Togaf 92 - Release Poster
Togaf 92 - Release Poster
Togaf 92 - Release Poster
Six years after the release of the last version, The Open Group has published the new and improved
TOGAF 9.2. At the same event in April 2018 in London where TOGAF 9.2 was launched Orbus Software
also won The Open Group “Most Valuable Use of a Standard” award for our use of TOGAF – so it’s
safe to say we know a thing or two about TOGAF.
01 02 03
The updated TOGAF was Important
version of TOGAF reorganized enhancements
maintains much into a leaner to the Business
of the same structure as its publication with a large Architecture – the first
predecessor. The core skeleton emphasis being placed on the objective of the approach
of the framework remains TOGAF Series Guides. A crucial section now addresses the
intact, but practitioners can now component of the standard, Statement of Work, and new
enjoy access to better guidance, containing guidance on how to artifacts have been added too.
as well as a more error-free use TOGAF effectively. This content is complemented
body of documentation. by a number of guides in the
TOGAF Library on topics such as
Business Capabilities and Value
04 05 06
Important Security Finally, there
enhancements Architecture are now more
to the Content professionals useful industry
Meta-model – changed now have access to a guide in reference models in the
descriptions, new items added TOGAF that explains in detail TOGAF Library that support
to the meta-model, revised how to account for risk while practitioners who are interested
tables, as well as renamed using the standard to build an in best practices around
concepts. Enterprise Architecture. This implementing TOGAF.
includes guidance on how
to integrate TOGAF with the
SABSA security framework.
So do you think these changes make it simpler for companies to set up EA functions? We believe so,
but if you need help with implementing TOGAF we’re here to help you.