Manhole Chamber Catalogue 2022 Latest
Manhole Chamber Catalogue 2022 Latest
Manhole Chamber Catalogue 2022 Latest
Unique Features
• Readymade solution
• Exhaustive and complete range
• 90% Lighter than concrete manhole
• Robust design
• 100% Watertight
• Proven performance
• Minimum 50 years of service life
• Extensive saving in time and labour
• Minimal maintenance
Unique Features
• Readymade solution - Ready to use 800 mm, leakage. Unlike conventional products, Nu-drain
1000 mm and 1200 mm size manholes with 574, sewer system installed with Ultra manholes is
600 or 640 mm size spacious opening for totally free from any infiltration and exhilaration;
entrance makes the job easy. hence the highest standard of hygiene is
• Light in weight - 90% lighter than concrete
manholes that makes the handling and • Perfect hydraulic properties - Streamline
installation of manholes very easy and fast. design of the manhole and very smooth internal
Moreover, the installation can be done without surface greatly reduces the possibility of slime
any heavy equipment's. build-up which minimizes the risk of blockage.
• Robust design - Ultra manholes are designed to • Suitable for installation depths up to 6 m.
withstand heavy traffic loads up to 40 MT. They • Safe against floatation - Rib structure on the
are strong enough to withstand all types of static external surface and its overall design makes the
or dynamic loads such as soil loads, traffic loads manholes safe against floatation.
and the loads arising on account of soil
displacement and ground water pressure. • Provided with in-built ladder to facilitate easy
maintenance and cleaning.
• Strong and durable - Being in plastics, the
manholes are free from any corrosion or chemical • Provision of height adjustment - Height
reactiveness. Because of this and due to the adjustment of manhole is possible according to
robust design, the manholes are sufficiently the changes in the formation level of road to suit
strong and durable to offer a long and trouble the site requirements.
free service life. • An additional pipe connection to the manhole at
• 100% Water tight struc ture - All the different levels and at any angle is possible using
components of manholes are designed in such a simple and reliable 'in-situ' adapters.
way that there remains no possibility of any • Eco- friendly and cost effective.
Ultra Manhole
Inspection chambers and manholes are the important entry of man is essentially required, Supreme Ultra 800, 1000
components of the drainage or sewerage system. Inspection and 1200 mm size manholes can be used. These readymade,
chambers are used for inspecting sewer networks from the ready to use manholes offered by the company consists of a
surface level while manholes provide access to a person base, a shaft and a cone with suitable cover. In addition to the
inside the manhole for cleaning and maintenance activities. three piece design, a single piece cost effective design is also
These are used at the junction in sewer network or a straight offered for certain invert depths. These strong and sturdy
or bend configuration depending on the flow patterns or manholes are designed, manufactured and tested as per
even as water meter chambers. EN:13598 standards and are approved by MCGM.
Unlike conventional drainage systems, the entry of man
inside the manhole is almost eliminated in advanced plastic
sewer systems. Because of the mirror smooth inner surface of Fields of Application
these systems, the possibility of blockage is greatly reduced Ultra 800, Ultra1000 and Ultra1200 manholes are designed to
and hence the modern technology CCTV inspection cameras provide an easy access for inspection, cleaning and
for inspection and jet cleaners for cleaning and maintenance maintenance of private and public sewers up to 6 m invert
can be used. depth. Supreme Ultra manholes having robust design,
Most of the sewer maintenance requirements are fulfilled durability and flexibility are the best substitute to the
through Ultra 600 inspection chambers; however, where the conventional concrete and masonry manholes.
Water and Environment Protection
Supreme proving true to its title is very active in providing unique and innovative piping solutions for drainage,
sewerage, and waste water management in order to protect the water resources and the environment. We are the trail
blazers in introducing a complete Underground Drainage and Sewer System (UDSS) solution with readymade
inspection chambers and manholes. We introduced our Nu-drain UDSS ahead of time with a futuristic approach i.e.
12 years before; to provide excelling substitute to the age old conventional underground drainage products. Our R &
D in consultation with our reputed clientele have developed a host of new products to offer complete sewer system
solution in the best efficient manner. At present we have more than 500 products in our range to meet any project
requirement. We adjacently have the testing facility to test the product as per the EN standards. It is because of the
superior properties and multiple advantages the Supreme Nu-drain UDSS is now getting well accepted by the users
across the country.
Quality Control
Supreme prides itself in providing a
consistently high level of product quality
mainly based on the product design, raw
material, and the finished product quality.
Use of virgin raw material, from the reputed
suppliers together with specially designed
compounds guarantees the products
performance on long term basis. In order to
ensure the trouble-free performance of the
product, each lot of raw material, the
product quality at each stage of its
production, and bought out items undergo
a very strict quality control besides
maintaining continuous improvements in
the process. Different tests like type tests
and regular tests as prescribed in the EN
standards are rigorously carried out that
ensures the durability of the products on
long term basis.
Technical Support
Our coherent team of experts in technical
support provides the required technical
assistance in project design and installation.
Their thorough experience in the field helps
to get the right and customized solution to
each and every project requirement which
not only ensures trouble free product
performance but also helps to optimize the
project cost.
Product Range
Supreme offers an exhaustive range of manholes to meet the complete requirement of the sewerage system. Supreme Ultra
manholes are suitable up to 6 m invert depths. Recently introduced 800 mm size manhole is offered in single piece design, while
the 1000 mm and 1200 mm size manholes are offered in single piece as well as in three piece designs. Depending on the size or
type of Ultra manhole they are suitable to adopt the pipes from 110 mm to 600 mm sizes. Plain uPVC or PE pipes can be directly
connected to the manholes using rubber seal joints whereas; DWC pipes can be connected using DWC adopters.
The three piece design of the manhole have a base, shaft pipe and cone. The shaft pipes are supplied in 1m or shorter lengths,
which can be cut on site or can be joined with each other as per the invert depth requirement. The complete set of manhole with
an inbuilt ladder and the advanced design of corrugated shaft and cone with spacious entrance suffice all the functional
Moreover, because of the compact and robust design, wide range, additional connection possibilities, appropriate cover
solution, and user friendly installation, the contractors and installers can be sure of a tight and durable system for every situation.
Blind Base
In addition to the different standard flow profiles of the manhole base, we also
offer a blind base i.e. the base with only outlet provision and without any inlets.
These blind bases are made available in 600 mm and 1000 mm sizes and are
designed to offer non-standard flow configuration requirements. These are
supplied with the required or specified inlet(s) welded on the base in
customized form i.e. inlets at required angle to adopt any type or size of pipes
like uPVC/ PE plain pipes or the DWC pipes. This chamber and manhole is
offered with base, shaft pipe and cone in integral form as single piece design or
alternatively manhole base, shaft pipe(s) and cone separately to connect with
each other on site as three piece design.
The Ultra 600 deep inspection chamber consists of a base and inlet and outlet in 200, 250 and 315mm sizes and 90° bend
corrugated shaft. This Ultra 600 base provided with swivel with 200 mm inlet/outlet. These compact inspection
adopter have a 250 mm size inlet(s)/outlet. It is made chambers are cost-effective and suitable for all drainage,
available in 6 different flow configurations. The specially sewerage and storm water drainage applications.
designed swivel adopter allows free angular deflection of 7.5° These robust chambers are suitable for installation depths
from the centerline in each direction. This flexibility allows the from 0.8 to 5 m. The corrugated shaft provides excellent
adjustment of pipe connection in the trench to match the resistance to ground movement and heavy traffic loads. This
slope and alignment. In addition to the Ultra 600x250mm size strong and sturdy product is superior and helpful in many
inspection chambers, we have also introduced Ultra ways. Simple and reliable “in-situ” connections can be easily
600x200mm chambers without swivel adopter in 5 different made in the shaft to make additional connections.
flow profiles. Both Ultra 600x250 and Ultra 600x200 The adjustable telescopic adapter is also made available to
inspection chambers are provided with separate base and adjust the height and to provide a proper seating base for
shaft. GRP or SFRC frame and cover. Ultra 600 can be used with and
Besides these, we also offer Ultra 600 with an integral shaft. without a telescopic adopter.
This is made available in straight through configuration with
Ultra 600 x 200
Base with Separate Shaft L2
Configurations D OD ID S S1 L L1 L2 I I1 H
Straight Through 965 - - 460 - 490
90° Bend 842 475 - - 550
90° LH Junction
200 729 676 115 200 961 478 835 520 420 555
90° RH Junction
LH & RH 90° Junction 956
Available flow configurations of Ultra 600 x 200 and Ultra 600 x 250 with Swivel adopter
Straight Through LH or RH 90° Bend LH 90° Junction RH 90° Junction LH & RH 90° Junction (Cross) LH or RH 45° Bend
Ultra 600 x 250
Base with Swivel Adopter
Configurations D ID S S1 L L1 L2 I H
Straight Through 900 - -
90° Bend 780 405 - 600
90° LH Junction
250 676 123 200 918 460 832 630 704
90° RH Junction
LH & RH 90° Junction -
45° Bend 821 875 600
L L2
Ultra 600
Blind Base with Integral Shaft
D (Inlet) D1 D2 D3 OD L1 L2 I L3
1225 1235
110 to 250 160 200 250 730 1175 1025 855 600
1825 1835
Recently, we have introduced a 600 mm size multi-inlet main inlets up to 315 mm) by core cutting. Plain uPVC or PE
cost effective inspection chamber to meet the project pipes can be directly connected to the base using rubber
requirements where invert depths are less than 2.0 m. This seals whereas, for DWC pipes, DWC adopters are required.
inspection chamber is made available in single piece This cost-effective multi-inlet inspection chamber with
design i.e. base with shaft in integral form. It can be new shaft is made available in 5 invert depths and with
supplied with new 600mm size OD shaft as well as existing existing shaft in 2 invert depths, in 6 different flow
672 mm OD shaft. It is provided with integral outlets with configuration as per the below given charts. This
spigot ends from 160 to 315 mm and flat surface to adopt inspection chamber designed to meet all the functional
the connecting pipes (side inlets from 110 to 250 mm and requirements as per EN standard.
I (Main inlet)
D4 D3 D2 D1
D5 (Main inlet) D (Side inlet)
(Main inlet)
D4 D3 D2 D1 I
Single Piece Design
• With integral base, shaft and cone
• Suitable for invert depths from 1.15 to 2.75 m
• Suitable to connect pipe sizes from 160 to 400 mm
D D1 D2 D3 L ID OD OD1 I H
160 to 400 1150 1190
1450 1490
ID uPVC / HDPE pipe &
574/ 590/ 1750 1790
150 to 400 820 940
600 620 2150 2190
DWC pipe
2450 2490
(Inlet/outlet) 2750 2790
D to D3
LH or RH 90° Bend Two 90° Inlet Junction LH & RH 90° Junction (Cross)
Three Piece Design
• With separate base, shaft and cone
• Suitable for invert depths up to 6 m
• Available in 7 different flow configurations
This Ultra 1000 manhole is provided in three piece design i.e. separate
base, shaft, and cone in 7 different flow configurations. The robust design
of the base, corrugated shaft and cone makes it extremely strong to
withstand all sorts of loads that the manhole has to withstand during
handling, transportation, installation and in use. It is available with and
without ladder.
Size ID OD OD1 ID1 S S1 I H
641 710 205 630 835
1000 x 600 1160 1111 200
574/600 590/620 230 900 1100
1102 1001 1170 1111 200
Length (H) 500 600 800 1000 1100 1300
H I Invert depth (I) 300 400 600 800 900 1100
Configurations D D1 D2 OD L I H
S Straight Through 250 250 1430 565 615
ID1 Straight Through
LH and RH 45° Junction
OD LH 45° Junction 315 315 250 1106 1376 555 600
RH 45° Junction
Two 45° Inlet Junction
- 1250
LH or RH 45° Bend
Available flow configurations
Straight Through LH and RH 45° Junction LH 45° Bend RH 45° Bend
H D D2 D1
Single Piece Design
with corrugated Shaft
• Suitable for invert depths up to 2.33 m
• Available in 7 different flow configurations
This Ultra 1000 manhole in single piece design with corrugated shaft is
offered in 7 different flow configurations in different invert depths up
to 2.33 m. It is extremely strong to withstand all sorts of loads.
2320 2365
Note :- This manhole variant can be supplied in three piece design i.e.
base monolithic with 1.0 m length of shaft, separate socketed shaft(s)
and cone to meet the increased invert depth requirement up to 6 m .
D I D1 Dimensions
Configurations D D1 D2 ID OD OD1 L
L Straight Through 250 250 - 1430
574/ 590/
Straight Through 315 315 - 1102 1377
600 620
Three Inlets 315 315 250 1388
Single Piece Design
with non-corrugated Shaft
• Suitable for invert depths up to 3.43 m
• Available in 7 different flow configurations
Configurations D D1 D2 ID OD OD1 L
I Straight Through 250 250 - 1430
D D1 574/ 590/
Straight Through 315 315 - 1172 1377
600 620
L Three Inlets 315 315 250 1388
Single Piece Design
• Suitable for invert depths from 1.55 to 2.55 m with corrugated shaft
• Suitable for invert depths from 2.75 to 3.65 m with non-corrugated shaft
• Suitable for invert depths up to 6.0 m in three piece design
• Suitable to connect pipe sizes from 160 to 600 mm
This Ultra 1000 manhole is made available in single piece design i.e. base, shaft
and cone in integral form. The manhole base is provided with flat surface to adopt
the connecting sewer pipes by core cutting as per the size and type of pipe from
160 to 600 mm. 160 to 400 mm size uPVC/HDPE pipes can be directly connected
using rubber seals and to connect 150 to 400 mm size DWC pipes the manhole
base is supplied with rubber seal and adopters. The base with 500 and 600 mm
size inlet(s)/outlet are supplied with integrally welded DWC adaptors. This cost-
effective manhole is made available in 9 invert depths and it can be used for 6
different flow configuration requirements. Being in single piece design, the
OD rubber sealing rings required to connect manhole components are eliminated
and total weight is also reduced as a result it is very cost effective. It meets all the
strength and functional requirements.
Straight Through LH 90° Junction RH 90° Junction LH or RH 90° Bend Two 90° Inlet Junction LH & RH 90° Junction (Cross)
Blind Base-Single Piece Design
• Suitable for invert depths from 1.29 to 2.29 m with corrugated shaft
• Suitable for invert depths from 2.49 to 3.39 m with non-corrugated shaft
• Suitable for invert depths up to 6 m in three piece design
• Suitable to connect pipe sizes from 110 to 355 mm
To meet the non standard flow configuration requirements, this blind base with
integral shaft and cone in single piece design is the ideal solution. It is supplied
in customized form with required inlet(s) fitted on the base to adopt uPVC/PE or
DWC pipes at any angle up to 355 mm sizes as per the project requirements. This
robust design in single piece is very cost effective due to elimination of rubber
sealing rings and weight reduction.
This manhole variant is available in 5 invert depths as per the details given in the table
I D1 D2 D3 with 110 to 355 mm size pipe inlet(s) at required angles. Manhole is supplied with the
L3 adaptors welded on the base as per the required configurations to adopt uPVC, PE or
L1 DWC pipes using rubber seal joints.
ID Single piece design with non-corrugated shaft
D (Inlet) D1 D2 D3 L1 L2 L3 ID IOD OD1 H
2490 2530
2790 2830
OD1 to 200 250 315 1637 1467 1258 574/ 590/ 1172
355 600 620 3090 3130
3390 3430
This manhole variant is available in 4 invert depths as given in the table above with 110
I D1 D2 D3 to 355 mm size pipe inlet(s) at various angles. Manhole is supplied with suitable
L3 adaptor(s) welded on the base as per the required configurations to adopt uPVC, PE or
L1 DWC pipes using rubber seal joints.
D (Inlet)
Three piece design up to 6 m invert depth
Blind base with inlet(s) at various angles fitted on the base, corrugated shafts in
socketed form and cone supplied separately is suitable for invert depths from 1.22 to
6 m.
Note : All dimensions unless specified are in mm.
Three Piece Design
• With separate base, shaft and cone
• Suitable for invert depths up to 6 m
• Available in 7 different flow configurations
Ultra 1200 manholes are provided in three piece design i.e. separate base,
shaft, and cone in 7 different flow configurations. The robust design of the
base, corrugated shaft and cone makes it extremely strong to withstand all
sorts of loads that the manhole has to withstand during handling,
transportation, installation and in use. It is available with and without ladder.
Size ID OD OD1 ID1 S S1 I H
641 710 200 735 935
1200 x 600 1340 1282 200
600 620 230 1000 1200
1302 1202 1366 1314 200
Length (H) 520 635 770 865 1000 1115 1345
Invert depth (I) 320 435 570 665 800 915 1145
Configurations D D1 D2 OD L I H In built
Straight Through 1508 625 680 Nil
OD1 LH and RH 45° Junction
LH 45° Junction 315 315 315 1272 1548 565 640 1 in 50
ID RH 45° Junction
Two 45° Inlet Junction
LH 45° Bend - 1450
RH 45° Bend
Available flow configurations
OD1 Straight Through LH and RH 45° Junction LH 45° Bend RH 45° Bend Two 45° Inlet Junction
H D D2 D1 H D I D1
Three Piece Design
• Suitable for invert depths up to 6 m in three piece design
• Suitable to connect pipe sizes from 160 to 600 mm
This three piece design manhole is available with base integral with a small length of
shaft, separate shaft(s) and cone. This manhole base is provided with flat surface to
adopt the connecting pipes by core cutting. Available in 6 flow configuration, it is
suitable for invert depths up to 6 m.
1160 1215
1302 1040 1500 1555
LH or RH 90° Bend Two 90° Inlet Junction LH & RH 90° Junction (Cross)
1985 2040
Single Piece Design
• Suitable for invert depths from 1.55, 2.45 to 3.03 m with corrugated shaft
• Suitable to connect pipe sizes from 160 to 600 mm
Cone extension piece Cover Solution
ID Manhole covers in different materials and load classes are
made available to complete the project requirements. Details
I1 H of these covers are given in the following table: -
S GRP frame and cover
Cone extension piece (590 OD) - This specially designed
new extension piece can be used to increase the invert depth
of manhole having 574 mm size ID. Extension piece is made
available in 3 different invert depths to adjust the change in Load
road formation level up to 300 mm. Size Material class (MT) ID OD OD1 H
Plastic - 625 720 - 80
OD Ultra 600,
Ultra 800, 10
720 797 900 75
Ultra1000 GRP 20
H and 40 808 950 90
S Ultra1200 GRP frame 20
ID1 with 620 725 860 136
SFRC cover 40
Cone extension piece (710 OD) - This specially designed GRP frame with SFRC cover
extension piece can be used for extension of cone up to 300 OD
mm to increase the manhole height.
Cone extension piece ID OD ID1 OD1 S I I1 I2 H
590 OD 574 590 550 566 58 300 200 100 358
710 OD 641 710 625 640 100 292 - - 392
Diameter : DN 800/1000/1200 Chemical resistance : Sewer environment
Material : Polyethylene (PE) Load bearing capacity : Heavy traffic up to 40 MT
Colour : Black Covers : Light to heavy traffic
Standard : EN 13598 -2
* 1-6 mtrs with standard installation conditions
Installation depth : 1-6m*, with a maximum
ground water level of 5 m.
Product Testing
Performance of Ultra manhole components is ensured by carrying out vigorous tests as per EN 13598. Some of the important
tests are shown bellow in the visual form .
Installation Procedure
Installation has the major influence over the performance of manholes. The easy and faster installation, reduced manpower
requirements due to light weight structure and a very easy connection to the sewage system are some of the important factors
that contribute towards reducing the installation costs of Supreme ultra manholes compared to the conventional manholes.
Installation of Supreme Ultra manhole is very simple and quick using specially designed rubber seal joints. Connections between
different components of manhole, viz., base, shaft and cone (three piece design) as well as pipe connection with the manhole
base is very simple using push fit type rubber seal joints. Backfilling and compaction is very important for achieving desired
strength. Use of sand or non cohesive material like stone dust or small grained gravel is recommended for backfilling. It is advised
to consult our team of engineers where water table is too high. Following simple steps are recommended for an easy, quick and
safe installation.
1 2 3 4
4A 4B 5 6
1) Excavation and bedding • Apply lubricant evenly on the rubber seal fitted on the
• Excavate a pit 60 cm wider and 50 cm deeper than the base and on the socket of the shaft.
size of the manhole base. • Bring the shaft to the correct position and see that the
• Prepare a 15 cm thick bed of recommended suitable ladder aligns well with the benching or required suitable
material and compact it up to 95% proctor density. position. Push and place the shaft on the base uniformly
2) Pipe connections to full insertion depth.
• Place the manhole base in position on a compacted bed, • Repeat the procedure in case of more than one shaft.
adjust and align to the correct level using spirit level. Shaft can be cut on site as per the requirement.
• Apply lubricant on sealing ring of inlets and outlet and 5) Connection of cone
make the connection with pipe by pushing the base to • Bring the cone in the right position and install the cone
the spigot of pipe. by pushing it evenly on the shaft fitted with rubber seal.
• In case of manhole base without monolithic inlet/outlet, Make sure that the rubber lubricant is properly applied
make the hole(s) using core cutter and make the pipe on the rubber seal before making the joint. Ensure proper
joint using rubber sealing ring. alignment of ladder while placing the cone.
3) Backfilling and compaction 6) Installation of frame and cover
• Backfill the surrounding with suitable material in 30 cm • Provide 150 mm thick PCC (M20) at the top and embed
layers with proper compaction. frame considering finish level.
• Backfilling in 30 cm layers with proper compaction • Place the cover of suitable load class and finish off with
should be repeated for all the manhole components up road top.
to the ground level for entire depth of installation. Note: For single piece manhole of pre-selected invert depth, the
4) Connection of shaft (s) installation procedure remains the same except step by step installation
of three different manhole components. Then the backfilling and
• Clean and place the rubber sealing ring on the exterior
compaction should be carried out from the bottom surface to the top
face of the manhole base i.e. between top two ribs. Check level ensuring the vertical alignment.
the sealing ring for proper placement & damages, if any.
...a real breakthrough in sewer technology
• All the dimensions unless otherwise are in mm • Any specification may change without prior notice. • All information contained in this literature is given in good faith and
believed to be accurate and reliable. Because of many factors which may be outside our knowledge or control and affect the use of the product, no warranty is given or
implied with respect to such information, nor do we offer any warranty of immunity against patent infringement. No responsibility can be accepted for any error, omissions
or incorrect assumptions.
Supreme Pipes