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Prepared by Rajinder Singh Maan

1) Warehouse repair should be immediately done and should be a continuous process. Separate fork
and dedicated supervisor and two labour to be deputed.
2) Crossing has increased manifold, therefore there should two points with dedicated supervisor and labour all
time. Platform to be made for small vehicle unloading and loading on the bay.
3) Sampling department should take their requirement once in a week with advance requirement.
4) List and material for loading should handed over to warehouse one day in advance.
5) In DO the sampling requirement should be clearly mentioned.
6) The DO should be complete in all respect according to the vehicle capacity (Wt) with an advance provision of
crossing material if any. There should not be any change in the DO once the vehicle is placed inside the factory.
7) Loading plan layout of the vehicle according to plant, delivery and size should be shared with all the loading
locations in advance for better space and capacity utilisation of the vehicle.
8) Small lot / Fix material should not be planned in month-end, which delays loading.
9) Sorting post excess or sort material in SAP, which create discrepancy in the stock. This should be stopped.
10) Loading bay is occuping 25-30% of the space with Raw material bags and packing material most of the days.
These should either be unloaded at any other point or should be moved directly to their respective locations.
11) Buffer space for storage of FG is required in case certain space allocated for any size is full and exhausted.
12) A fork lift maintenance engineer should be recruited and adequate spare parts should be available in the plant.
He should check the fork lifts in routine and do preventive maintenance. Pallet trucks also need to be
maintained in routinue.
1. Minimum 15 box of each items should be ordered.
2. One day Advance planning of the vehicle should be done.
3. DO and Weight required by the Vehicle should match before release of the order and order should be final without any change after release of
the DO to warehouse.
4. Once material is loaded into the vehicle no material should be unloaded from the vehicle. It discourage the loading team, waste the time and
delay the vehicle and there are chances of breakages also.
5. Crossing is not planned in intimated to the warehouse in advance. The dealers keep on adding till the vehicle is not out of the plant. Size and
quantity is also not clear. Some times bigger sizes are sent after loading of the complete vehicle, to adjust it in the vehicle is partially unloaded,
adjusting the crossing and reloading the material which is unloaded for adjustment. IT IS BIG ISSUE IN SIMS2 AND SIMPOLO.
6. If the weight has to be adjusted in the vehicle than sales coordination team need to mention the name of the items in which the weight
adjustment is to be done in the REMARKS space in the DO.
7. They have only two fork lifts (One Co owned and another Rent) + one electrical (Not fit for loading). One company owned fork lift is frequently
used by the Press people, which hamper the loading. Electrical vehicle is not able to take more load and not capable of lifting the pallet. It is
8. Vehicles are not coming continuously. After 3PM there is row of vehicles standing out side the gate and pressure build-up between 7-9 pm.
They have two points and 5 bays for loading and have three loading team. So at a time only three vehicles can be loaded. Two team are
working in day time.
9. SIMS2 is sampling hub. Therefore since maximum sampling is shifted to SIMS2, the load has increased here. One extra team (4 people) is
required. The sampling requirements and the material should be ready a day in advance.
10. There is inadequate space for placement and turning of vehicle due to closeness of Weight bridge to the loading bays. Some times it took 30
minutes for the drivers to place the vehicles at the loading bay. Need to be looked into.
11. Strips (195x1200) are sent in wet condition to the warehouse and sometimes the cartons are so wet that they have to repack them before
loading and also due wetness the cartons stick to each other and torned.
12. There is loading issue with 398x398x 8pcs – The rows are not tightly fit due to the width of the carton. The rows are loose. In case of the
195x1200 and 300x1200, cartons one over other displaces on route and make a very untidy look and also incur breakages.
1) DOs and vehicles should be planned in advance. Tentative time of placement need to be given.
2) Vehicle should come regularly and continuously instead of rushing at same time.
3) Addition in the DO should be not done after loading of the vehicle.
4) For preparing A-Frames and Photo-frames one dedicated team consisting of Supervisor and 4 Labours
should be given.
5) Samples and Photo-frames requirements should be given in advance.
1) Gate office –
• FG Vehicle should be given preference at gate for inward, out wards and weight bridge
• Gate office should guide the Drivers all the loading points with name of the person to contact.
• Behaviour of security with the drivers should be humble and supporting.
• Food in the canteen should be given upto 2:30pm.
• Toilet, sitting arrangement and Mobile Charging facilities at all the loading points for drivers.
• Gate pass should consists of all the DOs, Locations for Loading and Weight
2) Orders Related –
• Vehicle should be placed when all the orders are feed-in to avoid any confusion in loading process.
• No changes in the DOs, once DO is released for loading.
3) Warehouse Related –
• There should not be any Stock Variance between physical and SAP records
• Shift Incharges should be there to communication with all.
• All the loading supervisors should be given loading targets.
• Advance material to be kept on the loading point.
• Vehicles should be loaded on FIFO basis.
• Crossing and Small Lots need one more Loading point as crossing is increasing.
• Behaviour with Drivers should be Supportive
4) Plants –
• No of manufacturing vendors should be reduced. Centralised warehousing and loading point for trading.
Sales Orders Processing
Sales HO Sales Logistics Team Warehouse
Will send all the Punch Order till 7 pm. 1) Will Receive Complete list of DOs one day in advance by 7 1) By 8pm Loading plan to be finalised.
confirm orders by Finalise the Loading Plan and PM. 2) WH heads will release Vehicle Allocation Sheet to the
7Pm To HO for hand over to the logistic 2) Meeting between Sales Head, Logistics Head and Loading Team comprising of Loader (Leader), Pickers,
Loading next Day. Team. Ensure – Warehouse Heads between 7 pm to 8pm for planning next Labour Team.
Two Type of order – 1) Complete DO are feed in days loading in advance and release the plan accordingly. 3) WH heads will allocate each vehicle to one loading
a) Topay basis, according to the indented 3) Will Coordination with the transporters to place the vehicles teams.
(vehicle Placement Vehicle Load. accordingly to the loading plan given by the sales 4) Warehouse Pickers are distributed the picking list
by Dealers), 2) TBB 2) Vehicle No and transport coordination heads. according to the priority of the placement of vehicle.
– to be billed (co to name is must, as this is 4) Will share the vehicles coming next day with tentative time They will pick the material from the respective position
place). going to be the key flag of arrival at the respective plants. and place at the loading points.
for complete tracking of 5) Will arrange Vehicles wherever the consignment is TBB and 5) As soon as the Loaders get alert of placement of allotted
the vehicle for CHASING where-ever customer wants SVPL to place vehicle on their Vehicles at any location, they will ensure to keep the
AND FAST LOADING. behalf. material ready at the loading points.
6) Logistics coordinators will call every Vendor and Plant 6) As soon as the vehicle comes are the loading point the
Locations about the arrival of vehicles. Loader will take the token and login in the format and
7) As soon as the vehicle is placed at any locations, he will start the process of loading. Once the Loading is
update the tracker with the location and tentative time of completed the loader will again Login in the loaded
loading from that location. This will automatically update completed menu. This will monitor and capture the real
the arrival, loading and departure of the vehicle from all the time the loading In and Loading Out.
location. (Distance from Plant to plant to be captured. WH 7) Loaders will receive the material according to the
Head will define the loading time of the vehicle from their placement of vehicle. Will verify the material and load
location.) the material a
7) The Logistics coordinator will guide and push all the vehicles
to move to the next location.
8) Prepare sheet of follow-up before closure of the day.
Vehicle Tracker
Vehicle No Plants Supervisor Tocke Dos Boxes MT Est. In Est. Est. Out Est. Total Act. Act. Act. Act. TLT
n Time Loading Time Time Time Loading Out
NO. Time Time
GJ12-AA- Creanza 001 200 6MT
2345 SIMS1 Vishal 01 002 100 5MT
SIMS2 Sangram 01 003 50 1 MT
SIMPOLO Narender 01 004 500 20MT
32 MT

The estimated time of Arrival will be record by Logistics Coordinators based on the information received from
the Transporters.

Estimated loading time will be feed by the Warehouse Team and Estimated Time out will be auto-calculated.

When the vehicle reaches Simpolo gate as soon as token is issued, Automatically Time will be captured. The
drive will have to submit the token at every location of loading and take back the token once vehicle is loaded.
In this way vehicle movement will be captured.

As soon as vehicle comes in The Free Supervisor or Queued is issued the Vehicle for loading. Max three
Vehicles can be allotted to a supervisor at any point of time. Warehouse manager has the right to change the
allotment of vehicles based on priority.
Warehouse Staff Availability matrix
(This sheet will be share a week in advance date-wise)

Date Shift Plant Warehouse Loading Picker Fork Lift Loader team
name supervisor Driver leader

08.2.2020 9am to 9 Simpolo Simpolo Mr. vishal Mr. Vinod Mr. Shyam Mr. Palto
Vehicle Arrival at the Gate/s
1) Once the Vehicle reached the gate, it is allotted a Token. Now-on-wards this token will record the status
of the vehicle in the tracking sheet, which is visible across the Supply chain.

SAP, WH1, WH2, WH3

Token Issued

1) Enter Vehicle No in SAP

2) Issue Token
3) Auto update of Tracker and Issue alert to all the Will Update Tracker, Alert to all Concerned
Loading Supervisors

1) A day in advance Vehicles planned matrix will be shared with all the warehouses.
2) Loading supervisors will be allotted the vehicles and based on that they will mark the locations of the SKUs on
the DOs and in case of any short fall or mis-match will talk to the respective sales coordinator/Logistics

3) As soon as estimate time of arrival is updated by the Logistics coordinator, the respective Loading Supervisors
will arrange the material for that vehicle on their respective loading bay.
1) As soon as the vehicle comes at the bay, driver will handover the token to the loading supervisor. He will
punch the Card to login into the system. Loading be started. In the vehicle tracker, loading status is update
with “Loading started”.

Loading Supervisor – Will Manage the Team Loading started

Labour Team Leader (Main Loader)
• Labour1
• Labour2
• Labour3

2) Once loading is completed, invoice is generated and Token is again punched to finish the work. The
Loading supervisor will punch the Card to login into the system. Status will be updated as “Loading
completed”. Immediately an ALERT will be send to the next loading Point……

Loading Completed
Vehicle Out at the Gate/s

1) Once the Vehicle is loaded it will reach the main gate. The Security will check all the documents and
material. He will Punch the Token to update the status of the Tracker. The Tracker will show the status of
the Vehicle. If any point is still to be done, then he will talk to the logistics coordinator and take action


Token Issued

1) Enter Vehicle No in SAP

2) Token is collected and deposited.
3) Auto update of Tracker is done. Will Update Tracker, Alert to all Concerned

Material at Warehouse
• To make the loading faster it is necessary to the keep the
material in proper manner with proper identification (locations)
in SAP. So that as soon as the DO is released, location is
automatically printed on the DO itself. There should not be any
need for manual intervention.
• Easily Retrieval of the material should be there. Every single
material should be stored at single location with, there should
not be any mixing of the material.
• In case of small quantity upto 5 boxes, the complete pallet is not
need to be taken to the loading bay. It should be loaded on a
pallet from the warehouse itself.
• In warehouse every location is needed to be earmarked.
Stock adjustement
• Breakage found while loading should be deducted from the stock immediately.
• Breakages fount while stock maintenance should be deducted from the stock
• Samples issues to Sampling need to be deducted from the stock immediately.
• Tiles issued to any one else like, QA, QC or R&D should also be deducted from
the stock.
• In case there is short and excess received from the production, stock
adjustment is compulsory.
Manpower at Warehouse
1) In each shift, there should be one person in the warehouse who will coordinate with the Logistics
Coordinator for any clarification about any material, vehicle or transporter.
2) Warehouse wise Manpower –

Manpower Simpolo SIMS2 SIMS1 New WH (SIMS1)

Loading Points 2 Points – 4 + 3 = Loading Bay 2 Points – 3 + 3
Warehouse Manager One One One

Shift Incharge 0 , Req (1 – day and 1- night) 0 – Req – (1 – night) 0 – Req – (1 – Night) 0 – Req (1 – Day and 1 – Night)

Loading Supervisors Present- 7, Req – (8 – 4 in day Present-6 Present- 6, Req – 8 (3-day-3

and 4 in night) night)+1-Leave+1 A-Frame and
Warehouse Supervisors Present - 4 Present-3 Present-3, Req-( 3+1 for
Labour Team Present- 5 (25) Present – 18, Req – (18+2 – 8
day+8 night, 4 – Photo Frame)
Fork Lift Present – 3 (L+EXP). REQ-4 (3 Present - 2 – old, Req – (2+2 – 3
LOADING, 1 – Export and for loading and 1 for godown
godown maintenance) maintenance)

Pallet Trucks Present – 3, Req - 4 Present – 3 Nos.

Manpower Skills
Manpower Function Qualification Experience SKills
Logistics Manager Total Planning and handling of Logistics Should be MBA in Logistics of Should preferable have experience • Good command over analytics, Man
in all the Warehouses, transporters and SCM in Ceramics Industry or Management, Communication and
plants (shifting of material). Construction Industry. Minimum 5 coordination skills.
Logistics Coordinator Coordination with the transporters, Should be Graduate in Should preferable have experience Local Language mandatory, Communication
gate, godown Commerce or Science. in Ceramics Industry or and coordination, Knows MS-office, Good at
Construction Industry. Interpersonal Skills
Warehouse Manager Warehouse Management, man, Should be MBA in Logistics or Should preferable have experience Knows Inventory management, 5S techniques,
machine and Material management Material in Ceramics Industry or Warehouse Management, man management,
Construction Industry. leading the team, and analytics

Loading Supervisors Warehouse Management, Breakage Should be Graduate. Should have warehousing and Should be able to read and write basic English,
prevention, efficient and timely loading loading experience in tiles basic arithmetic and local language
compulsory. Eye sight 6/6
Warehouse Supervisors Warehouse Management, Material Should be Graduate. Should have warehousing and Should be able to read and write basic English,
Maintenance, Stock counting, Breakage loading experience in tiles basic arithmetic and local language
prevention, efficient and timely loading compulsory. Eye sight 6/6
Labour Team Leader Loading of material, no breakage and Should be literate Should have experience of loading Physically Fit, knows material loading, able to
gaps, no wrong loading, training of more than 2 years as loader train and handle labour.
Labour Loading of material according to the Should be literate Should know proper loading Physically fit and above the age of 18 and
instructions. before 40 years.
Fork Lift Driver Movement of material within and Should be literate and valid Should be a good driver and Physically and medically fit, eye sight 6/6
outside warehouse. driving licence efficient material movement
Security Gate Executive Registering incoming vehicles coming Should be graduate Should have security office Should know to operate MS-Office, good
for load, issue tokens, updation of experience and some logistics communication skills, Local language Maditory.
trackers, coordination with Logistics background

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