RWS Periodical Exams
RWS Periodical Exams
RWS Periodical Exams
TEST II. Multiple Choice. Read the following questions critically and underline the correct answer.
11. In organizing information, visual maps and charts can be used. In which of the following terms do they
A. Brainstorming B. Graphic organizer C. Sentence Outline D. Topic Outline
12. These are the other techniques in selecting and organizing information except….
A.Brainstorming B. Graphic organizer C. Sentence Outline D. Topic Sentence
13. In these sentence, Football is more than just a game, it is an invaluable teacher, and the word refers to ___.
A. Football B. Game C. Invaluable D. Teacher
14. Among patterns of paragraph development, which of them intends to tell sequence of events?
A. Classification B. Definition C. Description D. Narration
15. Which of these parts of an outline refers to the assertion of the writer or speaker?
A. Body B. Thesis Statement C. Title D. None of the above
16. Which of the following is NOT true about topic sentence?
A. It tells the main idea of the paragraph. C. It can be explicit or implicit.
B. It can be found in the beginning. D. It supports the main idea.
17. Which of the following narrative devices means quickly looking at something that had already happened?
A. Anecdotes B. Dialogue C. Flashback D. Flash-forward
18. Which of the following narratives techniques simply means making notes on your copy of the reading?
A. Annotating text B. Reading Journal C. Outlining text D. Summarizing
19. What does the author wants to assert in the sentence, The Sampaguita’s roots are used for medicinal
purposes, such as aesthetic a sedative?
A. Claim Fact B. Claim Value C. Claim Policy D. Claim prize
20. Which of these characteristics are NOT true about essay and paragraph?
A. Essay is shorter than paragraph. C. Essay has thesis statement while a paragraph has topic sentence.
B. Essay has organization while a paragraph has order of sentences. D. They are cohesive and coherent.
21. Which of these reasons best explains why outlining is necessary?
A. It helps you see whether your ideas connect well with one another using transitions.
B. It is a systematic arrangement of ideas showing which the main points are and which the sub-points are.
C. It identifies the topic sentence and supporting sentences.
D. It uses Roman and Arabic numerals, capital and small letters.
22. Below are sentences in a paragraph, which among the sentences is NOT related to the others?
A. Indolence in the Philippines is a chronic malady, but not a hereditary one.
B. The Filipinos has not always been what they are.
C. Magellan went to the Philippines for a reason.
D. Witnesses where two of their being hardworking are the historians after discovery of the island.
TEST III. Study the given pictures. Write paragraphs about them according to the given pattern of
development. Be sure to use signal words.
26-30. Descriptive
36-40. Narration