series of segmentation solutions ranging from three to eight segments

by using neural gas clustering (argument method = "neuralgas" with nrep
= 20 random restarts):
R> set.seed(1234)
R> vacmot.k38 <- stepcclust(vacmot, k = 3:8,
+ method = "neuralgas", nrep = 20, save.data = TRUE,
+ verbose = FALSE)
R> vacmot.k38 <- relabel(vacmot.k38)

Because these segmentation solutions will be reused as examples in Steps 5 and 7,

we integrate the original data set into the cluster object by setting save.data =
TRUE. In addition, verbose = FALSE avoids printing of progress information
of the calculations to the console. Finally, we save the entire series of segmentation
solutions to the hard drive:
R> vacmot.k6 <- vacmot.k38[["6"]]
R> save(vacmot.k38, vacmot.k6,
+ file = "vacmot-clusters.RData")

Next, we assess segment level stability within solutions (SLSW ) for the six-segment
solution. In addition to the data set vacmot, and the fitted partition vacmot.k6,
we need to specify that the neural gas method of function cclust() is used:
R> vacmot.r6 <- slswFlexclust(vacmot, vacmot.k6,
+ method = "neuralgas", FUN = "cclust")

Figure 7.43 shows the resulting boxplot. Segments with the highest segment level
stability within solutions (SLSW ) are segments 1, 5 and 6, followed by 2 and 4.
Segments 1 and 5 will be identified as likely response style segments in Step 6. This
means that the pattern of responses by members of these segments may be caused
by the way they interact with the answer format offered to them in the survey, rather
172 7 Step 5: Extracting Segments

than reflecting their responses to the content. Segment 6 – which is not suspicious
in terms of response style bias – is also very stable, and displays an interesting
profile (discussed in Step 6). Making segment 6 even more interesting is the
fact that members display characteristic descriptor variables (discussed in Step 7).
Segment 3 represents tourists interested in the lifestyle of the local people, caring
about unspoilt nature, wishing to maintain unspoilt surroundings, and wanting to
intensely experience nature. They do not want entertainment facilities, and they
have no desire for luxury or to be spoilt. Only segment 3 emerges as being very
unstable when inspecting the segment level stabilities provided in Fig. 7.43. The
reason for this high level of instability will become obvious in the next section
where we gain insight into the stability of segments across solutions with different
numbers of segments. Segment Level Stability Across Solutions (SLSA )

The second criterion of stability at segment level proposed by Dolnicar and Leisch
(2017) is referred to as segment level stability across solutions (SLSA ). The purpose
of this criterion is to determine the re-occurrence of a market segment across market
segmentation solutions containing different numbers of segments. High values
of segment level stability across solutions (SLSA ) serve as indicators of market
segments occurring naturally in the data, rather than being artificially created.
Natural segments are more attractive to organisations because they actually exist,
and no managerial judgement is needed in the artificial construction of segments.
Let P1 , . . . , Pm be a series of m partitions (market segmentation solutions) with
kmin , kmin + 1, kmin + 2, . . . , kmax segments, where m = kmax − kmin + 1. The
minimum and maximum number of segments of interest (kmin and kmax ) have to
be specified by the user of the market segmentation analysis in collaboration with
the data analyst.
Segment level stability across solutions (SLSA ), can be calculated in combination
with any algorithm which extracts segments. However, for hierarchical clustering,
segment level stability across solutions will reflect the fact that a sequence of nested
partitions is created. If partitioning methods (k-means, k-medians, neural gas, . . . )
or finite mixture models are used, segmentation solutions are determined separately
for each number of segments k. A common problem with these methods, however,
is that the segment labels are random and depend on the random initialisation of the
extraction algorithm (for example the segment representatives which are randomly
drawn from the data at the start). To be able to compare market segmentation
solutions, it is necessary to identify which segments in each of the solutions with
neighbouring numbers of segments (Pi , Pi+1 ) are similar to each other and assign
consistent labels. The difference in number of segments complicates this task. A
way around this problem is to first sort the segments in P1 using any heuristic, then
renumber P2 such that segments that are similar to segments in P1 get suitable
numbers assigned as labels, etc.
Based on this idea, Dolnicar and Leisch (2017) propose an algorithm to renumber
series of partitions (segmentation solutions), which is implemented in function
7.5 Data Structure Analysis 173

1 1 1 1 1 1

2 2
2 3
3 4
2 3 4
3 5
6 7

3 4 5 6 7 8

Fig. 7.44 Segment level stability across solutions (SLSA ) plot for the artificial mobile phone data
set for three to eight segments

relabel() in package flexclust. This function was used on pages 168 and 171 to
renumber segmentation solutions. Once segments are suitably labelled, a segment
level stability across solutions (SLSA ) plot can be created.
We use the artificial mobile phone data set to illustrate the usefulness of segment
level stability across solutions (SLSA ) as guidance for the data analyst. We create the
segment level stability across solutions (SLSA ) plot in Fig. 7.44 using the command
slsaplot(PF3.k38) from package flexclust. This plot shows the development
of each segment across segmentation solutions with different numbers of segments.
Each column in the plot represents a segmentation solution with a specific
number of segments. The number of segments extracted increases from left to
right. The column on the far left represents the segmentation solution with three
segments. The column on the far right represents the segmentation solution with
eight segments. The lines between segments indicate movements of segment
members between segments. Thick lines between two segments indicate that many
segment members are retained (despite the number of segments increasing). Thick
lines represent stubborn market segments, market segments which re-occur across
segmentation solutions, and therefore are more likely to represent natural segments.
Segments which have many lines coming in from the left and branching into many
lines to their right, suffer from changing segment membership across calculations
with different numbers of segments. Such segments are more likely to be artificially
created during the segment extraction process.
For the artificial mobile phone data set containing three distinct market segments,
the segment level stability across solutions (SLSA ) plot offers the following
insights: segment 3 in the three-segment solution remains totally unchanged across
segmentation solutions with different numbers of segments. Segment 3 is the high-
end mobile phone market segment. Segments 1 and 2 in the three-segment solution
are split up into more and more subsegments as the number of market segments in
174 7 Step 5: Extracting Segments

the segmentation solution increases. The segment level stability across solutions
(SLSA ) plot confirms what is seen to happen in the right chart in Fig. 7.41: if
more than three segments are extracted from the mobile phone data set, the high-
end segment continues to be identified correctly. The other two (larger) segments
gradually get subdivided.
So far all interpretations of segment level stability across solutions (SLSA ) were
based on visualisations only. The measure of entropy (Shannon 1948) can be used
as a numeric indicator of segment level stability across solutions (SLSA ). Let pj
be the percentage of consumers segment Sil (segment l) in partition (segmentation
solution) Pi recruits from each segment Si−1 j in partition (segmentation solution)
Pi−1 , with j = 1, . . . , ki−1 . One extreme case is if one value pj ∗ is equal to 1
and all others are equal to 0. In this case segment Sil recruits all its members from
segment Si−1j ∗ in the smaller segmentation solution; it is identical in both solutions
and maximally stable. The other extreme case is that the pj ’s are all the same, that
is, pj = 1/ki−1 for j = 1, . . . , ki−1 . The new segment Sil recruits an equal share
of consumers from each segment in the smaller segmentation solution; the segment
has minimal stability. 
Entropy is defined as − pj log pj and measures the uncertainty in a distribu-
tion. Maximum entropy  is obtained for the uniform distribution with pj = 1/k;
the entropy is then − (1/k) log(1/k) = log(k). The minimum entropy is 0 and
obtained if one pj is equal to 1. Numerical stability SLSA (Sil ) of segment l in the
segmentation solution with ki segments is defined by
j =1 pj log pj
SLSA (Sl ) = 1 −
log(ki−1 )
A value of 0 indicates minimal stability and 1 indicates maximal stability.
The numeric segment level stability across solutions (SLSA ) values for each
segment in each segmentation solution is used in Fig. 7.44 to colour the nodes
and edges. In Fig. 7.44, green is uniform across the plot because all new segments
are created by splitting an existing segment into two. Each segment in the larger
segmentation solution only has one single parent in the smaller partition, hence low
entropy and high stability.

Example: Australian Travel Motives

Figure 7.45 contains the segment level stability across solutions (SLSA ) plot for the
Australian travel motives data set. The segmentation solutions were saved for later
re-use on page 171, and the plot results from slsaplot(vacmot.k38).
The numeric segment level stability across solution (SLSA ) values for each
segment in each segmentation solution used to colour nodes and edges indicate that
the segments in the top and bottom rows do not change much from left to right. The
corresponding nodes and edges are all solid green. The only exception is the jump
from four to five segments, where some members are recruited from other segments
7.5 Data Structure Analysis 175

1 1 1 1 1 1

2 2
2 3
3 4
2 3 4
3 5
6 7

3 4 5 6 7 8

Fig. 7.45 Segment level stability across solutions (SLSA ) plot for the Australian travel motives
data set for three to eight segments

by segment 5 in the five-segment solution. The opposite is true for segment 3 in

the six-segment solution. Segment 3 recruits its members almost uniformly from
segments 1, 2 and 3 in the five-segment solution; the corresponding node and edges
are all light grey.
From Fig. 7.45 the segment labelled segment 1 in each segmentation solution
emerges as the segment with the highest average segment level stability across
solutions (SLSA ) value over all segmentation solutions. However – upon inspection
of the profile of this particular segment (Fig. 8.2) – it becomes clear that it may
represent (at least partially) a response style segment. Response bias is displayed by
survey respondents who have a tendency to use certain response options, irrespective
of the question asked. But an average high segment level stability across solutions
(SLSA ) value driven by a response style does not make a market segment attractive
as a potential target segment. The segment with the second highest segment level
stability across solutions (SLSA ) value in Fig. 7.45 is segment 6 in the six-segment
solution. This particular segment hardly changes at all between the six- and the
eight-segment solutions. Note that, in the eight-segment solution, segment 6 is
renamed segment 8. Looking at the segment profile plot in Fig. 8.2, it can be seen
that members of this segment are tourists interested in the lifestyle of locals, and
caring deeply about nature.
From Fig. 7.45 it also becomes obvious why segment 3 in the six-segment
solution demonstrates low segment level stability within solution (SLSW ). Seg-
ment 3 emerges as an entirely new segment in the six-segment solution by
recruiting members from several segments contained in the five-segment solution.
Then, segment 3 immediately disappears again in the seven-segment solution by
distributing its members across half of the segments in the seven-segment solution.
It is safe to conclude that segment 3 is not a natural segment. Rather, it represents
176 7 Step 5: Extracting Segments

a grouping of consumers the algorithm was forced to extract because we asked for
six segments.
Two key conclusions can be drawn from the segment level stability across
solutions (SLSA ) plot in Fig. 7.45: seriously consider segment 6 in the six-segment
solution as a potential target segment because it shows all signs of a naturally
existing market segment. Do not consider targeting segment 3. It is an artefact of
the analysis.

7.6 Step 5 Checklist

Who is
Task responsible? Completed?

Pre-select the extraction methods that can be used given the

properties of your data.

Use those suitable extraction methods to group consumers.

Conduct global stability analyses and segment level stability analyses

in search of promising segmentation solutions and promising

Select from all available solutions a set of market segments which

seem to be promising in terms of segment-level stability.

Assess those remaining segments using the knock-out criteria you

have defined in Step 2.

Pass on the remaining set of market segments to Step 6 for detailed



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Chapter 8
Step 6: Profiling Segments

8.1 Identifying Key Characteristics of Market Segments

The aim of the profiling step is to get to know the market segments resulting from
the extraction step. Profiling is only required when data-driven market segmentation
is used. For commonsense segmentation, the profiles of the segments are predefined.
If, for example, age is used as the segmentation variable for the commonsense
segmentation, it is obvious that the resulting segments will be age groups. Therefore,
Step 6 is not necessary when commonsense segmentation is conducted.
The situation is quite different in the case of data-driven segmentation: users of
the segmentation solution may have decided to extract segments on the basis of
benefits sought by consumers. Yet – until after the data has been analysed – the
defining characteristics of the resulting market segments are unknown. Identifying
these defining characteristics of market segments with respect to the segmentation
variables is the aim of profiling. Profiling consists of characterising the market
segments individually, but also in comparison to the other market segments. If
winter tourists in Austria are asked about their vacation activities, most state they
are going alpine skiing. Alpine skiing may characterise a segment, but alpine skiing
may not differentiate a segment from other market segments.
At the profiling stage, we inspect a number of alternative market segmentation
solutions. This is particularly important if no natural segments exist in the data,
and either a reproducible or a constructive market segmentation approach has to be
taken. Good profiling is the basis for correct interpretation of the resulting segments.
Correct interpretation, in turn, is critical to making good strategic marketing
Data-driven market segmentation solutions are not easy to interpret. Managers
have difficulties interpreting segmentation results correctly (Nairn and Bottomley
2003; Bottomley and Nairn 2004); 65% of 176 marketing managers surveyed in a
study by Dolnicar and Lazarevski (2009) on the topic of market segmentation state
that they have difficulties understanding data-driven market segmentation solutions,

© The Author(s) 2018 183

S. Dolnicar et al., Market Segmentation Analysis, Management for Professionals,
184 8 Step 6: Profiling Segments

and 71% feel that segmentation analysis is like a black box. A few of the quotes
provided by these marketing managers when asked how market segmentation results
are usually presented to them are insightful:

• . . . as a long report that usually contradicts the results

• . . . rarely with a clear Executive Summary
• . . . in a rushed slap hazard fashion with the attitude that ‘leave the details to us’
• The result is usually arranged in numbers and percentages across a few (up to say
10) variables, but mostly insufficiently conclusive.
• . . . report or spreadsheet. . . report with percentages
• . . . often meaningless information
• In a PowerPoint presentation with a slick handout

(quotes from the study reported in Dolnicar and Lazarevski 2009).

In the following sections we discuss traditional and graphical statistics
approaches to segment profiling. Graphical statistics approaches make profiling
less tedious, and thus less prone to misinterpretation.

8.2 Traditional Approaches to Profiling Market Segments

We use the Australian vacation motives data set. Segments were extracted from
this data set in Sect. 7.5.4 using the neural gas clustering algorithm with number
of segments varied from 3 to 8 and with 20 random restarts. We reload the
segmentation solution derived and saved on page 171:
R> library("flexclust")
R> data("vacmot", package = "flexclust")
R> load("vacmot-clusters.RData")

Data-driven segmentation solutions are usually presented to users (clients,

managers) in one of two ways: (1) as high level summaries simplifying segment
characteristics to a point where they are misleadingly trivial, or (2) as large tables
that provide, for each segment, exact percentages for each segmentation variable.
Such tables are hard to interpret, and it is virtually impossible to get a quick
overview of the key insights. This is illustrated by Table 8.1. Table 8.1 shows the
mean values of the segmentation variables by segment (extracted from the return
object using parameters(vacmot.k6)), together with the overall mean values.
Because the travel motives are binary, the segment means are equal to the percentage
of segment members engaging in each activity.
Table 8.1 provides the exact percentage of members of each segment that
indicate that each of the travel motives matters to them. To identify the defining
characteristics of the market segments, the percentage value of each segment for
each segmentation variable needs to be compared with the values of other segments
or the total value provided in the far right column.
8.2 Traditional Approaches to Profiling Market Segments 185

Table 8.1 Six segments computed with the neural gas algorithm for the Australian travel motives
data set. All numbers are percentages of people in the segment or in the total sample agreeing to
the motives
Seg. 1 Seg. 2 Seg. 3 Seg. 4 Seg. 5 Seg. 6 Total
Rest and relax 83 96 89 82 98 96 90
Change of surroundings 27 82 73 82 87 77 67
Fun and entertainment 7 71 81 60 95 37 53
Free-and-easy-going 12 65 58 45 87 75 52
Not exceed planned budget 23 100 2 49 84 73 51
Life style of the local people 9 29 30 90 75 80 46
Good company 14 59 40 58 77 55 46
Excitement, a challenge 9 17 39 57 76 36 33
Maintain unspoilt surroundings 9 10 16 7 67 95 30
Cultural offers 4 2 5 96 62 38 28
Luxury / be spoilt 19 24 39 13 89 6 28
Unspoilt nature/natural landscape 10 10 13 15 69 64 26
Intense experience of nature 6 8 9 21 50 58 22
Cosiness/familiar atmosphere 11 24 12 7 49 25 19
Entertainment facilities 5 25 30 14 53 6 19
Not care about prices 8 7 43 19 29 10 18
Everything organised 7 21 15 12 46 9 16
Do sports 8 12 13 10 46 7 14
Health and beauty 5 8 10 8 49 16 12
Realise creativity 2 2 3 8 29 14 8

Using Table 8.1 as the basis of interpreting segments shows that the defining
characteristics of segment 2, for example, are: being motivated by rest and relax-
ation, and not wanting to exceed the planned travel budget. Also, many members
of segment 2 care about a change of surroundings, but not about cultural offers, an
intense experience of nature, about not caring about prices, health and beauty and
realising creativity. Segment 1 is likely to be a response style segment because –
for each travel motive – the percentage of segment members indicating that a travel
motive is relevant to them is low (compared to the overall percentage of agreement).
Profiling all six market segments based on Table 8.1 requires comparing 120
numbers if each segment’s value is only compared to the total (for each one of
20 travel motives, the percentages for six segments have to be compared to the
percentage in the total column). If, in addition, each segment’s value is compared to
the values of other segments, (6 × 5)/2 = 15 pairs of numbers have to be compared
for each row of the table. For the complete table with 20 rows, a staggering 15 ×
20 = 300 pairs of numbers would have to be compared between segments. In total
this means 420 comparisons including those between segments only and between
segments and the total.
Imagine that the segmentation solution in Table 8.1 is not the only one. Rather,
the data analyst presents five alternative segmentation solutions containing six
186 8 Step 6: Profiling Segments

segments each. A user in that situation would have to compare 5×420 = 2100 pairs
of numbers to be able to understand the defining characteristics of the segments.
This is an outrageously tedious task to perform, even for the most astute user.
Sometimes – to deal with the size of this task – information is provided about
the statistical significance of the difference between segments for each of the
segmentation variables. This approach, however, is not statistically correct. Segment
membership is directly derived from the segmentation variables, and segments are
created in a way that makes them maximally different, thus not allowing to use
standard statistical tests to assess the significance of differences.

8.3 Segment Profiling with Visualisations

Neither the highly simplified, nor the very complex tabular representation typically
used to present market segmentation solutions make much use of graphics, although
data visualisation using graphics is an integral part of statistical data analysis
(Tufte 1983, 1997; Cleveland 1993; Chen et al. 2008; Wilkinson 2005; Kastellec
and Leoni 2007). Graphics are particularly important in exploratory statistical
analysis (like cluster analysis) because they provide insights into the complex
relationships between variables. In addition, in times of big and increasingly bigger
data, visualisation offers a simple way of monitoring developments over time. Both
McDonald and Dunbar (2012) and Lilien and Rangaswamy (2003) recommend
the use of visualisation techniques to make the results of a market segmentation
analysis easier to interpret. Haley (1985, p. 227), long before the wide adoption
of graphical statistics, pointed out that the same information presented in tabular
form is not nearly so insightful. More recently, Cornelius et al. (2010, p. 170)
noted, in a review of graphical approaches suitable for interpreting results of market
structure analysis, that a single two-dimensional graphical format is preferable to
more complex representations that lack intuitive interpretations.
A review of visualisation techniques available for cluster analysis and mixture
models is provided by Leisch (2008). Examples of prior use of visualisations of
segmentation solutions are given in Reinartz and Kumar (2000), Horneman et al.
(2002), Andriotis and Vaughan (2003), Becken et al. (2003), Dolnicar and Leisch
(2003, 2014), Bodapati and Gupta (2004), Dolnicar (2004), Beh and Bruyere (2007),
and Castro et al. (2007).
Visualisations are useful in the data-driven market segmentation process to
inspect, for each segmentation solution, one or more segments in detail. Statistical
graphs facilitate the interpretation of segment profiles. They also make it easier to
assess the usefulness of a market segmentation solution. The process of segmenting
data always leads to a large number of alternative solutions. Selecting one of the
possible solutions is a critical decision. Visualisations of solutions assist the data
analyst and user with this task.
8.3 Segment Profiling with Visualisations 187

8.3.1 Identifying Defining Characteristics of Market Segments

A good way to understand the defining characteristics of each segment is to produce

a segment profile plot. The segment profile plot shows – for all segmentation
variables – how each market segment differs from the overall sample. The segment
profile plot is the direct visual translation of tables such as Table 8.1.
In figures and tables, segmentation variables do not have to be displayed in the
order of appearance in the data set. If variables have a meaningful order in the data
set, the order should be retained. If, however, the order of variables is independent
of content, it is useful to rearrange variables to improve visualisations.
Table 8.1 sorts the 20 travel motives by the total mean (last column). Another
option is to order segmentation variables by similarity of answer patterns. We can
achieve this by clustering the columns of the data matrix:
R> vacmot.vdist <- dist(t(vacmot))
R> vacmot.vclust <- hclust(vacmot.vdist, "ward.D2")

The t() around the data matrix vacmot transposes the matrix such that distances
between columns rather than rows are computed. Next, hierarchical clustering of
the variables is conducted using Ward’s method. Figure 8.1 shows the result.
Tourists who are motivated by cultural offers are also interested in the lifestyle
of local people. Tourists who care about an unspoilt natural landscape also show
interest in maintaining unspoilt surroundings, and seek an intense experience of
nature. A segment profile plot like the one in Fig. 8.2 results from:
R> barchart(vacmot.k6, shade = TRUE,
+ which = rev(vacmot.vclust$order))

Argument which specifies the variables to be included, and their order of presenta-
tion. Here, all variables are shown in the order suggested by hierarchical clustering
of variables. shade = TRUE identifies so-called marker variables and depicts
them in colour. These variables are particularly characteristic for a segment. All
other variables are greyed out.
The segment profile plot is a so-called panel plot. Each of the six panels
represents one segment. For each segment, the segment profile plot shows the
cluster centres (centroids, representatives of the segments). These are the numbers
contained in Table 8.1. The dots in Fig. 8.2 are identical in each of the six panels, and
represent the total mean values for the segmentation variables across all observations
in the data set. The dots are the numbers in the last column in Table 8.1. These dots
serve as reference points for the comparison of values for each segment with values
averaged across all people in the data set.
To make the chart even easier to interpret, marker variables appear in colour
(solid bars). The remaining segmentation variables are greyed out. The definition
of marker variables in the segment profile plot used by default in barchart()
is suitable for binary variables, and takes into account the absolute and relative
difference of the segment mean to the total mean. Marker variables are defined as
variables which deviate by more than 0.25 from the overall mean. For example, a
188 8 Step 6: Profiling Segments

cultural offers
life style of the local people
unspoilt nature/natural landscape
maintain unspoilt surroundings
intense experience of nature
health and beauty
realise creativity
do sports
everything organised
cosiness/familiar atmosphere
not care about prices
entertainment facilities
luxury / be spoilt
not exceed planned budget
good company
fun and entertainment
excitement, a challenge
change of surroundings
rest and relax

40 30 20 10 0

Fig. 8.1 Hierarchical clustering of the segmentation variables of the Australian travel motives data
set using Ward’s method

variable with a total sample mean of 0.20, and a segment mean of 0.60 qualifies as
marker variable (0.20 + 0.25 = 0.45 < 0.60). Such a large absolute difference is
hard to obtain for segmentation variables with very low sample means. A relative
difference of 50% from the total mean, therefore, also makes the variable a marker
The deviation figures of 0.25 and 50% have been empirically determined to
indicate substantial differences on the basis of inspecting many empirical data sets,
but are ultimately arbitrary and, as such, can be chosen by the data analyst and user
as they see fit. In particular if the segmentation variables are not binary, different
thresholds for defining a marker variable need to be specified.
Looking at the travel motive of HEALTH AND BEAUTY in Fig. 8.2 makes it
obvious that this is not a mainstream travel motive for tourists. This segmentation
variable has a sample mean of 0.12; this means that only 12% of all the people
who participated in the survey indicated that HEALTH AND BEAUTY was a travel
motive for them. For segments with HEALTH AND BEAUTY outside of the interval
0.12 ± 0.06 this vacation activity will be considered a marker variable, because 0.06
is 50% of 0.12.
8.3 Segment Profiling with Visualisations 189

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

Cluster 1: 235 (24%) Cluster 2: 189 (19%)

cultural offers
life style of the local people
unspoilt nature/natural landscape
maintain unspoilt surroundings
intense experience of nature
health and beauty
realise creativity
do sports
everything organised
cosiness/familiar atmosphere
not care about prices
entertainment facilities
luxury / be spoilt
not exceed planned budget
good company
fun and entertainment
excitement, a challenge
change of surroundings
rest and relax
Cluster 3: 174 (17%) Cluster 4: 139 (14%)
cultural offers
life style of the local people
unspoilt nature/natural landscape
maintain unspoilt surroundings
intense experience of nature
health and beauty
realise creativity
do sports
everything organised
cosiness/familiar atmosphere
not care about prices
entertainment facilities
luxury / be spoilt
not exceed planned budget
good company
fun and entertainment
excitement, a challenge
change of surroundings
rest and relax
Cluster 5: 94 (9%) Cluster 6: 169 (17%)
cultural offers
life style of the local people
unspoilt nature/natural landscape
maintain unspoilt surroundings
intense experience of nature
health and beauty
realise creativity
do sports
everything organised
cosiness/familiar atmosphere
not care about prices
entertainment facilities
luxury / be spoilt
not exceed planned budget
good company
fun and entertainment
excitement, a challenge
change of surroundings
rest and relax

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

Fig. 8.2 Segment profile plot for the six-segment solution of the Australian travel motives data set
190 8 Step 6: Profiling Segments

The segment profile plot in Fig. 8.2 contains the same information as Table 8.1:
the percentage of segment members indicating that each of the travel motives
matters to them. Marker variables are highlighted in colour. As can be seen, a
segmentation solution presented using a segment profile plot (such as the one shown
in Fig. 8.2) is much easier and faster to interpret than when it is presented as a table,
no matter how well the table is structured. We see that members of segment 2 are
characterised primarily by not wanting to exceed their travel budget. Members of
segment 4 are interested in culture and local people; members of segment 3 want fun
and entertainment, entertainment facilities, and do not care about prices. Members
of segment 6 see nature as critical to their vacations. Finally, segments 1 and 5 have
to be interpreted with care as they are likely to represent response style segments.
An eye tracking study conducted by Nazila Babakhani as part of her PhD
studies investigated differences in people’s ability to interpret complex data analysis
results from market segmentation studies presented in traditional tabular versus
graphical statistics format. Participants saw one of three types of presentations of
segmentation results: a table; an improved table with key information bolded; and a
segment profile plot. Processing time of information was the key variable of interest.
Eye tracking plots indicate how long a person looked at something.
A heat map showing how long one person was looking at each section of the
table or figure is shown in Fig. 8.3. We see that this person worked harder to extract
information from the tables; the heat maps of the tables contain more yellow and red
colouring, representing longer looking times. Longer looking times indicate more
cognitive effort being invested in the interpretation of the tables. Also, the person
looked at a higher proportion of the table; they were processing a larger area in the
attempt to answer the question. In contrast, the heat map of the segment profile plot
in Fig. 8.3 shows that the person did not need to look as long to find the answer.
They also inspected a smaller surface area. The heat map suggests that it took less
effort to find the information required to answer the question. It is therefore well
worth spending some extra time on presenting results of a market segmentation
analysis as a well designed graph. Good visualisations facilitate interpretation by
managers who make long-term strategic decisions based on segmentation results.
Such long-term strategic decisions imply substantial financial commitments to the
implementation of a segmentation strategy. Good visualisations, therefore, offer an
excellent return on investment.

8.3.2 Assessing Segment Separation

Segment separation can be visualised in a segment separation plot. The segment

separation plot depicts – for all relevant dimensions of the data space – the overlap
of segments.
Segment separation plots are very simple if the number of segmentation variables
is low, but become complex as the number of segmentation variables increases. But
even in such complex situations, segment separation plots offer data analysts and
users a quick overview of the data situation, and the segmentation solution.
8.3 Segment Profiling with Visualisations 191

Fig. 8.3 One person’s eye tracking heat maps for three alternative ways of presenting segmenta-
tion results. (a) Traditional table. (b) Improved table. (c) Segment profile plot
192 8 Step 6: Profiling Segments




1 2

2 1

2 4 6 8 2 4 6 8
features / performance / quality features / performance / quality





1 2

2 1

2 4 6 8 2 4 6 8
features / performance / quality features / performance / quality

Fig. 8.4 Segment separation plot including observations (first row) and not including observations
(second row) for two artificial data sets: three natural, well-separated clusters (left column); one
elliptic cluster (right column)

Examples of segment separation plots are provided in Fig. 8.4 for two different
data sets (left compared to right column). These plots are based on two of the
artificial data sets used in Table 2.3: the data set that contains three distinct, well-
separated segments, and the data set with an elliptic data structure. The segment
separation plot consists of (1) a scatter plot of the (projected) observations coloured
by segment membership and the (projected) cluster hulls, and (2) a neighbourhood
The artificial data visualised in Fig. 8.4 are two-dimensional. So no projection is
required. The original data is plotted in a scatter plot in the top row of Fig. 8.4. The
colour of the observations indicates true segment membership. The different cluster
hulls indicate the shape and spread of the true segments. Dashed cluster hulls contain
(approximately) all observations. Solid cluster hulls contain (approximately) half of
the observations. The bottom row of Fig. 8.4 omits the data, and displays cluster
hulls only.
Neighbourhood graphs (black lines with numbered nodes) indicate similarity
between segments (Leisch 2010). The segment solutions in Fig. 8.4 contain three
8.3 Segment Profiling with Visualisations 193

segments. Each plot, therefore, contains three numbered nodes plotted at the
position of the segment centres. The black lines connect segment centres, and
indicate similarity between segments. A black line is only drawn between two
segment centres if they are the two closest segment centres for at least one
observation (consumer). The width of the black line is thicker if more observations
have these two segment centres as their two closest segment centres.
As can be seen in Fig. 8.4, the neighbourhood graphs for the two data sets are
quite similar. We need to add either the observations or the cluster hulls to assess
the separation between segments.
For the two data sets used in Fig. 8.4, the two dimensions representing the
segmentation variables can be directly plotted. This is not possible if 20-dimensional
travel motives data serve as segmentation variables. In such a situation, the 20-
dimensional space needs to be projected onto a small number of dimensions to
create a segment separation plot. We can use a number of different projection tech-
niques, including some which maximise separation (Hennig 2004), and principal
components analysis (see Sect. 6.5). We calculate principal components analysis for
the Australian travel motives data set with the following command:
R> vacmot.pca <- prcomp(vacmot)

This provides the rotation applied to the original data when creating our segment
separation plot. We use the segmentation solution obtained from neural gas on
page 171, and create a segment separation plot for this solution:
R> plot(vacmot.k6, project = vacmot.pca, which = 2:3,
+ xlab = "principal component 2",
+ ylab = "principal component 3")
R> projAxes(vacmot.pca, which = 2:3)

Figure 8.5 contains the resulting plot. Argument project uses the principal
components analysis projection. Argument which selects principal components 2
and 3, and xlab and ylab assign labels to axes. Function projAxes() enhances
the segment separation plot by adding directions of the projected segmentation
variables. The enhanced version combines the advantages of the segment separation
plot with the advantages of perceptual maps.
Due to the overlap of market segments (and the sample size of n = 1000),
the plot in Fig. 8.5 is messy and hard to read. Modifying colours (argument
col), omitting observations (points = FALSE), and highlighting only the inner
area of each segment (hull.args = list(density = 10), where density
specifies how many lines shade the area) leads to a cleaner version (Fig. 8.6):
R> plot(vacmot.k6, project = vacmot.pca, which = 2:3,
+ col = flxColors(1:6, "light"),
+ points = FALSE, hull.args = list(density = 10),
+ xlab = "principal component 2",
+ ylab = "principal component 3")
R> projAxes(vacmot.pca, which = 2:3, col = "darkblue",
+ cex = 1.2)
194 8 Step 6: Profiling Segments

not exceed planned budget



cosiness/familiar atmosphere
principal component 3

rest company
good and relax
change of surroundings
fun and entertai
everything organised

in unspoilt surroundings 1 5 entertainment facilities

spoilt nature/natural
intense experience landscape
of nature 3 sports
luxury / be spoilt

4 excitement, a challenge

not care about prices


life style of the local people

cultural offers

−1.5 −1.0 −0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5

principal component 2

Fig. 8.5 Segment separation plot using principal components 2 and 3 for the Australian travel
motives data set

The plot is still not trivial to assess, but it is easier to interpret than the segment
separation plot shown in Fig. 8.5 containing additional information. Figure 8.6 is
hard to interpret, because natural market segments are not present. This difficulty in
interpretation is due to the data, not the visualisation. And the data used for this plot
is very representative of consumer data.
Figure 8.6 shows the existence of a market segment (segment 6, green shaded
area) that cares about maintaining unspoilt surroundings, unspoilt nature, and wants
to intensely experience nature when on vacations. Exactly opposite is segment
3 (cyan shaded area) wanting luxury, wanting to be spoilt, caring about fun,
entertainment and the availability of entertainment facilities, and not caring about
prices. Another segment on top of the plot in Fig. 8.6 (segment 2, olive shaded area)
8.3 Segment Profiling with Visualisations 195

not exceed planned budget



cosiness/familiar atmosphere
principal component 3

rest company
good and relax
change of surroundings
fun and entertai
everything organised

in unspoilt surroundings 1 5 entertainment facilities

spoilt nature/natural
intense experience landscape
of nature 3 sports
luxury / be spoilt

4 excitement, a challenge

not care about prices


life style of the local people

cultural offers

−1.5 −1.0 −0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5

principal component 2

Fig. 8.6 Segment separation plot using principal components 2 and 3 for the Australian travel
motives data set without observations

is characterised by one single feature only: members of this market segment do not
wish to exceed their planned travel budget. Opposite to this segment, at the bottom
of the plot is segment 4 (blue shaded area), members of which care about the life
style of local people and cultural offers.
Each segment separation plot only visualises one possible projection. So, for
example, the fact that segments 1 and 5 in this particular projection overlap with
other segments does not mean that these segments overlap in all projections.
However, the fact that segments 6 and 3 are well-separated in this projection does
allow the conclusion – based on this single projection only – that they represent
distinctly different tourists in terms of the travel motives.
196 8 Step 6: Profiling Segments

8.4 Step 6 Checklist

Who is
Task responsible? Completed?

Use the selected segments from Step 5.

Visualise segment profiles to learn about what makes each segment


Use knock-out criteria to check if any of the segments currently under

consideration should already be eliminated because they do not
comply with the knock-out criteria.

Pass on the remaining segments to Step 7 for describing.


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Dolnicar S, Leisch F (2014) Using graphical statistics to better understand market segmentation
solutions. Int J Mark Res 56(2):97–120.
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Haley RI (1985) Developing effective communications strategy – a benefit segmentation approach.
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Hennig C (2004) Asymmetric linear dimension reduction for classification. J Comput Graph Stat
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perspective. J Travel Res 41(1):23–37
References 197

Kastellec JP, Leoni EL (2007) Using graphs instead of tables in political science. Perspect Polit
Leisch F (2008) Visualization of cluster analysis and finite mixture models. In: Chen CH, Härdle
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statistics. Springer, Berlin
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Nairn A, Bottomley P (2003) Something approaching science? Cluster analysis procedures in the
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Tufte ER (1983) The visual display of quantitative information. Graphics Press, Cheshire
Tufte ER (1997) Visual explanations. Graphics Press, Cheshire
Wilkinson L (2005) The grammar of graphics. Springer, New York

Open Access This chapter is licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits use, sharing,
adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as you give appropriate
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the copyright holder.
Chapter 9
Step 7: Describing Segments

9.1 Developing a Complete Picture of Market Segments

Segment profiling is about understanding differences in segmentation variables

across market segments. Segmentation variables are chosen early in the market
segmentation analysis process: conceptually in Step 2 (specifying the ideal target
segment), and empirically in Step 3 (collecting data). Segmentation variables form
the basis for extracting market segments from empirical data.
Step 7 (describing segments) is similar to the profiling step. The only difference
is that the variables being inspected have not been used to extract market segments.
Rather, in Step 7 market segments are described using additional information
available about segment members. If committing to a target segment is like a
marriage, profiling and describing market segments is like going on a number of
dates to get to know the potential spouse as well as possible in an attempt to give
the marriage the best possible chance, and avoid nasty surprises down the track. As
van Raaij and Verhallen (1994, p. 58) state: segment . . . should be further described
and typified by crossing them with all other variables, i.e. with psychographic . . . ,
demographic and socio-economic variables, media exposure, and specific product
and brand attitudes or evaluations.
For example, when conducting a data-driven market segmentation analysis using
the Australian travel motives data set (this is the segmentation solution we saved
on page 171; the data is described in Appendix C.4), profiling means investigating
differences between segments with respect to the travel motives themselves. These
profiles are provided in Fig. 8.2. The segment description step uses additional
information, such as segment members’ age, gender, past travel behaviour, preferred
vacation activities, media use, use of information sources during vacation planning,
or their expenditure patterns during a vacation. These additional variables are
referred to as descriptor variables.
Good descriptions of market segments are critical to gaining detailed insight
into the nature of segments. In addition, segment descriptions are essential for the

© The Author(s) 2018 199

S. Dolnicar et al., Market Segmentation Analysis, Management for Professionals,
200 9 Step 7: Describing Segments

development of a customised marketing mix. Imagine, for example, wanting to

target segment 4 which emerged from extracting segments from the Australian travel
motives data set. Step 6 of the segmentation analysis process leads to the insight that
members of segment 4 care about nature. Nothing is known, however, about how old
these people are, if they have children, how high their discretionary income is, how
much money they spend when they go on vacation, how often they go on vacation,
which information sources they use when they plan their vacation, and how they
can be reached. If segment description reveals, for example, that members of this
segment have a higher likelihood of volunteering for environmental organisations,
and regularly read National Geographic, tangible ways of communicating with
segment 4 have been identified. This knowledge is important for the development
of a customised marketing mix to target segment 4.
We can study differences between market segments with respect to descriptor
variables in two ways: we can use descriptive statistics including visualisations, or
we can analyse data using inferential statistics. The marketing literature traditionally
relies on statistical testing, and tabular presentations of differences in descriptor
variables. Visualisations make segment description more user-friendly.

9.2 Using Visualisations to Describe Market Segments

A wide range of charts exist for the visualisation of differences in descriptor

variables. Here, we discuss two basic approaches suitable for nominal and ordinal
descriptor variables (such as gender, level of education, country of origin), or metric
descriptor variables (such as age, number of nights at the tourist destinations, money
spent on accommodation).
Using graphical statistics to describe market segments has two key advantages:
it simplifies the interpretation of results for both the data analyst and the user, and
integrates information on the statistical significance of differences, thus avoiding the
over-interpretation of insignificant differences. As Cornelius et al. (2010, p. 197)
put it: Graphical representations . . . serve to transmit the very essence of marketing
research results. The same authors also find – in a survey study with marketing
managers – that managers prefer graphical formats, and view the intuitiveness of
graphical displays as critically important. Section 8.3.1 provides an illustration of
the higher efficiency with which people process graphical as opposed to tabular

9.2.1 Nominal and Ordinal Descriptor Variables

When describing differences between market segments in one single nominal or

ordinal descriptor variable, the basis for all visualisations and statistical tests is
a cross-tabulation of segment membership with the descriptor variable. For the
9.2 Using Visualisations to Describe Market Segments 201

Australian travel motives data set (see Appendix C.4), data frame vacmotdesc
contains several descriptor variables. These descriptor variables are automatically
loaded with the Australian travel motives data set. To describe market segments, we
need the segment membership for all respondents. We store segment membership
in helper variable C6:
R> C6 <- clusters(vacmot.k6)
The sizes of the market segments are
R> table(C6)
1 2 3 4 5 6
235 189 174 139 94 169
The easiest approach to generating a cross-tabulation is to add segment membership
as a categorical variable to the data frame of descriptor variables. Then we can use
the formula interface of R for testing or plotting:
R> vacmotdesc$C6 <- as.factor(C6)
The following R command gives the number of females and males across market
R> C6.Gender <- with(vacmotdesc,
+ table("Segment number" = C6, Gender))
R> C6.Gender
Segment number Male Female
1 125 110
2 86 103
3 94 80
4 78 61
5 47 47
6 82 87
A visual inspection of this cross-tabulation suggests that there are no huge gender
differences across segments. The upper panel in Fig. 9.1 visualises this cross-
tabulation using a stacked bar chart. The y-axis shows segment sizes. Within each
bar, we can easily how many are male and how many are female. We cannot,
however, compare the proportions of men and women easily across segments.
Comparing proportions is complicated if the segment sizes are unequal (for
example, segments 1 and 5). A solution is to draw the bars for women and men
next to one another rather than stacking them (not shown). The disadvantage of this
approach is that the absolute sizes of the market segments can no longer be directly
seen on the y-axis. The mosaic plot offers a solution to this problem.
The mosaic plot also visualises cross-tabulations (Hartigan and Kleiner 1984;
Friendly 1994). The width of the bars indicates the absolute segment size. The
column for segment 5 of the Australian travel motives data set – containing 94
202 9 Step 7: Describing Segments

Number of segment members Male

1 2 3 4 5 6

1 2
⇓3 4 5 6


Segment number

Fig. 9.1 Comparison of a stacked bar chart and a mosaic plot for the cross-tabulation of segment
membership and gender for the Australian travel motives data set

respondents or 9% of the sample – is much narrower in the bottom plot of Fig. 9.1
than the column for segment 1 – containing 235 respondents or 24% of the sample.
Each column consists of rectangles. The height of the rectangles represents
the proportion of men or women in each segment. Because all columns have the
same total height, the height of the bottom rectangles is in the same position for
two segments with the same proportion of men and women (even if the absolute
number of men and women differs substantially). Because the width of the columns
represents the total segment sizes, the area of each cell is proportional to the size of
the corresponding cell in the table.
Mosaic plots can also visualise tables containing more than two descriptor
variables and integrate elements of inferential statistics. This helps with interpre-
tation. Colours of cells can highlight where observed frequencies are different from
expected frequencies under the assumption that the variables are independent. Cell
colours are based on the standardised difference between the expected and observed
frequencies. Negative differences mean that observed are lower than expected
9.2 Using Visualisations to Describe Market Segments 203

frequencies. They are coloured in red. Positive differences mean that observed are
higher than expected frequencies. They are coloured in blue. The saturation of
the colour indicates the absolute value of the standardised difference. Standardised
differences follow asymptotically a standard normal distribution. Standard normal
random variables lie within [−2, 2] with a probability of ≈95%, and within [−4, 4]
with a probability of ≈99.99%. Standardised differences are equivalent to the
standardised Pearson residuals from a log-linear model assuming independence
between the two variables.
By default, function mosaicplot() in R uses dark red cell colouring for
contributions or standardised Pearson residuals smaller than −4, light red if
contributions are smaller than −2, white (not interesting) between −2 and 2, light
blue if contributions are larger than 2, and dark blue if they are larger than 4.
Figure 9.2 shows such a plot with the colour coding included in the legend.
In Fig. 9.2 all cells are white, indicating that the six market segments extracted
from the Australian travel motives data set do not significantly differ in gender
distribution. The proportion of female and male tourists is approximately the same
across segments. The dashed and solid borders of the rectangles indicate that
the number of respondents in those cells are either lower than expected (dashed

1 2 3 4 5 6





Segment number

Fig. 9.2 Shaded mosaic plot for cross-tabulation of segment membership and gender for the
Australian travel motives data set
204 9 Step 7: Describing Segments

1 2 3 4 5 6







Segment number

Fig. 9.3 Shaded mosaic plot for cross-tabulation of segment membership and income for the
Australian travel motives data set

borders), or higher than expected (solid black borders). But, irrespective of the
borders, white rectangles mean differences are statistically insignificant.
Figure 9.3 shows that segment membership and income are moderately asso-
ciated. The top row corresponds to the lowest income category (less than AUD
30,000 per annum). The bottom row corresponds to the highest income category
(more than AUD 120,000 per annum). The remaining three categories represent
AUD 30,000 brackets in-between those two extremes. We learn that members of
segment 4 (column 4 in Fig. 9.3) – those motivated by cultural offers and interested
in local people – earn more money. Low income tourists (top row of Fig. 9.3) are less
frequently members of market segment 3, those who do not care about prices and
instead seek luxury, fun and entertainment, and wish to be spoilt when on vacation.
Segment 6 (column 6 in Fig. 9.3) – the nature loving segment – contains fewer
members on very high incomes.
Figure 9.4 points to a strong association between travel motives and stated moral
obligation to protect the environment. The moral obligation score results from
averaging the answers to 30 survey questions asking respondents to indicate how
obliged they feel to engage in a range of environmentally friendly behaviours at
home (including not to litter, to recycle rubbish, to save water and energy; see
9.2 Using Visualisations to Describe Market Segments 205

1 2 3 4 5 6






Segment number

Fig. 9.4 Shaded mosaic plot for cross-tabulation of segment membership and moral obligation to
protect the environment for the Australian travel motives data set

Dolnicar and Leisch 2008 for details). The moral obligation score is numeric and
ranges from 1 (lowest moral obligation) to 5 (highest moral obligation) because
survey respondents had five answer options. The summated score ranges from 30 to
150, and is re-scaled to 1 to 5 by dividing through 30. We provide an illustration
of how this descriptor variable can be analysed in its original metric format in
Sect. 9.2.2. To create the mosaic plot shown in Fig. 9.4, we cut the moral obligation
score into quarters containing 25% of respondents each, ranging from Q1 (low moral
obligation) to Q4 (high moral obligation). Variable Obliged2 contains this re-
coded descriptor variable.
Figure 9.4 graphically illustrates the cross-tabulation, associating segment mem-
bership and stated moral obligation to protect the environment in a mosaic plot.
Segment 3 (column 3 of Fig. 9.4) – whose members seek entertainment – contains
significantly more members with low stated moral obligation to behave in an
environmentally friendly way. Segment 3 also contains significantly fewer members
in the high moral obligation category. The exact opposite applies to segment 6.
Members of this segment are motivated by nature, and plotted in column 6 of
Fig. 9.4. Being a member of segment 6 implies a positive association with high
206 9 Step 7: Describing Segments

moral obligation to behave environmentally friendly, and a negative association with

membership in the lowest moral obligation category.

9.2.2 Metric Descriptor Variables

R package lattice (Sarkar 2008) provides conditional versions of most standard R

plots. An alternative implementation for conditional plots is available in package
ggplot2 (Wickham 2009). Conditional in this context means that the plots are
divided in sections (panels, facets), each presenting the results for a subset of the
data (for example, different market segments). Conditional plots are well-suited for
visualising differences between market segments using metric descriptor variables.
R package lattice generated the segment profile plot in Sect. 8.3.1.
In the context of segment description, this R package can display the age
distribution of all segments comparatively. Or visualise the distribution of the
(original metric) moral obligation scores for members of each segment.
To have segment names (rather than only segment numbers) displayed in the plot,
we create a new factor variable by pasting together the word "Segment" and the
segment numbers from C6. We then generate a histogram for age for each segment.
Argument as.table controls whether the panels are included by starting on the
top left (TRUE) or bottom left (FALSE, the default).
R> library("lattice")
R> histogram(~ Age | factor(paste("Segment", C6)),
+ data = vacmotdesc, as.table = TRUE)
We do the same for moral obligation:
R> histogram(~ Obligation | factor(paste("Segment",C6)),
+ data = vacmotdesc, as.table = TRUE)
The resulting histograms are shown in Figs. 9.5 (for age) and 9.6 (for moral
obligation). In both cases, the differences between market segments are difficult
to assess just by looking at the plots.
We can gain additional insights by using a parallel box-and-whisker plot; it shows
the distribution of the variable separately for each segment. We create this parallel
box-and-whisker plot for age by market segment in R with the following command:
R> boxplot(Age ~ C6, data = vacmotdesc,
+ xlab = "Segment number", ylab = "Age")
where arguments xlab and ylab customise the axis labels.
Figure 9.7 shows the resulting plot. As expected – given the histograms inspected
previously – differences in age across segments are minor. The median age of
members of segment 5 is lower, that of segment 6 members is higher. These visually
detected differences in descriptors need to be subjected to statistical testing.
Like mosaic plots, parallel box-and-whisker plots can the incorporate elements
of statistical hypothesis testing. For example, we can make the width of the
9.2 Using Visualisations to Describe Market Segments 207

20 40 60 80 100

Segment 1 Segment 2 Segment 3

Percent of Total

Segment 4 Segment 5 Segment 6

20 40 60 80 100 20 40 60 80 100

Fig. 9.5 Histograms of age by segment for the Australian travel motives data set

boxes proportional to the size of market segments (varwidth = TRUE), and

include 95% confidence intervals for the medians (notch = TRUE) using the R
R> boxplot(Obligation ~ C6, data = vacmotdesc,
+ varwidth = TRUE, notch = TRUE,
+ xlab = "Segment number",
+ ylab = "Moral obligation")

Figure 9.8 contains the resulting parallel box-and-whisker plot. This version
illustrates that segment 5 is the smallest; its box is the narrowest. Segment 1 is
the largest. Moral obligation to protect the environment is highest among members
of segment 6.
The notches in this version of the parallel box-and-whisker plot correspond to
95% confidence intervals for the medians. If the notches for different segments do
not overlap, a formal statistical test will usually result in a significant difference. We
can conclude from the inspection of the plot in Fig. 9.8 alone, therefore, that there
is a significant difference in moral obligation to protect the environment between
members of segment 3 and members of segment 6. The notches for those two
208 9 Step 7: Describing Segments

1 2 3 4 5

Segment 1 Segment 2 Segment 3



Percent of Total

Segment 4 Segment 5 Segment 6




1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5


Fig. 9.6 Histograms of moral obligation to protect the environment by segment for the Australian
travel motives data set
Fig. 9.7 Parallel

box-and-whisker plot of age

by segment for the Australian
travel motives data set

1 2 3 4 5 6
Segment number
9.2 Using Visualisations to Describe Market Segments 209

Fig. 9.8 Parallel

box-and-whisker plot (with
elements of statistical
inference) of moral obligation

to protect the environment by

Moral obligation
segment for the Australian
travel motives data set


1 2 3 4 5 6
Segment number

segments are far away from each other. Most of the boxes and whiskers are almost
symmetric around the median, but all segments contain some outliers at the low end
of moral obligation. One possible interpretation is that – while most respondents
state that they feel morally obliged to protect the environment (irrespective of
whether they actually do it or not) – only few openly admit to not feeling a sense of
moral obligation.
We can use a modified version of the segment level stability across solutions
(SLSA ) plot to trace the value of a metric descriptor variable over a series of market
segmentation solutions. The modification is that additional information contained in
a metric descriptor variable is plotted using different colours for the nodes:
R> slsaplot(vacmot.k38, nodecol = vacmotdesc$Obligation)

The nodes of the segment level stability across solutions (SLSA ) plot shown in
Fig. 9.9 indicate each segment’s mean moral obligation to protect the environment
using colours. A deep red colour indicates high moral obligation. A light grey colour
indicates low moral obligation.
The segment that has been repeatedly identified as a potentially attractive market
segment (nature-loving tourists with an interest in the local population) appears
along the bottom row. This segment consistently – across all plotted segmentation
solutions – displays high moral obligation to protect the environment, followed
by the segment identified as containing responses with acquiescence (yes saying)
bias (segment 5 in the six-segment solution). This is not altogether surprising:
if members of the acquiescence segment have an overall tendency to express
agreement with survey questions (irrespective of the content), they are also likely
to express agreement when asked about their moral obligation to protect the
environment. Because the node colour has a different meaning in this modified
segment level stability across solutions (SLSA ) plot, the shading of the edges
210 9 Step 7: Describing Segments

Fig. 9.9 Segment level

stability across solutions
1 1 1 1 1 1
(SLSA ) plot for the
Australian travel motives data
2 2
set for three to eight segments 2
with nodes coloured by mean 2
moral obligation values 3
2 3
3 4
2 3 4
3 5
6 7

3 4 5 6 7 8

represents the numeric SLSA value. Light grey edges indicate low stability values.
Dark blue edges indicate high stability values.

9.3 Testing for Segment Differences in Descriptor Variables

Simple statistical tests can be used to formally test for differences in descriptor
variables across market segments. The simplest way to test for differences is to
run a series of independent tests for each variable of interest. The outcome of the
segment extraction step is segment membership, the assignment of each consumer
to one market segment. Segment membership can be treated like any other nominal
variable. It represents a nominal summary statistic of the segmentation variables.
Therefore, any test for association between a nominal variable and another variable
is suitable.
The association between the nominal segment membership variable and another
nominal or ordinal variable (such as gender, level of education, country of origin)
is visualised in Sect. 9.2.1 using the cross-tabulation of both variables as basis for
the mosaic plot. The appropriate test for independence between columns and rows
of a table is the χ 2 -test. To formally test for significant differences in the gender
distribution across the Australian travel motives segments, we use the following R
9.3 Testing for Segment Differences in Descriptor Variables 211

R> chisq.test(C6.Gender)
Pearson's Chi-squared test

data: C6.Gender
X-squared = 5.2671, df = 5, p-value = 0.3842
The output contains: the name of the statistical test, the data used, the value of
the test statistic (in this case X-squared), the parameters of the distribution
used to calculate the p-value (in this case the degrees of freedom (df) of the χ 2 -
distribution), and the p-value.
The p-value indicates how likely the observed frequencies occur if there is no
association between the two variables (and sample size, segment sizes, and overall
gender distribution are fixed). Small p-values (typically smaller than 0.05), are taken
as statistical evidence of differences in the gender distribution between segments.
Here, this test results in a non-significant p-value, implying that the null hypothesis
is not rejected. The mosaic plot in Fig. 9.2 confirms this: no effects are visible and
no cells are coloured.
The mosaic plot for segment membership and moral obligation to protect the
environment shows significant association (Fig. 9.4), as does the corresponding
χ 2 -test:
R> chisq.test(with(vacmotdesc, table(C6, Obligation2)))
Pearson's Chi-squared test

data: with(vacmotdesc, table(C6, Obligation2))

X-squared = 96.913, df = 15, p-value = 5.004e-14
If the χ 2 -test rejects the null hypothesis of independence because the p-value is
smaller than 0.05, a mosaic plot is the easiest way of identifying the reason for
rejection. The colour of the cells points to combinations occurring more or less
frequently than expected under independence.
The association between segment membership and metric variables (such as age,
number of nights at the tourist destinations, dollars spent on accommodation) is
visualised using parallel boxplots. Any test for difference between the location
(mean, median) of multiple market segments can assess if the observed differences
in location are statistically significant.
The most popular method for testing for significant differences in the means of
more than two groups is Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). To test for differences in
mean moral obligation values to protect the environment (shown in Fig. 9.8) across
market segments, we first inspect segment means:
R> C6.moblig <- with(vacmotdesc, tapply(Obligation,
+ C6, mean))
R> C6.moblig
1 2 3 4 5 6
3.673191 3.651146 3.545977 3.724460 3.928723 4.008876
We can use the following analysis of variance to test for significance of differences:
212 9 Step 7: Describing Segments

R> aov1 <- aov(Obligation ~ C6, data = vacmotdesc)

R> summary(aov1)

Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)

C6 5 24.7 4.933 12.93 3.3e-12 ***
Residuals 994 379.1 0.381
Signif. codes:
0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

The analysis of variance performs an F -test with the corresponding test statistic
given as F value. The F value compares the weighted variance between
market segment means with the variance within market segments. Small values
support the null hypothesis that segment means are the same. The p-value given
in the output is smaller than 0.05. This means that we reject the null hypothesis that
each segment has the same mean obligation. At least two market segments differ in
their mean moral obligation to protect the environment.
Summarising mean values of metric descriptor variables by segment in a table
provides a quick overview of segment characteristics. Adding the analysis of
variance p-values indicates if differences are statistically significant. As an example,
Table 9.1 presents mean values for age and moral obligation by market segment
together with the analysis of variance p-values. As a robust alternative we can report
median values by segment, and calculate p-values of the Kruskal-Wallis rank sum
test. The Kruskal-Wallis rank sum test assumes (as null hypothesis) that all segments
have the same median. This test is implemented in function kruskal.test() in
R. kruskal.test is called in the same way as aov.
If we reject the null hypothesis of the analysis of variance, we know that segments
do not have the same mean level of moral obligation. But the analysis of variance
does not identify the differing segments. Pairwise comparisons between segments
provide this information. The following command runs all pairwise t-tests, and
reports the p-values:
R> with(vacmotdesc, pairwise.t.test(Obligation, C6))

Pairwise comparisons using t tests with pooled SD

data: Obligation and C6

1 2 3 4 5
2 1.00000 - - - -
3 0.23820 0.52688 - - -

Table 9.1 Differences in mean values for age and moral obligation between the six segments for
the Australian travel motives data set together with ANOVA p-values
Seg. 1 Seg. 2 Seg. 3 Seg. 4 Seg. 5 Seg. 6 Total p-value
Age 44.61 42.66 42.31 44.42 39.37 49.62 44.17 1.699E-07
Moral obligation 3.67 3.65 3.55 3.72 3.93 4.01 3.73 3.300E-12
9.3 Testing for Segment Differences in Descriptor Variables 213

4 1.00000 1.00000 0.08980 - -

5 0.00653 0.00387 1.8e-05 0.09398 -
6 1.2e-06 7.9e-07 1.1e-10 0.00068 1.00000

P value adjustment method: holm

The p-value of the t-test is the same if segment 1 is compared to segment 2, or if

segment 2 is compared to segment 1. To avoid redundancy, the output only contains
the p-values for one of these comparisons, and omits the upper half of the matrix of
pairwise comparisons.
The results in the first column indicate that segment 1 does not differ significantly
in mean moral obligation from segments 2, 3, and 4, but does differ significantly
from segments 5 and 6. The advantage of this output is that it presents the results in
very compact form. The disadvantage is that the direction of the difference cannot
be seen. A parallel box-and-whisker plot reveals the direction. We see in Fig. 9.8
that segments 5 and 6 feel more morally obliged to protect the environment than
segments 1, 2, 3 and 4.
The above R output for the pairwise t-tests shows (in the last line) that p-values
were adjusted for multiple testing using the method proposed by Holm (1979).
Whenever a series of tests is computed using the same data set to assess a single
hypothesis, p-values need to be adjusted for multiple testing.
The single hypothesis in this case is that all segment means are the same. This
is equivalent to the hypothesis that – for any pair of segments – the means are the
same. The series of pairwise t-tests assesses the later hypothesis. But the p-value
of a single t-test only controls for wrongly rejecting the null hypothesis that this
pair has the same mean values. Adjusting the p-values allows to reject the null
hypothesis that the means are the same for all segments if at least one of the reported
p-values is below the significance level. After adjustment, the chance of making a
wrong decision meets the expected error rate for testing this hypothesis. If the same
rule is applied without adjusting the p-values, the error rate of wrongly rejecting the
null hypothesis would be too high.
The simplest way to correct p-values for multiple testing is Bonferroni correc-
tion. Bonferroni correction multiplies all p-values by the number of tests computed
and, as such, represents a very conservative approach. A less conservative and
more accurate approach was proposed by Holm (1979). Several other methods
are available, all less conservative than Bonferroni correction. Best known is the
false discovery rate procedure proposed by Benjamini and Hochberg (1995). See
help("p.adjust") for methods available in R.
As an alternative to calculating the series of pairwise t-tests, we can plot Tukey’s
honest significant differences (Tukey 1949; Miller 1981; Yandell 1997):
R> plot(TukeyHSD(aov1), las = 1)
R> mtext("Pairs of segments", side = 2, line = 3)

Function mtext() writes text into the margin of the plot. The first argument
("Pairs of segments") contains the text to be included. The second argu-
ment ("side = 2") specifies where the text appears. The value 2 stands for the
214 9 Step 7: Describing Segments

95% family−wise confidence level

Pairs of segments


−0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6

Differences in mean levels of C6

Fig. 9.10 Tukey’s honest significant differences of moral obligation to behave environmentally
friendly between the six segments for the Australian travel motives data set

left margin. The third argument ("line = 3") specifies the distance between
plot and text. The value 3 means the text is written three lines away from the box
surrounding the plotting region.
Figure 9.10 shows the resulting plot. Each row represents the comparison of a
pair of segments. The first row compares segments 1 and 2, the second row compares
segments 1 and 3, and so on. The bottom row compares segments 5 and 6. The
point estimate of the differences in mean values is located in the middle of the
horizontal solid line. The length of the horizontal solid line depicts the confidence
interval of the difference in mean values. The calculation of the confidence intervals
is based on the analysis of variance result, and adjusted for the fact that a series of
pairwise comparisons is made. If a confidence interval (horizontal solid line in the
plot) crosses the vertical line at 0, the difference is not significant. All confidence
intervals (horizontal solid lines in the plot) not crossing the vertical line at 0 indicate
significant differences.
As can be seen from Fig. 9.10, segments 1, 2, 3 and 4 do not differ significantly
from one another in moral obligation. Neither do segments 5 and 6. Segments 5
and 6 are characterised by a significantly higher moral obligation to behave
environmentally friendly than the other market segments (with the only exception
of segments 4 and 5 not differing significantly). As the parallel box-and-whisker
9.4 Predicting Segments from Descriptor Variables 215

plot in Fig. 9.8 reveals, segment 4 sits between the low and high group, and does not
display significant differences to segments 1–3 at the low end, and 5 at the high end
of the moral obligation range.

9.4 Predicting Segments from Descriptor Variables

Another way of learning about market segments is to try to predict segment

membership from descriptor variables. To achieve this, we use a regression model
with the segment membership as categorical dependent variable, and descriptor
variables as independent variables. We can use methods developed in statistics for
classification, and methods developed in machine learning for supervised learning.
As opposed to the methods in Sect. 9.3, these approaches test differences in all
descriptor variables simultaneously. The prediction performance indicates how well
members of a market segment can be identified given the descriptor variables. We
also learn which descriptor variables are critical to the identification of segment
membership, especially if methods are used that simultaneously select variables.
Regression analysis is the basis of prediction models. Regression analysis
assumes that a dependent variable y can be predicted using independent variables
or regressors x1 , . . . , xp :

y ≈ f (x1 , . . . , xp ).

Regression models differ with respect to the function f (·), the distribution assumed
for y, and the deviations between y and f (x1 , . . . , xp ).
The basic regression model is the linear regression model. The linear regression
model assumes that function f (·) is linear, and that y follows a normal distribution
with mean f (x1 , . . . , xp ) and variance σ 2 . The relationship between the dependent
variable y and the independent variables x1 , . . . , xp is given by:

y = β0 + β1 x1 + . . . + βp xp + ,

where  ∼ N (0, σ 2 ).
In R, function lm() fits a linear regression model. We fit the model for age in
dependence of segment membership using:
R> lm(Age ~ C6 - 1, data = vacmotdesc)

lm(formula = Age ~ C6 - 1, data = vacmotdesc)

C61 C62 C63 C64 C65 C66
44.6 42.7 42.3 44.4 39.4 49.6
216 9 Step 7: Describing Segments

In R, regression models are specified using a formula interface. In the formula,

the dependent variable AGE is indicated on the left side of the ~. The independent
variables are indicated on the right side of the ~. In this particular case, we only
use segment membership C6 as independent variable. Segment membership C6 is a
categorical variable with six categories, and is coded as a factor in the data frame
vacmotdesc. The formula interface correctly interprets categorical variables, and
fits a regression coefficient for each category. For identifiability reasons, either the
intercept β0 or one category needs to be dropped. Using - 1 on the right hand side
of ~ drops the intercept β0 . Without an intercept, each estimated coefficient is equal
to the mean age in this segment. The output indicates that members of segment 5
are the youngest with a mean age of 39.4 years, and members of segment 6 are the
oldest with a mean age of 49.6 years.
Including the intercept β0 in the model formula drops the regression coefficient
for segment 1. Its effect is instead captured by the intercept. The other regression
coefficients indicate the mean age difference between segment 1 and each of the
other segments:
R> lm(Age ~ C6, data = vacmotdesc)

lm(formula = Age ~ C6, data = vacmotdesc)

(Intercept) C62 C63 C64
44.609 -1.947 -2.298 -0.191
C65 C66
-5.236 5.007

The intercept β0 indicates that respondents in segment 1 are, on average, 44.6 years
old. The regression coefficient C66 indicates that respondents in segment 6 are, on
average, 5 years older than those in segment 1.
In linear regression models, regression coefficients express how much the
dependent variable changes if one independent variable changes while all other
independent variables remain constant. The linear regression model assumes that
changes caused by changes in one independent variable are independent of the
absolute level of all independent variables.
The dependent variable in the linear regression model follows a normal distribu-
tion. Generalised linear models (Nelder and Wedderburn 1972) can accommodate
a wider range of distributions for the dependent variable. This is important if the
dependent variable is categorical, and the normal distribution, therefore, is not
9.4 Predicting Segments from Descriptor Variables 217

In the linear regression model, the mean value of y given x1 , . . . , xp is modelled

by the linear function:

E[y|x1 , . . . , xp ] = μ = β0 + β1 x1 + . . . + βp xp .

Generalised linear models y are not limited to the normal distribution. We could, for
example, use the Bernoulli distribution with y taking values 0 or 1. In this case, the
mean value of y can only take values in (0, 1). It is therefore not possible to describe
the mean value with a linear function which can take any real value. Generalised
linear models account for this by introducing a link function g(·). The link function
transforms the mean value of y given by μ to an unlimited range indicated by η.
This transformed value can then be modelled with a linear function:

g(μ) = η = β0 + β1 x1 + . . . + βp xp .

η is referred to as linear predictor.

We can use the normal, Poisson, binomial, and multinomial distribution for
the dependent variable in generalised linear models. The binomial or multinomial
distribution are necessary for classification. A generalised linear model is char-
acterised by the distribution of the dependent variable, and the link function. In
the following sections we discuss two special cases of generalised linear models:
binary and multinomial logistic regression. In these models the dependent variable
follows either a binary or a multinomial distribution, and the link function is the
logit function.

9.4.1 Binary Logistic Regression

We can formulate a regression model for binary data using generalised linear models
by assuming that f (y|μ) is the Bernoulli distribution with success probability μ,
and by choosing the logit link that maps the success probability μ ∈ (0, 1) onto
(−∞, ∞) by
g(μ) = η = log .

Function glm() fits generalised linear models in R. The distribution of the

dependent variable and the link function are specified by a family. The Bernoulli
distribution with logit link is family = binomial(link = "logit") or
family = binomial() because the logit link is the default. The binomial
distribution is a generalisation of the Bernoulli distribution if the variable y does not
only take values 0 and 1, but represents the number of successes out of a number of
independent Bernoulli distributed trials with the same success probability μ.
218 9 Step 7: Describing Segments

Here, we fit the model to predict the likelihood of a consumer to belong to

segment 3 given their age and moral obligation score. We specify the model using
the formula interface with the dependent variable on the left of ~, and the two
independent variables AGE and OBLIGATION2 on the right of ~. The dependent
variable is a binary indicator of being in segment 3. This binary indicator is
constructed with I(C6 == 3). Function glm() fits the model given the formula,
the data set, and the family:
R> f <- I(C6 == 3) ~ Age + Obligation2
R> model.C63 <- glm(f, data = vacmotdesc,
+ family = binomial())
R> model.C63

Call: glm(formula = f, family = binomial(),

data = vacmotdesc)

(Intercept) Age Obligation2Q2 Obligation2Q3
-0.72197 -0.00842 -0.41900 -0.72285

Degrees of Freedom: 999 Total (i.e. Null); 995 Residual

Null Deviance: 924
Residual Deviance: 904 AIC: 914

The output contains the regression coefficients, and information on the model fit,
including the degrees of freedom, the null deviance, the residual deviance, and
the AIC.
The intercept in the linear regression model gives the mean value of the
dependent variable if the independent variables x1 , . . . , xp all have a value of 0.
In binomial logistic regression, the intercept gives the value of the linear predictor
η if the independent variables x1 , . . . , xp all have a value of 0. The probability of
being in segment 3 for a respondent with age 0 and a low moral obligation value is
calculated by transforming the intercept with the inverse link function, in this case
the inverse logit function:

g −1 (η) = .
1 + exp(η)

Transforming the intercept value of −0.72 with the inverse logit link gives a
predicted probability of 33% that a consumer of age 0 with low moral obligation
is in segment 3.
The other regression coefficients in a linear regression model indicate how much
the mean value of the dependent variable changes if this independent variable
changes while others remain unchanged. In binary logistic regression, the regression
coefficients indicate how the linear predictor changes. The changes in the linear
predictor correspond to changes in the log odds of success. The odds of success are
9.4 Predicting Segments from Descriptor Variables 219

the ratio between the probability of success μ and the probability of failure 1 − μ. If
the odds are equal to 1, success and failure are equally likely. If the odds are larger
than 1, success is more likely than failure. Odds are frequently also used in betting.
The coefficient for AGE indicates that the log odds for being in segment 3 are
0.008 lower for tourists who are one year older. This means that the odds of one
tourist are e−0.008 = 0.992 times the odds of another tourist if they only differ by
the other tourist being one year younger. The independent variable OBLIGATION2 is
a categorical variable with four different levels. The lowest category Q1 is captured
by the intercept. The regression coefficients for this variable indicate the change in
log odds between the other categories and the lowest category Q1.
To simplify the interpretation of the coefficients and their effects, we can use
package effects (Fox 2003; Fox and Hong 2009) in R. Function allEffects
calculates the predicted values for different levels of the independent variable
keeping other independent variables constant at their average value. In the case
of the fitted binary logistic regression, the predicted values are the probabilities of
being in segment 3. We plot the estimated probabilities to allow for easy inspection:
R> library("effects")
R> plot(allEffects(mod = model.C63))

Figure 9.11 shows how the predicted probability of being in segment 3 changes
with age (on the left), and with moral obligation categories (on the right). The pre-
dicted probabilities are shown with pointwise 95% confidence bands (grey shaded
areas) for metric independent variables, and with 95% confidence intervals for
each category (vertical lines) for categorical independent variables. The predicted
probabilities result from transforming the linear predictor with a non-linear function.
The changes are not linear, and depend on the values of the other independent
The plot on the left in Fig. 9.11 shows that, for a 20-year old tourist with
an average moral obligation score, the predicted probability to be in segment 3
is about 20%. This probability decreases with increasing age. For 100-year old
tourists the predicted probability to be in segment 3 is only slightly higher than
10%. The confidence bands indicate that these probabilities are estimated with
high uncertainty. The fact that we can place into the plot a horizontal line lying
completely within the grey shaded area, indicates that differences in AGE do not
significantly affect the probability to be in segment 3. Dropping AGE from the
regression model does not significantly decrease model fit.
The plot on the right side of Fig. 9.11 shows that the probability of being a
member of segment 3 decreases with increasing moral obligation. Respondents of
average age with a moral obligation value of Q1 have a predicted probability of
about 25% to be in segment 3. If these tourists of average age have the highest
moral obligation value of Q4, they have a predicted probability of 12%. The
95% confidence intervals of the estimated effects indicate that – despite high
220 9 Step 7: Describing Segments

Age effect plot Obligation2 effect plot

0.25 0.30

0.20 0.25 l
I(C6 == 3)

I(C6 == 3)
0.15 0.20



20 40 60 80 100 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Age Obligation2

Fig. 9.11 Effect visualisation of age and moral obligation for predicting segment 3 using binary
logistic regression for the Australian travel motives data set

uncertainty – probabilities do not overlap for the two most extreme values of moral
obligation. This means that including moral obligation in the logistic regression
model significantly improves model fit.
Summarising the fitted model provides additional insights:
R> summary(model.C63)

glm(formula = f, family = binomial(), data = vacmotdesc)

Deviance Residuals:
Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
-0.835 -0.653 -0.553 -0.478 2.284

Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept) -0.72197 0.28203 -2.56 0.01047 *
Age -0.00842 0.00588 -1.43 0.15189
Obligation2Q2 -0.41900 0.21720 -1.93 0.05372 .
Obligation2Q3 -0.72285 0.23141 -3.12 0.00179 **
Obligation2Q4 -0.92526 0.25199 -3.67 0.00024 ***
Signif. codes:
0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

(Dispersion parameter for binomial family taken to be 1)

9.4 Predicting Segments from Descriptor Variables 221

Null deviance: 924.34 on 999 degrees of freedom

Residual deviance: 903.61 on 995 degrees of freedom
AIC: 913.6

Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 4

The output contains the table of the estimated coefficients and their standard errors,
the test statistics of a z-test, and the associated p-values. The z-test compares the
fitted model to a model where this regression coefficient is set to 0. Rejecting the
null hypothesis implies that the regression coefficient is not equal to 0 and this effect
should be contained in the model.
This means that the null hypothesis is not rejected for AGE. We can drop AGE
from the model without significantly decreasing model fit. If moral obligation is
included in the model, AGE does not need to be included.
For moral obligation, three regression coefficients are fitted which capture the
difference of categories Q2, Q3 and Q4 to category Q1. Each of the tests only
compares the full model with the model with the regression coefficient of a
specific category set to 0. This does not allow to decide if the model containing
moral obligation performs better than the model without moral obligation. Function
Anova from package car (Fox and Weisberg 2011) compares the model where
moral obligation is dropped, and thus all regression coefficients for this variable are
set to 0. We drop each of the independent variables one at a time, and compare the
resulting model to the full model:
R> library("car")
R> Anova(model.C63)

Analysis of Deviance Table (Type II tests)

Response: I(C6 == 3)
LR Chisq Df Pr(>Chisq)
Age 2.07 1 0.15024
Obligation2 17.26 3 0.00062 ***
Signif. codes:
0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

The output shows – for each independent variable in the model – the test statistic
(LR Chisq), the degrees of freedom of the distribution to calculate the p-value
(Df), and the p-value.
The test performed for the metric variable AGE is essentially the same as the
z-test included in the summary output (use Anova with test.statistic =
"Wald" for the exactly same test). The test indicates that dropping the categorical
variable OBLIGATION2 would significantly reduce model fit. Moral obligation is a
useful descriptor variable to predict membership in segment 3.
So far we fitted a binary logistic regression including two descriptor variables
and simultaneously accounted for their association with the dependent variable. We
can add additional independent variables to the binary logistic regression model. We
222 9 Step 7: Describing Segments

include all available descriptor variables in a regression model in R by specifying a

dot on the right side of the ~. The variables included in the data frame in the data
argument are then all used as independent variables (if not already used on the left
of ~).
R> full.model.C63 <- glm(I(C6 == 3) ~ .,
+ data = na.omit(vacmotdesc), family = binomial())

Some descriptor variables contain missing values (NA). Respondents with at least
one missing value are omitted from the data frame using na.omit(vacmotdesc).
Including all available descriptor variables may lead to an overfitting model. An
overfitting model has a misleadingly good performance, and overestimates effects
of independent variables. Model selection methods exclude irrelevant independent
variables. In R, function step performs model selection. The step function
implements a stepwise procedure. In each step, the function evaluates if dropping an
independent variable or adding an independent variable improves model fit. Model
fit is assessed with the AIC. The AIC balanced goodness-of-fit with a penalty for
model complexity. The function then drops or adds the variable leading to the largest
improvement in AIC value. This procedure continues until no improvement in AIC
is achieved by dropping or adding one independent variable.
R> step.model.C63 <- step(full.model.C63, trace = 0)
R> summary(step.model.C63)

glm(formula = I(C6 == 3) ~ Education + NEP +
Vacation.Behaviour, family = binomial(),
data = na.omit(vacmotdesc))

Deviance Residuals:
Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
-1.051 -0.662 -0.545 -0.425 2.357

Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept) 0.9359 0.6783 1.38 0.16762
Education 0.0571 0.0390 1.47 0.14258
NEP -0.3139 0.1658 -1.89 0.05838 .
Vacation.Behaviour -0.5767 0.1504 -3.83 0.00013 ***
Signif. codes:
0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

(Dispersion parameter for binomial family taken to be 1)

9.4 Predicting Segments from Descriptor Variables 223

Null deviance: 802.23 on 867 degrees of freedom

Residual deviance: 773.19 on 864 degrees of freedom
AIC: 781.2

Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 4

We suppress the printing of progress information of the iterative fitting function

on screen using trace = 0. The selected final model is summarised. The model
includes three variables: EDUCATION, NEP, and VACATION.BEHAVIOUR.
We compare the predictive performance of the model including AGE and
MORAL . OBLIGATION with the model selected using step. A well predicting model
would assign a high probability of being in segment 3 to members of segment 3 and a
low probability to all other consumers. Function predict() returns the predicted
probabilities of being in segment 3 for all consumers if the function is applied to a
fitted model, and we specify type = "response". Parallel boxplots visualise
the distributions of predicted probabilities for consumers in segment 3, and those
not in segment 3:
R> par(mfrow = c(1, 2))
R> prob.C63 <- predict(model.C63, type = "response")
R> boxplot(prob.C63 ~ I(C6 == 3), data = vacmotdesc,
+ ylim = 0:1, main = "", ylab = "Predicted probability")
R> prob.step.C63 <- predict(step.model.C63, type = "response")
R> boxplot(prob.step.C63 ~ I(C6 == 3),
+ data = na.omit(vacmotdesc), ylim = 0:1,
+ main = "", ylab = "Predicted probability")

Figure 9.12 compares the predicted probabilities of segment 3 membership for the
two models. If the fitted model differentiates well between members of segment 3
and all other consumers, the boxes are located at the top of the plot (close to the
value of 1) for respondents in segment 3 (TRUE), and at the bottom (close to the


Predicted probability

Predicted probability






Fig. 9.12 Predicted probabilities of segment 3 membership for consumers not assigned to
segment 3 (FALSE) and for consumers assigned to segment 3 (TRUE) for the Australian travel
motives data set. The model containing age and moral obligation as independent variables is on the
left; the model selected using stepwise variable selection on the right
224 9 Step 7: Describing Segments

value of 0) for all other consumers. We can see from Fig. 9.12 that the performance
of the two fitted models is nowhere close to this optimal case. The median predicted
values are only slightly higher for segment 3 in both models. The difference is larger
for the model fitted using step, indicating that the predictive performance of this
model is slightly better.

9.4.2 Multinomial Logistic Regression

Multinomial logistic regression can fit a model that predicts each segment simul-
taneously. Because segment extraction typically results in more than two market
segments, the dependent variable y is not binary. Rather, it is categorical and
assumed to follow a multinomial distribution with the logistic function as link
In R, function multinom() from package nnet (Venables and Ripley 2002)
(instead of glm) fits a multinomial logistic regression. We specify the model in a
similar way using a formula and a data frame for evaluating the formula.
R> library("nnet")
R> vacmotdesc$Oblig2 <- vacmotdesc$Obligation2
R> model.C6 <- multinom(C6 ~ Age + Oblig2,
+ data = vacmotdesc, trace = 0)
Using trace = 0 avoids the display of progress information of the iterative fitting
The fitted model contains regression coefficients for each segment except for
segment 1 (the baseline category). The same set of regression coefficients would
result from a binary logistic regression model comparing this segment to segment 1.
The coefficients indicate the change in log odds if the independent variable changes:
R> model.C6
multinom(formula = C6 ~ Age + Oblig2, data = vacmotdesc,
trace = 0)

(Intercept) Age Oblig2Q2 Oblig2Q3 Oblig2Q4
2 0.184 -0.0092 0.108 -0.026 -0.16
3 0.417 -0.0103 -0.307 -0.541 -0.34
4 -0.734 -0.0017 0.309 0.412 0.42
5 -0.043 -0.0296 -0.023 -0.039 1.33
6 -2.090 0.0212 0.269 0.790 1.65

Residual Deviance: 3384

AIC: 3434
The regression coefficients are arranged in matrix form. Each row contains the
regression coefficients for one category of the dependent variable. Each column
contains the regression coefficients for one effect of an independent variable.
9.4 Predicting Segments from Descriptor Variables 225

The summary() function returns the regression coefficients and their standard
R> summary(model.C6)

multinom(formula = C6 ~ Age + Oblig2, data = vacmotdesc,
trace = 0)

(Intercept) Age Oblig2Q2 Oblig2Q3 Oblig2Q4
2 0.184 -0.0092 0.108 -0.026 -0.16
3 0.417 -0.0103 -0.307 -0.541 -0.34
4 -0.734 -0.0017 0.309 0.412 0.42
5 -0.043 -0.0296 -0.023 -0.039 1.33
6 -2.090 0.0212 0.269 0.790 1.65

Std. Errors:
(Intercept) Age Oblig2Q2 Oblig2Q3 Oblig2Q4
2 0.34 0.0068 0.26 0.26 0.31
3 0.34 0.0070 0.26 0.27 0.31
4 0.39 0.0075 0.30 0.30 0.34
5 0.44 0.0091 0.37 0.38 0.35
6 0.42 0.0073 0.34 0.32 0.32

Residual Deviance: 3384

AIC: 3434

With function Anova() we assess if dropping a single variable significantly

reduces model fit. Dropping a variable corresponds to setting all regression coef-
ficients of this variable to 0. This means that the regression coefficients in one or
several columns of the regression coefficient matrix corresponding to this variable
are set to 0. Function Anova() tests if dropping any of the variables significantly
reduces model fit. The output is essentially the same as for the binary logistic
regression model:
R> Anova(model.C6)

Analysis of Deviance Table (Type II tests)

Response: C6
LR Chisq Df Pr(>Chisq)
Age 35.6 5 1.1e-06 ***
Oblig2 89.0 15 1.5e-12 ***
Signif. codes:
0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

The output indicates that dropping any of the variables leads to a significant
reduction in model fit. Applying function step() to a fitted model performs model
selection. Starting with the full model containing all available independent variables,
226 9 Step 7: Describing Segments

1 2 3 4 5 6



l l
l l
l l
l l
l l

54 3


observed 1 2 3 4 5 6

Fig. 9.13 Assessment of predictive performance of the multinomial logistic regression model
including age and moral obligation as independent variables for the Australian travel motives data
set. The mosaic plot of the cross-tabulation of observed and predicted segment memberships is on
the left. The parallel boxplot of the predicted probabilities by segment for consumers assigned to
segment 6 is on the right

the stepwise procedure returns the best-fitting model, the model which deteriorates
in AIC if an independent variable is either dropped or additionally included.
We assess the predictive performance of the fitted model by comparing the
predicted segment membership to the observed segment membership. Figure 9.13
shows a mosaic plot of the predicted and observed segment memberships on the left.
In addition, we investigate the distribution of the predicted probabilities for each
segment. Figure 9.13 shows parallel boxplots of the predicted segment probabilities
for consumers assigned to segment 6 on the right:
R> par(mfrow = c(1, 2))
R> pred.class.C6 <- predict(model.C6)
R> plot(table(observed = vacmotdesc$C6,
+ predicted = pred.class.C6), main = "")
R> pred.prob.C6 <- predict(model.C6, type = "prob")
R> predicted <- data.frame(prob = as.vector(pred.prob.C6),
+ observed = C6,
+ predicted = rep(1:6, each = length(C6)))
R> boxplot(prob ~ predicted,
+ xlab = "segment", ylab = "probability",
+ data = subset(predicted, observed == 6))
By default predict returns the predicted classes. Adding the argument type =
"prob" returns the predicted probabilities.
The left panel of Fig. 9.13 shows that none of the consumers are predicted to be
in segment 4. Most respondents are predicted to belong to segment 1, the largest
segment. The detailed results for segment 6 (right panel of Fig. 9.13) indicate that
consumers from this segment have particularly low predicted probabilities to belong
to segment 5.
To ease interpretation of the estimated effects, we use function allEffects,
and plot the predicted probabilities:
9.4 Predicting Segments from Descriptor Variables 227

R> plot(allEffects(mod = model.C6), layout = c(3, 2))

The left panel in Fig. 9.14 shows how the predicted probability to belong to
any segment changes with age for a consumer with average moral obligation.
The predicted probability for each segment is visualised separately. The heading
indicates the segments. For example, C6 = 1 indicates that the panel contains
predicted probabilities for segment 1. Shaded grey areas indicate pointwise 95%
confidence bands visualising the uncertainty of the estimated probabilities.
The predicted probability to belong to segment 6 increases with age: young
respondents belong to segment 6 with a probability of less than 10%. Older
respondents have a probability of about 40%. The probability of belonging to
segment 5 decreases with age.
The right panel in Fig. 9.14 shows how the predicted segment membership
probability changes with moral obligation values for a consumer of average age.
The predicted probability to belong to segment 6 increases with increasing moral
obligation value. Respondents with the lowest moral obligation value of Q1 have a
probability of about 8% to be from segment 6. This increases to 29% for respondents
with a moral obligation value of Q4. For segment 3 the reverse is true: respondents
with higher moral obligation values have lower probabilities to be from segment 3.

Age effect plot Oblig2 effect plot

20 40 60 80 100 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

C6 = 4 C6 = 5 C6 = 6 C6 = 4 C6 = 5 C6 = 6
0.6 0.35

0.5 0.30

0.4 0.25

0.3 0.20

0.2 0.15

C6 (probability)

C6 (probability)

C6 = 1 C6 = 2 C6 = 3 C6 = 1 C6 = 2 C6 = 3
0.6 0.35

0.5 0.30

0.4 0.25

0.3 0.20

0.2 0.15

20 40 60 80 100 20 40 60 80 100 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Age Oblig2

Fig. 9.14 Effect visualisation of age and moral obligation for predicting segment membership
using multinomial logistic regression for the Australian travel motives data set
228 9 Step 7: Describing Segments

9.4.3 Tree-Based Methods

Classification and regression trees (CARTs; Breiman et al. 1984) are an alternative
modelling approach for predicting a binary or categorical dependent variable given
a set of independent variables. Classification and regression trees are a supervised
learning technique from machine learning. The advantages of classification and
regression trees are their ability to perform variable selection, ease of interpretation
supported by visualisations, and the straight-forward incorporation of interaction
effects. Classification and regression trees work well with a large number of
independent variables. The disadvantage is that results are frequently unstable.
Small changes in the data can lead to completely different trees.
The tree approach uses a stepwise procedure to fit the model. At each step,
consumers are split into groups based on one independent variable. The aim of
the split is for the resulting groups to be as pure as possible with respect to the
dependent variable. This means that consumers in the resulting groups have similar
values for the dependent variable. In the best case, all group members have the
same value for a categorical dependent variable. Because of this stepwise splitting
procedure, the classification and regression tree approach is also referred to as
recursive partitioning.
The resulting tree (see Figs. 9.15, 9.16, and 9.17) shows the nodes that emerge
from each splitting step. The node containing all consumers is the root node.
Nodes that are not split further are terminal nodes. We predict segment membership
by moving down the tree. At each node, we move down the branch reflecting
the consumer’s independent variable. When we reach the terminal node, segment
membership can be predicted based on the segment memberships of consumers
contained in the terminal node.
Tree constructing algorithms differ with respect to:
• Splits into two or more groups at each node (binary vs. multi-way splits)
• Selection criterion for the independent variable for the next split
• Selection criterion for the split point of the independent variable
• Stopping criterion for the stepwise procedure
• Final prediction at the terminal node
Several R packages implement tree constructing algorithms. Package rpart
(Therneau et al. 2017) implements the algorithm proposed by Breiman et al.
(1984). Package partykit (Hothorn and Zeileis 2015) implements an alternative tree
constructing procedure that performs unbiased variable selection. This means that
the procedure selects independent variables on the basis of association tests and their
p-values (see Hothorn et al. 2006). Package partykit also enables visualisation of
the fitted tree models.
Function ctree() from package partykit fits a conditional inference tree. As
an example, we use the Australian travel motives data set with the six-segment
solution extracted using neural gas clustering in Sect. 7.5.4. We use membership
9.4 Predicting Segments from Descriptor Variables 229

in segment 3 as a binary dependent variable, and include all available descriptor

variables as independent variables:
R> set.seed(1234)
R> library("partykit")
R> tree63 <- ctree(factor(C6 == 3) ~ .,
+ data = vacmotdesc)
R> tree63

Model formula:
factor(C6 == 3) ~ Gender + Age + Education +
Income + Income2 + Occupation + State +
Relationship.Status + Obligation + Obligation2 +
NEP + Vacation.Behaviour + Oblig2

Fitted party:
[1] root
| [2] Vacation.Behaviour <= 2.2: FALSE (n = 130,
err = 32%)
| [3] Vacation.Behaviour > 2.2
| | [4] Obligation <= 3.9: FALSE (n = 490, err = 19%)
| | [5] Obligation > 3.9: FALSE (n = 380, err = 11%)

Number of inner nodes: 2

Number of terminal nodes: 3

The output describes the fitted classification tree shown in Fig. 9.15. The clas-
sification tree starts with a root node containing all consumers. Next, the root
note is split into two nodes (numbered 2 and 3) using the independent variable
VACATION . BEHAVIOUR . The split point is 2.2. This means that consumers with a
VACATION . BEHAVIOUR score of 2.2 or less are assigned to node 2. Consumers with
a score higher than 2.2 are assigned to node 3. Node 2 is not split further; it becomes
a terminal node. The predicted value for this particular terminal node is FALSE. The
number of consumers in this terminal node is shown in brackets (n = 130), along
with the proportion of wrongly classified respondents (err = 32%). Two thirds of
consumers in this node are not in segment 3, one third is. Node 3 is split into two
nodes (numbered 4 and 5) using the independent variable OBLIGATION. Consumers
with an OBLIGATION score of 3.9 or less are assigned to node 4. Consumers with
a higher score are assigned to node 5. The tree predicts that respondents in node 4
are not in segment 3. Node 4 contains 490 respondents; 81% of them are not in
segment 3, 19% are. Most respondents in node 5 are also not in segment 3. Node 5
contains 380 respondents; 11% of them are in segment 3. The output also shows
that there are 2 inner nodes (numbered 1 and 3), and 3 terminal nodes (numbered 2,
4, and 5).
Plotting the classification tree using plot(tree63) gives a visual represen-
tation that is easier to interpret. Figure 9.15 visualises the classification tree. The
root node on the top has the number 1. The root node contains the name of the
variable used for the first split (VACATION.BEHAVIOUR), as well as the p-value
of the association test that led to the selection of this particular variable (p <
230 9 Step 7: Describing Segments

p < 0.001

≤ 2.2 > 2.2

p = 0.018

≤ 3.93 > 3.93

Node 2 (n = 130) Node 4 (n = 490) Node 5 (n = 380)

1 1 1


0.8 0.8 0.8

0.6 0.6 0.6

0.4 0.4 0.4

0.2 0.2 0.2




0 0 0

Fig. 9.15 Conditional inference tree using membership in segment 3 as dependent variable for the
Australian travel motives data set

0.001). The lines underneath the node indicate the split or threshold value of the
independent variable VACATION.BEHAVIOUR where respondents are directed to the
left or right branch. Consumers with a value higher than 2.2 follow the right branch
to node 3. Consumers with a value of 2.2 or less follow the left branch to node 2.
These consumers are not split up further; node 2 is a terminal node. The proportion
of respondents in node 2 who belong to segment 3 is shown at the bottom of the
stacked bar chart for node 2. The dark grey area represents this proportion, and the
label on the y-axis indicates that this is for the category TRUE. The proportion of
consumers in node 2 not belonging to segment 3 is shown in light grey with label
Node 3 is split further using OBLIGATION as the independent variable. The split
value is 3.9. Using this split value, consumers are assigned to either node 4 or node 5.
Both are terminal nodes. Stacked barplots visualise the proportion of respondents
belonging to segment 3 for nodes 4 and 5.
This tree plot indicates that the group with a low mean score for environmentally
friendly behaviour on vacation contains the highest proportion of segment 3
members. The group with a high score for environmental friendly behaviour and
moral obligation, contains the smallest proportion of segment 3 members. The dark
grey area is largest for node 1 and lowest for node 5.
9.4 Predicting Segments from Descriptor Variables 231

Package partykit takes a number of parameters for the algorithm set by the
control argument with function ctree_control. These parameters influence
the tree construction by restricting nodes considered for splitting, by specifying the
minimum size for terminal nodes, by selecting the test statistic for the association
test, and by setting the minimum value of the criterion of the test to implement a
As an illustration, we fit a tree with segment 6 membership as dependent variable.
We ensure that terminal nodes contain at least 100 respondents (minbucket =
100), and that the minimum criterion value (mincriterion) is 0.99 (correspond-
ing to a p-value of smaller than 0.01). Figure 9.16 visualises this tree.
R> tree66 <- ctree(factor(C6 == 6) ~ .,
+ data = vacmotdesc,
+ control = ctree_control(minbucket = 100,
+ mincriterion = 0.99))
R> plot(tree66)

The fitted classification tree for segment 6 is more complex than that for segment 3;
the number of inner and terminal nodes is larger. The stacked bar charts for the
terminal nodes indicate how pure the terminal nodes are, and how the terminal nodes
differ in the proportion of segment 6 members they contain. The tree algorithm tries
to maximise these differences. Terminal node 11 (on the right) contains the highest
proportion of consumers assigned to segment 6. Node 11 contains respondents with
the highest possible value for moral obligation, and a NEP score of at least 4.
We can also fit a tree for categorical dependent variables with more than two
categories with function ctree(). Here, the dependent variable in the formula
on the left is a categorical variable. C6 is a factor containing six levels; each level
indicates the segment membership of respondents.
R> tree6 <- ctree(C6 ~ ., data = vacmotdesc)
R> tree6

Model formula:
C6 ~ Gender + Age + Education + Income +
Income2 + Occupation + State + Relationship.Status +
Obligation + Obligation2 + NEP + Vacation.Behaviour +

Fitted party:
[1] root
| [2] Oblig2 in Q1, Q2, Q3
| | [3] Education <= 6: 1 (n = 481, err = 73%)
| | [4] Education > 6: 1 (n = 286, err = 77%)
| [5] Oblig2 in Q4
| | [6] Obligation <= 4.7: 6 (n = 203, err = 67%)
| | [7] Obligation > 4.7: 5 (n = 30, err = 57%)

Number of inner nodes: 3

Number of terminal nodes: 4

p < 0.001

Q1, Q2, Q3 Q4

2 9
p < 0.001 p = 0.003

≤ 58 > 58

p = 0.001

Q1, Q2 Q3 ≤4 >4

p = 0.009

single, separated or divorced, living

with widowed
a partner

Node 5 (n = 211) Node 6 (n = 198) Node 7 (n = 209) Node 8 (n = 149) Node 10 (n = 132) Node 11 (n = 101)
1 1 1 1 1 1

0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8


0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6

0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4

0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2


0 0 0 0 0 0

Fig. 9.16 Conditional inference tree using membership in segment 6 as dependent variable for the Australian travel motives data set
9 Step 7: Describing Segments
9.4 Predicting Segments from Descriptor Variables 233

The output shows that the first splitting variable is the categorical variable indicating
moral obligation (OBLIGATION2). This variable splits the root node 1 into nodes 2
and 5. Consumers with a moral obligation value of Q1, Q2 and Q3 are assigned to
node 2. Consumers with a moral obligation value of Q4 are assigned to node 7.
Node 2 is split into nodes 3 and 4 using EDUCATION as splitting variable.
Consumers with an EDUCATION level of 6 or less are assigned to node 3. Node 3 is
a terminal node. Most consumers in this terminal node belong to segment 1. Node 3
contains 481 respondents. Predicting segment membership as 1 for consumers in
this node is wrong in 73% of cases.
Respondents with an EDUCATION level higher than 6 are assigned to node 4.
Node 4 is a terminal node. The predicted segment membership for node 4 is 1. This
node contains 286 respondents and 77% of them are not in segment 1.
Consumers in node 5 feel highly morally obliged to protect the environment.
They are split into nodes 6 and 7 using the metric version of moral obligation
as splitting variable. Node 6 contains respondents with a moral obligation value
of 47 or less, and a moral obligation category value of Q4. Most respondents in
node 6 belong to segment 6. The node contains 203 respondents; 67% are not
from segment 6. Consumers with a moral obligation score higher than 4.7 are in
node 7. The predicted segment membership for this node is 5. The node contains 30
consumers; 57% do not belong to segment 5.
Figure 9.17 visualises the tree. plot(tree6) creates this plot. Most of the plot
is the same as for the classification tree with the binary dependent variable. Only the
bar charts at the bottom look different. The terminal nodes show the proportion of
respondents in each segment. Optimally, these bar charts for each terminal node
show that nearly all consumers in that node have the same segment membership
or are at least assigned to only a small number of different segments. Node 7 in
Fig. 9.17 is a good example: it contains high proportions of members of segments 1
and 5, but only low proportions of members of other segments.

p < 0.001

Q1, Q2, Q3 Q4

2 5
Education Obligation
p < 0.001 p = 0.012

≤6 >6 ≤ 4.7 > 4.7

Node 3 (n = 481) Node 4 (n = 286) Node 6 (n = 203) Node 7 (n = 30)

1 1 1 1

0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8

0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6

0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4

0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2

0 0 0 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6

Fig. 9.17 Conditional inference tree using segment membership as dependent variable for the Australian travel motives data set
9 Step 7: Describing Segments
References 235

9.5 Step 7 Checklist

Who is
Task responsible? Completed?

Bring across from Step 6 (profiling) one or a small number of market

segmentation solutions selected on the basis of attractive profiles.

Select descriptor variables. Descriptor variables are additional pieces

of information about each consumer included in the market
segmentation analysis. Descriptor variables have not been used to
extract the market segments.

Use visualisation techniques to gain insight into the differences

between market segments with respect to descriptor variables.
Make sure you use appropriate plots, for example, mosaic plots for
categorical and ordinal descriptor variables, and box-and-whisker
plots for metric descriptor variables.

Test for statistical significance of descriptor variables.

If you used separate statistical tests for each descriptor variable,

correct for multiple testing to avoid overestimating significance.

"Introduce" each market segment to the other team members to

check how much you know about these market segments.

Ask if additional insight into some segments is required to develop a

full picture of them.


Benjamini Y, Hochberg Y (1995) Controlling the false discovery rate: a practical and powerful
approach to multiple testing. J R Stat Soc B 57:289–300
Breiman L, Friedman J, Stone CJ, Olshen RA (1984) Classification and regression trees. Chapman
and Hall/CRC, New York
Cornelius B, Wagner U, Natter M (2010) Managerial applicability of graphical formats to support
positioning decisions. Journal für Betriebswirtschaft 60(3):167–201
Dolnicar S, Leisch F (2008) An investigation of tourists’ patterns of obligation to protect the
environment. J Travel Res 46:381–391
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Fox J, Weisberg S (2011) An R Companion to applied regression, 2nd edn. Sage, Thousand Oaks.
Friendly M (1994) Mosaic displays for multi-way contingency tables. J Amer Stat Assoc 89:
236 9 Step 7: Describing Segments

Hartigan JA, Kleiner B (1984) A mosaic of television ratings. Amer Statist 38:32–35
Holm S (1979) A simple sequentially rejective multiple test procedure. Scand J Stat 6:65–70
Hothorn T, Zeileis A (2015) partykit: a modular toolkit for recursive partytioning in R. J Mach
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Miller RG (1981) Simultaneous statistical inference. Springer, Heidelberg
Nelder J, Wedderburn R (1972) Generalized linear models. J R Stat Soc A 135(3):370–384
van Raaij WF, Verhallen TMM (1994) Domain-specific market segmentation. Eur J Market
Sarkar D (2008) lattice: multivariate data visualization with R. Springer, New York
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Wickham H (2009) ggplot2: elegant graphics for data analysis. Springer, New York. http://ggplot2.
Yandell BS (1997) Practical data analysis for designed experiments. Chapman & Hall, New York

Open Access This chapter is licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits use, sharing,
adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as you give appropriate
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Commons license, unless indicated otherwise in a credit line to the material. If material is not
included in the chapter’s Creative Commons license and your intended use is not permitted by
statutory regulation or exceeds the permitted use, you will need to obtain permission directly from
the copyright holder.
Chapter 10
Step 8: Selecting the Target Segment(s)

10.1 The Targeting Decision

Step 8 is where the rubber hits the road. Now the big decision is made: which of the
many possible market segments will be selected for targeting? Market segmentation
is a strategic marketing tool. The selection of one or more target segments is a long-
term decision significantly affecting the future performance of an organisation. This
is when the flirting and dating is over; it’s time to buy a ring, pop the question, and
After a global market segmentation solution has been chosen – typically at the
end of Step 5 – a number of segments are available for detailed inspection. These
segments are profiled in Step 6, and described in Step 7. In Step 8, one or more
of those market segments need to be selected for targeting. The segmentation team
can build on the outcome of Step 2. During Step 2, knock-out criteria for market
segments have been agreed upon, and segment attractiveness criteria have been
selected, and weighed to reflect the relative importance of each of the criteria to
the organisation.
Optimally, the knock-out criteria have already been applied in previous steps.
For example, in Step 6 market segments were profiled by inspecting their key
characteristics in terms of the segmentation variables. It would have become obvious
in Step 6 if a market segment is not large enough, not homogeneous or not distinct
enough. It would have become obvious in Step 7 – in the process of detailed segment
description using descriptor variables – if a market segment is not identifiable or
reachable. And in both Steps 6 and 7, it would have become clear if a market
segment has needs the organisation cannot satisfy. Imagine, for example, that the
BIG SPENDING CITY TOURIST emerged as one of the very distinct and attractive
segments from a market segmentation analysis, but the destination conducting the
analysis is a nature based destination in outback Australia. The chances of this
destination meeting the needs of the highly attractive segment of BIG SPENDING
CITY TOURIST are rather slim. Optimally, therefore, all the market segments

© The Author(s) 2018 237

S. Dolnicar et al., Market Segmentation Analysis, Management for Professionals,
238 10 Step 8: Selecting (the) Target Segment(s)

under consideration in Step 8 should already comply with the knock-out criteria.
Nevertheless, it does not hurt to double check. The first task in Step 8, therefore, is
to ensure that all the market segments that are still under consideration to be selected
as target markets have well and truly passed the knock-out criteria test.
Once this is done, the attractiveness of the remaining segments and the relative
organisational competitiveness for these segments needs to be evaluated. In other
words, the segmentation team has to ask a number of questions which fall into two
broad categories:
1. Which of the market segments would the organisation most like to target? Which
segment would the organisation like to commit to?
2. Which of the organisations offering the same product would each of the segments
most like to buy from? How likely is it that our organisation would be chosen?
How likely is it that each segment would commit to us?
Answering these two questions forms the basis of the target segment decision.

10.2 Market Segment Evaluation

Most books that discuss target market selection (e.g., McDonald and Dunbar
1995; Lilien and Rangaswamy 2003), recommend the use of a decision matrix to
visualise relative segment attractiveness and relative organisational competitiveness
for each market segment. Many versions of decision matrices have been proposed
in the past, and many names are used to describe them, including: Boston matrix
(McDonald and Dunbar 1995; Dibb and Simkin 2008) because this type of
matrix was first proposed by the Boston Consulting Group; General Electric /
McKinsey matrix (McDonald and Dunbar 1995) because this extended version of the
matrix was developed jointly by General Electric and McKinsey; directional policy
matrix (McDonald and Dunbar 1995; Dibb and Simkin 2008); McDonald four-box
directional policy matrix (McDonald and Dunbar 1995); and market attractiveness-
business strength matrix (Dibb and Simkin 2008). The aim of all these decision
matrices along with their visualisations is to make it easier for the organisation to
evaluate alternative market segments, and select one or a small number for targeting.
It is up to the market segmentation team to decide which variation of the decision
matrix offers the most useful framework to assist with decision making.
Whichever variation is chosen, the two criteria plotted along the axes cover
two dimensions: segment attractiveness, and relative organisational competitiveness
specific to each of the segments. Using the analogy of finding a partner for life:
segment attractiveness is like the question Would you like to marry this person?
given all the other people in the world you could marry. Relative organisational
competitiveness is like the question Would this person marry you? given all the
other people in the world they could marry.
In the following example, we use a generic segment evaluation plot that can
easily be produced in R. To keep segment evaluation as intuitive as possible, we
10.2 Market Segment Evaluation 239

label the two axes How attractive is the segment to us? and How attractive are
we to the segment? We plot segment attractiveness along the x-axis, and relative
organisational competitiveness along the y-axis. Segments appear as circles. The
size of the circles reflects another criterion of choice that is relevant to segment
selection, such as contribution to turnover or loyalty.
Of course, there is no single best measure of segment attractiveness or relative
organisational competitiveness. It is therefore necessary for users to return to their
specifications of what an ideal target segment looks like for them. The ideal target
segment was specified in Step 2 of the market segmentation analysis. Step 2 resulted
in a number of criteria of segment attractiveness, and weights quantifying how much
impact each of these criteria has on the total value of segment attractiveness.
In Step 8, the target segment selection step of market segmentation analysis,
this information is critical. However, the piece of information missing to be able
to select a target segment, is the actual value each market segment has for each of
the criteria specified to constitute segment attractiveness. These values emerge from
the grouping, profiling, and description of each market segment. To determine the
attractiveness value to be used in the segment evaluation plot for each segment, the
segmentation team needs to assign a value for each attractiveness criterion to each
The location of each market segment in the segment evaluation plot is then
computed by multiplying the weight of the segment attractiveness criterion (agreed
upon in Step 2) with the value of the segment attractiveness criterion for each
market segment. The value of the segment attractiveness criterion for each market
segment is determined by the market segmentation team based on the profiles and
descriptions resulting from Steps 6 and 7. The result is a weighted value for each
segment attractiveness criterion for each segment. Those values are added up, and
represent a segment’s overall attractiveness (plotted along the x-axis). Table 10.1
contains an example of this calculation. In this case, the organisation has chosen
five segment attractiveness criteria, and has assigned importance weights to them
(shown in the second column). Then, based on the profiles and descriptions of each
market segment, each segment is given a rating from 1 to 10 with 1 representing
the worst and 10 representing the best value. Next, for each segment, the rating
is multiplied with the weight, and all weighted attractiveness values are added.
Looking at segment 1, for example, determining the segment attractiveness value
leads to the following calculation (where 0.25 stands for 25%): 0.25 · 5 + 0.35 · 2 +
0.20 · 10 + 0.10 · 8 + 0.10 · 9 = 5.65. The value of 5.65 is therefore the x-axis
location of segment 1 in the segment evaluation plot shown in Fig. 10.1.
The exact same procedure is followed for the relative organisational competitive-
ness. The question asked when selecting the criteria is: Which criteria do consumers
use to select between alternative offers in the market? Possible criteria may include
attractiveness of the product to the segment in view of the benefits segment members
seek; suitability of the current price to segment willingness or ability to pay;
availability of distribution channels to get the product to the segment; segment
awareness of the existence of the organisation or brand image of the organisation
held by segment members.
240 10 Step 8: Selecting (the) Target Segment(s)

Table 10.1 Data underlying the segment evaluation plot

Weight Seg 1 Seg 2 Seg 3 Seg 4 Seg 5 Seg 6 Seg 7 Seg 8
How attractive is the
segment to us? (segment
Criterion 1 25% 5 10 1 5 10 3 1 10
Criterion 2 35% 2 1 2 6 9 4 2 10
Criterion 3 20% 10 6 4 4 8 2 1 9
Criterion 4 10% 8 4 2 7 10 8 3 10
Criterion 5 10% 9 6 1 4 7 9 7 8
Total 100% 5.65 5.05 2.05 5.25 8.95 4.25 2.15 9.6
How attractive are we to the
segment? (relative organisa-
tional competitiveness)
Criterion 1 25% 2 10 10 10 1 5 2 9
Criterion 2 25% 3 10 4 6 2 4 3 8
Criterion 3 25% 4 10 8 7 3 3 1 10
Criterion 4 15% 9 8 3 9 4 5 3 9
Criterion 5 10% 1 8 6 2 1 4 4 8
Total 100% 3.7 9.5 6.55 7.3 2.2 4.15 2.35 8.9
Size 2.25 5.25 6.00 3.75 5.25 2.25 4.50 1.50

The value of each segment on the axis labelled How attractive are we to the
segment? is calculated in the same way as the value for the attractiveness of each
segment from the organisational perspective: first, criteria are agreed upon, next
they are weighted, then each segment is rated, and finally the values are multiplied
and summed up. The data underlying the segment evaluation plot based on the
hypothetical example in Fig. 10.1 are given in Table 10.1.
The last aspect of the plot is the bubble size (contained in row “Size” in
Table 10.1). Anything can be plotted onto the bubble size. Typically profit potential
is plotted. Profit combines information about the size of the segment with spending
and, as such, represents a critical value when target segments are selected. In
other contexts, entirely different criteria may matter. For example, if a non for
profit organisation uses market segmentation to recruit volunteers to help with land
regeneration activities, they may choose to plot the number of hours volunteered as
the bubble size.
Now the plot is complete and serves as a useful basis for discussions in the
segmentation team. Using Fig. 10.1 as a basis, the segmentation team may, for
example, eliminate from further consideration segments 3 and 7 because they are
rather unattractive compared to the other available segments despite the fact that
they have high profit potential (as indicated by the size of the bubbles). Segment
5 is obviously highly attractive and has high profit potential, but unfortunately the
segment is not as fond of the organisation as the organisation is of the segment.
It is unlikely, at this point in time, that the organisation will be able to cater
10.2 Market Segment Evaluation 241

How attractive are we to the segment? Seg.8




Seg.7 Seg.5
not at all

0 2 4 6 8 10
not at all very
How attractive is the segment to us?

Fig. 10.1 Segment evaluation plot

successfully to segment 5. Segment 8 is excellent because it is highly attractive to

the organisation, and views the organisation’s offer as highly attractive. A match
made in heaven, except for the fact that the profit potential is not very high. It
may be necessary, therefore to consider including segment 2. Segment 2 loves
the organisation, has decent profit potential, and is about equally attractive to the
organisation as segments 1, 4 and 6 (all of which, unfortunately, are not very fond
of the organisation’s offer).
To re-create the plot in R, we store the upper half (without row “Total”) of
Table 10.1 in the 5 × 8 matrix x, the corresponding weights from the second column
in vector wx, the lower half of Table 10.1 in the 5 × 8 matrix y, and weights in
vector wy. We then create the segment evaluation plot of the decision matrix using
the following commands.
R> library("MSA")
R> decisionMatrix(x, y, wx, wy, size = size)

where vector size controls the bubble size for each segment (e.g., profitability).
242 10 Step 8: Selecting (the) Target Segment(s)

10.3 Step 8 Checklist

Who is
Task responsible? Completed?

Convene a segmentation team meeting.

Determine which of the market segments profiled in Step 6 and

described in Step 7 are being considered as potential target markets.

Double check that all of those remaining segments comply with the
knock-out criteria of homogeneity, distinctness, size, match,
identifiability and reachability. If a segment does not comply:
eliminate it from further consideration.

Discuss and agree on values for each market segment for each
segment attractiveness criterion.

Discuss and agree on values for each relative organisational

competitiveness criterion for each of the market segments.

Calculate each segment’s overall attractiveness by multiplying the

segment value with the weight for each criterion and then summing
up all these values for each segment.

Calculate each segment’s overall relative organisational

competitiveness by multiplying the segment value with the weight for
each criterion and then summing up all these values for each

Plot the values onto a segment evaluation plot.

Make a preliminary selection.

If you intend to target more than one segment: make sure that the
selected target segments are compatible with one another.

Present the selected segments to the advisory committee for

discussion and (if required) reconsideration.
References 243


Dibb S, Simkin L (2008) Market segmentation success: making it happen! Routledge, New York
Lilien GL, Rangaswamy A (2003) Marketing engineering: computer-assisted marketing analysis
and planning, 2nd edn. Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River
McDonald M, Dunbar I (1995) Market segmentation: a step-by-step approach to creating profitable
market segments. Macmillan, London

Open Access This chapter is licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits use, sharing,
adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as you give appropriate
credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license and
indicate if changes were made.
The images or other third party material in this chapter are included in the chapter’s Creative
Commons license, unless indicated otherwise in a credit line to the material. If material is not
included in the chapter’s Creative Commons license and your intended use is not permitted by
statutory regulation or exceeds the permitted use, you will need to obtain permission directly from
the copyright holder.
Chapter 11
Step 9: Customising the Marketing Mix

11.1 Implications for Marketing Mix Decisions

Marketing was originally seen as a toolbox to assist in selling products, with mar-
keters mixing the ingredients of the toolbox to achieve the best possible sales results
(Dolnicar and Ring 2014). In the early days of marketing, Borden (1964) postulated
that marketers have at their disposal 12 ingredients: product planning, packaging,
physical handling, distribution channels, pricing, personal selling, branding, display,
advertising, promotions, servicing, fact finding and analysis. Many versions of this
marketing mix have since been proposed, but most commonly the marketing mix is
understood as consisting of the 4Ps: Product, Price, Promotion and Place (McCarthy
Market segmentation does not stand independently as a marketing strategy.
Rather, it goes hand in hand with the other areas of strategic marketing, most impor-
tantly: positioning and competition. In fact, the segmentation process is frequently
seen as part of what is referred to as the segmentation-targeting-positioning (STP)
approach (Lilien and Rangaswamy 2003). The segmentation-targeting-positioning
approach postulates a sequential process. The process starts with market seg-
mentation (the extraction, profiling and description of segments), followed by
targeting (the assessment of segments and selection of a target segment), and finally
positioning (the measures an organisation can take to ensure that their product is
perceived as distinctly different from competing products, and in line with segment
Viewing market segmentation as the first step in the segmentation-targeting-
positioning approach is useful because it ensures that segmentation is not seen
as independent from other strategic decisions. It is important, however, not to
adhere too strictly to the sequential nature of the segmentation-targeting-positioning
process. It may well be necessary to move back and forward from the segmentation
to the targeting step, before being in the position of making a long-term commitment
to one or a small number of target segments.

© The Author(s) 2018 245

S. Dolnicar et al., Market Segmentation Analysis, Management for Professionals,
246 11 Step 9: Customising the Marketing Mix


Target segment
Promotion integrate with Price
competition and


Fig. 11.1 How the target segment decision affects marketing mix development

Figure 11.1 illustrates how the target segment decision – which has to be
integrated with other strategic areas such as competition and positioning – affects
the development of the marketing mix. For reasons of simplicity, the traditional 4Ps
model of the marketing mix including Product, Price, Place and Promotion serves
as the basis of this discussion. Be it twelve or four, each one of those aspects needs
to be thoroughly reviewed once the target segment or the target segments have been
To best ensure maximising on the benefits of a market segmentation strategy,
it is important to customise the marketing mix to the target segment (see also the
layers of market segmentation in Fig. 2.1 discussed on pages 11–12). The selection
of one or more specific target segments may require the design of new, or the
modification or re-branding of existing products (Product), changes to prices or
discount structures (Price), the selection of suitable distribution channels (Place),
and the development of new communication messages and promotion strategies that
are attractive to the target segment (Promotion).
One option available to the organisation is to structure the entire market
segmentation analysis around one of the 4Ps. This affects the choice of segmentation
variables. If, for example, the segmentation analysis is undertaken to inform pricing
decisions, price sensitivity, deal proneness, and price sensitivity represent suitable
segmentation variables (Lilien and Rangaswamy 2003).
If the market segmentation analysis is conducted to inform advertising decisions,
benefits sought, lifestyle segmentation variables, and psychographic segmentation
variables are particularly useful, as is a combination of all of those (Lilien and
Rangaswamy 2003).
11.3 Price 247

If the market segmentation analysis is conducted for the purpose of informing

distribution decisions, store loyalty, store patronage, and benefits sought when
selecting a store may represent valuable segmentation variables (Lilien and Ran-
gaswamy 2003). Typically, however, market segmentation analysis is not conducted
in view of one of the 4Ps specifically. Rather, insights gained from the detailed
description of the target segment resulting from Step 7 guide the organisation in
how to develop or adjust the marketing mix to best cater for the target segment

11.2 Product

One of the key decisions an organisation needs to make when developing the product
dimension of the marketing mix, is to specify the product in view of customer needs.
Often this does not imply designing an entirely new product, but rather modifying an
existing one. Other marketing mix decisions that fall under the product dimension
are: naming the product, packaging it, offering or not offering warranties, and after
sales support services.
The market segments obtained for the Australian vacation activities data set
(see Appendix C.3) using biclustering (profiled in Fig. 7.37) present a good opportu-
nity for illustrating how product design or modification is driven by target segment
selection. Imagine, for example, being a destination with a very rich cultural
heritage. And imagine having chosen to target segment 3. The key characteristics
of segment 3 members in terms of vacation activities are that they engage much
more than the average tourist in visiting museums, monuments and gardens (see the
bicluster membership plot in Fig. 7.37). They also like to do scenic walks and visit
markets. They share both of these traits with some of the other market segments.
Like most other segments, they like to relax, eat out, shop and engage in sightseeing.
In terms of the product targeted at this market segment, possible product
measures may include developing a new product. For example, a MUSEUMS,
MONUMENTS & MUCH , MUCH MORE product (accompanied by an activities pass)
that helps members of this segment to locate activities they are interested in, and
points to the existence of these offers at the destination during the vacation planning
process. Another opportunity for targeting this segment is that of proactively making
gardens at the destination an attraction in their own right.

11.3 Price

Typical decisions an organisation needs to make when developing the price dimen-
sion of the marketing mix include setting the price for a product, and deciding on
discounts to be offered.
248 11 Step 9: Customising the Marketing Mix

Sticking to the example of the destination that wishes to market to segment 3

(which has emerged from a biclustering analysis of the Australian vacation activities
data set), we load the bicluster solution obtained in Sect. 7.4.1:
R> load("ausact-bic.RData")

To be able to compare members of segment 3 to tourists not belonging to segment 3,

we construct a binary vector containing this information from the bicluster solution.
We first extract which rows (respondents) and columns (activities) are contained in
a segment using:
R> library("biclust")
R> bcn <- biclusternumber(ausact.bic)

We use this information to construct a vector containing the segment membership

for each consumer.
First we initialise a vector cl12 containing only missing values (NAs) with
the length equal to the number of consumers. Then we loop through the different
clusters extracted by the biclustering algorithm, and assign the rows (respondents)
contained in this cluster the corresponding cluster number in cl12.
R> data("ausActiv", package = "MSA")
R> cl12 <- rep(NA, nrow(ausActiv))
R> for (k in seq_along(bcn)) {
+ cl12[bcn[[k]]$Rows] <- k
+ }

The resulting segment membership vector contains numbers 1 to 12 because biclus-

tering extracted 12 clusters. It also contains missing values because biclustering
does not assign all consumers to a cluster. We obtain the number of consumers
assigned to each segment, and the number of consumers not assigned by tabulating
the vector:
R> table(cl12, exclude = NULL)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
50 57 67 73 61 83 52 65 51 53 80 60

The argument exclude = NULL ensures that NA values are included in the
frequency table.
Based on the segment membership vector, we create a binary variable indicating
if a consumer is assigned to segment 3 or not. We do this by selecting those as
being in segment 3 who are not NA (!is.na(cl12)), and where the segment
membership value is equal to 3.
R> cl12.3 <- factor(!is.na(cl12) & cl12 == 3,
+ levels = c(FALSE, TRUE),
+ labels = c("Not Segment 3", "Segment 3"))
11.3 Price 249

The categories are specified in the second argument levels. Their names are
specified in the third argument labels.
Additional information on consumers is available in the data frame
ausActivDesc in package MSA. We use the following command to load the
data, and create a parallel boxplot of the variable SPEND PER PERSON PER DAY
split by membership in segment 3:
R> data("ausActivDesc", package = "MSA")
R> boxplot(spendpppd ~ cl12.3, data = ausActivDesc,
+ notch = TRUE, varwidth = TRUE, log = "y",
+ ylab = "AUD per person per day")
The additional arguments specify that confidence intervals for the median estimates
should be included (notch = TRUE), box widths should reflect group sizes
(varwidth = TRUE), that the y-axis should be on the log scale because of the
right-skewness of the distribution (log = "y"), and that a specific label should
be included for the y-axis (ylab).
Figure 11.2 shows the expenditures of segment 3 members on the right, and those
of all other consumers on the left. Ideally, we would have information about actual
expenditures across a wide range of expenditure categories, or information about
price elasticity, or reliable information about the segment’s willingness to pay for
a range of products. But the information contained in Fig. 11.2 is still valuable. It
illustrates how the price dimension can be used to best possibly harvest the targeted
marketing approach.
As can be seen in Fig. 11.2, members of segment 3 have higher vacation
expenditures per person per day than other tourists. This is excellent news for the
tourist destination; it does not need to worry about having to offer the MUSEUMS,
MONUMENTS & MUCH , MUCH MORE product at a discounted price. If anything,
the insights gained from Fig. 11.2 suggest that there is potential to attach a premium
price to this product.

Fig. 11.2 Total expenditures

in Australian dollars (AUD)
for the last domestic holiday
for tourists in segment 3 and

all other tourists

AUD per person per day

Not Segment 3 Segment 3

250 11 Step 9: Customising the Marketing Mix

11.4 Place

The key decision relating to the place dimension of the marketing mix is how to
distribute the product to the customers. This includes answering questions such as:
should the product be made available for purchase online or offline only or both;
should the manufacturer sell directly to customers; or should a wholesaler or a
retailer or both be used.
Returning to the example of members of segment 3 and the destination with a
rich cultural heritage: the survey upon which the market segmentation analysis was
based also asked survey respondents to indicate how they booked their accommoda-
tion during their last domestic holiday. Respondents could choose multiple options.
This information is place valuable; knowing the booking preferences of members
of segment 3 enables the destination to ensure that the MUSEUMS, MONUMENTS &
MUCH , MUCH MORE product is bookable through these very distribution channels.
We can use propBarchart from package flexclust to visualise stated booking
behaviour. First we load the package. Then we call function propBarchart()
with the following arguments: ausActivDesc contains the data, g =
cl12.3 specifies segment membership, and which indicates the columns
of the data to be used. We select all columns with column names starting
with "book". Function grep based on regular expressions extracts those
columns. For more details see the help page of grep. Alternatively, we can use
which = startsWith(names(ausActivDesc), "book") instead of
which = grep("^book", names(ausActivDesc)).
R> library("flexclust")
R> propBarchart(ausActivDesc, g = cl12.3,
+ which = grep("^book", names(ausActivDesc)),
+ layout = c(1, 1), xlab = "percent", xlim = c(-2, 102))

The additional arguments specify: that only one panel should be included in each
plot (layout = c(1, 1)), the label for the x-axis (xlab), and the limits for
the x-axis (xlim). Figure 11.3 shows the resulting plot for members in segment 3.

Fig. 11.3 Hotel booking

avenues used for the last Segment 3: 67
domestic holiday by book.internet
segment 3 and by the average

20 40 60 80
11.5 Promotion 251

Figure 11.3 indicates that members of segment 3 differ from other tourists in
terms of how they booked their hotel on their last domestic vacation: they book
their hotel online much more frequently than the average tourist. This information
has clear implications for the place dimension of the marketing mix. There must be
an online booking option available for the hotel. It would be of great value to also
collect information about the booking of other products, services and activities by
members of segment 3 to see if most of their booking activity occurs online, or if
their online booking behaviour is limited to the accommodation.

11.5 Promotion

Typical promotion decisions that need to be made when designing a marketing mix
include: developing an advertising message that will resonate with the target market,
and identifying the most effective way of communicating this message. Other tools
in the promotion category of the marketing mix include public relations, personal
selling, and sponsorship.
Looking at segment 3 again: we need to determine the best information sources
for reaching members of segment 3 so we can inform them about the MUSEUMS,
MONUMENTS & MUCH , MUCH MORE product. We answer this question by
comparing the information sources they used for the last domestic holiday, and by
investigating their preferred TV stations.
We obtain a plot comparing the use of the different information sources to choose
a destination for their last domestic holiday with the same command as used for
Fig. 11.3, except that we use the variables starting with "info":
R> propBarchart(ausActivDesc, g = cl12.3,
+ which = grep("^info", names(ausActivDesc)),
+ layout = c(1, 1), xlab = "percent",
+ xlim = c(-2, 102))

As Fig. 11.4 indicates, members of segment 3 rely – more frequently than other
tourists – on information provided by tourist centres when deciding where to spend
their vacation. This is a very distinct preference in terms of information sources. One
way to use this insight to design the promotion component of the marketing mix is to
have specific information packs on the MUSEUMS, MONUMENTS & MUCH, MUCH
MORE product available both in hard copy in the local tourist information centre
at the destination as well as making it available online on the tourist information
centre’s web page.
The mosaic plot in Fig. 11.5 shows TV channel preference. We generate Fig. 11.5
with the command:
R> par(las = 2)
R> mosaicplot(table(cl12.3, ausActivDesc$TV.channel),
+ shade = TRUE, xlab = "", main = "")
252 11 Step 9: Customising the Marketing Mix

Segment 3: 67

20 40 60 80


Fig. 11.4 Information sources used by segment 3 and by the average tourist.

We use par(las = 2) to ensure that axis labels are vertically aligned for the x-
axis, and horizontally aligned for the y-axis. This makes it easier to fit the channel
names onto the plot.
Figure 11.5 points to another interesting piece of information about segment 3.
Its members have a TV channel preference for Channel 7, differentiating them from
other tourists. Again, it is this kind of information that enables the destination to
develop a media plan ensuring maximum exposure of members of segment 3 to
the targeted communication of, for example, a MUSEUMS, MONUMENTS & MUCH,
MUCH MORE product.
11.6 Step 9 Checklist 253

Not Segment 3

Segment 3

Regional programs on national channels

Channel 7 (National)

Channel 9 (National)

Channel 10 (National)

ABC (National)

SBS (National)

Pay TV

Other (please specify)

Fig. 11.5 TV station most frequently watched by segment 3 and all other tourists

11.6 Step 9 Checklist

Who is
Task responsible? Completed?

Convene a segmentation team meeting.

Study the profile and the detailed description of the target segment
again carefully.

Determine how the product-related aspects need to be designed

or modified to best cater for this target segment.

Determine how the price-related aspects need to be designed or

modified to best cater for this target segment.

Determine how the place-related aspects need to be designed or

modified to best cater for this target segment.

Determine how the promotion-related aspects need to be designed

or modified to best cater for this target segment.

Review the marketing mix in its entirety.

If you intend to target more than one segment: repeat the above
steps for each of the target segments. Ensure that segments are
compatible with one another.

Present an outline of the proposed marketing mix to the advisory

committee for discussion and (if required) modification.
254 11 Step 9: Customising the Marketing Mix


Borden NH (1964) The concept of the marketing mix. J Advert Res 4:2–7
Dolnicar S, Ring A (2014) Tourism marketing research – past, present and future. Ann Tour Res
Lilien GL, Rangaswamy A (2003) Marketing engineering: computer-assisted marketing analysis
and planning, 2nd edn. Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River
McCarthy JE (1960) Basic marketing: a managerial approach. Richard D. Irwin, Homewood

Open Access This chapter is licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits use, sharing,
adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as you give appropriate
credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license and
indicate if changes were made.
The images or other third party material in this chapter are included in the chapter’s Creative
Commons license, unless indicated otherwise in a credit line to the material. If material is not
included in the chapter’s Creative Commons license and your intended use is not permitted by
statutory regulation or exceeds the permitted use, you will need to obtain permission directly from
the copyright holder.
Chapter 12
Step 10: Evaluation and Monitoring

12.1 Ongoing Tasks in Market Segmentation

Market segmentation analysis does not end with the selection of the target segment,
and the development of a customised marketing mix. As Lilien and Rangaswamy
(2003, p. 103) state segmentation must be viewed as an ongoing strategic decision
process. Haley (1985, p. 261) elaborates as follows: The world changes . . . virtually
the only practical option for an intelligent marketer is to monitor his or her market
continuously. After the segmentation strategy is implemented, two additional tasks
need to be performed on an ongoing basis:
1. The effectiveness of the segmentation strategy needs to be evaluated. Much effort
goes into conducting the market segmentation analysis, and customising the
marketing mix to best satisfy the target segment’s needs. These efforts should
result in an increase in profit, or an increase in achievement of the organisational
mission. If they did not, the market segmentation strategy failed.
2. The market is not static. Consumers change, the environment, and actions of
competitors change. As a consequence, a process of ongoing monitoring of
the market segmentation strategy must be devised. This monitoring process can
range from a regular review by the segmentation team, to a highly automatised
data mining system alerting the organisation to any relevant changes to the size
or nature of the target segment.

12.2 Evaluating the Success of the Segmentation Strategy

The aim of evaluating the effectiveness of the market segmentation strategy is

to determine whether developing a customised marketing mix for one or more
segments did achieve the expected benefits for the organisation. In the short term,

© The Author(s) 2018 255

S. Dolnicar et al., Market Segmentation Analysis, Management for Professionals,
256 12 Step 10: Evaluation and Monitoring

the primary desired outcome for most organisations will be increased profit. For
non for profit organisations it may be some other performance criterion, such as
the amount of donations raised or number of volunteers recruited. These measures
can be monitored continuously to allow ongoing assessment of the segmentation
strategy. In addition, taking a longer term perspective, the effectiveness of targeted
positioning could be measured. For example, a tracking study would provide insight
about how the organisation is perceived in the market place. If the segmentation
strategy is successful, the organisation should increasingly be perceived as being
particularly good at satisfying certain needs. If this is the case, the organisation
should derive a competitive advantage from this specialised positioning because the
target segment will perceive it as one of their preferred suppliers.

12.3 Stability of Segment Membership and Segment Hopping

A number of studies have investigated change of market segment membership of

respondents over time (Boztug et al. 2015). In the context of banking, Calantone
and Sawyer (1978) find that – over a two-year period of time – fewer than one
third of bank customers remained in the same benefit segment. Similarly, Yuspeh
and Fein (1982) conclude that only 40% of the respondents in their study fell into
the same market segment two years later. Farley et al. (1987) estimate that half
of all households change in a two-year period when segmented on the basis of
their consumption patterns. Müller and Hamm (2014) confirm the low stability of
segment membership over time in a three-year study. Paas et al. (2015) analyse the
long-term developments of financial product portfolio segments in several European
countries over more than three decades. They use only cross-sectional data sets for
the different time points, but are able to identify changes in segment structure at
country level over time, implying instability of segment membership.
Changes in segment membership are problematic if (1) segment sizes change
(especially if the target segment shrinks), and if (2) the nature of segments changes
in terms of either segmentation or descriptor variables. Changes in segment size may
require a fundamental rethinking of the segmentation strategy. Changes in segment
characteristics could be addressed through a modification of the marketing mix.
The changes discussed so far represent a relative slow evolution of the seg-
ment landscape. In some product categories, segment members change segments
regularly, they segment hop. Segment hopping does not occur spuriously. It can
be caused by a number of factors. For example, the same product may be used
in different situations, and different product features may matter in those different
situations; consumers may seek variety; or they may react to different promotional
offers. Haley (1985) already discussed the interaction of consumption occasions and
benefits sought, recommending to use both aspects to ensure maximum insight.
For example, the following scenario is perfectly plausible: a family spends their
vacation camping. Their key travel motives are to experience nature, to get away
from the hustle and bustle of city living, and to engage in outdoor activities. The
12.3 Stability of Segment Membership and Segment Hopping 257

family stays for two weeks, but their expenditures per person per day are well below
those of an average tourist. Imagine that one of the parents, say the mother, is asked
– after the family camping trip – to complete a survey about their last vacation.
Data from this survey is used in a market segmentation analysis and the mother is
assigned to the segment of NATURE LOVING FAMILIES ON A TIGHT BUDGET. A
month later, the mother and the father celebrate their anniversary. They check into a
luxury hotel in a big city for one night only, indulge in a massage and spa treatment,
and enjoy a very fancy and very expensive dinner. Now the mother is again asked to
complete the same survey. Suddenly, she is classified as a BIG SPENDING, SHORT
These tourists segment hop. This phenomenon has previously been observed and
segment hopping consumers have been referred to as centaurs (Wind et al. 2002) or
hybrid consumers (Wind et al. 2002; Ehrnrooth and Grönroos 2013).
Consumer hybridity of this kind – or segment hopping – has been discussed in
Bieger and Laesser (2002), and empirically demonstrated in the tourism context by
Boztug et al. (2015). The latter study estimates that 57% of the Swiss population
display a high level of segment hopping in terms of travel motives, and that 39%
segment hop across vacation expenditure segments.
Ha et al. (2002) model segment hopping using Markov chains. They use
self-organizing maps (SOMs) to extract segments from a customer relationship
management database; and Markov chains to model changes in segment mem-
bership over time. Lingras et al. (2005) investigate segment hopping using a
modified self-organizing maps (SOMs) algorithm. They study segment hopping
among supermarket customers over a period of 24 weeks; consumers are assigned
to segments for every four week period and their switching behaviour is modelled.
Another possible interpretation of the empirical observation of segment hopping
is that there may be a distinct market segment of segment hoppers. This notion
has first been investigated by Hu and Rau (1995) who find segment hoppers to
share a number of socio-economic and demographic characteristics. Boztug et al.
(2015) also ask if segment hoppers are a segment in their own right, concluding that
segment hoppers (in their tourism-related data set from Swiss residents) are older,
describe themselves more frequently as calm, modest, organised and colourless, and
more frequently obtain travel-related information from advertisements.
Accepting that segment hopping occurs has implications for market segmentation
analysis, and the translation of findings from market segmentation analysis into
marketing action. Most critically, we cannot assume that consumers are well
behaved and stay in the segments. Optimally, we could estimate how many segment
members are hoppers. Those may need to be excluded or targeted in a very specific
way. Returning to our example: once the annual vacation pattern of the camping
family is understood, we may be able to target information about luxury hotels at
this family as they return from the camping trip.
258 12 Step 10: Evaluation and Monitoring

12.4 Segment Evolution

Segments evolve. Like any characteristic of markets, market segments change over
time. The environments in which the organisation operates, and actions taken by
competitors change. Haley (1985), the father of benefit segmentation, says that not
following-up a segmentation study means sacrificing a substantial part of the value
it is able to generate. Haley (1985) proceeds to recommend a tracking system to
ensure that any changes are identified as early as possible and acted upon. Haley
refers to the tracking system as an early warning system activating action only
if an irregularity is detected. Or, as Cahill (2006) puts it (p. 38): Keep testing,
keep researching, keep measuring. People change, trends change, values change,
everything changes.
A number of reasons drive genuine change of market segments, including:
evolution of consumers in terms of their product savviness or their family life cycle;
the availability of new products in the category; and the emergence of disruptive
innovations changing a market in its entirety.
To be able to assess potential segment evolution correctly, we need to know the
baseline stability of market segments. The discussions in Sects. 2.3, 7.5.3, and 7.5.4
demonstrate that – due to the general lack of natural segments in empirical consumer
data – most segmentation solutions and segments are unstable, even if segment
extraction is repeated a few seconds later with data from the same population and
the same extraction algorithm. It is critical, therefore, to conduct stability analysis at
both the global level and the segment level to determine the baseline stability. Only
if this information is available, can instability over time be correctly interpreted.
Assuming that genuine segment evolution is taking place, a number of
approaches can simultaneously extract segments, and model segment evolution over
time. The MONIC framework developed by Spiliopoulou et al. (2006) allows the
following segment evolution over time: segments can remain unchanged, segments
can be merged, existing segments can be split up, segments can disappear, and
completely new segments can emerge. This method uses a series of segmentation
solutions over time, and compares those next to each other in time. For the procedure
to work automatically, repeated measurements for at least a subset of the segment
members have to be available for neighbouring points in time; the data needs to be
truly longitudinal.
A similar approach is used by Oliveira and Gama (2010). In their framework, the
following taxonomy is used for changes in segments over time:
– Birth: a new segment emerges.
– Death: an existing segment disappears.
– Split: one segment is split up.
– Merge: segments are merged.
– Survival: a segment remains almost unchanged.
The procedure can only be automated if the same consumers are repeatedly
segmented over time; data must be truly longitudinal. The application by Oliveira
12.4 Segment Evolution 259

and Gama (2010) uses three successive years, and, in their study, the clustered
objects are not consumers, but economic activity sectors. If different objects are
available in different years (as is the case in typical repeat cross-sectional survey
studies), the framework can still be used, but careful matching of segments based
on their profiles is required.
To sum up: ignoring dynamics in market segments is very risky. It can lead
to customising product, price, promotion and place to a segment that existed a
few years ago, but has since changed its expectations or behaviours. It is critical,
therefore, to determine stability benchmarks initially, and then set up a process to
continuously monitor relevant market dynamics.
Being the first organisation to adapt to change is a source of competitive
advantage. And, in times of big data where fresh information about consumers
becomes available by the second, the source of competitive advantage will increas-
ingly shift from the ability to adapt to the capability to identify relevant changes
quickly. Relevant changes include changes in segment needs, changes in seg-
ment size, changes in segment composition, changes in the alternatives available
to the segment to satisfy their needs as well as general market changes, like
McDonald and Dunbar (1995, p. 10) put it very nicely in their definition of
market segmentation: Segmentation is a creative and iterative process, the purpose
of which is to satisfy consumer needs more closely and, in so doing, create
competitive advantage for the company. It is defined by the customers’ needs, not
the company’s, and should be re-visited periodically.

Example: Winter Vacation Activities

To illustrate monitoring of market segments over time, we use the data set on winter
activities of tourists to Austria in 1997/98 (see Appendix C.2). We used this data
set in Sect. to illustrate bagged clustering. Here, we use a reduced set of 11
activities as segmentation variables. These 11 activities include all the key winter
sports (such as alpine skiing), and a few additional activities which do not reflect
the main purpose of people’s vacation. Importantly, we have the same information
about winter activities available for the 1991/92 winter season. These two data sets
are repeat cross-sectional – rather than truly longitudinal – because different tourists
participated in the two survey waves.
Package MSA contains both data sets (wi91act, wi97act). We can load the
data, and calculate the overall means for all activities for 1991/92 and 1997/98 using
the following R commands:
R> data("winterActiv2", package = "MSA")
R> p91 <- colMeans(wi91act)
R> round(100 * p91)

alpine skiing cross-country skiing ski touring

71 18 9
260 12 Step 10: Evaluation and Monitoring

ice-skating sleigh riding hiking

6 16 30
relaxing shopping sight-seeing
51 25 11
museums pool/sauna
6 30

R> p97 <- colMeans(wi97act)

R> round(100 * p97)

alpine skiing cross-country skiing ski touring

68 9 3
ice-skating sleigh riding hiking
5 14 29
relaxing shopping sight-seeing
74 55 30
museums pool/sauna
14 47

The resulting output lists the winter activities, along with the percentage of tourists
in the entire sample who engage in those activities. We visualise differences in these
percentages across the two survey waves using a dot chart (Fig. 12.1). The vertical
grid line crosses the x-axis at zero; dots along the vertical line indicate that there is
no difference in the percentage of tourists engaging in that particular winter activity
between survey waves 1991/92 and 1997/98. The following R code generates the
dot chart of sorted differences, and adds a vertical dashed line at zero (abline()
with line type lty = 2):
R> dotchart(100 * sort(p97 - p91),
+ xlab = paste("difference",
+ "in percentages undertaking activity in '91 and '97"))
R> abline(v = 0, lty = 2)

Figure 12.1 indicates that the aggregate increase in pursuing a specific activity is
largest for shopping (shown at the top of the plot): the percentage of tourists going
shopping during their winter vacation increased by 30% points from 1991/92 to
1997/98. The largest decrease in aggregate activity level occurs for cross-country
skiing. For a number of other activities – ice-skating, hiking, sleigh riding, and
alpine skiing – the percentages are almost identical in both waves.
So far we explored the data at aggregate level. To account for heterogeneity,
we extract market segments using the data from the 1991/92 winter season. In a first
step we conduct stability analysis across a range of segmentation solutions. Stability
analysis indicates that natural market segments do not exist; the stability results
do not offer a firm recommendation about the best number of segments to extract.
Based on the manual inspection of a number of alternative segmentation solutions
with different numbers of market segments, we select the six-segment solution for
further inspection.
We extract the six-segment solution for the 1991/92 winter season data using the
standard k-means partitioning clustering algorithm:
12.4 Segment Evolution 261

sleigh riding
alpine skiing
ski touring
cross−country skiing

−10 0 10 20 30
difference in percentages undertaking activity in '91 and '97

Fig. 12.1 Difference in the percentage of tourists engaging in 11 winter vacation activities during
their vacation in Austria in 1991/92 and 1997/98

R> library("flexclust")
R> set.seed(1234)
R> wi91act.k6 <- stepcclust(wi91act, k = 6, nrep = 20)

where k specifies the number of segments to extract, and nrep specifies the number
of random restarts.
We then use the following R code to generate a segment profile plot for the
1991/92 data. We highlight marker variables (shade = TRUE), and specify for
each panel label to start with "Segment ":
R> barchart(wi91act.k6, shade = TRUE,
+ strip.prefix = "Segment ")

Figure 12.2 contains the resulting segment profile plot. We see that market
segment 1 is distinctly different from the other segments because members of this
segment like to go hiking, sight-seeing, and visiting museums during their winter
vacation in Austria. Members of market segment 2 engage in alpine skiing (although
not much more frequently than the average tourist in the sample), and go to the
pool/sauna. Members of market segment 3 like skiing and relaxing; members of
segment 4 are all about alpine skiing; members of segment 5 engage in a wide
variety of vacation activities, as do members of segment 6.
To monitor whether – six years later – this same market segmentation solution is
still a good basis for target marketing by the Austrian National Tourism Organisa-
tion, we explore changes in the segmentation solution in the 1997/98 data set. We
first use the segmentation solution for 1991/92 to predict segment memberships
in 1997/98. Then we assess differences in segment sizes by determining the
percentages of tourists assigned to each of the segments for the two waves:
262 12 Step 10: Evaluation and Monitoring

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

Segment 1: 670 (23%) Segment 2: 324 (11%)

alpine skiing
cross−country skiing
ski touring
sleigh riding
Segment 3: 609 (21%) Segment 4: 778 (27%)
alpine skiing
cross−country skiing
ski touring
sleigh riding
Segment 5: 249 (9%) Segment 6: 248 (9%)
alpine skiing
cross−country skiing
ski touring
sleigh riding

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

Fig. 12.2 Segment profile plot for the six-segment solution of winter vacation activities in 1991/92
12.4 Segment Evolution 263

R> size91 <- table(clusters(wi91act.k6))

R> size97 <- table(clusters(wi91act.k6,
+ newdata = wi97act))
R> round(prop.table(rbind(size91, size97), 1) * 100)

1 2 3 4 5 6
size91 23 11 21 27 9 9
size97 22 7 29 12 9 21

The comparison of segment sizes indicates that segments 1 and 5 are relatively stable
in size, whereas segments 4 and 6 change substantially. We use a χ 2 -test to test if
these differences could have occurred by chance:
R> chisq.test(rbind(size91, size97))

Pearson's Chi-squared test

data: rbind(size91, size97)

X-squared = 375.35, df = 5, p-value < 2.2e-16

The χ 2 -test indicates that segment sizes did indeed change significantly. We can
visualise the comparison in a mosaic plot (Fig. 12.3):
R> mosaicplot(rbind("1991" = size91, "1997" = size97),
+ ylab = "Segment", shade = TRUE, main = "")

The mosaic plot indicates that some segments (1 and 5) did not change in size,
that segment 4 shrunk, and that segment 6 nearly doubled. Depending on the target
segment chosen initially, these results can be good or bad news for the Austrian
National Tourism Organisation. If we also had descriptor variables available for
both periods of time, we could also study differences in those characteristics.
In a second step we assess the evolution of market segments. We extract segments
from the 1997/98 data. Optimally, we would use truly longitudinal data (containing

1991 1997
<−4−4:−2−2:0 0:2 2:4 >4



Fig. 12.3 Mosaic plot comparing segment sizes in 1991/92 and 1997/98 based on the segmenta-
tion solution for winter activities in 1991/92
264 12 Step 10: Evaluation and Monitoring

responses from the same tourists at both points in time). Longitudinal data would
allow keeping the segment assignment of tourists fixed, and assessing whether
segment profiles changed over time. Given that only repeat cross-section data
are available, we extract new segments using centroids (cluster centres, segment
representatives) from the 1991/92 segmentation to start off the segment extraction
for the 1997/98 data. We obtain the new segmentation solution using the previous
centroids as initial values (argument k) for k-means clustering of the 1997/98 data
R> wi97act.k6 <- cclust(wi97act,
+ k = parameters(wi91act.k6))

The following R command generates the segment profile plot for the market
segmentation solution of the 1997/98 data:
R> barchart(wi97act.k6, shade = TRUE,
+ strip.prefix = "Segment ")

We see in Fig. 12.4 that the resulting segmentation solution is very similar to that
based on the 1991/92 data. We can conclude that the nature of tourist segments has
not changed; the same types of tourist segments still come to Austria six years later.
Segment evolution is visible in the variable shopping, pursued to a large extent by
tourists in segment 6 and nearly half of all tourists. The aggregate analysis already
pointed to this increase in shopping activity: a quarter of winter tourists to Austria
went shopping in 1991/92; more than half did so in 1997/98. This change might be
explained by the liberalisation of opening hours for shops in Austria in 1992.
Another obvious difference is the change in segment sizes. Segment 4 (interested
primarily in alpine skiing) contained 27% of tourists in 1991, but only 13% in
1997. Segments 3 and 6 increased substantially in size, suggesting that more
people combine alpine skiing with relaxation, and more people engage in a broader
portfolio of winter activities.
These changes in segment sizes have implications for the Austrian National
Tourism Organisation. While in 1991/92 a third of winter tourists to Austria would
have been quite satisfied to ski, eat and sleep, the Austrian National Tourism
Organisation would be well advised six years later to offer tourists a wider range
of activities.
12.4 Segment Evolution 265

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

Segment 1: 593 (20%) Segment 2: 230 (8%)

alpine skiing
cross−country skiing
ski touring
sleigh riding
Segment 3: 971 (33%) Segment 4: 391 (13%)
alpine skiing
cross−country skiing
ski touring
sleigh riding
Segment 5: 293 (10%) Segment 6: 483 (16%)
alpine skiing
cross−country skiing
ski touring
sleigh riding

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

Fig. 12.4 Segment profile plot for the six-segment solution of winter vacation activities in 1997/98
266 12 Step 10: Evaluation and Monitoring

12.5 Step 10 Checklist

Who is
Task responsible? Completed?

Convene a segmentation team meeting.

Determine which indicators of short-term and long-term success will

be used to evaluate the market segmentation strategy.

Operationalise how segmentation success indicators will be

measured and how frequently.

Determine who will be responsible for collecting data on these


Determine how often the segmentation team will re-convene to review

the indicators.

Determine which indicators will be used to capture market dynamics.

Remind yourself of the baseline global stability to ensure that the

source of instability is attributed to the correct cause.

Remind yourself of the baseline segment level stability to ensure that

the source of instability is attributed to the correct cause.

Operationalise how market dynamics indicators will be measured and

how frequently.

Determine who will be responsible for collecting data on market


Determine how often the segmentation team will re-convene to review

the market dynamics indicators or whether the collecting unit will
pro-actively alert the segmentation team if a meeting is required.

Develop an adaptation checklist specifically for your organisation of

things that need to happen quickly across the affected organisational
units if a critical change is detected.

Run the indicators, measures of indicators, reviewing intervals and the

draft adaptation checklist past the advisory committee for approval or
(if necessary) modification.
References 267


Bieger T, Laesser C (2002) Market segmentation by motivation: the case of Switzerland. J Travel
Res 41(1):68–76
Boztug Y, Babakhani N, Laesser C, Dolnicar S (2015) The hybrid tourist. Ann Tour Res 54:190–
Cahill DJ (2006) Lifestyle market segmentation. Haworth Press, New York
Calantone RJ, Sawyer AG (1978) The stability of benefit segments. J Mark Res 15(3):395–404
Ehrnrooth H, Grönroos C (2013) The hybrid consumer: exploring hybrid consumption behaviour.
Manag Decis 51(9):1793–1820
Farley JU, Winer RS, Lehmann DR (1987) Stability of membership in market segments identified
with a disaggregate consumption model. J Bus Res 15(4):313–328
Ha SH, Bae SM, Park SC (2002) Customer’s time-variant purchase behavior and corresponding
marketing strategies: an online retailer’s case. Comput Ind Eng 43:801–820
Haley RI (1985) Developing effective communications strategy – a benefit segmentation approach.
Wiley, New York
Hu MY, Rau PA (1995) Stability of usage segments, membership shifts across segments and
implications for marketing strategy: an empirical examination. Mid-Atl J Bus 31(2):161–177
Lilien GL, Rangaswamy A (2003) Marketing engineering: computer-assisted marketing analysis
and planning, 2nd edn. Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River
Lingras P, Hogo M, Snorek M, West C (2005) Temporal analysis of clusters of supermarket
customers: conventional versus interval set approach. Inf Sci 172:215–240
McDonald M, Dunbar I (1995) Market segmentation: a step-by-step approach to creating profitable
market segments. Macmillan, London
Müller H, Hamm U (2014) Stability of market segmentation with cluster analysis – a methodolog-
ical approach. Food Qual Prefer 34:70–78
Oliveira M, Gama J (2010) MEC – monitoring clusters’ transitions. In: Proceedings of the fifth
starting AI researchers’ symposium (STAIRS 2010), vol 222. IOS Press, pp 212–225
Paas LJ, Bijmolt THA, Vermunt JK (2015) Long-term developments of respondent financial
product portfolios in the EU: a multilevel latent class analysis. Metron 73:249–262
Spiliopoulou M, Ntoutsi I, Theodoridis Y, Schult R (2006) MONIC: modeling and monitoring
cluster transitions. In: Proceedings of the 12th ACM SIGKDD international conference on
knowledge discovery and data Mining. ACM, New York, pp 706–711
Wind Y, Mahajan V, Gunther RE (2002) Convergence marketing – strategies for reaching the new
hybrid consumer. Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River
Yuspeh S, Fein G (1982) Can segments be born again? J Advert Res 22(3):13–22

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International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits use, sharing,
adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as you give appropriate
credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license and
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included in the chapter’s Creative Commons license and your intended use is not permitted by
statutory regulation or exceeds the permitted use, you will need to obtain permission directly from
the copyright holder.
Appendix A
Case Study: Fast Food

The purpose of this case study is to offer another illustration of market segmentation
analysis using a different empirical data set.
This data set was collected originally for the purpose of comparing the validity
of a range of different answer formats in survey research investigating brand image.
Descriptions of the data are available in Dolnicar and Leisch (2012), Dolnicar and
Grün (2014), and Grün and Dolnicar (2016). Package MSA contains the sections of
the data used in this case study.
For this case study, imagine that you are McDonald’s, and you would want
to know if consumer segments exist that have a distinctly different image of
McDonald’s. Understanding such systematic differences of brand perceptions by
market segments informs which market segments to focus on, and what messages to
communicate to them. We can choose to focus on market segments with a positive
perception, and strengthen the positive perception. Or we can choose to focus on a
market segment that currently perceives McDonald’s in a negative way. In this case,
we want to understand the key drivers of the negative perception, and modify them.

A.1 Step 1: Deciding (not) to Segment

McDonald’s can take the position that it caters to the entire market and that
there is no need to understand systematic differences across market segments.
Alternatively, McDonald’s can take the position that, despite their market power,
there is value in investigating systematic heterogeneity among consumers and
harvest these differences using a differentiated marketing strategy.

© The Author(s) 2018 269

S. Dolnicar et al., Market Segmentation Analysis, Management for Professionals,
270 A Case Study: Fast Food

A.2 Step 2: Specifying the Ideal Target Segment

McDonald’s management needs to decide which key features make a market seg-
ment attractive to them. In terms of knock-out criteria, the target segment or target
segments must be homogeneous (meaning that segment members are similar to one
another in a key characteristic), distinct (meaning that members of the segments
differ substantially from members of other segments in a key characteristic), large
enough to justify the development and implementation of a customised marketing
mix, matching the strengths of McDonald’s (meaning, for example, that they must
be open to eating at fast food restaurants rather than rejecting them outright),
identifiable (meaning that there must be some way of spotting them among other
consumers) and, finally, reachable (meaning that channels of communication and
distribution need to exist which make it possible to aim at members of the target
segment specifically).
In terms of segment attractiveness criteria, the obvious choice would be a
segment that has a positive perception of McDonald’s, frequently eats out and likes
fast food. But McDonald’s management could also decide that they not only wish
to solidify their position in market segments in which they already hold high market
shares, but rather wish to learn more about market segments which are currently not
fond of McDonald’s; try to understand which perceptions are responsible for this;
and attempt to modify those very perceptions.
Given that the fast food data set in this case study contains very little information
beyond people’s brand image of McDonald’s, the following attractiveness criteria
will be used: liking McDonald’s and frequently eating at McDonald’s. These
segment attractiveness criteria represent key information in Step 8 where they
inform target segment selection.

A.3 Step 3: Collecting Data

The data set contains responses from 1453 adult Australian consumers relating to
their perceptions of McDonald’s with respect to the following attributes: YUMMY,
HEALTHY , and DISGUSTING . These attributes emerged from a qualitative study con-
ducted in preparation of the survey study. For each of those attributes, respondents
provided either a YES response (indicating that they feel McDonald’s possesses
this attribute), or a NO response (indicating that McDonald’s does not possess this
In addition, respondents indicated their AGE and GENDER. Had this data been
collected for a real market segmentation study, additional information – such as
details about their dining out behaviour, and their use of information channels –
would have been collected to enable the development of a richer and more detailed
description of each market segment.
A.4 Step 4: Exploring Data 271

A.4 Step 4: Exploring Data

First we explore the key characteristics of the data set by loading the data set and
inspecting basic features such as the variable names, the sample size, and the first
three rows of the data:
R> library("MSA")
R> data("mcdonalds", package = "MSA")
R> names(mcdonalds)

[1] "yummy" "convenient" "spicy"

[4] "fattening" "greasy" "fast"
[7] "cheap" "tasty" "expensive"
[10] "healthy" "disgusting" "Like"
[13] "Age" "VisitFrequency" "Gender"

R> dim(mcdonalds)

[1] 1453 15

R> head(mcdonalds, 3)

yummy convenient spicy fattening greasy fast cheap tasty

1 No Yes No Yes No Yes Yes No
2 Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
3 No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes
expensive healthy disgusting Like Age VisitFrequency
1 Yes No No -3 61 Every three months
2 Yes No No +2 51 Every three months
3 Yes Yes No +1 62 Every three months
1 Female
2 Female
3 Female

As we can see from the output, the first respondent believes that McDonald’s is not
yummy, convenient, not spicy, fattening, not greasy, fast, cheap, not tasty, expensive,
not healthy and not disgusting. This same respondent does not like McDonald’s
(rating of −3), is 61 years old, eats at McDonald’s every three months and is female.
This quick glance at the data shows that the segmentation variables (perception
of McDonald’s) are verbal, not numeric. This means that they are coded using
the words YES and NO. This is not a suitable format for segment extraction. We
need numbers, not words. To get numbers, we store the segmentation variables in a
separate matrix, and convert them from verbal YES/NO to numeric binary.
First we extract the first eleven columns from the data set because these columns
contain the segmentation variables, and convert the data to a matrix. Then we
identify all YES entries in the matrix. This results in a logical matrix with entries
TRUE and FALSE. Adding 0 to the logical matrix converts TRUE to 1, and FALSE
to 0. We check that we transformed the data correctly by inspecting the average
value of each transformed segementation variable.
272 A Case Study: Fast Food

R> MD.x <- as.matrix(mcdonalds[, 1:11])

R> MD.x <- (MD.x == "Yes") + 0
R> round(colMeans(MD.x), 2)

yummy convenient spicy fattening greasy

0.55 0.91 0.09 0.87 0.53
fast cheap tasty expensive healthy
0.90 0.60 0.64 0.36 0.20

The average values of the transformed binary numeric segmentation variables

indicate that about half of the respondents (55%) perceive McDonald’s as YUMMY,
91% believe that eating at McDonald’s is CONVENIENT, but only 9% think that
McDonald’s food is SPICY.
Another way of exploring data initially is to compute a principal components
analysis, and create a perceptual map. A perceptual map offers initial insights into
how attributes are rated by respondents and, importantly, which attributes tend to be
rated in the same way. Principal components analysis is not computed to reduce the
number of variables. This approach – also referred to as factor-cluster analysis – is
inferior to clustering raw data in most instances (Dolnicar and Grün 2008). Here, we
calculate principal components because we use the resulting components to rotate
and project the data for the perceptual map. We use unstandardised data because our
segmentation variables are all binary.
R> MD.pca <- prcomp(MD.x)
R> summary(MD.pca)

Importance of components:
Standard deviation 0.7570 0.6075 0.5046 0.3988 0.33741
Proportion of Variance 0.2994 0.1928 0.1331 0.0831 0.05948
Cumulative Proportion 0.2994 0.4922 0.6253 0.7084 0.76787
Standard deviation 0.3103 0.28970 0.27512 0.26525
Proportion of Variance 0.0503 0.04385 0.03955 0.03676
Cumulative Proportion 0.8182 0.86201 0.90156 0.93832
PC10 PC11
Standard deviation 0.24884 0.23690
Proportion of Variance 0.03235 0.02932
Cumulative Proportion 0.97068 1.00000

Results from principal components analysis indicate that the first two components
capture about 50% of the information contained in the segmentation variables. The
following command returns the factor loadings:
R> print(MD.pca, digits = 1)

Standard deviations (1, .., p=11):

[1] 0.8 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2
A.4 Step 4: Exploring Data 273

Rotation (n x k) = (11 x 11):

yummy 0.477 -0.36 0.30 -0.055 -0.308 0.17 -0.28
convenient 0.155 -0.02 0.06 0.142 0.278 -0.35 -0.06
spicy 0.006 -0.02 0.04 -0.198 0.071 -0.36 0.71
fattening -0.116 0.03 0.32 0.354 -0.073 -0.41 -0.39
greasy -0.304 0.06 0.80 -0.254 0.361 0.21 0.04
fast 0.108 0.09 0.06 0.097 0.108 -0.59 -0.09
cheap 0.337 0.61 0.15 -0.119 -0.129 -0.10 -0.04
tasty 0.472 -0.31 0.29 0.003 -0.211 -0.08 0.36
expensive -0.329 -0.60 -0.02 -0.068 -0.003 -0.26 -0.07
healthy 0.214 -0.08 -0.19 -0.763 0.288 -0.18 -0.35
disgusting -0.375 0.14 0.09 -0.370 -0.729 -0.21 -0.03
PC8 PC9 PC10 PC11
yummy 0.01 -0.572 0.110 0.045
convenient -0.11 0.018 0.666 -0.542
spicy 0.38 -0.400 0.076 0.142
fattening 0.59 0.161 0.005 0.251
greasy -0.14 0.003 -0.009 0.002
fast -0.63 -0.166 -0.240 0.339
cheap 0.14 -0.076 -0.428 -0.489
tasty -0.07 0.639 -0.079 0.020
expensive 0.03 -0.067 -0.454 -0.490
healthy 0.18 0.186 0.038 0.158
disgusting -0.17 0.072 0.290 -0.041

The loadings indicate how the original variables are combined to form principal
components. Loadings guide the interpretation of principal components. In our
example, the two segmentation variables with the highest loadings (in absolute
terms) for principal component 2 are CHEAP and EXPENSIVE, indicating that this
principal component captures the price dimension. We project the data into the
principal component space with predict. The following commands rotate and
project consumers (in grey) into the first two principal components, plot them and
add the rotated and projected original segmentation variables as arrows:
R> library("flexclust")
R> plot(predict(MD.pca), col = "grey")
R> projAxes(MD.pca)

Figure A.1 shows the resulting perceptual map. The attributes CHEAP and
EXPENSIVE play a key role in the evaluation of McDonald’s, and these two attributes
are assessed quite independently of the others. The remaining attributes align
with what can be interpreted as positive versus negative perceptions: FATTENING,
DISGUSTING and GREASY point in the same direction in the perceptual chart,
indicating that respondents who view McDonald’s as FATTENING, DISGUSTING are
also likely to view it as GREASY. In the opposite direction are the positive attributes
FAST, CONVENIENT, HEALTHY , as well as TASTY and YUMMY . The observations
along the EXPENSIVE versus CHEAP axis cluster around three values: a group of
consumers at the top around the arrow pointing to CHEAP, a group of respondents
274 A Case Study: Fast Food

Fig. A.1 Principal

components analysis of the cheap
fast food data set


greasy fast

fattening convenient



−1.5 −1.0 −0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0


at the bottom around the arrow pointing to EXPENSIVE, and a group of respondents
in the middle.
These initial exploratory insights represent valuable information for segment
extraction. Results indicate that some attributes are strongly related to one another,
and that the price dimension may be critical in differentiating between groups of

A.5 Step 5: Extracting Segments

Step 5 is where we extract segments. To illustrate a range of extraction techniques,

we subdivide this step into three sections. In the first section, we will use standard
k-means analysis. In the second section, we will use finite mixtures of binary
distributions. In the third section, we will use finite mixtures of regressions.

A.5.1 Using k-Means

We calculate solutions for two to eight market segments using standard k-means
analysis with ten random restarts (argument nrep). We then relabel segment
numbers such that they are consistent across segmentations.
R> set.seed(1234)
R> MD.km28 <- stepFlexclust(MD.x, 2:8, nrep = 10,
+ verbose = FALSE)
R> MD.km28 <- relabel(MD.km28)
A.5 Step 5: Extracting Segments 275

We extract between two and eight segments because we do not know in advance
what the best number of market segments is. If we calculate a range of solutions, we
can compare them and choose the one which extracts segments containing similar
consumers which are distinctly different from members of other segments.
We compare different solutions using a scree plot:
R> plot(MD.km28, xlab = "number of segments")

where xlab specifies the label of the x-axis.

The scree plot in Fig. A.2 has no distinct elbow: the sum of distances within
market segments drops slowly as the number of market segments increases. We
expect the values to decrease because more market segments automatically mean
that the segments are smaller and, as a consequence, that segment members are more
similar to one another. But the much anticipated point where the sum of distances
drops dramatically is not visible. This scree plot does not provide useful guidance
on the number of market segments to extract.
A second approach to determining a good number of segments is to use
stability-based data structure analysis. Stability-based data structure analysis also
indicates whether market segments occur naturally in the data, or if they have to be
artificially constructed. Stability-based data structure analysis uses stability across
replications as criterion to offer this guidance. Imagine using a market segmentation
solution which cannot be reproduced. Such a solution would give McDonald’s
management little confidence in terms of investing substantial resources into a
market segmentation strategy. Assessing the stability of segmentation solutions
across repeated calculations (Dolnicar and Leisch 2010) ensures that unstable,
random solutions are not used.
sum of within cluster distances


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
number of segments

Fig. A.2 Scree plot for the fast food data set
276 A Case Study: Fast Food

Global stability is the extent to which the same segmentation solution emerges
if the analysis is repeated many times using bootstrap samples (randomly drawn
subsets) of the data. Global stability is calculated using the following R code,
which conducts the analysis for each number of segments (between two and eight)
using 2 × 100 bootstrap samples (argument nboot) and ten random initialisations
(argument nrep) of k-means for each sample and number of segments:
R> set.seed(1234)
R> MD.b28 <- bootFlexclust(MD.x, 2:8, nrep = 10,
+ nboot = 100)

We obtain the global stability boxplot shown in Fig. A.3 using:

R> plot(MD.b28, xlab = "number of segments",
+ ylab = "adjusted Rand index")

The vertical boxplots show the distribution of stability for each number of
segments. The median is indicated by the fat black horizontal line in the middle
of the box. Higher stability is better.
Inspecting Fig. A.3 points to the two-, three- and four-segment solutions as being
quite stable. However, the two- and three-segment solutions do not offer a very
differentiated view of the market. Solutions containing a small number of segments
typically lack the market insights managers are interested in. Once we increase the
number of segments to five, average stability drops quite dramatically. The four-
segment solution thus emerges as the solution containing the most market segments
which can still be reasonably well replicated if the calculation is repeated multiple
adjusted Rand index

2 3 4 5 6 7 8
number of segments

Fig. A.3 Global stability of k-means segmentation solutions for the fast food data set
A.5 Step 5: Extracting Segments 277

We gain further insights into the structure of the four-segment solution with a
gorge plot:
R> histogram(MD.km28[["4"]], data = MD.x, xlim = 0:1)
None of the segments shown in Fig. A.4 is well separated from the other segments,
and proximity to at least one other segment is present as indicated by the similarity
values all being between 0.3 and 0.7.
The analysis of global stability is based on a comparison of segmentation solu-
tions with the same number of segments. Another way of exploring the data before
committing to the final market segmentation solution is to inspect how segment
memberships change each time an additional market segment is added, and to assess
segment level stability across solutions. This information is contained in the segment
level stability across solutions (SLSA ) plot created by slsaplot(MD.km28) and
shown in Fig. A.5.
Thick green lines indicate that many members of the segment to the left of
the line move across to the segment on the right side of the line. Segment 2
in the two-segment solution (in the far left column of the plot) remains almost
unchanged until the four-segment solution, then it starts losing members. Looking
at the segment level stability across solutions (SLSA ) plot in Fig. A.5 in view of the
earlier determination that the four-segment solution looks good, it can be concluded
that segments 2, 3 and 4 are nearly identical to the corresponding segments in

0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8

Cluster 1 Cluster 2


Percent of Total

Cluster 3 Cluster 4



0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8


Fig. A.4 Gorge plot of the four-segment k-means solution for the fast food data set
278 A Case Study: Fast Food

1 1 1 1 1 1 1

2 2
2 3
3 4
2 3 4
3 5
6 7

2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Fig. A.5 Segment level stability across solutions (SLSA ) plot from two to eight segments for the
fast food data set

the three- and five-segment solution. They display high stability across solutions
with different numbers of segments. Segment 1 in the four-segment solution is very
different from both the solutions with one fewer and one more segments. Segment 1
draws members from two segments in the three-segment solution, and splits up
again into two segments contained in the five-segment solution. This highlights that
– while the four-segment solution might be a good overall segmentation solution –
segment 1 might not be a good target segment because of this lack of stability.
After this exploration, we select the four-segment solution and save it in an object
of its own:
R> MD.k4 <- MD.km28[["4"]]

By definition, global stability assesses the stability of a segmentation solution in

its entirety. It does not investigate the stability of each market segment. We obtain
the stability of each segment by calculating segment level stability within solutions
(SLSW ):
R> MD.r4 <- slswFlexclust(MD.x, MD.k4)

We plot the result with limits 0 and 1 for the y-axis (ylim) and customised labels
for both axes (xlab, ylab) using:
R> plot(MD.r4, ylim = 0:1, xlab = "segment number",
+ ylab = "segment stability")

Figure A.6 shows the segment level stability within solutions for the four-
segment solution. Segment 1 is the least stable across replications, followed by
segments 4 and 2. Segment 3 is the most stable. The low stability levels for
segment 1 are not unexpected given the low stability this segment has when
comparing segment level stability across solutions (see Fig. A.5).
A.5 Step 5: Extracting Segments 279

segment stability

1 2 3 4
segment number

Fig. A.6 Segment level stability within solutions (SLSW ) plot for the fast food data set

A.5.2 Using Mixtures of Distributions

We calculate latent class analysis using a finite mixture of binary distributions.

The mixture model maximises the likelihood to extract segments (as opposed to
minimising squared Euclidean distance, as is the case for k-means). The call to
stepFlexmix() extracts two to eight segments (k = 2:8) using ten random
restarts of the EM algorithm (nrep), model = FLXMCmvbinary() for a
segment-specific model consisting of independent binary distributions and no
intermediate output about progress (verbose = FALSE).
R> library("flexmix")
R> set.seed(1234)
R> MD.m28 <- stepFlexmix(MD.x ~ 1, k = 2:8, nrep = 10,
+ model = FLXMCmvbinary(), verbose = FALSE)
R> MD.m28

stepFlexmix(MD.x ~ 1, model = FLXMCmvbinary(),
k = 2:8, nrep = 10, verbose = FALSE)

iter converged k k0 logLik AIC BIC ICL

2 32 TRUE 2 2 -7610.848 15267.70 15389.17 15522.10
3 43 TRUE 3 3 -7311.534 14693.07 14877.92 15077.96
4 33 TRUE 4 4 -7111.146 14316.29 14564.52 14835.95
5 61 TRUE 5 5 -7011.204 14140.41 14452.01 14806.54
6 49 TRUE 6 6 -6956.110 14054.22 14429.20 14810.65
7 97 TRUE 7 7 -6900.188 13966.38 14404.73 14800.16
8 156 TRUE 8 8 -6872.641 13935.28 14437.01 14908.52
280 A Case Study: Fast Food

We plot the information criteria with a customised label for the y-axis to choose a
suitable number of segments:
R> plot(MD.m28,
+ ylab = "value of information criteria (AIC, BIC, ICL)")

Figure A.7 plots the information criteria values AIC, BIC and ICL on the y-axis
for the different number of components (segments) on the x-axis. As can be seen, the
values of all information criteria decrease quite dramatically until four components
(market segments) are reached. If the information criteria are strictly applied based
on statistical inference theory, the ICL recommends – by a small margin – the
extraction of seven market segments. The BIC also points to seven market segments.
The AIC values continue to decrease beyond seven market segments, indicating that
at least eight components are required to suitably fit the data.
The visual inspection of Fig. A.7 suggests that four market segments might be a
good solution if a more pragmatic point of view is taken; this is the point at which the
decrease in the information criteria flattens visibly. We retain the four-component
solution and compare it to the four-cluster k-means solution presented in Sect. A.5.1
using a cross-tabulation:
R> MD.m4 <- getModel(MD.m28, which = "4")
R> table(kmeans = clusters(MD.k4),
+ mixture = clusters(MD.m4))

kmeans 1 2 3 4
1 1 191 254 24
value of information criteria (AIC, BIC, ICL)


2 3 4 5 6 7 8
number of components

Fig. A.7 Information criteria for the mixture models of binary distributions with 2 to 8 compo-
nents (segments) for the fast food data set
A.5 Step 5: Extracting Segments 281

2 200 0 25 32
3 0 17 0 307
4 0 384 2 16

Component (segment) members derived from the mixture model are shown in
columns, cluster (segment) members derived from k-means are shown in rows.
Component 2 of the mixture model draws two thirds all of its members (384) from
segment 4 of the k-means solution. In addition, 191 members are recruited from
segment 1. This comparison shows that the stable segments in the k-means solution
(numbers 2 and 3) are almost identical to segments (components) 1 and 4 of the
mixture model. This means that the two segmentation solutions derived using very
different extraction methods are actually quite similar.
The result becomes even more similar if the mixture model is initialised using
the segment memberships of the k-means solution MD.k:
R> MD.m4a <- flexmix(MD.x ~1, cluster = clusters(MD.k4),
+ model = FLXMCmvbinary())
R> table(kmeans = clusters(MD.k4),
+ mixture = clusters(MD.m4a))

kmeans 1 2 3 4
1 278 1 24 167
2 26 200 31 0
3 0 0 307 17
4 2 0 16 384

This is interesting because all algorithms used to extract market segments are
exploratory in nature. Typically, therefore, they find a local optimum or global
optimum of their respective target function. The EM algorithm maximises the log-
likelihood. The log-likelihood values for the two fitted mixture models obtained
using the two different ways of initialisation are:
R> logLik(MD.m4a)

'log Lik.' -7111.152 (df=47)

R> logLik(MD.m4)

'log Lik.' -7111.146 (df=47)

indicating that the values are very close, with random initialisations leading to a
slightly better result.
If two completely different ways of initialising the mixture model, namely (1) ten
random restarts and keeping the best, and (2) initialising the mixture model using
the k-means solution, yield almost the same result, this gives more confidence that
the result is a global optimum or a reasonably close approximation to the global
optimum. It also is a re-assurance for the k-means solution, because the extracted
segments are essentially the same. The fact that the two solutions are not identical is
not of concern. Neither of the solutions is correct or incorrect. Rather, both of them
need to be inspected and may be useful to managers.
282 A Case Study: Fast Food

A.5.3 Using Mixtures of Regression Models

Instead of finding market segments of consumers with similar perceptions of

McDonald’s, it may be interesting to find market segments containing members
whose love or hate for McDonald’s is driven by similar perceptions. This segmenta-
tion approach would enable McDonald’s to modify critical perceptions selectively
for certain target segments in view of improving love and reducing hate.
We extract such market segments using finite mixtures of linear regression
models, also called latent class regressions. Here, the variables are not all treated
in the same way. Rather, one dependent variable needs to be specified which
captures the information predicted using the independent variables. We choose as
dependent variable y the degree to which consumers love or hate McDonald’s. The
dependent variable contains responses to the statement I LIKE MCDONALDS. It is
measured on an 11-point scale with endpoints labelled I LOVE IT! and I HATE IT!.
The independent variables x are the perceptions of McDonald’s. In this approach
the segmentation variables can be regarded as unobserved, and consisting of the
regression coefficients. This means market segments consist of consumers for whom
changes in perceptions have similar effects on their liking of McDonald’s.
First we create a numerical dependent variable by converting the ordinal variable
LIKE to a numeric one. We need a numeric variable to fit mixtures of linear
regression models. The categorical variable has 11 levels, from I LOVE IT!(+5) with
numeric code 1 to I HATE IT!(-5) with numeric code 11. Computing 6 minus the
numeric code will result in 6 − 11 = −5 for I HATE IT!-5, 6 − 10 = −4 for
"-4", etc.:
R> rev(table(mcdonalds$Like))
I hate it!-5 -4 -3 -2
152 71 73 59
-1 0 +1 +2
58 169 152 187
+3 +4 I love it!+5
229 160 143
R> mcdonalds$Like.n <- 6 - as.numeric(mcdonalds$Like)
R> table(mcdonalds$Like.n)
-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5
152 71 73 59 58 169 152 187 229 160 143

Then we can either create a model formula for the regression model manually by
typing the eleven variable names, and separating them by plus signs. Or we can
automate this process in R by first collapsing the eleven independent variables into
a single string separated by plus signs, and then pasting the dependent variable
Like.n to it. Finally, we convert the resulting string to a formula.
R> f <- paste(names(mcdonalds)[1:11], collapse = "+")
R> f <- paste("Like.n ~ ", f, collapse = "")
R> f <- as.formula(f)
R> f
A.5 Step 5: Extracting Segments 283

Like.n ~ yummy + convenient + spicy + fattening + greasy +

fast + cheap + tasty + expensive + healthy + disgusting

We fit a finite mixture of linear regression models with the EM algorithm using
nrep = 10 random starts and k = 2 components. We ask for the progress of the
EM algorithm not to be visible on screen during estimation (verbose = FALSE):
R> set.seed(1234)
R> MD.reg2 <- stepFlexmix(f, data = mcdonalds, k = 2,
+ nrep = 10, verbose = FALSE)
R> MD.reg2

stepFlexmix(f, data = mcdonalds, k = 2, nrep = 10,
verbose = FALSE)

Cluster sizes:
1 2
630 823

convergence after 68 iterations

Mixtures of regression models can only be estimated if certain conditions on the

x and y variables are met (Hennig 2000; Grün and Leisch 2008b). Even if these
conditions are met, estimation problems can occur. In this section we restrict
the fitted mixture model to two components. Fitting a mixture model with more
components to the data would lead to problems during segment extraction.
Using the degree of loving or hating McDonald’s as dependent variable will
cause problems if we want to extract many market segments because the dependent
variable is not metric. It is ordinal where we use the assigned scores with values
−5 to +5. Having an ordinal variable implies that groups of respondents exist in
the data who all have the exactly same value for the dependent variable. This means
that we can extract, for example, a group consisting only of respondents who gave a
score of +5. The regression model for this group perfectly predicts the value of the
dependent variable if the intercept equals +5 and the other regression coefficients
are set to zero. A mixture of regression models containing this component would
have an infinite log-likelihood value and represent a degenerate solution. Depending
on the starting values, the EM algorithm might converge to a segmentation solution
containing such a component. The more market segments are extracted, the more
likely is the EM algorithm to converge against such a degenerate solution.
The fitted mixture model contains two linear regression models, one for each
component. We assess the significance of the parameters of each regression
model with:
R> MD.ref2 <- refit(MD.reg2)
R> summary(MD.ref2)

Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept) -4.347851 0.252058 -17.2494 < 2.2e-16 ***
284 A Case Study: Fast Food

yummyYes 2.399472 0.203921 11.7667 < 2.2e-16 ***

convenientYes 0.072974 0.148060 0.4929 0.622109
spicyYes -0.070388 0.175200 -0.4018 0.687864
fatteningYes -0.544184 0.183931 -2.9586 0.003090 **
greasyYes 0.079760 0.115052 0.6933 0.488152
fastYes 0.361220 0.170346 2.1205 0.033964 *
cheapYes 0.437888 0.157721 2.7763 0.005498 **
tastyYes 5.511496 0.216265 25.4850 < 2.2e-16 ***
expensiveYes 0.225642 0.150979 1.4945 0.135037
healthyYes 0.208154 0.149607 1.3913 0.164121
disgustingYes -0.562942 0.140337 -4.0114 6.037e-05 ***
Signif. codes:
0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept) -0.90694 0.41921 -2.1635 0.030505 *
yummyYes 2.10884 0.18731 11.2586 < 2.2e-16 ***
convenientYes 1.43443 0.29576 4.8499 1.235e-06 ***
spicyYes -0.35793 0.23745 -1.5074 0.131715
fatteningYes -0.34899 0.21932 -1.5912 0.111556
greasyYes -0.47748 0.15015 -3.1800 0.001473 **
fastYes 0.42103 0.23223 1.8130 0.069837 .
cheapYes -0.15675 0.20698 -0.7573 0.448853
tastyYes -0.24508 0.23428 -1.0461 0.295509
expensiveYes -0.11460 0.21312 -0.5378 0.590745
healthyYes 0.52806 0.18761 2.8146 0.004883 **
disgustingYes -2.07187 0.21011 -9.8611 < 2.2e-16 ***
Signif. codes:
0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
Looking at the stars in the far right column, we see that members of segment 1 (com-
ponent 1) like McDonald’s if they perceive it as YUMMY, NOT FATTENING, FAST,
CHEAP , TASTY . and NOT DISGUSTING . Members of segment 2 (component 2) like
McDonald’s if they perceive it as YUMMY, CONVENIENT, NOT GREASY, HEALTHY,
Comparing the regression coefficients of the two components (segments) is easier
using a plot. Argument significance controls the shading of bars to reflect the
significance of parameters:
R> plot(MD.ref2, significance = TRUE)
Figure A.8 shows regression coefficients in dark grey if the corresponding estimate
is significant. The default significance level is α = 0.05, and multiple testing is not
accounted for. Insignificant coefficients are light grey. The horizontal lines at the
end of the bars give a 95% confidence interval for each regression coefficient of
each segment.
We interpret Fig. A.8 as follows: members of segment 1 (component 1) like
McDonald’s if they perceive it as yummy, fast, cheap and tasty, but not fattening
A.6 Step 6: Profiling Segments 285

−4 −2 0 2 4 6
Comp. 1 Comp. 2












−4 −2 0 2 4 6

Fig. A.8 Regression coefficients of the two-segment mixture of linear regression models for the
fast food data set

and disgusting. For members of segment 1, liking McDonald’s is not associated with
their perception of whether eating at McDonald’s is convenient, and whether food
served at McDonald’s is healthy. In contrast, perceiving McDonald’s as convenient
and healthy is important to segment 2 (component 2). Using the perception of
healthy as an example: if segment 2 is targeted, it is important for McDonald’s
to convince segment members that McDonald’s serves (at least some) healthy food
items. The health argument is unnecessary for members of segment 1. Instead, this
segment wants to hear about how good the food tastes, and how fast and cheap it is.

A.6 Step 6: Profiling Segments

The core of the segmentation analysis is complete: market segments have been
extracted. Now we need to understand what the four-segment k-means solution
means. The first step in this direction is to create a segment profile plot. The segment
profile plot makes it easy to see key characteristics of each market segment. It also
highlights differences between segments. To ensure the plot is easy to interpret,
similar attributes should be positioned close to one another. We achieve this by
calculating a hierarchical cluster analysis. Hierarchical cluster analysis used on
attributes (rather than consumers) identifies – attribute by attribute – the most
similar ones.
286 A Case Study: Fast Food

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

Cluster 1: 470 (32%) Cluster 2: 257 (18%)

Cluster 3: 324 (22%) Cluster 4: 402 (28%)

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

Fig. A.9 Segment profile plot for the four-segment solution for the fast food data set

R> MD.vclust <- hclust(dist(t(MD.x)))

The ordering of the segmentation variables identified by hierarchical clustering is

then used (argument which) to create the segment profile plot. Marker variables
are highlighted (shade = TRUE):
R> barchart(MD.k4, shade = TRUE,
+ which = rev(MD.vclust$order))

Figure A.9 is easy for McDonald’s managers to interpret. They can see that there
are four market segments. They can also see the size of each market segment. The
smallest segment (segment 2) contains 18% of consumers, the largest (segment 1)
32%. The names of the segmentation variables (attributes) are written on the left
side of the plot. The horizontal lines with the dot at the end indicate the percentage
of respondents in the entire sample who associate each perception with McDonald’s.
The bars plot the percentage of respondents within each segment who associate each
perception with McDonald’s. Marker variables are coloured differently for each
segment. All other variables are greyed out. Marker variables differ from the overall
A.6 Step 6: Profiling Segments 287

sample percentage either by more than 25% points in absolute terms, or by more
than 50% in relative terms.
To understand the market segments, McDonald’s managers need to do two
things: (1) compare the bars for each segment with the horizontal lines to see what
makes each segment distinct from all consumers in the market; and (2) compare
bars across segments to identify differences between segments.
Looking at Fig. A.9, we see that segment 1 thinks McDonald’s is cheap and
greasy. This is a very distinct perception. Segment 2 views McDonald’s as disgust-
ing and expensive. This is also a very distinct perception, setting apart members
of this segment from all other consumers. Members of segment 3 share the view
that McDonald’s is expensive, but also think that the food served at McDonald’s is
tasty and yummy. Finally, segment 4 is all praise: members of this market segment
believe that McDonald’s food is tasty, yummy and cheap and at least to some extent
Another visualisation that can help managers grasp the essence of market
segments is the segment separation plot shown in Fig. A.10. The segment separation
plot can be customised with additional arguments. We choose not to plot the
hulls around the segments (hull = FALSE), to omit the neighbourhood graph
(simlines = FALSE), and to label both axes (xlab, ylab):
R> plot(MD.k4, project = MD.pca, data = MD.x,
+ hull = FALSE, simlines = FALSE,
+ xlab = "principal component 1",
+ ylab = "principal component 2")
R> projAxes(MD.pca)


principal component 2

disgusting 4

greasy fast
fattening convenient
2 healthy



−1.5 −1.0 −0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0

principal component 1

Fig. A.10 Segment separation plot using principal components 1 and 2 for the fast food data set
288 A Case Study: Fast Food

Figure A.10 looks familiar because we have already used principal components
analysis to explore data in Step 4 (Fig. A.1). Here, the centres of each market
segment are added using black circles containing the segment number. In addition,
observations are coloured to reflect segment membership.
As can be seen, segments 1 and 4 both view McDonald’s as cheap, with members
of segment 4 holding – in addition – some positive beliefs and members of segment 1
associating McDonald’s primarily with negative attributes. At the other end of the
price spectrum, segments 2 and 3 agree that McDonald’s is not cheap, but disagree
on other features with segment 2 holding a less flattering view than members of
segment 3.
At the end of Step 6 McDonald’s managers have a good understanding of the
nature of the four market segments in view of the information that was used to create
these segments. Apart from that, they know little about the segments. Learning more
about them is the key aim of Step 7.

A.7 Step 7: Describing Segments

The fast food data set is not typical for data collected for market segmentation
analysis because it contains very few descriptor variables. Descriptor variables
– additional pieces of information about consumers – are critically important to
gaining a good understanding of market segments. One descriptor variable available
in the fast food data set is the extent to which consumers love or hate McDonald’s.
Using a simple mosaic plot, we can visualise the association between segment
membership and loving or hating McDonald’s.
To do this, we first extract the segment membership for each consumer for the
four-segment solution. Next we cross-tabulate segment membership and the love-
hate variable. Finally, we generate the mosaic plot with cells colours indicating the
deviation of the observed frequencies in each cell from the expected frequency if
variables are not associated (shade = TRUE). We do not require a title for our
mosaic plot (main = ""), but we would like the x-axis to be labelled (xlab):
R> k4 <- clusters(MD.k4)
R> mosaicplot(table(k4, mcdonalds$Like), shade = TRUE,
+ main = "", xlab = "segment number")
The mosaic plot in Fig. A.11 plots segment number along the x-axis, and
loving or hating McDonald’s along the y-axis. The mosaic plot reveals a strong
and significant association between those two variables. Members of segment 1
(depicted in the first column) rarely express love for McDonald’s, as indicated by
the top left boxes being coloured in red. In stark contrast, members of segment 4 are
significantly more likely to love McDonald’s (as indicated by the dark blue boxes in
the top right of the mosaic plot). At the same time, these consumers are less likely
to hate McDonald’s (as indicated by the very small red boxes at the bottom right
of the plot). Members of segment 2 appear to have the strongest negative feelings
towards McDonald’s; their likelihood of hating McDonald’s is extremely high (dark
A.7 Step 7: Describing Segments 289

+3 +I4I ove it!+5

1 2 3 4






I hate it!−5 −4

segment number

Fig. A.11 Shaded mosaic plot for cross-tabulation of segment membership and I LIKE IT for the
fast food data set

blue boxes at the bottom of the second column), and nearly none of the consumers
in this segment love McDonald’s (tiny first and second box at the top of column two,
then dark red third and fourth box).
The fast food data contains a few other basic descriptor variables, such as gender
and age. Figure A.12 shows gender distribution across segments. We generate this
figure using the command:
R> mosaicplot(table(k4, mcdonalds$Gender), shade = TRUE)
Market segments are plotted along the x-axis. The descriptor variable (gender) is
plotted along the y-axis. The mosaic plot offers the following additional insights
about our market segments: segment 1 and segment 3 have a similar gender
distribution as the overall sample. Segment 2 contains significantly more men (as
depicted by the larger blue box for the category male, and the smaller red box for
the category female in the second column of the plot). Members of segment 4 are
significantly less likely to be men (smaller red box at the top of the fourth column).
Because age is metric – rather than categorical – we use a parallel box-and-
whisker plot to assess the association of age with segment membership. We
generate Fig. A.13 using the R command boxplot(mcdonalds$Age ~ k4,
varwidth = TRUE, notch = TRUE).
Figure A.13 plots segments along the x-axis, and age along the y-axis. We see
immediately that the notches do not overlap, suggesting significant differences in
average age across segments. A more detailed inspection reveals that members of
290 A Case Study: Fast Food

1 2 3 4


<−4 −4:−2 −2:0

segment number

Fig. A.12 Shaded mosaic plot for cross-tabulation of segment membership and gender for the fast
food data set

1 2 3 4
segment number

Fig. A.13 Parallel box-and-whisker plot of age by segment for the fast food data set

segment 3 – consumers who think McDonald’s is yummy and tasty, but expensive
– are younger than the members of all other segments. The parallel box-and-
whisker plot shows this by (1) the box being in lower position; and (2) the notch
A.8 Step 8: Selecting (the) Target Segment(s) 291

in the middle of the box being lower and not overlapping with the notches of the
other boxes.
To further characterise market segments with respect to the descriptor
variables, we try to predict segment membership using descriptor variables.
We do this by fitting a conditional inference tree with segment 3 membership
as dependent variable, and all available descriptor variables as independent
R> library("partykit")
R> tree <- ctree(
+ factor(k4 == 3) ~ Like.n + Age +
+ VisitFrequency + Gender,
+ data = mcdonalds)
R> plot(tree)
Figure A.14 shows the resulting classification tree. The independent variables used
in the tree are LIKE.N, AGE and VISITFREQUENCY. GENDER is not used to split the
respondents into groups. The tree indicates that respondents who like McDonald’s,
and are young (node 10), or do not like McDonald’s, but visit it more often than
once a month (node 8), have the highest probability to belong to segment 3. In
contrast, respondents who give a score of −4 or worse for liking McDonald’s, and
visit McDonald’s once a month at most (node 5), are almost certainly not members
of segment 3.
Optimally, additional descriptor variables would be available. Of particular
interest would be information about product preferences, frequency of eating at a
fast food restaurant, frequency of dining out in general, hobbies and frequently used
information sources (such as TV, radio, newspapers, social media). The availability
of such information allows the data analyst to develop a detailed description of
each market segment. A detailed description, in turn, serves as the basis for tasks
conducted in Step 9 where the perfect marketing mix for the selected target segment
is designed.

A.8 Step 8: Selecting (the) Target Segment(s)

Using the knock-out criteria and segment attractiveness criteria specified in Step 2,
users of the market segmentation (McDonald’s managers) can now proceed to
develop a segment evaluation plot.
The segment evaluation plot in Fig. A.15 is extremely simplified because only
a small number of descriptor variables are available for the fast food data set. In
Fig. A.15 the frequency of visiting McDonald’s is plotted along the x-axis. The
extent of liking or hating McDonald’s is plotted along the y-axis. The bubble size
represents the percentage of female consumers.
We can obtain the values required to construct the segment evaluation plot using
the following commands. First, we compute the mean value of the visiting frequency
of McDonald’s for each segment.

p < 0.001

≤0 >0

2 9
VisitFrequency Age
p < 0.001 p < 0.001

<= Once a month > Once a month

p < 0.001

≤ −1 > −1 ≤ 47 > 47

p = 0.041

≤ −4 > −4

Node 5 (n = 219) Node 6 (n = 178) Node 7 (n = 157) Node 8 (n = 28) Node 10 (n = 536) Node 11 (n = 335)
1 1 1 1 1 1

0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8


0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6

0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4

0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2


0 0 0 0 0 0

Fig. A.14 Conditional inference tree using segment 3 membership as dependent variable for the fast food data set
A Case Study: Fast Food
A.8 Step 8: Selecting (the) Target Segment(s) 293




2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5


Fig. A.15 Example of a simple segment evaluation plot for the fast food data set

R> visit <- tapply(as.numeric(mcdonalds$VisitFrequency),

+ k4, mean)
R> visit
1 2 3 4
3.040426 2.482490 3.891975 3.950249

Function tapply() takes as arguments a variable (here VISITFREQUENCY con-

verted to numeric), a grouping variable (here segment membership k4), and a
function to be used as a summary statistic for each group (here mean). A numeric
version of liking McDonald’s is already stored in LIKE.N. We can use this variable
to compute mean segment values:
R> like <- tapply(mcdonalds$Like.n, k4, mean)
R> like
1 2 3 4
-0.1319149 -2.4902724 2.2870370 2.7114428

We need to convert the variable GENDER to numeric before computing mean

segment values:
R> female <- tapply((mcdonalds$Gender == "Female") + 0,
+ k4, mean)
R> female
1 2 3 4
0.5851064 0.4319066 0.4783951 0.6144279

Now we can create the segment evaluation plot using the following commands:
294 A Case Study: Fast Food

R> plot(visit, like, cex = 10 * female,

+ xlim = c(2, 4.5), ylim = c(-3, 3))
R> text(visit, like, 1:4)
Argument cex controls the size of the bubbles. The scaling factor of 10 is a result
of manual experimentation. Arguments xlim and ylim specify the ranges for the
Figure A.15 represents a simplified example of a segment evaluation plot. Market
segments 3 and 4 are located in the attractive quadrant of the segment evaluation
plot. Members of these two segments like McDonald’s and visit it frequently. These
segments need to be retained, and their needs must be satisfied in the future. Market
segment 2 is located in the least attractive position. Members of this segment
hate McDonald’s, and rarely eat there, making them unattractive as a potential
market segment. Market segment 1 does not currently perceive McDonald’s in a
positive way, and feels that it is expensive. But in terms of loving McDonald’s
and visitation frequency, members of market segment 1 present as a viable target
segment. Marketing action could attempt to address the negative perceptions of this
segment, and re-inforce positive perceptions. As a result, McDonald’s may be able
to broaden its customer base.
The segment evaluation plot serves as a useful decision support tool for McDon-
ald’s management to discuss which of the four market segments should be targeted
and, as such, become the focus of attention in Step 9.

A.9 Step 9: Customising the Marketing Mix

In Step 9 the marketing mix is designed. If, for example, McDonald’s managers
decide to focus on segment 3 (young customers who like McDonald’s, think the
food is yummy and tasty, but perceive it as pretty expensive), they could choose to
offer a MCSUPERBUDGET line to cater specifically to the price expectations of this
segment (4Ps: Price). The advantage of such an approach might be that members
of segment 3 develop to become loyal customers who, as they start earning more
money, will not care about the price any more and move to the regular McDonald’s
range of products. To not cannibalise the main range, the product features of the
MCSUPERBUDGET range would have to be distinctly different (4Ps: Product). Next,
communication channels would have to be identified which are heavily used by
members of segment 3 to communicate the availability of the MCSUPERBUDGET
line (4Ps: Promotion). Distribution channels (4Ps: Place) would have to be the same
given that all McDonald’s food is sold in McDonald’s outlets. But McDonald’s
management could consider having a MCSUPERBUDGET lane where the wait in the
queue might be slightly longer in an attempt not to cannibalise the main product line.
A.10 Step 10: Evaluation and Monitoring 295

A.10 Step 10: Evaluation and Monitoring

After the market segmentation analysis is completed, and all strategic and tactical
marketing activities have been undertaken, the success of the market segmentation
strategy has to be evaluated, and the market must be carefully monitored on a
continuous basis. It is possible, for example, that members of segment 3 start earning
more money and the MCSUPERBUDGET line is no longer suitable for them. Changes
can occur within existing market segments. But changes can also occur in the
larger marketplace, for example, if new competitors enter the market. All potential
sources of change have to be monitored in order to detect changes which require
McDonald’s management to adjust their strategic or tactical marketing in view of
new market circumstances.
Appendix B
R and R Packages

B.1 What Is R?

B.1.1 A Short History of R

R started in 1992 as a small software project initiated by Ross Ihaka and Robert
Gentleman. A first open source version was made available in 1995. In 1997 the
R Core Development Team was formed. The R Core Development Team consists
of about 20 members, including the two inventors of R, who maintain the base
distribution of R. R implements a variation of a programming language called S
(as in Statistics) which was developed by John Chambers and colleagues in the
1970s and 1980s. Chambers was awarded the Association for Computing Machinery
(ACM) Software Systems Award in 1998 for S, which was predicted will forever
alter the way people analyse, visualise, and manipulate data (ACM 1999). Chambers
also serves as member of the R Core Development Team.
R is open source software; anyone can download the source code for R from
the Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN) at https://CRAN.R-project.org
at no cost. More importantly, CRAN makes available executables for Linux,
Apple MacOS and Microsoft Windows. CRAN is a network of dozens of servers
distributed across many countries across all continents to minimise download time.
Over the last two decades, R has become what some call the “lingua franca of
computational statistics” (de Leeuw and Mair 2007, p. 2). Initially only known
to specialists, R is now used for teaching and research in universities all over the
world. R is particularly attractive to educational institutions because it reduces
software licence fees and trains students in a language they can use after their
studies independently of the software their employer uses. R has also been adopted
enthusiastically by businesses and organisations across a wide range of industries.

© The Author(s) 2018 297

S. Dolnicar et al., Market Segmentation Analysis, Management for Professionals,
298 B R and R Packages

Entering the single letter R in a web search engine, returns as top hits the R
homepage (https://www.R-project.org), and the Wikipedia entry for R, highlighting
the substantial global interest in R.

B.1.2 R Packages

R organises its functionality in so-called packages. The most fundamental package

is called base, without which R cannot work. The base package has no statistical
functionality itself, its only purpose is to handle data, interact with the operating
system, and load other packages. The first thing a new R user needs to install, there-
fore, is the base system of R which contains the interpreter for the R programming
language, and a selection of numeric and graphic statistical methods for a wide
range of data analysis applications.
Each R package can be thought of as a book. A collection of R packages is a
library. Packages come in three priority categories:
Base packages: Base packages are fundamental packages providing computational
infrastructure. The base packages datasets, graphics and stats provide data sets
used in examples, a comprehensive set of data visualisation functions (scatter
plots, bar plots, histograms, . . . ), and a comprehensive set of statistical methods
(descriptive statistics, classical tests, linear and generalized linear models, clus-
tering, distribution functions, random number generators, . . . ). All base packages
are maintained by the R Core Development Team, and are contained in the base
system of R.
Recommended packages: To provide even more statistical methods in every R
installation, installers of the software for most operating systems also include
a set of so-called recommended packages with more specialised functional-
ity. Examples include lattice for conditioning plots (Sarkar 2008), mgcv for
generalised additive models (Wood 2006), and nlme for mixed effects models
(Pinheiro et al. 2017).
Contributed packages: The vast majority of R packages is contributed by the R
user community. Contributed packages are not necessarily of lower quality, but –
as opposed to recommended packages – they are not automatically distributed
with every R installation. The wide array of contributed packages, and the
continuing increase in the number of those packages, make R particularly
attractive, as they represent an endless resource of code.
Not surprisingly, therefore, the backbone of R’s success is that everybody can
contribute to the project by developing their own packages. In December 2017
some 12,000 extension packages were available on CRAN. Many more R packages
are available on private web pages or other repositories. These offer a wide
variety of data analytic methodology, several of which can be used for market
segmentation and are introduced in this book. R packages can be automatically
installed and updated from CRAN using commands like install.packages()
or update.packages(), respectively. Packages can be loaded into an R session
using the command library("pkgname").
B.1 What Is R? 299

A typical R package is a collection of R code and data sets together with help
pages for both the R code and the data sets. Not all packages have both components;
some contain only code, others only data sets. In addition, packages can contain
manuals, vignettes or test code for quality assurance.

B.1.3 Quality Control

The fact that R is available for free could be misinterpreted as an indicator of low
quality or lack of quality control. Very popular and competitive software projects
like the Firefox browser or the Android smartphone operating system are also open
source. Successful large open source projects usually have rigid measures for quality
control, and R is no exception.
Every change to the R base code is only accepted if a long list of tests is passed
successfully. These tests compare calculations pre-stored with earlier versions of R
with results from the current version, making sure that 2 + 2 is still 4 and not all of
a sudden 3 or 5. All examples in all help pages are executed to see if the code runs
without errors. A battery of tests is also run on every R package on CRAN on a daily
basis for the current release and development versions of R for various versions of
four different operating systems (Windows, MacOS, Linux, Solaris). The results of
all these checks and the R bug repository can be browsed by the interested public

B.1.4 User Interfaces for R

Most R users do not interact with R using the interface provided by the base
installation. Rather, they choose one of several alternatives, depending on operating
system and level of sophistication. The basic installation for Windows has menus
for opening R script files (text files with R commands), installing packages from
CRAN or opening help pages and manuals shipped with R.
If new users want to start learning R without typing commands, several graphical
user interfaces offer direct access to statistical methods using point and click.
The most comprehensive and popular graphical user interface (GUI) for R is
the R Commander (Fox 2017); it has a menu structure similar to that of IBM
SPSS (IBM Corporation 2016). The R Commander can be installed using the
command install.packages("Rcmdr"), and started from within R using
library("Rcmdr"). The R Commander has been translated to almost 20
languages. The R Commander can also be extended; other R packages can add new
menus and sub-menus to the interface.
Once a user progresses to interacting with R using commands, it becomes helpful
to use a text editor with syntax support. The Windows version of R has a small
script editor, but more powerful editors exist. Note that Microsoft Word and similar
300 B R and R Packages

programs are not text editors and not suitable for the task. R does not care if a
command is bold, italic, small or large. All that matters is that commands are
syntactically valid (for example: all parentheses that are opened, must be closed).
Text editors for programming languages assist data analysts in ensuring syntactic
validity by, for example, highlighting the opening parenthesis when one is closed.
Numerous text editors now support the R language, and several can connect to a
running R process. In such cases, R code is entered into a window of the text editor
and can be sent by keyboard shortcuts or pressing buttons to R for evaluation.
If a new user does not have a preferred editor, a good recommendation is to
use RStudio which is freely available for all major operating systems from https://
www.RStudio.com. A popular choice for Linux users is to run R inside the Emacs
editor using the Emacs extension package ESS (Emacs Speaks Statistics) available
at https://ess.R-project.org/.

B.2 R Packages Used in the Book

B.2.1 MSA

Package MSA is the companion package to this book. It contains most of the data
sets used in the book and all R code as demos:

step-4: Exploring data.

step-5-2: Extracting segments: distance-based clustering (hierarchical, parti-
tioning, hybrid approaches).
step-5-3: Extracting segments: model-based clustering (finite mixture models).
step-5-4: Extracting segments: algorithms with variable selection (biclustering,
step-5-5: Extracting segments: data structure analysis (cluster indices, gorge
plots, global and segment-level stability analysis).
step-6: Profiling segments (segment profile plot, segment separation plot).
step-7: Describing segments (graphics and inference).
step-8: Selecting (the) target segment(s) (segment evaluation plot).
step-9: Customising the marketing mix.
step-10: Evaluation and monitoring.
case-study: Case study: fast food (all 10 steps).

For example, to run all code from Step 4, use the command
demo("step-4", package = "MSA") in R. For a detailed summary of all
data sets see Appendix C. In addition the package also contains functions written as
part of the book:
B.2 R Packages Used in the Book 301

clusterhulls(): Plot data with cluster hulls.

decisionMatrix(): Segment evaluation plot.
twoStep(): Infer segment membership for two-step clustering.
vsbd(): Select variables for binary clustering using the algorithm proposed by
Brusco (2004).

B.2.2 flexclust

flexclust is the R package for partitioning cluster analysis, stability-based data

structure analysis and segment visualisation (Leisch 2006, 2010; Dolnicar and
Leisch 2010, 2014, 2017). The most important functions and methods for the book

barchart(): Segment profile plot.

bclust(): Bagged clustering.
bootFlexclust(): Global stability analysis.
cclust(): k-means, hard competitive learning, neural gas.
plot(): Segment separation plot.
priceFeature(): Artificial mobile phone data.
slsaplot(): Segment level stability across solutions.
slswFlexclust(): Segment level stability within solutions.
stepcclust(): Repeated random initialisations of cclust().
stepFlexclust(): Repeated random initialisations of a given clustering algorithm.

B.2.3 flexmix

flexmix is the R package for flexible finite mixture modelling (Leisch 2004; Grün
and Leisch 2007; Grün and Leisch 2008b). The most important functions for the
book are:

flexmix(): Finite mixtures of distributions and regression models.

stepFlexmix(): Repeated random initialisations of flexmix().

B.2.4 Other Packages

The following R packages were also used for computations and visualisations in
the book. Base packages are not listed because they are part of every R installation
302 B R and R Packages

and do not need to be downloaded from CRAN individually. Packages are listed in
alphabetical order:

biclust: A collection of several bi-clustering procedures.

car: A collection of tools for applied regression.
cluster: A collection of methods for cluster analysis including the calculation
of dissimilarity matrices.
deldir: Compute and plot a Voronoi partition corresponding to a clustering
(Turner 2017).
effects: Visualise effects for regression models.
kohonen: Self-organising maps (SOMs).
lattice: Trellis graphics.
mclust: Model-based clustering with multivariate normal distributions.
mlbench: A collection of benchmark data sets from the UCI Machine Learning
Repository (Leisch and Dimitriadou 2012).
nnet: Software for feed-forward neural networks with a single hidden layer,
and for multinomial log-linear models.
partykit: A toolkit for recursive partitioning.
xtable: Convert R tables and model summaries to HTML or LATEX (Dahl
Appendix C
Data Sets Used in the Book

C.1 Tourist Risk Taking

Year of data collection: 2015.

Location: Australia.
Sample size: 563.
Sample: Adult Australian residents.
Screening: Respondents must have undertaken at least one holiday in the last year
which involved staying away from home for at least four nights.
Segmentation variables used in the book:
Six variables on frequency of risk taking. Respondents were asked: Which risks have
you taken in the past?
• Recreational risks (e.g., rock-climbing, scuba diving)
• Health risks (e.g., smoking, poor diet, high alcohol consumption)
• Career risks (e.g., quitting a job without another to go to)
• Financial risks (e.g., gambling, risky investments)
• Safety risks (e.g., speeding)
• Social risks (e.g., standing for election, publicly challenging a rule or decision)
Response options provided to respondents (integer code in parentheses):
• NEVER (1)
• RARELY (2)
• OFTEN (4)

© The Author(s) 2018 303

S. Dolnicar et al., Market Segmentation Analysis, Management for Professionals,
304 C Data Sets Used in the Book

Descriptor variables used in this book: None.

Purpose of data collection: Academic research into improving market segmenta-
tion methodology as well as the potential usefulness of peer-to-peer accommodation
networks for providing emergency accommodation in case of a disaster hitting a
tourism destination.
Data collected by: Academic researchers using a permission based online panel.
Ethics approval: #2015001433 (The University of Queensland, Australia).
Funding source: Australian Research Council (DP110101347).
Prior publications using this data: Hajibaba and Dolnicar (2017); Hajibaba et al.
Availability: Data set risk in R package MSA and online at http://www.

C.2 Winter Vacation Activities

Year of data collection: Winter tourist seasons 1991/92 and 1997/98.

Location: Austria.
Sample size: 2878 (1991/92), 2961 (1997/98).
Sample: Adult tourists spending their holiday in Austria.
Sampling: Quota sampling by state and accommodation used.
Screening: Tourists to capital cities are excluded.
Segmentation variables used in the book:
Twenty seven binarised travel activities for season 1997/98, a subset of eleven
binarised travel activities is also available for season 1991/92 and marked by
asterisks (*). Numeric codes are 1 for DONE and 0 for NOT DONE.
• Alpine skiing *
• Cross-country skiing *
• Snowboarding
• Carving
• Ski touring *
• Ice-skating *
• Sleigh riding *
• Tennis
• Horseback riding
• Going to a spa
• Using health facilities
C.3 Australian Vacation Activities 305

• Hiking *
• Going for walks
• Organized excursions
• Excursions
• Relaxing *
• Going out in the evening
• Going to discos/bars
• Shopping *
• Sight-seeing *
• Museums *
• Theater/opera
• Visiting a “Heurigen”
• Visiting concerts
• Visiting “Tyrolean evenings”
• Visiting local events
• Going to the pool/sauna *

Descriptor variables used in this book: None.

Purpose of data collection: These data sets are from two waves of the Austrian
National Guest Survey conducted in three-yearly intervals by the Austrian National
Tourism Organisation to gain market insight for the purpose of strategy develop-
ment. The format of data collection has since changed.
Data collected by: Austrian Society for Applied Research in Tourism (ASART) for
the Austrian National Tourism Organisation (Österreich Werbung).
Funding source: Austrian National Tourism Organisation (Österreich Werbung).
Prior publications using this data: Dolnicar and Leisch (2003).
Availability: Data sets winterActiv and winterActiv2 (containing the two
objects wi91act and wi97act) in R package MSA and online at http://www.

C.3 Australian Vacation Activities

Year of data collection: 2007.

Location: Australia.
Sample size: 1003.
Sample: Adult Australian residents.
Segmentation variables used in the book:
Forty five binarised vacation activities, integer codes are 1 for DONE and 0 for NOT
306 C Data Sets Used in the Book

• Bush or rainforest walks (BUSHWALK)

• Visit the beach (including swimming and sunbathing) (BEACH)
• Visit farms/tour countryside (FARM)
• Whale/dolphin watching (in the ocean) (WHALE)
• Visit botanical or other public gardens (GARDENS)
• Going camping (CAMPING)
• Swimming (beach, pool or river) (SWIMMING)
• Snow activities (e.g. snowboarding/skiing) (SKIING)
• Tennis (TENNIS)
• Horse riding (RIDING)
• Cycling (CYCLING)
• Hiking/Climbing (HIKING)
• Exercise/gym /swimming (at a local pool or river) (EXERCISING)
• Play golf (GOLF)
• Go fishing (FISHING)
• Scuba diving/Snorkelling (SCUBADIVING)
• Surfing (SURFING)
• Four wheel driving (FOURWHEEL)
• Adventure activities (e.g. bungee jumping, hang gliding, white water rafting, etc.)
• Other water sports (e.g. sailing, windsurfing, kayaking, waterskiing/wake board-
ing, etc.) (WATERSPORT)
• Attend theatre, concerts or other performing arts (THEATRE)
• Visit history/heritage buildings, sites or monuments (MONUMENTS)
• Experience aboriginal art/craft and cultural displays (CULTURAL)
• Attend festivals/fairs or cultural events (FESTIVALS)
• Visit museums or art galleries (MUSEUM)
• Visit amusements/theme parks (THEMEPARK)
• Charter boat/cruise/ferry ride (CHARTERBOAT)
• Visit a health or beauty spa/get a massage (SPA)
• Going for scenic walks or drives/general sightseeing (SCENICWALKS)
• Going to markets (street/weekend/art/craft markets) (MARKETS)
• Go on guided tour or excursion (GUIDEDTOURS)
• Visit industrial tourism attractions (e.g. breweries, mines, wineries) (INDUSTRIAL)
• Visit wildlife parks/zoos/aquariums (WILDLIFE)
• Visit attractions for the children (CHILDRENATT)
• General sightseeing (SIGHTSEEING)
• Visit friends & relatives (FRIENDS)
• Pubs, clubs, discos, etc. (PUBS)
• Picnics/BBQ’s (BBQ)
• Go shopping (pleasure) (SHOPPING)
• Eating out in reasonably priced places (EATING)
• Eating out in upmarket restaurants (EATINGHIGH)
• Watch movies (MOVIES)
• Visit casinos (CASINO)
C.3 Australian Vacation Activities 307

• Relaxing/doing nothing (RELAXING)

• Attend an organised sporting event (SPORTEVENT)

Descriptor variables used in the book:

• Fourteen information sources for vacation planning, integer codes are 1 (indicat-
ing use) and 0 (indicating no use).
– Destination information brochures (INFO.BROCHURES.DESTINATION)
– Brochures from hotels (INFO.BROCHURES.HOTEL)
– Brochures from tour operator (INFO.BROCHURES.TOUR.OPERATOR)
– Information from travel agent (INFO.TRAVEL.AGENT)
– Information from tourist info centre (INFO.TOURIST.CENTRE)
– Advertisements in newspapers/journals (INFO.ADVERTISING.NEWSPAPERS)
– Travel guides/books/journals (INFO.TRAVEL.GUIDES)
– Information given by friends and relatives (INFO.FRIENDS.RELATIVES)
– Information given by work colleagues (INFO.WORK.COLLEAGUES)
– Radio programs (INFO.RADIO)
– TV programs (INFO.TV)
– Internet (INFO.INTERNET)
– Exhibitions/fairs (INFO.EXHIBITIONS)
– Slide nights (INFO.SLIDE.NIGHTS)
• Six sources to book accommodation, integer codes are 1 (used during last
Australian holiday) and 0 (not used).
– Internet (BOOK.INTERNET)
– Phone (BOOK.PHONE)
– Booked on arrival at destination (BOOK.AT.DESTINATION)
– Travel agent (BOOK.TRAVEL.AGENT)
– Other (BOOK.OTHER)
– Someone else in my travel party booked it (BOOK.SOMEONE.ELSE)
• Spend per person per day during the last Australian holiday (numeric in AUD)
• TV channel watched most often (TV.CHANNEL).

Purpose of data collection: PhD thesis.

Data was collected by: Katie Cliff (née Lazarevski).
Funding source: Australian Research Council (DP0557769).
Ethics approval: HE07/068 (University of Wollongong, Australia).
Prior publications using this data: Cliff (2009), Dolnicar et al. (2012).
Availability: Data sets ausActiv and ausActivDesc in R package MSA and
online at http://www.MarketSegmentationAnalysis.org.
308 C Data Sets Used in the Book

C.4 Australian Travel Motives

Year of data collection: 2006.

Location: Australia.
Sample size: 1000.
Sample: Adult Australian residents.
Segmentation variables used in the book:
Twenty travel motives, integer codes are 1 (for applies) and 0 (for does not apply).
• I want to rest and relax (REST AND RELAX)
• I am looking for luxury and want to be spoilt (LUXURY / BE SPOILT)
• I want to do sports (DO SPORTS)
• This holiday means excitement, a challenge and special experience to me
• I try not to exceed my planned budget for this holiday (NOT EXCEED PLANNED
• I want to realise my creativity (REALISE CREATIVITY)
• I am looking for a variety of fun and entertainment (FUN AND ENTERTAINMENT)
• Good company and getting to know people is important to me (GOOD COMPANY)
• I use my holiday for the health and beauty of my body (HEALTH AND BEAUTY)
• I put much emphasis on free-and-easy-going (FREE-AND-EASY-GOING)
• I spend my holiday at a destination, because there are many entertainment
• Being on holiday I do not pay attention to prices and money (NOT CARE ABOUT
• I am interested in the life style of the local people (LIFE STYLE OF THE LOCAL
• The special thing about my holiday is an intense experience of nature (INTENSE
• I am looking for cosiness and a familiar atmosphere (COSINESS/FAMILIAR
• On holiday the efforts to maintain unspoilt surroundings play a major role for me
• It is important to me that everything is organised and I do not have to care about
• When I choose a holiday-resort, an unspoilt nature and a natural landscape plays
• Cultural offers and sights are a crucial factor (CULTURAL OFFERS)
• I go on holiday for a change to my usual surroundings (CHANGE OF SURROUND-

The three numeric descriptor variables OBLIGATION, NEP, VACATION.BEHAVIOUR

(see below) are also used as segmentation variables to illustrate the use of model-
based methods.
C.5 Fast Food 309

Descriptor variables used in the book:

• Gender (FEMALE, MALE)
• Age (numeric)
• Education (numeric, minimum 1, maximum 8)
• Income (LESS THAN $30,000, $30,001 TO $60,000, $60,001 TO $90,000,
$90,001 TO $120,000, $120,001 TO $150,000, $150,001 TO $180,000, $180,001
TO $210,000, $210,001 TO $240,000, MORE THAN $240,001)
• Re-coded income (<30K, 30–60 K, 60–90 K, 90–120 K, >120K)
• State (NSW, VIC, QLD, SA, WA, TAS, NT, ACT)
• Stated moral obligation to protect the environment (OBLIGATION: numeric,
minimum 1, maximum 5).
• Re-coded stated moral obligation to protect the environment (OBLIGATION2: re-
coded ordered factor by quartiles: Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4).
• Mean New Ecological Paradigm (NEP) scale value (NEP: numeric, minimum 1,
maximum 5).
• Mean environmental friendly behaviour score when on vacation
(VACATION.BEHAVIOUR: numeric, minimum 1, maximum 5).

Purpose of data collection: Academic research into public acceptance of water

from alternative sources.
Data was collected by: Academic researchers using a permission based online
Funding source: Australian Research Council (DP0557769).
Ethics approval: HE08/328 (University of Wollongong, Australia).
Prior publications using this data: Dolnicar and Leisch (2008a,b).
Availability: Data set vacmot (containing the three objects vacmot, vacmot6
and vacmotdesc) in R package flexclust and online at http://www.MarketSegment

C.5 Fast Food

Year of data collection: 2009.

Location: Australia.
Sample size: 1453.
310 C Data Sets Used in the Book

Sample: Adult Australian residents.

Segmentation variables used in the book:
Eleven attributes on the perception of McDonald’s measured on a binary scale, all
categorical with levels YES and NO.
• yummy
• convenient
• spicy
• fattening
• greasy
• fast
• cheap
• tasty
• expensive
• healthy
• disgusting
The descriptor variable LIKE (see below) is also used as dependent variable when
fitting a mixture of linear regression models.
Descriptor variables used in the book:
• Age (numeric)
• Gender (FEMALE, MALE)
• Love or hate McDonald’s restaurants (LIKE: measured using a bipolar 11-point
scale with levels I LOVE IT!+5, +4,. . . , −4, I HATE IT!−5)
• Visiting frequency of McDonald’s restaurants (VISITFREQUENCY: measured on
a 6-point scale with levels NEVER, ONCE A YEAR, EVERY THREE MONTHS,

Purpose of data collection: Comparative study of the stability of survey responses

in dependence of answer formats offered to respondents.
Data was collected by: Sara Dolnicar, John Rossiter.
Funding source: Australian Research Council (DP0878423).
Ethics approval: HE08/331 (University of Wollongong, Australia).
Prior publications using this data:
Dolnicar and Leisch (2012), Dolnicar and Grün (2014), Grün and Dolnicar (2016).
Availability: Data set mcdonalds in R package MSA, and online at http://www.

Adjusted Rand index: The adjusted Rand index measures how similar two market
segmentation solutions are while correcting for agreement by chance. The adjusted
Rand index is 1 if two market segmentation solutions are identical and 0 if the
agreement between the two market segmentation solutions is the same as expected
by chance.
A priori market segmentation: Also referred to as commonsense segmentation
or convenience group segmentation, this segmentation approach uses only one (or a
very small number) of segmentation variables to group consumers into segments.
The segmentation variables are known in advance, and determine the nature of
market segments. For example, if age is used, age segments are the result. The
success of a priori market segmentation depends on the relevance of the chosen
segmentation variable, and on the detailed description of resulting market segments.
A priori market segmentation is methodologically simpler than a posteriori or
post hoc or data-driven market segmentation, but is not necessarily inferior. If the
segmentation variable is highly relevant, it may well represent the optimal approach
to market segmentation for an organisation.
A posteriori market segmentation: Also referred to as data-driven market seg-
mentation or post hoc segmentation, a posteriori market segmentation uses a set of
segmentation variables to extract market segments. Segmentation variables used are
typically similar in nature, for example, a set of vacation activities. The nature of the
resulting segmentation solution is known in advance (for example: vacation activity
segmentation). But, in contrast to commonsense segmentation, the characteristics of
the emerging segments with respect to the segmentation variables are not known in
advance. Resulting segments need to be both profiled and described in detail before
one or a small number of target segments are selected.
Artificial data: Artificial data is data created by a data analyst. The properties of
artificial data – such as the number and shape of market segments contained – are
known. Artificial data is critical to the development and comparative assessment

© The Author(s) 2018 311

S. Dolnicar et al., Market Segmentation Analysis, Management for Professionals,
312 Glossary

of methods in market segmentation analysis because alternative methods can be

evaluated in terms of their ability to reveal the true structure of the data. The true
structure of empirical consumer data is never known.
Attractiveness criteria: See segment attractiveness criteria.
Behavioural segmentation: Behavioural segmentation is the result of using infor-
mation about human behaviour as segmentation variable(s). Examples include
scanner data from supermarkets, or credit card expenditure data.
Bootstrapping: Bootstrapping is a statistical term for random sampling with
replacement. Bootstrapping is useful in market segmentation to explore randomness
when only a single data sample is available. Bootstrapping plays a key role in
stability-based data structure analysis, which helps to prevent the selection of an
inferior, not replicable segmentation solution.
Box-and-whisker plot: The box-and-whisker plot (or boxplot) visualises the
distribution of a unimodal metric variable. Parallel boxplots allow to compare the
distribution of metric variables across market segments. It is a useful tool for the
description of market segments using metric descriptor variables, such as age, or
dollars spent.
Centroid: The mathematical centre of a cluster (market segment) used in distance-
based partitioning clustering or segment extraction methods such as k-means.
The centroid can be imagined as the prototypical segment member; the best
representative of all members of the segment.
Classification: Classification is the statistical problem of learning a prediction
algorithm where the predicted variable is a nominal variable. Classification is
also referred to as supervised learning in machine learning. Logistic regression
or recursive partitioning algorithms are examples for classification algorithms.
Classification algorithms can be used to describe market segments.
Commonsense segmentation: See a priori market segmentation.
Constructive segmentation: The concept of constructive segmentation has to be
used when the segmentation variables are found (in stability-based data structure
analysis) to contain no structure. As a consequence of the lack of data structure,
repeated segment extractions lead to different market segmentation solutions. This
is not optimal, but from a managerial point of view it still often makes sense to
treat groups of consumers differently. Therefore, in constructive market segmen-
tation, segments are artificially constructed. The process of constructive market
segmentation requires collaboration of the data analyst and the user of the market
segmentation solution. The data analyst’s role is to offer alternative segmentation
solutions. The user’s role is to assess which of the many possible groupings of
consumers is most suitable for the segmentation strategy of the organisation.
Convenience group market segmentation: See a priori market segmentation.
Glossary 313

Cluster: The term cluster is used in distance-based segment extraction methods to

describe groups of consumers or market segments.
Clustering: Clustering aims at grouping consumers in a way that consumers in
the same segment (called a cluster) are more similar to each other than those in
other segments (clusters). Clustering is also referred to as unsupervised learning
in machine learning. Statistical clustering algorithms can be used to extract market
Component: The term components is used in model-based segment extraction
methods to refer to groups of consumers or market segments.
Constructed market segments: Groups of consumers (market segments) arti-
ficially created from unstructured data. They do not re-occur across repeated
Data cleaning: Irrespective of the nature of empirical data, it is necessary to check
if it contains any errors and correct those before extracting segments. Typical errors
in survey data include missing values or systematic biases.
Data-driven segmentation: See a posteriori market segmentation.
Data structure analysis: Exploratory analysis of the segmentation variables used
to extract market segments. Stability-based data structure analysis provides insights
into whether market segments are naturally existing (permitting natural segmen-
tation to be conducted), can be extracted in a stable way (requiring reproducible
market segmentation to be conducted), or need to be artificially created (requiring
constructive market segmentation to be conducted). Stability-based data structure
analysis also offers guidance on the number of market segments to extract.
Dendrogram: A dendrogram visualises the solution of hierarchical clustering,
and depicts how observations are merged step-by-step in the sequence of nested
partitions. The height represents the distance between the two sets of observations
being merged. The dendrogram has been proposed as a visual aid to select a suitable
number of clusters. However, in data without natural clusters the identification of a
suitable number of segments might be difficult and ambiguous.
Descriptor variable: Descriptor variables are not used to extract segments. Rather,
they are used after segment extraction to develop a detailed description of market
segments. Detailed descriptions are essential to enable an organisation to select one
or more target segments, and develop a marketing mix that is customised specifically
to one or more target segments.
Exploratory data analysis: Irrespective of the algorithm used to extract market
segments, one single correct segmentation solution does not exist. Rather, many
different segmentation solutions can result. Randomly choosing one of them is
risky because the chosen solution may not be very good. The best way to avoid
choosing a bad solution, is to invest time into exploratory data analysis. Exploratory
data analysis provides glimpses of the data structure from different perspectives,
314 Glossary

thus guiding the data analyst towards a managerially useful market segmentation
solution. A range of tools is available to explore data, including tables and graphical
Factor-cluster analysis: Factor-cluster analysis is sometimes used in an attempt to
reduce the number of segmentation variables in empirical data sets. It consists of two
steps: first the original segmentation variables are factor analysed based on principal
components analysis. Principal components with eigenvalues equal or larger than
one are then selected and suitably rotated to obtain the factor scores. Factor scores
are then used as segmentation variables for segment extraction. Because only a
small number of factors are used, a substantial amount of information contained
in the original consumer data might be lost. Factor-cluster analysis is therefore
not recommended, and has been empirically proven to not outperform segment
extraction using the original variables. If the number of original segmentation
variables is too high, a range of other options are available to the data analyst
to select a subset of variables, including using algorithms which simultaneously
extract segments and select variables, such as biclustering or the variable selection
procedure for clustering binary data (VSBD).
Geographic segmentation: Geographic segmentation is the result of using geo-
graphic information as segmentation variable(s). Examples include postcodes,
country of origin (frequently used in tourism market segmentation) or travel patterns
recorded using GPS tracking.
Global stability: Global stability is a measure of the replicability of an overall
market segmentation solution across repeated calculations. Very high levels of
global stability point to the existence of natural market segments. Very low levels
of global stability point to the need for constructive market segmentation. Global
stability is visualised using a global stability boxplot.
Hierarchical clustering: Distance-based method for the extraction of market
segments. Hierarchical methods either start with the complete data set and split
it up until each consumer represents their own market segment; or they start with
each consumer being a market segment and merge the most similar consumers step-
by-step until all consumers are united in one large segment. Hierarchical methods
provide nested partitions as output which are visualised in a so-called dendrogram.
The dendrogram can guide the selection of number of market segments to extract in
cases where data sets are well structured.
k-means clustering: k-means clustering is the most commonly used distance-
based partitioning clustering algorithm. Using random consumers from the data sets
as starting points, the standard k-means clustering algorithm iteratively assigns all
consumers to the cluster centres (centroids, segment representatives), and adjusts the
location of the cluster centres until cluster centres do not change anymore. Standard
k-means clustering uses the squared Euclidean distance. Generalisations using other
distances are also referred to as k-centroid clustering.
Glossary 315

Knock-out criteria: Criteria a market segment must comply with to qualify as a

target segment, including homogeneity (similarity of members to one another), dis-
tinctness (difference of members of one segment to members of another segment),
sufficient size to be commercially viable, match with organisational strengths,
identifiability (recognisability of segments members), and reachability.
Marker variable: Marker variables are subsets of segmentation variables that
discriminate particularly well between market segments. They serve as key char-
acteristics in the profiling of market segments.
Market segment: A group of similar consumers. A market segment contains a
subset of consumers who are similar to one another with respect to the segmentation
criterion, for example, a characteristic that is relevant to the purchase of a certain
product. Optimally, members of different market segments are very different from
one another.
Market segmentation analysis: The process of grouping consumers into naturally
existing or artificially created segments of consumers who share similar product
Masking variable: Masking variables – also referred to as noisy variables – are
segmentation variables that do not help the segmentation algorithm to extract market
segments. Rather, they blur the true structure of the data. By not contributing any
information relevant to the segmentation analysis, masking variables increase the
number of segmentation variables and, in so doing, make the segment extraction
task unnecessarily difficult.
Mosaic plot: The mosaic plot visualises the joint distribution of categorical
(nominal or ordinal) variables based on their cross-tabulation. The mosaic plot
allows to compare the distribution of a nominal or ordinal variable across market
segments. A shaded mosaic plot colours the cells according to the standardised
residuals obtained from comparing the observed cell size with the expected cell size
if the variables are not associated, and thus allows easy identification of differences
in the distributions across market segments. It is a useful tool for the description
of market segments using nominal descriptor variables (such as gender, country of
origin, preferred brand), or ordinal variables (such as age groups, the agreement
with a range of statements).
Natural segmentation: The concept of natural segmentation can be used when
natural market segments exist in the data. Such natural market segments are
distinct and well-separated. Being able to extract them repeatedly across multiple
independent calculations is an indicator of their existence. Natural segmentation
is the textbook case of market segmentation, but natural segments rarely occur in
consumer data.
Natural market segments: Groups of similar consumers existing naturally in the
market. Such market segments rarely exist in consumer data. High stability of
segmentation solutions when repeated is an indicator of the existence of natural
market segments.
316 Glossary

Noisy variable: See masking variable.

Partitioning clustering: Distance-based method for the extraction of market
segments. Partitioning methods aim at finding the optimal partition with respect
to some criterion and thus require the number of market segments to be specified in
Post hoc market segmentation: See a posteriori market segmentation.
Principal components analysis: Principal components analysis (PCA) finds prin-
cipal components in data sets containing multiple variables. These principal compo-
nents differ from the original variables in two ways: they are uncorrelated and they
are ordered by information contained (the first principal component contains the
most information about the data). As long as the full set of principal components is
retained, the components offer a different angle of looking at the data. If, however,
only a small number of principal components are used as segmentation variables –
which typically occurs when data analysts are faced with too many original variables
as segmentation variables – a substantial amount of information collected from
consumers is typically lost. It is therefore preferable to use the original variables for
segment extraction. If the number of segmentation variables is too high, principal
components (or expert assessment) can guide the selection of a subset of available
variables to be used for segment extraction, or algorithms like biclustering can
be used.
Psychographic segmentation: Psychographic segmentation is the result of using
psychological traits of consumers or their beliefs or values as segmentation criterion.
Examples include travel motives, benefits sought when purchasing a product,
personality traits, and risk aversion.
Rand index: The Rand index measures how similar two market segmentation
solutions are. It takes values between 1 and 0, where 1 indicates that the two
segmentation solutions are identical.
Recursive partitioning: Recursive partitioning can be used as a regression or
classification algorithm; it generates a decision tree also referred to as classification
or regression tree. The algorithm aims at identifying homogeneous subsamples with
respect to the outcome variable by stepwise splitting of the sample into subsamples
based on the independent variables. The trees obtained using recursive partitioning
are easy to interpret and allow for convenient visualisation. The disadvantage of
recursive partitioning is that the trees are unstable and their predictive performance
is often outperformed by other regression or classification algorithms.
Regression: Regression is the statistical problem of learning a prediction algorithm
where the predicted variable is a metric variable. Regression is also referred to as
supervised learning in machine learning. Linear regression or recursive partitioning
algorithms are examples for regression algorithms. Regression is used as segment-
specific model in model-based clustering using a mixture of regression models.
Glossary 317

Reproducible segmentation: The concept of reproducible market segmentation is

used when natural, distinct, and well-separated market segments do not exist, yet
the segmentation variables underlying the analysis are not entirely unstructured.
The existing (unknown) structure of the data can be harvested to extract relatively
stable segments. Stable segments are segments which re-emerge in similar form
across repeated calculations. In reproducible market segmentation, it is essential to
conduct a thorough data structure analysis to gain as much insight as possible about
the data before extracting segments. Reproducible market segmentation is the most
common case when extracting segments from consumer data (Ernst and Dolnicar
Sample size: The number of people whose information is contained in the data set
which forms the basis of the market segmentation analysis. Sample size require-
ments for market segmentation analysis increase with the number of segmentation
variables used. As a rule of thumb, the sample size should be at least 100 times the
number of variables (Dolnicar et al. 2016).
Segment attractiveness criteria: Once market segments have been extracted,
they have to be assessed in terms of their attractiveness as target markets for an
organisation. Segment attractiveness criteria have to be selected and weighted by
the users of the market segmentation solution (the managers considering to pursue a
market segmentation strategy). Optimally, this occurs before data is collected. After
segments have been extracted from the data, segment attractiveness criteria are used
to develop a segment evaluation plot that assists users in choosing one or a small
number of target segments.
Segment evaluation: After market segments have been extracted from consumer
data, profiled and described, users – typically managers in the organisation con-
sidering to adopt a segmentation strategy – have to select one or a small number
of market segments for targeting. To do this, market segments have to be evaluated.
This is achieved by agreeing on desirable segment characteristics, assigning weights
to them, and using the summated values to create a segment evaluation plot. The
plot guides the discussion of users as they select one or a small number of target
Segment evaluation plot: The segment evaluation plot visualises the decision
matrix assisting users of market segmentation solutions (managers) to compare
market segments before selecting one or a small number of target segments.
The segment evaluation plot depicts the attractiveness of each segment to the
organisation on one axis, and the attractiveness of the organisation’s product or
service to each of the segments on the other axis. The values for both of these
axes result from both the segment extraction stage as well as managers’ evaluation
of which segment attractiveness criteria matter most to them. The bubble size of
the segment evaluation plot can be used to visualise another key feature of each
segment, such as an indicator of their profitability.
318 Glossary

Segmentation criterion: This is a general term for the nature of the segmentation
variables chosen; it describes the construct used as the basis for grouping consumers.
Travel motives or expenditure patterns, for example, are segmentation criteria.
Segmentation variable: Segmentation variables are used to extract segments.
Market segments can be based on one single segmentation variable (such as age
or gender) or on many segmentation variables (such as a set of travel motives,
or patterns of expenditure for a range of different products). The approach using
one single (or a small number of) segmentation variable(s) inducing a segmentation
solution which is known in advance is referred to as commonsense segmentation.
The approach using many segmentation variables where segments need to be
extracted is referred to as data-driven segmentation.
Segment level stability across solutions (SLSA ): Segment level stability across
solutions (SLSA ) indicates how stable one market segment is across repeated
calculations of market segmentation solutions containing different numbers of
segments. It can best be understood as the stubbornness with which a market
segment reappears across repeated calculations with different numbers of segments.
Segment level stability across solutions (SLSA ) is visualised using a segment level
stability across solutions (SLSA ) plot.
Segment level stability within solutions (SLSW ): Segment level stability within
solutions (SLSW ) indicates how stable a market segment is across repeated calcu-
lations of market segmentation solutions containing the same number of segments.
Very high levels of segment level stability within solutions (SLSW ) for a market
segment point to this market segment being a natural market segment. Very low
levels for a market segment indicate that this segment is likely to be artificially
constructed. Segment level stability within solutions (SLSW ) is visualised using a
segment level stability within solutions (SLSW ) plot.
Segment profile plot: The segment profile plot is a refined bar chart visualising
a market segmentation solution. The segment profile plot requires less cognitive
effort to process than a table containing the same information. As a consequence,
the segment profile plot makes it easier for users of market segmentation solutions
(managers) to gain insight into the key characteristics of market segments. Segment
profile plots portray market segments using segmentation variables only.
Segment separation plot: The segment separation plot allows to assess a segmen-
tation solution. The plot consists of a projection of the data into two dimensions
(using, for example, principal components analysis); colouring the data points
according to segment memberships; and indicating segment shapes using cluster
hulls. The plot is overlayed with a neighbourhood graph indicating the segment
representatives (cluster centres) as nodes, and their similarity through the inclusion
of edges and adapting edge widths. For simplicity, data points can be omitted.
References 319

Socio-demographic segmentation: Socio-demographic segmentation is the result

of using socio-demographic information about consumers as segmentation vari-
able(s). Examples include age, gender, income, and education level.
Stability analysis: Stability analysis provides insight into how reproducible mar-
ket segmentation analyses are. Stability can be assessed at the overall level for
the entire market segmentation solution (global stability), or at the segment level
(segment level stability within solutions (SLSW ), segment level stability across
solutions (SLSA )). Stability information points to the most appropriate market seg-
mentation concept (natural segmentation, reproducible segmentation or constructive
segmentation); assists in choosing the number of segments to extract; and identifies
stable segments.
Target segment: The target segment is the market segment that has been selected
by an organisation for targeting.
Validity: See data structure analysis.


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320 Glossary

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Symbols B
χ 2 -test, 210, 211, 263 bagged clustering, 110, 112, 114, 115
k-centroid clustering, 90 Ball-Hall index, 155
k-means, 76, 90, 92–94, 96, 98–101, 110, 166, bar chart, 89, 100, 114, 134, 234
274 Bayesian information criterion, 124, 132, 280
k-medians, 92 behaviour, 41, 52
t-test, 212, 213 behavioural segmentation, 44
z-test, 138, 221 bias, 47, 52, 145
4Ps, 246, 247 BIC, see Bayesian information criterion
bicluster membership plot, 146, 147
biclustering, 143–145
A big data, 14, 186
a posteriori segmentation, 15 Bimax, 146
a priori segmentation, 15 binary data, 46, 142
absolute distance, see Manhattan distance binary logistic regression, 217, 220
acquiescence bias, 47 Bonferroni correction, 213
adjusted Rand index, 49–51, 154, 158, 159, bootstrap, 110, 112, 113, 162, 163, 166, 167,
163, 164 276
agglomerative hierarchical clustering, 83–85, Boston matrix, 238
90 box-and-whisker plot, see boxplot
agreement scale, 66 boxplot, 62–64, 115, 163, 168, 206–209, 223,
AIC, see Akaike information criterion 226, 276, 289, 290
Akaike information criterion, 132, 222, 280 boxplots, 276
analysis of variance, 210–212
ANOVA, see analysis of variance
answer option, 46 C
approaches to market segmentation, 13 categorical variable, 59, 201
artificial segment, 17, 121, 172, 173, 176 centaur, 257
asymmetric binary distance, 80, 81 centroid, 90, 92, 110
auto-encoder, 105 choice experiment, 52
average linkage, 84, 85 classification, 215

© The Author(s) 2018 321

S. Dolnicar et al., Market Segmentation Analysis, Management for Professionals,
322 Index

classification plot, 126–128 E

classification tree, 228–234, 291 elbow, 98, 99, 155, 275
cluster index, 154 empirical data, 39, 41
co-clustering, 143 ensemble clustering, 112
commonsense segmentation, 15, 39, 183 entropy, 118, 174
commonsense/commonsense segmentation, 16 Euclidean distance, 80–82, 90, 92
competitive advantage, 7 experimental data, 52
complete linkage, 84–88 exploratory data analysis, 57
concomitant variable, 142 external cluster index, 154, 157
conditioning plot, 206 eye tracking, 191
conjoint analysis, 52
constructive segmentation, 18, 162, 163, 165,
183 F
convenience-group segmentation, see factor analysis, 152, 153
commonsense segmentation factor-cluster analysis, 151–153, 272
correlation, 50, 68 finer segmentation, 8
covariance matrix, 68, 120, 122, 124, 125 finite mixture model, 116
crisp segmentation, 106 finite mixture of binary distributions, 127, 279
cross-tabulation, 202–205, 289, 290 finite mixture of distributions, 119, 120, 127,
curse of dimensionality, 48 279
finite mixture of normal distributions, 120
finite mixture of regressions, 133, 282, 285
D five number summary, 62
data, 39, 110 fuzzy segmentation, 106
data cleaning, 59
data collection, 270, 288
data exploration, 57, 271 G
data quality, 41, 50 Gaussian distribution, see normal distribution
data structure analysis, 18, 20, 153, 170, 275 General Electric / McKinsey matrix, 238
data visualisation, 64, 65, 71, 186, 272, 274 generalised linear model, 216, 217, 224
data-driven market segmentation, 15, 39, 41, geographic segmentation, 42
44, 75, 183, 184, 186 global optimum, 90, 102, 144, 281
data-driven/data-driven segmentation, 16 global stability, 161–166, 168, 276–278
decision matrix, 238 global stability boxplot, 164, 165, 276
defining characteristics, 187 gorge plot, 159, 277
dendrogram, 85–87, 89, 99, 110–112 graphical statistics, 186, 200
describing segments, 39, 199 graphics, 186
descriptor variable, 39, 142, 199, 200, 210, grouping, 75
215, 289
dichotomous data, 46
dimensionality, 45, 71 H
directional policy matrix, 238 hard competitive learning, 101, 103
dissimilarity, 78 hierarchical clustering, 83–85, 89, 110–112,
distance, 77–79, 81, 84–86, 89, 92, 98–100, 144, 187, 188, 285
154, 187 histogram, 61, 62, 206–208
distance measure, 46, 47, 79 Holm’s method, 213
distance-based method, 77, 78, 116 hybrid approach, 106
distribution, 250 hybrid consumer, 257
divisive hierarchical clustering, 83, 84 hyper-segmentation, 8
DLF IIST, see doubly level free answer format
with individually inferred thresholds
doubly level free answer format with I
individually inferred thresholds, 47 ICL, see integrated complete likelihood
dynamic latent change models, 142 information criterion, 118, 124, 132, 280
Index 323

initialisation, 90, 96, 101 multinomial logistic regression, 224, 227

integrated completed likelihood, 118, 132, 280 multiple testing, 213, 214
internal cluster index, 154–157 mutation, 13
internal data, 51
interpretation, 183, 184, 200
irrelevant item, 50 N
natural segmentation, 18
natural segments, 108, 121, 162–165, 168, 170,
J 172, 173, 176, 183, 192, 194
Jaccard index, 154, 158, 159, 167 neural gas, 102, 103, 170, 171, 185, 193
neural network, 105
niche market, 110
K niche segment, 7, 110, 145
Kaiser criterion, 152 noisy variable, 45, 46, 51, 143
knock-out criteria, 237, 238, 270, 291 nominal variable, 46, 200, 210
Kohonen map, see self-organising map normal distribution, 120
number of respondents, 146
number of segments, 96, 98, 113, 163, 164,
L 275, 276, 278
label switching, 157 number of variables, 145, 146
latent class analysis, 119, 127, 279
latent class regression, 282
layers of market segmentation analysis, 12 O
LCA, see latent class analysis order of variables, 187
learning vector quantisation, 101 ordinal data, 47
linear regression, 215, 216 ordinal scale, 66
linkage method, 84 ordinal variable, 200, 210
local optimum, 101, 144, 281 organisational constraints, 13
outlier, 68
overlap, 190, 193
machine learning, 93, 215
Mahalanobis distance, 126
Manhattan distance, 80, 82, 85, 87, 92 P
marker variable, 187, 188, 190, 286 partitioning clustering, 89, 110, 112
market attractiveness-business strength matrix, PCA, see principal components analysis
238 perceptual map, 272, 273
market dominance, 7 place, 4, 250, 251, 294
market research, 4 positioning, 4
market segmentation, 6, 11 post hoc segmentation, 15
marketing mix, 39, 152, 200, 246, 294 pre-processing, 57, 65, 142, 145
marketing planning, 3 price, 4, 247, 249, 294
masking variable, 45, 148 principal components analysis, 68, 71, 145,
McDonald four-box directional policy matrix, 193, 272, 274, 288
238 product, 4, 247, 294
measurement level, 66, 119 profiling, 183, 184, 186
metric variable, 46, 59, 68, 142, 200, 206, 289 promotion, 4, 251, 294
micro marketing, 8 psychographic segmentation, 44
model-based method, 77, 116, 119, 120, 127, purchase data, 51
133, 279, 282
monitoring, 295
mosaic plot, 200–206, 210, 211, 226, 288–290 Q
multi-stage segmentation, 16 questionnaire, 45
324 Index

R similarity, 77, 78, 144

Rand index, 154, 158, 159 single linkage, 76, 84–86
randomness, 162 slider scale, 47
recursive partitioning, 228 socio-demographic segmentation, 43
redundant item, 46 SOM, see self-organising map
reproducibility, 163 stability, 20, 275
reproducible segmentation, 18, 162, 163, 165, stability analysis, 153, 258
183 stacked bar chart, 201, 202, 230
resampling, 161 standardisation, 67, 82
respondent fatigue, 45 STP approach, see segmentation-targeting-
response bias, 50 positioning approach
response option, 46 strategic marketing plan, 3
response style, 47, 50 supervised learning, 93, 215
return on investment, 8 survey, 41, 45–47, 50, 66, 75, 86
symmetric binary distance, 81

sample size, 48–51, 146 T
sampling error, 50 tactical marketing plan, 3
scale, 46, 57, 66, 82, 119 targeting, 4
scale development, 46 team building, 8
scree plot, 98–100, 155, 275 topology representing network, 102, 103
segment attractiveness criteria, 237, 239, 270, transformation, 68, 145
291 tree-based method, 228, 292
segment evaluation plot, 34, 35, 238–241, 291, TRN, see topology representing network
293, 294 Tukey, 62, 213, 214
segment evolution, 13, 14, 258 two-mode clustering, 143
segment extraction, 75 two-step clustering, 107, 108
segment hopping, 256, 257
segment level stability, 166, 277, 278
segment level stability across solutions, 172,
209, 210, 277, 278 U
segment level stability within solutions, 167, uncertain, 121
169–171, 278, 279 uncertainty plot, 121, 126
segment mutation, 14 unsupervised learning, 93
segment neighbourhood graph, 102
segment profile, 152
segment profile plot, 89, 133, 134, 150, 152, V
187, 189–191, 261, 262, 264, 265, 285, validation, 133, 153
286 variable reduction, 151
segment revolution, 13 variable selection, 142, 215
segment separation plot, 190, 192–195, 287 vector quantisation, 107
segmentation criterion, 6 visual analogue scale, 47
segmentation strategy, 12 visualisation, 88, 94, 98, 102, 146, 186, 200,
segmentation variable, 6, 15, 39, 40, 45, 151, 206, 287
152, 199, 210, 237, 259
segmentation-targeting-positioning approach,
245 W
self-organising map, 103, 104 Ward clustering, 85, 188

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