Applied Thermo

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,{ltqs:Io rm:ler ttE kn.rtldlo ot tunda,nlnr.h Df rhemod)namt$.

.. ,nd . ... ron d 1 nd p |flc hss
xnJ oroD.diss of lros
trn . .., bu , rno" .J,
l:'l.'.i nJ'i a'tsh( r' 'ar A' 1o'. ,'pe,u ,1.(.
"'' 'd

f untrrmeihtsof I hernod],n.hics
LaNs lnJ p.oNnies .fFcnccr gascr
Them,odynrnric processes rrd cyct*
l,omd arJ nhpcdies ot Srcxrn

Srcrm Boile^ rnd ! pstonn.n.r

ln(.n l Co nbrli.n Lngines

Air Comtresor rnd $cnpefojmrnce
Rcliieenli.n rnd Air Conditjoii,rg

'r.rrl6:l rrrs

Iunde0cnbls of Th€nnodyn!m
II h,toducrion !o lhcNodynanics
|? --,ir \\ | urtrni' re,nIcn..)ren r.t,.r.,,,,
rLrL Itr !.1tu1q( qhr Fo(e $ r( anLl pf,\*
l.m1 I'r. 1 ot r trnr,,'
r r r'E .' ,\o.. -,"" r,., . , nd \_!, f, r,(\ ,
'e ". 1".
'; "." :"'"," .,.,s. <, ie,!,. r 6r ., , r nr ,.d_r r
' | \ . .. ,r.j \,..or of j1.$ a ,. "J
u1e.. hrnLr o. . ,. -\
r.3 s.lL[ionotproblemsbyJifed.pD]i.arionof fonnu n. l.or.bdre ropi.s
1.9 Mode ofhertrurte'

Lr*s Nrrr proportid ofpe|f{r gas.s

22 Bole\l.v,Ch.ileslarv.Ca,.Lusrct.v,Joul.\lna.Arolad'o\laN. Rcgnxulr's l.\
2I CcictuL grs cqudioi. Chrrrclri! c Grs .qua(ion, UnncArl Gff equarion
21 Spccii! hcaa olr grs, Molarrpclifi. hc.! ola $r md i6 nra{hcmd cxLrcLrrions
2.5 DndrlF). lnd Entopt ofa g$. inpotun.e olEnropy lnd rclation betwe.n ller! &

2.6 SolLdon ofprobleLns b! diruci applicrtion oflomuhc forrbovc (op'rs

Themodynamic proc6s6and c,rcl6 I0 Hn
I I InrodudionofrhennodlnamLcprcce$
I 2 Clasilicarior/qpes of thermodynrmic po.eses
ll Applirarion of ls law olt[emodtnsmics for work du'ing a non l]o]-r.vcrsib c

Horlingrnd E\pansiondl gascs inr"on Ilo$-Revesible& Irrev*sib e proce$es

tl of problem br- dn(!rpplMlion oi aumulxc
'" d .r o, snJ L. f.ri,'r'n"J^Jni,!\.|.
Asum|tions in rhernrod)nrmic cyder
Ireve6ible aid hreve6lbleqc es
\rorkiDgolan ideolengre
JL 0 CAR:.,O1\Clcle,Ol lOC)cG.DlESEl.ClcleandI)u0lConrbuslionClcLe
]L L SolLtion of t.obLems f.r air{andad elfi ciencyof rhermod)nrnics crcles
Formrtion lnd prop{ties ofslelh ,l 116
4.1 Inroduction oiseam, ils lom{ on. propBn es rnd clasincaiion
42 lrn|r.ieDttenns u$d rd neam
1.:r l .ml)entureilnruLliy oDrl litr,ltrxiure diaglzrns for ncam fomra(idd
45 Ca cu rlion oftor.Lherr ofWer.dry! ld sul)e! Elted $erm (SolLioD ofProbLcmsl
Srean Aoihrs {nd Thcir pcrform$cc
s Iln$odudion oiboier
s 2 cl.siticatiof ofboile$
5I SsLcctionofa $$h boLlcf
5,1 lmpofuitltnns uscd tornc.m boil.^
5 5 Coniru.rion:add l\orkrngou
5.5. Sinrpeledica boir{(slnsLe tub3 bolq)
55.2 cocljRANboiler(MuL'i'ubuLarboLLtr)

5J4 Mlrncboi$ Glorhrrp!)

Iloller nrunii'igs and rccesoies
Conrprrison borwcctr water lube lnd Fire Tube b.ilere
Pdfomlnceol$eamboiles. FqtrnrhnevaN'arionrnJ boiLcrcllicicf.]
SoLulion.fpr.bleDx regadiDeequivalcnl evrporxrion. porvcr/H P and etiic encl ofb.ikf
Srca'n Nnd G$ Turbins
6 L d.srlicariotroi$rbines
6.2 S(cmlulbne(lmpuheqpe)
62.2 Dcl-rvrl inpulsslurbLi.
€23 r-se!0151.!m rtrrbin.
6I stsxnrruibiN(Rerd'untr_Pe)
6l? P RSON\ ReadLo r lurtiN
LdPc ' l'h !

6aI cLrsifi(tiod
64r c)dsotc6lurbD6
611 U$sofc$turbi'E3
ardoNi.Y.le NbLr$

7, ltrternrlConlbu*ion fngines 3HB

7l lnooduclion oll lna & F.xtnrxL Conrbudion Enlincs
72 C a$iJicdionoll C. Fl"gi'ts
? I l:rvcleofo!(ariotrs& mponrnr 1eflns uscd
7.a c; Driii ol LM strokls clcLe 3nd Four stokls cy.lcLtrsine\
75 I aotrhdLon and
752 V.l!! liDitrgDng.im5rorNonrok$lndrouf rro[$!]!tndrorersn{

,'(, L conrrudion aid \orklng$n[ its P-v, l_5 diegrams and ncd skd'h
I 6!0 irok- crde and fom nrokes .vclu l) $d arg'ne
77 lrdi!fted po\{. Brk! po*cr, Fricr on po*ti rnJ tlliieicies oft C En-qnes
78 ofLC. cnginernd EC cigrne
7.9 Comparkonof Pcrol and DicstlcnBnes
7.10 SoL;onolProblcnscga'nins lP. B.P. Friction Poq$ !nJelli.i!ncLesofl C cn-qines
3. AirCompre$nnrnd tlroir pcrbrnnnce (ltcciproc,ling & Rot'rv) 6 rln
32 C[sri]i$ri olrn contresoA(R.c roc ins & Rotary)
3:l Tcchn'crlts nsused
3.4 (bnlntrrioi rndtorkin!olsiDglcsbBe reciproctrnB Ai' CoDrptu$or uilh hclp ol I'l
dirc.rnl and nert sLtcrdr
i{r w'k d"'. p"'.r.1. h} na-!e rllir'o.dirc.n loiipfA
3 5 Muniue cornpr.srilnlnd Nrdv.nlage\
lr 6 l{o $aie €ciproarins airoonrprsor rYi$ inktuooler' *.rkdone
ps clcLe Nnh pollttphir hR ofconpre$'on
t ? Po\errertui'rd to dflveasin8l.nrle iod t*! srtsc f.c protaringrnco pres{'
I I Con,F&on ol r.oLprocding rnd rolary.rcomp.csoG
' 1 iqJ'ed d 'r' .l ' lrt o'
.o.Jr' \or lotrf ce6 ' 'i r'
' P' oli.r ..4 d'1"
!n con'Prc$06

Rtfrkcnnion and Air ConditionirB


R€conmendcd T&ibaq[lj
I'rircirtcof lieffigcration I) ltotj.Do\q(
\" !, r.r,uninc ltrrort.\ rr.t.\.htr, rn.niriL rt,f,,,rct, t.! | ih,r,.l
3. \I't'liL,l Il,!rn'u'l)trrrrn!t.t,frrrn. \ Ntr!,;1.\
'| IrerDodrDrmi$ hr
I hcDo{rynanics ,{IDtiod b I|err Etrgine! by }r. r LLIWI t.t. ( pultistrc
Pnn'r! & Sons t.rtLondor)
Iilrr t)'gines b\ D.^ l,o\ (}rrcHl Iti Bookc0hrrny. \c\ york)


Instructional Ob:FttiaQq!
rr l'. ninncr.f.l rlr^!.lhe null!ns si bcrberol
L Kron rht I undnmcnlrl\ ofl.tronrd\n!hi$
I sute rtr! tnlo\iLrq:
D.rcrib.lhe fLre.nodynimi. sl*ms. s !!r$ifi.rlion rdd propedi!s

I I2 Mr!.nd,rcigl'r
lr4 wo'randnosd

I.1 lsn|emtue. bsolu!.Tempedurc dTenpudutSfi{

La2 Nomm rlnpsarue ind Pb{r!
L5I O!u3e priffi and Prc$ur{

1 7 Dsscribc tlrc tnlo*ine:

.7 3 LinirdLomorr"lr$ofthernodlis'.r
t3 O!:uLhL rod( of rerLt n,lc.
l! lDeslnb.coidudLoi

SolledrcpfobLcrnsbyJncd.pplicarnnrol IonnuLaelb.0r.boreropLcr
?. Undorsland the llrrs.nd pn,pctlios of p.rfc.r
2 56te rhe pdhct!!saDd I Propenes
l2 I)escribcrh! tullo$ins, a :o derire irs mrth.d.licllre rtons:
ll I BoJ'Jshs

2 :l Dcss be (he folloNLng: rlso deri{! irs nrtlisNdic.l rcLjlmrs:

2 4 Dessbe(h! foLlowng
2I I I lrc $.'o sD(iic heds dr] gas and dqiv. 6 md rsmdiral nlaf onr
:pc!]ft heat of a !A lnd d.rive i1s'
2: Sro(e $e lbllorLng
? j I Erhrlp) ofr crs
l5l Etrop) oI.3d
254 Rrld on bcNretrlled * LaroD
tn) . rs hl dr(L i ljf tlrilr i nf rirrLL Lr i r r: ili rrr lrl $
r a S, rr ( r.
I rddarrr.l d,c The,lno,ltrr icr I'ht$\d inrl ( ldcs
I i \d! rhr tLrr truLlL iLnr rr'.e"
ll srlr( trlilirrt Li,ri.r |dnodrnrrr!lrrL.{'
ll s r .q,th.rrli! I'L ,r.ftlrrrodriLrriLn rrfidrtrtLL(r rrinqLll'n
,r\. !! r l,tr,ri$
lr Lr.\f r'fil$\i'!
1 1 L Thr \d il,rlR.ilEiribli.\ lrrgr! \itr ! i'r!'rr rir r rt 1r! l'i Jr\r I

1i I T:! -'rr r trrtl t $

, c rr n. rnlrdmLi.i
i II |inrn\r trIrP,.[ntrirrrL]rirr rr I l' ! \ I \ dLrr r'r ridi tri
[ .1]L ,rffLi rl tlILrN n rirL JiiJ dL ! r! i\l'rr\ rf

Ii I Th..drl I rrr[c;]t{r lln!.srirlr rlr. Li.lnr 'rTSL i:r rrir r!t

,tr !! 6 r,rrr ! .r!.rL :f .i .i: l
i l 5 TLu nl r'trt,r r.c. lLtlL L1r! r$d P !'! l:S Ju! r tr x { drrrr I
mt5ur.riilrtIi n Lr$ordfi.df' rgr\1 :nr
. I 6 Ti,r Pr )rirr ! tn.e*\:Jr 1l lrt Pri I \'& T_S d trrlr i: iii d{xf L'
DLh.nii, ( !in i: $J
sr \ | nr I oblrr. l.Lirt( \,d rrf1.l dir. r. r1 lri rhrf I i'

l)!.d lr l !trsLrlrrI rrt [i)]rirr.r!$$ \ilr lre "r'l'\'( u rrl
1!t .Lr !.i j3 t\;11 lrrt r!riiit+r'h

r.. Sr\rr'.ffhtf!5\JrrL.rfj tltrLr I ir n! ntrLrr r! Lirrrr'mlnr\

L l rdo$.nt ll's I o,r,xli rnd 0ro!ot$ ol sr.rn'

LtrLlq\r$d rh. st$m ll,ilcn li ih lic'ro'nxncl

77 | rndKr.dpo*&

7.3 Makc a Compa'ison !ftC rndl.,C.cD!ji.\

I q" VJk! J I wprrrm,/l ,tTnuL JnJ ritsrr en!,nL\
lo' t ,.,t, i rtP ,rP, or o ..r rnd
rhflr pfrtonn.,nce,Rcc,pr0u,,nq tt R4uF,
d \hr ^jnJ
irq ituLlu.ion ur rirClrnor$u,s
idr l'.:ll
\r,(r "
krr," '" \ rrunnrejlA
rhe 'r';'"'
!\LLl for
| 4 L\prf dr3 fo o\ins:
3 4 r Tf! cdrs|fudidr od wrtkinsriglc cr, nd.r sirLs !jrg. do$ e.dmg
"l" ::l; ,lJi ,,;; :.'". ;, .,;il;": ",". " ', ",.^'
" nnre$ r ih,he hctp.i pr
,,. .,.. . ",,'"";.].i'i," :', l,:.

urlunabmL tlprssri for thc \!*l,t-. p*.y. -*ia-.g p.trr"pt. L"i.i:

l7 Dsc ibc fi. plRer equir.d rd drjver \ Dtieerge Md rwo stuses rec,pr..{in!.\n
conrprcs$s: xh. der vc ilJ lbmutre
I,r . .,-n,r, i.r,.. ,r.1,..nr_..oor., o
310 solrftion ol rh! prohLohr reglfdjng Lro*
'p''. den
doi.ud})osu reqtrtcd ro drivertrc nnary

rrNur. D'trsurennnt trr llrromci$

2. Ii,irodunior of J.Lernr.nrdrr! rnd r.t,!nnucoupkr
3. sr(.Lrnd $xd! ofsrcrn Boire^
r: .otri..riN,lLrr r..Lr..-t ro I

srrd.h rn nudr ofBoitsf \IouDinjs! and r\c.*vrrjor

i r].!]. .tr:]! I]ou {| ] lr|N

Proht0n 5on,ng 0n (c!fl grnrrxriotr

I'Edift on ?crotEtr!inr
trxcti( on DiNcl Itrsn,e
3. Frxcricc or r!nitnrn sr,nsnsnr r.C. tlgine\
sttrh ind rmnlctr' $rution.n Srtrnr'ftrrbn,r
11. r,.,rnnri( l ci otRolirrroulilg Ajr co p&\or
12_ P.rn,r rrk Tr(.fHurjng Ii Coolnrg r\{cr, (.rDrrrsiotr
13. l'!nnnnxtrrc l cn otRcltigtrlion slstm
t(.ohpBsiun stre l

^""' nft ::i:li',ii.xTl j:l':lii,;:ixfi :'ii:Tffi ::li",lli
lrcsDr. Dexsur.nenr tly B3rohetur

2. KnoF Thcnnonr.rers rnd Th$nrocourto!

a'. ??-:".1:.: :. '" ."r
3. rnrdl oftLc fottoling boite6
r,ecridtudLof. !orkiu jnd sxrN Dr.DurtoD! or
r siDplrvedtrr Boitef
, ci.rai (M!kL rubu r ) Bo u
.r MIft B0L$(ssrh t).osl
i rribco.k rd wit$xaoits
sludyofthr foltohing Bojtcr Uounaingr end A..6sorj6
ronri ! o
r srturv vr k (srii! tordclr)

5. I'roblem ronins on Stcah Boirer

5 r nuLlr d\ prullr,Dt.r!rs rof

6. PrKtice 0n I'?lrot Engjnt

91 -, " "'
I'r.(ic. on Diesct Engn'o
1l !1^tu<r ! m 'h. \fs,!L Loi qorrms :iLr rF-
Lt"!r. i\ to 2 \rtu[e &4 Srole.]rtc dief .rliB
3. frlcncrun llnn'nn !Jjrm fur t.. Enqinc!
:t !p."" " ."- ",e".,.1'r.h.r..,".,,!,,.
slud] xnd Drobteh solutjon ,I.urbnrc
:. s'"1' ". ,

10. Perlonnincc rar or(;r! l.urbine

l'mclical ldt ol Re.iprocaling,\ir Co,nlrsror
'lZ P,rlorn nr tcn rf, rrlng Nnd ( ,,otii8.)rrr, r..mll|Fjon nnr \ ( nrerh,
122 oErati jo !trhlljeoFsarionatrtu..dksorsN.msnosarcD
q(r!riun.rnrm rCr[t]rt\D, nn.

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