Academic Writing Course Outline

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Sch Interdisciplinary Studies

Academic Writing for Success Strategies

2020-21 Academic Year

Program Year Semester
IS-Communication course to be delivered across several programs N/A N/A

Course Code: COMM2715 Course Equiv. Code(s): N/A

Course Hours: 42 Course GPA Weighting: 3
Prerequisite: COMM 1803 OR COMM 1715
Corequisite: N/A
Laptop Course: Yes No X
Delivery Mode(s): In class Online Hybrid X Correspondence

Pandemic remote teaching delivery mode Fully asynchronous X Combined asynchronous and

Remote proctoring required Yes No X

Authorized by (Dean or Director): Stephanie Ball Date: July 2020

Prepared by
First Name Last Name Email
Robert Creighton [email protected]
Clayton Rhodes [email protected]

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Course Description:
This course introduces students to applied communication with emphasis on the development of writing, and thinking
skills. The primary focus of the course will be on effective essay writing and on the use of correct spelling, grammar
and punctuation. The course will also enhance the students’ presentation and interpersonal skills, which are
fundamental to success in college and in the workplace

Campus Closure Notice

In the event of a campus closure during which time classes cannot be conducted or attended in person, course
delivery will be conducted remotely where possible. Should teaching and learning resume on campus, students may
be organized into smaller groups for classroom delivery, in accordance with directions from public health authorities.
In either situation, the learning plan sequence and/or evaluation methods may be adjusted to address topics requiring
hands-on, practical learning activities.

Subject Eligibility for Prior Learning Assessment & Recognition

Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR) is a process a student can use to gain college credit(s) for
learning and skills acquired through previous life and work experiences. Candidates who successfully meet the
course learning outcomes of a specific course may be granted credit based on the successful assessment of their
prior learning. The type of assessment method (s) used will be determined by subject matter experts. Grades
received for the PLAR challenge will be included in the calculation of a student’s grade point average.

The PLAR application process is outlined in Full-time and part-time students must
adhere to all deadline dates. Please email: [email protected] for details.
PLAR Eligibility

Yes X No

PLAR Assessment (if eligible):

X Portfolio
X Other

As created by professor(s)

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Course Learning Outcomes
Course Learning Outcomes contribute to the achievement of Program Learning Outcomes for courses that lead to a
credential (e.g. diploma). A complete list of Vocational/Program Learning Outcomes and Essential Employability
Skill Outcomes are located in each Program Guide.
Course Specific Learning Outcomes (CLO) Essential Employability Skill Outcomes (ESSO)

Student receiving a credit for this course will have This course will contribute to the achievement of
reliably demonstrated their ability to: the following Essential Employability Skills:

CLO1 Navigate course tools and resources. X EES 1. Communicate clearly, concisely and
correctly in the written, spoken, and visual form
CLO2 Identify strategies for online/hybrid learning. that fulfills the purpose and meets the needs of
the audience.
CLO3 Write effective, grammatically correct
sentences. X EES 2. Respond to written, spoken, or visual
messages in a manner that ensures effective
CLO4 Plan, develop, write, and edit paragraphs. communication.
CLO5 Plan, develop, write, and edit clear, concise, EES 3. Execute mathematical operations
well-organized essays. accurately.
CLO6 Research information using electronic and EES 4. Apply a systematic approach to solve
paper-based sources. problems.
CLO7 Document information using MLA/APA EES 5. Use a variety of thinking skills to
method. anticipate and solve problems.
CLO8 Identify verbal and non-verbal elements of X EES 6. Locate, select, organize, and document
effective oral communication. information using appropriate technology and
CLO9 Deliver a short presentation incorporating information systems.
effective oral presentation skills for an X EES 7. Analyze, evaluate, and apply relevant
audience. information from a variety of sources.
CLO10 Recognize ethical and effective EES 8. Show respect for the diverse opinions,
communication principles and related values, belief systems, and contribution of
dispositions, and how they influence daily others.
interactions with others.
EES 9. Interact with others in groups or teams
in ways that contribute to effective working
relationships and the achievement of goals.
X EES 10. Manage the use of time and other
resources to complete projects.
X EES 11. Take responsibility for one's own
actions, decisions, and consequences.

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Evaluation Criteria:
The Course Learning Outcomes and Essential Employability Skills Outcomes are evaluated by the following evaluation

Evaluation Description Course Learning Outcomes EESOs Weighting

Online Activity: Weekly CLO1, CLO2, CLO3, CLO10 EES1, EES2, EES6, 10
discussion posts. Weeks 3- EES7, EES10, EES11

Quiz: Academic Integrity quiz. CLO1, CLO2, CLO6, CLO7, CLO10 EES1, EES7, EES10, 5
Week 3 EES11

Quiz: MLA/APA quiz. Week CLO1, CLO7 EES1, EES10, EES11 5


Quiz: Grammar Review quiz. CLO1, CLO2, CLO3 EES1, EES2, EES7, 5
Week 5 EES10, EES11

Assignment: MLA/APA CLO3, CLO4, CLO7 EES1, EES2, EES7, 10

paragraph assignment. Week EES10, EES11

Quiz: Credible Sources quiz. CLO1, CLO6 EES1, EES2, EES6, 5

Week 7 EES7, EES10, EES11

Assignment: Research paper. CLO3, CLO4, CLO5, CLO6, CLO7 EES1, EES2, EES6, 20
Week 9 EES7, EES10, EES11

Quiz: Communication and CLO6 EES6, EES7, EES10, 5

Identity quiz. Week 10 EES11

Quiz: Language Barrier and CLO6 EES1, EES2, EES6, 5

Bridge quiz. Week 11 EES7, EES10, EES11

Online Activity: Great Public CLO1, CLO3, CLO6, CLO8, CLO10 EES1, EES2, EES6, 5
Speaker video post. Week 12 EES7, EES10, EES11

Presentation: Presentation. CLO6, CLO8, CLO9, CLO10 EES1, EES2, EES6, 10

Weeks 13-14 EES10, EES11

Assignment: Final Reflective CLO2, CLO3, CLO4, CLO6, CLO8, EES1, EES2, EES6, 10
assignment. Week 14 CLO10 EES7, EES10, EES11

In Process: In-process CLO10 EES2, EES10, EES11 5

evaluation (on-going).

Total 100%


1. Assignments are due by the date assigned in class and posted on DC Connect. Each instructor will provide a
facility for the submission of late assignments up to a maximum of 48 hours after the assignment due date and
time. All late submissions will be assessed a penalty of 10% of the total possible grade for the assignment per
24 hours late up to 48 hours. Example 1: Due date is Friday, Jan. 10 at 11:59 p.m.; Saturday, Jan. 11, 12:00
a.m. to 11:59 p.m. - 10%; Sunday, Jan. 12, 12:00 a.m. - 11:59 p.m. - 20%; Monday, Jan. 13, or later - 0.
Example 2: Assignment is handed in on time, Friday Jan. 10 by or before 11:59 p.m. and is graded as 8/10;
same assignment is handed in Saturday Jan. 11 by or before 11:59 and is graded as 8-1 or 7/10; same
assignment is handed in Sunday Jan. 12 by or before 11:59 and is graded as 8-2 or 6/10; beyond Sunday, Jan.
12, there is no ability to submit the assignment and your grade will be 0 on that assignment. These requirements
reflect the importance of deadlines in a workplace environment, and the consequences of failing to meet such

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2. In order to earn in-process marks, students must be present in class the day the activities take place and meet
the submission deadline. Many of the activities require student-teacher and student-student interaction and the
intended learning cannot take place if the student is absent from this process. All application marks are earned
through both scheduled and random activities conducted throughout the semester and are intended to give
students the opportunity to apply concepts covered in class to enhance and reinforce learning. Given the nature
of these activities, there are no make-ups or facility for submitting after the submission deadline. Application
activities not completed within the established timelines and parameters will not be considered for grading
purposes. Deviation from this policy will occur on a case by case basis where warranted at the full discretion of
the professor. Documentation may be required.
3. All assigned presentations are to be completed as specified in the assignment requirements documentation, and
submitted and/or presented by the set due date and time without exception. Late submissions will not be
4. In order to earn marks for quizzes or discussion posts, students must complete the on-line requirements by the
due date. All application marks are earned through both scheduled and random activities conducted throughout
the semester and are intended to give students the opportunity to apply concepts covered in class to enhance
and reinforce learning. Given the nature of these activities, there are no make-ups or facility for submitting after
the submission deadline. Application activities not completed within the established timelines and parameters
will not be considered for grading purposes. Deviation from this policy will occur on a case by case basis where
warranted at the full discretion of the professor. Documentation may be required.
5. Any assigned evaluations requiring written work must have: sentences that are complete, clear and precise;
sentences that are well constructed and grammatically correct; whereas rules of grammar, usage and
punctuation are correct; words that are precise and unambiguous; spelling is correct; and all references are in
APA or MLA format (where applicable) including in-text citations. Spelling and grammar marks will be indicated
in an evaluation rubric. In the cases where a rubric is not provided (example: discussion posts), failure to adhere
to these spelling and grammar and documentation requirements could result in a mark of zero (0).
6. A midterm mark will be calculated for all first year students at week 7 [based on completed weekly discussion
posts, Academic Integrity quiz, MLA/APA quiz, Grammar Review quiz, MLA/APA paragraph assignment,
Credible Sources quiz] to arrive at a grade equal to, or greater than, 30% of the total available marks for the
7. Marks Discussion - you have 15 days from the time an assignment/test is returned to discuss the mark with the
professor. Assignments not picked up 15 days after they have been returned in class will be discarded. Check
the DC Connect grade book regularly to ensure that assignment marks have been posted correctly.
- High Speed Internet Connection (a 'wired' connection is advised, especially during live proctored tests and
exams for GASO)
- Operating Systems: Windows 7 or MAC OS 10.5 are preferred (Please Note: Windows 8 and Microsoft
Surface tablets are not supported by some of the software used in this program (there may be difficulties
accessing and completing assignments and the required live online proctoring process for tests and exams for
GASO may be unavailable.))

Additional requirements for GASO:

- Document Scanner (e.g. like the ones found in most printers) is required so handwritten work can be uploaded
to the professor for evaluation, when requested
- Webcam
- Microphone
- Microsoft Word or Microsoft Word for Mac
- Adobe (free download)
- Skype (free download)

***Any questions about technical requirements / issues should be directed to the respective professor as soon
as possible***

Required Text(s) and Supplies:

1. Course resources will be provided and referenced/supplied by faculty in class and on DC Connect.

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Recommended Resources (purchase is optional):
1. Bare Essentials. 9th Edition. Norton et al. Nelson Canada

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Policies and Expectations for the Learning Environment:
General Policies and Expectations:

General College policies related to General policies related to

+ Acceptable Use of Information Technology + attendance

+ Academic Policies + absence related to tests or assignment due

+ Academic Honesty + excused absences

+ Student Code of Conduct + writing tests and assignments

+ Students’ Rights and Responsibilities + classroom management can be found in the

can be found on-line at Program Guide (full time programs only) in MyCampus

Course Specific Policies and Expectations:

General Course Outline Notes:

1. Students should use the course outline as a learning tool to guide their achievement of the learning
outcomes for this course. Specific questions should be directed to their individual professor.
2. The college considers the electronic communication methods (i.e. DC Mail or DC Connect) as the primary
channel of communication. Students should check the sources regularly for current course information.
3. Professors are responsible for following this outline and facilitating the learning as detailed in this outline.

4. Course outlines should be retained for future needs (i.e. university credits, transfer of credits etc.)

5. A full description of the Academic Appeals Process can be found at .
6. Faculty are committed to ensuring accessible learning for all students. Students who would like
assistance with academic access and accommodations in accordance with the Ontario Human Rights
Code should register with the Access and Support Centre (ASC). ASC is located in room SW116,
Oshawa Campus and in room 180 at the Whitby Campus. Contact ASC at 905-721-3123 for more
7. Durham College is committed to the fundamental values of preserving academic integrity. Durham College
and faculty members reserve the right to use electronic means to detect and help prevent plagiarism.
Students agree that by taking this course all assignments could be subject to submission either by
themselves or by the faculty member for a review of textual similarity to Further information
about Turnitin can be found on the Web site.

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Learning Plan
The Learning Plan is a planning guideline. Actual delivery of content may vary with circumstances.

Students will be notified in writing of changes that involve the addition or deletion of learning outcomes or
evaluations, prior to changes being implemented, as specified in the Course Outline Policy and Procedure at
Durham College.

Wk. Hours: 2 Delivery: In Class

Course Learning Outcomes


Essential Employability Skills

Taught: EES10, EES11 Practiced: EES10, EES11

Intended Learning Objectives

Introduction to course expectations for class learning environment
Overview of hybrid learning
Overview of program

Intended Learning Activities

Introduction exercise
Discussion and development of learning environment
Discussion of Program Learning Outcomes in relation to this course

Resources and References

Course Outline


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Wk. Hours: 1 Delivery: Online

Course Learning Outcomes


Essential Employability Skills

Taught: EES6, EES10 Practiced: EES6, EES10

Intended Learning Objectives

Introduction to the Learning Management System
Locate and access the tools in DC Connect
Expectations for hybrid/online learning

Intended Learning Activities

DC Connect Online Activities

Resources and References

DC Connect

In Process: In-process evaluation (on-going).

Wk. Hours: 2 Delivery: In Class

Course Learning Outcomes


Essential Employability Skills

Taught: EES10, EES11 Practiced: EES10, EES11

Intended Learning Objectives

Academic Integrity

Intended Learning Activities

Lecture, Guided Discussion,
Interactive exercises

Resources and References

Lecture, Guided Discussion, Interactive exercises


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Wk. Hours: 1 Delivery: Online

Course Learning Outcomes


Essential Employability Skills

Taught: EES6, EES10, EES11 Practiced: EES6, EES10, EES11

Intended Learning Objectives

Introduction to the Learning Management System
Locate and access the tools in DC Connect
Expectations for hybrid/online learning

Intended Learning Activities

DC Connect on-line activities

Resources and References

DC Connect


Wk. Hours: 2 Delivery: In Class

Course Learning Outcomes


Essential Employability Skills

Taught: EES7, EES10, EES11 Practiced: EES7, EES10, EES11

Intended Learning Objectives

Review paragraph structure

Intended Learning Activities

Lecture, Guided Discussion,
Interactive exercises

Resources and References

Lecture, Guided Discussion,
Interactive exercises


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Wk. Hours: 1 Delivery: Online

Course Learning Outcomes


Essential Employability Skills

Taught: EES1, EES2, EES6, EES7, Practiced: EES1, EES2, EES6, EES7,
EES10, EES11 EES10, EES11
Intended Learning Objectives
Weekly discussion

Intended Learning Activities

DC Connect Online Activities

Resources and References

DC Connect

Evaluation Weighting
Online Activity: Weekly discussion posts. Weeks 3- 12 6
Quiz: Academic Integrity quiz. Week 3

Wk. Hours: 2 Delivery: In Class

Course Learning Outcomes


Essential Employability Skills

Taught: EES1, EES10, EES11 Practiced: EES1, EES10, EES11

Intended Learning Objectives

Grammar review

Intended Learning Activities

Lecture, guided discussion,
interactive exercises

Resources and References

Lecture, Guided Discussion,
Interactive exercises


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Wk. Hours: 1 Delivery: Online

Course Learning Outcomes


Essential Employability Skills

Taught: EES1, EES2, EES6, EES7, Practiced: EES1, EES2, EES6, EES7,
EES10, EES11 EES10, EES11
Intended Learning Objectives
Weekly discussion

Intended Learning Activities

DC Connect on-line activities

Resources and References

DC Connect

Evaluation Weighting
Online Activity: Weekly discussion posts. Weeks 3- 12 6
Quiz: MLA/APA quiz. Week 4

Wk. Hours: 2 Delivery: In Class

Course Learning Outcomes


Essential Employability Skills

Taught: EES1, EES6, EES7, EES10, Practiced: EES1, EES6, EES7, EES10,
Intended Learning Objectives
Five paragraph research paper
Thesis statement

Intended Learning Activities

Lecture, Guided Discussion,
Interactive exercises

Resources and References

Lecture, Guided Discussion,
Interactive exercises


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Wk. Hours: 1 Delivery: Online

Course Learning Outcomes


Essential Employability Skills

Taught: EES1, EES2, EES6, EES7, Practiced: EES1, EES2, EES6, EES7,
EES10, EES11 EES10, EES11
Intended Learning Objectives
Weekly discussion

Intended Learning Activities

DC connect on-line activities

Resources and References

DC Connect

Evaluation Weighting
Online Activity: Weekly discussion posts. Weeks 3- 12 6
Quiz: Grammar Review quiz. Week 5

Wk. Hours: 2 Delivery: In Class

Course Learning Outcomes


Essential Employability Skills

Taught: EES6, EES7, EES10 Practiced: EES6, EES7, EES10

Intended Learning Objectives

Credible sources

Intended Learning Activities

Lecture, Guided Discussion,
Interactive exercises

Resources and References

Lecture, Guided Discussion,
Interactive exercises


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Wk. Hours: 1 Delivery: Online

Course Learning Outcomes


Essential Employability Skills

Taught: EES1, EES2, EES6, EES7, Practiced: EES1, EES2, EES6, EES7,
EES10, EES11 EES10, EES11
Intended Learning Objectives
Weekly discussion

Intended Learning Activities

DC Connect on-line activities

Resources and References

DC Connect

Evaluation Weighting
Online Activity: Weekly discussion posts. Weeks 3- 12 11
Assignment: MLA/APA paragraph assignment. Week 6

Wk. Hours: 2 Delivery: In Class

Course Learning Outcomes


Essential Employability Skills

Taught: EES1, EES2, EES6 Practiced: EES1, EES2, EES6

Intended Learning Objectives

Proofreading and editing

Intended Learning Activities

Lecture, Guided Discussion,
Interactive exercises

Resources and References

Lecture, Guided Discussion,
Interactive exercises


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Wk. Hours: 1 Delivery: Online

Course Learning Outcomes


Essential Employability Skills

Taught: EES1, EES2, EES6, EES7, Practiced: EES1, EES2, EES6, EES7,
EES10, EES11 EES10, EES11
Intended Learning Objectives
Weekly discussion

Intended Learning Activities

DC Connect on-line activities

Resources and References

DC Connect

Evaluation Weighting
Online Activity: Weekly discussion posts. Weeks 3- 12 6
Quiz: Credible Sources quiz. Week 7

Wk. Hours: 2 Delivery: In Class

Course Learning Outcomes


Essential Employability Skills

Taught: EES1, EES10, EES11 Practiced: EES1, EES10, EES11

Intended Learning Objectives

Peer review

Intended Learning Activities

Lecture, Guided Discussion,
Interactive exercises

Resources and References

Lecture, Guided Discussion,
Interactive exercises


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Wk. Hours: 1 Delivery: Online

Course Learning Outcomes


Essential Employability Skills

Taught: EES1, EES2, EES6, EES7, Practiced: EES1, EES2, EES6, EES7,
EES10, EES11 EES10, EES11
Intended Learning Objectives
Weekly Discussion

Intended Learning Activities

DC Connect on-line activities

Resources and References

DC Connect

Evaluation Weighting
Online Activity: Weekly discussion posts. Weeks 3- 12 1

Wk. Hours: 2 Delivery: In Class

Course Learning Outcomes


Essential Employability Skills

Taught: EES1, EES2, EES10, EES11 Practiced: EES1, EES2, EES10, EES11

Intended Learning Objectives

Communication and identity

Intended Learning Activities

Lecture, Guided Discussion,
Interactive exercises

Resources and References

Lecture, Guided Discussion,
Interactive exercises


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Wk. Hours: 1 Delivery: Online

Course Learning Outcomes


Essential Employability Skills

Taught: EES1, EES2, EES6, EES7, Practiced: EES1, EES2, EES6, EES7,
EES10, EES11 EES10, EES11
Intended Learning Objectives
Weekly discussion

Intended Learning Activities

DC Connect on-line activities

Resources and References

DC Connect

Evaluation Weighting
Online Activity: Weekly discussion posts. Weeks 3- 12 21
Assignment: Research paper. Week 9

Wk. Hours: 2 Delivery: In Class

Course Learning Outcomes


Essential Employability Skills

Taught: EES1, EES10 Practiced: EES1, EES10

Intended Learning Objectives

Language: Barriers and bridge

Intended Learning Activities

Lecture, Guided Discussion,
Interactive exercises

Resources and References

Lecture, Guided Discussion,
Interactive exercises


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Wk. Hours: 1 Delivery: Online

Course Learning Outcomes


Essential Employability Skills

Taught: EES1, EES2, EES6, EES7, Practiced: EES1, EES2, EES6, EES7,
EES10, EES11 EES10, EES11
Intended Learning Objectives
Weekly discussion

Intended Learning Activities

DC Connect Online Activities

Resources and References

DC Connect

Evaluation Weighting
Online Activity: Weekly discussion posts. Weeks 3- 12 6
Quiz: Communication and Identity quiz. Week 10

Wk. Hours: 2 Delivery: In Class

Course Learning Outcomes


Essential Employability Skills

Taught: EES1, EES10 Practiced: EES1, EES10

Intended Learning Objectives

Public Speaking

Intended Learning Activities

Lecture, Guided Discussion,
Interactive exercises

Resources and References

Lecture, Guided Discussion,
Interactive exercises


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Wk. Hours: 1 Delivery: Online

Course Learning Outcomes


Essential Employability Skills

Taught: EES1, EES2, EES6, EES7, Practiced: EES1, EES2, EES6, EES7,
EES10, EES11 EES10, EES11
Intended Learning Objectives
Weekly discussion

Intended Learning Activities

DC Connect on-line activities

Resources and References

DC Connect

Evaluation Weighting
Online Activity: Weekly discussion posts. Weeks 3- 12 6
Quiz: Language Barrier and Bridge quiz. Week 11

Wk. Hours: 2 Delivery: In Class

Course Learning Outcomes


Essential Employability Skills

Taught: EES1, EES10 Practiced: EES1, EES10

Intended Learning Objectives

Non-verbal communication

Intended Learning Activities

Lecture, Guided Discussion,
Interactive exercises

Resources and References

Lecture, Guided Discussion,
Interactive exercises


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Wk. Hours: 1 Delivery: Online

Course Learning Outcomes


Essential Employability Skills

Taught: EES1, EES2, EES6, EES7, Practiced: EES1, EES2, EES6, EES7,
EES10, EES11 EES10, EES11
Intended Learning Objectives
Weekly discussion

Intended Learning Activities

DC Connect Online Activities

Resources and References

DC Connect

Evaluation Weighting
Online Activity: Weekly discussion posts. Weeks 3- 12 6
Online Activity: Great Public Speaker video post. Week 12

Wk. Hours: 2 Delivery: In Class

Course Learning Outcomes


Essential Employability Skills

Taught: EES1, EES10, EES11 Practiced: EES1, EES10, EES11

Intended Learning Objectives

Individual presentations

Intended Learning Activities

Individual Presentations

Resources and References

Individual Presentations

Evaluation Weighting

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Wk. Hours: 1 Delivery: Online

Course Learning Outcomes


Essential Employability Skills

Taught: EES1, EES2, EES6, EES7, Practiced: EES1, EES2, EES6, EES7,
EES10, EES11 EES10, EES11
Intended Learning Objectives

Intended Learning Activities

DC Connect on-line activities

Resources and References

DC Connect

Presentation: Presentation. Weeks 13-14

Wk. Hours: 2 Delivery: In Class

Course Learning Outcomes


Essential Employability Skills

Taught: EES1, EES10, EES11 Practiced: EES1, EES10, EES11

Intended Learning Objectives

Individual Presentations continued

Intended Learning Activities

Individual Presentations continued

Resources and References

Individual Presentations continued


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Wk. Hours: 1 Delivery: Online

Course Learning Outcomes


Essential Employability Skills

Taught: EES1, EES2, EES6, EES10, Practiced: EES1, EES2, EES6, EES10,
Intended Learning Objectives
Final Reflective Assignment

Intended Learning Activities

Final Reflective Assignment

Resources and References

DC Connect

Evaluation Weighting
Presentation: Presentation. Weeks 13-14 15
Assignment: Final Reflective assignment. Week 14

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