Chapter 2 Mulugeta

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Ethiopian Institute of Technology-Mekelle

School of Civil Engineering

Technical Report Writing and Research Methods

By :-Mulugeta T.

Chapter Two
Pre-conditions for thesis work
Contents :
 Scientific research proposal

 Literature Reviews

 Thesis writing

2.1 Scientific Research proposal
 The best research is well planned and the key step
in the planning process is the preparation of a
research proposal.

 A proposal is a careful description of what your

research project will be about and how you
intend to carry out the works involved until its

 It is a really useful document that challenges you
to think very carefully about what is going to be
done, how it will be done and why.

 The development of the proposal can help

To reduce wasted effort and
To provide a more efficient, problem -free study
by encouraging the researcher to clarify the
exact nature of the investigation.

 It will be required in order to inform your
supervisor/sponsor/examiners of your intentions
so that he/she can judge whether :
The subject and suggested format conforms to the
It is a feasible project in respect to scope and
You have identified some questions or issues that
are worth investigating.
Your suggested methods for information collection
and analysis are appropriate.
The expected outcomes relate to the aims of the
project. 5
 A research proposal should be the result of good
idea and critical thinking and should be based:

Which unsolved problem is the “idea” addressing

Why is it important and who will benefit ?

Contents of a research proposal
 The format of a research proposal varies in some what but the
fairly standardized format includes the following
1.The Subject title (research problem)
2.The Abstract
3.1. The background
3.2. The aims or objectives
3.3. The research problem/statement
3.4. Scope of the study
4.Literature review
5.Materials and Methods
6.Expected outcomes
7.Benefits and Beneficiaries
8.Research work plan
The subject title
 The subject title summarizes in a few words the entire
 The subject title for a proposal should :
 be Short and explanatory
 accurately reflect the contents and the scope of the
suggested study
 And when we are writing a title for a proposal we
should have to mind the following
1. Keep it simple, brief and attractive
2. Use appropriate descriptive words
3. Avoid abbreviations and jargon 8
- Most research proposals should provide a
short summary or abstract of about 200 words.
- The abstract should touch on every major
component of the proposal except the budget,
if there is one.
- Some readers read only the abstract and others
rely on it for a quick overview of the proposal.
- Some sponsoring agencies use the abstract to
weed out unsuitable proposals and to
disseminate information. Consequently, the
writing of the abstract should be done with care
. 9
 In this part you will convince the reader that you
have identified a research problem, worthy of
 The introduction part should contain
• The background/rationale
• The research problem/statement
• The aims or objectives
Overall Objective
Specific objectives
• Scope of the study

The background/Rationale
 This section should contain a rationale for your
research which answers the following questions:
• Why are you undertaking the project?
• Why is the research needed?
• provide the relevant work field and identify a gap in
knowledge or activities that must be filled to move the
field forward. 
• Show why the previous work needs to be continued.

 It is a concise description of the issues that need
to be addressed by the researcher.
 A description of “what is the specific problem in
that research area that you will address”
 Defining your destination before beginning a
 It determines,
• what you will do,
• how you will do it, and
• what you may achieve

The aims/objectives
 Objectives provide a list of goals that will be
achieved through the proposed research
 The aim (Overall Objective) is really a statement
at the strategic level so, usefully, can be
considered to be what the researcher would like
to do if resource and other constraints did not
 The specific objectives are statements within the
strategic statement of aim; they are statements
at the tactical/operational level.
 Specific objectives of the topic should be listed
numerically in three to four bullets.
Scope of the study
 Elaborates your study in terms of

Literature Review
 Provides a summary of previous related research on the
research problem and their strength and weakness and
justification of your research.
 What is known/what have been done by others / and
 Why your research is still necessary
• To help you understand a research topic
• To establish the importance of a topic
• To help develop your own ideas
• To make sure you are not simply replicating research that
others have already successfully completed
• To demonstrate knowledge and show how your current work is
situated within, builds on, or departs from earlier publications

Materials and Methods
 The materials and methods provide a clear and
complete description for all experimental,
analytical and statistical procedures.
 Organize the section logically, perhaps
chronologically, and use specific, informative
 This section should include enough information so
that another researcher can repeat the
procedures and expect to get the same results.

Expected outcomes

 States what are the outcome/outputs from the

 research project
 Research findings
 Benefits and Beneficiearies

Research work schedule
 Generally three different schedules are expected
to be incorporated in the proposal, namely;
Activity scheduling;
Resources/tools mobilization scheduling:
Synergy among the above three schedules

• Writing a reference in a your proposal is a means of giving credits
to the materials you have been used while you are writing .
• All factual material that is not original with you must be
accompanied by reference to its source.
• Follow the proper referencing guidelines as directed by the
research approval authorities. APA is the most common in
engineering sciences.

Ethics in Proposal Writing
 Writing and style makes a research proposal
impressive and convincing.
 Some important tips to help for better writing are
mentioned below;
Always structure the work in advance
Know what you want to say before trying to write it
Every sentence must contain one idea only
There must be a continuity in sentences. A well
written text is a “chain of ideas”.
While writing keep your reader’s need in mind.

Style of proposal writing
• Proposal must be professional looking.
• must be interesting and informative.
• Writing style must be simple with small sentences and simple
• Use clear headings and sub-headings
• While writing proposal be concise and precise.
• Use simple language.
• Construct clear arguments.
• There should not be any spelling and grammatical mistakes in the
• Reference your work fully using an acceptable format.
• Do not use difficult words to impress your readers.
• Do not use overly simplistic language
• Do not make unnecessary repetitions in the text. 21
Submitting the Proposal

• Fatigue and impatience can ruin the research proposal.

• It is expected that a researcher must spent a little
more time making sure that the proposal is perfect
before submitting it.
• Proof read the proposal carefully
• Ask a friend or relative to read your proposal
• Ask an experienced researcher or your
supervisor/advisor to read the proposal
• Ensure that your proposal meet all the requirements
• Submit the proposal before the last date of submission

Assignment 2

 Based on the title you selected on chapter one

write a proposal.

Submission date - April 12,2019

2. Writing a literature review
• Before we can create new knowledge, we must first know
the current state of knowledge about our research
• A literature review is a survey of everything that has been
written about a particular topic, theory, or research
• In the literature review, the task is to learn as much as you
can from the efforts and work of others – which is
published in the “scientific literature”.
• It may provide the background for larger work, or it may
stand on its own.
• Much more than a simple list of sources, an effective
literature review analyzes and synthesizes information
about key themes or issues. 24

The literature review has to be structured as per the

following points;?
• Identification of relevant books, journals, reports related
to your proposed research topic.
• What theoretical concepts or analytical techniques relate
to the proposed study these in detail.
• Methodologies were used by the previous researchers.
• What is the most recent finding related to the proposed
• What gaps and contradictions exists among these findings.
• Bad reviewing: Making a list of unrelated or related but
fragmented research articles,.

Paraphrase, Summary, and Quotation
• Paraphrase: Para means by the side of. A
paraphrase restates all the original material in
different words and is approximately the same
length as the original.
• Summary: Gives an overview of the general ideas
and is shorter than the original. It avoids specific
examples and is more concise than the original.
• Quotation: Contains the exact words of your
source and includes quotation marks.

Main components Writing a Literature
1. Introduction (Background information)
 Introduce topic
 Describe Scope and organization
 Review past and Present literature
 Clarify purpose
2. Theory (Body)
 All research has a precedent
 Integrate key points and make appropriate
 Be aware of relationship to your topic.
3. Conclusion: The conclusion should provide a
summary of your findings from the literature review
• Explain what your analysis of the material leads
you to conclude about the overall state of the
literature, what it provides and where it is lacking.
• You can also provide suggestions for future
research or explain how your future research will
fill the gaps in the existing body of work on that
Reference :must contain an accurate citation for
every source.
Source of literature review

• Articles in refereed, international journals

• Books, chapters in edited books
• Articles in national, refereed journals
• Conference papers and research papers
• PhD dissertations and masters thesis
• Websites/ papers in non refereed journals
Information presentations
• Tables
• Charts
• Diagram
• Text
Primary source of literature review
• Reports:-reports include research, government
• Conference papers: conference are often published
as a unique titles within journals, or books.
• Thesis: there are the research papers contains
details of research done in a particular is a
good source of detailed information and further


Secondary source of literature review

• Journals: are also known as periodicals published
• Books: are written for specific audience. The
material in books are presented in a more ordered
and accessible manner than journals
• News paper: are good sources of topical events

Good and poor literature review
A ‘good’ literature review…..
• is a synthesis of available research
• is a critical evaluation
• has appropriate breadth and depth
• has clarity and conciseness
• uses rigorous and consistent methods
A ‘poor’ literature review is…..
• an annotated bibliography
• confined to description
• narrow and shallow
• confusing and longwinded
• constructed in an arbitrary way

Assignment 3

 Based on the title you submitted write a literature

review .
 Maximum page – 5
 It should have to include a good reference ( using APA

Submission date : April 19,2019

3. Thesis writing
 Thesis: is the point that an essay is trying to
 Thesis Statements always take a stand and justify
further discussion.
 Why do you write a thesis
I need/want my Master degree (egoistic)
To make your/their findings public/available to peers
 I own the data/concepts/ideas (egoistic)
 Someone else may make good use of them
 I have to show that I am productive (control from
Attributes of a good thesis:
It is specific and focused
It clearly asserts your own conclusion based on
It provides the reader with a map to guide
him/her through your work.
It anticipates and disproves the counter-
It avoids vague(unclear) language (like "it seems").
It avoids the first person. ("I believe," "In my

Thesis structure
• Cover or title page
• Abstract
• Table of content
• List of figures
• List of tables
• Introduction
• Review of the literature method
• Materials and methods
• Result
• Discussion
• Conclusion
 Acknowledgement
 References
 Appendices 36
Thesis structure cont’d
• Title Page: Cover page must contain a clear title, name
of the institution or organization, name of the
researcher and month-year of report preparation. It
may vary as per pre format set by the related
institution or organization.
• The cover page has to be attractive and must invite
reader to go through the report.
• This may be done by placing good photographs or by
placing some meaningful figures.
• The font size and font style must be selected in such a
way that the title and other details on the cover page
are clearly readable and proportionate to each other.
Title Page Cont’d
 For designing an attractive cover page following points
may be useful
• Identify a good photograph, map or a meaningful figure
which directly highlights or relates to the research
• If cover page is designed on A4 size (21 x 29.7 cm) paper,
the title may be in font size17 to 19 and good font styles
may be, Arial Bold, Comic Sans MS Bold or any other per
the researchers choice.

Sample cover page

Thesis structure cont’d
 Abstract: A good abstract explains in one line why
the paper is important.
 A good abstract is concise, readable, and
Length should be ~ 1-2 paragraphs, approx. 400
Abstracts generally do not have citations
Information in title should not be repeated
Be explicit

Abstract cont’d

It includes information on the following

The research problem
The rational for the study
The type of study
The method for data collection
The key findings

Table of contents
• This should be presented in clear, organized, logical
and systematic manner
• All the chapters, sections and sub-sections should
be clearly mentioned
• It should also contain a separate list of table, list of
figures and a list of annexures/appendix
• The abstract, forward, acknowledgement or other
such information that precedes the list of content
are also mentioned in the list of content

Table of Contents

Table of contents Page #

List of Figures xxx
List of Tables  
     subheads ...?  

     subheads ...?
     subheads ...?   

     subheads ...?   
Appendices 43
Table of content cont’d

List of Figures
 List page numbers of all figures.
 The list should include a short title for each figure
but not the whole caption.
  List of Tables
 List page numbers of all tables
 The list should include a short title for each table
but not the whole caption
 you can't write a good introduction until you
know what the body of the paper says
introductory section(s) after you have completed
the rest of the paper
Key contents of the introduction

Review of the Literature
This should not merely string together what
other researchers have found.
Rather, you should discuss and analyze the body
of knowledge with the ultimate goal of
determining what is known and is not known
about the topic.
 This determination leads to your research
questions and/or hypotheses. In some cases, of
course, you may determine that replicating
previous research is needed.

• Describes and justifies the data gathering method
used. It explains also outlines how you analyzed
your data.
• Begin by describing the method you chose and
why this method was the most appropriate.
• Next, detail every step of the data gathering and
analysis process.

Material and method
Common sub topics under Materials and Methods
Description of the study area. E.g.
• Climate
• Topography
• Population etc.
• Data collection techniques and procedures
• Research design or design of experiments
• Sampling
• Measurement instruments
• Data analysis (statistical approach)
List of Materials

•Just list of what is observed :-The results are actual statements
of observations, including statistics, tables and graphs.
•Write the most important results first
•Mention negative results as well as positive. Do not interpret
results - save that for the discussion. 
•Present sufficient details so that others can draw their own
inferences and construct their own explanations. 
•Break up your results into logical segments by using

Result cont’d
• Avoid discussing by avoiding
–Explanations of what a data means
–Explanations of why a difference or
similarity occurs
–It is important to write magnitudes
(significance of differences)

 Discuss the most important findings first
 What results mean or what is their broader
 What have others who did similar studies
 Why is there a difference between the results
of different studies
 What does the difference mean to science,
humanity etc.
 What else should be done


What is the strongest and most important statement that you

can make from your observations? 
Summaries of key findings
Relate of objectives in introduction
Follow logically from discussion
No new material
Use bullet point
Major conclusion come first
Include the broader implications of your results. 
Do not repeat word for word the abstract, introduction or
Write economic, social and other implications
• Focus on future
• Subjective opinion
• Cost, location, practicality, acceptability
• Follow discussion logically
• Feasible
• Related to discussion and conclusion
• Numbered
• Ranked
• Brief and to the point


 Advisor(s) and anyone who helped you: 

Technically (including materials, supplies)
Intellectually (assistance, advice)
financially (for example, departmental
support, travel grants)
 Acknowledgment usually written at the beginning
or ending of the thesis structure

• This is presented at the end of the research
document, after the concluding chapter and
before the annexures
• Ensure that you include all the references cited in
your research document in this section
• The APA style, the Chicago style and Harvard style
are examples of standard formats for referencing

Presentation of Graphical Data and
The graphical data in a project report may be in the
form of maps, figures and graphs.
The Graphical data not only facilitates the reader with
easy understanding but it also makes any report
The following points may help to enhance the quality
of graphical data;

Plan in advance what maps, figures and graphs are to be
presented in the report.

There must be a similarity in all drawings in the report in terms
of font size, font style, color scheme and frame of the drawing.
In all maps and sections show legend covering all features
shown in the map
Photographs are good means of presenting facts
observed in field. Photographs are the evidences
to support your writing.
 Make sure that the photographs to be presented
in the report are of good quality
Write clear description at the bottom of the

Referencing style
Style Name
• APA style: American psychological association
Application: psychology, education, anthropology and other
social and behavioral science
• Chicago: university of Chicago
Application: humanities, social, biological and physical
• Harvard: Harvard university
application: natural science, social science and educational

APA style
 Book:
Author. Title. City: Publisher, date.
• Corti, Lillian. The Myth of Medea and the Murder of
Children. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1998.
 Article in a Magazine:
Author. “Title of Article.” Title of Periodical Date: page(s).
• Gerard, Jeremy. “Review of Redwood Curtain.” Variety
April 5, 1993: p. 43.

APA style cont’d
 Article in a Newspaper:
Author (if given). “Title of Article.” Title of Newspaper
Complete date, section number or title: page(s).

• Kerr, Walter. “The Lives they Lived.” The New York Times 29
December 1996, late ed.: sec. 1: 53.
 Article or Story in a Collection of Anthology:
Author. “Title.” Book Title. Editor. City: Publisher, date. Pages.

• Franklin, Benjamin. “The Speech of Miss Polly Baker.”

Benjamin Franklin: The Autobiography and Other Writings.
Ed. Kenneth Silverman. New York: Viking, 1986. 209-213.
APA style cont’d

Article in a Scholarly Journal:

Author. “Title of Article.” Journal Title Volume number
(complete date): pages covered by article.
• Witham, Barry B. “Images of America.” Theatre Journal
34 (May 1982): 223-232.
“Title of Article.” Title of Encyclopedia. Year of the edition.

• “Plath, Sylvia.” Encyclopedia Britannica. 2005 ed.

Two or More Authors:
Give the last name first for the first author only.
• Hall, David, Laura Henigman, and Lillian Corti. Worlds of
Wonder, Days of Judgement. Cambridge: Harvard
University Press, 1990.

Thank you

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