Bomba Triplex PDF
Bomba Triplex PDF
Bomba Triplex PDF
Pumping Solutions
Pumping Solutions from Weatherford
eatherford has long been a leading sup- Our primary reciprocating
plier of pumping solutions for the En- pump offerings are the T and
ergy, Industrial, Chemical, Aerospace, Q Series pumps. These
and Municipal markets. Many factors have contrib- pumps are horizontal recipro-
uted to our success, but the most important is our cating pumps offered in either
ability to provide unmatched overall value and true a triplex or quintuplex configu-
pumping solutions for our customers. We have ration. All are available as
redefined the traditional expectations in the indus- plunger pumps, and many are also available piston
try by setting new standards for low cost of owner- pumps. These pumps are outstanding performers
ship, long service life, and ease of maintenance. and extremely cost effective. They feature conser-
vative pressure ratings and slow speed operation for
We deliver value by: enhanced durability.
• Offering the most comprehensive line of The MP Series pumps are triplex mud pumps de-
reciprocating, positive displacement signed for oilfield drilling applications. These pumps
pumps available on the market today. Our feature fabricated steel power frames and compati-
wide range of cost effective pumps are avail- bility with established industry designs for maximum
able in a range of designs and materials. With versatility. They are avail-
over 30 unique pump frame sizes to choose able in a variety of different
from; no matter if your service requires 2 HP pistons and liners sizes and
or 1,600 HP, chances are that Weatherford can be quickly reconfigured
has an optimal pump for your application. to meet the changing drilling
• Providing the experience and total capa-
bilities that few other suppliers can match. The Kobe pump from Weatherford is a specialty
We have the in-house expertise to carefully triplex plunger pump. Kobe pumps are extremely
review your requirements and assist with the dependable, heavy duty pumps designed for high
selection of the best products to meet the pressure, high temperature, and other severe ser-
needs of you application. If your needs re- vices. All pumps feature a vertical plunger orienta-
quire it, we can unitize the pump and provide tion, pressurized lubrication systems, and built in
anything from simple engine or electric motor gear reduction. Units are avail-
driven pump skids to complete enclosed able with integral motor drive or
pumping stations. with external drive shaft for
separate coupling drive. The
• Offering true global support for the equip- Kobe triplex pump is a complete,
ment we provide. Weatherford supports our self contained pumping unit and
products through a worldwide network of field the most compact, high pressure
offices and support engineers as well as triplex pump on the market to-
through carefully selected and trained distribu- day.
tors. Our 17,000+ employees are available at
over 500 individual locations in more than 100 Weatherford’s TW Series pumps
countries. are well service pumps designed
especially to service the needs to
today’s fast growing energy pro-
duction market. These pumps
are suitable for common well service applications
such as acidizing, fracturing, and cementing. The
pumps feature heavy duty construction in a com-
pact, lightweight package suitable for mobile appli-
Model T2
Continuous Intermittent
Rated Power .......................1.9 HP 2.6 HP
Maximum Speed.................350 RPM 500 RPM
Minimum Speed..................150 RPM 100 RPM
US Customary Metric
Stroke Length .....................0.787 IN 20 MM
Rated Rod Load..................775 LB 352 KG
Pump Weight ......................135 LB 61 KG
Oil Capacity ........................1.3 QT 1.2 L
Maximum Fluid Temp4........180°F 82°C
Mechanical Efficiency .........90%
Performance Ratings
Plunger Size Displacement Fluid Rated Pressure Pump Capacity (GPM) @ Input Shaft Speed
(MM) (GAL/REV) Cylinder (PSI) 150 RPM 250 RPM 300 RPM 350 RPM 500 RPM
10 0.0012 A 6,370 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.6
12 0.0018 A 4,420 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.9
14 0.0024 A 3,250 0.4 0.6 0.7 0.9 1.2
16 0.0032 A 2,490 0.5 0.8 1.0 1.1 1.6
18 0.0040 A 1,960 0.6 1.0 1.2 1.4 2.0
20 0.0050 A 1,590 0.7 1.2 1.5 1.7 2.5
22 0.0060 A 1,320 0.9 1.5 1.8 2.1 3.0
24 0.0072 A 1,110 1.1 1.8 2.2 2.5 3.6
26 0.0084 A 940 1.3 2.1 2.5 2.9 4.2
28 0.0098 A 810 1.5 2.4 2.9 3.4 4.9
30 0.0112 A 710 1.7 2.8 3.4 3.9 5.6
Horsepower 0.8 1.3 1.6 1.8 2.6
General Dimensions
Standard Connections:
1” NPT Inlet
1/2” NPT Discharge
Power Required: HP =
1. Capacities shown based on 100% volumetric efficiency. Actual capacities
will be lower based on discharge pressures and fluid properties.
2. Maximum continuous and intermittent duty speeds are based on pumping
fluids with viscosities similar to water. Consult Weatherford for speed de-
rating guidelines for higher viscosity fluids.
3. Drawings shown are typical and should not be used for fabrication purposes.
Weatherford International, Ltd. 4. Special designs and materials available for higher temperature operation.
515 Post Oak Blvd. Suite 600
Houston, Texas 77027 Weatherford products and services are subject to Weatherford’s standard terms and
conditions. For more information concerning the full line of Weatherford products and
Phone: 713-693-4000 services, please consult your authorized Weatherford representative. Unless noted
otherwise, trademarks and services noted herein are the property of Weatherford.
Continuous Intermittent
Rated Power .......................4.8 HP 7.6 HP
Maximum Speed.................280 RPM 450 RPM
Minimum Speed..................90 RPM 75 RPM
US Customary Metric
Stroke Length .....................1.378 IN 35 MM
Rated Rod Load..................1,450 LB 660 KG
Pump Weight ......................210 LB 105 KG
Oil Capacity ........................2.1 QT 2L
Maximum Fluid Temp. ........180°F 82°C
Mechanical Efficiency .........90%
Performance Ratings
Plunger Size Displacement Fluid Rated Pressure Pump Capacity (GPM) @ Input Shaft Speed
(MM) (GAL/REV) Cylinder (PSI) 90 RPM 200 RPM 250 RPM 280 RPM 450 RPM
14 0.0043 A 6,080 0.4 0.9 1.1 1.2 1.9
16 0.0056 A 4,650 0.5 1.1 1.4 1.6 2.5
18 0.0071 A 3,680 0.6 1.4 1.8 2.0 3.2
20 0.0087 A 2,980 0.8 1.7 2.2 2.4 3.9
22 0.0105 A 2,460 0.9 2.1 2.6 3.0 4.7
25 0.0136 A 1,910 1.2 2.7 3.4 3.8 6.1
29 0.0183 A 1,420 1.6 3.7 4.6 5.1 8.2
32 0.0223 A 1,160 2.0 4.5 5.6 6.2 10.0
35 0.0267 A 970 2.4 5.3 6.7 7.5 12.0
38 0.0315 A 820 2.8 6.3 7.9 8.8 14.2
42 0.0384 A 680 3.5 7.7 9.6 10.8 17.3
Horsepower 1.6 3.4 4.3 4.8 7.6
General Dimensions
Standard Connections:
1-1/2” NPT Inlet
1” NPT Discharge
Power Required: HP =
1. Capacities shown based on 100% volumetric efficiency. Actual capacities
will be lower based on discharge pressures and fluid properties.
2. Maximum continuous and intermittent duty speeds are based on pumping
fluids with viscosities similar to water. Consult Weatherford for speed de-
rating guidelines for higher viscosity fluids.
3. Drawings shown are typical and should not be used for fabrication purposes.
4. Special designs and materials available for higher temperature operation.
Weatherford International, Ltd.
515 Post Oak Blvd. Suite 600
Houston, Texas 77027 Weatherford products and services are subject to Weatherford’s standard terms and
conditions. For more information concerning the full line of Weatherford products and
Phone: 713-693-4000 services, please consult your authorized Weatherford representative. Unless noted
otherwise, trademarks and services noted herein are the property of Weatherford.
Continuous Intermittent
Rated Power .......................8.7 HP 10.2 HP
Maximum Speed.................550 RPM 650 RPM
Minimum Speed..................100 RPM 80 RPM
US Customary Metric
Stroke Length .....................1.181 IN 30 MM
Rated Rod Load..................1,575 LB 715 KG
Pump Weight ......................350 LB 160 KG
Oil Capacity ........................2.3 QT 2.2 L
Maximum Fluid Temp. ........180°F 82°C
Mechanical Efficiency .........90%
Performance Ratings
Plunger Size Displacement Rated Pressure Pump Capacity (GPM) @ Input Shaft Speed
(MM) (GAL/REV) (PSI) 100 RPM 450 RPM 500 RPM 550 RPM 650 RPM
15 0.0042 5,750 0.4 1.9 2.1 2.3 2.7
17 0.0054 4,480 0.5 2.4 2.7 3.0 3.5
20 0.0075 3,230 0.7 3.4 3.7 4.1 4.9
22 0.0090 2,670 0.9 4.1 4.5 5.0 5.9
25 0.0117 2,070 1.2 5.3 5.8 6.4 7.6
30 0.0168 1,440 1.7 7.6 8.4 9.2 10.9
35 0.0229 1,060 2.3 10.3 11.4 12.6 14.9
40 0.0299 810 3.0 13.4 14.9 16.4 19.4
Horsepower 1.6 7.1 7.9 8.7 10.2
General Dimensions
Suction Discharge
15-25mm Plungers..............1” NPT 1/2” NPT Inches
30-40mm Plungers..............1-1/2” NPT 1” NPT [Millimeters]
Power Required: HP =
1. Capacities shown based on 100% volumetric efficiency. Actual capacities
will be lower based on discharge pressures and fluid properties.
2. Maximum continuous and intermittent duty speeds are based on pumping
fluids with viscosities similar to water. Consult Weatherford for speed de-
rating guidelines for higher viscosity fluids.
3. Drawings shown are typical and should not be used for fabrication purposes.
Weatherford International, Ltd. 4. Special designs and materials available for higher temperature operation.
515 Post Oak Blvd. Suite 600
Houston, Texas 77027 Weatherford products and services are subject to Weatherford’s standard terms and
conditions. For more information concerning the full line of Weatherford products and
Phone: 713-693-4000 services, please consult your authorized Weatherford representative. Unless noted
otherwise, trademarks and services noted herein are the property of Weatherford.
Continuous Intermittent
Rated Power .......................10.6 HP 15.8 HP
Maximum Speed.................300 RPM 450 RPM
Minimum Speed..................120 RPM 90 RPM
US Customary Metric
Stroke Length .....................1.575 IN 40 MM
Rated Rod Load..................2,645 LB 1,200 KG
Pump Weight ......................330 LB 150 KG
Oil Capacity ........................4.8 QT 4.5 L
Maximum Fluid Temp. ........180°F 82°C
Mechanical Efficiency .........90%
Performance Ratings
Plunger Size Displacement Fluid Rated Pressure Pump Capacity (GPM) @ Input Shaft Speed
(MM) (GAL/REV) Cylinder (PSI) 90 RPM 200 RPM 250 RPM 300 RPM 450 RPM
15 0.0056 A 9,660 0.5 1.1 1.4 1.7 2.5
17 0.0072 A 7,520 0.6 1.4 1.8 2.2 3.2
19 0.0090 A 6,020 0.8 1.8 2.2 2.7 4.0
22 0.0121 A 4,490 1.1 2.4 3.0 3.6 5.4
24 0.0143 A 3,770 1.3 2.9 3.6 4.3 6.5
27 0.0182 A 2,980 1.6 3.6 4.5 5.4 8.2
30 0.0224 A 2,410 2.0 4.5 5.6 6.7 10.1
35 0.0305 A 1,770 2.7 6.1 7.6 9.1 13.7
43 0.0460 B 1,180 4.1 9.2 11.5 13.8 20.7
50 0.0622 B 870 5.6 12.4 15.6 18.7 28.0
55 0.0753 B 720 6.8 15.1 18.8 22.6 33.9
60 0.0896 C 600 8.1 17.9 22.4 26.9 40.3
Horsepower 3.2 7.1 8.8 10.6 15.8
General Dimensions
Suction Discharge
Fluid Cylinder-A ...............1-1/2” NPT 1” NPT
Fluid Cylinder-B ................1-1/2” NPT 1” NPT
Fluid Cylinder-C ................2-1/2” NPT 1-1/2” NPT GPM × PSI
Power Required: HP =
1. Capacities shown based on 100% volumetric efficiency. Actual capacities
will be lower based on discharge pressures and fluid properties.
2. Maximum continuous and intermittent duty speeds are based on pumping
fluids with viscosities similar to water. Consult Weatherford for speed de-
rating guidelines for higher viscosity fluids.
3. Drawings shown are typical and should not be used for fabrication purposes.
Weatherford International, Ltd. 4. Special designs and materials available for higher temperature operation.
515 Post Oak Blvd. Suite 600
Houston, Texas 77027 Weatherford products and services are subject to Weatherford’s standard terms and
conditions. For more information concerning the full line of Weatherford products and
Phone: 713-693-4000 services, please consult your authorized Weatherford representative. Unless noted
otherwise, trademarks and services noted herein are the property of Weatherford.
Continuous Intermittent
Rated Power .......................13 HP 16 HP
Maximum Speed.................475 RPM 600 RPM
Minimum Speed..................100 RPM 80 RPM
US Customary Metric
Stroke Length .....................1.575 IN 40 MM
Rated Rod Load..................1,980 LB 900 KG
Pump Weight ......................615 LB 280 KG
Oil Capacity ........................2.9 QT 2.7 L
Maximum Fluid Temp. ........180°F 82°C
Mechanical Efficiency .........90%
Performance Ratings
Plunger Size Displacement Rated Pressure Pump Capacity (GPM) @ Input Shaft Speed
(MM) (GAL/REV) (PSI) 100 RPM 400 RPM 450 RPM 475 RPM 600 RPM
15 0.0056 7,230 0.6 2.2 2.5 2.7 3.4
20 0.0100 4,070 1.0 4.0 4.5 4.7 6.0
25 0.0156 2,600 1.6 6.2 7.0 7.4 9.3
30 0.0224 1,810 2.2 9.0 10.1 10.6 13.4
35 0.0305 1,330 3.0 12.2 13.7 14.5 18.3
40 0.0398 1,020 4.0 15.9 17.9 18.9 23.9
45 0.0504 800 5.0 20.2 22.7 23.9 30.3
50 0.0622 650 6.2 24.9 28.0 29.6 37.3
Horsepower 3 11 12 13 16
General Dimensions
Suction Discharge [Millimeters]
15-25mm Plungers..............1” NPT 1/2” NPT
30-35mm Plungers..............1-1/2” NPT 1” NPT GPM × PSI
40-50mm Plungers..............2” NPT 1” NPT Power Required: HP =
1. Capacities shown based on 100% volumetric efficiency. Actual capacities
will be lower based on discharge pressures and fluid properties.
2. Maximum continuous and intermittent duty speeds are based on pumping
fluids with viscosities similar to water. Consult Weatherford for speed de-
rating guidelines for higher viscosity fluids.
3. Drawings shown are typical and should not be used for fabrication purposes.
Weatherford International, Ltd. 4. Special designs and materials available for higher temperature operation.
515 Post Oak Blvd. Suite 600
Houston, Texas 77027 Weatherford products and services are subject to Weatherford’s standard terms and
conditions. For more information concerning the full line of Weatherford products and
Phone: 713-693-4000 services, please consult your authorized Weatherford representative. Unless noted
otherwise, trademarks and services noted herein are the property of Weatherford.
Continuous Intermittent
Rated Power .......................22 HP 28 HP
Maximum Speed.................450 RPM 550 RPM
Minimum Speed..................100 RPM 80 RPM
US Customary Metric
Performance Ratings
Plunger Size Displacement Rated Pressure Pump Capacity (GPM) @ Input Shaft Speed
(MM) (GAL/REV) (PSI) 100 RPM 350 RPM 400 RPM 450 RPM 550 RPM
20 0.0124 6,100 1.2 4.4 5.0 5.6 6.8
25 0.0195 3,900 1.9 6.8 7.8 8.8 10.7
30 0.0280 2,710 2.8 9.8 11.2 12.6 15.4
35 0.0381 1,990 3.8 13.3 15.2 17.2 21.0
40 0.0498 1,520 5.0 17.4 19.9 22.4 27.4
45 0.0630 1,200 6.3 22.1 25.2 28.4 34.7
50 0.0778 980 7.8 27.2 31.1 35.0 42.8
55 0.0941 810 9.4 33.0 37.7 42.4 51.8
Horsepower 5 18 20 22 28
General Dimensions
Suction Discharge
20-25mm Plungers ............. 1” NPT 1/2” NPT
30-35mm Plungers ............. 1-1/2” NPT 1” NPT
40-45mm Plungers ............. 2” NPT 1” NPT GPM × PSI
50-55mm Plungers ............. 2-1/2” NPT 1-1/4” NPT Power Required: HP =
1. Capacities shown based on 100% volumetric efficiency. Actual capacities
will be lower based on discharge pressures and fluid properties.
2. Maximum continuous and intermittent duty speeds are based on pumping
fluids with viscosities similar to water. Consult Weatherford for speed de-
rating guidelines for higher viscosity fluids.
3. Drawings shown are typical and should not be used for fabrication purposes.
Weatherford International, Ltd. 4. Special designs and materials available for higher temperature operation.
515 Post Oak Blvd. Suite 600
Houston, Texas 77027 Weatherford products and services are subject to Weatherford’s standard terms and
conditions. For more information concerning the full line of Weatherford products and
Phone: 713-693-4000 services, please consult your authorized Weatherford representative. Unless noted
otherwise, trademarks and services noted herein are the property of Weatherford.
Continuous Intermittent
Rated Power .......................23 HP 34 HP
Maximum Speed.................280 RPM 420 RPM
Minimum Speed..................90 RPM 75 RPM
US Customary Metric
Performance Ratings
Plunger Size Displacement Fluid Rated Pressure Pump Capacity1 (GPM) @ Input Shaft Speed
(MM) (GAL/REV) Cylinder (PSI) 90 RPM 200 RPM 250 RPM 280 RPM 420 RPM
16 0.0096 A 12,750 0.9 1.9 2.4 2.7 4.0
19 0.0135 A 9,040 1.2 2.7 3.4 3.8 5.7
20 0.0149 A 8,160 1.3 3.0 3.7 4.2 6.3
22 0.0181 A 6,750 1.6 3.6 4.5 5.1 7.6
27 0.0272 A 4,480 2.5 5.4 6.8 7.6 11.4
30 0.0336 A 3,630 3.0 6.7 8.4 9.4 14.1
38 0.0539 B 2,260 4.9 10.8 13.5 15.1 22.6
42 0.0659 B 1,850 5.9 13.2 16.5 18.4 27.7
50 0.0934 C 1,310 8.4 18.7 23.3 26.1 39.2
60 0.1344 C 910 12.1 26.9 33.6 37.6 56.5
65 0.1578 C 770 14.2 31.6 39.4 44.2 66.3
72 0.1936 C 630 17.4 38.7 48.4 54.2 81.3
Horsepower 8 16 20 23 34
General Dimensions
Suction Discharge
Fluid Cylinder-A ...............1-1/2” NPT 1” NPT Inches
Fluid Cylinder-B ................1-1/2” NPT 1” NPT [Millimeters]
Fluid Cylinder-C ................2-1/2” NPT 1-1/2” NPT
Power Required: HP =
1. Capacities shown based on 100% volumetric efficiency. Actual capacities
will be lower based on discharge pressures and fluid properties.
2. Maximum continuous and intermittent duty speeds are based on pumping
fluids with viscosities similar to water. Consult Weatherford for speed de-
rating guidelines for higher viscosity fluids.
3. Drawings shown are typical and should not be used for fabrication purposes.
Weatherford International, Ltd. 4. Special designs and materials available for higher temperature operation.
515 Post Oak Blvd. Suite 600
Houston, Texas 77027 Weatherford products and services are subject to Weatherford’s standard terms and
conditions. For more information concerning the full line of Weatherford products and
Phone: 713-693-4000 services, please consult your authorized Weatherford representative. Unless noted
otherwise, trademarks and services noted herein are the property of Weatherford.
Continuous Intermittent
Rated Power .......................41 HP 66 HP
Maximum Speed.................880 RPM 1,420 RPM
Minimum Speed..................285 RPM 225 RPM
US Customary Metric
Stroke Length .....................2.953 IN 75 MM
Rated Rod Load..................5,500 LB 2,500 KG
Pump Weight ......................945 LB 430 KG
Oil Capacity ........................17.4 QT 16.5 L
Maximum Fluid Temp. ........180°F 82°C
Gear Reduction Ratio .........3.15:1
Mechanical Efficiency .........85%
Performance Ratings
Plunger Size Displacement Fluid Rated Pressure Pump Capacity (GPM) @ Input Shaft Speed
(MM) (GAL/REV) Cylinder (PSI) 285 RPM 800 RPM 850 RPM 880 RPM 1420 RPM
15 0.0033 A 20,080 1.0 2.7 2.8 2.9 4.7
16 0.0038 A 17,650 1.1 3.0 3.2 3.3 5.4
20 0.0059 A 11,290 1.7 4.7 5.0 5.2 8.4
24 0.0085 A 7,840 2.4 6.8 7.3 7.5 12.1
28 0.0116 B 5,760 3.3 9.3 9.9 10.2 16.5
30 0.0133 B 5,020 3.8 10.7 11.3 11.7 18.9
38 0.0214 B 3,130 6.1 17.1 18.2 18.8 30.4
44 0.0287 C 2,330 8.2 23.0 24.4 25.2 40.7
50 0.0371 C 1,810 10.6 29.6 31.5 32.6 52.6
54 0.0432 C 1,550 12.3 34.6 36.7 38.0 61.4
62 0.0570 C 1,180 16.2 45.6 48.4 50.1 80.9
70 0.0726 C 920 20.7 58.1 61.7 63.9 103.1
Horsepower 14 37 40 41 66
General Dimensions
Suction Discharge
Fluid Cylinder-A ...............1-1/2” NPT 1” NPT
Fluid Cylinder-B ................1-1/2” NPT 1” NPT
Fluid Cylinder-C ................2-1/2” NPT 1-1/2” NPT
Power Required: HP =
1. Capacities shown based on 100% volumetric efficiency. Actual capacities
will be lower based on discharge pressures and fluid properties.
2. Maximum continuous and intermittent duty speeds are based on pumping
fluids with viscosities similar to water. Consult Weatherford for speed de-
rating guidelines for higher viscosity fluids.
3. Drawings shown are typical and should not be used for fabrication purposes.
Weatherford International, Ltd. 4. Special designs and materials available for higher temperature operation.
515 Post Oak Blvd. Suite 600
Houston, Texas 77027 Weatherford products and services are subject to Weatherford’s standard terms and
conditions. For more information concerning the full line of Weatherford products and
Phone: 713-693-4000 services, please consult your authorized Weatherford representative. Unless noted
otherwise, trademarks and services noted herein are the property of Weatherford.
Continuous Intermittent
Rated Power .......................43 HP 50 HP
Maximum Speed.................375 RPM 440 RPM
Minimum Speed..................100 RPM 80 RPM
US Customary Metric
Performance Ratings
Plunger Size Displacement Rated Pressure Pump Capacity (GPM) @ Input Shaft Speed
(MM) (GAL/REV) (PSI) 100 RPM 300 RPM 350 RPM 375 RPM 440 RPM
25 0.0292 5,970 2.9 8.8 10.2 10.9 12.8
30 0.0420 4,150 4.2 12.6 14.7 15.8 18.5
35 0.0572 3,050 5.7 17.2 20.0 21.4 25.2
40 0.0747 2,330 7.5 22.4 26.1 28.0 32.9
45 0.0945 1,840 9.5 28.4 33.1 35.4 41.6
50 0.1167 1,490 11.7 35.0 40.8 43.8 51.4
55 0.1412 1,230 14.1 42.4 49.4 53.0 62.1
60 0.1681 1,040 16.8 50.4 58.8 63.0 73.9
65 0.1972 880 19.7 59.2 69.0 74.0 86.8
70 0.2287 760 22.9 68.6 80.1 85.8 100.6
Horsepower 12 34 40 43 50
General Dimensions
Suction Discharge [Millimeters]
25-30mm Plungers .............1-1/2” NPT 1” NPT
35-40mm Plungers .............2” NPT 1” NPT
45-50mm Plungers .............2-1/2” NPT 1-1/4” NPT
55-60mm Plungers .............3” NPT 1-1/2” NPT
60-70mm Plungers .............4” NPT 2” NPT GPM × PSI
Power Required: HP =
1. Capacities shown based on 100% volumetric efficiency. Actual capacities
will be lower based on discharge pressures and fluid properties.
2. Maximum continuous and intermittent duty speeds are based on pumping
fluids with viscosities similar to water. Consult Weatherford for speed de-
rating guidelines for higher viscosity fluids.
3. Drawings shown are typical and should not be used for fabrication purposes.
Weatherford International, Ltd. 4. Special designs and materials available for higher temperature operation.
515 Post Oak Blvd. Suite 600
Houston, Texas 77027 Weatherford products and services are subject to Weatherford’s standard terms and
conditions. For more information concerning the full line of Weatherford products and
Phone: 713-693-4000 services, please consult your authorized Weatherford representative. Unless noted
otherwise, trademarks and services noted herein are the property of Weatherford.
Continuous Intermittent
Rated Power .......................47 HP 66 HP
Maximum Speed.................320 RPM 450 RPM
Minimum Speed..................90 RPM 75 RPM
US Customary Metric
Stroke Length .....................3.15 IN 80 MM
Rated Rod Load..................5,500 LB 2,500 KG
Pump Weight ......................1,435 LB 652 KG
Oil Capacity ........................12.7 QT 12 L
Maximum Fluid Temp. ........180°F 82°C
Mechanical Efficiency .........90%
Performance Ratings
Plunger Size Displacement Fluid Rated Pressure Pump Capacity (GPM) @ Input Shaft Speed
(MM) (GAL/REV) Cylinder (PSI) 90 RPM 250 RPM 300 RPM 320 RPM 450 RPM
18 0.0161 A 13,940 1.5 4.0 4.8 5.2 7.3
21 0.0220 A 10,240 2.0 5.5 6.6 7.0 9.9
23 0.0263 A 8,540 2.4 6.6 7.9 8.4 11.9
25 0.0311 A 7,230 2.8 7.8 9.3 10.0 14.0
28 0.0390 A 5,760 3.5 9.8 11.7 12.5 17.6
35 0.0610 B 3,690 5.5 15.2 18.3 19.5 27.4
43 0.0921 B 2,440 8.3 23.0 27.6 29.5 41.4
48 0.1147 B 1,960 10.3 28.7 34.4 36.7 51.6
56 0.1562 C 1,440 14.1 39.0 46.8 50.0 70.3
68 0.2303 C 980 20.7 57.6 69.1 73.7 103.6
80 0.3187 C 710 28.7 79.7 95.6 102.0 143.4
Horsepower 14 37 44 47 66
General Dimensions
Suction Discharge
Fluid Cylinder-A ...............2” NPT 1” NPT
Fluid Cylinder-B ................2-1/2” NPT 1-1/2” NPT
Fluid Cylinder-C ................3” NPT 2” NPT GPM × PSI
Power Required: HP =
1. Capacities shown based on 100% volumetric efficiency. Actual capacities
will be lower based on discharge pressures and fluid properties.
2. Maximum continuous and intermittent duty speeds are based on pumping
fluids with viscosities similar to water. Consult Weatherford for speed de-
rating guidelines for higher viscosity fluids.
3. Drawings shown are typical and should not be used for fabrication purposes.
Weatherford International, Ltd. 4. Special designs and materials available for higher temperature operation.
515 Post Oak Blvd. Suite 600
Houston, Texas 77027 Weatherford products and services are subject to Weatherford’s standard terms and
conditions. For more information concerning the full line of Weatherford products and
Phone: 713-693-4000 services, please consult your authorized Weatherford representative. Unless noted
otherwise, trademarks and services noted herein are the property of Weatherford.
Continuous Intermittent
Rated Power .......................55 HP 87 HP
Maximum Speed.................975 RPM 1,550 RPM
Minimum Speed..................285 RPM 230 RPM
US Customary Metric
Stroke Length .....................3.937 IN 100 MM
Rated Rod Load..................5,500 LB 2,500 KG
Pump Weight ......................1,080 LB 490 KG
Oil Capacity ........................23 QT 22 L
Maximum Fluid Temp. ........180°F 82°C
Gear Reduction Ratio .........3.47:1
Mechanical Efficiency .........85%
Performance Ratings
Plunger Size Displacement Fluid Rated Pressure Pump Capacity (GPM) @ Input Shaft Speed
(MM) (GAL/REV) Cylinder (PSI) 285 RPM 850 RPM 950 RPM 975 RPM 1550 RPM
20 0.0072 A 11,290 2.0 6.1 6.8 7.0 11.1
24 0.0103 A 7,840 2.9 8.8 9.8 10.1 16.0
28 0.0141 B 5,760 4.0 12.0 13.4 13.7 21.8
30 0.0161 B 5,020 4.6 13.7 15.3 15.7 25.0
38 0.0259 C 3,130 7.4 22.0 24.6 25.3 40.1
44 0.0347 C 2,330 9.9 29.5 33.0 33.9 53.8
50 0.0448 C 1,810 12.8 38.1 42.6 43.7 69.5
54 0.0523 C 1,550 14.9 44.5 49.7 51.0 81.1
62 0.0690 C 1,180 19.7 58.6 65.5 67.2 106.9
70 0.0879 C 920 25.1 74.7 83.5 85.7 136.2
Horsepower 16 48 53 55 87
General Dimensions
Suction Discharge
Fluid Cylinder-A ...............1-1/2” NPT 1” NPT
Fluid Cylinder-B ................1-1/2” NPT 1” NPT
Fluid Cylinder-C ................2-1/2” NPT 1-1/2” NPT
Power Required: HP =
1. Capacities shown based on 100% volumetric efficiency. Actual capacities
will be lower based on discharge pressures and fluid properties.
2. Maximum continuous and intermittent duty speeds are based on pumping
fluids with viscosities similar to water. Consult Weatherford for speed de-
rating guidelines for higher viscosity fluids.
3. Drawings shown are typical and should not be used for fabrication purposes.
Weatherford International, Ltd. 4. Special designs and materials available for higher temperature operation.
515 Post Oak Blvd. Suite 600
Houston, Texas 77027 Weatherford products and services are subject to Weatherford’s standard terms and
conditions. For more information concerning the full line of Weatherford products and
Phone: 713-693-4000 services, please consult your authorized Weatherford representative. Unless noted
otherwise, trademarks and services noted herein are the property of Weatherford.
Continuous Intermittent
Rated Power .......................69 HP 83 HP
Maximum Speed.................335 RPM 400 RPM
Minimum Speed..................100 RPM 80 RPM
US Customary Metric
Performance Ratings
Plunger Size Displacement Rated Pressure Pump Capacity (GPM) @ Input Shaft Speed
(MM) (GAL/REV) (PSI) 100 RPM 250 RPM 300 RPM 335 RPM 400 RPM
30 0.0560 5,670 5.6 14.0 16.8 18.8 22.4
35 0.0762 4,160 7.6 19.1 22.9 25.5 30.5
40 0.0996 3,190 10.0 24.9 29.9 33.4 39.8
45 0.1260 2,520 12.6 31.5 37.8 42.2 50.4
50 0.1556 2,040 15.6 38.9 46.7 52.1 62.2
55 0.1883 1,690 18.8 47.1 56.5 63.1 75.3
60 0.2241 1,420 22.4 56.0 67.2 75.1 89.6
65 0.2630 1,210 26.3 65.7 78.9 88.1 105.2
70 0.3050 1,040 30.5 76.2 91.5 102.2 122.0
75 0.3501 910 35.0 87.5 105.0 117.3 140.0
80 0.3984 800 39.8 99.6 119.5 133.5 159.3
85 0.4497 710 45.0 112.4 134.9 150.7 179.9
Horsepower 21 52 62 69 83
General Dimensions
Suction Discharge
20-35mm Plungers..............2” NPT 1” NPT Inches
40-45mm Plungers..............2-1/2” NPT 1-1/4” NPT [Millimeters]
50-55mm Plungers..............3” NPT 1-1/2” NPT
60-70mm Plungers..............4” NPT 2” NPT
75-85mm Plungers..............6” NPT 2-1/2” NPT
Power Required: HP =
1. Capacities shown based on 100% volumetric efficiency. Actual capacities
will be lower based on discharge pressures and fluid properties.
2. Maximum continuous and intermittent duty speeds are based on pumping
fluids with viscosities similar to water. Consult Weatherford for speed de-
rating guidelines for higher viscosity fluids.
3. Drawings shown are typical and should not be used for fabrication purposes.
Weatherford International, Ltd. 4. Special designs and materials available for higher temperature operation.
515 Post Oak Blvd. Suite 600
Houston, Texas 77027 Weatherford products and services are subject to Weatherford’s standard terms and
conditions. For more information concerning the full line of Weatherford products and
Phone: 713-693-4000 services, please consult your authorized Weatherford representative. Unless noted
otherwise, trademarks and services noted herein are the property of Weatherford.
Continuous Intermittent
Rated Power .......................90 HP 160 HP
Maximum Speed.................810 RPM 1,450 RPM
Minimum Speed..................285 RPM 240 RPM
US Customary Metric
Stroke Length .....................3.150 IN 80 MM
Rated Rod Load..................11,750 LB 5,340 KG
Pump Weight ......................2,000 LB 910 KG
Oil Capacity ........................10 GAL 38 L
Maximum Fluid Temp. ........180°F 82°C
Gear Reduction Ratio .........3.0:1
Mechanical Efficiency .........85%
Performance Ratings
Plunger Size Displacement Fluid Rated Pressure Pump Capacity (GPM) @ Input Shaft Speed
(MM) (GAL/REV) Cylinder (PSI) 285 RPM 700 RPM 800 RPM 810 RPM 1450 RPM
30 0.0149 A 10,720 4.3 10.5 12.0 12.1 21.7
32 0.0170 B 9,430 4.8 11.9 13.6 13.8 24.6
34 0.0192 B 8,350 5.5 13.4 15.4 15.5 27.8
36 0.0215 B 7,450 6.1 15.1 17.2 17.4 31.2
40 0.0266 B 6,030 7.6 18.6 21.2 21.5 38.5
45 0.0336 B 4,770 9.6 23.5 26.9 27.2 48.7
50 0.0415 B 3,860 11.8 29.0 33.2 33.6 60.2
55 0.0502 B 3,190 14.3 35.1 40.2 40.7 72.8
60 0.0598 C 2,680 17.0 41.8 47.8 48.4 86.6
64 0.0680 C 2,360 19.4 47.6 54.4 55.1 98.6
70 0.0813 C 1,970 23.2 56.9 65.1 65.9 117.9
75 0.0934 C 1,720 26.6 65.4 74.7 75.6 135.4
80 0.1062 C 1,510 30.3 74.4 85.0 86.0 154.0
Horsepower 32 77 88 90 160
General Dimensions
See Table
See Table
Suction Discharge
Fluid Cylinder-A ...............2-1/2” NPT 1-1/2” NPT
Fluid Cylinder-B ................3” NPT 2” NPT
Fluid Cylinder-C ................4” NPT 2” NPT
Power Required: HP =
1. Capacities shown based on 100% volumetric efficiency. Actual capacities
will be lower based on discharge pressures and fluid properties.
2. Maximum continuous and intermittent duty speeds are based on pumping
fluids with viscosities similar to water. Consult Weatherford for speed de-
rating guidelines for higher viscosity fluids.
3. Drawings shown are typical and should not be used for fabrication purposes.
Weatherford International, Ltd. 4. Special designs and materials available for higher temperature operation.
515 Post Oak Blvd. Suite 600
Houston, Texas 77027 Weatherford products and services are subject to Weatherford’s standard terms and
conditions. For more information concerning the full line of Weatherford products and
Phone: 713-693-4000 services, please consult your authorized Weatherford representative. Unless noted
otherwise, trademarks and services noted herein are the property of Weatherford.
Continuous Intermittent
Rated Power .......................92 HP 147 HP
Maximum Speed.................925 RPM 1,480 RPM
Minimum Speed..................285 RPM 240 RPM
US Customary Metric
Stroke Length .....................3.543 IN 90 MM
Rated Rod Load..................9,900 LB 4,500 KG
Pump Weight ......................950 LB 430 KG
Oil Capacity ........................16 QT 15.3 L
Maximum Fluid Temp. ........180°F 82°C
Gear Reduction Ratio .........3.15:1
Mechanical Efficiency .........85%
Performance Ratings
Plunger Size Displacement Fluid Rated Pressure Pump Capacity (GPM) @ Input Shaft Speed
(MM) (GAL/REV) Cylinder (PSI) 285 RPM 800 RPM 900 RPM 925 RPM 1480 RPM
30 0.0160 A 9,040 4.6 12.8 14.4 14.8 23.7
35 0.0218 A 6,640 6.2 17.4 19.6 20.2 32.2
38 0.0257 A 5,630 7.3 20.5 23.1 23.8 38.0
40 0.0285 A 5,080 8.1 22.8 25.6 26.3 42.1
42 0.0314 B 4,610 8.9 25.1 28.2 29.0 46.4
45 0.0360 B 4,020 10.3 28.8 32.4 33.3 53.3
48 0.0410 B 3,530 11.7 32.8 36.9 37.9 60.6
50 0.0445 B 3,250 12.7 35.6 40.0 41.1 65.8
54 0.0519 B 2,790 14.8 41.5 46.7 48.0 76.8
57 0.0578 C 2,500 16.5 46.2 52.0 53.4 85.5
60 0.0640 C 2,260 18.2 51.2 57.6 59.2 94.8
65 0.0751 C 1,920 21.4 60.1 67.6 69.5 111.2
Horsepower 29 80 90 92 147
General Dimensions
Suction Discharge
Fluid Cylinder-A ...............2” NPT 1” NPT
Fluid Cylinder-B ................2-1/2” NPT 1-1/2” NPT
Fluid Cylinder-C ................3” NPT 2” NPT
Power Required: HP =
1. Capacities shown based on 100% volumetric efficiency. Actual capacities
will be lower based on discharge pressures and fluid properties.
2. Maximum continuous and intermittent duty speeds are based on pumping
fluids with viscosities similar to water. Consult Weatherford for speed de-
rating guidelines for higher viscosity fluids.
3. Drawings shown are typical and should not be used for fabrication purposes.
Weatherford International, Ltd. 4. Special designs and materials available for higher temperature operation.
515 Post Oak Blvd. Suite 600
Houston, Texas 77027 Weatherford products and services are subject to Weatherford’s standard terms and
conditions. For more information concerning the full line of Weatherford products and
Phone: 713-693-4000 services, please consult your authorized Weatherford representative. Unless noted
otherwise, trademarks and services noted herein are the property of Weatherford.
Continuous Intermittent
Rated Power .......................106 HP 141 HP
Maximum Speed.................300 RPM 400 RPM
Minimum Speed..................90 RPM 75 RPM
US Customary Metric
Stroke Length .....................4.724 IN 120 MM
Rated Rod Load..................8,800 LB 4,000 KG
Pump Weight ......................2,380 LB 1,080 KG
Oil Capacity ........................48 QT 45 L
Maximum Fluid Temp. ........180°F 82°C
Mechanical Efficiency .........90%
Performance Ratings
Plunger Size Displacement Fluid Rated Pressure Pump Capacity1 (GPM) @ Input Shaft Speed
(MM) (GAL/REV) Cylinder (PSI) 90 RPM 200 RPM 250 RPM 300 RPM 400 RPM
22 0.0362 A 14,940 3.3 7.2 9.0 10.8 14.5
25 0.0467 A 11,570 4.2 9.3 11.7 14.0 18.7
27 0.0545 A 9,920 4.9 10.9 13.6 16.3 21.8
29 0.0628 B 8,600 5.7 12.6 15.7 18.8 25.1
32 0.0765 B 7,060 6.9 15.3 19.1 22.9 30.6
35 0.0915 B 5,900 8.2 18.3 22.9 27.4 36.6
41 0.1256 B 4,300 11.3 25.1 31.4 37.7 50.2
50 0.1867 B 2,890 16.8 37.3 46.7 56.0 74.7
56 0.2342 C 2,310 21.1 46.8 58.6 70.3 93.7
65 0.3156 C 1,710 28.4 63.1 78.9 94.7 126.2
80 0.4780 C 1,130 43.0 95.6 119.5 143.4 191.2
95 0.6741 C 800 60.7 134.8 168.5 202.2 269.6
Horsepower 32 71 88 106 141
General Dimensions
Suction Discharge
Fluid Cylinder-A ...............2” NPT 1-1/2” NPT
Fluid Cylinder-B ................3” NPT 2” NPT
Fluid Cylinder-C ................4” NPT 2-1/2” NPT GPM × PSI
Power Required: HP =
1. Capacities shown based on 100% volumetric efficiency. Actual capacities
will be lower based on discharge pressures and fluid properties.
2. Maximum continuous and intermittent duty speeds are based on pumping
fluids with viscosities similar to water. Consult Weatherford for speed de-
rating guidelines for higher viscosity fluids.
3. Drawings shown are typical and should not be used for fabrication purposes.
Weatherford International, Ltd. 4. Special designs and materials available for higher temperature operation.
515 Post Oak Blvd. Suite 600
Houston, Texas 77027 Weatherford products and services are subject to Weatherford’s standard terms and
conditions. For more information concerning the full line of Weatherford products and
Phone: 713-693-4000 services, please consult your authorized Weatherford representative. Unless noted
otherwise, trademarks and services noted herein are the property of Weatherford.
Continuous Intermittent
Rated Power .......................124 HP 147 HP
Maximum Speed.................315 RPM 375 RPM
Minimum Speed..................100 RPM 80 RPM
US Customary Metric
Stroke Length .....................4.921 IN 125 MM
Rated Rod Load..................9,450 LB 4,350 KG
Pump Weight ......................3,750 LB 1,700 KG
Oil Capacity ........................48 L 45 L
Maximum Fluid Temp. ........180°F 82°C
Mechanical Efficiency .........90%
Performance Ratings
Plunger Size Displacement Rated Pressure Pump Capacity (GPM) @ Input Shaft Speed
(MM) (GAL/REV) (PSI) 100 RPM 250 RPM 300 RPM 315 RPM 375 RPM
35 0.0953 6,340 9.5 23.8 28.6 30.0 35.7
40 0.1245 4,850 12.4 31.1 37.3 39.2 46.7
45 0.1576 3,830 15.8 39.4 47.3 49.6 59.1
50 0.1945 3,110 19.5 48.6 58.4 61.3 72.9
55 0.2354 2,570 23.5 58.8 70.6 74.1 88.3
60 0.2801 2,160 28.0 70.0 84.0 88.2 105.0
65 0.3287 1,840 32.9 82.2 98.6 103.5 123.3
70 0.3812 1,580 38.1 95.3 114.4 120.1 143.0
75 0.4377 1,380 43.8 109.4 131.3 137.9 164.1
80 0.4980 1,210 49.8 124.5 149.4 156.9 186.7
85 0.5621 1,070 56.2 140.5 168.6 177.1 210.8
90 0.6302 960 63.0 157.6 189.1 198.5 236.3
95 0.7022 860 70.2 175.5 210.7 221.2 263.3
100 0.7781 780 77.8 194.5 233.4 245.1 291.8
110 0.9414 640 94.1 235.4 282.4 296.6 353.0
120 1.1204 540 112.0 280.1 336.1 352.9 420.1
Horsepower 40 98 118 124 147
General Dimensions
Suction Discharge
35-40mm Plungers..............2-1/2” NPT 1-1/4” NPT Inches
45-50mm Plungers..............3” NPT 1-1/2” NPT [Millimeters]
55-70mm Plungers..............4” NPT 2” NPT
75-90mm Plungers..............6” NPT 2-1/2” NPT
95-100mm Plungers............6” NPT 3” NPT
110-120mm Plungers..........8” CL300 RF 4” NPT
Power Required: HP =
1. Capacities shown based on 100% volumetric efficiency. Actual capacities
will be lower based on discharge pressures and fluid properties.
2. Maximum continuous and intermittent duty speeds are based on pumping
fluids with viscosities similar to water. Consult Weatherford for speed de-
rating guidelines for higher viscosity fluids.
3. Drawings shown are typical and should not be used for fabrication purposes.
Weatherford International, Ltd. 4. Special designs and materials available for higher temperature operation.
515 Post Oak Blvd. Suite 600
Houston, Texas 77027 Weatherford products and services are subject to Weatherford’s standard terms and
conditions. For more information concerning the full line of Weatherford products and
Phone: 713-693-4000 services, please consult your authorized Weatherford representative. Unless noted
otherwise, trademarks and services noted herein are the property of Weatherford.
Continuous Intermittent
Rated Power .......................167 HP 223 HP
Maximum Speed.................300 RPM 400 RPM
Minimum Speed..................90 RPM 75 RPM
US Customary Metric
Stroke Length .....................3.937 IN 100 MM
Rated Rod Load..................16,750 LB 7,600 KG
Pump Weight ......................2,600 LB 1,180 KG
Oil Capacity ........................11 GAL 42 L
Maximum Fluid Temp. ........180°F 82°C
Mechanical Efficiency .........90%
Performance Ratings
Plunger Size Displacement Fluid Rated Pressure Pump Capacity (GPM) @ Input Shaft Speed
(MM) (GAL/REV) Cylinder (PSI) 90 RPM 200 RPM 250 RPM 300 RPM 400 RPM
35 0.0762 A 11,230 6.9 15.2 19.1 22.9 30.5
40 0.0996 A 8,600 9.0 19.9 24.9 29.9 39.8
45 0.1260 A 6,790 11.3 25.2 31.5 37.8 50.4
50 0.1556 A 5,500 14.0 31.1 38.9 46.7 62.2
55 0.1883 A 4,550 16.9 37.7 47.1 56.5 75.3
60 0.2241 A 3,820 20.2 44.8 56.0 67.2 89.6
65 0.2630 B 3,260 23.7 52.6 65.7 78.9 105.2
75 0.3501 B 2,450 31.5 70.0 87.5 105.0 140.0
80 0.3984 C 2,150 35.9 79.7 99.6 119.5 159.3
85 0.4497 C 1,900 40.5 89.9 112.4 134.9 179.9
95 0.5618 C 1,520 50.6 112.4 140.4 168.5 -
100 0.6224 C 1,380 56.0 124.5 155.6 186.7 -
Horsepower 50 112 139 167 223
General Dimensions
Suction Discharge
Fluid Cylinder-A ...............3” NPT 2-1/2” NPT
Fluid Cylinder-B ................3” NPT 2-1/2” NPT
Fluid Cylinder-C ................4” NPT 3” NPT GPM × PSI
Power Required: HP =
1. Capacities shown based on 100% volumetric efficiency. Actual capacities
will be lower based on discharge pressures and fluid properties.
2. Maximum continuous and intermittent duty speeds are based on pumping
fluids with viscosities similar to water. Consult Weatherford for speed de-
rating guidelines for higher viscosity fluids.
3. Drawings shown are typical and should not be used for fabrication purposes.
Weatherford International, Ltd. 4. Special designs and materials available for higher temperature operation.
515 Post Oak Blvd. Suite 600
Houston, Texas 77027 Weatherford products and services are subject to Weatherford’s standard terms and
conditions. For more information concerning the full line of Weatherford products and
Phone: 713-693-4000 services, please consult your authorized Weatherford representative. Unless noted
otherwise, trademarks and services noted herein are the property of Weatherford.
Continuous Intermittent
Rated Power .......................189 HP 229 HP
Maximum Speed.................330 RPM 400 RPM
Minimum Speed..................100 RPM 75 RPM
US Customary Metric
Stroke Length .....................3.937 IN 100 MM
Rated Rod Load..................10,350 LB 4,700 KG
Pump Weight ......................5,765 LB 2,620 KG
Oil Capacity ........................32 GAL 121 L
Maximum Fluid Temp. ........180°F 82°C
Mechanical Efficiency .........90%
Performance Ratings
Plunger Size Displacement Rated Pressure Pump Capacity (GPM) @ Input Shaft Speed
(MM) (GAL/REV) (PSI) 100 RPM 250 RPM 300 RPM 330 RPM 400 RPM
40 0.1660 5,310 16.6 41.5 49.8 54.8 66.4
45 0.2101 4,200 21.0 52.5 63.0 69.3 84.0
50 0.2594 3,400 25.9 64.8 77.8 85.6 103.7
55 0.3138 2,810 31.4 78.5 94.1 103.6 125.5
60 0.3735 2,360 37.3 93.4 112.0 123.2 149.4
65 0.4383 2,010 43.8 109.6 131.5 144.6 175.3
70 0.5083 1,740 50.8 127.1 152.5 167.7 203.3
75 0.5835 1,510 58.4 145.9 175.1 192.6 233.4
80 0.6639 1,330 66.4 166.0 199.2 219.1 265.6
90 0.8403 1,050 84.0 210.1 252.1 277.3 336.1
95 0.9363 940 93.6 234.1 280.9 309.0 374.5
105 1.1437 770 114.4 285.9 343.1 377.4 457.5
Horsepower 58 143 172 189 229
General Dimensions
Suction Discharge
10-45mm Plungers..............3” NPT 1-1/2” NPT
50-60mm Plungers..............4” NPT 2” NPT
65-75mm Plungers..............6” NPT 2-1/2” NPT
80-90mm Plungers..............6” NPT 3” NPT GPM × PSI
95-105mm Plungers............8” CL300 RF 4” NPT Power Required: HP =
1. Capacities shown based on 100% volumetric efficiency. Actual capacities
will be lower based on discharge pressures and fluid properties.
2. Maximum continuous and intermittent duty speeds are based on pumping
fluids with viscosities similar to water. Consult Weatherford for speed de-
rating guidelines for higher viscosity fluids.
3. Drawings shown are typical and should not be used for fabrication purposes.
Weatherford International, Ltd. 4. Special designs and materials available for higher temperature operation.
515 Post Oak Blvd. Suite 600
Houston, Texas 77027 Weatherford products and services are subject to Weatherford’s standard terms and
conditions. For more information concerning the full line of Weatherford products and
Phone: 713-693-4000 services, please consult your authorized Weatherford representative. Unless noted
otherwise, trademarks and services noted herein are the property of Weatherford.
Continuous Intermittent
Rated Power .......................245 HP 292 HP
Maximum Speed.................315 RPM 375 RPM
Minimum Speed..................100 RPM 75 RPM
US Customary Metric
Stroke Length .....................4.921 IN 125 MM
Rated Rod Load..................11,250 LB 5,100 KG Shown with high pressure fluid end and
Pump Weight ......................6,350 LB 2,900 KG inline style valves
Oil Capacity ........................35 GAL 132 L
Maximum Fluid Temp. ........180°F 82°C
Mechanical Efficiency .........90%
Performance Ratings
Plunger Size Displacement Rated Pressure Pump Capacity (GPM) @ Input Shaft Speed
(MM) (GAL/REV) (PSI) 100 RPM 250 RPM 300 RPM 315 RPM 375 RPM
40 0.2075 5,780 20.7 51.9 62.2 65.4 77.8
45 0.2626 4,560 26.3 65.6 78.8 82.7 98.5
50 0.3242 3,700 32.4 81.0 97.3 102.1 121.6
55 0.3923 3,050 39.2 98.1 117.7 123.6 147.1
60 0.4668 2,570 46.7 116.7 140.0 147.1 175.1
65 0.5479 2,190 54.8 137.0 164.4 172.6 205.5
70 0.6354 1,890 63.5 158.9 190.6 200.2 238.3
75 0.7294 1,640 72.9 182.4 218.8 229.8 273.5
80 0.8299 1,440 83.0 207.5 249.0 261.4 311.2
90 1.0504 1,140 105.0 262.6 315.1 330.9 393.9
95 1.1703 1,020 117.0 292.6 351.1 368.7 438.9
100 1.2968 920 129.7 324.2 389.0 408.5 486.3
110 1.5691 760 156.9 392.3 470.7 494.3 588.4
Horsepower 78 195 234 245 292
General Dimensions
Suction Discharge [Millimeters]
40mm Plungers...................3” NPT 1-1/2” NPT
45-55mm Plungers..............4” NPT 2” NPT
60-65mm Plungers..............6” NPT 2-1/2” NPT
80-80mm Plungers..............6” NPT 3” NPT
90-110mm Plungers............8” CL300 RF 4” NPT
Power Required: HP =
1. Capacities shown based on 100% volumetric efficiency. Actual capacities
will be lower based on discharge pressures and fluid properties.
2. Maximum continuous and intermittent duty speeds are based on pumping
fluids with viscosities similar to water. Consult Weatherford for speed de-
rating guidelines for higher viscosity fluids.
3. Drawings shown are typical and should not be used for fabrication purposes.
Weatherford International, Ltd. 4. Special designs and materials available for higher temperature operation.
515 Post Oak Blvd. Suite 600
Houston, Texas 77027 Weatherford products and services are subject to Weatherford’s standard terms and
conditions. For more information concerning the full line of Weatherford products and
Phone: 713-693-4000 services, please consult your authorized Weatherford representative. Unless noted
otherwise, trademarks and services noted herein are the property of Weatherford.
Continuous Intermittent
Rated Power .......................271 HP 324 HP
Maximum Speed.................260 RPM 310 RPM
Minimum Speed..................75 RPM 50 RPM
US Customary Metric
Stroke Length .....................6.890 IN 175 MM
Rated Rod Load..................18,000 LB 8,180 KG
Pump Weight ......................6,400 LB 2,910 KG
Oil Capacity ........................19 GAL 71 L
Maximum Fluid Temp. ........180°F 82°C
Mechanical Efficiency .........90%
Performance Ratings
Plunger Size Displacement Rated Pressure Pump Capacity (GPM) @ Input Shaft Speed
(MM) (GAL/REV) (PSI) 50 RPM 200 RPM 250 RPM 260 RPM 310 RPM
50 0.2723 5,910 13.6 54.5 68.1 70.8 84.4
55 0.3295 4,890 16.5 65.9 82.4 85.7 102.1
60 0.3921 4,110 19.6 78.4 98.0 102.0 121.6
65 0.4602 3,500 23.0 92.0 115.1 119.7 142.7
70 0.5337 3,020 26.7 106.7 133.4 138.8 165.5
75 0.6127 2,630 30.6 122.5 153.2 159.3 189.9
80 0.6971 2,310 34.9 139.4 174.3 181.3 216.1
85 0.7870 2,050 39.3 157.4 196.7 204.6 244.0
90 0.8823 1,830 44.1 176.5 220.6 229.4 273.5
100 1.0893 1,480 54.5 217.9 272.3 283.2 337.7
110 1.3180 1,220 65.9 263.6 329.5 342.7 408.6
120 1.5686 1,030 78.4 313.7 392.1 407.8 486.3
130 1.8409 870 92.0 368.2 460.2 478.6 570.7
140 2.1350 750 106.7 427.0 533.7 555.1 661.8
150 2.4509 660 122.5 490.2 612.7 637.2 759.8
160 2.7885 580 139.4 557.7 697.1 725.0 864.4
Horsepower 53 209 261 271 324
General Dimensions
Suction Discharge [Millimeters]
50-65mm Plungers..............4” NPT 2” NPT
70-80mm Plungers..............6” NPT 2-1/2” NPT
85-90mm Plungers..............6” NPT 3” NPT
75-90mm Plungers..............6” NPT 4” NPT
100-130mm Plungers..........8” CL300 RF 4” NPT
Power Required: HP =
140-160mm Plungers..........10” CL300 RF 6” NPT 1543
1. Capacities shown based on 100% volumetric efficiency. Actual capacities
will be lower based on discharge pressures and fluid properties.
2. Maximum continuous and intermittent duty speeds are based on pumping
fluids with viscosities similar to water. Consult Weatherford for speed de-
rating guidelines for higher viscosity fluids.
3. Drawings shown are typical and should not be used for fabrication purposes.
Weatherford International, Ltd. 4. Special designs and materials available for higher temperature operation.
515 Post Oak Blvd. Suite 600
Houston, Texas 77027 Weatherford products and services are subject to Weatherford’s standard terms and
conditions. For more information concerning the full line of Weatherford products and
Phone: 713-693-4000 services, please consult your authorized Weatherford representative. Unless noted
otherwise, trademarks and services noted herein are the property of Weatherford.
Continuous Intermittent
Rated Power .......................325 HP 392 HP
Maximum Speed.................290 RPM 350 RPM
Minimum Speed..................100 RPM 75 RPM
US Customary Metric
Stroke Length .....................5.91 IN 150 MM
Rated Rod Load..................13,500 LB 6,125 KG
Pump Weight ......................6,710 LB 3.035 KG
Oil Capacity ........................39 GAL 148 L
Maximum Fluid Temp. ........180°F 82°C
Mechanical Efficiency .........90%
Performance Ratings
Plunger Size Displacement Rated Pressure Pump Capacity (GPM) @ Input Shaft Speed
(MM) (GAL/REV) (PSI) 100 RPM 200 RPM 250 RPM 290 RPM 350 RPM
45 0.3151 5,480 31.5 63.0 78.8 91.4 110.3
50 0.3890 4,440 38.9 77.8 97.3 112.8 136.2
55 0.4707 3,670 47.1 94.1 117.7 136.5 164.8
60 0.5602 3,080 56.0 112.0 140.0 162.5 196.1
65 0.6575 2,620 65.7 131.5 164.4 190.7 230.1
70 0.7625 2,260 76.2 152.5 190.6 221.1 266.9
75 0.8753 1,970 87.5 175.1 218.8 253.8 306.4
80 0.9959 1,730 99.6 199.2 249.0 288.8 348.6
90 1.2604 1,370 126.0 252.1 315.1 365.5 441.2
95 1.4044 1,230 140.4 280.9 351.1 407.3 491.5
100 1.5561 1,110 155.6 311.2 389.0 451.3 544.6
110 1.8829 920 188.3 376.6 470.7 546.0 659.0
120 2.2408 770 224.1 448.2 560.2 649.8 784.3
Horsepower 112 224 280 325 392
General Dimensions
Suction Discharge [Millimeters]
45-50mm Plungers..............4” NPT 2” NPT
55-65mm Plungers..............6” NPT 2-1/2” NPT
70-75mm Plungers..............6” NPT 3” NPT
80-95mm Plungers..............8” CL300 RF 4” NPT
110-120mm Plungers..........10” CL300 RF 6” CL600 RF
Power Required: HP =
1. Capacities shown based on 100% volumetric efficiency. Actual capacities
will be lower based on discharge pressures and fluid properties.
2. Maximum continuous and intermittent duty speeds are based on pumping
fluids with viscosities similar to water. Consult Weatherford for speed de-
rating guidelines for higher viscosity fluids.
3. Drawings shown are typical and should not be used for fabrication purposes.
Weatherford International, Ltd. 4. Special designs and materials available for higher temperature operation.
515 Post Oak Blvd. Suite 600
Houston, Texas 77027 Weatherford products and services are subject to Weatherford’s standard terms and
conditions. For more information concerning the full line of Weatherford products and
Phone: 713-693-4000 services, please consult your authorized Weatherford representative. Unless noted
otherwise, trademarks and services noted herein are the property of Weatherford.
Continuous Intermittent
Rated Power .......................342 HP 362 HP
Maximum Speed.................260 RPM 275 RPM
Minimum Speed..................75 RPM 60 RPM
US Customary Metric
Stroke Length .....................6.124 IN 150 MM
Rated Rod Load..................26,450 LB 12,000 KG
Pump Weight ......................5,510 LB 2,505 KG
Oil Capacity ........................24 GAL 90 L
Maximum Fluid Temp. ........180°F 82°C
Mechanical Efficiency .........90%
Performance Ratings
Plunger Size Displacement Fluid Rated Pressure Pump Capacity (GPM) @ Input Shaft Speed
(MM) (GAL/REV) Cylinder (PSI) 60 RPM 200 RPM 250 RPM 260 RPM 275 RPM
36 0.1210 A 16,760 7.3 24.2 30.3 31.5 33.3
44 0.1808 A 11,220 10.8 36.2 45.2 47.0 49.7
52 0.2525 A 8,040 15.1 50.5 63.1 65.6 69.4
68 0.4317 A 4,700 25.9 86.3 107.9 112.2 118.7
78 0.5680 A 3,570 34.1 113.6 142.0 147.7 156.2
80 0.5975 A 3,390 35.9 119.5 149.4 155.4 164.3
82 0.6278 B 3,230 37.7 125.6 156.9 163.2 172.6
95 0.8426 B 2,410 50.6 168.5 210.7 219.1 231.7
102 0.9714 C 2,090 58.3 194.3 242.8 252.6 267.1
112 1.1712 C 1,730 70.3 234.2 292.8 304.5 322.1
130 1.5779 C 1,290 94.7 315.6 394.5 410.3 433.9
Horsepower 79 263 329 342 362
General Dimensions
Power Required: HP =
1. Capacities shown based on 100% volumetric efficiency. Actual capacities
will be lower based on discharge pressures and fluid properties.
2. Maximum continuous and intermittent duty speeds are based on pumping
fluids with viscosities similar to water. Consult Weatherford for speed de-
rating guidelines for higher viscosity fluids.
3. Drawings shown are typical and should not be used for fabrication purposes.
Weatherford International, Ltd. 4. Special designs and materials available for higher temperature operation.
515 Post Oak Blvd. Suite 600
Houston, Texas 77027 Weatherford products and services are subject to Weatherford’s standard terms and
conditions. For more information concerning the full line of Weatherford products and
Phone: 713-693-4000 services, please consult your authorized Weatherford representative. Unless noted
otherwise, trademarks and services noted herein are the property of Weatherford.
Continuous Intermittent
Rated Power .......................374 HP 446 HP
Maximum Speed.................260 RPM 310 RPM
Minimum Speed..................100 RPM 75 RPM
US Customary Metric
Stroke Length .....................6.89 IN 175 MM
Rated Rod Load..................14,850 LB 6,750 KG
Pump Weight ......................6,350 LB 2,900 KG
Oil Capacity ........................44 GAL 165 L
Maximum Fluid Temp. ........180°F 82°C
Mechanical Efficiency .........90%
Performance Ratings
Plunger Size Displacement Rated Pressure Pump Capacity (GPM) @ Input Shaft Speed
(MM) (GAL/REV) (PSI) 100 RPM 200 RPM 250 RPM 260 RPM 310 RPM
50 0.4539 4,880 45.4 90.8 113.5 118.0 140.7
55 0.5492 4,030 54.9 109.8 137.3 142.8 170.2
60 0.6536 3,390 65.4 130.7 163.4 169.9 202.6
65 0.7670 2,890 76.7 153.4 191.8 199.4 237.8
70 0.8896 2,490 89.0 177.9 222.4 231.3 275.8
75 1.0212 2,170 102.1 204.2 255.3 265.5 316.6
80 1.1619 1,910 116.2 232.4 290.5 302.1 360.2
90 1.4705 1,510 147.1 294.1 367.6 382.3 455.9
95 1.6384 1,350 163.8 327.7 409.6 426.0 507.9
100 1.8155 1,220 181.5 363.1 453.9 472.0 562.8
110 2.1967 1,010 219.7 439.3 549.2 571.1 681.0
120 2.6143 850 261.4 522.9 653.6 679.7 810.4
130 3.0681 720 306.8 613.6 767.0 797.7 951.1
Horsepower 144 288 359 374 446
General Dimensions
Suction Discharge [Millimeters]
50mm Plungers...................4” NPT 2” NPT
55-60mm Plungers..............6” NPT 2-1/2” NPT
65-75mm Plungers..............6” NPT 3” NPT
80-100mm Plungers............8” CL300 RF 4” NPT
110-130mm Plungers..........10” CL300 RF 6” CL600 RF
Power Required: HP =
1. Capacities shown based on 100% volumetric efficiency. Actual capacities
will be lower based on discharge pressures and fluid properties.
2. Maximum continuous and intermittent duty speeds are based on pumping
fluids with viscosities similar to water. Consult Weatherford for speed de-
rating guidelines for higher viscosity fluids.
3. Drawings shown are typical and should not be used for fabrication purposes.
Weatherford International, Ltd. 4. Special designs and materials available for higher temperature operation.
515 Post Oak Blvd. Suite 600
Houston, Texas 77027 Weatherford products and services are subject to Weatherford’s standard terms and
conditions. For more information concerning the full line of Weatherford products and
Phone: 713-693-4000 services, please consult your authorized Weatherford representative. Unless noted
otherwise, trademarks and services noted herein are the property of Weatherford.
Continuous Intermittent
Rated Power .......................423 HP 492 HP
Maximum Speed.................215 RPM 250 RPM
Minimum Speed..................75 RPM 50 RPM
US Customary Metric
Stroke Length .....................7.874 IN 200 MM
Rated Rod Load..................29,700 LB 13,500 KG
Pump Weight ......................8,375 LB 3,800 KG
Oil Capacity ........................49 GAL 187 L
Maximum Fluid Temp. ........180°F 82°C
Mechanical Efficiency .........90%
Performance Ratings
Plunger Size Displacement Rated Pressure Pump Capacity (GPM) @ Input Shaft Speed
(MM) (GAL/REV) (PSI) 50 RPM 150 RPM 200 RPM 215 RPM 250 RPM
65 0.5260 5,770 26.3 78.9 105.2 113.1 131.5
70 0.6100 4,980 30.5 91.5 122.0 131.1 152.5
75 0.7002 4,340 35.0 105.0 140.0 150.6 175.1
80 0.7967 3,810 39.8 119.5 159.3 171.3 199.2
85 0.8994 3,380 45.0 134.9 179.9 193.4 224.9
90 1.0084 3,010 50.4 151.3 201.7 216.8 252.1
95 1.1235 2,700 56.2 168.5 224.7 241.6 280.9
100 1.2449 2,440 62.2 186.7 249.0 267.6 311.2
110 1.5063 2,020 75.3 225.9 301.3 323.9 376.6
120 1.7926 1,690 89.6 268.9 358.5 385.4 448.2
130 2.1038 1,440 105.2 315.6 420.8 452.3 526.0
140 2.4400 1,240 122.0 366.0 488.0 524.6 610.0
150 2.8010 1,080 140.0 420.1 560.2 602.2 700.2
160 3.1869 950 159.3 478.0 637.4 685.2 796.7
170 3.5977 840 179.9 539.7 719.5 773.5 899.4
180 4.0334 750 201.7 605.0 806.7 867.2 1008.4
Horsepower 99 296 394 423 492
General Dimensions
Suction Discharge [Millimeters]
65mm Plungers...................4” NPT 2” NPT
70-85mm Plungers..............6” NPT 2-1/2” NPT
85-100mm Plungers............6” NPT 3” NPT
110-130mm Plungers..........8” CL300 RF 4” NPT
140-170mm Plungers..........10” CL300 RF 6” CL600 RF
Power Required: HP =
180mm Plungers.................12” CL300 RF 6” CL600 RF 1543
1. Capacities shown based on 100% volumetric efficiency. Actual capacities
will be lower based on discharge pressures and fluid properties.
2. Maximum continuous and intermittent duty speeds are based on pumping
fluids with viscosities similar to water. Consult Weatherford for speed de-
rating guidelines for higher viscosity fluids.
3. Drawings shown are typical and should not be used for fabrication purposes.
Weatherford International, Ltd. 4. Special designs and materials available for higher temperature operation.
515 Post Oak Blvd. Suite 600
Houston, Texas 77027 Weatherford products and services are subject to Weatherford’s standard terms and
conditions. For more information concerning the full line of Weatherford products and
Phone: 713-693-4000 services, please consult your authorized Weatherford representative. Unless noted
otherwise, trademarks and services noted herein are the property of Weatherford.
Continuous Intermittent
Rated Power .......................498 HP 594 HP
Maximum Speed.................260 RPM 310 RPM
Minimum Speed..................100 RPM 75 RPM
US Customary Metric
Stroke Length .....................6.89 IN 175 MM
Rated Rod Load..................19,800 LB 9,000 KG
Pump Weight ......................7,950 LB 3,600 KG
Oil Capacity ........................44 GAL 165 L
Maximum Fluid Temp. ........180°F 82°C
Mechanical Efficiency .........90%
Performance Ratings
Plunger Size Displacement Rated Pressure Pump Capacity (GPM) @ Input Shaft Speed
(MM) (GAL/REV) (PSI) 100 RPM 200 RPM 250 RPM 260 RPM 310 RPM
55 0.5492 5,380 54.9 109.8 137.3 142.8 170.2
60 0.6536 4,520 65.4 130.7 163.4 169.9 202.6
65 0.7670 3,850 76.7 153.4 191.8 199.4 237.8
70 0.8896 3,320 89.0 177.9 222.4 231.3 275.8
75 1.0212 2,890 102.1 204.2 255.3 265.5 316.6
80 1.1619 2,540 116.2 232.4 290.5 302.1 360.2
90 1.4705 2,010 147.1 294.1 367.6 382.3 455.9
95 1.6384 1,800 163.8 327.7 409.6 426.0 507.9
100 1.8155 1,630 181.5 363.1 453.9 472.0 562.8
110 2.1967 1,340 219.7 439.3 549.2 571.1 681.0
120 2.6143 1,130 261.4 522.9 653.6 679.7 810.4
130 3.0681 960 306.8 613.6 767.0 797.7 951.1
140 3.5583 830 355.8 711.7 889.6 925.2 1103.1
Horsepower 192 384 479 498 594
General Dimensions
Suction Discharge [Millimeters]
55-60mm Plungers..............6” NPT 2-1/2” NPT
65-75mm Plungers..............6” NPT 3” NPT
80-100mm Plungers............8” CL300 RF 4” NPT
110-120mm Plungers..........10” CL300 RF 6” CL900 RTJ
130-140mm Plungers..........12” CL300 RF 6” CL600 RF
Power Required: HP =
1. Capacities shown based on 100% volumetric efficiency. Actual capacities
will be lower based on discharge pressures and fluid properties.
2. Maximum continuous and intermittent duty speeds are based on pumping
fluids with viscosities similar to water. Consult Weatherford for speed de-
rating guidelines for higher viscosity fluids.
3. Drawings shown are typical and should not be used for fabrication purposes.
Weatherford International, Ltd. 4. Special designs and materials available for higher temperature operation.
515 Post Oak Blvd. Suite 600
Houston, Texas 77027 Weatherford products and services are subject to Weatherford’s standard terms and
conditions. For more information concerning the full line of Weatherford products and
Phone: 713-693-4000 services, please consult your authorized Weatherford representative. Unless noted
otherwise, trademarks and services noted herein are the property of Weatherford.
Continuous Intermittent
Rated Power .......................695 HP 808 HP
Maximum Speed.................215 RPM 250 RPM
Minimum Speed..................100 RPM 75 RPM
US Customary Metric
Stroke Length .....................7.874 IN 200 MM
High pressure fluid end with inline style valves shown above.
Rated Rod Load..................29,250 LB 13,295 KG
Pump Weight ......................13,000 LB 5,900 KG
Oil Capacity ........................73 GAL 275 L
Maximum Fluid Temp. ........180°F 82°C
Mechanical Efficiency .........90%
Performance Ratings
Plunger Size Displacement Rated Pressure Pump Capacity (GPM) @ Input Shaft Speed
(MM) (GAL/REV) (PSI) 100 RPM 150 RPM 200 RPM 215 RPM 250 RPM
45 0.4201 11,870 42.0 63.0 84.0 90.3 105.0
60 0.7469 6,670 74.7 112.0 149.4 160.6 186.7
70 1.0167 4,900 101.7 152.5 203.3 218.6 254.2
80 1.3279 3,750 132.8 199.2 265.6 285.5 332.0
90 1.6806 2,970 168.1 252.1 336.1 361.3 420.1
100 2.0748 2,400 207.5 311.2 415.0 446.1 518.7
110 2.5105 1,990 251.1 376.6 502.1 539.8 627.6
120 2.9877 1,670 298.8 448.2 597.5 642.4 746.9
130 3.5064 1,420 350.6 526.0 701.3 753.9 876.6
140 4.0666 1,230 406.7 610.0 813.3 874.3 1016.7
150 4.6683 1,070 466.8 700.2 933.7 1003.7 1167.1
160 5.3115 940 531.1 796.7 1062.3 1142.0 1327.9
170 5.9962 830 599.6 899.4 1199.2 1289.2 1499.0
180 6.7224 740 672.2 1008.4 1344.5 1445.3 1680.6
Horsepower 324 485 647 696 809
General Dimensions
Suction Discharge [Millimeters]
45mm Plungers...................4” NPT 2” NPT
60-70mm Plungers..............6” CL300 RF 3” NPT
80-100mm Plungers............8” CL300 RF 4” NPT
110-130mm Plungers..........10” CL300 RF 6” CL1500 RTJ
140-160mm Plungers..........12” CL300 RF 6” CL900 RTJ
Power Required: HP =
1170-180mm Plungers........14” CL300 RF 8” CL600 RF 1543
1. Capacities shown based on 100% volumetric efficiency. Actual capacities
will be lower based on discharge pressures and fluid properties.
2. Maximum continuous and intermittent duty speeds are based on pumping
fluids with viscosities similar to water. Consult Weatherford for speed de-
rating guidelines for higher viscosity fluids.
3. Drawings shown are typical and should not be used for fabrication purposes.
Weatherford International, Ltd. 4. Special designs and materials available for higher temperature operation.
515 Post Oak Blvd. Suite 600
Houston, Texas 77027 Weatherford products and services are subject to Weatherford’s standard terms and
conditions. For more information concerning the full line of Weatherford products and
Phone: 713-693-4000 services, please consult your authorized Weatherford representative. Unless noted
otherwise, trademarks and services noted herein are the property of Weatherford.
Continuous Intermittent
Rated Power .......................773 HP 821 HP
Maximum Speed.................240 RPM 255 RPM
Minimum Speed..................90 RPM 60 RPM
US Customary Metric
Stroke Length .....................7.874 IN 200 MM
Rated Rod Load..................48,500 LB 22,000 KG
Pump Weight ......................8,375 LB 3,800 KG
Oil Capacity ........................33 GAL 125 L
Maximum Fluid Temp. ........180°F 82°C
Mechanical Efficiency .........90%
Performance Ratings
Plunger Size Displacement Rated Pressure Pump Capacity (GPM) @ Input Shaft Speed
(MM) (GAL/REV) (PSI) 60 RPM 150 RPM 200 RPM 240 RPM 255 RPM
72 0.6453 7,690 38.7 96.8 129.1 154.9 164.6
94 1.1000 4,510 66.0 165.0 220.0 264.0 280.5
102 1.2952 3,830 77.7 194.3 259.0 310.8 330.3
108 1.4520 3,420 87.1 217.8 290.4 348.5 370.3
110 1.5063 3,290 90.4 225.9 301.3 361.5 384.1
114 1.6178 3,070 97.1 242.7 323.6 388.3 412.6
128 2.0396 2,430 122.4 305.9 407.9 489.5 520.1
130 2.1038 2,360 126.2 315.6 420.8 504.9 536.5
140 2.4400 2,030 146.4 366.0 488.0 585.6 622.2
150 2.8010 1,770 168.1 420.1 560.2 672.2 714.3
155 2.9908 1,660 179.4 448.6 598.2 717.8 762.7
160 3.1869 1,560 191.2 478.0 637.4 764.9 812.7
Horsepower 194 483 644 773 821
General Dimensions
Power Required: HP =
1. Capacities shown based on 100% volumetric efficiency. Actual capacities
will be lower based on discharge pressures and fluid properties.
2. Maximum continuous and intermittent duty speeds are based on pumping
fluids with viscosities similar to water. Consult Weatherford for speed de-
rating guidelines for higher viscosity fluids.
3. Drawings shown are typical and should not be used for fabrication purposes.
Weatherford International, Ltd. 4. Special designs and materials available for higher temperature operation.
515 Post Oak Blvd. Suite 600
Houston, Texas 77027 Weatherford products and services are subject to Weatherford’s standard terms and
conditions. For more information concerning the full line of Weatherford products and
Phone: 713-693-4000 services, please consult your authorized Weatherford representative. Unless noted
otherwise, trademarks and services noted herein are the property of Weatherford.
1. Valve assembly information provided for standard disc type valves only. Consult Weatherford for
material details for AR, Slurry, In-line, ball, and other optional valve styles.
2. Weatherford reserves the right to modify the materials shown on this list without notice.
Rated Power .......................1000 HP
Maximum Speed.................140 RPM (at crankshaft)
Minimum Speed..................40 RPM (at crankshaft)
Performance Ratings
Plunger Size Displacement Rated Pressure Pump Capacity (GPM) @ Jackshaft Speed
(Inch) (GAL/REV) (PSI) 170 RPM 450 RPM 500 RPM 550 RPM 590 RPM
6.75 4.647 2,400 188 497 552 608 652
6.5 4.309 2,500 174 461 512 563 604
6.25 3.984 2,700 161 426 474 521 559
6 3.672 3,000 148 393 436 480 515
5.5 3.085 3,500 125 330 367 403 433
5 2.550 4,300 103 273 303 333 358
4.5 2.065 5,000 83 221 245 270 290
Horsepower 293 774 860 946 1015
General Dimensions
1. Capacities shown based on 100% volumetric efficiency. Actual capacities
will be lower based on discharge pressures and fluid properties.
2. Drawings shown are typical and should not be used for fabrication purposes.
Rated Power .......................1300 HP
Maximum Speed.................120 RPM (at crankshaft)
Minimum Speed..................40 RPM (at crankshaft)
Performance Ratings
Plunger Size Displacement Rated Pressure Pump Capacity (GPM) @ Jackshaft Speed
(Inch) (GAL/REV) (PSI) 170 RPM 350 RPM 400 RPM 450 RPM 505 RPM
7 5.998 2,800 241 496 567 638 716
6.5 5.171 3,200 208 428 489 550 617
6.25 4.781 3,500 192 396 452 509 571
6 4.406 3,700 177 365 417 469 526
5.5 3.703 4,500 149 306 350 394 442
5.25 3.374 4,900 136 279 319 359 403
Horsepower 438 901 1030 1159 1300
General Dimensions
1. Capacities shown based on 100% volumetric efficiency. Actual capacities
will be lower based on discharge pressures and fluid properties.
2. Drawings shown are typical and should not be used for fabrication purposes.
Rated Power .......................1300 HP
Maximum Speed.................120 RPM (at crankshaft)
Minimum Speed..................40 RPM (at crankshaft)
Performance Ratings
Plunger Size Displacement Rated Pressure Pump Capacity (GPM) @ Jackshaft Speed
(Inch) (GAL/REV) (PSI) 170 RPM 350 RPM 400 RPM 450 RPM 505 RPM
7 5.998 3,400 241 496 567 638 716
6.5 5.171 3,900 208 428 489 550 617
6.25 4.781 4,200 192 396 452 509 571
6 4.406 4,600 177 365 417 469 526
5.75 4.047 5,000 163 335 383 431 483
Horsepower 532 1094 1251 1407 1579
General Dimensions
1. Capacities shown based on 100% volumetric efficiency. Actual capacities
will be lower based on discharge pressures and fluid properties.
2. Drawings shown are typical and should not be used for fabrication purposes.
Rated Power .......................20 HP
Stroke Length .....................3 IN
Pump Weight (w/o motor) ...675 LB
Gear Reduction Ratio .........5.204:1 or 3.986:1
Performance Ratings
Plunger Disp. GPM Internal Gear Ratio, 60HZ, 1800 RPM Input
SIZE 2 Diam.
Per 100
5.204:1 3.986:1
346 RPM Pressure (PSI) 450 RPM Pressure (PSI)
5/8 1.20 4.14 5,000 5.34 5,000
11/16 1.45 5.00 5,000 6.51 5,000
3/4 1.72 5.96 4,330 7.74 4,330
13/16 2.02 6.98 3,690 9.09 3,690
Standard Pump
7/8 2.34 8.10 3,180 10.50 3,180
(5,000 PSI)
15/16 2.69 9.30 2,770 12.10 2,770
1 3.06 10.58 2,430 13.80 2,430
1 1/8 3.87 13.40 1,920 17.40 1,920
1 1/4 4.78 16.54 1,560 21.50 1,560
5/16 0.30 1.03 20,000 1.34 20,000
3/8 0.43 1.48 17,320 1.94 17,320
High Pressure 7/16 0.59 2.02 12,720 2.64 12,720
Pump (20,000 PSI) 1/2 0.76 2.64 9,740 3.44 9,740
9/16 0.97 3.36 7,690 4.36 7,690
5/8 1.20 4.14 6,230 5.38 6,230
9/32 0.24 0.84 30,000 1.09 30,000
Very High Pressure 5/16 0.30 1.03 24,900 1.34 24,900
Pump (30,000 PSI) 3/8 0.43 1.48 17,320 1.94 17,320
7/16 0.59 2.02 12,720 2.64 12,720
General Dimensions
1. Capacities shown based on 100% volumetric efficiency. Actual capacities
will be lower based on discharge pressures and fluid properties.
2. Drawings shown are typical and should not be used for fabrication purposes.
Rated Power .......................100 HP
Stroke Length .....................4 IN
Pump Weight (w/o motor) ...1,675 LB
Gear Reduction Ratio .........8.815, 5.941, 4.864, or 4.330:1
Performance Ratings
Internal Gear Ratio, 60HZ, 1800 RPM Input
Plunger Disp. 8.815:1 5.941:1 4.864:1 4.330:1
SIZE 3 Diam.
100 RPM Disp. @ Pressure Disp. @ Pressure Disp. @ Pressure Disp @ Pressure
205 RPM (PSI) 303 RPM (PSI) 370 RPM (PSI) 416 RPM (PSI)
1 7/8 14.30 29.4 2,000 43.5 2,000 53.1 2,000 59.7 2,000
2 16.30 33.5 2,000 49.4 2,000 60.4 2,000 67.9 2,000
High Volume Pump 2 1/8 18.40 37.8 2,000 55.8 2,000 68.2 2,000 76.6 1,900
(2,000 PSI) 2 1/4 20.70 42.3 1,850 62.6 1,850 76.4 1,850 85.9 1,700
2 3/8 23.00 47.2 1,650 69.7 1,650 85.2 1,650 95.7 1,500
2 1/2 25.60 52.3 1,480 77.3 1,480 94.3 1,480 106.1 1,350
3/4 2.30 4.7 5,000 7.0 5,000 8.5 5,000 9.5 5,000
7/8 3.12 6.4 5,000 9.5 5,000 11.6 5,000 13.0 5,000
1 4.08 8.4 5,000 12.4 5,000 15.1 5,000 17.0 5,000
1 1/8 5.16 10.6 5,000 15.6 5,000 19.1 5,000 21.5 5,000
Standard Pump
1 1/4 6.38 13.1 5,000 19.3 5,000 23.6 5,000 26.5 5,000
(5,000 PSI)
1 3/8 7.72 15.8 5,000 23.4 5,000 28.5 5,000 32.1 4,700
1 1/2 9.18 18.8 4,200 27.8 4,200 34.0 4,200 38.2 3,900
1 5/8 10.80 22.1 3,600 32.6 3,600 39.9 3,600 44.8 3,300
1 3/4 12.50 25.6 3,100 37.9 3,100 46.2 3,100 52.0 2,800
5/8 1.60 3.28 10,000 4.84 10,000 5.92 10,000 6.65 10,000
High Pressure Pump 3/4 2.30 4.70 10,000 6.95 10,000 8.49 10,000 9.55 10,000
(10,000 PSI) 7/8 3.12 6.40 10,000 9.46 10,000 11.56 10,000 12.99 10,000
1 4.08 8.36 9,700 12.36 9,700 15.10 9,300 16.97 8,900
High Pressure Pump 9/16 1.29 2.65 20,000 3.91 20,000 4.78 20,000 5.37 20,000
(20,000 PSI) 5/8 1.6 3.27 20,000 4.83 20,000 5.90 20,000 6.63 20,000
31/64 0.956 1.96 30,000 2.90 30,000 3.54 30,000 3.98 30,000
Very High Pressure
9/16 1.29 2.65 30,000 3.91 30,000 4.78 28,500 5.37 27,000
Pump (30,000 PSI)
5/8 1.6 3.27 24,200 4.83 23,500 5.90 23,000 6.63 22,200
General Dimensions
1. Capacities shown based on 100% volumetric efficiency. Actual capacities
will be lower based on discharge pressures and fluid properties.
2. Drawings shown are typical and should not be used for fabrication purposes.
Rated Power .......................200 HP
Stroke Length .....................5 IN
Pump Weight (w/o motor) ...4,800 LB
Gear Reduction Ratio .........4.850:1 or 3.958:1
Performance Ratings
Internal Gear Ratio, 60HZ, 1800 RPM Input
Plunger Disp. GPM
4.850:1 3.958:1
SIZE 4 Diam.
Per 100
RPM Disp. @ Pressure Disp. @ Pressure
371 RPM (PSI) 455 RPM (PSI)
1 1/2 11.5 42.6 5,000 52.3 5,000
1 5/8 13.5 50.0 5,000 61.4 5,000
1 3/4 15.6 57.9 5,000 71.0 4,350
Standard Pump 1 7/8 17.9 66.5 4,400 81.5 3,800
(5,000 PSI) 2 20.4 75.7 3,900 92.8 3,320
2 1/8 23.0 85.5 3,400 105 2,940
2 1/4 25.8 95.8 3,100 117 2,640
2 3/8 28.8 107.0 2,800 131 2,360
1 1/8 6.45 23.90 10,000 - -
High Pressure
1 1/4 7.95 29.50 10,000 - -
Pump (10,000 PSI)
1 3/8 9.65 35.70 8,300 - -
5/8 1.99 7.38 30,000 - -
Very High Pressure 3/4 2.89 10.70 28,000 - -
Pump (30,000 PSI) 7/8 3.92 14.50 20,000 - -
1 5.10 18.90 15,700 - -
General Dimensions
1. Capacities shown based on 100% volumetric efficiency. Actual capacities
will be lower based on discharge pressures and fluid properties.
2. Drawings shown are typical and should not be used for fabrication purposes.
Rated Power .......................250 HP
Rated Rod Load..................51,700 LB
Maximum Input Speed........980 RPM
Minimum Input Speed.........195 RPM
Performance Ratings
PlungerDi- Performance 70 RPM 100 RPM 225 RPM 300 RPM 350 RPM
ameter (MM)
(MM) Parameter
Capacity (GPM) 60 86 193 257 300
Pressure (PSI) 6,090 4,450 1,925 1,475 1,275
Capacity (GPM) 88 125 282 - -
Pressure (PSI) 4,350 3,025 1,320 - -
Capacity (GPM) 104 148 333 - -
Pressure (PSI) 3,650 2,550 1,075 - -
Horsepower 190 250 250 250 250
General Dimensions
in MM
1. Capacities shown based on 100% volumetric efficiency. Actual capacities
will be lower based on discharge pressures and fluid properties.
2. Maximum continuous and intermittent duty speeds are based on pumping
fluids with viscosities similar to water. Consult Weatherford for speed de-
rating guidelines for higher viscosity fluids.
Weatherford International, Ltd. 3. Drawings shown are typical and should not be used for fabrication purposes.
515 Post Oak Blvd. Suite 600
Houston, Texas 77027 Weatherford products and services are subject to Weatherford’s standard terms and
conditions. For more information concerning the full line of Weatherford products and
Phone: 713-693-4000 services, please consult your authorized Weatherford representative. Unless noted
otherwise, trademarks and services noted herein are the property of Weatherford.
Rated Power .......................450 HP
Rated Rod Load..................112,400 LB
Maximum Input Speed........1610 RPM
Minimum Input Speed.........230 RPM
Performance Ratings
Plunger Performance 50 RPM 100 RPM 200 RPM 300 RPM 350 RPM
Diameter (IN) Parameter
Capacity (GPM) 43 86 172 258 301
3 3/4
Pressure (PSI) 10,400 8,100 4,000 2,600 2,300
Capacity (GPM) 49 98 196 294 343
Pressure (PSI) 9,200 7,100 3,400 2,300 2,000
Capacity (GPM) 62 124 248 372 434
4 1/2
Pressure (PSI) 7,200 5,600 2,700 1,900 1,600
Capacity (GPM) 76 153 306 459 535
Pressure (PSI) 5,800 4,500 2,200 1,450 1,300
Horsepower 290 450 450 450 450
General Dimensions
in MM
1. Capacities shown based on 100% volumetric efficiency. Actual capacities
will be lower based on discharge pressures and fluid properties.
2. Maximum continuous and intermittent duty speeds are based on pumping
fluids with viscosities similar to water. Consult Weatherford for speed de-
rating guidelines for higher viscosity fluids.
Weatherford International, Ltd. 3. Drawings shown are typical and should not be used for fabrication purposes.
515 Post Oak Blvd. Suite 600
Houston, Texas 77027 Weatherford products and services are subject to Weatherford’s standard terms and
conditions. For more information concerning the full line of Weatherford products and
Phone: 713-693-4000 services, please consult your authorized Weatherford representative. Unless noted
otherwise, trademarks and services noted herein are the property of Weatherford.
Rated Power .......................500 HP
Rated Rod Load..................106,000 LB
Maximum Input Speed........1,820 RPM
Minimum Input Speed.........520 RPM
Performance Ratings
Plunger Performance 100 RPM 150 RPM 200 RPM 250 RPM 300 RPM 350 RPM
Diameter (IN) Parameter
Capacity (GPM) 86 129 172 215 258 301
3 3/4
Pressure (PSI) 8,700 6,759 5,178 4,134 3,437 2,944
Capacity (GPM) 98 147 196 245 294 343
Pressure (PSI) 7,690 5,950 4,550 3,630 3,030 2,580
Capacity (GPM) 124 186 248 310 372 434
4 1/2
Pressure (PSI) 6,210 4,790 3,600 2,870 2,390 2,050
Capacity (GPM) 153 229 306 382 459 535
Pressure (PSI) 4,930 3,800 2,920 2,320 1,940 1,650
Horsepower 430 500 500 500 500 500
General Dimensions
in MM
1. Capacities shown based on 100% volumetric efficiency. Actual capacities
will be lower based on discharge pressures and fluid properties.
2. Maximum continuous and intermittent duty speeds are based on pumping
fluids with viscosities similar to water. Consult Weatherford for speed de-
rating guidelines for higher viscosity fluids.
Weatherford International, Ltd. 3. Drawings shown are typical and should not be used for fabrication purposes.
515 Post Oak Blvd. Suite 600
Houston, Texas 77027 Weatherford products and services are subject to Weatherford’s standard terms and
conditions. For more information concerning the full line of Weatherford products and
Phone: 713-693-4000 services, please consult your authorized Weatherford representative. Unless noted
otherwise, trademarks and services noted herein are the property of Weatherford.
Rated Power .......................600 HP
Rated Rod Load..................140,500 LB
Maximum Input Speed........1,580 RPM
Minimum Input Speed.........225 RPM
Performance Ratings
Plunger Performance 50 RPM 100 RPM 200 RPM 300 RPM 350 RPM
Diameter (IN) Parameter
Capacity (GPM) 43 86 172 258 301
3 3/4
Pressure (PSI) 13,340 10,440 5,220 3,480 2,900
Capacity (GPM) 49 98 196 294 343
Pressure (PSI) 11,600 9,140 4,500 3,050 2,610
Capacity (GPM) 62 124 248 372 434
4 1/2
Pressure (PSI) 9,280 7,110 3,630 2,320 2,030
Capacity (GPM) 76 153 306 459 535
Pressure (PSI) 7,250 5,800 2,900 1,890 1,600
Horsepower 350 600 600 600 600
General Dimensions
Dimensions are in
Power Required: HP =
1. Capacities shown based on 100% volumetric efficiency. Actual capacities
will be lower based on discharge pressures and fluid properties.
2. Maximum continuous and intermittent duty speeds are based on pumping
fluids with viscosities similar to water. Consult Weatherford for speed de-
rating guidelines for higher viscosity fluids.
Weatherford International, Ltd. 3. Drawings shown are typical and should not be used for fabrication purposes.
515 Post Oak Blvd. Suite 600
Houston, Texas 77027 Weatherford products and services are subject to Weatherford’s standard terms and
conditions. For more information concerning the full line of Weatherford products and
Phone: 713-693-4000 services, please consult your authorized Weatherford representative. Unless noted
otherwise, trademarks and services noted herein are the property of Weatherford.
Rated Power .......................800 HP
Rated Rod Load..................140,500 LB
Maximum Input Speed........1,575 RPM
Minimum Input Speed.........450 RPM
Performance Ratings
Plunger Performance 100 RPM 150 RPM 200 RPM 250 RPM 300 RPM 350 RPM
Diameter (IN) Parameter
Capacity (GPM) 100 151 201 251 301 351
3 3/4
Pressure (PSI) 13,340 12,473 8,267 6,237 4,931 4,061
Capacity (GPM) 114 171 228 286 343 400
Pressure (PSI) 11,600 11,020 7,250 5,510 4,350 3,630
Capacity (GPM) 145 217 289 361 434 506
4 1/2
Pressure (PSI) 9,280 8,700 5,800 4,350 3,480 2,900
Capacity (GPM) 178 268 357 446 535 625
Pressure (PSI) 7,980 7,250 4,640 3,480 2,760 2,320
Horsepower 450 800 800 800 800 800
General Dimensions
shown in MM
1. Capacities shown based on 100% volumetric efficiency. Actual capacities
will be lower based on discharge pressures and fluid properties.
2. Maximum continuous and intermittent duty speeds are based on pumping
fluids with viscosities similar to water. Consult Weatherford for speed de-
rating guidelines for higher viscosity fluids.
Weatherford International, Ltd. 3. Drawings shown are typical and should not be used for fabrication purposes.
515 Post Oak Blvd. Suite 600
Houston, Texas 77027 Weatherford products and services are subject to Weatherford’s standard terms and
conditions. For more information concerning the full line of Weatherford products and
Phone: 713-693-4000 services, please consult your authorized Weatherford representative. Unless noted
otherwise, trademarks and services noted herein are the property of Weatherford.