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Congregation of Dominican Sisters of St. Catherine of Siena
Notre Dame-Siena College of General Santos City
Nlsa Road Extension, Purok Masagana
San Isidro, General Santos City

Senior high School Students Perceptions on the use of Gadgets for

Effective and Productive

A Research Project Presented to the Faculty

Notre Dame-Siena College of General Santos City
San Isidro, General Santos City

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements For The

Subject Practical Research

Rimpos, Steven Sam

Yumang, Paolo Miguel
Nana, Simon Enricho
Cab, Arthur Gio
Estomo, Chass Clayton

March 2019


The researchers would like to thank and appreciate the people who supported the


Firstly, We the researcher are thankful for our dear teacher, Ms.Stefi Tocogue for

helping us had teaching us what to do. And for assisting us with particular techniques and

for comments that greatly improved our research. If it hadn`t for Ms. Stefi Tocogue this

research would’ve been a failure.

Second, we would also like to show our gratitude to Mr. Rey Tidalgo for sharing his

pearls of wisdom with us during the course of this research. And for the continuous

support of our study and related research, And for his patience, motivation, and immense

knowledge. His guidance helped me in all the time.

Third, would like to express our deepest appreciation to our Directress principal, for

providing us the possibility to complete this study. A special gratitude we give to, Sister

Mailyn Bolivar O.P. whose contribution for approving the researcher study to conduct here

in Notre Dame-Siena College of General Santos City.

Fourth, we the researchers would like to thank the members for their participation in

the study, who supported our work in this way and helped us to get results of better

quality. We are also grateful to the people that helped us to give ideas to our study.

Lastly, to our Almighty Father for giving the researchers intelligence; and knowledge

for them to support their study. The researchers also give thanks to the Lord because of

a successful work and giving the researchers people that really helps them to complete

their study.


FRONT PAGE………………………………………………………………………I


TABLE OF CONTENTS……………………………………………………………iii

LIST OF FIGURES………………………………………………………………….v


I. The Problem And its Setting


Statement of the Problem………………………………………….2

Significance of the Study…………………………………………..3

Scope and Delimitation…………………………………………….3-4

Definition of Terms………………………………………………….4-5

II. Review of Related Literature and Studies

Conceptual Framework……………………………………………….6

Conceptual Paradigm………………………………………………7

Related Literature…………………………………………………..8-9

Related Studies…………………………………………………….10-12

III. Methodology

Research Design……………………………………………………………….13-14
Locale of the Study…………………………………………………………….15
Respondents of the Study…………………………………………………….15
Data Gathering Procedure…………………………………………………16


APPENDICES…………………………………………………………………… 20

A. Questionnaire……………………………………………………. 21
B. Interview Guide………………………………………………….. 23
C. Letter to the Principal…………………………………………… 24
D. Letter to the Validators…………………………………………. 25
E. Letter to the Respondents……………………………………… 26
F. Letter to the Panelist……………………………………………. 27

APPROVAL SHEET…………………………………………………………….. 28

CURRICULUM VITAE………………………………………………………….. 29




Gadgets play vital role in the education field in order to improve their skill and

knowledge. It is very important for them since they need to improve their knowledge power

to gain success in the future.

Electronic gadgets make the student to think beyond their books and explore the

learning skills as much as they can, it can also help the students to learn from the gadgets

and grow their learning skills (Collins, 2018).

Gadgets make the world a great and easy place to live. The growth of gadgets of

ever-increasing difficulty opens new panorama for human ability (Web Finance Inc, 2018).

People need advanced technology to stay active and strong.

The study of Tanya Mozias Slavin (2018). “The advantages of using electronic

gadgets in teaching in school”. The use of tech gadgets in the classroom is a controversial

issue. On the one hand, there are advantages of using electronic devices in learning,

Computers and other electronic devices can greatly enhance the learning experience and

the knowledge of students.

A digital sketching tools allow for taking notes on paper or a pad and having them

transferred to your laptop. (Lawas, M.A. 2017). Therefore the researchers come up with

this study to know the perceptions of Senior High School Students on the use of electronic

gadgets for effective and productive learning.


Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine the perceptions on the uses of electronic gadgets for

productive and effective learning of Senior High School Students (SHS) in Notre Dame-

Siena College of General Santos City.

Specifically, it will answer the following questions:

1. How are gadgets used by the Senior High School Students in the following


1.1 Mathematics,

1.2 Science,

1.3 English, and

1.4 Research/Pananaliksik

2. How do the uses of gadgets play a vital role in the effective and productive

learning of the Senior High School Students?

1.1 Social Life, and

1.2 Academic Involvement


Significance of the Study

The results of this study will be help to the following:

School - it can enhance their technologies and unit to give the students a faster and easy

way to finish their doings.

Senior High School Students - They will benefit using the gadgets in in boosting their

learnings and productivity. Computers, on the other hand, do away with all the

paper works, and help them lead on comfortable life.

Parents - They are the one that is responsible for their children to know that gadgets is

useful in academic fields.

Teachers - They can use projectors and gadgets to give a faster knowledge to the

students and they can use gadgets for them to explain and represent the lesson

well by using power point and etc.

School Administrators - They are the one who will encourage the principal to provide

more technology like computers and tablet to the students so that they can use it

for the learning.

Scope and Delimitation

The Campus of Notre Dame – Siena College of General Santos City is the

proposed locale of the researcher’s study because it is where they could easily found

their respondents and ideas for their topic. All Senior High School Student are chosen by

the researchers as their respondents because they are suitable respondents to satisfy

their study, and this is just the limit of the researchers study.

Notre Dame – Siena college of General Santos City is a catholic school located in

Purok Masagana, San Isidro, It will serve as the local for the researchers study.

K-12 covers Kindergarten and 12 years of basic education (six years of primary

education, four years of Junior High School, and two years of Senior High School [SHS])

to provide sufficient time for mastery of concepts and skills, develop lifelong learners, and

prepare graduate for tertiary education.

Definition of Terms

For a better understanding of this study, the following terms are defined

operationally and conceptually.

SHS Students – Senior High School is a secondary school that students attend in the

three or four highest grades before college (Johnson, 2018). Operationally they

are one of the respondents of the study.

Family – A family is a group of individuals who share a legal or genetic bond.

(Blossom, 2018). Operationally they are one of the respondents of the study.

Effective Learning – a successful in producing a desired or intended result, existing in

fact. (Jason, 2018). Operationally this is use to complete and justify the

researchers study.

Productive Learning – is an educational process leading to the development of a

person’s role in the community as well as bringing about change within the

community itself (Kyle Lascot, 2017). Operationally this is also use to complete

and justify the researchers study.

Perceptions - The state of being or process of becoming aware of something through

the senses.

Social life – The part of a person`s time spent doing enjoyable things with others.

Academic life – I used to describe things that relate to the work done in schools, colleges,

and universities, especially work which involves studying and reasoning rather

than practical or technical skills.

K-12 – Is a short from for the publicly-supported schools grades prior to college.

Mathematics – The abstract science of number, quantity, and space. Mathematics may

be studied in its own right (pure mathematics), or as it is applied to others discipline

such as physics and engineering (applied mathematics).

Science – The intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of

the structure and behaviour of the physical and natural world though observation

and experiment.

English – A branch of knowledge studied or taught in a school, college, or university.

Research – The systematic investigation into and study of materials and sources in order

to establish facts and reach new conclusions.




This chapter contains the literature and studies to the perceptions of Senior High

School Students to the use of gadgets for effective and productive learning. First chapter

deals with the conceptual frame work of the present research problem and primary

matters regarding the research.

Conceptual Framework

The researchers used independent variable- dependent variable paradigm format,

wherein the frequency of use of gadgets is the independent variable because it will affect

the corresponding dependent variable which is the impact of gadgets. Based on the

conceptual paradigm it is shown in our input the statement of the problem. First is how

are gadgets used by senior high school students in the following subjects: Mathematics,

Science, English, and Research/Pananaliksik. Second is what are the perceptions of the

students on the effects of gadgets in Social life, Academic life, and Time management

and third how do the used of gadgets play a vital role in the effective and productive

learning of Senior High School Student. Next is the process the researchers will

undertake the following steps to fulfil the desired output. First is the seminars on the

proper use of gadgets. Second is the assessment of the sources of interest on using

gadgets. And lastly is the desired output which is the awareness and limitation of using

gadgets in different aspects of life.



Input Proces Output

1. How are gadgets use by
senior high school students
in the following subjects:
1.1 Mathematics,
1.2 Science,
1.3 English, and
1.4 Research/Pananaliksik
1. Seminars on the proper
use of gadgets.
Awareness and limitation of
2. How do the uses of gadgets
using gadgets in different
play a vital role in the
aspect of life.
effective and productive 2. Assessment on the
learning of senior high school sources of interest on
students using gadgets.
1.1Social life,
1.2Academic life

Figure 1. Conceptual Paradigm

Figure 1. Conceptual paradigm: This paradigm represents the of Senior High School

Student (SHS) perceptions to the use of gadgets for effective and productive learning of

Notre Dame-Siena College of General Santos city.



This are the researchers Literature that collects published information/materials on

a particular area. Such as books and journal articles.


A gadget is a small tool or device with a specific useful purpose andfunction.

Gadgets tend to be more unusual or cleverly designed than normal technology. In today’s

life, tasks are maximized with the use of modern gadgets.

It is easier to accomplish daily tasks and people are also able to do work with efficiency.

One cannot even dare to imagine life without smart phones, cellphones, laptops, tablets,

iPods and so on (Tech Crates, 2012). Today’s gadgets are one of the ways to make life

more comfortable and easier. Shy (2010) says that no one can deny the fact that gadgets

have not only simplified the lives of people but also made them more comfortable and

luxurious. Indeed, these gadgets really made a huge impact in people’s lives and became

part of it.

Gadgets used in Learning

According to Gammuac (2013), today’s classrooms are equipped with the latest

technology to enhance instruction. Smartphone use in the classroom is still somewhat

controversial, but the Calgary Board of Education actually encourages it as a learning

tool. In an interview with CTV, Queen’s University National Scholar and Associate

Professor Sidneyeve Matrix compared the situation to when calculators were first used

by students in the classroom. “We had a whole new level of computational skill, and now

we’re going to have a whole new level of mobile digital skills when we turn to mobile

learning on the handhelds.”

Technology users are moving towards being more mobile, and teachers and

students are a significant part of that trend. On 2013, Lenovo, the world’s top PC vendor

reported that they sold more smartphones and tablets than PCs for the first time ever.

Calgary-based SMART Technologies’ SMART Boards are popular with both teachers and

students. Teachers can project presentations onto the SMART Boards and they can write,

touch and interact with their content. Document cameras are also a fun way for teachers

to show students new and interesting ways of looking at objects. Whether they are

zooming in on the smaller details of a 3D object, or observing science experiments,

students can share an equal view of the lesson – without crowding the teacher’s desk.

Whether a student is listening to his own music while studying, or a teacher is playing an

audio book to her students, mp3 players are an increasingly common sight in schools.

Both teachers and students can make full use of mp3 players in their school activities

(Gammuac, 2013).

One study that was conducted to determine whether wiki technology would

improve students’ writing skills in a college English as a foreign language writing class

showed benefits to using wiki technology. Students were invited to join a wiki page where

they would write and 5 post passages and then read and respond to the passages of their

fellow classmates. Students participating in the study reported that their receiving

immediate feedback from the instructor was a benefit of using this form of technology.

Students in the study also reported learning vocabulary, spelling, and sentence structure

by reading the work of their classmates (Lin & Yang, 2011)



New media technologies and a number of important studies were conducted in the

2000’s on them impact of children’s intellectual development, and various aspects of

using such technologies. Many researchers were conducted aimed to organize

understanding the change that took place by using these technologies, and to explore the

conversion in children’s behavior and focused to discover what extent children feel

aggression, and how they react by using these modern technologies e.g. video games,

mobile phones with various application embedded using via internet with Wi-Fi

connections video games consoles and internet.

Providing computers to schools increases the technology skills of teachers and

students in both the developed and the developing world. Laptop programs increase

student’s engagement with academic work and school, improve technology skills, and

have positive effects on student’s writing. Research in many nations suggest that laptop

programs will be most successful as part of comprehensive initiatives that also address

changes in education goals, curricula, teacher training, and assessment (Zucker & ligh


An analysis of effective technology use for at-risk students found that simple

replacing teachers with computer based instruction typically yields no learning benefits.

Rather, blending leads to higher engagement and learning gains (Darling-Hammond

2014). Gross (2017) described in his article that people are very frequent in use of media

and modern technologies in communication at home or at work and feel hard to survive

in the absence of modern means of communication. With the advent rapid new

technologies; digital societies are shaping all across and people are relying mainly on

these resources form information, education, and entertainment to social interaction.

The same are shaping social attitude in dealing with each other. There formed

digital cultures and multi resources of communication have severe effects on humans

beings especially on children; who have the immediate capacity of learning. Technologies

usability among youngsters and adolescent such as TV, internet, mobile phones are

common particularly in developed countries (Gross, 2016).

Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) aims to design, develop and test socio-

technical innovations that will support and enhance learning practices of both individuals

and organizations. It is therefore an application domain that generally cover technologies

that support all forms of teaching and learning activities. Since information retrieval (in

terms of searching for relevant learning resources to support teachers or learners) is a

pivotal activity in TEL, the development of recommender systems has attracted increased

interest. This chapter attempts to provide an introduction to recommender systems for

TEL setting, as well as to highlight their particularities compared to recommender systems

for other application domains (Koper 2016).

The Effects of gadget on Social life

According to Clinton (2016), Gadgets have become a part of our day to day lives.

From morning alarms to plugging on to music at night, gadgets have permeated our lives


But, the effect of these personal gadgets such as the mobile phone, mp3 players as well

as tablets has also been disastrous on our ability to communicate effectively. While the

advent of mobile phones was considered to be a transformation in the manner how people

could communicate with others anywhere and everywhere, its side effects have come to

light only in the last few years. The number of people who own a mobile phone or a tablet

has steadily increased and with that dependency on them has also gone up.

On the other hand, gadgets have led to reduced growth in children’s physical and

mental abilities. While children used to play sports actively earlier, a lot of them have

either taken to mobile phones, tablets or gaming on laptops. Playing outdoor sports not

only results in their physical growth but also in interaction with peer people as well as

promoting team work. But, with the modern day parents also getting hooked on to these

gadgets, they are not actively inculcating the habit of playing outdoors in the children,

Rishika Jalan (2014).

The Effects of gadget on Academic life

Technology has always been advancing throughout the years. It has made a big

impact on people especially on lifestyle. One of the many things that are affected in the

society; having been a common source of information and entertainment, Janilo (2015).

Moursi D. (2017) Stated that in our present generation, students are obsessed in using

gadgets. They usually want to buy the latest release of these gadgets to satisfy their

desires in terms of entertainment and getting the newest of the new. As a result, students

tend to involve gadgets in their everyday lives including in their studies.




This chapter present the research methodology which includes the research

design used in conducting the study, it also includes the sources of Research paradigm,

Locale of the study, Instrumentation, Respondents, and Data Gathering Procedure.

This type of research is a Qualitative research because the researcher gather numerical

data and different concepts. Also, this study is a problem that has not been studied more

clearly so that it is exploratory research.


This type of research is a Qualitative research because the researcher gather

numerical data and different concepts. Also, this study is a problem that has not been

studied more clearly so that it is exploratory research.

Base on Emma Eccle Jones (2016) a qualitative research is a process of

naturalistic inquiry that seeks in-depth understanding of social phenomena within their

natural setting. It focuses on the "why" rather than the "what" of social phenomena and

relies on the direct experiences of human beings as meaning-making agents in their

everyday lives.

Exploratory research is defined as a research used to investigate a problem which

is not clearly defined.


The use of electronic gadgets to senior high

school students for effective and productive

Use of Gadgets in subjects Research

1.1 Mathematics Qualitative Research

1.2 Science Exploratory Research
1.3 English
1.4 Research/Pananaliksik
Locale of the study

Notre Dame-Siena College of General Santos

How is Learning with or without electronic
gadgets for the senior high school
Respondents (WHO)
1.1 Social life
Senior HighSchool Students
1.2 Academic life

Respondents (HOW)

Respondents will be chosen in every

sections randomly.



Awareness and limitation of using gadgets in

different aspect of life

Figure 2. Research Paradigm


Locale of the Study

This study will be conducted on Notre Dame – Siena College of General Santos City, A

Catholic Dominican Institution.

K-12 covers Kindergarten and 12 years of basic education (six years of primary

education, four years of Junior High School, and two years of Senior High School [SHS])

to provide sufficient time for mastery of concepts and skills, develop lifelong learners, and

prepare graduate for tertiary education.

The researchers chose this locale for the study because of its convenience and

relevant to the study. The Senior High Students of Notre Dame – Siena College of

General Santos City is prone to use of electronic gadgets in their learnings.

Respondents of the study

The researchers chose the senior high school students (SHS) of Notre Dame-

Siena College of General Santos City. Those who are in the senior high school level are

prone to use of electronic gadgets and it is part of their lives. The electronic gadgets make

the student to boost their leaning skills. The researchers will use the Simple Random

Sampling method to determine those perceptions of the students for the effectiveness

and productiveness of gadgets to their learnings. The senior high school is (361) Three

hundred sixty-one of its population. The sample will be gathered together, the researchers

will use the Slovin’s formula to know the final number of the respondents.

The slovin’s formula is used to calculate the sample size (n) given the population

size (N) and a margin of error (e) it’s random sampling technique formula to estimate the

sampling size.


n = no. of samples

N = total population

e = error margin / margin of error

1 + 𝑁𝑒 2

Data Gathering Procedure

First step ask permission to the Directress principal to allow the researchers to

conduct their study in Notre Dame-Siena College of General Santos City in topic with the

researcher in titled “The use of electronic gadgets of senior high school students for

effective and productive learning”.

After asking permission the researcher will first observe and search for something

in the internet and in reality. To conduct the researcher study they need to have a deeper

understanding to help them satisfy their study, the researcher used the senior high school

students as their respondents in their study, because they are perfect respondents to the


As the researchers are finished, the researchers will give letters to the validators to

validate the researchers study and also for the panels they will also receive letters from

the researchers to inform them that they are the one that will judge the researchers study.

The researchers will make some questionnaires for the respondents to know what

the response of the given questions. After the questionnaires are done the researchers

will go to all senior high school rooms to conduct the study. First the researchers will hand

out the letter to the respondents, then the researchers will hand out the interview guides

so that the respondents will be guided, after 5 minutes the researchers give out all the

questionnaires, about 20 minutes the researchers will collect the questionnaire and then

gather and analyze all the data, then formulate their conclusion.


According to Williams Johnson 2017, a research consisting of survey question for

the purpose of gathering data and Information, this kind of survey questionnaire is kind of

written interview. One research stated by John 2014, survey questions are helpful for the

fellow researchers to be guided for what is the respondent opinion. The survey According

to Brown 2015 Questionnaire is a type of data gathering method that is utilized to collect,

analyze, and interpret the different views of a group of people of a particular population.

Bell, P., & Winn, W. (2000). Distributed cognitions, by nature and by design. In D.

Jonassen, & L. S. M., Theoretical Foundations of Learning Environment (pp. 123-

145). New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.

Coffey, G. (2012). Literacy and Technology: Integrating Technology with Small Group,

Peer-led Discussions of Literature. International Electronic Journal of Elementary

Education, 4(2), 395-405.

Lin, W., & Yang, S. (2011). Exploring students’ perceptions of integrating Wiki technology

and peer feedback into English writing courses. English Teaching: Practice and Critique,

10(2), 88-103.

John, S. (1988). Handbook of Research on Mobile Devices and Application in Higher

Education Setting: A Research Contribution to the analysis of Mobile Devices in Higher

Education, p. 608

Briz, P. (2016). Handbook of Research on Mobile Devices and Smart Gadgets in K-12

Education: Principles of Learning in the Technology-Enhanced Classroom p. 399

Laura, B., & Anabela, P. (2016). Learning with mobile technologies – Students’

behavior. Article in Computers in Human Behavior p. 263


Abdullayev, Orxan. Introduction of Essay about Technology . Retrieved from:

https://essayforum.com/essays/introduction-technology-48784/ on February 17, 2017.


Emerging Theories of Learning and the Role of Technology. Retrieved from:


learning-and-the-role-of-technology on February 24, 2017.

Essay on Modern Technology. Retrieved from:

https://www.studymode.com/essays/Modern-Gadgets-48092808.html on February 17,


Gammuac, Heidi. Classroom Gadgets – Using Technology to Enhance Learning.

Retrieved from: https://calgaryherald.com/technology/classroom-gadgets-using-

technology-to-enhance-learning on February 17, 2017.

Impact of Modern Technologies on Youngsters. Retrieved from:

http://uniofbeds.wikidot.com on March 11, 2017.

Koper, Hendrik, Drachsler, Manouselis, Vuorikari, Hammel. Retrieved from:

https://link.springer.com on March 16, 2017.

Macasaet, Rufino. Uplifting Education in the Philippines Through Technology . Retrieved



echnology_Report on March 16, 2017.

Vega, Vanessa. Technology Integration Research Review: Annotated Bibliography .

Retrieved from: https://www.edutopia.org/technology-integration-research-annotated-

bibliography#meansh on October 21, 2017



Appendix A
Name (optional):_______________________ Section & Strand _____________
Age__________ Sex __________

Direction: Please Answer the questions substantially and carefully. All your answers will
be treated with utmost confidentiality.

1. How do you use gadgets in Mathematics?

2. How do you use gadgets in Science?

3. How is your gadget useful in your English subject?

4. Can your gadget be useful in doing your research?

5. What is the effect of gadget in your social life?

6. Is gadget effective in your academic life?


Appendix B


The succeeding questions listed is used to gather information relating to the perlevel
of Senior high school students.

 Do you have gadgets?

 How many hours would you use gadgets?

 Do you use your gadgets 1-3 hours a day?

 Do you use your gadgets to improve your productive learning?

 Do you use your gadgets for social media only?

 What are the application that you use in your gadgets?

 Do you use your gadgets for educational purposes?

 Do gadgets have a good effect to you?

 Do gadgets have a bad effect to you?

 Does your gadgets have significant in your academic learnings?



February 2019

Dear Principal,

We would like to ask your permission to allow us to conduct our research in title “The

use of electronic Gadgets of Senior High School students for effective and productive

learning. We would also ask to use the Audio Visual room as our venue for our oral


In this regard, the Stem students request the approval of your good office to conduct

the data gathering and collection.

Thank you very much for your favorable approval and endorsement of this request.

Respectfully yours,

Steven Sam Rimpos

Simon Enricho Nana

Paolo Yumang

Chass Estomo

Arthur Gio Cab



February 2019
Mr. Michaelangelo Collina
Notre Dame-Siena College
San Isidro, General Santos City

Dir Sir,
Please be informed that The Grade 11 Students from Our Lady of Lourdes class
has chosen you as one of the expert Validator of our study entitled “The perception of
electronic Gadgets of Senior High School students for effective and productive learning”.

Before conducting the study, the researchers would like to have your
comments, suggestions and recommendation that will help improve the above mentioned
questionnaire. We believe that your valuable observation and experience will help along
the way in the improvement of knowledge in the academic.

Thank you very much for our kind consideration and valuable contribution in
this respect.

Respectfully yours,

The Researchers:

Steven Sam Rimpos

Simon Enricho Nana

Paolo Yumang

Chass Estomo

Arthur Gio Cab



February 2019

To all Senior high School Students,


Blessed be God forever!

The researchers decided that the respondents of their study is the Senior

Highschool Stem students, Please allow us to conduct our study in titled “The Perceptions

of Electronic Gadgets of Senior Highschool students for effective and productive learning”

to satisfy the study of the researchers.

In this connection, We would like to request you to be our respondents in our study.
We hope you can help us by answering the instrument sincerely and truthfully.

Rest assured that all data gathered will be treated with utmost confidentiality and

will be used for academic purposes only. Thank you for your support and cooperation

Respectfully yours,

The Researchers:

Steven Sam Rimpos

Simon Enricho Nana

Paolo Yumang

Chass Estomo

Arthur Gio Cab



February 2019

Dear panelist,

We would like to invite you to be a member of our panel. Attached to this letter for

your checking are the Preliminary Chapters, along with the data gathering instruments,

The Researchers would like to ask for your consideration and accept our request

for being our Panelist For our Final Defense on February 21, 2019. Thank you very much

and have a nice day.

Respectfully yours,


Steven Sam Rimpos

Simon Enricho Nana

Paolo Yumang

Chass Estomo

Arthur Gio Cab


SY: 2018-2019


This undersigned research entitled “The Perceptions of Electronic Gadgets of Senior

High School Students for Effective and Productive Learning “ Prepared and submitted by


partial fulfilment for the requirements in Practical Research, has been examined and is

recommended for ORAL EXAMINATION.


Research Teacher


Approved by the Committee on Oral Examination.

Ms. Gladys Joy Gella

Mr. Michael Angelo Colina Ms. Eden Linao

Accepted and approved in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the Practical Research.


Date Director/ Principal


Name: Steven Sam Rimpos

Age: 17
Birthday: August 19, 2001
Sex: Male
Birthplace: General Santos City
Religion: Roman Catholic
Father’s Name: Jeanette Fernandez Rimpos
Mother’s Name: Diosdado Junio Rimpos

Senior High School Notre Dame-Siena College of General Santos City 2018 - Present
Junior High School Notre Dame-Siena College of General Santos City 2014 - 2018
Grade School Montessori School Of General Santos City 2007 - 2014
Primary Alliance Academy of General Santos City 2005 - 2007


 Guitarist
 Pianist
 Sports Man
 Dancer
 Watching Anime
 Playing Dota

Name: Paolo Miguel P. Yumang

Age: 16
Birthday: June 16, 2002
Sex: Male
Birthplace: General Santos City
Religion: Born Again
Mother’s Name: Janice P. Yumang
Father’s Name: Glenn Paul L. Yumang

Senior High School Notre Dame-Siena College of General Santos City 2018 - Present
Junior High School Notre Dame-Siena College of General Santos City 2014 - 2018
Grade School Montessori School Of General Santos City 2007 - 2014
Primary Nograls Learning Center 2005 - 2007


 Video Games
 Eating
 Playing Basketball
 Sleeping
 Listening to music

Name: Arthur Gio P. Cab

Age: 16
Birthday: May 20 2002
Sex: Male
Birthplace: General Santos City
Religion: Roman Catholic
Mother’s Name: Leila P. Cab
Father’s Name: Ahmed O. Cab

Senior High School Notre Dame-Siena College of General Santos City 2018 - Present
Junior High School Notre Dame-Siena College of General Santos City 2014 - 2018
Grade School Notre Dame-Siena College of General Santos City 2007 - 2014
Primary Francisco Oringo elementary school 2005 - 2007


 Playing Baketball
 Video games
 Travel
 Eating
 Listening to music
 Sleeping

Name: Simon Enricho D. Nana

Age: 17
Birthday: December 15, 2001
Sex: Male
Birthplace: General Santos City
Religion: Roman Catholic
Mother’s Name: Tessie D. Nana
Father’s Name: Cesar V. Nana

Senior High School Notre Dame-Siena College of General Santos City 2018 - Present
Junior High School Notre Dame-Siena College of General Santos City 2014 - 2018
Grade School Notre Dame-Siena College of General Santos City 2007 - 2014
Primary Notre Dame Dadiangas University 2005 - 2007


 Work out

 Dancing

 Playing

 Travel

 Reading

 Studying

 Listening to music

Name: Chass Clayton Estomo

Age: 17
Birthday: August 19, 2001
Sex: Male
Birthplace: General Santos City
Religion: Roman Catholic
Mother’s Name: Roselily Congson
Father’s Name: Jonnel Estomo

Senior High School Notre Dame-Siena College of General Santos City 2018 - Present
Junior High School Notre Dame-Siena College of General Santos City 2014 - 2018
Grade School Notre Dame-Siena College of General Santos City 2007 - 2014
Primary Notre Dame Dadiangas University 2005 - 2007


 Playing soccer

 Playing video games

 Sleeping

 Editing

 Playing Piano

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