The Ragging Problem

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Ragging is any disorderly conduct that has the effect of teasing or handling with
rudeness any student, which causes or is likely to cause annoyance, harm or to raise
fear in a junior so as to adversely affect the psyche of the junior. Ragging is practiced
all over the world, with different nomenclature like hazing, fagging; bapteme in French;
doop in Dutch; and Mopokaste in Finnish. The first recorded cases of ragging were in the
8th century BC during the Olympics in Greece. Ragging has been frequently associated
with a broad spectrum of physical, behavioral, emotional and social problems among
the victims. It independently increases suicide risks. Some of the reasons given by
students for ragging are they were also ragged by their seniors; sense of superiority;
and introduction. Other factors perpetuating ragging are use of alcohol in hostels
and lack of implementation of serious anti-ragging measures by college authorities.
Various practical steps to control ragging must include strict role of authorities, ban
on alcohol within college and hostels, surprise raids in hostels at night, postings (with
accommodation) of wardens in hostels, separate hostels for juniors, presence of college
“disciplinary committee” and “cultural committee,” strict punishments for those involved
in ragging, actions by Medical Council of India (MCI) and University Grants Commission
(UGC) against the erring colleges and universities and formulation of anti-ragging laws.
Ragging should be declared a public health problem because it involves the physical,
mental and social exploitation of not only an individual but also of his/her family and
the society as a whole.

Key words: Bullying, cultural committee, disciplinary committee, ragging, reasons, steps
DOI: 10.4103/0019-5359.53401

INTRODUCTION students force the unorganized newcomers

to undergo several forms of mental, physical
Ragging is a form of abuse of newcomers to and sexual torture. The juniors are usually too
educational institutions, wherein some senior frightened to resist this organized group of
tormentors. The torture of innocent students
often runs for months and involves the same
Surveillance Medical Officer, W.H.O- National Polio
Surveillance Project (NPSP), Badaun (U.P), India. batch of students being physically and mentally
abused by the same and/or different group of
Dr. Rajesh Garg, seniors (including those from the opposite sex)
1000, Urban Estate, Sector-19, Part-2., Kaithal, Haryana, India
E-mail: [email protected] over and over again. Ragging can be thought

Indian J Med Sci, Vol. 63, No. 6, June 2009


of in terms of verbal, physical and sexual was observed that adolescents from families
aggression. A single act may be a combination of low affluence reported higher prevalence
of more than one of these.[1] Bullying is not only of being victims of bullying. Adolescents that
restricted to academic institutions. Workplace attend schools and live in countries where
bullying is also gaining attention.[2] socioeconomic differences are larger are
at higher risk of being bullied.[5] Bullying is
Ragging is practiced all over the world, with a substantial problem affecting Canadian
different nomenclature like hazing, fagging, children also.[6] In a survey on final year medical
bullying; bapteme in French; doop in Dutch; and students in 6 medical colleges of Pakistan, 52%
Mopokaste in Finnish.[3] The term hazing has of respondents reported that they had faced
apparently been taken from the old American bullying or harassment during their medical
West practice of controlling stock animals. education. The overwhelming form of bullying
The word hazing was later appropriated in the had been verbal abuse (57%), while consultants
West for the ridicule and rough jokes forced on were the most frequent (46%) perpetrators.[7] A
newcomers, who were called “greenhorns.”[4] report in 2007 by the Indian anti-ragging group
As far as the history of ragging is concerned, Coalition to Uproot Ragging from Education
the first cases of ragging were recorded in the (CURE) analyzed 64 ragging complaints and
8th century BC during the Olympics in Greece. found that over 60% of these were related
The practice spread fast and menacingly — first to physical ragging, and 20% were sexual in
to the armed forces and then to the educational nature.[1] These facts and figures are nothing
institutions. Even though it claimed its first but the reflection of a large picture wherein the
victim, the son of a former civil war general, at downtrodden people are always oppressed by
Cornell University in US in 1873, it was World the mighty ones, and academic institutions are
War I that injected cruelty into ragging. Students not an exception to this rule.
that had gone to war returned to college, grimly
determined to use on the campus newly learnt RAGGING IN THE INDIAN CONTEXT
methods of torture.[3]
Although so many definitions are given by
RAGGING, AN INTERNATIONAL different authorities regarding ragging, the
PHENOMENON Hon’ble Supreme Court of India has given a
comprehensive definition of ragging: “Ragging
Ragging or bullying is not limited to a particular is any disorderly conduct, whether by words
country or continent; rather it has been an spoken or written, or by an act which has the
international phenomenon. Ragging has been effect of teasing, treating or handling with
highlighted in western literature also (e.g., in rudeness any student, indulging in rowdy or
Britain, Tom Brown’s Schooldays and Boy undisciplined activities which cause or are likely
by Roald Dahl; and C. S. Lewis’s The Silver to cause annoyance, hardship or psychological
Chair).[1] In a comparative, cross-sectional, harm or to raise fear or apprehension thereof in
multilevel study in 35 countries in Europe and a fresher or a junior student and which has the
North America for the period 2001-2002, it effect of causing or generating a sense of shame

Indian J Med Sci, Vol. 63, No. 6, June 2009


or embarrassment so as to adversely affect the ILL EFFECTS OF RAGGING

psyche of a fresher or a junior student.”[8] It is an
act of aggression committed by an individual or The ill effects of ragging include all the
a group of individuals over another individual dimensions — right from the physical injury
or a group of individuals wherein the individual/ through beating, hitting by objects or by forcing
individuals of the group first mentioned, by virtue to perform dangerous tasks to sexual abuse by
of him/her/their being senior to the individual/ forced stripping, forced masturbation, forced
individuals of the group mentioned second, unnatural sex, etc. The psychological effects
somehow get the authority and audacity to include constant fear, loss of concentration,
commit the act of aggression; and the latter, inferiority complex and guilt because of decline
by virtue of their being new to the institution, in academic performance and feeling of
spontaneously become victims. Any interaction insecurity arising out of financial exploitation.[11]
which is aggressive and asymmetric (not on Being a victim or perpetrator of school bullying,
equal footing) is ragging.[9] the most common type of school violence,
has been frequently associated with a broad
spectrum of behavioral, emotional and social
The scum of ragging has not left our literature
problems.[12] Results of a prospective study
untouched too. Who can forget the initial
of Korean adolescents showed that bullying
description of ragging — a bottle of cold drink
independently increased suicide risks.[13] Based
and three nude freshers — in the book Five
on an analysis of a national representative
Point Someone by Chetan Bhagat.[10] A search
sample comprising of middle school and
on the internet or in any encyclopedia will reveal
highschool students in United States (US),
limitless other ways that the “raggers” use to
it was found that 39% of the students were
satisfy their hungry ego. But if this aggression
involved in bullying others and/or were victims
has become so big that we have started getting
of bullies at least three times in the preceding
the shocking news that a precious human life
12 months. Bullies, victims and those who are
has been lost due to the menace of ragging, it
both are at a significantly higher risk of suffering
means that the things are crossing the limits, the from self-inflicted, accidental and perpetrated
water has risen above the nose and we have to injuries; abusing over-the-counter medications;
act now and control the situation at this moment. indulging in hurting animals and people on
The death of a medical student, Aman Kachroo, purpose, using a weapon that could seriously
at medical college, Kangra, Himachal Pradesh, hurt someone; and of being frequently absent
stirred the conscience of the entire nation. It still from school, as compared with their peers
sends chills in one’s spine whenever the topic of that are not involved in bullying or have rarely
ragging comes up. Now, at present, as a person participated in it.[14]
from the field of public health, I think of ragging
not only as a personal issue, an issue related The ill effects of bullying are not only restricted
to a particular person, but as a social problem to the victim alone. The catastrophe of a victim
with the questions and answers both lying with of ragging seems to be limited to that individual
the society. and his family; but if we look deep into the

Indian J Med Sci, Vol. 63, No. 6, June 2009


skin, then we come across the vast ill effects the practice of ragging.[11] Ragging is justified
on the conscience of masses. What about by these students on the ground that ragging
other students that were the batch mates of is the only way by which the new students can
Aman Kachroo?[15] After the Aman Kachroo be taught about the traditions of the institution.
episode, the parents who had sent their wards
to a professional college for achieving their Another factor perpetuating ragging is the
desired goals are breathing under constant use of alcohol in hostels. The prevalence
threat regarding the safety of their kids. And of unhindered, nonprohibited flow of liquor
this fear is certainly going to hamper the future (literally !!) in the hostels may be denied by the
prospects of the coming generation, the future authorities but it is a naked fact of most of the
of our country. There must be some corrective professional colleges.[16] Under the influence
steps to eradicate this evil. But before that, we of alcohol, the students in their early ages are
have to understand the basics associated with swayed away by emotions, and their so-called
ragging, the reasons and the psycho-social hidden machismo comes out and they set on
factors behind ragging. their mission to “improve and guide” the juniors
and put them on “right paths,” as according to
REASONS BEHIND RAGGING them the junior students know nothing about
this cruel world.
The reasons behind ragging are listed in Table
1. One of the reasons given by students is on There is a lack of supervision and of
the following lines; As they were ragged by their implementation of serious anti-ragging
seniors, so it’s their right to rag their juniors.[11] measures by many college authorities.
It’s similar to the Indian saas (mother-in-law) Whenever a case of ragging is reported, the
who misbehaves with, and insults and tortures, first reaction of authorities is to wrap up the
her bahu (daughter-in-law) only because she things as early as possible as it will hamper the
too was humiliated when she was a bahu of prestige and reputation of the institute.[16] The
that particular family (Kyunki Saas bhi Kabhi vacant post of wardens in the hostels is also a
Bahu Thi !!). Another reason is the sense major issue. Many a times, the warden is not
of superiority. The crueler a senior is, more actually staying in the hostel, particularly during
terrified are the juniors. This is just like the the night, when the ugly demon of ragging
typical Bollywood movies where everybody is raises its head.
afraid of “Don” or “Bhai.” Introduction is another
important reason given by students that favor As far as the outside world is concerned,

Table 1: Reasons associated with ragging by seniors in colleges

S. No. Factors
1. Seniors were ragged, so they also do the same thing to their juniors.
2. Sense of superiority.
3. Introduction of juniors.
4. Use of alcohol in hostels.
5. Lack of supervision and lack of implementation of serious anti-ragging measures by college authorities.
6. Vacant or no posts of wardens in the hostels. Many wardens are not actually staying in the hostel.
7. Ragging is not considered a social evil.

Indian J Med Sci, Vol. 63, No. 6, June 2009


ragging is not considered a social evil. People a passive witness.[18] An urgent global public
consider ragging as simple teasing; dancing, health need exists to ascertain the regional
etc., and they don’t know the real extent of prevalence of mortality related to bullying and
ragging in the hostels. Many a times when a hazing.[19]
ragging incident is reported, as it involves a
severe punishment, it generates sympathy Table 2 shows various practical steps which
towards the senior and leads to compromise can be taken to improve the situation. The
and suppression of the case.[11] first and foremost is the role of authorities.
At the start of the session, the students must
STEPS TO STOP THE MENACE OF be addressed personally by the head of the
RAGGING institution about the harms of ragging, ban
on ragging, anti-ragging laws and finally in
So what can we do to solve the problem? Enact a a stern voice that ragging in any form will
new law? Put the guilty behind bars and suspend not be tolerated. [20] The “dress code” and
them from the college? Yes, this is one of the “hair style code” imposed on the juniors by
solutions but not the only solution. One has to senior students must be curtailed. Alcohol
think of this in the context of a psycho-social and smoking should be strictly banned within
problem. The solution, apart from punishment as college and hostel premises. Surprise raids by
deterrence to ragging, must also suggest ways to the college authorities in hostels at night will
build up confidence in the relationships of juniors, be a strong deterrence in this regard.[11] There
seniors and the authority. should be compulsory postings of wardens in
the hostels, with accommodation, so that the
The efforts to fight against ragging must include warden can stay at the hostels in the night.
ongoing programs with elements of primary, To ensure this, single and unmarried resident
secondary and tertiary prevention. These doctors/ lecturers should be encouraged to
programs should be supported and monitored opt for the post of wardens by giving them
by a public health policy with a strategy aimed special incentives and free accommodation in
at creating awareness among the entire hostels. Provision of separate hostels for the
community about bullying, prohibiting bullying juniors and newcomers would be a positive
and the importance of developing emotionally step towards prevention of ragging.[21] Entry
and physically safe environments in institutes of senior students should be banned in these
and workplace settings. Public health policy hostels. Recording daily evening attendance of
should mandate the monitoring, detection and the newcomers should be made compulsory.
reporting of bullying incidents; provide guidance If any newcomer is found in the room of any
for school intervention; and offer guidelines for senior student, particularly in the evening/ night,
medical consultation.[17] Teachers, including it should be taken very seriously. A college
administrators, and students can promote or “disciplinary committee” should be formed of
ameliorate bullying and other forms of violence active faculty members. Every year, annual
when in the social role of a bystander, i.e. being functions, competitions, personality contests,
an active and involved participant rather than quizzes, plays, etc., should be held regularly

Indian J Med Sci, Vol. 63, No. 6, June 2009


Table 2: Corrective steps to control ragging in colleges

S. No. Corrective Steps
1. A comprehensive anti-ragging law by the Parliament of India.
2. Migration certificates issued by every institution should mention whether the student had participated in ragging or not.
3. At the start of the session, the students must be addressed personally by the heads of the institutions and informed about
the ban on ragging.
4. “Disciplinary committee” to instill the value of discipline in the minds of students and “cultural and creative committee” to
channelize the energy of students should be formed in colleges.
5. Provision of separate hostels for newcomers.
6. Contact numbers of the senior faculty members should be displayed in college campus and a printed copy thereof given to
freshers at the time of admission.
7. Responsible people from the society, like academicians, artists; Indian Medical Association (IMA)[25]; and social
organizations must be actively involved.
8. The Medical Council of India (MCI) and University Grants Commission (UGC) must act against the erring principal and
9. The punishment may include expulsion from the university, suspension or fine with a public apology, withholding
scholarships, expulsion from hostel, etc.
10. Counseling sessions must be in place to counsel students that indulge in ragging.
11. At the time of admission, an affidavit should be submitted by the students stating that they would not indulge in, or support,
any form of ragging.
12. Alcohol and smoking should be strictly banned within the college and hostel premises.
13. Compulsory postings of wardens in the hostels with accommodation.
14. The students’ union should be involved in the fight against ragging.
15. “Best senior” award should be there, to be voted by newcomers.[21]
16. Teachers should regularly check the practical notebooks of the senior students and compare the handwriting in the practical
book with the handwriting of that student.[26]
17. Complaint boxes should be placed at the dean’s office, library, college canteen, wherein the juniors can drop their complaint
letter (as most of them are reluctant to come into the open for lodging a complaint because of the fear of being thrashed or
boycotted by seniors).[21]
18. Doctors, both from government and private sector, should be sensitized to report any injury suspected to have occurred due
to ragging that comes to light on taking proper history.
19. Provision for appointing one of the most senior students as “floor perfect” on each floor of every hostel for prompt
reporting of ragging incidents.
20. Involvement of NGOs for creating public opinion regarding ragging as a social evil.

to provide the youths a channel to divert their collective punishment can be awarded to act as
energy and mind on a creative and positive deterrent.[22] The Medical Council of India (MCI)
path. As far as the aspect of ‘introduction’ and and University Grants Commission (UGC) must
‘tradition’ is concerned, light moments can be also act against the colleges and universities,
shared with juniors at a common place like with action against the erring dean/ principal
college café, auditorium, mess, etc., in the along with de-recognition of that college or
presence of a junior teacher, like residents/ university and suspension of grants if college
lecturers. authorities were found unable to curb ragging
in campus. In the wake of the recent Aman
There should be strict punishments for those Kachroo ragging case in Himachal Pradesh, the
who are involved in ragging, which may University Grants Commission (UGC) said that
include expulsion or suspension from the universities and colleges under it will have to
university or classes, fine, public apology, implement a strict anti-ragging regulation from
withholding scholarships or other benefits, the next academic session.[23] This is indeed a
suspension from hostel or mess, etc. If the step in the right direction.
individuals committing or abetting ragging
are not identified or cannot be identified, There is an immediate need of an anti-ragging

Indian J Med Sci, Vol. 63, No. 6, June 2009


law. Some states have already promulgated major factor for campus violence and suicides
anti-ragging law, for example, Kerala,[8] but in educational institutions in India, it is yet to
what we need now is a comprehensive law be recognized as traditional and systematic
having applicability across the whole nation human rights violation in the field of education;
enacted by the Parliament of India. The and such human right violations in education
Supreme Court of Sri Lanka decided in April have not been given the proper attention they
1998 on the constitutionality of a law that aimed deserve. However, within the United Nations,
to outlaw and suppress, inter alia, verbal abuse ragging has been considered an issue of
(recognized as ragging, bullying or harassment) human rights in education, and a 4-A scheme
within educational institutions.[1] has been advocated whereby governmental
human rights obligations to make education
The role of media in the formation of a public available, accessible, acceptable and adaptable
opinion on this issue cannot be denied. In the have been recognized.[1]
last 57 years, at least 250 cases of deaths
have been linked to bullying, as reported in These measures may not be able to completely
English language newspapers from around the abolish the heinous practice of ragging, but
world. The majority (62.3%) of the reports of certainly these will act as the harbinger of
bullying-related deaths originated in Europe, change in the society. We can’t allow anyone
with most (93%) of them occurring in the United to destroy the dreams and life of the students,
Kingdom.[19] As far as the problem of ragging in who are the future of this country. The definition
India is concerned, it is widespread but under- of health as given by World Health Organization
reported. India’s only registered anti-ragging (1948) in the preamble to its constitution is
NGO, Society Against Violence in Education “Health is a state of complete physical, mental
(SAVE), has noted 7 reported ragging deaths and social well-being and not merely an
in the year 2007 alone; and 31, in the period absence of disease or infirmity.”[24] In the light
2000-2007.[1] Although it seems that the number of this definition, ragging is a health hazard as
of ragging cases is very low, yet what we see in it disturbs all the parameters of health of the
media is nothing but an “iceberg phenomenon.” newcomers.

Health professionals have the unique In the present times, the topic of ragging
responsibility of promoting the development needs more attention from our leaders and
of community initiatives for the prevention intellectuals than in the past as it is disturbing
of bullying and related health problems. the harmony in the educational institutions and
Physicians need to be aware of the physical society. Isn’t it the right time to declare ragging
and psycho-social symptoms associated with as a public health problem because it involves
ragging so that they can screen the children the physical, mental and social exploitation of
involved and provide the support needed to not only an individual but his/her family and
develop healthy relationships.[6] society as a whole? So international health
agencies like WHO should consider ragging
Also, ragging, although widely believed to be a as a public health hazard and frame guidelines

Indian J Med Sci, Vol. 63, No. 6, June 2009


for its prevention and control in collaboration with survey. PLoS ONE 2008;3:e3889.
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9. Banerjee S, Sharma A, Mathur S. Some points
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Source of Support: Nil, Conflict of Interest: None declared.
on 2009 Apr 7].


Dr. J. C. Patel Medical Research Foundation is organizing Fifth Conference on Iron Deficiency at Shanti Sarovar,
Hyderaban on 5 -7 February 2010. Early registration closes on 31/8/09. Only first 150 out-station delegates would
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Indian J Med Sci, Vol. 63, No. 6, June 2009

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