Review Exercises in Reading and Phonics 3 PDF

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Exercises in
Reading and
Part I.
Read the story, “Sid the Seed” on p.
258 – 260 0f your LIFE TB carefully
then do the activities that follow.

A. Multiple Choice
Write the letter of the correct answer
on the blank before each number.
___1. What quality or characteristic did Sid possess in the
beginning of the story?
A. courageous C. cheerful
B. coward D. careless
___2. When did Sid realize that it was time for him to embrace
his new life?
A. When his friends started to leave him
B. When his friends played cards and ate snacks
with him
C. When Pip made a balloon to soar through the
D. When Kim became a butterfly
___3. What consonant blend will complete the word
___out which means to develop or grow?
A. sh C. scr
B. st D. spr
___4. Which pair of words contains the /oi/ sound?
A. annoy – voice C. choir - foyer
B. coy – delicious D. coil - onion
___5. What word does not contain the /au/ sound?
A. brow C. pound
B. naughty D. towel
___6. Which of the following words is not
properly syllabicated?
A. week-ly C. world
B. wa-fer D. wi-dow
___7. The stories were like sleeping potions
helping me to go to sleep. What figurative
language is used in this sentence?
A. idiomatic expression C. simile
B. metaphor D. personification
____8. What do we call a story of one’s life
written by another person?
A. autobiography C. history
B. biography D. parable
____9. Which idiomatic expression means one
who wakes up early?
A. bark up the wrong tree
B. early bird
C. a little bird told me
D. kill two birds with one stone
____10. Which sentence uses the word pre’sent
A. All my classmates are present now.
B. She will present new data regarding
COVID 2019.
C. We gave Mom a present on her
D. This dress was a present from my
Read the italicized sentence to answer
numbers 11 to 14. Complete the words by
writing the missing blends and digraphs
on the blanks.

Sid the Seed (11)___ares his home

with his two (12)___iends, Pip the Spider
and Kim the Caterpillar. The (13)___ee
friends love doing things together like
playing cards and eating (14)___acks.
C. Sequencing of Events
Number the events 1 – 5 according to the order they
happened in the story, “Sid the Seed”.
______ Soon, Sid began rising upwards straight up out of his
______ Kim and Pip finally said’ “We are happy that your life
is now full because you decided to leave your small hole!”
______ Sid and his friends, Kim and Pip, had fun playing cards
and eating snacks until sleep filled their heads.
______ Then, Kim flew away without making a sound leaving
Sid lonely in his hole in the ground.
______ Pip was gone on his life changing flight leaving Sid
sulking in his room that night.
Part II.
Matching Type / Short Answer Test
A. Choose the letter of the idiomatic
expression that will best fit in the
situations below then write it on the
blank before each number. Explain in
complete sentences the meaning of the
idiom and why you have chosen that
A. in the pink
B. tickled pink
C. caught red-handed
D. sees red
_____1. The police arrived at the jewelry store just
as the robbers were coming out of the door. They
were _____ and will probably be in jail soon.
_____2. My mother always prepares nutritious food
on the table such as fruits, vegetables, and fish.
Aside from that, she gives us vitamins every day so
she is sure that we are always _____.
B. Syllabicate the following
words. On the lines below,
explain completely by stating
the rules why it should be
syllabicated that way.
1. family -______________________________

2. paper -__________________________

3. kissed -______________________
C. Read each word correctly
taking note of the accent or
stress mark. Use each of the
words correctly in meaningful

2. ob’ject
Part III.
A. Read and study the three
sentences below.
Sid the Seed Sid the Seed Sid the Seed
enjoyed was as strong was all alone
playing cards as a carabao, in his hole in
and eating able to survive the ground
snacks with even the thinking of his
his two strongest two friends.
friends. typhoon.
Which sentence is different? How did
it differ from the other two sentences?
Which sentence is more appealing to
you? What makes it more appealing or
more interesting?

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