Unit Assessment Plan Grade 8 Fractions

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Subject Area Mathematics

ED 3604 – Evaluation of Student Learning Grade Level Grade 8

Unit Assessment Plan Topic Fractions
Length of Unit (days) 15

Desired Results
Established Goals – GLO(s):

Develop number sense.

Understandings: Essential Questions:

Students will understand that…
How are multiplying and dividing similar operations?

In what ways can others and I apply these concepts to

life beyond this course?

Prior understandings… Students will be able to…

Grade 6: Relate improper fractions to mixed

numbers and mixed numbers to improper
fractions. Demonstrate an understanding of multiplying and
Grade 7: Demonstrate an understanding of dividing positive fractions and mixed numbers,
adding and subtracting positive fractions and concretely, pictorially and symbolically. [C, CN, ME, PS]
mixed numbers, with like and unlike
denominators, concretely, pictorially and
symbolically (limited to positive sums and

Where does this lead?

Grade 9: Model, record and explain the

operations of multiplication and division of
polynomial expressions (limited to
polynomials of degree less than or equal to 2)
by monomials, concretely, pictorially and
symbolically. [C, CN, R, V]

EDUC 3604 – Unit Assessment Plan Template

Adapted from Understanding by Design (2005) by Wiggins and McTighe
Subject Area Mathematics
ED 3604 – Evaluation of Student Learning Grade Level Grade 8
Unit Assessment Plan Topic Fractions
Length of Unit (days) 15

White board Multiplying White board Dividing
Title Pre-assessment Worksheet Worksheet Final
multiplying project dividing project
Type F F F/S S F F/S S S
Learning Outcomes (Formative/Summative)
Mode Poll everywhere whiteboards worksheet Their choice whiteboards worksheet Paper test
Weighting 15 20 15 20 30

Students will demonstrate and

understanding of multiplying
Students will demonstrate an
understanding of multiplying
mixed numbers
Students will apply multiplication
of fractions/ mixed numbers to
solve problems
Students will demonstrate and
understanding of dividing
Students will demonstrate an
understanding of dividing mixed
Students will apply dividing
fractions/ mixed numbers to solve
Subject Area Mathematics
ED 3604 – Evaluation of Student Learning Grade Level Grade 8
Unit Assessment Plan Topic Fractions
Length of Unit (days) 15

Assessment Assessment OF
Assessment Tool Brief Description FOR Learning Learning
Through this assessment I will get a sense of the student’s
abilities to compare fractions, reduce and expand, add and
subtract, translate from mixed number to improper fractions
and vice versa, and estimate products and quotients. Based
Pre-assessment on results of this assessment I will know what needs to be
reviewed and what we can move forward in. Since they take
part in math minute, they should be relatively familiar with
these concepts but I will be prepared to take some time in
the following lessons to review concepts.
This classroom has a class set of mini whiteboards. I will ask
questions from the front of the room and ask students to
respond by writing their answer on the whiteboard, when I
say “boards up” they will show me their answers and I will get
a sense if they understand the material. We will focus on
multiplication the first time then division later on in the unit.
I have prepared a double-sided worksheet intended to assess
students understanding of multiplication of fractions and
mixed numbers and their applications, pictorially and
symbolically. The first side will be formative, they can
complete this side with partners they will bring the sheet to
me for immediate feedback and suggestions for improvement
then they can work on the back which will be summative and
done individually. Same for the dividing fractions worksheet
later on in the unit.
The worksheets will be summatively assessed and handed
back to the students with a grade within two days. They are
invited to ask questions if they feel their mark is unfair.
In this project students will have the opportunity to create a
teaching tool that can be used to teach someone how to find
the surface area of a shape with side lengths being mixed
numbers. They will be showing their ability of converting to
Multiplying project improper fractions, finding surface area, and multiplying
Students will be given a choice to complete this project as an
explain everything presentation, a brochure, a PowerPoint
In this project students will have the opportunity to choose
from 3 job options (I will determine the options based on
what I learn about the students throughout the term) In their
Dividing project
job they will receive an assignment form their ‘boss’ each
employee will have to complete the task using their
understanding of dividing mixed numbers.
Subject Area Mathematics
ED 3604 – Evaluation of Student Learning Grade Level Grade 8
Unit Assessment Plan Topic Fractions
Length of Unit (days) 15

This will be a paper and pencil test done in class on the last
Final day of the unit. Intended to test all learning outcomes in the

Kahoot to review before test

# Lesson Title Lesson Activities


Overview: Students will do math minute. I will introduce myself a little, let them ask
questions. Everyone gets their phone or an iPad and we do a pre-assessment activity using
PollEverywhere. Students will answer questions, their answers will appear anonymously on
the smartboard. I will be able to see afterwards who gave which response.
Intro and pre- Teaching and/or Learning Strategies: Direct instruction, interactive online
assessment questionnaire

Notes: make a PollEverywhere pre-assessment

Resources: PollEverywhere QR code, iPads


Overview: Math minute. Teach concepts that were lacking from the pre-assessment
(converting improper fractions to mixed numbers or representing fractions pictorially or
multiplying or estimating products). Focus on converting mixed to improper.
Fill gaps evident Give then one question on an exit slip they must complete by the beginning of next class.
in pre-assessment
Teaching and/or Learning Strategies: fill-in notes, exit slip

Notes: make a lesson plan based on weak concepts evident in previous class’ pre-

Resources: fill-in notes sheets, exit slip

3 Outcome(s): Students will demonstrate an understanding of multiplying fractions.

Teach multiplying Students will demonstrate an understanding of multiplying mixed numbers.
concretely and
pictorially Overview: collect exit slips and do math minute.
Three things: 1. Estimate the product of fractions. 1/3 of 2/5 should be less than 2/5.
Teach multiplying fractions concretely using a pitcher of water, fill it to ½ then find that
half of that is ¼. 2. Teach multiplying fractions pictorially: using shapes and colored
Teach that ‘of’ will mean multiplying.

Teaching and/or Learning Strategies: direct instruction, demonstration,

Subject Area Mathematics
ED 3604 – Evaluation of Student Learning Grade Level Grade 8
Unit Assessment Plan Topic Fractions
Length of Unit (days) 15


Resources: pitcher, water

Outcome(s): Students will demonstrate an understanding of multiplying fractions.

Students will demonstrate an understanding of multiplying mixed numbers.

Overview: Math minute. Review multiplying lesson from previous class (they should know
how to multiply a fraction by a mixed number and a whole number). Allow students to get
whiteboards, ask multiple multiplication questions taking time to teach between questions.
Convert mixed to improper, estimating, Frac x frac, frac x whole number, mixed x mixed.
Multiplying and
If time permits, show a word problem and walk through the steps in solving it. Exit slip:
4 when might you use multiplying fractions in life beyond this class?

Teaching and/or Learning Strategies: review, mini whiteboard questions, exit slip

Notes: Make a list of questions you will be asking. Is there a procedure to getting

Resources: Exit slips

Outcome(s): Students will demonstrate an understanding of multiplying fractions.

Students will demonstrate an understanding of multiplying mixed numbers. Students will
apply multiplication of fractions/ mixed numbers to solve problems.

Overview: Math minute. Review briefly how to multiply fractions. Explain to students that
the first side of the sheet is not for marks, so they can work with a partner. Don’t start on
the back until I have reviewed your work. The back is to be done individually then handed
back to me.
5 Multiplying
Teaching and/or Learning Strategies: review, worksheet

Notes: Use some of their suggestions of application of multiplying of fractions in real life
in the worksheet.

Resources: worksheets

6 Intro multiplying Outcome(s): Students will demonstrate an understanding of multiplying fractions.

project Students will demonstrate an understanding of multiplying mixed numbers. Students will
apply multiplication of fractions/ mixed numbers to solve problems.

Overview: Math minute. Lead a discussion/ brainstorm how we might use multiplying
fractions beyond this course. Write all suggestions on the board including finding surface
Introduce the activity they will be doing the next few days and a few modes they can use
to do this project. Discourage them from having to learn a whole new system, if you’re
proficient at PowerPoint, or drawing or writing poetry, do that. Use what you are good at
to explain how to find the surface area of the shapes in the project.

Teaching and/or Learning Strategies: brainstorm discussion, review, project

Subject Area Mathematics
ED 3604 – Evaluation of Student Learning Grade Level Grade 8
Unit Assessment Plan Topic Fractions
Length of Unit (days) 15

Notes: Make an assignment sheet with a checklist. Ensure the assignment is strenuous
enough to occupy them for two periods but not too confusing. Demonstrate concretely,
pictorially and symbolically.

Resources: assignment sheet and examples of possible products. iPads and paper

Outcome(s): Students will demonstrate an understanding of multiplying fractions.

Students will demonstrate an understanding of multiplying mixed numbers. Students will
apply multiplication of fractions/ mixed numbers to solve problems.

Overview: Math minute. Go over expectations for this class, answer any questions. They
work on their project for remainder of period.
Work period Teaching and/or Learning Strategies: project


Resources: iPads, paper

Outcome(s): Students will demonstrate an understanding of multiplying fractions.

Students will demonstrate an understanding of multiplying mixed numbers. Students will
apply multiplication of fractions/ mixed numbers to solve problems.

Overview: Math minute. Go over expectations for this class, answer any questions. They
work on their project for remainder of period.
Those who are done early can self-evaluate, and when more get done, they can use
checklists to peer evaluate. Once they’ve reviewed three projects, they can brainstorm
8 how dividing fractions might be done?
Work period
Teaching and/or Learning Strategies: project

Notes: collect projects as they are completed along with the peer and self-evaluation

Resources: iPads, paper, peer and self-evaluation sheets

Outcome(s): Students will demonstrate and understanding of dividing fractions.

Overview: collect all projects and do math minute.

Three things: 1. Estimate the quotient of fractions. Teach dividing fractions concretely
using a pitcher of water analogy again 2. Teach dividing fractions pictorially: using shapes
Projects due, intro and colored sections.
dividing Review mixed to improper and vice versa if needed.
concretely and
pictorially Teaching and/or Learning Strategies: direct instruction, demonstration, review


Resources: pitcher and water

10 Outcome(s): Students will demonstrate an understanding of dividing fractions. Students

Dividing will demonstrate an understanding of dividing mixed numbers.
Subject Area Mathematics
ED 3604 – Evaluation of Student Learning Grade Level Grade 8
Unit Assessment Plan Topic Fractions
Length of Unit (days) 15

Overview: Math minute. Review dividing lesson from previous class. Allow students to get
whiteboards, ask multiple division questions taking time to teach between questions.
Convert mixed to improper, estimating, Frac ÷ frac, frac ÷ whole number, mixed ÷ mixed.
If time permits, show a word problem and walk through the steps in solving it.
Exit slip: SEE-I
Teaching and/or Learning Strategies: review, mini whiteboard questions, exit slip

Notes: Make a list of questions you will be asking. Is there a procedure to getting

Resources: SEE-I exit slips

Outcome(s): Students will demonstrate an understanding of dividing fractions. Students

will demonstrate an understanding of dividing mixed numbers. Students will apply dividing
fractions/ mixed numbers to solve problems.

Overview: Math minute. Review dividing fractions. How is dividing different than
multiplying, whole numbers and fractions?
Explain to the students that this worksheet is very similar to the one last week about
multiplication: first side of the sheet is not for marks, so they can work with a partner.
11 Don’t start on the back until I have reviewed your work. The back is to be done
individually then handed back to me.

Teaching and/or Learning Strategies: review, discussion, worksheet


Resources: worksheets

Outcome(s): Students will demonstrate an understanding of dividing fractions. Students

will demonstrate an understanding of dividing mixed numbers. Students will apply dividing
fractions/ mixed numbers to solve problems.

Overview: Math minute. Review dividing if needed. Introduce assignment, they will have
lots of options.
Intro dividing
Teaching and/or Learning Strategies: review, project
Notes: Make 2 different assignments with identical checklists

Resources: assignments, iPads, paper

13 Work period Outcome(s): Students will demonstrate an understanding of dividing fractions. Students
will demonstrate an understanding of dividing mixed numbers. Students will apply dividing
fractions/ mixed numbers to solve problems.

Overview: math minute. Go over expectations for this class, answer any questions. They
work on their project for remainder of period.
Those who are done early can self-evaluate, and when more get done they can use
checklists to peer evaluate.
Subject Area Mathematics
ED 3604 – Evaluation of Student Learning Grade Level Grade 8
Unit Assessment Plan Topic Fractions
Length of Unit (days) 15

Teaching and/or Learning Strategies: review, project


Resources: iPad, paper, peer and self-evaluation sheets

Outcome(s): Students will demonstrate an understanding of dividing fractions. Students

will demonstrate an understanding of dividing mixed numbers. Students will apply dividing
fractions/ mixed numbers to solve problems.

Overview: math minute. Go over expectations for this class, answer any questions. They
work on their project for remainder of period.
Those who are done early can self-evaluate, and when more get done, they can use
Dividing project
checklists to peer evaluate. Once they’ve completed three peer-assessments they can work
14 due. Finish
on textbook questions.
Teaching and/or Learning Strategies: project


Resources: iPads, paper, peer and self-evaluation sheets

Outcome(s): Students will demonstrate an understanding of multiplying fractions.

Students will demonstrate an understanding of multiplying mixed numbers. Students will
apply multiplication of fractions/ mixed numbers to solve problems. Students will
demonstrate an understanding of dividing fractions. Students will demonstrate an
understanding of dividing mixed numbers. Students will apply dividing fractions/ mixed
numbers to solve problems.

Projects due, Overview: Collect all projects. Math minute. Work in pairs on a review worksheet. Lead
Review Kahoot the students in a review Kahoot! After the Kahoot they can get into partners and

Teaching and/or Learning Strategies: worksheet, review game.

Notes: Make a Kahoot testing all outcomes

Resources: worksheets, iPads, Kahoot code

16 Unit test Outcome(s): Students will demonstrate an understanding of multiplying fractions.

Students will demonstrate an understanding of multiplying mixed numbers. Students will
apply multiplication of fractions/ mixed numbers to solve problems. Students will
demonstrate an understanding of dividing fractions. Students will demonstrate an
understanding of dividing mixed numbers. Students will apply dividing fractions/ mixed
numbers to solve problems.

Overview: Math minute. Students complete the unit test. When completed they can do
something quietly (i.e. read or draw)

Teaching and/or Learning Strategies: test

Subject Area Mathematics
ED 3604 – Evaluation of Student Learning Grade Level Grade 8
Unit Assessment Plan Topic Fractions
Length of Unit (days) 15

Resources: test
Subject Area Mathematics
ED 3604 – Evaluation of Student Learning Grade Level Grade 8
Unit Assessment Plan Topic Fractions
Length of Unit (days) 15

Assess and Reflect

(Stage 4)
Considerations Comments
Required Areas of Study:
Is there alignment between
outcomes, performance
assessment and learning
Adaptive Dimension:
Have I made purposeful
adjustments to the curriculum
content (not outcomes),
instructional practices, and/or
the learning environment to
meet the learning needs of all
my students?
Instructional Approaches:
Do I use a variety of teacher
directed and student-centered
instructional approaches?

FNM/I Content and

Equity/Multicultural Education:
Have I nurtured and promoted
diversity while honoring each
child’s identity?

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