Manufacturing Systems Design Me 414

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KYAMBOGO UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF ENGINEERING DEAPRTMENT OF MECHANICAL & PRODUCTION ENGINEERING YEAR IV SEMISTER I, 2014/2015 EXAMINATION BACHELOR OF ENGINEERING IN MECHANICAL & MANUFACTURING ENGINEERING ME 414: MANUFACTURING SYSTEMS DESIGN Date: Wednesday, 26" November 2014 Time: 12.00 - 3.00pm Instruction: * This examination contains seven questions 1 Attempt a total of five questions. Question one and four are compulsory. + All questions carry 20 marks. + Begin each question on a fresh page ‘You should have the following in this examination Answer book, non-programmable icientific calculator Question One (Compulsory) The Final assembly of Noname personal computers, a generic mail-order PC clone, requires a total of 12 tasks. The assembly is done at the Lubbock, Texas, plant using various components imported from the Far East. The representation of this particular problem is given in the following table, @) Draw the precedence diagram. 2 marks 5) Use the COMSOAL to assign tasks to workstations. 8 marks ©) Use the Ranked Positional Weight Heuristic to assign tasks to workstations and find the optimal plan increasing the cycle time from 13 10 16, ie 10 marks Task Time Immediate Predecessors La 12 = 2 6 3 6 qa 2 se = 6 74 7 8 3 | ~ 1 oy _ = 3 — 4 65 2 7 6 B10 hy it 7 Hi Page 1of 4 pomp sereer pe, Question Two a) Classify manufacturing systems. 4 marks b) Any queuing systems is denoted as [Ist element]/ [2nd element}/ [3rd element}/ [4th element] Describe the mean of each element 6 marks ©) Describe the formulation of problem for assembly lines 10 marks Question Three Make program for following optimization model using MATLAB 4) Max: #2) 10x, + 80x2 + 50x5 + 110%4 6 marks St 6000x; + 7000x) + 500%; + 9000%4 < 420,000 xr tx2 txt > 50 Xp + x2 = xy + x4 3x) + Sxz + 2x5 + 6x4 > 200 41 ¥2.24 x4 > 0 4) Min: 0) = x) + xp + x3 + xixpy 44 marks Sho xpt ay ey 20 © 2xp = 05x) + Tey ke er Sit | ee QRS ~ 2xy + 2xpt 3xy< 50 get ax, 41a tbryfeg 202 2 a mo WSIS 96H a xa & HIS 96 we mame 21S as ee xg dy 32+ xix = 48 / xP + xrxemty = 125 4120, x25 55,5 523550 Question Four (Compulsory) In transfer lines, describe followings: 8) Classification of Failures 4 marks b) Assumptions for operation dependent failures 6 marks ) Combination rule 4 marks 4) Median buffer location 6 marks Page 2of 4 Question Five 9) A 15 stage transfer line is being considered. Stations 1 through 10 should have the same reliability. Each station is expected to operate approximately 1000 cycles between failures, The last 5 stations are expected to break down about once every 600 cycles. Repair times will vary but should average about the equivalent of 12 cycles in duration. Estimate the availability of the line. 10 marks 4) A XO stage transfer line is being considered with failure rates a= 0.004 (=1,2,.,10) and by = 0.2 (1=1,2,..10). Estimate the following. Effectiveness of the line without buffers 3 marks Effectiveness of the line with a buffer size of 5 after the station 5 3 marks Effectiveness of the line with a buffer size of 5 after the station 3 3 marks Optimal location of the buffer I mark Question Six Consider an automatic line as shown in figure below. 1 2 3 br 4 5 6 A buffer size is 200. The machine parameters are as given in table below. Mi_[_M2_| M3 _[ M4 | M3 _| M6 MiTF(hours)| 30 | 40 | 20 | 20 | 10 | 50 MITR(hours)| 1 1 1 1 rt Processing | 95 | os | 05 | 03 | 05 | 05 ime(hours) -_ : a) Estimate the daily (16-hour shift) production 10 marks 6) What is the average daily workload of the operator? 10 marks Aye Bo ga he %y 2 22 FH Page 3 of 4 Question Seven A firm has the following six jobs waiting to be processed. Develop the appropriate sequencing for these jobs using following methods and compare the effect of the scheduling methods: a) FCFS (first come, first served) 4) EDD (earliest due date) ©) SPT (smallest processing time) @ CR (critical ratio) Job Hours of Process Time due #407 2 7 #281 8. 16 #306 4 4 #429 10 17 #038 5 15 #998 12 18 SImark 5 marks Smarks 7 marks KYAMBOGO UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF ENGINEERING DEAPRTMENT OF MECHANICAL & PRODUCTION ENGINEERING YEAR IV SEMISTER I, 2015/2016 EXAMINATION BACHELOR OF ENGINEERING IN MECHANICAL & MANUFACTURING ENGINEERING ME 414: MANUFACTURING SYSTEMS DESIGN Date: Friday 08" January 2016 Time: 12.00 — 3.00pm INSTRUCTION: * This examination contains five questions {tempt a total of four questions. Question one and three are compulsory. + All questions carry 25 marks, * Begin each question on a fresh page You should have the following in this examination + Answer book, non-programmable scientific calculator /Question One (Compulsory) The tasks in the following table will be performed in an assembly line. a) Draw the precedence diagram. 3 marks 4). Use the COMSOAL to assign tasks to workstations.(Cycle time = 15) 9 marks ©) Find the optimal assignment when the cycle time is 13, 14, 15 or 16 using the Ranked Positional Weight Heuristic Algorithm 13 marks Task Time Immediate Predecessors A 7 = B 5 A ¢ & A D 35 A E 4 A F xD A, G ia BC H ea D T x DE I sy" x F , t * ik M Ay * N 2) L oO 0 5 MN E a 35 OP V Question Two Make program for following optimization model using MATLAB @) Min: OX) =2x, + 4x2 - x3 Im: St. S< 5x) + 7xz + 3x3< 42 xptxr+x3> 10 Xp + x2 = Sx3t7 XL X2,%3 2 2 s 2) Max: f(X) = xixpxgesxyy 16 m Sh OxP +3 xP +xP=45 ¥ 3x2> Sy + 2x3 X1 S 2xpxzt 4xyng X art xy ty = 30 Txixpes > 12 xaxy?- x) < 150€ Sxs+2 xx) = 52 6 5x73 + x)xox3< 220 ¥ I< x) < 10, x2>5,x3< 20 (Question Three (Compulsory) Consider fiye station transfer line. Failure and repair rates are as follows a1=0.01, a2 = a3 = a5 = 0,02, 04 = 0.03, bl =b2 = b3 = b4 = bS =b=0.2 i) Calculate the effectiveness of the line assuming no buffer. 4marks ii) You can add one buffer of capacity Z = 10. Where would you add it and why? L4marks 7marks iii) Calculate the effectiveness of the line with the buffer. Assume failures are operation dependent. &- tr~ V Question Four A workshop has the five jobs below to be done and they are unsure how to sequence them through the shop. Compare the effect of the scheduling methods: a) FCFS (first come, first served) 6) EDD (earliest due date) ©) SPT (smallest processing time) 4) CR (critical ratio) 4mark 6 marks Omarks 9 marks - Date promised Job Days to finish (in days from today) A 2 5 B 8 g Cc 6 12 D 4 10 E 1 4 Question Five ‘A workshop has 10 parts and 9 machines. At most 4 machines can be in a group. The following matrix contains the processing times (incl. setup times) for typical lot size of parts on machines. All times are normalized as percentage of total machine capacity. Form groups using Single-Pass, Heuristic Method. 25marks | art machine 47373 74]5,6][7] 8 [9 [10 0.6 03 on . Ol 02 02_[ 04 03 03 02 ‘ ost 03 ol E01 02 [0a 06 F | 07 0.2 | 02 06 on 03 02 ¢ 33 o7 03 110s 02 [04 06 3K Appendix k AXTUTST 4 > eo 1 Se 2 US[2-oasep 32s] Bas Buzacott’s closed-form expression for the effectiveness for a buffer of maximum size = ; 1-sc? es s¥1 E,= 1+x,-(1+x,)sC 2 1l+r-d,(1+x)+Zd,(1+x) sel (14 2x)l+r-4, (14x) + 2b, (1+ x)? where C= (a +@,)(b, +b,)— ab, (a, +a, +B, +d,) (a, + a,)(b, +b,)- a,b,(@, +a, +b,+b,) and x, = a,/ b; (ratio of average repair time to uptime), S2X/X T= ay / ay

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