Drug Study Hypertension

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Name of Classificatio Mechanism of Indication Contraindicati Side effect Nursing

drugs n action on Responsibility

Carvedil alpha and Carvedilol is Absolute Allergy chest Blood pressure and
Carvedilol blockade
ol beta- used to contraindicatio pain, heart rate should be
of α1 receptors
blockers treat high blood ns for the use discomfort, monitored before
causes vasodilation
pressure and he of carvedilol tightness, or initiation and at
of blood vessels.
art failure. It is include severe heaviness every dose,
This inhibition
also used after hypotension, dizziness, titration. Patients
leads to decreased
a heart attack to second or lightheadedness on treatment for
peripheral vascular
improve the third-degree , or fainting heart failure require
resistance and an
chance of AV block, sick generalized monitoring for any
survival if sinus swelling or signs of
effect. There is no
your heart is not syndrome, and swelling of the decompensation.
reflex tachycardia r
pumping well. severe feet, ankles, or
esponse due to
Lowering high bradycardia in lower legs pain
carvedilol blockade
blood the absence of shortness of
of β1 receptors on
pressure helps a functional breath slow
the heart.
prevent pacemaker, heartbeat
strokes, heart at severe weight gain.
tacks, and decompensate
kidney d heart failure
problems. requiring
support, and a
history of a
y reaction.

Clopidog antithromb The active It is used to  headaches or Advise patient to

rel otic medica metabolite lower the dizziness. notify health care
increased risk of
tion of clopidogrel selec chance of heart professional
bleeding due to nausea.
tively inhibits the attack or stroke promptly if fever,
clotting  diarrhoea or
binding of and chills, sore throat,
disorderan constipation.
adenosine Lowering high rash, or unusual
increased risk of indigestion
diphosphate (ADP) blood bleeding or bruising
bleedingbleedin (dyspepsia)
to its platelet pressure helps occurs
P2Y12 receptor and prevent stomach ache or
the subsequent strokes, heart abdominal pain.
nic purpura
ADP-mediated attacks,
stomach or  nosebleeds.
activation of the and kidney
intestinal ulcer  increased
glycoprotein problems.
cquired bleeding (your
GPIIb/IIIa complex,
hemophilia blood taking
thereby inhibiting
CYP2C19 longer to clot –
intermediate for example,
metabolizer when you cut
chronic kidney yourself), or
disease stage 3A easy bruising.
chronic kidney
disease stage 3B
chronic kidney
disease stage 5

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