EY IoT and Manufacturing 2020 Will-The-Next-Transformation-In-Manufacturing-Be-Led-By-Digital (26642)

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Will the next

in manufacturing
be led by digital?
Status of digitization and
smart factory in India
March 2020
Digital Manufacturing in India

Table of

Digital Manufacturing in India

Foreword 05

Survey methodology 06

Executive summary 08

Manufacturing landscape in India 12

Evolution of Digital Manufacturing 14

Global shift: an industry perspective

Readiness of Indian manufacturing sector
Shaping the future of India

EY’s Digital Manufacturing Survey results 18

View from the industry 30

Adopting Industry 4.0- Vishnu Bhavaraju,
Director – Industry Solutions, Microsoft India

Conclusion and recommendations 38

Digital Manufacturing at EY 40

EY contacts 44
Digital Manufacturing in India
Digital Manufacturing in India


Ashish Nanda
Partner and Leader
Supply Chain Advisory Services, EY India

Technology plays a critical role in today’s world and companies are gaining competitive
Smart Factory: way forward

advantage by leveraging on emerging technologies to improve their cost, quality and

speed to market. Internet and smartphones dominate people’s decision-making skills, as
they base their routines, and big decisions on the information they access on the web.
While our personal life is changing rapidly, the same has not permeated into our
workspace. The shop floor is lagging tremendously in the adoption of automation and
new technologies for recording, analyzing and managing work processes. In general,
paper-based log sheets, memos and approvals are still prevalent on the shop floor.
Processes such as data gathering, analysis and actioning are also largely paper- and
judgment-based, devoid of smart technologies.
At the micro or shop floor level, manufacturing systems are a complex lot with a
vast footprint of machines and people. To remain cost-competitive where world-class
quality products are available on the click of a button, there is a need to radically
improve operations in large, medium and small organizations. According to EY’s Digital
Manufacturing Survey 2019, a fair number of manufacturing companies believe in the
concept of Smart Factory but seem to be uncertain about the investments and benefits
they can reap in the short- and the medium-term.
While many companies have ongoing proofs of concept, a full-fledged Smart Factory
requires a clear-cut strategy and a well-defined roadmap to be successful in the
marketplace. Currently, factories are characterized by fragmented systems, such as,
planning and scheduling, point solutions, and disjointed enterprise resource planning
(ERPs) solutions. They, in turn, create islands of data with little alignment between
operational excellence and IT applications, and involve the use of lots of spreadsheets
and manual data entries with no real-time information visualization for operators. In
addition, they mostly have manual paper-based quality management systems (QMS). In
such a set-up, it becomes difficult to develop insights into operations and take the right
decisions to improve performance.
We are now at a point where reliable data is available on the back of the advances in
machine technology and integration of information technology (IT) and operations
technology (OT). The advancements in analytical techniques based on statistical
modelling and Machine Learning algorithms can help in analyzing the large amount of
data and develop actionable insights to target higher levels of performance on the shop
floor. With all these advances the future of a factory is likely to change drastically.
Therefore, companies need to understand the power of Digital Manufacturing and
work with the right set of partners to create an infrastructure that lasts in long term
to reap the benefits. There is a need for top managements across all manufacturing
organizations to act quickly and start their digital journeys by adapting the changing
trends. This would help them match their steps with their competitors who are a part of
the technological revolution that is taking place across the world.
Digital Manufacturing in India

Digital Manufacturing in India

Survey methodology
The report, Will the next transformation in manufacturing be led by digital?, studies the evolution of the
manufacturing industry in India and gauges how government initiatives and technologies are helping reshape the
manufacturing setup in the country. The report also tries to capture the points of view of industry leaders in the
manufacturing sector, analyzes their key investment priorities, challenges and technological readiness. It outlines
how digital manufacturing can enable the creation of sustainable and digitally-empowered organizations.The
report incorporates first-hand perspective of the leaders of major manufacturing firms in India as part of a primary
survey conducted by EY India. The findings are combined with extensive secondary research and analysis for a
comprehensive perspective.

Respondents’ profiles: During the primary research, EY interacted with approximately 50 leaders of large
manufacturing organizations, including the COOs, CTOs/CIOs, and chiefs of manufacturing, quality and operational
excellence, in the pharmaceutical and healthcare, automotive, consumer goods, industrial manufacturing and
chemical sectors.
Digital Manufacturing in India


Digital Manufacturing in India

The global manufacturing industry is at the cusp of a paradigm shift led by advanced technologies in manufacturing
processes. Firms in developed nations are increasingly focusing on becoming more digital with the deployment of
intelligent technologies to concentrate on producing smart products. In emerging markets too, companies have also
started leveraging advanced technologies by using operational excellence techniques to remain competitive.
The Indian manufacturing industry is beginning to explore new advancements in technology, such as data and analytics,
Internet of Things (IoT), Robotics, and three-dimensional (3D) printing to drive changes for the benefit of their businesses.
The merger of the physical and the digital world has enabled real-time visibility and control of manufacturing units across
the value chain and has opened a new set of opportunities and challenges.
Within India, many medium and large companies have initiated proofs of concept (PoCs) across multiple domains including,
energy, maintenance, dash-boarding, optimization, and analytics. However, these developments are still in their nascent
stages and there is a lot to achieve. The Indian manufacturing sector continues to remain apprehensive about the benefits
of embarking on an end-to-end digital journey.
The industry is uncertain about what constitutes a Smart Factory. Leaders in the manufacturing space have varied
interpretations and concepts on what the future holds for them. For Smart Factory to be a widespread success, there is a
need for entities to have a consistent vision on the concept and for the ongoing PoCs to deliver promised results.

Manufacturing in India: miles to meet its potential

According to World Bank, India emerged as the world’s sixth-largest1 economy in 2017. India’s manufacturing sector
only accounts for 18.3% of the country’s GDP as compared to 29% in China, 21% in Germany, 28% in South Korea and
20% in Indonesia. However, the sector has come a long way since independence2. The government has tried to develop
manufacturing through Industrial Policy Resolutions (1956, 1977, 1980, 1991) and Five-Year Plans. The National
Manufacturing Policy outlines a vision to make India a manufacturing hub and is supported by other flagship schemes such
as Make in India’, Skill India and Startup India. The Government of India (GoI) has also recognized the unmet potential of
India’s manufacturing prowess and has set an ambitious target of increasing contribution of the manufacturing sector from
the current level of 16% to 25% of GDP by 20223.

State of Digital Manufacturing in India

Digitization continues to transform manufacturing processes around the world through transformational technologies such
as IoT, Artificial Intelligence, Additive Manufacturing and Advanced Robotics. These technologies help companies achieve
efficiency and productivity gains and drive quality improvement and customizations. The adoption of digital technologies in
India is still in its infancy, considering manufacturers have started leveraging these technological advancements recently.
EY’s Digital Manufacturing – India survey reflects the views of industry leaders from the country’s manufacturing sector on
recent technological advancements and their adoption. These views refer to digital manufacturing strategy, its readiness,
key challenges and benefits.
The survey highlights that a significant proportion of manufacturing organizations in India do not have a well-defined
strategy or a prescribed budget on digitization and have a limited understanding on the subject. These organizations also
face various challenges including a lack of integration of hardware, software and data infrastructure, digital systems and
decision intelligence capabilities. Due to their limited awareness, most firms are still unclear about the economic benefits
and impact that they can achieve through targeted investments.

Bloomberg Quint, https://www.bloombergquint.com/global-economics/india-overtakes-france-as-worlds-sixth-largest-economy-world-bank#gs.2hazuc, 11th June 2018
The World Bank report, https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/nv.ind.manf.zs?end=2017&start=2017&view=map
India Brand Equity Foundation, https://www.ibef.org/industry/manufacturing-sector-india.aspx, December 2018
Digital Manufacturing in India

Recognizing the importance of digital manufacturing, some Indian firms have started enhancing their digital infrastructure
and have upskilled their workforce. According to EY’s survey, organizations feel that digital manufacturing would provide
benefits such as improvement in overall monitoring and measuring of key performance indicators (KPIs). It would also allow
tracking and tracing of products across the value chain and lead to better quality products. However, the Indian industry
has taken baby steps in transforming the shop floor. Digital manufacturing presents a huge opportunity for firms to adopt
innovative and emerging technologies, and leap frog to a different level of maturity and enable them to be recognized
amongst the best in the world.
Some Indian industries in the past have leveraged technological innovations to catch up and even surpass similar industries
in the developed world. Digital manufacturing may well be that lever that can propel Indian manufacturers into a higher
orbit of operational performance.
Digital Manufacturing in India
Digital Manufacturing in India

landscape in

Digital Manufacturing in India

The current state and road ahead

The manufacturing sector in India has come a long way since independence and has been instrumental in driving economic
growth through productive employment, reduction of import bills, and contribution to the country’s GDP. Adoption of Five-
Year Plans, abolition of industrial licensing, price controls and the virtual elimination of monopoly law has led to the gradual
evolution of the manufacturing sector in India over the past decades.
Keeping in mind the manufacturing sector’s potential, the Government of India has envisioned its prominent role in the
coming years as outlined in the National Manufacturing Policy (NMP).

National Manufacturing Policy revolves around six key

objectives4: Key facts
• Increase growth of the manufacturing sector to 12%-
14% over the medium term to make it the engine of
growth for the economy.
• Increase the rate of job creation in manufacturing to
create 100 million additional jobs by 2022. US$75 US$100
• Create appropriate skill sets among rural migrants and billion million
urban poor for inclusive growth.
• Increase domestic value addition and technological
depth of manufacturing.
• Enhance global competitiveness of the Indian FDI investment in Potential employment
manufacturing sector through appropriate policy manufacturing sector in opportunities in
support. last 10 years manufacturing sector 2022
• Ensure sustainability of growth, particularly with
regards to the environment, including energy
Source: Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation,
efficiency, optimal utilization of natural resources and Central Statistics Office, press releases
restoration of damaged/degraded ecosystems.

In line with the goals outlined under the NMP, the Government of India has also introduced initiatives such as
1) Make in India 2) Startup India 3) Skill India.

Key initiatives by Government of India

Launched in 2014; focusses on 25 sectors in Indian economy. Development of five industrial

corridors. The government plans to build 8 smart cities, 5 power projects, 2 airports, 2 Mass Rapid
Transportation Systems (MRTS) and 2 logistics hubs in the corridor. Creation of special cells, i.e.,
“Japan Plus” and “Korea Plus” for fast-track processing of proposals and investment facilitation.

Launched in 2015 to train ~400 million people in various vocational and technical training. Set up of
National Skill Development Agency (NSDA), National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC), National
Skill Development Fund (NSDF) and 38 Sector Skill Councils. As of November 2018, ~36.22 lakhs
candidates have been enrolled under Pradhan Mantri Kausal Vikas Yojana.

Campaign launched in January 16 with an intent to build a strong ecosystem for start-up
businesses in India directed at new start-ups to avail regulatory and tax benefits, capital gains tax
exemption and access to government funding. Government has set aside an economic stimulus in
the form a INR 10,000 crore fund of funds managed by Small Industries Development Bank of
India (SIDBI), with the goal of increasing funding opportunities.

Source: MakeinIndia webpage, Skill India webpage, Hindu business line, Jan’19, Startup India webpage

Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion website, http://dipp.nic.in/sites/default/files/po-ann4.pdf accessed on 4 November 2011
Digital Manufacturing in India

of Digital

Digital Manufacturing in India

The global shift: an industry perspective

Smart factories can add US$500 billion5 in value in the next three years
Historically, the shop floor has been changing through the introduction of new technologies to speed up manufac-
turing of products. Most companies have been leveraging automation, workflow, transactional systems (ERP) and
bespoke applications to run various processes. These companies have also been pursuing operational excellence
programs to continually improve their shop floor practices and performance. However, these efforts are no longer
delivering the expected changes at the required scale. To remain competitive, manufacturing companies need to
accelerate the pace of innovation and change their smart technology toolkits. Manufacturers, today, need accurate
and timely data to manage their performance effectively. An integration of real-time operational data of operations,
machines, materials, and operators plays an important role in gathering required insights and taking the right deci-
sions to improve performance. This integration also results in the better use of production capacity, ensure on-time
delivery, tighter cost control and optimized labor productivity.

Globally, manufacturing is undergoing a transformation due to the promise of Industry 4.0-related innovations. As
the fourth industrial revolution gathers momentum across the globe, industry leaders across the public and private
sectors are confronted with a new set of opportunities and challenges. These efficiencies and challenges are around
production, growth and sustainability. Rising competition, increasing cost pressures and the need for eliminating
losses are forcing manufacturers to explore advanced computing capabilities. There is a need to have an environ-
ment that facilitates interconnectivity between critical components, monitoring of the entire ecosystem and optimi-
zation of decisions based on data from the monitoring system. The adoption of emerging technologies from Industry
4.0 promises the linkage of end-to-end value chains (including those of suppliers and customers) and unlocking new
data-driven business models.

This convergence of digital technologies and cognitive computing techniques are key enablers of the fourth industrial
revolution, which is characterized by digitally-enabled smart factories. It is expected that smart factories will poten-
tially add US$500 billion5 in value to the global economy by 2022. Global automakers, manufacturing conglomer-
ates and others have already started ramping up their manufacturing functions by deploying advanced technologies.
A Smart Factory is defined by the co-existence of cyber-physical systems that enable ease of monitoring, experimen-
tation, automation, and faster/accurate decision-making.

Readiness of Indian manufacturing sector

As per the World Economic Forum’s report on “Readiness for the Future of Production 2018”, India ranked 30th among
100 countries on readiness, thereby indicating a strong structure of production. However, the country was clustered in a
legacy group, which is a group of countries considered weak in performance across drivers of production. India benefits
from the growing domestic market supported by a large middle class, increasing global demand for domestic products,
increasing foreign direct investment and non-restrictive trade policies. However, there is scope for improvement in
implementing transformative emerging technologies. Manufacturing in India also needs an interconnected ecosystem by
developing a skilled workforce that can operate in a digital world.

What is Smart Factory?

Smart Factory is an interconnected shop-floor ecosystem that runs the plant by optimizing machine, materials, manpower,
process, ambient and transactional data to achieve flawless performance on a real-time basis. It is powered by emerging
technologies – IoT, Artificial Intelligence, 3D printing, Robotics, Advanced Analytics, Machine Vision, and Augmented Reality.
Digital Manufacturing in India

Shaping the future of digital technologies in India

Cost economics and competitiveness in manufacturing are fundamentally changing the way business is done. With an
empowered consumer base now dictating supply and demand, increasing level of product customization, accelerated time
to market pressures, rising global competition and the continual rise of the internet and mobile economies, manufacturers
are able to make real-time decisions by leveraging data and information.
Digital Manufacturing in India

Factors driving digital manufacturing in India

Predictive maintenance
Focus on continuous monitoring of machines and equipment to ensure continued
operations while reducing unplanned downtime and redundant costs.

Production optimization Connected supply chain

To improve efficiency, manufacturing The traditional linear model of the supply
units are utilizing production time chain is disappearing. Digital ecosystem is
optimally and reducing waste from replacing the linear model by fostering
delays in process change activities. collaboration and the ability to securely
Digital share and exploit information between
manufacturing partners, suppliers and customers.
Connected customers
Customers are connected to the industry Reduced energy consumption
via social networks, and customer Industry 4.0 connects physical products
interactions and data analytics will drive and digital interfaces while reducing energy
mass customizations of product line. costs and drives firms towards low carbon
and sustainable future.

Lower price of sensors and high computing needs

India has an additional advantage of producing low cost sensors which makes it
easy for firms to deploy them in their journey towards digital transformation.

Source: EY analysis
Digital Manufacturing in India

Survey results

Digital Manufacturing in India

EY conducted a comprehensive survey of industry leaders and this section presents its findings. The findings highlight the
understanding, preparedness, status, expectations on benefits, and key technologies from a Smart Factory initiative. We
present the findings that may be useful for manufacturing companies to model their digital manufacturing strategy and

4.1 Digital strategy

Indian firms in the manufacturing sector are gradually starting their digital transformation journey. Companies are
implementing various PoCs for achieving a more agile, flexible and interconnected manufacturing process. However,
businesses are facing challenges while scaling up the PoCs and in some cases, it has not yielded desired results. A principal
reason for this inability lies in the absence of a well-thought-out digital manufacturing strategy with a holistic view on
business needs, digital maturity, long-term infrastructure creation, interconnectivity, feasibility of sensor installations,
workforce capabilities, financial benefits, cyber risks, and change management.
An analysis based on the responses of representatives from companies presents a mixed picture regarding adoption of
Digital Manufacturing in the industry. Very few of our survey respondents highlighted that they have well-defined strategy
and a specific budget for digital manufacturing.

Does your company have a Digital Manufacturing strategy?

17% 60% 20% 3%

We have not started We have some idea We have a clear cut We have a clear cut
thinking about Digital but not a clear cut strategy and a strategy, budgetary
Manufacturing strategy defined budget allocation and
implementation is
in progress
Source: EY Digital Manufacturing India Survey 2019.

To successfully implement a Smart Factory initiative and address the issues that businesses face today, it is necessary to
have an integrated strategy that identifies key functions, specific areas and technologies. Companies often start with a
comprehensive assessment of its digital maturity across the manufacturing value chain. The outcome of this exercise is
a clearly defined roadmap for various initiatives. It also lays down the phasing of initiatives depending upon the possible
benefits, complexity of solutions, probability of success, and opportunities for scaling-up. The roadmap also defines key
strategic elements related to technology such as, platforms, inter-connectivity, solutions, and protocols which form the
basis of a successful Digital Manufacturing initiative.
Digital Manufacturing in India

4.2 Augmentation of technology

For Digital Manufacturing to be effective, it is important for companies to augment their infrastructure (hardware,
software, connectivity, analytics). These companies also require an appetite for multi-disciplinary transformation
programs. While technology is the backbone of Digital Manufacturing, its integration with operations is critical to achieve
the desired improvements in performance. Adoption of advanced manufacturing techniques are likely to enable Indian
manufacturers to remain cost competitive and gain a competitive edge globally. The changing global and Indian scenario
is making it crucial for the industry players to consider leapfrogging technological levels.
Our survey results show that most Indian manufacturing firms still lack advancements in their hardware and software
capabilities. Only 29% of firms indicate that they have appropriate hardware and software infrastructure with data capture
and monitoring capabilities. Most firms surveyed did not have an intelligent hardware and software in place.

Digital Manufacturing requires significant augmentation of technology

infrastructure in terms of hardware and software, how prepared is your company
in this aspect?

9% 63% 20% 9%

Not prepared: no Somewhat prepared: Prepared to a good Prepared to a large

investment in hardware infrastructure extend: hardware extend: intelligent
technology with basic software in with appropriate hardware and software
infrastructure place for data capture software for data infrastructure which
and process monitoring monitoring connects different

Source: EY Digital Manufacturing India Survey 2019.

Despite the lack of technological advancements, Indian firms showcase a strong willingness to adapt and manage the
change for technology infusion. Based on the survey results, only 29% of organizations are in the process of enhancing
their digital infrastructure and upskilling their workforce. Some firms have already taken a lead in Digital Manufacturing
Digital Manufacturing in India

4.3 Changes in ways of working

While the focus during a transformation is largely on technology, companies need to address change management
related aspects as well. Usually, technology interventions alter the ways of working and create a truly digital environment
focusing on the shop floor and making it a transformational experience within factory premises.
The survey also indicates that companies realize that digital would alter the ways of working in the future. Therefore,
most of the industry players are starting to augment their technology infrastructure and preparing their workforce for the
digital world.

Successful Digital Manufacturing would require altered ways of working in the

near future. What is the state of your organization's ability to adapt and manage
the change for a big technology intervention?

11% 29% 49% 11%

Not prepared: Limited: low levels of Developing: in-process Developed: digital

integrating challenges technology adoption to enhance digital systems across
of technology in and untrained infrastructure (hardware processes with limited
manufacturing and workforce and software) and their decision-making
unskilled workforce workforce by providing intelligence and trained
them training workforce

Source: EY Digital Manufacturing India Survey 2019.

Digital Manufacturing promises to substantially alter the shop floor by creating a paper-less environment. It has the
ability to take vast amount of information and can work on smart device. They can help decision-makers engage in faster
decision-making by understanding advanced analytics and IT systems.
In a Digital Manufacturing environment, companies would need to define what information is available to whom and
corresponding actions required from recipients of information. In a Digital Manufacturing environment, there will be
distinction between machine-specific tasks and analytical tasks, such as collection of data, analysis developing insights
and taking decisions. Normally analytical tasks would be done by supervisors, shift in-charge and sectional heads.
Therefore, white-collared workers would become adept at analysis and optimization whereas blue-collared workers would
be more focused on the execution.
Digital Manufacturing in India

4.4 Technologies that would help the companies in digital manufacturing

In the digital world, there is an abundance of new and emerging technologies that companies are adopting. Different
functions within an enterprise devote efforts to understanding which technology or combination of technologies are best
suited to bring about the desired changes. With the advent of IoT and the promise it holds, there is a higher adoption of
sensors and connected devices in machine to machine communication. This has resulted in a massive increase of data
generation in a manufacturing plant.
Our survey indicates that a combination of IoT, Big Data and Predictive Analytics are capturing the attention of
manufacturers. There is a belief that collecting the right data through additional sensors and using advanced analytics
would help in improving performance.

In what technologies would you like to invest in in the next one or two years
(based on the ranking, with rank 1 being the most important) to transform your
current manufacturing process?

Big Data and

Predictive Analytics 66%

Sensors and IIoT 63%

Platforms 33%

Robotic Process

Artificial Intelligence/
Machine Learning 31%

Rank 1 2 3 4 5

Source: EY Digital Manufacturing India Survey 2019.

*Kindly note, the ranking is based on weighted response rate. IIOT refers to Industrial Internet of Things

There are plenty of use cases in different industries that have used advanced sensors for additional data collection and
Big Data Analytics to achieve multiple objectives. They include, yield and quality improvement, condition based predictive
maintenance, throughput enhancement, analyzing product failures, and product design. Auto, auto-components,
consumer goods, life sciences, oil and gas, industrial products, chemicals and heavy engineering are some industries that
are taking the lead in Digital Manufacturing.
Digital Manufacturing in India

4.5 Factors driving Digital Manufacturing

The concept of connected factories and digital technologies help in addressing some of the fundamental challenges
associated with a legacy factory. These include lower than potential output leading to lost revenues, higher capital and
operating costs, higher inventories, lower utilization of manpower, and lower yields and quality. The reasons for these
inefficiencies are rooted in frequent breakdown of equipment, unaccounted minor/micro stoppages, lower running speed
due to asset deterioration, forecasting inaccuracy, smaller batch sizes leading to numerous changeovers, and archaic
processes. Digital Manufacturing holds huge potential to uplift operational efficiencies in all aspects of the manufacturing
function be it traditional (automotive, electrical, industrial goods) or high-end (miniaturization, printed electronics,
precision engineering, aviation, aerospace) industries.
As per our survey findings, companies indicate that the largest benefits of the digital revolution would be through overall
monitoring and measuring KPIs, track and trace and quality improvement. Optimization of processes and predictive
maintenance are perhaps at the early stages of evolution.

What areas do you think would your company benefit the most while adopting
Digital Manufacturing (based on the ranking*)?

Overall monitoring and

visualization of KPIs 62%

Track and trace the product

across the value chain 54%

Improving the quality -

reduce rejection and rework 53%

Optimization in the process

using additional sensors 40%

Preventive and predictive

maintenance 26%

Rank 1 2 3 4 5

Source: EY Digital Manufacturing India Survey 2019.

*Kindly note, the ranking is based on weighted response rate.

Globally, the manufacturing industry is at the center of a digital transformation and is seeking to exploit, disruptive
information technologies, such as Cloud, Big Data, Artificial Intelligence and Internet of Things. While the most popular
manufacturing technologies focus on monitoring, visualization, track and trace, and easy implementation, there are
bigger potential benefits with process optimization and preventive and predictive maintenance. Although the technology
is tough to implement, International Data Corporation (IDC) data highlights that 62% of global manufacturing businesses
are looking to digitally transform through process optimization.
Digital Manufacturing in India

4.6 Roadblocks in adopting digital on the shop floor

Digital is transforming the work environment rapidly and the levels of performance that were unimaginable before. Fully-
connected factories are set to make a mark across sectors in the near future. However, widespread adoption of Digital
Manufacturing would pose a multitude of challenges.
Our survey reinforces the tough task ahead and the numerous challenges that the industry perceives will likely hinder
adoption of Digital Manufacturing. While unclear, economic benefits and cybersecurity concerns appear as primary
reasons behind low adoption. There seems to be a clear co-relation between the success of digital initiatives and top
management’s understanding and commitment to these initiatives.

Identify the key challenges and risks associated in adopting Digital Manufacturing.

Unclear economic benefits from

digital investments 66%
Deficiency in people's skills on
technologies, analytics, 46%
cybersecurity, etc.

Lack of understanding of the

impact of digital manufacturing 43%
Insufficient technology
infrastructure in terms of 31%
hardware and software

Risks associated with data privacy

and information security 20%

Lack of a clear vision and

leadership support 11%

Source: EY Digital Manufacturing India Survey 2019

A typical shop floor in India is beset with lot of archaic practices and old ways of performing work. The intricacies associated
with manufacturing, highest number of employees, a vast number of contractual workers, and low academic qualifications
of workers makes the environment of an Indian shop floor challenging. Besides that, multiple plants spread geographically
in remote areas, ageing machines and lack of basic automation pose challenges. In such an environment, transforming the
shop floor using digital technologies may be challenging. Most manufacturing companies in India have adopted a wait-and-
watch approach. Only a few are convinced about taking up a holistic Smart Factory initiative.
Digital Manufacturing in India

4.7 Technology integration

The manufacturing function is usually complex within an organization. In such a scenario, even technology integration
poses a huge challenge with a multitude of systems and protocols. Decisions makers in a factory find it difficult to visualize
relevant metrics in one place.
Not surprisingly, most organizations in our survey have asserted that they have either somewhat or low maturity around
integration of digital systems across functions. This emerges as a challenge for the adoption of Digital Manufacturing.

What is the level of integration available for IT hardware, software and data
architecture in your organization to realize gains from Digital Manufacturing?

14% 14% Low maturity: No integration across

functions and limited data capturing abilities
Somewhat: No integration across digital
systems across functions. However, data
is being gathered extensively and is
being analyzed

Medium maturity: Integrated systems

35% with monitoring abilities
High maturity: Integrated systems
with analytical capabilities

Integration between OT and IT is clearly low in a typical Indian factory environment. This integration is likely to be
foundational for Digital Manufacturing to succeed. Usually, machines from varied manufacturers and eras would have
very different protocols. As a result, accessing, collecting and analyzing data, would require huge efforts for system
integration. In an environment where economic returns from Digital Manufacturing are not well-established, companies
are reluctant to spend for technology integration.
Digital Manufacturing in India

4.8 Operational Excellence

Operational Excellence (Opex) is a dependable and reliable execution of business strategy that enhances performance.
It is characterized by a culture of continuous improvement in every sphere of operations, and integrates various
frameworks – Lean, Six Sigma, Total Productive Maintenance (TPM), Kaizen, 5S, and Total Quality Management (TQM).
A strong Operational Excellence initiative ensures stable, repeatable and consistent processes. Analyzing collected data
leads to actionable insights only if processes are inherently stable. This, digital initiatives would be successful only if an
organization has mastered execution. While many organizations understand the significance of adopting these, very few
of them have succeeded in the long-term implementation of operational excellence practices.
Leaders in our survey have indicated that either they have a strong Operational Excellence team or have started building
the same. Thirty seven percent of the organizations are leveraging a dedicated excellence team to drive Operational
Excellence programs in their organizations.

Digital manufacturing is built on a sound culture of Operational Excellence (OE)/

Continuous Improvement (CI)/World-Class Manufacturing (WCM). Does your
company use structured problem-solving frameworks?

3% We have started building a small Excellence team

We have a strong Excellence team that drives

37% improvements on the shop-floor

We do not have a dedicated Excellence team to

drive improvements

46% We have discontinued our dedicated Excellence team

Source: EY Digital Manufacturing India Survey 2019.

Having a strong excellence program would be vital for success in Digital Manufacturing. Analytical models need stability
of inputs and processes to predict outcomes. Autonomous systems can only work in a precise and predictable world.
Companies need to give sufficient attention to Operational Excellence initiatives while embarking on a digital journey.
Digital Manufacturing in India

4.9 Digitizing Operational Excellence programs

Building and retaining a sound culture of improvement and transformation requires a rigorous approach using
structured problem-solving frameworks. Opex programs, over the years, have suffered due to lack of skills. It is due
to the dependence on inadequate skills that has led to an inability to standardize, scale up and sustain benefits. Often
the Operational Excellence team comprises of people with different capabilities and varied work experiences. While the
toolkit is vast, the knowledge for application of these skills usually lies with people in the Operational Excellence team.
Improvement journeys are mostly driven by a few members of the team resulting in slower implementation and inability to
replicate them in other parts of the business.
Manufacturing organizations realize this and have struggled to leverage technology to enhance their Operational
Excellence programs.
The survey responses show that manufacturing entities are beginning to embrace digital applications for some aspects of
Operations Excellence programs. These applications mainly drive trainings and project management.

Does your organization have any digitized means to support, manage and run
Operational Excellence programs?

We do not have any formal Excellence program

We use digital means for some aspects of our

Excellence program

51% Our Excellence team drives trainings, project

selection, project management and
assessments through conventional means

Source: EY Digital Manufacturing India Survey 2019.

It is essential to have integrated digital applications to assist Operational Excellence teams. Within Operational Excellence,
companies have tried to enable technology for only some aspects, such as, trainings and program management. Of
late, digitized cloud-based intelligent tools to organize various Operational Excellence techniques and practices through
maturity-based models are available. These tools also assess current state on various parameters, guide improvement
journeys, quantify practice maturity and track KPIs. Digital platforms are likely to simplify and enhance the improvement
journey through standardization and categorize the vast toolkit as per needs and stages of an improvement journey. A
good digital platform may help significantly reduce dependence on a central team of experts and may act as a “virtual
coach” to enable employees to adopt a continuous improvement culture.
Digital Manufacturing in India

4.10 Potential benefits of Digital Manufacturing

It becomes imperative for companies to adopt digital solutions which are relevant to their context, are scalable, and
deliver value. Companies need to understand how the technology will evolve and how they can integrate it with their
current operations to stay competitive. More than half of the organizations surveyed indicate that they are open to
investing in Smart Factory/Digital Manufacturing technologies. They are interested in technologies that are relevant
in the near future, as they are easy to integrate and can be implemented while ensuring that they break-even on their
investment in a short-term.
There is cautious optimism within the manufacturing community on the benefits of the implementation of Smart Factory.
Most manufacturers believe that break-even on investments would take about two to three years and almost half of the
organizations (45%) surveyed forecast the benefits to be above 10%.

What timeline do you foresee to break-even on Smart Factory/Digital

Manufacturing investment?


1-2 years
31% 2-3 years
>3 years


Source: EY Digital Manufacturing India Survey 2019.

What benefits can Digital Manufacturing bring to your operations set up within a
horizon of two to three years in terms of cost rationalization (COGS)?


26% Upto 5%
28% 10%-20%
9% >30%


Source: EY Digital Manufacturing India Survey 2019.

Digital Manufacturing in India

In our view, Digital Manufacturing is a big lever to improve efficiency and effectiveness within the shop floor. Globally,
companies who have implemented full-scale digital solutions within manufacturing have reaped returns between 20%-30%.
However, there is a need to implement such solutions prudently after understanding the pros and cons. While there are
quantifiable benefits to be achieved from the implementation of Smart Factory, there are plenty of qualitative benefits that
could boost the operations indirectly. These benefits include reduction in wait time, improved visibility across the chain,
capability building across the hierarchy and functions, and faster decision-making.
Though Digital Manufacturing is in its early days of implementation, it is expected that once Smart Factory gets embedded
within the industry, data collected would enable stakeholders to make the right decisions and enable improvements in
performance significantly.

4.11 Focus on building a cohesive ecosystem

Digital interventions work best with end-to-end visibility of data across the entire chain as there may be inefficiencies in-
between various handovers. While lack of visibility and communication break-downs are common, duplications of activities
between vendors and customers also exist.
Our survey shows concern among industry leaders over the maturity of the ecosystems that these industry leaders are
operating. As many as 46% of the executives surveyed have highlighted that their ecosystem either has very limited
maturity. 34% are not prepared for a Digital Manufacturing journey. Traditional suppliers of raw material, machines and
others may face challenges in keeping up with ever-shifting trends. This may be due to their unpreparedness to adopt new
technological advancements and scale of investments.

Digital Manufacturing would also require maturity of the entire ecosystem

including suppliers (raw material, machines, spares, technology, etc.). How
prepared is your organization's ecosystem to adopt Digital Manufacturing?

17% Not prepared at all
Limited: we have started on preparing our eco-system
to adopt digitalization
Developing: we have a clear roadmap to develop our
suppliers to support the digitalization journey
Mature: we have actively worked with our suppliers and
vendor to support our digital agenda

Source: EY Digital Manufacturing India Survey 2019.

Digital systems, with their improved computing capabilities, are able to process large amounts of data and show real-time
status of raw materials, work in process and finished goods. This provide better forecasting, planning and execution. All
this is leading to a collaborative environment. Apart from a supplier-customer interlinking, even vendors associated with
capital goods and other accessories are accessing real-time data of their equipment installed at customer premises and
giving vital insights on the performance of machines. This, in turn, aids them to optimize the next set of machines and
provide information to manufacturers on how to operate and maintain their machines for maximum efficiency.
Digital Manufacturing in India

View from
the industry

Digital Manufacturing in India

This section presents views from senior leaders in the Indian manufacturing industry on how Digital Manufacturing will
shape the future.

" Digital Manufacturing is going to be the future for all manufacturing-oriented

businesses due to increased customer centricity and personalized experience delivery
ecosystems. These have been shaping rapidly owing to a robust integration of plants
with the front-end and back-end value chains to drive competitiveness in both niche
and large-scale manufacturing. This has become possible due to the advent of fully-
automated plants such as, robotic workforce, three-dimensional and smart printing,
smart shop-floor management, and process automation via Machine Learning. Further,
promising developments in digitization such as, Machine Learning, Augmented Reality,
and Virtual Reality will take the future of manufacturing to the next level.
V Ram, COO, V-Guard Industries

" Today Digital Manufacturing technologies are being used for just dash-boarding and
improving controls for the top management. Bigger benefits can be achieved if we use
these technologies for simplifying and de-stressing life at the shop floor. Judicious
use of emerging technologies to make a day in the life of an operator simpler would
enable them to focus on value-added activities. While you must have a Ferrari if you
want to win Formula 1, having a Ferrari alone will not ensure that you win the race.
To obtain the right impact, it is therefore imperative to integrate operator experience
with the best automation and digital solutions.
Prashant Sharma, President, Group Manufacturing and Operations, Zydus Cadila

" Publishing a newspaper and delivering at the customers’ doorstep is a complex

process requiring integration of creative and scientific aspects. Today’s reader gets
a 100 pages full-color, highest quality paper without fail every morning. Pages
are processed within minutes and multiple variants are printed in thousands of
copies with micro-level precision. Such consistency is possible only by leveraging
automation and emerging digital techniques to optimize every link in the
manufacturing value chain.
Snehasis Roy, Vice President (Technical), Times Group

" Digitizing the value chain is one of the top priorities of the operations-strategy
agenda in manufacturing companies. The key is to ensure seamless integration of
connectivity, intelligence and automation along with skill-building to achieve impact
and cultural transformation to sustain it. Progressive organizations are moving from
piloting of point solutions to delivering sustainable impact.
Jason Gonsalves, Senior VP, Corporate Planning, IT, Materials and HR, Kansai
Nerolac Paints Ltd.
Digital Manufacturing in India

" Digital Manufacturing is helping in improving productivity and reducing cost by shortening
life cycles, increasing energy efficiency, and in utilization of resources.
COO, Large Biotech Company

While Smart Factory seems to be focusing on backend operations, in reality, it seems to be
focused on customer centricity as it improves the reliability of processes and systems.
Practice Lead, Digital Manufacturing – Metals and Mining at a large IT company

" A company needs to work on technologies to empower its people, who work at the
shop floors, with tools to enable them to avoid human errors.
President, Manufacturing at a large life sciences company
Digital Manufacturing in India

"Smart manufacturing, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning are expected to improve
processes and in future, they may lead to personalized treatment for patients.
Industry leader at a large industrial automation company

The fundamental problem lies in the lack of availability of expertise across emerging
technologies along with the fear of implementing a system based on these
technologies that manufacturing entities do not understand fully.
Vice President, Global Industry Federation
Digital Manufacturing in India

Industry 4.0

Vishnu Bhavaraju
Director – Industry Solutions,
Manufacturing, Microsoft India

Digital Manufacturing in India

Q.1 How can businesses in India capitalize on the factory of the future?
How can the workforce be ready for it?
Factory-of-the-future brings end-to-end visibility within reach. By connecting existing assets and equipment across global
locations, manufactures can generate live performance data without disrupting their productions. With this information, a
business can gain insights into what is contributing to performance variation among factories, that can be used to optimize
performance across all sites. Today shop floor data is all over the place – manufacturing execution system (MES) may push
some data into enterprise resource planning (ERP); production, quality and utilization data is in shift logs (mostly papers)
and so on. Monitoring key metrics and decision-making suffers in such situations. Factory-of-the-future creates a real-time
feedback loop empowering plant personnel to manage and optimize operations in real-time.
This kind of insights-based real-time operations management requires a very new data culture. We are talking about data
and insights which were not considered to be the real-world scenario earlier. This requires awareness and imagination.
Whether someone is in production operations or maintenance operations, or is a plant head or an operator, everyone
should be made aware about the new possibilities with such insights. Roadshows and envisioning sessions like Microsoft
Future Decoded provide the opportunity for the workforce to see the factory-of-the-future technologies in live action.

Q.2 What are the key steps that a manufacturing organization must take in its
digital transformation journey?
Earlier, data was generated only when a business did a transaction with a customer or a supplier. Today data is generated
from every dimension. When someone posts a picture of their car on their Facebook, data is generated. When someone
starts driving their car, data is generated. Even when a robotic arm on an assembly line consumes energy, data gets
generated. The data from customers, products, people, and equipment creates the intelligence required to build
transformed experiences and it is those experiences that further provide data to refine interactions. We call this the digital
feedback loop. The digital transformation journey of a manufacturing company starts with discovering digital interventions
required in their customer life cycle, production cycle, and supply chain cycle. Once digital interventions are identified,
the organization must leverage digital technologies to implement those interventions, integrate data from these digital
applications and leverage the insights to further refine the digital interventions in a continuous process.

Q.3 What role can emerging technologies like Artificial Intelligence (AI), analytics
and Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) play to transform manufacturing in an
Technologies like Internet of Things (IoT) and Edge Computing enable data gathering in the physical world, close to
the customers, people, products and equipment. Blockchain helps companies create seamless supply chains. Digital
technologies, like these, help manufacturing companies quickly deploy digital interventions for enhancing their customer
experiences, optimizing operations, empowering employees and transforming their products.
Analytics and Artificial Intelligence (AI), combined with customer relationship management (CRM), help complete the digital
feedback loop. AI and Analytics can monitor and predict product quality and performance, customer experience, reliability
and efficiency of equipment, and safety of people.

Q.4 Can you share some insights on ways to accelerate innovation in Digital
Rapidly changing customer behavior, dynamic markets and evolving industry structures make the future uncertain. Today
we cannot just extrapolate the past into the future. The future today is discontinuous, disruptive and different. Today’s
winning strategy is about creating the future. It requires rapid innovation that is not simply about technology, but requires
business leaders to reinvent their core, re-imagine their future and embrace a different way of bringing together people,
data and processes to create the future. This requires organizations to advance from running businesses on systems-of-
record to innovating businesses using the systems of intelligence. By embracing the systems of intelligence, organizations
can squeeze the concept-to-commercialization lifecycle.
Digital Manufacturing in India

Q.5 In your view, how successful are Indian manufacturing firms in adopting
Digital Manufacturing viz.-à-viz. companies in the developed and emerging
markets. And what challenges do you see can the Indian manufacturing industry
face while adopting Industry 4.0?
The adoption of Industry 4.0 in India is still in early stages. There are a few companies who have tasted its success. Others
are either taking a wait-and-watch approach or are approaching this concept very cautiously by taking low-risk small-scale
steps. Those who have adopted Industry 4.0 at scale are already moving ahead and have adopted advanced technologies
like AI in their manufacturing operations. These companies have seen significant improvements in efficiencies and are now
on the path towards innovating their business models.
Then why others are not adopting Industry 4.0?
Today, the cost of sensors has come down to less than 1% of what it was 10 years ago. Similarly, the cost of industrial
robots, drones, and three-dimensional printers have also reduced drastically. So, cost is not the factor. Today, India is
emerging as a hub of Industry 4.0 startups. So, it is not the availability of talent or solutions. The cloud world has made
the best use of Industry 4.0 technologies that are available, which signifies the availability of technologies. The following
graphic on a seven-stage process could help us pin down the biggest challenge in adoption of Industry 4.0 in India.
Typically, when an organization considers an Industry 4.0 initiative, the view they take is up to Stage-3 (Seeing – what is
happening). Just the “visibility” into operations does not justify investments and the initiative goes to the backburner or
gets scaled down. Manufacturing organizations, business consultants and technology companies should work together to
envision the future stages of the complete digital feedback loop to drive adoption of Industry 4.0.
Manufacturing in India

Digital Transformation for Industrial IoT

Products that�
How can never break
an�autonomous� “New business�
response� be models”
What will “Self-optimizing”
Why is it prepared”
What is “Understanding” “Pay-as-you
happening? -go”,
How to Outcome-
Connect? Long-Term based
Time-Series Storage, Digital Products
What Data? “Plugging in” /Historical AI Models, Feedback
“Defining Tags” Telemetry Data, Machine Loops,
Dashboards Hierachical Learning Method Calls
PLCs/IPCs Edge Gateways Data Modelling
Computerization Connectivity Visibility Transparency Predictions Adaptability Services

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Source: Microsoft point of view on IoT
Digital Manufacturing in India

Conclusion and

Digital Manufacturing in India

The study provides an insightful reflection of the awareness, readiness and status of implementation of Digital
Manufacturing in India. It is apparent that manufacturing leaders have started exploring the adoption of
Digital Manufacturing in their organizations. Some of them even have a strategy and a budget ready for Digital
Manufacturing initiatives. However, lack of clarity on the economic benefits of the investments required to integrate
hardware, software and technology infrastructure with digital systems and decision intelligence capabilities is acting
as a roadblock for these organizations to move towards the adoption of Digital Manufacturing.
Industry leaders are employing emerging technologies to improve the monitoring of process performance through
measurement and visualization of KPIs, performance tracking, throughput enhancement and quality improvement.
However, there seems to be a wait and watch approach and a majority of leaders are waiting to confirm the success/
failures of the existing PoCs before getting convinced about the adoption of emerging technologies such as AI, 3D
printing, Machine Vision, and Augmented Reality at scale.
We believe that in an evolving world of well-connected consumers, systems and processes with tremendous ease in
accessing information, manufacturing organizations are expected to be proactive, agile, flexible and adaptive. In order
to meet these expectations, companies can leverage Industry 4.0 technologies to enable them to:

• Have real-time, on-demand information and visibility across the production chain
• Apply advanced analytics capabilities to refine process and production techniques
• Facilitate end-to-end integration with suppliers, channels, business partners and customers
• Gain agility in manufacturing processes like implementing new products, cutting down cycle and waiting times,
changeovers, and feedback loops
• Reduce wastages (rejects, reworks, idle time, excess inventories) and be cost efficient

While some organizations have indicated their understanding towards the significance of structured problem-solving
frameworks, Manufacturing Excellence Programs are not placed at a strategic level and have been diluted over the
years into tactical initiatives. There have been issues concerning the scalability, standardization and sustenance
of these programs. But today, cloud-based digital tools provide an opportunity to organizations to not only revive
Operational Excellence initiatives but also to put them back on the strategic agenda of a firm.
It is therefore essential for all the companies, be it small, medium or large, to embark on the journey of implementing
Smart Factory to remain competitive and achieve global success. It is also essential to remain in the race with
competitors and attain a world-class status.
The time to act is now and as a first leg of the journey, it is important for companies to identify and onboard the right
talent and collaborate with the right partners who could provide them with a platform, hardware, sensors, and an
application. The need of the hour is to quickly formulate their Digital Manufacturing strategy that takes cognizance
of specific needs and utilize data as the central asset. While having the right strategy is only a beginning, a clear
roadmap defining the functions and combination of technologies would help companies to move forward.
Losses on the shop floor are enormous and most performance gaps are hidden. In the last few years, the
manufacturing sector has adopted various techniques to identify and reduce these losses. However, now we are
at a point where older methods are not moving the needle significantly and emerging technologies are considered
probable to enable companies to move towards zero losses.
Digital Manufacturing in India

at EY

Digital Manufacturing in India

EY India has a holistic point of view on how organizations can transform to Digital Manufacturing and reap handsome
financial benefits from it. As a unique approach, there are some differentiated assets such as, a digital Operational
Excellence platform (EY Catalyst), and our suite of smart apps that digitize several work processes related to
maintenance, energy management, quality, and material flow on the shop floor. All these assets are over and above
the IoT-based solutions EY offers and can provide companies with a complete system that augments their existing

EY Smart Factory

EY’s Smart Factory suite of assets is a four-box approach that relies on the foundation of a world-class manufacturing
excellence system (Box 1). Through a people-centered digital platform (Box 2) and powered by execution applications
(Box 3), EY Smart Factory embeds manufacturing excellence by arming the shop floor with dynamic predictive Data
Analytics, Virtual Reality and Artificial Intelligence to deliver unprecedented performance. Finally, our IoT-based
specific solutions (Box 4) can propel organizations towards a full-fledged digital journey.

Three challenges leaders need to find a solution to: Typical client benefits realised

Sustainable operational excellence • US$60m COGS

(OpEx) improvement: saving in two years
US$ 30b
Provide consistent capability and • MTBF up 50%
1 standard work practices on every line and
Company A
• Number of stops
in every plant across the manufacturing down 60%
network to unlock value

Speed and scale of performance uplift: transformation: • US$200m savings
Provide leaders and teams with the Breakthrough • One year payback
US$ 20b
2 methods and resources to achieve speed
and scale of performance improvement
performance Company B

OEE* up 14pts
6m production
improvement a� nd
program deployment competitive stops eliminated

Digital transformation return on

• US$120m savings
• 15% CapEx reduction
3 Facilitate a competitive future for the
organization while simultaneously
US$ 16b
Company C
• OEE* up 18pts
• 10% increase in
delivering value

*OEE = overall equipment effectiveness

Make smarter
Make the people …Make the
20 – 40% decisions and drive 3–5
smarter… equipment smarter
Yield improvement smarter actions Points
improvement in OEE

Production System Catalyst Smart Catalyst Smart Daily Catalyst Smart

Integrated standard way Deployment Management Process Optimization
10 – 30% 1 of working for 2 Digital coach to build and 3 Digital standard work 4 Harnessing disruptive 95%
Reduction in waste sustainable operational sustain capability and processes driving technology to help Over on time in full
excellence help empower people execution excellence deliver value

Smart Maintenance

2 – 3% Smart Quality Zero

Savings in cost of Accelerator

Smart Energy Safety incidents

goods sold during deployment
Smart Materials
Digital strategy and transformation management

Source: EY Smart Factory thought capital

Digital Manufacturing in India

EY Catalyst: an industry leading cloud-based platform

EY Catalyst digitizes a company’s Operational Excellence initiative and significantly enhances the performance
improvement programs of the companies in supply chain and manufacturing. It allows companies to access an extensive
Intellectual Property (IP) database that contains tens of thousands of supply chain and manufacturing operational
capabilities in multiple languages that has been in use for more than 20 years in major companies across Europe, the US,
Latin America, Asia-Pacific and Australia. This allows companies to tap into a rich repository of leading practices, including
self-assessments, custom-built Operational Excellence journey maps, training tools and analytics capabilities, at any time
to help them plan, manage and monitor their operational improvements. EY Catalyst brings these Operational Excellence
tools directly to the shop floor through mobile apps that empowers companies to put Operational Excellence in the palms
of their employees.
Digital Manufacturing in India
Digital Manufacturing
Digital Manufacturing
in India in India
EY contacts

Neville M Dumasia
Rohan Sachdev India Leader
Leader Advanced Manufacturing, Mobility
Advisory Services and Infrastructure, Advisory Services
[email protected] [email protected]

Farokh Balsara
Paresh Vaish
Partner & National Director,
Consumer Products & Health Markets Leader
Services Performance Improvement
[email protected] [email protected]

Ashit Saxena
Ashish Nanda
Associate Partner
Partner and Leader Performance Improvement,
Supply Chain Advisory Services Advisory Services
[email protected] [email protected]

Anirban Mukherjee
Associate Partner
Vinayak Vipul
Performance Improvement, Director, Performance Improvement
Advisory Services Advisory Services
[email protected] [email protected]
Digital Manufacturing in India

Key contributors

Ashit Saxena
Associate Partner
Performance Improvement,
Advisory Services
[email protected]

Ritesh Kumar
Senior Manager
Performance Improvement
Advisory Services
[email protected]

Tavleen Singh
Senior Consultant
Performance Improvement
Advisory Services
[email protected]

Gaurav Sharma
Assistant Director, EY Knowledge
[email protected]

Shweta Verma
Supervising Associate, EY Knowledge
[email protected]

Sayan Banerjee
Senior Manager
Brand, Marketing & Communications
[email protected]
Digital Manufacturing in India
Digital Manufacturing in India

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