Production Engineering 2 Me 411

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KYAMBOGO UNIVERSITIY FACULTY OF ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT OF MECHANICAL AND PRODUCTION ENGINEERING YEAR FOUR SEMESTER I, 2015/2016 EXAMINATIONS, BECHELOR OF ENGINEERING IN MECHANICAL AND MANUFACTURING ENGINEERING ME 411: PRODUCTION ENGINEERING II Date: Monday 11" January 2016 Time: 08:00-11:00am Instructions © This examination paper contain Seven questions. Attempt an five questions of your choice. Each question carries 20 marks Begin each question on a fresh page All candidates must have non-programmable scientific calculators Yauestion One a) What are the basic functions of machining? (2 marks) b) Define Numerical Control (2 marks) ) Explain in detail the types of Numerical Control System (4 marks) 4) Describe the working mechanisms for FOUR NC driving Systems {6 marks) €) Describe Two types of feed back devices used NC machines (6 marks) /uestion Two a) Give a brief background (history) of Numerical Machine control (2 marks) b) Explain Right-hand coordinate System for NC machine tools (3 marks) c) Describe the general principles relating coordinate axes and motions to NC machine tools (6 marks) 4) Explain the following terms (i) Absolute positioning (2 marks) i) Incremental Positioning (2 marks) €) Describe the NC program structure of Word address format (8 marks) Muestion Three a) What is Process Planning in Manufacturing (1 marks) 'b) What is the origin in NC machines? (1 marks) ¢) Give and explain the FIVE broad categories or classes of command for a fully coded NC part program. (4 marks) 44) Describe any six common G and M codes each for coded NC part program. ™ (6 marks) n ©) Explain canned cycle and give two examples. (3 marks) f) Give and explain typical steps of CNC programming. (5 marks) auestion Four Drill and ream two hole of OB 13 Note: -All dimensions in mm, @ = diameter Fig. 1 Aluminum Part a) Describe an optimal program procedure for NC machining process of the part shown in figure 1. A plank is 150 x 135 x 15 mm. Program zero is the lower right corner. (10 marks) b) Write NC program for the above given _in (a) procedure to machine the part. Please use absolute dimensions. (10 marks) Question Five “Blank ' contour 1 i ' 1 : 12 uminum; All dimensions in mm Fig. 2 Aluminum part a) Describe an optimal program procedure for NC machining process of the Part shown in figure 2, Program zero is at the centre right of the drawing, Write NC program for the above given Incremental dimensions. (10 marks) in (a) procedure to machine the Part. Please use (10 marks) Question Six 2) Explain NC program procedure for making the part in figure 3, ©) Write a NC program for the part shown in figure 3, all the holes and screw canned cycles. (10 marks) should use (10 marks) ‘hole dil 15 mem 8 through hoore 20 mm @x6 mm deep Mill !2.mmwide slot x12 mm deep \ Mir 12¢rm-wde io x5 vm deep A hoes cit $m / / ‘anc lap M38 mm deep ! \ 50 ow [Matera Mid seat | Al dimensions in mm Fig. 3 Mild steel part VW auestion Seven a) Using end-milling exptain the meaning of tool compensation in NC program. (2 marks) b) Explain NC program procedure for making the part in figure 4. (8 marks) ¢) Write a NC program for the part shown in figure 4 (10 marks) 90.000 Fig. 4 Aluminum part (20, 66.564) (90, 66,564) (95, 26.247) 15.000 —— ‘55.000 —— 98.882 110,000 KYAMBO%O UNIVERSITY A FACULTY OF ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT OF MECHANICAL & PRODUCTION ENGINEERING BACHELOR OF ENGINEERING IN MECHANICAL AND MANUFACTURING ENGINEERING YEAR IV, SEMESTER J; 2012/2013EXAMINATIONS ME 411: PRODUCTION ENGINEERING II Date: Friday 11" January,2013 Time: 12.00 -3.00 p.m. INSTRUCTIONS: © This examination contains Seven questions © Attempt any five questions. * All questions carry equal marks. * Begin each question ona fresh page You should have the following for this examination + Answer book, drawing instruments ~" QUESTION ONE “Make a program of s CNC lathe machine for cutting the following component (Fig.!) by G00, GOI and G02 (or G03). Length of chamfer is 3 mm Radius is 2 mm Assume maximum depth of cut is 5 mm. 20 murky QUESTIONTWO 73 Make a program of a CNC lathe machine for cutting the following component (fig. 2) by cycle G90 Assume maximum depth of eut is 5mm. : 1S marks b) Describe the advantages of CNC machine tools 5 marks Jia THREE Make a program of a CNC lathe machine for cutting the following componcal(Fig.3) The program must have roughing and finishing machining. Use cycle G81, G00, G01 for roughing machining Assume maximum depth of cut is 1.5 mm. X-directional finishing allowance(AU) is 0.4 mm , z-directional finishing allowance(AW) is 0.2mm Numbers of roughing and finishing tools are T101, 1303 respectively go UESTION FOUR Make a program of a CNC lathe machine for cutting the following component 10 marks y (i) G7 and G70 (Fig 4) Gi) G72 and G70 (Fig.s) 10 marks For G71 and G72 assume maximum depth of cut is 2 mm. x-directional finishing allowance(AU) is 0.4 mm , 2-directivnal finishing allowancer AW) ta 0.2mm : ESTION FIVE Make a program of a CNC lathe machine for cutting the folluwing component (Fig.6) by G00, GO! and G02(or G03). Length of chamfer is 2mm. Assume maximum depth of cu is Smm. The program must have roughing and finishing machining. Numbers of roughing and finishing tools are T101, 1303 respectively. x-directional finishing allowancc(AU) is 0.4 mm , z-direction! finishing allowance, W) is 0.5mm TEST (ME411 PRODUCTION ENGENEERING i £0! ~ aS y,}) Make a program of a CNC lathe machine for cutting the following component(Fig.1) by G00,G01 and G02(or G03). Length of chamfer is 3 mm. Radius is 2mm Assume maximum depth of cut is Smm. VW Make a program ofa CNC lathe machine for cutting the following component(Fig.2) by cycle G90 or G94 © 3) Make a program of a CNC lathe machine for cutting the following component (Fig.3) by G70 and G71 or G72, fake a program of a CNC milling machine for cutting the following component (Fig 4) by G00,G01,G02,G03,G40 and G41 (or G42) Assume maximum depth of cutting is Smin. Maximum depth of hole is Smm. Use End-mill tool and Long-hole cutter tool. Number of End-mill tool is 2, diameter of End-mill tool is 25mm. Number of long-hole cuter tool is 9, diameter of Long-hole cutter tool is 12mm. QUESTION SIX Make a program of a CNC milling machine for cutting the following component (Fig 7) by G00, G01, G02, G03, G40 and G41 (or G42) Assume maximum depth of cutting is 5 mm. Maximum depth of hole is $5 mm. Usz Und-mill tool and Long-hole cutter tool. Number of End-mill tool is 3, diameter of End-mill tool is 20 mm. Number of long-hole cuter tool is 9, diameter of Long-hole cutter tool is 12mm. 20 marks UESTION SEVEN lake a program of a CNC milling machine for cutting the following component (Fig 8) by G00, G01, G02, G03, G41 (or G42), G40, G86, G87 and G&8 G86 is Pocket-milling Cycle. G87 is Circle-Pocket Cycle, G88 is Groove-milling Cycle, Use End-mill tool and Long-hole cutter tool. Number of End-mill tool is 3, diameter of End-mill tool is 25 mm. Number of Long-hole cutter tool is 7, diameter of Long-hole cutter tool is 8 mm Assume maximum depth of cutting for the face cutting is 15 mm Assume maximum depth of cutting for the hole culting is 2 mm 20 marks &-7H-3 KYAMBOGO UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT OF MECHANICAL & PRODUCTION ENGINEERING BACHELOR OF ENGINEERING IN MECHANICAL AND MANUFACTURING ENGINEERING YEAR IV SEMESTER I EXAMINATIONS 2011/2012 ME 411: PRODUCTION ENGINEERING II DATE: 24/11/2011 TIME: 12.00 -3.00 p.m. INSTRUCTIONS: ° This examination contains Six questions. * Attempt any five questions. * All questions carry equal marks. * Begin each question on a fresh page. You should have the following for this examination * Answer book, drawing instruments QUESTION ONE Make a program of a CNC lathe machine for cutting the following component(Fig.1) by G00,GOI and G02(or G03). Length of chamfer is 3 mm. Radius is 2mm Assume maximum depth of cut is Smm : 20 marks Fig.a QUESTION TWO +" 8) Make a program of a CNC lathe machine for cutting the following component(Fig.2) sdomdin by cycle G90 or G94 fo a eo a Ue be ae ASSIGNMENT - (ME411 PRODUCTION ENGENEERING 11) AR Make a program of a CNC lathe machine for cutting the following component(Fig.1) -y G00,G01 and GO2(or G03). Length of chamfer is 2 mm. Assume maximum depth of cut is Sam. ‘The program must have roughing and finishing machining. Numbers of roughing and Finishing \vols are T101,1303 respectively

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