CPAR 2nd Quarter

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REVIEWER IN CPAR 2ND QUARTER inked and printed and, given perfect printing, all lines or

surfaces will be equally dark. Moderate pressure in the

Printing Techniques
press will emboss the paper to an extent, so the inked
The print is the image obtained from any printing design will lie slightly below the un-inked surface of the
element. Originally, this was either a metal plate, paper. Artists who use relief printing include Albrecht
engraved in intaglio, or a wood block (or metal plate) Dürer, Wassily Kandinsky, and Pablo Picasso.
cut in relief.

D. Screenprinting
A. Lithography (Planographic Printing)
The principle of screenprinting, or silkscreening, consists
In planographic printing, as opposed to intaglio and in applying stencils to a screen (constructed of silk or of
relief processes, there is no difference in level between some synthetic or metallic material), in such a way that
the inked surface and the non-inked surface. Artists when ink is applied it is prevented from passing through
who use print lithography include Marc Chagall, Pablo some parts while penetrating the rest of the screen,
Picasso, and Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec. thereby printing an image on paper placed underneath.

Lithograph - The design is drawn or painted on the Techniques and Performance Practice Applied to
polished, or grained, flat surface of a stone, usually Contemporary Arts
Bavarian limestone, with a greasy crayon or ink. The
design is chemically fixed on the stone with a weak
solution of acid and gum Arabic. A. MIXED MEDIA

- A work on canvas that combines paint, ink, and

B. Intaglio Printing collage could properly be called a “mixed media”

A printing process in which the image is incised or - New media art is a 21st century catchall term
etched into a metal plate using a variety of techniques used to define all that is related to the internet
and tools. One of the distinguishing characteristics of and the interplay between technology, images,
this type of printing is that the dried ink impression and sound.
stands up from the paper in very slight relief,
perceptible by touching with the fingers or by close B. LOCAL MATERIALS
inspection. Artists who use intaglio include Rembrandt,
- Philippines is very rich in natural resources. We
Brueghel the Elder, Pablo Picasso, and Joan Miró.
can maximize the use of natural resources even
in creating arts. Arts express the artistic feelings
towards any aspect of life.
C. Relief Printing - Contemporary artists used bottles, hay, rice
A printing process in which the impression is created by stalks, plastic straw, and other recyclable
the uncarved areas or the unprepared surface of the materials useful in creating artworks.
printing element, which has been inked with a roller, 1. ABAKA - Belongs to Banana Family
brayer, or other tool. The cut, or incised, areas do not
usually print, since they are recessed and are rarely - Its fiber has a natural luster with colors ranging
inked. Nonetheless, during a run paper is often pushed from pure white to ivory and dark brown.
into these sunken areas, creating an embossed effect.
2. BURI - Is extracted from the matured leaves of
The recessed areas do print when the printing element
the Buri palm
is inked in the same manner as an etching plate, with
the surface wiped dean, leaving ink in the recesses. In - its fiber is durable and resistant to moisture.
all relief techniques it is the surface of the block that is
3. BAMBOO - Is used as a raw material in creating Traditional Techniques Applied to Contemporary
many products Creation

- It is used in construction, textile

CALLIGRAPHY - is the art of producing decorative
handwriting or lettering with a pen or brush.
C. COLLAGE - made by adhering flat elements such as
EMBROIDERY - Embroidery is the art of working raised
newspaper or magazine cut-outs, printed text to a flat
and ornamental designs in threads of silk, cotton, gold,
surface to create a thick layer that is almost like a relief silver, or other material, upon any wove fabric, leather,
sculpture paper, etc., with a needle.

TAPESTRY - a piece of thick textile fabric with

D. DECALCOMANIA - the process of transferring designs pictures or designs formed by weaving colored weft
from prepared paper on to glass or porcelain. It is a threads or by embroidering o canvas, used as a wall
technique used by some surrealist artists which involves hanging or furniture covering.
pressing paint between sheets of paper.
DRAWING - one of the major forms of expression
within the visual arts, and is generally concerned with
the marking of lines and areas of ton onto paper.
E. DECOUPAGE - art of decorating an object by gluing
colored paper cutouts onto it in combination with COLOR PENCILS’ CORES - are wax-based and contai
special paint effects, gold leaf and other decorative varying proportions of pigments, additives and binding
elements. agents. They can be used in combination with several
other drawing mediums. When used by themselves,
there are two main rendering techniques colored pencil
F. FROTTAGE - A technique in the visual arts of artists use - layering or burnishing.
obtaining textural effects or images by rubbing lead,
chalk, charcoal, etc., over paper laid on a granural or PASTEL - a art medium in the form of a stick, consisting
of pure powdered pigment and a binder. Pastel
relief like surface.
techniques can be challenging since the medium is
mixed and blended directly on the working surface, and
unlike paint, colors cannot be tested on a palette before
G. MONTAGE - The process or technique of selecting, applying to the surface.
editing, and piercing together separate sections of film
to form a continuous whole. INK - a liquid or past that contains pigments or dyes
and is used to color a surface to produce an image, text
or design.
H. TRAPUNTO - from the Italian for "to quilt," is a
method of quilting that is also called "stuffed PAINTING - the practice of applying paint, pigment,
color or other medium to a surface. It is a mode of
technique." A puffy, decorative feature, trapunto
creative expression, and the forms are numerous.
utilizes at least two layers, the underside of which is slit
and padded, producing a raised surface on the quilt. General Working Characteristics of Paint
1. Viscosity
2. Miscibility
I. DIGITAL APPLICATION - Digital art is work 3. Solubility
made with digital technology or presented 4. Drying Time
on digital technology. This includes images
done completely on computer or hand- OIL PAINTING- the process of painting with pigments
drawn images scanned into a computer and that are bound with a medium of drying oil.
finished using a software program like
Adobe Illustrator.
Commonly Used Drying Oils:
1. Linseed oil
2. Poppyseed oil
3. Walnut oil
4. Safflower oil

ACRYLIC PAINT - is fast drying paint containing

pigment suspension in acrylic polymer
emulsion. Acrylic paints can be diluted with
water, but become water-resistant when dry.

WATERCOLOR - is a painting method in which the

paints are made of pigments suspended in a water
soluble vehicle. The traditional and most common
support for watercolour paintings is paper.
Watercolours appear to be transparent and luminous

GOUACHE - a water based paint consisting of pigment

and other materials designed to be used in
an opaque painting method. Gouache differs from
watercolour in that the particles are larger, the ratio of
pigment to water is much higher, and an additional,
inert, white pigment such as chalk is also present.

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