HLA Tutorial
HLA Tutorial
ITEC 2009
11 May 2009
ITEC 2009
20090430 – Slide 1
M&S Introduction
HLA Overview
Federation Resource
Federation Development
Use Cases
ITEC 2009
20090430 – Slide 3
Objective Topics
What is M&S?
Value of M&S
M&S Introduction Distributed simulation
HLA Overview Verification and
Federation Resource
Federation Development
Use Cases
9 M&S is:
a representation of the real world
an enabling tool that improves our lives today, prepares
us for a better tomorrow, and provides a means to meet
national and international security challenges
9 M&S technology and processes:
exist everywhere in our lives
used extensively for acquisition, analysis,
experimentation, planning, testing and training
ITEC 2009 5
20090430 – Slide 5 Courtesy of Alion
What is Modelling and Simulation?
An attempt to
represent real world:
• Processes
• Equipment
• People
• Activities
• Environments
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20090430 – Slide 6
Courtesy of Alion
Why M&S
Aid for:
Thought (Help develop and explore issues)
Communication (Picture worth 1,000 words)
Training and Instruction
Improves capabilities
Canadian source
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20090430 – Slide 7
Basic M&S Terminology
Execution Synthetic
Simulation The execution over time of models representing the attributes of one
or more entities or processes. Human-in-the-Loop simulations, also known as
simulators, are a special class of simulations. Source: NATO Modeling and Simulation Master Plan
ITEC 2009
Source: NATO Modeling and Simulation Master Plan
20090430 – Slide 9
Types of Simulations – Live
Live simulations:
- involve individuals or groups
- may use actual equipment
- should provide a similar area of operations
- should be close to replicating the actual activity
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20090430 – Slide 10 Courtesy of Alion
Types of Simulations - Virtual
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20090430 – Slide 11 Courtesy of Alion
Types of Simulations - Constructive
Saves Lives
M&S supports real-world applications that save lives.
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20090430 – Slide 14
Why Use M&S
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20090430 – Slide 15
Using M&S to Reduce
Programme /Project Risk
Canadian source
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20090430 – Slide 16
M&S Challenges Across Communities
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20090430 – Slide 18
Concept of Distributed Simulation
Simulations are interactive through current state-of-the-art
communication systems.
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20090430 – Slide 20
History of Distributed Simulation
1980’s - development
1987 - Fielded
1992 – First I/ITSEC Demo
1993 – First IEEE 1278 standards
1998 – DIS Amendment
2009 – DIS continues to evolve through SISO
1990 - First DARPA initiative
1992 – Confederation exercises
HLA (see other slides)
2002 - Architecture Document published
2002 – Used in Millennium Challenge
2009 – TENA continues to evolve
LVC Architecture Roadmap
2007 – Initiated
ITEC 2009 2009 – Final report
20090430 – Slide 21
Principles of Distributed Simulation
Live Systems
Computer Generated Forces
Manned Simulators
Full motion
C2 Systems
SA Displays
Logging and Analysis
Radio Comms
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20090430 – Slide 23
Distributed Simulation Information Products
Conservative Synchronization
Simulations Advance Time Only When Guaranteed That No
Past Data Will Be Received
Optimistic Synchronization
Free to Advance Logical Time, May Have Roll-back
Activity Scan
ITEC 2009 Advance Time by Mutual Agreement With Other Simulation
20090430 – Slide 25
Distributed Simulation Options
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20090430 – Slide 26
The Concept of Interoperability
Interoperability is the ability of multiple simulations
to communicate AND interact.
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20090430 – Slide 27
Why Interoperability for M&S?
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20090430 – Slide 28
Considerations for Distributed Simulations
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20090430 – Slide 29
The Purpose & Importance of Verification,
Validation, and Accreditation
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20090430 – Slide 30
ITEC 2009
20090430 – Slide 33 Graphics Courtesy of Alion
VV&A Considerations
Efficient V&V is conducted concurrently with model
A precise specification of the intended purpose is essential
V&V of a simulation model does not equal quality assurance
of eg. Software
Meaningful validation requires sufficient data, information,
and knowledge about both the system of interest and the
simulation model
Cost-efficient V&V is risk-driven
Balancing the cost of
knowing against the risk
of assuming.
Risk Resources
ITEC 2009
20090430 – Slide 34 Graphic courtesy of S. Youngblood, JH APL
Where Does VV&A Apply?
New M&S Development
Any stand-alone model or simulation under
development being built to address the intended
purpose or purposes of the User.
Any model or simulation that was developed
either in the past or for a different purpose.
A system of interacting models and/or
simulations, with supporting infrastructure, based
on a common understanding of the objects
portrayed in the system.
ITEC 2009
20090430 – Slide 35
Objective Topics
M&S Introduction Core concepts
Upcoming changes
HLA Overview Standards
Compliance testing
Federation Resource
Federation Development
Use Cases
Basic Premises:
No single, monolithic simulation can satisfy the needs of all
All uses of simulations and useful ways of combining them
cannot be anticipated in advance
Future technological capabilities and a variety of operating
configurations must be accommodated
Need composable approach to constructing
simulation federations
HLA evolved from key Aggregate-Level Simulation
Protocol (ALSP) and Distributed Interactive
Simulations (DIS) architectural decisions
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20090430 – Slide 37
High Level Architecture Strengths
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20090430UK– Source
Slide 38
High Level Architecture
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20090430 – Slide 39
HLA Issues
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20090430 – Slide 40
HLA – Past, Present and Future
A Technical Perspective
Fault Tolerance
Web Services
FOM Modules Features and updates
Align with XML based on:
Revise DDM Smart Update Rate Reduction
Dynamic Link Compatibility New requirements
Specified data types
HLA 1.0 More New opportunities
HLA 1.1
HLA 1.2
HLA 1.3 HLA 1516 HLA Evolved every
5 years
1995 1998 2000 2009
US & International Federations
ITEC 2009
20090430 – Slide 41 Courtesy of Pitch
The Classic HLA ”Lollipop” View
Run-Time Infrastructure
Support Interfaces to
Utilities Simulations
Live Players
Run-Time Infrastructure
Run Time Infrastructure (RTI) The software that provides common interface
services during a HLA federation execution for synchronization and data
ITEC 2009
20090430 – Slide 47
RTI and Tool Implementations
ITEC 2009
20090430 – Slide 48 Courtesy of Pitch
RTI Performance
Based on public information from several RTI
Tens to hundreds of interoperating systems in one federation
100 000 entities or more
Approximately 50 000 updates per second
High data throughput, for example 600 Mpbs on Gigabit
network using Windows
Low latency, for example: 0.130 milliseconds (130 μs)
latency between Windows hosts on a LAN
Actual performance may vary between RTI
vendors, hardware configurations and simulators
Performance of an actual federation will generally
be limited by data consumption/production rate
of participating systems or network
ITEC 2009 Source: SISO Euro SIW 2008 HLA Evolved –
20090430 – Slide 49 Courtesy of Pitch Improvements and Benefits: Möller et al
HLA Specifications
ITEC 2009
20090430 – Slide 50
Related Standards
Real-time Platform Reference Federation Object Model
Guidance, Rationale, & Interoperability Modalities for the RPR
Base Object Model (BOM) Template Specification
Guide for BOM Use and Implementation
Dynamic Link Compatible HLA API Standard for the HLA
Interface Specification
Standard for: Link16 Simulations
Standard for Link 11 A/B Simulations
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20090430 – Slide 51
HLA 1516 Framework and Rules
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20090430 – Slide 52
HLA 1516 Framework and Rules
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20090430 – Slide 53
HLA Federate Interface Specification
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20090430 – Slide 55
HLA Object Model Tables
Object Class
Structure Attribute
Data Type Tables
• Simple
• Enumerated
• Array
• Fixed Record
Interaction Class • Variant Record
Structure Parameter
Basic Data
Miscellaneous Tables Representation
• Object Model
Identification Lexicon Tables
• Switches • Object Class
• Transportation Type • Interaction Class
• Synchronization • Attribute
• User Supplied Tags • Parameter
• Time Representation • Notes
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20090430 – Slide 56
FOM –Object Class Structure Example
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20090430 – Slide 59
Benefits of HLA Evolved
ITEC 2009
20090430 – Slide 60 Courtesy of Pitch
...and Some Good News
about the Current Features
ITEC 2009
20090430 – Slide 61
HLA Standards and Their Development
HLA – Developers and Users
Simulation IEEE - GOTS
Interoperabili RTI and Tool
1516 - In-house
ty Standards Developers
Standards - Open source
Organization - Other
- Research
Academia - Student proj.
- Courses
Community feedback
Representation in SISO/IEEE from organizations using HLA is critical
ITEC 2009 * SISO is a NATO-recognized standards developer
20090430 – Slide 63 Courtesy of Pitch
ITEC 2009
20090430 – Slide 64
Why HLA for NATO ?
ITEC 2009
20090430 – Slide 65
HLA RTI Verification Testing
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20090430 – Slide 68
Why HLA compliance testing
within NATO?
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20090430 – Slide 69
Objective Topics
M&S Introduction
HLA Overview
Federation Resource
Federation Development
Use Cases
Problem Setter(s):
The individual or group (customer/stakeholders) that pose the
question to be answered by the federation
Responsible for defining the problem and for funding the means
to obtain the solution
Customer/stakeholder resources include,
end user(s)
defence analysts
Problem Solver(s):
The individual or group responsible for investigating a solution to
the problem space, i.e. determines if a simulation federation can
provide a satisfactory solution and if so, defines and designs the
federation architecture and evaluation methods
Resources include,
federation project manager
Federation Developers:
The individual or group that develop and integrate the various
elements of the federation, i.e. the specialist engineers who
provide an operational and fully tested federated simulation
Resources include,
federation systems engineer(s)
test engineers
database developers
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20090430 – Slide 72
Federation Resources (Staffing/Roles)
Federation Operators:
The individual or group that participate in the execution of the
federation, i.e. the people interacting with the federate
components, such as a platform simulator (virtual federate) or a
Semi Automated Force (constructive federate)
Resources include,
military operational users / Subject Matter Experts (SMEs)
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20090430 – Slide 73
Federation Resources (Staffing/Roles)
Exercise Controller
The person who is responsible for overall operation of the
federation during runtime execution, re: starting/stopping/pausing
the exercise
Verification & Validation (V&V) Agents:
The individual or group designated by the customer sponsor to
perform verification and validation tasks on a federation or single
Can be a subject matter expert within the application domain of
the federation, a software/hardware specialist or a tester, who is in
charge of conducting tests according to FEDERATION TEST
Involved across all federation activities (e.g. requirements capture,
design, development) and also participate in the operation of the
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20090430 – Slide 74
Federation Resources (Staffing/Roles)
Federation Analysts
The individual or group responsible for defining data capture /
analysis requirements for After Action Review (AAR)
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Federation Resources (Staffing/Roles)
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20090430 – Slide 76
Federation Resources (Components)
Network infrastructures
Level of security
Bandwidth considerations
Quality of service (delivery)
Point of presence / availability
Availability of federated capable facilities
Common simulation context (provision of common/credible
federation components)
Synthetic representation of the natural and physical environment
correlated terrain data (terrain elevation and feature data) and terrain
3D models (e.g. vehicles, buildings, targets, etc)
Computer Generated Forces (CGFs)
‘red’ (threat) + ‘blue’ force behaviours (e.g. physical and performance
communications infrastructure (C2 aspects)
Federation Resource
Federation Development
Use Cases
First a DoD Standard (FEDEP 1.5, Dec. 99, based on HLA DoD 1.3),
Standardized as IEEE 1516.3-2003
Not specific to HLA, but written using HLA terminology
Currently under revision:
will be replaced by the Distributed Simulation Environment
Engineering Process (DSEEP) as IEEE P1730.
ITEC 2009 Graphic courtesy of DND SECO, based on IEEE 1516.3
20090430 – Slide 79
FEDEP Description
ITEC 2009
20090430 – Slide 80
FEDEP Seven Step Model
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Needs Statement
Overall Plans
Existing Domain Descriptions Federation Federation Objectives
Info on Available Resources
(2 activities) Initial Planning Documents
• What does the “sponsor” want to achieve?
• How is success or failure going to be measured?
• What are the requirements?
• What’s the best way to get there?
• What are you just stuck with?
• The sponsor’s objectives need to be turned into detailed requirements.
• Note: the level of effort required will vary
ITEC 2009 Graphic courtesy of DND SECO, based on IEEE 1516.3
20090430 – Slide 82
Step 2: Conceptual Analysis
• Define time management requirements (real-time versus slower or faster
than real-time)
• Discuss Fidelity and Resolution …
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20090430 – Slide 83 Graphic courtesy of DND SECO, based on IEEE 1516.3
What is a scenario?
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20090430 – Slide 84
Fidelity vs. Resolution
Fidelity Resolution
• Resolution and Fidelity are not the same
• You can have one and not the other
• Not necessarily a bad thing –
It depends on what you are trying to accomplish
ITEC 2009
20090430 – Slide 85 Courtesy of Alion
The sponsor’s requirements need to be met.
• Existing software, new software, and integration.
• Security considerations.
• Who is going to do the work?
• When is all this going to happen?
ITEC 2009
Graphic courtesy of DND SECO, based on IEEE 1516.3
20090430 – Slide 88
Step 4: Develop Federation
Allocated Federates Federation Object Model
Development Plan
4 (FOM)
Modified Federates
Conceptual Model Federation Implemented Federation
Federate Designs
Development is the implementation of the plan. Some of the things that
happen during development are:
• Software is created.
• Networks are stood-up.
• Physical infrastructure is established
• Contracts are let, resources are allocated.
• Hardware and software are acquired.
• Time management agreements are established.
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20090430 – Slide 89 Graphic courtesy of DND SECO, based on IEEE 1516.3
In Step 4: Develop Federation …
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20090430 – Slide 90
Step 5: Plan, Integrate, and Test
Scenario Instance(s)
Federation Environment
Federation Development Plan 5 Description
Federation Test Criteria
FOM Plan,
Federation Agreements Integrate, Integrated Federation
FOM Document Data (FDD) and Test
Modified / New Federates Federation
Implemented Federation
Infrastructure Tested Federation
Supporting Databases
(3 activities)
•The pieces are integrated.
ITEC 2009
Graphic courtesy of DND SECO, based on IEEE 1516.3
20090430 – Slide 91
Step 6: Execute Federation
and Prepare Outputs
Federation Development
Plan 6
Execute Documented Execution
Federation Problems
Federation Agreements
Federation Environment
Description Prepare
Outputs Derived Outputs
Tested Federation
(2 activities)
Execution often leads to changes in requirements, or uncovers problems,
and iteration between execution and previous stages is normal.
Was the federation “fit for purpose”?
Can any of the work be reused?
Are more iterations required to meet the sponsor’s objectives?
ITEC 2009 Graphic courtesy of DND SECO, based on IEEE 1516.3
20090430 – Slide 93
Security considerations are pervasive throughout the
Step 1 - Define Federation Objectives
Identify security requirements
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20090430 – Slide 94
Consider risk in all steps of the FEDEP
A measure of the probability and severity of
undesired effects often taken as the simple
product of probability and consequence
Domains: health, environment, finance…
Levels: negligible, marginal, critical, catastrophic
Likelihood of occurrence
Low, medium, high
Probability Theory
Residual uncertainty
Upper bound for the probability of occurrence
ITEC 2009
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Processes and Tools Considerations
Reports and papers for guidance
Development processes tailored to M&S
Evaluation Processes such as VV&A
M&S tools available for a wide range of applications
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20090430 – Slide 96
Diagrammatic mapping of V&V activities to the steps
of the Federation Development and Execution Process
(FEDEP), including assignment of responsibilities
Standardized as IEEE 1516.4
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Federation Agreements (FAs)
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20090430 – Slide 100
Structured Federation Agreements
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20090430 – Slide 102
Federation Agreement Documents (FAD)
ITEC 2009
20090430 – Slide 104
Objective Topics
French Alliance
M&S Introduction Canadian Federation
UK Federation
HLA Overview
Federation Resource
Federation Development
Use Cases
M&S Introduction
HLA Overview
Federation Resource
Federation Development
Use Cases
ITEC 2009
20090430 – Slide 107