How To Audit Business Continuity Programs

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How to Audit Business Continuity Programs

By Dan Swanson, KnowledgeLeader contributing writer

Ensuring that an organization can recover from disaster is a basic business requirement the board should
explore regularly with management. Nowadays, leading organizations are taking this requirement and
turning it into a strategic advantage. Namely, investments in operational resiliency are assisting
organizations to become more responsive to client needs as well as improving operational reliability,
quality and efficiency. It’s an effort you should consider.

As organizations face increasingly complex business and operational environments, functions such as
information security and business continuity keep evolving; indeed, they need to keep evolving. Today,
successful information security and business continuity programs (BCPs) both address the technical
issues involved and strive to support the organization’s efforts to improve and sustain an adequate level
of operational resiliency. Operational resiliency efforts tackle operational risk by identifying potential
operational problems and improving the processes and systems used; that is how operational problems
are reduced over the longer term.


Internal audits of information security, BCP and disaster recovery DR programs are highly recommended.
The board and management need assurance regarding the effectiveness of those preparedness efforts,
and they also need assurance that the company is building a more efficient and effective ongoing
The following priorities are generally worth considering when scoping an audit of business continuity
 Overall program governance: How is operational resiliency being encouraged? Is the program
given appropriate strategic direction and investment? (That is, does the organization place
sufficient emphasis on operational improvement?) Are suitable sponsors and stakeholders
involved, representing all critical parts of the organization? Do they take sufficient interest in the
program, demonstrating their support through involvement and action? Most importantly, who is
accountable for program success or failure?
 Ongoing program management: A critical success factor in every BCP and DR effort is the way
in which the programs are planned and driven, ensuring that they meet objectives despite the
company’s inevitable competing priorities. Does program management balance consideration of
the many conflicting priorities managers face with the critical need that corporate resiliency efforts
be appropriate? This is not a once-a-year exercise anymore; being prepared is an ongoing, day-
in and day-out effort. More frequent testing is becoming the ―norm.‖
 Management of system or process changes: The evaluation of operational resiliency inevitably
results in system and process improvement. Is change management handled effectively to
provide the best assurance that improvement results are beneficial and that operational reliability
is occurring?
An independent assessment of the BCP and DR programs by internal audit can provide objective
feedback that helps ensure the programs are adequate to prevent a business failure. Think about it: have
your DR and BCP efforts kept pace with today’s new challenges and expanding requirements? You
should have an answer to that question, because your board is increasingly likely to ask. Depending on
the organization and its business environment, an annual formal assessment could be a good practice.
Exactly how internal audit departments should interact with BCP and DR programs varies widely among
companies. With the right approach, audit can deliver real value to the board and executive management
by objectively assessing whether the program provides effective coverage to protect the organization
from harm when a significant disaster occurs.
An audit of the BCP and DR program can take many forms. At its simplest, auditors can conduct a quick
―BCP/DR health check,‖ reviewing the plans and interviewing key stakeholders. At its most complex, the
audit team can analyze almost every aspect of the program, evaluate the risk-based planning, observe
BCP/DR tests, assess the completeness of the business impact analysis (BIA), and so forth.
The type and the extent of auditing performed depends on the risks involved, management’s assurance
requirements and the availability of appropriate audit resources. External specialist resources may be
useful on different occasions. The auditors might participate as formal observers in mock drills or review
the program’s documentation and assess its comprehensiveness and completeness. Your audit options
are numerous.
Internal auditors normally will review what has been planned and achieved against management’s
expectations and in comparison to generally accepted best practices in the field. This is where audit
objectivity comes to the fore; the auditors have a legitimate purpose to assess whether management’s
expectations are reasonable and sufficient, given the level of risk to the organization and in relation to
other similar organizations.
The following advice covers the main phases of any audit: scoping, planning, fieldwork, analysis and
reporting. BCP and DR programs, however, come in many shapes and sizes, so clearly the specific
details of any given audit will vary according to the situation.


As with any audit, defining the goals and objectives for a review of the BCP and DR programs is the
auditor’s first task. Providing an objective and comprehensive assessment of the organization’s BCP and
DR programs, to management and the board, is likely the overriding audit goal that should be worked
towards. Scoping is best conducted on the basis of a rational assessment of the associated risks. The
following aspects are generally worth considering when scoping a BCP and DR audit:
 Overall Program Governance: How are the programs managed? Are they given appropriate
strategic direction and investment? (That is, does the organization place sufficient emphasis on
BCP and DR?) Are suitable sponsors and stakeholders involved, representing all critical parts of
the organization? Do they take sufficient interest in the programs, demonstrating their support
through involvement and action? And most importantly, who is accountable for the success or
failure? Periodically revisiting overall program governance can be very productive since things
change over time, particularly as businesses are acquired or aspects of the company are
 Ongoing Program Management: A critical success factor in every BCP and DR effort is the way
the programs are planned and driven to ensure that they meet objectives despite the
organization’s inevitable competing priorities. Does program management balance consideration
of the many conflicting priorities managers face with the critical need that corporate resiliency
efforts be appropriate? This is not a once-a-year exercise anymore; being prepared is an
ongoing, day-in and day-out effort. Is the level of testing completed annually appropriate to the
program’s complexity and importance? (Finding out how well you’ll do during an actual disaster is
a very poor strategy.)
 Definition and Accuracy of the BCP and DR Objectives: Have the programs’ requirements
been clearly and fully defined by management? Has a comprehensive business-impact analysis
been completed? Is it regularly updated?
 Coverage of the BCP and DR Plans: Have all the critical business processes been identified
and suitable plans prepared? Do the plans take sufficient account of the need to maintain or
recover the supporting infrastructure (IT servers and networks, for example)? Are the plans
reasonably ―tidy‖ or are they cluttered with non-essential processes, systems and activities? Are
significant outsourced activities adequately covered? Do they need validation as well? Are plans
current with respect to the hardware and software the organization has in place?
 Management of Any System or Process Changes: Inevitably, changes will be required to
implement BCP and DR arrangements. Is change management managed effectively to provide
the best assurance that changes are tracked and addressed within the live and DR
environments? In addition, the frequency of change to an organization’s technologies continues
to increase, and therefore changes to the BCP and DR programs are ongoing.
 Robustness of the BCP and DR Testing Processes: Program managers need to demonstrate
the organization’s preparedness, build management confidence, and most importantly,
strengthen the organization’s BCP and DR capabilities. Is ―people participation‖ identified,
approved and tracked to provide the best assurance that the drills and tests are actually attended,
and that those results meet your BCP and DR objectives? Remember, it’s not a matter of ―if.‖
Today it’s more a matter of when and perhaps how large a scope is involved.
 Plan Maintenance: How is the change management process that keeps the plans up to date
governed, even as the organization changes? Are roles and responsibilities allocated within the
organization for developing, testing, and maintaining BCP and DR plans? Organizations must
design DR and BCP capabilities into their new solutions and technologies; they cannot be added
on just before production implementation.
 BCP and DR Procedures: Consider the procedures and associated training, guidelines, and so
forth to make managers and staff familiar with the process to follow in a disaster.
In addition to defining what aspects fall within the audit’s scope, equally important is that management
and the board clarify any aspects that are out of the scope—particularly any important considerations
that, for one reason or another, are not going to be covered at this time (e.g., perhaps because they will
be audited separately).
In closing, many ask what audit tests could be performed. An audit of a BCP and DR program could
include some or even all of the following (and likely more):
 Interviewing key stakeholders and participants in the program
 Reviewing business case, planning and IT-related documents
 More- or less-detailed reviewing of individual BCP and DR plans, checking that they are
complete, accurate and up to date — for example, testing a sample of the contact details for key
players to confirm whether their phone numbers are correct
 Looking for defined recovery times and whether there is evidence that they can be met
 Examining training materials, procedures, guidelines, etc., plus any management
communications regarding BCP and DR situations that might occur and what employees should
 Reviewing testing plans and the results of any tests already conducted
 Evaluating relevant employee preparedness and familiarity with procedures
 Reviewing impact of new regulation on plans
 Reviewing contractor and service provider ―readiness‖ efforts

Companies that want to implement a culture of continuous improvement should focus on improving the
operational resiliency of key systems and processes. Internal audit should help reinforce this goal by
periodically, and perhaps even annually, evaluating both the entire enterprises and the individual
business units’ efforts to address operational risk by enhancing operational processes and systems.

Building a highly resilient organization takes a long-term view and a persistent investment of
management’s time and resources, and leading organizations are now doing this.

What is your organization doing to improve – and audit – your business continuity efforts?

Article from Protiviti KnowledgeLeader –

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over 20 countries, we have served more than 35 percent of FORTUNE® 1000 and Global 500 companies.
We also work with smaller, growing companies, including those looking to go public, as well as with
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Protiviti is a wholly owned subsidiary of Robert Half International Inc. (NYSE: RHI). Founded in 1948,
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