Modified Aibs Dissertation Guidelines 1

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MBA Dissertation Guidelines

for final year students of

MBA-IB /MBA-IB(Integrated)

Academic year 2010-2011

As part of the degree formation you are expected to

present a dissertation project. This booklet contains
details of expected practice with respect to the completion
of the MBA dissertation. Clearly general guidelines such
as these may not cover all circumstances. Particular
emphasis and minor adjustments may be necessary in
individual cases.

It is thus imperative that you consult your tutors for

specific advice and guidance on matters pertaining to the
design and content of your study and of course, the
reporting of it.

1 THE MBA DISSERTATION......................................................................3

2 SPECIFIC ASPECTS OF THE DISSERTATION..............................................5

3 OTHER CONSIDERATIONS OF THE DISSERTATION....................................8

Appendix 1: Prototype of Title Page .......................................................10


Appendix 2: Assessment Scheme............................................................11

Appendix 3: Guidelines for Synopsis ......................................................12

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1.1 General Framework of the Dissertation

The following outline is indicative of the overall structure of a dissertation. Clearly it will have to be
adapted to the particular study you have carried out.


Title Page
Table of Contents
List of Tables
List of Figures

CHAPTER 1 Introduction
CHAPTER 2 Literature Review
CHAPTER 3 Methodology
CHAPTER 4 Presentation of Data
CHAPTER 5 Analysis of Data
CHAPTER 6 Discussion and Interpretation of Findings
CHAPTER 7 Conclusions, Implications and Recommendations


1.2 Word Length

The typical length of the dissertation is 20,000-25,000 words. This length is exclusive of title and contents
page, figures, tables, appendices and references.

1.3 Plagiarism
Plagiarism, that is, the willful representation of an other person’s work, without the acknowledgement or
the deliberate and unacknowledged incorporation in a student’s work of material derived from the work
(published or otherwise) of another, is UNACCEPTABLE and will incur the penalty of outright failure.
We have a software available to check Plagiarism.

1.4 Dissertation plan

It is recommended that the students should have a synopsis/dissertation plan to guide them right from the
outset. Essentially, the synopsis/dissertation plan is an outline of what the student intends to do, chapter
wise and therefore should reflect the aims and objectives of the dissertation in detail along with detailed
bibliography and critical review of literature.

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This entails the following:
• Selecting a topic for investigation.
• Establishing the precise focus of the study by deciding on the aims and objectives of the dissertation, or
formulating questions to be investigated. Consider very carefully what is worth investigating and its
• Drawing up initial dissertation outlines considering the aims and objectives of the dissertation. Workout
various stages of dissertation
• Devising a timetable to ensure that all stages of dissertation are completed in time. The timetable should
include writing of the dissertation and regular meetings with your dissertation guide.

The academics department appoints a faculty as a dedicated mentor and guide for each student.

You should see your dissertation guide on a regular basis – at least once every two weeks in the beginning.
It is also advisable to start writing as soon as possible. Do not worry if you feel that your material is not
good enough, almost all early material is weak at the beginning. Starting to write at an early stage will
enable your supervisor to see what direction you are taking, where your weaknesses are and give you
constructive advice and you will gain confidence from this feedback.

1.5 The Role of Your Dissertation Guide

1. Discuss possible directions for the study and advise on aims and objectives
2. Suggest some general areas of research for consideration and where possible, any examples of
current research relevant to the topic.
3. Be available for regular meetings.
4. Examine written work and provide constructive criticism. It is not the responsibility of the
dissertation guide to correct spelling mistakes, etc. other than to point out these are present: nor is
it the duty of the dissertation guide to organize the presentation content of the work, although
advice may be provided if enough work has been submitted.
5. Make student aware of inadequate progress or any other facts which could impede the completion
of a successful piece of work.

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What follows is an attempt to provide you with some rules, and some helpful advice on an acceptable
practice. However you are still advised to consult your tutor for more specific advice in relation to your

2.1 The Synopsis

A synopsis should provide an overview of your study in all its aspects. It should be around 1500-2000 in
words and should answer the following questions.
• What does this research set out to do and why?
• How did it seek to do it?
• What are the general findings?
• What do these suggest?
• What conclusions are reached?
• What are the implications of these?

Synopsis to be submitted will be strictly as per the guidelines. Guidelines for writing synopsis is
attached as Appendix 3 in this handbook.

2.2 Acknowledgements
In these sections you should express thanks to those who assisted you in your research. These should be
kept to a minimum and include academic supervisors and people who participated in the fieldwork, any
funding bodies and probably family, friend or relative.

2.3 Introduction
In the introduction you should introduce the reader to the background of the study and the nature of the
problem being considered. It should therefore set the study in context explaining why this study is
important, highlighting significant issues, problems and ideas. The aim and objectives should be stated

2.4 Literature Review

In a dissertation a student is expected to provide a critical review of the existing literature (published and
unpublished) on the research area being investigated. This does not mean that you have to indicate every
book and article that has been written on the subject but anything you read should be referenced
appropriately. Nevertheless your review should indicate that you have studied existing and recent work in
the field. The Harvard System (author/date) of referencing should be used. The literature review should be:
• Relevant: Literature used should support your arguments relating to your research question and aim
and objectives of the study. It should uphold methodology. In some cases you may need to discuss
literature review and its relationship to methodology in a separate chapter.

• Up-to-Date: Recent literature (not older than five years) is recommended unless you are referring to
classical works in your field of study. Sources used have to be in their majority primary sources,
secondary referencing may be used.

• Comprehensive: Demonstrate that you have read extensively without being over inclusive. Develop
your ability to employ summary statements and to synthesize.

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2.5 Methodology
The purpose of this chapter is to indicate what you actually did in your research so that your reader may
evaluate the design procedure and findings of your study. The methodology section should be well-
structured, written in concise, matter-of-fact manner and should provide answers to the following questions
- What actually happened - How? - To whom- With what result? - How were problems dealt with?
Approach to data?

The following is an outline of the Methodology Section

• Review of Data Collection Methods
- Why were the data collection methods you chose the best suited to fit your research question?
• Secondary Data
- What secondary data was used? How does it feed into the current research?
• Primary Data:
- A detailed description of research conducted, design of the tool, description of fieldwork, you also
need to mention any specific procedures used.
• Criteria for Sample Selection
- Number of total sample, characteristics of sample and method of selection
• Pilot Study
- To whom was the study administered, what changes were made to the research tool
• Methods of Analysis-
- Briefly explain how you propose to analyze the data, if computer software is going to be used, a
description of the type of software has to be included.
• Limitations
- What were the limitations of this study and how did you overcome these limitations?

2.6 Presentation and Analysis of Data

In the presentation of data you are to present the major findings of your research in a summarized form and
the details of the analyses which have been performed. The content and style depend on the nature of the
research method chosen, but in the case of both quantitative and qualitative studies, the object is to present
the data collected to answer the research questions.

2.6.1 Presentation and Analysis of Qualitative Research

1. Presentation of data is mainly descriptive and this is usually presented in a chronological order.

2. Analysis of data is conducted through the identification of themes. The research tools in
qualitative research include open-ended descriptions, transcripts of interviews, essays and
observations. These produce a mass of data which sometimes can be difficult to sift. A useful way
to process this data is to keep the research question(s) in mind, to read through the data a couple of
times until particular issues or themes present themselves. These can be suggestive of a structure
for presenting the descriptive data.

3. Evidence is usually in form of quotations from the subjects being studied, discussions of people
involved, illustrations, photographs – the variations are unlimited.

4. You may find that there is evidence of difference of opinion. Include variations in opinion and
describe poles of belief. These add richness to qualitative research.

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2.6.2 Presentation and Analysis of Quantitative Research

1. As a preliminary to working out results, any test given must be scored, data inputted into the
appropriate computer programme and additional material gained from the sample must be sorted
out. This is often purely mechanical work, and it takes time but must be done accurately.
2. The data presented must not be in their raw form (this is placed in the Appendices). The only time
you would ever describe data on individual subjects is when you have done a case study.

3. In this section, the task is to summarise data meaningfully, through the use of descriptive statistics.
These include mean scores, medians, ranges, standard deviations, correlation coefficients.

4. Visual presentation is very important in quantitative research. Graphs, tables, histograms, bar
graphs are simple ways in which to present condensed data but they are also very effective.

2.7 Discussion of Results and Conclusions

1. This chapter should draw together all the issues of the research and link back to the aim and objectives
which were outlined in the Introduction and Methodology. Have the aims set at the beginning been
met? If not, why not?

2. Evaluate how your findings bear on issues or points raised in the Literature Review.

3. What are the implications arising from the findings. Be careful with your generalisations and your
interpretations. Recommendations should be based on evidence.

4. Do you have suggestions for future research in this area?

2.8 References
Full details of all the books and journal articles cited or referenced throughout the dissertation should be
included in this chapter. A reader should be able to identify the exact source and refer to it directly. The
Harvard method of referencing is the recommended system.

2.9 Appendices
The Appendices should include selective, supplementary material which is distracting when placed in the
main body of text. Only material which is necessary for a full understanding of your study should be
included. These include important forms, questionnaires or interview schedules, description of equipment
or settings, tables and lists of data supportive of the study.

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3.1 Presentation Layout

3.1.1 General Text: Text should be double-spaced using one side of the page only
Font selected should be Times New Roman
Print size 12
Margins at least 3.0cm on the left margin
3.0 cm on the right margin
3.0 cm on the top margin
3.0 cm on the bottom margin

Page numbers: Centered at the bottom of the page

Roman Numbers (i, ii….) should be used from the
first page (excluding the title page) until the main
body of the text where the Introduction commences
on page 1.
Justified: Both left and right
Paragraphs: No indentation
Start new paragraph after two returns
In-text emphasis: Use italics or bold typeface .

3.1.2 Headings: Chapter Headings Print size 16 in bold typeface

Sub-Headings Print size 14 in bold typeface
Main Chapter headings in block capitals
Chapter headings left justified at the top of a new page
All other headings justified and followed by a single line space
Sub-headings: Use sub-headings together with a numbering system
used in this document thus giving structure to your

3.1.3 Quotations: Single line-spacing

Indented left and right
Justified left and right
Must include author name, date and page number referring to the parent text
Must be preceded and followed by a line space.

3.1.4 Tables, Figures etc., Must be numbered according to the chapter (eg. Table 5.1 means that it
is located in Chapter 5 and that it is the first table presented and
discussed in this chapter)
Must have a title at the top and key (legend) underneath

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3.2 Typing and Proof Reading
Always proof read your copies for good grammar and presentation before handing your work to your tutor.
Special attention should b made to the final draft of your dissertation.
Be prepared for the unexpected such as hard disk failure, loss or corruption of diskettes and printer failure.
Use back-up disks and always keep (updated) hard copies of your work in case of an emergency!

3.3 Binding

One hardbound / spiral bound copy of the dissertation and two CD’s well labeled is required to be
presented during presentation . It is the students' responsibility to organize the binding and make sure that
the copies are ready before the submission date.

The label on the CD’s is in the following sequence

CD number:
Year of submission:
Keywords (if any):

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Appendix 1: Prototype of Title Page



(Student’s name)

A dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements of

Masters in Business Administration – International Business / International
Business (Integrated)

at the
Amity international business school
Amity University, Noida

Month Year

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Appendix 2: Assessment Scheme
A. Synopsis 60
B. Mid Term Review, Viva and Presentation 75
C. Report 50
1. Conceptual Framework
2. Objectives & Methodology
3. Implications & Conclusions
D. Final Viva and Presentation 50

Total 250

Evaluation of A , B, & D mentioned above will be through a formal presentation in front of

a panel which may consists of external experts from the industry.

• Guidelines for the assessment of the dissertation

While evaluating the dissertation, faculty guide will consider the following aspects:
1. Clear statement of the objective or objective(s)
2. Practical relevance of the objectives and methodology to the business world/economy
3. Sufficient background reading and review of the available literature critically by the student.
4. Development of an appropriate analytical framework for addressing the problem at hand.
5. Collection of suitable information / data.
6. Appropriateness & relevancy of the techniques employed by the student to analyze the data /
7. Regularity of student in his/her work.
8. Valid conclusion drawn or not.
9. Layout of the written report.
10. Confidence and knowledge of the student while answering questions and giving the presentation.

Date of presentation of Synopsis will be 6th , 7th , & 8th December 2010.

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Appendix 3: Guidelines for Synopsis
The synopsis is a brief out line (about five A-4 size pages or 1500 words is the maximum limit) of your
future work.

A synopsis must have the following headings:

TITLE: Should reflect the objectives of the study. It must be written after the whole synopsis has been
written so that it is a true representative of the plan (i.e. the synopsis).

INTRODUCTION: Should contain brief background of the selected topic. It must identify the importance
of study, its relevance and applicability of results. It must clearly state the purpose of the study.

OBJECTIVES: Objectives are statements of mentions. They inform the reader clearly what the student
plans to do in his/her work. The must identify the variables involved in research. Objective should be
sufficiently specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time bound (SMART).


STUDY DESIGN: Mention the name of the appropriate study design.

SETTING: Name and place where the research work is to be conducted.

DURATION OF STUDY: How long will the study take with dates.

SAMPLE SIZE: How many persons will be included. If there are groups how many per group?

SAMPLING TECHNIQUE: Type of sampling technique employed.

Inclusion criteria: on what bases will persons be inducted in the study.
Exclusion criteria: On what bases will persons be excluded from the study.

DATA COLLECTION PROCEDURE: A detailed account of how the student will perform research; how
s/he will measure the variable. It includes:
Identification of the study variables
Methods for collection of data
Data collection tools (proforma/questionnaire)

DATA ANALYSIS PROCEDURE: Relevant details naming software to be used, which descriptive
statistics and which test of significance if and when required, specifying variables where it will be applied.



The student must attach, as an annex, the proforma or questionnaire with the help of which he/she intends
to collect data. The proforma / questionnaire must match the objectives and must not contain irrelevant
sections like inclusion and exclusion criteria etc.

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