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Analyzer Overview 1

System Functions 2
General Maintenance and
Troubleshooting 3
Component Descriptions and
Maintenance Procedures 4
Maxum II Maintenance Manual
Specifications 5


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Table of contents

1 Analyzer Overview........................................................................................................................................7
1.1 Introduction..............................................................................................................................7
1.2 Parts of the Maxum II...............................................................................................................8
1.3 Isothermal Oven.......................................................................................................................9
1.4 Switching and Sampling Valves.............................................................................................10
1.5 Operator Controls...................................................................................................................11
2 System Functions.......................................................................................................................................13
2.1 Chromatography Overview....................................................................................................13
2.2 Intended Use and Personnel Qualifications...........................................................................14
2.3 Functions................................................................................................................................15
2.4 Analyzer Operation................................................................................................................19
2.5 Data Communication..............................................................................................................23
3 General Maintenance and Troubleshooting...............................................................................................25
3.1 General Analyzer Shutdown Procedure.................................................................................25
3.2 General Analyzer Startup Procedure.....................................................................................25
3.3 Troubleshooting.....................................................................................................................27
3.4 Alarm Codes, Descriptions, and Suggested Actions..............................................................29
3.4.1 Alarms 5.2 301 - 324.............................................................................................................29
3.4.2 Alarms 5.2 330 through 359 SNE Communication................................................................31
3.4.3 Alarms 5.2 360 - 399..............................................................................................................33
3.4.4 Alarms 5.2 400 - 562..............................................................................................................35
3.4.5 Alarms 5.2 671 - 699..............................................................................................................38
3.4.6 Alarms 5.2 700 - 736..............................................................................................................40
3.4.7 Alarms 5.2 801 - 999..............................................................................................................42
3.4.8 Alarms 5.2 1002 - 1096..........................................................................................................43
3.4.9 Alarms 5.2 1617 - 1697 Pecm Errors.....................................................................................49
3.4.10 Alarms 5.2 1917 - 2005 DPM TCD........................................................................................51
3.4.11 Alarms 5.2 2217 - 2306 DPM FID..........................................................................................54
3.4.12 Alarms 5.2 2500 - 2577 Access Bus Driver Errors.................................................................58
3.4.13 Alarms 5.2 2817 - 2904 DPM Temperature...........................................................................63
3.4.14 Alarms 5.2 3117 - 3204 EPC.................................................................................................65
3.4.15 Alarms 5.2 3401 - 3454 TFTP................................................................................................66
3.4.16 Alarms 5.2 3500 - 3528 Advance...........................................................................................67
3.4.17 Alarms 5.2 3718 - 3804 SNE I/O............................................................................................68
3.4.18 Alarms 5.2 4001 - 4124 EZChrom.........................................................................................71
3.4.19 Alarms 5.2 4217 - 4320 CAN Bridge......................................................................................73
3.4.20 Alarms 5.2 4525 - 5220 Advance TC.....................................................................................75
3.4.21 Alarms 5.2 10000 - 11536 MicroSAM....................................................................................77

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Table of contents

4 Component Descriptions and Maintenance Procedures............................................................................79

4.1 Electronic Enclosure Components.........................................................................................79
4.1.1 Power Supplies......................................................................................................................79 Power System Module...........................................................................................................79 Replacement Procedure........................................................................................................81
4.1.2 Power Entry and Control Module...........................................................................................84 PECM Overview.....................................................................................................................84 Feature Additions...................................................................................................................85 PECM Functions....................................................................................................................86 Replacement Procedure........................................................................................................93
4.1.3 System Controller Version 2.1 (SYSCON2.1)........................................................................97 Description.............................................................................................................................97 Mechanical.............................................................................................................................98 SYSCON2.1 Components......................................................................................................99 Maintenance Overview.........................................................................................................112 Service Procedures..............................................................................................................113 Replacing the Lithium Battery on the SYSCON Module Introduction..................................117 Procedure.............................................................................................................................117
4.1.4 Analog and Digital I/O..........................................................................................................118 Overview..............................................................................................................................118 I/O Card Common Features.................................................................................................119 Digital I/O Card.....................................................................................................................122 Analog I/O Board..................................................................................................................123 Analog and Digital I/O Board................................................................................................124
4.1.5 Detector Personality Modules..............................................................................................125 DPM Types..........................................................................................................................125 Base3 Detector Personality Module (DPM).........................................................................125 Replacing a Base3DPM.......................................................................................................130 Intrinsically-Safe Thermal Conductivity DPM (IS-TCD3)......................................................132 Replacing an IS-TCD DPM..................................................................................................134 Temperature Control Personality Module............................................................................135 Replacing a TC-PM..............................................................................................................136
4.1.6 Sensor Near Electronics (SNE) Software............................................................................137
4.1.7 Solid State Relay Module.....................................................................................................138
4.1.8 Solenoid Valves...................................................................................................................140 Solenoid Valve Control Module (SVCM)..............................................................................140 Replacing a Solenoid Valve.................................................................................................144
4.1.9 Electronic Pressure Control Module.....................................................................................145 EPC Module Description......................................................................................................145 Replacing an EPC Module...................................................................................................148
4.1.10 Color Touchscreen...............................................................................................................149 Description...........................................................................................................................149 Maintenance Overview.........................................................................................................150 Replacement Procedures.....................................................................................................150
4.2 Oven Components...............................................................................................................156
4.2.1 Using Valco and Swagelok Fittings......................................................................................156
4.2.2 Model 50 Valve....................................................................................................................157 Model 50 Valve....................................................................................................................157 Basic Maintenance: Model 50 Valve Introduction................................................................157 Preventing Port to Port Leaks..............................................................................................158 Maintenance Considerations................................................................................................158

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Table of contents Figure...................................................................................................................................159 Model 50 Valve Maintenance Procedure.............................................................................160
4.2.3 Liquid Injection Valve...........................................................................................................162 Description...........................................................................................................................162 Maintenance Overview.........................................................................................................166 Liquid Injection Valve Component Locations.......................................................................167 Troubleshooting...................................................................................................................168 Service Procedures..............................................................................................................169
4.2.4 Model 20 Valve....................................................................................................................173 Basic Maintenance...............................................................................................................173 Disassembly and Cleaning...................................................................................................178
4.2.5 Model 20 HT Valve...............................................................................................................186 M20HT Description..............................................................................................................186 M20HT Intended Users........................................................................................................187 M20HT Safety and Certification Information........................................................................187 M20HT Procedure - Overview..............................................................................................187 M20HT Procedure - Maintenance Facility............................................................................187 M20HT Procedure - Figures.................................................................................................188 M20HT Procedure - Cleaning of Parts.................................................................................191 M20HT Procedure - Valve Cap Disassembly.......................................................................191 M20HT Procedure - Actuator Disassembly..........................................................................192 M20HT Procedure - Actuator Re-assembly.........................................................................193 M20HT Procedure - Valve Cap Re-assembly......................................................................197
4.2.6 Model 11 Valve....................................................................................................................198 M11 Description...................................................................................................................198 M11 Intended Users.............................................................................................................200 M11 Safety and Certification Information.............................................................................200 Diagnostic Procedures.........................................................................................................200 M11 Procedure - Maintenance Facility.................................................................................201 M11 Procedure - Figures.....................................................................................................202 Mini-Maintenance Procedures (Valve Cap and Fittings)......................................................205 Maxi-Maintenance Procedures (Valve Body).......................................................................208
4.2.7 Live T Switch........................................................................................................................211 Live T Switch........................................................................................................................211
4.3 Detectors..............................................................................................................................212
4.3.1 Detector Introduction............................................................................................................212
4.3.2 Thermal Conductivity Detector.............................................................................................213 Thermal Conductivity Detector (TCD)..................................................................................213 Replace TCD Thermistor Beads/Filaments Introduction......................................................213 Figures.................................................................................................................................214 Procedure to Replace Beads/Filaments...............................................................................215
4.3.3 Flame Ionization Detector....................................................................................................216 Flame Ionization Detector (FID)...........................................................................................216 Replacing the FID Mesh Filter..............................................................................................216 Replacing the FID Quartz Jet...............................................................................................220 Replacing the FID Igniter.....................................................................................................222
4.3.4 Flame Photometric Detector................................................................................................234 Flame Photometric Detector (FPD)......................................................................................234 Upgrade Description............................................................................................................238 Intended Users.....................................................................................................................239 Safety and Certification Information.....................................................................................239 Procedure - Upgrade FPDI to FPDII....................................................................................239

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Table of contents

4.3.5 Pulse Discharge Detector....................................................................................................241 Valco Pulsed Discharge Detector (PDD).............................................................................241
4.3.6 Methanator...........................................................................................................................241 Methanator...........................................................................................................................241
5 Specifications...........................................................................................................................................245
5.1 Maxum II Specifications.......................................................................................................245

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Analyzer Overview 1
1.1 Introduction

The Maxum edition II system, also called the “Maxum II”, represents a significant advance in
process chromatography. The Maxum II combines the best of the Siemens Advance Maxum
and PGC 302 gas chromatographs into a single platform analyzer. From oven and electronic
components to software and communication networks, the system is modular. Pre-configured
application modules are available for many common measurements.
A Maxum II system offers a wide range of detector modules including Thermal Conductivity,
Flame Ionization, Flame Photometric, and the Pulsed Discharge Detector (which can operate
in Helium Ionization, Photoionization, and Electron Capture modes). All detector modules are
available for both air bath and airless ovens. The Maxum II oven is designed so it can be
divided into two independently heated isothermal ovens for parallel chromatography
The Maxum II Maintenance Panel provides maintenance personnel with access to all
maintenance functions and data. In addition, the Maintenance Panel displays both real time
and archived chromatograms. A PC-based network workstation runs the Gas Chromatograph
Portal software.

Analyzer Specific Documents

Included with each analyzer is a custom documentation-drawing package. This package
provides drawings and information pertinent only to a specific analyzer. Contents of this
package are application-dependent and vary for each analyzer. Typical drawings included are:

● System Block and Utility Requirements ● Applicable Wiring Diagrams

● System Outline and Dimensional Drawings ● Oven Plumbing Diagram - Sensor Near
● Sampling System - Plumbing and Spare Electronics
Parts List ● Recommended Spare Parts - Analyzer
● Sampling System Dimensional Diagram ● Manufacturing Test Charts
● Sampling Probe ● Stream Composition Data
● Electronic Enclosure Section - Internal ● Database

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Analyzer Overview
1.2 Parts of the Maxum II

1.2 Parts of the Maxum II

The Maxum II Gas Chromatagraph is completely enclosed in an air-purgable, metal cabinet
with hinged doors. Mounted above the isothermal oven is the electronics enclosure and
regulator panel. The analyzer may be mounted on a wall, in a rack or on a floor stand.

Electronics Regulator
Enclosure Panel



Figure 1-1 Maxum II External Component Locations

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Analyzer Overview
1.3 Isothermal Oven

Electronics Enclosure
The Electronics Enclosure houses all the electronics and pneumatic modules required for
performing all temperature, valve control and analysis functions. The Electronics Enclosure
modules are interconnected using simple cable connections made to each module. All modules
can be easily removed and replaced. The Maxum II software recognizes each Maxum II’s
application, hardware components and network configurations.

International System Controller (SYSCON) For Communications,

Power Supply Human Interface and Database Management.

Relay 8-Channel Electronic
Module Pressure Control. Up
To 4 Modules. 2
Channels Each For
Control Of Carrier
Gas Pressure


Detector Personality Module (DPM)

for Detector Data Acquisition

Figure 1-2 Electronics Enclosure Component Locations

Regulator Panel
The regulator panel contains space for seven gauges and regulators. The base Maxum II
comes with two standard regulators and an electronics enclosure fast purge. See the custom
documentation drawing package that was shipped with the analyzer to see which gauges and
regulators are mounted on the analyzer.

1.3 Isothermal Oven

The Maxum ll has a wide variety of isothermal oven configurations. Both air bath and airless
ovens are available. All air bath configurations are available with Vortex cooling for sub-
ambient temperature operation. A program temperature oven option is available for Maxum II
applications where isothermal, multi-dimensional chromatography is not practical. Typically
the program temperature Maxum II is used for Motor Gasoline (ASTM 3710) & Simulated
Distillation (ASTM 2887) applications.

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Analyzer Overview
1.4 Switching and Sampling Valves

Oven Configurations

Split Airless Oven

Single Air Bath Oven

Fully independent dual ovens with separate oven doors. The

Large, spacious compartment for complex applications and
oven uses cartridge heaters in each side to heat the oven
for ease of maintenance.
enclosure and its components.

Programmed Temperature Air Bath Oven

Dual Air Bath Split Oven

Provides a programmed temperature gradient for applica‐
tions requiring this.
Split Oven Configuration: Offers two temperature zones for
one or more applications.

1.4 Switching and Sampling Valves

Application Model Description

Vapor Samples Model 50 10-port non-plunger diaphragm. Contains no moving parts. It will operate over 10
million cycles on clean samples and can operate on carrier gas or other bottled inert
gas with negligible consumption. It does the work of two Model 11 valves and is half
the size.
Vapor or Liquid Sam‐ Model 11 6-port diaphragm–plunger valve high reliability and life. Used as a liquid or vapor
ples and Model sample valve, column switching valve or a column back flush valve. Process lines,
11 LDV columns and valve-to-valve tubes can be connected directly to the caps of the Model
11 LDV (Low Dead Volume) version of the valve.

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Analyzer Overview
1.5 Operator Controls

Vapor or High Pres‐ Model 20 The air-pressure actuated, diaphragm valve provides uniform sample volume, low
sure Liquid Samples internal volume, high pressure up to 1500 psi, 10350 kPa, fast switching (millisec‐
onds), reliability, and durability. It functions equally well as a liquid or vapor sample
valve, column switching valve, or column back flush valve.
Liquid Sample LIV The liquid injection valve can be used to automatically inject a constant quantity of
liquid sample followed by fast, complete vaporization. Small gas quantities can also
be injected using the valve.
Vapor Valveless The device has no parts to fail or wear out and exhibits essentially zero dead volume
Live Column for fast column switching and sample injection with capillary columns.

1.5 Operator Controls

Color Touchscreen
The color touchscreen displays all maintenance functions and data in a graphical display. In
addition it eliminates the need for a chart recorder because it can also display both real-time
and stored chromatograms. The stored chromatograms include voltages and cycle times for
future comparison as well as zoom and pan features. Operational and routine maintenance
tasks for the analyer can be performed from the color touchscreen interactive display screens
and menus. System security is assured with multiple levels of password protection for all
analyzer-operating functions. A color touchscreen emulator (also called a Human Machine
Interface, or HMI, emulator) is available from the Maxum Gas Chromatograph Portal (GCP)
software. This emulator allows a user to perform color touchscreen tasks without being located
at the unit.

The Maxum II uses a PC based network workstation for programming and data processing.
Analyzers can be programmed and monitored from a single location, and, like the color
touchscreen, the workstation includes graphical displays for operation, maintenance, and
diagnostics. It also supports PC printers to print chromatograms and alarm logs in order to
meet record keeping requirements.
The Maxum II workstation software, Gas Chromatograph Portal (GCP), is designed for PCs
with Microsoft® Windows operating systems. PC workstations can be connected through
existing LANs for wide access to monitoring or maintenance tasks. The graphical interface
recognizes and displays all network hardware. The system monitors the alarm status of all
analyzers connected to the network to centralize system maintenance. More information can
be found in the Release Notes file supplied with the GCP Software.

Chromatography Software
EZChrom© industry specific software is incorporated in the GCP software. This is a laboratory
quality application builder developed by Scientific Software, Inc. and includes custom features
for the Maxum II. Using EZChrom, it is possible to set up methods and component peak
identification. More information can be found in the Release Notes file supplied with the
EZChrom software (under the Maxum EZChrom directory).

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Analyzer Overview
1.5 Operator Controls

EZChrom allows a user to choose the best peak gating and basing methods automatically. It
is also possible to:
● Re-process captured chromatograms with different methods
● Measure unknown component peaks automatically
● Record multiple detector measurements simultaneously.

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System Functions 2
2.1 Chromatography Overview

Gas Chromatograph Terminology

The following are new terms that are used in this manual.
Application refers to the supporting hardware and software required to perform the analysis.
Supporting hardware consists of hardware channels: detector channel, Solenoid Valve Control
Module channel, Electronic Pressure Control channel, Temperature Controller. Streams are
defined to applications. If there are 3 or 4 simultaneous streams, they are defined as a single
group called a Method. Applications can run only one Method at a time. Two applications can
run if there are two cycle clocks in the Maxum II.
Method is the part of the application that contains the parameters for controlling the hardware.
Methods control the hardware associated with an Application. The method tells the hardware
what to do, and include all cycle clock timed events. Methods are defined to streams. That is,
several stream sequences can make up one Method. Methods also control the integration and
calculations of the chromatogram. There is one cycle clock per method.
Applet refers to pre-engineered chromatographic segments of common applications, which
have been optimized and standardized.
Applet Module refers to a complete assembly including Model 50 valve(s), detector and
interconnecting tubing all mounted as a single module. The module includes columns and

Parallel Chromatography
With the Maxum II hardware and software, it is possible to take a complex single-train
chromatograph analysis and break it into multiple simple trains. Each simple train is then run
simultaneously – in parallel. Not only does this procedure simplify the overall analysis, but also
it is performed faster and more reliably.

Redundant Measurements
Using parallel chromatography can reduce calibration requirements by running two identical
modules in parallel on the same stream to obtain redundant measurements. As long as the
results remain the same within a predefined error limit, the analysis is known to be accurate.
Deviations outside the error limit can trigger notification or activate analyzer calibration.
Overall, the Maxum II calibration requirements are significantly lower because of the parallel
measurement configurations and standard modular applications.

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System Functions
2.2 Intended Use and Personnel Qualifications

Figure 2-1 Example Applet

2.2 Intended Use and Personnel Qualifications

Intended Use of the Analyzer

The Maxum edition II gas chromatograph is primarily used in all branches of the fine chemicals,
refining and hydrocarbon processing industries. It performs chemical composition analysis of
gases and liquids that are present in all phases of production. The Maxum II is built for
installation in harsh environments either directly or nearby in at-line process measurement
laboratories. Its application flexibility allows it to analyze samples of feedstock, partially
processed streams, final products and process byproducts including wastes and
environmental hazards.
This product is intended to be used only in conjunction with other devices and components
which have been recommended and approved by Siemens. Appropriate safety standards
were used in the development, manufacture, testing, and documentation of the Maxum II.
Under normal operation, this product is safe for use providing that all safety and handling
guidelines are observed with respect to configuration, assembly, approved use, and
maintenance. This device has been designed such that safe isolation is guaranteed between
high and low voltage circuits. Low voltages which are connected must also be generated using
safe isolation.
If any part of the Maxum II is opened, certain parts of the device are accessible which may
carry dangerous voltages. Therefore, only suitably qualified personnel may work on this device
as indicated below in the section titled Qualified Personnel.

Personnel Qualifications
Only suitably qualified personnel may operate or perform maintenance on the Maxum II. For
the purposes of safety, qualified personnel are defined as follows:
● Those who have been appropriately trained for the tasks which they are performing (for
example, commissioning, maintenance, or operation).
● Those who have been appropriately trained in the operation of automation technology
equipment and are sufficiently acquainted with Maxum II documentation.

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System Functions
2.3 Functions

● Those who are familiar with the safety concepts of automation technology and are
sufficiently acquainted with Maxum II documentation.
● Those who are authorized to energize, ground and tag circuits and devices in accordance
with established safety practices may perform the tasks for which they are trained.

Operation or Maintenance is performed in the presence of dangerous voltages and potentially
hazardous materials, and must be performed by qualified Personnel.
Operation or Maintenance of the Maxum II by unqualified personnel or failure to observe the
warnings in this manual or on the device may lead to severe personal injury and/or extensive
property damage.

2.3 Functions

This section provides an operational overview of the real-time functional tasks of the Maxum

● Startup Tasks ● Analysis Cycle Clock

– Applying Power – Accessing SYSCON
– Valid Database – Analysis Cycle Clock
– Oven Temperature – SYSCON Cycle Clock
– Cycle Control Flag – Valve Events
● Timed Event Scheduling ● Manual Operations via User Interface
– Time-Of-Day Clock
– Schedule of Events • Frequency Events

Startup Tasks
On start-up, when primary AC power is applied to the analyzer, the analyzer first processes
whatever electronic self-tests and diagnostics are required such as PROM, RAM, A/D, and
communication ports. This processing occurs within 5 seconds.
System-related initial messages are generated and output to the network ports. Appropriate
initial messages are then displayed on the Maintenance Panel and completed within 20 to 25
seconds. If the analyzer cycle clock is in RUN or CAL mode, an appropriate alarm may be
generated during this internal test and the following startup period.

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System Functions
2.3 Functions

Self Test
After the self-test, the following conditions occur:
● Installed hardware is initialized.
● Interrupts are enabled.
● Oven temperatures and carrier pressure default set points are output.
● Analog input system(s), associated with detector inputs, are initialized and begin scanning.
The SYSCON verifies that a valid database is resident, then ouputs the appropriate
temperature and carrier set points. If a valid database is not verified, default set points are left
in place.

Oven Temperature
The analyzer monitors the oven temperature to ensure that it has stabilized at the set point
before automatically proceeding. Depending on how long primary AC power has been off, this
may take from 2 seconds to 45 minutes.

Cycle Control Flag

Cycle Control Flags can be used to run optional diagnostic cycles to validate analytical
hardware including solenoid valves, detectors, or carrier regulators. This option is typically
based on a custom application being initiated by a power-fail alarm.
Cycle Ccontrol Flags indicate if any analyzer cycle clocks are to be in RUN mode. If they are
not, the analyzer remains in the HOLD mode until operator intervention. If the cycle clock is in
RUN mode, based on having been in RUN mode prior to powering down, then RUN mode
starts in progress without waiting for intervention.

Program Event Scheduling

The Time of Day (TOD) clock schedules events on a second, minute, hourly, daily or weekly
basis. The clock is maintained on the CAC3 board of the SYSCON2 (or on the main control
board of the original SYSCON) and schedules events from the residing SYSCON database.
The TOD clock has one-second resolution that is maintained and generated by a hardware
device that maintains accurate time independent of analyzer power. This allows a power
recovery event to determine duration of power down state.
Certain events are scheduled on a frequency basis, which are independent of the TOD or
analysis cycle clocks. The frequency clock has a resolution of 1 second, which is used to
schedule repetitive events, such as reading DI and AI signals for alarm purposes. Scheduling
of frequency events can be set to 5 seconds or greater. They occur regardless of whether the
analyzer is in Run or Hold.

A schedule event can be for instrument calibration and special calibrations. Special calibrations
include daily or shift averages, report logging to a printer or Host computer. When these tasks
are scheduled by the TOD clock, they are put into queue. This allows them to be performed
at the next appropriate time. Typically, this is after completion of current analysis cycle.

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System Functions
2.3 Functions

If a calibration is scheduled, it is put in queue. The calibration then initiates after completion
of the current cycle, and when the appropriate time has passed for the calibration blend to flow
through the sampling valve. If shift average reports are to be calculated and printed, the report
should include all cycles, which started, or sampled, during the specified shift. To have data
available for calculation, a wait period may occur for completion of the current sample analysis.

Analysis Cycle Clock

The Analysis Cycle Clock (ACC) is another clock that provides the timebase for all events
associated with the actual chromatograph analysis cycle. SYSCON cycle clocks can be
configured to provide timed event resolutions of 0.1 second, 0.01 second, 0.01 minute, or 0.001
minute. This is the Sensor Near Electronics software module (SNE) Event Table Scan Rate,
which is independent of detector scan rates.
All SYSCON cycle clocks and associated SNE MUST BE of the same second or minute time
units. This clock works in conjunction with the Stream Sequence Table and associated sample
stream enable and skip flags. This controls sampling order and analysis of process streams
connected to the analyzer.

Accessing SYSCON
The clock cycle RUN mode is controlled by the SYSCON upon command from SNE. When a
clock cycle is started, the associated SNEs, for that method, initiate a mirror of the cycle clock.
The SNE clock is the true basis of timed events relating to the Gas Chromatograph oven valve
timing, detector digitization and peak integration.

SNE Cycle Clock

The SNE cycle clock is used to schedule the following events.

● Analysis valve timing ● Cycle Reset

● Detector balances ● Pressure set point timing for pressure
● Temperature set points start and stop for programming
PTGC ● Analysis result calculations and reporting

Scheduled solenoid valve events cause Solenoid Valve Control Module (SVCM) hardware to
be activated within 5 milliseconds of stated cycle time. Any scheduled pressure set-point
adjustments are transferred to the actual Electronic Pressure Control Module (EPCM)
hardware within 5 milliseconds.

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System Functions
2.3 Functions

Manual Operations
Manually controlled functions can be initiated through the color touchscreen. A manually-
controlled event can occur asynchronously with any event and control some of the analyzer
operations. Controlled items include:

● Activation of solenoid valves ● Report logging event

● Balancing detectors ● Change the cycle time of an event
● Changing a pressure or temperature set ● Initiate a calibration
pointInitiating a calculation
● Initiating a calculation

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System Functions
2.4 Analyzer Operation

2.4 Analyzer Operation

This section provides an overview of the operation of the Maxum II analyzer. The operational
block diagram shows how a sample is processed within the analyzer. The SNE functions are
performed in software in new systems; older systems still have hardware versions.

Electronics Enclosure

Network I2C Electronic Solenoid

GCP SYSCON Pressure Valve
Control Control
Module Module
SNE Software Moule

(A/D) (A/D) (A/D)

Detector Compartment

Atmosphere Vents



Sample Sample In


Regulated Carrier Gas

Figure 2-2 Operational Block Diagram

Power On
The Power Entry Control Module (PECM), in response to commands on internal bus, accepts
system primary power and provides switching and control of AC power for oven heaters and
other AC powered devices.

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System Functions
2.4 Analyzer Operation

Sample Conditioning
Before being piped to the analyzer, the sample from the process is sent to a sample conditioner
system. The sample conditioner ensures that the process sample is compatible with the
requirements of the analyzer. That is, it assures that the phase, pressure, temperature and
flow rate to the analyzer are suitable, that the sample is filtered, that condensates are removed
and other treatments are carried out. The resultant conditioned sample is typically piped via
1/8-inch stainless steel tubing to the sample valve(s) located in the oven of the Maxum II.

Sample Valve
The type of sample valve used in a Maxum II is application dependent. Five primary types of
sample valves are available.
● The first is the 10-port Model 50 valve that is designed for vapor sample only.
● The second is the Model 11 valve for vapor or liquid samples.
● Third is the Model 20 valve for liquid high-pressure samples.
● The fourth type is the set of Valco valves that are designed for high temperatures and very
low sample volumes.
● The fifth is the independently-heated Siemens Liquid Injection Valve.
The sample valve(s) and any column valves are controlled by a Solenoid Valve Control Module
located in the Maxum II’s electronic enclosure section. There can be up to three SVCMs
installed in an electronics enclosure (EC).

Solenoid Valve Control Module

The Solenoid Valve Control Module (SVCM) provides pneumatic on/off control for both
sampling and oven systems functions. The SVCM manifolds are connected as a group of four
4-way and four 3-way solenoids. The (SVCM) receives commands from the I2C bus. Solenoid
commands are received from the SNE software module. Solenoid relay status is read back to
the SNE software module to indicate whether a selected solenoid is to be deactivated or
activated. Timing is controlled by SNE software module timing. There is no timebase in the
Commands from I2C bus control the deactivation or activation of solenoid valves. If fault or
warning conditions have occurred, pressure control and SVCM status information is returned
to the SYSCON database.

Samples are injected by the sample valves into the chromatograph columns where the samples
are separated into individual components. Many different types of columns may be used
including 1/16-inch micro-packed, 1/8-inch packed and fused silica or metal capillaries. The
columns used are dependent on the requirements of the application.

Maxum II Maintenance Manual

20 Manual, 10/2015, 2000596-001
System Functions
2.4 Analyzer Operation

Column Valves
In most applications, there are multiple columns in use that are typically switched by column
valves located in between them. These column valves are not shown in the illustration, but like
the sample valves described above they are also controlled by the Solenoid Valve Control
Module and SNE software module.

Electronic Pressure Control

The carrier gas pressure that is used to push the sample through the columns is controlled by
an Electronic Pressure Control Module(s) (EPCM) or in some applications by mechanical
regulators. The EPCM is mounted on manifolds located on the EC right-side wall. The EPCM
pneumatics are digitally controlled by the Sensor Near Electronics (SNE) software module. Up
to four EPCMs can be mounted in an EC. Each EPCM contains two channels, and each
channel can use a different gas at a different pressure. EPCMs are also used to control the
fuels for some of the detector modules. Each Electronic Pressure Control Module (EPCM)
communicates the actual pressure back to the SNE software module. Information may then
be displayed on the Maintenance Panel.

Oven Heaters
For the columns and detectors to work correctly, they must usually be operated at elevated
temperatures. The Maxum II uses electrical heater(s) to elevate the temperature. These
heaters (not shown in block diagram) are connected to relays in the Electronic Enclosure
section and, like the valves and the Electronic Pressure Control Module(s), are controlled by
the SNE software module.

The sample eluted from the columns is transported to the associated detector that senses the
presence of the sample and converts it to an electrical signal. Depending upon the application,
the Maxum II can include up to three detector modules. Each detector module can have
multiple detector sensor elements. Several detector module types are available including
Thermistor, Filament, Flame Ionization, Flame Photometric, and Pulsed Discharge. The
resulting electrical signal from the detector is then connected to the Detector Personality
Module (DPM) located in the EC.

Sensor Near Electronics (SNE) Software Module

The detector signal(s) is routed to the Detector Personality Module (DPM). The DPM (unique
for each detector type) amplifies the analog signal and converts it to a digital signal. The digital
signal output from the DPM is processed by the SNE software module. The DPM is interfaced
to installed peripherals connected to the I2C bus through a set of digital and analog I/O signal
commands. All accessible I/O's are uniquely addressable through the module type, enclosure
ID, SNE, location ID and module channel number.
In earlier analyzers, the SNE control and processing functions were performed by a separate
processor board, called the SNE controller (SNECON) mounted in the DPM cage assembly
and connected to the SYSCON by an Ethernet cable.

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Manual, 10/2015, 2000596-001 21
System Functions
2.4 Analyzer Operation

System Controller (SYSCON)

The System Controller (SYSCON) resides in a pullout drop-down assembly located in the EC
and controls all external communications and internal communication. The SYSCON houses
the primary processor, plug-in I/O boards (for external signal control), communication
interfaces, and an interface to the maintenance panel display. All internal communication
between modules and SYSCON is via the internal I2C signal bus.
The original SYSCON consists of a single controller board. The newest version of SYSCON,
called SYSCON2, is a base SIB (SYSCON Interface Board) with an attached CAC3
(Communication and Control board). The SYSCON combines all data results and performs
additional high level data processing and calculations. The SYSCON connects to a color
touchscreen display, strip chart recorder, other analyzers, printers, the Advance
Communication System (ACS), or other connected networks.
The SYSCON is the analyzer control system in addition to containing the application database.
The application database also contains analytical hardware database definitions that are used
to perform the following functions:

● Obtain desired sampling measurements ● Calculations of reported values

● I/O and SNE schedule of timing events ● Formatting of results and location and
● Sequence of sampling streams outputting results
● How to report or correct error conditions

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22 Manual, 10/2015, 2000596-001
System Functions
2.5 Data Communication

2.5 Data Communication

Internal Communication
An I2C Internal Bus provides communication between the SYSCON, SVCM, EPC, PECM and
to the I/O bus. External communication is through an Ethernet link. The interface for each type
of module is described in the Component Descriptions and Maintenance Procedures section.

I2C Sampling


RS232 SYSCON Boards
RS485 (SIB3)
Controller EPCs
Ethernet CAC3 I2C


Software SNE Software SNE Software SNE


Figure 2-3 Data Communication Paths

Module Addressing
The Maxum II modules located in the electronic enclosure section have their own physical
address and communicate via the I2C Internal Bus, shown in the diagram below. Address
information is contained in the SYSCON database and identifies modules by their location.
Each DPM is associated with a software SNE module that appears in the list as a separate

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Manual, 10/2015, 2000596-001 23
System Functions
2.5 Data Communication

Identification Number
All modules within the Maxum II electronic enclosure have a unique identification number as
related to the software SNE module which controls them. The identification relationship
between the SNE and the modules it controls is referred to as the SNE ID String.

11 : 1 - 1 . 1 - 1 . 1 . 129

Channel Number
Channel Type
PIC Index
Module Number (Location ID)
Sub Module Type & Description
Module Type

Figure 2-4 Identification Number

Address information is located in the analyzer local I/O Table. The I/O points are identified by
module type, mounting location within the electronic enclosure and channel number. This
allows module addressing from either the SYSCON database, SNE Tables or from Advance

Maxum II Maintenance Manual

24 Manual, 10/2015, 2000596-001
General Maintenance and Troubleshooting 3
3.1 General Analyzer Shutdown Procedure

Back Up the Database

If a current database has not been saved, first save a database to a remote device to provide
a potential method of reloading when a a CAC3 has been replaced or an earlier database
needs to be restored to the analyzer. Generally, a database reload will not be needed, though
in some cases this may be required.

1. Put the Maxum II in Hold and wait for the cycle to complete. This will provide the quickest
restart of the application when power is restored.
2. Once the cycle is completed and the Maxum II is holding, then remove power from the unit.

Voltage dangerous to life exists. Failure to follow appropriate safety procedures may result
in severe injury or death.
Before beginning to work inside the electronics enclosure, the power must be externally
removed from the GC. AC power comes directly into the electronics enclosure, so power must
be removed and secured/tagged to prevent inadvertent application while work is being

3.2 General Analyzer Startup Procedure

Before Starting the Analyzer

Voltage dangerous to life exists. Severe injury or death can result if precautions are not
When the Electronic Enclosure door is open, voltage dangerous to life exists. These
procedures will involve operation of the unit with the electronics door open, which will require
a “hot work permit” in some locations to ensure that there are no hazards for the personnel
working in the area.

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Manual, 10/2015, 2000596-001 25
General Maintenance and Troubleshooting
3.2 General Analyzer Startup Procedure

Before proceeding with these procedures, make sure the unit is installed correctly in
accordance with these instructions and local and national codes. See the custom
documentation package for particular Maxum II details and procedures for the particular unit.
1. Ensure that the AC (Mains) power is off to the Maxum II.
2. Open the electronic enclosure door and inspect all connections.
3. If appropriate permits have been obtained to meet area classification requirements
necessary to operate with the door open, then apply power to the unit. No intervention
should be necessary for the unit to begin to operate after a few minutes. If normal operation
is not achieved, refer to the section on troubleshooting to resolve the issue. The
Troubleshooting section defines the normal LED operating modes for this assembly. Close
the electronics door and secure it per the applicable safety codes.
4. If the area classification does not permit the unit to be operated with the door open, then
close the door, secure it per the applicable safety codes, and apply power to the unit. Correct
operation can be determined through the interface on the door or a remote interface if one
is not included in the door of the electronics enclosure.
5. Follow the procedure for restart of the specific unit.

Accessing the Bootloader to Set Network Address

This procedure is needed when a CAC3 is replaced, when the memory backup battery is
removed, or when the CAC is removed from the SIB3. To prepare, disconnect the analyzer
from the network by unlugging the Ethernet cable.
From the color touchscreen in the door of the analyzer, use this set of steps to set the IP
addresses for a SYSCON2.1. This allows the GCP software to communicate with the device
so that a database may be loaded.
1. Push the reset button through the opening on the SYSCON cage. This provides access to
the bootloader.
2. Press the Home key when the message “To enter the bootloader menu, press the Home
key now…” appears.
3. Press the 5 key to select the “Configuration” menu.
4. Press the 4 key to select “Choose Device Mode”.
5. Press the 2 key to select “Standalone SysCon”.
6. The SYSCON reboots into standalone mode.
7. Press the Home key to re-enter the boot loader
8. Press the 5 key to select the “Configuration” menu again.
9. Press the 2 key to select “Primary Ethernet IP Configuration”.
10.The question “Do you want to change this configuration?” appears: Press the 9 key to select
11.Press the 0 key to disable DHCP.
12.Press the 9 key to change the IP address.
13.Enter the desired IP address. Press the “Home” key to return to the menu.
14.Press the 9 key to change the subnet mask.

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26 Manual, 10/2015, 2000596-001
General Maintenance and Troubleshooting
3.3 Troubleshooting

15.Enter the correct subnet mask. Press the “Home” key to return to the menu.
16.Press the 9 key to change the Default Gateway address.
17.Enter the Default Gateway address. Press the “Home” key to return to the menu.
18.Press the 0 key to select “No” to the question “Change the DNS?”
19.Press any key to continue.
20.Press the Back key to return to the bootloader menu.
21.Press the 9 key to reset the device.
The external Ethernet cable may now be reconnected to the network, and the analyzer should
be visible in the GCP Network list.

3.3 Troubleshooting

PECM Status LEDs

The PECM3 should start automatically once power is applied. If the unit is not operational after
applying power, then review the information below to aid in correcting the problem.
The most common issue with replacing the PECM3 is cables, wiring connections, and jumpers.
Check all of the cable connections to ensure that they are seated and connected properly.
The alarm system can also provide direct information on alarms for an error. Review the alarms
to see if they provide an indication of the problem. Each alarm has a written description that
may provide an indication of the problem area.

The LEDs on the PECM board can help with LEFT Heater Status RIGHT Heater status
troubleshooting problems. There are two
sets of LEDs: one on each side of the front Heater 1 Air Pressure Heater 2 Air Pressure
board as shown in the diagram to the right. Heater 1 Power Activate Heater 2 Power Activate
The bottom set of three LEDs is the same as

Heater 1 Temp Limit Heater 2 Temp Limit

used on other boards (described below.) The Heater 1 Overtemp Heater 2 Overtemp
left set is for the PECM software. (The other
LEDs are not used for PECM1 replacement.)
The corrective action to take for each of the Normal Normal Temperature
LED indications is noted below with a correc‐PECM Status Fault Fault Controller
tive action reference number on the diagram Warning Warning
at the right. The normal state indication is
shown in the diagram below.


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Manual, 10/2015, 2000596-001 27
General Maintenance and Troubleshooting
3.3 Troubleshooting

State 1

State 5 - Warning condition; data good temporarily

1. If all units in this state, then power to the analyzer and/
or board is not active
2. Reset the device or cycle power
3. Check power connections to board (AC and 24VDC)

State 6 - Fault condition; data invalid

4. Replace unit
State 2

State 3 - Address assignment

State 4 - Normal operation

1. Reset the device or cycle analyzer power
2. Replace unit

State 1 - Power off

State 3

State 2 - Self test

1. Reset the device or cycle analyzer power
2. If all modules are in State 3, then SNECON is not
communicating (check cabling and connections)
3. Replace unit
State 4 Normal Operation
State 5
1. Reset the device or cycle power Fault
2. Check communication cable connections Warning
State 6
PECM LED Interpretation
1. Reset the device or cycle power
2. Check communication cable connections
3. Check for missing Temp Limit setpoint boards
4. Check for shorted or open RTDs
5. Replace the unit
6. Replace other connected units

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28 Manual, 10/2015, 2000596-001
General Maintenance and Troubleshooting
3.4 Alarm Codes, Descriptions, and Suggested Actions

3.4 Alarm Codes, Descriptions, and Suggested Actions

3.4.1 Alarms 5.2 301 - 324

GCP 5.2 Alarm Descriptions 301 - 324

The following tables list the alarm number (#), type (+ information, ? warning, ! error) alarm
text, description, and actions.

# Text Description Action

301 ? External Message: send A message was received by the device Reset Gateway or SYSCON.
failure %3 from itself; or source of message can't be
identified; or Gateway is too busy or com‐
munication was disrupted between the
GC and the message handler.
302 ? External Message: server System Error Contact Customer Support.
303 + External Message: Rec'd Message was received from Advance Reset Advance DataHiway unit.
invalid communication DataHiway unit that had previously
from unit %3 broadcast with no slots or slot is out of
304 + External Message: Orphan An Advance DataHiway external Ignore or reset SYSCON.
message received from %3 PANDSP message was received with no
matching PANKEY; or an ATTACH was
received with no matching RATCH; or an
internal timeout was generated for non-
existent message.
305 ? External Message: Invalid Advance DataHiway Results, print, HAE, Check database set up for these mes‐
Message Length for %3 or Service Panel messages received sages.
from GC that have no length.
306 + External Message: Send in‐ 3Message from GC is directed to an Ad‐ Check Advance DataHiway unit.
valid communication to unit vance DataHiway unit that has no slots,
% an invalid range of slots, or no UID has
ever been received.
307 ? External Message: Dupli‐ An Advance DataHiway ZIP message Check other units on network.
cate anlz_id %3 detected ; was received from another Advance Da‐
setting to zero taHiway unit, or another GC has broad‐
cast with the same analyzer num‐
ber.Check other units on network.
308 ? External Message: Dupli‐ An Advance DataHiway SLEEP mes‐ Check other units on Advance DataHi‐
cate UNIT %3 detected; sage has been received. Another Ad‐ way and correct loop/unit of GC.
setting loop/unit to zero vance DataHiway unit has broadcast
with the same loop/unit.
309 ? External Message: Occurs when Advance DataHiway loop/ Remove extraneous references to non-
RUD:Unit does not re‐ unit does not respond to a RUD message existent units. Check Advance Data‐
spond; loop/unit %3 - originates from I/O, Host, or Printer ta‐ Hiway connection.
ble in GC.

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Manual, 10/2015, 2000596-001 29
General Maintenance and Troubleshooting
3.4 Alarm Codes, Descriptions, and Suggested Actions

# Text Description Action

310 ? External Message: Unit not GC is trying to communicate with an un‐ Wait 10 minutes to see if this condition
known for %3 known unit on the Advance DataHiway. will correct itself. If it does not, verify
that the Gateway is communicating with
the GC.
311 ? External Message: Error Bad Advance DataHiway Host Activation Check MaxBasic programs for invalid
for Activation of EVT on %3 Event message was sent by GC to mes‐ setting of attributes on the analyzer ta‐
sage handler. ble.
312 ? External Message: Send Send failure for UDP outgoing message This is a general failure that indicates a
error for %3 sequences. network fault.
313 ? External Message: Invalid An Advance DataHiway SEND message Check result transmit, # of results.
TOR sequence on % was received from external unit when
there are no results to send.
314 ? External Message: Anlz: Two Advance GCs have duplicate Ad‐ Check for duplicate loop,unit addresses
%3 & Anlz: %4 have loop/ vance DataHiway addresses (loop,unit). on the two analyzers and correct the
unit conflict duplication.
315 ? External Message: Anlz id FUNCT 88 Advance DataHiway Alarm Check analyzer ID.
exceeds allowable limit for message received from HCI-H;  or GC
ADH attempted a broadcast with an ana‐
lyzer_id greater than 255.
316 ? External Message: Host: FUNCT 89 Advance DataHiway Alarm Check # results and # streams against
Anlz 1 to 50 config conflict message received from HCI-H. HCI-H limitations.
317 ? External Message: Host: FUNCT 90 Advance DataHiway Alarm Check # results and # streams against
for anlz 51-254 stream>1 message received from HCI-H. HCI-H limitations.
or # of components>9
318 ? External Message: Host: in‐ Advance DataHiway H card is sending Check trtval in result table.
valid data received from alarm back to GC.
319 ? External Message: no re‐ No results are marked for transmission. Check trtval in result table.
sults marked to transmit for Comes from GC prior to transmission.
stream %3
320 ? External Message: %3 Advance DataHiway message timeout Reset SYSCON. If the alarm occurs
Timeout for %4 for ADREQ, REXD, results, HAE, Print, again, contact Customer Support.
321 + External Message connec‐ Normal message from reset. No action necessary.
tion opened on: %3
322 ? No ADH connection detec‐ No message handler. This means that Contact Customer Support.
ted %3 failed that certain software components are not
323 ? External Message: Invalid An Advance DataHiway WRLP message Check Loop of GC.
LOOP %3 detected ; set‐ has been received.
ting loop/unit to zero
324 ! Error processing database An error has occured in SQL messaging Check network communication and
command %3 to a remote or local database table for contact Customer Support.
Modbus or remote I/O.

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30 Manual, 10/2015, 2000596-001
General Maintenance and Troubleshooting
3.4 Alarm Codes, Descriptions, and Suggested Actions

3.4.2 Alarms 5.2 330 through 359 SNE Communication

GCP 5.2 Alarm Descriptions 330 - 359

The following tables list the alarm number (#), type (+ information, ? warning, ! error) alarm
text, description, and actions.

# Text Description Action

331 ! Run Method: No SNE The connection between the GC and the Check cable between the SNE and SY‐
found or bad status on mod‐ SNE is invalid. SCON.
ule: %3 Check the LEDs on the SNE to see if it
is running.
332 ! Run Method: No module The SNE has not reported the detector, Check hardware connections to SNE.
found for detr: %3 pressure controller, or temperature con‐ The GC can contain references to inva‐
troller. lid hardware channels.
Check the pressure, temperature, and
detector channels defined in the appli‐
cation for correct assignments.
333 ! Run Method: No Detr found Realtime chromatogram attempt on inva‐ Check hrdwr_id, module for app_detec‐
or bad status for meth‐ lid detector, or bad status on detector. tor. The GC can contain references to %3 invalid hardware channels.
Check the detector channels defined in
the application for correct assignments.
334 ! Run Method: No Channel No channels are present or can't find de‐ Check app_detector, EZChrom method
found for method: %3 tector for channel. for proper hardware channel assign‐
335 + SNE connection opened System error Contact Customer Support.
on %3
336 ! SNE connection closed on SNE connection closed due to timeout or If IP address specified is not a
%3 error: %4 error. 192.168.144.# network address, check
for appropriate grounding of system.
Otherwise check SNE for appropriate
connections and software versions.
337 ! SNE connection replaced System error Contact Customer Support.
on %3
338 ? SNE %3 Method %4 Can‐ Results received from SNE for unknown Check stream table. It is possible to de‐
not Store Chrom stream. lete streams during the run of a cycle.
If that is done, then this alarm may oc‐
339 ? SNE %3 Method %4 Appli‐ Can't find application or method to match Reset SNE to sychronize messages. It
cation %5 not found SNE results. This indicates that messag‐ is possible to delete applications during
es between the SNE and SYSCON are the run of a cycle. If that is attempted,
corrupted. then this alarm may occur.
340 ! SNE %3 Method %4 Load SNE has sent a status message that the Download method from EZChrom
- Invalid Method method is invalid. No other information is again.
341 ! SNE %3 Method %4 Inac‐ SNE sent message that method is inac‐ Restart the application.
tive tive. No other information is available.
342 ! SNE %3 Method %4 Load SNE sent message that maximum meth‐ Reduce number of methods, reset SY‐
- Max Method exceeded ods has been exceeded. SCON.

Maxum II Maintenance Manual

Manual, 10/2015, 2000596-001 31
General Maintenance and Troubleshooting
3.4 Alarm Codes, Descriptions, and Suggested Actions

# Text Description Action

343 ! SNE %3 Method %4 Load Invalid run/hold sent to SNE. Reset SYSCON or try placing applica‐
- Invalid Mode tion in run.
344 ! SNE %3 Method %4 status Unknown error from SNE method status. Reset SNE/SYSCON.
- unknown error %5
345 ! Stream Valve does not ex‐ Can't find appdo or sys_do for DO set in Check DO on application I/O tables to
ist cycle_events. Digital Output on cy‐ see if the DO exists for this application
cle_event may not be valid. and has a normal status.
346 ! SNE %3 Write IO %4 does IO write was sent to SNE, where I/O does Reset SNE/SYSCON.
not exist %5 not exist. Check the sys_hardware table for nor‐
mal I/O status.
If any I/O is not normal, investigate the
347 ! SNE %3 Read  IO %4 IO read was sent to SNE where the I/O Reset SNE/SYSCON
does not exist does not exist. Check the sys_hardware table for nor‐
mal I/O status.
If any I/O is not normal, investigate the
348 ? SNE %3 RT chrom %4 Realtime chromatogram request to non- Reset SNE/SYSCON
does not exist existent SNE. Check the sys_hardware table for nor‐
mal I/O status.
If any I/O is not normal, investigate the
349 ? SNE %3 Method %4 - Write Ignore: Alarm was removed from Ver‐
attempted on active meth‐ sions 4.3 and later.
350 ! SNE Module I/O error 0x An operation attempted on an attached Report the error number and the mod‐
%3 on %4 SNE module failed. ule to Customer Support.
351 ! SNE pSOS error 0x %3 on System Software Failure. Report the error number and the mod‐
%4 ule to Customer Support.
352 ! SNE pSOS Driver error 0x Driver Software Failure. Report the error number and the mod‐
%3 on %4 ule to Customer Support.
353 ! SNE AAI Driver error 0x %3 AAI custom driver failure. Report the error number and the mod‐
on %4 ule to Customer Support.
354 ? SNE TFTP load Error on TFTP load failure during download of Verify that TFTP server is running
%3 : %4 SNE software. Verify correct IP address
Verify correct file location
Retry TFTP load
355 ? SNE FLASH Driver Error Flash Memory Failure. If persistent, replace SNE.
on %3 : %4
356 ! SNE %3 Stream/Method Results received from SNE: Can't locate Check sequence. Place application in
%4 / %5 does not exist stream/method. Deleting streams and hold and then run again.
methods or downloading methods while
a cycle is running can cause this error.
357 ! SNE Method %3 - Invalid This indicates that the SNE has an obso‐ Check the SNE and SYSCON software
message argument lete software version or the messages versions with the upgrade tool.
between the SNE and SYSCON have Reset the SYSCON and SNE.
been corrupted.

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32 Manual, 10/2015, 2000596-001
General Maintenance and Troubleshooting
3.4 Alarm Codes, Descriptions, and Suggested Actions

# Text Description Action

358 ! SNE Invalid I/O Write from This should only occur if the SNE has an Check the SNE and SYSCON software
SNE on %4 , command %5 old software version or the messages be‐ versions with the upgrade tool.
tween the SNE and SYSCON have been Reset the SYSCON and SNE.
359 ! SNE I/O not found on I/O This should only occur if the SNE has an Check the SNE and SYSCON software
Write from SNE: %4 old software version or the messages be‐ versions with the upgrade tool.
tween the SNE and SYSCON have been Reset the SYSCON and SNE.

3.4.3 Alarms 5.2 360 - 399

GCP 5.2 Alarm Descriptions 360 - 399

The following tables list the alarm number (#), type (+ information, ? warning, ! error) alarm
text, description, and actions.

# Text Description Action

360 ! %!3 %4 General SNE Fault. Contact Customer Support.
361 ? %3 %4 General SNE warning. Contact Customer Support.
362 + %3 %4 General SNE note. Contact Customer Support.
363 ! Invalid function request %3 This indicates that the SNE has an obso‐ ● Check the SNE and SYSCON
from SYSCON lete software version, or that the messag‐ software versions with the upgrade
es between the SNE and SYSCON have tool.
been corrupted.
● Reset the SYSCON and SNE.
364 ? No real-time buffer exists Detector data is being collected for a de‐ If received during a load sequence, it is
for detector %3 on DPM %4 tector that wasn't properly enabled. an artifact of the shutdown sequence.
Otherwise, record occurrence and
DPM information and report to Custom‐
er Support.
365 ! Incomplete Analysis on EZChrom analysis was not completed on ● Modify integration events in method.
channel %3 channel. ● Send method to Customer Support.
366 ! Data Corruption Error Major Data corruption on SNE ● Reset SNE
● Report error to Customer Support.
367 ! System Error %3 in File %4 System Software Failure. Record sequence of events leading to
line %5 occurrence and report error, along with
the complete contents of the alarm mes‐
sage, to Customer Support.
368 ! Unable to find %3 number Hardware specified in method is not in Verify that the method is correct.
%4 analyzer.
369 ! Unsupported channel type Hardware channel operation requested Inspect for current version of SNE soft‐
%3 for an invalid channel type. ware. May require a reload or rebuild of
corrupted SYSCON database.
370 ? No channel %3 on DPM Realtime display requested for a detector Restore an older version of the data‐
%4 for realtime display channel that doesn't exist. Indicates da‐ base.
tabase corruption.

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Manual, 10/2015, 2000596-001 33
General Maintenance and Troubleshooting
3.4 Alarm Codes, Descriptions, and Suggested Actions

# Text Description Action

371 ! Invalid channel acquisition Two channels referencing the same If multiple application detector channels
overlap on %3 hardware detector are scheduled to ac‐ are assigned to the same hardware de‐
quire at the same time. tector, do not allow their times to over‐
372 ! Scheduling error %3 scan‐ Unable to schedule all event and polling If method schedules many events as
ning %4 # %5 channel %6 routines. May indicate a memory or hard‐ well as all 18 detectors, try removing
ware failure. some of the events or deleting some of
the detectors, then resetting the SNE.
373 ! Module I/O error %3 on %4 Error between module and channel. Indi‐ Consider upgrading analyzer.
# %5 channel %6 cates obsolete anayler.
374 ! Internal communication er‐ Software modules inside SNE are failing Reduce processing requirements on
ror %3 to communicate.  Usually happens with SYSCON.
out of memory condition resulting from
SYSCON timeout.
375 ! End of cycle missed; stop‐ The message that coordinates the end of Reset SNE.
ping cycle a method around the SNE tasks was lost. Reduce the complexity of the SNE set‐
Replace SNE.
376 + Adjusting cycle clock mas‐ Obsolete software version. Contact Customer Support.
377 ! Error %3 scheduling cycle Resource not found for scheduling ad‐ Reduce complexity of tasks for
clock master adjustment justment of event clock. SNE may be SNE.Reset SNE to prevent event clock
overloaded. overflow.
378 + %3 samples adjusted on An excessive number of samples re‐ Replace affected DPM.
chrom from channel %4 quired adjustment on chromatogram. Oc‐
curs in conjunction with DPM alarms.
379 ! Error %3 preparing analy‐ EZChrom processing error. Check integration events; modify
sis for channel %4 events that may cause problems.
380 ! Error %3 finding chrom EZChrom processing error. Check integration events and peak ta‐
peaks for channel %4 ble; modify events that may cause prob‐
381 ! Error %3 generating re‐ EZChrom processing error. Example er‐ Check method for problems that could
sults for channel %4 ror: Setting the threshold value too low, affect results.
causing many peaks to be detected in
the noise of the chromatogram.
382 ! EZChrom server failed er‐ Resource problem on SNE. ● Reduce SNE workload.
ror %3 on channel %4 ● Replace SNE.
383 ? Software Watchdog Time‐ SNE is running out of processing capaci‐ Reduce SNE workload.
out ty. Replace SNE.
384 ! Method Modification Failed An attempt to modify a running method Verify that modification was valid.
failed, most likely due to invalid data.
385 ? Event occurred before Before a modification of a running meth‐ Contact Customer Support.
modification request od was completed, the event occurred.
386 ! Invalid Cycle Length %3 A cycle length larger than the maximum Verify correct values in method.
size was specified in a method. Usually
caused by a corrupt method. Maximum
cycle length is approximately 2 days.
387 ! Invalid Sample Rate %3 on Invalid sample rate value chosen for Verify the methods and use only a sup‐
channel %4 channel in method. ported detector sample rate.

Maxum II Maintenance Manual

34 Manual, 10/2015, 2000596-001
General Maintenance and Troubleshooting
3.4 Alarm Codes, Descriptions, and Suggested Actions

# Text Description Action

388 ! Acquisition time greater Start and stop acquisition times for a de‐ Decrease acquisition time or increase
than cycle length on chan‐ tector exceeded the method cycle length. cycle method time.
nel %3
389 ! Invalid Event Type %3 for Invalid event downloaded with method. Check for proper SNE version. Rebuild
event %4 method.
390 ! Invalid Start Time %3 for Event time specified that is outside the Correct the method using EZChrom.
event %4 cycle start and stop times.
391 ? %3 messages not sent to Some messages that the SNE attempted Reset the device.
SYSCON from SNE to send to SYSCON were lost.  Results
may be unpredictable.
392 ? %3 Detector underflows Detector is reading a raw value of 0.  It Check the method.
detected on channel %4 of is potentially clipping the signal at the low
module %5 value.
393 ? %3 Detector opens detec‐ Detector channel is not connected. Verify the detector hardware to ensure
ted on channel %4 of mod‐ that it is properly connected and that the
ule %5 detector is not damaged.
394 ? %3 Unexpected Calibra‐ Detector channel unexpectedly went into Replace DPM if persistent.
tion points on channel %4 calibration mode.
of module %5
395 ? %3 Detector overflows on Detector is reading above its maximum Reduce the amount of sample or, if pos‐
channel %4 of module %5 value and the signal is being clipped. sible, the detector gain.
396 ! SNE out of memory at %3 SNE is out of memory. Reduce SNE workload. Report to Cus‐
line %4 tomer Support.
397 ! Invalid Trace from channel System error Contact Customer Support.
398 ! Invalid Number of Temper‐ The number of temperature program set‐ Rebuild temperature events for method.
ature or Pressure Program points was different from the number
Segments sent.
399 + Results not calculated for System error Contact Customer Support.
Channel %3

3.4.4 Alarms 5.2 400 - 562

GCP 5.2 Alarm Descriptions 400 - 478

The following tables list the alarm number (#), type (+ information, ? warning, ! error) alarm
text, description, and actions.

# Text Description Action

400 ! Sync Bus Failure %3 Sync Bus Test failed. Replace SNE.
401 ! No detector present for On Advance Plus unit, configured detec‐ Check sys_detector_cfg configuration.
configured detector %3 tor is invalid.
402 + SNE reset requested SYSCON requested a reset from the Reset SNE.
SNE. Usually means that the communi‐ Reduce processing demands on SY‐
cations between the SNE and SYSCON SCON.
timed out.  This is can happen when
SYSCON is overloaded.

Maxum II Maintenance Manual

Manual, 10/2015, 2000596-001 35
General Maintenance and Troubleshooting
3.4 Alarm Codes, Descriptions, and Suggested Actions

# Text Description Action

403 ! Configured Detector %3 Balance Failure from an Advance+ de‐ Check sys_detector_cfg configuration.
Balance Failure tector.
404 ? All Methods must be in All methods must be in hold while chang‐ Set all application in hold and wait for
Hold before Configuring ing the configuration of any configured cycles to complete. Then reconfigure
Detectors detectors. Advance Plus configured detector.
405 ! Method not on tracking list: SNE processing error. Contact Customer Support.
Count = %3 Track ID = %4
406 ! Error %3 Monitoring Purge SNE or I2C error. Reset unit.
407 ? SYSCON-SNE Communi‐ SNE or I2C messaging error. Contact Customer Support.
cations Overload Detected
408 ? Spurious detector acquisi‐ SNE error. Contact Customer Support.
409 ? SNE low on Memory SNE error. Reduce the memory consumption.
Some examples of how to do this in‐
Reduce the number of peaks detected
by increasing the threshold.
Reduce the length of cycles.
Reduce the detector sampling rate.
420 ! Heartbeat timeout MicroSAM: error Contact MicroSAM support for assis‐
421 ! Heartbeat lost MicroSAM: error Contact MicroSAM support for assis‐
422 ! Cannot connect to RSP MicroSAM: error Contact MicroSAM support for assis‐
423 ! Method %3 has more than MicroSAM: error Contact MicroSAM support for assis‐
8 simultaneous events tance.
424 ! Method %3 has more than MicroSAM: error Contact MicroSAM support for assis‐
255 events tance.
425 ! EZChrom Method Verifica‐ The method was successfully downloa‐ Re-export the method to the SYSCON
tion failed, code %3 ded from the SYSCON to the EMSNE but and attempt verification again.
failed an integrity verification test.  The Rebuild the method, export to SYSCON
method is likely corrupted or may contain and attempt verification again.
a feature which is not supported.
Contact Customer Support.
426 ! SIMDIS not supported The EZChrom method contains the simu‐ Remove the SIMDIS option from the
lated distillation analysis option which is method or use a separate SNECON if
not supported by the EMSNE. SIMDIS is needed for this application.
427 + Detector simulation activa‐ The detector data reported by the DPM If simulation is not desired, the trace
ted is from a simulation chromatogram read (TRC) binary must be removed from the
from the EZChrom trace binary and not EZChrom method for non-simulated
from actual data acquired by the DPM. chromatogram data to be collected.
This is normal when running a simulation.

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36 Manual, 10/2015, 2000596-001
General Maintenance and Troubleshooting
3.4 Alarm Codes, Descriptions, and Suggested Actions

# Text Description Action

428 ! Invalid configuration for The method contains a channel with Correct the method (on the workstation)
smoothing noise measure‐ smoothing noise measurement and the so that the time range used for noise
ment time range used for noise measurement measurement falls within the time
is outside of the time range of the chro‐ range of the chromatogram.
matogram.  The analysis was aborted
and the results for this channel could not
be calculated.
460 ! Invalid Method Write System error Not applicable
461 ! Argument %3 , Invalid System error Not applicable
Type %4
462 ! Invalid Method Section %3 System error Not applicable
463 ! Unable to Run Method, System error Not applicable
Hardware Initializing
464 ! Unable to Run Method, In‐ System error Not applicable
strument Busy
465 ! Error Running Method System error Not applicable
466 ! Error Installing Method System error Not applicable
467 ! Error Retrieving Method System error Not applicable
468 ! Unable to Run Method, Not System error Not applicable
on Method List
469 ! Invalid component results System error Not applicable
470 ! Invalid Spectrum results System error Not applicable
471 ! Invalid calibration file %3 System error Not applicable
line %4
472 ? Unknown method status System error Not applicable
473 ? Multiple component sets System error Not applicable
not allowed
474 ? Multiple component scans System error Not applicable
not allowed
475 ! Component report invalid System error Not applicable
476 ! Arguments do not match System error Not applicable
477 ! Component report with no System error Not applicable
associated method
478 ! Internal reset commanded System error Not applicable
511 ! Program Failed event # %3 Error running MaxBasic program. Check message and program. If this
%4 program was written by Siemens, con‐
tact Customer Support.
512 ? Program execution cancel‐ Cancellation requested from HMI or CIM Informational. No action necessary.
led: event # %3 Display.
513 ! Program Failed: Run re‐ Occurs when overrun_option is set to 2 Check event timing or change overrun
quested on running event # and event is run while event is still run‐ option.
%3 ning from a previous request.
514 ! Program Invalid frequency; Invalid program frequency. Check program_schedule setup.
disabling event # %3

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Manual, 10/2015, 2000596-001 37
General Maintenance and Troubleshooting
3.4 Alarm Codes, Descriptions, and Suggested Actions

# Text Description Action

515 ? Program Overrun for event Occurs when overrun_option is set to 1 Check cycle event timing or frequency
# %3 and warns that a program is running of program or ignore.
when a previous run of the same pro‐
gram has not finished.
516 ! Formula Failure: %3 Occurs with result formula fails. Check the contents of the Alarm Text.
561 + EZChrom download Informational message. No action necessary.
562 + EZChrom upload for app Informational message. No action necessary.
%1 method %3

3.4.5 Alarms 5.2 671 - 699

GCP 5.2 Alarm Descriptions 671 - 699

The following tables list the alarm number (#), type (+ information, ? warning, ! error) alarm
text, description, and actions.

# Text Description Action

671 ! Database: Failure: %3 1. Cannot find method; Check methods and sequences.
2. Cannot find MaxBasic program; Check program table.
3. Invalid stream for program; Check program streamcontext.
4. Bad status on external result. Verify extresult table entries.
672 ! Database: Remote Service A connection for remote I/O or result Check the status of the remote unit.
lost on %3 transmission has been closed. This
alarm is normal when the remote unit be‐
comes unavailable.
673 ! Database:value > limit: %3 Limit exceeded. See Alarm Text.
See the Limits and Alarm Handlers ta‐
bles under the GCP Application View.
674 ! Database value < limit: %3 Limit exceeded. See Alarm Text.
See the Limits and Alarm Handlers ta‐
bles under the GCP Application View.
675 ! Database: No Stream at cy‐ Cannot locate stream to start. Check sequence to make sure that the
cle start on applicaton %1 entries are enabled.
676 ! Database: delay limit ex‐ Temperature or pressure wait set in the Check temp or press controller.
ceeded on stream %3 method has been exceeded. Check wait_delta and maxwait in tem‐
perature or pressure controller table.
677 ? Next Stream Error Cannot locate next stream in sequence Check sequence to ensure that there is
after a stream step. an enabled stream.
678 ! End of Cycle occurred be‐ System error Contact Customer Support.
fore events completed
679 ! Application is out of service Attempt was made to move (approve) re‐ Put application in service.
sults for an out-of-service application.
680 ? Print job failed: %3 for Print‐ Print failure. Check printer.
er: %4

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38 Manual, 10/2015, 2000596-001
General Maintenance and Troubleshooting
3.4 Alarm Codes, Descriptions, and Suggested Actions

# Text Description Action

681 ! Application is disabled Attempt was made to set disabled appli‐ Enable application.
cation to run.
682 ! Database: I/O failure: %3 Bad status on AO, DO write. Check I/O channels.
683 ? Database: no normal se‐ No active sequence. Check sequences.
quence for application: %3
684 ? Database: no enabled en‐ Cannot find enabled entry in sequence. Check sequence.
tries in sequence
685 ? Printer: TCP connection or Printer connection failed. Check address in printer table.
queue failed
686 ? Printer: TCP Print failed Communication failure with TCP printer. Try printing again.
687 ! Results for cycle %3 lost This alarm marks results as uncertain un‐ Automatic repair: No action necessary.
due to SNE reset til a cycle has been completed after re‐
setting unit.
688 ! Method is corrupt: %3 re‐ Method is corrupt. Download method from EZChrom.
load from EZChrom
689 ! Database: Fault on Slave A fault is being transferred from the slave Check fault in slave application.
Application %3 to the master to invalidate the master's
690 ! Database: Slave Applica‐ Master application is trying to run when Check cycle length of slave application;
tion not Complete %3 slave is not in hold. The slave must com‐ should be shorter than master. Also
plete before the master. could occur if autocalibration sequence
for master is shorter than for the slave.
691 ? Database: Warning: %3 System error Contact Customer Support.
692 ! Database: Divide by zero in Peak measured value is zero during cal‐ Check method.
%3 ibration for an autocalibration, so margin-
checking cannot occur.
693 ? Database: I/O warning: %3 System error Contact Customer Support.
694 ? Database:value > limit: %3 Limit exceeded. Message should contain See the Limits and Alarm Handlers ta‐
sufficient information. bles under the GCP Application View.
695 ? Database value < limit: %3 Limit exceeded. Message should contain See the Limits and Alarm Handlers ta‐
sufficient information. bles under the GCP Application View.
696 ? DB: Screen access denied System error Contact Customer Support.
697 ! DB: Run requested on dis‐ System error Contact Customer Support.
abled program: %3
698 ? NAU %3 not available for 1. No analyzer reference in host table for Check the cables at the sending and
communication Maxum Modbus receiving ends.
2. Cannot open connection to remote an‐
alyzer for Maxum Modbus or remote I/O.
This is a sometimes-temporary error that
indicates a problem in the host table or a
network problem.
699 ? MODBUS: result is not in Cannot find address in map for result or Check modbus_addmap for an incor‐
address map %3 analyzerstatus that came from an ana‐ rect anlz attribute.

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Manual, 10/2015, 2000596-001 39
General Maintenance and Troubleshooting
3.4 Alarm Codes, Descriptions, and Suggested Actions

3.4.6 Alarms 5.2 700 - 736

GCP 5.2 Alarm Descriptions 700 - 736

The following tables list the alarm number (#), type (+ information, ? warning, ! error) alarm
text, description, and actions.

# Text Description Action

700 ? Network: Analyzer %3 not Analyzer cannot be opened from NAU to Check network.
available receive message from the DCS. Reset SYSCON.
701 ? MODBUS: scale factor or Scale factor or EUHI is absent for scaled Check contents of modbus_addmap.
euhi absent for %3 results.
702 ? MODBUS: host command A DCS command has been received for Check contents of modbus_addmap.
for %3 invalid; undefined an undefined address.
database location
703 ? MODBUS: host command DCS message received that is for an un‐ Check contents of modbus_addmap.
for undefined address: %3 known address.
704 ? MODBUS: host cannot The address written to by the DCS is not Check value_type of address in mod‐
write to this address: %3 defined with a value_type that the host bus_addmap.
can send messages to.
705 ? MODBUS: mod‐ 1. Invalid DCS command was sent to an 1. Cannot clear alarms on optichrom or
bus_msg_buffer cannot be Optichrom or 2. Check analyzer table to see if entry
processed: %3 2. EUHI, calibrate, stream select, skip occurs or wait until analyzer broadcasts.
stream, run/hold, doset set from host that
cannot be located in analyzer table.
706 ? MODBUS: cannot locate Cannot find EUHI for result. Check EUHI address in modbus_add‐
euhi %3 map_result table.
707 ? Calibration rejected: mar‐ Peak or group margins exceeded on auto Check peak or group margins in EZ‐
gin exceeded for %3 calibration. Chrom.
708 ? MODBUS: Data type fail‐ Data_type mismatch with value_type. Check modbus_addmap.  This is usu‐
ure for address: %3 ally self-correcting, but changes should
be checked.
709 ! DB: AI averaging %3 Averaging is occurring on an AI with no Check configuration of AI averaging.
result designated to receive the average.
710 ? DB: AI averaging %3 Averaging is occurring on an AI with no Check configuration of AI averaging.
result designated to receive the average.
711 + Database: %3 System error Contact Customer Support.
712 ! %6 Start Ver: %3 - %4 on SYSCON has been reset. No action necessary.
%5 Informational message.
713 + System backed up System error Contact Customer Support.
714 + All alarms cleared System error Contact Customer Support.
715 + Database Build System error Contact Customer Support.
716 ? DB: Invalid Sourcekey or Occurs when StatMon table is not prop‐ Consult documentation.
SourceAttribute for Stat‐ erly configured.
Mon table: ID %3
717 ? DB: Calibration : margin Occurs when a margin is set in EZChrom Remove margin or change curve type.
check/reports are invalid for a curve type that does not support
for curve type margin checking.

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40 Manual, 10/2015, 2000596-001
General Maintenance and Troubleshooting
3.4 Alarm Codes, Descriptions, and Suggested Actions

# Text Description Action

718 ? Validation failed for %3 Validation has failed. Check report or validation results
screen on the HMI or CIM Display.
719 + Database: SNE reset re‐ SNE is indicating that it has been reset May indicate a communication over‐
quested from a database request. load.
720 ? Database: Reprocess dur‐ Reprocess button pushed while applica‐ Only push reprocess button when ap‐
ing Run not allowed tion in run. plication is in hold.
721 + Application is in service Informational message. No action is necessary.
722 ? Reference Component not Quantra alarm. Contact Customer Support
found; Component %3 ,
Reference %4
723 ! Database: Method ID %3 Method ID is in sequence, but not in Check method table.
not found method table.
724 ? Calibration or Validation Calibration or validation was requested Check timing of calibration or validation
failed; application in hold while one was already running. events.
725 ? DB: Method %3 halted Application was halted from the HMI, No action necessary.
CIM display, or a MaxBasic program. In‐
formational message.
726 ! DB: Slave application A stream ID in slave does not line up with Check master and slave sequences.
stream is invalid %3 master application stream ID (new re‐
quirement for version 4.0).
727 ? DB: Master app autocali‐ Master autocalibration sequence is fin‐ Check length of sequences. Master au‐
bration completed before ishing before slave autocalibration. tocalibration sequence must finish after
Slave app %3 slave autocalibration.
728 ? DB: application cannot au‐ Autocalibration was requested on appli‐ Check autocal attribute in application
tocalibrate cation that is not defined for autocalibra‐ table.
729 ! DB: message processing System error Contact Customer Support.
timeout for message %3;
attempting recovery
730 ! DB: Unnamed peak pro‐ Processing for unnamed peaks must not Increase the EZChrom threshold value
cessing exceeded (2000) exceed 2000 peaks for a channel. Ex‐ to reduce the number of peaks.
for channel %3 cess peaks were discarded.
731 ! CAN initialization failure for Application does not start until CAN Verify that all application I/Os are prop‐
application %3 cards required by the application are ini‐ erly initialized. Remove any I/O that de‐
tialized. The application starts regardless pends on a CAN card that is not present.
of the error after 30 seconds.
732 ! IO: underflow or lower fail‐ The firmware is reporting an under-range Check the wiring for the secondary de‐
safe condition detected for error for analog NAMUR data types 6 or vice being used. Verify proper ranges
%3 8. for the I/O.
733 ! IO: overflow or upper fail‐ The firmware is reporting an under-range Check the wiring for the secondary de‐
safe condition detected for error for analog NAMUR data types 7 or vice being used. Verify proper ranges
%3 8. for the I/O.
734 ! %3 Process not communi‐ Occurs when ADHMaxumD or I2CDB Contact Customer Support.
cating connection is not present.
735 ? IO: AO value was clamped Indicates clamping of AO value. Informa‐ No action necessary.
for %3 to %4 tional message.
736 ? Untrusted Connection Re‐ A connection was refused from an exter‐ Trusted Connections are defined on the
fused from %3 nal client due to the trusted-connection HMI. Please contact your site's admin‐
function. istrator or Siemens Customer Service.

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Manual, 10/2015, 2000596-001 41
General Maintenance and Troubleshooting
3.4 Alarm Codes, Descriptions, and Suggested Actions

3.4.7 Alarms 5.2 801 - 999

GCP 5.2 Alarm Descriptions 801 - 999

The following tables list the alarm number (#), type (+ information, ? warning, ! error) alarm
text, description, and actions.

# Text Description Action

801 ? System Error %3 in File %4 System Error Contact Customer Support.
line %5
802 ? Error %3 opening Flash System Error Reset the device. If the error persists,
File %4 replace the Flash/SRAM module.
803 ? Error %3 closing Flash File System Error Reset the device. If the error persists,
replace the Flash/SRAM module.
804 ? Error %3 reading Flash File System Error Reset the device. If the error persists,
replace the Flash/SRAM module.
805 ? Error %3 writing Flash File System Error Reset the device. If the error persists,
replace the Flash/SRAM module.
806 ? Memory Corruption Error An attempt to free a block of memory was 1. Save a fresh copy of the database to
from Task %3 unsuccessful because the header was your Maxum Workstation.  
overwritten. The block of memory was 2. Connect to the SYSCON Debug port
not returned to the free pool. with hyperterminal or equivalent with
‘save to file’ turned on.  
3. Type the login and password individ‐
ually when prompted (maxum, maxum)
4. Type each of the diagnostic com‐
mands one at a time from the following
list: ps, id, fr, st a, ck netstat, ifstatus,
5. Send the debug file and the .amd file
to Customer Support.
807 + Region 0 Memory Low: %3 The amount of free memory in the SY‐ Verify the amount of memory installed
SCON is low. in the SYSCON. Contact Customer
808 + Excessive Network Com‐ The internal network communication buf‐ Investigate the cause of the high net‐
munications fers (PNA buffers) are abnormally low. work traffic.
This indicates that the network traffic to
the analyzer is abnormally high.
809 + System is excessively busy This is an overload situation, the process‐ To reduce processor load:
or cannot keep up with the requests. ● Reduce the size of the Modbus
● Reduce the number and poll rate of
AIs and DIs.
● Reduce the number of concurrent
applications running.
● Reduce the communication burden
with Optichrom analyzers.

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42 Manual, 10/2015, 2000596-001
General Maintenance and Troubleshooting
3.4 Alarm Codes, Descriptions, and Suggested Actions

# Text Description Action

810 ? Invalid dbdat file The db.dat file, containing the 'cold' da‐ Perform a manual save to flash as soon
tabase on a Compact flash system, is as possible in order to have a valid
missing or invalid.  This may happen if db.dat file.
the system was reset or powered down
during a user initiated save to flash (initi‐
ated from the HMI, CIM display, or the
811 + Excessive Maxum broad‐ Other analyzers on the network are gen‐ Investigate the network traffic. Contact
casts were dropped erating network broadcast messages at Customer Support for assistance.
an abnormal rate (greater than 200/min).
The excessive traffic is ignored. As a re‐
sult, the status of the analyzers in the an‐
alyzer table may not be up to date.
812 ? Network communication The internal network communication buf‐ Reset the device. Contact Customer
overload fers (PNA buffers) are full; the system Support.
may not function normally.
813 + SYSCON-SNE Comm De‐ Debugging information, for internal use. No action necessary.
bug: %3
814 ? Invalid CMOS time, check The built-in SYSCON clock has an inva‐ Check SYSCON clock battery and re‐
the battery lid time. place if needed.
997 + %3 General alarm used for information. No action necessary.
Used most often by MaxBasic programs.
998 ? %3 General warning alarm used for informa‐ Immediately report runtime errors to
tion. Used most often by MaxBasic pro‐ Customer Support (please make care‐
grams. ful note of the alarm message).
999 ! %3 General fault alarm used for information. Immediately report runtime errors to
Used most often by MaxBasic programs. Customer Support (please make care‐
ful note of the alarm message).

3.4.8 Alarms 5.2 1002 - 1096

GCP 5.2 Alarm Descriptions 1002 - 1128 SNE Common Module Errors
The following tables list the alarm number (#), type (+ information, ? warning, ! error) alarm
text, description, and actions.

# Text Description Action

1002 ! ID Key Not Connected on All PICs: The module location ID connec‐ Verify that the location ID connector is
%4 tor is disconnected or set to 0. This is an in good condition and connected prop‐
abnormal condition; the module may not erly.
be operational.
1003 ! ID Key Change on %4 All PICs: The module location ID value Verify that the location ID connector is
was changed while the module was op‐ in good condition and connected prop‐
erating. This is a transient error that cau‐ erly.
ses the module to automatically reset. Check for intermittent connection.
The module can then be addressed and
operated at the new location ID.

Maxum II Maintenance Manual

Manual, 10/2015, 2000596-001 43
General Maintenance and Troubleshooting
3.4 Alarm Codes, Descriptions, and Suggested Actions

# Text Description Action

1004 ! EEPROM Bad Checksum All PICs: A checksum error was detected Cycle power.
on %4 in the module EEPROM. The firmware If the error repeats, replace the module.
will still use all the information that it can
read from the EEPROM. However, the
module may not operate normally.
1005 ? Temp Diag Error on %4 All PICs: The on-board temperature sen‐ No action is required unless the error
sor (LM-75) diagnostic failed. This alarm happens every time the board is reset.
indicates that the ability of the board to For these repetitive errors replace the
detect a module overheat (alarm #1044) module.
may be compromised. This alarm is may
happen occasionally following a board
This alarm is in no way related to and
should not be confused with the Over‐
temp Shutdown related to heater temper‐
ature controls.
1007 ! Firmware Fault on %4 All PICs: A 'run-time' error was detected Contact Customer Support.
in the PIC firmware. For example, a timer
is turned off at a point where the firmware
expects it to be on. The firmware will at‐
tempt to recover. Usually an additional
specific flag will be set to provide more
information about the cause of the fault.
1008 ! EEPROM Bad Value on %4 All PICs: A value read from EEPROM is Cycle power.
out of range or invalid. This may happen If the error repeats, replace the module.
if a board’s EEPROM was incorrectly in‐
itialized during manufacturing.
1009 ! Local I2C error on %4 All PICs: A fatal error was detected while Cycle power.
accessing the internal, on-board I2C bus If the error repeats, replace the module.
(not the private bus between a SNE and
a DPM). The communication with the on-
board EEPROM or the LM75 (on board
temperature sensor) is not working nor‐
1010 ! Fatal error on %4 All PICs: An error or an invalid operation‐ Contact Customer Support.
al condition was detected by the PIC firm‐
ware. The board is shut down to a failsafe
1041 ? AO Out Of Range on %4 All PICs: An AO was set to a value out‐ Locate the problematic AO and change
side of the allowed range. The value was the AO value to a value within the prop‐
clipped to the allowed range. er range.
For example, an EPC has a 0 to 100 psi
nominal range for the pressure setpoint.
An attempt to set the setpoint to 150 psi
results in an "AO out of range" and the
setpoint is clipped to remain within the
allowed range (100 psi).

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44 Manual, 10/2015, 2000596-001
General Maintenance and Troubleshooting
3.4 Alarm Codes, Descriptions, and Suggested Actions

# Text Description Action

1042 ? Invalid Group Channel on All PICs: The hardware I/O channel(s) ● Check the 'Sys Hardware' table for
%4 requested does not exist on the module. invalid entries.
● Check that only detector channels
are specified in the detector I/O
● Check that only EPC are defined in
the pressure controller table.
● Check that only temperature
controllers are defined in the
temperature controller table.
1043 ? Invalid EEPROM Address All PICs: The on-board EEPROM ad‐ Report to Customer Support for further
on %4 dresses requested do not exist or cannot investigation.
be accessed within a single command.
1044 ? Board overheating on %4 All PICs: A module temperature greater If the overheating condition is real, de‐
than the defined maximum operating termine and correct the cause of high
temperature (default 65°C) has been de‐ operating temperature.
tected.Overheating must be corrected as Possible causes include ambient tem‐
soon as possible to avoid permanent perature higher than specification or an
damage to the analyzer electronics, in‐ inoperative fan in the electronics enclo‐
cluding reduced module life expectancy sure (restricted air flow inside the EC).
or other board failures.
Note: This alarm can occur together with
alarm 1005 (Temp Diag Error) in which
case the board may not actually be over‐
This alarm concerns the temperature in
the electronics enclosure. This alarm is
not related to the Overtemp Shutdown
related to heater temperature controls.
1045 ? Output Locked on %4 All PICs: The state of the DO or the value When performing a board self-test, sus‐
of the AO are locked and cannot be pend all other operations affecting the
changed. The AO or DO command was board.
ignored. Some DO and AO are locked
during a board self-test.
1047 ? PIC firmware diagnostic 47 System error Contact Customer Support.
on %4
1048 ? PIC firmware diagnostic 48 System error Contact Customer Support.
on %4
1049 ? PIC firmware diagnostic 49 System error Contact Customer Support.
on %4
1050 ? PIC firmware diagnostic 50 System error Contact Customer Support.
on %4
1051 ? PIC firmware diagnostic 51 System error Contact Customer Support.
on %4
1052 ? PIC firmware diagnostic 52 System error Contact Customer Support.
on %4
1053 ? PIC firmware diagnostic 53 System error Contact Customer Support.
on %4
1054 ? PIC firmware diagnostic 54 System error Contact Customer Support.
on %4

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Manual, 10/2015, 2000596-001 45
General Maintenance and Troubleshooting
3.4 Alarm Codes, Descriptions, and Suggested Actions

# Text Description Action

1055 ? PIC firmware diagnostic 55 System error Contact Customer Support.
on %4
1056 ? PIC firmware diagnostic 56 System error Contact Customer Support.
on %4
1081 + Data Not Ready on %4 All PICs: The data requested is not avail‐ Contact Customer Support.
1082 + Reset Detect on %4 %5 All PICs: A reset was detected. Normal No action necessary.
indication that the PIC was reset.
1083 + Power Up on %4 %5 All PICs: A power-up cycle was detected. No action necessary.
Normal indication that the PIC was pow‐
ered up.
1084 + I2C Timeout on %4 All PICs: An I2C communication timeout Contact Customer Support.
timer has expired. The timer is reset after
each successful character processed.
Only an addressed module may gener‐
ate a timeout. The timeout can occur on
incoming and outgoing characters.
1085 + I2C Read Past End on %4 All PICs: The I2C communication master Contact Customer Support.
did not stop reading after the complete
response had been sent.
1086 + I2C Buffer Overflow on %4 All PICs: The combination of the transmit Contact Customer Support.
and receive I2C message was too large,
causing a buffer overflow.  (With kernel
revision 1: SSP_READ_UNEXPEC‐
TED_STOP, a stop condition occurred
before the end of the response).
1087 + I2C Write Past End on %4 All PICs: In an I2C message, more than Contact Customer Support.
the number of bytes specified by the
length was written. The extra bytes are
1088 + I2C Resync Error on %4 All PICs: Severe I2C error, causing the Contact Customer Support.
current message to be dropped. Commu‐
nication will re-synchronize after the next
START or STOP condition. Usually as‐
sociated with alarm 1092.
1089 + I2C Write Unexpected Stop All PICs: A new I2C message was re‐ Contact Customer Support.
on %4 ceived in the middle of a write. The old
message was discarded and the new
message is served (this message may
be out of sequence and therefore cause
other flags to be set).[With kernel revi‐
TED_STOP, during a slave write a stop
condition occurred before the message
was completed. The message is ignor‐

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46 Manual, 10/2015, 2000596-001
General Maintenance and Troubleshooting
3.4 Alarm Codes, Descriptions, and Suggested Actions

# Text Description Action

1090 + I2C Write Unexpected All PICs: A new I2C message was re‐ Contact Customer Support.
Start on %4 ceived in the middle of a read. The old
message was discarded and the new
message is served (this message may
be out of sequence and therefore cause
other flags to be set). [With kernel revi‐
TED_START, during a slave write a Start
or Repeat Start (RS) condition was de‐
tected before the entire message was re‐
ceived (according to the length field). The
message is ignored and processing re‐
sumes following the Start or Repeat
1091 + I2C Write Before Read on All PICs: An attempt was made to write Contact Customer Support.
%4 an I2C message before reading the re‐
sponse from a previous message.  This
indicates that an attempt was made to do
a  Slave Write - RepeatStart - Slave
Write combination.
1092 + I2C Read Unexpected on All PICs: An I2C read from the peripheral Contact Customer Support.
%4 was attempted before a slave write loa‐
ded a command.
1093 + I2C Invalid Checksum on All PICs: An I2C message with an invalid Contact Customer Support.
%4 checksum was received.  The mes‐
sage was ignored.
1094 ! Data not available on %4 All PICs: Some data was lost and is no Cycle power.
longer available. For a detector channel If the error repeats, replace the module
it means that a 'Detector Read' command or the SNECON.
was received with an invalid index. This
can happen when a request to retransmit
detector data came too late when the da‐
ta was already gone from the buffer.
This situation may also happen while ac‐
cessing the I/O related to the LM75
TEMP_SETPOINT). It indicates that the
local I2C bus was not available to per‐
form the desired action.
1095 + Invalid Message on %4 All PICs: An I2C message with a valid Cycle power.
checksum was not recognized or had an If the error repeats, replace the module
invalid op-code. or the SNECON.
1096 + Diagnostic mode enabled Informational message. No action Necessary.
on %4
1121 ! Firmware Math error on %4 All PICs: An unexpected math operation Cycle power.
error was detected by the PIC. It can be If the error repeats, replace the module.
an un-handled overflow, underflow, etc.
This flag is always associated with a

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General Maintenance and Troubleshooting
3.4 Alarm Codes, Descriptions, and Suggested Actions

# Text Description Action

1122 ! Firmware Mem error on %4 All PICs: A jump or a call was made to an Cycle power.
invalid PIC memory location causing the If the error repeats, replace the module.
PIC to be reset.  This flag is always as‐
sociated with a FIRMWARE_FAULT flag.
1123 ! Firmware Table error on All PICs: An error was detected when ad‐ Cycle power.
%4 dressing an internal PIC firmware table. If the error repeats, replace the module.
The index in the table is likely to be inva‐
lid. This flag is always associated with a
1124 ! Firmware Watchdog on %4 All PICs: The PIC watch dog timer has Cycle power.
expired causing a module reset. This flag If the error repeats, replace the module.
is always associated with a FIRM‐
WARE_FAULT flag. It can be an indica‐
tion that the I2C clock or data line was
held low for more than the timeout dura‐
tion (nominally 30 ms). It can also indi‐
cate that the PIC oscillator is not working
1125 ! Firmware System Monitor All PICs: The background system moni‐ Cycle power.
on %4 toring task has discovered a problem If the error repeats, replace the module.
causing the PIC to be reset. It can be that
the interrupt or timer were disabled when
they should have been enabled, or some
similar error.  This flag is always asso‐
ciated with a FIRMWARE_FAULT flag.
1126 ! Firmware Application on All PICs: A general PIC firmware error Cycle power.
%4 was encountered causing a board reset. If the error repeats, replace the module.
1127 ! Firmware Stack Overflow An abnormal condition was detected in Reset the device. If the condition per‐
on %4 the firmware of a specified module. sists, replace the affected module.
1128 ! Firmware Unknown Reset An abnormal condition was detected in Reset the device. If the condition per‐
on %4 the firmware of a specified module. sists, replace the affected module.

GCP 5.2 Alarm Descriptions 1317 - 1319 SVCM Errors

The following tables list the alarm number (#), type (+ information, ? warning, ! error) alarm
text, description, and actions.

# ! Text Description Action

1317 ! Valve Switch Error on %4 SVCM PIC: The SVCM firmware has de‐ Replace the module.
tected an invalid condition in the circuit
driving the solenoid valves.  One or
more valves is likely to be malfunctioning.
1318 ! J10 Disconnected on %4 SVCM PIC: The SVCM J10 connector is Check the J10 connection.
not properly connected and the corre‐
sponding bank of solenoids may not
1319 ! J11 Disconnected on %4 SVCM PIC: The SVCM J11 connector is Check the J11 connection.
not properly connected and the corre‐
sponding bank of solenoids may not

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General Maintenance and Troubleshooting
3.4 Alarm Codes, Descriptions, and Suggested Actions

3.4.9 Alarms 5.2 1617 - 1697 Pecm Errors

GCP 5.2 Alarm Descriptions 1617 - 1697 PECM Errors

The following tables list the alarm number (#), type (+ information, ? warning, ! error) alarm
text, description, and actions.

# Text Description Action

1617 ! LWHn Output Fault on %4 PECM PIC: On-board diagnostic indicat‐ If associated with an 'Invalid configura‐
- 1624 ing that a LWH is not working correctly. tion alarm' (1659), then check the J con‐
This diagnostic is active only when a nector on the PECM associated with
SSR output is configured for PECM self- the specified LWH.
control, when the loop-back connector is Otherwise, replace the PECM or the ca‐
present. The diagnostic is not active ble between the DPM and PECM.
when the control is from a temperature
controller. If this happens when the out‐
put is controlled by a temperature con‐
troller, it indicates a defective harness
between the DPM and the PECM. (The
PLUG_DETECT pin (#5) is not grounded
and the output is turned on).
1625, ! ABHn Output Fault on %4 PECM PIC: On-board diagnostic indicat‐ If associated with an 'Invalid configura‐
1626 ing that an ABH is not working correctly. tion alarm' (1659), then check the J con‐
This diagnostic is active only when a nector on the PECM associated with
SSR output is configured for PECM self- the specificed ABH.
control, when the loop-back connector is Otherwise, replace the PECM or the ca‐
present. The diagnostic is not active ble between the DPM and PECM.
when the control is from a temperature
controller. If this happens when the out‐
put is controlled by a temperature con‐
troller, it indicates a defective harness
between the DPM and the PECM. (The
PLUG_DETECT pin (#5) is not grounded
and the output is turned on).
1627 ! ABH Ctrl Plug Missing on PECM PIC: The air bath heater control If the air bath heater is not used, then
%4 cable is missing in J9 and at least one of disconnect J91 and J92 on PECM in or‐
the air-bath heaters is non-disabled.  If der to eliminate the alarm.
the cable is missing, the NO_AIR_ABH_x Otherwise check J9.
flag will also be set on the non-disabled
air-bath heater channels.
1628 ! ABH Air Plug Missing on PECM PIC: The air-bath heater air-sen‐ Check J10 on PECM.
%4 sor connector is missing and at least one
of the air bath heaters is non-disabled.
1629 ! Purge Indicator not availa‐ PECM PIC: Neither the SYSCON nor the Check J1302 and J101 on PECM. Ver‐
ble on %4 HMI level 1 LED panel is connected. It ify the cable connected into J1302.
indicates that there is no purge indicator
connected, the PECM has nowhere to
report the purge information.
1630 ! The low wattage relay PECM PIC: The low wattage relay board Confirm that the relay board is connec‐
board is missing is not connected properly to the PECM ted properly.
electronics. Replace the relay board and/or the
PECM electronics.

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Manual, 10/2015, 2000596-001 49
General Maintenance and Troubleshooting
3.4 Alarm Codes, Descriptions, and Suggested Actions

# Text Description Action

1633 ! Output error on solenoid PECM PIC: The solenoid output status ● Verify the cable connections.
- 1638 valve, [location, group read-back value is incorrect for at least ● Replace the solenoid group cable.
specified in alarm text] one valve in the group. This can happen
when a solenoid cable is disconnected, ● Replace the solenoid group.
even momentarily.  Note that the read- ● Replace the PECM board.
back check can only be accomplished
when the state of the output to a solenoid
is OFF (no verification can be done on an
output when it is ON).
1657 ? ABHn No Air on %4 PECM PIC: The air bath heater #n is ● If the channel is not in use,
- 1658 turned off, as the air pressure is too low disconnect the loopback connector
for a safe operation of the heater. This or temperature controller cable.
flag is set only if the corresponding air
bath heater is in use.  The PECM con‐ ● Check the air pressure on the
siders the air bath heater in use if a loop‐ corresponding air bath heater.
back connector or a cable from a temper‐ Make sure that it is 10 psi or above.
ature controller is connected. ● Electrically disconnect the pressure
– Verify that it operates normally
by measuring the contact
resistance with a multimeter at
0 and 10 psi.
– Verify with a multimeter that
there is no continuity to ground.
● Verify the harness with a
● Replace the PECM.
1659 ? Invalid Configuration on %4 PECM PIC: An attempt was made to con‐ Install or verify the corresponding
trol a heater output with a DO command PECM loopback plug.
while the corresponding loopback is not
1665 ? Solenoid valve disconnec‐ This alarm can be generated as a result ● Verify that the solenoid valve cable
- 1670 ted, [location, group speci‐ of either of the following: is properly seated in the connector
fied in alarm text] ● The cable to the corresponding valve and reset the device.
group was disconnected since the ● Verify the configuration of the DOs
last time the PECM board was reset. in all applications to ensure that no
As a result, all valves in that group DO is referencing a valve in a non-
may not work properly. connected group.
● A digital output was invoked to a
disconnected valve group. The
output cannot be controlled.
1697 ? Purge Loss on %4 PECM PIC: Purge failure in the EC en‐ ● Verify that door is closed.
closure. The pressure differential be‐ ● Check for damaged door gaskets.
tween the interior and exterior of the EC
is not high enough. Depending on the ● Verify that all cables and tubes
environment classification where the an‐ entering the EC are sealed properly.
alyzer is installed, this alarm may indi‐
cate an unsafe condition that requires
immediate action to correct.Check sup‐
ply-air pressure.

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50 Manual, 10/2015, 2000596-001
General Maintenance and Troubleshooting
3.4 Alarm Codes, Descriptions, and Suggested Actions

3.4.10 Alarms 5.2 1917 - 2005 DPM TCD

GCP 5.2 Alarm Descriptions 1917 - 1999 DPM Errors

The following tables list the alarm number (#), type (+ information, ? warning, ! error) alarm
text, description, and actions.

# Text Description Action

1917 ! Balance Hardware Failure System error Contact Customer Support.
TCD L %5 on %4
1918 ! Balance Hardware Failure System error Contact Customer Support.
TCD U %5 on %4
1919, ! A/D Failure TCD %5 on %4 TCD DPM Detector PIC: Set when the Cycle power. If the error repeats con‐
1920 corresponding Analog to Digital Convert‐ sistently, replace the module.
er hardware does not work properly. The
flag will be set if the A/D internal calibra‐
tion cycle is not completed within a pre-
determined period of time or the A/D
does not report any valid data within a
pre-defined timeout period.
Note: A firmware problem affecting the
version 1.000 of the TCD detector PIC
may cause an A/D failure flag to show-up
occasionally following a PIC reset. This
is not a sign of a defective A/D converter.
1921 ! PIC Timeout on %4 System error Contact Customer Support.
1922 ! Incompatible Hardware on TCD DPM Detector PIC: The PIC firm‐ Replace the module.
%4 ware is not compatible with the DPM
1925 ? Glow Plug bad FID DPM Detector PIC: The glow plug is Confirm that the glow plug or spark ig‐
not working correctly. The diagnostic is niter cable is securely inserted in the
performed when the board is reset or corresponding connector. Replace the
when an attempt is made to light the glow plug. Replace the DPM.
flame. The hardware diagnostic verifies
that a minimum current and voltage is
present, checking for a short and open
glow plug. This may also indicate that a
spark igniter that is not connected prop‐
1926 ! Invalid PIC index DPM Detector PIC: The PIC index is not Replace the module.
valid, the DPM board is not working nor‐
1927 ! Mezzanine module discon‐ FID DPM Detector PIC: The mezzanine- ● Verify that the mezzanine module is
nected module ID value is 0 or 15 indicating that properly connected.
no module is present or is malfunctioning.
● Replace the module on the DPM.
● Replace the DPM.
1928 ! Mezzanine-module ID FID DPM Detector PIC: The mezzanine- ● Verify that the mezzanine module is
changed module ID value has changed since the properly connected.
last time the board was reset. Indicates
● Replace the module on the DPM.
a bad contact or a bad component.
● Replace the DPM.

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Manual, 10/2015, 2000596-001 51
General Maintenance and Troubleshooting
3.4 Alarm Codes, Descriptions, and Suggested Actions

# Text Description Action

1929 ! Mezzanine-module ID inva‐ FID DPM Detector PIC: The mezzanine- ● Verify the DPM revision level and
lid module ID value is not supported by this replace as needed.
DPM board.  More specifically, the
● Replace the mezzanine module on
module value is pointing to a non-initial‐
the DPM.
ized EEPROM region on the DPM.  
This may indicate an invalid mezzanine
module or an older revision of the DPM
that was manufactured before the mez‐
zanine module was defined.
1930 ! Mezzanine-module ID re‐ FID DPM Detector PIC: The mezzanine- ● Verify the DPM revision level and
served module ID value is set to a value re‐ replace as needed.
served for future expansion.
● Replace the mezzanine module on
the DPM.
1957, ! Balance Failure TCD [L or TCD DPM Detector PIC:  For Rev 1 Contact Customer Support.
1958 U] %5 on %4 TCD DPM: A detector balance sequence
failed because of a hardware failure, an
improper configuration, or sequence of
events. Some possible causes include:
The detector beads are too unbalanced
to be 'balance-able'. The detector signal
is not stable enough and proper balance
could not be obtained before the maxi‐
mum number of iterations was reached.
The A/D or D/A do not work properly. The
detector is not configured for acquisition
or turned off. SIMULATE_TCD_x is set
to ‘1’ (the detector cannot be balanced in
detector simulation mode).The balance
is disabled (DISABLE_BAL‐
ANCE_TCD_x is set to ‘1’). The sampling
period was changed during the balance
1959, ? Balance Out Of Limit TCD TCD DPM Detector PIC: For Rev 1 TCD ● If associated with a balance failure
1960 [L or U] %5 on %4 DPM:  A detector balance value is (alarm 1957), then the source of the
above the normal limits. The balance balance failure must be corrected.
may still work as this is an early warning.
● If not associated with a balance
failure and the balance limits are
normal (greater than 9 Volts or
90%) then schedule maintenance to
replace the detector beads.
● If using Rev 2 TCD DPM or FID
DPM, contact Customer Support.
1961, ! The ADC missed a sample A transient error was detected by the An‐ Reset the DPM. If the error repeats, re‐
1962 on channel [1 or 2] on %4 alog-to-Digital Converter of the DPM, place the DPM.
channel #n. The missing or invalid data
point was replaced by a point with a value
of zero.

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52 Manual, 10/2015, 2000596-001
General Maintenance and Troubleshooting
3.4 Alarm Codes, Descriptions, and Suggested Actions

# Text Description Action

1965 ? Flame ignition failure TCD DPM Detector PIC: The FID flame If associated with an alarm 2225 (Glow
could not be lit within the predefined de‐ plug failure), then diagnose and fix this
lay (25 or 60 sec). No other attempt will other alarm first. If a BASIC program is
be made to automatically light the flame used to control the electronic pressure
until the MANUAL IGNITION DO is acti‐ controller (EPC) to adjust the gas mix‐
vated. ture for proper ignition, confirm that the
poll rate of the 'IGNITE' DI is set to 2
sec. Check that the gas supply pres‐
sure is adequate. Verify the proper op‐
eration of the EPC.
1966 ? Gain override TCD DPM Detector PIC: An external sig‐ If no external signal is connected, re‐
nal is applied to the DPM, overriding the place the DPM.
DPM gain control. This is a normal situa‐
tion if a signal is connected to the exter‐
nal gain-select connector.
1967 ? Gain select not supported TCD DPM Detector PIC: An attempt was Remove access to the GAIN_ALT_SE‐
made to change the gain on a configura‐ LECT DO.
tion that does not support the dual gain
feature. The request was ignored.
1968 ? Igniter type changed TCD DPM Detector PIC: The spark ignit‐ Verify that the igniter is properly con‐
er was connected or disconnected during nected. Replace the igniter. Replace
an ignition sequence, causing the igni‐ the DPM.
tion sequence to be aborted.
1997, ! Buffer Overflow TCD [L or DPM Detector PIC: The PIC detector da‐ ● Stagger the balance events and
1998 U] %5 on %4 ta buffer filled up before an I2C command valve switching events by
was received to retrieve the data.   approximately 10-20 ms to
Some data was lost. The SNECON was distribute the load on the I2C bus.
not fast enough to retrieve the points or
the SNECON stopped polling without ● Disconnect the SNECON debug
turning off the corresponding detector cable (if connected) and reset.
channel. This may happen with a combi‐ ● Reload the SNECON OS and APP
nation of a very high speed detector with software.
a large burst of I/O commands.
2005 ! Firmware error Firmware error Contact Customer Support.
2006 ! Bias off FID DPM Detector PIC: The detector is Set the 'disable bias' DO to ‘0’.
used while the 300 Volts bias is disabled.
 The data validity is unknown.

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Manual, 10/2015, 2000596-001 53
General Maintenance and Troubleshooting
3.4 Alarm Codes, Descriptions, and Suggested Actions

3.4.11 Alarms 5.2 2217 - 2306 DPM FID

GCP 5.2 Alarm Descriptions 2217 - 2306 DPM Errors

The following tables list the alarm number (#), type (+ information, ? warning, ! error) alarm
text, description, and actions.

# Text Description Action

2217 ! Balance Hardware Failure System error Contact Customer Support.
FID L %5 on %4
2218 ! Balance Hardware Failure System error Contact Customer Support.
FID U %5 on %4
2219 ! A/D Failure FID %5 on %4 FID DPM Detector PIC: Set when the Cycle power. If the error repeats con‐
2220 ! A/D Failure TCD %5 on %4 corresponding Analog to Digital Convert‐ sistently, replace the module.
er hardware does not work properly. The
flag will be set if the A/D internal calibra‐
tion cycle is not completed within a pre-
determined period of time or the A/D
does not report any valid data within a
pre-defined timeout period.
2221 ! PIC Timeout on %4 System error Contact Customer Support.
2222 ! Incompatible Hardware on The firmware has detected an invalid Replace the module.
%4 condition indicating that the hardware is
not compatible with the firmware.
2225 ? Glow Plug Bad on %4 FID DPM Detector PIC: The glow plug is ● Confirm that the glow plug or spark
not working correctly.  The diagnostic igniter cable is securely inserted in
is performed when the board is reset or the connector.
when an attempt is made to ignite the
● Replace the glow plug.
flame.  The hardware diagnostic veri‐
fies that a minimum current and voltage ● Replace the DPM.
is present, checking for a short and open
glow plug. This may also indicate that a
spark igniter is not connected properly.
2226 ! Invalid PIC index DPM Detector PIC: The PIC index is not Replace the module.
valid; the DPM board is not working nor‐
2227 ! Mezzanine module discon‐ FID DPM Detector PIC: The mezzanine- ● Verify that the mezzanine module is
nected module ID value is 0 or 15 indicating that properly connected.
no module is present or is malfunctioning.
● Replace the module on the DPM.
● Replace the DPM.
2228 ! Mezzanine-module ID FID DPM Detector PIC: The mezzanine- ● Verify that the mezzanine module is
changed module ID value has changed since the properly connected.
last time the board was reset. Indicates
● Replace the module on the DPM.
a bad contact or a bad component.
● Replace the DPM.

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54 Manual, 10/2015, 2000596-001
General Maintenance and Troubleshooting
3.4 Alarm Codes, Descriptions, and Suggested Actions

# Text Description Action

2229 ! Mezzanine-module ID inva‐ FID DPM Detector PIC: The mezzanine- ● Verify the DPM revision level and
lid module ID value is not supported by this replace as needed.
DPM board. More specifically, the mod‐
● Replace the mezzanine module on
ule value is pointing to a non-initialized
the DPM.
EEPROM region on the DPM. This may
indicate an invalid mezzanine module or
an older revision of the DPM that was
manufactured before the mezzanine
module was defined.
2230 ! Mezzanine-module ID re‐ FID DPM Detector PIC: The mezzanine- ● Verify the DPM revision level and
served module ID value is set to a value re‐ replace as needed.
served for future expansion.
● Replace the mezzanine module on
the DPM.
2257 ! Balance Failure FID on %4 FID DPM Detector PIC: A detector bal‐ Contact Customer Support.
ance sequence failed because of a hard‐
ware failure or because of an improper
configuration or sequence of events.
Some possible causes are:
● The detector signal is not stable
enough and proper balance could not
be obtained before the maximum
number of iterations was reached.
● The A/D or D/A do not work properly.
● The detector is not configured for
acquisition or turned off.
● SIMULATE_FID is set to 1 (the
balance cannot be done in detector
simulation mode).
● The balance is disabled
● The sampling period was changed
during the balance sequence.

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Manual, 10/2015, 2000596-001 55
General Maintenance and Troubleshooting
3.4 Alarm Codes, Descriptions, and Suggested Actions

# Text Description Action

2258 ! Balance Failure TCD %5 FID DPM Detector PIC: A detector bal‐ Contact Customer Support.
on %4 ance sequence failed because of a hard‐
ware failure or because of an improper
configuration or sequence of events.
Some possible causes are:
● The detector beads are too
mismatched to be balance corrected.
● The detector signal is not stable
enough and proper balance could not
be obtained before the maximum
number of iterations was reached.
● The A/D or D/A do not work properly.
● The detector is not configured for
acquisition or turned off.
● SIMULATE_TCD is set to ‘1’ (the
balance cannot be done in detector
simulation mode).
● The balance is disabled
● The sampling period was changed
during the balance sequence.
2259 ? Balance Out Of Limit FID FID DPM Detector PIC: A detector bal‐ ● If associated with a balance failure
on %4 ance value is above the normal limits. (alarm 2257), then the source of the
The balance may still work as this is an balance failure must be corrected.
early warning.
● If not associated with a balance
failure and the balance limits are
normal (greater than 9 Volts or
90%), schedule maintenance to
clean or replace the FID detector.
2260 ? Balance Out Of Limit TCD
%5 on %4
2261, ! The ADC missed a sample A transient error was detected by the An‐ Reset the DPM. If the error repeats, re‐
2622 on channel [1 or 2] on %4 alog-to-Digital Converter of the DPM, place the DPM.
channel #n. The missing or invalid data
point was replaced by a point with a value
of zero.
2265 ? Flame Ignition Failure on FID DPM Detector PIC: The FID flame If associated with an alarm 2225 (Glow
%4 could not be ignited within the predefined plug failure), then diagnose and fix that
delay (25 or 60 sec).  No other attempt alarm first. If a BASIC program is used
will be made to automatically ignite the to control the electronic pressure con‐
flame until the MANUAL IGNITION DO troller (EPC) to adjust the gas mixture
is activated. for proper ignition, confirm that the poll
rate of the 'IGNITE' DI is set to 2 sec.
Verify adequate gas-supply pressure.
Verify the proper operation of the EPC.

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56 Manual, 10/2015, 2000596-001
General Maintenance and Troubleshooting
3.4 Alarm Codes, Descriptions, and Suggested Actions

# Text Description Action

2266 ? Gain override FID DPM Detector PIC: An external sig‐ If no external signal is connected, re‐
nal is applied to the DPM, overriding the place the DPM.
DPM gain control. This is a normal situa‐
tion if a signal is connected to the exter‐
nal gain-select connector.
2267 ? Gain select not supported FID DPM Detector PIC: An attempt was Remove access to the GAIN_ALT_SE‐
made to change the gain on a configura‐ LECT DO.
tion that does not support the dual gain
feature. The request was ignored.
2268 ? Igniter type changed FID DPM Detector PIC: The spark igniter ● Verify that the igniter is properly
was connected or disconnected during connected.
an ignition sequence, causing the igni‐
● Replace the igniter.
tion sequence to be aborted.
● Replace the DPM.
2297, ! Buffer Overflow [FID or FID DPM Detector PIC: The PIC detector ● Stagger the balance events and
2298 TCD] on %4 data buffer filled up before an I2C com‐ valve switching events by
mand was received to retrieve the data. approximately 10-20 ms to
 Some data was lost. The SNECON distribute the load on the I2C bus.
was not fast enough to retrieve the points
or the SNECON stopped polling without ● Disconnect the SNECON debug
turning off the corresponding detector cable (if connected) and reset.
channel. This may happen with a combi‐ ● Reload SNECON OS and APP
nation of a very high speed detector with software.
a large burst of I/O commands.
2299 ! Detector Disabled on %4 FID DPM Detector PIC: An attempt was Cycle power. If the error repeats re‐
made to read detector information from place the module.
a disabled detector.
2305 ! Flame Out on %4 FID DPM Detector PIC: The flame is out; ● Verify adequate flame gas supply.
the data generated on the FID channel is ● Verify the operation of any
associated EPC.
2306 ! FID Bias off on %4 FID DPM Detector PIC: The detector is Set the 'disable bias' DO to ‘0’.
used while the 300 Volts bias is disabled.
 The data validity is unknown.

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General Maintenance and Troubleshooting
3.4 Alarm Codes, Descriptions, and Suggested Actions

3.4.12 Alarms 5.2 2500 - 2577 Access Bus Driver Errors

GCP 5.2 Alarm Descriptions 2500 - 2577 Access Bus Driver Errors
The following tables list the alarm number (#), type (+ information, ? warning, ! error) alarm
text, description, and actions.

# Text Description Action

2500 ? I2C Premature Stop on %4 SNECON I2C driver: A stop condition Contact Customer Support.
was detected in the middle of a transfer
(SNECON hardware revision 2.x).
2501 ? I2C No Acknowledge (Mod‐ SNECON I2C driver: No module re‐ Reset the analyzer.
ule Disconnected?) on %4 sponding to the I2C address. A module
was disconnected or is no longer re‐
sponding.  This can also happen if the
PIC-index is erroneously set to 0 as this
is a way to bypass the I2C address reso‐
lution table and directly address the I2C
2502 ? I2C NS486 Timeout Over‐ SNECON I2C driver: An  I2C commu‐ Contact Customer Support.
flow on %4 nication timeout condition was detected
(SNECON hardware revision 2.x).
2503 ? I2C Address is Odd on %4 SNECON I2C driver: Illegal I2C address. Reset the analyzer.  Reload SNE‐
CON OS software.
2505 ? I2C Driver Not Initialized SNECON I2C driver: An attempt was ● Reset the analyzer.
made to communicate to the I2C driver ● Reload SNECON OS and APP
before it was initialized.
2508 ? I2C Improper Acknowl‐ SNECON I2C driver: No module re‐ Contact Customer Support.
edge on %4 sponding to the I2C address. A module
was disconnected or is no longer re‐
sponding (SNECON hardware revision
2509 ? I2C Invalid Message SNECON I2C driver: A message was re‐ (SNECON hardware revision 2.x): Ver‐
Checksum Received on %4 ceived with an invalid checksum. ify that the application does not use a
hardware address that does not exist.
2510 ? I2C Module Not Found: %4 SNECON I2C driver: No module of this ● Reset the analyzer.
'module type' and 'location id' is listed in ● Verify that the application does not
the address table.
use a hardware address that does
not exist.
2511 ? I2C Invalid Opcode Re‐ SNECON I2C driver: The message re‐ ● Reset the analyzer.
ceived from %4 ceived corresponds to an unrecognized ● Reload SNECON OS and APP
software. Replace the SNECON.
2512 ? I2C Error Reading ISR SNECON I2C driver: An error was detec‐ Reset the analyzer.
Queue ted reading a communication queue
(SNECON hardware revision 2.x).
2513 ? I2C Message Too Big on SNECON I2C driver: The I2C message Contact Customer Support.
%4 received is too large and is not valid.

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General Maintenance and Troubleshooting
3.4 Alarm Codes, Descriptions, and Suggested Actions

# Text Description Action

2515 ! I2C Address Table Full SNECON I2C driver: No free addresses Reset the analyzer.
on the I2C bus. There is a limit of 120
addresses per bus (each PIC occupies
one address).
2516 ? I2C Invalid Bus on %4 SNECON I2C driver: Invalid I2C bus Reset the analyzer.
identification number.
2518 ? I2C Unknown Address Re‐ SNECON I2C driver: SNECON firmware Reset the analyzer.
ceived on %4 internal error.
2519 ? I2C Invalid Data Type on SNECON I2C driver: SNECON firmware Reset the analyzer.
%4 internal error.
2520 ? I2C Invalid Number of I/O SNECON I2C driver: SNECON firmware Reset the analyzer.
Channels on %4 internal error.
2521 ? I2C Bus Conflict; Lost Arbi‐ SNECON I2C driver: An I2C communica‐ Confirm that only one SNECON is
tration on %4 tion error was detected (SNECON hard‐ present on the bus; a revision 2 SNE‐
ware revision 2.x). CON cannot share the I2C bus.
2522 ? I2C Using a Free Message SNECON I2C driver: SNECON firmware Reset the analyzer.
Buffer on %4 internal error.
2523 ? I2C NS486SXF-C0 Patch SNECON I2C driver: SNECON firmware ● Reset the analyzer.
Timeout on %4 internal error. ● Replace the SNECON.
2525 ? I2C Invalid Driver Control SNECON I2C driver: SNECON firmware ● Reset the analyzer
Command on %4 internal error. ● Reload the SNECON OS and APP
● Replace the SNECON.
2526 ? I2C Capability Information SNECON I2C driver: SNECON firmware Reset the analyzer.
Too Big on %4 internal error.
2527 ? I2C Message Lost in a Con‐ SNECON I2C driver: A pending I2C mes‐ Contact Customer Support.
troller Reset: %4 sage could not be sent and was lost as a
result of a reset of the I2C interface. The
cause of the reset is usually a recurring
communication error.
2529 ? I2C Invalid Capability Ver‐ SNECON I2C driver: An I2C module has ● Replace the module  
sion; Incompatible Firm‐ provided an invalid device capability in‐ ● Reload newer SNECON OS and
ware on %4 formation message. The associated
APP software.
'Sys_Hardware' table may be invalid.
2530 ? I2C Internal Error; Invalid System error Contact Customer Support.
Daemon Function on %4
2531 ? I2C Internal Error; Invalid SNECON I2C driver:  SNECON firm‐ Reset the analyzer.
Info on %4 ware internal error.
2532 ? I2C Invalid Device ID Ver‐ SNECON I2C driver: An I2C module has ● Replace the module.
sion; Incompatible Firm‐ provided an invalid device ID information ● Reload SNECON OS and APP
ware on %4 message.  The module type and loca‐
tion ID information may be invalid.
2534 ? I2C Internal Error; Bus System error Contact Customer Support.
Manager Invalid Command
on %4
2537 ? I2C Address Table not ini‐ SNECON I2C driver: SNECON firmware Reset the analyzer.
tialized on %4 internal error.

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General Maintenance and Troubleshooting
3.4 Alarm Codes, Descriptions, and Suggested Actions

# Text Description Action

2538 ? I2C ISR Lockup SNECON I2C driver:  The SNECON ● Reset the analyzer.
message receive indicator is stuck   ● Replace the SNECON.
(SNECON revision 3.0 hardware only).
2539 ? I2C Invalid Message Sta‐ SNECON I2C driver: SNECON firmware ● Reset the analyzer.
tus Size on %4 internal error. ● Replace the SNECON.
2540 ? I2C Message Too Short on SNECON I2C driver: An I2C message Contact Customer Support.
%4 received by the SNECON is too short to
be valid.
2541 + I2C FPGA Queue Full on SNECON I2C driver: SNECON firmware ● Reset the analyzer.
%4 internal error (SNECON revision 3.0 ● Replace the SNECON.
hardware only).
2542 ? I2C FPGA Write Before SNECON I2C driver: SNECON firmware ● Reset the analyzer.
End on %4 internal error (SNECON revision 3.0 ● Replace the SNECON.
hardware only).
2543 ? I2C FPGA Write After End SNECON I2C driver: SNECON firmware ● Reset the analyzer.
on %4 internal error (SNECON revision 3.0 ● Replace the SNECON.
hardware only).
2544 ? I2C FPGA Message Too SNECON I2C driver: SNECON firmware ● Reset the analyzer.
Short on %4 internal error (SNECON revision 3.0 ● Replace the SNECON.
hardware only).
2545 ? I2C FPGA Invalid Check‐ SNECON I2C driver: SNECON on-board Ignore the alarm. If occurring frequent‐
sum on %4 communication error.  Known to hap‐ ly, replace the SNECON.
pen very infrequently with SNECON I2C
FPGA rev 23 or lower (SNECON revision
3.0 hardware only).
2546 ? I2C FPGA Invalid Size on SNECON I2C driver: SNECON firmware ● Reset the analyzer.
%4 internal error (SNECON revision 3.0 ● Reload the SNECON OS software.
hardware only).
● Replace the SNECON.
2547 ! I2C Heartbeat Timeout Ex‐ SNECON I2C driver: A SNECON PIC ● Reset the analyzer.
pired; Resetting Controller was not responding and was reset (SNE‐ ● Reload the SNECON OS software.
CON revision 3.0 hardware only).
● Replace the SNECON.
2549 ? I2C Heartbeat Counter Mis‐ SNECON I2C driver: One or more mes‐ ● Reset the analyzer.
match on %4 sages were lost on the on-board commu‐ ● Reload the SNECON OS software.
nication (SNECON rev 3.0 hardware on‐
ly). ● Replace the SNECON.
2550 ? I2C Invalid Message Sta‐ SNECON I2C driver: SNECON firmware ● Reset the analyzer.
tus on %4 internal error (SNECON revision 3.0 ● Reload the SNECON OS software.
hardware only).
● Replace the SNECON.
2551 ? I2C Internal Error; Invalid SNECON I2C driver: SNECON firmware ● Reset the analyzer.
Block Structure ID on %4 internal error (SNECON revision 3.0 ● Reload the SNECON OS software.
hardware only).
● Replace the SNECON.
2552 ? I2C Internal Error; Invalid SNECON I2C driver: SNECON firmware ● Reset the analyzer.
Block Offset on %4 internal error (SNECON revision 3.0 ● Reload the SNECON OS software.
hardware only).
● Replace the SNECON.

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General Maintenance and Troubleshooting
3.4 Alarm Codes, Descriptions, and Suggested Actions

# Text Description Action

2553 ? I2C Internal Error; Invalid SNECON I2C driver: SNECON firmware ● Reset the analyzer.
Block ID on %4 internal error (SNECON revision 3.0 ● Reload the SNECON OS software.
hardware only).
● Replace the SNECON.
2554 ? I2C Internal Error; New SNECON I2C driver: SNECON firmware ● Reset the analyzer.
Block Offset Non-Zero on internal error (SNECON revision 3.0 ● Reload the SNECON OS software.
%4 hardware only).
● Replace the SNECON.
2555 ? I2C Internal Error; Block SNECON I2C driver: SNECON firmware ● Reset the analyzer.
Table full internal error (SNECON revision 3.0 ● Reload the SNECON OS software.
hardware only).
● Replace the SNECON.
2556 ? I2C Not Enough Memory SNECON I2C driver: SNECON firmware ● Reset the analyzer.
internal error. ● Reload the SNECON OS software.
● Replace the SNECON.
2557 ? I2C Internal Error; Block SNECON I2C driver: SNECON firmware ● Reset the analyzer.
Too Large on %4 internal error (SNECON revision 3.0 ● Reload the SNECON OS software.
hardware only).
● Replace the SNECON.
2558 ? I2C Internal Error; Block SNECON I2C driver: SNECON firmware ● Reset the analyzer.
Not Found on %4 internal error (SNECON revision 3.0 ● Reload the SNECON OS software.
hardware only).
● Replace the SNECON.
2559 ? I2C Internal Error; Invalid SNECON I2C driver: SNECON firmware ● Reset the analyzer.
Block Size on %4 internal error (SNECON revision 3.0 ● Reload the SNECON OS software.
hardware only).
● Replace the SNECON.
2560 ! I2C Driver OS and Applica‐ SNECON I2C driver: The version num‐ ● Reset the analyzer.
tion version mismatch ber of the SNECON OS is incompatible ● Reload the SNECON OS software.
with the SNECON APP version.
● Replace the SNECON.
2562 ? I2C Internal Error; Bad SNECON I2C driver: SNECON firmware ● Reset the analyzer.
state on %4 internal error. ● Reload the SNECON OS software.
● Replace the SNECON.
2563 ! I2C FPGA bad version SNECON I2C driver: The SNECON I2C ● Reload the SNECON OS with the
FPGA is incompatible or broken. newest version.
● Replace the SNECON.
2564 ! I2C Temperature Block SNECON I2C driver: The temperature Reload the SNECON OS and APP soft‐
Version Invalid controller PID parameter data block sup‐ ware to the corresponding SYSCON
plied by the SYSCON is incompatible. version.
2565 ? I2C Opcode not expected SNECON I2C driver: Unexpected I2C Contact Customer Support.
in current state on %4 message opcode received by the SNE‐
CON from a module.I2C communication
2566 ! I2C Modules were reset fol‐ SNECON I2C driver: A fatal error or mul‐ Contact Customer Support.
lowing multiple errors tiple consecutive retries have forced the
I2C controller to reset.
2567 ! I2C Header Index Mis‐ System error Contact Customer Support.
match; Message Lost

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General Maintenance and Troubleshooting
3.4 Alarm Codes, Descriptions, and Suggested Actions

# Text Description Action

2568 ? I2C Internal Error; Invalid SNECON I2C driver: SNECON firmware ● Reset the analyzer.
Block Index on %4 internal error (SNECON revision 3.0 ● Reload the SNECON OS software.
hardware only).
2569 ? I2C FPGA Queue Full on SNECON I2C driver: The SNECON I2C ● Reset the analyzer.
%4 FPGA queue is full, the PIC is no longer ● Reload the SNECON OS software.
processing I2C messages.
2570 ? I2C FPGA Packet Too Big SNECON I2C driver: SNECON firmware ● Reset the analyzer.
on %4 internal error (SNECON revision 3.0 ● Reload the SNECON OS software.
hardware only).
● Replace the SNECON.
2571 ? I2C FPGA Recovery Failed SNECON I2C driver: SNECON firmware ● Reset the analyzer.
on %4 internal error (SNECON revision 3.0 ● Reload the SNECON OS software.
hardware only).
● Replace the SNECON.
2572 ? I2C FPGA Read in pro‐ SNECON I2C driver: SNECON firmware ● Reset the analyzer.
gress not set after header internal error (SNECON revision 3.0 ● Reload the SNECON OS software.
on %4 hardware only).
● Replace the SNECON.
2573 ? I2C Not enough memory in SNECON I2C driver: SNECON firmware ● Reset the analyzer.
ISR on %4 internal error (SNECON revision 3.0 ● Reload the SNECON OS software.
hardware only).
● Replace the SNECON.
2574 ! I2C PIC Reset Detected on SNECON I2C driver: A problem was de‐ If occurring frequently, replace the SNE‐
%4 tected by a SNECON PIC and it went CON.
through a reset. Can also be caused by
an I2C communication error.
2575 ? I2C General AO error on SNECON I2C driver: A channel specific Provides the channel information for an
%4 error was detected while an AO com‐ alarm reported on the same module.
mand was processed (Example AO out
of range) . A more specific alarm will be
reported by the module on the next poll.
2576 ? I2C General DO error on SNECON I2C driver: A channel specific Provides the channel information for an
%4 error was detected while an DO com‐ alarm reported on the same module.
mand was processed (Example DO out
of range) . A more specific alarm will be
reported by the module on the next poll.
2577 ? I2C bus configuration The configuration between internal I2C If the configuration was changed inten‐
changed (5V I2C) and external, SSSI (10V I2C) tionally, simply reset the device. Other‐
was changed. The configuration change wise, verify that the cable in J3 and J13
is ignored until the next reset. on SNECON V4 or J1 and J3 on the SIB
are properly inserted.

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General Maintenance and Troubleshooting
3.4 Alarm Codes, Descriptions, and Suggested Actions

3.4.13 Alarms 5.2 2817 - 2904 DPM Temperature

GCP 5.2 Alarm Descriptions 2817 - 2904 - DPM Temperature

The following tables list the alarm number (#), type (+ information, ? warning, ! error) alarm
text, description, and actions.

# ! Text Description Action

2817 ! 12V Error on %4 Temperature controller PIC: The 12 volt ● Disconnect the RTDs and
supply is not working normally. feedthrough connector. If the error
does not go away, replace the DPM.
● If the error goes away, confirm that
there is no continuity between any
RTD lead and ground.
2818 ! Setpoint Board Missing on Temperature controller PIC: The OTS Install or replace the TLIM-OTS T-rat‐
%4 and temperature limit configuration ing configuration board.
board (t-rating configurator) is not detec‐
ted on J10.  The temperature controller
is non-functional.
2819, ! RTD Failure [1 or 2] on %4 Temperature controller PIC: An attempt Verify the 4-wire temperature sense
2820 was made use a temperature channel RTD on channel #1. The RTD resist‐
that has an invalid RTD signal. The RTD ance must be between 81 and 269
is shorted or open circuit. The tempera‐ ohms. Confirm that none of the leads
ture controller cannot function. have any continuity with ground.
2823, ! SSR Cable [1 or 2] Missing System error Contact Customer Support.
2824 on %4
2825 ! A/D Failure on %4 Temperature controller PIC: An Analog ● Cycle power.
to Digital Converter chip does not work ● If the error repeats consistently,
properly.  The flag will be set if the A/D
replace the module.
internal calibration cycle is not completed
within a pre-determined period of time or
the A/D does not report any valid data
within a pre-defined timeout period.  
Note:  A firmware problem affecting the
version 1.002 of the Temperature con‐
troller PIC may cause an A/D failure flag
to show-up occasionally following a PIC
reset.  This is not a sign of a defective
A/D converter.
2899, ! Over Temp Shutdown [1 or Temperature controller PIC: The Over- Check for:
2900 2] on %4 Temp Shutdown function is active on ● A disconnected TLIM-OTS
channel #1. The heater cannot be turned configuration board.
on. The overtemp shutdown condition in‐
dicates that the temperature reached the ● A temperature setpoint too high for
absolute limit.. the allowed T-rating.
● A defective OTS or T-limit
temperature probe.
● A defective DPM
● A defective (shorted) SSR.

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General Maintenance and Troubleshooting
3.4 Alarm Codes, Descriptions, and Suggested Actions

# ! Text Description Action

2901, ? Deviation [1 or 2] Excee‐ Temperature controller PIC: The meas‐ Check for:
2902 ded on %4 ured temperature deviation (TEMP_DE‐ ● Improper controller type 'temptype'
VIATION) has exceeded the correspond‐ selected in the 'App_tempctl' table.
ing MAX_DEVIATION value.  The PID
control was not successful to control the ● The PID parameters are not
heater with the desired precision on optimal.
channel #1. A large deviation is normal ● Fast variation in the ambient
on power-up and immediately following temperature, airflow or line
a change in the temperature setpoint. voltage.Insufficient air flow. For an
air bath heater with 1/8 inch
spargers, 3 cfm is adequate for up
to 100 DegC and then 4 cfm should
be used.
● A temperature setpoint too high for
the allowed T-rating.
● An Air pressure switch that works
● A defective DPM.
● A defective PECM.
● A defective Solid State relay.
2903, ? Ramp has no origin [1 or 2] Temperature controller PIC: A ramp rate Set the power-up default ramp value to
2904 on %4 was set without a prior temperature set‐ 0.
point on channel #1.  A ramp must have
an initial temperature defined by the pre‐
vious setpoint value.

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General Maintenance and Troubleshooting
3.4 Alarm Codes, Descriptions, and Suggested Actions

3.4.14 Alarms 5.2 3117 - 3204 EPC

GCP 5.2 Alarm Descriptions 3117 - 3204 EPC

The following tables list the alarm number (#), type (+ information, ? warning, ! error) alarm
text, description, and actions.

# Text Description Action

3117, ! Pressure [1 or 2] Out-Of- EPC (Electronic Pressure Controller) Confirm that the flow is greater than the
3118 Control on %4 PIC: The measured pressure, on chan‐ minimum specification. Replace the
nel #n, has exceeded the absolute maxi‐ EPC.
mum allowed pressure and the corre‐
sponding channel was shutdown. The
pressure controller is no longer working.
3119, ! A/D [1 or 2] Failure on %4 EPC (Electronic Pressure Controller) Cycle power. If the error repeats con‐
3120 PIC: The Analog to Digital Converter chip sistently, replace the module.
does not work properly. The flag will be
set if the A/D internal calibration cycle is
not completed within a pre-determined
period of time or the A/D does not report
any valid data within a pre-defined time‐
out period.
Note: A firmware problem affecting the
version 0.250 of the EPC PIC may cause
an A/D failure flag to show-up occasion‐
ally following a PIC reset. This is not a
sign of a defective A/D converter.
3157, ? Low Supply Pressure [1 or EPC (Electronic Pressure Controller) Check air supply. Replace supply bottle.
3158 2] on %4 PIC: Set when the contact on the optional
supply pressure sensor on [J5 or J6] is
closed indicating that the supply pres‐
sure is getting low and that the bottle
must be changed soon.
3159, ! Deviation [1 or 2] Excee‐ EPC (Electronic Pressure Controller) ● MAX_DEVIATION_x that is too
3160 ded on %4 PIC: The measured pressure deviation small. An improper setting of
has exceeded the corresponding TIME_LIMIT_DEVIATION_UP_x or
trol was not successful in controlling the
pressure with the desired precision on ● Insufficient supply pressure.
channel #n. ● Flow too small or too large.
● Defective EPC.
3161, ? Setpoint [n, 1 or 2] changed EPC (Electronic Pressure Controller) Set the SETPOINT_MAX_[n] value first
3162 following a change in Max PIC: The SETPOINT_[n] AO value was and then set the setpoint.
Pressure modified internally as a result of the SET‐
POINT_MAX_[n] AO value set to a value
lower than the SETPOINT_[n] value.

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General Maintenance and Troubleshooting
3.4 Alarm Codes, Descriptions, and Suggested Actions

# Text Description Action

3163, ! EPC Shutdown on %4, The [n] channel of the Electronic Pres‐ No action required. The shutdown  is
3164 Channel [n] sure Control (EPC) was temporarily shut temporary and the operation will auto‐
down.  This happens when the EPC matically resume after 15s.
control valve is fully opened for more
than 5s and is meant to prevent over‐
heating of the valve.  This situation typ‐
ically happens when the input pressure
is too low, as from an empty cylinder.
3203, ! EPC ramp has no origin on The starting point of the pressure ramp Set a static setpoint first, and then set
3204 %4, Channel [n] was set to the current measured pres‐ the ramp rate, followed by a new set‐
sure as the setpoint value was not previ‐ point.  With this sequence, the starting
ously set.   When no prior setpoint is point of the ramp will be setpoint #1 and
available, this alarm is issued and the the ending point will be setpoint #2.
current measured pressure is used as a
substitute for setpoint #1.

3.4.15 Alarms 5.2 3401 - 3454 TFTP

GCP 5.2 Alarm Descriptions 3401 - 3454 TFTP

The following tables list the alarm number (#), type (+ information, ? warning, ! error) alarm
text, description, and actions.

# Text Description Action

3401 ? TFTP Protocol Error Protocol error detected, such as receipt Power up the SNE connected to a serial
of a non-DATA packet or lack of an ex‐ terminal and change the settings in the
pected message acknowledgment. Most startup dialog.
likely the gateway settings on the SNE
are wrong.
3402 ? TFTP Timeout The TFTP client didn't receive a re‐ Verify that the TFTP server is running
sponse from the server. on the host computer, and that the host
computer is connected to the SNE
through the network.
3403 ? TFTP Server out of Sync The data packets requested by the TFTP ● Reset the SNE.
client to not match those sent by the ● Restart the TFTP server on the host
TFTP server. Either the TFTP client or
TFTP server is not working properly.
3404 ? TFTP Server out of Sockets TFTP server cannot create a portal from ● Wait for problem to clear.
which to communicate. SNE or host com‐ ● Contact Customer Support.
puter is low on resources.
3405 ? TFTP Max Channels ex‐ Too many TFTP load requests have Only request one TFTP load at a time.
ceeded been commanded.
3406 ? TFTP Driver Not Initialized TFTP driver was not successfully initial‐ ● Verify that the SNE has sufficient
ized. Usually a problem of resource. memory.
● Upgrade SNE.
● Reset SNE.
3450 ? TFTP Client Out of Memory Client ran out of memory loading file. ● Verify that the SNE has 16Mb SIMM.
● Reset SNE.

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3.4 Alarm Codes, Descriptions, and Suggested Actions

# Text Description Action

3451 ? TFTP Client Checksum Er‐ File loaded had invalid checksum. Verify that loadfile is correct and uncor‐
ror rupted.
3452 ? TFTP Client Missing End of Attempt to load truncated file. Verify that loadfile is correct and uncor‐
File rupted.
3453 ? TFTP Client Invalid OS File Attempt to load OS with invalid address Verify that loadfile is correct and uncor‐
range. rupted.
3454 ? TFTP Client Invalid App Attempt to load App with invalid address Verify that loadfile is correct and uncor‐
File range. Loadfile may be OS file or corrupt. rupted.

3.4.16 Alarms 5.2 3500 - 3528 Advance

GCP 5.2 Alarm Descriptions 3500 - 3528 Advance

The following tables list the alarm number (#), type (+ information, ? warning, ! error) alarm
text, description, and actions.

# Text Description Action

3500 ? Reserved System error Contact Customer Support.
3501 ! Advance Adapter Initializa‐ Advance Adapter detected, but respond‐ Repair or replace adapter.
tion Failure ing improperly.
3502 ? Invalid Channel for Ad‐ Reference to invalid channel on Advance Check reference to I/O channels in ap‐
vance Adapter %4 Adapter. plication tables.
3503 ? Advance Adapter Back‐ The referenced I/O on backplane board Reseat or replace board corresponding
plane Timeout on %4 did not respond. to hardware ID.
3504 ? Advance Adapter Back‐ The referenced I/O on backplane respon‐ Reseat or replace board corresponding
plane Error on %4 ded improperly. to hardware ID.
3505 ? Resource for %4 not avail‐ Memory or operating system object not ● Verify that SNE has sufficient
able on Advance Adapter available for hardware access. memory.
● Upgrade SNE.
● Reset SNE.
3516 ! No Advance Adapter detec‐ System error Contact Customer Support.
3517 ! Advance Adapter Driver Driver initialization failure due to lack of Verify that SNE has sufficient memory.
Out of Memory memory. Upgrade SNE. Reset SNE.
3518 ! Invalid Advance Adapter Application requested invalid command Reload SNECON software.
Driver Command from Adapter Driver. Most likely a mis‐
match between the SNECON OS and

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3.4 Alarm Codes, Descriptions, and Suggested Actions

3.4.17 Alarms 5.2 3718 - 3804 SNE I/O

GCP 5.2 Alarm Descriptions 3718 - 3804 SNE I/O

The following tables list the alarm number (#), type (+ information, ? warning, ! error) alarm
text, description, and actions.

# Text Description Action

3718 ! FPGA Error Full on %4 SNECON PICs: The FPGA queue to the Reset the SNECON.
NS486 was full and a packet could not Replace the SNECON.
be sent. A best attempt is made to con‐
tinue but one or more packets were lost.
3719 ? FPGA error reset_W on %4 SNECON PICs: A FPGA reset was de‐ Reset the SNECON.
tected during a packet write from the PIC. Replace the SNECON.
 The packet and any packet still in the
FPGA queues were lost.
3720 ? FPGA error reset_R on %4 SNECON PICs: A FPGA reset was de‐ Reset the SNECON.
tected during a packet read by the PIC. Replace the SNECON.
The packet and any packet still in the
FPGA queues were lost.
3721 ? FPGA error_W on %4 SNECON PICs: An error was detected Reset the SNECON.
while writing the packet header or data Replace the SNECON.
to the FPGA. A best attempt is made to
continue but one or more packets may
be lost.
3722 ? FPGA error_R on %4 SNECON PICs: An error was detected Reset the SNECON.
when reading the packet header or data Replace the SNECON.
from the FPGA. A best attempt is made
to continue but one or more packets may
be lost.
3725 ! Error SCL on %4 SNECON PICs: An abnormal situation Contact Customer Support.
was detected on the I2C 'Serial Clock'
line. This is an indication that the WDB is
broken, a cable harness is broken or one
board connected to the I2C bus is mal‐
functioning, pulling the I2C data signal to
a logical low.
3726 ! Error SDA on %4 SNECON PICs: An abnormal situation Contact Customer Support.
was detected on the I2C 'Serial Data'
line. This is an indication that the WDB is
broken, a cable harness is broken or one
board connected to the I2C bus is mal‐
functioning, pulling the I2C data signal to
a logical low.
3727 ! I2C will not align on %4 SNECON PICs: I2C communication er‐ Contact Customer Support.
3728 ? I2C msg not allowed on %4 SNECON PICs: A packet containing an ● Reset the SNECON.
I2C message was received by the PIC ● Reload the OS for the SNECON.
(from the NS486 through the FPGA) at a
time when it is not allowed but after a val‐ ● Replace the SNECON.
id configuration message was received.
The message was discarded.

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General Maintenance and Troubleshooting
3.4 Alarm Codes, Descriptions, and Suggested Actions

# Text Description Action

3757 ? NACK address on %4 SNECON PICs: An I2C message trans‐ Reset the analyzer.
action failed after the required number of
retries.  A cause of this failure was a
unacknowledged destination address
byte (first byte in the message).  This
may happen if a module was disconnec‐
ted from the bus after its address has
been reassigned.
3758 ? NACK Byte on %4 SNECON PICs: An I2C message trans‐ Contact Customer Support.
action failed after the required number of
retries. A cause of this failure was a un‐
acknowledged byte that is not the first
byte in the message (any byte other than
the destination address was not acknowl‐
edged). This may happen if a module is
seriously corrupted or the I2C signal in‐
tegrity is a problem (noise, etc…).
3759 ? NACK Message on %4 SNECON PICs: An I2C message trans‐ Replace the module being addressed.
action failed after the required number of
retries.  A cause of this failure was a
NACK message with a non-zero flag.  
This may happen if the firmware of the
peripheral module is not responding
properly.Reset the analyzer.
3760 ? Invalid Checksum on %4 SNECON PICs: An I2C message trans‐ Contact Customer Support.
action failed after the required number of
retries.  A cause of this failure was an
invalid checksum in the reply message.
 This may happen if the firmware of the
peripheral module is not working proper‐
ly or the electrical properties of the I2C
signals are marginal.
3761 ? Invalid Opcode on %4 SNECON PICs: An invalid private op‐ ● Reload the OS and APP software
code was received from the NS486. The for the SNECON.
message was ignored. This may happen
● Replace the SNECON.
if the PIC firmware is out-of-date relative
to the SNE software.
3762 ? Invalid Message on %4 SNECON PICs: An I2C message trans‐ Reload the OS and APP software for
action failed after the required number of the SNECON. Replace the module be‐
retries. A cause of this failure was a reply ing addressed. Replace the SNECON.
message that had a valid checksum and
valid opcode but was invalid in any other
way. This may happen if the firmware of
the peripheral module is not working
properly or the SNECON software is too
3763 ! Arbitration Loss on %4 SNECON PICs: An I2C message trans‐ Contact Customer Support.
action failed after the required number of
retries and a cause of this failure was that
the PIC could not successfully arbitrate
its way to the bus. Other bus-master de‐
vices are using all the I2C bus bandwidth.

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General Maintenance and Troubleshooting
3.4 Alarm Codes, Descriptions, and Suggested Actions

# Text Description Action

3764 ? Timeout SCL on %4 SNECON PICs: An I2C message trans‐ Contact Customer Support.
action failed because the I2C clock was
stretched beyond the allowed timeout pe‐
riod specified in the configuration. A mod‐
ule may be malfunctioning.
3765 ? Timeout SDA on %4 SNECON PICs: An I2C message trans‐ Contact Customer Support.
action failed because the I2C data line
was held beyond the allowed timeout pe‐
riod specified in the configuration. A mod‐
ule may be malfunctioning.
3766 ? Bus Not Sync on %4 SNECON PICs: The master-mode oper‐ Reset the SNECON. Replace the SNE‐
ation generated a start condition that was CON.
not detected by the FPGA.
3767 ? Timeout Buffer on %4 SNECON PICs: A master-mode mes‐ Contact Customer Support.
sage has not been processed within a
timeout period. This is a broad alarm with
multiple possible causes. The PIC will
discard the message and attempt to re‐
3768 ? Invalid Handle on %4 SNECON PICs: The received header ● Reset the SNECON.
handle was not sequential. One or more ● Replace the SNECON.
I2C messages were lost.
3769 ? High I2C traffic on %4 The amount of traffic on the I2C bus has Check the methods to ensure that the I/
exceeded a configurable threshold. A O activity is distributed in time and not
heavy traffic may delay the I/O activity all at the same exact cycle time (Detec‐
which ultimately can affect the operation tor balance event, valve events, tem‐
(accuracy, repeatability) of the analyzer. perature and pressure setpoint, etc).
3797 + Invalid Checksum Slave on SNECON PICs: An unsolicited I2C mes‐ ● Reset the SNECON.
%4 sage was received with a bad checksum. ● Replace the SNECON.
The message was discarded and it is ex‐
pected that the master will retry the mes‐
sage. This is a communication error that
can be ignored if not frequent.
3798 + Invalid Message Slave on SNECON PICs: An unsolicited I2C mes‐ Reload the OS and APP software to all
%4 sage was received with an invalid mes‐ SNECONs.
sage size, invalid opcode or invalid data.
The message was discarded. There may
be a firmware version conflict.
3799 ? Invalid Status Summary on SNECON PICs: A packet was received ● Reload the OS and APP software
%4 by the PIC from the NS486 and the pack‐ for the SNECON.
et had an undefined bit set in the Sta‐
● Replace the SNECON.
tus_summary field of the packet. The
packet was processed normally.
3800 ? Module Not Ready on %4 SNECON PICs: An I2C message trans‐ ● Reload the OS and APP software
action failed after the required number of for the SNECON.
retries and the cause of the failure was a
● Replace the module being
series of consecutive message NACKs,
all with a 0 flag. This may happen if the
firmware of the peripheral module is not ● Replace the SNECON.
responding properly.

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General Maintenance and Troubleshooting
3.4 Alarm Codes, Descriptions, and Suggested Actions

# Text Description Action

3801 ? Invalid Status Data on %4 SNECON PICs: The content of the status ● Reload the OS and APP software
buffer, 'Status_data', was invalid and not for the SNECON.
recognized by the PIC. This may happen
● Replace the SNECON.
if the PIC firmware is out of date relative
to the NS486 software.
3802 ? Invalid Status Type on %4 SNECON PICs: The value of the sta‐ ● Reload the OS and APP software
tus_type was invalid and not recognized for the SNECON.
by the PIC.  This may happen if the PIC
● Replace the SNECON.
firmware is out of date relative to the
NS486 software.
3803 + Invalid Msg Size on %4 SNECON PICs: A packet was received Reload the OS and APP software to all
with an invalid I2C message size or no SNECONs.
I2C message at all. The packet was dis‐
3804 + Arbitration Loss Slave on SNECON PICs: The PIC lost a slave ● If sporadic, no action is necessary.
%4 read arbitration. It indicates that at least ● If repeating frequently, reset the
one other module responded to the same
message request.

3.4.18 Alarms 5.2 4001 - 4124 EZChrom

GCP 5.2 Alarm Descriptions 4001 - 4124 EZChrom

The following tables list the alarm number (#), type (+ information, ? warning, ! error) alarm
text, description, and actions.

# Text Description Action

4001 ? TFTP cannot load with ac‐ Method currently running when software Put method on hold and wait for it to
tive method %3 load was commanded. complete before loading SNE software.
4003 ! Zero Correction Out of Lim‐ Contact Customer Support.
its on %4
4022 ? I/O channel not found on Hardware resource requested not Reload and or repair SYSCON data‐
%4 present. base.
4024 ? Slope check failure on Slope check commanded with invalid pa‐ Check method for slope check events
channel %4 rameters. and review data.
4025 ? Detector channel under‐ A/D converter for detector reading lowest Check A/D inputs, potentially replace
flow occurred on %4 possible value. This error may also be a referenced DPM.
secondary error caused by an overflow
on an FID DPM.
4026 ? Detector channel open oc‐ Open connection detected on A/D detec‐ Verify proper operation of the DPM.
curred on %4 tor input. This error may also be a secon‐
dary error caused by an overflow on an
4027 ? Detector channel overflow A/D converter for detector reading maxi‐ Check A/D inputs, potentially replace
occurred on %4 mum value possible. referenced DPM.

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General Maintenance and Troubleshooting
3.4 Alarm Codes, Descriptions, and Suggested Actions

# Text Description Action

4028 ? Detector channel unknown Undeterminable error occurred on detec‐ Reset. If error repeats, replace DPM.
error occurred on %4 tor channel circuit. This error may also be
a secondary error caused by an overflow
on an FID DPM.
4029, ? Zero Correction failure on Should occur only with a revision 2 TCD Eliminate the cause of the balance fail‐
4030 [1st/lower/right or 2nd/low‐ DPM or revision 3 baseboard (PIC firm‐ ure:
er/left] channel of %4 ware revision 2.006 and up ). Or, the zero ● On TCD detector, replace the
correction value exceeded the maximum detector bead or filament.
allowed value for that particular board.  
This is a balance failure situation. ● On FID detector, clean or replace
the FID.
4031 ! Flame out on %4 Flame out detected on an Advance+ FID Ignite flame on unit. If flame is burning,
or FPD Board. board may be defective.
4032 ? Purge Loss on %4 Loss of purge pressure has been detec‐ Investigate and correct cause of pres‐
ted. Possible causes include low pres‐ sure loss.
sure for supply air, open door, and failed
gaskets. Depending on the environment
classification where the analyzer is instal‐
led, this alarm may indicate an unsafe
condition that requires immediate action
to correct.
4033 ! Zero Correction Out of Lim‐ The value of the zero correction (soft‐ Confirm that the corresponding balance
its on %4 ware balance of the detector) has excee‐ limit values are not too small. See the
ded the balance limits. maintenance instructions for the specif‐
ic detector type.
4120 ? Pulse DO Within a Pulse A pulse DO was requested by the SY‐ Wait until the on-going pulse has com‐
DO is Not Allowed on %4 SCON while a pulse DO was already in pleted before requesting another pulse
progress.  The latest requested pulse DO.
DO was ignored.
4121 + Pulse DO Aborted on %4 A pulse DO was aborted as a result of a Informational message. No action nec‐
standard (non-pulsed) DO command.   essary.
 The non-pulsed DO command has
4122 ! Method Conflict: Concur‐ It is not allowed to use the same detector Verify that the method does not contain
rent Chromatogram Chan‐ channel for more than one chromato‐ 2 concurrent uses of the same detector
nel Acquisition on %4 gram acquisition at a time, whether within channel hardware. Verify that the meth‐
a method or across methods.  The new‐ ods running in separate applications
est request was cancelled. are not erroneously reusing the same
detector channels.
4123 ! Unsupported detector sam‐ A request was made to run the specified Contact Customer Support for assis‐
pling rate on %4 detector channel at a standard rate but tance.
the DPM hardware does not support that
rate. The method file is likely corrupt. It
may be necessary to rebuild the method.
4124 ! Run-time Operational Con‐ An operation was requested at a time Revise the method to remove the con‐
flict on %4 when it is not allowed. e.g.: GainSelect flicting events.
VDO: A gain select was initiated before
the previous GainSelect sequence was

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General Maintenance and Troubleshooting
3.4 Alarm Codes, Descriptions, and Suggested Actions

3.4.19 Alarms 5.2 4217 - 4320 CAN Bridge

GCP 5.2 Alarm Descriptions 4217 - 4320 CAN Bridge

The following tables list the alarm number (#), type (+ information, ? warning, ! error) alarm
text, description, and actions.

# Text Description Action

4217 ! CAN:Underflow %4 System error Contact Customer Support.
4218 ! CAN: Overflow %4 System error Contact Customer Support.
4220 ! CAN: External AO uncali‐ The EEPROM does not contain valid fac‐ Replace the SIB to eliminate the alarm.
brated tory calibration information for a local AO
channel.  Default calibration values are
used.The module is operational.
4257 ? CAN: Underflow System error Contact Customer Support.
4258 ? CAN: Overflow System error Contact Customer Support.
4259 ? CAN: Node init failureIndicates that at ● Reset the device.
least one CAN node failed during the ini‐ ● If the problem persists, replace the
tialization process. No I/O operations are
CAN card.
allowed on the node.
4260 ? CAN: Node failure Indicates that at least one CAN node ● Reset the device.
failed during normal operation. This flag ● If the problem persists, replace the
is generated only if the node worked
CAN card.
properly during initialization but failed at
a later time.  No further I/O operations
are allowed on the node. The communi‐
cation with the card will be stopped and
the card will set itself to failsafe output.
4261 ? CAN: Bus HW init failure Indicates a failure of the CAN bus detec‐ ● Check the Database CAN node list
ted during the CAN bus initialization.   for a stray card.
No communication is possible with any
● Check data cable and power to
node.  This can be as a result of either:
CAN Extension Unit (CEU).
a) No CAN card is present, but yet at
least one card is defined in the database
b) The CAN hardware cannot communi‐
cate with a CAN device as a result of a
hardware error (e.g. broken or shorted
cable) and the PIC CAN module is re‐
porting a transmitter error.
4262 ? CAN: Bus HW Failure Indicates a fatal failure of the CAN bus Check power to CAN Extension Unit
detected during the normal operation.   (CEU).
This flag is generated only if the CAN
system worked properly during initializa‐
tion but failed at a later time. No commu‐
nication is possible with any node.
4263 ? CAN: Invalid channel %4 A read or a write was attempted to a Verify the hardware ID of the I/O for val‐
channel that does not exist. id addresses.
4264 ? CAN: Node changed Indicates that at least one serial number No action necessary.
has changed and that, as a result, the
CAN bridge PIC will soon reset. This is
normal as a result of a CAN node list
configuration change.

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General Maintenance and Troubleshooting
3.4 Alarm Codes, Descriptions, and Suggested Actions

# Text Description Action

4265 ? CAN: Receive Init Buffer The CAN bus receive buffer that process‐ Contact Customer Support.
Overflow es messages from uninitialized CAN
cards has overflowed. Initialization will
likely fail.
4266 ? CAN: Receive Heartbeat CAN card heartbeat replies have over‐ Contact Customer Support.
Buffer Overflow flowed the heartbeat buffer. The heart‐
beat buffer is large enough to hold replies
from all 20 cards. Overflow would indi‐
cate a serious loading problem.
4267 ? CAN: Receive I/O Buffer CAN card I/O replies/updates are not Reset the device. If the problem per‐
Overflow processing fast enough. This indicates sists, the I2C traffic to the CAN bridge
that some received CAN messages have or the number of ADIO boards in the
been lost because the CAN bridge can‐ system must be reduced.
not process them fast enough. Since
CAN messages take longer to transmit
on the CAN bus than it takes to process
them this flag is unlikely to occur. If it ever
occurs, the likely cause is very heavy I2C
traffic combined with a large number of
ADIO boards which add considerable
CAN traffic to the bus.
4268 ? CAN: Transmit Buffer Over‐ There are too many pending CAN mes‐ Contact Customer Support.
flow sages and the transmit buffer is full. This
indicates that the SYSCON is performing
I/O operations faster than they can be
transmitted on the CAN bus. The most
likely cause would be heavy DO traffic
since the I2C protocol can update many
DO bits per transaction but it takes one
CAN message for EACH DO bit.
4269 ? CAN: Channel not respond‐ Indicates that one or more channels have Reset the device. If the problem per‐
ing not properly communicated and recovery sists, replace the CAN card.
efforts have failed. For outputs, this flag
is set after several retries writing to a
channel without proper confirmation from
the CAN card that the message was re‐
ceived and handled. For inputs, this flag
is set after enough time passes without
getting an update from the channel.
4270 ? CAN: Hardware FIFO The PICs hardware CAN message buffer Contact Customer Support.
Overflow has overflowed.
4297 + CAN: init complete The initialization of the CAN card has No action necessary.
completed. Informational message.

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General Maintenance and Troubleshooting
3.4 Alarm Codes, Descriptions, and Suggested Actions

# Text Description Action

4300 + CAN: Unrecognized card This flag is set when an uninitialized card ● Verify the node list in the database
is detected on the bus after the init se‐ for an exact match of all serial
quence is complete.  The most com‐ numbers.  
mon cause of this condition is a Node/SN
● Make sure that no unused CAN
list that does not precisely match the card
mix on the bus either due to missing en‐ card is present in the system.  
tries or typographical errors. ● If this is associated with a 'CAN:
Node x abnormal' error, replace the
corresponding card.
4301 + CAN: Node [1 – 20] abnor‐ CAN card I/O malfunction that causes in‐ ● Verify the node list in the database
- 4320 mal itialization failure, loss of heartbeat re‐ for an exact match of all serial
sponses from a CAN card or loss of com‐ numbers.  
munication with one or more channels of
● If this is associated with a 'CAN:
the node.
Node x abnormal' error, replace the
corresponding card.

3.4.20 Alarms 5.2 4525 - 5220 Advance TC

GCP 5.2 Alarm Descriptions 4525 - 5220 Advance TC

The following tables list the alarm number (#), type (+ information, ? warning, ! error) alarm
text, description, and actions.

# Text Description Action

4525 ! AD Failure on %4 Advance Adapter Temperature Control‐ ● Reset the analyzer.
ler PIC: The Advance Adapter tempera‐ ● Replace the Advance Adapter.
ture A/D converter is not generating data
points within the prescribed time interval.
4526 ! Over Temp Shutdown Pow‐ Advance Adapter Temperature Control‐ Replace the Advance Adapter.
er Supply Failure on %4 ler PIC: The power supply used for over‐
temp shutdown is not working properly.
4557 ? Setpoint Changed follow‐ Advance Adapter Temperature Control‐ Set the SETPOINT_MAX value first,
ing a change of Max Temp ler PIC: The SETPOINT AO value was then set the setpoint value.
%4 modified internally as a result of the SET‐
POINT_MAX AO value set to a value low‐
er than the SETPOINT value.
4599 ! Over Temp Shutdown on Advance Adapter Temperature Control‐ Check for:
%4 ler PIC: The Over-Temp Shutdown func‐ ● A temperature setpoint too high for
tion is active, the heater cannot be turned the allowed T-rating.  
on. The overtemp shutdown condition in‐
dicates that the temperature reached the ● A defective temperature probe.  
absolute limit. ● A defective Advance Adapter.  
● A defective (shorted) SSR.

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General Maintenance and Troubleshooting
3.4 Alarm Codes, Descriptions, and Suggested Actions

# Text Description Action

4601 ? Temperature Deviation Ex‐ Advance Adapter Temperature Control‐ Check for these causes of temperature
ceeded on %4 ler PIC: The measured temperature de‐ instability:
viation (TEMP_DEVIATION) has excee‐ ● Fast variation in the ambient
ded the corresponding MAX_DEVIA‐ temperature, airflow or line voltage.
TION value. The PID control did not suc‐
Insufficient air flow.
cessfully control the heater with the de‐
sired precision. A large deviation is nor‐ ● A temperature setpoint too high for
mal on power-up and immediately follow‐ the allowed T-rating.
ing a change in the temperature setpoint. ● A defective DPM.
Only small deviations are expected dur‐
ing normal operation. ● A defective Solid State relay.
4817 ! AI Underflow Fault on %4 One or more AIs on the module has en‐ Make sure that the signal going to all
countered a voltage or current underflow AIs is within the range of the inputs.
4818 ! AI Overflow Fault on %4 One or more AIs on the module has en‐ Make sure that the signal going to all
countered a voltage or current underflow AIs is within the range of the inputs.
4819 ! External ADC HW is not re‐ Timeout or communication error with an ● Reset the device.
sponding on %4 Analog to Digital Converter. ● If the problem recurs, replace the
4820 ! External AO is not calibra‐ One or more AO channel has an invalid ● Reset the device.
ted on %4 calibration record in the EEPROM of the ● If the problem recurs, replace the
4821 ! External AI is not calibrated One or more AI channel has an invalid ● Reset the device.
on %4 calibration record in the EEPROM of the ● If the problem recurs, replace the
4857 ? External AI underflow on One or more AIs on the module has en‐ Make sure that the signal going to all
%4 countered a voltage or current underflow AIs is within the range of the inputs.
4858 ? External AI overflow on %4 One or more AIs on the module has en‐ Make sure that the signal going to all
countered a voltage or current overflow AIs is within the range of the inputs.
5117 ! Alarm [5117 - 5140] on %4 A fault alarm was generated on an un‐ ● Update to the latest software
- 5140 recognized I2C module. version.  
● Make sure that the latest text files
are loaded.
5157 ? Warning [5157 - 5199] on A warning alarm was generated on an ● Update to the latest software
- 5199 %4 unrecognized I2C module. version.  
● Make sure that the latest text files
are loaded.
5200 + Note [5200 - 5220] on %4 A note alarm was generated on an un‐ ● Update to the latest software
- 5220 recognized I2C version.  
● Make sure that the latest text files
are loaded.

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General Maintenance and Troubleshooting
3.4 Alarm Codes, Descriptions, and Suggested Actions

3.4.21 Alarms 5.2 10000 - 11536 MicroSAM

GCP 5.2 Alarm Descriptions - 10000 - 11536 MicroSAM

The following tables list the alarm number (#), type (+ information, ? warning, ! error) alarm
text, description, and actions.

# Text Description Action

10000 ! Temperature control failure MicroSAM alarm Contact MicroSAM Support.
on %4
10001 ! Temperature sensor (RTD) MicroSAM alarm Contact MicroSAM Support.
of %4 defective
10002 ! Temperature deviation on MicroSAM alarm Contact MicroSAM Support.
%4 exceeds limits
10003 ! Temperature controller %4 MicroSAM alarm Contact MicroSAM Support.
10004 ! Carrier gas pressure low MicroSAM alarm Contact MicroSAM Support.
on %4
10256 ! Detector %4 disabled MicroSAM alarm Contact MicroSAM Support.
10257 ! Detector %4 shorted MicroSAM alarm Contact MicroSAM Support.
10258 ! Detector %4 not connected MicroSAM alarm Contact MicroSAM Support.
10259 ! Carrier gas pressure low MicroSAM alarm Contact MicroSAM Support.
on %4
10512 ! Pressure controller %4 dis‐ MicroSAM alarm Contact MicroSAM Support.
10513 ! A/D converter failure on %4 MicroSAM alarm Contact MicroSAM Support.
10514 ? Operating pressure low on MicroSAM alarm Contact MicroSAM Support.
10515 ! Pressure exceeds limits on MicroSAM alarm Contact MicroSAM Support.
10516 ! Setpoint exceeds limits on MicroSAM alarm Contact MicroSAM Support.
10517 ! Pressure out of control on MicroSAM alarm Contact MicroSAM Support.
10518 ! Voltage exceeds limits on MicroSAM alarm Contact MicroSAM Support.
10519 ! Operating pressure low MicroSAM alarm Contact MicroSAM Support.
10768 ! Valve [1 – 8] operation fail‐ MicroSAM alarm Contact MicroSAM Support.
- ure on %4
11536 ! General RSP communica‐ MicroSAM alarm Contact MicroSAM Support.
tion error on %4

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General Maintenance and Troubleshooting
3.4 Alarm Codes, Descriptions, and Suggested Actions

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Component Descriptions and Maintenance
Procedures 4
4.1 Electronic Enclosure Components

4.1.1 Power Supplies Power System Module

The Power System Module (PSM) is a 110/230 VAC switching power supply that provides 24
VDC operating system voltages. It also provides 110/220 VAC conditioning. The 24 VDC power
supply provides high speed switching with power factor correction and universal input. The
PSM is a stand-alone system consisting of a power supply, filtering, circuit fuse protection and
a power monitor board.

Line Voltage Selector Switch

Power Fuse Holder

Figure 4-1 Power System Module Location in EC

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Manual, 10/2015, 2000596-001 79
Component Descriptions and Maintenance Procedures
4.1 Electronic Enclosure Components

AC Line Input
AC power input to the power supply is from the Power Entry Control Module. A line cord from
the PECM plugs into the front AC receptacle of the power supply. A primary Line Voltage
Selector selector switch (located above the AC receptacle) must be set to match the primary
AC voltage input from the Power Entry Control Module.

Output Connections
Output 24 VDC is supplied to components within the Maxum II via a cable harness that exits
the backside of the PSM. The cable terminates in quick disconnect connectors. Typically, a
white connector supplies 24 volts to the SYSCON2.1 cage and an orange connector supplies
24 volts to the PECM, where it is distributed to various modules in the EC. DC/DC converters
in the modules generate the other voltage levels needed by various circuits.

Fuse Replacement
The Power System Module is equipped with a fuse (Siemens Part Number A6X19905350).
This fuse is located on the front of the PSM just above the power cord plug. The fuse is a 250
V, 4.0 A, “slow-acting” type. Although this fuse rarely fails, replacement is simple (disconnect
power to the analyzer first). To remove the fuse, unplug the power cable that comes from the
PECM. Access the fuse by removing the fuse cap with a large blunt screwdriver.


Voltage Range 115 VAC (85 to 140 VAC), 230 VAC (185 to 264 VAC)
Line Frequency Range 47 to 63 Hz
Nominal Input Current 2 amp @ 115 VAC, 1 amp @ 230 VAC
Nominal Output Voltage 24 VDC ±3%, 1% ripple plus noise at a bandwidth of 30 MHz
Nominal Output Current 6 A @ < 104°F (40°C)
4 A @ 104° to 150°F (40° to 70° C)
Static Load 0.2 A; 0.0 A open circuit permitted
Dynamic Load Between 0.2 A to 3 A in the load range. A maximum load of 2 A at 1.8 kHz is
switched. Switching is controlled by pulse width. Precision range is not exceeded
in this operational mode.
Overcurrent Cutoff Cutoff starts at 6.4 to 7.5 amps. When current drops, device switches on.
Overvoltage Cutoff Cutoff starts at 27 to 31 VDC. When voltage drops, device switches on.
Overtemperature Cutoff After temperature decreases to specified tolerance, device switches on.
Power Fail Transitions Occurs 20 ms after a primary power failure. Should a power failure occur, a low
20 ms signal is generated.
Electric Isolation Input/Output: 3.7 kV
Dimensions Length: 10.24 inches (260 mm)
Width: 2.36 inches (60 mm)
Depth: 3.54 inches (90 mm)
Cooling Convection and conduction through aluminum mounting plate.
Output Wiring Cable harness

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80 Manual, 10/2015, 2000596-001
Component Descriptions and Maintenance Procedures
4.1 Electronic Enclosure Components Replacement Procedure

Power Supply Location

This procedure assumes that power is off in the analyzer.

The 24V power supply is easily accessed at the top of the electronics enclosure.

Replacement Steps

Voltage dangerous to life exists in the electronics enclosure. Failure to follow proper safety
procedures may result in injury or death.
Turn off line votage to the analyzer before disassembling power-supply components. Even
though nothing appears to be operating, AC voltage can still be present on many of the
components in the enclosure.

Obtain all permits that may be required to perform this work.
Observe local codes and obtain any required permits before starting the work.

The power supply has an integral bracket that slips under flanges in the top of the enclosure
on the right side, and by two muts on threaded studs on the left side. Slots in the bracket allow
removing the supply without completely removing the nuts.


3 4 6

7 7

A. B. C.

Figure 4-2 Removing the Power Supply Module

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Component Descriptions and Maintenance Procedures
4.1 Electronic Enclosure Components

1. Ensure that power has been disconnected from the analyzer.

2. Open the electronics enclosure door.
3. Unplug SYSCON power cable from the bottom of the SYSCON cage.
4. Unplug the PECM 24V cable.
5. Loosen nuts (1 in photo A above)
6. Slide the power supply forward enough to disengage the power-supply tabs from enclosure
tabs as shown in photo below. (2 in photo A above)
7. Tilt the power supply clockwise to allow the tabs to clear the flanges. (3 in photo A above)
8. Drop the power supply off the nuts. (4 and 5 in photo B above)
9. Before completely removing the supply, unplug the safety ground wire from the spae lug
on the back of the enclosure. (See 7 in the photo C Removing the Power Supply Module
10.Slide the power supply out of encloure. (6 in photo B above)
g fla
n ge
cl o

To PECM power connector To safety
selector switch
ground lug
on back wall
Fuse holder
power connector Line-cord connector
on bottom-left of cage

Figure 4-3 Power Supply Module Details

Reinstalling the power supply

The new supply is installed using the steps in reverse order. It may be necessary to slightly
bend the flange edges down to allow the supply bracket to engage the flanges. See C in the
photo Removing the Power Supply Module above.

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Component Descriptions and Maintenance Procedures
4.1 Electronic Enclosure Components

Verify proper position of line-voltage selector switch and fuse value. Incorrect settings can
damage the equipment.
See the information packet that was shipped with the analyzer for information on the individual

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Manual, 10/2015, 2000596-001 83
Component Descriptions and Maintenance Procedures
4.1 Electronic Enclosure Components

4.1.2 Power Entry and Control Module PECM Overview

The PECM3-CTL board mounts on the PECM-SSR board. This assembly provides a variety
of power and control functions. The connections are shown below.

AC in MWH out
power out
UPS input Purge Air
for 24vdc Switch
24v in
control out
Temp RTD in
u les
I2C bus
mo d t
tr o l ou MW
H Air bath heater
on in
F2 Hc trol monitor in
er) H W H co n Solenoid
i th out HW
(w control out
F4 ver)
t co
w i th ou
( Atmospheric
pressure sensor
PECM-SSR Board i n
on trol Purge disable jumper
Filtered H/M Purge signal out
AC out I2C bus (Ribbon-cable
to 24v connector to
supply L1 MMI PECM-SSR)
PECM3-CTRL Board LED out

Figure 4-4 PECM3 I/O Connections

The PECM3 assembly part number is 2021828-002. An upgrade kit, part number 2022019-001
is available to replace earlier units.

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Component Descriptions and Maintenance Procedures
4.1 Electronic Enclosure Components Feature Additions

Improvements in PECM3-CTL from PECM-CTL

● Seven I2C connectors are provided compared to 4 on the previous PECM-CTL, eliminating
the need for a Wiring Distribution Board (WDB).
● An Atmospheric pressure sensor has been added.

Improvements In PECM2 Assembly from Original PECM

The PECM design has changed since its original release. The newest version of this part is
also used as the spare-part replacement for the previous version. The original PECM was a
single electronic circuit board with a metal protective shield. It provided connection points for
the electrical power coming into the Maxum GC and mounted low power electrical relays which
could switch power to any electrical heater with a power rating of less than 200 watts.
The newest version of the module, PECM2, is a two part circuit board. One part connects the
electrical power. The other part includes certain electronic circuits. Key features of the newer
design are:
● Easy access (no cover)
● Two on-board temperature control circuits. May allow elimination of a DPM that is only used
for temperature control, such as for heated valves or the methanator.
● Additional medium-wattage heater circuit
● Four connectors providing I2C and 24VDC power distribution have been added. This
replaces some of the functions of the Wiring Distribution Board (WDB).
● Includes solenoid valve control which eliminates the need for individual SVCM controller
boards. When converting an older analyzer and eliminating original SVCM controller
boards, additional long cables are required.
● Improved low-profile fuse holders
● LED indicators for air pressure switch on air-bath heater circuits
● Built-in provision for connection of Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) for 24VDC circuits.
The heaters are powered through different connectors to minimize the loading of the AC
power needed for running the 24VDC circuits.

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Component Descriptions and Maintenance Procedures
4.1 Electronic Enclosure Components PECM Functions

AC Input and Distribution

AC mains power is wired to TB1 and TB2. TB10 is an optional connection for an uninterruptable
power supply for the 24 V power supply output, as shown in the diagram below.

The power switching circuit is designed for either 115 VAC or 230 VAC. For safety reasons,
the PECM is not designed to convert DC to AC. Attempted operation from a DC source will
damage or destroy the PECM. To generate and control 115 VAC from a DC voltage system,
the customer must use components external to the PECM.

TB10* TB1 TB2

*TB10 parallel-connected
to TB1 if UPS is not used






Filtered AC
J1 Low Wattage

H 1 Heater Relays 1- 5

G 2
N 3 F4 10A

AC Filter Plug AC Chassis Medium Wattage

(for 24V supply) Ground Heater Relays

F5 6A

Hot Hot



16A 16A


Air Bath Heater Power

Figure 4-5 PECM AC Power Distribution

● F1-ABH2: 16A 115 VAC or 10A, 230 VAC
● F2-ABH1: 16A 115 VAC or 10A 230 VAC
● F3-FLT AC: 3A 115 VAC or 230 VAC
● F4-LWH1-LWH5: 10A 115 VAC or 230 VAC
● F5 LWH6, MWH

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Component Descriptions and Maintenance Procedures
4.1 Electronic Enclosure Components

Oven Temperature Control

The PECM provides two channels to control overall oven temperature, plus PWM outputs to
control the SSRs for 6 low-wattage heaters.
An input from an air-supply switch allows the PECM to turn off the heaters if air pressure is

Air Bath Oven

Temp Analog Temp Control,
Setpoint Temp Limit,
Modules Overtemp RTDs

SSR Pair High-Wattage
Digital Air Pressure

Airflow Loss Temperature

Shutdown Control

Line Heater

Figure 4-6 PECM Heater Control Functions

Communication and Power Distribution

The 24V power supply connects to one of two parallel power connectors, TB1 and TB2 on the
PECM-CTL board. Another module can be powered from the other connector.
Each of the 7 I2C connectors also provides 24VDC power to the connected module.
A separate connector powers a 24V fan.

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Component Descriptions and Maintenance Procedures
4.1 Electronic Enclosure Components

Onboard Solid State Relays

Low-Wattage Heater SSR Control

The PECM has six solid-state relay circuits. These circuits can control low wattage (10 to 250
Watts) air bath heaters, heaters in the heated Flame Ionization and Flame Photometric detector
housings or in heated sample injection valves, and can be adapted for on-off control of a
sample valve or other device. The output voltage from each relay can either be 115 VAC or
230 VAC depending upon the mains supply voltage. Available outputs from the relays are on
TB3 through TB8. Corresponding inputs are labeled LWH1 through LWH6. The LWH6 input
controls the medium wattage heater (MWH) output. When a relay output is used for sample
valve control, the supplied jumpers must be inserted in the corresponding input LWH1 through
LWH4. (See Additional Relay Outputs below for using the individual SSRs in outputs 5 and
6.) For safety, since the power switching circuits are primarily designed for low-wattage air-
bath heater control, each circuit has two series-connected SSRs, each being separately
controlled. The jumper ties the two relays together to function as one output when they are not
used for low wattage heater control. The circuitry is similar to the 1400-Watt High Wattage
Heater Power Switching and it is controlled by signals from the Detector Personality Module
(DPM) heater circuit. The diagram below shows a simplified schematic of the Low Wattage
Heater Relay Circuit LWH4.

AC Power Input

R47 10kΩ

LWH 4A Enabled SSR4A 1


5V J6 10kΩ 5A
LWH 4B On 3 4 2
4 4 2
LWH 4 Plug Det SSR EN B
Plug Detect

1 Line
LWH 4B Enabled
2 Neutral


Figure 4-7 LWH4 Heater Circuits

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Component Descriptions and Maintenance Procedures
4.1 Electronic Enclosure Components

Additional Relay Outputs

Relay circuits LWH5 and LWH6 when used for purposes other than on/off control of low
wattage heaters can supply four separate outputs. A simple jumper on pins 1 to 2 on output
connector TB7 or TB8 makes this possible. With the jumper in place, each connector will
provide two independent outputs; see the diagram below.

Relay AC Supply Voltage

TB7 (LWH5)
or Heater System Relays

A&B Common Unused

AC Hot
State SSRA Hot SSRA Load Hot
AC Neutral A Unused SSRA Load Neutral
SSRB Hot To LWH Hot Load SSRB Load Hot

AC Neutral B To LWH Neutral SSRB Load Neutral

Figure 4-8 LW5 & LW6 Relay Circuit Jumper Connections

Oven Functions

Temperature Monitoring and Control

The PECM_CTL board has two temperature monitor and control channels for use with the high-
wattage heaters (HWH). Each channel includes;

● RTD input ● Control input (can accept an external

● Mounting location and connector for control signal from another module if
setpoint module desired)
● Comparator circuit ● Control output for HWH SSR module
● PWM control signal output ● AC power output for HWH SSR

The HWH control path is shown below.

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Component Descriptions and Maintenance Procedures
4.1 Electronic Enclosure Components

Air Bath Oven

Temp Analog Temp Control,
Setpoint Temp Limit,
Modules Overtemp RTDs

SSR Pair High-Wattage
Digital Air Pressure

Airflow Loss Temperature

Shutdown Control

Line Heater

Figure 4-9 PECM Heater Control Functions

Each circuit consists of two series-connected solid-state relays. One of these relays controls
the 1400-Watt AC heater to maintain the set point temperature by monitoring the air bath RTD
and heater pressure switch. The second relay is used for safety purposes. It performs an
emergency analyzer heater shutdown if an over-temperature condition is detected. Both relay
circuits are completely independent of each other. However; in order for the power circuit to
be energized, both relays must be enabled. Temperature controls are monitored by the
Detector Personality Module and routed to the PECM via a dedicated cable and connector, or
by the temperature-control circuits on the PECM-CTL board itself. No other functions are
connected to the temperature control circuit. The connections are EMC filtered. When over
temperature is detected the PECM over temperature circuit inhibits the SSR from powering
the heater.
Alarm conditions are reported to the SYSCON over the I2C link.

Solenoid Control
Includes solenoid valve control which eliminates the need for individual SVCM controller
boards. When converting older design and eliminating original SVCM controller boards,
additional long cables are required.

Air-Supply Monitoring for Air-Bath Oven

The 1400-watt heater assembly is used in many air bath configurations (single isothermal;
dual isothermal; or Programmed Temperature Control). A single heater is used for the single
isothermal configuration and two heaters are used in the other configurations.
Additionally, a “medium power” Solid State Relay Module (temperature control relay module)
is available. These smaller relays are capable of controlling the 500 watt air bath heater
assembly. This can be used in single isothermal configurations where the controlled oven
temperature is 70°C or less. In addition, the “medium power” SSR Module can be used to
control the two 250 watt heaters used in the Maxum airless oven configurations.
See the PECM3 I/O Connections diagram in PECM Overiew for connector locations.

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4.1 Electronic Enclosure Components

Electronic Enclosure Environment

Purge Monitoring
The PECM monitors the state of the purge condition for the analyzer. If a loss of purge is
detected the purge switch is enabled. The purge control alarm signal is controlled by the
SYSCON. The purge signal cable from SYSCON to PECM plugs into connector J1302 on the
PECM2. Connection SW1 on the PECM2 is used to connect atmospheric reference for the
purge switch.
When a purged enclosure is not required per the safety codes, connector J2 on the PECM2
can be used to disable the purge alarm. See the PECM3 I/O Connections diagram in PECM
Overiew for connector locations.

Atmospheric Pressure Monitoring (New for PECM-CTL3)

This sensor allows a Maxbasic program to measure the ambient atmospheric pressure for
custom applications. A tube must be connected from the sensor (J44 on the PECM-SSR board)
to the exterior of the EC.

Maintenance Panel Level 1 consists of LEDs on the outside of the analyzer door. It is intended
for use in GCs that are not equipped with the full feature Maintenance Panel. The PECM
supplies the control signals for Maintenance Panel Level 1, if equipped. For PECM-1, the
Maintenance Panel Level 1 connects to position J17. See the PECM3 I/O Connections
diagram in PECM Overiew for the location of connector J17.

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Component Descriptions and Maintenance Procedures
4.1 Electronic Enclosure Components

Physical Location
The PECM is mounted to the left inside wall of the EC cabinet. All fuses and electrical
connections are readily accessible.

Figure 4-10 PECM3 Mounted in EC

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Component Descriptions and Maintenance Procedures
4.1 Electronic Enclosure Components Replacement Procedure


General Precautions
The PECM is the entry point for the line voltage for the entire analyzer.

Specific additional instructions are provided with tags placed on the Maxum II and in the custom
application drawing package noted below. Installation must include all of the items noted in
both of these as well as the manuals. The tagging and custom application drawing package
are unique to the particular Maxum II.

● This procedure must be performed by a user who has detailed knowledge of the Maxum.
If a customer does not have the knowledge required for this procedure, then it is
recommended that Siemens Field Service personnel be contracted to assist.
● A tool kit including both standard and metric wrenches, Hex wrenches, and nut drivers is
required to perform this procedure.
● Before beginning replacement, be sure to save a current database of the application to be
reloaded after the PECM is replaced in case this becomes necessary.

Voltage danerous to life is present on the PECM. Failure to observe proper safety measure
can cause severe injury or death.
Before beginning to remove or install the PECM assembly, the power must be externally
removed from the GC. AC power comes directly into this board for regulation and distribution
in the electronics enclosure, so power must be removed and secured/tagged to prevent
inadvertent application while this procedure is being performed.


PECM Status LEDs

The PECM3 should start automatically once power is applied. If the unit is not operational after
applying power, then review the information below to aid in correcting the problem.
The most common issue with replacing the PECM3 is cables, wiring connections, and jumpers.
Check all of the cable connections to ensure that they are seated and connected properly.

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4.1 Electronic Enclosure Components

The alarm system can also provide direct information on alarms for an error. Review the alarms
to see if they provide an indication of the problem. Each alarm has a written description that
may provide an indication of the problem area.

The LEDs on the PECM board can help with LEFT Heater Status RIGHT Heater status
troubleshooting problems. There are two
sets of LEDs: one on each side of the front Heater 1 Air Pressure Heater 2 Air Pressure
board as shown in the diagram to the right. Heater 1 Power Activate Heater 2 Power Activate
The bottom set of three LEDs is the same as

Heater 1 Temp Limit Heater 2 Temp Limit
used on other boards (described below.) The Heater 1 Overtemp Heater 2 Overtemp
left set is for the PECM software. (The other
LEDs are not used for PECM1 replacement.)
The corrective action to take for each of the Normal Normal Temperature
LED indications is noted below with a correc‐PECM Status Fault Fault Controller
tive action reference number on the diagram Warning Warning
at the right. The normal state indication is
shown in the diagram below.


State 1

State 5 - Warning condition; data good temporarily

1. If all units in this state, then power to the analyzer and/
or board is not active
2. Reset the device or cycle power
3. Check power connections to board (AC and 24VDC)

State 6 - Fault condition; data invalid

4. Replace unit
State 2
State 3 - Address assignment

State 4 - Normal operation

1. Reset the device or cycle analyzer power
2. Replace unit
State 1 - Power off

State 3
State 2 - Self test

1. Reset the device or cycle analyzer power

2. If all modules are in State 3, then SNECON is not
communicating (check cabling and connections)
3. Replace unit
State 4 Normal Operation
State 5
1. Reset the device or cycle power Fault
2. Check communication cable connections Warning
State 6
PECM LED Interpretation
1. Reset the device or cycle power
2. Check communication cable connections
3. Check for missing Temp Limit setpoint boards
4. Check for shorted or open RTDs
5. Replace the unit
6. Replace other connected units

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Component Descriptions and Maintenance Procedures
4.1 Electronic Enclosure Components

Removing The PECM

Before starting this procedure, follow the steps in the General Analyzer Shutdown Procedure.

Voltage dangerous to life exists. Failure to follow proper safety procedures may result in
severe injury or death.
Before beginning to remove or install the PECM assembly, the power must be externally
removed from the GC. AC power comes directly into this board for regulation and distribution
in the electronics enclosure, so power must be removed and secured/tagged to prevent
inadvertent application while this procedure is being performed.

High-voltage circuitry. Failure to follow proper procedures may result in equipment damage,
personal injury or death.
The cable harness connectors and the chassis plugs associated with the Heater circuits are
marked with orange identifier tags. Before reconnecting any connector or plug to a Heater
circuit, ensure that the orange identifier tag on the connector or plug reads identical to the
orange identifier tag on its mating connector.

Observe proper fuse values to prevent equipment damage or personal injury.
The PECM1 is used in applications with both 115VAC and 230VAC power. Before installing
a replacement assembly, ensure that the correct fuses for the particular application are
installed in the replacement PECM3.

1. Open electronics door. If the latch is locked, use 4mm (5/32’”) Allen wrench to unlock.
2. Label all cable connections before disconnecting if they are not already labeled. Be sure
to read the Warning below concerning those tagged with orange labels.
3. Unplug cables from all PECM connectors.
4. Unplug the atmospheric reference tube from the purge switch. (labelled “Purge SW”, tubing
connection next to the back wall of the EC, on the PECM1.
5. Use a 5mm nut driver to loosen two hex nuts at the top of each side of base plate of the
6. Slide the PECM up and then lift the PECM off of the mounting bolts.

See also
General Analyzer Shutdown Procedure (Page 25)

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Component Descriptions and Maintenance Procedures
4.1 Electronic Enclosure Components

Installing The New PECM

1. On the replacement PECM3 assembly do the following:
– Set the Purge Disable jumper JP2 to the same setting as the PECM being replaced.
– Install the appropriate fuses for either 115VAC or 230VAC in Fuses F1 and F2 and install
fuse covers.
– Move jumper cables or termination plugs to the replacement PECM.
– Move the TL/OT modules from the old PECM to the replacement PECM, in the mounting
locations marked “TEMP CONTROL 1” and TEMP CONTROL 2”. These are required
to avoid false alarm codes.
– If Heater Termination Plugs are installed in the old PECM instead of cables at the
positions marked “TEMP RTD 1” and “TEMP RTD 2”, move these to identical locations
on the replacement PECM. The plugs disable the PECM temperature circuits, including
the LEDs.
2. Ensure that there are no wires behind the mounting position of the PECM.
3. Because the atmospheric Purge switch SW1 is near the back wall after the PECM is
installed, if desired, the Purge tube may be installed on SW1 before mounting the PECM
in the next step.
4. Install the replacement PECM on the two mounting bolts.
5. Tighten the two 5mm hex nuts.
6. Start at the back of new controller and plug in the following cables (see the connector
identification illustrations)
– If not already connected in step 12, connect the Purge switch SW1 (tubing connection)
– Relay power plug TB9 and Heater Relay Control cable
– Fan power cable plug J18, and 24VDC power cables to the orange TB1 and TB2 on top
board (there are TB1 and TB2 AC connectors on the bottom board as well - see
illustration at right.)
– I2C connections (J24 - J26, J30 - J33)
– Low wattage heater connections (TB8, TB3 to TB5, and LWH1 to LWH6)
– AC inputs (TB1, TB2, & TB10.)
– Heater pressure switch (J10) (If no cable, then a jumper is needed.)
7. When replacing in a unit that has a MMI-1, then connect the MMI LED cable to J17.
8. Connect the Purge Signal cable to J1302.
9. Move 24V cable (from power supply) from WDB J1 to PECM3 TB1.
10.Add 24V power cable, 2021837-001 from PECM3 TB2 to WDB J1.

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4.1 Electronic Enclosure Components

11.Ensure the correct fuses are in the correct positions, as shown in PECM AC Power
Distribution illustration.
12.When the procedure is completed, follow the steps in the General Analyzer Startup

See also
General Analyzer Startup Procedure (Page 25)

4.1.3 System Controller Version 2.1 (SYSCON2.1) Description

The System Controller (SYSCON2.1) is a combination of two interconnected boards that
together function as the control processor and motherboard for the Maxum analyzer.
The SYSCON2.1 consists of two boards, the Communication and Analytical Control (CAC3)
board and the SYSCON Interface Board (SIB3). The CAC3 contains the processor and
memory functions for the SYSCON2.1 as well as control of external Ethernet communications
(via the Ethernet Switch Board). The CAC3 is mounted on and operates in conjunction with
the SIB3. With the exception of external Ethernet, the SIB3 contains all interfaces provided by
the SYSCON2.1.
The CAC3 on the SYSCON2.1 stores the analyzer application database, combines all data
results, and performs additional high-level data processing and calculations. All network
communications, maintenance panel and analyzer functions are also coordinated by the
SYSCON2.1. The SYSCON2.1 provides communication between the Controller Board, I/O
Boards and the EC operating modules.
More information about the SYSCON can be found in the System Controller version 2
(SYSCON2.1) Installation Manual (Siemens part number A5E02643617001).

Additional Functions

● Processing and communicating the ● Display and operator control

measurement values ● Controlling associated systems, such as
● Controlling system functions, such as gas supply
calibration ● Generating reports

Software Support
The SYSCON2.1 is supported only by software version 5.2 or greater.

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Component Descriptions and Maintenance Procedures
4.1 Electronic Enclosure Components Mechanical

The SYSCON2.1 board pair resides in the SYSCON assembly. This assembly is a pullout,
drop-down drawer located on a slide rail assembly mounted to the upper wall of the Electronic
Enclosure. The SYSCON assembly is a card cage housing the SYSCON2.1 boards, the
Ethernet Switch Board, and any other associated hardware such as I/O boards.

SYSCON2.1 External
Intrinsic-Safety Ground Connection Points Ports Cage Ports

TIB Door Assembly

I/O Display Cable Routing

Connectors Into SYSCON

Figure 4-11 SYSCON2.1 In Electronics Enclosure

The Color Touchscreen cables directly to the

SIB3 through an opening in the rear of the SY‐
SCON assembly.
All PC boards in the SYSCON assembly are
visible through the front of the drawer for making
all I/O connections. Interface connectors to the
front panel display, and communication connec‐
tors are also located and labeled on the front of
the drawer.

SYSCON2.1 Drawer

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Component Descriptions and Maintenance Procedures
4.1 Electronic Enclosure Components SYSCON2.1 Components

Communication and Control Board (CAC3)

The Communication and Control board (CAC) is a standardized, single-board central
processing unit for intended for use in Siemens products. For the Maxum family of products
the third generation of the CAC board (CAC3) is used.
The CAC3 includes an on-board 10/100 Ethernet controller, used for connection to external
Ethernet. This is connected via a short RJ-45 patch cable to the Ethernet Switch Board, which
resides in a card slot on the SIB3.
More information and details pertaining to the CAC3 can be found in the System Controller
version 2.1 (SYSCON2.1) Installation Manual (Siemens part number A5E02643617001).

Figure 4-12 CAC3 Board (Part Number A5E02599492004)

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Component Descriptions and Maintenance Procedures
4.1 Electronic Enclosure Components

The CAC3 is equipped with several LEDs that communicate useful information about the
operating status of the CAC3.

Link Status

Link Acknowledge




Figure 4-13 CAC3 LED Locations

LED1 Debug LED1 Green – On during normal operation.

LED2 Debug LED2 Green – On during normal operation. Off during bootload.
LED3 Power Good Green – Power to CAC3 is functional.
LED4 Maintenance Yellow – Off during normal operation. On during bootload.
LED5 Fault Red – CAC3 Board fault
LED7 Ethernet Speed Green –
On – Speed is 100 Mb/sec (or auto-negotiating)
Off – Speed is 10 Mb/sec (or disconnected)
RJ-45 Link Status Green – LED is green when link is in full duplex mode.
RJ-45 Yel‐ Link Acknowl‐ Yellow – LED is on when link is active. Will flash off for transmit or receive activity.
low edge

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Component Descriptions and Maintenance Procedures
4.1 Electronic Enclosure Components


SYSCON Interface Board (SIB3) Overview

Compared to the SYSCON2 in previous Maxum II analyzers, the SIB3/CAC3 together with the
Color Touchscreen equipped with a TIB module replaces the SIB2/CAC3 and Color
Touchscreen equipped with a CIM module. This simplifies the internal cabling in the electronics
The SYSCON Interface Board version 3 (SIB3) is a board, with the CAC3 mounted on it,
performs the function of the SYSCON2.1. Unlike the CAC3, the SIB3 is specific to the Maxum
family of products (including the Maxum, the Maxum II, NAU). The combined SIB3 and CAC3
are an electrically and mechanically compatible replacement for the legacy SYSCON board
in the Maxum.

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LED Locations
The SIB3 has several LEDs that indicate useful information about the operating status of
various interfaces.

Ethernet I2C LEDs
Power LEDs to SNECON

Active LEDs



0 1 2 3

DI Mode
(Set to Mode 2)


I/O Connector

Figure 4-14 SIB3 LEDs and Switches

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Power LEDs
Located at the back of the board near the RJ 45 connector

Description Color and Meaning

Power Green – 3.3V power is available. Should be on at all times
Power Bad Red – Power is faulty or SYSCON hardware reset switch is being pressed
CAC Conn Bad Red – Connection from the SIB3 to the CAC3 is faulty or incomplete. After power up, this
LED should turn off once CAC3 to SIB3 connection is completely initialized.

I2C Bus LEDs, Buses A and B

Located next to I2C Bus connectors

Description Color and Meaning

LED2/5 Norm/Comm Dim Green – I2C Bus is normal
Bright Green - I2C Bus is communicating
LED3/6 Warning Yellow – Warning on the I2C Bus
LED4/7 Fault Red –I2C Bus fault

I2C Bus Pullup-Active LEDs

Located next to battery holder

Description Color and Meaning

LED19, 20 The Auto-pullup feature is supplying pullup current on the I2C Bus.

Can Bridge LEDs

Located to the left of the far left PCI slot

Description Color and Meaning

LED16 Ready/Comm Dim Green – Can Bridge is normal
Bright Green – Can Bridge is communicating
LED17 Warning Yellow – Warning on the Can Bridge
LED15 Fault Red – Can Bridge fault

Can I/O LEDs

Located next to far left CAN direct connector, CAN direct 5

Description Color and Meaning

LED8 TX Green – On when a valid CAN I/O message (other than a heartbeat reply) has been received
and queued for processing
LED9 RX Green – On when a CAN message (other than a heartbeat transmission) has been queued
for sending to the CAN hardware

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Description Color and Meaning

LED10 Heartbeat Green – Flashes once for each heartbeat message transmitted. This LED will flash once
every 1.5 seconds for each active CAN card
LED11 Fault Red – On when an error state is detected on the CAN bus hardware


Located between PCI slots

Description Color and Meaning

LED14 Slot 0 Fault Red – Overcurrent or thermal shutdown on PCI slot 0
LED13 Slot 1 Fault Red – Overcurrent or thermal shutdown on PCI slot 1
LED18 Slot 2 Fault Red – Overcurrent or thermal shutdown on PCI slot 2
LED12 Slot 3 Fault Red – Overcurrent or thermal shutdown on PCI slot 3

Internal Ethernet LEDs

Located next to and on SIB3 RJ-45 connector

Description Color and Meaning

Green LED on RJ-45 Green – LED is green when link is in full duplex mode
Yellow LED on RJ-45 Yellow – LED is on when link is active. Will flash off for transmit or receive activity.
LED1 Speed Green –
On – Speed is 100 Mb/sec (or auto-negotiating)
Off – Speed is 10 Mb/sec (or disconnected)

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SIB3 Connectors

Other than external Ethernet, the SIB3 provides all interfaces for the SYSCON2.1. The
connections are described below. All connectors in the SYSCON2.1 have the same pin
assignments as the corresponding connectors in the original SYSCON, except where noted

Ethernet (to Ethernet Maintenance I2C B
to SNECON Switch) Panel (Legacy)
(if used)


CAC3 Power

Debug CAN
Serial Port 2

Serial Port 1 2 3 4 5 CAN


for Ethernet Switch Board

Network Expansion Slot

0 1 2 3

I/O Mode

CAN Bus Serial Serial

PCI Slots Port 3 Port 4
I/O Connector

Figure 4-15 SYSCON2.1 Connections

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PCI and CAN Direct Slots

The PCI slots on the SIB3 accommodate a variety of special function cards, including I/O
boards or an ANCB board. Four PCI slots are equipped in the SYSCON2.1; however, typically
only three slots are available for use in the standard configuration, because one SYSCON slot
is used for serial/debug port hardware.
In addition to PCI type cards, the card slots can also accommodate Maxum CAN I/O cards.
The small green connector in line with the PCI slot allows CAN I/O cards to be installed in the
slot. When a CAN card is installed, the green connector provides the power and CAN signals
for the card. The PCI slot connector has no electrical connection for CAN cards.

Only use cards specified and sold by Siemens for the SYSCON2.1. Installation of a card that
is not approved by Siemens into a SYSCON2.1 PCI slot, may damage both the card and the

Network Expansion Slot

The Ethernet Switch Board (or Ethernet Switch Board with Fiber) plugs into this connector,
located on the far right side of the SYSCON2.1. The connector slot provides power to the
Ethernet Switch, but no communication. All communication between the Ethernet Switch and
the SYSCON2.1 is through a short CAT5 Ethernet Cable that connects from the CAC3 to the
Ethernet Switch.

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Serial Ports
● SYSCON Debug – This serial RS-232 port provides the SYSCON2.1 debug function on
the CAC3. The debug port has no support for hardware handshake. The debug port is
accessed via a DB9 connector on the front of the SYSCON assembly cage.
● Serial Ports 1 and 2 – The SYSCON2.1 is equipped with two serial ports, each ground-
isolated and configurable for RS-232 or RS-485. Both ports support RTS/CTS hardware
handshake. Maximum supported data rate on the serial ports is 115200 bits/second. Serial
Port 1 supports Modbus and Serial Port 2 may be used to support a printer.
RS-485 Operation
When configured for RS-485 operation, the serial ports are designed to comply with the
Profibus standard. This results in a different pinout than for the previous version of SYSCON
(pins 8 and 2 reversed). For backward Modbus RS-485 compatibility when replacing a
SYSCON+ with a SYSCON2.1, an adapter cable (part number A5E02283873001) is

DB-9 Pin RS-232 Signal RS-485 Modbus Signal

1 - -
2 RX %v power
3 TX Line B (RxD+/TxD+)
4 - -
5 GND Common
6 - -
7 RTS -
8 CTS Line A (RxD-/TxD-)
9 - -

● Serial Ports 3 and 4 – These two serial ports, equipped on the same slot connector as the
SYSCON Debug port, are not active in software release 5.0.

I2C Bus
The I2C connectors are shown in the upper right corner of the SYSCON2.1 Connections photo.
Two I2C buses are equipped on the SYSCON2.1. These are labeled I2C Bus A and I2C Bus B.
● I2C Bus A includes the two connectors on the right as shown in the SYSCON2.1
Connections photo. I2C Bus A is dedicated and hard wired to the CAN Bridge function. This
allows the new SYSCON2.1 to interface with legacy CAN I/O cards in the PCI slots.
● I2C Bus B includes the three I2C connectors on the left as shown in the SYSCON2.1
Connections photo. I2C Bus B is supports2 future configuration changes in the Maxum II.

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The SYSCON2.1 has a pushbutton reset switch at the front of the board. This switch may be
accessed via the front of the newest version SYSCON assembly cage. The second connection
consists of two pin connections at the back of the board (top left of the SIB3 connections photo)
second connection operates using a simple loop closure, and supports legacy SYSCON
assembly cages that provide a separate wired pushbutton reset. Both connections allow the
user to initiate a hard reset of the SYSCON (same as initial power up).

The purge detect signal is received from the PECM and handled by the SYSCON as a digital
input to generate a purge alarm.

Display Connectors
Interface and power for the Color Touchscreen connect to the SYSCON2.1 using a cable
assembly. This cable runs directly from two connectors on the SIB3, out through tthe back of
the SYSCON cage, to the Color Touchscreen panel.

The 24 V power supply mounted beside the SYSCON cage powers the SYSCON2.1 directly
through a cable that plugs into the bottom of the cage. On-board power conversion derives
the other voltages needed for operation.

The real-time clock on the CAC3 board is powered by a long-life 3v cell mounted on the SIB3.
This battery should last at least 5 years under normal operation. Because the battery is located
on the SIB3 board while the real time clock is on the CAC3 board, if the CAC3 board is
disconnected from the SIB3, then battery backup is lost. The time and date must then be set
on the analyzer.

Ethernet Port Expansion

Ethernet Switch Board (ESB)

The primary external communication for the SYSCON2.1 is via Ethernet connection. The
CAC3 has an on board 10/100 Ethernet port. This is connected via a short RJ-45 patch cable
to the Ethernet Switch Board (ESB) that resides on the SIB3. The ESB converts the single
CAC3 Ethernet into four Ethernet connections. This allows the SYSCON2.1 to remain
connected to an external network while, at the same time, allowing a laptop to be temporarily
connected for maintenance and troubleshooting purposes. The remaining connections
provided by the ESB are available to connect to other Maxum network options, such as an
ANCB installed in the SYSCON chassis or an external connection to a Siemens redundant
network interface. The ESB (or ESBF) is required when a SYSCON2.1 is installed in the

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The ports on the ESB are auto-negotiating for either 10Base or 100Base operation. The
Ethernet Switch is plug-and-play as it does not require initial setup or configuration.
Configuration of the ESB is not supported at this time.
The ESB is equipped with a jumper setting, R2, located in the lower right portion of the board.
For proper field operation this jumper should be set to default position, 2-3 (or the jumper can
be removed for default operation as well). There are several LEDs equipped on the Ethernet
Switch. These identify the operating speed of each port as indicated in the following table.
LEDs for external connectors count from the bottom up (e.g. bottom LED is for top connector).

LED Meaning Description

1 On=100Mb Off=10Mb Internal RJ-45 Connector to CAC3
2 External Top RJ-45 Connector
3 External Second RJ-45 Connector
4 External Third RJ-45 Connector
5 External Bottom RJ-45 Connector

Figure 4-16 Ethernet Switch Board (ESB, Part Number A5E02368691001)

Ethernet Switch Board with Fiber (ESBF)

The Ethernet Switch Board with Fiber (ESBF) is similar to the Ethernet Switch Board (ESB)
described previously. The primary difference is that for the ESBF one of the 10/100Base-T
connectors has been replaced with a 100Base-FX 1300 nm fiber optic connection with duplex
ST® connectors. This fiber connection is not compatible with 10 megabit fiber systems.
As can be seen in Figure 2-22 on the following page, the ESBF is equipped with two edge
connectors, one on the top of the board and one on the bottom. The board is designed in this
manner to support its use in either the network slot (slot 5) of a SYSCON2.1 or in a PCI slot
of a SYSCON2.1 or legacy SYSCON1. The slot edge connectors are labeled on the board as
“SYSCON2.1 NETWORK SLOT” and “SYSCON/PCI SLOT”. Only one Ethernet Switch may
be used in an analyzer for external Ethernet communication.
However, It is possible to use an ESB in slot 5 for external Ethernet, and an ESBF in another
slot in the alternate configuration for internal Ethernet in cases where legacy SNECON
modules must be used.

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Figure 4-17 Ethernet Switch Board with Fiber (ESBF, Part Number A5E02555919001)

Multiple Mode Use of ESBF

The unique dual edge connector allows the ESBF to be used in both the SYSCON2.1 and
legacy SYSCON. The ESBF may be installed in the following configurations:
● Default – In the default configuration, the ESBF installs in the network slot of the
SYSCON2.1 (far right slot 5). In this configuration the slot edge connector labeled
“SYSCON2.1 NETWORK SLOT” is used (the fiber optic connection is on the top in this
● SYSCON2.1 Expansion – ESBF is capable of installing in one of the PCI slots (slots 1
through 4, counting from left) of the SYSCON2.1. This configuration is used in the
SYSCON2.1 when communicating with more than one SNE or when additional Ethernet
communication ports are required. In this configuration the ESBF is turned “upside-down”
and the “SYSCON/PCI SLOT” slot edge connector is used (the fiber optic connection is on
the bottom in this configuration).
● SYSCON1 Enhancement – ESBF installs in an empty PCI slot (slots 1 through 4, counting
from left). This allows the original SYSCON1 to communicate to more than one Ethernet
device at the same time (such as communication to a local laptop computer while still
connected to the network). This also allows for easy configuration to support fiber Ethernet
In this configuration the ESBF is turned “upside-down” and the “SYSCON/PCI SLOT” slot
edge connector is used (the fiber optic connection is on the bottom in this configuration).
To support the dual edge connector configuration, the ESBF is equipped with a special
reversible bracket. This bracket is detached and turned upside down when the board is
installed upside down in a PCI slot. To reverse the bracket, unscrew it and turn it upside down.
Then, connect the bracket using the opposite set of holes to align the bracket appropriately.

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Figure 4-18 ESBF Bracket Position (Default at left, Alternate at right)

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4.1 Electronic Enclosure Components Maintenance Overview

Board Replacement
A failure in the SYSCON2.1 will generally interrupt communication between the GCP
networkbased software and the detectors. A simplified view of the system is shown below.

120/240VAC PECM
Board 120/240VAC 24 V


Touch I2C I2C
RS232 EPCs
Controller 24VDC
24VDC Board
Ethernet 24VDC

AC Supply
Ethernet I/O
Switch Boards DC Supply
Analyzers (I2C)
Ethernet Digital Communication

Figure 4-19 Power Distribution and Communication Paths

Most problems can be resolved by checking interconnects between cable, boards, and
connectors. If a component must be replaced, the following sections give detailed procedures.

Remote Database Backup

Because these procedures separate the CAC3 memory from the backup-battery voltage on
the SIB3, the database must be backed up to a workstation on the network or directly

See also
General Analyzer Startup Procedure (Page 25)
General Analyzer Shutdown Procedure (Page 25)

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Preparing to Replace A Component

The analyzer must be shut down using the General Analyzer Shutdown Procedure.

Replacing A CAC3
The CAC3 memory content depends on backup-battery voltage from the SIB3. When the CAC3
is removed from the SIB3, the memory content is lost. Observe safe ESD handling procedures.

Removing the CAC3

1. Disconnect the ethernet cable from the CAC3 board.
2. Remove the two 2mm screws and o-rings as shown in the illustration below. Early SIB3s
had threaded studs, with two nuts with o-rings.
3. Remove the CAC3 by gently pulling it straight up. Avoid rocking or tilting motions.

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Early SIB3s
with nuts on Current SIB3s have screws
threaded studs in nuts swaged into the board
securing the CAC3 to secure the CAC3

Figure 4-20 Mounting the CAC3 on the SIB3

Installing the CAC3 on the SIB3

1. Carefully align the CAC3 connectors over the mating connectors of the SIB3.
2. Press down to fully engage the connectors.

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3. Install the 2mm screws with o-rings. Avoid overtightening.

4. Plug in the ethernet cable.
5. Follow the steps in the General Analyzer Startup Procedure.
It will be neccessary to download the database saved earlier using GCP.

Removing a SIB3
1. As each cable is disconnected, move it clear of the SIB so it can be removed.
2. Make note of
– I/O board positions
– I/O cable location
– All cable positions to the SIB3
– SIB3 I/O Mode switch
3. Disconnect
– I/O cables from SIB3 and I/O boards
– Display cables
– Ethernet cable from CAC3
– Internal ethernet cable to SNEs if used
4. Remove ESB
5. Remove I/O boards
6. Disconnect from the SIB3
– I2C cables
– Purge cable
– Power cable
– Serial cables
– CAN bus cable if present
7. If the existing CAC3 will be reused, remove it following the procedure in the preceding
section and place in a static-protected area.

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Remove 6 mounting screws from
the locations shown in the illustra‐
tion at right.

Mounting Screw Locations

SIB3 Mounting Screw Locations

9. Remove the SIB, rear edge first to pull the I/O connectors from the SYSCON cage opening.

Installing a SIB3
1. Set the I/O mode switch on the SIB3 to the same position as the board that was removed.
2. Install a CAC3 using the procedure described earlier. The two boards together are called
the SYSCON2.1.
3. Install the SYSCON2.1 in the tray and secure with the 6 mounting screws removed earlier.
4. Install these cables to the SIB3:
– I2C cables
– Purge cable
– Power cable
– Serial cables
– CAN bus cable if present

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5. Install the ESB and reconnect the Ethernet cable from the rear RJ-45 connector to the
horizontal RJ-45 conncector on the CAC3.
6. Install the I/O boards.
7. Reconnect these cables:
– I/O cables from SIB3 and I/O boards
– Display cables
– Ethernet cable from CAC3
– Internal ethernet cable to SNEs if used

See also
General Analyzer Shutdown Procedure (Page 25)
General Analyzer Startup Procedure (Page 25) Replacing the Lithium Battery on the SYSCON Module Introduction

Both the original and newer version of the SYSCON module are equipped with a lithium battery
for on‑board memory backup. For the original version SYSCON module this is a 3.6 V tube
shaped battery. For the SYSCON2 module it is a 3.0 V flat battery. Siemens recommends that
the battery be replaced every 5 years. The battery should only be replaced with an approved
spare. Contact Siemens for a replacement.

Observe battery polarity. Reversing the battery can damage the board.
Before removal of battery, note location of its positive end when installed in battery holder.
The positive and negative terminals are marked on the battery. For the 3.6 V version (original
SYSCON), note that the physical shape of the Positive and Negative terminals on the battery
are NOT STANDARD. Procedure
Follow this procedure to replace the battery.
1. Power down the analyzer using standard procedures.
2. Open electronic enclosure door (using a 4 mm (5/32 inch) Allen wrench if necessary). When
door is open DO NOT place tension on the Maintenance Panel interface ribbon cable.
3. Using appropriate tools, loosen the topmost SYSCON Assembly fastening hardware that
secures the assembly to electronic enclosure mounting bracket.
4. Pull the SYSCON drawer out and lower it so that it rests in the tilted-out position.
5. The battey holder is located on the left side of the SIB3 board. (Near the back on the original
SYSCON board) Remove battery from its holder.

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6. When installing the lithium battery in its holder, place the positive (+) side following the
marking on the holder. Refer to the applicable picture in the previous step.
Note that for the original SYSCON (3.6 V tube shaped battery) the physical shape of the
positive and negative terminals on the battery are NOT like a standard battery.
7. After installation, push the SYSCON assembly back into its mounting facility and secure
assembly in place with the fastening hardware.
8. Before closing door and reapplying AC power, be certain the battery is securely installed
in its holder..
9. When the battery in a SYSCON is removed, current date and time information is lost. If the
analyzer is configured to obtain date and time information from a central server, then it will
update automatically. If no time server is set, it will be necessary to manually set the date
and time on the analyzer.

4.1.4 Analog and Digital I/O Overview

How I/O Channels Are Used

When low-power devices other than detectors are used either for measurements or control
functions, I/O channels can be used. These fall into four categories:
Digital Inputs allow the analyzer to detect whether some device is on or off. These can be
either 'sinking' (Mode 2, the default configuration) or 'sourcing' (Mode1, used on legacy
hardware and sometimes needed for a particular application). A switch on the SIB3 and on
current I/O boards selects between the two modes.
Digital Outputs are simply output relay channels that are either open or closed. These typically
enable or disable a device, turn an indicator light on or off, or select a measurement range in
a sensor.
Analog Inputs accept a variable voltage level and convert the level to a digital value that can
be used in software.
Analog Outputs convert a digital value into a variable current that can be used to control some
device or process.

SIB3-Based I/O
The SYSCON2.1 has ten on-board inputs/outputs. The connectors for these are wired from
two orange connectors on the front of the SYSCON assembly cage. Switch SW3 selects sink
(Mode 2) or source (Mode 1) for the digital inputs.

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I/O Expansion Boards

The I/O expansion boards are plugged into the SIB3 backplane. The I/O card circuitry is
isolated from the connectors except for the 24v power connection on the CAN connector. The
I/O cards communicate with the SYSCON over the I2C cable assembly. Although this cable
assembly also supplies 24v, the board is only powered from the CAN edge connector unless
the I/O board is being used outside of the backplane in a special configuration. I/O Card Common Features

Available I/O Boards

The newest version of I/O board communicates over the I2C bus. The I2C I/O boards are the
type available for new installation. See System Controller Connections for connection diagrams
● Analog I/O board (AIO_I2C, Part Number A5E02486267001): has 8 analog output
channels, 8 analog input channels, and 2 digital input channels
● Digital I/O board (DIO_I2C, Part Number A5E02486268001): has 8 digital outputs and 6
digital inputs
● Analog and Digital I/O board (ADIO_I2C, Part Number A5E02359491001): has 4 digital
outputs, 4 digital inputs, 4 analog outputs, and 4 analog inputs
The DOs are rated for 1A resistive load. Inductive loads are different. A DO should not drive
an inductive load greater than 0.5A. An example is the typical block-and-bleed application
which uses two parallel solenoids at 0.4A each. Separate DOs should be used to drive each
solenoid. Each DO connected to a solenoid should have a diode to suppress the solenoid load.
The SYSCON supports up to two I2C I/O boards. These boards provide approximately twice
the number of circuits as previous CAN I/O boards. However, if an application needs more
than two I/O boards, a NAU can be installed. This allows installation of additional I2C I/O boards
that the Maxum II can access remotely.

I2C Bus Connections and Addressing

There are two standard I2C bus connections on the top of each I2C I/O board. Either of these
connections may be used as either a bus input or bus extension connection. In this manner
the I2C bus can daisy chain from one board to another or to other I2C devices.
The I2C I/O boards use an 8-bit board identification number as an address on the I2C bus. The
address is a hex number from 00 to FF, corresponding to a decimal number from 0 to 255.
Address numbers from 1 to 254 are used (numbers 0 and 255 are reserved).
DIP switches are used to set the address for the physical board as shown below. When
replacing a board, the user only needs to set the switches on the new board to match the old
board being replaced.
The DIP switches used to set the address are on the top back part of the board and are labeled
BOARD ID. Together, the DIP switches correspond to an 8 bit binary number that is set to
match the board address. Each switch is labeled for the binary digit it represents, and setting
a switch is equivalent to setting that bit to 1. For example, if the switches for 1, 2, and 4 are
set, then the board ID would be 1+2+4 = 7.

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Legacy position Default position I2C ID Switches

Figure 4-21 I/O Board Switches

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I/O Board Status LEDs

Each I2C-bus I/O board has three status LEDs; a green Normal, a yellow Waning, and a red
Fault indicator. The Normal LED may flash to show active communication.

I2C Bus
I/O Board
I/O Board LEDs

CAN Bus I2C Bus

I/O Boards I/O Board

Figure 4-22 I/O Board Status LEDs

In the illustration above, one I2C I/O board is shown on the right. Two legacy CAN boards are
shown to the left. These boards have a number of additional status LEDs, described in the
section on CAN I/O Board Information.

I/O Board DI Mode Switch

Switch SW1 located at the top of the board near the front (connector end) controls the mode
setting for the on-board digital inputs (DIs). The switch sets the mode for all DI circuits on the
board (mixing of modes on a board is not supported). The available options are Default/Sink
(Mode 2) and Legacy (Mode 1) A diagram is printed on the back of each board showing the
setting. The Legacy option is designed to adjust for a non-standard configuration that may be
in use on some systems. The Mode switch should be set to Mode 2 unless instructed differently
by Siemens.

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4.1 Electronic Enclosure Components Digital I/O Card

Circuits on the DIO board (DIO_I2C) are wired as shown in the following table. The table is
the view is as seen when looking at the connector while the board is installed.

Table 4-1 DIO_I2C Wire Side View

Signal Pin Signal

DI Common 2 1 DI6 Digital Inputs: Optocoupler with internal 12-24VDC pow‐
DI Common 4 3 DI5 er supply, switchable with floating contacts; alternative:
switchable with external voltage 12-24VDC, common
DI Common 6 5 DI4 negative pole.
DI Common 8 7 DI3 Digital Outputs: Digital Outputs: Floating double-throw
DI Common 10 9 DI2 contacts, max. contact load rating 30V / 1A
DI Common 12 11 DI1 The DOs are rated for 1A resistive load. Inductive loads
DO8 Common 14 13 DO8 NC are different. A DO should not drive an inductive load
greater than 0.5A. The typical block and bleed applica‐
DO7 NC 16 15 DO8 NO
tion, which uses two parallel solenoids at 0.4A each,
DO7 NO 18 17 DO7 Common should use separate DOs to drive each solenoid. Each
DO6 Common 20 19 DO6 NC DO connected to a solenoid should have a diode to sup‐
press the solenoid load.
DO5 NC 22 21 DO6 NO
I/O Terminal Design: Plug-in terminal strips for stranded
DO5 NO 24 23 DO5 Common
or solid conductors with a maximum diameter of
DO4 Common 26 23 DO4 NC 1.0mm2 or 18AWG.
DO3 NC 28 27 DO4 NO
DO3 NO 30 29 DO3 Common
DO2 Common 32 31 DO2 NC
DO1 NC 34 33 DO2 NO
DO1 NO 36 35 DO1 Common

Figure 4-23 Digital I/O Board (DIO_I2C)

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Component Descriptions and Maintenance Procedures
4.1 Electronic Enclosure Components Analog I/O Board

Circuits on the AIO board (AIO_I2C) are wired as shown in the following table. The table is the
view is as seen when looking at the connector while the board is installed.

Table 4-2 AIO_I2C Wire Side View

Signal Pin Signal

AI8 -10V 2 1 AI8 +10V Analog Inputs: -20 to 20mA into 50Ω or -10 to 10V,
AI7 -10V 4 3 AI7 +10V R10=1MΩ, mutually isolated 10V
AI6 -10V 6 5 AI6 +10V Analog Outputs: 0-4 to 20mA. Common negative
pole, galvanically separated from ground, freely con‐
AI5 -10V 8 7 AI5 +10V nectable to ground; working resistance 750Ω.
AI4 -10V 10 9 AI4 +10V Digital Inputs: Optocoupler with internal 12-24VDC
AI3 -10V 12 11 AI3 +10V power supply, switchable with floating contacts; alter‐
AI2 -10V 14 13 AI2 +10V native: switchable with external voltage 12-24VDC,
common negative pole.
AI1 -10V 16 15 AI1 +10V
I/O Terminal Design: Plug-in terminal strips for stran‐
18 17 AO8 Current ded or solid conductors with a maximum diameter of
20 19 AO7 Current 1.0mm2 or 18AWG.
22 21 AO6 Current
24 23 AO5 Current
26 23 AO4 Current
28 27 AO3 Current
AO_GND 30 29 AO2 Current
32 31 AO1 Current
34 33 DI2
DI Common 36 35 DI1

Figure 4-24 Analog I/O Board (AIO_I2C)

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Circuits on the ADIO board are wired as shown in the following table. The table is the view is
as seen when looking at the connector while the board is installed.

Table 4-3 ADIO_I2C Wire Side View

Signal Pin Signal

AI8 -10V 2 1 AI4 +10V Analog Inputs: -20 to 20mA into 50Ω or -10 to 10V, R10=1MΩ,
AI7 -10V 4 3 AI3 +10V mutually isolated 10V
AI6 -10V 6 5 AI2 +10V Analog Outputs: 0-4 to 20mA. Common negative pole, galvani‐
cally separated from ground, freely connectable to ground; work‐
AI5 -10V 8 7 AI1 +10V ing resistance 750Ω.
10 9 DI4 Digital Inputs: Optocoupler with internal 12-24VDC power supply,
12 11 DI3 switchable with floating contacts; alternative: switchable with ex‐
DI Common 14 13 DI2 ternal voltage 12-24VDC, common negative pole.
16 15 DI1 Digital Outputs: Digital Outputs: Floating double-throw contacts,
max. contact load rating 30V / 1A
18 17 AO4 Current
I/O Terminal Design: Plug-in terminal strips for stranded or solid
20 19 AO3 Current conductors with a maximum diameter of 1.0mm2 or 18AWG.
AO_GND 22 21 AO2 Current
24 23 AO1 Current
DO4 Common 26 23 DO4 NC
DO3 NC 28 27 DO4 NO
DO3 NO 30 29 DO3 Common
DO2 Common 32 31 DO2 NC
DO1 NC 34 33 DO2 NO
DO1 NO 36 35 DO1 Common

Figure 4-25 Analog and Digital I/O Board (ADIO_I2C)

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4.1.5 Detector Personality Modules DPM Types

Three DPM types are used for temperature control and detector interface:
● Intrinsically Safe Thermal Conductivity DPM
● Base3DPM
● Temperature Control Personality Module (TC-PM)
The interfaces available for each are shown in the table below.

Function TC-PM IS-TCD DPM Base3DPM

Temperature control x x
Intrinsic safety x
Detector inferfaces:
Thermistor x
Filament x
VPD x Base3 Detector Personality Module (DPM)

Output signals from any of the detectors connect to each associated Detector Personality
Module (DPM) input. The transfer of detector data is based on the database method. The DPM
digitizes the signal and then passes the data to the SYSCON via an I2C port. Results can then
be viewed on the Color Touchscreen or the workstation.
The method is the part of the application that contains the parameters for controlling the
hardware used by one cycle clock. It provides peak areas and component concentrations and
includes all cycle clock timed events. There is one cycle clock per method.

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RTD Temp Control Input

Access hole for mounting

screw for Temp Setpoint modules

Flame Sense and

Filament Detector Input

ID Switch

Mezzanine Ignite Signal/

Module Igniter Power

Signal Cable
from Detector

Figure 4-26 Base3DPM With Mezzanine Module

Part Number
The Base3 DPM (Part Number A5E02645925001) is shipped with current analyzers. It can
be used as a replacement part for earlier DPMs in Maxum I analyzers using an adapter, part
number A5E34938458001.

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Overview of DPM Functions

The Base 3 Detector Personality Module (DPM) combines these functions in a single module:

Input from detector via mezzanine module

Ignite signal / glow-plug output
Range-select output
FID 300-V bias output
Flame-sense input (used in Maxum I analyzers only)
Input from detector via mezzanine module
Ignite signal / glow-plug output
Range-select output
Enable signal output
Including Mezzanine FPD 300V bias output
Flame-sense input (used in Maxum I analyzers only)
Input from detector via mezzanine module
Analog volt‐ Range-select output
age input
Filament Detector Input via connector on right side (as viewed inside analyzer EC)
Temperature setpoint module connector
Two RTD inputs
Temperature control Two heater-control outputs
System communication I2C port with ID-select switch

Input Signal Paths

The input-signal functions are shown below.

Network I2C I2C Analog Mezzanine Analog Flame Ionization or

GCP SYSCON PECM Module Flame Photometric
(signal conditioning) Detector


Figure 4-27 FID, FPD, or Analog Input Detector Input Signal Path

Network I2C I2C

Analog Filament


Figure 4-28 Filament Detector Input Signal Path

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Detector Control Paths

Several control signals are available to control various detector functions as shown below.

Network I2C I2C Select) Mezzanine
(signal conditioning)

Color Digital (Ignite) / Power (Glow Plug)

Touch 300 V Bias (FID) FID
Display FPD
Enable (FPD)
5 V Power (FPD) Output

Figure 4-29 Maxum II Detector Control Functions

Location ID Switch
The Location ID Switch, shown previously in the photograph, selects the DPM location that is
incorporated in the address, to be reported in the results.
The DPM I2C port is connected directly to the system controller via the PECM or a wiring
distribution board. In this scenario, the following values are applied:

Switch Value Location

1 Left
2 Center
3 Right

If the DPM I2C port is connected to an SNE, the value is always set to “1”. The actual location
value is determined by the SNE.

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DPM-Based Temperature Control

The Base3 DPM has two temperature-control channels. Two RTD inputs feed two comparator
circuits to drive two heater-control outputs. The heater-control outputs connect to inputs on
the PECM in most analyzers. The control path is shown below.

Air Bath Oven

Temp Analog Temp Control,
Setpoint Temp Limit,
Modules Overtemp RTDs

SSR Pair High-Wattage
Digital Air Pressure

Airflow Loss Temperature

Shutdown Control

Line Heater

Figure 4-30 Heater Control Path Using DPM

A mounting location and connector are provided for two Temperature Setpoint Modules. The
modules are installed on the left side (back) of the DPM, shown below. This same position is
used in the Temperature Control DPM.

RTD Temp Control Inputs

Temp Setpoint Module
Heater Control Outputs to PECM

Mounting Screw Access

Location ID Switch


Temp Setpoint Module

Mounting Location

Figure 4-31 Temperature Setpoint Modules Installed on Left Side of Base3 DPM

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Mezzanine Modules
A mezzanine module conditions the signal from a non-conductivity detector. The mezzanine
plugs into the Base3 DPM in order to tailor the DPM for a specific measurement.
Three primary types of mezzanine are available to accommodate FID and FPD detectors, and
various detectors that produce a scaled analog output (AI) mezzanine. Some of the
mezzanines have a dual range function for maximum flexibility. See the table below for details
relating to the various mezzanine options.
The AI mezzanine can be used for reading a detector voltage signal from a specialized or third
party detector, such as the Valco PDD, where the device only supplies a scaled voltage output.
The AI signal will be treated like a normal detector signal, with a 50% balance range.

Table 4-4 Mezzanine Part Number Descriptions

Mezzanine Detector Sub Usage Normal Alternate

Module Type Range Range
2020960-001 FID Low level FID 0.2nA none
2020960-003 Standard FID 1nA 20nA
2021328-002 Large Scale FID 100nA 1000nA
2021328-001 FPD FPD 100nA none
2021328-003 FPD, 0.18 Hz Filter 100nA none
2021326-001 Universal Voltage AI ±1V ±10V
1901614-001 When Base DPM is Filament only, none none
Dummy Plug and no mezzanine required Replacing a Base3DPM

Removing the Base3DPM

See the illustration Base3 DPM With Mezzanine Module and Temperature Setpoint Modules
Installed on Left Side of Base3DPM for connector and module locations.
1. Back up and shut down the unit using the General Analyzer Shutdown Procedure.
2. Open the electronics enclosure door.
3. Disconnect the detector signal cable from the mezzanine module.
– FID and FPD mezzanine modules use SMA coaxial cables. Unscrew the nut to unplug
the cable.
– Analog input mezzanine modules use small terminal block connectors that can be
4. Disconnect the fIlament detector cable if present.
5. Disconnect the RTD temperature input cables (top rear of unit, if present).
6. If present, take out screws holding the IS ground cables (typically only installed on modular
oven models).
7. Remove the nut on the bottom-front of DPM bracket.
8. Slide the unit forward to disengage the rear mounting lug.

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9. Lift the unit up and part way out of the enclosure.

10.Disconnect the I2C/power cable and temperature control output cables from the rear edge
of the board.
11.Remove the unit from the analyzer and place on ESD-safe work surface.
12.Unscrew the two mounting screws at the top corners of the mezzanine module, and unplug
it from the Base3 DPM.
13.Unscrew the mounting screw for the temperature setpoint module stack using the access
hole in the metal plate near the filament detector input.
14.Unplug the temperature setpoint module stack from the left side of the board.
15.Remove the two mounting screws near the upper corners and remove the old board from
the cage.

Configuring the New Base3DPM

Set the location ID switch on the replacement unit to match the unit being removed.

Installing the Replacement Base3DPM

1. Install the new unit into the DPM cage. Insert the bottom edge into the slot in the plastic
DPM mounting rail on the DPM cage, and secure with the two screws removed from the
old unit.
2. Plug the temperature setpoint module stack onto its mount on the left side of the unit.
3. Reinstall the screw to secure the temperature setpoint module stack through the access
hole on the right side of the unit.
4. Plug the mezzanine module onto its connector on the right side of the unit, and reinstall the
two screws ear the top edge.
5. Insert the rear lug into the slot at the rear of the DPM mounting position with the mounting
stud at the front inserted through the slot in the DPM bracket.
6. Slide backward to lock the rear mounting lug into the slot.
7. Reinstall the nut on the threaded stud to secure the DPM.
8. Reconnect the I2C/power cable and temperature control output cables from the rear edge
of the board.
9. Reconnect the RTD temperature input cables (top rear of unit, if present).
10.Reconnect the fIlament detector cable if present.
11.Reconnect the detector signal cable from the mezzanine module.
12.Follow the steps in the General Analyzer Startup Procedure.

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Component Descriptions and Maintenance Procedures
4.1 Electronic Enclosure Components Intrinsically-Safe Thermal Conductivity DPM (IS-TCD3)

Output signals from Thermal Conductivity Detector (TCD) in the Modular Oven are input to the
associated Detector Personality Module (DPM). The DPM is mounted inside the Electronics
Enclosure (EC) on the floor of the compartment. The DPM digitizes the incoming analog signal
and then passes the data to the SYSCON via an I2C port. The resulting data is then processed
by the Embedded SNE software. Results can then be viewed on the maintenance panel or the

Network I2C I2C IS-TCD Analog

TCD Beads


Figure 4-32 Thermal Conductivity Detector Signal Path

The IS-TCD3 DPM is an enclosed unit that is not field repairable. Opening the case may violate
the safety protection of the device. Service is limited to replacement of the entire DPM.

Part Number
The IS-TCD3 DPM (part number A5E02645923001) is shipped with current analyzers. It can
be used as a replacement part for earlier DPMs in Maxum I analyzers using an adapter, part
number A5E34938550001.

Intrinsic Safety
The intrinsic safety feature of this module is only used in the Maxum II Modular Oven. The
following two paragraphs apply only if this feature are used.
The TCD DPM in the Maxum II, as well as the actual detector controlled by the TCD, is
protected by intrinsic safety. Intrinsic safety is a method of protection where a circuit is designed
such that it will not create a spark or other condition capable of causing ignition of flammable
vapors or gases, even under fault conditions. Various circuits in the Maxum analyzer use this
form of protection, including the IS-TCD3.

To preserve the intrinsically safe design protection of the IS-TCD3, certain measures are
required. Failure to adhere to all requirements for use of the IS-TCD3 in the Maxum II could
violate the safety protections of the analyzer. See the Maxum II Explosion Protection Safety
Standards Manual (A5E02220442001) for more information on the safe use of intrinsically safe
circuitry in the Maxum II.Maxum II Explosion Protection Safety Standards Manual
(A5E02220442001) for more information on the safe use of intrinsically safe circuitry in the
Maxum II.

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The connections to the IS-TCD3 DPM are shown below.

I2C Connector
Intrinsic Safety Ground
DPM Connection Lugs

Inputs from
DPM Detector

ID Switch

DPM Mounting Rail

Figure 4-33 IS-TCD3 DPM Connector Locations

Orange connectors to detectors: Each IS-TCD3 DPM consists of two connections. Each
connection is capable of interfacing to two pairs of TCD elements (four total channels, 1 for
reference and 3 for signal).

Figure 4-34 Detail of Detector Connectors

Intrinsic Safety Grounds: The intrinsically safe design of the IS-TCD3 DPM (not normally used
with airless or airbath ovens) requires two ground connections to the chassis terminated to
two different terminals. The Maxum II Modular Oven is shipped with these grounds connected
correctly. Refer to the Maxum II Explosion Protection Safety Standards Manual
(A5E02220442001) for more information on the safe use of intrinsically safe circuitry in the
Maxum II.
I2C Bus Connection: The white connector on the reverse side of the DPM connects to the I2C
Bus on the PECM.

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Position ID Switch: Reference

1 = Left Selector
2 = Center Switches:
3 = Right Selects
(Described in reference
Location ID Switch) channel

Figure 4-35 IS-TCD3 DPM Switches Replacing an IS-TCD DPM

Removing the IS-TCD3 DPM

See the illustration IS-TCD3 DPM Connector Locations for connector locations.
1. Back up and shut down the unit using the General Analyzer Shutdown Procedure.
2. Open the electronics enclosure door.
3. Disconnect the detector cables by unplugging the orange connectors.
4. Disconnect the I2C/power cable.
5. If present, take out screws holding the IS ground cables (typically only installed on modular
oven models).
6. Remove the nut on the bottom-front of DPM bracket.
7. Slide the unit forward to disengage the rear mounting lug.
8. Lift the unit up and out of the enclosure and place on an ESD-safe work surface.
9. Remove the two mounting screws near the upper corners and remove the old unit from the
DPM cage.

Configuring the New IS-TCD3 DPM

Set the location ID switch and reference-selector switches on the replacement unit to match
those on the unit being removed.

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Installing the Replacement IS-TCD3 DPM

1. Install the new unit into the DPM cage. Insert the bottom edge into the slot in the plastic
DPM mounting rail on the DPM cage, and secure with the two screws removed from the
old unit.
2. Insert the rear lug into the slot at the rear of the DPM mounting position with the mounting
stud at the front inserted through the slot in the DPM bracket.
3. Slide backwar to lock the rear mounting lug into the slot.
4. Reinstall the nut on the threaded stud to secure the DPM.
5. Reconnect the I2C/power cable.
6. Reconnect the IS ground cables if used.
7. Reconnect the detector cables.
8. Follow the steps in the General Analyzer Startup Procedure. Temperature Control Personality Module

The Temperature Control DPM is identical to the Base3 DPM except that it includes only the
temperature-control components. This is useful when extra temperature-control functions are
A Location ID Switch is also included, and functions as described in Location ID Switch in the
Base3 DPM section.

RTD Temp Control Inputs

Temp Setpoint Module
Heater Control Outputs to PECM

Mounting Screw Access

Location ID Switch


Temp Setpoint Module

Mounting Location

Figure 4-36 Temperature Control DPM Connections

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4.1 Electronic Enclosure Components

The Temperature Control DPM (Part Number A5E02645925002) can be used as a

replacement part for earlier DPMs in Maxum I analyzers using an adapter, part number
A5E34938458001. Replacing a TC-PM

Removing the TC-PM

See the illustration Temperature Control Personality Module Connections for connector and
module locations.
1. Back up and shut down the unit using the General Analyzer Shutdown Procedure.
2. Open the electronics enclosure door.
3. Disconnect the RTD temperature input cables (top rear of unit, if present).
4. Remove the nut on the bottom-front of DPM bracket.
5. Slide the unit forward to disengage the rear mounting lug.
6. Lift the unit up and part way out of the enclosure.
7. Disconnect the I2C/power cable and temperature control output cables from the rear edge
of the board.
8. Remove the unit from the analyzer and place on ESD-safe work surface.
9. Unscrew the mounting screw for the temperature setpoint module stack using the access
hole near the center of the metal plate.
10.Unplug the temperature setpoint module stack from the left side of the board.
11.Remove the two mounting screws near the upper corners and remove the old unit from the

Configuring the New TC-PM

Set the location ID switch on the replacement unit to match the unit being removed.

Installing the Replacement TC-PM

1. Install the new unit into the DPM cage. Insert the bottom edge into the slot in the plastic
DPM mounting rail on the DPM cage, and secure with the two screws removed from the
old unit.
2. Plug the temperature setpoint module stack onto its mount on the left side of the unit.
3. Reinstall the screw to secure the temperature setpoint module stack through the access
hole on the right side of the unit.
4. Insert the rear lug into the slot at the rear of the DPM mounting position with the mounting
stud at the front inserted through the slot in the DPM bracket.
5. Slide backward to lock the rear mounting lug into the slot.
6. Reinstall the nut on the threaded stud to secure the DPM.

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7. Reconnect the I2C/power cable and temperature control output cables from the rear edge
of the board.
8. Reconnect the RTD temperature input cables (top rear of unit, if present).
9. Follow the steps in the General Analyzer Startup Procedure.

4.1.6 Sensor Near Electronics (SNE) Software

The Sensor Near Electronics (SNE) is a software module that provides Maxum II Gas
Chromatograph physics control, data analysis and data reduction. This virtual SNE operates
as a set of intercommunicating tasks running on the pSOS+ operating system. These functions
run on the SYSCON2.1 hardware in recent Maxum II analyzers. In older analyzers, these
functions run on processors mounted in the SNE cage along with the DPMs.

The SNE is configured by the System Controller (SYSCON) and periodically reports analysis
results. It can be interactively controlled for Real-Time decisions on operation scenarios. The
SNE software controls all sampling relating to its internal configuration and sensor setup.

The major SNE software components are as follows:

● Data Manager ● Hardware Manager

● Communications Manager ● Computational Engine

Data Manager
The Data Manager maintains configuration data that controls hardware sequence of events
and controls what manipulation is performed on sampled data.
The Data Manager also provides results and status information to externally connected devices
via the Communication Manager. This data is organized as a set of Sensor Analyzer Module
(SAM) structures. The data represents the unit as a standard sensor to external host.

Communication Manager
The Communication Manager acts as a central point of control for communication links
attached to the Sensor Near Electronics (SNE). This allows Internal SNE software to function
regardless of which communication link is being used to communicate with the system.

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Hardware Manager
The Hardware Manager provides scheduling and communication services for the hardware in
the analysis zone. These include devices such as the following:

● Detectors ● Pressure monitors and controllers

● Sample valves ● Temperature monitors and controllers
● Relays ● Flow control valves

Computational Engine
The Computational Engine takes acquired chromatography data and performs system
calculations. Most of these calculations are performed by functions contained in the EZChrom
method, which provides all peak identifications and integration and response factors.

4.1.7 Solid State Relay Module

The Solid State Relay (SSR) Module is made up of two pairs of high wattage heater relays
that are used for controlling the oven air bath heaters. One pair controls ABH1 and the other
ABH2. Each pair of relays controls Temperature Limit and Oven Temperature shut down. If
the over temperature limit is exceeded, the power to the air bath heater is shutdown. Two
different configurations of SSR are available, the SSR and the Medium Wattage SSR. There
are also original and new versions of the standard SSR.

Original SSR New SSR Medium Wattage SSR

Figure 4-37 Solid State Relay Modules

The SSR module assembly is mounted to the left side of the EC back wall. A metal cover not
shown in the photograph above protects the relays for the standard version of the SSR. The
standard version of the SSR is equipped with heat dissipating fins that extend through the back
of the enclosure wall to dissipate generated heat to the outside atmosphere. The medium
wattage version dissipates heat to the interior of the electronics enclosure using heat sinks.
The standard SSR, also called high wattage, can provide switching for two heater elements
of up to 1400 watts each. The medium wattage version can control two heater elements of up

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to 500 watts each. Relays for both the original and new standard SSR versions are available
as spare parts. For the medium wattage SSR, individual relays cannot be replaced.

The SSR module supports either 115 VAC or 230 VAC power. For 115 VAC power the in-line
fuses to the SSR should be rated at 16 A. For 230 VAC, the fuses must be rated at 10 A. DO
NOT use a 16 A rated fuse for 230 VAC primary AC power. This could result in overheating
and equipment damage.

High Wattage SSR

The relays on the newer SSR provide an indicator LED which shows the operational status of
the control signals. In addition the newer SSR is equipped with a plastic shield which covers
the connection screw terminals and helps prevent inadvertent contact. Note, however, that
the older SSR is entirely enclosed in a sheet metal housing so human contact is not possible
without disassembly of the module.
The PECM provides the voltage to the two pairs of 1400-Watt AC Air Bath heater power
switching circuits located on the rear wall of the electronic enclosure. A dedicated cable
connects the PECM to the relay assembly. Each circuit has two solid-state relays connected
in series.
One series-connected relay controls the 1400-Watt AC heater functions to maintain controller
initiated set point temperature. In conjunction with the control signal, the air bath heater
pressure switch enables the relay. The second series-connected relay is used for safety
purposes. It performs an emergency analyzer system shutdown if an over-temperature
condition is detected. Both relay circuits are completely independent of each other. However,
in order for the power switching to occur both relays must be enabled. Temperature controls
are monitored on the Detector Personality Module located in the SNE and routed to the PECM
via a dedicated cable. No other functions are connected to the temperature control circuit.

Schematic A

1 4
2 3 Rc 1 Load

3 Zero

1 4 Control voltage AC
Voltage LED or Line
2 detect

4 2 Load

Figure 4-38 Air Bath Heater Relay Schematic

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Medium Wattage SSR

A medium wattage version of the Solid State Relay (SSR) module is available. The original
assembly included four large relays suitable for switching two of the 1400 watt air bath oven
heater elements. However, many Maxum GCs do not require that much power. Therefore, a
new SSR Module was added to the Maxum spare part offering. The newer board provides
smaller relays which are capable of controlling the new 500 watt air bath heater assembly
described previously. In addition, the “medium power” SSRB can be used to control the two
250 watt heaters used in the Maxum airless oven configurations. The newer board can also
be used to control the low wattage heaters in the heated Flame Ionization and Flame
Photometric detector housings or in heated sample injection valves.
The relays on the medium wattage SSR cannot be replaced individually. However, the module
is easily replaced. Another difference between the high wattage SSR and medium wattage
SSR is that the medium wattage version does not required heat dissipating fins on the back
of the enclosure. The relays are equipped with heat sinks on the front of the module as shown
in the photograph below.

Status LEDs Status LEDs

Power Cable Control Cable from


Figure 4-39 Medium Wattage SSR Module

4.1.8 Solenoid Valves Solenoid Valve Control Module (SVCM)

The Solenoid Valve Control Module (SVCM) provides pneumatic interface to control flow to
the oven sampling and column valves. Solenoid valves are suitable for air, nitrogen and helium
on the pressure side and vacuum on the vent side. The electronic enclosure has space for up
to three modules.

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SVCM Versions
There are two configurations of SVCM. The old version, which is still supported as a spare
part, is equipped with a valve driver circuit board. For the newer version of the SVCM, this
valve drive circuitry has been moved to the PECM2 module. The newer version has a lower
cost and is more reliable and robust.
The SVCM electronics, whether onboard for the old version or on the PECM for the new
version, receives commands from the SYSCON module (via the I2C bus). Pulse timing is
controlled from the SVCM electronics.

Solenoid Control Connectors

(cable assembly to PECM)

Plastic Tubing Connectors


Test Buttons
(bottoms of solenoids)

Solenoid Valve Tubing Manifold

Legacy SVCM Present SVCM

Figure 4-40 Solenoid Valve Control Module (SVCM)

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Each SVCM incorporates 8 solenoid valve circuits for driving 3-way and 4-way solenoid valves.
The SVCM is mounted in the Controller Enclosure on the manifold block. It can also be mounted
in a Division 2 purge enclosure. Up to 3 SVCM assemblies can be mounted in the Maxum II.
This allows for up to twelve 3-way solenoids and twelve 4-way solenoids. SVCM-1 is mounted
in the lower right portion of the back wall. SVCM-2 is mounted in the lower left portion of the
back wall. SVCM-3 is mounted (vertically) in the upper right portion of the back wall. The
original SVCM is equipped with Parker solenoids. The newer SVCM is equipped with SMC
solenoids. Manifold in/out SST tubing connections incorporate one touch push type tubing

Figure 4-41 Solenoid Control Module

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Digital Control Channels

On present Maxum II analyzers, the solenoid control circuitry is on the PECM. Digital outputs
assigned to each solenoid valve are shown in the table below. If a digital output is 0 the valve
is OFF; if the output is a 1, the valve is ON. Each group of four valves is identified as being
left or right. There are no digital inputs. See the table below for the numbering pattern of
solenoid valves (same for original and newer versions). Each solenoid valve can be manually
set to the ON or OFF conditions by manually depressing the red button on each solenoid. This
button is on the top-front of each Parker (original) solenoid and on the bottom of each SMC
(new) solenoid.

Table 4-5 Digital Output Solenoid Valve Groups

Group Solenoid Valve

Left Valve 1
Valve 2
Valve 3
Valve 4
Right Valve 1
Valve 2
Valve 3
Valve 4

Table 4-6 SVCM I/O Assignments

SYSCON I/O Name Group Channel


Table 4-7 SVCM Fault Indicators

Fault Indicator Fault Condition

VALVE_SWITCH_ERROR Valve status read back is incorrect
J10_DISCONNECTED (left bank connector) J10 connector not connected
J11_DISCONNECTED (right bank connector) J11 connector not connected

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Table 4-8 Specifications

Function Specification
Switching Speed (Maximum response time on/off ms)
4-way 15ms
3-way non-latching 15ms
Operating Voltage 24VDC
Pressure Range, 3-way 25 to 100psi
Pressure Range, 4-way 25 to 100psi
Vacuum Range 0 to 27" of Hg
Ambient Temperature Range -18°C to 65°C
-0.4°F to 149°F (dry air)
Leakage ≤ 50 microLiter/min, air @ 69.8?F (21°C) with 50psig on the
common port.

Operation Test
1. Using a fine-pointed object, press Solenoid Valve red button.
2. When pressed, pressure is applied to the piston that moves to either the open or closed
position. Resulting pressure is then applied to the column or sample valve.
3. If piston does not operate when the button is pressed, check for correct gas pressure.
4. If piston does not operate and pressure is 75 psig, Solenoid Valve is defective and must
be replaced.
5. Repeat for each valve operating on and off. Allow at least 1 second between button presses. Replacing a Solenoid Valve

The solenoid valves are mounted on either the floor or back of the electronic enclosure,
depending on configuration. Valves are replaced individually. The Solenoid Valve
Replacement Kit is available as part number 2020149-001.

Voltage dangerous to life exists. Failure to follow proper procedures may result in equipment
damage, personal injury or death.
Before performing the removal and installation procedures, turn off primary AC power to the
Maxum II from the main circuit breaker. Observe all site safety requirements before
performing any repair or maintenance on the Maxum II.

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1. Back up and shut down the unit using the General Analyzer Shutdown Procedure.
2. Open electronic enclosure door (using a 4mm (5/32”) Allen wrench if necessary).
3. Unplug the cable to the solenoid to be replaced.
4. As show below, use a small screwdriver to remove the two screws that fasten the solenoid
to the manifold. If the black gasket adheres to the manifold after removing the solenoid,
then remove the gasket manually.

Solenoid Valve Retaining Screws

Solenoid Valve Mounting Position

5. Install the new solenoid, using a new gasket from the kit.
6. Reattach the cable to the solenoid.
7. Follow the steps in the General Analyzer Startup Procedure.

4.1.9 Electronic Pressure Control Module EPC Module Description

The Electronic Pressure Control (EPC) Module reduces oven set-up time by using precise
pressure control without restrictors or needle valves. This module also allows programmed
pressure control for faster chromatography and modern applications. It allows precise control
of pressures. The EPC can be used for both carrier and fuel gas supply, which eliminates the
less reliable mechanical regulation. Four independent EPCs can be installed in one Maxum II.
Each EPC provides two independently regulated pressures for use on carrier and flame fuel
sources in the oven. Gas connection is located in the regulator section. Regulated pressure
range is 5-100 psig. Two slightly different versions of the EPC are available. The primary
difference between the two versions is that the newer version is equipped with DIP switches
that identify the location ID of the module. The older version uses a jumper plug to identify the
ID. The differences between these methods of identification are described fully in the procedure
to replace the EPC. There are no other functional differences.

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Tubing Manifold

Location ID
Selector Switches
Low Pressure
Switch Inputs I2C Connector

Figure 4-42 EPC Module Connections


The EPC is mounted

to right side wall of the
Electronic Enclosure.
Up to four (a total of 8
EPC channels) can be EPCs mounted on
right-hand wall of
installed in a single analyzer
Electronic Enclosure.
The EPC is easily field
replaceable using
common tools.

EPC Location In Analyzer

The EPC is made up of a printed circuit board with two pressure transducers, two proportional
valves with associated electronic circuitry, manifold for pneumatic connections, PC connector
for communication signals and a DC power connector. See Figure 2-44.
The EPC provides electrically controlled pressure for helium, hydrogen and nitrogen carriers
etc., as well as low flow and low pressure (<100psi) applications such as flame detector fuel.
The EPC operates from 24VDC at 4 watts. Electrical connections are made using plug type

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The EPC receives commands from the SYSCON via I2C bus regarding timing and pressure
setpoint. The timing of messages from the SYSCON controls timing within the EPC. There is
no time base in the EPC. Module control is established by sending parameters, such as
setpoint pressures and ramp rates to the EPC. The EPC is used in the Maxum II to control the
carriers and/or fuels for the detector modules. The EPC can also be used in field-mounted
The EPC communicates with other components via the I2C bus and communicates actual
pressure back to the SYSCON. Regulated pressure range is 5-100psig.

Each EPC channel consists of a pressure sensor amplifier and analog filter followed by an A/
D Converter. The converter is read by the local controller that calculates a new control value
used to control the proportional solenoid valve.
Control parameters, such as set-point pressures are sent via the I2C bus to the EPC. Status
and diagnostic data is available via software.

EPC diagnostics are read-back of setpoint pressure via the software, DC power within
operating limits, monitoring of line and short-term pressure variations with respect to the
setpoint regulation, out of range pressure alarm and a diagnostic failure.


Parameter Value
Maximum inlet pressure 120psig
Pressure output range 5-100psig
Minimum differential between EPC inlet and outlet 5psi
Flow range from EPC (see note below) 5-500cm3/s
Controlled pressure stability over temperature range ±0.5% of setpoint
Short-term pressure stability ±0.0005 psi over 30s interval
Typical response time for step change in setpoint. Stable to within 0.1% of final value with‐
in 0.5 seconds (For hydrogen the re‐
sponse time is approximately 1 second).

When running applications with column flow rates of less than 5 cm3/s, a separate bleed flow
path is recommended in order to reduce the time required to achieve pressure stability when
variable setpoints are used. Depending on the volume involved, a bleed flow rate of 5-10
cm3/s is recommended.

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Component Descriptions and Maintenance Procedures
4.1 Electronic Enclosure Components Replacing an EPC Module


Voltage dangerous to life exists. Failure to follow proper procedures may result in equipment
damage, personal injury or death.
Before performing the removal and installation procedures, it is important that primary AC
power to the Maxum II be turned off from the main circuit breaker. Observe all plant safety
requirements before performing any repair or maintenance on the Maxum II.

Do not over-tighten ferrules. Oertightening may damage the ferrules.
The ferrules connected on the gas supply side of the EPC manifold are composed of vespel-
graphite. To prevent damage, these ferrules must NOT be over-tightened. Proper tightness
is typically ½ turn past finger-tight.

Do not disassemble the EPC.
The EPC is made up of a manifold that is mounted to the electronic enclosure wall on standoffs
and the module itself. Due to safety and certification issues, it is necessary to replace both the
EPC and manifold as one assembly.

1. Open electronic enclosure door (using a 4mm (5/32”) Allen wrench if necessary). When
door is open DO NOT place tension on the display panel interface cable.
2. Disconnect any external interface connectors to EPC. It is recommended that all cables be
identified with their EPC connector location.
3. Remove the external gas connections from the EPC, labeling each if necessary.
4. Remove the four 4mm Allen screws that secure the manifold to the Electronics Enclosure
and then remove the assembly. These are captive screws and will be completely removed
with module.
5. If the replacement EPC a module ID jumper, move the jumper that is connected to location
J2 (bottom side of PC board) from the old module to the new module.
6. If the EPC is equipped with ID switches, set the switches on the replacement EPC to match
the ID of the EPC that was removed (see Setting Location ID).
7. To reinstall the new EPC, perform steps 1 to 4 in reverse order. Use caution when
reconnecting gas lines. Do not over-tighten.
8. Before applying AC power, be certain the gasket between the manifold and the Electronics
Enclosure is properly seated and interface cable connectors are correctly connected.
9. Inspect the system for leaks.

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Setting the Location ID

The newest version of the EPC has DIP switches in place of the J2 ID Connector used in the
previous version. These are used to set the location ID, which is used in software as part of
the hardware ID string. The location ID is set using a binary counting of the switches from right
to left (as numbered on the board and not on the actual switches). Note that this also matches
binary wiring of the first three pins of the J2 plugs used on the bottom side of the older version

Location ID #1 Location ID #2 Location ID #3 Location ID #4

1st switch / connector Second switch / connec‐ 1st & 2nd switch / con‐ 3rd switch / connector
pin set (binary 1) tor pin set (binary 2) nector pin set (binary 3) pin set (binary 4)

4.1.10 Color Touchscreen Description

The color touchscreen display is a convenient tablet-like panel that combines a high-resolution
color LCD display with an intuitive touch interface.

Touch Interface (Touch Interface
Data, Power Board)
(in SYSCON2.1)

LCD Data, Power

Display Panel

Figure 4-43 TIB Door Components

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The LCD display panel controller and power supply are integrated into the SIB3 board in the
SYSCON2.1. The touch interface board (TIB) is mounted directly to the LCD panel /
touchscreen as a single assembly. The TIB and LCD panel are individually replaceable. Maintenance Overview

General Care and Cleaning of the Display

Keep touch screen surfaces clean and free of any dust and dirt to prevent small particles from
scratching the touch screen under a sliding finger or stylus.
Use a soft lint-free cloth dampened with isopropyl alcohol to clean contaminates from the touch
screen. Replacement Procedures

Replacing the color touchscreen panel requires removal and disassembly of the door.

Follow Safety Precautions. Failure to follow proper procedures may result in equipment
damage, personal injury or death.
Full safety precautions must be followed throughout all sections of this procedure to prevent
possible injury, equipment damage, or death. Verify that the area is clear of flammable gases
and vapors and that appropriate authorization is obtained to do the work (hot work permits).

Electrostatic Discharge Precautions.
The TIB can be damaged by electrostatic discharge (ESD). Take appropriate precautions
when unpacking and handling these components to avoid ESD damage.

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1. Allow any applications to complete, and place in Hold.

2. Using GCP, save the existing database of the NAU to the hard drive of the Workstation.
– From the Network Portal, select the line entry for the device and then click the Backup
button at the top of the view.
– The "Save backup file as..." dialog box will appear. Type or select a name for the backup
file in the File Name field. If the user does not identify a file extension, then the default
extension of .amd will be used.
– Click the Save button in the dialog box to begin the backup. A progress dialog box will
appear, showing the saving of the database to flash memory and then the saving of the
file to the computer. When the backup is complete the progress box displays
– Click “OK” to close the progress box.
The .amd database file is saved to the hard drive of the PC.
3. Power down the analyzer.
4. Open the analyzer door.
5. Disconnect the door-to-chassis ESD ground wires.
6. Disconnect the intrinsic safety wires from the studs above the PECM.
Intrinsic-Safety Ground Connection Points

TIB Door Assembly


Display Cable Routing Into SYSCON

Figure 4-44 TIB Door and Display Cables

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7. Pull out the SYSCON2.1 drawer and disconnect the display cables from the SIB3 as shown
below. The cables can then be pulled out through the rear of the cage.

Display Cable Routing


Figure 4-45 Display Cable Connectors In SYSCON2.1

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8. Remove door by lifting it out of its hinge sockets and place on work surface.

Figure 4-46 Removing or Installing Electronics Enclosure Door

The following steps refer to the exploded assembly view below.

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panel to
TIB cable


Intrinsic safety D
ground wires

E Backlight
E Hole for
anchors, ESD
E insertion ground
points connection

Hole for

Figure 4-47 TIB Color Touchscreen Door Exploded View

9. Remove the TIB protective cover by removing the 4 screws. (A in exploded view) This
allows access to two of the 6 mounting studs for the LCD assembly. (E in exploded view)
10.Disconnect the three connectors of the display cable assembly; the backlight connector,
the TIB cable connector, and the LCD connector. (B in exploded view)

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11.Disconnect the two cables from the display panel to the TIB
12.Unscrew the four standoffs and remove the TIB. (C in exploded view)
Keep touch screen surfaces clean and free of any dust and dirt because small particles
could scratch the touch screen.)
13.Cut the three wire ties securing the cable assemblies to the display assembly. (In small slot
on panel steel slab adjacent to cutout for LCD connector, small hole near corner of slab for
backlight connector, and TIB lower standoff) (D in exploded view)
14.Unplug the two wire-tie anchors by compressing the nylon anchor as shown below. (The
cable assembly and anchors may be left in place if desired.)

Figure 4-48 Removing Wire-Tie Anchors

15.Remove the 6 nuts (E in exploded view) and remove display assembly.

Assembly Considerations
Reassembly of the TIB door is generally the reverse order of the disassembly steps given

Display Panel
The replacement display panel has a protective plastic sheet on the glass surface. Remove
this prior to mounting on the door.
When replacing the mounting nuts, use between 3 and 5 inch-pounds of torque. Do not

Wire Ties
Three wire ties are required on the display steel slab. See the exploded view above and the
illustration below for installation locations.
When installing the wire tie for the LCD connector, orient the head flat to keep it clear of the
protective cover when it is reinstalled.

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4.2 Oven Components

Install wire tie for the LCD connector Install wire tie on the lower Install wire tie for backlight connector
through hole adjacent to the cutout. TIB standoff near the through small hole at the corner of the
intrinsic safety ground lugs. panel plate.

Figure 4-49 Wire Tie Installation Detail

4.2 Oven Components

4.2.1 Using Valco and Swagelok Fittings

Assembling Fittings
The ports are machined for a 1/16” Valco internal nut. The Valco ferrule or the 2-piece
Swagelok ferrule can be used. It is important to follow the manufacturer’s procedures when
cutting tubing and seating ferrules to ensure that the fitting does not leak.

Nut Fitting Detail



Figure 4-50 Valco Fitting

Use a wheel-cutting tool (such as Supelco 58692-U) to score the tubing, and then with a pair
of straightening pliers (such as Supelco 58646) and a pair of needle nose pliers snap the tubing
at the score line. Make certain that all tubing ends are cut square with the tube axis, and that
both the ID and the OD are thoroughly deburred, use a deburring tool (such as Supelco 58804).
Inspect the end of the tubing where the ferrule will seat for scratches along its length. Visible
scratches along the tubing where the ferrule will seat are not acceptable, but those behind the
front edge of the ferrule will not interfere with the integrity of the fitting.
1. Slide the nut and ferrule onto the tubing.
2. Insert this assembly in the fitting detail (valve body), screwing the nut 2 or 3 turns by hand.
3. Push the tubing all the way forward into the details so that it seats firmly.
4. Manually turn the nut until it is finger tight.

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5. Turn the nut ¼ turn (90 degrees) past the point where the ferrule first starts to grab the
6. Remove the fitting and inspect it. The ferrule may be free to spin axially on the tubing but
should have no lateral movement along the tubing. If it does, reinstall the fitting and tighten
it another 1/8 turn past finger tight. Remove, re-inspect and repeat if necessary.

4.2.2 Model 50 Valve Model 50 Valve

The Model 50 valve is a pneumatically operated diaphragm valve that is equipped with 10
ports. It can perform the function of two Model 11 valves, although it is less than half the size
of a Model 11 valve.
The valve is turned On or Off using air pressure applied to diaphragms. This air pressure
activation eliminates the need for pistons, plungers, or any other moving parts. The valve can
both inject vapor samples and switch columns simultaneously. The Model 50 is capable of
switching gasses up to 75 psig (515 kPa). Actuation air for the Model 50 can be either carrier
gas or other bottled inert gas. Consumption of gas for actuation is negligible.
One primary distinction that separates the Model 50 from the Model 20 and Model 11 valves
is the port switching. When the valve is On, flows between the following ports are open: ports
1 & 10, ports 2 & 3, ports 4 & 5, and ports 8 & 9. When the valve is Off, flows between the
following ports are open: ports 1 & 2, ports 3 & 4, ports 5 & 6, ports 7 & 8, and ports 9 & 10.
Note that when the valve is On, flow between ports 6 & 7 is not active as might be expected
(see figure below). This patented feature is unique to the Model 50 and allows elimination of
external hardware that would be required otherwise.
The Model 50 is designed such that the pressure is required to turn the valve either On or Off.
Actuation ports are located on the side of the valve between ports 1 and 10. The Off actuation
port is labeled "0" and the On actuation port is labeled "1". When pressure is applied to the Off
actuation port, the valve is set to Off. When pressure is applied to the On actuation port, the
valve is set to On. When no pressure is applied to either actuation port, ALL ten valve ports
are interconnected.

Flow Path Off Flow Path On



Figure 4-51 Flow Paths for the Model 50 Valve Basic Maintenance: Model 50 Valve Introduction

This section provides basic maintenance instructions for the Model 50 valve.

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The following equipment is required to repair the Model 50 valve:

● Model 50 Repair Kit: Siemens PN 2020164-001 (includes 10 diaphragms, 10 screws with
washers, and 12 Valco fittings).
● Valve Assembly Fixture: Siemens PN 2020281-001
● Torque screwdriver with Allen head bit: Siemens PN 1631005-003

Figure 4-52 Model 50 Valve Preventing Port to Port Leaks

Particulates introduced to the valve either from the sample or from the columns can prevent
the diaphragms from sealing against the center plate of the valve. Also, to insure proper sealing
of the diaphragms, the actuation pressure should be 25 psig higher than the carrier gas or
sample gas pressure.
To help prevent leaks, always turn the sample and carrier gas off before the actuation gas is
turned off. Without actuation gas, the Model 50 valve is in an undefined state where ALL ports
are interconnected, and the flow path of the carrier or sample cannot be controlled. Leaks in
the actuation gas lines could result in a lower actuation gas pressure which could result in port
to port leaks. The symptoms can include small peaks, repeatability problems, contaminated
columns and noise on the detector. Maintenance Considerations

If customer maintenance personnel are not technically trained to repair the Model 50 valve on
site, it is recommended that the valve be returned to Siemens for service, repair, or direct
To repair the Model 50 valve on site, the customer must have the necessary maintenance
tools and replacement parts. Recommended valve spare parts can be obtained from Siemens.
When cleaning the Model 50 valve and associated components, it is imperative that the
maintenance be performed in a clean and contaminant free facility. Components should be
placed on a lint free cloth to prevent impurities from contaminating the valve and its
components. Hands should be clean and free of contaminants. Presence of any foreign
contamination can cause additional valve problems after reinstallation.
All foreign contamination adhering to valve must be removed using cleaning solvent, such as
hexane, acetone, or methanol and a dust/lint free cloth. After cleaning Model 50 valve

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components, shake or blow with clean air the excess cleaning fluid from the individual
components. Ensure that the components are air dry before reassembling.

Do not allow Model 50 valve polished surfaces to rest on any surface other than a lint free
cloth. Clean sample flow openings in top plate, center plate, bottom plate and Valco fitting nuts
using a syringe filled with cleaning solvent such as hexane, acetone, or methanol.

Potential burn hazard. Handling hot components may result in personal injury.
Before servicing the Model 50 valve, it is important that primary AC power to the Maxum II
be turned off from the main circuit breaker, and the oven be allowed to cool. Only maintenance
personnel with proper authorization should open the electronic enclosure. Failure to observe
safety precautions can result in personal injury. Figure
Refer to figure 6-2 during the procedures for disassembling and cleaning the Model 50 valve.

2 (50)
1 1/2 (38)

1 5/16 (33)
1 1/8 (29)

Dimensions are shown as Inches (Millimeters)

Flow Path in On Position Valve Assembly



Top Plate
Sample Gas &
Carrier Gas Diaphragm
Connections (10)
Flow Path in Off Position Center Plate

Actuation Air or Bottom Plate

Gas Connections (2)

Figure 4-53 Exploded View of Model 50 Valve

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4.2 Oven Components Model 50 Valve Maintenance Procedure

If customer maintenance personnel are not technically trained to repair the Model 50 valve on
site, it is recommended that the valve be returned to Siemens for service, repair, or direct

Valve Removal
1. From primary AC circuit breaker, turn analyzer AC primary power OFF.
2. Shut off the air to the oven heater.
3. Open door to the Maxum II oven using a 4mm (5/32’") Allen wrench.
4. To remove Model 50 valve from the oven, first disconnect all tubing to the valve.
When disconnecting Valco fastening nuts from Model 50 valve, exercise caution not to bend
or crimp the stainless steel tubing.

Before removing Model 50 valve from oven, make note of its orientation within the oven.

5. Remove the valve from the oven by unscrewing the two M3 x 35 socket head cap screws
securing the Model 50 valve. These mounting screws are located between ports 2 and 3
and ports 8 and 9. Refer to Figure 6-2 for port locations.
If the valve is to be sent back to Siemens for service, then skip to the "Valve Reinstallation"
portion of this procedure to install the replacement valve.

Valve Disassembly, Cleaning, and Reassembly

1. Place the valve on a clean dust lint free cloth within a clean work environment.
Do not place polished top plate, center plate or bottom plate against any abrasive surface.
Place components on a lint free cloth free of foreign contaminants.

2. Place the valve bottom plate on a lint free cloth. Using a 2.5 mm Allen wrench, remove the
five socket head fastening cap screws. Refer to Figure 6-2.
3. Separate Top, Center and Bottom plates of the valve, placing them on a lint free cloth.
Both diaphragms are visible.
4. Remove the old diaphragms from the plates. DO NOT attempt to reuse the old diaphragms.

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5. Clean the valve parts by wiping with a dust/lint free cloth and a cleaning solvent (or clean
using an ultrasonic cleaner) as described at the beginning of this chapter. After cleaning,
shake excess cleaning fluid from all parts and allow to air dry before reassembling.
Use the Valve Assembly Fixture, Siemens Part Number 2020281-001, to properly align the
diaphragms when rebuilding the Model 50 valve. The fixture consists of a base, two guide
pins, and a diaphragm placement disc. This fixture will allow the user to place the diaphragm
in the center of the valve. If the diaphragm is not in the center, it may leak.

6. With the pins installed in the base of the assembly fixture, place the bottom plate of the
valve on the center of the base. The pins should fit in the mounting holes on the bottom
plate and hold it in place.
7. Position the placement disc on the bottom plate and set the diaphragm in place .
8. Carefully remove the placement disc without moving the diaphragm. Inspect the diaphragm
for proper alignment. If the diaphragm is not in the center of the plate, repeat the placement
procedure using the placement disc.
9. Place the middle plate on the valve taking care to use the correct holes. Check the alignment
mark on the side of the plate. It should align with the mark on the bottom plate. If not, the
middle plate is upside down and must be removed, turned over, and reinstalled correctly.
10.Repeat steps 7 and 8 with the middle plate.
11.Place the top plate on the valve, verifying alignment using the alignment marks.
12.Install the 5 screws and washers finger tight.
13.Tighten the screws down evenly (2.5mm Allen wrench) to 6 to 8 inch-pounds of torque. (It
is recommended to use the torque wrench available from Siemens, PN 1631005-001, which
is calibrated at 7.2 inch pounds). Remove the assembled valve from the valve fixture.

Valve Reinstallation
1. Reinstall the valve in the oven and connect all tubing.
2. Power up and check for leaks. Verify valve operation by running chromatograms.

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4.2 Oven Components

4.2.3 Liquid Injection Valve Description

The Siemens Liquid Injection Valve (SLIV) is used to automatically inject a fixed quantity of
liquid sample followed by fast, complete vaporization. Small gas quantities can also be injected
using the valve.

Figure 4-54 Liquid Injection Valve

The Siemens Liquid Injection Valve (SLIV) consists of three components:
● Temperature-controlled vaporization system
● Sample flow unit with seals
● Pneumatic drive (actuator)

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Functional Description
The SLIV uses a moving injection tappet attached to a piston actuator. Sample is injected via
a groove or cross hole in the tappet. In the filling position, the sample flows continuously
through the cross hole or the ring groove of the injection tappet. When injecting, the tappet is
pushed pneumatically into the heated vaporization area. The liquid in the cross hole or ring
groove is vaporized and flushed by the carrier gas into the column. The tappet is then shifted
pneumatically, via the piston actuator, back into its original position. Sample then passes
through the injection hole again.

Figure 4-55 Sample Injection

Parameter Value
Maximum vaporization temperature 60 - 350°C (140 - 622°F) with explosion-proof analyzers ac‐
cording to the temperature class
Injection volume 0.1 to 9.5μl
Ambient temperature -20 to150°C (-4 to 302°F)
Material of parts in contact with the sample V4A, mat. No. 1.4571 Hastelloy, Monel or special
Control pressure 400 to 600 hPa
Maximum sample pressure 6000 kPa, recommended 50 to 100 kPa
Connections For tubing with 3.14 mm (1/8 in.) outer diameter

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Vaporization System
The vaporization tube is inserted with an aluminum sleeve into the heating mushroom plate
whose temperature is regulated by a heating cartridge. In addition to the standard vaporization
tube, a version of the SLIV is offered with a glass lined vaporization tube.
The carrier gas is routed via tube into the vaporizer and heated up to the vaporization
temperature in the process.

Sample Flow Unit

The sample flow unit is located in the middle section (body) of the valve between the vaporizer
and the actuator piston. It is isolated from the vaporizer and actuator by lens shaped Teflon
gaskets. An adjustable adapter and Belleville washers position the Teflon gaskets with a
constant pressure and compensate for temperature expansion effects and gasket wear.

Figure 4-56 Sample Flow Unit

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Component Descriptions and Maintenance Procedures
4.2 Oven Components

Vaporization Temperature
The vaporization temperature can be set independent of the oven temperature. It is selected
according to the sample and the boiling point of the sample. The optimum vaporization
temperature must be determined experimentally. The amount by which the vaporization
temperature should be above the sample’s boiling point depends on the heat of vaporization
of the sample. Samples with a high heat of vaporization, such as aqueous samples, only
vaporize sufficiently fast for chromatographic purposes at high temperatures (above 200?C),
as shown below.

Figure 4-57 Vaporization Temperature

Ex units: To comply with electrical hazardous area requirements ensure that:
● The sensor of the temperature sensor is fully inserted into the heating plate.
● The purge tube vent is not being obstructed.

Filter Requirements
The tappet and gaskets will wear faster if the sample contains solid particles. In these cases,
a filter is required upstream of the injection. Siemens recommends a filter with the following
● 98% for 0.3-μm particles with liquid samples
● 99.99% for 0.1-μm particles with gaseous samples

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4.2 Oven Components Maintenance Overview

This section provides routine maintenance and repair procedures for the liquid injection valve.
A 6-week preventive maintenance schedule is recommended for servicing the valve; however,
the schedule you choose will depend upon the:
● Sample properties
● Vaporization temperature
● Ambient temperature
● Sample pressure
● Analysis Duty Cycle

Valve Service Life

You can expect a 1 year service life for the valve. However, the service life of the valve is also
dependent upon the properties of the sample as well as the preventive maintenance schedule.
The service life of the valve is adversely effected if the sample is injected at a high sample
pressure >20 bar (290 psi.).

Part Locations
Throughout this section, the numbers located next to part names, such as “Flange (17)”, refer
to callouts listed in the Liquid Injection Valve Exploded View.

Operational Notes
● If the sample has a corrosive effect on the surface of the injection stem (also called a tappet),
the stem must be replaced with a different material type (e.g. Hastelloy).
● Over time, particles from the sample build up on the gaskets and will eventually obstruct
the sample flow. Gaskets made of Teflon and Rulon are less subject to build up, but are
not suitable for all applications. In addition, if the gaskets are subjected to temperatures
outside of their rating they will loose their shape and reduce the service life of the valve.
● A sample that contains non-volatile or easily polymerized components (salts, proteins,
monomers etc.) can deposit residues in the vaporizer (16), in the injection hole, on the
sample flow unit (15), and on the injection stem (6). Therefore, these parts should be
cleaned regularly if the sample contains materials which are not vaporized.
● The sample flow unit (15) should be oriented vertically when the valve is installed. This is
so that the sample will flow vertically through the valve to prevent air bubbles from forming
in the valve. Make note of this when reinstalling the valve after service.

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4.2 Oven Components Liquid Injection Valve Component Locations

Bevel up

Bevel down
1. Control Cylinder
2. Hex Set Screws Bevel up
3. Control Piston
4. Large O-Rings
5. Guide Pin (Only on Cross-Hole) Belleville Washer Orientation
6. Injection Stem (tappet)
7. Valve Body
8. Small O-Ring and Piston Guide Hole
9. Label Indicating Injection Volume
10. Belleville Washer Plate Springs (approx. 8)
11. Adjustment Nut
12. Adjustment Counter Nut
13. Adjustment Assembly
14. Gaskets (2) Note: The guide pin (5) is only applicable
15. Sample Flow Unit to pistons with the “cross-hole” type stem.
16. Vaporizer Pistons with the much more common
17. Flange “groove/notch” stem are not equipped
18. Carrier Gas Inlet Tube with a guide pin.

Figure 4-58 Liquid Injection Valve Exploded View

Groove for

Label for

Alignment Groove
for attaching to
Groove for Control Cylinder
O-ring using hex set

Figure 4-59 Liquid Injection Valve Body

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Component Descriptions and Maintenance Procedures
4.2 Oven Components Troubleshooting

Faults, Causes, Remedies

Fault Causes Remedy

All peaks appear smaller Sample flow unit (15) or injection Clean injection hole, stem (6), va‐
blocked. Buildup of material on in‐ porizer (16) and sample flow unit
jection stem. (15).
Peaks are becoming wide and shifted to longer Vaporizer (16) is contaminated. Replace gaskets (14) if necessary.
times. Baseline becomes negative before injec‐
tion of sample.
Baseline becomes positive before injection of Gasket (14) between sample flow
sample. and vaporizer is leaking.
Interruption in chromatogram: sample is not get‐ Leaky pneumatic actuator, grease Clean pneumatic actuator, replace
ting injected. used up, O-rings (4) damaged, con‐ O-rings, and grease sliding surfa‐
trol pressure too low. ces and O-rings.
Peaks too small and too wide, especially those Heating plate is faulty. Vaporization Replace heating plate. Set higher
with higher boiling points. temperature too low. equalization temperature.
Injection quantity slowly rises until a double peak Worn gaskets (14) and/or stem (6). Replace gaskets (14) or stem (6).
results (with calibration medium). Poor peak
form, platform following peak. Increase in base‐
line. Visible discharge of sample.
The section of the injection stem that is normally Corrosive sample Possibly replace injection stem (6)
in the sample flow stream (near the notch) is by version made of another material
rough. Material wear on this section of the stem more compatible with the sample
is visible using a magnifier. The effect is signifi‐ chemical, such as Hastelloy.
cantly less on the rest of the stem.
Thin scratches are visible (with a magnifying Sample is contaminated by particles Check filter from sample system
glass) on the stem near the sample groove. (most frequent case). The particles and replace if necessary. Replace
These scratches run along the stem for several get lodged in the gasket and scratch stem (6) and gasket (14).
millimeters. the stem during injection.
The space between the stem (6) and the inside The sample contains dissolved salts The deposits in the vaporizer (16)
wall of the vaporizer (16) is filled by deposits. and other nonvolatile materials. may be removed mechanically (drill/
This can block the supply of carrier gas. ream with 3.3 mm diameter), or the
In extreme cases deposits may result on the part may be replaced.
stem (6).
Brown deposits are present on the vaporizer
gasket (14) at the outlet to the vaporization area.

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4.2 Oven Components Service Procedures

These procedures refer to the Liquid Injection Valve Component Locations and Liquid Injection
Valve Exploded View illustrations.

Temperature and Heating Components in Explosion Proof analyzers
If the heating assembly is removed, exchanged or retrofitted, the assembly must be tested
and certified in accordance with appropriate regulations before the analyzer can be placed
back in service.

Removing the Valve

Perform the following procedure to remove the valve from the oven. Removing the vaporizer
(16) and flange (17) is optional when removing the valve.

Potential burn hazard. Handling hot components may result in personal injury.
To prevent injury from burns always switch off the oven and valve heaters and allow the oven
and liquid injection valve to cool down before touching the valve.

1. Switch off oven and valve heaters and allow oven and valve to cool down.
2. Switch off sample flow at the sample conditioning system and allow sample line to empty.
3. Shut off power to the chromatograph.
4. Shut off carrier gas and control air supplies.
Before doing the next step, purge the sample line including the valve with Nitrogen to avoid
exposure to hazardous substances.

5. Unscrew the sample line and pneumatic actuation control lines from the liquid injection
6. (If removing entire valve) Disconnect the carrier gas inlet line from the carrier inlet tube (18),
and disconnect the column from the vaporizer (16) outlet inside the oven and then remove
the valve.
7. (If not removing vaporizer and flange) Do not disconnect carrier gas or column. Unscrew
the valve body (7) from the flange (17) and pull out.

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Disassembling the Valve

Clean Work Area Required
Perform all work on a clean dry surface to avoid contamination. Parts should be placed on a
clean lint free cloth and hands should be clean.

1. If vaporizer (7) and flange (8) were not removed from the analyzer, then skip this step.
2. Unscrew the valve body (7) from the flange (17) and vaporizer (16) and separate the
3. Remove the 2 hex set screws (2) and remove the control cylinder (1).
4. Lift off the sample flow unit (15) and adjustment assembly (13) from the injection stem (6).
5. Remove the sample flow unit and the lens shaped gasket (if the gasket is not present it is
stuck in the vaporizer) to allow the Belleville washer plate springs (10) to drop out.
6. Pull the control piston (3) with stem (6) out of the valve body (7). Do NOT use any tools
such as a screwdriver as a wedge between the piston and the valve body. This would
damage the valve body and control piston.

Replacing the Teflon Gasket

Replace the Teflon gaskets if they show any signs of wear or contamination.

1. Remove the gaskets (14) from the adjustment assembly (13) and vaporizer (16). To do this,
gently insert the tip of the stem (6) approx. 5 mm into the gasket and then tip to the side
until the gasket is loose and can be pulled out with the stem.
2. Insert new gaskets (14) into the adjustment assembly (13) and vaporizer (16). Use the
correct type gasket according to the application and temperature class.
3. There should be no play between the new gasket and the injection stem. It should be
extremely difficult to move the gasket.

O-Ring Replacement
The silicone O-rings of the pneumatic drive should be regularly greased with a high-quality
lubricant such as DuPont Krytox EG2000 or equivalent (Siemens part number G87004).

1. Carefully remove the two large O-rings (4) and the small O-ring (8) out of the valve body
(7) and control piston (3) using a small screwdriver or a needle. Only use silicone O-rings,
temperature class -40°C to 200°C.
2. Insert new O-rings in all three locations (4 & 8).
3. Apply a thin film of grease to the new O-rings and the sliding surfaces of the control cylinder
(1) and the piston guide (2 & 8).

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4.2 Oven Components

Valve Assembly
Read the following notes before performing the assembly procedure. Refer to Figure 4-51 for
the following procedures.

• The screw threads on the flange plate (17) must move freely. Grease if necessary.
• The diameter of the piston guide hole (8) should be 5.7 mm and be smooth. Replace the
part if there are traces of wear on the piston shaft.
• The adjustment assembly (13) must slide smoothly down inside the valve body (7).

1. Before assembling the valve, apply a thin coat of grease (discussed in O-Ring
Replacement above) to the following parts.
– Internal wall of control cylinder (1)
– Shaft of Control Piston (3)
– Piston Guide hole/small O-ring (8)
– Outside of Large O-rings (4)following reassembly of valve body (7) and piston (3)
2. Insert the piston (3) with stem (6) into the valve body (7) such that the stem does not become
3. Drop the Belleville washer plate springs next to one another over the stem into the valve
body. Washers must be positioned in an alternating bevel up/bevel down manner (to form
a spring). See Liquid Injector Valve Exploded View for washer orientation.
4. Slide the adjustment assembly (13) with nut (11), counternut (12) and Teflon gasket (14)
onto the stem.
5. Insert the sample flow unit (15) into the valve body (7) over the stem (6). See the Liquid
Injection Valve Body illustration.
Note that the stem hole through the sample flow unit is tapered. This tapering is not readily
apparent when looking at the uninstalled sample flow unit, but it will be visible when it is
installed on the stem. The narrowest side of the hole in the valve body should face outward
(toward the vaporizer). The narrowest side of the hole will be apparent because it will have
the least spacing between the stem and the side of the hole. Newer sample flow units have
this orientation marked with an arrow.
6. Move stem (6) into filling position. This means that the stem should be “pushed in” towards
the control cylinder (1)
7. If you have completely removed the liquid injection valve, fit the flange (17) over the
vaporizer (16), and screw the valve body (7) and the flange together.
8. If the the flange plate (17) and vaporizer (16) were not removed from the analyzer, screw
the partially reassembled valve onto the already installed flange plate.

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4.2 Oven Components

Figure 4-60 Orientation of Sample Flow Unit Hole

Belleville Washer Spring Adjustment

It may be necessary to adjust the amount that the Belleville washer springs are being
compressed. These washers should compress about 2 mm when adjusted appropriately.
This compression distance is called “spring travel” and it is adjusted using the following
● Standard setting with 7 Belleville Washers: smooth round nut (11) extending about 0.5 mm
past end of the threads on the adjustment assembly (13).
● Standard setting with 8 Belleville Washers; about 0.5 mm of threads showing below the
round nut on the adjustment assembly (13). .
The spring travel is not critical, but more compression distance should be used for higher
pressures (greater than 20 bars) and less should be used for low pressures (less than 2 bars).
Adjust accordingly.

1. Check the spring travel and correct using the adjustment assembly (13) if necessary. The
spring travel is correctly set if the flange (17) can be rotated a further 2.5 rotations starting
with the first pressing of the Belleville washer plate springs until the flange rests on the
valve body. The plate springs can be viewed through a hole when pressing together. If the
flange is tightened firmly, there should be a gap of 0.3 to 0.5 mm between the plate springs.
2. If the adjustment is necessary, loosen the flange from the valve body again, and screw the
nut and counternut in or out as necessary. Then repeat the preceding step.
3. This step is only necessary if using the less common cross-hole stem and should only be
executed if the entire valve including the vaporizer is removed from the analyzer.
Rotate the vaporizer (16) using a 6mm wrench until the carrier gas inlet (18) is parallel to
the sample flow unit (15). The carrier gas should flow through the hole in the stem when
4. If the entire valve was completely removed from the analyzer (including the flange and
vaporizer), reinstall it at this time, but do not connect control lines, sample lines, or carrier
When installing the valve, adjust the valve body (7) so that sample will flow vertically through
the valve. This is necessary to prevent bubbles from forming in the valve.

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5. Position the control cylinder (1), and tighten the two hex set screws (2) on the side. The
screws must firmly grip the groove in the valve body (5) wall. See the Liquid Injection Valve
Body illustration.
6. Connect the control lines.
7. Activate the actuator pneumatically. Check that you can hear the switching and movement
8. Connect the sample lines. After connecting the sample lines inspect that they are not
subjected to any strain and that sample will flow through the valve vertically (to prevent
bubbles from collecting in the valve).
9. Complete re-installation of valve into analyzer including reconnection of carrier gas and
column tubing (if these were disconnected during removal).

Dosing Stem Replacement

Although it is possible to replace the control piston (3) and stem (6) without disassembling the
valve body (7), Siemens recommends that the valve body be disassembled and serviced
whenever the stem is replaced.

See also
Liquid Injection Valve Component Locations (Page 167)

4.2.4 Model 20 Valve Basic Maintenance

Basic Maintenance: Model 20 Valve Introduction

This section presents information to perform fault diagnostic testing, maintenance and repair
and installation of Model 20 valve. To assure optimum valve operation, a clean contaminant
free operating environment is required at all times.
Maintenance procedures for the Model 20 valve are divided into three types. These are:
diagnostic, mini-maintenance, and maxi-maintenance. Diagnostic procedures can determine
problems by a visual examination of valve. Mini-maintenance involves removal and cleaning
of the valve cap, which can be performed while the valve is installed in the analyzer. Maxi-
maintenance procedures are more involved and include complete disassembly of the valve.
In this manual, only diagnostic and mini-maintenance procedures are discussed. More detailed
maintenance procedures are discussed in other manuals; however, it is recommended that
the valve be returned to Siemens for service when more detailed maintenance is needed.

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4.2 Oven Components

Maintenance Considerations
If customer maintenance personnel are not technically trained to repair the Model 20 valve on
site, it is recommended that the valve be returned to Siemens for service, repair, or direct
To repair the valve on site, the customer must have the necessary maintenance tools and
replacement parts. Recommended valve spare parts, including the Model 20 repair kit (PN
K21000), can be obtained from Siemens.
When cleaning the Model 20 valve components, it is imperative that the maintenance be
performed in a clean and contaminant free facility. Components should be placed on a lint free
cloth to prevent impurities from contaminating the valve and its components. Hands should be
clean and free of contaminants. Presence of any foreign contamination can cause additional
valve problems after reinstallation.
All foreign contamination adhering to valve components must be removed using cleaning
solvent, such as hexane, acetone, or methanol and a dust/lint free cloth. After cleaning valve
cap and tubing, shake or blow with clean air the excess cleaning fluid from the individual
components. Ensure that the components are air dry before reassembling.
It is possible to remove the valve cap of the Model 20 valve while the valve is installed in the
Maxum oven. However, there may be situations where the user wishes to remove the valve
from the oven. While this is not described in this manual, it is a straightforward process to
detach air connections, loosen the mounting clamp, and remove the valve.

Do not allow polished face of valve cap to rest on any surface other than a lint free cloth. Clean
metal parts using only a syringe and a cleaning solvent such as hexane, acetone, or methanol.

Potential burn hazard. Handling hot components may result in personal injury.
Before servicing the Model 20 valve, it is important that primary AC power to the Maxum II
be turned off from the main circuit breaker, and the oven be allowed to cool. Only maintenance
personnel with proper authorization should open the electronic enclosure. Failure to observe
safety precautions can result in personal injury.

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4.2 Oven Components



3 12c
2 12b

17 12a 1. Valve Cap

2. Belleville Washers
(6 total)
3. Allen Screws (3 total)
1 4. Teflon Disc Seal
19 Diaphragm
5. Dacron Cushion
4 Diaphragm
5 18 6. Plungers (6 total)

12. Air Loaded (Upper)
6 13. Valve Plunger Body
5 61 14. Cylinder Base
15. Spring Loaded (Lower)
16. Allen Screws (3 total)
17. Belleville Washers
(6 total)
CAP BODY 18. Inner (small) O-Ring
19. Outer (large) O-Rings
20. Large Belleville
Washers (3 total)
21. Control Port (Upper,
Middle, or Lower
depending on
21 14 location)


Figure 4-61 Model 20 Valve Exploded View

Diagnostic Procedures
Depending on the installation, the following tests can be performed with the valve mounted in
the analyzer. Other tests require the analyzer to be shut down and valve ports disconnected.
These diagnostic tests indicate specific areas of the fault or trouble.
Valve Leakage
Sample Pressures Lower Than Carrier Gas Pressure: Leakage may be from a carrier-gas port
to a sample port within the valve regardless of whether valve is actuated or deactivated. With
sample inlet flow turned off, sample outlet should be zero. Check carrier and sample gas for
Carrier and Sample Gas Leakage: Bubbles indicate internal leakage. For a liquid carrier, check
for liquid dripping from sample outlet tube.

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4.2 Oven Components

Sample Pressure Higher Than Carrier Gas: Leakage between ports is visually displayed on
analyzer recorder as a baseline shift when sample pressure is removed from valve.
Plugged Valve
If the valve is plugged, plungers are pressed upward by air pressure or spring action and will
not release to their open position when sample pressure drops.
Ruptured Diaphragm
Escaping air from valve vent hole indicates a ruptured diaphragm (4), which must be replaced.
Check for liquid substances escaping from the vent hole.
Slow Erratic Piston Switching
Improper lubrication and/or contamination of O-rings will increase friction on valve-actuating
piston. This causes valve switching to be erratic, slow or inoperative.
This condition requires disassembly of the entire valve (maxi-maintenance). It is recommended
that the valve be returned to Siemens for service.

Model 20 Valve Cap Maintenance Procedure

If customer maintenance personnel are not technically trained to repair the Model 20 valve on
site, it is recommended that the valve be returned to Siemens for service, repair, or direct
Within the following procedures, the numbers in parenthesis are callouts. They denote parts
referenced in the lists contained in the figure in section 6.5.2; refer back to the figure for
Valve Cap Disassembly, Cleaning, and Reassembly
1. Loosen the three Allen screws (16), holding the plunger valve body (13) to the valve cylinder
base (14). The screws should be loosened to the point that most of the spring pressure is
relieved (approximately 1/8 inch or 3.2 mm).
DO NOT remove these three screws.
2. To remove valve cap (1), remove the three Allen screws (3) and six Belleville washers (2)
holding the valve cap (1) to the valve plunger body (13).
3. Remove the valve cap (1) from the plunger valve body (17).

Do not place polished valve cap (1) against any abrasive surface. Place it on an
uncontaminated lint free cloth.

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4.2 Oven Components

1. Inspect the valve cap Teflon® base seal disc diaphragm (4) and the Dacron® disc cushion
diaphragm (5) for dirt, contamination or breaks.
Regardless of whether damage or contamination is evident, discard old seal and cushion,
and replace them with new component(s).
If Teflon® sealing disc and Dacron® cushion disc are brittle or dirty, but not ruptured, or
they are ruptured but clean, visually inspect the rest of the valve. If it is clean and in good
order, it is possible to continue with this procedure.
If ruptured discs appear to have caused contamination of the valve, it will need to be
disassembled in order to be cleaned. It is recommended that the valve be returned to
Siemens for service.

All valve fittings and tubing must be clean and valve diaphragms inspected for cleanliness,
catalyst or polymer buildup. Valve cap or plunger valve body faces should be wiped clean
using hexane, acetone or methanol and a lint free cloth.

2. Prepare a large syringe with a Tygon® tubing adapter installed. Fill syringe with a
recommended cleaning solvent.
3. An ultrasonic cleaner filled with a recommended cleaning solvent is recommended for
cleaning all components. Solvent must not leave any residue on evaporation.
Clean valve cap while it is disassembled.
After cleaning of cap, using syringe, flush solvent through each port in the valve cap.

When reassembling the valve cap, always install a new Teflon® Seal Disc diaphragm (4)
and Dacron® Cushion Disc (5). DO NOT install the previously used Seal and/or Cushion

4. Position the Dacron® cushion disc diaphragm (5) between the three alignment pins on the
plunger valve body (13).
5. Using tweezers, hold Teflon® seal disc diaphragm (4) by its edges. Before installing disc,
remove lint, dust and oils by sliding disk between your index and middle fingers.
6. Install Teflon® seal disc diaphragm (4) over the Dacron® diaphragm disc cushion (5).
7. Align valve cap (1) over the valve body three-plunger guide pins (13). Port 1 must be placed
toward the upper control port.
8. Lower valve cap (1) over plunger valve body plunger guide pins (13) then install valve cap
(1) onto the plunger valve body.
9. Install, but DO NOT securely tighten, the three Allen screws (3) each with two Belleville
lock washers (2).
To assure proper tightness in the following two steps, it is recommended to use the torque
wrench available from Siemens, PN 1631005-002, which can be adjusted over the range
of torque measurements listed below.

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4.2 Oven Components

10.Referring to the following screw tightening rotation sequence, securely tighten the three
Allen screws (3) that connect the valve cap (1) to the valve plunger body (13). One at a
time, tighten each screw to first torque. Then continue with the next torque value until the
final value is reached.
– Finger tighten
– 20 inch pounds (2.3 Nm)
– 40 inch pounds (4.5 Nm)
– 60 inch pounds (6.8 Nm)
11.Tighten the three Allen screws (16) that secure the plunger valve body (13) to the cylinder
base (14) to approximately 30 to 40 inch-pounds (3.4 to 4.5 Nm).

Be certain all Allen screws are securely tightened. DO NOT overtighten. Disassembly and Cleaning

M20 Description
This section presents information to disassemble, clean, and rebuild the Model 20 Valve.
Maintenance procedures for the Model 20 valve are grouped into two types, Mini-Maintenance
procedures and Maxi-Maintenance procedures. Mini-Maintenance procedures involve
working on the valve while it is still installed in the analyzer. Maxi-Maintenance procedures
may be used when Mini-Maintenance does not correct a valve fault. However, it is often
cheaper and easier to replace the valve or return it to Siemens for service. This manual covers
the Maxi-Maintenance procedures in the following order.
● Valve Cap Disassembly
● Actuator Disassembly
● Cleaning Actuator, Fittings, Tubing, etc.
● Actuator Assembly
● Valve Cap Cleaning and Assembly
To assure optimum valve operation, a clean contaminant free work environment is required
for this procedure. To repair the valve on site, the customer must have the necessary
maintenance tools and replacement parts. Recommended valve spare parts can be obtained
from Siemens. Recommended tools will include an ultrasonic cleaner and a clean workstation
with lint-free cloth.
It may be easier and less expensive to replace a valve or return it to Siemens for service rather
than perform Maxi-Maintenance.

M20 Intended Users

This procedure is intended for qualified users with sufficient training to safely repair a valve in
the field. If customer maintenance personnel are not technically trained to repair the valve on
site, it is recommended that the valve be returned to Siemens for repair or direct replacement.

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4.2 Oven Components

In addition to training, the customer must have a clean work environment available for
rebuilding and cleaning the valve. Performing the work in a contaminated environment, or
performing the work incorrectly may damage the valve.

M20 Safety and Certification Information

This procedure is not likely to directly impact the safety systems of the analyzer. However,
care must be exercised at all times when working with the analyzer. Since the valve is located
in the oven of the Maxum II, appropriate care must be taken to ensure that the environment is
safe to perform the work.
Maintenance work on the Maxum II analyzer should only be performed when the area is known
to be safe for the work to be done.

This procedure must only be executed with the consent and approval of all applicable local
safety personnel and/or the local authority having jurisdiction.

M20 Procedure - Overview

Throughout this procedure there are steps that instruct the user to inspect the valve to
determine whether additional disassembly is necessary. This is to prevent unnecessary effort
and to prevent the possibility of damaging the valve through further disassembly.

M20 Procedure - Maintenance Facility

When cleaning the valve and associated components, it is imperative that the maintenance
be performed in a clean and contaminant free facility. Components should be placed on a lint
free cloth to prevent impurities from contaminating the valve and/or components. Hands should
be clean and free of contaminants.
Presence of any foreign contamination can cause additional valve problems after reinstallation.
All foreign contamination adhering to valve must be removed quickly using a dust/lint free cloth
and a cleaning solvent such as hexane. After cleaning valve cap and tubing, shake excess
cleaning fluid from tubes and let valve cap air dry before reassembling.

Do not allow polished face of valve cap to rest on any surface other than a lint free cloth.
Clean metal parts using a syringe or ultrasonic cleaner and an appropriate cleaning solution
as described in this procedure.

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M20 Procedure - Figures

The following figures are intended for use as a reference throughout the procedure. The
numbers in the diagrams relating to individual components are referenced in parentheses in
the procedure steps.

1. Valve Cap
2. Allen Screws (3 total)
3. Belleville Washers (6 total)
4. Teflon Disc Seal Diaphragm
5. Dacron Cushion Diaphragm
6. Plungers (6 total)
7. Ferrule Top
8. Ferrule Bottom
9. Connector
10. Port Tubing

12. Air Loaded (Upper) Piston

13. Valve Plunger Body
14. Cylinder Base
15. Spring Loaded (Lower) Piston
16. Allen Screws (3 total)
17. Belleville Washers (6 total)
18. Inner (small) O-Ring
19. Outer (large) O-Rings
20. Large Belleville Washers (3 total)

Figure 4-62 Section View of Model 20 Valve

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4.2 Oven Components

1. Valve Cap
2. Belleville Washers (6 total)
3. Allen Screws (3 total)
4. Teflon Disc Seal Diaphragm
5. Dacron Cushion Diaphragm
6. Plungers (6 total)
7. Ferrule Top
8. Ferrule Bottom
9. Connector
10. Port Tubing

12. Air Loaded (Upper) Piston

13. Valve Plunger Body
14. Cylinder Base
15. Spring Loaded (Lower) Piston
16. Allen Screws (3 total)
17. Belleville Washers (6 total)
18. Inner (small) O-Ring
19. Outer (large) O-Rings
20. Large Belleville Washers (3 total)

Figure 4-63 Exploded View of Model 20 Valve

M20 Procedure - Cleaning of Parts

All parts must be inspected for cleanliness, including catalyst or polymer buildup on the valve
cap. Before re-assembly, faces of the plunger valve body (13) should be wiped clean using
hexane, acetone, or methanol and a lint free cloth.
An ultrasonic cleaner filled with a recommended cleaning solvent or detergent is recommended
for cleaning all components. However, after cleaning, there must not be any remaining residue.
If cleaning solution becomes contaminated during cleaning, it must be replaced with an
uncontaminated supply.
A syringe and appropriate solvent can be used to flush the ports of the valve cap. This is
described in the procedure.

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4.2 Oven Components

It is important for proper procedures to be used when cleaning valve and detector parts. All
foreign contamination adhering to the part should be removed using an appropriate cleaning
solvent, such as hexane, acetone, or methanol and a dust/lint free cloth. Use of an ultrasonic
cleaner is often helpful. After cleaning, it is necessary remove excess cleaning fluid from the
components by blowing with clean air or shaking. Components must be air dry before
It is possible and often better to use an appropriate detergent, such as Alconox® for cleaning
instead of solvent. However, after cleaning with a detergent, it is necessary to rinse the part
thoroughly with deionized water (distilled water is also acceptable) in order to remove detergent
residue. All water must then be removed by blowing with clean air or shaking. Components
must be completely dry before reassembling.

M20 Procedure - Valve Cap Disassembly

1. Loosen the three Allen screws (16), holding the plunger valve body (13) to the valve cylinder
base (14). The screws should be loosened to the point that most of the spring pressure is
relieved (approximately 1/8" or 3.2 mm).
Do not remove the three Allen mounting screws at this time.
2. To remove valve cap (1), remove the three Allen screws (3) and six Belleville washers (2)
holding the valve cap (1) to the valve plunger body (13).
3. Remove the valve cap (1) from the plunger valve body (13).

To prevent damage to the valve cap (1), do not place polished surface of the valve cap
against any abrasive surface. Place it on a lint free cloth free of foreign contaminants.

4. Inspect the valve cap Teflon base seal disc diaphragm (4) and the Dacron disc cushion
diaphragm (5) for dirt, contamination or breaks.
Regardless of whether damage or contamination is evident, discard old seal and cushion,
and replace them with new component(s).
5. Visually inspect the rest of valve. If it is clean and in good condition, install a new disc seal
diaphragm (4) and cushion diaphragm (5).
To reassemble the valve cap, refer to the applicable steps later in this chapter.
The valve cap and fittings will be cleaned before reassembly. This step will be executed
later in this chapter.

M20 Procedure - Actuator Disassembly

In the next three steps, valve plungers (6) are checked for sticking.

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1. Using even finger pressure around edges of plunger valve body (13), push valve plunger
body against cylinder valve base (14). All six plungers should rise.
2. Release plunger valve body (13). The six plungers should drop. If plungers do not drop,
check for oil film on plungers. This can prevent plungers from dropping.
3. Apply gentle pressure to the top of each of the six plungers. If plungers drop, without
excessive pressure, the valve is operating normally and does not require additional
disassembly. If plungers stick or are sluggish in their operation, they must either be
thoroughly cleaned with a recommended cleaning solution, repaired, or the entire actuator
must be replaced.
4. Remove all connections from the valve and remove the entire valve from the oven. While
removing the valve, hold it upright to prevent plungers from falling out.
Additional work should be on a clean workspace.
5. Turn actuator on its side. Remove the three screws (16) which secure the plunger valve
body (13) to the cylinder valve base (14).
When performing the following step, DO NOT allow actuator plungers to fall from plunger
valve body (13).

6. With plunger valve body (13) in the horizontal position, remove it from the cylinder base
(14). Carefully remove all six plungers (6).
Perform EITHER step 7 or step 8 to remove the actuator piston from the cylinder base.

7. Place cylinder valve base (14) in upright position. Insert a 6-32 hex threaded standoff screw
into the center-threaded hole and pull to remove air loaded piston (12) and spring-loaded
piston (15).
In the following step, DO NOT use more than 30 psig (210 kPa) of air pressure when using
this method.

8. Alternate method for removing actuator piston.

Carefully apply 10 psig (70 kPa) air pressure on bottom port of cylinder valve base (14).
This extends the pistons allowing them to be pulled out of cylinder valve base by hand.
9. Inspect actuator cylinder walls and the three Belleville washers (20). These components
must be clean and show no evidence of damage. If necessary, clean parts or replace them.
10.Separate the upper air loaded piston (12) and lower spring loaded piston (15). Inspect
pistons (12 and 15), silicone O-rings (18 and 19) and finger loaded valve spring (12c). These
components must be clean and show no evidence of damage. If necessary, clean parts or
replace them.

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4.2 Oven Components

M20 Procedure - Actuator Reassembly

It is extremely important that, when reassembling the actuator, that the assembly area be clean
and dust free. Hands of maintenance personnel must be clean and not oily and tools must also
be clean.

Be certain valve cap (1) does not rest on abrasive surface and valve cap has completely air
dried before reassembly. Rest valve cap on a clean lint free cloth.

1. Install the three large Belleville washers (20) in cylinder valve base (14). Washers must be
positioned in an alternating bevel up, bevel down manner (to form a spring). Refer to Figures
5-1 and 5-2.
2. Apply a bead of Krytox 240 AC lubricant, or equivalent; in "O" ring grooves of spring-loaded
piston (15).
3. Install new silicon O-rings (18 and 19) in spring loaded piston (15) and apply a coating of
lubricant over each "O" ring.
4. Apply bead of lubricant in upper groove of air loaded piston (12a).
5. Install a new silicon "O" ring (19) in the upper groove of air loaded piston (12a) and apply
a coating of lubricant over the "O" ring.
6. Place upper piston (12a) over the small diameter of lower piston (15). Position pistons using
guide pin (12b) for proper orientation.
7. Apply Krytox 240C lubricant to each of the six finger spring (12c) pressure points. This is
the point where the spring fingers contact the plunger body (13).
8. Position the valve upright with its three ports on the left. Install a #6-32 screw in the center-
threaded hole of air loaded piston assembly (12) and bottom spring-loaded piston (15).
9. Lift the combined assembly (12 and 15), and orient it with the upper piston guide pin (12b)
facing toward maintenance person.
10.Press the piston assembly into the cylinder base (14). After installation, remove the #6-32
11.Align plunger valve body (13) and insert the piston guide pin (12b) into one of the three
bottom holes of plunger valve body (13).
12.Rotate plunger valve body (13) to align body screw holes with cylinder base (14) threaded
13.Install three #10-32 7/8" socket head screws (16) and Belleville washers (17).
14.Hand tighten screws. DO NOT compress the Belleville washers (20) into the cylinder base
15.Install six plungers (6) into the plunger valve body (13). Plunger recess must face up.
A clean plunger will fall with its own weight, and, when dropped into the valve body (13), it
will bounce.

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16.Place a small drop of Krytox 143 AY or equivalent oil between each plunger.
17.Using a pair of tweezers, lift each plunger up and down to allow the oil to flow around a

M20 Procedure - Valve Cap Reassembly

Before reassembling the valve cap, clean it as described below.

1. Prepare a large syringe with a Tygon tubing adapter installed. Fill syringe with a
recommended cleaning solvent.
2. Using syringe, flush solvent through each port in the valve cap.
When reassembling the valve cap, always install a new Teflon Seal Disc diaphragm (4)
and Dacron Cushion Disc (5) on plunger valve body (13). Do not install the previously used
Teflon Seal (4) and/or Dacron Cushion Disc (5). Before reinstalling seal and cushion on
plunger valve body, remove lint and any dust particles.

3. Place the actuator assembly upright on a clean lint free cloth surface. Refer to Figures 5-1
and 5-2.
4. Position the Dacron cushion disc diaphragm (5) between the three alignment pins on the
plunger valve body (13).
5. Using tweezers hold the Teflon seal disc diaphragm (4) by its edges. Before reinstalling
disc, remove lint, dust and oils by sliding disk between your index and middle fingers.
6. Install Teflon seal disc diaphragm (4) over the Dacron diaphragm disc cushion (5).
7. Align and lower valve cap (1) over the three guide pins of the valve plunger body (13). Then
install valve cap (1) onto the plunger valve body.
8. Install, but do not securely tighten, the three Allen screws (3) each with two Belleville lock
washers (2).
To assure proper tightness in the following two steps, it is recommended to use the torque
wrench available from Siemens, part number 1631005-002, which can be adjusted over
the range of torque measurements listed below.

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4.2 Oven Components

9. Referring to the following screw tightening rotation sequence, securely tighten the three
Allen screws (3) that connect the valve cap (1) to the valve plunger body (13). One at a
time, tighten each screw to first torque. Then continue with the next torque value until the
final value is reached.
a. Finger tighten
b. 20 inch-pounds (2.3 Nm)
c. 40 inch-pounds (4.5 Nm)
d. 60 inch-pounds (6.8 Nm)
10.Tighten the three Allen screws (16) that secure the plunger valve body (13) to the cylinder
base (14) to approximately 30 to 40 inch-pounds (3.4 to 4.5 Nm).

4.2.5 Model 20 HT Valve M20HT Description

This section presents information to disassemble, clean, and rebuild the Model 20 High
Temperature (Model 20 HT) Valve. The Model 20 HT Valve is similar to the standard Model
20 with a few distinct differences. Procedures to disassemble and clean the Model 20 HT are
very similar to the Model 20. However, procedures to re-assemble the Model 20 HT valve are
different from the standard Model 20.
Like the standard Model 20 valve, maintenance procedures for the Model 20 HT valve are
grouped into two types, Mini-Maintenance procedures and Maxi-Maintenance procedures.
Mini-Maintenance procedures involve working on the valve while it is still installed in the
analyzer. Maxi-Maintenance procedures may be used when Mini-Maintenance does not
correct a valve fault. This manual covers the Maxi-Maintenance procedures in the following
● Valve Cap Disassembly
● Actuator Disassembly
● Cleaning Actuator, Fittings, Tubing, etc.
● Actuator Assembly
● Valve Cap Cleaning and Assembly
To assure optimum valve operation, a clean contaminant free work environment is required
for this procedure. To repair the valve on site, the customer must have the necessary
maintenance tools and replacement parts. Recommended valve spare parts can be obtained
from Siemens. Recommended tools will include an ultrasonic cleaner and a clean workstation
with lint-free cloth.
Mini-Maintenance procedures can be found in the Maxum II Maintenance Manual. This manual
can be found on the Maxum II Documentation CD (part number 2000597-001). Additional
procedures related to the Model 20 High Temperature Valve can be found in the Model 20
High Temperature Valve Repair Manual, which can also be found on the Maxum II
Documentation CD.

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4.2 Oven Components

It may be easier and less expensive to replace a valve or return it to Siemens for service rather
than perform Maxi-Maintenance. M20HT Intended Users

This procedure is intended for qualified users with sufficient training to safely repair a valve in
the field. If customer maintenance personnel are not technically trained to repair the valve on
site, it is recommended that the valve be returned to Siemens for repair or direct replacement.
In addition to training, the customer must have a clean work environment available for
rebuilding and cleaning the valve. Performing the work in a contaminated environment, or
performing the work incorrectly may damage the valve. M20HT Safety and Certification Information

This procedure is not likely to directly impact the safety systems of the analyzer. However,
care must be exercised at all times when working with the analyzer. Since the valve is located
in the oven of the Maxum II, appropriate care must be taken to ensure that the environment is
safe to perform the work.
Maintenance work on the Maxum II analyzer should only be performed when the area is known
to be safe for the work to be done.

Obtain appropriate permits.
This procedure must only be executed with the consent and approval of all applicable local
safety personnel and/or the local authority having jurisdiction. M20HT Procedure - Overview

Throughout this procedure there are steps that instruct the user to inspect the valve to
determine whether additional disassembly is necessary. This is to prevent unnecessary effort
and to prevent the possibility of damaging the valve through further disassembly. M20HT Procedure - Maintenance Facility

When cleaning the valve and associated components, it is imperative that the maintenance
be performed in a clean and contaminant free facility. Components should be placed on a lint
free cloth to prevent impurities from contaminating the valve and/or components. Hands should
be clean and free of contaminants.
Presence of any foreign contamination can cause additional valve problems after reinstallation.

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All foreign contamination adhering to valve must be removed quickly using a dust/lint free cloth
and a cleaning solvent such as hexane. After cleaning valve cap and tubing, shake excess
cleaning fluid from tubes and let valve cap air dry before reassembling.

Do not allow polished face of valve cap to rest on any surface other than a lint free cloth.
Clean metal parts using a syringe or ultrasonic cleaner and an appropriate cleaning solution
as described in this procedure. M20HT Procedure - Figures

The following figures are intended for use as a reference throughout the procedure. The
numbers in the diagrams relating to individual components are referenced in parentheses in
the procedure steps.

13. Outer (Large) Bal-Seals (2 total)

14. Plungers (6 total)
15. Spring Loaded (Lower) Piston
16. Cylinder Base
17. Valve Plunger Body
18. Air Loaded (Upper) Piston
19. Large Belleville Washers (3 total)
20. Inner (Small) Bal-Seal
21. Actuator Air Input

32. Valve Cap

33. Teflon Disc Seal Diaphragm
34. Nomex Cushion Diaphragm
35. Allen Screws (6 total)
36. Belleville Washers (12 total)

Figure 4-64 Cutout View of Model 20 HTV

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13. Outer (Large) Bal-Seals (2 total)

14. Plungers (6 total)
15. Spring Loaded (Lower) Piston
16. Cylinder Base
17. Valve Plunger Body
18. Air Loaded (Upper) Piston
19. Large Belleville Washers (3 total)
20. Inner (Small) Bal-Seal
21. Actuator Air Input

32. Valve Cap

33. Teflon Disc Seal Diaphragm
34. Nomex Cushion Diaphragm
35. Allen Screws (6 total)
36. Belleville Washers (12 total)

Figure 4-65 Cross Section View of Model 20 HTV

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Component Descriptions and Maintenance Procedures
4.2 Oven Components

13. Outer (Large) Bal-Seals (2 total) 20. Inner (Small) Bal-Seal

14. Plungers (6 total) 21. Actuator Air Input
15. Spring Loaded (Lower) Piston 32. Valve Cap
16. Cylinder Base 33. Teflon Disc Seal Diaphragm
17. Valve Plunger Body 34. Nomex Cushion Diaphragm
18. Air Loaded (Upper) Piston 35. Allen Screws (6 total)
19. Large Belleville Washers (3 total) 36. Belleville Washers (12 total)


Figure 4-66 Exploded View of Model 20 HTV

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Component Descriptions and Maintenance Procedures
4.2 Oven Components M20HT Procedure - Cleaning of Parts

All parts must be inspected for cleanliness, including catalyst or polymer buildup on the valve
cap. Before re-assembly, faces of the plunger valve body (17) should be wiped clean using
hexane, acetone, or methanol and a lint free cloth.
An ultrasonic cleaner filled with a recommended cleaning solvent or detergent is recommended
for cleaning all components. However, after cleaning, there must not be any remaining residue.
If cleaning solution becomes contaminated during cleaning, it must be replaced with an
uncontaminated supply.
A syringe and appropriate solvent can be used to flush the ports of the valve cap. This is
described in the procedure.
It is important for proper procedures to be used when cleaning valve and detector parts. All
foreign contamination adhering to the part should be removed using an appropriate cleaning
solvent, such as hexane, acetone, or methanol and a dust/lint free cloth. Use of an ultrasonic
cleaner is often helpful. After cleaning, it is necessary remove excess cleaning fluid from the
components by blowing with clean air or shaking. Components must be air dry before
It is possible and often better to use an appropriate detergent, such as Alconox® for cleaning
instead of solvent. However, after cleaning with a detergent, it is necessary to rinse the part
thoroughly with deionized water (distilled water is also acceptable) in order to remove detergent
residue. All water must then be removed by blowing with clean air or shaking. Components
must be completely dry before reassembling. M20HT Procedure - Valve Cap Disassembly

1. Loosen the three Allen screws (35), holding the plunger valve body (17) to the valve cylinder
base (16). The screws should be loosened to the point that most of the spring pressure is
relieved (approximately 1/8" or 3.2 mm).
Do not remove the three Allen mounting screws at this time.
2. To remove valve cap (32), remove the three Allen screws (35) and six Belleville washers
(36) holding the valve cap (32) to the valve plunger body (17).
3. Remove the valve cap (32) from the plunger valve body (17).

To prevent damage to the valve cap (32), do not place polished surface of the valve cap
against any abrasive surface. Place it on a lint free cloth free of foreign contaminants.

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4. Inspect the Teflon seal disc diaphragm (33) and the Nomex cushion diaphragm (34).
Examine valve cap base seal (33) and cushion diaphragm (34) subassemblies for dirt,
contamination or breaks.
Regardless of whether damage or contamination is evident, discard old seal and cushion,
and replace them with new component(s).
5. Visually inspect the rest of valve. If it is clean and in good condition, install a new disc seal
diaphragm (33) and cushion diaphragm (34).
To reassemble the valve cap, refer to the applicable steps later in this chapter.
The valve cap and fittings will be cleaned before reassembly. This step will be executed
later in this chapter. M20HT Procedure - Actuator Disassembly

In the next three steps, valve plungers (14) are checked for sticking.

1. Using even finger pressure around edges of plunger valve body (17), push valve plunger
body against cylinder valve base (16). All six plungers should rise.
2. Release plunger valve body (17). The six plungers should drop. If plungers do not drop,
check for oil film on plungers. This can prevent plungers from dropping.
3. Apply gentle pressure to the top of each of the six plungers. If plungers drop, without
excessive pressure, the valve is operating normally and does not require additional
disassembly. If plungers stick or are sluggish in their operation, they must either be
thoroughly cleaned with a recommended cleaning solution, repaired, or the entire actuator
must be replaced.
4. Remove all connections from the valve and remove the entire valve from the oven. While
removing the valve, hold it upright to prevent plungers from falling out.
Additional work should be on a clean workspace.
5. Turn the actuator on its side. Remove the three socket head screws (35) which secure the
plunger valve body (17) to the cylinder valve base (16).
When performing the following step, DO NOT allow actuator plungers to fall from plunger
valve body (17).

6. With plunger valve body (17) in the horizontal position, remove the assembly. Carefully
remove all six plungers (14).
Perform EITHER step 7 or step 8 to remove the actuator piston from the cylinder base.

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7. Place cylinder valve base (16) in upright position. Insert a 6-32 hex threaded standoff screw
into the center-threaded hole and pull to remove air loaded piston (18) and spring-loaded
piston (15).
In the following step, DO NOT use more than 30 psig (210 kPa) of air pressure when using
this method.

8. Alternate method for removing actuator piston.

Carefully apply 10 psig (70 kPa) of air pressure on bottom port of cylinder valve base (16).
This extends the pistons allowing them to be pulled out of cylinder valve base by hand.
9. Inspect actuator cylinder walls and the three Belleville washers (19). These components
must be clean and show no evidence of damage. If necessary, clean parts or replace them.
10.Separate the upper air loaded piston (18) and lower spring loaded piston (15). Inspect
pistons and spring loaded Bal-Seal (20) and Belleville washer (19). These components
must be clean and show no evidence of damage. If necessary clean parts or replace them. M20HT Procedure - Actuator Re-assembly

It is extremely important that, when reassembling the actuator, that the assembly area be clean
and dust free. Hands of maintenance personnel must be clean and not oily and tools must also
be clean.

Be certain valve cap (32) does not rest on abrasive surface and valve cap has completely air
dried before reassembly. Rest valve cap on a clean lint free cloth.

1. Install the three large Belleville washers (19) in cylinder valve base (16). Washers must be
positioned in an alternating bevel up, bevel down manner (to form a spring). Refer to Figures
6-2 and 6-3.
2. Apply a bead of Krytox 240 AC lubricant, or equivalent, in Bal-Seal grooves of spring loaded
piston (15).
3. Lubricate outside diameter of assembly tool (Part Number A00145). Be certain spring-
loaded Bal-Seal (13) is properly oriented with the associated spring facing up.
4. Using an "O" ring as a cushion, push spring loaded Bal-Seal (13) down on the assembly
tool until it snaps firmly into spring loaded piston (15) ring groove. Refer to Figure 6-4 on
the next page.

When installing Bal-Seals, handle them with extreme care. Do not remove Bal-Seal
springs for installation and do not nick or scratch Bal-Seals.

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5. Apply a bead of Krytox 240 AC lubricant, or equivalent, in both Bal-Seal grooves of air-
loaded piston (18).

Figure 4-67 Assembling Bal-Seal (13) on Piston (15)

6. Using the pads of your fingers (or an "O" ring as a cushion), install the small spring loaded
Bal-Seal (20) in air loaded piston (18) groove with associated spring facing up. DO NOT
use a fingernail. Refer to Figure 6-5.
7. Push spring loaded Bal-Seal (20) to the bottom of groove.
8. Apply small bead of Krytox 240 AC lubricant, or equivalent, on the small Bal-Seal sealing
surface of lower spring loaded piston (15).
9. Place upper air loaded piston (18) over the small diameter of lower piston (25). Position
pistons using guide pin for proper orientation.
10.Screw the assembly stud and washer into the threaded hole in the lower spring loaded
piston (15) and evenly force the spring loaded Bal-Seal (20) over the bearing surface of
lower spring loaded piston (15). Leave the assembly stud and washer in place.
11.Moderately lubricate outsides of Bal-Seals with Krytox 240 AC lubricant, or equivalent. Also
lubricate each of the six fingers of spring. This is where fingers contact plunger valve body

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12.Position valve upright with the three ports on the left. Place assembly guide tool (Part
Number T11000) on the valve, with the cutout on the lip of assembly tool over the upper
tube fitting. Refer to Figure 6-6.
13.Lift piston and Bal-Seal assembly and orient assembly with the upper piston index guide
pin towards the maintenance person.
14.Firmly, but evenly, press the piston and Bal-Seal assembly through the assembly guide
tool into the cylinder valve base (16). Refer to Figure 6-7.
15.Remove guide tool assembly stud and lock washer.

Figure 4-68 Installing Bal-Seal (20) in Piston Groove (18)

Figure 4-69 Placing Assembly Guide Tool on Valve Base (16)

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4.2 Oven Components

Figure 4-70 Inserting Piston Assembly (15 and 18) into Base (16)

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Component Descriptions and Maintenance Procedures
4.2 Oven Components

1. Align plunger valve body (17) and insert piston index guide pin into one of the three bottom
plunger valve body holes.
2. Rotate plunger valve body (17) to align the plunger valve body screw holes with cylinder
valve base (16) threaded holes.
3. Install three Allen screws (35) each with two Belleville washers (36). Hand tighten screws
but DO NOT compress the Belleville washers (19) in cylinder valve base.
4. With the recessed tip facing up, install the six plungers (14) in the plunger valve body (17).
A clean plunger will fall under its own weight and bounce when dropped into the plunger
valve body.
5. Place a small drop of Krytox 143 AY or equivalent oil between each plunger.
6. Using a pair of tweezers, lift each plunger up and down to allow the oil to flow around a
plunger. M20HT Procedure - Valve Cap Re-assembly

Before reassembling the valve cap, clean it as described below.

1. Prepare a large syringe with a Tygon tubing adapter installed. Fill syringe with a
recommended cleaning solvent.
2. Using syringe, flush solvent through each port in the valve cap.
When reassembling the valve cap, always install a new Teflon Seal Disc diaphragm (33)
and Nomex Cushion Disc (34) on plunger valve body (17). Do not install the previously
used Teflon Seal (33) and/or Nomex Cushion Disc (34). Before reinstalling seal and cushion
on plunger valve body, remove lint and any dust particles.

3. Place the actuator assembly upright on a clean lint free cloth surface. Refer to Figures 6-1
and 6-2.
4. Position the Nomex cushion disc diaphragm (34) between the three alignment pins on the
plunger valve body (17).
5. Using tweezers hold the Teflon seal disc diaphragm (33) by its edges. Before reinstalling
disc, remove lint, dust and oils by sliding disk between your index and middle fingers.
6. Install Teflon seal disc diaphragm (33) over the Nomex disc cushion diaphragm (34).
7. Align and lower valve cap (32) over the three guide pins of the valve plunger body (17).
Then install valve cap (32) onto the plunger valve body.

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4.2 Oven Components

8. Install, but do not securely tighten the three Allen screws (35), each with two Belleville lock
washers (36), that secure the valve cap (32) to the valve plunger body (17).
To assure proper tightness in the following two steps, it is recommended to use the torque
wrench (PN 1631005-002) and bit (PN 1631005-701) which are available from Siemens
and can be adjusted over the range of torque measurements listed below.

9. Referring to the following screw tightening rotation sequence, securely tighten the three
Allen screws (35), that connect the valve cap (32) to the valve plunger body (17). One at
a time, tighten each screw to first torque. Then continue with the next torque value until
the final value is reached.
a. Finger tighten
b. 20 inch-pounds (2.3 Nm)
c. 40 inch-pounds (4.5 Nm)
d. 60 inch-pounds (6.8 Nm)
10.Tighten the three Allen screws (16) that secure the plunger valve body (13) to the cylinder
base (14) to approximately 30 to 40 inch-pounds (3.4 to 4.5 Nm).

4.2.6 Model 11 Valve M11 Description

This section presents information to disassemble, clean, and rebuild the Model 11 Valve
(including the Model 11 Low Dead Volume Valve).
This Model 11 valve (M11) is broken down into two primary types, the standard Model 11 Valve
and the Model 11 Low Dead Volume (LDV) valve. The primary difference between the Model
11 and the Model 11 LDV valves is the sample ports on the valve cap. The sample ports on
the Model 11 valve have tubing connected as part of the cap. For the Model 11 LDV the ports
are threaded holes and tubing is not part of the cap. Within this section, steps for these two
types of valve are the same except where noted.

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4.2 Oven Components

Model 11 Valve Model 11 Low Dead Volume Valve

Figure 4-71 Model 11 Valve Types

Maintenance procedures for the Model 11 Valves are grouped into two types, Mini-
Maintenance procedures and Maxi-Maintenance procedures. Mini-Maintenance procedures
involve working on the valve while it is still installed in the analyzer. Maxi-Maintenance
procedures may be used when Mini-Maintenance does not correct a valve fault. This manual
covers the Maxi-Maintenance procedures in the following order.
● Mini-Maintenance procedures:
– Valve Cap Disassembly
– Cleaning Fittings and Tubing
– Valve Cap Assembly
● Maxi-Maintenance procedures
– Valve Body Disassembly
– Valve Body Cleaning
– Valve Body Assembly
To assure optimum valve operation, a clean contaminant free work environment is required
for this procedure. To repair the valve on site, the customer must have the necessary
maintenance tools and replacement parts. Recommended valve spare parts, including the
Model 11 Valve repair kit (PN K21040) and Model 11 LDV repair kit (PN 2015581-001), can
be obtained from Siemens. Recommended tools include an ultrasonic cleaner and a clean
workstation with lint-free cloth. In addition, special pliers that are available from Siemens (PN
V16031) are required to completely disassemble the valve. These pliers are part of the tool
kits mentioned above.
Additional procedures related to the Model 11 Valve can be found in the Model 11 Valve Repair
Manuals, which can also be found on the Maxum II Documentation CD.
It may be easier and less expensive to replace a valve or return it to Siemens for service rather
than perform Maxi-Maintenance.

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4.2 Oven Components M11 Intended Users

This procedure is intended for qualified users with sufficient training to safely repair a valve in
the field. If customer maintenance personnel are not technically trained to repair the valve on
site, it is recommended that the valve be returned to Siemens for repair or direct replacement.
In addition to training, the customer must have a clean work environment and the proper tools
available for rebuilding and cleaning the valve. Performing the work in a contaminated
environment, performing the work incorrectly, or using incorrect tools may damage the valve. M11 Safety and Certification Information

This procedure is not likely to directly impact the safety systems of the analyzer. However,
care must be exercised at all times when working with the analyzer. Since the valve is located
in the oven of the Maxum II, appropriate care must be taken to ensure that the environment is
safe to perform the work.
Maintenance work on the Maxum II analyzer should only be performed when the area is known
to be safe for the work to be done.

This procedure must only be executed with the consent and approval of all applicable local
safety personnel and/or the local authority having jurisdiction. Diagnostic Procedures

Depending on the installation, the following tests can be performed with the valve mounted in
the analyzer. Other tests require the analyzer be shut down and valve ports disconnected.
These diagnostic tests indicate specific areas of the fault or trouble.
Valve Leakage
Vapor analyzers generally have the sample at atmospheric pressure, so any leakage would
be from a carrier-gas port to a sample port within the valve. With the sample inlet flow turned
off, the sample outlet flow should be zero in either the "air off" or "air on" condition. Check for
small leaks by immersing the sample outlet tubing in a beaker of water. Bubbles indicate
internal leakage.
The liquid sample streams may have pressures several hundred pounds higher than the carrier
gas. Leaking between ports will show up on the analyzer chromatogram as base-line shift
when the sample pressure is removed from the valve.
Plugged Valve
Plungers in the valve are pressed upward by air or spring action, but when released depend
on their own weight and sample pressure to drop them to the "open" position. For very small
sample pressures, for example below 5 psi (34 kPa), it may be possible to see problems where
the flow path may not open. This is more likely if the sealing disc has been held against the
cap for a long time (such as a valve in storage). Check for flow across alternate flow paths,
such as air on and air off. It may be necessary to temporarily increase the sample pressure to
get the flow started, and then reduce it to normal after a few cycles. For the Model 11 valve,
samples are typically run at 15 psi (103 kPa).

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Ruptured Sealing Disc

To test for a ruptured sealing disc apply air to valve ports, one at a time, while sealing off all
others. Place a small amount of soap solution such as Leak Tec® over the upper control port's
bleed tube air signal manifold (23). Any escaping air at this point indicates a ruptured disc. If
this occurs, proceed with a disc replacement.
If the disc does not appear to be ruptured, remove the valve from service and replace it with
a new valve.
Slow Erratic Piston Switching
Excessive friction on the actuating pistons of the valve can be caused by lack of lubricant, or
dirt or contamination on the O-rings. As a result, the valve may switch erratically, switch slowly
or not switch at all. These conditions can cause a leak port to port, across the sealing disc,
double sampling, or complete closing of flow between two or more ports.
This condition requires disassembly of the entire valve (maxi-maintenance). It is recommended
that the valve be returned to Siemens for service. M11 Procedure - Maintenance Facility

When cleaning the valve and associated components, it is imperative that the maintenance
be performed in a clean and contaminant free facility. Components should be placed on a lint
free cloth to prevent impurities from contaminating the valve and/or components. Hands should
be clean and free of contaminants.
Presence of any foreign contamination can cause additional valve problems after reinstallation.
All foreign contamination adhering to valve must be removed quickly using a dust/lint free cloth
and a cleaning solvent such as hexane. After cleaning valve cap and tubing, shake excess
cleaning fluid from tubes and let valve cap air dry before reassembling.

Do not allow polished face of valve cap to rest on any surface other than a lint free cloth.
Clean metal parts using a syringe or ultrasonic cleaner and an appropriate cleaning solution
as described in this procedure.

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4.2 Oven Components M11 Procedure - Figures

The following figures are intended for use as a reference throughout the procedure. The
numbers in the diagrams relating to individual components are referenced in parentheses in
the procedure steps.

8. Valve Body
9. O-Ring
10. Finger Spring of Air
Loaded Piston
11. Air Loaded Piston
12. O-Ring
13. O-Ring
14. Spring Loaded Piston
15. Compensation Plate
16. Compression Spring
17. Compression Plate
18. Retaining Base
19. Retaining Ring Clip
20. Ball 5/32”
21. Set Screw
22. O-Rings (3 total)
23. Air Signal Manifold
24. Screw 3/8”
25. Screw 1/2”

Figure 4-72 Model 11 (or Model 11 LDV) Valve without Valve Cap

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4.2 Oven Components

1. Screw (3 total required)

2. Belleville Washer (6 total required)
3. Valve Cap
4. Teflon Seal Disc
5. Dacron Cushion Disc
6. O-Ring
7. Plungers (6 total required)

Figure 4-73 Model 11 Valve Cap Exploded View

This end toward valve cap

This end toward pistons

Figure 4-74 Model 11 Plunger Orientation

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8. Valve Body
11 9. O-Ring
10. Spring
11. Air Loaded Piston
9 12. O-Ring
13. O-Ring
8 14. Spring Loaded Piston
15. Compensation Plate
16. Compression Spring
22 17. Compression Plate
To Valve 23
18. Retaining Base
19. Retaining Ring Clip
20. Ball 5/32”
21. Set Screw
24 22. O-Rings (3 total)
23. Air Signal Manifold
24. Screw 3/8”
25. Screw 1/2”

Figure 4-75 Valve Body Exploded View

Align Pin with Index Hole

V16022 V16023
(Air Loaded) (Spring Loaded)

Figure 4-76 Valve Base Alignment Pin

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Figure 4-77 Assembly of Compression Spring



Spring Piston

Pressure Points

Figure 4-78 Greasing of Spring Pressure Points Mini-Maintenance Procedures (Valve Cap and Fittings)

M11 Procedure - Valve Cap Disassembly

1. Disconnect the Model 11 valve from the column and air lines and remove the valve from
the analyzer.
2. Relieve the pressure on the base Allen Set Screw (21) by turning it counterclockwise until
it turns easily.

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4.2 Oven Components

3. Remove the three Allen head cap socket screws (1) and separate the cap (3) from the valve
body (8). When the valve cap is removed, the following components are exposed. Refer to
Figures 7-2 and 7-4.
- Teflon Sealing disc (4) [clear]
- Dacron Cushion disc (5) [white] and
- "O" ring (6)
4. Inspect the Teflon sealing disc (4), Dacron cushion disc (5) and silicon rubber "O" ring (6)
for dirt or breaks.
If damage is evident on the O-ring, discard damaged part and replace with new
component(s). Regardless of whether damage or contamination is evident on the old seal
and cushion, replace them with new components.
5. Visually inspect the rest of valve. If it is clean and in good condition, it may be possible to
install a new disc seal diaphragm (4) and cushion diaphragm (5) and re-assemble the valve.
6. Examine each of the six plungers (7) for evidence of damage or contamination. If damage
is evident, discard defective plunger(s) and replace with new ones. Refer to Figure 7-3.
7. To reassemble the valve cap (3), refer to the Valve Cap Assembly section later in this
chapter. If the valve actuating piston assembly is contaminated or malfunctioning, refer to
Valve Body disassembly.
The valve cap and fittings will be cleaned before reassembly. This step will be executed
later in this chapter.

M11 Procedure - Cleaning of Parts

All valve fittings and tubing must be clean and valve diaphragms inspected for cleanliness,
catalyst or polymer buildup. Before re-assembly, valve cap and plunger valve body faces
should be wiped clean using hexane, acetone or methanol and a lint free cloth.
An ultrasonic cleaner filled with a recommended cleaning solvent or detergent is recommended
for cleaning all components. However, after cleaning, there must not be any remaining residue.
If cleaning solution becomes contaminated during cleaning, it must be replaced with an
uncontaminated supply.
A syringe and appropriate solvent can be used to flush the ports of the valve cap. This is
described in the procedure.
It is important for proper procedures to be used when cleaning valve and detector parts. All
foreign contamination adhering to the part should be removed using an appropriate cleaning
solvent, such as hexane, acetone, or methanol and a dust/lint free cloth. Use of an ultrasonic
cleaner is often helpful. After cleaning, it is necessary remove excess cleaning fluid from the
components by blowing with clean air or shaking. Components must be air dry before
It is possible and often better to use an appropriate detergent, such as Alconox® for cleaning
instead of solvent. However, after cleaning with a detergent, it is necessary to rinse the part
thoroughly with deionized water (distilled water is also acceptable) in order to remove detergent
residue. All water must then be removed by blowing with clean air or shaking. Components
must be completely dry before reassembling.

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M11 Procedure - Valve Cap Cleaning and Re-assembly

If solvent becomes contaminated during performance of the following cleaning steps, it must
be replaced with a clean supply from a clean beaker.

1. (For Model 11 Valve) – Clean valve cap (3) while disassembled using a syringe and
appropriate solvent. Clean each port and attached tubing on the valve cap by flushing
solvent back and forth through each port while cap is immersed in a beaker of solvent.
2. (For the Model 11 LDV Valve) - Clean the valve cap (3) while disassembled and visually
verify that ports are clear. Use of an ultrasonic cleaner and an appropriate cleaning solution
is recommended.
3. Place the actuator assembly upright on a clean lint free cloth surface with the two valve
cap guide pins facing upwards.
4. Using a syringe with Krytox 143 AY lubricating oil, place a drop of oil on sidewall of each
valve body (8) plunger hole.
5. Reinstall the six plungers (7) into their valve body positions. Using tweezers, move each
plunger up and down to thoroughly lubricate them. Plungers must not protrude above valve
body (8) top surface. Refer to Figure 7-3 for plunger orientation.
6. Using clean lint free cloths wetted with acetone, remove excess lubricating oil from top of
valve body (8).

When installing "O" ring (6), Dacron cushion disc (5) and clear Teflon seal disc (4), do not
use any type of grease as a lubricant. There must be no foreign contaminants on discs.

7. Install silicon "O" ring (6), Dacron cushion disc (5) and clear Teflon seal disc (4). Do not
lubricate "O" ring (6).
The clear Teflon seal disc (4) must be mounted ON TOP of the Dacron cushion disc (5).
Align discs over plungers (7).

8. Securely holding valve cap (3), blow out each port and/or tube with compressed air to
remove all acetone and foreign matter.

Do not use grease when installing O-ring.

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9. It is recommended that appropriate torque wrenches be used for this step (available from
Siemens – PN’s 1631005-002 and 1631005-003). Install valve cap (3) using the three
10-32 Allen screws (1). Screws must be tightened evenly in sequence 1, 2, 3, 1 sequence.
Tightening steps are as follows. Refer to Figure 4-40.
- Run screws down until they contact valve cap.
- Tighten screws with Allen driver until they are finger tight.
- Tighten screws to approximately 15 inch-pounds
(1.69 Nm). This is a ¼ turn maximum.
- Tighten screws to approximately 20 inch-pounds
(2.26 Nm). This is another ¼ turn maximum.
- Tighten screws to approximately 35 inch-pounds (3.95 Nm)
- Torque bottom adjusting set screw to 6.5 inch-pounds (0.73 Nm).
10.Valve is now ready for reinstallation and placing into operational service. Maxi-Maintenance Procedures (Valve Body)

M11 Procedure - Valve Body Disassembly

1. Remove the six plungers (7) by inverting valve body (8) and then shaking it. Plungers should
fall into the palm of the hand.
If a plunger(s) is stuck and does not fall out, delay removing it until after the spring loaded
and air loaded pistons (14 and 11) are removed. The plungers can then be forced out from
bottom of valve body.

When shaking plungers from valve body, do not allow them to fall on any abrasive surface.
It is recommended that a lint free cloth, free of contaminants, be placed under the hand
to protect plungers from damage.

2. Examine plungers for damage. Any plunger showing defects, such as nicks, must be
discarded and replaced with a new part.
3. Remove air signal manifold (23) by removing the two screws (24&25) that secure it to the
valve body (8). After manifold is detached, inspect the three o-rings (22) and replace if
necessary. If the o-rings are undamaged, then set them aside (on a clean surface) for
installation later.
4. Use the special set of pliers supplied with the repair kit to remove the retaining ring clip
(19). Inset the tips of the pliers into the holes in the clip and firmly squeeze. Extract the
clip from the base of the valve, holding the pliers firmly to prevent clip from flying off.
5. Remove retaining base (18), compression plate (17), compression spring (16) and
compensation plate (15) from bottom of valve body (8). Refer to Figure 7-4.
6. Use the special retaining clip pliers supplied with the repair kit to remove the spring‑loaded
piston (14) from valve body (8). Insert the tips of the pliers into the holes in the underside
of the piston and pull slowly.
7. Remove air-loaded piston (11) from valve body (8)
8. Using care to catch plungers (7), remove any stuck plunger using one of the tips from the
retaining ring pliers.

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9. Examine plungers (7) for damage. Any plunger showing defects, such as nicks, must be
discarded and replaced with a new part.
10.Inspect interior of valve body (8), spring loaded piston (14) and air loaded piston (11) and
silicon rubber "O" rings (13, 12 and 9) for contamination, odor or mechanical wear.
Any part showing evidence of excessive wear or defects must be replaced with a new
component. Do not re-install any defective component.

M11 Procedure - Valve Body Cleaning

1. To clean the valve body, the following components are recommended:
- Ultrasonic cleaner
- Cleaning solution as described in the section of this chapter titled, Cleaning of Parts.
Where indicated, use only Krytox 240AC grease (Siemens part # G87004)
If a strong detergent solution is used, all cleaned parts must be thoroughly rinsed with
deionized water or distilled water to remove detergent residue before reassembly of valve
body. All parts must be thoroughly dried by shaking, allowing to air dry, or blowing with
clean air.
If cleaning solution becomes contaminated during performance of the following steps,
replace it with an uncontaminated supply.

Do not place polished valve body (8), or associated parts, against any surface in ultrasonic
cleaner or against any abrasive surface. Place parts on a lint free cloth, free of foreign
Do not wash O-rings in any type of cleaning solvent.

2. Fill Ultrasonic cleaner with cleaning solution.

3. Before placing valve body parts in Ultrasonic cleaner, wipe off all grease and foreign
contaminants from valve parts.
4. Place valve body parts on a lint free cloth in ultrasonic cleaner.
5. Turn Ultrasonic cleaner ON and allow to run for 10 minutes.
6. Remove parts and shake cleaning solution from tubes. If detergent is used make sure that
no residue remains by rinsing thoroughly with deionized water or distilled water. Let parts
air dry before reassembling.

M11 Procedure - Valve Body Re-assembly

1. Before reassembling valve body parts, clean hands, tools and perform reassembly
procedures in a clean dust free area.
2. Apply KRYTOX 240 AC in both "O" ring grooves of spring-loaded piston (14)
3. Install silicon rubber O-rings (12 and 13) and apply KRYTOX 240 AC grease to their outer
4. Apply KRYTOX 240 AC grease to each of the fingers of the finger spring (10) of air-loaded
piston (11).

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5. Place air loaded piston (11) over the small diameter of spring-loaded piston (14) with finger
springs (10) outside. Align piston with guide pin. Refer to Figure 7-5.
6. Apply a bead of KRYTOX 240 AC grease to the "O" ring air-loaded piston (11) groove.
Refer to Figure 7-7.
7. Install silicone "O" ring (9) and apply KRYTOX 240 AC grease to the "O" ring outer surface.
8. Apply a thin film of KRYTOX 240 AC grease to inside of valve body (8) where the pistons
(14 and 11) will be sliding.
9. Insert both pistons (14 and 11) into the bottom of cylinder. Use retaining ring pliers to install
the pistons with the guide pin in the hole of the valve body (8). Refer to Figure 7-5.

Exercise care not to damage the O-rings when sliding them past the lower retaining ring

10.Apply KRYTOX 240 AC grease to the compression plate (17) beveled cone. Insert the ball
(20) into the greased cone.
11.Insert both the compression plate (17) and ball (20) into retaining base (18). Refer to figure
12.Apply KRYTOX 240 AC grease to base socket head set screw (21) then screw it into
retaining base (18). Leave about one thread of set screw showing.
13.Place compression spring (16) on compression plate (17).
14.Place compensation plate (15) over the compression spring (16).
15.Before final assembly of components, apply a thin film of KRYTOX 240 AC grease to the
outside of compensation plate (15) and inside of retaining base (18).
16.Place the compression spring (16), compression plate (17); socket head set screw (21),
retaining base (18) and compensation plate (15) into the valve body (8).
17.Use the retaining ring pliers supplied with the repair kit to reinstall the retaining ring (19).

Be certain the retaining ring (19) sets into its mounting groove.

18.Prepare to install the manifold (23) by cleaning the flat surface on the side of the valve body
(8) and then installing the three small O-rings (22) into the manifold (23).
19.Align and install manifold (23) onto valve body (26) with two 8-32 screws (24 and 25). The
shorter screw is installed in the top. Attach the manifold so that inlet holes on the manifold
align with inlet holes on the valve body. Refer to Figure 7-4.
When installing the manifold be careful not to damage the air tubes. If the tubes are bent
too close to the manifold, it is possible to break them.

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4.2 Oven Components

4.2.7 Live T Switch Live T Switch

The Live T Switch is a valve-less switch that can be used in place of a valve for switching
columns. The Live T switch is virtually maintenance free since it has no moving parts, no
temperature limitations and the sample only comes into contact with metal parts inside the
switch. It can be used for heartcut and backflush functions.
The Live T Switch is essentially a tube with special built in air vents that are used to control
carrier flow through the tube. Carrier gas is connected to the vents. Carrier gas pressure at
the vents is adjusted such that carrier sample flow can be either stopped, diverted, or allowed
to pass unimpeded through the switch,

Example Application
The following is an example of an actual application using the live tee. Actual flows and
pressures are indicated and chromatograms are provided to illustrate the set up process.

PA Pm (-) Pm (+)


Pre Column
Main Column

NV Cut NV Purge
Split and

Cut Vent
to FID

Purge Vent
to TCD

Figure 4-79 Live Tee Switch Example Application

Switching Configuration: Split Vapor Injection

Backflush To Vent With Heartcut (Cut Vent Flow To FID)
Purge Flow to ITC (TCD)

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Component Descriptions and Maintenance Procedures
4.3 Detectors

Switching Configuration: Split Vapor Injection

Pre Column: 50 m, 0.32 mm id, 1.2 um, Carbowax FSOT
Main Column: 50 m, 0.32 mm id, 5 um, ALOX Na2SO4 FSOT
Oven Temperature: 100°C
Carrier Gas: Nitrogen

Pa EPC 2-1 Carrier Inlet

Pm(-) EPC 3-1 T-Piece Inlet (end of A- or Pre Column)
Pm(+) EPC 3-2 T-Piece Outlet (Inlet of B- or Main Column)

4.3 Detectors

4.3.1 Detector Introduction

Several different types of detector modules are available for the Maxum ll as follows:
● Thermal Conductivity Detector (TCD) - This is a concentration responsive detector for
moderate sensitivity of most components. It is available as an 8 cell version with thermistors
or as a 2 cell version with filaments.
● Flame Ionization Detector (FID) – The FID is a very sensitive detector for combustible
● Flame Photometric Detector (FPD) – This is a selective detector used to detect substances
containing sulfur.
● Pulsed Discharge Detector (PDD) – This detector is manufactured by Valco Instruments
Inc. It can be equipped to operate in either the Helium Ionization, Photo Ionization, or
Electron Capture modes.
All of the detector modules within the Maxum II can be used in conjunction with both air bath
and airless ovens. Depending upon the application requirements, a Maxum II can include up
to three detector modules in a single air bath oven, or up to 2 detector modules, one for each
oven, in an airless oven. Three detectors are used in special configurations.
With the exception of the thermal conductivity detectors, the detector modules are mounted
in the detector compartment. The detector compartment is located between the electronics
enclosure (EC) and the oven. The detector compartment houses the detector modules and
provides a safe path for the electrical connections between the detector modules and the
detector personality module (DPM). It also allows the detector to easily connect to the analytical
components in the oven.

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4.3 Detectors

4.3.2 Thermal Conductivity Detector Thermal Conductivity Detector (TCD)

The Thermal Conductivity Detector (TCD) is a concentration responsive detector of moderate
sensitivity. The detector cell, containing the sensing element, is an explosion-proof unit located
in the chromatograph oven. The TCD is the only Maxum II detector type that is not mounted
in the detector compartment.
The TCD works on the principle that the thermal conductivity of the carrier gas is different than
the thermal conductivity of the sample components. This means that the carrier gas conducts
either more or less heat from the heated element than the sample components. The electronic
circuits sense the change in heat flow and produce a proportional analog voltage signal. Two
types of TCD are used within the Maxum II.
● Thermistor Model – This TCD type utilizes thermistor beads. It includes six independent
measurement cells and two reference cells
● Filament Model – For higher temperature requirements a 2-cell TCD is available that utilizes
filaments for thermal conductivity sensing. The 2-Cell Filament TCD is often used as an
Inter‑Column Detector in conjunction with an FPD or FID application. Replace TCD Thermistor Beads/Filaments Introduction

This section provides the procedure to replace the Thermistor Board or Filament Board for the
Thermal Conductivity Detector (TCD).
Possible configurations for the TCD include the 2-Cell Filament Detector and the 8-Cell
Thermistor Detector. The drawings in this section are for the 8-Cell Thermistor Detector.
However, replacement of the Filament Board on the Filament Detector follows the same basic
procedure. It is possible to replace the Filament/Thermistor Board with the detector installed
in the analyzer.
TCD parts should be removed or replaced only by a trained Siemens maintenance engineer
or by the user’s maintenance personnel trained by Siemens.

Do NOT attempt to open the TCD with the power on.

When removing materials from the analyzer, all items must be placed on a clean, non-abrasive
surface. Use a clean lint-free cloth.

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4.3 Detectors Figures
The following figures are used during the maintenance procedure.

14 6
13 5
11 12
10 8

1. Label, Certification
2. Hammer Drive Screw (2 each)
3. Hex Head Screw and
Lock Washer (4 each) 4
4. Detector Block
5. Detector Connector Block
6. Hex Head Screw (4 each)
7. Lock Washer (4 each)
8. Detector Wiring
9. Button Head Hex Screw
10. Lock Washer
11. Flat Washer
12. Thermistor Board 1 3
(Filament Board for 2-Cell)
13. O-Ring 2
14. Flow Diverter (or Low
Volume Metal Insert)

Figure 4-80 TCD 8-Cell Assembly

Thermistor /
Filament Lead Groove

Screw Hole
Metal Insert /
Tube Holes in
Flow Diverter
Detector Block

Figure 4-81 Proper Alignment of Metal Inserts

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4.3 Detectors Procedure to Replace Beads/Filaments

Within this procedure, the numbers in parenthesis denote parts referenced in the list contained
in Figure 6-9 earlier in this section. Refer back to the figure for locations.

1. Shut off flows and shut down power to the analyzer. Allow the detector to cool down.
2. Remove the 4 screws and lock washers (3) that secure the cover to the detector block (4)
and remove the cover.
3. Making note of the connection location for each wire, remove the wiring (8) that is connected
to the Thermistor/Filament Board (12) that is to be removed.
4. Remove the Thermistor/Filament Board (12) by removing the Button Head Hex Screw (9),
the Lockwasher (10), and the Flat Washer (11).
5. Discard board (12) and O-rings (13). Do not attempt to reuse old O-rings.
6. Remove the two metal inserts (14). These CAN be reused.
7. Before installing new board, examine the mounting surface and the holes for the Filaments/
Thermistors to verify there is no contamination or scratches on the machined surface.
If there is contamination on the surface, clean it using a lint free cloth and a cleaning solvent
such as acetone or hexane. If the surface is scratched it may be necessary to replace the
complete assembly.
The elements on the board are exposed and are very delicate. Handle the board only by
its edges.
Hands and tools must be clean.

8. Install the metal inserts (14) in the detector block (4). These inserts should be installed with
the groove perpendicular to the tube holes in the block (so that air cannot flow in a straight
path between the holes). Refer to Figure 6-10.
9. Install the new O-rings (13) in hole in the Detector Block (4).
It is also possible to install the O-rings on the Thermistor / Filament board (12) instead of
in the hole. If installing the O-rings on the board, be careful not to damage the element.
10.Install the Board (12) into the Detector Block (4). When installing the board, exercise caution
not to damage the exposed elements.
11.Reinstall the Flat Washer (11), Lock Washer (10), and Button Head Hex Screw (9). Do not
over tighten the screw as this can damage the Board (12).
12.Reconnect wiring (8) to the board (12). Wiring MUST be connected to the same cells as
before. Verify all termination points.
Note: The color coding information for the wiring should be on the Detector Certification
Label (1). Also note that there are two wires of each color. For a specific cell it does not
matter which wire is connected to which lead as long as the color is correct.
13.Before installing cover back on the Detector Block (4), turn on carrier air to verify there are
no leaks between the Board (12) and the Block (4). Turn off carrier after this check is
14.Set the cover in place and reinstall the 4 screws and lockwashers (3) that secure the cover
to the detector block (4).

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4.3 Detectors

4.3.3 Flame Ionization Detector Flame Ionization Detector (FID)

The Flame Ionization Detector (FID) is a very sensitive detector that is used for measuring
hydrocarbons. It responds to most carbon containing compounds. Using a methanator, the
FID can also be utilized to detect carbon monoxide (CO) and carbon dioxide (CO2). Operation
of the FID involves combustion of the sample compounds. This combustion produces ions.
The ions are captured by an electrode in the FID, creating an electrical signal current.
The FID is very sensitive to all types of hydrocarbons and to any contamination in gases or
supply lines. For a high signal/noise ratio, ensure that the gases have a purity of 99.995% and
hydrocarbon content below 2 ppm*. For special detection sensitivity, filter all supply gases
using a molecular sieve filter. If plant air is used, a catalytic Air Treater is strongly recommended
to reduce the possible hydrocarbon content of the air.
* 2 ppm refers to the total hydrocarbon concentration expressed as methane. Replacing the FID Mesh Filter

Mesh Description
This section describes the procedure to replace the mesh filter inside the FID in the Maxum
II. The mesh filter is a small round filter located inside the combustion chamber of the FID.
This filter is for the combustion air input. Because of the very small diameter of the air restrictor
though which combustion air passes, it is unlikely that the filter will become clogged.
Because it is difficult to remove this filter without damaging it, in the event that the filter does
become clogged or it should become necessary to remove the filter for some reason, then it
should be replaced and not reused.
It will be necessary to power down the analyzer for this procedure. When performing this
procedure, it should NOT be necessary to remove the FID from the Maxum II.

Mesh Intended Users

This procedure is written to be understood by personnel who are trained to perform
maintenance and troubleshooting of the Maxum II analyzer. Users of this procedure must have
strong working knowledge of the safety systems of the Maxum II analyzer and have the
knowledge to safely power the analyzer down and back up. Users must also have a good
working knowledge of the Maxum II hardware and should be very familiar with the operation
and day to day maintenance of the analyzer.
This procedure involves opening and servicing the Flame Ionization Detector which may
impact the safety protection of the analyzer. This procedure should only be executed with the
approval of applicable local safety personnel and/or the local authority having jurisdiction.

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Component Descriptions and Maintenance Procedures
4.3 Detectors

Mesh Safety and Certification Information

This retrofit may impact the safety protection of the analyzer. This procedure involves servicing
of the Flame Ionization Detector (FID). The FID is an explosion-proof device that is equipped
with required safety systems. It is important that these safety systems not be compromised.
All instructions and warnings in this procedure must be followed.
Refer to the Maxum II Explosion Protection Safety Standards Manual for more information
regarding the safety systems related to the FID.
Maintenance work on the Maxum II analyzer should only be performed when the area is known
to be safe for the work to be done.

This procedure must only be executed with the consent and approval of all applicable local
safety personnel and/or the local authority having jurisdiction.

Mesh Procedure - Figures

The following figures are intended for use as a reference throughout the procedure. The
numbers in the diagrams relating to individual components are referenced in parentheses in
the procedure steps.

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Component Descriptions and Maintenance Procedures
4.3 Detectors

21 22

20 19

18 17


14 2

Quartz Jet

11 12


9 5

1. Flame Arrestor Insert Assembly 12. Graphite Seal

2. Flat Washer 13. Hammer Drive Screws (for Label)
3. Detector Body (Bottom) 14. Label
4. Filter 15. Socket Heat Cap Screw
5. Retainer Clip - Small 16. Detector Body (Upper)
6. Retainer Clip - Large 17. Teflon Seal
7. Outer Ferrule 18. Collector
8. Graphite Ferrule 19. Socket Heat Cap Screw (M5 x 60)
9. Pressure Ferrule 20. Flame Arrestor Bushing
10. Burner Nut 21. Flat Washer
11. Quartz Jet (with flame tip nozzle) 22. Flame Arrestor

Figure 4-82 FID Assembly

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Component Descriptions and Maintenance Procedures
4.3 Detectors

5 3. Detector Body (Bottom)
4. Filter
5. Retainer Clip - Small
6. Retainer Clip - Large

Figure 4-83 FID Mesh Filter and Retaining Clips

Mesh Procedure - Steps to Replace Mesh Filter

1. Shut off the detector Hydrogen and allow the detector to cool down. Carrier gas should
remain on during cool down to prevent condensation.
2. Turn off all supply gasses.

Possible ignition source. Failure to follow proper safety procedures may result in injury or
If the analyzer is equipped with a purged methanator and explosive gasses are present,
it is necessary to wait at least 8 minutes for the methanator to cool after powering down
the analyzer before opening the analyzer door.

3. Power off the analyzer.

4. Remove Cap Screws (19) and detach Upper Detector Body (16) from Lower Detector Body

Possible ignition source. Failure to follow proper safety procedures may result in injury or
Do not open the FID with the flame burning or with the power on.

5. Unscrew Burner Nut (10) and remove the Quartz Jet and attached hardware (7, 8, 9, 10,
and 11). Set these items aside on a clean, lint free cloth.
6. Using a small flat-head screwdriver or similar tool, remove the Small and Large Retainer
Clips (5 and 6).
7. Turn on the air supply to the FID in order push the Mesh Filter (4) up so that it can be
If turning on the air supply does not dislodge the Mesh Filter (4), use a flat screwdriver to
carefully pry up the Filter (be careful not to scratch the surface of the FID body.
8. Turn off the FID combustion air.
9. Discard the old Mesh Filter (4) and install a new one in the FID.
10.Re-install the Small and Large Retainer Clips (5 and 6)

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4.3 Detectors

11.Re-insert the Quartz Jet and attached hardware (7, 8, 9, 10, and 11) into the FID Bottom
Body (3). Verify that the nozzle tip of the Quartz Jet (11) is still adjusted correctly (there
should be 10.5 mm from the nozzle tip to the Lower Body (3).
12.Tighten the Burner Nut (10) with fingers. Then retighten one quarter to one half rotation
using a wrench. The nozzle can break if it is tightened more.
13.Replace the graphite seal (12) before reassembling the FID body.
14.Reattach Upper Body (16) and Lower Body (3) and reinstall Cap Screws (19). Tighten Cap
screws firmly but do not over tighten (about 1/2 turn past finger tight).
15.Power the analyzer back on.
16.After the oven and FID has had time to heat up, check the flows and light the flame. Replacing the FID Quartz Jet

Quartz Jet - Description

This section describes the procedure to replace the Quartz Jet inside the FID in the Maxum
II. The Quartz Jet is a thin quartz tube that includes the burner nozzle tip for the FID flame.
This item rarely needs replaced.
It will be necessary to power down the analyzer for this procedure. When performing this
procedure, it should NOT be necessary to remove the FID from the Maxum II.

Quartz Jet - Intended Users

This procedure is written to be understood by personnel who are trained to perform
maintenance and troubleshooting of the Maxum II analyzer. Users of this procedure must have
strong working knowledge of the safety systems of the Maxum II analyzer and have the
knowledge to safely power the analyzer down and back up. Users must also have a good
working knowledge of the Maxum II hardware and should be very familiar with the operation
and day to day maintenance of the analyzer.
This procedure involves opening and servicing the Flame Ionization Detector which may
impact the safety protection of the analyzer. This procedure should only be executed with the
approval of applicable local safety personnel and/or the local authority having jurisdiction.

Quartz Jet - Safety and Certification Information

This retrofit may impact the safety protection of the analyzer. This procedure involves servicing
of the Flame Ionization Detector (FID). The FID is an explosion-proof device that is equipped
with required safety systems. It is important that these safety systems not be compromised.
All instructions and warnings in this procedure must be followed.
Refer to the Maxum II Explosion Protection Safety Standards Manual for more information
regarding the safety systems related to the FID.

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220 Manual, 10/2015, 2000596-001
Component Descriptions and Maintenance Procedures
4.3 Detectors

Maintenance work on the Maxum II analyzer should only be performed when the area is known
to be safe for the work to be done.

This procedure must only be executed with the consent and approval of all applicable local
safety personnel and/or the local authority having jurisdiction.

Quartz Jet Procedure - Steps to Replace Quartz Jet

1. Shut off the detector Hydrogen and allow the detector to cool down. Carrier gas should
remain on during cool down to prevent condensation.
2. Turn off all supply gasses.

Possible ignition source. Failure to follow proper safety procedures may result in injury or
If the analyzer is equipped with a purged methanator and explosive gasses are present,
it is necessary to wait at least 8 minutes for the methanator to cool after powering down
the analyzer before opening the analyzer door.

3. Power off the analyzer.

4. Remove Cap Screws (19) and detach Upper Detector Body (16) from Lower Detector Body
5. Unscrew the Burner Nut (10) and remove the Quartz Jet and attached hardware (7, 8, 9,
10, and 11).
6. Detach the Quartz Jet (11) from the Ferrules (7, 8, 9) and the Burner Nut (10). Make note
of the way they are assembled.
7. If Quartz Jet (11) is dirty or clogged, it may be possible to clean it using solvent in an
ultrasonic cleaner. However, replacement is recommended. If attempting to clean the
quartz jet, allow any excess solvent to evaporate before reinstalling.
8. Assemble the replacement (or cleaned) Quartz Jet (11) and associated hardware (7, 8, 9,
and 10).
9. Reinsert the Quartz Jet (and other hardware) into the Lower Detector Body (3). Before
tightening the Burner Nut (10), adjust the nozzle (flame tip). The distance from nozzle tip
to the Lower Body (3) should be 10.5 mm. Tighten the Burner Nut (10) with fingers. Then
retighten one quarter to one half rotation using a wrench. The nozzle can break if it is
tightened more.
10.Replace graphite seal (12) between the Upper Detector Body (16) and Lower Detector
Body (3) before reassembling the FID body.
11.Reattach Upper Body (16) and Lower Body (3) and reinstall Cap Screws (19). Tighten Cap
screws firmly but do not over tighten (about 1/2 turn past finger tight).
12.Power the analyzer back on.
13.After the oven and FID has had time to heat up, check the flows and light the flame.

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Component Descriptions and Maintenance Procedures
4.3 Detectors Replacing the FID Igniter

This section describes the procedure to retrofit the FID igniter in the Maxum II. This involves
replacing the original FID igniter module with a new version FID igniter module. The procedure
also involves replacing of some of the related hardware, such as the purge tube and heater
tube. It will be necessary to power down the analyzer for this procedure.

Intended Users
This procedure is written to be understood by personnel who are trained to perform everyday
maintenance of the Maxum II analyzer. Users of this procedure must have strong working
knowledge of the safety systems of the Maxum II analyzer and have the knowledge to safely
power the analyzer down and back up. Users must also have a good working knowledge of
the Maxum II hardware and should be very familiar with the operation and day to day
maintenance of the analyzer.
However, this procedure involves retrofit of the Flame Ionization Detector which may impact
the safety protection of the analyzer. This procedure should only be executed with the approval
of applicable local safety personnel and/or the local authority having jurisdiction.

Safety and Certification Information

This retrofit may impact the safety protection of the analyzer. This procedure involves a retrofit
of the Flame Ionization Detector (FID). The FID is an explosion-proof device that is equipped
with required safety systems. It is important that these safety systems not be compromised.
All instructions and warnings in this procedure must be followed.
Refer to the Maxum II Explosion Protection Safety Standards Manual for more information
regarding the safety systems related to the FID.
Maintenance work on the Maxum II analyzer should only be performed when the area is known
to be safe for the work to be done.

This procedure must only be executed with the consent and approval of all applicable local
safety personnel and/or the local authority having jurisdiction.

Procedure - Parts

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4.3 Detectors

A parts kit (Siemens part number 2022073-001) is required for this procedure. This kit contains
the following items.

Callout Description Quantity

4 GROMMET, 1-1/32 ID, 1/16 GR, 1-3/4 OD 1
8 O-RING, SIZE 020, 0.964 X .O70, KALREZ 1
15 FTG,NUT,3/8T,SST 1

The list above is provided for reference only. The official parts list for the kit is included with
the kit when it is shipped. The Callouts above will be used throughout this procedure to help
the user identify the proper part to use for a specific step.
Also required is a tool kit including both standard and metric wrenches, Allen wrenches, and
nut drivers. A lubricant such as Krytox 240 AC or equivalent will be needed in order to lubricate
the new grommets. If the EC Cover Plate Gasket (Part Number 2021171-001) is damaged, a
replacement gasket will be required as well.

Procedure - Removal of Detector

All figures are located at the end of this procedure.

1. From GCP, backup the database of the Maxum analyzer that is to be modified (refer to the
Maxum Maintenance Manual for instructions).
2. From GCP, verify operation of analyzer. Verify that there are no alarms or that all alarms
are accounted for. (Refer to the Maxum Maintenance Manual for instructions).
3. Verify that all parts of the new FID igniter kit are on site prior to starting. Contents of the
kit are listed in the inventory list that is shipped with the kit.

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4.3 Detectors

4. Extinguish the flame to the FID either by shutting off the air supply to the detector (for
hydrogen carrier) or shutting off the hydrogen to the detector (if not using hydrogen carrier).
In order to prevent condensation in the detector, allow carrier to flow for several minutes
after flame is extinguished. Use a mirror to check for condensation at the FID vent to verify
the flame is not lit (no condensation means the flame is not lit).

Possible ignition source. Failure to follow proper safety procedures may result in injury or
If the analyzer is equipped with a purged methanator and explosive gasses are present,
it is necessary to wait at least 8 minutes for the methanator to cool after powering down
the analyzer before opening the analyzer door.

5. Power down the analyzer.

6. Open the electronics enclosure door, mezzanine door, and oven door. Use a 4mm Allen
wrench if necessary and be careful not to place tension on the ribbon cable connecting to
the Maintenance Panel.
7. Disconnect the FID heater power cable from the PECM. Note the plug-in location.
8. Disconnect the FID heater RTD cable from the DPM connector board. Note the plug-in
9. Disconnect the FID bias, igniter, and signal cables from the DPM making note of the plug-
in locations.
10.Disconnect tubing from the FID flame arrestor insert tube in the oven. Refer to Figure 3-2.
11.Remove the flame arrestor insert from the FID bottom body using a 9/16" open-end wrench.
Refer to Figure 3-2.
12.Remove the ¼ " vent tube from the top of the FID block using a 9/16" open-ended wrench.
Refer to Figure 3-3.
13.Using a 3.0mm Allen wrench, remove the FID cover set screw from the front of the FID
Assembly. Refer to Figure 3-1.
14.Remove the cover from the FID block by pulling up and out, and then remove the insulation
from the FID block.
15.Disconnect utility gas lines from the FID at the connecting union using a 5/16" open-end
wrench. Temporarily label the gas line leads to make sure they can be reconnected
correctly. Refer to Figure 3-6.
16.Remove the four M4 nuts from the FID EC cover plate using a 7mm nut driver. Refer to
Figure 3-1.
17.Using a 2.5mm Allen wrench, remove the four M4 screws that secure the FID mounting
plate to the mezzanine. Refer to Figure 3-1.
18.Remove the FID assembly from the mezzanine by pulling up and then out when the FID
bottom body clears the hole.

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Component Descriptions and Maintenance Procedures
4.3 Detectors

Procedure - Igniter Replacement

A clean work surface should be used for disassembly of the old igniter and installation of the
new igniter. This is to prevent contamination of the detector gas inputs and electrical contacts.

1. Remove the four screws that secure the purge tube to the electrodes of the detector. Refer
to Figure 3-6.
2. Pull the purge tube about 1 inch away from the detector assembly and carefully remove
the wires from the electrodes.
3. The purge tube, EC cover plate, and igniter assembly will not be reused. Set these items
aside. However, the screws that were used to connect the tube to the detector will be reused.
4. Using an 11/16" wrench, remove the old RTD tube from the detector heater assembly. This
is the bent 3/8" tube that connects from the heater assembly near the base of the detector
to the smaller hole on the EC cover plate. Refer to Figure 3-6. Note that this tube will be
replaced with a different one to allow for installation of the larger purge tube.
5. Attach the new nut and ferrule (items 13, 14, and 15) to the new RTD heater tube (item
12). Refer to Figure 3-7.
6. Install the new 3/8" RTD tube (12) onto the detector heater assembly. To allow for easier
installation of the cover plate, do not completely tighten the nut at this time. Refer to Figure
7. Install the Kalrez high-temperature O-ring (item 8) into the groove on the new purge tube
bushing. Refer to Figure 3-10.
8. Install the new purge tube bushing (item 5) onto the FID using the 4 screws removed from
the purge tube earlier in this procedure. The new pipe gasket (item 3) should be positioned
between the bushing and the FID body. Install the bushing such that the tab (used to attach
the igniter fastening strap) is on the bottom. Refer to Figures 3-9 and 3-10.
9. Using a 2.5mm Allen wrench, attach the fastening strap (item 10) to the new igniter board
(item 9). Use a socket head cap screw (item 6) from the kit for this connection. Refer to
Figure 3-9.
Because the wires from the igniter to the electrodes are stiff, it is best to plug the wires in
before attaching the strap to the bushing.

10.Plug both igniter wires into the appropriate detector electrode positions. Refer to Figure
3-11. The wires from the igniter board to the DPM should not be connected yet.
11.Using a 2.5mm Allen wrench, attach the new igniter board to the bushing on the detector
assembly using the fastening strap. Use a socket head cap screw (item 6) and lock washer
(item 7) from the kit for this connection. Note that the igniter board is installed with the flat
side up and the round transformer down. Refer to Figure 3-9.
12.Plug the white signal wire (from the DPM) into the appropriate detector electrode position.
Refer to Figure 3-11. The wire should not be connected at the DPM end yet.
13.Place the white signal wire (from the DPM) across the top of the new igniter board as shown
in Figure 3-8.

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14.Insert the unplugged ends of the wires into the new FID purge tube (item 2) and slide the
purge tube over the igniter board and wiring. Make sure that the white signal wire remains
positioned against the flat top side of the igniter board.
Note that it does not matter which end of the tube is inserted towards the detector since
both ends of the tube are identical.
15.Line up the hole on the new purge tube with the hole on the bushing and fasten the tube
to the bushing using a 2.0mm Allen wrench. Use the button head cap screw (item 11) from
the kit for this connection. Refer to Figure 3‑12.
16.If the new grommets (items 4 and 16) are not installed into the holes on the new EC cover
plate (item 1), then install them now. Refer to Figure 3-7.
17.Apply a coating of Krytox 240 AC or similar lubricant around the inside diameter of the
grommets to allow for easy sliding of the new purge tube.
18.Feed the detector wiring through the appropriate holes on the new EC cover plate and
install the cover plate onto the detector assembly. Refer to Figure 3-4.
19.Tighten the nut on the new RTD heater tube at this time. Refer to Figure 3‑7.

Procedure - Reinstallation of Detector

1. Inspect the FID EC cover plate gasket (part # 2021171-001) and replace if worn or damaged.
2. Route the FID Module Assembly wiring into the EC and install the module into the analyzer.
Make sure that the FID bottom body fits into the hole at the bottom of the mezzanine section.
3. Install the 4 M4 screws into the FID mounting plate and tighten using a 2.5mm Allen wrench.
4. Make sure that the EC cover plate gasket is in the correct position and install the 4 M4 nuts.
Tighten the nuts using a 7mm nut driver. Verify that the nuts are not over-tightened by
making sure that the gasket is not pushed out more than about 1/16" along the edges of
the EC cover plate.
5. Connect the utility gas lines to the correct connecting unions and tighten using a 5/16" open-
end wrench. Remove the temporary labeling that was added earlier in this procedure.
6. Place the insulation and then the FID cover onto the FID block.
7. Install the FID cover set screw and tighten using a 3mm Allen wrench.
The next step is important in order to maintain the explosion proof protection of the FID.
The threads of the FID flame arrestor must be clean and lubricant or other substances must
NOT be applied to the threads.

8. Place the FID flame arrestor insert and washer into the FID bottom body and tighten using
a 9/16" open-end wrench. Make sure the flat washer (item 17) fits into the recessed cavity
at the lower end of the FID bottom body to insure it does not leak. Refer to Figures 3-4 and
9. Connect the FID flame arrestor insert tubing to the correct connection union in the air bath
oven using either a 1/4" or 5/16" open-end wrench depending on the fitting size.
10.Route the bias cable, the igniter cable, and the signal cable through the EC and connect
them to the FID DPM board locations from which they were unplugged earlier in this

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11.Route the FID heater RTD cable through the EC and plug it into the DPM location from
which it was unplugged earlier in this procedure.
12.Route the FID heater power cable through the EC and plug it into the PECM location from
which it was unplugged earlier in this procedure.
13.Turn on utility gases and check for leaks.
14.Turn on power to the analyzer and switch the valves checking all possible flow paths for
leaks. Refer to plumbing diagram provided in the custom documentation package for flow
15.Turn up oven air to the normal setting and allow the oven to come to temperature and
16.Set all gas flows after the detector is up to its temperature set point.
17.With the new igniter, it will be necessary to start Real Time Chromatograms on the HMI in
order to light the FID flame. On the HMI, choose the Maintenance Menu, and then select
option 5 (Detectors & Real Time Chroms). Then highlight the appropriate FID and then
press "View Chrom".
18.At this time you can ignite the FID using the HMI.
19.After 15 to 30 minutes the analyzer will be ready for operation. Verify that the FID operates
correctly and put analyzer back on line.

Procedure - Figures

FID EC Cover

FID Cover Set

FID Mounting

Figure 4-84 FID Assembly w/ Original Igniter (without Vent Tube)

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Component Descriptions and Maintenance Procedures
4.3 Detectors

Old Igniter

FID Bottom

Flame Arrestor
Insert Tubing

Figure 4-85 FID Assembly Bottom View (w/ Original Igniter)

Vent Tube

Figure 4-86 Location of Vent Tube on FID Assembly

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Component Descriptions and Maintenance Procedures
4.3 Detectors

New Igniter

FID Bottom

Flame Arrestor
Insert Tubing Connection

Figure 4-87 FID Assembly Bottom View (w/ New Igniter)

Narrow End of
FID Bottom Body

FID Flame
Arrestor Insert

Figure 4-88 FID Flame Arrestor Insert Detail

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Component Descriptions and Maintenance Procedures
4.3 Detectors

Purge Tube

Utility Gas

RTD Heater

Figure 4-89 FID Parts (with Old Igniter)

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EC Cover

Utility Gas

RTD Heater

Figure 4-90 FID Parts (with New Igniter)

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Component Descriptions and Maintenance Procedures
4.3 Detectors

Figure 4-91 New Igniter Connections to Detector

strap/ground strap

Note Board and

transformer are
Note Mounting upside down
Screw Positions
New Detector Bushing
(The ceramic feed through
does not change)

Figure 4-92 New Igniter Attachment to Detector

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Component Descriptions and Maintenance Procedures
4.3 Detectors

Groove for
Kalrez O-Ring

Figure 4-93 New Bushing (with Tab for Connecting Strap)

Note: The black wire

appears blue due to a
Teflon coating over the
White Signal Wire
(from DPM)
Black Wire
(from igniter)
Red Wire
(from igniter)

Figure 4-94 Electrode Connections for New Igniter

Figure 4-95 Tube Orientation with Screw Holes Aligning

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Component Descriptions and Maintenance Procedures
4.3 Detectors

4.3.4 Flame Photometric Detector Flame Photometric Detector (FPD)

The FPD is a selective detector that can detect sulfur based on the emission of light during
combustion. Two versions of the FPD have been available for the Maxum II. In 2007,
enhancements were made to the original FPD that improved the performance. The enhanced
FPD is called FPD II. Other than their performance, the original FPD and FPD II are very similar.
The FPD detects sulfur by combusting the sample components in a hydrogen rich flame. This
generates light of specific wavelengths. A filter passes light wavelengths which are
characteristic for sulfur. This is converted into an electrical signal using a photomultiplier device.
The FPD is equipped with an external heater that maintains the internal temperature at or
above 80°C (176°F) in order to prevent condensation. The FPD is a very sensitive detector.
Because of this the combustion fuel and combustion air gases must be extremely clean and
sulfur free to prevent excess noise.


Detection limit for sulfur (Original FPD) 2 × 10-11 g/s

Detection limit for sulfur (FPD II) 7 × 10-13 g/s
Characteristic for sulfur Quadratic: [S]2
Operating temperature range 80°C to 150°C
Ignition type Glow Plug
Electrical Data 2V at 3A (Maximum, only for flame ignition)

Conditions for Safe Use per ATEX Certificate

● The FPD shall be protected against mechanical damage by mounting inside another
● The relative maximal pressure existing inside the flameproof enclosure shall not exceed
0.065 bar.
● The grounding of the FPD shall be ensured by mounting to a metallic frame.
● The external part of the bushing shall be protected by pressurized enclosure “p”; not
included in the ATEX certificate.

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Component Descriptions and Maintenance Procedures
4.3 Detectors

Original FPD Label

FPD II Label

Figure 4-96 FPD Certification Lables

The FPD comprises:
● Bottom part contains connections for combustion gas, combustion air, column and exhaust,
and a burner nozzle.
● Top part contains combustion chamber, glow plug and fiber optic interface.

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Component Descriptions and Maintenance Procedures
4.3 Detectors

Figure 4-97 Flame Photometric Detector Major Components

Combustion Chamber
● The burner nozzle consists of two annular gaps. The combustion gas H2 flows out of the
outer annular gap and mixes with the combustion air from the inner gap. The carrier gas
flows from the nozzle into the dome-shaped flame.
● The exhaust is taken from the combustion chamber output via a flameproof joint.
● The glow plug is located above and to the side of the burner.

● The flame burns in a recessed area shielded from the fiber optic interface.
● The fiber optic cable connects to the photo multiplier tube (PMT) module in the EC.
● The optical interference filter is built into the PMT module
● All connections between the combustion chamber and the photomultiplier are absolutely
● The ignition cable of the FPD is routed through an EEx-e feed through to the EC.

he FPD is supplied with an external heater. Condensation would be formed in the FPD at
temperatures below 80°C and have a negative influence on the measuring properties. The
detector is insulated to prevent moisture from entering it.
The detector temperature is factory set depending upon the application. The temperature is
normally set equal to or higher than the oven temperature and at minimum 80°C.

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4.3 Detectors

Detector Gas Supply

The FPD requires the following gases:

Type of Gas Gas Quantity

Combustion Gas Hydrogen (Original FPD) 75-85 ml/min.
Combustion Gas Hydrogen (FPD II) 60- 130 ml/min.
Combustion Air (Original FPD) 110-130 ml/min.
Combustion Air (FPD II) 50-135 ml/min.

The FPD is a very sensitive detector. The gases and their supply lines must be extremely clean
and sulfur free to achieve a high signal/noise ratio.

Selection of Carrier Gas

Nitrogen, helium, argon or hydrogen can be used as the carrier gas. If hydrogen carrier is
used, the required flow of hydrogen flame fuel will be reduced. For the FPD II, the total
hydrogen flow (combined flame fuel and carrier) will be ~100-130 mL/min.

Increasing the Sensitivity

The sensitivity of the FPD can be increased by reducing the flow of combustion air. Most of
the time, the FPD cannot be ignited with a normal air/hydrogen ratio. If an electronic pressure
controller (EPC) is used for the combustion gasses an event will be written at the factory, which
will automatically adjust the flows during the ignition sequence. To obtain the recommended
flow settings for an analyzer, refer to the custom documentation supplied with that analyzer.

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4.3 Detectors

Figure 4-98 FPD Exploded View Upgrade Description

This section describes the procedure to replace the original Flame Photometric Detector (FPD)
in the Maxum II with a newer version FPD. This involves replacing the FPD assembly, called
FPD I, with the new FPD assembly, called FPD II. The existing light pipe and photomultiplier
tube from the FPD I will be reused. It will be necessary to power down the analyzer for this
The Flame Photometric Detector (FPD) is a selective detector that can detect sulfur based on
the emission of light during combustion. In 2007 a new version of the FPD was released for
the Maxum II. The original version is now known as FPD I. The new version is called FPD II.
The FPD II is a more sensitive and more consistent detector than the FPD I.

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Component Descriptions and Maintenance Procedures
4.3 Detectors Intended Users

This procedure is intended for either Siemens personnel or for highly skilled users who have
been trained by Siemens to perform this type of procedure. Users of this procedure must have
strong working knowledge of the safety systems of the Maxum II analyzer and have the
knowledge to safely power the analyzer down and back up. Users must also have a good
working knowledge of the Maxum II hardware and should be very familiar with the operation
and day to day maintenance of the analyzer.
This procedure involves replacement of the Flame Photometric Detector which may impact
the safety protection of the analyzer. This procedure should only be executed with the approval
of applicable local safety personnel and/or the local authority having jurisdiction. Safety and Certification Information

This retrofit may impact the safety protection of the analyzer. This procedure involves a retrofit
of the Flame Photometric Detector (FPD). The FPD is an explosion-proof device that is
equipped with required safety systems. It is important that these safety systems not be
compromised. All instructions and warnings in this procedure must be followed.
Refer to the Maxum II Explosion Protection Safety Standards Manual for more information
regarding the safety systems related to the FPD.
Maintenance work on the Maxum II analyzer should only be performed when the area is known
to be safe for the work to be done.

This procedure must only be executed with the consent and approval of all applicable local
safety personnel and/or the local authority having jurisdiction. Procedure - Upgrade FPDI to FPDII

The existing light pipe and PMT module are kept and used for the FPD II.

Because this procedure is intended for expert users, many of the steps have limited detail.

1. Put the analyzer in Hold.

2. Turn off the flame to the FPD by stopping the flow of hydrogen to the detector. Wait at least
15 minutes for the water vapor to clear the detector.
3. Turn off the power to the analyzer.

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Component Descriptions and Maintenance Procedures
4.3 Detectors

4. If the analyzer has mechanical regulators, shut off the hydrogen and air supplies to the

Potential burn hazard. Handling hot components may result in personal injury.
Detector may still be hot during removal. Exercise care when handling detector parts.

5. Remove the cover and insulation from the old detector. Use caution at this point as the
detector may still be hot.
6. Disconnect the hydrogen and air lines to the detector and the detector vent line from the
back of the detector.
7. Disconnect the column from the detector in the Maxum II oven.

Sensitive components. Failure to observe proper procedures may damage the equipment.
The photomultiplier in the FPD is sensitive to light. Avoid prolonged exposure of the
multiplier to excessive light, even when powered down. Never subject the light entry
window to a bright light source.

8. Disconnect the light pipe from the side of the analyzer. Remove and discard the brown
Viton O-rings on the light pipe. The new FPD does not require O-rings in this location.
9. Remove the screws from the detector mounting plate and the cover plate on the back of
the mezzanine.
10.Remove the detector from the Maxum II along with its mounting bracket, heater and cover
plate. The heater wiring, glow plug supply wiring and the associated purge tubes need to
taken out as well. Note the wiring connections as you remove them from the DPM.
11.Before installing the new detector, the cover and insulation need to be removed. Replacing
the insulation and cover will be the last step in the installation.
12.Install the FPD II. As you install the detector feed the wiring through the mezzanine and up
to the DPM. Connect the screws on the mounting plate.
13.Attach the mezzanine cover plate.
14.Connect the heater, thermocouple, and glow plug wiring to the DPM.
15.Connect the column inlet, hydrogen and air supplies, detector vent and the light pipe.
16.Replace the insulation and cover on the detector. Restore power to the Maxum II.
17.After the Maxum II has had time to heat up, check the flows and light the flame.

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Component Descriptions and Maintenance Procedures
4.3 Detectors

4.3.5 Pulse Discharge Detector Valco Pulsed Discharge Detector (PDD)

The detector can be used in three different versions: HID (helium ionization detector), ECD
(electron capture detector) and PID (photo ionization detector). Installation in the Maxum GC
is possible without further modification, and the detector can only be used in non-hazardous
areas. The PDD uses stable, pulsed DC discharges in helium as the ionization source. The
detector's performance data is equal to or better than that of detectors which use radioactive
ionization sources. Since a radioactive source is not used, the complex directives for radiation
protection need not be observed by the customer.

4.3.6 Methanator Methanator
The methanator is used with a Flame Ionization Detector (FID) when it is necessary to detect
carbon monoxide (CO) or carbon dioxide (CO2). In the methanator CO and CO2 are chemically
changed to methane using excess hydrogen and a catalytic reaction. The concentration of
methane, which can be detected using an FID, is proportional to the concentration of CO and
CO2. In this manner, it is possible to detect CO and CO2 using an FID. The methanator operates
at a very high temperature of approximately 400°C (752°F).
Two versions of the methanator exist. The original version is designed such that it is an
extension of the purged Electronics Enclosure (EC). It is connected to the CD via a pipe through
which purge air flows. This prevents explosive gases or vapor from entering the methanator
and contacting the hot surfaces.

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4.3 Detectors

Figure 4-99 Purged Methanator

The newer version of the methanator is an explosion proof version. This version is sealed
within an explosion proof enclosure. The interior of the explosion proof methanator is designed
somewhat differently than the original, but the theory of operation is identical.

Figure 4-100 Explosion-Proof Methanator

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Component Descriptions and Maintenance Procedures
4.3 Detectors

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4.3 Detectors

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Specifications 5
5.1 Maxum II Specifications

MAXUM edition II classic oven

Table 5-1 General

Smallest measuring ranges ● Thermal conductivity: 0 - 500ppm

(depending on application) ● Flame ionization: 0 - 1ppm
Temperature range in oven Application-specific, depending on temperature class
5 - 350°C depending on oven version and temperature class
Temperature control ±0.02°C
EMI/RFI design ● CE-compatible; certified according to 2004/108/EC(EMC directive)
● CE-compatible; certifiedaccording to 2006/95/EC(low-voltage directive)
● Tested according toEN 61010-1 / IEC 1010-1
Calibration Comparison measurement with external standard
● Type Manual or automatic
● Zero value Automatic baseline correction
● Span Standard sample cylinder (single or multipoint calibration possible)

Table 5-2 Design, enclosure

Mounting • Spacing on left: 460mm from walls and other devices

• Spacing on right: 460mm in all cases
• Spacing at front: 654mm in all cases
• Wall-mounted units
• Center-to-center: 1,120mm in all cases
Weight 77kg
Degree of protection IP54, Category 2
Danger class Standard configurations:
● Certified according to ATEX with air or nitrogen purging for Zones 1 and 2 (EEx pyedmib
IIB + H2)
● Suitable for use in non-hazardous areas and with non-dangerous conditions
● Certified according to CSA C/US for use in Class 1, Div. 1, Groups B, C, D with air or
nitrogen purging
● Certified according to CSA C/US for use in Class 1, Div. 2, Groups B, C, D

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5.1 Maxum II Specifications

Use in non-hazardous areas requires purging of the electronics area with air or nitrogen. PDD
is not certified for hazardous areas.

Table 5-3 Configuration

Oven options ● Single isothermal oven or divided oven with two independent isothermal zones
● Single oven or two independent airless ovens. The dual version has two separate oven
areas with separate doors which operate completely independently.
Detector modules Thermal conductivity, flame ionization, flame photometry, helium ionization, photo-ionization
and electron capture
Number of detector modules ● 1, 2 or 3 in any combination of detector module types for airbath ovens
● 1, or 2 in any combination of detector module types for airless ovens,up to 3 in special
Sample and column valves Diaphragm valves, diaphragm piston valves, sliding vane rotary valves, slider valves, or liquid
injection valve
Valveless option Live switching
Columns Packed, micropacked or capillary columns
Gas supply regulation Up to 8 electronic pressure regulator channels and up to 6 mechanical pressure regulators

Table 5-4 Electrical characteristics

Power supply ● Single-phase AC, 100 - 130V or 195 - 260V (selectable), 47 - 63Hz
● Single oven: max. 14A
● Dual oven: 2 circuits, max. 14A each

Table 5-5 Gas inlet conditions

Sample flow 5 - 100ml/min (depending on application)

Sample filter size 0.1 - 5μm with gaseous samples depending on type of valve Max. 0.3μm with liquid samples
Minimum sample pressure 35kPa, standard
Maximum sample pressure 200kPa standard, higher pressure as option
Maximum sample tempera‐ 121°C standard; higher temperature as option
Materials wetted by sample Stainless steel and Teflon; other materials as option

Table 5-6 Liquid injection (valve)

Vaporization temperature 60 - 350°C depending on application and temperature class

Injection volume 0.1 - 9.5μl

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5.1 Maxum II Specifications

Sample temperature -20 - 150°C

Material of parts wetted by Stainless steel, mat. no. 1.4571, Hastelloy, Monel or special materials
Control pressure 400 - 600kPa
Sample pressure Max. 6,000kPa, recommended 50 ... 100 kPa
Connections for pipe 3.14 mm (1/8") outer diameter

Table 5-7 Measuring response

Sensitivity (depending on ap‐ ±0.5% of span

Linearity (depending on appli‐ ±2% of span
Effects of vibrations Negligible
Repeatability in % of full span 2 and 100%: ±0.5%
between 0.05 and 2%: ±1%;
50 and 500ppm: ±2%;
5 and 50ppm: ±3%;
0.5 and 5ppm: ±5%
Detection limits See detectors

Table 5-8 Influencing variables

Effects of ambient tempera‐ None with electronic pressure control

ture Different effects with mechanical pressure control (depending on application)

Table 5-9 Electrical inputs and outputs

Standard input and output ● 2 analog outputs;

● 4 digital outputs (1 for output of system faults, 3 are user-configurable);
● 4 digital inputs;
● 3 serial outputs
Card slots for optional inputs 2
andoutputs via internal I2C
Input and output cards ● AIO: 8 analog outputs, 8 analog inputs, 2 digital inputs
● DIO: 6 digital inputs and 8 digital outputs
● ADIO: 4 digital inputs and 4 digital outputs, 4 analog inputs and 4 analog outputs
Digital inputs ● Optocoupler with internal power supply (12 - 24V DC); switchable by dry contacts.
● Alternative: switchable by external power supply 12 - 24V DC (only dry relay contacts),
external power supply, negative connection linked to ground, for a specific digital input.
Digital outputs Dry changeover contacts, max. contact rating:1A with 30V DC.
Diode bypass suppression should be used for inductive loads.

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5.1 Maxum II Specifications

Analog inputs ±20mA into 50Ω or

±10V RIN = 0.1MΩ,
insulation up to 100V
Analog outputsAnalog out‐ 0/4 ... 20mA into max. 750Ω, common negative pole, electrically isolated from ground; freely
puts connectable to ground
Termination Screw terminal for stranded or solid cable with a maximum size of 18AWG or 0.82mm2

Table 5-10 Climatic conditions

Ambient temperature -18 ... 50°C application-dependent

Table 5-11 Gas Supply

Instrument air ● At least 350kPa for units with valves Model 11 or Valco
● At least 825kPa for units with valves Model 50
● At least 175kPa for airbath ovens; 85l/min per oven
● No instrument air for fan-free ovens
Combustion gas ● Nitrogen or helium in compressed gas cylinder, purity 99.998%, or hydrogen with a purity
of 99.999%(depending on application).
● Typical consumption quantity: 5 - 100l/month per detector module
Combustion gas ● Hydrogen with a purity of 99.999%
● Typical consumption quantity: 2,000l/month per detector module
Combustion air ● Reference air (<1ppm THC, O2 concentration 20 - 21%). Supply through instrument air
with catalytic purification (optional).
● Typical consumption quantity: 26,000l/month
Corrosion protection ● Purging with dry air to protect the electronics
● Air bath oven with stainless steel lining
● Airless oven made of aluminum
● Steel lining painted on outside (epoxy powder coating)

Table 5-12 Communication

Serial output RS 232, RS 485, such as Modbus

Ethernet Standard 10/100 BaseT Ethernet with 4 RJ45 connectors such as Modbus TCP IP or OPC
Optional ESBF board Fiber-optic 100BaseFX multimode with ST connection
3x RJ45 and 1x optical or Scalance network components such as used for redundant con‐

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ABH1, 138 Sensor Near Electronics, 17
ABH2, 138 Sensor Near Electronics software module, 17
Applet, 13 SNE, 17
Applet Module, 13 SNE functions, 19
Application, 13 Solid State Relay Module, 138

Columns, 20 TEMP CONTROL, 96
Thermistor, 21

DHCP, 26

EC, 20
Ethernet IP, 26

Filament, 21
Flame Ionization, 21
Flame Photometric, 21
Fuses, 139

Heater Termination Plug, 96

IP address, 26

Method, 13

Pulsed Discharge, 21

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