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HLA Tutorial

This document provides an overview of modelling and simulation (M&S) and the High Level Architecture (HLA) standard. It discusses the benefits of M&S, including saving lives and taxpayer dollars. The document introduces key M&S concepts like live, virtual, and constructive simulations. It also provides an overview of the HLA standard and the resources and process required for developing HLA federations. The document aims to provide managers a basic understanding of applying M&S and HLA to development programs.

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971 views108 pages

HLA Tutorial

This document provides an overview of modelling and simulation (M&S) and the High Level Architecture (HLA) standard. It discusses the benefits of M&S, including saving lives and taxpayer dollars. The document introduces key M&S concepts like live, virtual, and constructive simulations. It also provides an overview of the HLA standard and the resources and process required for developing HLA federations. The document aims to provide managers a basic understanding of applying M&S and HLA to development programs.

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Imran Mahmood
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Manager’s Guide to the High

Level Architecture for

Modelling and Simulation
Mr. Robert Elliott, Canada, DND SECO
Mr. David Edmondson, UK, DSTL
Mr. Roy Scrudder, USA, M&S CO
Dr. Jean-Louis Igarza, France, DGA
Mr. Neil Smith, UK, DSTL

ITEC 2009
11 May 2009
ITEC 2009
20090430 – Slide 1

M&S Introduction

HLA Overview

Federation Resource
Federation Development

Use Cases

Summary and Wrap Up

ITEC 2009
20090430 – Slide 2

„ Benefits of using modelling and simulation

„ Issues to be considered to implementing M&S
and HLA
„ Basic understanding of HLA concepts
„ Benefits of using HLA
„ Systems engineering process for HLA
„ Resources required to effectively employ HLA

ITEC 2009
20090430 – Slide 3
Objective Topics
„ What is M&S?
„ Value of M&S
M&S Introduction „ Distributed simulation
„ Interoperability
HLA Overview „ Verification and
Federation Resource
Federation Development

Use Cases

Summary and Wrap Up

ITEC 2009
20090430 – Slide 4
What is Modelling and Simulation (M&S)

9 M&S is:
„ a representation of the real world
„ an enabling tool that improves our lives today, prepares
us for a better tomorrow, and provides a means to meet
national and international security challenges
9 M&S technology and processes:
„ exist everywhere in our lives
„ used extensively for acquisition, analysis,
experimentation, planning, testing and training

ITEC 2009 5
20090430 – Slide 5 Courtesy of Alion
What is Modelling and Simulation?

An attempt to
represent real world:
• Processes
• Equipment
• People
• Activities
• Environments

ITEC 2009
20090430 – Slide 6
Courtesy of Alion
Why M&S

„ Aid for:
„ Thought (Help develop and explore issues)
„ Communication (Picture worth 1,000 words)
„ Training and Instruction
„ Experimentation
„ Prediction
„ Improves capabilities

Canadian source

ITEC 2009
20090430 – Slide 7
Basic M&S Terminology

Execution Synthetic

„ Model A representation of a system, entity, phenomenon, or process. Software

models of specific entities are comprised of algorithms and data. Source: NATO Modeling and
Simulation Master Plan

„ Simulation The execution over time of models representing the attributes of one
or more entities or processes. Human-in-the-Loop simulations, also known as
simulators, are a special class of simulations. Source: NATO Modeling and Simulation Master Plan

„ Synthetic Environment A representation of the world as defined by the simulation

and models. Canadian Source
ITEC 2009
20090430 – Slide 8
Types of Simulations

„ Live - Simulation involving real people operating real


„ Virtual - Simulation involving real people operating

simulated systems

„ Constructive - Simulation involving simulated people

operating simulated systems. Real people can
stimulate (make inputs) but are not involved in
determining outcomes.

ITEC 2009
Source: NATO Modeling and Simulation Master Plan
20090430 – Slide 9
Types of Simulations – Live

Live Simulation - A simulation involving real people

operating real systems.

Live simulations:
- involve individuals or groups
- may use actual equipment
- should provide a similar area of operations
- should be close to replicating the actual activity

ITEC 2009
20090430 – Slide 10 Courtesy of Alion
Types of Simulations - Virtual

Virtual Simulation - A simulation involving real people

operating simulated systems.

Virtual simulations inject human-in-the-loop in a central

role by exercising:
• motor control skills (e.g., flying an airplane)
• decision skills (e.g., committing fire control resources to
• communication skills (e.g., members of a C4I team)

ITEC 2009
20090430 – Slide 11 Courtesy of Alion
Types of Simulations - Constructive

Constructive Simulation - Simulations that involve

simulated people operating simulated systems. Real
people stimulate (make inputs) to such simulations,
but are not involved in determining the outcomes.

Constructive simulations offer the ability to:

- analyze concepts
- predict possible outcomes
- stress large organizations
- make measurements
- generate statistics
- perform analysis
ITEC 2009
20090430 – Slide 12 Courtesy of Alion
How M&S is Used

„ M&S as a primary enabling technology necessary to

effectively meet objectives in an affordable, reusable
and interoperable context
„ Use M&S in relation to:
„ Concept development and experimentation
„ Materiel acquisition and support
„ Joint and combined training and mission rehearsal
„ Development of doctrine and tactics
„ Formulation of new operational plans and capabilities
„ Assessment of war fighting
„ Support for technology assessment, system upgrade,
prototyping, full-scale development and forces
„ Enable testing in realistic environments that may not
be practical for live testing
ITEC 2009
20090430 – Slide 13
Value of M&S

„ Saves Lives
„ M&S supports real-world applications that save lives.

„ Saves Taxpayers Dollars

„ M&S supports real-world applications that preserve taxpayer
dollars and accelerate the search for solutions to national
„ Increases Operational Capability
„ M&S provides strategic operations and support functions to our
military, aids plans for national disaster responses and
emergency preparedness, fosters and maintains our strategic
partnerships, and enhances economic competitiveness globally.

ITEC 2009
20090430 – Slide 14
Why Use M&S

„ Enables the representation of a piece of the real

world (or a conceptual world) to allow examination of
factors of interest in a controlled manner.
„ Provides preliminary design capability of both
processes and physical entities to identify potential
„ Provides capability to examine interactions of
multiple entities to assess performance
„ Offers opportunity to examine the effects of high risk
situations in a safe manner
„ Offers the potential to reduce costs and compress
Canadian source

ITEC 2009
20090430 – Slide 15
Using M&S to Reduce
Programme /Project Risk

„ Use of M&S can offer preliminary assessments of a

process or system to help avoid errors of
conception, construction, or commission
„ M&S can provide representative education and
training in an environment similar to the real world
„ M&S can provide a synthetic environment to enable
rehearsal of processes and missions in a realistic
„ It is an effective communication tool to demonstrate
and convey performance and design concepts and

Canadian source

ITEC 2009
20090430 – Slide 16
M&S Challenges Across Communities

„ Usability, Reliability & Affordability (Time,

„ Rapid Scenario Generation Capabilities
„ Multi-Resolution Environments
„ Human-Organizational Behavior
„ Multi-Level Security Issues
„ Large-Scale Distributed Simulations
„ C4ISR Systems Interface and Integration
ITEC 2009
20090430 – Slide 17
Risks of Using M&S

„ Understanding the simulation objective

„ Selecting the appropriate type/mix of
simulation (live, virtual, constructive)
„ Choosing the correct resolution and fidelity
„ Following a disciplined building process
„ Providing the correct supporting databases
„ Adequate resourcing for the effort
„ Presentation of the results in an
understandable context
Canadian source

ITEC 2009
20090430 – Slide 18
Concept of Distributed Simulation
Simulations are interactive through current state-of-the-art
communication systems.


Live Can be across Virtual

the world or
the room!
Virtual Live


„ Simulation environments that are distributed across

multiple computers, potentially at different locations
„ Often referred to as “federations”
ITEC 2009NATO Source
20090430 – Slide 19
Why Use Distributed Simulation

„ Allows adaptation to changing requirements

„ Connects simulation capability that may be
in several locations, thus no requirement to
„ Increases processing capacity
„ Enables the combination of Live, Virtual,
Constructive simulations
„ Enables the interaction of users and
observers at different locations
„ Reuses existing capabilities
Canadian source

ITEC 2009
20090430 – Slide 20
History of Distributed Simulation
„ 1980’s - development
„ 1987 - Fielded
„ 1992 – First I/ITSEC Demo
„ 1993 – First IEEE 1278 standards
„ 1998 – DIS Amendment
„ 2009 – DIS continues to evolve through SISO
„ 1990 - First DARPA initiative
„ 1992 – Confederation exercises
„ HLA (see other slides)
„ 2002 - Architecture Document published
„ 2002 – Used in Millennium Challenge
„ 2009 – TENA continues to evolve
„ LVC Architecture Roadmap
„ 2007 – Initiated
ITEC 2009 „ 2009 – Final report
20090430 – Slide 21
Principles of Distributed Simulation

In most cases the following principles are applied:

„ Simulator systems on a common network

„ Ground truth about entities is shared on network:
„ Position
„ Orientation
„ Velocity, roll rates
„ Appearance
„ Damage state
„ NOT internal info e.g. fuel level, ammunition load
„ “I tell you I’ve shot you, you work out the damage”
„ Detection based on own sensor and environment
ITEC 2009
20090430 – Slide 22
Distributed Simulation Components

„ Terrain
„ Live Systems
„ Computer Generated Forces
„ Manned Simulators
„ Full motion
„ Fixed
„ C2 Systems
„ SA Displays
„ Chat/email
„ Logging and Analysis
„ Viewers
„ Radio Comms
ITEC 2009
20090430 – Slide 23
Distributed Simulation Information Products

„ Object Model (Format) „ Conceptual Model

„ Object Model (Content) „ Test Plan
„ Service Specification „ Requirements / Objectives
„ Architecture Spec and „ VV&A Products/Plan
Rules „ Terrain Databases
„ Security Rqmts/Plan „ Environmental Databases
„ Enumerations „ METOC Databases
„ Standard Algorithms „ Attrition computation
„ Data Logging / Collection policy
„ Federation Management „ Byte Ordering
(SE Process) „ Network Architecture
„ Scenario „ MOE/MOP metrics
ITEC 2009
20090430 – Slide 24
Time Management
„ Real-Time simulations
„ Meet visual perception and high performance requirements
„ Must proceed at wall clock time
„ Event-Stepped simulations
„ Event driven requires causality to be maintained
„ May proceed either faster, slower or at wall clock time
„ Management Approaches
„ No Time Management
„ Each Simulation Advances Time at Its Own Pace

„ Conservative Synchronization
„ Simulations Advance Time Only When Guaranteed That No
Past Data Will Be Received
„ Optimistic Synchronization
„ Free to Advance Logical Time, May Have Roll-back

„ Activity Scan
ITEC 2009 „ Advance Time by Mutual Agreement With Other Simulation
20090430 – Slide 25
Distributed Simulation Options

„ There are several options to enable

distributed simulations:
„ High Level Architecture HLA (IEEE 1516)
„ Distributed Interactive Simulation (IEEE 1278)
„ Testing and Training Enabling Architecture (TENA)
„ and others
„ Each has its pros and cons. For the
purposes of this tutorial we will use HLA

ITEC 2009
20090430 – Slide 26
The Concept of Interoperability
Interoperability is the ability of multiple simulations
to communicate AND interact.

A example of interoperability is an international telephone call.

Both the technology and the language must be compatible.

ITEC 2009
20090430 – Slide 27
Why Interoperability for M&S?

„ Today’s operations are joint and combined so we need to train

„ Defense operations: Army, Navy, Air Force, etc
„ National and International
„ OOTW: Peace support operations, Crisis management, Civil security. This also
involves civilian entities
„ All levels: from tactical/operational to command and control/strategic/theater level
„ Need to procure from different suppliers/organizations
„ Different domain modeling and simulation expertise is found in
different organizations
„ Open acquisition model for competitive price/performance.
„ Economics of modeling and simulations, for example reuse

ITEC 2009
20090430 – Slide 28
Considerations for Distributed Simulations

„ Network capability – bandwidth and quality of service

„ Security - is a secure network required and are the
various locations accredited for secure use
„ Network support tools – does the network have the
required support tools available to enable the simulation
developers and operators to communicate and resolve
„ Common simulation tools – does the simulation have a
common tool to manage the simulation, exchange the
required data and monitor performance
„ Simulation interoperability – are the various parts of the
simulation interoperable; both technically and
Canadian source

ITEC 2009
20090430 – Slide 29
The Purpose & Importance of Verification,
Validation, and Accreditation

„ Provide credibility to the simulation results through

a disciplined approach
„ Ensure Fit for Purpose
„ Provide Documented Evidence of what was tested
„ Provide a documented basis for formal Accreditation
where required
„ Provide a documented reference history to assess
possible reuse

ITEC 2009
20090430 – Slide 30

„ The process of determining that a model

implementation accurately represents the
developer's conceptual description and
„ Provides information about M&S attributes that is
used to assess & demonstrate suitability
ITEC 2009 „ Goal: Did I build it RIGHT?
20090430 – Slide 31 Courtesy of Alion

„ The process of determining the degree to which a

model is an accurate representation of the real
world from the perspective of the intended uses of
the model.
„ Provides information about M&S attributes that is
used to assess & demonstrate suitability
„ Goal: Did I build the RIGHT thing?
ITEC 2009
20090430 – Slide 32 Courtesy of Alion

„ The official certification that a model, simulation, or

federation of models and simulations and its associated
data are acceptable for use for a specific purpose.
„ The certification is based on the accreditation assessment.
„ Goal: Are the results of the M&S FIT FOR PURPOSE and
USEFUL for making decisions?
„ Other commonly used terms are “acceptance” and “fit for

ITEC 2009
20090430 – Slide 33 Graphics Courtesy of Alion
VV&A Considerations
ƒ Efficient V&V is conducted concurrently with model
ƒ A precise specification of the intended purpose is essential
ƒ V&V of a simulation model does not equal quality assurance
of eg. Software
ƒ Meaningful validation requires sufficient data, information,
and knowledge about both the system of interest and the
simulation model
ƒ Cost-efficient V&V is risk-driven
Balancing the cost of
knowing against the risk
of assuming.
Risk Resources

ITEC 2009
20090430 – Slide 34 Graphic courtesy of S. Youngblood, JH APL
Where Does VV&A Apply?
New M&S Development
Any stand-alone model or simulation under
development being built to address the intended
purpose or purposes of the User.
Any model or simulation that was developed
either in the past or for a different purpose.
A system of interacting models and/or
simulations, with supporting infrastructure, based
on a common understanding of the objects
portrayed in the system.

ITEC 2009
20090430 – Slide 35
Objective Topics
„ Motivation
„ History
M&S Introduction „ Core concepts
„ Upcoming changes
HLA Overview „ Standards
„ Compliance testing
Federation Resource
Federation Development

Use Cases

Summary and Wrap Up

ITEC 2009
20090430 – Slide 36
HLA Motivation

„ Basic Premises:
„ No single, monolithic simulation can satisfy the needs of all
„ All uses of simulations and useful ways of combining them
cannot be anticipated in advance
„ Future technological capabilities and a variety of operating
configurations must be accommodated
„ Need composable approach to constructing
simulation federations
„ HLA evolved from key Aggregate-Level Simulation
Protocol (ALSP) and Distributed Interactive
Simulations (DIS) architectural decisions

ITEC 2009
20090430 – Slide 37
High Level Architecture Strengths

„ The HLA is an internationally recognised Open

Standard (ref: IEEE 1516.x)
„ Scalability - can scale up to very large exercises, e.g.
1000’s of simulation entities
„ The architecture can be implemented across different
computing environments
„ Provides a process for developing and documenting a
distributed simulation interface specification, i.e. the
Federation Object Model (FOM)
„ Supports real-time, faster than real-time and event
driven time domains
„ The HLA has been proven to work
Source: UK IMMSA Guide, DSTL

ITEC 2009
20090430UK– Source
Slide 38
High Level Architecture

„ The objectives of the HLA are to:

„ Establish a common development and execution architecture to facilitate
the interoperability of all types of models and simulations (including real-
time, faster than real-time, event-driven simulations and command and
control systems)
„ Facilitate the re-use of Modelling & Simulation (M&S) components
„ The High Level Architecture (HLA) is not an implementation but is
a documented open architecture,
„ The High Level Architecture is comprised of three elements:
„ A set of HLA Rules for Federates and Federations which define
relationships among federating compliant simulations
„ An Object Model Template (OMT) Specification which specifies the form in
which simulation elements are described
„ An Interface Specification which describes the way compliant simulations
interact during operation

ITEC 2009
20090430 – Slide 39
HLA Issues

„ As an open standard, changes to the specifications may

occur based on consensus
„ Changes to future HLA standards may have significant
impact on local implementations
„ Migration from earlier versions (US DoD version) to the
open standards IEEE version has been slow in some
„ High dependence on vendors for software tools

ITEC 2009
20090430 – Slide 40
HLA – Past, Present and Future

A Technical Perspective

Fault Tolerance
Web Services
FOM Modules Features and updates
Align with XML based on:
Revise DDM Smart Update Rate Reduction
Dynamic Link Compatibility New requirements
Specified data types
HLA 1.0 More New opportunities

HLA 1.1
HLA 1.2
HLA 1.3 HLA 1516 HLA Evolved every
5 years
1995 1998 2000 2009

US & International Federations

ITEC 2009
20090430 – Slide 41 Courtesy of Pitch
The Classic HLA ”Lollipop” View

Federate A Federate B Federate C Federation Object Model

<Shared object classes>
<Shared interaction classes>
Run-Time Infrastructure (RTI)

„ Each participating member is called a federate

„ Information is exchanged using an RTI
„ The information exchange follows a Federation Object
Model (FOM)
„ The participating federates together with the FOM are
called a federation
ITEC 2009
20090430 – Slide 42 Courtesy of Pitch
How HLA Works ”Information Bus”

Publish truck, Publish aircraft, Publish truck,

Publish weather
aircraft, command command aircraft
Subscribe aircraft, Subscribe aircraft, Subscribe truck,
Subscribe command
weather, command weather, command aircraft

Federate A Federate B Federate C Federate X

Run-Time Infrastructure

„ A federate can publish the information that it produces to the federation

„ Another federate can subscribe to information that it requires
„ Publishing and subscribing are based on the FOM
„ The RTI routes any relevant information to a subscribing federate – no
need for federates to connect directly to other federates
„ Enables interoperability and reuse
„ Allows for multiple RTI implementations, including central server and peer-
Source: SISO Euro SIW 2008 HLA Evolved –
ITEC 2009 Improvements and Benefits: Möller et al
20090430 – Slide 43 Courtesy of Pitch
Range of HLA Usage

„ Applicable to broad range of functional areas (e.g., training,

contingency planning, analysis, and acquisition)
„ Applicable to simulations involving pure software
representations, man-in-the-loop simulators, and interfaces to
live components (e.g., instrumented-weapon systems and C3


Support Interfaces to
Utilities Simulations
Live Players


Runtime Infrastructure (RTI)

ITEC 2009
20090430 – Slide 44
HLA – Sample Federation

Interface to C4I Systems Staff-Level Training / CAX Computer Generated Forces

Interface to Live players & systems Platform Trainers

C4I Sensor Staff F16 CGF

Run-Time Infrastructure

Source: SISO Euro SIW 2008 HLA Evolved –

Improvements and Benefits: Möller et al
ITEC 2009
20090430 – Slide 45 Courtesy of Pitch
High Level Architecture Terminology

„ A federate – an application that may be, or is coupled with other software

applications under a Federation Object Model Document Data (FDD) and a
runtime infrastructure (RTI)
„ A federation – a named set of federate applications and a common Federation
Object Model that are used as a whole to achieve some specific objective
„ A Simulation Object Model (SOM) – a specification of the types of information
that an individual federate could provide to HLA federations as well as the
information a federate could receive from other federates in HLA federations.
„ A Federation Object Model (FOM) – a specification defining the information
exchanged at runtime to achieve a given set of federation objectives.
„ Object Model Template - a standardised format , rules and terminology used for
describing HLA object models, i.e.
„ Objects - a thing e.g. Tank

„ Attributes - about an object e.g. position

„ Interactions - between models

„ Run Time Infrastructure (RTI) The software that provides common interface
services during a HLA federation execution for synchronization and data

ITEC 2009 IEEE 1516-2000

20090430 – Slide 46
What is a HLA Runtime Infrastructure (RTI)

„ It is a software package designed to manage a federation in a

manner consistent with the HLA specification. It is the service
interface amongst federates

„ It achieves data distribution, and provides a set of common

services. Think of it a telephone switchboard. It provides the
connection and maintains a common level of service.

„ It does not maintain any information on the state of the

federation, nor information on the data content and format etc.

„ HLA RTIs are available from commercial vendors, national

implementations; some movement to open source

ITEC 2009
20090430 – Slide 47
RTI and Tool Implementations

„ Mainly from US, Europe and Asia

„ Runtime Infrastructure implementations
„ ~5 COTS RTIs
„ ~10 Additional actively developed/maintained RTIs
„ Company in-house, government projects, open-source, etc

„ ~10 Other serious RTI implementation

„ >100 Experimental or student RTIs
„ Hundreds of HLA compatible COTS applications:
general purpose tools and domain specific federates
„ Data loggers, management tools, middleware, code generators,
platform simulators, visualizations, computer generated forces,

ITEC 2009
20090430 – Slide 48 Courtesy of Pitch
RTI Performance
„ Based on public information from several RTI
„ Tens to hundreds of interoperating systems in one federation
„ 100 000 entities or more
„ Approximately 50 000 updates per second
„ High data throughput, for example 600 Mpbs on Gigabit
network using Windows
„ Low latency, for example: 0.130 milliseconds (130 μs)
latency between Windows hosts on a LAN
„ Actual performance may vary between RTI
vendors, hardware configurations and simulators
„ Performance of an actual federation will generally
be limited by data consumption/production rate
of participating systems or network
ITEC 2009 Source: SISO Euro SIW 2008 HLA Evolved –
20090430 – Slide 49 Courtesy of Pitch Improvements and Benefits: Möller et al
HLA Specifications

„ HLA Framework and Rules

„ IEEE 1516-2000
„ HLA Federate Interface Specification
„ IEEE 1516.1-2000
„ HLA Object Model Template
„ IEEE 1516.2-2000
„ Federation Development and Execution Process (FEDEP)
Recommended Practice
„ IEEE 1516.3-2003
„ Recommended Practice for Verification, Validation, and
Accreditation of a Federation—An Overlay to the High Level
Architecture Federation Development and Execution Process
„ IEEE 1516.4-2007

ITEC 2009
20090430 – Slide 50
Related Standards
„ Real-time Platform Reference Federation Object Model
„ SISO-STD-001.1-1999
„ Guidance, Rationale, & Interoperability Modalities for the RPR
„ SISO-STD-001-1999
„ Base Object Model (BOM) Template Specification
„ SISO-STD-003-2006
„ Guide for BOM Use and Implementation
„ SISO-STD-003.1-2006
„ Dynamic Link Compatible HLA API Standard for the HLA
Interface Specification
„ SISO-STD-004.1-2004
„ Standard for: Link16 Simulations
„ SISO-STD-002-2006
„ Standard for Link 11 A/B Simulations
„ SISO-STD-005-200X

ITEC 2009
20090430 – Slide 51
HLA 1516 Framework and Rules

5 Rules for Federations

1. Federations shall have an HLA Federation Object Model (FOM),
documented in accordance with the HLA Object Model
Template (OMT).
2. In a federation, all simulation-associated object instance
representation shall be in the federates, not in the runtime
infrastructure (RTI).
3. During a federation execution, all exchange of FOM data among
federates shall occur via the RTI.
4. During a federation execution, federates shall interact with the
RTI in accordance with the HLA interface specification.
5. During a federation execution, an instance attribute shall be
owned by at most one federate at any given time.

ITEC 2009
20090430 – Slide 52
HLA 1516 Framework and Rules

5 Rules for Federates

6. Federates shall have an HLA Simulation Object Model (SOM),
documented in accordance with the HLA Object Model
Template (OMT).
7. Federates shall be able to update and/or reflect any attributes
and send and/or receive interactions, as specified in their
8. Federates shall be able to transfer and/or accept ownership of
attributes dynamically during a federation execution, as
specified in their SOMs.
9. Federates shall be able to vary the conditions (e.g., thresholds)
under which they provide updates of attributes, as specified in
their SOMs.
10. Federates shall be able to manage local time in a way that will
allow them to coordinate data exchange with other members of
a federation.

ITEC 2009
20090430 – Slide 53
HLA Federate Interface Specification

„ Defines a set of services provided by federates and

an RTI
„ Service groups
„ Federation Management (31 services)
„ Declaration Management (12 services)
„ Object Management (20 services)
„ Ownership Management (18 services)
„ Time Management (23 services)
„ Data Distribution Management (12 services)
„ Support Services (43 services)
„ Management Object Model
„ FOM Document Data (FDD) XML Schema Declaration
„ Application Programmers Interfaces (APIs) in C++,
Java, and WSDL
ITEC 2009
20090430 – Slide 54
HLA IF Spec V1.3
Mod 0
12 February 2001 54
HLA Object Model Template

„ A standard template for use in defining both

Federation Object Models (FOMs) and Simulation
Object Models (SOMs)
„ Defined in terms of a series of interrelated tables
„ Defines a XML data interchange format
„ Provides a template to define federate capabilities for
conformance checking

ITEC 2009
20090430 – Slide 55
HLA Object Model Tables
Object Class
Structure Attribute
Data Type Tables
• Simple
• Enumerated
• Array
• Fixed Record
Interaction Class • Variant Record
Structure Parameter

Basic Data
Miscellaneous Tables Representation
• Object Model
Identification Lexicon Tables
• Switches • Object Class
• Transportation Type • Interaction Class
• Synchronization • Attribute
• User Supplied Tags • Parameter
• Time Representation • Notes
ITEC 2009
20090430 – Slide 56
FOM –Object Class Structure Example

Source: SISO Euro SIW 2008 HLA Evolved –

ITEC 2009 Improvements and Benefits: Möller et al
20090430 – Slide 57 Courtesy of Pitch
The HLA Evolved Effort

„ Updating the current IEEE 1516-2000 series

of technical specifications for HLA
„ All IEEE products must be reviewed every 5
years and either reaffirmed, opened for
revision and re-balloted, or retired
„ Important sources for revision:
„ 210 ”interpretations” by the US DoD
„ Dynamic Link Compatibility API by SISO
„ Hundreds of formal comments from HLA users during three
”comment rounds”

Source: SISO Euro SIW 2008 HLA Evolved –

ITEC 2009 Improvements and Benefits: Möller et al
20090430 – Slide 58
HLA Evolved Status

„ Completed three draft review rounds

„ Completed first ballot
„ Met thresholds for % of ballots returned and % of votes to
approve the specification
„ Currently resolving nearly 500 comments
„ Will recirculate the ballot per IEEE rules
„ Expect publication at the end of 2009

Source: SISO Euro SIW 2008 HLA Evolved –

Improvements and Benefits: Möller et al

ITEC 2009
20090430 – Slide 59
Benefits of HLA Evolved

„ More dynamic information models

„ More support for incrementally growing federations
„ More support for deploying federations in real-life, unreliable
„ More support for mixing simulations from different domains
„ More support for large and scalable federations
„ More support for new technologies
„ More net-centric and Web Services support
„ More support for the latest development and deployment
„ More support for an eco-system with multiple

ITEC 2009
20090430 – Slide 60 Courtesy of Pitch
...and Some Good News
about the Current Features

„ HLA Evolved doesn’t change any semantics

in the current HLA 1516 standard.
„ It simply adds new features.
„ If you invested time in learning HLA you will
still benefit from that knowledge!
„ Note: APIs and file formats have been updated – some effort
needed to migrate applications

ITEC 2009
20090430 – Slide 61
HLA Standards and Their Development
HLA – Developers and Users

„ HLA (IEEE 1516) is developed as an open

international standard through a Product
Development Group (PDG) as part of SISO
„ SISO is an IEEE Standards Sponsor
„ The largest group of the PDG participants are from
the US but there is also a substantial number of
international participants
„ NATO Standardization Agreement (STANAG) 4603 establishes
HLA as the standard for NATO M&S interoperability
„ The largest HLA user base is within defense (Live,
Virtual and Constructive) but there is also a growing
number of civilian users
Source: SISO Euro SIW 2008 HLA Evolved –
Improvements and Benefits: Möller et al
ITEC 2009
20090430 – Slide 62
HLA is an Open International Standard
- Government
Simulation - Industry
Developers & - Academia
Users - Etc

Simulation IEEE - GOTS
Interoperabili RTI and Tool
1516 - In-house
ty Standards Developers
Standards - Open source
Organization - Other

- Research
Academia - Student proj.
- Courses
Community feedback
Representation in SISO/IEEE from organizations using HLA is critical
ITEC 2009 * SISO is a NATO-recognized standards developer
20090430 – Slide 63 Courtesy of Pitch

„ NATO HLA policy is contained in STANAG 4603

„ Basically, NATO policy is to use HLA 1516 Standard as
the principle enabling architecture for Modelling and
Simulation Activities
„ Nations that have ratified STANAG 4603
„ Canada
„ Czech Republic
„ Denmark
„ France
„ Germany
„ Hungary
„ The Netherlands
„ United Kingdom
„ United States

ITEC 2009
20090430 – Slide 64
Why HLA for NATO ?

„ Military operations are supported by coalitions,

„ Involving different nations , different cultures,
„ New nations joining NATO ...
„ Training of multi-national joint forces and their staff shall use
national M&S capabilities:
Interoperability provided by HLA is key
„ HLA officially recognized by the highest authority in NATO, the
North Atlantic Council (NAC) as early as 1998
„ Many current and future NATO projects based on HLA
„ examples: FIRST WAVE (Sept.2004), SMART, SNOW LEOPARD (starting
in 2007) all supported by HLA federations !

ITEC 2009
20090430 – Slide 65
HLA RTI Verification Testing

„ Extensive test (~2000 tests) for compliance with HLA

„ Performed on behalf of US DoD/MSCO
„ Commercial, government owned, and open source
1.3 and 1516 RTIs fully or partially verified: DoD,
Fraunhoffer, MAK, MATREX, Pitch, Portico, Ratheon-
„ See http://www.msco.mil/RTIVerificationService.html
„ Information to submit an RTI for testing

„ List of currently verified RTIs

Source: SISO Euro SIW 2008 HLA Evolved –
Improvements and Benefits: Möller et al
ITEC 2009
20090430 – Slide 66
HLA Federate Compliance Testing

„ Tests the use of HLA services by a single federate

„ Performed by US and a growing number of
NATO/PFP countries: Canada, France, Spain,
Sweden, United Kingdom
„ Over 250 HLA federates tested since 1997

Source: SISO Euro SIW 2008 HLA Evolved –

Improvements and Benefits: Möller et al
ITEC 2009
20090430 – Slide 67
The NATO/PfP solution for
HLA Certification
„ Implement a distributed capability between some
voluntary nations,
„ Use an common process and common software (based
on the US certification suite)
„ Evolutions controlled by NATO and PfP nations
involved in a common working group: the MSG-050
Certification Advisory Group (CeAG)
„ Outside the US, HLA certification is now available in
France, Spain and, Sweden, coming soon in Canada and

ITEC 2009
20090430 – Slide 68
Why HLA compliance testing
within NATO?

„ NATO federations could be composed of federates

„ from very different origin,
„ with diverse levels of capability,
„ where the reliability and history of the federates is not widely known
„ HLA compliance testing and certification is
„ Not considered as mandatory by NATO.
„ Rather considered as a normal step on the way to technical
interoperability of simulations.
„ Provided as a common service available
to the NATO and Partners community.

ITEC 2009
20090430 – Slide 69
Objective Topics
„ Staffing/roles
„ Components
M&S Introduction

HLA Overview

Federation Resource
Federation Development

Use Cases

Summary and Wrap Up

ITEC 2009
20090430 – Slide 70
Federation Resources (Staffing/Roles)

„ Problem Setter(s):
„ The individual or group (customer/stakeholders) that pose the
question to be answered by the federation
„ Responsible for defining the problem and for funding the means
to obtain the solution
„ Customer/stakeholder resources include,
„ end user(s)

„ members of an Integrated Project Team

„ defence analysts

„ Problem Solver(s):
„ The individual or group responsible for investigating a solution to
the problem space, i.e. determines if a simulation federation can
provide a satisfactory solution and if so, defines and designs the
federation architecture and evaluation methods
„ Resources include,
„ federation project manager

„ federation/federate (simulation) designers

ITEC 2009
20090430 – Slide 71
Federation Resources (Staffing/Roles)

„ Federation Developers:
„ The individual or group that develop and integrate the various
elements of the federation, i.e. the specialist engineers who
provide an operational and fully tested federated simulation
„ Resources include,
„ federation systems engineer(s)
„ test engineers
„ database developers

ITEC 2009
20090430 – Slide 72
Federation Resources (Staffing/Roles)

„ Federation Operators:
„ The individual or group that participate in the execution of the
federation, i.e. the people interacting with the federate
components, such as a platform simulator (virtual federate) or a
Semi Automated Force (constructive federate)
„ Resources include,
„ military operational users / Subject Matter Experts (SMEs)

„ Instructors / role players (e.g. CGF role players)

„ human factor specialists

ITEC 2009
20090430 – Slide 73
Federation Resources (Staffing/Roles)

„ Exercise Controller
„ The person who is responsible for overall operation of the
federation during runtime execution, re: starting/stopping/pausing
the exercise
„ Verification & Validation (V&V) Agents:
„ The individual or group designated by the customer sponsor to
perform verification and validation tasks on a federation or single
„ Can be a subject matter expert within the application domain of
the federation, a software/hardware specialist or a tester, who is in
charge of conducting tests according to FEDERATION TEST
„ Involved across all federation activities (e.g. requirements capture,
design, development) and also participate in the operation of the
ITEC 2009
20090430 – Slide 74
Federation Resources (Staffing/Roles)

„ Federation Analysts
„ The individual or group responsible for defining data capture /
analysis requirements for After Action Review (AAR)

ITEC 2009
20090430 – Slide 75
Federation Resources (Staffing/Roles)

„ Depending on the complexity of the federation

one individual might fulfil more than one role
across federation design, development and

ITEC 2009
20090430 – Slide 76
Federation Resources (Components)
„ Network infrastructures
„ Level of security
„ Bandwidth considerations
„ Quality of service (delivery)
„ Point of presence / availability
„ Availability of federated capable facilities
„ Common simulation context (provision of common/credible
federation components)
„ Synthetic representation of the natural and physical environment
„ correlated terrain data (terrain elevation and feature data) and terrain
„ 3D models (e.g. vehicles, buildings, targets, etc)
„ Computer Generated Forces (CGFs)
„ ‘red’ (threat) + ‘blue’ force behaviours (e.g. physical and performance
„ communications infrastructure (C2 aspects)

„ Simulation systems / models

„ Portable model components and model performance data
„ Federate and federation test tools
ITEC 2009
20090430 – Slide 77
Objective Topics
„ Federation
Development and
M&S Introduction Execution Process
„ Federation Agreement
HLA Overview Document

Federation Resource
Federation Development

Use Cases

Summary and Wrap Up

ITEC 2009
20090430 – Slide 78
HLA Federation Development
and Execution Process (FEDEP)

„ A systems engineering process model to combine individual

applications (federates) into distributed simulation environments

„ First a DoD Standard (FEDEP 1.5, Dec. 99, based on HLA DoD 1.3),
„ Standardized as IEEE 1516.3-2003
„ Not specific to HLA, but written using HLA terminology
„ Currently under revision:
„ will be replaced by the Distributed Simulation Environment
Engineering Process (DSEEP) as IEEE P1730.
ITEC 2009 Graphic courtesy of DND SECO, based on IEEE 1516.3
20090430 – Slide 79
FEDEP Description

„ Standardized systems engineering process

„ Recommended practice (IEEE STD 1516.3)
„ Federation characteristics
„ High Level Architecture (HLA) federates
„ Distributed environment
„ Benefits of FEDEP
„ Re-use
„ Information sharing
„ Interoperability

ITEC 2009
20090430 – Slide 80
FEDEP Seven Step Model

Design and Development

Integration and Execution

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Define Perform Design Develop Plan, Execute Analyze Data

Federation Conceptual Federation Federation Integrate, Federation and Report
Objectives Analysis and Test and Results
Federation Prepare

Iterative Development Flow

ITEC 2009 Graphic courtesy of DND SECO, based on IEEE 1516.3

20090430 – Slide 81
Step 1: Define Federation Objectives

Needs Statement
Overall Plans
Existing Domain Descriptions Federation Federation Objectives
Info on Available Resources
(2 activities) Initial Planning Documents

• What does the “sponsor” want to achieve?
• How is success or failure going to be measured?
• What are the requirements?
• What’s the best way to get there?
• What are you just stuck with?
• The sponsor’s objectives need to be turned into detailed requirements.
• Note: the level of effort required will vary
ITEC 2009 Graphic courtesy of DND SECO, based on IEEE 1516.3
20090430 – Slide 82
Step 2: Conceptual Analysis

Federation Objectives Federation Scenario

Statement 2
Perform Federation Conceptual Model
Scenarios Conceptual
Analysis Federation Requirements
Authoritative Domain
Information (3 activities) Federation Test Criteria

• Define time management requirements (real-time versus slower or faster
than real-time)
• Discuss Fidelity and Resolution …

ITEC 2009
20090430 – Slide 83 Graphic courtesy of DND SECO, based on IEEE 1516.3
What is a scenario?

„ 1) Description of an exercise (“initial conditions” in military

terms). It is part of the session database that configures the

units and platforms and places them in specific locations with

specific missions. Source: NATO Modeling and Simulation Master Plan

„ 2) An initial set of conditions and time line of significant

events imposed on trainees or systems to achieve exercise

objectives. Source: NATO Modeling and Simulation Master Plan

ITEC 2009
20090430 – Slide 84
Fidelity vs. Resolution


Fidelity Resolution
• Resolution and Fidelity are not the same
• You can have one and not the other
• Not necessarily a bad thing –
It depends on what you are trying to accomplish
ITEC 2009
20090430 – Slide 85 Courtesy of Alion

Fidelity: The accuracy of the representation when

compared to the real world.

A model or simulation is said to have fidelity if it accurately

corresponds to or represents the item or experience it was
created to emulate. In other words, how does it act?
ITEC 2009
20090430 – Slide 86 Courtesy of Alion

Resolution: The degree of detail and precision used in the

representation of real world aspects in a model or
simulation. DoD M&S GLOSSARY, Jan 98

Resolution means the fineness of detail that can be represented or

distinguished in an image. How does it look?
ITEC 2009
20090430 – Slide 87 Courtesy of Alion
Step 3: Design Federation

Initial Planning Documents

Federation Scenario Allocated Federates

Federation Conceptual Design

Federation Development
Model Federation Plan
Federation Requirements
Federate Simulation (3 activities)
Object Models (SOMs)

The sponsor’s requirements need to be met.
• Existing software, new software, and integration.
• Security considerations.
• Who is going to do the work?
• When is all this going to happen?
ITEC 2009
Graphic courtesy of DND SECO, based on IEEE 1516.3
20090430 – Slide 88
Step 4: Develop Federation
Allocated Federates Federation Object Model
Development Plan
4 (FOM)

Modified Federates
Conceptual Model Federation Implemented Federation
Federate Designs

Federation Object Models (4 activities) Run Time

Infrastructure (RTI)
Supporting Resources Initialization Data

Development is the implementation of the plan. Some of the things that
happen during development are:
• Software is created.
• Networks are stood-up.
• Physical infrastructure is established
• Contracts are let, resources are allocated.
• Hardware and software are acquired.
• Time management agreements are established.
ITEC 2009
20090430 – Slide 89 Graphic courtesy of DND SECO, based on IEEE 1516.3
In Step 4: Develop Federation …

Development is the implementation of the plan. Some

of the things that happen during development are:
• Software is created.
• Networks are stood-up.
• Contracts are let, resources are allocated.
• The pieces are integrated.
• Hardware and software are acquired.
• Testing.
• Training.

ITEC 2009
20090430 – Slide 90
Step 5: Plan, Integrate, and Test
Scenario Instance(s)
Federation Environment
Federation Development Plan 5 Description
Federation Test Criteria
FOM Plan,
Federation Agreements Integrate, Integrated Federation
FOM Document Data (FDD) and Test
Modified / New Federates Federation
Implemented Federation
Infrastructure Tested Federation
Supporting Databases
(3 activities)

•The pieces are integrated.

ITEC 2009
Graphic courtesy of DND SECO, based on IEEE 1516.3
20090430 – Slide 91
Step 6: Execute Federation
and Prepare Outputs
Federation Development
Plan 6
Execute Documented Execution
Federation Problems
Federation Agreements

Federation Environment
Description Prepare
Outputs Derived Outputs
Tested Federation
(2 activities)

Execution often leads to changes in requirements, or uncovers problems,
and iteration between execution and previous stages is normal.

ITEC 2009 Graphic courtesy of DND SECO, based on IEEE 1516.3

20090430 – Slide 92
Step 7: Analyze Data and Evaluate
Federation Objectives 7
Statement Lessons Learned
Federation Requirements Data Final Report
and Report
Federation Test Criteria
Reusable Federation
Derived Outputs Products
(2 activities)

Was the federation “fit for purpose”?
Can any of the work be reused?
Are more iterations required to meet the sponsor’s objectives?
ITEC 2009 Graphic courtesy of DND SECO, based on IEEE 1516.3
20090430 – Slide 93
„ Security considerations are pervasive throughout the
„ Step 1 - Define Federation Objectives
„ Identify security requirements

„ Step 2 - Perform Conceptual Analysis

„ Define security requirements for hardware, network, data, and software

„ Step 3 – Design Federation

„ Analyze, and if necessary, refine initial security risk assessment and
concept of operations
„ Develop security plan

„ Step 4 – Develop Federation

„ Establish security procedures

„ Step 5 – Plan, integrate, and test federation

„ Perform security certification testing

ITEC 2009
20090430 – Slide 94
„ Consider risk in all steps of the FEDEP
„ A measure of the probability and severity of
undesired effects often taken as the simple
product of probability and consequence
„ Impact
„ Domains: health, environment, finance…
„ Levels: negligible, marginal, critical, catastrophic

„ Likelihood of occurrence
„ Low, medium, high
„ Probability Theory

„ Residual uncertainty
„ Upper bound for the probability of occurrence
ITEC 2009
20090430 – Slide 95
Processes and Tools Considerations

„ Are there processes and tools available?

„ Yes
„ Reports and papers for guidance
„ Development processes tailored to M&S
„ Evaluation Processes such as VV&A
„ M&S tools available for a wide range of applications

ITEC 2009
20090430 – Slide 96
„ Diagrammatic mapping of V&V activities to the steps
of the Federation Development and Execution Process
(FEDEP), including assignment of responsibilities
„ Standardized as IEEE 1516.4

FEDEP “Steps” VV&A Phases

ITEC 2009 Courtesy of DRDC

20090430 – Slide 97
FEDEP Summary

„ The FEDEP is a process model; it is not the

process itself. It must be tailored for the specific
problem that you are trying to solve with
„ You must be specific in the capabilities you need
before you can determine the simulations you

ITEC 2009 Graphic courtesy of DND SECO, based on IEEE 1516.3

20090430 – Slide 98
The future: the DSEEP

„ Distribute Simulation Environment Engineering Process

„ A new IEEE recommended practice to be published end-1999
(IEEE 1730)
„ Developed by enthusiastic and experienced people
„ A Generic engineering process dedicated to Distributed
Simulation in general
„ 3 Annexes related to DIS, HLA, TENA;
„ Many improvements due to lessons learned (particularly on the 3 first
„ More specific on documentation and relationship between different
documents …

ITEC 2009
20090430 – Slide 99
Federation Agreements (FAs)

„ FAs should be considered as an integral part of

overall Federation Design
„ crucial to federation success (whether federation agreements
are formally documented, implicit or ad-hoc)
„ A Federation Agreement Document (FAD) is NOT a
federation design document
„ FAs should be used to clarify expectations,
constraints and responsibilities between ‘members’
of a federation
„ FAs exist throughout the federation lifecycle
(particularly important for long-lived or re-used

ITEC 2009
20090430 – Slide 100
Structured Federation Agreements

„ The “5 W’s design pattern” for FAs:

„ What is agreed to (content)
„ When is it applicable (moment in time)
„ Who is affected by it (involved parties, federates)
„ Where it applies (circumstances, conditions)
„ Why this agreement was made (rationale)

„ EXAMPLE: Synced Local Time

„ What: Federates will sync local clocks thru NTP
„ When: Federate joins federation
„ Who: All Federates
„ Where: Always
„ Why: local Logs should have synced timestamps
ITEC 2009
20090430 – Slide 101
Need for Structured Federation Agreements

„ Structured FAs allow federation

„ To understand/reuse FAs across federations
„ To compare FAs across federations
„ To exploit any automated tools to access FA
„ To check completeness

ITEC 2009
20090430 – Slide 102
Federation Agreement Documents (FAD)

„ Spell out exactly what is to be developed and delivered, and

„ Determine a disciplined approach to federation design,
development, and execution (e.g. use of IEEE 1516.3
„ Ensure appropriate level of V&V and assessment for use
„ Identify requirements for component resources
„ Federation (common) components and tools, e.g. environment
datasets/databases, 3D models, Computer Generated Forces (CGFs),
„ Federation Information Products
„ Determine key people resources
„ Roles and Responsibilities (who does what/when?)
„ Who participates
„ Determine federation analysis requirements
„ Form and natures of results
„ What data needs to be captured
ITEC 2009
20090430 – Slide 103
Federation Information Products

ITEC 2009
20090430 – Slide 104
Objective Topics
„ French Alliance
M&S Introduction „ Canadian Federation
„ UK Federation
HLA Overview

Federation Resource
Federation Development

Use Cases

Summary and Wrap Up

ITEC 2009
20090430 – Slide 105

M&S Introduction

HLA Overview

Federation Resource
Federation Development

Use Cases

Summary and Wrap Up

ITEC 2009
20090430 – Slide 106

„ Modeling and Simulation has proven value that

saves lives and dollars and increases capabilities
„ Distributed simulation is an effective method for
combining and reusing simulation in a cost-effective
„ HLA provides a open-standards based method of
implementing distributed simulation
„ A variety of talents and resources are required to
effectively employ HLA, or any simulation
„ An proven systems engineering process (FEDEP)
exists to guide users in the use of HLA

ITEC 2009
20090430 – Slide 107

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