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Certified Analytics Professional: Examination Study Guide

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Certified Analytics Professional: Examination Study Guide

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PR O F E S S I O N AL ( C A P®)




5521 Research Park Drive, Suite 200, Catonsville, MD 21228 USA

We are pleased to publish this first study guide for the CAP program. It would not have been possible without the
work of the Study Committee (listed) and the comments from the many reviewers of the draft guide.


Alan Taber, CAP (Lockheed Martin) – Co-chair
Subhashish Samaddar, CAP (Georgia State University) – Co-chair
Robert Bordley, CAP (Booz Allen Hamilton)
Rami Musa, CAP (Dupont)
Mike Smith, CAP (ICFI)
Frank Stein, CAP (IBM)
Cat Truxillo, CAP (SAS)
Zachary Waltz, CAP (IBM)

As chair of the Analytics Certification Board, I congratulate the Study Guide committee on having assembled in short
order such a comprehensive study guide for the Certified Analytics Professional (CAP®) program.

I know the guide is not going to satisfy everyone or directly provide them with answers for the test. It isn’t designed
to do so. It is designed to provide some information on central concepts embedded in the CAP program. It is up
to the individual to determine his/her familiarity with the concept and decide whether more review or study on that
topic is warranted.

The examination has 100 multiple choice test questions for each of which there is only one correct answer. The
questions are both vendor and software neutral, designed to confirm that the test taker has the underlying knowledge
necessary to know which steps to follow in an analytics process and to select the correct tools. The exam covers seven
domains or areas of analytics practice: business problem framing, analytics problem framing, data, methodology
(approach) selection, model building, deployment, and model life cycle management. A sample of the type of
questions is available with this guide and can also be accessed through the Candidate Handbook. These sample
questions will never appear on an exam. Each sample gives not only the correct answer but also provides rationale
for why each is (in)correct.

What are individual benefits of the Certified Analytics Professional program?

• Advances your career by setting you apart from the competition
• Promotes personal satisfaction from accomplishing a key career goal
• Helps improve your overall job performance by setting you on a course for continual professional development
• Recognizes the investment you have made in your career
• Demonstrates commitment to the field

What are employer benefits of the Certified Analytics Professional program?

• Helps with identifying and developing qualified analytics professionals
• Proves to stakeholders that your organization follows industry-standard analytics practice
• Provides a career path to encourage employees
• Useful as positive factor in responding to proposals
• Indicates a company willing to invest in its employees
• Indicates a willingness to maintain up to date knowledge

You are to be applauded for seeking certification. While the exam is the most pressing hurdle to achieving the CAP,
it is not the only criterion. The Certified Analytics Professional program depends on each of the Five E's: They are
adherence to the Code of Ethics, Effective mastering of soft skills, acceptable levels of Experience and Education and
finally, successfully passing the Exam. The result of this program is a well-rounded analytics professional who can work
in many fields to provide analytic leadership and support.

The Analytics Certification Board wishes all candidates complete success in their certification process. If I, or they, can
be of help, feel free to contact me at acb@informs.org or email our Certification Manager at info@certifiedanalytics.org. 

Scott Nestler, US Army

Chair Analytics Certification Board

CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION TO THE CAP® PROGRAM.......................................................... 7
About the Professional Job Task Analysis................................................................................................ 9

The Five E’s............................................................................................................................................... 14

CHAPTER 2: DOMAIN I – BUSINESS PROBLEM FRAMING.................................................... 17

What will you learn in this chapter?........................................................................................................ 17

Learning Objectives................................................................................................................................. 17

Key Concepts/Fundamentals.................................................................................................................. 17

Objective 1. Receive and refine the business problem................................................................... 17

Objective 2. Identify stakeholders..................................................................................................... 18

Objective 3. Determine whether the problem is amenable to an analytics solution.................... 19

Objective 4. Refine problem statement and delineate constraints................................................ 19

Objective 5. Define an initial set of business benefits..................................................................... 20

Objective 6. Obtain stakeholder agreement on the problem statement...................................... 20

Summary................................................................................................................................................... 20

Further reading......................................................................................................................................... 21

CHAPTER 3: DOMAIN II – ANALYTICS PROBLEM FRAMING................................................ 23

What will you learn in this chapter?........................................................................................................ 23

Learning Objectives................................................................................................................................. 23

Key Concepts/Fundamentals.................................................................................................................. 23

Objective 1. Reformulating the business problem statement as an analytics problem............... 23

Objective 2. Develop a proposed set of drivers and relationships to outputs.............................. 25

Objective 3. State the set of assumptions related to the problem................................................ 26

Objective 4. Define the key metrics of success................................................................................ 27

Objective 5. Obtain stakeholder agreement.................................................................................... 27

Summary of key terms........................................................................................................................ 28

Summary................................................................................................................................................... 28

Further reading......................................................................................................................................... 28

CHAPTER 4: DOMAIN III – DATA. ..................................................................................................... 31

What will you learn in this chapter?........................................................................................................ 31

Learning Objectives................................................................................................................................. 31

Key Concepts/Fundamentals.................................................................................................................. 31

Objective 1. Identify and prioritize data needs and resources....................................................... 31

Objective 2. Identify means of data collection and acquisition...................................................... 33

Objective 3. Determine how and why to harmonize, rescale, clean and share data.................... 41

Objective 4. Identify ways of discovering relationships in the data................................................ 46

Objective 5. Determine the documentation and reporting of findings......................................... 49

Objective 6. Use data analysis results to refine business and analytics problem statements...... 49

Summary................................................................................................................................................... 49

Further Reading........................................................................................................................................ 50


What will you learn in this chapter?........................................................................................................ 51

Learning Objectives................................................................................................................................. 51

Objective 1. Identify available problem solving approaches.......................................................... 51

Objective 2. Select software tools..................................................................................................... 54

Objective 3. Model testing approaches*.......................................................................................... 59

Objective 4. Select approaches*....................................................................................................... 60

Summary................................................................................................................................................... 60

Further Reading........................................................................................................................................ 60

CHAPTER 6: DOMAIN V – MODEL BUILDING . .......................................................................... 61

What will you learn in this chapter?........................................................................................................ 61

Learning Objectives................................................................................................................................. 61

Objective 1. Identify model structures.............................................................................................. 61

Objective 2. Evaluate and calibrate models and data..................................................................... 63

Objective 3. Calibrate models and data*......................................................................................... 64

Objective 4. Integrate the models*................................................................................................... 65

Summary................................................................................................................................................... 65

Further Reading........................................................................................................................................ 65

CHAPTER 7: DOMAIN VI – SOLUTION DEPLOYMENT............................................................ 67

What will you learn in this chapter?........................................................................................................ 67

Learning Objectives................................................................................................................................. 67

Objective 1. Perform business validation of the model................................................................... 68

Objective 2. Deliver report with the findings.................................................................................... 68

Objective 3. Create model, usability, and system requirements for production........................... 68

Objective 5. Support Deployment.................................................................................................... 69

Summary................................................................................................................................................... 70

Further reading......................................................................................................................................... 70

* Tasks performed by analytics professionals beyond CAP® certification level 5

CHAPTER 8: DOMAIN VII – MODEL LIFECYCLE......................................................................... 71
Learning Objectives................................................................................................................................. 71

Objective 1. Document initial structure............................................................................................ 71

Objective 2. Track model quality....................................................................................................... 72

Objective 3. Recalibrate and maintain the model*.......................................................................... 72

Objective 4. Support training activities............................................................................................. 73

Objective 5. Evaluate the business benefit of the model over time............................................... 73

Summary................................................................................................................................................... 73

Further reading......................................................................................................................................... 74

APPENDIX A: SOFT SKILLS FOR THE ANALYTICS PROFESSIONAL................................... 75

Introduction.............................................................................................................................................. 75

Learning Objectives................................................................................................................................. 75

Task 1: Talking intelligibly with stakeholders who are not fluent in analytics...................................... 75

Task 2: Client/employer background & focus........................................................................................ 77

Task 3: Clarifying the analytics process................................................................................................... 78

Summary................................................................................................................................................... 79

Further reading......................................................................................................................................... 79


GLOSSARY.................................................................................................................................................. 83

REVIEW QUESTIONS. .......................................................................................................................... 115

Answers to Review Questions............................................................................................................... 130

Study Guide References for Specific Domains.................................................................................... 136

Further reading....................................................................................................................................... 137

List of Figures

Figure 1: Possible shapes of analytics knowledge (OR/MS Today, June 2013)

Figure 2: Kano’s Requirements Model (used under Creative Commons, http://creativecommons.org/


Figure 3: Input Table by Alan Taber, CAP® (used with permission)

Figure 4: Black Box Sketch by Alan Taber, CAP® (used with permission)

Figure 5: INFORMS CAP® Methodology Classification (used with permission)

Figure 6: Sample software application characteristics by Rami Musa, CAP® (used with permission)

6 * Tasks performed by analytics professionals beyond CAP® certification level


The Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS)
is an international scientific society with more than 11,000 members, including
Nobel Prize laureates, dedicated to applying scientific methods to help improve
decision making, management, and operations. Members of INFORMS work in
business, government, and academia.

INFORMS serves the scientific and professional needs of operations research

analysts, experts in analytics, consultants, scientists, students, educators, and
managers, as well as their institutions, by publishing a variety of journals that
describe the latest research in operations research.

INFORMS commissioned a study in 2010 by Capgemini Consulting to evaluate

the need for embracing the analytics community as a key membership strategy for
the Institute. The Capgemini study concluded that INFORMS should embrace the
analytics community and that one of the first initiatives should be a detailed study
on the development of a certification and training program to meet the needs of
this market.

Further market research corroborated this finding. Mike Hamm of Michael

Hamm and Associates wrote of his market research—done in 2011 on behalf of
INFORMS—that “I have never seen a candidate audience where [there is such]
a high degree of political interest regarding the potential composition and
architecture of a future certification program. Everybody wants a piece of this... .”

INFORMS defines analytics as the scientific process of transforming data into

insight for making better decisions. It is seen as an end-to-end process beginning
with identifying the business problem to evaluating and drawing conclusions
about the prescribed solution arrived at through the use of analytics. Analytics
professionals are skilled at this process.

INFORMS established the analytics certification program to advance the use

of analytics by setting agreed upon standards for the profession. The program
also advances the analytics profession by providing a means for organizations to
identify and develop qualified analytics professionals, by contributing to the career
success and continued competence for analytics professionals, and by improving
the credibility and visibility of the analytics profession.

INFORMS vision for the Certified Analytics Professional (CAP®) program is to

advance the use of analytics to transform the world by setting agreed-upon
standards for the profession. The INFORMS mission for the CAP® program is

to advance the analytics profession by providing a high-quality program of
certification and by promoting continuing competence for practitioners.

Once INFORMS decided to pursue a certification program, the practicalities of

creating the program and its accompanying exam were addressed. According to
an article in Analytics Magazine, September/October 2012 by Scott Nestler, Jack
Levis, and Bill Klimack, the CAP® program is appropriate for the analytical semi-
professionals as well as the analytical professionals. However, it will not be a suitable
certification for the “analytical amateurs” as depicted in the following graphic
(Nestler et al. 2012, Figure 2). The assessment instrument—the exam—contains 100
multiple choice test items and is being administered via paper and pencil for the
first year. INFORMS is investigating the possibility of moving to computer-based
testing for subsequent years to facilitate serving its international membership.


(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

Analyst Type Semi-
Amateur Professional Professional Professional
(Davenport) professional

Shape "bar-shaped" "bar-shaped" "I-shaped" "T-shaped" "Pi-shaped"

Figure 1: Possible shapes of analytics knowledge

For more information on the development of the CAP program, read “Steering
Toward Analytics” in OR/MS Today, June 2013 (p. 30) by Gary Bennett and Jack


A job task analysis (JTA) is a comprehensive description of the duties and

responsibilities of a profession, occupation, or specialty area; our approach
consists of four elements: 1) domains of practice, 2) tasks performed, 3) knowledge
required for effective performance on the job, and 4) domain weights that account
for the importance of and frequency with which the tasks are performed. More
specifically, the JTA for the CAP® program can be viewed as an outline of a partial
body of knowledge, as it represents a delineation of common or typical tasks
performed and knowledge applied by analytics professionals, grouped together in
a hierarchical domain structure. In the course of analytics work, these tasks may be
performed multiple times with modifications based on data, findings, and results,
as part of ongoing feedback loops that are routinely a part of practice. The JTA
serves as the test blueprint for exam development and links what is done on the
job to what is measured by the certification examination. This linkage is necessary
to establish a valid, practice-related examination. It is important to realize that the
JTA is a dynamic document that will change in the future to reflect best practices
and changes in the analytics profession.

The JTA study defines the current knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs) that
must be demonstrated by analytics professionals to effectively and successfully
provide these services. KSAs are validated according to their frequency of use and
importance. The JTA also serves as a “blueprint” for the content (performance
domains) of the INFORMS CAP® examination.

INFORMS upholds stringent guidelines for the construction and implementation

of the examination development and administration process. An 11-member
panel of subject matter experts (SMEs) was selected to develop the first JTA for
the CAP® credential. This group was called the Analytics Certification Job Task
Analysis Working Group.

The following leaders in the analytics profession were selected to participate in

this important project:

• Arnold Greenland (IBM Global Business • Scott Nestler (Naval Postgraduate School)
• Jerry Oglesby (SAS)
• Bill Klimack (Chevron)
• Michael Rappa (North Carolina State/
• Jack Levis (UPS) Institute for Advanced Analytics)
• Daymond Ling (Canadian Imperial Bank of • Tim Rey (Dow Chemical)
• Rita Sallam (Gartner)
• Freeman Marvin (Innovative Decisions, Inc.)
• Sam Savage (Stanford/Vector Economics)

The findings of this working group were then validated by a random sample of
practicing analytics professionals. Feedback from this survey resulted in slight
modifications of the performance domains, tasks, and knowledge that comprise
the test blueprint that determines the content of the CAP® examination.

In developing the JTA, members of the working group relied on their knowledge
of practice gained from years of experience, academic program content,
corporate job descriptions in analytics, and articles from professional and scholarly

The following table includes the final domains and weights derived from the JTA
and a review of validation survey recommendations.

Domain Approximate Weight

I. Business Problem (Question) Framing 12%–18%

II. Analytics Problem Framing 14%–20%

III. Data 18%–26%

IV. Methodology (Approach) Selection 12%–18%

V. Model Building 13%–19%

VI. Deployment 7%–11%

VII. Model Life Cycle Management 4%–8%

The INFORMS CAP® examination is based on the following test blueprint derived
from the JTA process. The final agreed-upon weights reflect the percentage of
questions from each domain that will be included in each test form.

The JTA and the test blueprint resulting from this process will be reviewed
periodically and updated as needed to reflect current practices in analytics. The
list of domains and key tasks follows:

(12%–18%) Domain I Business Problem (Question) Framing

(The ability to understand a business problem and determine whether the

problem is amenable to an analytics solution.)

T-1 Obtain or receive problem statement and usability requirements

T-2 Identify stakeholders
T-3 Determine whether the problem is amenable to an analytics solution
T-4 Refine the problem statement and delineate constraints

T-5 Define an initial set of business benefits
T-6 Obtain stakeholder agreement on the business problem statement

(14%–20%) Domain II Analytics Problem Framing

(The ability to reformulate a business problem into an analytics problem with a

potential analytics solution.)

T-1 Reformulate problem statement as an analytics problem

T-2 Develop a proposed set of drivers and relationships to outputs
T-3 State the set of assumptions related to the problem
T-4 Define key metrics of success
T-5 Obtain stakeholder agreement on the approach

(18%–26%) Domain III Data

(The ability to work effectively with data to help identify potential relationships that
will lead to refinement of the business and analytics problem.)

T-1 Identify and prioritize data needs and sources

T-2 Acquire data
T-3 Harmonize, rescale, clean, and share data
T-4 Identify relationships in the data
T-5 Document and report findings (e.g., insights, results, business performance)
T-6 Refine the business and analytics problem statements

(12%–18%) Domain IV Methodology (Approach) Selection

(The ability to identify and select potential approaches for solving the business

T-1 Identify available problem solving approaches (methods)

T-2 Select software tools
T-3 Test approaches (methods)*
T-4 Select approaches (methods)*

(13%–19%) Domain V Model Building

(The ability to identify and build effective model structures to help solve the
business problem.)

T-1 Identify model structures*

T-2 Run and evaluate the models
T-3 Calibrate models and data*
T-4 Integrate the models*
T-5 Document and communicate findings (including assumptions, limitations,
and constraints)
*Tasks that are beyond the scope of the CAP® certification exam and will not be tested. 11
(7%–11%) Domain VI Deployment

(The ability to deploy the selected model to help solve the business problem.)

T-1 Perform business validation of the model

T-2 Deliver report with findings; or
T-3 Create model, usability, and system requirements for production
T-4 Deliver production model/system*
T-5 Support deployment

(4%–8%) Domain VII Model Life Cycle Management

(The ability to manage the model life cycle to evaluate business benefit of the
model over time.)

T-1 Document initial structure

T-2 Track model quality
T-3 Recalibrate and maintain the model*
T-4 Support training activities
T-5 Evaluate the business benefit of the model over time

The knowledge statements for the CAP® program have been identified but not
individually assigned to each task. The knowledge statements appropriate to
a given task have been used. Not all statements are appropriate for all tasks,
although there may appear to be some blanks in coverage this is not the case.

K-1 Characteristics of a business problem statement (i.e., a clear

and concise statement of the problem describing the situation
and stating the desired end state or goal)

K-2 Interviewing (questioning) techniques (i.e., the process by which a

practitioner elicits information and understanding from business
experts, including strategies for the success of the project)

K-3 Client business processes (i.e., the processes used by the client or
project sponsor that are related to the problem)

K-4 Client and client-related organizational structures

K-5 Modeling options (i.e., the analytic approaches available for

seeking a solution to the problem or answer to the question
including optimization, simulation, forecasting, statistical analysis,
data mining, machine learning, etc.)

K-6 Resources necessary for analytics solutions (e.g., human, data,

computing, software)

12 *Tasks that are beyond the scope of the CAP® certification exam and will not be tested.
K-7 Performance measurement (i.e., the technical and business
metrics by which the client and the analyst measure the success of
the project)

K-8 Risk/return (i.e., trade-offs between prioritizing the primary

objective and minimizing the likelihood of significant penalty
taking into account therisk attitude of the decision maker)

K-9 Presentation techniques (i.e., strategies for communicating

analytics problems and solutions to a broad audience of business

K-10 Structure of decisions (e.g., influence diagrams, decision trees,

system structures)

K-11 Negotiation techniques (i.e., strategies and methods that allow

the analytics professional to reach a shared understanding with
the client)

K-12 Data rules (e.g., privacy, intellectual property, security,

governance, copyright, sharing)

K-13 Data architecture (i.e., a description of how data are processed,

stored, and used in organizational systems including conceptual,
logical, and physical aspects)

K-14 Data extraction technologies (e.g., scripting, spreadsheets/

databases,connection tools, standards-based connectivity
options, unstructured data extraction tools)

K-15 Visualization techniques (i.e., any technique for creating images,

diagrams or animations to communicate a message including data
visualization, information visualization, statistical graphics,
presentation graphics, etc.)

K-16 Statistics (descriptive, correlation, regression, etc.)

K-17 Software tools


The five E’s are ethics, education, experience, examination, and effectiveness.
These are the five pillars of the Certified Analytics Professional.

The CAP® credentialed person will have read, agreed to, and signed the code of
ethics that governs behavior of a professional analyst. This code was created by
the Task Force who are among the originators of the program (see Figure 1). The
code is intended to describe the accepted behavior of an analytics professional. All
candidates for the CAP® must agree to the code of ethics as part of the application
process. Actions that are opposed to the code of ethics may be reason to rescind
the CAP® credential.

Education is considered essential for the analytics professional. Candidates must

have at least a bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited college or university.
Experience goes hand in hand with education as part of the prerequisites for
application. The higher and more appropriate the education earned, the less
experience is required.

Examination is the fourth leg or pillar of the CAP® program. Through examination
we seek confirmation that the applicant has knowledge of those areas of the job/
task analysis that are considered essential for practice. Because the examination is
based on a broad spectrum of practice rather than the content of a course or series
of courses, it must be constructed with due care. Each test item or question has
been created carefully so as to ensure a fair, valid, and reliable examination that
discriminates against no one except for those who do not have the knowledge to
earn the CAP® credential. Each item is reviewed and refined numerous times by
a committee of subject matter experts in the field of analytics. The sole reason to
use a test item is as a tool to determine who is knowledgeable. Because there may
be a lot riding on the successful completion of the exam, the test items must be
carefully crafted.

All test items are written with reference to the specific domain, task, and knowledge
statements outlined earlier. Test items are also sourced to ensure that all items are
readily available and should be known to everyone who is an analytics professional.
No items are written based on proprietary data or sources that are known only
to a select few. For examples, see the Candidate Handbook that contains 24
questions or items that are indicative of the style of test item but that do not
themselves appear on the exam. In the future, there may be additional items that
we will release from the item bank and use as practice test questions. The CAP®
program is so new that INFORMS does not yet have items that have outlasted their
usefulness as a discriminatory tool to distinguish between the knowledgeable and
those who do not yet possess the knowledge.

The rules for item writing are specific and few:

• Avoid negative stems or questions as much as possible

• Do not use ‘All of the above’ or ‘None of the above’ as answer options

• Avoid excess verbiage

• Avoid disadvantaging any part of the test population but the unknowing

• Ask only one question at a time

• Ensure that the incorrect answers are incorrect for a specific reason

Effectiveness is the art of applying your knowledge and skill in a way that enables
achievement of your organization’s goals. The soft skills required are dealt with
more fully in Appendix A: Soft Skills. Nevertheless, the skilled analyst must be
diplomatic and aware enough to understand the context of the business problem
and the stakeholder agendas involved while not allowing that understanding to
bias the process or the truth thereby developed.

The Certified Analytics Professional (CAP®) program is not the work of one person
or one department: it would not have been possible without the support of
professionals in the field. You can see a long list of those professionals on the
INFORMS website under Contributors (www.informs.org/Certification-Continuing-

This study guide is the culmination of a massive collaborative effort among

concerned professionals to develop a guide that will assist future CAPs. The guide
is not intended to give the answer to each and every test question. Rather, it is
intended to guide the individual toward the knowledge of an analytics professional
and to let the individual use his or her discretion as to areas that warrant further
study. The guide includes reference materials for this further study. The guide is
also intended to be a comprehensive outline for those who are working in, intend
to work in, or are preparing to work in an analytics area. Because being an effective
analytics professional is as much of an art as a science, the study guide relies heavily
on case studies, examples, and stories.

If you have comments on the guide, the certification program, or wish to assist with
the further development and dissemination of the CAP® program, please feel free
to e-mail certification@informs.org.



In this chapter, you will learn about the first step of an analytics project: framing the
business problem. You will learn, as a part of these processes, how to determine
the business problem, identify and enlist stakeholders, determine if the problem
has an analytics solution, refine the problem statement as necessary, and define
the set of business benefits.

Learning Objectives

1. Obtain or receive the problem statement and usability requirements

2. Identify stakeholders

3. Determine whether the problem is amenable to an analytics solution

4. Refine the problem statement and delineate constraints

5. Define an initial set of business benefits

6. Obtain stakeholder agreement on the business problem statement

Key Concepts/Fundamentals


A business problem statement generally starts by describing a business opportunity

or threat, or an issue in broad terms. For example, it could simply start by saying
'our growth has been stagnant for the last two years' or a bit less broad 'our Seattle
plant is experiencing production problems and is missing deadlines.' Most client
firms in their early meetings with you (the analytics professional) will tend to report
what they are experiencing as problems. As they do that, they will use their own
language and key terms. Do get definitions of all terms, as meanings change
between organizations.

Another factor to consider is that the client firm representatives in these meetings
also play an important role in what is reported and how it is reported. It is natural
that each representative (of the firm) uses their own lenses and contexts to report
(and thus frame) the way they see the problem. These views are all very important
on their own merits because they inform the analyst in some useful way. However,

because of the individual lenses used to report these observations, sometimes
these views can have a good degree of variance regarding causes and effects, and
thus may obscure the real issues.

One popular way to frame a business opportunity or problem is to obtain reliable

information on the five W’s: who, what, where, when, and why.

• Who: are the stakeholders who satisfy one or more of the following with
respect to the project: funding, using, creating, or affected by the project’s

• What: problem/function is the project meant to solve/perform?

• Where: does the problem occur? Or where does the function need to be
performed? Are the physical and spatial characteristics articulated?

• When: does the problem occur, or function need to be performed? When

does the project need to be completed?

• Why: does the problem occur, or function need to occur?


Of the five W’s, who (the stakeholders are) is probably the most critical to the long
term success of the project. Stakeholders are anyone affected by the project, not
just those in the initial meetings, and they may have different levels of input or
involvement during the project. A stakeholder analysis helps identify the following:

• The interests of all stakeholders, who may affect or be affected by the

project, along with their constraints.

• Potential issues that could disrupt the project.

• Key people for information distribution during execution phase.

• Groups that should be encouraged to participate in different stages of

the project.

• Communication planning and stakeholder management strategies during

the project planning phase.

• Ways to reduce potential negative impacts and manage negative



Before more time and money is spent on solving the problem, it is time to figure
out if this problem is likely to have an analytics solution. First of all, does the answer
and the change process to get there lie within the organization’s control? Second,
does the requisite data exist or can it be obtained? Third, can the likely problem be
solved and/or modeled? Last, but perhaps most importantly, can the organization
accept and deploy the answer? The problem may not be amenable to an analytics
solution because of the characteristics of the problem or the limitations of the
analytic tools/methods available. The problem statement could be reassessed to
make it amenable to the available analytic tools/methods, or if this is not possible,
the project deemed not feasible. If there isn’t a feasible way forward, the ethical
analyst will say so to the key stakeholders.

For the Seattle plant example, it may be decided to use mathematical optimization
software to improve the plant’s process. This will work as long as data exist on inputs
and outputs for each step in the plant process, and as long as the stakeholders are
willing to accept new ways of operating that won’t necessarily match current work
policies and procedures.


After the initial analysis, it may be necessary to refine the problem statement to
make it more accurate, more appropriate to the stakeholders, or more amenable to
available analytic tools/methods. As part of this process, it will become necessary
to define what constraints the project will operate under. These constraints could
be analytical, financial, or political in nature.

For the Seattle plant example, an optimization problem with a large number
of constraints or a complex objective function may not be solvable within the
capability of the available software/hardware combination. In this case the problem
may need to be restated with fewer constraints and/or a less complex objective
function. This may cause the problem statement to be updated to make sure that
the approach will satisfy—just to name a few of the potential constraints—desired
accuracy and repeatability, program cost, timeframe, and number of stakeholders
impacted, either positively or negatively.


With the problem statement set, it is now possible to define the initial set of
business benefits. These benefits may be determined quantitatively or qualitatively.
If quantitative, it may be financial (e.g., net present value) or contractual (e.g.,
service level agreements). This is also known as the business case.

For the Seattle plant example, an initial determination of the financial benefit due
to optimal use of resources should be determined along with an initial view of the
required project goals determined, e.g., plant is currently losing money at the rate
of 3% of gross sales with current performance and needs to come to 5% margin
on gross sales. The key profit driver is on-time performance, which is currently
68% and needs to get to 98%. How will it get there? At this stage we think it is
because there is plant capacity being wasted, so we’re going to look at optimizing
our scheduling and manufacturing processes to reduce overall time by reducing
queue and wait time. You’ll note that we haven’t said, yet, that we’re going to
simulate incoming orders with one distribution and performance of each machine
on the floor with their own distributions, even though we may be thinking about
doing just that. At this stage, the problem is a business problem and the objectives
are business objectives.


With the problem statement refined and the initial business benefits determined,
it is necessary to obtain stakeholder agreement before proceeding further with
the project. It may be necessary to repeat this cycle several times until stakeholder
concurrence with the particulars of the project are achieved and permission to
proceed is granted. At the end of this process, you will have agreement on the
project’s objectives, initial approach, and resources to get there.


Although business problem framing is not the analytical heart of an analytics

project, it is probably the most important because it sets the expectations and
limitations of the project.


Davenport T, Kim J (2013) Keeping up with the Quants: Your Guide to

Understanding and Using Analytics (Harvard Business Review Press, Boston).

Framing the problem at https://www.boundless.com/business/management/


Kirkwood CW (1997) Strategic Decision Making: Multiobjective Decision Analysis

with Spreadsheets (Duxbury Press, Pacific Grove, CA).

Lindstrom C (2009) How to write a problem statement, March 18, http://www.


Nixon NW (2013) Focus first on framing, not solving, the problem, April 18, http://

Seelig T (2013) Shift your lens: The power of re-framing problems. Seelig T, ed.
inGenius: A Crash Course on Creativity (HarperOne, New York), http://stvp.

Spradlin D (2012) The power of defining the problem, September 25, http://



This chapter is all about the dialogue between the business people who have a
problem that they need to solve and the analytics folks who will give them the
information required to solve the problem. This dialogue is mediated by the
analytics professional (YOU) who is trusted by both sides because you are fluent in
the language and culture of each side. As with any translation effort between two
different groups, much of what follows are simple precepts to keep the sense of
the business problem while decomposing it into actionable analytics pieces.

Learning Objectives

1. Reformulate a problem statement as an analytics problem

2. Develop a proposed set of drivers and relationships to inputs

3. State the set of assumptions related to the problem

4. Define key metrics of success

5. Obtain stakeholder agreement on the approach

Key Concepts/Fundamentals



There’s an apocryphal story of a Black & Decker sales convention. The VP of sales
gets up to the dais, and says, “Folks, I have some bad news for you. We’ve done
some detailed customer surveys to find out what our customers care about. They
couldn’t care less about our carbide tips, or the voltage rating of our drills. In fact,
they’d rather not think about drills at all! What our customers want is to hang a
picture, or put up drywall, or do any number of other jobs. Our job is to help them
do just that.” Similarly, your business and operational stakeholders likely could not
care less about how you and your team are going to solve their problem. They just
want it to be solved reliably and deliver the results.

The first step is to decode the business problem statement to get to the analytics
problem. There are many ways to do this, some more formal than others. In simple

terms, you are translating the “what” of the business problem into the “how” of
the analytics problem.

1. What result do we want?

2. Who will act?

3. What will they do?

4. What will change in the organization as a result of the new information


For example, a company wishes to increase market share, but what is the underlying
problem they need to address? Are they, for instance, emphasizing carbide-tipped
drills to someone who only wants to hang a picture?

One formal method of decomposition is quality function deployment (QFD) (http://

www.ieee.li/tmc/quality_function_deployment.pdf). This is a rigorous process that
maps the translation of requirements from one level to the next, e.g., from the
business level to the first analytics level, from the first analytics level to the second
level, etc.

Whether you are formally decomposing and parsing a complex business statement,
or you are less formally brainstorming with a project sponsor, it is critically important
to account for tacit as well as formal requirements. The best known model in this
area is Kano’s requirements model (Figure 2). It distinguishes between unexpected
customer delights, known customer requirements, and customer must-haves that
are not explicitly stated.

CUSTOMER SATISFACTION Often there are business or

operational requirements that
are taken for granted by those
stakeholders that if not surfaced will
requirements result in customer dissatisfaction,
particularly items that come
DON'T DO under the heading of “that’s
FULFILL FULFILL the way we always do things.”
Now, there are times when those
expected requirements or assumptions need
to be challenged, but they can’t be
challenged until they are brought
to light. When you ask your
business stakeholders for a list of
what requirements they have, they
Figure 2: Kano’s Requirements Model (used under Creative Commons,
http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/us/) will tend to focus on the “normal

requirements,” not the “expected requirements.” As the analytics professional
charged with translating business requirements into the problem statement, you
really need to probe to make sure that you have the entire appropriate context as
well, including the expected requirements.


These next three items are related. Your input/output functions are strongly related
to your assumptions about what is important about this problem as well as the key
metrics by which you’ll measure the organizational response to the problem.

We’ll start by defining the input/output functions of the problem at hand. As with
any of these areas, you can be as formal or informal as you like, but sketches
and diagrams certainly help communicate with your stakeholders and help get
everyone on the same page.

Here’s a very simple example: An organization wants to predict the number of

detected software defects over the next six months. That’s the output. The inputs
would be elicited from stakeholder interviews, using questions like, “What future
activities will add to our rate from where we are today?”, “What will decrease our
rate from where we are today?”, “Will we add interfaces or components to the
testing?”, “Will we materially change the size of the test team?”, etc. Bear in mind
that you aren’t looking for causation at this stage, just ideas around which you’ll
form some hypotheses against which you’ll test your model later.

Once you have these inputs and a general sense of their predicted effects, you
have a choice of how to communicate them to the team at large. A simple table
(Figure 3) is one approach. A black box sketch (Figure 4) is another approach.
How you do it isn’t nearly as important as doing it in a way that the people you’re
working with will understand.





1-10 LESS THAN 1
… … … …

Figure 3: Input Table

Test Team Size

Test Intensity

Test Level
Rate of software
Remaining Defects
defect detection
Interface Changes

Location Changes

Figure 4: Black Box Sketch

Even these simple examples help illustrate the concept. The idea here is to make
the inputs visible and start getting agreement among the team on the direction
and scale of the relationships to bound the problem and to create the related
hypotheses that you’ll use later to attack the data. A point you’ll want to emphasize
to the team is that these are preliminary assumptions and while your best estimate
is needed, it is still just an estimate and is subject to change depending on what
reality turns out to be. The danger we’re trying to avoid here is what Kahneman
calls “anchoring.” People have a tendency to hang on to views that they’ve seen
and held before, even if they are incorrect. Reminding them that these are initial
and preliminary, rather than finalized views, helps mitigate the anchoring effect.


This is where you set the boundaries of the problem. As you look at your input
drivers, each likely has one or more assumptions embedded in it that needs to be
surfaced and listed. Additionally, some complexities can be trimmed away if their
presumed effect on the answer is less than the effort required to handle them.

As Stephen R. Covey (2004, p. 24) said, “We simply assume that the way we see
things is the way they really are or the way they should be. And our attitudes and
behaviors grow out of these assumptions.” Common practice assumptions in your
organization also need to be listed and questioned regularly to ensure that they
are either still valid or that the problem statement needs to change to incorporate
changes to them.


There is a truism quoted by many people that “what is measured, improves”

(cf. Drucker, Pearson’s Law, Hawthorne effect). This ties directly to the business
problem statement, but goes down one level further to the items that comprise the
key success metric. For example, if the business problem is that the organization
wants to increase return on sales from 10% to 12%, you might decompose that a
few different ways. One way is to give each business group that goal, or even to
give each group the objective of reaching 13%, figuring that some won’t make it
and on average we’ll be okay. Another way is to look at your value chain and give
each group a target: cost of goods reduction of five percentage points, general
and administrative reduction of three percentage points, etc. These metrics need
to be negotiated, published, committed to, and tracked so that your team knows
where you are and what to do next. As is the case throughout this chapter, you
have to make sure that all facets of the business problem are incorporated in the
metrics. After all, if you don’t say how something will be measured, you don’t know
how you’re doing, and you can’t succeed.


Although you’ve been in touch with your business stakeholders at some level all
along, this is when you come back to them to walk them through your assumptions
and approach and what the final answer will look like to be sure that you really are
answering the business problem. Whether in the form of a formal presentation,
you want your assumptions acknowledged along with the reframing you did from
the business problem, and the key metrics you will be using to mark progress
toward the solution.

Many people tend to think of stakeholders as people in positions “above” the

analytics team. It is true that there is a group of stakeholders that are the ones with
the business need and who are paying for the effort. But just as importantly, you
must also have an agreement with the people executing the analytics work that
your methods and hypotheses are workable in the time and budget allotted to get
the work done.

The output of this stakeholder agreement will vary by organization, but should
include the budget, timeline, interim milestones (if any), goals, and any known
effort that is excluded as out of scope. The key is to get all the pieces we’ve
noted in this chapter verbally discussed, documented, and visibly agreed to by
all parties. It can be tempting to settle for e-mails or written documents only and
desk-side reviews. For all but the simplest problems, this is a mistake. Translation
of problems from the business domain to the analytics domain, or truly from any

given domain to another domain, requires that all parties agree to definitions
and terms, which really does require full and frank discussion. Otherwise, errors
will creep in and what was delivered will miss critical unstated requirements. If
you allow your project to rely on written communication only, you’ve missed the
opportunity to correct misapprehensions when it is still cheap to do so.


Decomposition: the act of breaking down a higher-level requirement to multiple

lower-level requirements (http://www.hq.nasa.gov/office/codeq/software/

Requirements: a requirement should be unitary (no conjunctions such as and,

but, or or), positive, and testable.


Faithful translation of the business problem statement into an analytics problem

statement requires the following:

• Understanding the business case for solving this particular problem

Framing the business case as an actionable analytics problem by:

• Defining the key input and output drivers

• Surfacing and understanding individual and organizational assumptions

• Assigning goals to each sub-group affected by the problem

Full and frank review of the approach with the business stakeholders and the
analysts to ensure that the problem can be attacked as planned and that a
successful attack will yield the desired business result.


Albright SC, Winston W, Zappe C (2011) Data Analysis and Decision Making, 4th
ed. (South-Western Cengage Learning, Mason, OH).

Covey S (2004) The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People (Simon & Schuster, New

Crow KA (1992) Quality Function Deployment, http://www.ieee.li/tmc/quality_

National Aeronautics and Space Administration (2009), Assurance Process

for Complex Electronics, http://www.hq.nasa.gov/office/codeq/software/

Tversky A, Kahneman D (1974) Judgment under uncertainty: Heuristics and

biases. Science 185(4157):1124–1131.



Analytics is defined by INFORMS as the scientific process of transforming data

into insight for making better decisions. In this section we will see how data
collection, manipulation and analysis support the analytic framework from problem
identification to model building and management. Data transformation starts with
data element definition and potential source identification. Once sources are
identified, collection of new data and extraction and transformation of existing
data can begin. Often data will need to be cleaned to address incorrect and/or
missing data points. Finally, the data must be properly formatted for use in the
common database and loaded into it.

Learning Objectives

By the end of this chapter, you should be able to

1. Identify and prioritize data needs and resources

2. Identify means of data collection and acquisition

3. Determine how and why to harmonize, rescale, clean and share data

4. Identify ways of discovering relationships in the data

5. Determine the documentation and reporting of findings

6. Use data analysis results to refine business and analytics problem


Key Concepts/Fundamentals


Data reduces our uncertainty about the values assigned to variables of interest in
the analysis.

Analysis typically uses `hard data’, i.e., data that is obtained by scientific observation
and measurement (e.g., experimentation). But much of our information is frequently
soft, e.g., gleaned from interviews and reflective opinions and preferences.
Hence it will be important to convert this soft information into scientific data. The

traditional way in which soft data is converted into hard data is to hypothesize an
artificial individual whose preferences and beliefs can be completely described
with hard data. (In economics, this artificial individual is called the `economic man’
and is viewed as totally rational.) We then determine what hard data would be
required so that this artificial individual’s behavior coincides with that of the actual
individual with soft data. We then solve the analytical problem as if our actual
individual could be described by this artificial individual.

Probably the most successful example of this approach is conjoint measurement

or analysis which posits that the behavior of the actual individual can be described
by an artificial individual whose preferences are described by a utility function. The
utility function for various outcomes is first specified as a parametric function of
observable attributes of that item. If this utility function were known, then it is, in
theory, straightforward to specify which of several items an individual would choose
or how an individual would rank several items. To determine the parameters of
this utility function, individuals are then asked to either specify which, of several
hypothetical alternatives, they prefer or how they would rank different items in
order of preferability. The parameters are then calibrated so as to minimize the
disparity between what the individual actual prefers and what the model predicts
the individual should prefer.

Other methods analogous to conjoint have been developed when uncertainty is

involved. For example, it may be necessary to develop a `subjective probability’
as a summary measure of an individual’s beliefs about whether an event occurs. To
assess an individual’s subjective probability, consider a random mechanism (e.g.,
a roulette wheel in a casino or a table of random numbers). For any frequency f
between zero and one, this random mechanism can be used to define an uncertain
event A(f) which occurs with probability f. An individual’s belief in whether an
event E occurs can be specified by asking an individual to choose between betting
on event E occurring or A(f) occurring. For some frequencies f, the individual will
prefer E to E(f) and for others, they will prefer A(f) to E. The point at which the
individual is indifferent is called the individual’s `subjective probability’ for event E.

While conjoint is focused on assessing utility functions for known outcomes, the
decisions which will be informed by analysis typically are gambles which do not have
guaranteed outcomes. As a result, it becomes important to extend the concept
of utility to gambles with uncertain outcomes. To construct these utilities, define
an experiment where M is some best possible outcome and m is a worst possible
outcome. Consider a gamble which leads to M with frequency f and m otherwise.
Again consider a carefully designed laboratory environment where the individual must
decide between the consequence and the gamble. Then there will be some maximum
value of f for which the individual still prefers the consequence to the gamble. This
maximum value measures the individual’s preference in the consequence.

In gathering data, it is usually important to have some measure of the confidence
which is placed on each of the various data points. To translate this notion of
confidence into something tangible, consider two individuals, both whose measure
of belief in event E is described by the subjective probability p. Consider a carefully
designed laboratory experiment in which each individual observes one success
in one trial. Each individual’s new belief in the event is then measured. Suppose
the resulting value for both individuals is U. A parallel experiment is then run in
which the individual’s belief in event E is measured after the individual, instead
of observing success in the one trial, observes a failure. Let L be the measure of
belief which both individuals now have in the event. Now suppose that one of
the individual’s original assessment of p is based only on observing n trials. (More
precisely, we assume that the individual had a non-informative prior over p and
then updated that based on the information in n trials.) Then it can be shown
that n=1/(U-L). Suppose that the other individuaI’s beliefs are based on soft data.
Then for analytical purposes, it still is legitimate to use 1/(U-L) as a measure of
confidence in p.

These examples assumed a carefully designed laboratory experiment. Just as a

physical experiment presumes that the physical environment has been prepared
to eliminate contaminating influences, so these laboratory experiments must be
designed to eliminate contaminating influences like ambiguity, reference point
effects, etc.


The focus of this stage is on identifying which kinds of data collection will have
the most favorable impact on the quality of the actions and recommendations
supported by the analysis. An especially useful tool for doing this analysis is the
decision tree. (While the decision tree as applied to uncertainty was formalized in
the mid-twentieth century, it can be argued that the Pythagorean Y might have
been the first decision tree.) Consider the following very simple decision tree where
there are two choices : continue the present course or make a specific change. If
a change is made, the outcome of the change could be favorable or unfavorable.
We can write this decision tree in outline form as

1. Continue present course

a. Get an average outcome

b. Implement a change

2. Get a good outcome

a. Get a poor outcome

There are two possible outcomes of making the change. If the chance of getting
a good outcome is high enough, then it will be better to implement the change.
Otherwise implementing the change will be unwise. For example, suppose that we
attach a probability p to getting a good outcome if we make a change. Suppose
we believe that U is the value (utility) of making a change with the good outcome,
L is the value (utility) of making a change if the poor outcome occurs and u is the
value (utility) of continuing the present source. Then we will only make a change if

p U + (1 - p) L > u.

Suppose we find that the best decision (i.e., the one with highest utility to the
customer) is to continue the present course. Then we will get utility score u.

But instead of simply making a decision, we could have chosen to gather data and
then make our decision based on the results of the data gathering exercise. If we
chose to gather data, then our decision tree becomes

1. Gather data and get favorable information

a. Continue present course

i. Get an average outcome

b. Implement a change

i. Get a good outcome

ii. Get a poor outcome

2. Gather data and get unfavorable information

a. Continue present course

i. Get an average outcome

b. Implement a change

i. Get a good outcome

ii. Get a poor outcome

Now suppose we gather data and get favorable information. This increases the
probability of getting a good outcome given we implement a change. Suppose
the change in probability is not enough to justify implementing the change. So
our conditional decision is if we get favorable information, we continue with the
present course. Now suppose that instead of getting favorable information, our
data gathering led us to collect unfavorable information. This lowers the probability

of getting a good outcome given we implement a change. As a result, our other
conditional decision is if we get unfavorable information, continue with the present
course. Thus our two conditional decisions are if we get favorable information,
we continue with the present course; if we get unfavorable information, continue
with the present course. Hence regardless of the outcome of the information, we
continue our present course. This simple example demonstrates an important
principle: Before collecting the information, think about everything you might
discovery from collecting the information. If none of these discoveries would
lead you to change your decision, then do not collect the information. Of course,
sometimes people collect information—even though they know what decision
they will make—in order to defend themselves against criticisms from others. And
sometimes people collect information to postpone making the decision.

When would information be valuable? Suppose that the favorable information led
to a substantial change in the probability of getting a good outcome. Suppose
that this change in probability was enough to justify implementing the change.
Then our two conditional decisions would be if we get favorable information,
implement a change; if we get unfavorable information, continue with the present
course. We can assign a value (or utility) to these two conditional decisions. Let u*
be the utility of implementing a change, given that we get favorable information.
Let u be the utility of continuing the present course, given that we can unfavorable
information. Let q be the probability of our getting favorable information if we
collect data. Then the utility if we decide to gather data will be

q u* + (1 - q) u.

Since the utility if we did not gather data was u, this tells us that our overall utility
has increase from u to q u* + (1 - q) u. Since u* >u, collecting the information can
only improve our utility. This demonstrates a well-established principle: the value
of information is non-negative, i.e., it can never make you worse off if you behave

But in reality, there is a cost to collecting this information. Suppose that paying
this cost would reduce our utility by some factor d. Thus our utility if we collect
information is

d (q u* + (1 - q )u) ,

while it is u if we do not collect information. So if we knew q and d, the decision on

whether to buy information would depend on (u* - u)/u.

What determines u*? Before making a decision, the chance of getting a good
outcome after making a decision was p. Suppose that if we get favorable
information, this probability changes to p* while if we get unfavorable information,

it changes to p**. Then if q is the chance of getting favorable information, the rules
of probability require that p=qp*+(1-q)p**. Thus while the utility of making the
change was originally

p U + (1 - p)L,

the utility now changes—given a favorable outcomes—to u* where

u*=p* U + (1 - p*) L = p* (U - L) + L.

So the critical value u* depends upon p* and, in particular, on how much p* differs
from p.

The degree to which the new information can change the value of p depends upon
the confidence in the original value of p as well as in the impact of the data. One
key question is if the new information tells us something unexpected (i.e. , the
favorable outcome), how much will our initial beliefs change? But given that they
do change, we need to know what the potential payoff might be. In this example,
H was the maximum payoff if we knew for certain that there would be a good
outcome. If the potential payoff, H, were small, then gathering more information
would also be pointless.

The final consideration is cost. Since analysts often collect information from the
client’s subject matter experts, it is important to treat the time of these subject
matter experts as precious. If they feel their time is being wasted, then they will
complain to the client who will eventually begin to wonder about the value of
doing your analysis. There are many cases in which an organization chooses a
flawed heuristic over a more sophisticated procedure just because the flawed
heuristic seems to require less painful information collection.

There are also privacy issues. Invasion of privacy can lead to a loss of customer good
will and, in some cases, legal repercussions. And if we are gathering information
that is potentially proprietary intellectual property issues become paramount. The
fact that information technology has made it easier to collect information does not
mean that information collection is costless.

Once you identify the variables on which you should collect data, the next step is
collecting that data. Data collection is analogous to asking certain subjects certain
close-ended questions under certain circumstances. Hence there are five steps
involved in data collection:

1. Determining how to identify subjects (the sample design)

2. Determining how many subjects to identify (the sampling plan)

3. Determining the questions to be asked

4. Determining the possible answers to the question (the granularity of the


5. Determining a control group


The population of subjects that could be recruited should be identified. It is

common to require random sampling, i.e., to conduct sampling so as to give
each subject an equal chance of being part of the sample. This reflects the fact
that convenience sampling, e.g., asking those subjects that happen to be easy to
identify, has been shown to lead to significant biases. But if the event of interest
is highly unlikely, it may be advantageous to bias the sampling toward sampling
those individuals most likely to have experienced the event of interest. The analysis
will, however, have to take into account this systematic deviation, called stratified
random sampling, from conventional random sampling.

Typically each subject has different characteristics (or covariates). To determine

how these covariates affect the results of the experimenter, it is tempting—but
inefficient—to change one factor at a time and record the change in response
from the factor as the impact of that factor. Design of experiments has been shown
to be a much more efficient way of assessing the impact of changing factors. This
typically involves changing several factors simultaneously. If a full factorial design
is used, it is possible to identify the impact of each factor as well as the impact
of all possible two-way, three-way, etc. interactions between factors. When it is
not necessary to know these higher-order interactions, the less time-consuming
fractional factorial designs are used.

It is common to use response surface modeling (and especially regression) to

specify the value of interest as a function of the covariates. The independent
variable reflects the covariates and are commonly represented using dummy
variables for categorical and interval data. When the variable is ratio scale, Box-
Cox Transformations are often used to achieve normality. When the dependent
variable is categorical, the regression model is typically logistic. When the
dependent variable is ordinal, the regression model is typically ordered logit.
When the dependent variable is ratio, standard regression is often used. If Y is
the dependent variable and X1,…Xn represent the independent (or explanatory
variables), then the typical regression model has the form y=E[Y] + e where e
is a normally distributed error term and E[Y], the expected value of Y is some
parameterized function of (X1,…Xn). In the interests of making this function linear,
it is common to write

E[Y] = g(a1 X1’+… an Xn’ )

where g is a `link’ function and X1’,…Xn’ are monotonic transformations of X1,…

Xn. This becomes a generalized linear model if we generalized the error term to
be a member of the exponential family of distributions (which includes the normal
distribution, the exponential distribution and a remarkably large number of other

Because time is often an important dimension, there are a separate body of time-
series methods when observations are collected over time. Time-series analysis
typically corrects for seasonal patterns (e.g., unusually high sales during holiday
seasons) and provides a natural way of identifying trends.


How many individuals should be sampled? This is typically determined by the

existing amount of uncertainty in the quantity of interest, how much that uncertainty
needs to be reduced to facilitate the making of a decision and the degree to
which an individual’s responses is contaminated with random error. A simple rule
of thumb is that quadrupling the number of individuals sampled reduces the
uncertainty by half. While uncertainty is commonly measured by the standard
deviation, there are situations in which the standard deviation does not exist and
the difference between the third and first fractile of the uncertainty distribution is
more appropriate.

If we are willing to describe our uncertainty using the previously mentioned

exponential family of distributions, the rule for updating uncertainties based on
sample information has a very simple form. If our uncertainty is described by an
exponential family distribution, it will have two parameters. (In some cases, the
parameters may be vectors.) The data is described by the number of observations
and the sum of a score for each individual observation. This score for each
individual observation will depend upon the exponential family distribution being
assumed (If the data consists of coin flips, the score might be one for successes
and zero otherwise.) Based on this observed data, the original distribution of
the uncertainty is updated. The updated distribution will have the same form
as the original distribution with two changes. The first parameter is increased
by the summed score while the second parameter is increased by the number
of observations. In effect, the original uncertainty about the variable—which
reflects soft data—can be treated as if it were generated by a hypothetical set of
observations. Pooling this hypothetical data with the actual data then generates a
new set of hypothetical data.


A key issue in designing the experiment is determined the nature of the variable
being assessed. Is the variable categorical (e.g., values of the variable are blue,
red, white) where there is no natural ordering between the values of the variable?
When we have categorical scales, the data can be summarized by the proportion
of observations which assumed each of the possible values of the categorical
variables (e.g., the proportion of blue responses, red responses, etc.)

One can ask YES/NO questions or multiple-choice questions for nominal scales.
One extension (likert-type questions) asks subjects to indicate whether they fully
agree, partially agree, are neutral, partially disagree or fully disagree with the

Alternatively the variable might be ordinal (e.g., short, medium, tall) where there
is a natural ordering between the values of the variables. When we have ordinal
sales, it is possible to define the normalized quantity for each response x by the
fraction of responses less than or equal to x (e.g., the fraction of people who are
either short or medium.)

A second approach, semantic differential, has the form: `what is your experience
navigating our web-site’ with answers like `very hard, somewhat hard, OKAY,
somewhat easy, very easy’ where the two ends of the scale represented opposites.
In this case, the response is ordinal.

In both Likert and semantic differential scales, the response scales may be improved
by providing concrete examples of what would have to be true for a `fully agree’ or
a `fully disagree’ response to be true.

A third approach, rank-order, asks individuals to rate various factors in order of


Alternatively the variable might be interval (e.g., thirty degrees centrigrade, forty
degrees centrigrade, fifty degrees centigrade) where the differences between
values (e.g., forty degrees minus thirty degrees) are meaningful. Note that when
we have interval scales, it is possible to define a normalized quantity for each
response x by subtracting the lowest possible value from x and dividing the result
by the difference between the highest and lowest value.

A fourth approach is the simple multiple-choice question.

It is important to remember that subjects will often answer a question even when
they have no idea about what question is being asked or about what their answer
means. (For example, individuals will generally answer the question which is more
important diamonds or water even though the answer clearly depends upon

whether the individual feels that the choice is between having no water at all for a
week (and dying of dehydration) or simply go without an added glass of water for
an hour or two.) Questions must be designed with care.


Measurements are typically only meaningful if there is reference to some kind of

underlying standard. Thus in extensive measurement, there is some base unit of
measure. The score of an item is the number of multiples this basic unit required
to create an object that is comparable to the item of interest. By for many non-
physical cases, there is no meaningful unit of measurement. In these cases, one
creates a benchmark group of units, some smaller than the item of interest and
some larger. The score of an item is the proportion of items in a benchmark group
which the item outranks. When the item is an uncertain quantity, the score of an
item is the probability of the item outranking a randomly chosen item from the
benchmark group. This benchmark group is commonly referred to as a control with
the item’s score being called its effect size.

While some data needs to be created and collected, some data already exists. The
purpose of extraction is to collect all this data from the many sources in which it
appears so that it can eventually be loaded into a common database. In extracting
this data, it is critical to know the data source from which each data element was
taken, i.e., the data must be traceable to its source. If the results of an analysis
depend critically on the data element, then understanding the validity of this data
element becomes critical. In addition, if there is some change in the clients for the
analysis, it will be important to transition the database to reflect the data sources
which these new clients consider important. This requirement is called traceability
and typically requires careful documentation.

Another increasingly important issue in using existing data sources is privacy.

It is now fairly easy to get personal information on customers by buying such
information from vendors. But the customers who provided this information often
had an expectation that the information was to be used for a specific purpose,
e.g., for enabling them to buy a product over the internet. When these customers
discover that their information is being used for another purpose, some customers
feel that their privacy is being violated. On top of the privacy issue are intellectual
property issues. Even though it may be easy to access the information, there may
be copyright or other issues which limit your ability to use it without permission or
without compensating the owner of the information.


Data cleaning, while often the least glamorous phase of analysis, is often the most
necessary. This is especially the case with pre-existing databases. Because pre-
existing databases were collected for other purposes, the quality of the data will
be driven by what was important in the original use of this data and hence need
not satisfy the quality requirements for the analysis at hand. For example, vendors
often have to fill in various forms in order to get reimbursed for their services.
Sometimes third parties successfully get their own questions added to these
surveys. But both vendor and buyer are primarily interested in the fields which
determine how much the vendor gets compensated for their services. As a result,
these decision-relevant fields get scrutinized carefully and the rest do not.

There are many other reasons why survey quality may be deficient:

1. Individuals asked to fill out a lengthy survey will get fatigued and simply
put in default values so that they can finish the survey. If there are five
possible answers to a survey, they may also check a neutral response. Or
in a survey of satisfaction, they may either indicate that they are satisfied
with everything or satisfied with nothing.

2. Individuals may also be offended by questions about their age, income,

marital status, ethnicity and—if the survey forces them to fill in an answer—
will often deliberately fill in a false answer. This is especially true given
increasing concerns about privacy

3. Biases can often arise because most people, when asked to fill out a survey,
simply refuse. Those who did fill out the survey are often people with more
leisure time or with more emotional commitment to the organization
asking that the survey be filled out.

As a result, data cleaning includes:

1. Identifying the range of valid responses for each question and labeling
the data field

2. Identifying invalid data responses (e.g., where letters are used where
numbers are required)

3. Identifying inconsistent data encodings (e.g., different abbreviations

might be used for state)

4. Identifying suspicious data responses (e.g., when physically questionable
numbers are put in for a response) Are there outliers that don’t seem to
make sense?

5. Identify suspicious distribution of values (e.g., when one finds that 99%
of the respondents in a survey of poor neighborhoods have incomes of
more than a million dollars.) Descriptive statistics can be very helpful in
identifying suspicious distributions. For example, histograms specify the
frequency with which various data response are used. Box and Whisker
charts as well as stem and leaf plots provide compact descriptions of the
variation in the data within a field and help identify outliers. Scatterplots
show how the value of one set of variables depends on another. Summary
statistics like the mean, median, upper and lower fractiles can also be

6. Identify suspicious interrelationships between fields. We first identify

whether there is any correlation between data fields—possibly using factor
analysis or principle component analysis. The creator of the database may
have created a new variable—by combining existing fields—which was
useful for their analysis but is no longer useful for your analysis

So a key part of data cleaning is determining whether the data makes sense. It
also involves handling null or missing values. There are several possible solutions:

1. Deletion: Dropping the observation containing the missing value

2. Deletion when necessary: Not using the observation in analyses requiring

a valid response for the missing item. This approach means that one might
have a sample of 1000 people for one kind of analysis and a sample of 950
people for a second kind of analysis.

3. Imputing a value: In other words, we use regression to attempt to predict

what the answer to this question would have been—based on the answers
the subject gave to other questions.

4. Randomly imputing a value: The problem with imputing a value is that it

pretends that we do know the value that the subject filled it for this question.
Thus understates our uncertainty about the value (and thus overstates our
sample size) which can lead to biases in the analysis. Random imputation
in theory reruns the analysis for all possible responses the subject might
have given to the question, weighted by the regression-based probability
of the subjective giving that response. Efficient algorithms have been
developed for doing multiple imputation.

It is important to determine whether important observations (e.g., observations
from a specific group of sub-users) is missing.

A field should be created with the data of each observation (a date stamp.) A field
should also be created identifying the data source from which this information
is collection. This field will be important in the next step where information from
different data sources is combined into a single database

While the individual responses come from different data sources, they need
to be placed into a common database (which typically is organized into rows
representing observations and columns representing observed characteristics of
that observation). This requires that all of the data be summarized at a common
level of granularity.

For example, we might have 1000 observations of one product, 5000 observations
of a product and its location and 3 observations of a product, its option content and
its location. If details about a product’s location are not relevant for the analysis,
then we can sum up our observations so that all data is at this less granular level. In
other cases, we need to go to this more granular level. If we simply dropped all the
observations that did not have this information, there could be insufficient sample
size to support a meaningful analysis. Alternatively we may rewrite all of our 9000
records at this more granular level with fields for the product, its location and its
option content. We now must treat many of our records as if they had missing
values for location and option content.

Sometimes data is aggregated in different ways. Thus some information on vehicles

is stored with certain vehicles being called two-door Chevrolets. Other information
is stored with certain vehicles called Chevy Cruzes. Still other information is stored
as General Motors compacts. In this case, there is no a single categorization that
is more granular than any other categorization. As a result, we may simply need
to define a record which has enough fields to contain the information from each
of these observations. Thus there might be a field indicating whether the vehicle
was two-door or not, a field for the vehicle’s model name (Cruz), a field indicating
the vehicle’s body-type (compact) and a field reflecting the vehicle’s division and

In some cases, the model may require information on a variable which is not in the
database but can be computed from items in the database. This may require the
creation of a new field in the database for this derived variable.

In some cases, a single observation may reflect the responses of 10,000 people
while another observation may reflect the responses of 100 people. As opposed
to creating a database with 10,100 rows for these two observations, it may be
useful to introduce a weighting field that identifies the number of respondents
associated with the observation.

Because different datasets are typically generated with different data architectures
and different programming languages, these languages may use different
standards for encoding information. Thus missing values can be represented by
spaces, the words NA, the words Not/Available, etc.

Some decisions may be required in how to handle textual fields. This could be
handled by creating numeric columns describing the textual field and—without
deleting the textual field—using the columns to classify the field. For example,
the textual field might contain verbatim user expressions of satisfaction. A column
might be created which expresses the encoder’s interpretation of that field as
expressing satisfaction, dissatisfaction or neutrality.

Before loading the database, it is useful to assess whether certain fields have the
same value across all datasets. If this is the case, then it may be worth deleting
those fields.

The data is then loaded into the common database. Information is typically
normalized so that any given item of information only occurs in the database
exactly once. This is the place to do some final checks on the quality of the data:

1. Completeness: Are all the fields of the data complete?

2. Correctness: Is the data accurate?

3. Consistency: Is the data provided under a given field and for a given
concept consistent with the definition of that field and concept?

4. Currency: Is the data obsolete?

5. Collaborative: Is the data based on one opinion or on a consensus of

experts in the relative area?

6. Confidential: Is the data secure from unauthorized use by individuals other

than the decision maker?

7. Clarity: Is the data legible and comprehensible?

8. Common Format: Is the data in a format easily used in the application for
which it is intended?

9. Convenient: Can the data be conveniently and quickly accessed by the

intended user in a time-frame that allows for it to be effectively used?

10. Cost-effective: Is the cost of collecting and using the data commensurate
with its value?

The term data warehouse is generally used to describe:

1. A staging area, i.e, the operational data sets from which the information
is extracted

2. Data integration which is the centralized source where the data is

conveniently stored

3. Access layers, i.e., multiple OLAP (on-line analytical processing) data marts
which store the data in a form which will be easy for the analysis to retrieve

The data mart is organized along a single point of view (e.g., time, product type,
geography) for efficient data retrieval. It allows analysts to

1. slice data, i.e., filtering data by picking a specific subset of the data-cube
and choosing a single value for one of its dimensions;

2. dice data, i.e., grouping data by picking specific values for multiple

3. drill-down/up, i.e., allow the user to navigate from the most summarized
(high-level) to the most detailed (drill-down);

4. roll-up, i.e., summarize the data along a dimension (e.g., computing totals
or using some other formula);

5. pivot, i.e., interchange rows and columns (`rotate the cube’).

Fact tables are used to record measurements or metrics for specific events at a
fairly granular level of detail. Transaction fact details record facts about specific
events (like sales events), snapshot fact tables record facts at a given point in
time (like account details at month end) and accumulating snapshot tables record
aggregate facts at a given point in time. Dimension tables have a smaller number
of records compared to fact tables although each record may have a very large
number of attributes. Dimension table includes time dimension tables, geography
dimension table, product dimension table, employee dimension table, and range
dimension tables.

Each dimension is typically ranged into hierarchies, e.g., the geography dimension
might be arranged in stores, cities, states and countries. These hierarchies are often
dynamic, e.g., a firm may redraw its organizational boundaries. In the star schema,
there is often a single fact table with many dimensional tables surrounding it.

The leads to a data mart which will service the analysts in an efficient matter. However
the data warehouse and data marts are not finished until they are documented in
a way that makes them usable by external parties. While it is tempting to assume

that the modeler will know what the variables mean, the reality is that there will
often be requests to revisit the data months or years after the analysis is done.
These requests may come from the client or they may come from peer reviewers
interested in replicating your work. In this case, failure to document your data
fields as well as the sources of the data can be very costly.


The many ways of understanding data can be organized into nine steps. The
following list from Booz-Allen-Hamilton’ s The Field Guide to Data Science
describes some of the techniques which can be useful in implementing each of
these steps:

1. Filtering

a. Filtering can involve using relational algebra projection and selection

to add or remove data based on its value.

b. Filtering usually involves outlier removal, exponential smoothing and

the use of either Gaussian or median filters.

2. Filling in missing data with imputation:

a. If other observations in the dataset can be used, then values for

missing data can be generated using random sampling or Monte
Carlo Markov Chain methods.

b. To avoid using other observations, imputation can be done using the

mean, regression models or statistical distributions based on existing

3. Reducing the number of dimensions in the data:

a. Principle component analysis or factor analysis can help determine

whether there is correlation across different dimensions in the data.

b. For unstructured text data, term frequency-inverse document

frequency identifies the importance of a word in some document in
a collection by comparing the frequency with which the word appears
in the document to the frequency with which the word appears in the
collection to which the document belongs.

c. When data has a variable number of features, feature hashing is an

efficient method for creating a fixed number of features which form
the indices of an array.

d. Sensitivity analysis and wrapper methods are typically essential when
you don’t know which features of your data are important. Wrapper
methods, unlike sensitivity analysis, typically involving identifying a set
of features on a small sample and then testing that set on a holdout

e. Finally self-organizing maps and Bayes nets are helpful in understanding

the probability distribution of the data.

4. Extracting features

a. Duplicate data elements must be corrected with de-duplication


b. Normalization is required to ensure your data stays within common

ranges. This prevents the scales in which data was collected from
obscuring the interpretation and analysis of that data.

c. Format conversion is typically required when data is in binary format.

d. Fast Fourier Transforms and Discrete wavelet transforms are used for
frequency data.

e. Coordinate transformations are used for geometric data defined over


5. Collecting and summarizing data

a. Basic statistics (raw counts, means, medians, standard deviations,

ranges) are helpful in summarizing data.

b. Box plots, scatter plots, box and whisker plots provide compact
representations of how data is distributed. But when the data can be
reasonably described by parametric distributions, distribution fitting
are even more efficient ways of summarizing data.

c. `Baseball card’ aggregation is an effective way of summarizing all the

information available on an entity.

6. Adding new information to the data

a. Annotation is recommended for tracking source information and

other user-defined parameters.

b. Relational algebra rename and feature addition (e.g., geography,

technology, weather) can be helpful in processing certain data fields
together or in using one field to compute the value of another.

7. Segmenting the data to find natural groupings

a. Connectivity-Based methods: Hierarchical clustering generates an

ordered set of clusters with variable precision.

b. Centroid–Based methods: When the number of clusters is known,

k-means is a popular technique. When the number is unknown,
x-means is a useful extension of k-means that both creates clusters
and searches for the optimal number of clusters. Canopy clustering is
an alternate way of enhancing k-means when the number of clusters
is unknown.

c. Distribution-based methods: Gaussian mixture models, which typically

used the expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm, are appropriate if
you want any data element’s membership in a segment to be `soft.’

d. Density-based methods: For non-elliptical clusters, fractal and DB

scan are useful.

e. Graph-Based methods: Such methods, often based on constructing

cliques and semi-cliques, are useful when you only have knowledge of
how one item is connected to another.

f. For text data, topic modeling allows for segmentation of the data

8. Determining which variables are important

a. When the structure of the data is unknown, tree-based methods are


b. If statistical measures of importance are needed, generalized linear

models are appropriate. But if statistical measures of importance are
not needed, regression with shrinkage (e.g., LASSO, elastic net) and
stepwise regression may be preferable.

9. Classifying data into existing groups

a. If you are unsure of feature importance, neutral nets and random

forests are helpful. But if you require a highly transparent model,
decision trees (e.g., CART, CHAID) can be preferable.

b. When the number of data dimensions is less than twenty, k nearest

neighbor methods often work. But if you have a large dataset with an
unknown classification signal, naïve Bayes may be preferable.

c. Hidden Markov models are useful in estimating an unobservable state
based on observable values.


Learning Objectives 5 and 6 go together. Raw data and relationships, while

interesting to analysts, will not hold the attention of your business stakeholders
for long. You will need to tie your findings to the analytics problem and from there
to the business problem. Going back to the example in the business problem
domain of the manufacturing plant, a key relationship unearthed by your data
analysis might be an inverse proportionality of WIP to queue and wait time.
This would need to be communicated clearly to your stakeholders along with a
recommendation to reduce the rate at which material is being released to the floor
to enable faster delivery. Another key relationship might be a workcenter’s scrap
rate being higher than its normal or “should fail” rate.



Having solid data and relationships allows the first true refinement of your analytics
and business problem, as you now have the ability to go beyond anecdotes of the
situation and describe the situation with some level of mathematical rigor. You may
find at this point that the true constraint of the system isn’t what you thought it was,
and that therefore the analytics problem needs to be reframed around that newly
surfaced constraint. Or you may find that the business problem itself missed a key
facet (interrelationships between customers and purchases, a time-series effect in
the data, or anything else) that needs to be included prior to continuing. Once in
a while, you actually do get the business problem and the analytics problem right
the first time and you can proceed to selecting your methodology and creating
your model.


It is no accident that the CAP exam weights data the most heavily of the seven
domains. Without proper data gathering, cleaning, transformation, and loading,
all you have are nice anecdotes. With reliable data sorted usefully, you can actually
solve your problem in a meaningful way.


Booz-Allen-Hamilton, 2013, The Field Guide to Data Science, http://www.


Hubbard DW (2010) How to Measure Anything: Finding the Value of

“Intangibles” in Business, 2nd ed. (John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, NJ).

Hillier F, Hillier M (2010) Introduction to Management Science: A Modeling and

Case Study Approach, 4th ed. (McGraw-Hill Higher Education, New York).

Vose D (2008) Risk Analysis: A Quantitative Guide, 3rd ed. (John Wiley & Sons,
Chichester, UK).



In this chapter, you will learn about examples of various methods available to
analytics professionals and how to go about choosing some of them over others
for a specific task. This chapter does not intend to offer an exhaustive list of such
methods; instead it is rather illustrative to convey the process of selection from
some methods. There are a myriad of analytics methodologies in the literature
that are available from which a modeler can select. Later in this chapter, we will
list typically used analytics methodologies, their characteristics, classifications, and
when to use them.

Selection (of methods) process is best informed by the problem framing, prior
experience and depth of knowledge of the analytics professional with the methods
available, the problem at hand, etc. However, it is very possible that the problem at
hand is rather new or not framed completely. In such situations, selecting the best
methodology to solve a problem could be iterative in nature since a methodology
may prove to be ineffective so other methodologies may need to be tried as well. It
is often the case that an analyst (the modeler) is not given enough time to explore
many options. Therefore, utilizing experience and knowledge will certainly help to
improve the chance of selecting an effective method in a timely manner.

Learning Objectives:

1. Identify available problem solving approaches (methods)

2. Select software tools

3. Test approaches (methods)*

4. Select approaches (methods)*


Almost all analytical models can be classified into one of three categories:
descriptive, predictive, and prescriptive. These three categories of models do as
their names imply.

Prescriptive methodologies offer solutions that provide specific quantifiable

answers that can be implemented to solve a problem. For example, a linear
programming model is a prescriptive model.

*Tasks performed by analytics professionals beyond CAP® certification level 51

A prescriptive model answers the question “What is the best action or outcome?”
See Exhibit 1. The key factor here is to provide new ways to improve certain types of
performance as agreed upon with the customer and documented in the business
and analytics problem statements. Some examples of prescriptive techniques are:

• Optimization

▪▪ Linear programming

▪▪ Integer programming

▪▪ Nonlinear programming

▪▪ Mixed integer programming

▪▪ Network optimization

▪▪ Dynamic programming

▪▪ Metaheuristics

• Simulation-Optimization

• Stochastic Optimization

Predictive methodologies include any forecasting models such as time-series

models, for example, moving averages, auto-regression models, etc. These
models mostly make a forecast for the future to answer the question “What
could happen?” See Exhibit 1. The key factor here is to predict future trends and
possibilities. Some examples of predictive techniques are:

• Simulation

▪▪ Discrete event

▪▪ Monte Carlo

▪▪ Agent-based modeling

• Regression

▪▪ Logistic

▪▪ Linear

▪▪ Step-wise

• Statistical Inferences

▪▪ Confidence intervals

▪▪ Hypothesis testing

▪▪ Analysis of variance

▪▪ Design of experiments

• Classification

• Clustering

• Artificial Intelligence (AI)

• Game Theory

Descriptive methodologies are a collection of models that help describe the

problem situation for further analysis. It can be based on descriptive statistics that
are conveyed through (1) charts and graphs such as histograms, scatter plots, etc.,
and (2) numerical presentations such mean, median, mode, variance, standard
deviations of distributions of data, and cross tabulations. They answer the question
“What happened?” See Figure 5. The key factor here is the use of historical data.

What is the • Evaluates and determines new ways to operate

Very High
best action/ • Targets business objectives
outcome? • Balances all constraints Data Needs


• Predicts future probabilities and trends

What could
happen? • Finds relationships in data not readily apparent
with traditional analysis

• Prepares and analyzes historical data

happened? • Identifies patterns from samples for reporting of
trends Medium

Figure 5: INFORMS CAP® Methodology Classification


The following are the primary factors that an analyst generally considers to select
an appropriate methodology:

1. Time–Typically modelers work under tight timelines. They are faced with
the challenge of choosing the right methodology and quickly running their
modeling and analysis to answer the business needs.

2. Accuracy of the model needed – Some models (and their level of aggregation)
influence the accuracy of the results. This is closely related to the quality and
readiness of data in addition to the level of accuracy needed for the model as
requested by customer. If available data are not accurate, using a very accurate
model may be a waste of time. For instance, a modeler is advised not to seek
optimal solutions where he or she has more noise in the data than the signal
of the optimal answer.

3. Relevance of the methodology and scope of project–Refer to INFORMS CAP®

methodology classification in Exhibit 1. Often the business problem statement
and the analytics problem statement (domains I and II in INFORMS CAP®) can
be suggestive of the relevance of the chosen methodology classification. If
a customer is seeking to understand the most influential variables to impact
other ones, then descriptive models would be the most relevant. Predictive
methodologies are the most relevant when the purpose of a project is to
forecast certain behavior. Prescriptive, on the other hand, are most helpful
when there is a need to pinpoint certain decisions to the level of quantifying
the variables that enhance the performance under study.

4. Accuracy of the data–Sometimes data level of aggregation and their accuracy

dictate the pool of methodologies to be used. Very accurate methodologies
may not be the best way to go when the accuracy of data is low.

5. Data availability and readiness–Sometimes data availability plays a large role

in the selection process.

6. Staff and resource availability–The nail-and-hammer metaphor applies very

well here. A staff of statisticians may focus on the use of statistics in their
services; and a staff of operations research professionals may focus on the field
of simulation and optimization in their services. A collaborative and diverse
team is the best way to get around such challenges.

7. Methodology popularity–Some methodologies are well known in the market

and are focused on and sometimes demanded by the customer to be used. It
is the modeler’s responsibility to use the best approach rather than going with
what is popular and demanded.
Some commonly used methods/models

There are countless methodologies in the literature from which a modeler can
choose to solve a problem. Here are a few types of analytics methodologies that
are commonly used:

• Discrete event simulation. A simulation methodology that has the following


▪▪ Often used to understand bottleneck(s) in systems

▪▪ Handles cases that cannot be handled by queuing theory

▪▪ Often used for multistage processes modeling with variations in their

arrivals and service time and utilizing shared resources to perform
multiple operations

• Queuing model. Designed to identify the most efficient pathway to

solution; i.e., at a bank it might identify the number of tellers needed
to satisfy customers in a particular time frame such as no more than 10
minutes waiting in a queue.

• Monte Carlo simulation. Characteristics include:

▪▪ Queuing modeling is not needed

▪▪ Used primarily to estimate dependent variable randomness out of a

set of independent variable randomness. This is especially necessary
when distributions of the input variables are not necessarily normally
distributed and the relationship to estimate the dependent variable is
not simple (e.g. additive)

• Agent-based modeling (ABM). A system modeled (simulated) as a

collection of autonomous decision-making entities called agents that
are used to discover emergent behavior that is hard to predict without
simulating it.

• System dynamics (SD). A simulation approach used to understanding the

interactions of a complex system over time.

• Game theory. Study of strategic decision-making processes through

competition and collaboration.

• Probabilities. The likelihood of a particular event occurring expressed as

a percentage to make decisions under chosen risk or tolerance. Bayesian
and conditional probabilities are widely used in analytics.

• Economic analysis. Evaluation often used to guide the optimal allocation
of scarce resources:

▪▪ IRR (internal rate of return)–discounted rate used in capital budgeting

to compare returns on investment opportunities

▪▪ NPV (net present value)–difference between present value of

incomeversus outgo

▪▪ FV (future value)–value of a future event or item based on current value

that is adjusted by some standard amount, i.e., expected inflation

▪▪ Payback period–period of time after which an expenditure is fully

amortized and income begins to accrue in excess of expenses

• Regression. A class of statistical methodologies used to map dependent

variables with independent variables and understand the significance
between the variables and their correlations with one another.

▪▪ Linear regression–compares the relationship between a dependent

variable and one or more explanatory variables. The variables here are
linear; however nonlinear functions can be explored here by scaling
input data.

▪▪ Stepwise regression–method of model building that successively

adds or deletes variables based on performance.

▪▪ Logistic regression–may also be called logit analysis, is a regression

analysis often used to predict the outcome of categorical variables.

• Statistical inferences:

▪▪ Confidence intervals

▪▪ Hypothesis testing

• Design of experiments

• Analysis of variance (ANOVA)

• Principal component analysis (PCA). Can be used to reduce data


• Data mining

• Forecasting

• Artificial intelligence:

▪▪ Artificial neural networks

▪▪ Fuzzy logic

▪▪ Expert systems

• Decision trees

• Optimization

▪▪ Linear programming

▪▪ Integer programming

▪▪ Mixed integer programming

▪▪ Combinatorial optimization

▪▪ Nonlinear programming

▪▪ Constraint programming

▪▪ Response surface methodology (RSM)

▪▪ Metaheuristics

▪▪ Greedy heuristics

• Markov chain

• Revenue management (yield management)

Different methodologies target problems at different levels. For example, using

value stream mapping requires more aggregate data compared to a discrete-event
simulation model. A problem can be solved at different levels of aggregation.
A supply chain problem, for example, can be modeled on the product-family
level or on the SKU level. Other examples of aggregation are: assemblies versus
subassemblies, region versus country versus state versus city level, etc. The lower
the level of aggregation, the more accurate and descriptive the model will be of
the real-life scenario; however, it will be harder to validate and will certainly be
more prone to mistakes. On the other hand, a higher level of aggregation usually
provides faster results that are easier to understand. The general rule of thumb is
to model at the highest level of aggregation possible that will ensure a satisfactory
level of accuracy within the time permitted.

Even if you have all the time in the world, the knowledge of all methodologies, and
availability and accuracy of the needed data, it is highly desirable and advisable
to run scenarios on the “back of an envelope”–often referred to as quick and
dirty (Q-n-D). That approach may provide the high level understanding needed
to make a decision quickly to go with certain strategies and/or orient the applied
methodology accordingly. In all of these endeavors, it is important to communicate
with your stakeholders in a way that they’ll understand your approach and its pros
and cons. Often, your managers will have much less deep analytics knowledge
than you, but they will likely understand the business needs better.

A key point for the CAP® is that the exam is vendor and toolset neutral. The society
is looking for understanding of how to apply tools, not certifying people in the use
of a particular tool. A good analyst will have a tool chest with several different tools
to fit various situations.

Here are software categories from an analytics point of view as we see it:

• Spreadsheet systems

• Statistical systems

• Optimization systems

• Simulation systems

• Business intelligence systems

• Data management systems

▪▪ Structured data

▪▪ Unstructured data

• Data integration systems

• Operating systems such as HADOOP

Figure 6 shows a set of sample software applications that are used in analytics and
being compared against different aspects.



* This includes: Monte Carlo, discrete-event, system dynamics, and agent-based simulation. Figure 6. Sample software application


Developed models need to be both verified and validated. The verification step
refers to making certain that the model is built the way it was designed and meant
to be. The validation step refers to making certain that the model is representing
real life to a certain level of accuracy. If the modeler realizes that validation
and verification are unachievable, then the modeler needs to consider other

To help the testing process, it is advisable to divide data into three portions:

• Building – This portion of data is used to estimate the needed parameters

such as slopes in case of regression.

• Testing – This portion of data is used to test the model (verify) that was it
was modeled as it was designed.

• Validating – This portion of data is used to test that the model behaves
closely to the physical behavior being modeled.


As this topic is not covered in the CAP®, suffice it to say that after you test your
models, it makes sense to go with the most accurate model that otherwise complies
with your time and cost constraints.


In this chapter, we covered how a class of analytics is chosen and then how a
particular methodology as well a supporting environment (software) is selected.
There is certainly no one methodology to choose but there are ones more fit than
others based on the available time, data, expertise, and relevance.

The following statements summarize the main points covered in this chapter:

• The methodologies used to solve the problems are scientific; however

selecting the appropriate one is a combination of art and science.

• A problem may be solved using more than one methodology.

• Choosing the level of detail (aggregation) of the model is important. The

general rule to follow is to model the problem at the highest level at the
desired level of accuracy.

• Available approaches vary in their accuracy. Choosing an approach shall

match with the accuracy of data.

• A world-class organization is the one that employs a diverse team of

analytics professionals with knowledge depth and breadth.


Big data: The next frontier for innovation, competition, and productivity, a
McKinsey & Company report. http://www.mckinsey.com/insights/business_



Model building is at the heart of any analytical effort; it is the climax of the analytics
problem framing activities. Good models depend on all previous steps: framing
the business problem; framing the analytics problem; and acquiring, exploring,
and scrubbing the data. Now it is time to develop a model to show key drivers of
your outcomes, forecast your targets, determine the best use of resources, etc.
Effective model building requires identifying the relevant inputs and selecting the
model that performs best on holdout or testing data. The emphasis in this chapter
is on statistical methods for predictive modeling.

You have learned to frame the problem, acquire and clean the data, and select
a methodology or modeling approach to solve the problem. Now it is time to
build the model. This chapter introduces the process of model building in a
business analytics context. You will learn to identify model structures appropriate
to your analytical objective. Different model structures require different data
characteristics. You will also learn about the importance of honest assessment and
data splitting to assess models. You will learn to select a champion model from
several candidates, and to communicate the key findings to stakeholders.

Learning Objectives

1. Identify and build effective model structures to help solve the business

2. Run and evaluate the models

3. Calibrate models and data*

4. Integrate the models*


Once a methodology is determined, it still remains to build the model. Sometimes

this means refining the methodology. For example, if you have determined that
a predictive data mining model is the right approach to solve your problem,
then you need to determine the specific type of model that will perform best in
predicting your target. Does the target follow a binomial distribution? Normal?
Gamma? Poisson? Is the target censored? Within a class of models appropriate
to the target, there can be many specific types of models to choose among. A

*Tasks performed by analytics professionals beyond CAP® certification level 61

logistic regression, a decision tree, and a neural network can all predict in binary
target. This is not typically done a priori. Instead, you might identify several types
of models, fit all of these models to the data, and select a champion.

By this point in the project plan, you should have collected the data or set out a
data collection plan. However, much of the work with data occurs alongside the
model building process. Different models assume particular data structures. Do
you need transactional data? Individual-level data? Household? Do your values
have a time component? What kinds of summary statistics should be used to roll
up values from lower to higher levels? If transactions are coded in dollars, should
a household-level value consist of a sum, average, maximum, or something else?
The answers to these questions can depend on the business objective and what
you intend to learn from that variable; they can also depend on the class of models
you have selected.

Building the models and working the data into an appropriate form require
collaboration among the analyst, the data owner, and the subject matter expert.
The subject matter expert should have a clear vision for the types of characteristics
needed for modeling. Demographics, historical behavior, attitudinal surveys, and
other characteristics should be identified and carefully selected by someone who
understands the business problem. This was likely addressed while framing the
analytics problem statement. The analyst must pay close attention to data quality
requirements for modeling. For example, in some models, data should be equally
spaced, missing values should be handled, variance stabilizing transformations
should be applied, and so on. This is more likely to be addressed at the time of
model building than during data acquisition. The data owner needs to know how
to bring the characteristics together, from potentially disparate sources, to create
the data structure that the analyst requires. Some of this work will be done early in
the project, but much of the data cleaning necessarily occurs at the time of model
development, as each modeling type has its own data obstacles.

You have determined the model type(s) and gathered the appropriate data. The
next step is building and refining the model. Building the model is, for many
analysts, the most enjoyable part of an analytical project. Although it can require a
great deal of work to define a simulation model, thinking through the relationships
and identifying all relevant sources of variability is problem solving at its best.
There is invariably a sense of anticipation in preparing to evaluate the results of a
predictive model and its assessment on holdout data.

If you have fit several models, then it will be necessary to perform an honest
assessment of their performance so that a champion can be selected. This is
discussed next. One key consideration in running models is how the models
will be used later. For example, a model that will result in scoring activity should
have a way to score new observations without refitting the model or estimating

new parameters. Preferably, it should be possible to perform scoring in a real-
time production environment where specialized analytical software might not be


Model performance can be evaluated in a number of ways. A model can perform

well in describing a phenomenon, predicting a target, or optimizing characteristic
settings for a system. The same model is not likely to be best for all three purposes.
As such, it is necessary to select a model based on metrics that align with what the
model must accomplish.

For example, a predictive model should always be selected using an honest

assessment of the model on holdout data. If you have fit a variety of models to your
sample data and must select a champion, you will need to define a “goodness”
metric appropriate to how the model will be used. If the goal is to correctly classify
observations on a binary target, that metric might be misclassification, sensitivity,
specificity, or other similar metrics based on correct and incorrect classifications.
A model that will be used to select the “top x%” from a sample should be
assessed using a metric that evaluates the rank order of predicted values, such as
concordance, discordance, ROC/c-statistic, among others.

You might be selecting a champion from a series of models of increasing complexity

from one model type (e.g., regression). Alternatively, you might have a selection of
models that have been fit to the data (e.g., a regression, decision tree, and a neural
network). In either case, selecting a champion follows the same method: honest
assessment on a holdout sample of data.

Honest assessment techniques can vary, and might include data splitting, k-fold
cross validation, leave-one-out cross validation, etc. What is critical in honest
assessment is that the observations used to fit the model and estimate parameters
are not the observations that are scored in assessment. The process, conceptually,
is relatively simple. Honest assessment with data splitting on a binary target is
described as follows.

1. Select a large sample of data for modeling. For a binary target, a good
practice is to ensure that you have at least 2000 observations in the smaller
of the two target classes.

2. Use a stratified random sampling without replacement to create two data

sets with approximately the same proportion of 0 and 1 target levels.
The sample need not be equally sized. For example, some analysts
prefer a 70/30 split into training and validation sets as this allocates more
observations to training and makes parameter estimates more stable.

3. Fit models and estimate parameters using the training data.

4. Using the assessment statistic you considered previously, score

observations in the validation data set. If the model uses stop training,
pruning, or model selection with stopping rules, then those selections
should always be based on the validation data performance.

Selecting the champion model can be as simple as selecting the model with
the best performance; alternatively, you might select the champion based on a
combination of model performance and interpretability. Some models, such as
neural networks, might not be selected (because of their difficulty in interpreting
the model), but might be used as a benchmark against which other models are

Not all models are supervised or have data labeled with predefined classes. Some
are unsupervised with unknown class labels for the data. Examples of unsupervised
techniques commonly used in business analytics include: segmentation through
clustering, rule generation through market basket/association analysis, deriving
links among nodes through social network analysis, measurement of latent
variables through common factor analysis, etc. Unsupervised analyses should
also be empirically validated to ensure that your findings reflect more than the
idiosyncrasies of the sample. However, the techniques for validating unsupervised
analyses are not as straightforward and typically rely on the analyst’s best judgment.


Once your champion model is selected, it is time to improve both the model
and the data approach to refine the model. This may be something as simple
as recognizing that really you need to take into account time series information
as well as household transactions per year and reformulating the data structure
to take that into account. Or you may find that there is a subsegment of your
population that your model really doesn’t measure well and you need to create a
subsidiary model for that subsegment.

A key concept here is managing the tension between “I need an answer” and “I
don’t fully trust the model yet.” Your business stakeholders chartered this project
because they need an answer. Every day that passes makes that need more acute.
At the same time, you as the analyst know the strengths and weaknesses of your
model in a way that your stakeholders may not appreciate. Negotiating a reasonable
level of confidence up front can help with this, along with communicating your
plan of how to get from where you are to where you need to be.


Although this topic is beyond the scope of the CAP® exam, model integration is
needed when you are bringing a new model into an existing model environment.
Often your model will take outputs from other models, and its output will feed
inputs. Documenting your inputs and outputs in an API (application programming
interface) like schema will help with that integration.


The model is the heart of the answer to the business analytics problem. Build it
carefully, test it thoroughly, calibrate it properly, but be willing to tear it down and
start over again to get a truthful answer to the business problem.


Berry MJA, Linoff GS (1999) Mastering Data Mining: The Art and Science of
Customer Relationship Management (Wiley, New York).

Clemen RT (1997) Making Hard Decisions: An Introduction to Decision, 2nd ed.

(Duxbury Press, Pacific Grove, CA).

Few S (2012) Show Me the Numbers: Designing Tables and Graphs to Enlighten,
2nd ed. (Analytics Press, Burlingame, CA).

Hand DJ, Mannila H, Smyth P (2001) Principles of Data Mining (MIT Press,

Hillier FS, Lieberman GJ (2005) Introduction to Operations Research, 8th ed.

(McGraw-Hill, New York).

Law AM, Kelton DW (2000) Simulation Modeling and Analysis, 3rd ed. (McGraw-
Hill, New York).

Ross SM (2010) Introductory Statistics, 3rd ed. (Academic Press, Burlington, MA).

Siegel E (2013) Predictive Analytics: The Power to Predict Who Will Click, Buy, Lie,
or Die (Wiley, New York).

Tufte ER (2001) The Visual Display of Quantitative Information, 2nd ed. (Graphics
Press, Cheshire, CT).



As described in previous chapters, analytical solutions go through a lifecycle from

conception and business justification through data collection, model construction,
and deployment. This chapter focuses on the deployment phase. An analytical
model must be deployed to be useful to the organization. Deploying the model
involves interacting with the business users who will use the model directly or the
results of the model (e.g., if the model was the basis of a study report).

An effective deployment requires careful planning so that all staff involved know
their roles in the deployment, and are trained so they appropriately use and
interpret the results.

This chapter introduces the deployment stage as illustrated by the standard

CRISP-DM (cross-industry standard process for data mining) as well as several
considerations for deployments within the enterprise. You will learn the CRISP-
DM methodology for the deployment stage. You will also learn additional
considerations for deploying a real-time analytics model.

The CRISP-DM standard is not the only tool for deployment. For example, Six
Sigma’s define, measure, analyze, improve, control (DMAIC) methodology includes
some of the same concepts, especially in the sections on proposed solution,
piloted solution, and sustained solution.

Learning Objectives

1. Perform business validation of the model

2. Deliver report with findings; or

3. Create model, usability, and system requirements for production

4. Deliver production model/system*

5. Support deployment

a. Learn the industry standard CRISP-DM deployment approach

b. Learn about other considerations for deployment of real-time models

c. Understand the considerations needed to plan the deployment of

analytics in your organization

*Tasks performed by analytics professionals beyond CAP® certification level 67

Key Concepts/Fundamentals

• The CRISP-DM deployment stage

▪▪ Produce Final Report – Depending on the project, this may be more or

less comprehensive. For some one-time projects, this may document
the results of the analysis.

▪▪ Review Project – All projects should be reviewed for what went right or
wrong, and what should be improved in the future.


Quite simply this comes down to making sure that your answer is still tied to the
original question. It is not uncommon for discrepancies to creep in to the analysis
as the problem is framed and communicated. It is also not uncommon for the
business context to have changed since the project started, invalidating key
assumptions. While the above items must be taken into account, be wary of those
who will tell you that you have to change the answers in the model to fit existing
biases of senior management or to “play politics.” For organizations to accept the
results of the process, those results must be integral and acknowledged as having
integrity, not just being the news that senior management wants to hear.

That said, not all of your stakeholders will need to understand the ins and outs
of the model. A peer review of the model for technical correctness is strongly
recommended, but beyond that you need to focus on answering the actual
questions that stakeholders have, not just telling them all about how your model is
the best thing since sliced bread. It is also important to communicate the sensitivity
of the model to key assumptions and conditions.



Your report format will vary with the organization and how it will use your report. The
main thing is that the report needs to have a clear message. Either recommend a
course of action or no action and state your reasons. Basic report guidelines apply
to this as with any other report. An executive summary and recommendations for
further action should be at the front, with the supporting details, methodology, and
references for further knowledge in the main body. Be clear about the assumptions
and limitations of your model. Your audience should have enough information to
judge whether the model you have developed meets the needs of the project, or
where future resources should be directed. Use graphical aids to communicate

findings whenever possible. Well-constructed graphics can simplify results and
uncover patterns that are easily missed in tables. Always consider good graphical
practice. A poorly constructed graphic can be misleading, as outlined very well in
books by Tufte (2001), Few (2012), among others.


Two key items to consider as a model becomes the basis for an organization taking
action are:

• Plan the deployment – This task develops a strategy for deployment.

• Plan monitoring and maintenance – A detailed monitoring plan is needed

to ensure the results are being used correctly and to determine any
problems with the model or data.

Today, most analytics are deployed within an organization’s business processes.

They will receive inputs from the business process, analyze the data in real time,
and produce a result that is fed back into the business process. For example, in
a customer relationship management (CRM) system for a cell phone carrier, a
customer call to the call center may trigger an analysis of the customer’s likelihood
to cancel their service (“churn analysis”) based on their demographics and bill
history. This information may trigger an alert to the call center operator to provide
a special offer to the customer.

Deploying within a business process requires an understanding of both the

analytics and the business process. You must identify where in the process the
analytics will be triggered and what data will need to be passed to the analytics
and back to the business process. Then determine the actions in the business
process that should be taken as a result of the analytics.

Periodically survey and interview key stakeholders to see how their day-to-day
interaction with the model is going and how their results have changed since they
started using the model. Pay particular attention to functional areas where the
model is being ignored as irrelevant, as they’ll tell you where key assumptions
either have been already invalidated or will soon become invalidated and use that
as a way to strengthen and update the model.

The documentation can be minimal to extensive depending on how complex the

deployment will be. Often forgotten is the training documentation. This will range
from a minimal effort, if the solution is designed for your fellow analysts, all the way
to extensive in-depth training if fundamental business processes are changing as a
result of the new business model.


Deployment is a critical step to make the analytics actionable. Proper preparation

will allow for a smooth deployment that ensures the success of the analytics
efforts. Further information is available from Chapman et al. in the CRISP-DM


Chapman P, et al., CRISP-DM 1.0 Step by Step data mining guide, http://lyle.
smu.edu/~mhd/8331f03/crisp.pdf and http://www.the-modeling-agency.com/

Few S (2012) Show Me the Numbers: Designing Tables and Graphs to Enlighten,
2nd ed. (Analytics Press, Burlingame, CA).

Laursen GHN, Thorlund J (2010) Business Analytics for Managers: Taking Business
Intelligence Beyond Reporting (John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, NJ).

Tufte ER (2001) The Visual Display of Quantitative Information, 2nd ed. (Graphics
Press, Cheshire, CT).


Analytical models will go through a lifecycle from conception and business

justification through the model building and deployment. A good lifecycle process
helps to keep this process orderly, minimizes the cost and efforts of creating and
maintaining the models, and, importantly, provides the business users with clear
roles within the lifecycle.

Now is the time to think through the process you want to define for building and
deploying analytics, before the deadlines of the business require this to be done
in an ad hoc manner. An effective process requires defining the roles of the various
departments involved and the governance process that will be used to iron out
differences and make decisions.

Learning Objectives

1. Document initial structure

2. Track model quality
3. Recalibrate and maintain the model*
4. Support training activities
5. Evaluate the business benefit of the model over time


It can be tempting during the rush of data collection and model building to skimp
on documentation, figuring that there will be time to write it down later once
things settle down. Do not fall for this. People will inevitably leave the project
before completing their documentation if you do. For the model to be trusted it
has to be repeatable, and that means writing down what you and your team did
and how you did it.

Documentation should include at least the following:

• Key assumptions made about the business context and analytics problem

• Data sources and data schema

• Methods used to clean and harmonize the data

• Model approach and model review artifacts

*Tasks performed by analytics professionals beyond CAP® certification level 71

• Documentation for any software code written

• Recommendations for future improvements to the model

Essentially you are leaving behind enough of a record for someone else to come in
and recreate the model and get the same results. This documentation should be
kept in a known place, ideally backed up in a few different places.


Evaluation criteria should be created up front both in terms of the business results
expected and the accuracy and confidence expected from the model. Some of the
criteria that might be used include:

• Value of the model in terms of the business.

• Does the model discover/predict something that is new and useful?

• Is the model reliable across a wide range of data?

• Can a “lift” or “gain” graph be constructed to show how well the model
is predicting?

• Check if the model’s predictions on unknown data are as good as the

predictions on the data that were used to train or build the model.

The model should be routinely checked over time and quality parameters recorded.
When the model quality starts to decay, it is time for the next step of recalibrating
the model and rechecking its assumptions.


The results from the model should be tracked over the long term because even
a model that performs well initially may degrade as input data changes or user
requirements change. Additionally, the model results may also help in areas
beyond that expected, such as identifying data quality problems, or new areas for
modeling. In the case of data quality problems or minor changes in the business
environment, a simple recalibration of the model, similar to what was done in
the model building phase of partitioning data into training and testing data, and
constructing the parameters will be sufficient to get the model working again.
If there has been a fundamental change in a key assumption or two, however,
then the project needs to be revalidated against the business problem to see if
the overall approach is even still valid. No model lasts forever. At some point the
resulting model will need to be improved, replaced, or sunset.


One of the keys to a successful analytics project or engagement is appropriate

training for the users of the model and its results. While the training does not
need to cover all the intricacies of the model, the training should ensure that the
users understand the business use of the analytics model and how to interpret the
results. As the analyst, you must also ensure that the users do not conclude more
from the results than the model is capable of producing.


As your analytics effort takes shape and grows within your organization, you will
be fighting for resources to do more and better projects. A key weapon in that
fight is being able to point to the benefits that your previous models have brought
to the organization. How much money has the organization made because your
models pointed the way? How much money has the organization saved because
your models pointed out wasted effort? To answer these questions in a defensible
manner, you have to be able to evaluate the business benefit of the model over
time. To do that, you need to be able to simulate what the organization would
have been doing without the changes wrought by the model.

One way to do that is by looking at how your organization is doing against industry
benchmarks during the time period in question. Have you grown from a second
quintile organization to a first quintile in a key area? Another way is to look at
how products that have been modeled have changed their financial returns to the
organization. Has net profit grown since the model was introduced? How about
return on net assets?

Whatever way you approach it, evaluating the business benefit allows you to “keep
score” and market your capabilities to the organization at large, helping it grow
and develop by solving business problems that are otherwise insoluble.


This chapter presented an overview of the lifecycle for an analytics project.

Whether the practitioner follows this exact methodology or develops their own, it
is important for project success to have a defined methodology that can be used
from project to project. This allows a team of analytics professionals that perhaps
have not worked together before to quickly come together, easily communicate,
and deliver professional results in a timely manner. A defined process based on
best practices and lessons learned will also help avoid common problems such as
skipping an important step.


Chapman P, et al., CRISP-DM 1.0 Step by Step data mining guide, http://lyle.
smu.edu/~mhd/8331f03/crisp.pdf and http://www.the-modeling-agency.com/

Wirth R (2000) CRISP-DM: Towards a standard process model for data mining.
Proc. Fourth Internat. Conf. Practical Appl. Knowledge Discovery Data Mining,



Not only does a professional analyst need mathematical ability, statistical

knowledge, data skills, etc., he or she also needs to possess those softer skills
related to communication and understanding. Without the ability to convince
or explain the problem, problem solution, and implications, an entire analytics
project can be jeopardized.

Communication skills are as necessary to the analytics professional as math and

reasoning skills. Although many analytics are among the less extroverted, that
does not mean they are less capable or are less focused on ensuring success. Here
you will learn why the softer skills are an important component of the analytics
professional profile. An analytics professional needs the following:

• Ability to communicate with a client/employer regarding the framing of an

analytics problem.

• Understanding the background of the client/employer regarding its

organization and specific industry focus.

• Ability to explain the findings of the analytics process in sufficient detail to

ensure clear understanding by the client/employer.

Learning Objectives

By the end of this chapter you should be able to:

1. Recognize the importance of soft skills

2. Determine the need to communicate with stakeholders

3. Determine how to tailor communication so as to be understood



For consistency of organization, we are listing soft skills as tasks. However, these
are not tasks to be completed on a deadline; the need for these skills is consistent
throughout the entire project. Domain I of the CAP® program focuses on framing
the business problem, and Domain II on determining whether the business

problem has an analytics solution. Here we focus on communicating the content
of Domains I and II to external stakeholders, those who may be less versed in the

For example, if you are approached by a client or employer who states that sales
of their industry-leading widget are falling and they want to know how to optimize
the pricing structure, your first response should not be “yes, of course” or “no, this
can’t be done.” Your first response is to engage the client in a dialog to discover
what they really want. Do they want to find out why sales are falling? Do they have
reason to believe changing the pricing is the best response? What data do they
have on past sales, customers, supply chain, commodities pricing—all of which
could have an impact on sales figures. If price is the only thing they are concerned
with, it doesn’t matter what they’re selling or to whom. As Seth Godin (2013) wrote
in his blog post “Q&A: Purple Cows and Commodities” (http://sethgodin.typepad.
com/seths_blog/2013/08/qa-purple-cows-and-commodities.html), “If you tell me
that price is the only thing that matters to customers, I respond that nothing about
this product matters to them.”

The job of an analytics professional is to find the deep underlying motives of any
client engagement: he or she is (almost) an analyst in the mode of a psychiatric
worker. Question, question, question until it is clear what the problem is and how
a solution can be attempted.

The mechanisms of communication are well studied; we like to communicate with

those who share our world view. We dislike communicating with those who don’t
and often with those who try to reshape our views. The analytics professional is
sometimes in the position of reshaping viewpoints. As previously noted, when the
sales of an item decrease and the client says we want to optimize the price, they
may not be amenable to hearing that regardless of price, the item is not valued, or
that their marketing has targeted a customer base unlikely to purchase, or any of
the many other reasons analytics might uncover.

For successful interactions in such cases, it may be helpful for the analytics
professional to unleash their inner four-year-old and keep asking ‘Why?’ This
should be done with care—it doesn’t take long to get impatient at a long string of
why’s. Rather, the professional learns to reframe the answer to a question in such a
way that it continues to drill down to the answer. Learning this skill can save time,
money, and project success.

Victoria A. Williams (2011) notes in her dissertation titled “Effective communication

techniques for eliciting information technology requirements” that IT project
failure costs businesses millions of dollars. She attributes those failures and the
associated cost to the lack of communication between members of the business
and technology communities. One of the major problems as identified by many

researchers is the limitations of human factors otherwise known as the softer skills.
Complexities arise because each party in the communication exchange views the
exchange through different conceptual frameworks; this difference in perspectives
wedges a gap between what is being communicated by one party and heard by
the other.

Communications techniques include asking open ended questions; instead of

asking “what did you do last week when the system crashed?” ask “what do you
think is the best option to counteract the losses incurred when a system crashes?”
That question takes things out the realm of what you did last week into the more
theoretical realm of what is the best thing to do. From there, it is much easier to
direct a conversation toward best practices.

Empathy is not in and of itself a communication technique, but it certainly does

enhance communication. Being empathetic doesn’t mean you have to like
someone, it just means you have to establish a human link. At some point, we are
all linked and we all have families and/or teammates and/or pets and/or hobbies
and/or books we’re reading and/or musicians we listen to. Just noticing something
about the person you’re addressing in a neutral, non-value-laden way is a good
opener to a conversation. For instance, don’t lead off with anything related to
politics or religion; it is much safer to comment on the weather, which is a common
experience whether it happens to be raining or the sun is shining. The ultimate
goal is the success of the analytics project, not the unfriendliness of the project
sponsor or the end users. Common courtesy can often be used here: shake hands,
introduce team members, offer coffee or tea, say please and thank you. As Daniel
Pink notes in his recent book To Sell is Human, we’re all salesmen to some degree.


Concurrently with determining the problem, a professional analyst determines the

client or employer’s background and focus. Where does the client (for purposes of
brevity we will refer to the client/employer as the client) work within the organization?
Knowing that gives the analyst information. For example, if the client is in the IT
department, he or she will likely want a solution that uses the IT infrastructure to
its full capacity. If the client is in the profit and loss department, he or she will want
a solution that maximizes profit and minimizes loss. If the client is in the marketing
department, he or she will want a solution that delights the customer. Sometimes
the solution cannot be optimized for everyone; an elegant solution will take into
account the concerns of all client stakeholders. Again, the analytics professional
needs to enhance his or her use of communication. Asking for an organizational
chart helps but may not suffice; inter- and intraoffice communications often follow
an informal chain that is outside the organization chart. Take note of the people in

the project management meetings; their presence may be an indication of their
status within the organization.

Determine who the project stakeholders are—it is likely more than one person.
It could be the C-level who want to optimize the bottom line; it might be the
IT people who want to optimize use of their systems; it might be the owner of
process; it might be the workers who will use the new process: in short, it could
be anyone from the highest to the lowest levels of the organization and perhaps
even include the customers who are outside the organization, and often is all of
the above.

Eliciting the needs of all stakeholders is essential. Once elicited, however, the need
must be prioritized to enhance the solution. If the solution requires the purchase
of new software or the collection of new data, there are myriad ways to present
profit and loss along a sliding scale, or if the customer is not delighted by all
the background work, then communication is really essential to explain why these
things happened or will happen in such a way as to exclude no one.


The analytics professional is the person at the heart of the analytics process.
That person has an understanding of the entire process from beginning to life-
cycle maintenance. He or she may be engaged to work with a client who is not
versed in the process but has heard that analytics is a wonderful tool to promote
one’s business. It is the job of the analytics professional to ensure that his or her
questions and comments are seen as necessary to the process, not as intrusive and
time wasting.

Many are familiar with ISO 9000 series accreditation. The process of obtaining
that accreditation is massive and intrusive, time consuming and painstaking, etc.
However, if all concerned are aware that the end is to ensure that they contribute to
this demonstration of excellence, it becomes less of an intrusion and is seen more
as a contribution to an overall process. If this is not made clear, then individuals may
be less willing to spend time enumerating the processes they follow and will slow
the entire application process. This could in turn mean a less viable response to
requests for proposals, which could mean fewer dollars of income at the corporate
level and the loss of a job. There are those who may not see the dire progression
of events unless it is laid out clearly, which in the case of the analytics process, the
professional is sure to do.

Not only should the entire process be transparent to all involved, but there are
times when the analytics professional is called on to be a translator. He or she must
be able to move from very technical fields with associated jargon and acronyms to

a less technical field where there is little or no familiarity with specific terminology
related to the analytics process. Were the average client or stakeholder familiar
with the terminology and the steps to the process, the analytics professional might
find him or herself to be an extraneous expense rather than an added value after


Not only does the analytics professional need to have knowledge of the analytics
process, he or she must have sufficient command of the less science-based skill set
that enables easy communication and coordination with stakeholders, clients, and
users. The analytics professional should be agile and able to move easily from the
technical to the nontechnical areas of an analytics project, and relay to each sector
the perspective of the other.


Godin S (2013) Q&A: Purple Cows and Commodities, http://sethgodin.typepad.


The Ladder of Inference: Avoiding “Jumping to Conclusions”, http://www.


Pink D (2013) To Sell is Human: The Surprising Truth about Moving Others
(Riverhead books, New York).

Timmer J (2013) Applying science to communicate science: Right now, it’s hard to
find relevant information on how to do it well, August 1, http://arstechnica.com/

Weinschenk SM (2013) How to Get People to Do Stuff: Master the Art and
Science of Persuasion and Motivation (Peachpit, San Francisco).

Williams VA (2012) Effective communication techniques for eliciting information

technology requirements, ProQuest, UMI Dissertation Publishing, Ann Arbor, MI.


Every individual prepares for an exam in their own way. That having been said and
recognizing that education and experience differ for most, we suggest that the
following may be of help.

First, cultivate good study habits: most of us have done this over our academic
career, but sometimes we forget that studying is not quite the same as reading and
tend to sit in our easy chairs and half-heartedly listen to TV and study. That might
work for some but is generally not the best way to do it. Study in a quiet place
with minimal distraction; take notes, whether those are penciled in the margin
or highlighted on a computer screen. Ask yourself questions: on a scale of (1)
‘Never heard of this before’ to (10) ‘I could teach this in my sleep’, where does
your knowledge lie? If it is closer to 1, then maybe you need to find out more; if it’s
closer to 10, then maybe you don’t need more study and can help others.

We suggest that studying in a group is more conducive to learning than studying

alone because in a group, you get the benefit of not only your own experience, but
that of others as well. The thing to watch out for in a group is too much time spent
sharing best practices (aka war stories) as opposed to exploring the subject matter.

A study group can be organized formally or informally; meeting space can be in

a conference room or at a local coffee shop or online. If you set aside 6 weeks
to meet once a week for an hour, you can divide the labor and have one person
read ahead and/or research a topic area and share with the others (best practices
should be limited to those practices dealing directly with the topic area). For an
example of a six week study group schedule, see below. This can be adjusted
depending on whether you’re studying in a group of six or going it solo.

No matter whether you study alone or in a group, do remember to check the

review questions and rather than selecting the correct answer, challenge yourself
to explain why it is correct and why the other answers are not correct. Another
good practice is to talk to people who have already taken the test and get their
insights on preparation. Finally, remember that the exam is based on what you as
an analytics professional do, so use your experience, common sense and adhere
to the highest ethical practices of analytics professionals. Use this Study guide as
a general guide but not necessary the only material to ensure your success on the


Week 1: Business problem framing and analytic problem framing

• What’s the business problem: too little revenue, too slow process, too
many returns, too few customers? Are these problems that have an
analytics solution or is there a different solution?

Week 2: Data concerns

• What data are available? What data are needed? Are the data usable in
their present format? What needs to change in the data collection or data
format to implement an analytics solution?

Week 3: Methodologies for problem solution

• What methodology will be most useful to solve the problem? Irrespective

of the tool used, what methodology will provide the optimum solution?

Week 4: Models using those methodologies

• What models can use the identified methodology to aid in solution of

the analytics problem? Can you build a model to take advantage of the

Week 5: Deploying and using the model

• What do you need to deploy the model? Who will be using the model?
Who will need to get the results?

Week 6: Lifecycle maintenance & wrap up

• How will you know that the model is still providing the same solution to
the original problem? How can you tell when or if the data are no longer
providing the agreed upon results? What do you do if the model provides
skewed data?



5S workplace organization method promoting efficiency

and effectiveness; five terms based on Japanese
words for: sorting, set in order, systematic cleaning,
standardizing, and sustaining (http://en.wikipedia.org/

5 Whys iterative process of discovery through repetitively asking

‘why’; used to explore cause and effect relationships
underlying and/or leading to problem (http://

80/20 Rule AKA the Pareto principle: roughly 80% of results come
from 20% of effort

Accuracy quality or state of being correct or precise, or the degree

to which the result of a measurement, calculation, or
specification conforms to the correct value or standard

Activity-based method of assigning costs to products or services on

costing the resources that they consume (http://www.economist.

Agent-based a class of computation models for simulating actions

modeling and interactions of autonomous agents with a view to
assessing their effects on the system as a whole (http://

Algorithm set of specific steps to solve a problem

Amortization allocation of cost of an item or items over a time period
such that the actual cost is recovered; often used to
account for capital expenditures

Analytics scientific process of transforming data into insight for

making better decisions (INFORMS)

Analytics professional person capable of making actionable decisions through

the analytic process; also a person holding the Certified
Analytics Professional (CAP®) credential

ANCOVA acronym for analysis of covariance

ANOVA acronym for analysis of variance

Artificial Intelligence branch of computer science that studies and develops

(AI) intelligent machines and software (http://en.wikipedia.

Artificial Neural computer-based models inspired by animal central

Networks nervous systems (https://www.google.com/#q=artificial+

Assemble-to-Order manufacturing process where products are assembled as

(ATO) they are ordered; characterized by rapid production and
customization (http://www.investopedia.com/terms/a/

Assignment problem one of the fundamental combinatorial optimization

problems in the branch of optimization or operations
research in mathematics; consists of finding a maximum-
weight matching in a weighted bipartite graph (http://

Automation use of mechanical means to perform work previously
done by human effort

Average sum of a range of values divided by the number of

values to arrive at a value characteristic of the midpoint
of the range; see also, Mean

Batch production method of production where components are produced

in groups rather than a continual stream of production;
see also, Continuous production

Benchmarking act of comparison against a standard or the behavior of

another in attempt to determine degree of conformity to
standard or behavior

Benchmark problems comparison of different algorithms using a large test

set (http://www.cs.cmu.edu/afs/cs/project/jair/pub/

Bias a tendency for or against a thing, person, or group in

a way as to appear unfair; in statistics, data calculated
so that it is systematically different from the population
parameter of interest (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/

Big data data sets too voluminous or too unstructured to be

analyzed by traditional means

Box-and-whisker plot a simple way of representing statistical data on a plot

in which a rectangle is drawn to represent the second
and third quartiles, usually with a vertical line inside
to indicate the median value. The lower and upper
quartiles are shown as horizontal lines either side of the
rectangle (http://oxforddictionaries.com/us/definition/

Branch-and-Bound a general algorithm for finding optimal solutions of
various optimization problems; consists of a system
enumeration of all candidate solutions where large
subsets of fruitless candidates are discarded en masse
using upper and lower estimated bounds of the quantity
being optimized (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Branch_

Business analytics refers to the skills, technologies, applications, and

(BA) practices for continuous iterative exploration and
investigation of past business performance to gain
insight and drive business planning; can be descriptive,
prescriptive, or predictive; focuses on developing new
insights and understanding of business performance
based on data and statistical methods (http://
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Business_analytics and www.

Business case reasoning underlying and supporting the estimates of

business consequences of an action

Business intelligence a set of methodologies, processes, architectures, and

(BI) technologies that transform raw data into meaningful
and useful information (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/

Business Process act of representing processes of an enterprise so that the

Modeling or Mapping current process may be analyzed and improved; typically
(BPM) action performed by business analysis and managers
seeking improved efficiency and quality (http://

Chief Analytics Officer possible title of one overseeing analytics for a company;
(CAO) may include mobilizing data, people, and systems
for successful deployment, working with others to
inject analytics into company strategy and decisions,
supervising activities of analytical people, consulting
with internal business functions and units so they may
take advantage of analytics, contracting with external
providers of analytics (Davenport, Enterprise Analytics,
p. 173)

Chi-squared a technique for performing decision tree analysis

Automated developed by Gordon V. Kass. CHAID is one of several
Interaction commonly used techniques for decision trees and
Detection (CHAID) is based upon hypothesis testing using Bonferroni

Classification assortment of items or entities into predetermined


Cleansing AKA cleaning or scrubbing: the process of detecting and

correcting (or removing) corrupt or inaccurate records
from a record set, table, or database; may also involve
harmonization of data, and standardization of data

Clustering grouping of a set of objects in such a way that objects

in the same group (cluster) are more similar to each
other than to those in other groups or clusters (http://

Combinatorial a topic that consists of finding an optimal object from a

optimization finite series of objects; used in applied mathematics and
theoretical computer science (http://en.wikipedia.org/

Confidence interval a type of interval estimate of a population parameter
used to indicate the reliability of an estimate. It is
an observed interval (i.e., it is calculated from the
observations), in principle different from sample
to sample, that frequently includes the parameter
of interest if the experiment is repeated (http://

Confidence level if confidence intervals are constructed across many

separate data analyses of repeated (and possibly
different) experiments, the proportion of such intervals
that contain the true value of the parameter will match
the confidence level (http://www.usablestats.com/

Conjoint analysis allows calculation of relative importance of varying

features and attributes to customers

Constraint a condition that a solution to an optimization problem

is required by the problem itself to satisfy. There
are several types of constraints—primarily equality
constraints, inequality constraints, and integer
constraints (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Constraint_

Constraint a programming paradigm wherein relations between

programming variables are stated in the form of constraints (http://

Continuous method of production where components are produced

production in a continuous stream; see also, Batch production

Correlation a broad class of statistical relationships involving

dependence (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Correlation_

Cost of capital the cost of funds used for financing a business. Cost
of capital depends on the mode of financing used—it
refers to the cost of equity if the business is financed
solely through equity, or to the cost of debt if it is
financed solely through debt (www.investopedia.com)

Cube see OLAP cube

Cumulative density probability that a real-valued random variable X with a

function given probability distribution will be found at a value
less than or equal to x; used to specify the distribution of
multivariate random variables (http://en.wikipedia.org/

Cutting stock optimization or integer linear programming problem

problem arising from applications in industry where high
production problems exist (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/

Data (plural form of datum) values of qualitative or

quantitative variables, belonging to a set of items;
represented in a structure, often tabular (represented
by rows and columns), a tree (a set of nodes with
parent-children relationship), or a graph structure (a
set of interconnected nodes); typically the results of
measurements (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Data)

Data mining relatively young and interdisciplinary field of computer

science; the process of discovering new patterns from
large data sets involving methods at the intersection of
artificial intelligence, machine learning, statistics, and
database systems; see also, KDD (Davenport, Enterprise
Analytics, p. 14)

Data warehouse a central repository of data that is created by integrating
data from one or more disparate sources; used for
reporting and data analysis (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/

Database an organized collection of data organized to model

relevant aspects of reality to support processes requiring
this information (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Database)

Decision tree graphic illustration of how data leads to decision when

branches of the tree are followed to their conclusion;
different branches may lead to different decisions

Decision variables a decision variable represents a problem entity for

which a choice must be made. For instance, a decision
variable might represent the position of a queen on a
chessboard, for which there are 100 different possibilities
(choices) on a 10x10 chessboard or the start time of an
activity in a scheduling problem. Each possible choice
is represented by a value, hence the set of possible
choices constitutes the domain that is associated with a
variable (A. Holder, editor. Mathematical Programming
Glossary. INFORMS Computing Society, http://glossary.
computing.society.informs.org/, 2006-08. Originally
authored by Harvey J. Greenberg, 1999-2006.)

Descriptive analytics prepares and analyzes historical data to identify

patterns for reporting trends (http://www.informs.org/

Design of design of any information gathering exercise where

experiments variation is present, whether under the control of the
experimenter or not; see also, Experimental design

Discrete event models the operation of a system as a discrete sequence
simulation of events in time; between events, no change in the
system is assumed thus a simulation can move in time
from one event to the next (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/

Dynamic based on the Principle of Optimality, this was originally

programming concerned with optimal decisions over time. For
continuous time, it addresses problems in variational
calculus. For discrete time, each period is sometimes
called a stage, and the DP is called a multistage decision
process. Here is the Fundamental Recurrence Equation
for an additive process:
F(t, s) = Opt{r(t, s, x) + aF(t’, s’): x in X(t, s) and s’=T(t,
s, x)}, (A. Holder, editor. Mathematical Programming
Glossary. INFORMS Computing Society, http://glossary.
computing.society.informs.org/, 2006-08. Originally
authored by Harvey J. Greenberg, 1999-2006.)

Effective domain the domain of a function for which its value is finite (A.
Holder, editor. Mathematical Programming Glossary.
INFORMS Computing Society, http://glossary.
computing.society.informs.org/, 2006-08. Originally
authored by Harvey J. Greenberg, 1999-2006.)

Efficiency the comparison of what is actually produced or

performed with what can be achieved with the same
consumption of resources (money, time, labor, etc.). It
is an important factor in determination of productivity

Engagement an estimate of the depth of visitor interaction against a

clearly defined set of goals; may be measured through
analytical models (Davenport, Enterprise Analytics, p.

Enterprise resource a cross-functional enterprise system driven by an
planning (ERP) integrated suite of software modules that supports the
basic internal business processes of a company (http://

ETL (extract, refers to three separate functions combined into a single

transform, load) programming tool. First, the extract function reads data
from a specified source database and extracts a desired
subset of data. Next, the transform function works with
the acquired data—using rules or lookup tables, or
creating combinations with other data—to convert it to
the desired state. Finally, the load function is used to
write the resulting data (either all of the subset or just
the changes) to a target database, which may or may
not previously exist (http://searchdatamanagement.

Experimental design in quality management, a written plan that describes the

specifics for conducting an experiment, such as which
conditions, factors, responses, tools, and treatments are
to be included or used; see also, Design of experiments

Expert systems a computer program that simulates the judgment and

behavior of a human or an organization that has expert
knowledge and experience in a particular field. Typically,
such a system contains a knowledge base containing
accumulated experience and a set of rules for applying
the knowledge base to each particular situation that is
described to the program (http://searchcio-midmarket.

Factor analysis a statistical method used to describe variability among

observed, correlated variables in terms of a potentially
lower number of unobserved variables called factors.
Factor analysis searches for such joint variations in
response to unobserved latent variables (http://

Failure Mode and a systematic, proactive method for evaluating a
Effects Analysis process to identify where and how it might fail, and
(FMEA) to assess the relative impact of different failures to
identify the parts of the process that are most in need
of change (http://intranet.uchicago.edu/quality/

Fixed cost a cost that is some value, say C, regardless of the level as
long as the level is positive; otherwise the fixed charge
is zero. This is represented by Cv, where v is a binary
variable. When v = 0, the fixed charge is 0; when v = 1,
the fixed charge is C. An example is whether to open
a plant (v = 1) or not (v = 0). To apply this fixed charge
to the non-negative variable x, the constraint x <= Mv
is added to the mathematical program, where M is a
very large value, known to exceed any feasible value
of x. Then, if v = 0 (e.g., not opening the plant that is
needed for x > 0), x = 0 is forced by the upper bound
constraint. If v = 1 (e.g., plant is open), x <= Mv is a
redundant upper bound. Fixed charge problems are
mathematical programs with fixed charges (A. Holder,
editor. Mathematical Programming Glossary. INFORMS
Computing Society, http://glossary.computing.society.
informs.org/, 2006-08. Originally authored by Harvey J.
Greenberg, 1999-2006.)

Forecasting the use of historic data to determine the direction of

future trends (http://www.investopedia.com/terms/f/

Fuzzy logic a form of mathematical logic in which truth can

assume a continuum of values between 0 and 1 (http://
wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=fuzzy logic)

Game Theory in general, a (mathematical) game can be played by
one player, such as a puzzle, but its main connection
with mathematical programming is when there are at
least two players, and they are in conflict. Each player
chooses a strategy that maximizes his payoff. When
there are exactly two players and one player’s loss is the
other’s gain, the game is called zero sum. In this case, a
payoff matrix A is given where Aij is the payoff to player
1, and the loss to player 2, when player 1 uses strategy
i and player 2 uses strategy j. In this representation
each row of A corresponds to a strategy of player 1,
and each column corresponds to a strategy of player 2.
If A is m × n, this means player 1 has m strategies, and
player 2 has n strategies (A. Holder, editor. Mathematical
Programming Glossary. INFORMS Computing Society,
http://glossary.computing.society.informs.org/, 2006-08.
Originally authored by Harvey J. Greenberg, 1999-2006.)

Genetic algorithms a class of algorithms inspired by the mechanisms of

genetics, which has been applied to global optimization
(especially for combinatorial programs). It requires
the specification of three operations (each is typically
probabilistic) on objects, called “strings” (A. Holder,
editor. Mathematical Programming Glossary. INFORMS
Computing Society, http://glossary.computing.society.
informs.org/, 2006-08. Originally authored by Harvey J.
Greenberg, 1999-2006.) Originally authored by Harvey J.
Greenberg, 1999-2006.)

Global optimal refers to mathematical programming without convexity
assumptions, which are NP-hard. In general, there could
be a local optimum that is not a global optimum. Some
authors use this term to imply the stronger condition
there are multiple local optima. Some solution strategies
are given as heuristic search methods (including those
that guarantee global convergence, such as branch
and bound). As a process associated with algorithm
design, some regard this simply as attempts to assure
convergence to a global optimum (unlike a purely
local optimization procedure, like steepest ascent). (A.
Holder, editor. Mathematical Programming Glossary.
INFORMS Computing Society, http://glossary.
computing.society.informs.org/, 2006-08. Originally
authored by Harvey J. Greenberg, 1999-2006. See the
supplement by J.D. Pintér.)

Goodness of fit degree of assurance or confidence to which the results

of a sample survey or test can be relied upon for making
dependable projections. Described as the degree of
linear correlation of variables, it is computed with the
statistical methods such as chi-square test or coefficient
of determination (www.businessdictionary.com)

Graphical User a human–computer interface (i.e., a way for humans to

Interface (GUI) interact with computers) that uses windows, icons, and
menus, and that can be manipulated by a mouse (and
often to a limited extent by a keyboard as well) (http://

Greedy heuristics an algorithm that follows the problem-solving heuristic

of making the locally-optimal choice at each stage
with the hope of finding a global optimum (http://

Heuristic in mathematical programming, this usually means a
procedure that seeks an optimal solution but does not
guarantee it will find one, even if one exists. It is often
used in contrast to an algorithm, so branch and bound
would not be considered a heuristic in this sense. In
AI, however, a heuristic is an algorithm (with some
guarantees) that uses a heuristic function to estimate
the “cost” of branching from a given node to a leaf
of the search tree (Also, in AI, the usual rules of node
selection in branch and bound can be determined by
the choice of heuristic function: best-first, breadth-first,
or depth-first search) (A. Holder, editor. Mathematical
Programming Glossary. INFORMS Computing Society,
http://glossary.computing.society.informs.org/, 2006-08.
Originally authored by Harvey J. Greenberg, 1999-2006.)

Histogram graphic depiction of data using columns to represent

relative size/importance of data grouping

Hypothesis testing the theory, methods, and practice of testing a hypothesis

by comparing it with the null hypothesis. The null
hypothesis is only rejected if its probability falls below
a predetermined significance level, in which case the
hypothesis being tested is said to have that level of
significance (https://www.google.com/#psj=1&q=hypoth

Influence diagram depicts structure of decision process and notes the data
needed to make the decision

INFORMS the largest professional society in the world for

professionals in the field of operations research (OR),
management science, and analytics (www.informs.org/

Innovative award administered by the Analytics Section
Applications in of INFORMS to recognize creative and unique
Analytics Award developments, applications, or combinations of
analytical techniques. The prize promotes the
awareness of the value of analytics techniques in
unusual applications, or in creative combination to
provide unique insights and/or business value (http://

Integer program the variables are required to be integer-valued.

Historically, this term implied the mathematical program
was otherwise linear, so one often qualifies a nonlinear
integer program versus a linear IP (A. Holder, editor.
Mathematical Programming Glossary. INFORMS
Computing Society, http://glossary.computing.society.
informs.org/, 2006-08. Originally authored by Harvey J.
Greenberg, 1999-2006.)

Integrity the measure of the trust that can be placed in the

correctness of the information supplied by a navigation
system (http://www.navipedia.net/index.php/Integrity;

Internal rate of return the rate of growth that a project or investment is

(IRR) expected to create, expressed as a percentage, over a
specified term. IRR is, in essence, the theoretical interest
rate earned by the project (http://www.askjim.biz/

KDD acronym for knowledge discovery in databases process;

see also, Data mining (Davenport, Enterprise Analytics,
p. 14)

Knapsack problem an integer program of the form, Max{cx: x in Zn+ and ax
<= b}, where a > 0. The original problem models the
maximum value of a knapsack that is limited by volume
or weight (b), where x_j = number of items of type j put
into the knapsack at unit return c_j, that uses a_j units
per item (A. Holder, editor. Mathematical Programming
Glossary. INFORMS Computing Society, http://glossary.
computing.society.informs.org/, 2006-08. Originally
authored by Harvey J. Greenberg, 1999-2006.)

Lead time time between the initial phase of a process and the
emergence of results, as between the planning and
completed manufacture of a product (http://www.

Lean production a Japanese approach to management that focuses on

cutting out waste while ensuring quality. This approach
can be applied to all aspects of a business – from
design through production to distribution (http://www.

Lift/lift curve a measure of the effectiveness of a predictive model

calculated as the ratio between the results obtained with
and without the predictive model; lift charts consisting
of lift curve and a baseline are visuals aids for measuring
model performance (http://www2.cs.uregina.ca/~dbd/

Linear program opt{cx: Ax = b, x >= 0}. (Other forms of the constraints
are possible, such as Ax <= b.) The standard form
assumes A has full row rank. Computer systems ensure
this by having a logical variable (y) augmented, so the
form appears as Opt{cx: Ax + y = b, L <= (x, y) <=
U} (also allowing general bounds on the variables).
The original variables (x) are called structural. Note
that each logical variable can be a slack, surplus, or
artificial variable, depending on the form of the original
constraint. This computer form also represents a range
constraint with simple bounds on the logical variable.
Some bounds can be infinite (i.e., absent), and a
free variable (logical or structural) is when both of its
bounds are infinite (A. Holder, editor. Mathematical
Programming Glossary. INFORMS Computing Society,
http://glossary.computing.society.informs.org/, 2006-08.
Originally authored by Harvey J. Greenberg, 1999-2006.)

Little’s Law queuing theory where numerator and denominator

are halved so queues are roughly equivalent no matter
how many are in line; the long-term average number of
customers in a stable system L is equal to the long-term
average effective arrival rate, λ, multiplied by the (Palm)
average time a customer spends in the system, W; or
expressed algebraically: L = λW. The relationship is not
influenced by the arrival process distribution, the service
distribution, the service order, or practically anything
else. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Little’s_law )

Local optimal a solution that is optimal (either maximal or minimal)

within a neighboring set of candidate solutions (http://

Logistic regression a type of probabilistic classification model [1] used for
predicting the outcome of a categorical dependent
variable (i.e., a class label) based on one or more
predictor variables (features). Logistic regression
can be binomial or multinomial. Binomial or binary
logistic regression deals with situations in which the
observed outcome for a dependent variable can have
only two possible types (for example, “dead” versus
“alive”). Multinomial logistic regression deals with
situations where the outcome can have three or more
possible types (e.g., “better” versus “no change”
versus “worse”) (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Logistic_

Machine learning an artificial intelligence (AI) discipline geared toward

the technological development of human knowledge.
Machine learning allows computers to handle new
situations via analysis, self-training, observation, and
experience (http://www.techopedia.com/definition/8181/

MANOVA acronym for multivariate analysis of variance for use with

multiple independent variables

Mean the arithmetic average of a set of values or distribution;

however, for skewed distributions, the mean is not
necessarily the same as the middle value (median),
or the most likely (mode); see also, Average (http://

Mean squared error the unbiased estimator of population variance. MSE

(MSE) divides by the error degrees of freedom, e.g., if only
the mean is estimated, MSE divides by N-1, if four
parameters are estimated, MSE divides by N-4, and so
on (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mean_squared_error )

Mean time between a measure of how reliable a hardware product or
failures (MTBF) component is. For most components, the measure
is typically in thousands or even tens of thousands of
hours between failures (http://whatis.techtarget.com/

Median the value such that the number of terms having values
greater than or equal to it is the same as the number
of terms having values less than or equal to it (http://

Metaheuristics a general framework for heuristics in solving hard

problems. The idea of ``meta’’ is that of level. An analogy
is the use of a metalanguage to explain a language. For
computer languages, we use symbols, like brackets,
in the metalanguage to denote properties of the
language being described, such as parameters that are
optional. Examples of metaheuristics are: Ant Colony
Optimization, Genetic Algorithms, Memetic Algorithms,
Neural networks, etc. (A. Holder, editor. Mathematical
Programming Glossary. INFORMS Computing Society,
http://glossary.computing.society.informs.org/, 2006-08.
Originally authored by Harvey J. Greenberg, 1999-2006.)

Mode value of the term that occurs the most often (http://

Monte Carlo a computerized mathematical technique that allows

simulation people to account for risk in quantitative analysis and
decision making. The technique is used by professionals
in such widely disparate fields as finance, project
management, energy, manufacturing, engineering,
research and development, insurance, oil and gas,
transportation, and the environment (http://www.

Net present value value in today’s currency of an item or service
(Davenport, Enterprise Analytics, p. 22)

Network optimization the process of striking the best possible balance

between network performance and network costs, in
consideration of grade of service requirements (www.

Next best offer (NBO) a targeted offer or proposed action for customers
based on analyses of past history and behavior, other
customer preferences, purchasing context, attributes of
the produces, or services from which they can choose
(Davenport, Enterprise Analytics, p. 83)

Nominal group a structured method for group brainstorming that

technique (NGT) encourages contributions from everyone (http://asq.

Normalization splits up data to avoid redundancy (duplication) by

moving commonly repeating groups of data into new
tables. Normalization therefore tends to increase the
number of tables that need to be joined to perform a
given query, but reduces the space required to hold the
data and the number of places where it needs to be
updated if the data changes (http://en.wikipedia.org/

Objective function the (real-valued) function to be optimized. In a

mathematical program in standard form, this is denoted
f (A. Holder, editor. Mathematical Programming
Glossary. INFORMS Computing Society, http://glossary.
computing.society.informs.org/, 2006-08. Originally
authored by Harvey J. Greenberg, 1999-2006.)

10 2
OLAP an abbreviation for “Online Analysis and Processing”;
a type of database technology that has long been used
by the business community to analyze and interactively
explore large financial data sets. The basic idea is that
data sets are viewed as cubes with hierarchies along
each axis (http://biolap.sourceforge.net/whitepaper.pdf)

OLAP cube an array of data understood in terms of its zero or more

dimensions; each cell of the cube holds a number that
represents some measure of the business, such as
sales, profits, expenses, budget, and forecast (http://

Operations deals with the design and management of products,

management processes, services, and supply chains. It considers the
acquisition, development, and utilization of resources
that firms need to deliver the goods and services their
clients want (http://mitsloan.mit.edu/omg/om-definition.

Operations Research a discipline that deals with the application of advanced

analytical methods to help make better decisions (http://

Opportunity cost the cost of an alternative that must be forgone to pursue

a certain action (http://www.investopedia.com/terms/o/

Optimization procedure or procedures used to make a system or

design as effective or functional as possible, especially
the mathematical techniques involved (http://www.

Pareto concept See, 80/20 rule

Pattern recognition in machine learning, pattern recognition is the
assignment of a label to a given input value (http://

Payback the length of time required to recover the cost of an

investment (http://www.investopedia.com/terms/p/

Pie chart graphic depiction of data using a pie with different

‘slices’ to represent the relative size of different
groupings of data points to the size of the whole

Precision the degree to which repeated measurements under

unchanged conditions show the same results (http://

Predictive analytics any approach to data mining with four attributes:

an emphasis on prediction (rather than description,
classification, or clustering), rapid analysis measured in
hours or days (rather than the stereotypical months of
traditional data mining), an emphasis on the business
relevance of the resulting insights (no ivory tower
analyses), and (increasingly) an emphasis on ease of
use, thus making the tools accessible to business users

Prescriptive analytics evaluates and determines new ways of operating

targeting business objective and balancing all
constraints (http://www.informs.org/Community/

10 4
Pricing a tactic in the simplex method, by which each variable
is evaluated for its potential to improve the value of
the objective function. Let p = c_B[B^-1], where B is a
basis, and c_B is a vector of costs associated with the
basic variables. The vector p is sometimes called a dual
solution, though it is not feasible in the dual before
termination; p is also called a simplex multiplier or
pricing vector. The price of the jth variable is c_j - pA_j.
The first term is its direct cost (c_j) and the second term
is an indirect cost, using the pricing vector to determine
the cost of inputs and outputs in the activity’s column
(A_j). The net result is called the reduced cost, and its
value determines whether this activity could improve
the objective value (A. Holder, editor. Mathematical
Programming Glossary. INFORMS Computing Society,
http://glossary.computing.society.informs.org/, 2006-08.
Originally authored by Harvey J. Greenberg, 1999-2006.)

Principal Component a dimension-reduction tool that can be used to reduce

Analysis (PCA) a large set of variables to a small set that still contains
most of the information in the large set (ftp://statgen.

Probability density the equation used to describe a continuous probability

function distribution (http://stattrek.com/statistics/dictionary.

Problem assessment/ initial step in the analytics process; involves buy in from
framing all parties involved on what the problem is before a
solution can be found

Project management the application of knowledge, skills, and techniques to

execute projects effectively and efficiently. A strategic
competency for organizations, enabling them to tie
project results to business goals (http://www.pmi.org/

Proprietary data data that no other organization possesses; produced
by a company to enhance its competitive posture
(Davenport, Enterprise Analytics, p. 37)

Queuing theory mathematical study of waiting in lines; results are used

when making business decisions about the resources
needed to provide service; research begun by A. K.
Erlang (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Queuing_theory on

Random of or characterizing a process of selection in which each

item of a set has an equal probability of being chosen

Range the difference between the maximum and minimum

observations providing an estimate of the spread of the
data (http://explorable.com/range-in-statistics)

Regression a statistical measure that attempts to determine the

strength of the relationship between one dependent
variable (usually denoted by Y) and a series of other
changing variables (known as independent variables)

Regression analysis statistical approach to forecasting change in a

dependent variable (e.g., sales revenue) on the basis
of change in one or more independent variables (e.g.,
population and income); AKA curve fitting or line fitting

10 6
Response surface a surface in (n+1) dimensions that represents the
methodology (RSM) variations in the expected value of a response variable
(see, regression) as the values of n explanatory
variables are varied. Usually the interest is in finding the
combination that gives a global maximum (or minimum)

Return on investment calculations that provide a basis for comparison with

(ROI) other investment opportunities; typically calculated
using ROI = ((Total value/benefits) – (total investment
costs))/Total investment costs (Davenport; Enterprise
Analytics, p. 20)

Revenue the science and art of enhancing revenues while selling

management essentially the same amount of product (http://www.ivey.

RFM data related to customer relationship management;

refers to recency, frequency, and monetary value of
purchases (Davenport, Enterprise Analytics, p. 49)

Risk the potential of loss (an undesirable outcome, however

not necessarily so) resulting from a given action, activity,
and/or inaction (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Risk)

Robust optimization a term given to an approach to deal with uncertainty,
similar to the recourse model of stochastic
programming, except that feasibility for all possible
realizations (called scenarios) is replaced by a penalty
function in the objective. As such, the approach
integrates goal programming with a scenario-based
description of problem data (A. Holder, editor.
Mathematical Programming Glossary. INFORMS
Computing Society, http://glossary.computing.society.
informs.org/, 2006-08. Originally authored by Harvey J.
Greenberg, 1999-2006.)

Scatter plot graphic depiction of data, used to show/identify

relationship between independent variables

Scenario analysis a process of analyzing possible future events by

considering alternative possible outcomes (scenarios).
The analysis is designed to allow improved decision
making by allowing more complete consideration
of outcomes and their implications (http://www.

Scheduling a schedule for a sequence of jobs, say j1,...,jn, is a

specification of start times, say t1,...,tn, such that certain
constraints are met. A schedule is sought that minimizes
cost and/or some measure of time, like the overall
project completion time (when the last job is finished)
or the tardy time (amount by which the completion
time exceeds a given deadline). There are precedence
constraints, such as in the construction industry,
where a wall cannot be erected until the foundation
is laid (A. Holder, editor. Mathematical Programming
Glossary. INFORMS Computing Society, http://glossary.
computing.society.informs.org/, 2006-08. Originally
authored by Harvey J. Greenberg, 1999-2006.)

Sensitivity analysis the concern with how the solution changes if some
changes are made in either the data or in some of the
solution values (by fixing their value). Marginal analysis
is concerned with the effects of small perturbations,
maybe measurable by derivatives. Parametric analysis
is concerned with larger changes in parameter values
that affect the data in the mathematical program,
such as a cost coefficient or resource limit (A. Holder,
editor. Mathematical Programming Glossary. INFORMS
Computing Society, http://glossary.computing.society.
informs.org/, 2006-08. Originally authored by Harvey J.
Greenberg, 1999-2006.)

Shadow price an economic term to denote the rate at which the

optimal value changes with respect to a change in some
right-hand side that represents a resource supply or
demand requirement (A. Holder, editor. Mathematical
Programming Glossary. INFORMS Computing Society,
http://glossary.computing.society.informs.org/, 2006-08.
Originally authored by Harvey J. Greenberg, 1999-2006.)

Simulated annealing an algorithm for solving hard problems, notably

combinatorial programs, based on the metaphor of how
annealing works: reach a minimum energy state upon
cooling a substance, but not too quickly in order to
avoid reaching an undesirable final state. As a heuristic
search, it allows a nonimproving move to a neighbor
with a probability that decreases over time. The rate of
this decrease is determined by the cooling schedule,
often just a parameter used in an exponential decay (in
keeping with the thermodynamic metaphor). With some
(mild) assumptions about the cooling schedule, this will
converge in probability to a global optimum (A. Holder,
editor. Mathematical Programming Glossary. INFORMS
Computing Society, http://glossary.computing.society.
informs.org/, 2006-08. Originally authored by Harvey J.
Greenberg, 1999-2006.)

Six Sigma a set of strategies, techniques, and tools for process
improvement. It seeks to improve the quality of
process outputs by identifying and removing the
causes of defects (errors) and minimizing variability
in manufacturing and business processes (http://

Spreadsheet analysis the analysis of data using special computer software to

anticipate marketing performance under a given set of
circumstances (http://www.marketing-dictionary.com/s.

Standard deviation measure of the unpredictability of a random variable,

expressed as the average deviation of a set of data
from its arithmetic mean and computed as the positive
square root of the variance. Customarily represented
by the lower-case Greek letter sigma (σ), it is considered
the most useful and important measure of dispersion
that has all the essential properties of the variance plus
the advantage of being determined in the same units as
those of the original data. Also called root mean square
(RMS) deviation (www.businessdictionary.com)

Statistical significance probability of obtaining a test result that occurs by

chance and not by systematic manipulation of data

Statistics branch of mathematics concerned with collection,

classification, analysis, and interpretation of numerical
facts, for drawing inferences on the basis of their
quantifiable likelihood (probability). Statistics can
interpret aggregates of data too large to be intelligible
by ordinary observation because such data (unlike
individual quantities) tend to behave in regular,
predictable manner. It is subdivided into descriptive and
inferential statistics (www.businessdictionary.com)

Stepwise regression a semi-automated process of building a model by
successively adding or removing variables based solely
on the t-statistics of their estimated coefficients (http://

Supply chain the active management of supply chain activities to

management maximize customer value and achieve a sustainable
competitive advantage (http://scm.ncsu.edu/scm-

System dynamics a computer-aided approach to policy analysis and

design. It applies to dynamic problems arising in
complex social, managerial, economic, or ecological
systems (http://www.systemdynamics.org/what_is_

Tolerance an approach to sensitivity analysis in linear programming

that expresses the common range that parameters
can change while preserving the character of the
solution (A. Holder, editor. Mathematical Programming
Glossary. INFORMS Computing Society, http://glossary.
computing.society.informs.org/, 2006-08. Originally
authored by Harvey J. Greenberg, 1999-2006.)

Traveling salesman given n points and a cost matrix [cij], a tour is a

problem (TSP) permutation of the n points. The points can be cities,
and the permutation the visitation of each city exactly
once, then returning to the first city (called home). (A.
Holder, editor. Mathematical Programming Glossary.
INFORMS Computing Society, http://glossary.
computing.society.informs.org/, 2006-08. Originally
authored by Harvey J. Greenberg, 1999-2006.)

Uncertainty the estimated amount or percentage by which an

observed or calculated value may differ from the true
value (http://www.thefreedictionary.com/uncertainty)

Validation (of a model) determining how well the model depicts the real-world
situation it is describing (http://www.easterbrook.ca/

Variability describes how spread out or closely clustered a set of

data is (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Variability)

Variable cost a periodic cost that varies in step with the output or the
sales revenue of a company. Variable costs include raw
material, energy usage, labor, distribution costs, etc.

Variance a parameter in a distribution that describes how far the

values are spread apart. Variance is a characteristic of
some probability distribution, which distinguishes the
concept of variance from the ways to estimate it from
sample data(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Variance)

Variation reduction reference to process variation where reduction leads

to stable and predication process results (http://www.

Vehicle routing finding optimal delivery routes from one or more

problem (VRP) depots to a set of geographically scattered points (e.g.,
population centers). A simple case is finding a route for
snow removal, garbage collection, or street sweeping
(without complications, this is akin to a shortest path
problem). In its most complex form, the VRP is a
generalization of the TSP, as it can include additional
time and capacity constraints, precedence constraints,
and more (A. Holder, editor. Mathematical Programming
Glossary. INFORMS Computing Society, http://glossary.
computing.society.informs.org/, 2006-08. Originally
authored by Harvey J. Greenberg, 1999-2006.)

Verification includes all the activities associated with the producing
(of a model) high quality software: testing, inspection, design
analysis, specification analysis (http://www.easterbrook.

Web analytics ability to use data generated through Internet-based

activities; typically used to assess customer behaviors;
see also, RFM (Davenport, Enterprise Analytics, p. 49-51)

Yield percentage of ‘good’ product in a batch; has three

main components: functional (defect driven), parametric
(performance driven), and production efficiency/
equipment utilization (http://www-inst.eecs.berkeley.


These questions will never be on the CAP® certification exam: they are here solely
as study aids. All questions on the certification exam are multiple choice with four
possible correct answers of which only one is correct.

1. What are the 5 W’s?

2. What is a stakeholder?

3. How could a problem not be amenable to an analytics solution?

4. Suppose that the business problem is that the organization wants to increase
sales by increasing cross-selling to existing customers. Your project sponsor
looks to you to tell her how the organization can get there based on the data
at hand. What’s your first move?

a. Dive into existing customer interaction data

b. Ask your sponsor if she has a particular customer segment in mind

c. Talk with marketing to see what they have planned for the next sales

d. Ask your sponsor what the actual numeric target of increased sales is

5. Your sponsor has come back with a numeric goal of increasing sales from
an average of $10,000 per customer to $11,000 per customer in the next 12
months, what’s your next move?

a. See what price/sales volume data exist to see if the organization’s

prices match value

b. See what sales by customer data exist

c. Create hypotheses of which customer segments could be cross-sold

d. Explore whether there are any other related business goals

6. You now have a little more information from the project sponsor, along with
several rumors from other sources. You know that you should base the cost
of increased sales over current levels at the marginal cost, rather than the
fully allocated cost; that the company has to maintain at least the same return
on sales as it currently has as the sales increase from 10,000 per customer to
11,000 per customer; and that top-line revenue must also increase by 10% (i.e.,
you can’t get there by dropping your lowest performing customers). Once
you’ve listed these assumptions or rules in your project charter, what’s next?

a. Start creating your input/output diagrams about what drives current

customers to buy more

b. Talk with your marketing and data groups to see what data exist

c. Figure out how the increased sales goal should be broken down into

d. Run a conjoint analysis to see if existing products can be tweaked to

be worth more money

7. Speaking of reviews, which of these groups should NOT be invited?

a. Data group

b. Sales & Marketing

c. Manufacturing

d. Contracts

8. Describe the main differences between discrete-event simulation and Monte

Carlo simulation.

9. A post office area manager received many complaints that the only branch she
has in the north side of the town has a very long waiting time. She hired you
as a consultant to recommend justifying opening new positions in her branch.
What would be a relevant methodology to use?

a. Monte Carlo simulation

b. Queuing theory

c. Data mining

d. Linear programming

10. A major aircraft manufacturing company is intending to determine the main
causes for fatal failures in their battery system. The best methodology to use
to pin point the root causes is:

a. conduct a well-prepared design of experiments.

b. use historical data to relate failures to potential causes.

c. Simulate the process with all the failure modes

d. Choice B or C

11. In mapping different X’s to a Y, the advantage of using linear regression to a

backpropagation artificial neural network (ANN) is:

a. regression is more accurate in predicting Y’s given X’s compared to


b. regression can handle more variables than ANN.

c. regression handles data in a visible and transparent manner compared

to ANN, which is perceived to be a black-box methodology.

d. regression is more able to handle outliers.

12. You are given three months to solve an analytics problem and the needed data
will require two months to collect. What would be the strategy with the best

a. Wait until the data are available to choose the best methodology

b. Refuse to work on this project

c. Ignore the data and design a tool that fits all possible scenarios

d. Start developing the model with a template containing approximate


13. One good methodology to reduce the dimensionality of a set of data is to use:

a. principal component analysis (PCA).

b. linear programming.

c. discrete-event simulation.

d. artificial intelligence.

14. You are given a set of data to be utilized for a model. Their level of accuracy
is within +/- 20%. What approach and/or software would you use for the

a. Approach and/or software that deals with data at +/- 1% accuracy level

b. Approach and/or software that deals with data at +/- 0.01% accuracy

c. Approach and/or software that deals with data at +/- 10% accuracy

d. Approach and/or software that deals with data at +/- 30% accuracy

15. You are asked to establish a model to map many independent variables (X’s) to
one dependent variable (Y). The model should explain the level of significance
of the X’s to Y and their level of correlation. What is the first methodology to
come to mind in this situation?

a. Stepwise regression

b. Fuzzy logic

c. Artificial neural network

d. Monte Carlo simulation

16. In INFORMS CAP® study guide, models are classified as:

a. prescriptive, simulation, and predictive.

b. descriptive, prescriptive, and predictive.

c. analytical, soft skills, and descriptive.

d. simulation, optimization, data mining, and statistics.

17. A factory has skilled workers that operate complicated equipment and there
is a need to transfer the knowledge to new hires. The procedure cannot be
explained in a crisp manner with exact numbers. For example, the operator
cannot explain what the right temperature and pressure are to maximize
the strength of the material at a certain condition. They simply just know by
experience. One good candidate approach to model that variables and rules

a. fuzzy logic.

b. neural network.

c. linear regression.

d. logistic regression.

18. Visualization is more closely related to which of the following analytics

methodology categories?

a. Prescriptive

b. Descriptive

c. Soft skills

d. Predictive

19. A proper methodology to handle missing data is:

a. principal component analysis.

b. stepwise regression.

c. decision tree.

d. Markov chain.

20. A chemical plant is under study to identify the bottleneck in its operation to
facilitate scheduling. One proper methodology to model the plant is:

a. system dynamics.

b. discrete-event simulation.

c. Markov chain.

d. fuzzy logic.

21. You are given a problem by a client in which you need to determine the right
amount to be purchased from what location so the total cost of manufacturing,
transportation, and duties is minimized. The first methodology to come in
mind to model this problem is:

a. step-wise regression.

b. mixed-integer programming.

c. linear programming.

d. logistic regression.

22. Genetic algorithm, Tabu search, and ant colony optimization are examples
of optimization algorithms that are inspired by natural phenomenon and are
examples of the following type of analytics methodologies:

a. Metaheuristics

b. Simulation

c. Pattern recognition

d. Visualization

23. Once you’ve built your model how do you know that the model will still answer
your business problem?

24. In the business problem framing chapter, there’s an example of a manufacturing

plant that has poor on-time performance. Imagine that you’ve built a simulation
model of the plant that shows that it should be able to achieve much better
results without requiring any new investment. What concerns might your
stakeholders have?

25. When should you retire a model?

a. When its replacement has been validated

b. When a change in business conditions invalidate its assumptions

c. Both a and b

d. Neither a nor b

12 0
26. How often should model maintenance be done?

a. When underlying assumptions change

b. When it is ported to a new system

c. When the data it uses changes its format

d. When it is transferred to a new owner

27. What will happen if you don’t ever bother to evaluate model performance and
returns over time?

28. Which of the following BEST describes the data and information flow within
an organization?

a. Information assurance

b. Information strategy

c. Information mapping

d. Information architecture

29. A multiple linear regression was built to try to predict customer expenditures
based on 200 independent variables (behavioral and demographic). 10,000
randomly selected rows of data were fed into a stepwise regression, each row
representing one customer. 1,000 customers were male, and 9,000 customers
were female. The final model had an adjusted R-squared of 0.27 and seven
independent variables. Increasing the number of randomly selected rows of
data to 100,000 and rerunning the stepwise regression will MOST likely:

a. have negligible impact upon the adjusted R-squared.

b. increase the impact of the male customers.

c. change the heteroskedasticity of the residuals in a favorable manner.

d. decrease the number of independent variables in the final model.

30. A clothing company wants to use analytics to decide which customers to
send a promotional catalogue in order to attain a targeted response rate.
Which of the following techniques would be the MOST appropriate to use for
making this decision?

a. Integer programming

b. Logistic regression

c. Analysis of variance

d. Linear regression

31. Which of the following is an effective optimization method?

a. Analysis of variance (ANOVA)

b. Generalized linear model (GLM)  

c. Box-Jenkins Method (ARIMA)  

d. Mixed integer programming (MIP)

32. A box and whisker plot for a dataset will MOST clearly show:

a. the difference between the 50th percentile and the median.

b. the 90% confidence interval around the mean.

c. where the [actual-predicted] error value is not zero.

d. if the data is skewed and, if so, in which direction.

33. In the initial project meeting with a client for a new project, which of the
following is the MOST important information to obtain?

a. Timeline and implementation plan

b. Analytical model to use

c. Business issue and project goal

d. Available budget

12 2
34. Which of the following statements is true of modeling a multi-server checkout

a. A queuing model can be used to estimate service rates.

b. A queuing model can be used to estimate average arrivals.

c. Variability in arrival and service times will tend to play a critical role in

d. Poisson distributions are not relevant.

35. A company is considering designing a new automobile. Their options are

a design based on current gasoline engine technology or a government
proposed «Green» technology. You are a government official whose job is to
encourage automakers to adopt the «Green» technology. You cannot provide
funding for development costs, but you can provide a subsidy for every car
sold.  The development costs and the wholesale price, in thousands of dollars,
of the cars are shown in the table below:  




FIXED COST 100,000 200,000

How large a subsidy per vehicle sold will be required, assuming there will be
enough demand to motivate the switch?

a. Greater than $5000

b. Less than $5000

c. Cannot be determined

d. Equal to $5000

36. A furniture maker would like to determine the most profitable mix of items to
produce. There are well-known budgetary constraints. Each piece of furniture
is made of a predetermined amount of material with known costs, and
demand is known. Which of the following analytical techniques is the MOST
appropriate one to solve this problem?

a. Optimization

b. Multiple regression

c. Data mining

d. Forecasting

37. You have simulated the Net Present Value (NPV) of a decision. It ranges
between –$10 million and +$10 million. To best present the likelihood of
possible outcomes, you should:

a. present a single NPV estimate to avoid confusion.

b. present a  histogram to show likelihood of various NPVs.

c. trim all outliers to present the most balanced diagram.

d. relax constraints associated with extreme points in the simulation.

38. A company ships products from a single dock at their warehouse. The time
to load shipments depends on the experience of the crew, products being
shipped and weather. The company thinks there is significant unmet demand
for their products and would like to build another dock in order to meet this
demand. They ask you to build a model and determine if the revenue from
the additional products sold will cover the cost of the second dock within
two years of it becoming operational. Which of the following is the MOST
appropriate modeling approach and justification?

a. Optimization because it is a transportation problem.  

b. Optimization because the company’s objective is to maximize profit

and because capacity at the dock is a limited resource.  

c. Forecasting because you can determine the throughput at the dock,

calculate the net revenue and compare this with the cost of the new

d. Discrete event simulation because there are a sequence of random

events through time.

12 4
39. Two investors who have the same information about the stock market buy an
equal number of shares of a stock. Which of the following statements must be

a. The risks for the two investors are statistically independent.

b. Both investors are subject to the same risks.

c. Both investors are subject to the same uncertainty.

d. If the investors are optimistic, they should have borrowed rather than
bought the shares.

40. A project seeks to build a predictive data-mining model of customer

profitability based upon a set of independent variables including customer
transaction history, demographics, and externally purchased credit-scoring
information. There are currently 100,000 unique customers available for use in
building the predictive model. Which of the following strategies would reflect
the BEST allocation of these 100,000 customer data points?

a. Use 70,000 randomly selected data points when building the model,
and hold the remaining 30,000 out as a test dataset.

b. Use all 100,000 data points when building the model.

c. Randomly partition the data into 4 datasets of equal size, build four
models and take their average.

d. Use 1,000 randomly selected data points when building the model.

41. Conjoint analysis in market research applications can:

a. give its best estimates of customer preference structure based on in-

depth interviews with a small number of carefully chosen subjects.

b. only trade off relative importance to customers of features with similar


c. allow calculation of relative importance of varying features and

attributes to customers.

d. only trade off among a limited number of attributes and levels.

42. One of the main advantages of tree-based models and neural networks is that

a. are easy to interpret, use, and explain.

b. build models with higher R-squared than other regression techniques.

c. reveal interactions without having to explicitly build them into the


d. can be modeled even when there is a significant amount of missing


43. The monthly profit made by a clothing manufacturer is proportional to the

monthly demand, up to a maximum demand of 1000 units, which corresponds
to the plant producing at full capacity. (Any excess demand over 1000 units will
be satisfied by some other manufacturer, and hence yield no additional profit.)
The monthly demand is uncertain, but the average demand is reliably estimated
at 1000 units. At this level of demand the monthly profit is $3,000,000. Which
of the following statements must be true of the expected monthly profit, P?

a. P can have any positive value. 

b. P is possibly greater than $3,000,000.

c. P is equal to $3,000,000.

d. P is less than $3,000,000.

44. After building a predictive model and testing it on new data, an under
prediction by a forecasting system can be detected by its:

a. negative-squared.

b. bias.

c. mean absolute deviation.

d. mean squared error.

12 6
45. All times in the decision tree below are given in hours. What is the expected
travel time (in hours) of the optimal (minimum travel time) decision?

0.6 9
0.5 no
rain 0.4 6
dry 0.3 9
Drive 0.5 jam
Drive Jam
or no
fly? 0.7 6
0.8 10
0.5 delay
Rain? rain Flight
dry no
0.5 0.2 5

a. 7.8

b. 6.9

c. 7.4

d. 7.0

46. An analytics professional is responsible for maintaining a simulation model

that is used to determine the staffing levels required for a specific operational
business process.   Assuming that the operational team always uses the
number of staff determined by the model, which of the following is the MOST
important maintenance activity?

a. Ensure that all the model input data items are available when needed.

b. Determine if there has been a change in model accuracy over time.

c. Ensure that all users are reviewing the model results in a timely fashion.

d. Determine that the model’s reports are understood by the users.

47. A segmentation of customers who shop at a retail store may be performed
using which of the following methods?

a. Monte Carlo Markov Chain and ANOVA

b. Clustering, factor and control charts

c. Decision tree and recursive function analyses

d. Clustering and decision trees

48. In the diagram below, what is true of Strategy B compared to Strategy A?


cum. probability NPV - Millions US $


Strategy A
Strategy B






(400) (200) - 200 400 600 800 1,000 1,200 1,400 1,600

NPV, Millions US $

a. Strategy B exhibits stochastic (probabilistic) dominance over Strategy A.

b. Strategy B has the same downside risk as Strategy A since the curves
have the same shape.

c. Strategy B must have the same uncertainties impacting it as Strategy

A because the curves are so similar in shape.

d. Strategy A exhibits stochastic (probabilistic) dominance over strategy B.

12 8
49. Each month you generate a list of marketing leads for direct mail campaigns.
Which of the following should you do before the list is used?

a. Exclude people who were on the list the previous month.

b. Retain x% of the leads as control for performance measurement.

c. Remove opt-outs.

d. Exclude people who were never on the list.

50. When analyzing responses of a survey of why people like a certain restaurant,
factor analysis could reduce the dimension in which of the following ways?

a. Collapse several survey questions regarding food taste, health value,

ingredients and consistency into one general unobserved “food
quality” variable.

b. Condense similar survey respondent answers into clusters of like-

minded customers for market segment analysis.

c. Reduce the variability of individual subject ratings by centering each

respondent’s ratings around his or her average rating.

d. Decrease variability by analyzing inter-rater reliability on the question

items before offering the survey to a wide number of respondents.

51. A preferred method or best practice for organizing data in a data warehouse
for reporting and analysis is:

a. transactional-based modeling.

b. multidimensional modeling.

c. relation-based modeling.

d. tuple-based modeling.


1. Who are the stakeholders,

What is the problem,

Where is the problem occurring,

When does the problem occur, and

Why does the problem occur?

2. Stakeholders are all who are affected by the problem and its solution. Note
that this may include more than those in the initial meetings and those in
charge of the problem solution.

3. Problems may be constrained by limitations of the tools, methods, and data

available or the feasibility of solution.

4. Note that your sponsor didn’t give you much information to go on, and you
don’t know what your goal really is, except that you know you’re looking to
get more sales per customer. There’s not enough to go on here to start to
formulate the problem. Choice D would be the best response to start to get
some numbers to go with the business’ goal.

5. Even given the statement above, you don’t yet have a complete view of the
business problem. You don’t know why the organization has chosen to focus its
attention on increasing sales per customer. Without that, you don’t know what
margins are acceptable on those sales. You may assume that general business
rules apply and that you should assume that any sales under a 20% margin
are inherently unprofitable and should be rejected. But without surfacing and
clarifying that assumption and many others, you don’t know if it is valid or not.
You have to ask and keep asking until you know what assumptions are valid.
Again, choice D is the most appropriate answer.

6. Here the most appropriate answer is choice A. This is important because if you
go straight to looking at data, your hypotheses about what’s important will be
inherently biased by the existing data and explanations. If the answer were
in your existing explanations, you probably wouldn’t have the problem in the
first place. But now that you have the initial set of drivers, you can start talking
with your data group and decomposing your metrics to allocate the increased
performance to performing groups. Any group with changing goals needs to
be on your stakeholder list and part of the reviews.

7. Any group with changing requirements needs to be invited. If you plan on
selling more items, then the manufacturing group needs to be part of the
discussion so they can advise on how much they can actually produce before
requiring more investment for another line, more employees, etc.

8. Monte Carlo simulation is about generating random numbers and processes

them to predict another variable without focusing necessarily on the
accumulated queues and the impact of time. On the other hand, the focus of
discrete event simulation is to study the accumulated queues as time goes. A
discrete event simulation may include Monte Carlo runs as we can run random
numbers in DES, but not necessarily.

9. b. Queuing theory

10. d. Choice B or C

11. c. regression handles data in a visible and transparent manner compared to

ANN, which is perceived to be a black-box methodology.

12. d. Start developing the model with a template containing approximate


13. a. principal component analysis (PCA).

14. c. Approach and/or software that deals with data at +/- 10% accuracy level

15. a. Stepwise regression

16. b. descriptive, prescriptive, and predictive.

17. a. fuzzy logic.

18. b. Descriptive

19. a. principal component analysis.

20. b. discrete-event simulation.

21. b. mixed-integer programming.

22. a. Metaheuristics

23. The answer is to go back to the original question or problem and see if that has
been answered. There may be times when the original question or problem
may have become only a part of the solution, but it still needs to have been

24. Among other things, stakeholders may be concerned with the implications of
the solution, the future impact on their business, whether the new solution will
lead to more on time performance in the long run, the ease of implementation,
impact on personnel of changes in processes, and other concerns related to
their way of doing business.

25. c. Both a and b. If a change in business conditions has occurred that invalidate
the assumptions of the original model, a new or revised model should be
fielded and tested and validated before being deployed as a replacement.

26. a. While maintenance is continual over the life of a model, maintenance is

required when the underlying assumptions change.

27. If the model performance is not evaluated, over time the returns may become
skewed and may not provide accurate answers to the original question.

28. d. Information architecture refers to the analysis and design of the data stored
by information systems, concentrating on entities, their attributes, and their
interrelationships. It refers to the modeling of data for an individual database
and to the corporate data models that an enterprise uses to coordinate the
definition of data in several (perhaps scores or hundreds) distinct databases.

29. a. have no impact upon the adjusted R-squared. The increase in size of the
data will not impact the adjusted R-squared calculation because both samples
are sufficiently large randomly selected subsets of data.

30. b. Logistic regression This type of classification model is often used to predict
the outcome of a categorical dependent variable (response vs. no response)
based on one or more predictor variables, so this is the most appropriate
answer. The goal of the analytics in the stated problem is to determine who
is most likely to respond, and the binary nature of this predicted outcome is
provided by logistic regression.

31. d. Mixed integer programming (MIP) This is a mathematical optimization

technique used when one or more of the variables are restricted to be integers.
It is an effective optimization model.

32. d. if the data is skewed and, if so, in which direction. A box and whisker plot,
sometimes just called a “box plot,” was invented by John Tukey as a way to
graphically display the distribution of data. The ends of the box are at the
first and third quartiles, and there is a line somewhere in the box representing
the median value. The whiskers extend either to the minimum and maximum
values in the data set, or possibly less if they do not include points identified
as outliers.

13 2
33. c. Business issue and project goal. Understanding the business issue and
project goal provides a sound foundation on which to base the project.

34. c. Variability in arrival and service times will tend to play a critical role in
congestion. Arrival and service time distributions are inputs to a queuing
model that would be used to model a checkout line and directly influence

35. a. Greater than $5000

If we consider the profit from an individual vehicle to be the wholesale price

minus the variable cost, we see that the profit from a Gasoline Technology
vehicle is $25K–$15K = $10K. Similarly, the profit from a “Green” Technology
vehicle is $40K–$35K = $5K. In order to make up for this difference in lost
profit, the subsidy provided to the automaker would have to be at least $5K
(the difference between $10K and $5K). In addition, the subsidy would need to
be greater than $5000 so that the auto makers would be able to recover their
increased fixed costs at a reasonable level of demand.

36. a. Optimization The problem statement describes an optimization problem:

the furniture maker’s objective function is to maximize his profit. The decision
variables are the amount of each item to produce, and the constraints are that
he must meet demand and be within his budget. Optimization is the most
appropriate technique to solve this problem.

37. b. present a histogram to show likelihood of various NPVs. Net Present Value
(NPV) takes as input a time series of cash flow (both incoming and outgoing)
and a discount rate and outputs a price. By showing a histogram (a graphical
representation of the distribution of data), it is possible to see how likely
various NPVs (beyond the given minimum and maximum) are to occur. This
would be useful information to have when considering a decision, especially
since the range of outcomes includes $0, meaning the decision could result in
a profit or a loss.

38. d. Discrete event simulation because there are a sequence of random events
through time. The time to load shipments depends on the experience of
the crew, products being shipped and weather. Given there is a sequence of
random events through time, discrete event simulation is the most appropriate
modeling approach.

39. c. Both investors are subject to the same uncertainty regarding the stock

40. a. Use 70,000 randomly selected data points when building the model, and
hold the remaining 30,000 out as a test dataset. This split provides sufficient
data to build the model and sufficient data to test the model. This is the best
allocation of the customer data points. (A common ‘rule of thumb’ is to use
about two thirds of the data to build the model and one third to test it)

41. c. allow calculation of relative importance of varying features and attributes

to customers. Conjoint analysis by definition maps consumer preference
structures into mathematical tradeoffs, and was designed to allow a marketer
to compare the relative utility of varying features and attributes.

42. c. reveal interactions without having to explicitly build them into the model.
Tree-based models and neural networks are employed to find patterns in
the data that were not previously identified (or input into the model building

43. d. P is less than $3,000,000. When the demand is 1000 or greater, the profit
is $3,000,000. But when the demand is less than 1000, the profit is less than
$3,000,000. Given this and that the average demand is 1000 units, the expected
monthly profit must be less than $3,000,000.

44. b. bias. The bias measures the difference, including the direction of the
estimate and the right answer. Depending on whether it’s positive or negative,
it will show whether there is an over or under estimate.

45. d. 7.0 To answer this question, one needs to solve the decision tree using the
“roll back” technique. Continuing back the bottom branch of the tree, the
expected time if you fly is (0.5)(9.0) + (0.5)(5) = 7.0 hours. Now, when faced
with the “drive or fly” decision, you should choose to fly (since 7.0 hours is less
than 7.35 hours). Thus, answer d) 7.0 hours is the expected travel time of the
optimal (or minimal travel time) decision.

46. b. Determine if there has been a change in model accuracy over time. The
most important maintenance activity for the analytics professional responsible
for maintaining the simulation model is to monitor the accuracy of the model
over time. If there has been a change in accuracy, the analytics professional
may need to revisit the assumptions of the model.

47. d. Clustering and decision trees Customer segmentation consists of dividing

a customer base into groups of individuals that are similar in specific ways
relevant to marketing, e.g., age, gender, interests, spending habits and so
on. The purpose of customer segmentation is to allow a company to target
specific groups of customers effectively and allocate marketing resources to
best effect. Two ways to do this segmentation are clustering and decision trees

13 4
48. a. Strategy B exhibits stochastic (probabilistic) dominance over Strategy A.

Because the cumulative probability curve for Strategy B is below (or to the
right) of the corresponding curve for Strategy A, it can be said that Strategy B
exhibits stochastic dominance (SD) over Strategy A. B stochastically dominates
A when, for any good outcome x, B gives at least as high a probability of
receiving at least x as does A, and for some x, B gives a higher probability of
receiving at least x. Since the curves do not cross, B stochastically dominates A.

49. c. Remove opt-outs. The list of marketing leads should not include people or
organizations that have opted out.

50. a. Collapse several survey questions regarding food taste, health value,
ingredients and consistency into one general unobserved “food quality”
variable. Factor analysis is a statistical method used to describe variability
among observed variables in terms of a potentially lower number of unobserved
variables called factors. The information gained about the interdependencies
between observed variables can be used later to reduce the set of variables
in a dataset.

51. b. multidimensional modeling.

Multidimensional modeling is the optimum way to organize data in a data

warehouse for analysis. It is associated with OLAP (On-line Analytical
Processing).  OLAP data is organized in cubes that can be taken directly from
the data warehouse for analysis.

For more information on the review questions numbered 28 to 51, see https://


Domain I — Business Problem (Question) Framing

Davenport T, Kim J (2013) Keeping up with the Quants: Your Guide to Understanding and Using
Analytics (Harvard Business Review Press, Boston).
Framing the problem at https://www.boundless.com/business/management/decision-making/
Kirkwood CW (1997) Strategic Decision Making: Multiobjective Decision Analysis with
Spreadsheets (Duxbury Press, Pacific Grove, CA).
Lindstrom C (2009) How to write a problem statement, March 18, http://www.ceptara.com/blog/how-
Nixon NW (2013) Focus first on framing, not solving, the problem, April 18, http://philadelphia.
Seelig T (2013) Shift your lens: The power of re-framing problems. Seelig T, ed. inGenius: A Crash
Course on Creativity (HarperOne, New York), http://stvp.stanford.edu/blog/?p=6435.
Spradlin D (2012) The power of defining the problem, September 25, http://blogs.hbr.org/cs/2012/09/
Domain II — Analytics Problem Framing
Albright SC, Winston W, Zappe C (2011) Data Analysis and Decision Making, 4th ed. (South-Western
Cengage Learning, Mason, OH).
Covey S (2004) The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People (Simon & Schuster, New York).
Tversky A, Kahneman D (1974) Judgment under uncertainty: Heuristics and biases. Science
Domain III — Data
Hubbard DW (2010) How to Measure Anything: Finding the Value of “Intangibles” in Business, 2nd ed.
(John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, NJ).
Hillier F, Hillier M (2013) Introduction to Management Science: A Modeling and Case Study Approach,
5th ed. (McGraw-Hill Higher Education, New York).
Vose D (2008) Risk Analysis: A Quantitative Guide, 3rd ed. (John Wiley & Sons, Chichester, UK).
Domain IV — Methodology (Approach) Selection
Big data: The next frontier for innovation, competition, and productivity, a McKinsey & Company
report. http://www.mckinsey.com/insights/business_technology/big_data_the_next_frontier_for_
Neter J, Kutner M, Nachtsheim C, Wasserman W (1996) Applied Linear Statistical Models, 4th
ed. (McGraw-Hill/Irwin, New York).
Domain V — Model Building & Domain VII – Model Life Cycle Management
Berry MJA, Linoff GS (1999) Mastering Data Mining: The Art and Science of Customer Relationship
Management (Wiley, New York).
Clemen RT (1997) Making Hard Decisions: An Introduction to Decision, 2nd ed. (Duxbury Press, Pacific
Grove, CA).
Few S (2012) Show Me the Numbers: Designing Tables and Graphs to Enlighten, 2nd ed. (Analytics
Press, Burlingame, CA).

Hand DJ, Mannila H, Smyth P (2001) Principles of Data Mining (MIT Press, Boston).
Hillier FS, Lieberman GJ (2005) Introduction to Operations Research, 8th ed. (McGraw-Hill, New York).
Law AM, Kelton DW (2000) Simulation Modeling and Analysis, 3rd ed. (McGraw-Hill, New York).
Ross SM (2010) Introductory Statistics, 3rd ed. (Academic Press, Burlington, MA).
Siegel E (2013) Predictive Analytics: The Power to Predict Who Will Click, Buy, Lie, or Die (Wiley, New York).
Tufte ER (2001) The Visual Display of Quantitative Information, 2nd ed. (Graphics Press, Cheshire, CT).
Domain VI — Deployment
Chapman P, et al., CRISP-DM 1.0 Step by Step data mining guide, http://lyle.smu.
edu/~mhd/8331f03/crisp.pdf and http://www.the-modeling-agency.com/crisp-dm.pdf.
Laursen GHN, Thorlund J (2010) Business Analytics for Managers: Taking Business Intelligence
Beyond Reporting (John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, NJ).
Domain VII — Lifecycle Maintenance
Chapman P, et al., CRISP-DM 1.0 Step by Step data mining guide, http://lyle.smu.
edu/~mhd/8331f03/crisp.pdf and http://www.the-modeling-agency.com/crisp-dm.pdf.
Wirth R (2000) CRISP-DM: Towards a standard process model for data mining. Proc. Fourth Internat.
Conf. Practical Appl. Knowledge Discovery Data Mining, http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/


Albright SC, Winston W, Zappe C (2011) Data Analysis and Decision Making, 4th ed. (South-Western
Cengage Learning, Mason, OH).
Bartlett R (2013) A Practitioner’s Guide to Business Analytics: Using Data Analysis Tools to Improve
Your Organization’s Decision Making and Strategy (McGraw-Hill, New York).
Bennett G, Levis J (2013) Steering toward analytics certification. OR/MS Today (June).
Berry MJA, Linoff GS (1999) Mastering Data Mining: The Art and Science of Customer Relationship
Management (Wiley, New York).
Big data: The next frontier for innovation, competition, and productivity. Report, McKinsey &
Company. http://www.mckinsey.com/insights/business_technology/big_data_the_next_frontier_for_
Breeden J (2013) Tipping Sacred Cows: Kick the Bad Work Habits that Masquerade as Virtues (Jossey-
Bass, San Francisco, CA).
Brohaugh W (2007) Write Tight: Say Exactly What You Mean With Precision and Power (Sourcebooks,
Naperville, IL).
Chapman P, et al., CRISP-DM 1.0 Step by Step data mining guide, http://lyle.smu.
edu/~mhd/8331f03/crisp.pdf and http://www.the-modeling-agency.com/crisp-dm.pdf.
Clemen RT (1997) Making Hard Decisions: An Introduction to Decision, 2nd ed. (Duxbury Press, Pacific
Grove, CA).
Covey S (2004) The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People (Simon & Schuster, New York).
Davenport T, Harris J (2110) Analytics at Work: Smarter Decision, Better Results (Harvard Business
Review Press, Boston).
Davenport T, Kim J (2013) Keeping up with the Quants: Your Guide to Understanding and Using
Analytics (Harvard Business Review Press, Boston).

Duarter N (2012) HBR Guide to Persuasive Presentations (Harvard Business Review Press, Boston).
Eckerson W (2012) Secrets of Analytical Leaders: Insights from Information Insiders (Technics
Publications, Westfield, NJ).
Few S (2012) Show Me the Numbers: Designing Tables and Graphs to Enlighten, 2nd ed. (Analytics
Press, Burlingame, CA).
Framing the problem at https://www.boundless.com/business/management/decision-making/
Franks B (2012) Taming the Big Data Tidal Wave: Finding Opportunities in Huge Data Streams with
Advanced Analytics (John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, NJ).
Hand DJ, Mannila H, Smyth P (2001) Principles of Data Mining (MIT Press, Boston).
Hillier F, Hillier M (2013) Introduction to Management Science: A Modeling and Case Study Approach,
5th ed. (McGraw-Hill Higher Education, New York).
Hillier FS, Lieberman GJ (2010) Introduction to Operations Research, 9th ed. (McGraw-Hill, New York).
Hubbard DW (2010) How to Measure Anything: Finding the Value of “Intangibles” in Business, 2nd ed.
(John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, NJ).
Jarman K (2013) The Art of Data Analysis: How to Answer Almost Any Question Using Basic Statistics
(John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, NJ).
Kirkwood CW (1997) Strategic Decision Making: Multiobjective Decision Analysis with
Spreadsheets (Duxbury Press, Pacific Grove, CA).
The Ladder of Inference: Avoiding “Jumping to Conclusions”, http://www.mindtools.com/pages/
Law AM, Kelton DW (2006) Simulation Modeling and Analysis, 4th ed. (McGraw-Hill, New York).
Laursen GHN, Thorlund J (2010) Business Analytics for Managers: Taking Business Intelligence
Beyond Reporting (John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, NJ).
Lindstrom C (2009) How to write a problem statement, March 18, http://www.ceptara.com/blog/how-
Mayer Schonberger V, Cukier K (2013) Big Data: A Revolution That Will Transform How We Live, Work,
and Think (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, New York).
Neter J, Kutner M, Nachtsheim C, Wasserman W (1996) Applied Linear Statistical Models, 4th
ed. (McGraw-Hill/Irwin, New York).
Nixon NW (2013) Focus first on framing, not solving, the problem, April 18, http://philadelphia.
Philllips J (2013) Building a Digital Analytics Organization: Creating Value by Integrating Analytical
Processes, Technology, and People into Business Operations (Pearson, Upper Saddle River, NJ).
Pink D (2013) To Sell is Human: The Surprising Truth about Moving Others (Riverhead Books, New York).
Provost F, Fawcett T (2013) Data Science for Business: What you need to know about data mining and
data-analytic thinking (O’Reilly Media, Sebastopol, CA).
Redman T (2001) Data Quality: The Field Guide (Digital Press, Woburn, MA).
Ross SM (2010) Introductory Statistics, 3rd ed. (Academic Press, Burlington, MA).
Sashihara S (2011) The Optimization Edge: Reinventing Decision Making to Maximize All Your
Company’s Assets (McGraw-Hill, New York).
Savage S (2012) The Flaw of Averages: Why We Underestimate Risk in the Face of Uncertainty (John
Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, NJ).

Saxena R, Srinivasan A (2012) Business Analytics: A practitioner’s Guide. (Springer, New York).
Seelig T (2013) Shift your lens: The power of re-framing problems. Seelig T, ed. inGenius: A Crash
Course on Creativity (HarperOne, New York), http://stvp.stanford.edu/blog/?p=6435.
Shmueli G (2012) Practical Time Series Forecasting: A Hands-On Guide (Springer, New York).
Siegel E (2013) Predictive Analytics: The Power to Predict Who Will Click, Buy, Lie, or Die (Wiley, New York).
Silver N (2012) The Signal and the Noise: Why Most Predictions Fail but Some Don’t (Penguin Press,
New York).
Soares S (2013) Big Data Governance: An Emerging Imperative (MC Press Online, Boise, ID).
Spitzer DR (2007) Transforming Performance Management: Rethinking the Way We Measure and
Drive Organizational Success. (AMACOM, New York).
Spradlin D (2012) The power of defining the problem, September 25, http://blogs.hbr.org/cs/2012/09/
Taylor J (2011) Decision Management Systems: A Practical Guide to Using Business Rules and
Predictive Analytics (Pearson Education, Boston, MA).
Timmer J (2013) Applying science to communicate science: Right now, it’s hard to find relevant
information on how to do it well, August 1, http://arstechnica.com/staff/2013/08/applying-science-to-
Tufte ER (2001) The Visual Display of Quantitative Information, 2nd ed. (Graphics Press, Cheshire, CT).
Tversky A, Kahneman D (1974) Judgment under uncertainty: Heuristics and biases. Science
Vose D (2008) Risk Analysis: A Quantitative Guide, 3rd ed. (John Wiley & Sons, Chichester, UK).
Weinschenk SM (2013) How to Get People to Do Stuff: Master the Art and Science of Persuasion and
Motivation (Peachpit, San Francisco).
Wirth R (2000) CRISP-DM: Towards a standard process model for data mining. Proc. Fourth Internat.
Conf. Practical Appl. Knowledge Discovery Data Mining, http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/


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