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Analog Electronics

(ECE-221) (Topic: MOSFETs-1)

Ref: Microelectronic Circuits by Sedra and Smith, 7th Edition


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❑ MOSFET Device Structure and Physical Operation

❑ Current—Voltage Characteristics
❑ MOSFET Circuits at DC

• Compared to BJTs, MOSFETs can be made quite small (i.e., small

area on the silicon IC chip), and relatively simple
manufacturing process.
• operation requires comparatively smaller power.
• circuit designers have found ingenious ways to implement digital
and analog functions utilizing MOSFETs almost exclusively.
• MOSFETs are being used to implement very sophisticated, very-
large-scale-integrated (VLSI) digital and analog circuits in modern
BJTs vs FETs

• BJT is a current-controlled device,

whereas FET is a voltage-controlled
• BJT transistor is a bipolar device and
FET is a unipolar device .
• Just as there are npn and pnp
bipolar transistors, there are n-
channel and p-channel field effect
transistors. •For the FET, an electric field
• Field Effect? established, controls the conduction
• A permanent magnet attracts metal path of the output circuit without the
filings to itself without the need for need for direct contact.
actual contact by the magnetic field.
BJTs vs FETs

• One of the most important characteristics of the FET

is its high input impedance.
• Typical ac voltage gains for BJT amplifiers are a
great deal more than for FETs and also higher GBW.
• FETs are more temperature stable than BJTs.
• FETs are usually smaller than BJTs, making them
particularly useful in integrated-circuit (IC) chips.
• Three are many types of FETs:
-Junction field-effect transistor (JFET)
-Metal–oxide–semiconductor field-effect transistor
-metal–semiconductor field-effect transistor
(MESFET) etc. Drs. Ian Munro Ross (front) and G. C. Dacey
• The MOSFET category is further broken down into jointly developed an experimental procedure for
depletion and enhancement types. We will measuring the characteristics of a field effect
transistor in 1955.
concentrate on MOSFETs.
Courtesy of AT&T Archives and History Center
MOSFET Device Structure and Physical Operation

• Figure, shows the physical structure of the n-channel enhancement-type MOSFET.

Four terminals are brought out: the gate terminal (G), the source terminal (S), the drain terminal (D), and
the substrate or body terminal (B).
MOSFET Device Structure and Physical Operation

• From its physical structure, can see why the

name MOSFET (metal-oxide-semiconductor
• Another name for the MOSFET is the
insulated-gate FET or IGFET?
• Observe that the substrate forms pn junctions
with the source and drain regions.
• In normal operation these pn junctions are kept
reverse-biased at all times.
• The drain will always be at a positive voltage • Voltage applied to the Gate controls
relative to the source, the two pn junctions can current flow between source and drain in
be effectively cut off by simply connecting the the longitudinal direction from drain to
substrate terminal to the source terminal. source in the region labeled “channel
• For most cases, MOSFET will be treated as a region”, which has a length L and a
three-terminal device, G, S, D. width W, two important parameters of
MOSFET Device Structure and Physical Operation

Operation with Zero Gate Voltage

•With zero voltage applied to the gate, two
back-to-back diodes exist in series between
drain and source.
•One diode is formed by the pn junction
between the n+ drain region and the ptype
substrate, and the other diode is formed by
the pn junction between the p-type
substrate and the n+ source region.
• These back-to-back diodes prevent
current conduction from drain to source
when a voltage vDS is applied.
• In fact, the path between drain and source
has a very high resistance.
MOSFET Device Structure and Physical Operation

Creating a Channel for Current Flow

❑The positive voltage on the gate causes
•holes near surface gets repelled, leaving behind a
carrier-depletion region.
•attracts electrons from the n+ source and drain
regions into the channel region.
•When a sufficient number of electrons
accumulate near the surface of the substrate
under the gate, an n region is in effect created,
connecting the source and drain regions.
•The induced n region thus forms a channel for
• The channel is created by inverting the
current flow from drain to source. substrate surface from p type to n type.
•Now if a voltage is applied between drain and Hence the induced channel is also called
source, current flows through this induced n an inversion layer.
MOSFET Device Structure and Physical Operation

Creating a Channel for Current Flow

❑The value of vGS at which a sufficient number of
mobile electrons accumulate in the channel region
to form a conducting channel is called the
threshold voltage and is denoted Vt.
❑ The gate and the channel region of the
MOSFET form a parallel-plate capacitor, with
the oxide layer acting as the capacitor dielectric.
❑ electric field develops in the vertical direction
Which controls the amount of charge in the
channel, channel conductivity and, in turn, the
current that will flow through the channel when a
voltage vDS is applied.
❑This is the origin of the name “field-effect
transistor” (FET).
MOSFET Device Structure and Physical Operation

Creating a Channel for Current Flow

•The voltage across this parallel-plate
capacitor, that is, the voltage across the oxide,
must exceed Vt for a channel to form.
• The excess of vGS over Vt is termed the
effective voltage or the overdrive
voltage, vOV and is the quantity that
determines the charge in the channel.
Applying a Small vDS

electrons to drift towards the drain

MOSFET Device Structure and Physical Operation

Applying a Small vDS

electrons to drift towards the drain

conductance of the channel can be

process transconductance parameter, kn’= µnCox

the conductance is determined by the product of transistor aspect ratio -(W/L)

three factors: µnCox, (W/L), and vov
The product of the process transconductance parameter k
Cox is the capacitance of the parallel-plate n and the transistor aspect ratio (W/L) is the MOSFET

capacitor per unit gate area (in units of F/m2), transconductance parameter kn
For a MOSFET fabricated in a technology with a channel Cox -oxide capacitance
length L = 0.18 μm and a channel width W = 0.72 μm,
the total capacitance between gate and channel is
MOSFET Device Structure and Physical Operation

Applying a Small vDS

•with vDS kept small, the MOSFET behaves as a
linear resistance whose value is controlled by the
gate voltage
• The resistance is infinite for vGS <= Vt and decreases as
vGS is increased above Vt .

•for the MOSFET to conduct, a channel has to be induced.

Then, increasing vGS above the threshold voltage Vt
The operation of the MOSFET as a voltage-
enhances the channel, hence the names
controlled resistance
enhancement-mode operation and enhancement-
type MOSFET.
MOSFET Device Structure and Physical Operation

Operation as vDS Is Increased

MOSFET enters saturation region at vDS=VDSsat

channel pinch-off
MOSFET Device Structure and Physical Operation

Eg1: A 0.18-μm fabrication process is specified to have tox=4nm, μn = 450 cm2/V•s,

and Vt=0.5V. Find the value of the process transconductance parameter. For a
MOSFET with minimum length fabricated in this process, find the required value of
W so that the device exhibits a channel resistance of 1 kΩ at vGS=1V.

Eg2: Consider a process technology for which Lmin = 0.4 μm, tox = 8 nm, μn = 450
cm2/V⋅s, and Vt = 0.7 V.
(a) Find Cox and kn’.
(b) For a MOSFET with W/L=8μm /0.8μm, calculate the values of VOV, VGS, and
VDSmin needed to operate the transistor in the saturation region with a dc
current ID = 100 μA.
(c) For the device in (b), find the values of VOV and VGS required to cause the device
to operate as a 1000Ω resistor for very small vDS.
MOSFET Device Structure and Physical Operation

p-Channel MOSFET Complementary MOS or CMOS

MOSFET Current–Voltage Characteristics

Circuit Symbols iD–vDS Characteristics

MOSFET is a symmetrical device

arrowhead also indicates the polarity of
the transistor
• it is the polarity of the voltage impressed
across the device that determines source
and drain; the drain is always positive
relative to the source in an n-
channel FET.
MOSFET Current–Voltage Characteristics

Three possible regions of operation for MOSFET: the cutoff region, the triode region (Ohmic), and the
saturation region.
Figure . The relative levels of the terminal voltages of the enhancement NMOS transistor for operation in the
triode region and in the saturation region.
MOSFET Current–Voltage Characteristics

BJT vs MOSFET O/p Characteristics

MOSFET Current–Voltage Characteristics

iD–vGS characteristic of an NMOS transistor operating in saturation

•Cut-off and Triode regions are useful if the
MOSFET is to be utilized as a switch.
•If the MOSFET is to be used to design as an
amplifier, it must be operated in the saturation
•In saturation, drain current is constant,
determined by vGS (or ) vov and is independent of vDS.
• That is, MOSFET operates as a constant-
current source where the value of the current is
determined by vGS .
• In effect, the MOSFET operates as a voltage-
controlled current source with the control
relationship described by
MOSFET Current–Voltage Characteristics

Large-signal, equivalent-circuit model of an n-channel MOSFET operating in the saturation

MOSFET Large-signal Equivalent Circuit

Finite Output Resistance in Saturation

•The view of the MOSFET in the saturation region as
a voltage-controlled current source is useful for
large-signal equivalent circuit.
• channel-length modulation: effective channel
length is in effect reduced.

Eg1: A circuit designer intending to operate a MOSFET in saturation is considering the effect of
changing the device dimensions and operating voltages on the drain current ID. Specifically, by what
factor does ID change in each of the following cases?
(a) The channel length is doubled.
(b) The channel width is doubled.
(c) The overdrive voltage is doubled.
(d) The drain-to-source voltage is doubled.
(e) Changes (a), (b), (c), and (d) are made simultaneously.
Which of these cases might cause the MOSFET to leave the saturation region?
MOSFET Circuits at DC

• we will consider MOS circuits in which only

dc voltages and currents are of concern.
• The objective is to acquire a familiarity with
the device and the ability to perform MOSFET
circuit analysis quickly and effectively.

Eg1: Design the circuit of Fig., that is,

determine the values of RD and RS, so that
the transistor operates at ID = 0.4 mA and
VD = +0.5 V. The NMOS transistor has Vt =
0.7 V, μnCox = 100 μA/V2, L = 1 μm, and
W = 32 μm. Neglect the channel-length
modulation effect (i.e., assume that λ = 0).
MOSFET Circuits at DC

Diode-connected transistor:
•NMOS transistor with its drain and gate
terminals connected together.
•Resulting is a two-terminal device.
•Find the i-v relationship of the device.

Since vD= vG ,implies operation in the saturation mode

i=iD and v= vGS, thus

MOSFET Circuits at DC

Eg1: For the circuit in Fig 1, find the value of R that results in VD=0.8V. The
MOSFET has Vtn = 0.5 V, μnCox = 0.4 mA/V2, L = 0.18 μm, and,W = 0.72 μm, λ=0.

Eg2: Figure 2, shows a circuit

obtained by augmenting the
circuit of Fig. 1 with a transistor
Q2 identical to Q1 and a
resistance R2. Find the value of
R2 that results in Q2 operating at
the edge of the saturation region.
Use your solution in Fig.1.
MOSFET Circuits at DC

Eg: Design the circuit in Fig. to establish a drain voltage of 0.1 V. What is ID and the
effective resistance between drain and source at this operating point?
MOSFET Circuits at DC

Eg: Analyze the circuit shown in Fig. to

determine the voltages at all nodes and the
currents through all branches. Let Vtn = 1V ,
kn’W/L=1mA/V2, Neglect the channel-
length modulation effect.
MOSFET Circuits at DC

Eg: The NMOS and PMOS transistors in the

circuit of Fig. are matched, with
kn’(Wn/Ln)=kp’(Wp/Lp)=1mA/V2 and Vtn = - Vtp
=1V. Assuming for both devices, find the drain
currents iDN and iDP, as well as the voltage vO, for
vI= 0, +2.5 and -2.5V.
MOSFET Circuits at DC

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