DBOW Creative Writing

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Learning Area: CREATIVE WRITING Grade Level: 11/12 Team Leader: ______ Team Member: Marites Magadan
Direction/s: Fill up the table. Make sure to cover all the MELCs every quarter in a span (40 days) per quarter and per semester (80 days). Numbering of MELCs
should be continuous from First Quarter to Fourth Quarter. Inclusive in the 3 columns the learning activities that will address the Performance standards indicted in
the MELCs.
Quarter 1

Content Standard: The learners have an understanding of imagery, diction, figures of speech, and variations on language

Performance Standard: The learners shall be able to produce short paragraphs or vignettes using imagery, diction, figures of speech, and specific experiences.

# MELC Number of Days Remarks


Week 1 differentiate imaginative writing from among other forms of 4 days The teacher may use
inductive/deductive approach in
writing and cull creative ideas from experiences.
presenting imaginative writing in order
for the students differentiate it from
other forms of writing.

Week 2 utilize language to evoke emotional and intellectual 4 days Emphasize the importance of using
appropriate language to evoke emotion
responses from readers
and feeling.

Week 3 use imagery, diction, figures of speech, and specific 4 days Explain the essence and role of
imagery, diction, and figure of speech
experiences and read closely as writers with a consciousness of craft.
in understanding the different literary

Content standard: The learners have an understanding of poetry as a genre and how to analyze its elements and techniques

Performance Standard: The learners shall be able to produce a short, well-crafted poem

# MELC Number of Days Remarks


Week 4 identify the various elements, techniques, and literary devices 4 days Ask students’ schemata about the
elements, techniques, and literary
in poetry devices to determine if they have
already mastered. If they haven’t yet
mastered give examples and explain to
further enhance their knowledge.

Week 5 determine specific forms and conventions of poetry and use selected elements of 4 days Present different forms and
poetry in short exercises conventions used in writing poetry.
Guide the students how to write poetry
by religiously following the forms and

Week 6 explore innovative techniques in 4 days Introduce the concept of foregrounding

to let them explore in the field of
writing poetry
poetry writing.

Week 7 write a short poem applying the various elements, techniques, 4 days Ask students to apply what they have
learned by writing short poem.
and literary devices

Content standard: The learners have an understanding of fiction as a genre and are able to analyze its elements and techniques

Performance Standard: The learners shall be able to produce at least one striking scene for a short story

# MELC Number of Days Remarks


Week 8 identify the various elements, techniques, and literary devices 4 days Activate the students’ prior knowledge
about the various elements, techniques,
in fiction and determine various modes of fiction
and literary devices in fiction as well
as the various modes of fiction.

Week 9 write journal entries and other short exercises exploring key 4 days Encourage the students to develop
their talents in writing journal entries
elements of fiction.
by giving patterns and clear directions.

Week 10 write a short scene applying the various elements, techniques, 4 days Present an example of short scene.
Then ask the students to identify the
and literary devices
various elements, techniques, and
literary devices.
Total No. of Days: 40 days

Quarter 2

Content Standard: The learners have an understanding of drama as a genre and are able to analyze its elements and techniques

Performance Standard: The learners shall be able to compose at least one scene for a one-act play that can be staged.

# MELCs Number of Days Remarks


Week 1 identify the various elements, techniques, and literary devices in drama and 4 days Emphasize the significance of drama
understand intertextuality as a technique of drama in real life situation. Enhance their
skills in writing a drama by
considering various elements,
techniques, and literary devices.

Week 2 conceptualize a character/setting/plot for a one-act play and explore different 4 days Have a panel discussion about the
staging modalities vis-à-vis envisioning the script elements of drama for a one-act play,
staging modalities, and the importance
of writing a script.

Week 3 write short exercises involving character, dialogue, plot, and other elements 4 days Encourage the students to Craft a mini
of drama drama by considering its elements.

Week 4 write at least one scene for one-act play applying the various elements, 4 days Guide the students in writing a one-act
techniques, and literary devices play.

Content Standard: The learners have an understanding of the different orientations of creative writing

Performance Standard: The learners shall be able to produce a craft essay on the personal creative process deploying a consciously
selected orientation of creative writing

Week 5 situate the creative work in literary and /or sociopolitical 4 days Present an example of creative literary
work and its sociopolitical context.

Week 6 demonstrate awareness of and sensitivity to the different 4 days Give guidelines and clear directions,
and ask them to observe sensitivity to
orientations of creative writing and write a craft essay different orientation such as religion,
gender, socio-economic status, social
media, and society.

Content Standard: The learners have an understanding of drama as a genre and are able to analyze its elements and techniques.

Performance Standard: The learners shall be able to choose from any of the following:
1. Design a group blog for poetry and fiction
2. Produce a suite of poems, a full/completed short story, or a script for a one-act play, with the option of staging
3. Create hypertext literature.

Week 7 create a group blog for poetry and/or fiction applying ICT 4 days Present an example of blog for poetry
and guide the students how to create a
skills/any appropriate multimedia forms

Week 8 explore various modes of publishing media for manuscripts 4 days Unlock the phrase “publishing media”
and let them explore about the various
modes of publishing media.

Week 9 understand the possibilities of intertextual forms 4 days Ask the students to recall the concept
of intertextuality. Relate their answers
in writing a specific literary genre.

Week 10 write a suite of poems, a full/completed short story or a script for a one-act 4 days Motivate the students to apply what
play they have learned such as writing a
poem, short story, and script to further
enhance their knowledge.

Total No. of Days: 40 days

Note: Time allotment may be adjusted based on the learner’s phase and capacity

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