DepEd Order No. 81 s.2012 PDF
DepEd Order No. 81 s.2012 PDF
DepEd Order No. 81 s.2012 PDF
1o Urrdersccrctaric
4 L Sccr{)l:rres
ssis( an
I rP.u Dirc.lors
R.giond Di.cclo.s
:rcl\ools Divisiorr/Cilr SrpcrlntcnCcnls
I, Public Dlctnmlary Scho'ls
Alt Oihct s Conc.rrcd
i Pl,rsu:!rt 10 Rcpublic Ac1 No lOt5T t'tltcr-ls"i2 fttttt!1 :rs thc k'Licr4'rll"r
E.fu.oli.n Acr, an.l ill support 1o Dtlrfid I rrdcr N' \ 2irll rG inr,plcmcnting
iuLcs (l]tli) specilicaLL\ RuLc V ol Sectron l0 aii(t Pul' vll 'l sl'{:lio
16.2. .orrccrning tlrc hLrrllg and 'rl l- nrlctq' ricIL t Lhcrs th'
, r,. r,ror t..,,.
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criLerrr in iicplirl Orrlc' No. 12.s.:ol2 cnirtl(d R' rsLL'r
if*'r'.. i r''.l'ri'r" Ba::.d on th" H I\at c'tt 'ns rn ud\r' I:ttu ltt 4^ttttt'
\r't'v R'Jin n1
,lir.l, aroS,R,rl, lvhLch shall bc rmf t 'rll "grorrn rIl !li\ision le!'ls
2 lr or.1cr Lo slanCardize lhc clituatior) :!1d thc sclcctiolr ol krndcrgarlr!
qlraltllcalions in addililr! 1o the
.""1''"t upi,ri.*'o. rhe Iolk)wnl8 cdu{iational : s ll
gr;,iir,,",i ir"'".,,,", to DcPl-.1 or;;r No i2,s 2012 as s1'Itr1L i!1 Parls'aph Nos
i.: r r,, :' arc .el 1o bc sr!ict\' adhcrccl tr) bJ Lht D!!t:rion Srtd-rrdn
2i.sele.tionolkinclrrg:nrcnlcachcrsshdlnclaPtlhcsarrrccqLlN'alNlrt|1ting:l ()r(l'i
it tlic rbolerrenlLonc(l parngr lLphs and sc'lions rtl thc saicl Dripli(l
2 I d li.1Llc.tio!a1Qualjlicrtl'1]
, The kin'lcrgartcn 1'achcr_aPplirrnts rnusl hale obLain(x1
rDY oi thc lbLlowinil degrees:
5. 'l'hcse guidelincs shall r€lnain in lorce and in cfcct during thc succccdhg vears
until r(:vised or rcpcalcd.
aJ. lnr redialc disscrination ol an.l sttict with this ()tdcr is dircctcd
BR- ARMIN A. tularRo FSc
li'r'+ e|t- rn,,ealf tq
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