Social Dimension Pointers
Social Dimension Pointers
Social Dimension Pointers
The Study of Schools and Social Dimensions of The discussion about schools has been the
Education favorite subject of people from different walks
of life. For example, the analysis of school and
SCHOOL-is universal, and everyone at some its role in social, economic, political, cultural,
point and in some fashion has been shaped and moral, and global life has been the interest of
influenced by it one of the best and most social philosophers, reformers, politicians,
important human inventions in this world, as it economist, policy makers, developmentalist,
continuously plays a crucial role in the lives of scholars and other professional groups. Among
many individuals ordinary people, daily conversations at home, in
work place, or in the streets often center on
SOCIAL DIMENSION OF EDUCATION -start with school problems, issues, and experiences.
the study of schools goal, which is to embrace
and celebrate the rich diversity of human beings But most often than not, discussions about
in this world, is best carried out through school school are merely grounded on daily
experiences and observations. This makes the
School as the Primary Educative Agency of discussions to be oftentimes opinionated and
Society mere conjectures. Thus there is a need to stand
back and view the school critically from the
Schoolis derived from the Greek word Skhole, outside, because personal experiences are very
which means “leisure” (Sharma, 2000) limited and may not be representative of other
schools in the larger society. There is a need to
In modern time, School may be defined as be critical with ideas and beliefs about school s
follows: through a more systematic study, no matter
how popular or “obvious” they seem to be.
“School is a special environment, where a
certain quality of life and certain types of The Interdisciplinary Analysis of Schools
activities and occupations are provided with the
object of securing the child’s development Interdisciplinary-Involving two or more
along desirable lines.” – John Dewey academic, scientific, and artistic areas of
“Schools are institutions developed by civilized -Involving two or more disciplines
man for the purpose of aiding in the
preparation of the young to be well adjusted Analysis- Detailed examination of the elements
and efficient members of the society.” – J.S. or structure of something, typically has a basis
Ross for discussion or interpretation.
“Schools are institutions, which require full-time Philosophy -looks into the deeper meaning of
attendance of specific age groups in teacher- the existence and goals of schools in the life of
supervised classrooms for the study of graded individuals and society.
curricula.” – Everett Reimer
Psychology-provides learning theories and
School is considered the most important principles as well as development stages of the
agency of education on the basis of the learners that guide effective and meaningful
following arguments: teaching and learning process.
(4) Agencies like the family and the community Social Dimension- Is one course that studies
are quite incapable to shoulder the human diversity, with the commitment of
promoting social literacy, social competence
and social efficiency to pre-service teachers and Sociology - A great deal of the study of human
teacher practitioners. behavior is under the sphere of social sciences.
Much of the widely used theories and
Human Diversity - Means understanding the researches in the course are derived from
differences and uniqueness of individuals. sociology.
It is the exploration of human differences and
heterogeneity in a safe, positive and nurturing Education is a social undertaking
Meaning of Sociology from well-known
Human diversity categorized in to two scholars
“Sociology is a branch of social science that uses
1. Physical Attributes- such as like sex, ability, systematic methods of empirical investigation
race and body qualities. and critical analysis to develop and refine a
2. Socio-Cultural Characteristics- such as body of knowledge about human social
ethnicity, class, sexual orientation, income, structure and activities.” – Anthony Giddens
educated background, work experiences, and
religious status. “Sociology is the scientific study of social
interactions and of social organization.”
SOCIAL COMPETENCE = Teaching is a work of
SOCIAL EFFICIENCY heart “Sociology is a systematic study of social life
(institutions, cultures, and behavior patterns)
SOCIAL LITERACY - is the processing of the skills created by people and in turn influencing their
to simply recognize and accept the differences behavior in a continuous interaction.”
of individuals without making value of - RICHARD SCHAEFER
judgement.Howitt et al., 2002
“Sociology is the study of human behaviors as
SOCIAL COMPETENCE - means processing the they are affected by social interactions within
social, emotional, and intellectual skills and groups, organizations, societies, and the
behavior needed to succeed as a member of planet.” - JOAN FERRANTE
society and the worldGale Group, 2009
• Sociology, as a field of discipline, is one
SOCIAL EFFICIENCY - Is the condition umbrella of social science.
characterized by valuing human diversity, • It is scientific in its investigation
developing respectful and responsible • It deals with the society’s structure
behaviors, flexibility, and adaptability of • It examines individual and group social
learners in a complex, ill-structured, and rapidly interaction or relationships on a daily
changing environment.Spiro, 1991 basis
Why Social Dimension of Education is offered Understanding the Sociological Lens to Study
to pre-teachers? Schools
The place where individuals life today is world Sociology systematically analyzes the school,
diversity. People may differ in many ways as to the community, and the relationships among
age, ethnicity, gender, religion, political beliefs, their members.
socio-economic status, sexual orientation,
gender identity and race. Sociologists observe and analyze schools,
particularly their educational practices and
Conceived as an instrument to educate ordinary activities that are not given much
individuals about human diferrences and to attention and thoughtful consideration.
address issues on human diversity that deter
the attainment of self development, cultural One cannot analyze schools without looking at
solidarity, cooperation and progress. issues in the wider society
Covers the whole field of social sciences At the micro level, sociologists are concerned
(sociology, anthropology, history, political with group interaction and phenomena inside
science, economics, and psychology) as it deals the school system.
with varrious individuals in schools, their
behavior and their existence as social creatures. Use empiricism - Gathering of facts to make
theories in order to avoid abstract speculation
Sociology as the Principal Discipline in the about the relationships they are generalizing
Study of Social Dimensions of Education
Finally, the order of society, particularly its
Saw the need for a scientific approach toward social processes, structure, and interaction is
studying structures and interactions within knowable.
society and in particular, school, as one of its The pattern and order of society can be learned
institutions - AUGUSTE COMTE or understand through scientific investigations.
As they occur repetitively, they become
Scientific method – uncover sociological identifiable and measurable. Sociologists see
phenomena that are not always so obvious these patterned and repetitive actions as the
starting point of developing concepts of social
Sociologists view that the school is an ordered facts, social forms, and social actions.
organization to which administrators, teachers, Understanding these knowable realities of
and students live. society realities of society makes sociology
grounded in a careful and disciplined manner, it
The Nature and Approach of Schooling rests an information about positive or empirical
The empirical nature and approach of sociology
are grounded on Plato’s assumptions about Education and Schooling? Are they One and
man and society. These assumptions constitute the Same?
the blueprint and cardinal truths to which
sociologists make their investigations of the To many, Education is equated with schooling.
individuals and the social behavior in the The principal reason for education to be largely
school, community, and other social settings. equated with schooling is that in 1970s
education was measured by the years of
THE PLATONIC ASSUMPTIONS, ACCORDING TO schooling and the type and level of educational
BOLENDER (2007), are as follows: credentials an individual had attained.
First, man is an organism that tends toward This concept pervaded in those years because
survival. The organic character of man (man as of 3 assumptions:
a living organism) is the starting point of all
sociological theories. The nature points that 1. Only school could meet all the learning
human beings have to satisfy their needs, from needs of individual.
the most basic biological needs to 2. Education could be achieved once and
psychological, social, cultural, spiritual and for all during the school years.
moral needs. In order to exist, human beings 3. Anyone who lacked schooling was
must fulfill these needs, lest they die. classified as uneducated
Second, man is a social animal that survives in Nonetheless today, the following provides the
groups. Human beings always live in groups distinction between the 2 terms:
because they cannot fulfill many of their needs
alone. Simply put, they are social animals by Education:
their association with others. They are
gregarious since they try to find interaction, • It is a term used to describe the
security, love, affirmation, support and knowledge and skills that individuals
feedbacks from others. Gregariousness is the acquire inside and outside educational
natural tendency of human beings to seek the institutions.
company of others for various reasons. As such, • According to Coombs (1976), education
they do not live in isolation with others. They, is learning regardless of where, when
too, live because of others and to some extent and how it occurs. This definition
they socialize with others. presupposes that one can be educated
without going to school.
Third, man lives in an ordered society that is • The education of a person is only the
developed through the social patterns that are partly result of schooling in which other
established through the rules and structure he educative agencies such as the family,
creates. The human being is part of a world that community, business, mass media play
requires a definite degree of order and control. an important part.
Without order and control, human • According to George Santayana “A child
organizations would be unattainable and the educated only at school is an
development of human being would also be uneducated child.”
impossible. While all do not conform and • The system of Education, use Intrinsic
although no one obeys completely, society has Motivation the natural desire of a man
several ways to promote compliance. to learn and improve.
• Is the sum of experiences, activities,
and processes which occurs within MACRO VIEW
educational institutions. ❖ Functional Theory
• It is the more organized form of ❖ Conflict Theory
education that takes place in school.
• Also means the number of years spent MICRO VIEW
by an individual in educating himself ❖ Interactionist Theory
within the four walls of school.
• Normally, schooling occurs when INTEGRATION OF MACRO and MICRO VIEW
teacher’s and student’s assemble ❖ Critical Theory
purposely to impart and gain
knowledge skills and values. FUNCTIONAL THEORY
• The system of schooling Extrinsic
Motivation is used as a form and Emile Durkheim (1858 – 1917) -
method to influence and make students A Jewish sociologist who developed
learn. Functionalism/ Structural Functionalism.
Four Types of Education in Modern Society - Is a system of thinking base on the idea
of Emile Durkheim.
TYPES OF EDUCATION - Looks at the society at MACRO level –in
a large scale perspective or as a whole.
1. INFORMAL EDUCATION - It examines the necessary structures
that makes up a society and how each
2. FORMAL EDUCATION part helps to keep the SOCIETY STABLE.
- It is made up of Institutions and Social
- A bunch of interconnected or
4. ALTERNATIVE LEARNING interdependent structures.
Institutions – structures that meet the needs of
INFORMAL EDUCATION - Refers to incidental the society.
learning derived from home, mass media,
peers, internet and other educative agencies Social Facts – are ways of thinking and acting
and social institutions which are not organized, forward by the society that existed before any
anticipated or expected. individual and will exist after any individual is
FORMAL EDUCATION - Refers to the education – are unseen forces that can’t be influenced by
which normally takes place within the four- an individual.
With the presence of the teachers, guided by a Functional View on the Society
set of organize activities that are intended to
transmits skills, knowledge and values.
❖ Functionalists view that all societies
have needs, like the need of progress,
Non-Formal Education - Refers to organize
justice, peace, economic sustainability,
instruction that takes place outside school
political stability and productive human
settings (eg. girl scouts, music lessons) such as
work place, factories, shops and similar venues
❖ Social Institutions need to work
meant to upgrade skills of workers.
collaboratively to support each other
and satisfy these needs.
Alternative Learning System/Education - Refers
to a learning system, which can be a practical ❖ Society is like a living organism that
options for those who do not want to be trained have autonomous, specialized,
under the formal schooling, due to various interrelated and interdependent parts.
impeding circumstances in life. Such that, in order for the organism to
move forward and survive, these parts
CHAPTER 2 must perform their certain task.
Social Solidarity – guarantees that people
occupying different roles in the society have a
fair level of importance as there is
interdependence with one another for societal
❖ Social Stability –is achieved through survival and development.
institutions playing their part. Presuppositions of Functional Theory
❖ Consensus –characterized by common
value system, agreement, consent and ► Meritocratic Society
harmony of members and groups. It ► Expert Society
holds all parts and members of the ► Democratic Society
❖ Social Problems –viewed as disruptions Meritocratic Society – where high status
that can pose danger to the social positions are achieved on the basis of the merit,
function and stability. rather than ascribed or passed on from parent
to child. Meritocracy emphasizes the equal
Functional View on School chances of everyone to obtain educational
success in the society.
❖ This states that schools have been
positioned as essential to the process of Expert Society – which depends preeminently
addressing all societal goals and on rational knowledge for economic growth and
concerns. smooth running society.
❖ The principal task of school is to ensure
Democratic Society – Functionalist believe that
that every member of the society shall
with a democratic society, people are able to
grow to become citizens and workers
move gradually toward the achievement of
that can function in ways that allow the
humane goals, social justice, acceptance of
continued survival of the society
diversity, and a more fulfilling life for all.
❖ Functionalist see the Education System
as performing positive functions for
The Role of Schools According to Functional
you, me and the whole society.
❖ School teaches the specific skills they
need for the workplace. ► Role of School is to enhance the
❖ School teaches children the necessary operation and stability society.
social skills they need for wider society ► Teach the young vital functions of the
and academic skills needed at the different institutions like family,
workplace. government, military, church, business
sector, and mass media.
Intended and Unintended Purpose of an ► Curriculum content, socialization
Institution process, as well as teaching and
learning processes are seen to be the
❖ MANIFEST FUNCTION –the intended means in promoting the value and
purpose or goals of an institution. They purpose of these institutions.
are recognized and are put in place
intentionally to help society moving CONFLICT THEORY
❖ LATENT FUNCTION –they are the Competition between groups over material
unintended consequences of the goods, opportunities, values, and meaning the
MANIFEST FUNCTION. Unintended normal condition of the society.
effects or outcomes. They could be a
POSITIVE or NEGATIVE consequences. Karl Marx(Founder of CONFLICT THEORY) -
Theorists like Karl Marx and Christopher Hurn
posit that the key to understanding social life
Key Ideas Associated with Functional Theory and human history is through CLASS STRUGGLE.
Role Differentiation – stresses that there are Class struggle is a central tenet and a practical
various roles that have to be fulfilled in a given means for effecting radical social and political
society, which may require different knowledge, changes for the social majority. (Karl Marx and
skills, or attitudes. Mikhail Bakunin’s Political and Economic
WHAT ISCLASS STRUGGLE? institutions is just part of the illusions
According to Marx and Hurn: that they advocate to hide their
CLASS STRUGGLE is brought about by personal interests. (Mooney et al.,
competition over scarce resources in the 1997)
Their focus is to analyze how social actors - Conflict theorist assert that students go
compete and how they use their power to to school to arm them with credentials
control, dominate, and exploit groups in the needed to obtain money and compete
society. to occupy various occupations and
positions in the future.
Views of CONFLICT THEORY on Education and - They contend that socio-economic
Schooling status becomes the most critical
determinant of success.
The following views are more or less critiques - They view conflict and change as
that unmasks the defects of schools as a social natural and avoidable; they are the
institutions: engine of change and development;
1. Education reinforces the cultural they are important force for progress.
mechanisms for perpetrating
oppressions and exploitation of the CONFLICT VIEW ON SCHOOL
poor and other marginalized groups in
the society; Conflict Theorists criticize schools for
2. Education promotes foreign worship using the illusion of equality to protect
instead of being an instrument to the status quo since the biggest
develop nationalism, identity, and predictor of success in school is still the
culture; parents’ socio-economic status.
3. School is a biased social institution They are skeptical on the view that the
favoring the elite, with the curriculum school is the equalizer of the society.
reinforcing oppressive structures of They contend that poor students
society; remain poor after graduation since their
4. School does not provide equal credentials, knowledge and skills could
educational opportunities but not approximate the kind of education
perpetuates the existing inequality in of the rich or middle class students who
the society; obtained education from costly, well-
5. School mirrors and reinforces the equipped, high standard, and quality
inequality and gender stereotyping in schools. This makes schools continue
the society; the existing conditions of inequality.
6. School is an arena of competition and Schools make inequality as an accepted
struggle over scarce resources like rule and standard of life by establishing
money, power, position, and honor; a customary practice that maintains it.
7. School is punitive rather than a What really happens in school is a
humanizing agency; and struggle on whose values and ideals will
8. School resembles the prison cell strictly be taught to the young and whose
enforcing policies on wearing uniforms children will obtain the most prestigious
and identification card, cutting classes, jobs.
attendance to school activities, and the Conflict Theorists believe that schools
like. sort students into different categories
according to their ability and talent.
that Society is like a jungle where the
principle of the “survival of the fittest” ✔ identify competing interests in the
applies. school system
- In their view, it is the society and its ✔ determine how those in power
instrumentalities (e.g. government, maintain their position
business, courts, mass media, school) ✔ Discuss how the rich becomes richer
that cause the corruption of the moral and the poor becomes poorer.
values of men, whom they believe are *how rich control ideas, information,
created to be inherently good. technology, and social network
- What really happens in the society is maintenance
that institutions are controlled by
groups with power. The concept of MACRO LEVEL
order that is stressed by these
Identify conflicting relationships and The stick used by the teachers for
competing roles between public and private instance, is symbolic of their power and
schools/ rural and urban schools authority.
Similarly dropping the names of the
university president,principal, and school
authorities to demand compliance and to
persuade other members of the academic
MICRO LEVEL community reveals the strength of their
Analyze relationships between principal- power and authority.
faculty, faculty-students, faculty-parents
(on how they manipulate school structures Symbolic languages , such as non-verbal
and processes to push own personal agenda communication (body languages) are used
in education) during interactions in school.