BS en 476 - 2011

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General requirements for components used in drains and sewers [NO COPMING WATHOUT BS PERMISSION EXCEDT AS PERMITTED BY COPYRGHT LAW aw 2 raising standards worldviide™ Dan BS EN 476:2011 BRITISH’ STANDARD National foreword ‘This British Standard is the UK implementation of EN 476:2011. It supersedes BS EN 476:1998, BS EN 773:1999 and BS EN 1293:1999, which are withdrawn. ‘The UK participation in its preparation was entrusted by Technical Committee B/505, Weste Water Engineering. A\list of organizations represented on this committee can be obtained on request to its secretary. SI, as a member of CEN, is obliged to publish EN 476:2011 as a British Standard. However, attention is drawn to the fact that, despite taking an active part in the discussions leading to the drafting of the standard, the UK committee consistently voted against it. ‘This was due to BS EN 476:2011 dictating what is specified in material-specific standards, This can cause problems where dimensional requirements and performance class intervals are specified, whereas the design needs for a specific material may require alternative values to be implemented instead. ‘The UK committee also had concerns that some parts of the definitive criteria in EN 476 are in conflict with national regulations. In particular, the committee sees the dimensioning of “Nfanholes with access for cleaning and inspection by personnel in only exceptional circumstances” as an invitation to accept poten- tially dangerous situations. This is contrary to established UK good practice (see Approved Document H (Drainage and waste disposal) to the Building Regulations and the National Annex to BS EN 752, 600 £18 £30 NOTE _ DN canbe applied to elthar DNID or DNOD. 2.3 Geometrical characteristics of pipes Pipe straightness shall be within tolerances specified in product standards (see 7.1.8). , Pipes for pressurised systems may also be delivered in coils. Product standards shall specify the minimum radius of the coils instead of straightness. ‘The angle between the planes of the end faces of the pipe and the relevant axis shall be 90° with a tolerance ‘such that the function of the pipe joint shall not be impaired (see 7.1.6). A range of pipe lengths can be specified in product standards, 10 BS EN 476:2011 ‘ EN 476:2011 (E) Product standards shall specify tolerances on pipe lengths, even ifthe lengths themselves are not specified, For pressurised systems, tolerances on the wall thickness shall be specified in product standards. 6.2.4 Goometrical characteristics of fittings 62.44 General ‘Angles of fitings shall be specified in the product standards. Where applicable, tolerances on angles shall be specified in product standards. 6.24.2 Bends Angles a for bends (see Figure 2) shall be specified in product standards, Angles a should preferably be selected from 11°15, 15°, 20° to 22°30’, 30°, 45%, 60° 67° to 70° and 87° to 90". Other angles a may be spetified in product standards. NOTE Radi forbends (e.9. swept and unswept) should be specified in product standards. Key @ angle of bend radius of bend Figure 2—Illustrations of angle and radius of bends r 52.43 Branches ‘Angles {for branches (see Figure 3) specified in product standards should preferably be selected from 45°, 60" to 70° or 87° to 90°. 44 BS EN 476:2011 EN 476:2014 (E) Key Bangle of branches Figure 3 — Illustrations of angle fof branches 6.3 Dimensions of manholes and inspection chambers 53.4 General Dimensions of manholes with access for personnel shall comply with the safety requirements in force at the place of installation, In the absence of local regulations the diameter of the clear opening of the manhole cover according to EN 124 shail be > 600 mm (see Figure 4). For manholes where steps or ladders are integrated during production, the load requirements and test methods shall be specified in accordance with EN 13101 or EN 14396 respectively. 63.2, Manholes with access for cleaning and inspection by personnel Manholes for all maintenance works with access for personnel shall have internal dismeter (ID) and dimensions according to Figures 4 a) and 6). or a nominal size for rectangular sections of 750 mm 1200 mm of greater or square sections of 1 000 mm x 1 000 mm or greater, or a nominal size for eligtical sections of 900 mm x 1 100 mm or greater. NOTE National or local regulations or the relevant authority can specify larger minimum dimensions @.9. for the access. 6.3.3 Manholes with access for cleaning and inspection by personnel in only exceptional circumstances Manholes for the introduction of cleaning equipment, inspection and test equipment with exceptional possibilty of access for a man equipped with a harness, shall have internal diameter (ID) and dimensions according to Figure 4 c) or a nominal size for rectangular sections of 750 mm * 1 000 mm or greater or square sections of 800 mm * 800 mm or greater, or a nominal size for elliptical sections of 800 mm x 1 000 mm or greater. NOTE National or local regulations or the relevant authority can specify larger minimum dimensions @.. for the access, 12 BS EN 476:2011 EN 476:2011 (E) Dimensions in milimetres SI sf j 7 £i 3 l f z 3 if 3 T N11 \ : VL 291000 #00! a) b) ¢) Tye 450 mm shaft depth (ruting the slot part ofthe tpor, if spptcoble is required to allow he Fat step orladder rang tbe in an accessible positon. For septic tanks or separators, this dimension can be increases! upto 600 mm. Figure 4— Dimensions of circular manholes 5.3.4 Inspection chambers Inspecticn chambers having DN/ID's less than 800 permit the introduction of cleaning, inspection and test ‘equipment, but do not provide access for personnel. 6.4 Interconnection Product standards shall state whether or not components within dimensional series (or tolerances) are capable of interconnection, ‘Where such interconnection is not confirmed, product standards shall specify which means (e.g. adaptors) are required to effect interconnection. 13 BS EN 476:2011 : EN 476:2011 (E) 6 Performance requirements 6.4 Mechanical resistance of pipes and fittings 6.1.1 Mechanical strength of pipes and fittings in the cross section Mechanical strength requirements according to Table 4 shall be specified in product standards. Depending on the material, additional requirements can be necessary. Ei Table 4 — Mechanical requirements of pipes and fittings In the cross section Drains and sewers Requirements to be specified in product standards Minimum crushing strength or minimum ring stifress values or both requirements andlor any other relevant requirements such as creep ‘outside buildings re Strength classes (kNim) or stiffness classes (kN/m?), if more than one, shall be separated by at least 20 % of the next class. a ‘Appropriate strength requirements for pipes shall be specified in product inside buildings Senders! hydraulically Pipes, fitings and joints shall be capable of withstanding a transient pressure of 80, kPa below atmospheric, approximately 20 kPa absolute pressure, Crushing strengths, strenath or stiffness classes, bending moment resistance, long-term hydrostatic strength, Gravity pneumatically Pressurised * © Where eppropiele, pressure classes for components shall be glen in product standards. When product standards speciy proseice classes, tho reiaed PMA, PFA and PEA values shal be glven (eee EN 14801), Pipes and, where appropriate, fitings shall be classified according to their characteristic structural behaviour. ‘This behaviour can depend on: — the material, particularly its abty to either deform, and/or crack and/or rupture at failure under load; “thie Geometry, diameter, shape and wall thickness; — the internal pressure in service (if applicable); — the mechanical characteristics of the surrounding materials and support, after installation. ‘The load bearing capacity of components shall take into account all their relevant factors for safe and reliable ‘operation in systems, in particular: — the minimum and maximum operation temperatures and the temperature-induced loads, — the effects of constant or variable long term loading on the material properties; — the effects of potential hazards such as ground subsidence; — the effects of buoyancy, where it may occur. ‘As such, product standards shall specify: 4 BS EN 476:2011 EN 476:2011 (E) — the minimum and maximum operation temperatures (see 6.5) related to mechanical and internel pressure strength stated; — materiel properties, e.g. creep, fatigue; and — longtudinal bending resistance. Product standards shell state methods by which resistance to internal end external loadings is assessed. This can be specified by crushing strength test, maximum load deformation test, internal and external pressure strength iests or by calculation. Values shall be declared. Pipes can be defined as flexible”, "semi-rigid" or 'rigid” as defined in Clause 3. ‘The failure load for flexible, semi-rigid or rigid pipes causes excessive deformation or rupture or unacceptable cracking of the pipes and’can lead for example to: buckling of the wall, significant ereep in the material, ‘unacceptable cracking of coatings, loss of tightness in joints and reduction in hydraulic capacity. 6.1.2. Longitudinal bending moment resistance Long rigid or semi-rigid pipes of small diameters shall have @ satisfactory longitudinal bending moment resistance, The values shall be specified in product standards and expressed in kNim (se 7.3). 6.2. Mochanical resistance of manholes, shafts and inspection chambers above the base unit : 6.24 General For manholes and inspection chambers appropriate strength requirements shall be specified in product standards. Mechanical behaviour of manholes can be specified by testing and/or calculation taking into ‘account the ong term behaviour. Crushing strength {kNim), and/or axial load (kN/unit) and/or ring stiffness (ktvm2) classes if more than one, shall be separated by at least 20 % of the next lower class. 622 Circular sections Circular sections shall have minimum crushing strengths andior stiffness values, whichever is applicable, _Slated jp product standards (see, Rigid circutar sections shall have @ minimum crushing strength of 25 kN per metre length per metre internal diameter for nominal sizes less than or equal to DN 1000. For nominal sizes greater than DN 1000 the minimum crushing strength shall be 25 kN per metre length, or 30 kN per metre length if tested in a vertical position (see, Flexible circular sections for use in carrlageways, hard shoulders and parking areas shall have a minimum initial stifness value of 2,0 kNim?. 6.23 Other shapes Requirements for other shapes of construction shall be comparable to the requirements of 6.2.2 (see also, 6.2.4 Tapers, reducing and cover slabs Requirements for tapers, reducing and cover slabs shall be specified in product standards. Tapers for manholes shall withstand the test load in accordance with EN 124 according to their place of installation (see, 7 15 BS EN 476:2011 EN 476:20414 (E) ducing slabs for manholes shall withstand an ultimate load of at least 300 KN or a proof load of 120 KN (see when used in carriageways, hard shoulders and parking areas. When load-detribution slabs are necessary, dinresions and performance requirements shall be specified product standards. i 6.3 ightness 6.3.1 Test pressure Pipes, manholes, inspection chambers, fittings and joints shall be designed and manufactured to ensure tightness throughout design life under the design loading conditions. The internal test pressure shall be according to Table 6, Product standards shall specify the respective tests. Table 5 — internal test pressure } Drains and sewers Test pressure Cutside buildings | internal water pressure 0 kPa rising to 60 KPa a inside buildings | internal water pressure 0 kPa rising to 60 kPa I and - 3 internal air pressure of 0 kPa to 1 kPa® | © [manholes imum internal water pressure 50 KPa inspection for depths < 2 m: water equal to the total filing een for depths > 2 m: water internal pressure minimum 50 kPa hydraulically ‘maximum intemal water pressure = PEA of the component under static conditions? and 3 ‘minimum internal transient pressure > 80 kPa below atmospheric (approximately z 20 kPa absolute pressure) © | 3 [pneumatically maximum intemal water pressure 2 PEA (water) of the component under static 5 ‘conditions # and ‘minimum internal transient pressure 2 80 kPa below atmospheric (approximately 20 kPa absolute prossure) * Moisture adhering othe external surfaces shall not conattte leakage, © Where the watertghtness of the Joint assembly ls mainly dependent on intemel pressure, an addtional extemal hydrostatic Pressure test or 2 garial vacuum test chall be cared out. © The above requirement does not apply to ralnwater systems fixed extemelly othe biking. © Where the watertightness of the joint assembly is mainly dependent on external pressure, an actitional éxiemal hytrostabe Pressure test ora partial vacuum test shall be card out, © Whore the altightness and wetertighiness ofthe joint assembly is malnly dependent on interna air pressure below atmosphere, en adaitiona external hyrostatc pressure lest org partial vacuum test shal be cared out 16 BS EN 476:2011 : EN 476:2014 (E) 6.3.2 Seals for joints ‘Seating materials shall conform to the requirements euvuing lo EN 081-1, CN 001-2, EN 681-3 or EN 681.4 as approfriate. ‘The seals shall be designed in such a way as to ensure long term tightness, taking into account the properties of the sealing materials (e.g. elasticty, strength, relaxation, temperature sensitivity) end the possibilty of movements during the design lifetime of the system. 6.3.3. Rigid joints Product standards shall state the performances of rigid joints and shall specify the necessary test methods assessing their tightness. 6.3.4 Joint deflection When tested with the specified joint defiection value, a, in accordance with Table 6 and ilustrated in Figure 5, flexible joints, adjustable joints and adjustable fitings which include fiexible joints shall be watertight and airtight (if applicable). Key @ _jointdeflection value in mm Figure § — Joint deflection value Table 6 — Minimum joint deflection a Dimensions in milimetres DN Gravity systems. Pressurised systems a a ‘semi flexible Texible DN < 300 30 30 60 300s DNs 600 20 20 40 600< DN < 1000 40 40 20 DN> 1 000 10% 1 000/DN 70 * 4 O00/DN 201 OOO/DN 7 BS EN 476:2011 EN 476:2011 (E) 6.3.6 Joint shear load Flexible joints, acjustable joints and adjustable fittings which include flexible joints shall be watertight when tested under the following conditions: — the joint subjected to a shear force expressed in newtons at least 10 x DN or where appropriate (e.g. fiexiole pipes), to @ diametral deflection applied to the spigot near the joint of at least 5 % of the external pipe diameter, — ora combination of the joint shear load and joint deflection in accordance with 6.3.4. Product standards shall state test methods by which watertightness is assessed. 6.3.6 Restrained joints Restrained joints (see 3.16) shall be capable of withstanding the end thrust due to internal pressure and, \where applicable, due to temperature fluctuation and the longitudinal contraction of the pipe under internal Pressure due to the Poisson effects. Where available, performances of restrained joints shall be specified in product standards. 6.4 Continuity of invert When tested in the factory, joints shall have @ continuity of invert within the following calculated maximum {olerances: — DN/OD 318 or DN/ID 300: 0,02 mm x DN, no step to be greater than 30 mm. Product standards shall detail the dimensions or the method of calculation or the test method by means of ‘which compliance with this clause shall be demonstrated. 6.5 Temperature Pipes, fitings and joints shall be suitable for a continuous water discharge at temperatures according to Table 7. Temperature resistance tests may be specified in product standards. 18 BS EN 476:2011 EN 476:2011 (E) ‘Table 7 — Temperature resistance Drainage system Maximum temperature outside buildings —_| Pipes, fittings and joints shall be sultable for a continuous water discharge temperature of 45 °C in the case of s DN 200, or of 35 *C for > DN 200. inside buildings | Pipes, fittings and joints excluding rainwater systems shall be suitable for a maximum intermittent wastewater temperature of 95 °C, at the point of entry to the pipe system (see gravity ‘manholes and Connecting points: 45 °C in the case of s DN 200, or of 35 °C for > DN 200. inspection chambers hydraulically Pipes, fittings and joints, at an ambient temperature of 10°C, shall be suitable for a continuous water discharge temperature of 45°C in the case of SDN 209, of of 36 °C for > DN 200. pneumatically Pipes, fittings and joints, at an ambient temperature of 10 °C, shall be suitable for @ continuous water discharge temperature of 45 °C. pressurised 6.6 Dimensional stability Rigid pipes and fittings and pipe joints shall be dimensionally stable, when installed, For flexible and semi-rigid pipes and fitings, the practical admissible deformation when installed, shall be stated in product standards by giving both short-term and long-term values. A test for ring flexibility shall be stated in product standards, ‘where appropriate. 6.7 Smoothness of bore ‘The interior surfaces of pipes and fitings shall be of en even texture inherent to the method of manufacture and free from visible defects that may adversely affect their hydraulic performance. Where appropriate, product standards shall specify the acceptable imperfections, or specific hydraulic performance test for which ‘consideration shall be given to the effects of joint geometry. 6.8 Appearance Pipes, fitings and joints shall be free from defects which could impair their performance in service. 6.9 Corrosion resistance Components shall be resistant to corrosion by domestic wastewater, surface water and the effects of soil and ground water. Corrosion resistance tests can be specified in product standards. 6.10 Abrasion resistance Pipes and fitings shell be resistant to abraive effecte of hard particles in domestic wastewater and eurfaoc Water. Abrasion resistance tests can be specified in product standards. 6.14 Coatings and linings Where appropriate, coatings, linings or other protective measures shall be specified in product standards, 6.12 Long-term behaviour Where appropriate, long-term behaviour of components shall be specified in product standards. 19 BS EN 476:2011 EN 476:2014 (E) 6.13 Durability Product standerds shell cive details of characteristics which are relevant to the durability of the finished product, 6.14 Sealing elements Sealing elements as specified by the component manufacturer shall usually be supplied together with the components, 8.48 Resistance against cleaning operations 6.46 Handling When equipped with handling devices (anchors, Fandiing rings), product standards shall provide Justifying statements concerning pipes, fitings and mantles I order to ensure their safe handing, 7 Test methods 7.1 Measurement of dimensions 74.4 Mean internal diameter of barrels Where measurement of internal diameter is a sealereiment ofthe product standard, it shall be carrisd out near pal 2nes of the component. At least two measuremene Shall be taken near each end and the mean hore, diameters calculated. The measurements shall be eee at approximately equal angular spacing. Ifan internal ‘eurnferental tape is used, one measurement near cor end is sufficient, 74.2 Mean external diameter of barrels Where measurement of external diameter is a ts ugement of the product standard it shall be caried cut near uLends of the comzonent in a similar manner to retin 7-1.4, or by calculation from the circumforence nen cy ‘ends of the component. 74.3 Spigots and sockets Where measurement of spigots and sockets is a Fentement ofthe product standard, it shall be cartied out at {he outside diameter of the spigot and the insiae tiameter of the socket At least two measurements shall be jakea near each end and the mean diameters calsaines '¥a circumferential tape is used, one measuremen is sufficient, 7.4.4 Wall thickness of barrels 20 BS EN 476:2011 . EN 476:2011 (E) 7.4.6 Deviation from straightness of barrels Where measurement of deviation from straightness Is a requirement of the product stanulaid, the niethod of measurement shall be stated. Deviation shall be measured at the centre point of a line of length not less than two thirds of barrel length. TAG Di ation from squareness of the ends of the pipes Where measurement of deviation from squareness is @ requirement of the product standard, the method of measurement shall be stated. 7.2 Load bearing capacity tests 7.2.4 Load bearing capacity tests for pipes 724A Crushing test “The test shall be carried out on rigid pipes on a test machine having: — a load recording facility, — atiff loading beam the lower face of which is a bearer having an elastomeric bearing strip of thickness from 10mm to 40 mm and hardness between 45 IRHD and 65 IRHD (Intemational Rubber Hardness Degree) in accordance with ISO 48. ‘The maximum width of the bearing strip shall be in accordance with Table 8. ‘Table 8 — Maximum width of the elastomeric bearing strip ‘Nominal Diameter ‘Maximum width of the elastomeric bearing strip mm DNs 400 50 400 < DN'< 1 200 100 DN> 1200 150 | ‘lower bearer on which is iocated a V-shaped support which is either covered with or has two bearing strips of elastomeric material having the'same thickness and hardness es thet on the loading beam. The included angle (8) of the V shall not be less than 150° ‘The test consists of subjecting a compiete pipe or pipe section to the action of a uniformly distributed load. For example, bearers may be divided into sections to.achieve uniform distribution. The test load shall be applid symmetrically over the entire bearer iength. The position of the load may be adjusted to maintain stability. 7 During application of at least the final third of the specified load, the rate of increase of load shell be constant and this period of loading shail be at least 30 s. Where the cross section of the pipe does not allow the test method to be used, the product standard shall stale an appropriate test method to obtain a comparable load bearing capacity. ‘The maximum ellowable tolerance of the testing machine load shall be specified in the product standard. 24 7.24.2 Ring stiffness test This test shall be carried out on flexible pipes on a test machine, having load and deformation recording foeiltios, Tho produst ctandard chal etate whether the bearer and the beam choll be flat eteol platoe (with no bearing faces or strips) or as described in ‘The method of determination of ring stiffness and creep value shall be specified in each product standard. 7.2.2 Load bearing capacity tests for sections of manholes and shafts 72.24 General Components shall be tested in accordance with 7.2, except that for convenience, itis permitted to carry out the test in the vertical position. Load bearing capacity test for reducing slabs ‘The test shall be carried out on a test machine having a load recording facility. During application of at least the final thi of the specified load, the rate of increase of load shall be constant and this period of loading shall be at least 30 s. The load shall be applied to a complete reducing slab, until either the proof o: ukimate load, as required, is achieved. 7.22.3 Load bearing capacity test for tapers ~ Where a loading test for tapers is @ requirement in the product standard, a test method shall be given in the product standard, 7.3. Longitudinal bending moment resistance test for pipes ‘Where longitudinal bending moment resistance is required, the following test criteria shall be specified in the produet standard: — the test shall be carried out on a test machine hi alload recording facility; ‘i — the pipe to be tested shall be supported at each end and symmetrically loaded (3 or 4 point loading) so --~that it wll break with one circumferential crack; — the span shall be not less than 5 * DN, expressed in millimetres; — the supports shall be designed to produce vertical reactions only. 7.4 Tightness tests 7.44. Tightness test of pipes, fittings, manholes and inspection chambers The test method, the test period and the test requirements (e.g. water addition to maintain the test pressure) shall be stated in product standards taking into acoount the requirements specified in Table 9 and Table 10. 22 ry. BS EN 476:2011 . EN 476:2011 (E) ‘Table 9 — Tightness test of pipes, fittings, manholes and Inspection chambers Drainage system Test method gravy | outside buildings ‘The watertightness test shall be carried out at ambient temperature, under hydrostatic pressure as stated In Table 5 for a period of at least 18 min (preconditioning time not included). The test pieces shall be clamped into a suitable test apparatus, shall be filled with water slowly ‘and vented completely. They may be preconditioned with water prior to testing. inside buildings ‘The watertightness test shall be carried out on one or more pipes or pipe sections at ambient temperature, under hydrostatic pressure as stated in Teble 5 for a period of at least 15 min (preconditioning time not Included). The test pieces shall be clamped into a suitable testing ‘apparatus, shall be filed with water slowly and completely vented, They may be preconditioned with water prior to testing. pressurised | hydraulically ‘The fest shall be carried out on one or more pipes or pipe sections at ambient or elevated temperature, under hydrostatic pressure as stated in Table 4 and Table 5 for a period of at least 15 min (preconditioning time not included). Where applicable, a test shall be carried out on one, ‘or more pipes or pipe sections, under partial vacuum. pneumatically The test shall be carried out under pressure below atmospheric for at least one hour on one or more pipes or pipe sections at ambient or elevated temperature as stated in Table 5. 23 b> EN 476:2011 EN 476:2044.(E) Table 10— Tightnoss test of joints Drainage system Test method gravity [outside {These tests are for joints between Iwo Pipes, and a pipe and a manhole buildings base or an inspection chamber base The tests shall be carried out o ir t Minimum joint deflection vaiues, a, values according to Table 6, inside buildings | These tests are forjoinis betweer Shall be in accordance with the Minimum joint deflection values, a, shalt be in accordance with the Values according to Tabie 6. Pressurized | hydraulically | The tests shell be Sartied out on two pipes or pipe sections jointed and tee norted in such a way that they ean meve it Telation to each other to the limits of the requirements state Product standards, The test concitions shall be as specified in Table §, prgPetmissible for product standards to combine the tightness tests of Pipes and joints, Test methods for restrained Standaris, where appropriate, Proumatically | The tests shall be Joints shal be specified in product It is permissible for pipes and joints, 24 BS EN 476:2011 EN 476:2011 (E) apperatus. They shall be fled with water and completely vented. They may be preconditioned with water prior to testing ‘The test method, the test period, the water addition to maintain the test pressure and where applicable the angular deflection shall be stated in product standards. 743.2 Airtightness test Product standards shall state @ test method to assess the compliance of the joint assembly with the requirement of Table 5. 7.4.33 Elevated temperature cycling test ‘An elevated temperature cycling test shall be carried out on a test assembly, including pipes and fitings, defined in product standards in a condition as installed. The test assembly shall be subjected to the passage of hot end cold water according to the following schedule for 1 600 cycles: a) (30:1) lof water at a temperature of (93 + 2) °C over a period of 1 min, at e constant rate of flow; b) rest and drain period of 1 min; ©) (8024) lof water at a temperature of (15 + 6) °C over @ period of 1 min, at a constant rate of flow: @) rest and drain period of 1 min, A The water temperature shall be measured at the point of entry. When filed with water (15 & §) °C to a Pressure of 35 kPa at the lowest point and a minimum of § kPa at the inlet point, the test assembly shall not leak either before or aftar thermal cycling. Product standards shall spesiy the maximum value of sagging, if applicable. 8 Marking, labelling and packaging Product standards shall specify the marking requirements. Each component or, where this is not possible, ‘each package of components, shall be marked indelibly and in a cleeriy visible manner and identification of the component shell be made in such a way that no doubt is possible. Merixing shall include at least the following information: — European Standard number (product standard number); —identifeation of manufacturer and site of production; — identification of date or period of manufacture; — identifcation of Third Party Certification Body (if applicable); — identification of classes, where applicable; — Identification of use, where applicable, 25 BS EN 476:2011 EN 476:2014 (E) ) (3 (4) 26 Bibliography EN 752:2008, Drain and sewer systems outside buildings EN 12086 (ell parts), Gravity drainage systems inside buildings EN 1338, General requirements for components used for renovation and repair of drain and sewer systems outside buildings EN.14467, General requirements for components specifically designed for use in trenchless ‘construction of drains and sewers British Standards Institution (BSI) PASM IN ae = ecute CU aLT enrol acecl ens oem ce ee LUST Me ted and other standards-related publications, information and services. 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