CPAR Transcript Lucrecia Urtula PDF
CPAR Transcript Lucrecia Urtula PDF
CPAR Transcript Lucrecia Urtula PDF
Del Rosario
National Artist: Lucrecia Urtula
12- Nebres
1. Dance is art, because aside from the 2. She born on June 29, 1929. A
emotions expressed, movements and choreographer, theater director, teacher,
rhythms can be used to tell stories. Cultural author and researcher, who contributed in
Dances are significant to a country’s the revival and documenting of folk
national identity as it reflects the richness dances. In 1988, she was named as a
of its culture and history. And one of the National Artist for dance, and she died on
people responsible for the preservation and August 4, 1999.
enrichness of our folk and ethnic dances is
Lucrecia Faustino Reyes-Urtula.
3. As a child, she did not have a permanent 4. and ultimately, to appreciate the distinct
home as her family kept on transferring and unique cultures of the various ethnic
due to her father, Col. Leon Reyes’s groups, developing an enduring interest in
occupation being a brigadier general. He the arts, music and dance. This lead her to
was consecutively assigned to Iloilo, Jolo, take up education and specialize in
Kalibo, Surigao, Dumaguete, and several Physical Education in the Philippine
other provinces. But this actually allowed Women’s University where she also
her to participate in festivals and rituals. stayed to work.
5. Through the group Bayanihan Dance 6. Singkil originated from the Maranao
Company, she used her creative touch to people which tells the story of the
transform folk dancing into the realm of epic Darangen about Princess Gandingan
theater. She served as the dance director (abducted by the diwatas) rescued by the
since its debut until thirty years later. She Prince Bantugan. Originally, all of its
compiled various dances such as the dance performers are women. The dance served
of the Muslim princess called "Singkil". as advertisement of female royalties to
potential suitors.
7. When the Bayanihan Dance 8. 1st: "Asik" where the slave with
Company began performing the Singkíl, it umbrella is introduced.
was adapted to convey Western aesthetics. 2nd: Putri Gandingan, the arrival of fan
Their version became so popular that it is dancers, of Rajah Bantugan.
often mistaken as the authentic version, 3rd: Patay, the slow section, a structural
but a notable variation is its inclusion of convention often found in Western
male dancers, as pole clappers and the role performances.
of the Rajah Bantugan. More sets of criss- 4th: The climax in which all dancers dance
crossing bamboo poles were also added. to the crescendo of music.
9. Sarahlynn Pablo, notes that Singkil is 10. Despite these adjustments and western
just actually the Maranao interpretation of influences, I am in awe by what Lucrecia
the ancient Indian epic, Ramayana, and was able to achieve. She created a version
that the modification of details that 20 years after her death, is still very
suggests acculturation, where popular. If you would recall the SEA
the monistic, Hindu aspects of the Games 2019 opening ceremony, the first
narrative were edited to conform with dance performed was actually the singkil.
the monotheistic beliefs of Islam.
11. She was able to adjust the traditional 12. Another dance which she worked is the
dance into a modern version which was Salidsid, the Kalinga courtship dance,
able to reach the younger generations. performed by a male and female. It uses a
Through dance, we can really teach the cloth called allap or ayob. The male
Filipinos of our rich culture and old ways. simulates a rooster trying to attract the
attention of a hen while the female dances
with layers of clay pots.
13. I think that the male dancer encircling 14. The salidsid is feautured in the
the female is a symbolism to how men or Cordillera suite Bayanihan instructional
warriors in the Cordilleran culture are the video series, released in 2002, wherein
ones claim the attention of their potential aside from Lucrecia R. Urtula as its
brides, while the women are to work with Choreographer ; Lucrecia R. Kasilag, a
the chores, as the pots or banga are National Artists for Music worked on it as
essential to the chores that requires the use the music director
of water
15. Dance demonstration during this slide. 16. Dance demonstration during this slide.
17. In half a century Bayanihan has 18. But according to the Hybridity and
performed in six continents, sixty-six National Identity by Kanami Namiki, there
countries and 700 cities worldwide. In has been an ‘Imeldific’ influence. During
appreciation and recognition of their the Marcos regime, Philippine folk dance
pioneering efforts and international became a political tool to convey state
success, the 10th Congress enacted R. A. ideology. It was the first time that the state
8626 declaring them as our National Folk invested in culture and arts in visible ways.
Dance Company.
19. Bayanihan became one of her favorite 20. First philippine folk festival : a
dance companies as she liked grandiose. retrospection. – a book published in 1981,
The more grandiose and spectacular written in English
Bayanihan’s performances became, the
more Imelda favored them. Accordingly, Sayaw : an essay on the Spanish influence
Bayanihan became more theatricalized and on Philippine dance – a book published in
inclined to be more western oriented. 1992, which she wrote with Prosperidad
Under this circumstance, Bayanihan Arandez, part of the series Tuklas Sining,
established its dominant status in the field. essay on the Philippine Arts.