Philosophy MCQS

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(Solved Objectives/Mcq’s)

Who is who/what is what?

i. Mahmud Ghaznavi died in the year:

Ans. 1030.

ii. Sarai Adal was a:

a. Court of Justice b. Inn c. Cloth Market d. None of these.
Ans. Cloth Market.

iii. Ghiyas Taghluq ordered whom to leave Delhi:

a. Siddi Maula b. Sheikh Zakarya c. Nizam-ud-Din Auliya d. None of these.
Ans. Nizam-ud-din Auliya.

iv. Amiran-e-Sadda were:

Ans. Foreign Nobels.

v. ……….was appointed Ambassador to China by Muhammad Taghluq.

a. Ibn-e-batuta b. Khawaja Jehan c. Amir Khusrau d. None of these.
Ans. a. Ibn-e-batuta

vi. Amir Timur attacked South Asia in the year.

Ans. 1398.

vii. The city of Jaunpur was founded by:

Ans. Firuz Shah.

viii. “Faud-ul-Fawaid” was written by:

Ans. Amir Hassan.

ix. Zia-ud-Din Barani was a:

a. Poet b. Commander c. Social Worker d. None of these.
Ans. d. None of these.

x. Alai Darwaza was built by:

a. Alaul Mulk b. Ali Mardan c. Shah Jehan d. None of these.
Ans. d. None of these.

xi. Battle of Kanwah was fought in the year:

Ans. 1527.

xii. Original name of Sher Shah was:

Ans. Farid Khan.

xiii. Hamayun was born in the year:

Ans. 1508.

xiv. Akbar was born at:

a. Agra b. Kabul c. Qandhar d. None of these.
d. None of these.

xv. Original name of Noor Jehan was:

Ans. Mehrun Nisa.
xvi. Under Shahjehan Qandhar was conquered by:
Ans. Aurangzeb.

xvii. Akbarnama was written by:

Ans. Abul-Fazl.

xviii. Gulbadan Bano was a………of Hamayun.

Ans. Sister.

xix. Fatehpur Sikri was built by:

a. Babur b. Sher Shah c. Shah Jehan d. None of these.
Ans. d. None of these.

xx. Khiyal, a form of music, was invented by:

Ans. Amir Khusrau.


(Solved Objectives/Mcq’s)

Who is who/what is what?

i. Sir Syed Ahmad Khan retired from service in:

Ans. 1876.

ii. The Fraizi Movement was founded by:

Ans. Hajji Shariat Ullah.

iii. The first Central Office of Muslim League was established in:
Ans. Lucknow.

iv. All India Muslim Students Federation was founded at:

Ans. Aligarh.

v. Allama Iqbal get his Ph.D degree from:

Ans. Munich University.

vi. The first Anglo-Sikh war started in:

Ans. 1845.

vii. Lord Minto succeeded as Viceroy of India:

a. Lord Rippon b. Lord Curzon c. Lord Lytton d. None of these.
Ans. d. None of these.

viii. The Muslims were granted the right of separate electorate under the Act of:
Ans. 1909.

ix. Maulana Muhammad Ali Jauhar did during the Table Conference:
Ans. First.

x. Cripps Mission reached India in:

Ans. 1942.

xi. Quaid-e-Azam reached Pakistan on……..August, 1947.

Ans. 7th.

xii. The First Constituent Assembly of Pakistan consisted of……..members at the time of
the creation of Pakistan:
Ans. 79.

xiii. Pakistan became Islamic Republic in:

a. 1947 b. 1956 c. 1962 d. None of these.
Ans. b. 1956.

xiv. Nizam-e-Islam Party was founded by:

Ans. Chaudry Muhammad Ali.

xv. The famous book “ Hayat-e-Javed” was written on the life of:
Ans. Sir Syed Ahmad Khan.

xvi. The Sino-Pak Boundary Agreement was signed in:

Ans. 1963.

xvii. 1962 Constitution of Pakistan was enforced on………1962.

Ans. 8th June.

xviii. OJRI camp was:

Ans. An Ammunition Depot.

xix. I. I. Chandrigar was the……..Prime Minister of Pakistan.

Ans. 6th.

xx. The author of “Political System in Pakistan” is:

Ans. Khalid Bin Sayyed.


(Solved Objectives/Mcq’s)

Who is who/what is what?

1. Tarikh-e-Farishta was written by:

Ans. Muhammad Qasim.

2. Zaheer-ud-Din Babur had:

Ans. Three Daughter.

3. How many times Mahmud invaded India?

Ans. Seventeen.

4. Divan-e-Arz under Muslim Sultans dealt with offices of:

Ans. Army.

5. Sultan Aram Shah belonged to:

a. Khilji Dynasty b. Taghluq Dynasty c. Suri Dynasty d. None of these.
Ans. d. None of these.

6. Fatwa-e-Alamgiri was edited by:

a. Adat Sultan b. Molvi Nabi Beg c. Abdul Haq d. None of these.
Ans. d. None of these.

7. Jalaluddin Khwarizm Shah came to India during the reign of:

Ans. Iltumish.

8. Sultan Rukn-ud-Din Firoz Shah belonged to the dynasty of:

Ans. Khilji Dynasty.

9. Deccan was conquered first under:

Ans. Ala-ud-Din Khilji.

10. Abu Rehan Alberuni was a:

a. Painter b. Poet c. Administrator d. None of these.
Ans. d. None of these.

11. “Tabqaat-e-Nasiri” was a book on:

Ans. History.

12. Jital was an item of:

Ans. Currency.

13. Ibn-e-Batuta by birth was a:

Ans. Moorish.

14. Nizam-ud-Din Auliya flourished during the reign of:

Ans. Akbar.

15. Guru Nanak lived during the reign of:

a. Babur b. Jehangir c. Akbar d. None of these.
Ans. Babur.

16. Mahmud Gawaan was a minister under the:

a. Khilji b. Mughals c. Bahmani’s d. None of these.
Ans. c. Bahmani’s

17. Ahmad Shah Abdali was born at:

a. Kabul b. Peshawar c. Multan d. None of these.
Ans. Multan.

18. Akbar married his first Hindu wife from the house of:
Ans. Jaipur.

19. Ruqia Sultana Begum was wife of:

a. Babur b. Hamayun c. Akbar d. None of these.
Ans. d. None of these.

20. “Histoire de Mogor” was written by:

a. Fatehr Monserrate b. Dugarric c. Goerriro d. None of these.

(Solved Objectives/Mcq’s)

Who is who/what is what?

1. The Faraizi Movement was founded by:

Ans. Hajji Shariat Ullah.

2. On which aspect of Islam did the great poet, philosopher Allama Iqbal emphasized in
the famous book ‘Reconstruction of Religious “Thoughts in Islam’”.
Ans. Ijtihad.

3. Sir Syed founded MAO College Aligarh in:

Ans. 1877.

4. Who was A. O. Hume?

Ans. A retired civil officer.

5. Aligarh College was upgraded to the status of University in:

Ans. 1920.

6. Name the Viceroy with whom the Simla Deputation met:

Ans. Lord Minto.

7. The Muslims and Hindus started non-cooperative movement for:

Ans. Restoration of Khilafat.

8. Which report rejected the demand for separate electorate previously accepted by
Hindus in Lucknow Pact:
Ans. Nehru Report.

9. The Simon Commission arrived in the Sub-continent in:

a. 1929 b. 1930 c. 1928 d. None of these.
Ans. d. None of these.

10. Muhammad Ali Jinnah was given the title of Quaid-e-Azam in:
a. 1936 b. 1938 c. 1935 d. None of these.
Ans. d. None of these.

11. Who is the author of the book titled “Last Days of Quaid”?
Ans. Col: Elahi Bakhsh.

12. Who took the oath of Governor-General of Pakistan from Quaid-e-Azam?

a. Justice R.A.Kiani b. Justice Gulzar Ahmad c. Justice Wali Mehmood d. None of these.
Ans. d. None of these.

13. In which Constitution system of Zakat and Ushr was introduced in the country?
a. 1956 b. 1962 c. 1973 d. None of these.
Ans. d. None of these.

14. When Pakistan gave an application to the United Nations to become its member and
which country opposed it:
a. India b. Iran c. Egypt d. None of these.
Ans. d. None of these.

15. In the North-East, Pakistan has a common border with:

Ans. China.

16. The oldest regional language of Pakistan is:

Ans. Sindhi.

17. Pakistan joined Non-Aligned Movement at Bandung in:

Ans. 1979.

18. Under the Constitution of 1956 which language was declared as the National
Ans. Urdu and Bengali.

19. Under which Constitution, “Bicameralism” was introduced in Pakistan.

Ans. 1973.

20. When was the first SAARC Conference held?

Ans. 1985.


(Solved Objectives/Mcq’s)

Who is who/what is what?

1. Muhammad bin Qasim was called back by:

a. Sulaiman bin Abdul Malik.

2. Mahmud Ghaznavi died as a result of:

Ans. Illness.

3. Hazrat Data Ganj Bakhsh Ali Hajveri came to India with:

a. Muhammad bin Qasim b. Sultan Mahmud Ghaznavi c. Sultan Masood of Ghazna d.
None of these.
Ans. b. Sultan Mahmud Ghaznavi

4. Qutb-ud-Din Aibak died during the game of:

Ans. Polo.

5. Cahngez Khan came to India during the reign of:

Ans. Iltumish.

6. The Second Battle of Tarain was fought in:

Ans. 1192.
7. Razia Sultana Married with:
Ans. Altunia.

8. Ibn-e-Batuta visited Indian in:

Ans. 14th Century.

9. Babur assumed the title of “Padsha”?

Ans. After the conquest of Kabul.

10. Syed Mehdi Khawaja was the husband of:

Ans. Khanzada Begum.

11. A public kitchen famously known as “ Langari-e-Fukra”:

Ans. Sher Shah.

12. Akbar was crowned as King at:

Ans. Kalanur.

13. The color of the marble of “Taj Mahal” is:

Ans. White.

14. Aurangzeb Alamgir had:

Ans. Four sons.

15. The original name of Muhammad Shah was:

Ans. Raushan Akhtar.

16. The ninth Sikh Peshwa “Guru Teg Bahadur” was executed by:
Ans. Aurangzeb Alamgir.

17. Jehangir’s reign was from 1605 A.D. to……..

a. 1625 b. 1626 c. 1627 d. None of these.
Ans. d. None of these.

18. How many invasions Ahmad Shah Abdali made on the Sub-continent?
a. 3 b. 5 c. 8 d. None of these.
Ans. d. None of these.

19. “Tarikh-e-Firuz Shahi” the best source of information for the reign of Sher
Shah was written by:
Ans. Abbas Sarwani.

20. Tadar Mal was the revenue minister of:

Ans. Akbar


(Solved Objectives/Mcq’s)

Who is who/what is what?

1. Which of the European nations came first to South Asia?
Ans. Portuguese.

2. Lahore was given to Ranjet Singh by:

Ans. Zaman Shah.

3. The Battle of Plassey was fought in:

Ans. 1757.

4. Haider Ali died in:

a. 1784 b. 1884 c. 1901 d. None of these.
Ans. d. None of these.

5. Tipu Sultan in buried at:

a. Delhi b. Agra c. Saringa Patan d. None of these.
Ans. d. None of these.

6. Sir Syed was born in:

Ans. 1817.

7. Syed Ahmad Brailvi fell martyr at Balakot in:

a. 1757 b. 1830 c. 1857 d. None of these.
Ans. d. None of these.

8. The war of Independence of 1887 started form:

Ans. Meerut.

9. Islamia College, Peshawar was founded by:

Ans. Sahibzada Abdul Qayyum.

10. Anjuman-e-Himayat Islam was founded in:

Ans. 1884.

11. The name of the newspaper edited by Maulana Muhammad Ali Jauhar was:
a. Zamindar b. Inqilab c. Al-Hilal d. None of these.
Ans. None of these.

12. Unionist Party was founded by:

a. Zafar Ali Khan b. Sikandar Hayat c. Khizar Hayat d. None of these.
Ans. None of these.

13. Ghazi Ilumddin killed:

Ans. Raj Pal.

14. Who compiled the Nehru Report?

a. Mr. Gandhi b. Jawaharlal Nehru c. Indira Gandhi d. None of these.
Ans. d. None of these.

15. Lahore Resolution was presented by:

Ans. Fazl-ul-Haq.

16. Sikandar Mirza declared Martial Law on:

Ans. October 1958.

17. War of 1965 resulted in the signing of:

a. Delhi Pact b. Lahore Pact c. Moscow Pact d. None of these.
Ans. d. None of these.
18. Pakistan People’s Party was founded in:
Ans. 1967.

19. The First President of Pakistan was:

Ans. Sikandar Mirza.

20. The Constitution of 1973 was promulgated on:

Ans. 14th August 1973.


(Solved Objectives/Mcq’s)
Q. 8. Write only the correct answer in the Answer Book. Do not reproduce the

1. Sindh and Multan were conquered by Muhammad bin Qasim under the reign
of Islamic Caliph:
Ans. Waleed bin Abdul Malik.

2. Jaipal fought with Mehmood of Ghazni near Peshawar in:

Ans. 1001 A.D.

3. Which city is name as Mehmoodabad:

a. Agra b. Somnath c. Lahore d. None of these.
Ans. Somnath.

4. Kitab-ul-Hind was written by:

Ans. Al-Beruni.

5. The first amongst the Delhi Sultans to earn title of “Sultan from the Baghdad
Caliph” was:
Ans. Shams-ud-Din Iltumish.

6. Baba Farid Ganj Shakar was a saint of:

Ans. Chishtia Silsilah.

7. Raj Farangni was:

Ans. A book.

8. Akbar’s tomb is situated at:

Ans. Sikandra.

9. ……….secured many trade facilities for the English by Emperor Jehangir.

a. William Hawkins b. William Edward c. Sir Thomas Roe d. None of these.
Ans. Sir Thomas Roe

10. Hamayun Nama was written by:

Ans. Gulbadin baigum

11. Fatehpur Sikri was built by:

a. Babur b. Shah Jehan c. Sher Shah d. None of these.
Ans. d. None of these.

12. Hameeda Bano was mother of:

Ans. Akbar.

13. The first Battle of Panipat was fought in:

Ans. 1526.

14. At the time of his coronation at Kalanour the age of Akbar was:
Ans. Thirteen and Half.

15. Francois Burnier the English traveler visited India during the period of:
a. Jehangir b. Shah Jehan c. Aurangzeb d. none of these.
Ans. b. Shah Jehan.

16. “Zil-e-Elahi” means:

Ans. Shadow of Allah.

17. Ibn-e-Batuta visited India during the reign of:

Ans. Muhammad Taghluq.

18. Battle of Plassey (1757) was fought between:

And. The ruler of Bengal and East Indian Company.

19. Aurangzeb Alamgir ascended the throne on:

Ans. 1658.

20. Manuchi was a European traveler who came in the court of:
Ans. Shah Jahan.


(Solved Objectives/Mcq’s)

1. Shah Waliullah was born in:

Ans. 1703.

2. Sir Syed Ahmad Khan died in:

Ans. 1898.

3. Partition of Bengal took place in:

Ans. 1905.

4. When All Indian Muslim League was founded in 1906, one of its aim was:
Ans. To promote loyalty of British Government.

5. Mr. Jinnah joined the Muslim League in:

Ans. 1913.

6. Simla Deputation was led by:

Ans. Sir Agha Khan.

7. Waqar-ul-Mulk died in:

Ans. 1917.

8. In 1913 Maulana Muhammad Ali Jauhar started as Urdu newspaper:

Ans. Hamdard.

9. The Communal Award was announced in:

a. 1930 b. 1931 c. 1933 d. None of these.
Ans. d. None of these.

10. The “Day of Deliverance” was observed on:

Ans. 22 December 1939.

11. British Cabinet Minister Mr. Cripps came to India in:

Ans. 1942.

12. Who took the oath of Governor-General of Pakistan from Quaid-e-Azam?

Ans. Justice Mian Abdul Rashid.

13. The Objective Resolutions was accepted by the Constituent Assembly in:
Ans. 1949.

14. Write the name of a person who has been the Governor-General as well as
the Prime Minister of Pakistan:
Ans. Khwaja Nazim ud Din

15. When Pakistan gave an application to the United Nations to become its
member which country opposed it?
Ans. Afghanistan.

16. Pak-China border dispute was settled in:

Ans. 1963.

17. Pakistan Peoples Party was founded in:

And. 1967.

18. The Constitution of 1956 was promulgated on:

Ans. 23rd March 1956.

19. The Last Governor General of Pakistan was:

Ans. Sikandar Mirza.

20. Pakistan became member of Non-Aligned Movement in:

a. 1977 b. 1978 c. 1980 d. None of these.
Ans. d. None of these.

(Solved Objectives/Mcq’s)

(1). After his second coronation Humayun could only rule for :

a). Six months

b). two years
c). two and a half years
d). none of these

Ans. a). Six months

(2). At the time of his coronation at Kalanaur the age of Akbar was:

a). Thirteen and a half years

b). fifteen and a half years
c). seventeen and a half years
d). none of these

Ans. a). Thirteen and a half years

(3). The Mughal troops captured Chittor in 1568 after defeating:

a). Raja Pratab Singh

b). Raja Amar Singh
c). Rana Sangram Singh

Ans. d). none of these

(4). The Afghan power in Orissa was crushed by:

a). Raja Todarmal

b). Raja Man Singh
c). Munim Khan
d). none of these

Ans. Raja Maan Singh

(5). Tabaqat-i-Akbari was written by:

a). Khawaja Nizamuddin Ahmad

b). Badanni
c). Abul Fazal
d). none of these

Ans. a). Khawaja Nizamuddin Ahmad

(6). The office of Vakil became prominent during the reign of:

a). Jahangir
b). Aurangzeb
c). Akbar
d). none of these
Ans. c). Akbar

(7). Which of the following officers was the guardian of Islamic Law:

a). Qazi-ul Quzat

b). Muhtasib
c). Sadr-us-Sadr
d). none of these

Ans. Sudr-us-Sudur

(8). Who divided the Mughal empire into provinces for the first time:

a). Babur
b). Hamayun
c). Jahangir

Ans. d). none of these

(9). Head of the civil and military administration of the province was:

a). Diwan
b). Nazim
c). Bakshi
d). none of these

Ans. b). Nazim

(10). The Mughal emperor who allowed a chain with bells to be hung outside
his palace was:

a). Akbar
b). Jahangir
c). Shah Jahan
d). none of these

Ans. b). Jahangir

(11). Which of the following was not a chronicler of history of Sultanate :

a). Abbas Khan Sharwani

b). Amir Khusrau
c). Zai-ud-Din Barani
d). none of these

Ans. a). Abbas Khan Sharwani

(12). Foreign traveler whose account does not throw light on the history of
sultanate was:

a). Ibne Batutah

b). Marco Polo
c). Abdur Razzaq
d). none of these

Ans. Marco Polo

(13). Who was the first Sultan of Delhi to issue regular currency:

a). Amar Shah

b). Iltutmish
c). Balban
d). none of these

Ans. b). Iltutmish

(14). Sultan who called himself Naib-i-Khudai or Deputy of God was:

a). Iltutmish
b). Balban
c). Alla-ud-Din Khilji
d). none of these

Ans. b). Balban

(15). Timur (Tamerlane) invaded India during the reign of :

a). Nasiruddin Muhammad

b). Tughlaq Shah
c). Nasiruddin Mahmud Tughlaq
d). none of these

Ans. c). Nasiruddin Mahmud Tughlaq

(16). Rulers of Lodhi dynasty were:

a). Turks
b). Afghans
c). Iranians
d). none of these

Ans. b). Afghans

(17). Highest point of territorial expansion of the sultanate was during the
reign of :

a). Alla-ud-Din Khilji

b). Muhammad bin Tughlaq
c). Firoz Shah
d). none of these

Ans. b). Muhammad bin Tughlaq

(18). Coming of Khiljis to power is known as:

a). Khalji revolution

b). Khalji Imperialism
c). Khalji Coup
d). none of these
Ans. a). Khalji revolution

(19). Who selected the site for the city of Agra as his capital:

a). Sikander Lodhi

b). Bahlul Lodhi
c). Muhammad bin Tughlaq
d). none of these

Ans. a). Sikander Lodhi

(20). Military officer of the Sultanate who was the highest in Military
graduation was:

a). Khan
b). Malik
c). Amir
d). none of these

Ans. a). Khan


(Solved Objectives/Mcq’s)

Question No.1 Select the best option /answer and fill in the appropriate box on the
answer sheet.

(1). In which language Shah Wali Ullah translated the Holy Quran:

a). English
b). Persian
c). Turkish
d). none of these

Ans. b). Persian

(2). Indian National Congress was established in :

a). 1883
b). 1885
c). 1887
d). none of these

Ans. b). 1885

(3). Who was the Viceroy at the time of partition of Bengal :

a). Lord Caning
b). Lord Curzon
c). Lord Minto
d). none of these

Ans. b). Lord Curzon

(4). The Simla deputation was headed by :

a). Agha Khan

b). M.A. Johar
c). Syed Amir Ali
d). none of these

Ans. a). Agha Khan

(5). Separate electorate was provided in :

a). 1909
b). 1919
c). 1935
d). none of these

Ans. b). 1919

(6). Who was the author of ‘My India Years’:

a). Lord Curzon

b). Lord Hardinge
c). Lord Mountbatten
d). none of these

Ans. b). Lord Hardinge

(7). Sanghata Movement was started by:

a). Dr. Hergopal

b). Dr Moonje
c). Dr Swami
d). none of these

Ans. b). Dr Moonje

(8). Mopla revolt was started in:

a). 1920
b). 1921
c). 1922
d). none of these

Ans. c). 1922

(9). Who started the Home Rule Movement :

a). M. A. Jinnah
b). B.G. Tilak
c). Mrs. Annie Besant
d). none of these

Ans. c). Mrs. Annie Besant

(10). The subjects were divided into central and provincial by the Act of:

a). 1909
b). 1919
c). 1935
d). none of these

Ans. b). 1919

(11). The first Chief Justice of Pakistan was:

a). Abdur Rashid

b). Sajjad Ali Shah
c). Zafar ul Haq
d). none of these

Ans. a). Abdur Rashid

(12). Treaty of Lausane was signed in :

a). 1921
b). 1922
c). 1923
d). none of these

Ans. c). 1923

(13). Muhammad Ali Jinnah joined the All India Muslim League in :

a). 1911
b). 1912
c). 1913
d). none of these

Ans. c). 1913

(14). Mauala Mohammad Ali Johar was the editor of :

a). Hindustan Times

b). Azadi
c). Comrade
d). none of these

Ans. c). Comrade

(15). Who started the Shuddin Movement:

a). Nehru
b). Tilak
c). Gandhi
d). none of these

Ans. b). Tilak

(16). Bande-Matram was a :

a). Anthem
b). Film
c). Novel
d). none of these

Ans. a). Anthem

(17). Now or Never pamphlet was written by :

a). Agha Khan

b). Ch. Rehmat Ali
c). Mohammad Ali Jinnah
d). none of these

Ans. b). Ch. Rehmat Ali

(18). The book ‘verdict on India’ was written by :

a). Beverlay Nickolas

b). Charles Nicholas
c). Peter Nicholas
d). none of these

Ans. a). Beverlay Nickolas

(19). The first Round Table was held in :

a). London
b). Delhi
c). Lahore
d). none of these

Ans. a). London

(20). Famous Wardha scheme was about :

a). Culture
b). Education
c). Religion
d). none of these

Ans. b). Education


Solved MCQs

(i) Raja Dahir’s wife name is:

(a) Jodha Bai

(b) Uddipana
(c)Rani Bai
(d) Shari Mati
(e) None of these

(c)Rani Bai

(ii) Raja Dahir wife:

(a) was made hostage

(b) was freed
(c) committed suicide
(d) accepted Islam
(e)None of these

(c) committed suicide

(iii) Sabuktagin was:

(a) Son of Alaptagin

(b) Nephew of Alaptagin
(c) Slave of Alaptagin
(d) Son-in-law of Alaptagin
(e)None of these

(d) Son-in-law of Alaptagin

(iv) The founder of Ghaznavid Dynasty was:

(a) Mahmud of Ghazna

(b) Alaptagin
(c) Sabuktagin
(d) Jaipal
(e)None of these

(c) Sabuktagin
(v) Abu Rehan al-Beruni was a famous:

(a) Conqueror
(b) Sultan
(c) Poet
(d) Historian
(e)None of these

(d) Historian

(vi) The founder of Slave Dynasty was:

(a) Qutb-ud-Din Aibak

(b) Muhammad Ghori
(c) Iltumish
(d) Balban
(e)None of these

(a) Qutb-ud-Din Aibak

(vii) Razia Sultana was the daughter of:

(a) Qutb-ud-Din Aibak

(b) Muhammad Ghori
(c) Iltumish
(d) Balban
(e)None of these

(c) Iltumish

(viii) Amongst the Sultans of Delhi who presented the “Theory of Kingship”:

(a) Iltumish
(b) Balban
(c) Ala-ud-Din Khilji
(d) Muahammad Tughlaq
(e)None of these

(b) Balban

(ix) Warden of the Marches was the title of :

(a) Ghiyasuddin Taghlug

(b) Mahmud of Ghazni
(c) Muhammad Ghori
(d) Sultan Balban
(e)None of these

(a) Ghiyasuddin Taghlug

(x) Ibn-e-Batuta was:

(a) An Arab
(b) A Moorish
(c) A Turk
(d) A Persian
(e)None of these

(b) A Moorish

(xi) Baburnama is:

(a) Travelogue
(b) Biography
(c) Autobiography
(d) Collection of poetry
(e)None of these

(c) Autobiography

(xii) Shaibani Khan defeated:

(a) Babur
(b) Ibrahim Lodhi
(c) Hamayun
(d) Akbar
(e)None of these

(a) Babur

(xiii) The Battle of Gogra, 1529 was fought between:

(a) Rajputs and Babur

(b) Lodhis and Babur
(c) Marhatas and Babur
(d) Mewatis and Babur
(e)None of these

(e)None of these (Babur and Afghan)

(xiv) Hamayun died from:

(a) Excessive alcohol driniking

(b) Cholera
(c) Battlefield
(d) Fall from library stairs
(e)None of these

(d) Fall from library stairs

(xv) Sher Shah Suri snatched the throne of Delhi from:

(a) Babur
(b) Humayun
(c) Jehangir
(d) Aurangzeb
(e)None of these

(b) Humayun

(xvi) During 16th century the pioneer of efficient administration and

administrative reforms in India in considered to be:

(a) Babur
(b) Akbar
(c) Sher Shah Suri
(d) Aurangzeb
(e)None of these

(c) Sher Shah Suri

(xvii) The Suri dynasty was brought to an end by:

(a) Sher Shah Suri

(b) Humayun
(c) Jahangir
(e)None of these

(b) Humayun

(xviii) Fateh Pur Sikri was declared the capital of his kingdom by:

(a) Jehangir
(b) Akbar
(c) Aurangzeb
(d) Shah Jehan
(e)None of these

(b) Akbar

(xix) The Chain of Justice was hanged fro the convenience of people for quick
justice by:

(a) Noor Jehan

(b) Jehangir
(c) Akbar
(d) Sher Shah Suri
(e)None of these

(b) Jehangir

(xx) Taj Maha was constructed as his queen mausoleum by:

(a) Shah Jehan

(b) Jehangir
(c) Akbar
(d) Bahadur Shah Zafar
(e)None of these

(a) Shah Jehan


Solved MCQs

Q.1. Select the best option/answer and fill in the appropriate box on the
Answer Sheet. (20)

(i) British India Company was granted permission of trade with India by:

(a) Emperor Akbar

(b) Jehangir
(c) Shah Jehan
(d) Aurangzeb Alamgir
(e) None of these

(b) Jehangir

(ii) The First British Governor General of India was:

(a) Lord Dalhousie

(b) Cornwallis
(c) Clive Lloyd
(d) Warren Hastings
(e)None of these

(d) Warren Hastings

(iii) Sir Syed Ahmad Khan retired from the British service as:

(a) Judge
(b) Revenue Commissioner
(c) Principal
(d) Clerk
(e)None of these

(a) Judge
(iv) During the War of Independence England was ruled by:

(a) King James

(b) King Williams
(c) Queen Victoria
(d) Queen Elizabeth-I
(e)None of these

(c) Queen Victoria

(v) All-India National Congress was founded in:

(a) 1865
(b) 1875
(c) 1880
(d) 1885
(e)None of these

(d) 1885

(vi) The founder of All India National Congress was:

(a) Gandhi
(b) Jawaher Lal Nehru
(c) Ram Mohan Roy
(d) A.O. Hume
(e)None of these

(d) A.O. Hume

(vii) The Muslim leader who advised the Muslims not to participate in the
meetings of All-India National Congress was:

(a) Maulana Abul Kalam Azad

(b) Maulana Muhammad Ali
(c) Sir Syed Ahmad Khan
(d) Maulana Abdul Bari
(e)None of these

(c) Sir Syed Ahmad Khan

(viii) The founder of Two Nations Theory is considered to be:

(a) Sir Syed Ahmad Khan

(b) Sir Karim Agha Khan
(c) Allama Muhammad Iqbal
(d) Quaid-i-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah
(e)None of these
(a) Sir Syed Ahmad Khan

(ix) Partition of Bengal in 1905 was carried out by:

(a) Lord Cornwallis

(b) Lord Minto
(c) Lord Curzon
(d) Lord Morley
(e)None of these

(c) Lord Curzon

(x) Simla Deputation was led by:

(a) Sir Karim Agha Khan

(b) Sir Salimullah Khan
(c) Nawab Wiqar ul Mulk
(d) Nawab Mohsin ul Mulk
(e)None of these

(a) Sir Karim Agha Khan

(xi) The Muslims of Indian Sub-Continent were granted right of Separate

Electorate in:

(a) 1909
(b) 1919
(d) 1935
(e)None of these

(b) 1919

(xii) The Author of Spirit of Islam was:

(a) Sir Syed Ahmad Khan

(b) Sir Allama Muhammad Iqbal
(c) Justice Syed Ameer Ali
(d) P.K. Hiti
(e)None of these

(c) Justice Syed Ameer Ali

(xiii) During Hijrat Movement the Muslims of India migrated to:

(a) Iran
(b) Afghanistan
(c) Turkey
(d) Saudi Arabia
(e)None of these

(b) Afghanistan

(xiv) All-India National Congress participated in the:

(a) 1st Round Table Conference

(b) 2nd Round Table Conference
(c) 3rd Round Table Conference
(d) Participated in none
(e)None of these

(b) 2nd Round Table Conference

(xv) Sharif Report highlighted the atrocities of :

(a) The British Rule

(b) Congress Ministries
(c) General Dyre at Jalianwala Bagh
(d)Dogra Maharaja
(e)None of these

(b) Congress Ministries

(xvi) The First President of Pakistan was:

(a) Quaid-i-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah

(b) Ghulam Muhammad
(c) Sikandar Mirza
(d) General Ayub Khan
(e)None of these

(c) Sikandar Mirza

(xvii) The membership of Pakistan in the United Nations Organization was

opposed by:

(a) India
(b) Afghanistan
(c) Israel
(d) Soviet Union
(e)None of these

(b) Afghanistan

(xviii) The President of the 1st Constituent Assembly at the time of its
dissolution was:

(a) Liaquat Ali Khan

(b) Khawaja Nazim-ud-Din
(c) Maulvi Tamiz-ud-Din
(d) Noor ul Amin
(e)None of these

(c) Maulvi Tamiz-ud-Din

(xix) Pakistan-China boundary Dispute was settled during the government of:

(a) Quaid-i-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah

(b) Liaquat Ali Khan
(c) Ghulam Muhammad
(d) General Ayub Khan
(e)None of these

(d) General Ayub Khan

(xx) During the Tashkent Agreement the Foreign Minister of Pakistan was:

(a) Manzoor Qadir

(b) Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto
(c) Agha Shahi
(d) Aziz Ahmad
(e)None of these

(b) Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto

History of Indo-Pak (Paper-I) - 2010

Solved MCQs

1) Chachnama was originally written in:

a) Persian
b) Arabic
c) Turkish
d) Sindhi

d) Sindhi

2) First Muslim Expedition sent to India by:

a) Hazrat Umar
b) Hazrat Usman
c) Hazrat Ali
d) Hujjaj bin Yousaf

a) Hazrat Umar
3) Muhammad Bin Qasim stayed at Makran before entering Sind for:

a) 3 Months
b) 2 Months
c) 1 Month
d) 2 Weeks

c) 1 Month

4) The first Mosque in South Asia was built in:

a) Sindh
b) Bhopal
c) Baluchistan
d) Bengal

b) Bhopal

5) The Ghaznavid Rule over present day Pakistan areas lasted for:

a) 300 years
b) 250 years
c) 200 years
d) 150 years

c) 200 years

6)Ibn-Batuta travelled for:

a) 35 years
b) 28 years
c) 20 years
d) 15 years

b) 28 years

7) Sultan Qutb ud Din Aibak could rule for

a) 35 years
b) 18 years
c) 15 years
d) 5 years

d) 5 years

8) The Khilji Dynasty enjoyed India rule for:

a) 90 years
b) 70 years
c) 50 years
d) 30 years

d) 30 years

9) The Khayal System of music was founded by:

a) Amir Khusrau
b) Husain Shah Sharqi
c) Mian Tan Sain
d) Maiju Bawara

a) Amir Khusrau

10) Queen Noor Jehan was born at:

a) Delhi
b) Iran
c) Chaghi
d) Agra

b) Iran

11) In the year 1719 how many Mughal Kings sat on throne?

a) 5
b) 4
c) 2
d) 1

b) 4

12) Ahmad Shah Abdali launched his early invasions against:

a) Mughals
b) Marhattas
c) Sikhs
d) Rajputs

b) Marhattas

13) When the thrid battle of Panipat was fought?

a) 1526
b) 1757
c) 1761
d) 1764

c) 1761

14) The British fought Plassey War against:

a) Haider Ali
b) Tipu Sultan
c) Sirajiddaula
d) Marhattas

c) Sirajiddaula

15) Darsi Nizami was named after:

a) Nizamuddin Auliya
b) Nizam ul Mulk
c) Mulla Nizami
d) Nizamul Mulk Junaidi

c) Mulla Nizami

16) Maharaja Ranjit Sing ruled Punjab for:

a) 60 years
b) 50 years
c) 40 years
d) 20 years

c) 40 years

17) Karachi was occupied by the British in:

a) 1820
b) 1839
c) 1842
d) 1843

c) 1839

18) Delhi fell to the British Army in:

a) 1796
b) 1803
c) 1849
d) 1857

d) 1857

19) When the first Anglo Afghan War was fought:

a) 1813
b) 1820
c) 1839
d) 1843

c) 1839
20) Before 1857 how many universities had been established by the British:

a) 16
b) 13
c) 3
d) Not a single.

History of Indo-Pak (Paper-II) - 2010

Solved MCQs

1) Indian National Congress was established by:

a) An official of the British Government

b) A British loyalist
c) British dissident
d) A retired British official
e) None of these

d) A retired British official

2) Kabir Das of the Bhakti Movement was:

a) A Preacher
b) A Mystic
c) A Poet
d) A Warrior
e) None of these

He was a mystic, poet and saint.

3) Kashful Mahjub was written by:

a) Mujadid Alf Thani

b) Syed Ali Hajveri
c) Syed Muinuddin Ajmeri
d) Sheikh Bahauddin Zakariya
e) None of these.

b) Syed Ali Hajveri

4) The Millennial Movement was launched against:

a) The Mughals
b) The British
c) The Marhattas
d) The Muslims
e) None of these.

a) The Mughals

5) The East India Company owes its success in India to:

a) Lord Dalhousie
b) Lord Cornwallis
c) Lord Curzon
d) Warren Hastings
e) None of these.

6) Third Battle of Panipat was fought between:

a) British and the Mughals

b) British and Sikhs
c) British and Afghans
d) Afghans and the Marhattas
e) None of these.

d) Afghans and the Marhattas

7) Syed Ahmad Shaheed launched his Jihad Movement against:

a) The Christians
b) The Sikhs
c) The Hindus
d) The Hypocrites
e) None of these.

b) The Sikhs

8) The Faraidi Movement was launched in:

a) Bengal
b) Hyderabad
c) Kashmir
d) Maharashtra
e) None of these.

a) Bengal

9) Hazrat Mahal who fought during the War of Independence 1857 against the
British was:

a) Queen of Jhansi
b) Ruler of Jodhpur
c) Begum of Nizam of Hyderabad
d) Begum of Awadh
e) None of these.

d) Begum of Awadh

10)Dar uloom Deoband was founded in:

a) 1865
b) 1855
c) 1875
d) 1857
e) None of these.

e) None of these (1867)

11) Quaid e Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah got his early education from:

a) MAO college, Aligarh

b) St Patrick High School, Bombay
c) Sindh Madrassatul Islam, Karachi
d) Islamia College, Lahore
e) None of these.

c) Sindh Madrassatul Islam, Karachi

12) The Simla Deputation of 1906 was led by:

a) Muhammad Ali Jinnah

b) Nawab Salimullah Khan
c) Nawab Mohsin ul Mulk
d) Sir Agha Khan
e) None of these.

d) Sir Agha Khan

13) Delhi Muslim Proposals were presented in:

a) 1927
b) 1925
c) 1930
d) 1932
e) None of these.

a) 1927

14) One of the main points of Jinnah's 14 points was Muslim's Representation
in the central Legislature equal to:

a) Half of the members

b) 2/3rd Members
c) 1/3rd Members
d) 1/4 Members
e) none of these

c) 1/3rd Members

15) The inaugural session of Pakistan's First Constituent Assembly was chaired

a) Muhammad Ali Jinnah

b) Liaquat Ali Khan
c) Sardar Abdur Rab Nishtar
d) J.N Mandal
e) None of these

d) J.N Mandal

16) The First Chief Minister of West Pakistan Province in 1955 was:

a) Abdul Qayyum Khan

b) Dr Khan Sahib
c) Malik Feroz Khan Noon
d) Hussain Shaheed Suhrawardy
e) None of these

b) Dr Khan Sahib

17) The First Indigenous Constitution was given to Pakistan by:

a) Muhammad Ali Jinnah

b) Liaquat Ali Khan
c) Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto
d) Chodri Muhammad Ali
e) None of these.

d) Chodri Muhammad Ali

18) In Sep 1958 the Deputy Speaker was killed in the provincial assembly of:

a) Bengal
b) Punjab
d) Sindh
e) None of these

a) Bengal
19) In the 1970-71 which party got the majority seats in the National Assembly
of Pakistan:

a) Pakistan People Party

b) Pakistan Muslim League
c) Awami League
d) National Awami Party
e) None of these

c) Awami League

20) Friday was declared for the first time as an official weekly holiday by:

a) Zulfikar Ali Bhutto

b)General Zia Ul Haq
c) Nawaz Sharif
d) Benazir Bhutto
e) None of these

a) Zulfikar Ali Bhutto

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