Contemporary Philippine Arts Finals
Contemporary Philippine Arts Finals
Contemporary Philippine Arts Finals
Ex: Egg yolks mixed with water, - Keeping the support and the
linseed oil and wax pigment mixture in wet
3. Solvent - Work produced is soft and
Controls the thickness or diffused
thinness of the paint. - Plasticity of water is seen in wet
Solvents are used to clean
paintbrushes and other tools.
Scholastic Acrylics – pigment
content is less expensive and
includes dyes in the formulation.
- Another water soluble paint Range colors is also limited to
which is a mixture of primary and secondary colors.
transparent watercolor with
water soluble white pigment.
The white gives the paint an ART MEDIUMS
opaque body and covering
All throughout the history of
power. Gouache is also known
humankind, our species has
as French method
expressed itself through an array of
- Inferior quality are in the
artistic mediums. But what is a
category of poster colors
medium in art? A simple medium
Tempera art definition would be the various
tools and methods that artists used
- Water based through the ages to create their
- Neither opaque nor transparent works of art. From the early
- Effects depends on the semi- pigments created by cave dwellers
opaque color layers to mark their hands on walls,
- Each paint layer serves as through to the tools used for
tinted basecoat for the upper painting and drawing, and even
layers including new formats of
- Cannot be blended like oil or expression such as computer-
water washed like watercolor generated graphic designs,
- Gesso on the support absorbs it humans have expressed
instantaneously themselves in a way that reflects
the technological advancements of
Acrylic Paint
the era. This guide will introduce
- Fast drying paint containing you to the different art mediums
pigment suspended in acrylic available to you so that you can
polymer emulsion choose which types of art mediums
- Water-soluble and becomes suit your project best.
water resistant when dry A PAINTING AND DRAWING ART