Quality of Research

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Academic Research is defined as a process of collecting, analyzing and interpreting

information to answer questions or solve a problem. But to qualify as good research, the
process must have certain characteristics and properties: it must, as far as possible, be
controlled, rigorous, systematic, valid and verifiable, empirical and critical. The main
characteristics for good quality research is listed below:

1 It is based on the work of others.

2 It can be replicated and doable .
3 It is generalisable to other settings.
4 It is based on some logical rationale and tied to theory. In a way that it has the
potential to suggest directions for future research.
5 It generates new questions or is cyclical in nature.
6 It is incremental.
7 It addresses directly or indirectly some real problem in the world.
8 It clearly states the variables or constructs to be examined.
9 Valid and verifiable such that whatever you conclude on the basis of your findings
is correct and can be verified by you and others.
10 The researcher is sincerely interested and/or invested in this research.

Standards of Good Research

Commitment to a Theoretical Attitude

Aim is for objectivity, researcher puts aside personal beliefs and judgments and records
what is observed with the goal of learning the truth. Truth claim is only true or valid if it is
“objectively valid”

Research should contribute important knowledge to the profession

Research should have a purpose that is meaningful, not just to get the degree or for
personal status. Should not be trivial but instead and important contribution.

Reflects recognition of guiding interest

Serves to provide value to the profession through understanding. This knowledge helps to
explain the purpose of the research and to determine how the research should be

Needs clear understanding of symbol systems and open to questioning and

Symbols are subjective and the researcher must understand the varying knowledge and
interpretations of the people they are researching. Additionally, good research is able to
withstand questioning and criticisms.

Conclusions have rational logic and are supported by evidence

Conclusions are drawn by the research conducted and there is data to support the claims
of the researcher

Responds to challenge
Good research stands up to questioning and criticisms of others.
Research is a laborious and hard work in reality and it requires great patience and control.
Research paper requires rigorousness to maintain its quality. There can be several factors
that can effect the quality and the outcome of the research, the researcher should have a
control over these factors. Some factors will effect the research positively while other
factors can negatively effect the research. Negative factors can decrease the validity of the
research, so these factors should be kept in control by the researcher.

Another very important and basic characteristic is that it should have to be controlled or
measured. Everything that you add in a research paper is preplanned and cannot happen
just by chance. The first step in conducting a research is choosing a research topic, from
that step till the end, writing the research paper the researcher should keep control over
the research study. He should measure the consequences of each step that he has
planned to take prior to taking it.

Accuracy is important because without accuracy the research paper cannot be valid and
generalizable. In every step of the research the researcher has to check the accuracy.
When the researcher is reviewing literature he should write down the references along with
the literature review so that when writing those reviews he can accurately write the
reference of each review. While testing the hypothesis the researcher should write down
the results of the tests accurately so that there is no error. In research the researcher
should leave no chances of error by himself. He should ensure the accuracy of his
research to 100 percent.

A research paper should have to be free of ambiguities and it should have great clarity.
Clarity is one of the main essences of research and without clarity the research paper is

As a researcher you do not need to add a lot to the research paper to make it unique or
interesting rather you should add only relevant and original content. The readers will be
able to understand a concise research more easily, there should not be unnecessary
details in the research.

Validity is the most important concern in writing and conducting a research. The actual
strength of the research paper is its validity. A valid research is applicable to various
situations in general or it can be applied to any specific situation, people or society.

The data the researcher adds in the research paper should have to be verifiable and
provable. The researcher should be able to demonstrate the research paper and there
should not be any loopholes in the information.

The research should have to be conducted and written in a logical manner. The researcher
should follow a sequence so that he cannot get troubled in the end as to how to compile
this research. It is better if you start writing the research paper as you are conducting it.
Preciseness means that the research paper should have completeness and it should
contain detailed investigation of the research topic.

The research paper should contain only original content and copy work should be
completely avoided. You can add literature from other sources in various forms like in the
form of literature review but you should never compromise on the originality of the
research paper.

Coherence is necessary because it makes the research paper a complete and one unit.
Every part of the research paper should be so linked that it makes a whole.

Academic style of writing

Writing a research paper is the last step of the research and writing requires rigorousness.
The researcher should follow an academic style of writing and any ostentatiousness in
writing should be avoided. The language of the research paper should have to be simple
and easy to understand.

The research paper findings should be generalizable and the findings should be applicable
to the society in one way or other. Sometimes the purpose of the research is to develop
new research tools, techniques or data collection instruments. Such research may not be
useful for the society in general but in the long run researchers will be bale to use these
tools or techniques to conduct more researches.

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