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Package Number:
State : Telangana
Sl.No. Name of Name of the Type of Proposed length in Cost No. of Cost of Cost of Total Average Cost
Block Road Proposa km of CD CD other estimated in lakhs per km
l Pave Works works Works lakhs

From To N/U BT CC Total Rs Nos Rs Rs Rs Rs

Const Maint Const Mainte












*N-New Connectivity U-Up gradation U

Prepared By: Signature: K.Anilkumar

Name: Asst.Engineer

Checked By: Signature: M.Narender Reddy

Name: Dy.Executive Engineer

Technical Scrutinized

Done By: Signature;

STA: Signature:
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( For Indvidual Road Works )
To be filled by PIU.

1 Location :- State: Telangana District : RANGAREDDY Block MAHESWARAM

2 Package No:-

3 Name of the Road: From: Maheswaram To: Pulimamidi

4 Length (Km) - 8.000 In Built up area - 0.825 In Open Area - 7.175

5 Type of proposal : Upgradation/Riding Quality Improvement/Both Upgradation

If portion of the proposed road is existing PMGSY road than indiacte NO
Name of the road : L/T No.

Year of sanction under PMGSY Year of completion Design Traffic ( CVPD/ ESAL)

Whether road deteriorated due non maintenance Yes NA

6 Estimated Cost Rs : 481.00 Lakhs cost per km 60.13 Lakhs

Total Cost Average Cost

Name of Item in Rs. per Km.in
21400259 26.75
Flexible Pavement
4664457 5.83
Rigid Pavement
Others ( CD Works, Protective works & Misc items) 16902200 21.13
GST & LWF 5133084 6.42
48100000 60.13
Total project cost
MoRD Share 288.60 36.08

State Share 192.40 24.05

7 Is the road a part of DRRP and Approved CUCPL YES/NO YES

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a) If yes, what are the Trace map rankings of the components of the Component
Road Name
Trace Map
candidate road? Number Rank
Road.1 L65 RF Maheswaram to Puli Mamidi 1



b) If Yes , Through Route/ MRL No. T- 02 OR MRL-

c) Name of the Habitation Benifited Name of Habitation Population Score

Maheswarm 8795 204.41
Banjar(T) 189 4.39
Pulimamidi 1821 42.32
Bachupally 1289 29.96
Dannaram 1122 26.08
Davudguda(T) 547 12.71
Gangaram(T) 482 11.20
Jaitwaram 1107 25.73
Jaitwaram maktha 391 9.09
Kavalonibai(T) 248 5.76
Mylarbai(T) 318 7.39

TOTAL 16309 379.04

d) Utility value = Total weight/ Length of road 47.38

f) Whether the proposed road leads to RR MDR MH SH

g) Average PCI of the road to which proposed TR or MRL will be connected 5.00
h) Average PCI value of proposed road 2.00
i) If PCI of MDR / SH / NH is 3 or below , whether the State's undertaking Yes YES
for simultaneouly upgrading it from State fund is avaible No
j) Age of the proposed road 20
Page 4 of 154

k) Existing surface of proposed road Earthen/WBM

l) Cummalative maintenance expenditure in last three years( in lacs)
m) Whether the road proposed using new technologies Yes NO
If Yes, Name of the technology proposed:-

8 a) Whether the Proposed Road has the desired carriage way width,Roadway width and Road Land
Width (RLW )
b) Indicate the actual widths of the following for the proposed road In the Built Up Area In the Open
(m) Area (m)
i) Carriageway 3.75 m 3.75
ii) Roadway 6.00 m 7.50
iii) Road Land 7.50 m 12.00

INDEX MAP (not to scale ) : Attached saperately

Enroute Habitations Name / Chainage

Maheswarm Banjar(T) CD1 Pulimamidi


3.37 3.90 8.00

H1, H2, H3 – Habitations

CD1, CD2 – Cross Drainage Works

9 Name of Road : Providing BT on R/F Maheswaram To Pulimamidi

Cross Section details

a) Cross Section of The Existing road showing different component layers.

Page 5 of 154

Item Thickness
7.50 m WBM 50mm

3.75 m

11.100 m
Ch 0 to 8km

b) Cross Section of The Proposed road showing different component layers

(Should be as per Actual Provisions of DPR) Item Thickness
WMM 150 mm Thick GSB 175
SDBC 25mm /OGPC 20mm /BC 30mmn 9.00 m WMM 125
1.50 m width Gravel shoulders

2:1 2:1
5.50 m

13.00 m
Ch 0 to 8km

10 Base year traffic volume count at 0.00km

Month & Year of Traffic Volume Count =
Motorised Traffic Non Motorised Traffic
Days Cars,Jeep, Motorised Cycles Cycle Rickshawa Animal Drawn
Vans,Three two Wheelers Vechicle
Buses Trucks LCV Agricultural Tractors Wheelers
L U L U L U L U SWC Num.

Day 1 4.00 4.00 8.00 8.00 12.00 12.00 17.00 17.00 34.00 68.00 43.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Day 2 4.00 4.00 8.00 8.00 12.00 12.00 17.00 17.00 34.00 68.00 43.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Day 3 4.00 4.00 8.00 8.00 12.00 12.00 17.00 17.00 34.00 68.00 43.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7
Average 4.00 4.00 8.00 8.00 12.00 12.00 17.00 17.00 34.00 68.00 43.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Page 6 of 154

Note:- 3 days traffic count is required in case design is done using IRC SP:72-2015 and 7 day count required in case design is done with IRC 37:2018
11 Growth rate adopted (%) = 6
Projected CVPD 69.34
Traffic Details in case degisn is done as per SP IRC 72:2015 count at 0.00km
ADT in the year of Traffic Count = 241
Base Year Traffic AADT (T) = 338

Design Life in years = 10

Number of Harvesting Seasons = 2
No. of Days in Each Harvesting Season (t) = 75
Value of (n) assumed = 1

Motorized 184
Non-Motorized 43
Total 227

Cumulative ESAL = 296296

Traffic Category = 6

Traffic Details in case degisn is done as per IRC 37 :2012 count at 0.00km
A= Intitial traffic in the year of completion of construction in terms of the number of commericial vehicles per day 67.24

D= Lane distribution factor 0.75

F= Vehicle damage factor 1.50

n= Design life in years 10

r= growth rate adopted % 7.50%

N= The cumulative number of standard axles to be catered for the design in terms of msa 0.39

CVPD 69.34

12 Subgrade CBR ( for Different Sections ) =

Chainage in km
From To CBR(%):

0.00 To 0.60 7.00

0.60 To 4.00 7.00

Page 7 of 154

4.00 To 6.30 4.00

6.30 To 6.48 7.00

6.48 To 7.78 7.00

7.78 To 8.00 7.00

8.00 To 8.00 9.00

8.00 To 8.00 9.00

8.00 To 8.00 6.00

8.00 To 8.00 6.00

8.00 To 8.00 6.00

8.00 To 8.00 6.00

8.00 To 8.00 6.00

8.00 To 8.00 6.00

8.00 To 8.00 6.00

8.00 To 8.00 6.00

8.00 To 8.00 6.00

8.00 To 8.00 6.00

8.00 To 8.00 6.00

0.00 To 0.00 0.00

13 Cost Details
A. Clearing and Grubbing Cost in Rs. 73600
B. Pavement Components
Description of layer Thickness in mm Quantity Rate Rs Per Cost Rs.

Earth Work - in Excavation/ Cutting 6608.54 92.91 cum 614024

Earthwork- in Filling (Embankment) 4405.70 204.33 cum 900217
Subgrade (if provided seperately)-CT Sub Grade 3277.50 307.61 cum 1008191

Shoulders (If not considered in the Earthwork) 150 3397.50 314.06 cum 1067004
Page 8 of 154

Granular Sub base (GSB) - Table 400.1 0 1083.04 2014.49 cum 2181774
Granular Sub base (CTGSB) - Table 400.1 100 350.00 2024.92 cum 708722
Soil + Aggregate Mix 0

WBM Gr -II 75 0.000000 2484.70 cum 0.000
WBM Gr -III 75 0.000000 2590.71 cum 0.000
CRM 150 825.00 3157.21 cum 2604698
WMM ( if designed by IRC 37/SP72-2015) 150 2457.19 2285.10 cum 5614917
CT Base(WMM) 125 437.50 2478.25 cum 1084233
C. Bituminous Layers
Prime Coat 21993.75 45.58 sqm 1002430
Tack Coat 21993.75 10.01 sqm 220085
BM /DBM ( if designed by IRC 37) 13.59 7426.47 cum 100889
SDBC/BC ( SDBC if designed by IRC 37) 25 0.00 8062.16 cum 0
BC 30mm thick 30 1122.12 8236.11 9241874
OGPC 20 0.00 148.58 sqm 0
Seal Coat 0.00 48.44 sqm 0
Surface Dressing sqm

Total cost of Flexible pavement 26349057

D. Cement Concrete Road

Design done with IRCSP 62:2014 IRC 58-2011
Quantity of Concrete Pavement 200 718.13 6495.33 cum 4664457
Total Cost of Concrete Pavement 4664457
E. CD Works

i Existing CD ( requiring repair)

No. of Existing CD Works: 7 No.s
Do they require any improvement YES / NO NO
If Yes, cost of improvement( Replaced with new 900 mm dia NP3 HP pipe culverts) 0
No. of proposed CD Works with Classification
PC, SC, BC, MB, CW, Major Bridge etc
PC- Pipe Culvert, SC- Slab Culvert, BC- Box Culvert, MB- Minor Bridge, CW- Causeway
ii New proposed CD ( including Complete replacement of existing CDs) Type Cost
Proposed HLB @ 5.80km 0 No.s 0
Construction of 1 vent 1,000 mm dia NP4 Class RCC Pipe Culvert @km- 2 No.s 605534
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Construction of 2 vents 1,000 mm dia NP 4 Class RCC Pipe Culvert @km- 3 No.s 1356138

Construction of 3 vents 900 mm dia NP 4 Class RCC Pipe Culvert @km- 0 No.s 0

Construction of 4 vents 1,000 mm dia NP 4 Class RCC Pipe Culvert @km- 3 No.s 2327349

Construction of 10 vents 900 mm dia NP 4 Class RCC Pipe Culvert 0 No.s 0

Total Cost of CD works 4289021

F. Protection works
Retaining wall
Breast wall
Toe wall
Pitching for slopes
Total cost of protection works 0
Chainage Length (m) Cost in Rs
G. Pucca Side Drains (if Provided)
From To

0.000001 0.6 599.999

7.775 8 225
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
Total 824.999 6668243

Total cost of side drains works 6668243

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H. Road Logo, other Road Furniture

Shines (Furniture) Cost(Rs Lakhs) 471380
Road furniture 149260
Cost in Rs 620640
Any other Provisions (Please Specify)
Scaryfying Grannular surface 0
WBM profile correction 0
Scaryfying BT surface 110685
DPR charges 1% 160000
Cost of laying of Foundation/ Inauguration functions 0
1% Labour cess 0
U/I like GST,NAC,QC 5164296
TOTAL 5434981
Total Cost of the Project (Rs) 48099999

I. Five Year Routine Maintenance Year Cost in Rs % of Const.


I 355730 0.74%
II 464482 0.97%
III 587795 1.22%
IV 703674 1.46%
V 812733 1.69%
TOTAL 2924414 6.08%
Renewal coat after 5 years 13594289
Total Maintenance Cost Grand Total 16518703

14 Whether the road has Geometrics as per Rural Roads Manual (RRM) YES / NO

15 Whether CD works / Protection works are provided as per RRM YES / NO

16 Does the Estimation Conform to Standard Rate Analysis and SSR generated for the current Phase YES / NO
Page 11 of 154

17 Sources and the Lead distances of Materials are as under

Material Source Lead in km

17 Certified that information provided is true

Prepared By Verified By Checked By Technical Scrutiny at STA done by:


K.Anilkumar M.Narender Reddy SureshChandra Reddy R.HanmanthRao

Asst.Engineer(PR) Dy.Executive Engineer Executive Engineer Superintending Engineer
Page 12 of 154

To be filled by STA

Name of the STA: Dr.M.Kumar,Ph.D (IIT: Bombay) , Principal ,Osmania University, Hyderabad

Name of Road : Providing BT on R/F Maheswaram To Pulimamidi

18 Is the Proposed Road entered on the OMMAS under PMGSY III proposal module: YES / NO

19 If the proposal is for new connectivity YES / NO

a) Have you satisfied yourself that the proposed road is a part of DRRP YES / NO
b) Are you satisfied that the proposed road is significantly more beneficial to the
public than the roads with higher trace maps rank in the same block?

20 Are you satisfied with the following

a) Engineering Surveys YES / NO
b) Soil / Material Investigation YES / NO
c) Traffic Surveys / Estimation YES / NO
d) Hydraulic Studies YES / NO
21 a) In case , Traffic is projected beyond T 7 Category and road designed using IRC
37 are you satisfied with the reason given by PIU
b) Whether 3rd party Traffic verification / Axle load Surveys carried out on such

roads designed with more than 1 MSA traffic and carriageway width of 5.5 m
22 In case, sub grade CBR is less than 5 , has Soil Stabilisation etc. been proposed YES / NO YES
23 Is the design of the following elements as per Rural Roads Manul / Circulars of
a) Alignment & Geometrics YES / NO
b) Location and type of CD works and Side drains YES / NO
c) Integration for Cross and longitudinal Drainage YES / NO
Page 13 of 154

d) Protection Works YES / NO

24 Is the design of flexible Pavement as per IRC SP: 72- 2015 and design of Rigid
Pavement as per IRC SP:62- 2014 .
Is the design of flexible Pavement as per IRC 37 2018 and design of Rigid
Pavement as per IRC SP:58- 2011.
25 a) Does the proposal have provision for
b) PMGSY Logo, Sign Boards and Information Boards YES / NO
c) Km/ Hm Stones YES / NO
d) Guard Stones (where necessary) YES / NO
e) Traffic Sign Boards (as necessary) YES / NO
26 Are you satisfied with the Road safety provisions made in the DPR YES / NO
Whether Road Safety Audit certificate attached in case of the proposed length is
more than 5 Km
27 Specific remarks, if any, by STA

Certified that the Design and Estimation for the Proposed Road work are based on the data and SSR provided by Engineers. The Proposal after

final Correction is entered on the OMMS. The Proposal may be considered for clearance

Technical Scrutiny at STA done by:

Signature Co-ordinator STA:
Name Signature
Date Name
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Name of the District : RANGAREDDY

Name of the Circle : RANGAREDDY

Name of the Division : RANGAREDDY

Name of the Sub-Divn : MAHESWARAM

Name of the Mandal : MAHESWARAM

Name of the work : Road From Maheswaram to Pulimamidi

Estimated cost : 481.00 / 481.00 Lakhs

Length of Road 8.00 kM

Cost of Road in Rs 60.13 Lakhs/km





Geographic Map of MAHESWARAM Constituency

1 INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................... 1 8

2 PLANNING AND BASIC DESIGN CONSIDERATION.................................................. 9 17

3 TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY.......................................................................................... 18 19

4 SOIL AND MATERIALS SURVEY............................................................................... 19 20

5 TRAFFIC SURVEY.................................................................................................... 20 21

6 HYDROLOGICAL SURVEY........................................................................................ 21 21

7 GEOMETRIC DESIGN STANDARDS.......................................................................... 22 24

8 ALIGNMENT DESIGN.............................................................................................. 24 26

9 PAVEMENT DESIGN.............................................................................................. 26 27

10 DESIGN OF CROSS DRAINAGE............................................................................. 28 29

11 PROTECTIVE WORKS & DRAINAGE...................................................................... 29 29

12 LAND ACQUISITION........................................................................................... 29 30

13 UTILITY SHIFTING/RELOCATION.......................................................................... 30 30

14 ROAD SAFETY  AND TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT....................................................... 30 33

15 SPECIFICATION.................................................................................................. 33 35

16 ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES.................................................................................... 35 35

17 ANALYSIS OF RATES............................................................................................ 36 36

18 COST ESTIMATE.................................................................................................. 36 36

19 CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM………………………………………………………………………………… 37 37
B. Proforma
1 Proforma B Package Summary
2 Proforma C Check List for PIU & STA
3 Format F1 Package-wise Summary Sheet
4 Format F2A Roads proposed in PMGSY for Rural Connectivity
5 Format F2B Pavement Layers
6 Format F3 Typical Cross Section of Existing Pavement
7 Format F4 Typical proposed cross section in Straight Section – Flexible Pavement
8 Format F5 Summary: Cost Estimate
9 Format F6 Cost estimate for Road Construction Works – Pavement Works
10 Format F7 Cost estimate for Cross Drainage Works – Slab Culvert
11 Format F8 Rate of Materials supplied at site – Rate Analysis
12 Format F9A Certificate of Ground Verification from Executive Engineer / Head of PIU
13 Format F9B List of DPRs verified on Ground
14 Environmental Checklist
15 Checklist for community consultation on Engineering

C. List of Maps
Figure-1 Road Map of India and state
Figure-2 District Map
Figure-3 Block Maps showing all existing connectivity like District/block HQ, new
townships, National and State highway network, mandis, hospitals,
Figure-4 ll plan showing
Strip h l land
t and alignment details
Figure-5 Strip plan showing on topo sheet/Google map

D. Annexure
Annexure-1 Details of soil tests (Section 4.2)
Annexure-2 Detailed hydraulic calculation of all replaced and proposed new culverts (Section 6.7)
Annexure-3 Chainage- wise Cut/fill volume
Annexure-4 Transect walk report
Name of the PTA:
Name of Road : Road From Maheswaram to Pulimamidi

1 Is the Proposed Road entered on the OMMS : Yes/NO
(Data entries to be verified by PTA before Clicking the Proposal)                                                                      
2 If the Proposal is for new connectivity
Have you satisfied yourself that the proposed road is a part of Core Network                   Yes/NO YES
Is the unconnected habitation (s) part of list of unconnected Habitations as per CN-6 Yes/NO YES
Does the Proposal ensure full connectivity to Target Habitation Yes/NO YES
a) If No, the name of Unconnected Habitation up to which it is connected                                                     
b) If such Unconnected Habitation eligible Under PMGSY                                                                                   
3 Are you satisfied with the following
Engineering Surveys          (L section, X section must be verified)                                 Yes/NO YES
Soil/ Material Investigation   (CBR, Density, LL, PI, Gradation to be verified)                      Yes/NO YES
Traffic Surveys / Estimation                                                                                                           Yes/NO YES
(Catchment for structures with more than 2 Vents to be verified from Topo sheet. 
Location and
requirement of all CD  structures to be verified from L section )                                           Yes/NO YES
4 In case , Traffic is projected beyond T 4 Category are you satisfied with the reason given by Yes/NO YES
5 In case, sub grade CBR is less than 3; has Soil Stabilization etc. been proposed Yes/NO NO
( If not , specific Reasons given by PIU)
6 Is the design of the following elements as per Rural Roads Manual  /  Circulars of     
Alignment & Geometrics                                                                                                               Yes/NO YES
Location and type of CD works and                                                                                             Yes/NO YES
Side drains                                                                                                                                        Yes/NO YES
Integration for Cross and longitudinal Drainage                                                                       Yes/NO YES
Protection Works                                                                                                                            Yes/NO YES
7 Is the design of flexible Pavement as per IRC SP: 72‐ 2015 and design of Rigid 
Pavement as 
Per IRC SP: 62‐ 2014 Yes/NO YES
8 Does the Estimation Conform to Standard  Rate Analysis and SSR generated 
for the current Phase                                                                                                                     Yes/NO YES
9 Does the proposal have provisions for
PMGSY Logo Sign Boards and Information Board                                                                     Yes/NO YES
Km/Hectometer m Stones                                                                                                             Yes/NO YES
Guard Stones (where necessary )                                                                                                 Yes/NO YES
Traffic Sign Boards (as necessary)                                                                                                Yes/NO YES
10 Specific Remarks, if any, by PTA
(Specific remarks of PTA about the overall project are necessary on each DPR)
Certified that the Design and Estimation for the Proposed Road work are based on the
data and SSR provided by PIU Engineers. The Proposal after final Correction is
entered on the OMMS. The Proposal may be considered for clearance.
Technical Scrutiny at PTA done by:

Signature                                                                                Coordinator PTA:
Name                                                                                      Name   
Date                                                                                         Date
Rural Road connectivity is a key component of rural development by promoting
access to economic and social services and thereby generating increased agricultural
incomes and productive employment opportunities. It is also a key ingredient in
ensuring poverty reduction.

It was against this background of poor connectivity that the Prime Minister
announced in 2000, a massive rural roads program. The Prime Minister’s Rural Road
Program (Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana, PMGSY) set a target of:
* Achieving all-weather road access to every village/habitation with a population
greater than 1000 by 2003
* Providing all-weather road access to all villages/habitations of population greater
than 500 people ( 250 in case of hill States (North-Eastern states, Sikkim, Himachal
Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir and Uttaranchal), the desert areas and tribal areas] by the
end of the Tenth Five Year Plan, i.e., 2007
Under PMGSY-I, out of the targets fixed under new connectivity as well as up
gradation projects have been sanctioned and many of them have been completed.
However, the roads, both taken under the PMGSY - I as well as other schemes for rural
roads, have not received the desired attention on the maintenance front. This has led to
erosion of assets created under different programmes and the sustainability of assets
created has not been ensured.

The need for maintenance and consolidation of existing rural roads network has
been stressed at various fora, such as XII Finance Commission, XIII Finance
Commission, Working Group on Rural Roads for 12th Five Year Plan. In this
backdrop, the need for consolidation of existing network was felt to ensure that it
fulfills the primary objective of connectivity along with mobility to the extent possible
for the local community and enable economical transportation of goods and for
services to provide better livelihood opportunities as a part of poverty reduction
strategy. This is now proposed through a programme called PMGSY-II.

PMGSY–II envisages consolidation of the existing Rural Road Network to

improve its overall efficiency as a provider of transportation services for people, goods
and services. It aims to cover up gradation of existing selected rural roads based on
their economic potential and their role in facilitating growth of rural market centers and
rural hubs . Development of growth centers and rural hubs are critical to the overall
strategy of facilitating poverty alleviation through creation of rural infrastructure.
Growth centers/rural hubs would provide markets, banking and other service facilities
enabling to enhance self employment and livelihood facilities.
A Growth Centre would be defined as an area of relatively in centralized
population, providing rural socio-economic services not only for the area but in a
‘catchment’ area with a radius of several kilometers. It would generally be a T-
junction of a rural road with a Through Route or a meeting point of two rural roads. A
Rural Hub is a large Growth Centre, characterized by the fact that it is connected to
more than one Through road (e.g. a T-junction or a crossing) thus giving it a higher
potential. These growth centers and Rural Hubs help to ensure easy access to raw
materials, labour inputs etc. for off-farm activities and bring the benefits of economic
growth to the rural hinterland, including availability of white goods, automobiles etc.

The selection of routes would be with the objective of identification of rural

growth centers and other critical rural hubs, rural places of importance (connectivity to
other growth poles, markets, rural hubs, tourist places, education and health centers etc.

The initiative of PMGSY-II will also act as a catalyst for livelihood based
programmes, by recognizing growth centers/rural hubs and facilitating their
connectivity to the hinterland. The process of identifying such roads is detailed in
subsequent paras.
1.2 All Weather Road 
All-weather road is one which is negotiable during all weathers, with some
permitted interruptions. Essentially this means that at cross-drainage structures, the
duration of overflow or interruption at one stretch shall not exceed 12 hours for ODRs
and 24 hours for VRs in hilly terrain, and 3 days in the case of roads in plain terrain.
The total period of interruption during the year should not exceed 10 days for ODRs
and 15 days for VRs.
1.3 Core Network 

The rural road network required for providing the ‘basic access’ to all villages/
habitations is termed as the Core Network. Basic access is defined as one all-weather
road access from each village/ habitation to the nearby Market Centre or Rural
Business Hub (RBH) and essential social and economic services.

A Core Network comprises of Through Routes and Link Routes. Through routes
are the ones which collect traffic from several link roads or a long chain of habitations
and lead it to a market centre or a higher category road, i.e. the District Roads or the
State or National Highways. Link Routes are the roads connecting a single habitation
or a group of habitations to Through Roads or District Roads leading to Market
Centres. Link Routes generally have dead ends terminating on habitations, while
Through Routes arise from the confluence of two or more Link Routes and emerge on
to a major road or to a Market Centre.

The Core Network may not represent the most convenient or economic route for
all purposes. However, since studies show 85-90% of rural trips are to market centres,
the Core Network is likely to be a cost-effective conceptual frame work for investment
and management purposes, particularly in the context of scarce resources.
The SUB - PROJECT ROAD from Maheswaram to Pulimamidi is a Major link road
(ODR (R&B)) in MAHESWARAM Mandal of MAHESWARAM Constituency in
RANGAREDDY District. This road directly connects the habitations of
am with a Total populations of 16309

It is a candidate road comprises of ODR (R&B) of MAHESWARAM Mandal

1.4 Geography 

The road from Maheswaram to Pulimamidi is Lying in between latitudes and longitudes
are 17° 8'3.45"N & 17° 3'56.65"N and 78°26'0.86"E & 78°25'8.72"E respectively in
MAHESWARAM Mandal of MAHESWARAM constituency in RANGAREDDY district. This
district has a total area of 5031 Sq.Kms and its latitude and longitudes is 16°44'8.85"N and
78° 0'20.42"E. It has 5 Revenue divisions and 4 Assembly constituencies with 27 mandals
and population covers 24.46 lakhs

The MAHESWARAM which is the Assembly Constituency headquarters is part

of the RANGAREDDY District of Telangana State and it is located at latitude 17°
8'3.45"N and longitude 78°26'0.86"E respectively. It has an average elevation of 641 m

This road comes under the jurisdiction of MAHESWARAM Assembly

Constituency and part of Mahabubnagar Parliament Constituency in RANGAREDDY
District. The climate is Moderate and the road runs in plain & rolling terrain.

1.5 Climatic Condition .

The RANGAREDDY district has a tropical savanna climates have mean

temperature 35°C (95°F) and typically a pronounced dry season, with the driest month
having precipitation less than 60mm (2.36 in) of precipitation.
The Summer Temp is around 44°C and the Winter Temp is around 15°C. The
average rainfall is < 1000mm annually. Cotton, Mirchi, Grape, Jowar, all vegetable
crops, Paddy and Sugarcane are the major agricultural crops.
1.6 The Sub‐Project Road 
The road passes through plain & rolling terrain starts at Maheswaram and ends at
This road crosses the local stream at 3.9km and 5.8km

Road Name: Road From Maheswaram to Pulimamidi
Road Code: ODR (R&B) and 0 of  MAHESW mandal
Package No: 0 of  mandal
Road Length in km: 8.00
Start Point: Maheswaram  17° 8'3.45"N  17° 3'56.65"N
End Point: Pulimamidi  78°26'0.86"E  78°25'8.72"E
Sl.No. Habitation benefited Population benefited Chainage
Direct Indirect
1 Maheswarm 8795 0.00
2 Banjar(T) 189 3.37
3 Pulimamidi 1821 8.00
4 Bachupally 1289
5 Dannaram 1122
6 Davudguda(T) 547
7 Gangaram(T) 482
8 Jaitwaram 1107
9 Jaitwaram maktha 391
10 Kavalonibai(T) 248
11 Mylarbai(T) 318

Total 2010 14299

2.1 Key map of  indicating the project road.

Fig‐1    Road map of India and states 
Fig‐2    Geographical map Telangana state 

Fig‐3 District Geographical Map 
Proposed Road
Fig‐5    Strip map showing for proposed road
Proposed Road

Fig 6       Proposed road showing on Topo sheet / Google map
2.2 Preliminary alignment investigation
Attach transect walk plan for the entire length of road . The model as follows

Pulimamidi [Village] & Ch.in km 8.00

Banjar(T) [Village] & Ch.in km 3.37

Mansanpally Start of Road Srisailam Road

TRANSACT WALK PLAN( The sheets shall be attached)

2.3 Site Photographs
Culvert Photos

2 Vents 450 Dia Existing HP culvert@ 
Ch. 0.65km 

2 Vents 450 Dia Existing HP culvert@ 
Ch. 0.825km 

1 Vents 450 Dia Existing HP culvert@ 
Ch. 4.675km 

4 Vents 450 Dia Existing HP culvert@ 
Ch. 1.85km 

4 Vents 450 Dia Existing HP culvert@ 
Ch. 2.275km 
2 Vents 450 Dia Existing HP culvert@ 
Ch. 6.475km 

2 Vents 450 Dia Existing HP culvert@ 
Ch. 6.6km 

 HLB at 3.95kM

Chainage at 0km (Maheswarm)

Chainage at 3.37km (Banjar(T))

Chainage at 8km (Pulimamidi)

Name of the Work: Road From Maheswaram to Pulimamidi

Location at Issue Design Solution
0.65 Existing of 2 vent 450mm Dia/span Proposed 2 Vents of 1,000 mm dia /span Pipe

culvert culvert
0.83 Existing of 2 vent 450mm Dia/span Proposed 4 Vents of 1,000 mm dia /span Pipe

culvert culvert
4.68 Existing of 1 vent 450mm Dia/span Proposed 1 Vents of 1,000 mm dia /span Pipe

culvert culvert
1.85 Existing of 4 vent 450mm Dia/span Proposed 4 Vents of 1,000 mm dia /span Pipe

culvert culvert
2.28 Existing of 4 vent 450mm Dia/span Proposed 4 Vents of 1,000 mm dia /span Pipe

culvert culvert
6.48 Existing of 2 vent 450mm Dia/span Proposed 2 Vents of 1,000 mm dia /span Pipe

culvert culvert
6.60 Existing of 2 vent 450mm Dia/span Proposed 2 Vents of 1,000 mm dia /span Pipe

culvert culvert
7.25 The topgraphy of catchment and Proposed 1 Vents of 1,000 mm dia /span Pipe
discharge indication for requirement of
CD culvert
3.90 km , There is existing Local stream with Exist 2Vents x 10m span HLB @ 3.9km
CA of 15.00Sqkm
5.80 km , There is existing Local stream with Exist 3Vents x 10m span HLB @ 5.8km
CA of 26.00Sqkm

1.84 km curve is exist(R)= 267.81 Extra widening & Super Elevation shall be
2.48 km curve is exist(R)= 1100.75 Extra widening & Super Elevation shall be
6.94 km curve is exist(R)= 153.32 Extra widening & Super Elevation shall be
7.45 km curve is exist(R)= 434.59 Extra widening & Super Elevation shall be
7.75 km curve is exist(R)= 100.84 Extra widening & Super Elevation shall be
0 The Proposed road is connecting T The Junction @ intersection to be developed for
Junction at 0km and one arm of road safety and proper cross drainage structure also
towards Mansanpally village and to be provided with 10.00 mts length to drain off
another arm of road towards Srisailam water being coming from barrow trenches.
Road village, This junction is to be
2.425 The Proposed road is connecting T The Junction @ intersection to be developed for
Junction at 2.425km and one arm of safety and proper cross drainage structure also
road towards Maheswaram village and to be provided with 10.00 mts length to drain off
another arm of road towards Pulimamidi water being coming from barrow trenches.
village, This junction is to be developed

3.055 The Proposed road is connecting T The Junction @ intersection to be developed for
Junction at 3.055km and one arm of safety and proper cross drainage structure also
road towards Maheswaram village and to be provided with 10.00 mts length to drain off
another arm of road towards Pulimamidi water being coming from barrow trenches.
village, This junction is to be developed

3.525 The Proposed road is connecting T The Junction @ intersection to be developed for
Junction at 3.525km and one arm of safety and proper cross drainage structure also
road towards Maheswaram village and to be provided with 10.00 mts length to drain off
another arm of road towards Pulimamidi water being coming from barrow trenches.
village, This junction is to be developed

8 The Proposed road is connecting T The Junction @ intersection to be developed for

Junction at 8km and one arm of road safety and proper cross drainage structure also
towards Maheswaram village and to be provided with 10.00 mts length to drain off
another arm of road towards water being coming from barrow trenches.
Dhannaram village, This junction is to
be developed
2.5 Transect Walk survey

Table 2.2 Transect Walk Summary

Chainage Existing Additional Land Required Type of Loss Village Remarks/Sugge

Land stions
0.00 12.00 Nil Nil Agricultural Agricultura Maheswar Cross road for
land l land m Maheswarm

3.37 12.12 Nil Nil Agricultural Agricultura Banjar(T) Cross road for
land l land Banjar(T)
8.00 11.88 Nil Nil Agricultural Agricultura Pulimami Cross road for
land l land di Pulimamidi
1. Total number of people present for Transect walk:
Male: 12 Female: 0 Total: 15
2. Demographic information where the Walk was conducted: from Maheswaram to

3. No. of Govt. Employees present: 3

4. No. of Contractors Employees: 0
5. No. of participants from Minority community: 0
SC: 4 ST: 2 Women: 0
6. Enclose a separate sheet with names, designation (if Govt. Employee, or Elected
Representative) and Signatures of participants of transect walk:

2.6 Checklist
Transect walk done Yes No
Transect walk summary table included Yes No
Photographs taken Yes No
Major changes in alignment perceived Yes No
Design brief provided Yes No
3.1 General
Topographic survey true to ground realties have been done using precision
instruments like total stations and auto levels, and bringing out data in digital form
(x,y,z format) for developing digital terrain model (DTM) or plane table survey and
using dumpy level for leveling survey.
The in-house standards, work procedures and quality plan prepared with reference to
IRC: SP 19-2001, IRC: SP 20, IRC: SP 13 (in respect of surveys for rivers/streams)
and current practices have been followed while conducting the above survey.

The survey work has been divided into the three basic sub divisions
Preliminary Survey and
Final Location Surveys.

Reconnaissance starts with a field inspection by walking and all information of value,
either in design, construction, maintenance or operation of the facility has been

During the preliminary survey all the requirements of cross-drainage works – type,
number and length and other relevant details are collected.

During the Final topographical survey has been conducted using a total station. The
Bench marks have been established at salient points and at regular intervals and the
topographic survey has been conducted and all the features of the ground and the
road has been recorded.

 Road length passing through different terrains

Cross sections and longitudinal section at regular intervals
Villages, hamlets and market centers and their location
 Crossing with railway lines and other existing roads.
 Position of ancient monuments, burial grounds, cremation grounds, religious
structures, hospitals and schools etc.
3.2 Traversing
Traverse has been done by total station having angular measurement accuracy of ± 1
sec. Initially The Bench Marks have been established and the same are connected
using a GPS and the locations marked. The traverse is conducted and fly back
leveling is done for counter checking the bench mark levels.

3.3 Leveling 
Leveling has been using total station having angular measurement accuracy of ± 1

3.4 Cross Section & Detailing 
Cross sections were taken at 30 m interval and at closer interval of 5 m to 10 m in
curved portion of the existing road. All physical features of the road have been
recorded and the same is processed using software’s.
3.5 Data Processing 
All data from topographic survey recorded by total station were downloaded and final
alignment, plan, profile were prepared and presented in AutoCAD Format.
3.6 Permanent reference pillars and TBMs including northing easting and levels
The bench marks have been established on salient and important locations on
permanent objects and the Northing’s and Easting’s of the locations of the Bench Mark
have been recorded using GPS.
3.7 Checklist 
Reference Pillars given YES/NO YES
TBM with northing-easting given YES/NO YES
Traverse survey carried out YES/NO YES
Cross section and detailing carried out YES/NO YES

4.1 General 
The soil and material investigations were done following the guidelines of IRC: SP: 20-2002
and IRC: SP: 72-2007 and other relevant IS codes. The potential sources of borrow areas for
soil and quarry sites will be identified.

4.2 Soil sample collection and Testing 
Soil samples are collected along and around the road alignment one sample per km
and extra for every change of soil terrain from the adjoining borrow areas, as well as
one sample is collected from the existing road. Soil Classification tests like grain size
analysis and Atterberg’s limit are conducted for all the samples collected. Standard
Proctor test and the corresponding 4 day soaked CBR test were conducted for a
minimum of one test per km for soil samples of same group or more tests due to
variation of soil type. The following tests have been conducted as detailed below:

 Grain size analysis as per IS : 272 (Part 4) – 1985

 Atterberg’s limit as per IS : 2720 (Part 5) – 1985
 Standard Proctor density test as per IS : 2720 (Part 7) – 1980
 4 day soaked CBR test as per IS : 2720 (Part 16) – 1985
4.3 Analysis of Test Results 
The laboratory soaked CBR value ranges from 7 % to 7 % The soil laboratory test
results are summarized in the following Table.
Table 4.1 CBR values for different stretches

Sl No Section in Km CBR %
1 0.000 to 0.600 7.00
2 0.600 to 4.000 7.00
3 4.000 to 6.300 4.00
4 6.300 to 6.475 7.00
5 6.475 to 7.775 7.00
6 7.775 to 8.000 7.00

4.4 Coarse and Fine Aggregates 
The available information regarding the source of aggregate and sand have been
gathered. The stone aggregates will be procured from the nearest quarry whereas the
locally available sand will be used. The source and the lead distance from the quarry
to project site has been finalized in discussion with the PIU. The aggregates and sand
where available and acceptable are recommended to be used for bituminous work,
concrete works, other pavement works.

Regarding the Stone quarries as the approved quarries are not available very near to
the located road it is suggested that the, metal can be brought from the nearest
quarries conforming to the standards.
4.5 Sub‐soil investigation for bridges 
The Alignment of the road does not have major bridges at present and Minor bridges
where span hardly ranging 6m to 14m are proposed in the DPR.
4.6 Checklist
Borrow pit suitable Yes No
Investigation for coarse/fine aggrega Yes No
Quarry map -no approved quarry Yes No
5.1 General 
In the present scenario of new connectivity/upgradation road, 3 day, 24 hr traffic volume
count has been conducted on the already completed or similar type of PMGSY road in the
vicinity of the project road. The Classified Volume Count survey has been carried out in
accordance with the requirements of the TOR and relevant codes (IRC: SP: 19-2001, IRC:
SP: 20, IRC: SP: 72-2007).The surveys have been carried out by trained enumerators
manually under the monitoring of Engineering Supervisor.

The traffic volume count is conducted on 6-1-2020 to 8-1-2020

5.2 Traffic Data and Analysis 
The traffic data obtained is classified into different vehicle category as given below:
 Motorized vehicle comprising of light commercial vehicle, medium commercial
vehicle, heavy commercial vehicle, trucks, buses, agricultural tractors with trailers, car,
jeep, two wheelers etc.
 Non- motorized vehicles comprising of cycle, rickshaw, cycle van, animal drawn
vehicle etc.
The number of laden and un-laden commercial vehicles recorded during the traffic
counts. Traffic volume count for this project road was done during the start of the rainy
season. The seasonal variation is based on local enquiry.
Average of 3 day traffic data is presented in Table 5.1.

Sl. No. Type of Vehicle Day-1 Day-2 Day-3 Average

1 Cars/ Jeeps/ Taxies/ Van/ Three 34 34 34 34

2 Scooters/Motorbikes 68 68 68 68
3 Bus / Minibus 14 8 8 10
4 Trucks 14 16 16 15
5 Tractors with trailer 34 34 34 34
6 Cycles 43 43 43 43
7 Cycle Rickshaw / Hand Cart 0 0 0 0
8 Horse cart / Bullock Cart 0 0 0 0
9 Pedestrian 250 255 278 261
Total commercial vehicle per day (cvpd) 62 58 58 59
Total motorized vehicle per day 102 102 102 102
Total non-motorized vehicle per day 43 43 43 43

a) Traffic volume and mix do not vary along the road 
b) Traffic volume and mix vary along the road 
c) Traffic volume and mix will vary along the road in the future
d) There is a potential for through traffic using the road 
e) % of loaded vehicles

5.3 Traffic Growth Rate and forecast 
The average annual growth rate of 6% over the design life is adopted as set out in
IRC: SP 72-2007.}
Table 5.2 Average Annual Daily Traffic at Maheswaram(both ways)

Sl. No. Type of Vehicle ADT AADT Growth 

1 Cars/ Jeeps/ Taxies/ Van/ Three 34 42 6%
2 Scooters/Motorbikes 68 85 6%
3 Bus / Minibus 10 12 6%
4 Trucks 15 19 6%
5 Tractors with trailer 34 42 6%
6 Cycles 43 54 6%
7 Cycle Rickshaw / Hand Cart 0 0 6%
8 Horse cart / Bullock Cart 0 0 6%
9 Pedestrian 108 134 6%
Total commercial vehicle per day (cvpd) 59 74
Total motorized vehicle per day 102 127
Total non-motorized vehicle per day 43 54

6.1 General 
Hydrological survey is necessary for design of adequate and safe Cross Drainage
Structures so that the rain water can pass as per natural slope. Hydrological survey of
the proposed road is based on the following observations:

•  Rainfall Data 
•  Catchments Area 
• Time of Concentration 
• Existing Cross Drainage Structures 

6.2 Rainfall Data 
Rainfall Data as applicable for the project road were collected with maximum rainfall
occurring in the months of June to OCT 2019

6.3 Catchment Area 
The Catchments area is calculated by gathering local information and topographical
survey data as it was not possible to calculate from topographical sheets due to their
6.4 Time of Concentration 
3 0.385
Time of concentration (Tc) in hours is calculated from the formula of (0.87 x L /H)
where L is distance from the critical point to the structure site in km and H is the
difference in elevation between the critical point and the structure site in meters.

6.5 Existing Cross Drainage Structures 
There are 7 number of cross drainage structures along the existing project road as
listed below:
Table-6.1: List and condition of existing culverts
Description of Existing Structure
Chainage (km) Type Span/ Dia.  Condition
0.65 HP culvert 450 Replace with 2Vents of 1000mm Dia-Pipe culvert

0.83 HP culvert 450 Replace with 4Vents of 1000mm Dia-Pipe culvert

4.68 HP culvert 450 Replace with 1Vents of 1000mm Dia-Pipe culvert

1.85 HP culvert 450 Replace with 4Vents of 1000mm Dia-Pipe culvert

2.28 HP culvert 450 Replace with 4Vents of 1000mm Dia-Pipe culvert

6.48 HP culvert 450 Replace with 2Vents of 1000mm Dia-Pipe culvert

6.60 HP culvert 450 Replace with 2Vents of 1000mm Dia-Pipe culvert

7.1 General 
The geometric design standards for this project conform to PMGSY guidelines and the
guidelines as stated in IRC-SP 20:2002. Recommended design standards vis-à-vis the
standards followed for this road are described below
7.2  Terrain 
The general classification of terrain selected from plain/rolling/hilly/steep classification
for which following criteria will be applicable.
Terrain classification Cross slope of the country
Plain 0‐10% More than 1 in 10
Rolling 10‐25% 1 in 10 to 1 in 4
Mountainous 25‐60% 1 in 4 to 1 in 1.67
Steep Greater than 6Less than 1 in 1.67 

7.3 Design Speed 
The proposed design speed along this project road will be selected from the following
Road Plain terrain Rolling terrain Mountainous terrain Steep terrain
classification Ruling Min. Ruling Min. Ruling Min. Ruling Min.
Rural Roads 50 40 40 35 25 20 25 20
(ODR and

7.4 Right of Way (ROW) 
The requirement of ROW for this road is as follows (as specified in IRC-SP 20:2002):

Road Plain and Rolling Terrain Mountainous and Steep Terrain

classification Open Area Built‐up Area Open Area Built‐up Area
Rural roads Normal Range Normal Range Normal Range Normal Range
(ODR and VR) 15 15‐25 15 15‐20 12 12 12 9

7.5 Roadway Width 

Terrain Classification Roadway Width (m)
Plain and Rolling 7.50
Mountainous and Steep 6.00
Roadway width for the project road is stated as below:
7.6 Carriageway Width 

The width of carriageway for this project road is 3.75m. Carriageway width may be restricted to
3.0m, where traffic intensity is less than 100 motorised vehicles per day and where the traffic is
not likely to increase due to situation, like dead end, low habitation and difficult terrain

7.7 Shoulders 
It is proposed to have {1.875 m and 1.5 m} wide shoulder as the case may be on both sides of
which at least 0.875m is hard shoulder where required.

7.8 Roadway width at cross‐drainage structures 
Width of the road at culvert locations for this project road is 7.5 m in plain terrain.
7.9 Sight Distance 
The safe stopping sight distance is applicable in the geometric design. The sight
distance values for this road as per IRC recommendations are presented below:

Design Safe Stopping Sight Distance (m)

20 20
30 30
40 45
50 60
7.1 Radius of Horizontal Curve 
According to IRC recommendations/standards, the minimum radius of horizontal curve
for this project road is given below:

Terrain Category Radius of Horizontal Curve (m)

Ruling Minimum Absolute Minimum
Plain 90 60
To minimize extra land arrangement, minimum radius used is 20 m and design speed
in these curves are also restricted to 20 km/hr.

7.11 Camber & Super elevation 
A camber adopted on this road section is given below. The maximum super elevation
is 7% for this project road.

Surface type Camber (%)

Low rainfall High rainfall
(Annual rainfall (Annual rainfall

<1000mm) >1000mm)
Earth road 4.00 5.00
WBM Gravel road 3.50 4.00
Thin bituminous road 3.00 3.50
Rigid Pavement 2.00 2.50

7.12 Vertical Alignment 
The present road is in plain terrain and vertical alignment has been designed well
within ruling gradient. Minimum gradient of 0.3% for drainage purpose is considered
for designing the vertical alignment of this road. Vertical curves are not required when
grade change is less than 1%, however a minimum vertical curve is provided to avoid
vertical kink.
7.13 Vertical Curves 
For satisfactory appearance, the minimum length of vertical curve for different design
speed is given in IRC-SP 20:2002. Vertical curves will be designed to provide the
visibility at least corresponding to the safe stopping sight distance. Valley curves will
be designed for headlight sight distance
7.14 Side slope 
The side slope for this project road is considered from the below table.
                                              Condition Slope (H:V)
Embankment in silty/sandy/gravel soil  2: 1
Embankment in clay or clayey silt or inundated condition 2.5:1 to 3:1
Cutting in silty/sandy/gravelly soil 1:1 to 0.5:1
Cutting in disintegrated rock or conglomerate 0.5:1 to 0.25:1
Cutting in soft rock like shale 0.25:1 to 0.125:1
Cutting in medium rock like sandstone, phyllite 0.083:1 to 0.0625:1
Cutting in hard rock like quartzite, granite Near vertical

7.15 Extra Widening of Pavement  
The Extra Widening of Pavement at Curve as per IRC guidelines is given below:
Radius of Curve (m) Up to 20 21 - 60 >60
Extra Widening for 3.75 m wide single lane carriageway, (m) 0.90 0.60 Nil

8.1 General
As this project road is existing one care is taken to fit in the same alignment of the
road. Basic aim of road design is to identify technically sound, environment-friendly
and economically feasible alignment. The ensuing sections deals with obligatory
points, which control highway alignment, design of cross-section, highway geometric
design & methodology, design of miscellaneous items.

The main components included in the highway design are:

 Cross-sectional elements
 Embankment
 Horizontal alignment
 Vertical profile
 Junctions and/or Interchanges
 Road furniture etc.,
8.2 Horizontal Alignment
Physical features of the existing alignment are computed in the below table for the design of
the road
Table 8.1 – Features of Horizontal Alignment
Chainage Length Description Reason for deviation from
From To Km existing alignment if any
0 500 500 VILLAGE LIMIT Nil
500 1000 500 Agricultural land Nil
1000 1500 500 Agricultural land Nil
1500 2000 500 Agricultural land Nil
2000 2500 500 Agricultural land Nil
2500 3000 500 Agricultural land Nil
3000 3500 500 Agricultural land Nil
3500 4000 500 Agricultural land Nil
4000 4500 500 Agricultural land Nil
4500 5000 500 Agricultural land Nil
5000 5500 500 Agricultural land Nil
5500 6000 500 Agricultural land Nil
6000 6500 500 Agricultural land Nil
6500 7000 500 Agricultural land Nil
7000 7500 500 Agricultural land Nil
7500 8000 500 Agricultural land Nil

Total 8000
a) Centre line of the existing and proposed horizontal alignment coincides   YES
b) Centre line of the existing and proposed horizontal alignment
deviate at certain sections  NO

Existing Chainage Approx. land required

Chainage LHS alignment RHS shift (m)
0.00 0.00
0.50 0.00
1.00 0.00
1.50 0.00
2.00 0.00
2.50 0.00
3.00 0.00
3.50 0.00
4.00 0.00
4.50 0.00
5.00 0.00
5.50 0.00
6.00 0.00
6.50 0.00
7.00 0.00
7.50 0.00
Figure 8.1 Schematic diagram showing location and offsets from existing alignment

Table 8.2: details of Horizontal Curve

Curve Radius Ls Speed Def Angle Lc
No. Chainage (m) (m) (Kmph) S.E. D M S (m)
                                   Enclosed a separate sheet for curve details

8.3 Vertical alignment

----------------No vertical curves are proposed in the project road.-------------------

Table 8.3 –Details of Vertical Curve

Grade difference (%)

Length of curve

Grade out (%)

Type of curve

End of Curve
Grade in (%)
Level of pvi

St. of Curve
s.No Chainage (m)
1 Nil

8.4 Design of Junctions
The proposed alignment intersects cross roads and forms junctions. The locations of
junctions are mentioned below:
Table 8.4 – List intersections, type and proposed modifications

Sl. Type of Location (km) Exiting Propose

intersectio condition d
n modific
1 T Chainage @ 0 Km providing widening at junction POOR YES

2 T Chainage @ 2.425 Km providing widening at  POOR YES

3 T Chainage @ 3.055 Km providing widening at  POOR YES
4 T Chainage @ 3.525 Km providing widening at  POOR YES
5 T Chainage @ 8 Km providing widening at junction POOR YES
9.1 General 
Considering the sub grade strength , projected traffic and the design life, the pavement
design for low volume PMGSY roads is carried out as per guidelines of IRC: SP: 72 –
2007, or IRC SP:77 “Design of Gravel Road” and IRC SP:62-2004 “Cement Concrete
roads”. In built up area for hygienic and safety reasons, C.C. pavement is used with a
hard shoulder and as per the prevailing standards.

9.2 Pavement Design Approach 
9.2.1 Design Life 
A design life of 10 years was considered for the purpose of pavement design of
flexible and granular pavements
9.2.2 Design Traffic 
The average annual daily traffic (AADT) for the opening year as well as the total
commercial vehicle per day (CVPD) was presented in Table 5.2.
9.2.3 Determination of ESAL applications 
Commercial vehicles with a gross laden weight of 3 tons or more are considered for
the design. The design traffic is considered in terms of cumulative number of standard
axles to be carried during the design life of the road. The number of commercial
vehicles of different axle loads are converted to number of standard axle repetitions by
a multiplier called the Vehicle Damage Factor (VDF). An indicative VDF value
considered as the traffic volume of rural road does not warrant axle load survey.

For calculating the VDF, the following categories of vehicles are considered as per
paragraph IRC: SP: 72 – 2015
• Laden heavy/medium commercial vehicles
• Un-laden /partially loaded heavy/medium commercial vehicles
• Over loaded heavy/medium commercial vehicles
Indicative VDF values considered 10% of laden MCV and 10% laden HCV as
overloaded & given

Vehicle type Laden Un-laden

HCV 2.86 0.31
MCV 0.34 0.02

Lane distribution factor (L) for Single lane road = 1.0 Cumulative ESAL application =
To x 4811 x L, where To = ESAL application per day. The Cumulative ESAL
application for the project road as per paragraph 3.5 of IRC: SP: 72 – 2015 is
appended to the DPR.
9.2.4 Sub grade CBR 
CBR range considering the report and the CBR 7% to 7% range is considered and
the traffic falls in the T6

9.3 Design Alternatives
Design alternatives considered and enumerated in the below table.

Chainage Design alternatives considered

Pavement Shoulder

alternative selected
Hard Full width

Specify design
Hard shoulder

0.875 m each

Earthen full

use of local


From To
0.00 0.60 Rigid YES NO
0.60 4.00 Flexible YES NO
4.00 6.30 Flexible YES NO
6.30 6.48 Flexible YES NO
6.48 7.78 Flexible YES NO
7.78 8.00 Rigid YES NO

9.4 Pavement composition 
The designed flexible pavement thickness and composition are calculated by referring
Figure 4 (Pavement design catalogue) of IRC: SP: 72 – 2007. The ratio between
heavy commercial vehicles and medium commercial vehicles as given in Chapter 5
should be maintained as far as possible.
The pavement layers provided are given below:
Top Layer Bitumonouc Concrete as premix carpet 30 mm
Base Layer WMM 125 mm
Sub – Base Layer Granular Sub‐base Grading VI 0 mm
Total thickness 155 mm
Rigid Pavement
Cement Concrete pavement is proposed in the village limits and Design for
pavement is as per IRC : SP : 62 - 2014
9.5 Embankment Design
No high embankments are proposed in the proposed road section.


10.1 General 
Based on the hydrological survey, drainage structures are recommended for the
project road and detail are enumerated in the relevant design tables and indicted
10.2 Hydrological Design 
The existing structures in poor condition that are proposed for replacement as listed
below. Agricultural conduits, which basically act as balancers, have also been
provided as listed below.
10.3 Design Features 
Design Standards for culverts has been prepared based on standard codes and
guidelines of IRC: SP: 20: 2002 and the general consideration of the designed cross
drainage structures are given below:
For Hume pipe culvert, minimum road width taken is 7.50 m, Width of other culvert:
7.50 m with parapet and the Width of Bridge: 7.50 m with parapet.

10.4 Justification for retaining/widening and replacement of culverts 
Body wall and parapets are required to replace with M15 concrete as existing body
walls are with CR masonry.

10.5 Hydraulic calculation for Culvert 
The design discharge is calculated by the rational method considering peak runoff
from catchment using the below formula derived from the relevant Toposheets of the
Survey of India.
Q = 0.028 x P x A xIc , Where P = Coefficient of Run Off for the catchments
characteristics, A = Catchments Area in Hectares & Ic = Rainfall Intensity
Small bridge-site length of which exceeds 15 m to be jointly visited by STA and S.E.
Design – as per SP-20 & SP-13 and relevant IRC Codes for Bridges.
Causeways and submersible bridges – Design to be done as per SP-20 and SP-
Note: detailed designs sheets attached
Table 10.2 Proposed Culverts

SL.NO Chainage Type of Culvert Span/dia

1 3.900 HLB Exist 2Vents x 

10m span HLB @ 

2 5.800 HLB Exist 3Vents x 
10m span HLB @ 

6 Construction of 1 vent 1,000 mm dia HP Pipe culvert 1Vent 1000mm 

NP4 Class RCC Pipe Culvert @km-

,,4.675,,,,,7.25,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Dia 
7 Construction of 2 vents 1,000 mm dia HP Pipe culvert 2Vent 1000mm 

NP 4 Class RCC Pipe Culvert @km-

0.65,,,,,6.475,6.6,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Dia 

9 Construction of 4 vents 1,000 mm dia HP Pipe culvert 4Vent 1000mm 

NP 4 Class RCC Pipe Culvert @km-
,0.825,,1.85,2.275,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Dia 

11.1 General 
As the project road runs through the agricultural belt and there are no high
embankment proposed and the necessity of the protection works need not arise.

11.2 Road side drain 
As the insufficient drainage of surface water leads to rapid damage of road, road side
drain as shown in drawing volume has been provided particularly on the location of
habitation areas. Sketch for a standard roadside drain is made available.
11.3 Protective Works

No protection works are proposed in the road.

Table 11.1 List of protective works

Sl. No. Chainage Type of protective works Comments


12.1 General 
The project road is generally an earthen track and combination of Gravel and WBM
road surfaces. Thus the project road is a new connectivity road. The existing Right of
Way (ROW) is varying from 10.00 to 12.00m

12.2 Proposed ROW 
The width of carriageway has been considered as 3.75 m in accordance with the IRC-
SP 20: 2002. The total roadway width is limited to 7.5 m with 1.875 m earthen
shoulder on either side of carriage way. The proposed ROW generally varies from 12
m – 15 m depending upon the embankment height and the proposed ROW is even
less than 10 m in some stretches of habitation area and in areas having tree

12.3 Additional Land 
Local administration and local Panchayat need to apprise the villagers about
requirement of minor areas in places for development of the road. Villagers are
generally highly enthusiastic during site visits for selection of the road. Table 12.1
provides the chainage-wise additional land required.
Table 12.1 Additional land required
Chainage LHS RHS required (m)

------------NIL ---------

13.1 Existing utilities
The electric poles are proposed to be shifted from the road. The same shall be shifted
in coordination with the local electricity corporation authorities.
Table 13.1 Estimated Costs for Relocation of Utilities
Sl. No. Utility Quantity Estimated Estimated
Type Rate Cost
Enclosed in
the detailed
The DPR will be subjected to a road safety audit by an independent third party.
14.1 Road Furniture
Road Furniture proposed are
 Road markings
 Cautionary, mandatory and information signs
 KM stones and 200m stones
 Delineators and object markers
 Guard posts, crash barriers and speed breakers
 Median & footpath barriers
14.1.1 Road Markings
Road markings perform the important function of guiding and controlling traffic on a
highway. The markings serve as psychological barriers and signify the delineation of
traffic paths and their lateral clearance from traffic hazards for safe movement of
traffic. Road markings are therefore essential to ensure smooth and orderly flow of
traffic and to promote road safety. The Code of Practice for Road Markings, IRC: 35-
1997 has been used in the study as the design basis. Schedules of Road Markings
are included in contract drawings.

14.1.2 Cautionary, Mandatory and Informatory Signs

Cautionary, mandatory and informatory signs are provided depending on the situation
and function they perform in accordance with the IRC: 67-2001 guidelines for Road
Overhead signs are proposed in accordance with IRC: 67-2001.

14.1.3 Kilometer Stone and Hectometer Stone

The details of kilometer stones are in accordance with IRC: 8-1980 guidelines. Both
ordinary and fifth kilometer stones are provided as per the schedule. Kilometer stones
are located on both the side of the road.
The details of 200m stones conform to IRC: 26-1967. 200m stones are located on the
same side of the road as the kilometer stones. The inscription on the stones shall be
the numerals 2,4,6 and 8 marked in an ascending order in the direction of increasing
kilometer age away from the starting station. Table 14.1 indicates the details of Km.
stone.5 km. stone and boundary pillars provided.
Table 14.1Details of Km. stone.5 th km. stone and boundary pillars
Sl. Name of Road Chainage in 5th. Km. Km. stone 200m Bounda
stone stone
km (nos.) (nos.) (nos.) (nos.)
R/F Maheswaram To
Pulimamidi in
At required
1 MAHESWARAM 2 8 40 4
Constituency of
14.1.4 Delineators and Object Markers
Roadway delineators are intended to mark the edges of the roadway to guide drivers
on the alignment ahead. Object markers are used to indicate hazards and
obstructions within the vehicle flow path, for example, channelising islands close to the
Delineators and object markers are provided in accordance with the provisions of IRC:
79-1981. They are driving aids and should not be regarded as substitutes for warning
signs, road markings or barriers.
No delineators are proposed.
14.1.5 Guard Posts, Crash Barriers and Speed Breakers
Guard posts are proposed on embankments of height more than 1.5m and bridge
approaches. The spacing of guard post shall be 10.0m c/c in these areas. Typical
Guard post consists of pre-cast (M20) CC post of size 200mm x 200mm and a height
of 600mm above ground level. They are encased in M15 cement concrete to a depth
of 450mm below ground level. Guard posts are painted with alternate black and white
reflective paint of 150mm wide bands. Table 14.2 gives the details of guard posts,
crash barrier and speed breakers. A layout of a typical speed breaker is given below

Table 14.2 Details of guard posts, crash barrier and speed breakers
Crash Speed
Name of Chainage Guard post Barrier breakers
Sl. Road (km) (nos.) (m) (nos)

14.2 Temporary traffic control
The road under consideration has to be widened along with the bridges and culvert.
The list below provides the C/D structures to be widened/reconstructed and temporary
traffic control measures to be implemented. There are no temporary traffic control
facilities are proposed.

Table 14.3 Details of temporary traffic control measures to be adopted

Temporary traffic
Name of Chainage control measures to be
Sl. Road (km) adopted
Type design of speed breaker as per IRC 99-1998
14.3 Checklist for Road Safety Measures

The key road safety issue pertaining to the road are the location of the traffic sign
location such as cautionary and the mandatory signs near the Schools and the road
junctions . The same is taken care while preparing the detailed estimates.

Road Safety Checklist

Sl Road Safety Checklist
a A minimum 100 mm thickness of pavement GSB layer constructed to the full
roadway width.
b The upper layer of all shoulders of sub‐base quality compacted to a minimum
thickness if 100 mm.
c Shoulder side slopes are not be steeper than 2H:1V unless stone pitching of the
slope is provided.
d Speed breakers as per NRRDA circular comply with the requirements of
IRC:99‐1988 for general traffic.
e Speed breakers placed at the threshold of a habitation and at regular intervals
(150 ‐ 200 m) through the habitation.
f Within densely populated habitations, a cement concrete (CC) pavement or V-
shaped side drain is constructed to the full width of the available roadway.
g Within habitations, wherever deep side drains are constructed either within or
adjacent to the roadway, is covered by slabs laid level with the adjacent
pavement and capable of being manually removed.
h In habitations where child playing areas border the road, a low profile wall, raised
kerb or similar form of boundary marking (depending on the site conditions), is
constructed to create a physical boundary and act as a deterrent to the random
movement of a child onto the road.
i On roads where, because of the lack of dry land in the general area, the shoulder
will be continually occupied and only intermittently available for traffic, speed
breakers are installed at regular intervals, not more than 300 m apart, for the
entire length of the road.
j The drawings show all obstructions in the proposed road shoulder with a note
that the obstruction is to be removed.
k If a shoulder obstruction cannot be removed, hazard markers are installed to
mark the Obstruction
l Hazard markers are installed at all pipe culvert headwalls.
m Hazard markers are installed at each end of all box culverts, river crossing
causeways and similar CD structures.
n Hazard markers are installed at any discontinuity in the shoulder.
o Directional sight boards are installed on all sharp curves and bends.
p Speed breakers are provided at sharp curves and bends where the curve design
speed is less than 40 km/h in plain and rolling terrain, and less than 25 km/h in
mountainous and steep terrain.
q Speed breakers are provided and directional sight boards installed at sites where

reverse horizontal curves are closely spaced and speed reduction is required.
r At a main road intersection, signs and pavement markings for STOP control on
the PMGSY village road are installed, side road warning signs on the main road
and intersection warning signs on the village road are installed, and speed
breakers on the PMGSY village road are provided as given in the figures (refer
IRC 99-1988).

This DPR will be subjected to a road safety audit by an independent third party.

15.1 General 
The “Specification for Rural Roads” published by IRC by the Ministry of Rural
Development, Govt. of India has been followed.
15.2 Construction Equipment 
Construction by manual means and simple tools has been considered for the project
as per the guideline of NRRDA. For handling of bulk materials like spreading of
aggregates in sub-base & base courses by mix-in-place method, use of motor grader
& tractor-towed rotavator has been allowed in line with the schedule of rate for
PMGSY work. Compaction of all items shall be done by ordinary smooth wheeled
roller if the thickness of the compacted layer does not exceed 100 mm. It is also
considered that, hot mix plant of medium type & capacity with separate dryer
arrangement for aggregate shall be used for bituminous surfacing work that can be
easily shifted. A self-propelled or towed bitumen pressure sprayer shall be used for
spraying the materials in narrow strips with a pressure hand sprayer. Now the
vibratory rollers are also being used for rapid progress.

For structural works, concrete shall be mixed in a mechanical mixer fitted with water
measuring device. The excavation shall be done manually or mechanically using
suitable medium size excavators.

15.3 Construction Methods 

15.3.1 Preparation for Earthwork

After setting out existing ground shall be scarified to a minimum depth of 150 mm and
leveled manually and compacted with ordinary roller to receive the first layer of
earthwork. In filling area, existing embankment will be generally widened on both sides
as per the alignment plan. Continuous horizontal bench, each at least 300 mm wide,
shall be cut on the existing slopes for bonding with the fresh embankment/ sub grade
material as per Clause 301.7.

mbankment work
Material from borrow pits will be used for embankment construction as well as the
approved material deposited at site from roadway cutting and excavation of drain &
foundation may be used. Layer of the earth shall be laid in not more than 25 cm
(loose) thick layers & compacted each layer of the soil up to 30 cm below the sub
grade level at OMC to meet 97% of Standard Proctor Density.

Material for embankment and sub-grade shall satisfy the requirements of Table 300-1
and 300-2 as per the Specification for Rural Roads.

15.3.3 Sub-grade
Material from borrow pits will be used for construction of top 30 cm as sub-grade. Soil
in these sections is quite good for road construction. Top 30 cm up to the sub grade
level and shoulder at OMC to meet 100 % of Standard Proctor Density by proper
control of moisture and by required compaction with a smooth wheeled roller

15.3.4 Sub-base
Sub base material in the form of stone aggregates as available in the area to be used
in GSB Grade VI layer table 400.1
15.3.5 Base
Stone aggregates will be used in base course with stone aggregate to wet mix
macadam specification including premixing the material with water at OMC in
mechanical mixer (Pug Mill), carriage of mixed material by tipper to site, laying in
uniform layers in sub-base/base course on a well prepared sub-base and compacting
with smooth wheel roller of 80 to 100kN / Vibratory Roller 80-100 kN weight to
achieve the desired density including lighting, barricading and maintenance of
diversion, etc as per Tables 400.11 & 400.12 and Technical Specification Clause 406
MORD/ MORTH,including overhead charges & Contractor profit,

15.3.6 Shoulder
Earthen shoulder shall be constructed in layers and compacted to 100% of Proctor’s
Density. First layer of shoulder shall be laid after the sub–base layer is laid. Thereafter
earth layer shall be laid with base layer of pavement and compacted

15.3.7 Surfacing
Slow setting bitumen emulsion will be applied as primer on water bound layer.
Emulsion shall be sprayed on surface with pressure distributor. Rapid setting
bituminous emulsion shall be used for Tack coat.
Premixed carpet and mixed with equivalent viscosity grade bitumen shall be laid as
surfacing course. 6 mm thick Type B seal coat is considered for sealing of the
premixed carpet OR Bituminous concrete 30mm thcik is providing as carpet inorder to
over come kage wheels penetrations.

15.3.8 Structural Works

Following grades of concrete are proposed for Structural works and comply with
MORD and IRC specifications:
Concrete in superstructure of slab culvert – M30, M25 (RCC)
Concrete in abutment cap, dirt wall of slab culverts – M20(PCC) & M25 (RCC)
Abutment, return wall, headwall – M20 (PCC)
Concrete below abutment, return wall, headwall – M10 (PCC)

16.1 Alignment 

The proposed road is planned to be designed considering the impact on environment.

Proposed road alignment follows existing path to the maximum extent so that land
acquisition is not necessary for construction of the project road. Proposed road, when
completed, will be an addition to the aesthetics of this rural area.
16.2 Environmental Sensitive Area 
The alignment will be finalise avoiding the environmental sensitive area such as
National Park, Wild Life Sanctuary, Protected /Reserve Forest, Wet land etc. It is also
necessary to maintain the minimum distance of 500 m of the project road from
environmental sensitive area.
There are no environmental sensitive area in the alignment
16.3 Construction Camp
Construction camps will be established away from forest area/water body. The
minimum facilities such as water supply, sanitation, storm water drainage, solid waste
management and first aid box will be provided during the construction period of the
project. Necessary provision for rehabilitation or restoration after the completion of
construction phase will be done.
16.4 Permit / Clearance required
 No objection Certificate‐ This will be taken by PIU from SPCB. 
 Forest Department‐ If the project road passing thorough forest land and acquisition of

the same is involved and it will be taken by PIU from Forest Department
 Consent to establish (CFE) and Consent to Operate (CFO) ‐ This is required for Plant Hot
Mix Plant, WMM Plant, Batching Plant required for the project and the same will be taken by
the Contractor from SPCB.
 Lease from Mines & Geology‐ This will be taken by the Contractor for new Stone Quarry
required for the project. 

16.5 Borrow area 
The filling soil will have to be procured from borrow pit. Borrow area will be so
excavated that the lands can reused as agricultural field. The depth of borrow pit shall
not exceed 450 mm (150 mm top soil included). The top soil shall be stripped and
stacked and shall be spread back on the land. As far as possible the borrow pits shall
not be dug close to the road embankment. The Redevelopment of borrow area will be
done before closure of the same and it will be as per agreement between landowner and
the Contractor.
16.6 Erosion Control 
Turfing of the embankment slopes and earthen shoulder to prevent erosion of slopes of
the embankment, rain cuts and erosion of shoulder is suggested.
16.7 Drainage 
Required cross drainage structures have been provided on the basis of hydrological
survey of the area. Road side drainage is also duly considered in a manner so that
surface water is led to the low points and is drained through the CD structures.

16.8 Use of Material 
Cut back bitumen is not proposed in the project to avoid contamination with Kerosene.
Bitumen emulsion is proposed for primer coat and tack coat.

17.1 General 
Rates for various item of works of the project have been derived from the SCHEDULE
OF RATES(SOR) 2019-20 for Road works, Culvert works & Carriage etc. and
“Addendum & Corrigendum to Schedule of Rates” effective from 01.06.2019.
However in general the basic rates of material have been taken from SCHEDULE OF
RATES(SOR) 2019-20.
The rates of different items have been worked out inclusive of all labour charges, hire
charges of Tools & Plants, Machineries and all other cost estimates for the item of
work, overhead and contractor’s profit @ 12.5% and 1% cess on these.
17.2 Basic Rate of Material 
The basic rates for stone materials & river bed materials have been taken from
For bituminous materials, basic rate at Chennai/Haldia for equivalent viscosity grade
bitumen and for emulsion the basic rate of Chennai/Haldia has been considered as
suggested in from lead statement of DPR.
Basic rate of other materials like coarse & fine sand, cement are as per the latest from
Basic rate of steel materials at sub-divisional office has been considered in analysis
after adding cost of carriage, loading & unloading.

17.3 Lead for Materials 
For stone aggregates and sand, lead from source to work site is calculated from the
district map and block level map of core network and finalizing the same in discussion
with PIU. The supply of different materials to worksite is by road. Lead for bituminous
& steel materials are similarly obtained using SOR.
18.1 General 
Cost Estimate of project has been arrived on the following basis
• Selection of Items of work 
• Estimation of item wise quantities 
• Analysis of Rates 

18.2 Estimate of Quantities 
All the relevant road and structure work Items will be identified as per survey, design
and drawings. Following major item of works considered are given below:
• Site clearance, dismantling and earthwork
• Pavement works (GSB, WBM, Bituminous layers)
• Cross drainage structure works
• Drainage and protective works
• Utility relocation
• Road safety and furniture
• Maintenance works
Quantity of earthwork will be derived from the proposed cross section drawings.
Volume of cut and fill will be obtained directly using the design package software.
Quantity derived from software will be manually verified. There are same stretches of
the road in cut section. The details are provided chainage wise in Table-18.1 of total
cut and fill volume. The soil obtained from roadway excavation shall be used for
construction of embankment and shall be paid as per item no.4. All other quantities will
be computed from the drawings of finished road, miscellaneous drawings & drawings
of CD Structures.
The cut and fill volume of road is filled in Annexure 3

18.3 Abstract of Cost 
Unit rates will be derived by using the “Schedule of Rates for Road Works, Culvert
works and Carriage etc. SCHEDULE OF RATES(SOR) 2019-20 of TS . The abstract
of Cost estimate is attached separately in Format F6 & Format F7 .
18.4 Maintenance 
Cost of Annual Maintenance for five years after completion of project will be
estimated as per the PMGSY Guidelines. Different activities of ordinary repairs are
done as and when. A separate sheet attached for total Cost of 5 year Routine
Maintenance Works in Format F6.


19.1 General 
Assuming that the Construction of the Batch –1 roads will start from 01.03.2020. This
is a high rainfall area and rainy season extends from June to September. However, the
construction program is based for a total working period of 12 months, considering the
program set out by MoRD. Generally, dry working season of about 8 months are
required for construction of PMGSY roads. However, works will be affected for the
monsoon during the month June to September.
It is anticipated that some activity like collection of materials, CD works etc. will
continue in monsoon period also.

19.2 Realistic duration 
The work duration is 12 Months excluding Monsoon.


Format for Consolidated Report of the STA
On the Project Proposal under PMGSY. Annexure 7.3

1 State:  Telangana                           Phase:      II Year: 2019‐20

2 Names of the Members of the STA involved in the Technical Scrutiny.

1) Dr.M.Kumar ,Ph.D(IIT Bombay), Professor osmania university

3 Whether any Pre-DPR meeting held with SRRDA and DPIUs.
4 Summary of the Project Proposal scrutinized indicating district wise and road wise details of
length and cost. The summery includes the NO. of Packages and total value.
5 Whether schedule for scrutiny process and time taken for scrutiny (Please indicate the dates).

6 Actual scrutiny process and time taken for scrutiny (Please indicate the dates).
7 Interaction of the Engineers of the Executing Agencies with the STAs.
8 Major deficiencies observed during scrutiny with details.
9 Reliability of data obtained through investigations and used in the design/estimation.
10 Compliance of the provision/ instruction given in the guidelines/ circulars
11 Levels of response from the senior Engineer of the Executive Agencies for the suggestions.

12 If DPRs outsourced, perceived level of competence of outsourced consultants and

13 Overall comments and impressions of the STAs, if any, on the process of the preparation of
DPRs and their technical scrutiny.

Name of the Co‐ordinator STA
Annexure 7.1

Type of Proposal No. of Total Length No. of new CD Estimated Cost (Rs Lakhs)
Roads Of Roads Structures Pavement CD Structure Total
(KM) from Format-
from (5)+(6)
F2B No.of connected
F2A benefited
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
New connectivity
Associated Through
Up gradation 1 8.00 8 438.11 42.89 481.00 3
Other up gradation
Total 1 8.00 8 438.11 42.89 481.00 3
Format F3A‐  Typical cross section of the existing Pavement
Earthen surface road
CW = 5.50

1:1 3.75 1:1


(Existing worn out Gravel Surface Road)

Worn out WBM Gr‐II Surface


1:1 3.75 1:1


(Existing  worn out WBM  Surface Road)

Worn out BT Surface


1:1 1:1


0.6 km to 4km
4 km to 7.735km

(Existing  worn out BT surface Road)
Format 3B‐  Typical cross section of the Proposed Flexible Pavement
Shoulder width 1.00 m
Shoulder Depth 0.15 m BT carpet

Shoulder 1m width & 0.15m Thick

2:1 2:1

GSB Gr‐III with 5.75 m wide

WMM with 5.5 m wide
0.6 km to 4 km
4 km to 6.3 km
6.3 km to 6.475 km
6.475 km to 7.775 km

(BT carpet)
CC with M30 Rigid pavement
5.50 Shoulder 1m width & 0.15m Thick

2:1 2:1

GSB Gr‐III with 5.75 m wide
WMM with 5.5 m wide

0.000 km to 0.6 km
7.775 km to 8 km

(CC Pavement)

Format   F6‐  Enclosed in the Estimate Part of the DPR

Format   F7‐  Enclosed in the Estimate Part of the DPR
Format   F8‐  Enclosed in the Estimate Part of the DPR


1. a) Certified that the Land width for the Road is available and that no additional land is 
required: or
b) Certified that land width for the Road is likely to be available as certified by the 
a) Certified that no forest land is involved along the entire road way" or
3. b) Certified that the case for permission under Forest conservation Act has been moved to 

Certified that the DPR has been checked at site by 



SL No DPRs seen on ground by DPR No % of 

1 AE 1 100
2 DEE 1 100
3 EE 1
4 SE 1

Community Consultation Checklist – Engineering

Question Yes No N/a

1. Are there any flood prone areas on the road? NO
If yes:
1.1 Are locations specified and inspected?
1.2. Is high flood level specified for each stretch?
1.3 Are locations specified and inspected?
2. Are there any locations on the road where irrigations ducts need to be 
provided? NO
If yes:
2.1 Are locations specified and inspected?
3. Can the road be used as a shortcut by through traffic? YES
4. Does the road lead to any quarries, mining areas, brick kilns, logging 
areas, tourist attractions etc.?   Yes NO
5. Are there plans to build new schools, hospitals, temples etc  Yes
6. Is there potential for double connectivity?   Yes
If yes on any of 3‐6:
6.1 Is information on location, size and nature of additional traffic 
generators and specific routes obtained? N/A
7. Is there a need for deviations from existing track?   NO
If yes:
7.1 Were the proposals for deviation shown on site and explained to the 
7.2 Is the land availability checked?
7.3 If there is a need for donation, were the owners consulted regarding 
their agreement to donate the land?
8. Is there a need for speed breakers?   NO
If yes:
8.1 Is location and rational for speed breakers identified?
8.2 Is rationale verified and checked on site? 
8.3 Are alternative or additional locations discussed?
9. Are all existing intersections checked with the community on site?   YES
9.1 Is the use of intersecting roads identified (e.g. school children, farm 
machinery, etc)? Yes
10. Are proposed culvert locations verified with the community?   Yes
10.1 Is there a need for additional culverts? Yes
10.2 If yes, are locations identified? Yes

For DPR consultant For PIU For PIC

Present: Er. R.Hanmanth Rao ,B.E.,

Officers Present : 1. Er. SureshChandra Reddy, DPRE,PIU,Rangareddy

2. Er. Sri M.Narender Reddy,Dy.EE,PRSD:MAHESWARAM
3. Er. Sri.K.Anilkumar,AE,PRSD:MAHESWARAM
1. Name of work : Road From Maheswaram to Pulimamidi

2. Estimated Cost : 481.00 Lakhs

4. Date of Inspection :

The work construction of Road From Maheswaram to Pulimamidi, which is

proposed for sanction under PRADHAN MANTRI GRAM SADAK YOJANA (PMGSY) for
Rs 481 lakhs is inspected today by the under signed & the following observations are
made and recommended as follows

I The Existing Surface details of road as follows

Earthen/Gravel Metal CC BT
0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.600 0.600 4.000
0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 6.475 6.875 4.000 7.735
0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 7.775 8.000 0.000 0.000
0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000

II The Proposed Surface details

The following provisions shall be proposed while preparing estimate
The road crust ie.,Sub Base and Base course i.e.., GSB and WBM/WMM shall be
designed scrupulously as per IRC SP:72-2015 for ESAL up to 2msa
(ie.,20,000,00 Lakhs) and if ESAL> 2 msa (ie.,20,000,00 Lakhs) then
meticulously use IRC:37-2012 of plates 1 to 8 of clause 10.1.
1 0.000 0.000 0.600 4.000 0.000 0.600 0.600 4.000
2 0.000 0.000 4.000 6.300 7.775 8.000 4.000 6.300
3 0.000 0.000 6.300 6.475 0.000 0.000 6.300 6.475
4 0.000 0.000 6.475 7.775 0.000 0.000 6.475 7.775
5 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
6 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
7 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
8 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
9 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
10 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000

III The reaches at km , 3.37, 8.00, , , , , , , , , , , are village portions that

T),Jaitwaram,Jaitwaram maktha, where the side slopes of embankment should be
maintained (H:V) 1.5:1 as per IRC 36-1970 cl 4.2 and carted earth shall be
proposed for road widening since the side earth is not available.

IV CD works & Road Dams

As per site conditions , Construction of 1 vent 1,000 mm dia NP4 Class RCC Pipe

Culvert @km-,,4.675,,,,,7.25,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, shall be constructed

As per site conditions , Construction of 2 vents 1,000 mm dia NP 4 Class RCC Pipe

Culvert @km-0.65,,,,,6.475,6.6,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, shall be constructed

As per site conditions , Construction of 4 vents 1,000 mm dia NP 4 Class RCC Pipe

Culvert @km-,0.825,,1.85,2.275,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, shall be constructed

V The horizontal curves are exist at km 1.84,2.475,6.94,7.45,7.75, , , , , , , , , and

which shall be designed as per IRC:38-1988 & IRC SP 48-1992.

The horizontal curves, which are required to be provided extra widening for
carriage width of road at curves locations as per clause 6.2.1 and 6.2.2 of IRC 38-
1988 and super elevation not to exceed 7% as per clause 9.2.1 of IRC73-1980 for
plain & rolling terrain and ruling design speed should be 50kmph as per IRC:38-
1988 of Table 2 . It is observed No vertical curves are exist if they are exist vertical
sight distances should be followed as per IRC 52-2001& IRC 66-1976. The set back
distance at Horizontal curves and at intersection of roads (Junction) shall be
scrupulously followed as per clause 7 and 9.3.1 of IRC66-1976.

VI AT all junctions i.e.,km 0.00,2.425,3.055,3.525,8,,,,,,,,,,the necessary junctions are

to be developed with minimum sight traingle length of 4.5m right angle( as per
IRC:67-2012, cl 14.5.4) at intersection or Junction sothat adequate junction visibility
or safe stopping sight distance shall be assertained.
Similarly all cautionary boards shall be provided as per IRC 67-2012
VII Ensure that all the power poles or Telecommunication poles shall be erected
10m(minimum) away from the road way i.e. 10+7.5/2=13.75m from centre line of
carriage width as per IRC 32-1969.
VIII if any MI tanks over which road passes , the pitching work for protection should be
done at the base of water bodies to protect the embankment and guard stones shall
be provided.
IX Bituminous concrete with 30mm thick shall be provided as premix carpet just to over
come the kage wheel depressions.
X If CBR <=5, the recahes where CT Subgrade , CT Sub Base , CT Base and CRM
shall be done.
Hence The District Panchayat Raj Engineer,PIU,Rangareddy and Dy.Executive
Engineer, PRSD:Kothur are directed to follow the above recommendations

Regional Officer
(Ministry of Rural Development, Govt. of Telangana)


Name of work:‐ Road From Maheswaram to Pulimamidi


Description of Item No Rate Amount
1 2 3 4 6
Road work (As per Sub-Estimate) 31197800 31197800
CD works (As per Sub-Estimate) 4289021 4289021
Road Protective works ( As per sub
6668243 6668243
Road Furniture (A per Sub-Estimate) 620640 620640
Provision for Survey , Investigation and
8.00 20000 160000
Preparation of DPR
Add GST 12% 5133084
National Academy of Construction (NAC)
Quality control & T&P charges 0
Total 48068788
Add LS for Unforeseen items of work LS 31212
Grand Total 48100000

1 Routine maintenance cost for the defect
liability period ( Five years ) As per sub 8.00 Km 366000 2928000
2 Add GST on Maintenance @ 12.00% 351360
3 Add LS For U/F items
TOTAL 3279359.59

TOTAL (A + B) 51379360

Asst.Engineer(PR) Dy.Executive Engineer


Executive Engineer Superintending Engineer

(Ministry of Rural Development, Govt. of Telangana)


Name of work:‐ Road From Maheswaram to Pulimamidi

S.No Description of Item No Rate Per Amount

1 2 3 4 5 6

I Culverts & CD works

1 Proposed HLB @ 3.90km 0 0 Each 0

It is long span Bridge 10 Vents of 6m span a
separate DPR is submitted

2 Proposed HLB @ 5.80km 0 0 Each 0

Construction of 1 vent 1,000 mm dia NP4 Class

3 RCC Pipe Culvert @km- 2 302767 Each 605534

Construction of 2 vents 1,000 mm dia NP 4

4 Class RCC Pipe Culvert @km- 3 452046 Each 1356138

Construction of 3 vents 900 mm dia NP 4 Class

5 0 505904 Each 0
RCC Pipe Culvert @km-,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Construction of 4 vents 1,000 mm dia NP 4

6 Class RCC Pipe Culvert @km- 3 775783 Each 2327349

Construction of 10 vents 900 mm dia NP 4

7 0 1415168 Each 0
Class RCC Pipe Culvert

8 NOS. CD WORKS 8 4289021

Asst.Engineer(PR) Dy.Executive Engineer


Executive Engineer Superintending Engineer

Road From Maheswaram to Pulimamidi
Length of Road 8.00 kM
Total Estimate Cost Rs. 29.28 Lakhs
Cost per Km 3.660 Lakhs
The routine maintenance estimates is prepared for 5 years period, each 6
months period i.e. 6 months pre monsoon and 6 months post monsoon period.
As per the estimates the following is the estimate cost for the years mentioned
Cost of routine maintenance for 5 years  Rs 2924414.00

Year Total Amount Generated % Amount

Year wise per Km
1 355730 12.00% 44466
2 464482 16.00% 58060
3 587795 20.00% 73474
4 703674 24.00% 87959
5 812733 28.00% 101592
Total Cost of routine Maintenance cost 2924414 100.00%
LS Provision for Emergency repairs due 3586
to floods , other natural calamities etc.,

Total Maintenance Cost Rs. 2928000

Asst.Engineer(PR) Dy.Executive Engineer


Executive Engineer Superintending Engineer


Name of work:- Road From Maheswaram to Pulimamidi


Name of Mandal : MAHESWARAM

Name of Constituency:- MAHESWARAM
Name of District:- RANGAREDDY
Name of PR Sub Division:- MAHESWARAM
Name of PIU Division:- RANGAREDDY
Name of PR Circle:- RANGAREDDY

Length of Road proposed:- 8.000 kM

Total length of Road 8.000 kM
E/C in Rs. 481.00 Lakhs
It is proposed for construction of Road From Maheswaram to Pulimamidi by
an all weather road which is connecting Habitations of Maheswarm , Banjar(T) ,
m maktha,Kavalonibai(T),Mylarbai(T), , .

The work has been sanctioned under PRADHAN MANTRI GRAM SADAK
YOJANA (PMGSY) vide for Rs 481 Lakhs
The detailed estimate is worked out to Rs 481.00 lakhs

Govt., of India / Govt. of Telengana is aims to cover up gradation of existing

selected rural roads based on their economic potential and their role in facilitating
growth of rural market centers and rural hubs. To identify the growth centers and
rural hubs, a mechanism of ranking has introduced by the NRRDA. it would be
based upon socio-economic/ infrastructure. Such roads are called "CANDIDATE

The candidate road is comprises of ODR (R&Bof DRRP Plan of MAHESWARAM Mandal

The Total length of road is 8 km , out of which 7.999999 km is proposing up to

BT standard ie., All weather Road and the road crust is designed As per IRC
SP:72-2015 for flexible pavements and IRC SP:62-2004 & IRC 58-2002 for Rigid

Proposed length of road is 8.00 Therefore cost per km is 60.125 lakhs

The expected ESAL (Estimated Standard Axle Load) for the next coming 10 years
from 0.00 to 8.000 km is(under traffic category-I) is 314318 No.s
from 0.00 to 8.000 km is(under traffic category-II)is 254829 No.s

Therefore the Road crust is designed as per IRC: SP 72-2015 314318 No.s

Nomen clature of the road is as follows

Road Code: ODR (R&Bof DRRP Plan of MAHESWARAM Mandal

0 0
Package No: ---- NIL ----
Proposed Road Length in km: 8.000 kM

Nomen clature of road and Global Co-ordinates are Latitude Longitude

Starting Point: Maheswaram 17° 8'3.45"N 78°26'0.86"E
Ending Point: Pulimamidi 17° 3'56.65"N 78°25'8.72"E


Earthen/Gravel Metal CC BT
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.60 0.60 4.00
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.48 6.88 4.00 7.74
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 7.78 8.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

II Proposed Surface details

From To CBR GSB / CT Base / CRM CC BT (BC / Sub Base Type
0.000 0.600 7.00 0 0 0 150 0 GSB
0.600 4.000 7.00 0 125 0 0 30 GSB
4.000 6.300 4.00 0 0 75 0 30 CTSB
6.300 6.475 7.00 0 0 0 0 30 GSB
6.475 7.775 7.00 0 0 0 0 30 GSB
7.775 8.000 7.00 0 0 0 150 0 GSB
8.000 8.000 9.00 0 0 0 0 30 GSB
8.000 8.000 9.00 0 0 0 0 30 GSB
8.000 8.000 6.00 0 0 0 0 30 GSB
8.000 8.000 6.00 0 0 0 0 30 GSB
8.000 8.000 6.00 0 0 0 0 30 GSB
8.000 8.000 6.00 0 0 0 0 30 GSB
8.000 8.000 6.00 0 0 0 0 30 GSB
8.000 8.000 6.00 0 0 0 0 30 GSB
8.000 8.000 6.00 0 0 0 0 30 GSB
8.000 8.000 6.00 0 0 0 0 30 GSB
8.000 8.000 6.00 0 0 0 0 30 GSB
8.000 8.000 6.00 0 0 0 0 30 GSB
8.000 8.000 6.00 0 0 0 0 30 GSB
1 0.00 0.00 0.60 4.00 0.00 0.60 0.60 4.00
2 0.00 0.00 4.00 6.30 7.78 8.00 4.00 6.30
3 0.00 0.00 6.30 6.48 0.00 0.00 6.30 6.48
4 0.00 0.00 6.48 7.78 0.00 0.00 6.48 7.78
5 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
6 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
7 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
8 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
9 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

III Proposed Side drains

sl.No From km TO Length in m
1 0.00 0.60 599.999
7.78 8.00 225
0.00 0.00 0
0.00 0.00 0
0.00 0.00 0
0.00 0.00 0
0.00 0.00 0
0.00 0.00 0
0.00 0.00 0
0.00 0.00 0
0.00 0.00 0

TOTAL 824.999 m
IV CD works & Road Dams
No Reach Type of CD Vents Dia Covered in
1 0.65 Pipe culvert 2 1000
2 0.83 Pipe culvert 4 1000
3 4.68 Pipe culvert 1 1000
4 1.85 Pipe culvert 4 1000
5 2.28 Pipe culvert 4 1000
6 6.48 Pipe culvert 2 1000
7 6.60 Pipe culvert 2 1000
8 7.25 Pipe culvert 1 1000
9 0.00 0.00 0 0
10 0.00 0.00 0 0
11 0.00 0.00 0 0
12 0.00 0.00 0 0
13 0.00 0.00 0 0
14 0.00 0.00 0 0
15 0.00 0.00 0 0
16 0.00 0.00 0 0
17 0.00 0.00 0 0
18 0.00 0.00 0 0
19 0.00 0.00 0 0
20 0.00 0.00 0 0
21 0.00 0.00 0 0
22 0.00 0.00 0 0
23 0.00 0.00 0 0
24 0.00 0.00 0 0
25 0.00 0.00 0 0

V This road covers the following habitations

Population Weightage
sl.No Name of village
1 Maheswarm 8795 204
2 Banjar(T) 189 4
3 Pulimamidi 1821 42
Bachupally 1289 30
Dannaram 1122 26
Davudguda(T) 547 13
Gangaram(T) 482 11
Jaitwaram 1107 26
Jaitwaram maktha 391 9
Kavalonibai(T) 248 6
Mylarbai(T) 318 7

Total population 16309 379

The utility value as per PMGSY-II guide lines is assessed to 47.38 points

Length of BT Road proposed 7.175 km

Length of CC Road proposed 0.825 km


The Horizontal curves are designed as per IRC:38-1988 & IRC SP 48-1992 with ruling
design speed of 50 kmph as per table 2 of IRC:38-1988 and super elevation is limited to7%
The locations of horizontal curves as follows
Chaina Radius in Super Raise of Extra Set back Road
ge in widening
edge of
KM m elevation road at curve distance width(RW)
1.84 267.81 4.15% 0.23 3.05 7.91
2.48 1100.75 1.01% 0.06 1.78 7.68
6.94 153.32 7.00% 0.39 4.31 8.81
7.45 434.59 2.56% 0.14 2.41 7.81
7.75 100.84 7.00% 0.39 5.88 10.38

VII VERTICAL CURVES:- ---- No vertical curves are observed ----

VIII Provisions of Estimate( Up gradation of Road up to BT standards)

The following items are proposed in the estimate
1 Clearing and grubbing road land including uprooting wild vegetation as per
Technical Specification Clause 201 MORD
2 The side slopes of embankment should be (H:V) 1.5 :1 as per IRC 36-1970 cl 4.2
3 Construction of GSB for Base by providing well graded material as per Technical
Specification Clause 401 MORD, Where ever expansive soils exist , the CT Sub
base is provided
The Reaches from 4 To6.3km, are Expansive soils provided CTGSB

4 Providing, Wet mix Macadam base for a compacted thickness as per design as per
Tables 400.11 & 400.12 and Technical Specification Clause 406 MORD, Where
ever expansive soils exist , the CT base is provided
The Reaches from 4 To6.3km, are BC soils Provide CT Base

5 Providing and applying Prime Coat with bitumen emulsion (Slow Setting- SS-1) on
prepared surface as per Technical Specification Clause 502 MORD
6 Providing and applying Tack Coat with bitumen emulsion (Rapid Setting- RS-1)
using emulsion distributor @ 0.275 kg per sqm on prepared surface as per clause
503 MORD
7 Providing and laying Bituminous Macadam (BM) with 40 - 60 TPH HMP
producing an average output of 32.5 tonnes per hour using crushed aggregates of
specified grading, premixed with bituminous binder rolling with smooth wheeled,
vibratory and tandem rollers to achieve the desired compaction as per MORTH
specification clause No. 501.6 & 501.7
8 Providing and laying SDBC premixed with bituminous binder @ 4.5 to 5 per cent
of mix and filler , rolling with smooth wheeled, vibratory and tandem rollers to
achieve the desired compaction as per MORTH specification clause No. 508
9 Providing, laying and rolling of premix carpet BC/OGPC /SDBC if BM comes over it
of 20 mm thickness as per Technical Specification Clause 508 MORD
10 Providing and laying bituminous premixed Seal coat (Type B) over OGPC as per
technical specification clause 510 of MORD
11 Construction and widening of existing embankment with approved materials
deposited at site material obtained from roadway cutting as per technical
specification clause 301.5 of MORD
12 Forming embankment with borrowed useful earth from outside road boundary by
mechanical means as per technical specification clause 301.5 of MORD
13 Construction of un-reinforced dowel jointed at expansion and construction joint
with M30 plain cement concrete pavement conforming to IS : 383 as per drawing
and Technical Specification Clause 1501 MORD
CD Works

Proposed HLB @ 5.80km

Construction of 1 vent 1,000 mm dia NP4 Class RCC Pipe Culvert @km-

Construction of 2 vents 1,000 mm dia NP 4 Class RCC Pipe Culvert @km-
Construction of 4 vents 1,000 mm dia NP 4 Class RCC Pipe Culvert @km-

The reaches where the BC/Expansive soils are exist provided an subgrade
with non expansive soils prefarably with CBR 10% at 0.60m to 1.00m
thick as per IRC SP 72-2015 vide cl 4.2.2 and shoulders are provided with 1.50m
width of GSB material where PI<12 and CBR>10 as per cl 9.20 of IRC SP 72-2015
OR Cement Treated Sub Base is provided.

The DPR/Detailed estimate is prepared as per current SCHEDULE OF

RATES(SOR) 2019-20 of Govt.of Telangana and submitted for sanction for Rs 481
Lakhs and Technical approval up to Rs 481 Lakhs under PRADHAN MANTRI
Necessary Road safety cautionery boards like Hump head sign boards,Speed
limit sign boards, Side road left , Side road Right at every T junction, Stop sign
board at T intersection and Reflectors and all sign boards etc., with LS provision is

for Rs 481.00 Lakhs


Asst.Engineer(PR) Dy.Executive Engineer


Executive Engineer Superintending Engineer

Name of work Road From Maheswaram to Pulimamidi

PRSD:- MAHESWARAM Proposed BT width 5.50 m

MANDAL: MAHESWARAM Existing BT width 3.75 m
District: RANGAREDDY Proposed Road width 9.00 m
MoRD Data YES Shoulder width 1.50 m
Estt.Cost.Rs. 378.66 Lakhs
Sl.N Length Breadth Depth Rate Amount
Description of Item No Quantity t
o. (m) (m) (m) (Rs) (Rs)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7.00 8 9 10

1 Clearing and grubbing road land including uprooting wild vegetation, grass, bushes, shrubs,
saplings and trees of girth up to 300 mm, removal of stumps of such trees cut earlier and
disposal of unserviceable materials and stacking of serviceable material to be used or
auctioned, up to a lead of 1000 m including removal and disposal of top organic soil not
exceeding 150 mm in thickness as per Technical Specification Clause 201 MORD including
overhead and contractor profit .
Road 0.000 to 8.000 1 x 2 8000.00 4.00 63999.99

Deduct voids 50% -32000.00

TOTAL 32000.00 2.30 1m2 73600
3 Scarifying the existing bituminous road surface to a depth of 50 mm and disposal of scarified

material with all lifts and lead upto 1000 m as per Technical Specification Clause 305.4.3

MORTH including contractors profit & Over head charges, but excluding GST etc,. Complete.
From 0.600 to 4.000 1 x 1 3400 3.75 12750.00
From 4.000 to 7.735 1 x 0 3735 3.75 0.00

TOTAL 12750.00 8.68 1m2 110685

5 Construction of embankment with approved materials deposited at site from roadway cutting
and excaion from drain (not exceeding 0.6 m depth) and foundation of other structures including
breaking clods, ramming, spreading, sectioning, grading compacting with vibratory roller 80-
100KN to OMC compaction including to a top width of 7.5m and raising to required height
complete etc.as per requirement of Tables 300.1 and 300.2 as per Technical Specification
Clause 301.5 MORD/ 305 MORTH including contractors profit & Over head charges, but
excluding Seig Charges& GST etc,. Complete.

As per Calculation sheets

Road widening 0.000 to 8.000 1 x 1 8000 1121.34 6608.54

TOTAL Qty/km =826.07cum 6608.54 92.91 1m2 614024

6 Construction of embankment with approved material obtained from borrow pits with all lifts,

transporting to site, spreading, grading to required slope and compacting with vibratory roller 80-

100 KN to meet requirement of Tables 300.1 and 300.2 with a lead upto 1000 m as per

Technical Specification Clause 301.5 MORD including contractors profit & Over head charges,

but excluding Seig Charges& GST etc,. Complete.

Road Rasing 5.715 to 7.20 1 x 1 1485 7.50 0.000 0.00

As per Calculation sheets

Road widening 0.000 to 8.00 1 x 1 8000 747.56 4405.70

TOTAL Qty/km =550.71cum 4405.70 204.33 1m2 900217

7 Construction of Cement Treated Subgarde on a prepared surface, pulverising, mixing the
spread soil in place with rotaor with Cement, grading with motor grader and compacting with
the smooth wheel road roller at OMC to the desired density to form a layer of improved Sub-
grade and PI value should be less than 10 and to achive CBR not less than 5% as per
Technical Specification Cluase 403, including contractors profit & Over head charges, but
Excluding Seig Charges& GST etc,. Complete.

From 0.00 to 0.60 1 x 0 600.00 4.75 0.300 0.00

From 0.60 to 4.00 1 x 0 3400.00 4.75 0.300 0.00
From 4.00 to 6.30 1 x 1 2300.00 4.75 0.300 3277.50
From 6.30 to 6.48 1 x 0 175.00 4.75 0.300 0.00
From 6.48 to 7.78 1 x 0 1300.00 4.75 0.300 0.00
From 7.78 to 8.00 1 x 0 225.00 4.75 0.300 0.00

TOTAL 3277.50 307.61 1m3 1008191

8 Construction of Cement treated Gravel Sub base using 4.7 per cent quantity of cement by
weight of materials by Providing, laying and spreading well graded material (i.e. 9.5 mm to 4.75
mm size Gravel of 66% and crusher dust of size < 2.36mm @ 34%) having LL < 45, PI < 20 &
Uniformity coefficient (Cu) > 5 on a prepared sub-grade, pulverising, adding the designed
quantity of cement to the spreaded materials, mix shall be designed for a minimum laboratory
test for 7 days unconfined compressive strength and not less than 1.7 MPa (17 Kg/cm2) for
sub-base and mixing in place with rotavator, grading with the tractor grader and compacting
with the vibratory roller 8-10 tonnes capacity at OMC to achieve the desired unconfined
compressive strength and to form a layer of sub-base as per MORD Technical Specification
Clause 404, including contractors profit & Over head charges, but excluding Seig Charges&
GST etc,. Complete. For Cement Treated sub-base.
From 0.000 to 0.600 1 x 1 600 3.75 0.000 0.00
From 0.600 to 4.000 1 x 1 3400 3.75 0.000 0.00
From 4.000 to 6.300 1 x 1 2300 3.75 0.000 0.00
From 6.300 to 6.475 1 x 1 175 3.75 0.000 0.00
From 6.475 to 7.775 1 x 1 1300 3.75 0.000 0.00
From 7.775 to 8.000 1 x 1 225 3.75 0.000 0.00
For widening portion of CW
From 0.000 to 0.600 1 x 2 600 0.875 0.000 0.00
From 0.600 to 4.000 1 x 2 3400 0.875 0.000 0.00
From 4.000 to 6.300 1 x 2 2300 0.875 0.100 402.50
From 6.300 to 6.475 1 x 2 175 0.875 0.000 0.00
From 6.475 to 7.775 1 x 2 1300 0.875 0.000 0.00
From 7.775 to 8.000 1 x 2 225 0.875 0.000 0.00

Deduct Bridge portions (Old CW)

at kM 3.900 -1 x 1 100.00 3.75 0.000 0.00
at kM 5.800 -1 x 1 300.00 3.75 0.000 0.00

Deduct Bridge portions (widening)

at kM 3.900 -1 x 1 100.00 1.75 0.000 0.00
at kM 5.800 -1 x 1 300.00 1.75 0.100 -52.50

Deduct Road Dams(Widening Portion)

at kM 6.375 -1 x 1 50.00 1.75 0.000 0.00

Deduct Road Dams(Old CW Portion)

at kM 6.375 -1 x 1 50.00 3.75 0.000 0.00

Add Extra for widening at Curves

at kM 1.840 R= 267.81 BT 1 x 1 0.00 0.000 0.00
at kM 2.475 R= 1100.75 BT 1 x 1 0.00 0.000 0.00
at kM 6.940 R= 153.32 BT 1 x 1 0.00 0.000 0.00
at kM 7.450 R= 434.59 BT 1 x 1 0.00 0.000 0.00
at kM 7.750 R= 100.84 BT 1 x 1 0.00 0.000 0.00

Add Extra for Super Elevation at Curves as per IRC 38-1998 cl 7.3.1
at kM 1.840 R= 267.81 1 x 0 146.83 1.75 0.057 0.00
at kM 2.475 R= 1100.75 1 x 0 351.49 1.75 0.014 0.00
at kM 6.940 R= 153.32 1 x 0 238.26 1.75 0.096 0.00
at kM 7.450 R= 434.59 1 x 0 213.13 1.75 0.035 0.00
at kM 7.750 R= 100.84 1 x 0 122.37 1.75 0.096 0.00

Add extra For Development of Junctions

at kM 0.000 BT 2 x 1 12.50 0.000 0.00
at kM 2.425 BT 2 x 1 12.50 0.000 0.00
at kM 3.055 BT 2 x 1 12.50 0.000 0.00
at kM 3.525 BT 2 x 1 12.50 0.000 0.00
at kM 8.000 BT 2 x 1 12.50 0.000 0.00

350.00 2,024.92 1m3 708722

9 Construction of Cement treated Granular Base by providing, lying and spreading crushed rock
materials ( as per table 400.4 of MoRTH i.e.., using crushed stone materials of 37.5 to 9.50mm
@ 32.50%, 9.50 to 4.75mm @5% and 4.75mm to 75 microns @62.50% ) on a prepared sub
base by adding 5.5 per cent quantity of cement by weight ( i.e.., at 110 Kgs/Cum of finished
qty of item) on a prepared sub base, the mix shall be designed for a minimum laboratory test
for 7 days unconfined compressive strength and not less than 3.00 MPa (30 Kg/cm2) for base
course and mixing in place with rotavator, grading with the tractor grader and compacting with
the vibratory roller 8-10 Tonnes capacity at OMC to achieve the desired unconfined
compressive strength and to form a layer of Base, as per MORTH specification 403, including
contractors profit & Over head charges, but excluding Seig Charges& GST etc,. Complete. as
per clause 403.2 and Table 400.4 for Cement Treated crushed rock base
From 0.000 to 0.600 1 x 1 600 3.75 0.000 0.00
From 0.600 to 4.000 1 x 1 3400 3.75 0.000 0.00
From 4.000 to 6.300 1 x 1 2300 3.75 0.000 0.00
From 6.300 to 6.475 1 x 1 175 3.75 0.000 0.00
From 6.475 to 7.775 1 x 1 1300 3.75 0.000 0.00
From 7.775 to 8.000 1 x 1 225 3.75 0.000 0.00

For widening portion of CW

From 0.000 to 0.600 1 x 2 600 0.875 0.000 0.00
From 0.600 to 4.000 1 x 2 3400 0.875 0.000 0.00
From 4.000 to 6.300 1 x 2 2300 0.875 0.125 503.13
From 6.300 to 6.475 1 x 2 175 0.875 0.000 0.00
From 6.475 to 7.775 1 x 2 1300 0.875 0.000 0.00
From 7.775 to 8.000 1 x 2 225 0.875 0.000 0.00

Deduct Bridge portions at wideneing

at kM 3.900 -1 x 1 100.00 1.75 0.000 0.00
at kM 5.800 -1 x 1 300.00 1.75 0.125 -65.63

Deduct Bridge portions (Old CW)

at kM 3.900 -1 x 1 100.00 3.75 0.000 0.00
at kM 5.800 -1 x 1 300.00 3.75 0.000 0.00

Deduct Road Dams(Widening Portion)

at kM 6.375 -1 x 1 50.00 1.75 0.000 0.00

Deduct Road Dams(Old CW Portion)

at kM 6.375 -1 x 1 50.00 3.75 0.000 0.00

Add Extra for widening at Curves

at kM 1.840 R= 267.81 BT 1 x 1 0.00 0.000 0.00
at kM 2.475 R= 1100.75 BT 1 x 1 0.00 0.000 0.00
at kM 6.940 R= 153.32 BT 1 x 1 0.00 0.000 0.00
at kM 7.450 R= 434.59 BT 1 x 1 0.00 0.000 0.00
at kM 7.750 R= 100.84 BT 1 x 1 0.00 0.000 0.00

Add Extra for Super Elevation at Curves as per IRC 38-1998 cl 7.3.1
at kM 1.840 R= 267.81 1 x 0 146.83 1.75 0.057 0.00
at kM 2.475 R= 1100.75 1 x 0 351.49 1.75 0.014 0.00
at kM 6.940 R= 153.32 1 x 0 238.26 1.75 0.096 0.00
at kM 7.450 R= 434.59 1 x 0 213.13 1.75 0.035 0.00
at kM 7.750 R= 100.84 1 x 0 122.37 1.75 0.096 0.00
Add extra For Development of Junctions
at kM 0.000 BT 2 x 1 12.50 0.000 0.00
at kM 2.425 BT 2 x 1 12.50 0.000 0.00
at kM 3.055 BT 2 x 1 12.50 0.000 0.00
at kM 3.525 BT 2 x 1 12.50 0.000 0.00
at kM 8.000 BT 2 x 1 12.50 0.000 0.00

TOTAL 437.50 2,478.25 1m3 1084233

10 Providing crushed run stone aggregate (CRM) grading conforming to table 400.20 depositing
on a prepared surface by hauling vehicles, spreading and mixing with a motor grader, watering
and compacting with a three wheel 80-100 kN static roller as per Technical Specification
Clause 411MORD/ 410 MORTH to form a layer of sub-base/base
From 0.000 to 0.600 1 x 1 600 3.75 0.000 0.00
From 0.600 to 4.000 1 x 1 3400 3.75 0.000 0.00
From 4.000 to 6.300 1 x 1 2300 3.75 0.075 646.88
From 6.300 to 6.475 1 x 1 175 3.75 0.000 0.00
From 6.475 to 7.775 1 x 1 1300 3.75 0.000 0.00
From 7.775 to 8.000 1 x 1 225 3.75 0.000 0.00

For widening portion of CW

From 0.000 to 0.600 1 x 2 600 0.875 0.000 0.00
From 0.600 to 4.000 1 x 2 3400 0.875 0.000 0.00
From 4.000 to 6.300 1 x 2 2300 0.875 0.075 301.88
From 6.300 to 6.475 1 x 2 175 0.875 0.000 0.00
From 6.475 to 7.775 1 x 2 1300 0.875 0.000 0.00
From 7.775 to 8.000 1 x 2 225 0.875 0.000 0.00

Deduct Bridge portions at wideneing

at kM 3.900 -1 x 1 100.00 1.75 0.000 0.00
at kM 5.800 -1 x 1 300.00 1.75 0.075 -39.38

Deduct Bridge portions (Old CW)

at kM 3.900 -1 x 1 100.00 3.75 0.000 0.00
at kM 5.800 -1 x 1 300.00 3.75 0.075 -84.38

Deduct Road Dams(Widening Portion)

at kM 6.375 -1 x 1 50.00 1.75 0.000 0.00

Deduct Road Dams(Old CW Portion)

at kM 6.375 -1 x 1 50.00 3.75 0.000 0.00

Add Extra for widening at Curves

at kM 1.840 R= 267.81 BT 1 x 1 0.00 0.000 0.00
at kM 2.475 R= 1100.75 BT 1 x 1 0.00 0.000 0.00
at kM 6.940 R= 153.32 BT 1 x 1 0.00 0.000 0.00
at kM 7.450 R= 434.59 BT 1 x 1 0.00 0.000 0.00
at kM 7.750 R= 100.84 BT 1 x 1 0.00 0.000 0.00

Add Extra for Super Elevation at Curves as per IRC 38-1998 cl 7.3.1
at kM 1.840 R= 267.81 1 x 0 146.83 1.75 0.057 0.00
at kM 2.475 R= 1100.75 1 x 0 351.49 1.75 0.014 0.00
at kM 6.940 R= 153.32 1 x 0 238.26 1.75 0.096 0.00
at kM 7.450 R= 434.59 1 x 0 213.13 1.75 0.035 0.00
at kM 7.750 R= 100.84 1 x 0 122.37 1.75 0.096 0.00

Add extra For Development of Junctions

at kM 0.000 BT 2 x 1 12.50 0.000 0.00
at kM 2.425 BT 2 x 1 12.50 0.000 0.00
at kM 3.055 BT 2 x 1 12.50 0.000 0.00
at kM 3.525 BT 2 x 1 12.50 0.000 0.00
at kM 8.000 BT 2 x 1 12.50 0.000 0.00

825.00 3,157.21 1m3 2604698

10 Construction of Granular sub-base by providing HBG/HBT material confirming to Grading - VI

of MoRT&H Table 400-1 including cost, (excluding seigniorage charges) and conveyance of all
materials to work site and spreading in uniform layers with motor grader or by approved means,
on prepared surface mixing by mix in place method with Rotavator / approved means at OMC
and compacting with vibratory roller to achieve the desired density etc., complete for finished
item of work as per MoRT&H Specification 401 (5th revision) and as directed by the Engineer-
in-charge. (Payment Based on Levels)
(CBR Value minimum 20)
Approach road fro 0.000 to 0.000 1 x 1 0.00 5.75 0 0.00
From 0.000 to 0.600 1 x 1 600 3.75 0.000 0.00
From 0.600 to 4.000 1 x 1 3400 3.75 0.000 0.00
From 4.000 to 6.300 1 x 1 2300 3.75 0.000 0.00
From 6.300 to 6.475 1 x 1 175 3.75 0.000 0.00
From 6.475 to 7.775 1 x 1 1300 3.75 0.000 0.00
From 7.775 to 8.000 1 x 1 225 3.75 0.000 0.00

For widening portion of CW

From 0.000 to 0.600 1 x 2 600 0.875 0.000 0.00
From 0.600 to 4.000 1 x 2 3400 0.875 0.175 1041.25
From 4.000 to 6.300 1 x 2 2300 0.875 0.000 0.00
From 6.300 to 6.475 1 x 2 175 0.875 0.175 53.59
From 6.475 to 7.775 1 x 2 1300 0.875 0.000 0.00
From 7.775 to 8.000 1 x 2 225 0.875 0.000 0.00

Deduct Bridge portions at wideneing

at kM 3.900 -1 x 1 100.00 1.75 0.175 -30.63
at kM 5.800 -1 x 1 300.00 2.00 0.000 0.00

Deduct Bridge portions (Old CW)

at kM 3.900 -1 x 1 100.00 3.75 0.000 0.00
at kM 5.800 -1 x 1 300.00 3.75 0.000 0.00

Deduct Road Dams(Widening Portion)

at kM 6.375 -1 x 1 50.00 2.00 0.175 -17.50

Deduct Road Dams(Old CW Portion)

at kM 6.375 -1 x 1 50.00 3.75 0.000 0.00
Add Extra for widening at Curves
at kM 1.840 R= 267.81 BT 1 x 1 0.00 0.175 0.00
at kM 2.475 R= 1100.75 BT 1 x 1 0.00 0.175 0.00
at kM 6.940 R= 153.32 BT 1 x 1 0.00 0.000 0.00
at kM 7.450 R= 434.59 BT 1 x 1 0.00 0.000 0.00
at kM 7.750 R= 100.84 BT 1 x 1 0.00 0.000 0.00

Add Extra for Super Elevation at Curves as per IRC 38-1998 cl 7.3.1
at kM 1.840 R= 267.81 1 x 1 146.83 1.75 0.057 14.66
at kM 2.475 R= 1100.75 1 x 1 351.49 1.75 0.014 8.54
at kM 6.940 R= 153.32 1 x 0 238.26 1.75 0.096 0.00
at kM 7.450 R= 434.59 1 x 0 213.13 1.75 0.035 0.00
at kM 7.750 R= 100.84 1 x 0 122.37 1.75 0.096 0.00

Add extra For Development of Junctions

at kM 0.000 BT 2 x 1 12.50 0.000 0.00
at kM 2.425 BT 2 x 1 12.50 0.175 4.38
at kM 3.055 BT 2 x 1 12.50 0.175 4.38
at kM 3.525 BT 2 x 1 12.50 0.175 4.38
at kM 8.000 BT 2 x 1 12.50 0.000 0.00

TOTAL 1083.04 2,014.49 1m 2181774
10 Providing, laying, spreading and compacting graded stone aggregate to wet mix macadam
specification including premixing the material with water at OMC in mechanical mixer (Pug
Mill), carriage of mixed material by tipper to site, laying in uniform layers in sub-base/base
course on a well prepared sub-base and compacting with Vibratory Roller 80-100 kN weight to
achieve the desired density including lighting, barricading and maintenance of diversion, etc as
per Tables 400.11 & 400.12 and Technical Specification Clause 406 MORD/ MORTH, including
contractors profit & Over head charges, but excluding Seig Charges& GST etc,. Complete.
Approach road fro 0.000 to 0.000 0 x 1 0.00 5.50 0.150 0.00
From 0.000 to 0.600 1 x 1 600 3.75 0.000 0.00
From 0.600 to 4.000 1 x 1 3400 3.75 0.125 1593.75
From 4.000 to 6.300 1 x 1 2300 3.75 0.000 0.00
From 6.300 to 6.475 1 x 1 175 3.75 0.000 0.00
From 6.475 to 7.775 1 x 1 1300 3.75 0.000 0.00
From 7.775 to 8.000 1 x 1 225 3.75 0.000 0.00

For widening portion of CW

From 0.000 to 0.600 1 x 2 600 0.875 0.000 0.00
From 0.600 to 4.000 1 x 2 3400 0.875 0.150 892.50
From 4.000 to 6.300 1 x 2 2300 0.875 0.000 0.00
From 6.300 to 6.475 1 x 2 175 0.875 0.150 45.94
From 6.475 to 7.775 1 x 2 1300 0.875 0.000 0.00
From 7.775 to 8.000 1 x 2 225 0.875 0.000 0.00

Deduct Bridge for Widening portions

at kM 3.900 -1 x 1 100.00 1.75 0.150 -26.25
at kM 5.800 -1 x 1 300.00 1.75 0.000 0.00

Deduct Bridge portions (Old CW)

at kM 3.900 -1 x 1 100.00 3.75 0.125 -46.88
at kM 5.800 -1 x 1 300.00 3.75 0.000 0.00
Deduct Road Dams(Widening Portion)
at kM 6.375 -1 x 1 50.00 1.75 0.150 -13.13

Deduct Road Dams(Old CW Portion)

at kM 6.375 -1 x 1 50.00 3.75 0.000 0.00

Add Extra for Widening at Curves

at kM 1.840 R= 267.81 BT 1 x 1 0.00 0.150 0.00
at kM 2.475 R= 1100.75 BT 1 x 1 0.00 0.150 0.00
at kM 6.940 R= 153.32 BT 1 x 1 0.00 0.000 0.00
at kM 7.450 R= 434.59 BT 1 x 1 0.00 0.000 0.00
at kM 7.750 R= 100.84 BT 1 x 1 0.00 0.000 0.00

Add extra for Super Elevation at Curves as per IRC 38-1998 cl 7.3.1
at kM 1.840 R= 267.81 1 x 0 146.83 1.75 0.057 0.00
at kM 2.475 R= 1100.75 1 x 0 351.49 1.75 0.014 0.00
at kM 6.940 R= 153.32 1 x 0 238.26 1.75 0.096 0.00
at kM 7.450 R= 434.59 1 x 0 213.13 1.75 0.035 0.00
at kM 7.750 R= 100.84 1 x 0 122.37 1.75 0.096 0.00

Add extra For Development of Junctions

at kM 0.000 BT 2 x 1 12.50 0.000 0.00
at kM 2.425 BT 2 x 1 12.50 0.150 3.75
at kM 3.055 BT 2 x 1 12.50 0.150 3.75
at kM 3.525 BT 2 x 1 12.50 0.150 3.75
at kM 8.000 BT 2 x 1 12.50 0.000 0.00

TOTAL 2457.19 2,285.10 1m 5614917
11 Providing and applying primer coat with bitumen emulsion (SS-1) on prepared surface of
granular base including cleaning of road surface and spraying primer at the rate of 0.70-1.0
kg/sqm using mechanical means as per Technical Specification Clause 502 MORD (for use on
Wet mix macadam & WBM) ,including contractors profit & Over head charges, but excluding
GST etc,. Complete. for Prime Coat
Approach road from
0.000 to 0.000 1 x 1 0.00 5.50 0.00
From 0.000 to 0.600 1 x 0 600 3.75 0.00
From 0.600 to 4.000 1 x 1 3400 3.75 12750.00
From 4.000 to 6.300 1 x 0 2300 3.75 0.00
From 6.300 to 6.475 1 x 0 175 3.75 0.00
From 6.475 to 7.775 1 x 0 1300 3.75 0.00
From 7.775 to 8.000 1 x 0 225 3.75 0.00

For widening portion of CW

From 0.000 to 0.600 1 x 0 600 1.750 0.00
From 0.600 to 4.000 1 x 1 3400 1.750 5950.00
From 4.000 to 6.300 1 x 1 2300 1.750 4025.00
From 6.300 to 6.475 1 x 1 175 1.750 306.25
From 6.475 to 7.775 1 x 0 1300 1.750 0.00
From 7.775 to 8.000 1 x 0 225 1.750 0.00

Deduct Bridge for Widening portions

at kM 3.900 -1 x 1 100.00 1.750 -175.00
at kM 5.800 -1 x 1 300.00 1.750 -525.00

Deduct Bridge portions (Old CW)

at kM 3.900 -1 x 1 100.00 3.750 -375.00
at kM 5.800 -1 x 0 300.00 3.750 0.00

Deduct Road Dams(Widening Portion)

at kM 6.375 -1 x 1 50.00 1.75 -87.50

Deduct Road Dams(Old CW Portion)

at kM 6.375 -1 x 0 50.00 3.75 0.00

Add Extra for widening at Curves

at kM 1.840 R= 267.81 BT 1 x 1 0.00 0.00
at kM 2.475 R= 1100.75 BT 1 x 1 0.00 0.00
at kM 6.940 R= 153.32 BT 1 x 1 0.00 0.00
at kM 7.450 R= 434.59 BT 1 x 1 0.00 0.00
at kM 7.750 R= 100.84 BT 1 x 1 0.00 0.00

Deduct curve area if laid with CC

at kM 1.840 R= 267.81 BT 1 x 0 146.83 1.75 0.00
at kM 2.475 R= 1100.75 BT 1 x 0 351.49 1.75 0.00
at kM 6.940 R= 153.32 BT 1 x 0 238.26 1.75 0.00
at kM 7.450 R= 434.59 BT 1 x 0 213.13 1.75 0.00
at kM 7.750 R= 100.84 BT 1 x 0 122.37 1.75 0.00

Add extra For Development of Junctions

at kM 0.000 BT 2 x 1 12.50 25.00
at kM 2.425 BT 2 x 1 12.50 25.00
at kM 3.055 BT 2 x 1 12.50 25.00
at kM 3.525 BT 2 x 1 12.50 25.00
at kM 8.000 BT 2 x 1 12.50 25.00

TOTAL 21993.75 45.58 1m2 1002430

12 Providing and applying tack coat with Bitumen emulsion (RS-1) using emulsion distributor at
the rate of 0.25 to 0.30 kg per sqm on the prepared granular surfaces treated with primer &
cleaned with Hydraulic broom as per Technical Specification Clause 503 MORD, including
contractors profit & Over head charges, but excluding GST etc,. Complete. for Tack Coat
Approach road fro 0.000 to 0.000 1 x 1 0.00 3.75 0.00
For CW(old)
From 0.000 to 0.600 1 x 0 600 3.75 0.00
From 0.600 to 4.000 1 x 1 3400 3.75 12750.00
From 4.000 to 6.300 1 x 0 2300 3.75 0.00
From 6.300 to 6.475 1 x 0 175 3.75 0.00
From 6.475 to 7.775 1 x 0 1300 3.75 0.00
From 7.775 to 8.000 1 x 0 225 3.75 0.00

For widening portion of CW

From 0.000 to 0.600 1 x 0 600 1.750 0.00
From 0.600 to 4.000 1 x 1 3400 1.750 5950.00
From 4.000 to 6.300 1 x 1 2300 1.750 4025.00
From 6.300 to 6.475 1 x 1 175 1.750 306.25
From 6.475 to 7.775 1 x 0 1300 1.750 0.00
From 7.775 to 8.000 1 x 0 225 1.750 0.00

Deduct Bridge for Widening portions

at kM 3.900 -1 x 1 100.00 1.750 -175.00
at kM 5.800 -1 x 1 300.00 1.750 -525.00

Deduct Bridge portions for Old CW

at kM 3.900 -1 x 1 100.00 3.750 -375.00
at kM 5.800 -1 x 0 300.00 3.750 0.00

Deduct Road Dams(Widening Portion)

at kM 6.375 -1 x 1 50.00 1.75 -87.50

Deduct Road Dams(Old CW Portion)

at kM 6.375 -1 x 0 50.00 3.75 0.00

Add Extra for widening at Curves

at kM 1.840 R= 267.81 BT 1 x 1 0.00 0.00
at kM 2.475 R= 1100.75 BT 1 x 1 0.00 0.00
at kM 6.940 R= 153.32 BT 1 x 1 0.00 0.00
at kM 7.450 R= 434.59 BT 1 x 1 0.00 0.00
at kM 7.750 R= 100.84 BT 1 x 1 0.00 0.00

Deduct curve area if laid with CC

at kM 1.840 R= 267.81 BT 0 x 1 146.83 1.75 0.00
at kM 2.475 R= 1100.75 BT 0 x 1 351.49 1.75 0.00
at kM 6.940 R= 153.32 BT 0 x 1 238.26 1.75 0.00
at kM 7.450 R= 434.59 BT 0 x 1 213.13 1.75 0.00
at kM 7.750 R= 100.84 BT 0 x 1 122.37 1.75 0.00

Add extra For Development of Junctions

at kM 0.000 BT 2 x 1 12.50 25.00
at kM 2.425 BT 2 x 1 12.50 25.00
at kM 3.055 BT 2 x 1 12.50 25.00
at kM 3.525 BT 2 x 1 12.50 25.00
at kM 8.000 BT 2 x 1 12.50 25.00

TOTAL 21993.75 10.01 1m2 220,085

13 Providing and laying 50 mm thick of Dense Graded Bituminous Macadam with 100-120 TPH
batch type hot mix plant using HBG crushed aggregates of Grading - II as per table 500-10 of
MoRT&H Specification 505 (5th revision) premixed with bitumen VG-30 grade (60/70)@ 4.50%
of weight of total mixture, transported to site, laid over a previously prepared surface with
Mechanical Paver finisher to the required grade, level and alignment and rolled as per Clauses
501.6 and 501.7 to achieve the desired compaction for finished item of work as directed by the
Engineer-in-Charge including hire and operational charges all T&P and all other contingent
charges necessary including charges of all materials etc., complete and as per MoRTH
specification No. 505(5th Revision)
Approach road fro 0.000 to 0.000 0 x 1 0.00 5.50 0.000 0.00
For old CW
From 0.000 to 0.600 1 x 1 600 3.75 0.00 0.00
From 0.600 to 4.000 1 x 1 3400 3.75 0.00 0.00
From 4.000 to 6.300 1 x 1 2300 3.75 0.00 0.00
From 6.300 to 6.475 1 x 1 175 3.75 0.00 0.00
From 6.475 to 7.775 1 x 1 1300 3.75 0.00 0.00
From 7.775 to 8.000 1 x 1 225 3.75 0.00 0.00

For widening portion of CW

From 0.000 to 0.600 1 x 1 600 1.75 0.00 0.00
From 0.600 to 4.000 1 x 1 3400 1.75 0.00 0.00
From 4.000 to 6.300 1 x 1 2300 1.75 0.00 0.00
From 6.300 to 6.475 1 x 1 175 1.75 0.00 0.00
From 6.475 to 7.775 1 x 1 1300 1.75 0.00 0.00
From 7.775 to 8.000 1 x 1 225 1.75 0.00 0.00

Deduct Bridge for Widening portions

at kM 3.900 -1 x 1 100.00 1.75 0.00 0.00
at kM 5.800 -1 x 1 300.00 1.75 0.00 0.00

Deduct Bridge portions for Old CW

at kM 3.900 -1 x 1 100.00 3.75 0.00 0.00
at kM 5.800 -1 x 1 300.00 3.75 0.00 0.00

Deduct Road Dams(Widening Portion)

at kM 6.375 -1 x 1 0.10 1.75 0.00 0.00

Deduct Road Dams(Old CW Portion)

at kM 6.375 -1 x 1 0.10 3.75 0.00 0.00

Add Extra for widening at Curves

at kM 1.840 R= 267.81 BT 1 x 1 0.00 0.00 0.00
at kM 2.475 R= 1100.75 BT 1 x 1 0.00 0.00 0.00
at kM 6.940 R= 153.32 BT 1 x 1 0.00 0.00 0.00
at kM 7.450 R= 434.59 BT 1 x 1 0.00 0.00 0.00
at kM 7.750 R= 100.84 BT 1 x 1 0.00 0.00 0.00

Deduct curve area if laid with CC

at kM 1.840 R= 267.81 BT 0 x 0 146.83 1.75 0.00 0.00
at kM 2.475 R= 1100.75 BT 0 x 0 351.49 1.75 0.00 0.00
at kM 6.940 R= 153.32 BT 0 x 0 238.26 1.75 0.00 0.00
at kM 7.450 R= 434.59 BT 0 x 0 213.13 1.75 0.00 0.00
at kM 7.750 R= 100.84 BT 0 x 0 122.37 1.75 0.00 0.00

Add extra For Development of Junctions

at kM 0.000 BT 2 x 1 12.50 0.000 0.00
at kM 2.425 BT 2 x 1 12.50 0.000 0.00
at kM 3.055 BT 2 x 1 12.50 0.000 0.00
at kM 3.525 BT 2 x 1 12.50 0.000 0.00
at kM 8.000 BT 2 x 1 12.50 0.000 0.00

Speed breakers as per IRC:99‐1988

0.000 km 1 x 2 5.50 0.247 2.72
2.425 km 1 x 2 5.50 0.247 2.72
3.055 km 1 x 2 5.50 0.247 2.72
3.525 km 1 x 2 5.50 0.247 2.72
8.000 km 1 x 2 5.50 0.247 2.72

TOTAL 13.59 7,426.47 1m3 100,889

15 Providing and laying Bituminous concrete with 40- 60 TPH batch type HMP producing an
average output of 32.5 tonnes per hour using crushed aggregates of specified grading,
premixed with bituminous binder @ 5.0 to 5.4 % per cent of mix and filler, transporting the hot
mix to work site, laying with a Mechanical paver finisher to the required grade, level and
alignment, rolling with smooth wheeled, vibratory and tandem rollers to achieve the desired
compaction as per MORTH specification clause No. 509 complete in all respects, including
overhead charges & Contractors profit but excluding GST Charges. .
Approach 0.000 to 0.000 0 x 1 0.00 5.50 0.030 0.00
road from
For CW
From 0.000 to 0.600 1 x 0 600 5.50 0.030 0.00
From 0.600 to 4.000 1 x 1 3400 5.50 0.030 561.00
From 4.000 to 6.300 1 x 1 2300 5.50 0.030 379.50
From 6.300 to 6.475 1 x 1 175 5.50 0.030 28.88
From 6.475 to 7.775 1 x 1 1300 5.50 0.030 214.50
From 7.775 to 8.000 1 x 0 225 5.50 0.030 0.00

Deduct Bridge portions

at kM 3.900 -1 x 1 100.00 5.50 0.030 -16.50
at kM 5.800 -1 x 1 300.00 5.50 0.030 -49.50

Deduct Road Dams

at kM 6.375 -1 x 1 50.00 3.75 0.03 -5.63

Extra widening at Curves

at kM 1.840 R= 267.81 BT 1 x 1 0.00 0.030 0.00
at kM 2.475 R= 1100.75 BT 1 x 1 0.00 0.030 0.00
at kM 6.940 R= 153.32 BT 1 x 1 0.00 0.030 0.00
at kM 7.450 R= 434.59 BT 1 x 1 0.00 0.030 0.00
at kM 7.750 R= 100.84 BT 1 x 1 0.00 0.030 0.00

Deduct curve area if laid with CC

at kM 1.840 R= 267.81 BT 0 x 1 146.83 5.50 0.030 0.00
at kM 2.475 R= 1100.75 BT 0 x 1 351.49 5.50 0.030 0.00
at kM 6.940 R= 153.32 BT 0 x 1 238.26 5.50 0.030 0.00
at kM 7.450 R= 434.59 BT 0 x 1 213.13 5.50 0.030 0.00
at kM 7.750 R= 100.84 BT 0 x 1 122.37 5.50 0.030 0.00

Add extra For Development of Junctions

at kM 0.000 BT 2 x 1 12.50 0.030 0.75
at kM 2.425 BT 2 x 1 12.50 0.030 0.75
at kM 3.055 BT 2 x 1 12.50 0.030 0.75
at kM 3.525 BT 2 x 1 12.50 0.030 0.75
at kM 8.000 BT 2 x 1 12.50 0.030 0.75

Speed breakers as per IRC:99‐1988

0 km 1 x 2 5.50 3.707 0.030 1.22
2.425 km 1 x 2 5.50 3.707 0.030 1.22
3.055 km 1 x 2 5.50 3.707 0.030 1.22
3.525 km 1 x 2 5.50 3.707 0.030 1.22
8 km 1 x 2 5.50 3.707 0.030 1.22
TOTAL 1122.12 8,236.11 1m3 9,241,874

17 Construction of Sub grade with approved material of gravelly soils with CBR ≥12%, PI <12% &
MDD >18 KN/cum obtained from borrow pits with all lifts and leads transporting to site,
spreading, grading to required slope and compacted , removal of top soil, excavation of soils at
borrowed area, conveyance of soil, depositing the soil , spreading soil, breaking clods,
sectioning, grading and consolidation with 8 to 10 Tonnes Vibratory Road Roller @ OMC to
meet requirement of table 300-2 of MoRT&H, including all hire and operational charges of T&P
and seigniorage charges, complete for finished item of work as per MoRT&H specification 305
(5th Revision) (Payment Based on Levels)
Approach road fro 0.00 to 0.00 2 x 1 0.00 1.00 0.150 0.00

From 0.00 to 8.00 2 x 1 8000.00 1.50 0.150 3600.00

Deduct Bridge portions

at kM 3.900 -1 x 2 100.00 1.50 0.15 -45.00
at kM 5.800 -1 x 2 300.00 1.50 0.15 -135.00

Deduct Road Dams

at kM 6.375 -1 x 2 50.00 1.50 0.15 -22.50

TOTAL 3397.50 314.06 1m3 1,067,004

18 Construction of dowel jointed un-reinforced, expansion and construction joint plain cement
concrete pavement, thickness as per design, over a prepared sub base, with 43 grade cement
or any other type as per Clause 1501.2.2 M30 (Grade), coarse and fine aggregates (Natural
sand 50%+Manufactured sand(Rock Sand)50% ) conforming to IS : 383, mixed in a concrete
mixer of not less than 0.2 cum capacity and appropriate weigh batcher using approved mix
design, laid in approved fixed side formwork (steel channel, laying and fixing of 125 micron thick
polythene film, wedges, steel plates including levelling the formwork as per drawing), spreading
the concrete with sholvels, rakes, compacted using needle, screed and plate vibrators and
finished in continuous operation including provision of contraction and expansion and
construction joints, applying primer, sealant, admixtures as approved, curing of concrete slabs
for 14- days, curing compound (where specified) and water finishing to lines and grade as per
drawing and Technical Specification Clause 1501 MORD including overhead charges &
Contractors profit excluding GST etc complete.

From 0.000 to 0.600 1 x 1 600 3.75 0.15 337.50

From 0.600 to 4.000 1 x 1 3400 3.75 0.00 0.00
From 4.000 to 6.300 1 x 1 2300 3.75 0.00 0.00
From 6.300 to 6.475 1 x 1 175 3.75 0.00 0.00
From 6.475 to 7.775 1 x 1 1300 3.75 0.00 0.00
From 7.775 to 8.000 1 x 1 225 3.75 0.15 126.56

For widening portion of CW

From 0.000 to 0.600 1 x 2 600 0.875 0.150 157.50
From 0.600 to 4.000 1 x 2 3400 0.875 0.000 0.00
From 4.000 to 6.300 1 x 2 2300 0.875 0.000 0.00
From 6.300 to 6.475 1 x 2 175 0.875 0.000 0.00
From 6.475 to 7.775 1 x 2 1300 0.875 0.000 0.00
From 7.775 to 8.000 1 x 2 225 0.875 0.150 59.06

Wearing course over road dams

From 6.375 to 6.425 1 x 1 50.00 7.50 0.100 37.50
Deduct Bridge portions
at kM 3.900 -1 x 1 100.00 5.50 0.000 0.00
at kM 5.800 -1 x 1 300.00 5.50 0.000 0.00

Laid CC road at Curves

at kM 1.840 R= 267.81 BT 1 x 0 146.83 5.50 0.000 0.00
at kM 2.475 R= 1100.75 BT 1 x 0 351.49 5.50 0.000 0.00
at kM 6.940 R= 153.32 BT 1 x 0 238.26 5.50 0.000 0.00
at kM 7.450 R= 434.59 BT 1 x 0 213.13 5.50 0.000 0.00
at kM 7.750 R= 100.84 BT 1 x 0 122.37 5.50 0.000 0.00

Add Extra for widening at Curves

at kM 1.840 R= 267.81 BT 1 x 0 0.00 0.000 0.00
at kM 2.475 R= 1100.75 BT 1 x 0 0.00 0.000 0.00
at kM 6.940 R= 153.32 BT 1 x 0 0.00 0.000 0.00
at kM 7.450 R= 434.59 BT 1 x 0 0.00 0.000 0.00
at kM 7.750 R= 100.84 BT 1 x 0 0.00 0.000 0.00

Add extra For Development of Junctions

at kM 0.000 BT 2 x 0 12.50 0.000 0.00
at kM 2.425 BT 2 x 0 12.50 0.000 0.00
at kM 3.055 BT 2 x 0 12.50 0.000 0.00
at kM 3.525 BT 2 x 0 12.50 0.000 0.00
at kM 8.000 BT 2 x 0 12.50 0.000 0.00

TOTAL 718.13 6,495.33 1m3 4,664,457

19 Rough stone revetment / Boulder apron for bed protection with stone boulders of minimum size
and weight as per Table 1300.1, no fragment weighing less than 25 / 40 kg laid dry complete
as per drawing and technical specifications Clause 1301 MORD / 2503 MORTH including
contractors profit & Over head charges, but excluding Seig Charges& GST etc,. Complete- For
Protection Work
Sides of Faces 0.00 to 0.00 1 x 1 0 0.30 0.225 0.00

0.00 1,629.13 1m3 0

TOTAL 31197800

20 Retaining wall (As per sub estimate) 0

21 Cost of side drains in village portions (As per sub estimate) 6668243

Total 6668243

Grand total 37866043

Asst.Engineer(PR) Dy.Executive Engineer


Executive Engineer Superintending Engineer

Page 101

Government of Telangana
NAME OF THE WORK :: Road From Maheswaram to Pulimamidi


LENGTH OF ROAD :: 8.00 kM E/C in Rs 6.21 Lakhs

Description of Item No.s Length Width Thick Qty Rate Unit Amount
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1 Manufacture , Supply, Delivery & Fixing in position of Precasted Reinforced cement concrete M15 grade
kilometer stone of standard design as per IRC:8 including painting and printing, etc as per drawing and
Technical Specification Clause 1703

Kilometer Stones
8 8 2240.48 Each 17924

2 Manufacture , Supply, Delivery & Fixing in position of Precasted Reinforced cement concrete M15 grade
Hectometer stone of standard design as per IRC:8 including painting and printing, etc as per drawing
and Technical Specification Clause 1703

Hectometer Stones
33 33 610.48 Each 20146

3 Providing and fixing of typical informatory Name board with necessary Logo as per MoRD
specifications and drawing. Three MS Plates of 1.6 mm thick, top and middle plate duly
welded with MS flat iron 25mm x 5m size on back on edges. The lower plate will be we
welded with MS angle iron frame of 25 mm x 25 mm x 5 mm. The angle iron frame of the
lower most plate and flat iron frame of middle plate will be welded to 2 nos. 75 mm x 75
mm of 12 SWG sheet tubes posts duly embedded in cement concrete M-15 grade blocks of
450 mm x 450 mm x 600 mm, 600 mm below ground level. The top most diamond plate
will be welded to middle plate by 47 mm x 47mm of 12 SWG sheet tube. All M.S will be
stove enameled on both sides. Lettering and printing arrows, border etc., will be pointed
with ready mixed synthetic enamel paint of superior quality in required shade and colour.
All sections of framed posts and steel tube will be painted with primer and two coats of
epoxy paint as per drawing clause 1701 MORD

Information Sign board 2 2 11729.00 Each 23458

Page 102

4 Providing and erecting direction and place identifications of semi reflective sign boards as
per IRC:67 made of 2 mm thick M.S. Sheet duly stove enameled paint in white colour in
front and grey colour on back with red reflective border of 70 mm width and required
message, letters, figures with reflective engineering grade tape as per MORT specifications
of required shade and colour. supported and welded on 47 mm x 47 mm of 12 SWIG
Square tube of 3050 mm height duly strengthened by 25 mm x 5 mm M/s flat iron on
edges on back firmly fixed to the ground by means of properly designed foundation with
M15 grade cement concrete 450 mm x 450 mm x 600 mm, 600 mm below ground level as
per drawings and Technical Specification Clause 1701 MORT.

1000x900mm size 3 3 2138.42 Each 6415

5 Providing and fixing of semi reflective cautionary, mandatory and informatory sign board as
per IRC:67 made of 1.5 mm thick MS Sheet duly stove white colour in front and gray colour
on back with red reflective border of 65 mm width and required letters and figures with
reflective tape engineering grade as per Clause 1701.3.9 of MORT for Rural Roads of
required shade and colour supported and welded on 47 mm x 47 mm 12 SWIG sheet tube
firmly fixed to the ground by means of properly designed foundation with M15 grade
cement concrete 450 mm x 450 mm x 600 mm, 600 mm below ground level as per
drawings and Technical Specification Clause 1701 MORT

600mmx600mm size 15 15 1702.17 Each 25533

6 Providing and fixing of semi-reflective citizen informatory boards

2 2 23532.00 Each 47064

7 Construction of RCC guide posts of 250 mm dia M 20 grade cast-in-situ with 20 mm nominal
size aggregate, true to line and grade, tolerance of vertical RCC posts not to exceed 1 in 500 as
per drawing and Technical Specification Clause 1608.2
15 15 581.34 Each 8720

8 Cost, supply and fixing on road of Reflective Studs - RMP (Twin Moulded Shanks) including
cost and conveyance and all labour charges and including contractors profit & Over head
charges, but excluding GST etc,. Complete.
i) At Junctions to be provided two rows of 0.5m spacing at Junction Start
& after Junction
5 No.s Junctions 5 4 7 140
ii) At curves to be provided in both edges @ 1.00 mts intervals of curve
5 No.s Curves 5 2 20 200
340 293.15 Each 99672
9 Cost, supply and Painting on road of Thermoplastic Paint including cost and conveyance and
all labour charges and including contractors profit & Over head charges, but excluding GST
etc,. Complete.

i) At Junctions to be provided two rows latral to branch road

5 No.s Junctions 5 2 7.50 0.20 15.00
ii) At curves to be provided in both edges single line of curve potion
Page 103

5 No.s Curves 5 2 50 0.20 100.00

115.00 623.81 sqm 71738

10 Cost, supply and fixing on road of Blinker /Flasher – Solar based –Covering flasher of 12w,
solar panel of 50w, Battery of solar based 40ah, battery box, Galvanised pole of 6 meters
including cost and conveyance and all labour charges and including contractors profit & Over
head charges, but excluding GST etc,. Complete.

i) At Junctions to be provided 1 No
5 No.s Junctions 5 1 5
ii) At Villages Provide at village start and village end, i.e., 2 No per village

3 No.s Villages 3 2 6
11 27270 Each 299970

11 LS guard stones, guide stones & other U/S items of work

TOTAL: Rs 620640

Asst.Engineer(PR) Dy.Executive Engineer


Executive Engineer Superintending Engineer

Estimate for maintenance of BT work as per guidelines issued by NRRDA for 5 years 
Road From Maheswaram to Pulimamidi
Carriage way width 5.50 Mtrs Rainfall Low‐1 Medium‐2 High‐3 2
Roadway Width 9.00 Mtrs Traffic CVPD Value of CPVD 69.33
Shoulder width 0.75 Mtrs Total 29.24
Total length 8000 Mtrs Total Road dam/Cause way Lengths 0.00 Mtrs Per Km 3.66
BT length 7175 Mtrs Total No. of Pipe Culverts 18 No of equivalent vents of 1000mm dia
CC length 825 Mtrs Total No. of Slab Culverts 0 No of equivalent vents f 2.00m Span
Drain Length 1650 Mtrs Guard stone Nos 0 Nos

Sl.N Multiplying  As per SSR‐Rates as per 

Details L (m) B(m) D(m) Nos Percentage/Frequency Quantity  Unit
o factor Rate  Amount
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Filling of Pot holes
1st year 7175 5.50 1 0.5 1.50 295.97 sqm 264.67 78333.19
2nd year 7175 5.50 1 1.0 1.50 591.94 sqm 264.67 156666.39
3rd year 7175 5.50 1 1.5 1.50 887.91 sqm 264.67 234999.58
4th Year 7175 5.50 1 2.0 1.50 1183.88 sqm 264.67 313332.78
1 5th Year 7175 5.50 1 2.5 1.50 1479.84 sqm 264.67 391665.97

layer With B C
3rd year 7175 5.50 0.075 1 1.5 1.50 66.59 cum 321.08 21381.90
4th Year 7175 5.50 0.075 1 2.0 1.50 88.79 cum 321.08 28509.20
5th Year 7175 5.50 0.075 1 2.5 1.50 110.99 cum 321.08 35636.50
Subtotal 1260525.51
Making up of berms/shoulders 
stripping excess soil from the
shoulder surface to achieve the
required level
1st year 8000 0.750 2 10.0 1.50 1800.00 sqm 41.89 75395.06
2nd year 8000 0.750 2 12.0 1.50 2160.00 sqm 41.89 90474.08
3rd year 8000 0.750 2 14.0 1.50 2520.00 sqm 41.89 105553.09
4th Year 8000 0.750 2 16.0 1.50 2880.00 sqm 41.89 120632.10
5th Year 8000 0.750 2 18.0 1.50 3240.00 sqm 41.89 135711.12
Subtotal 527765.45
Restoration of berms and 
rain cuts in hard shoulders
A- 50% by soil for
1st year 8000 0.375 0.3 1 6.0 1.50 81.00 cum 368.19 29823.51
2nd year 8000 0.375 0.3 1 7.2 1.50 97.20 cum 368.19 35788.22
3rd year 8000 0.375 0.3 1 8.4 1.50 113.40 cum 368.19 41752.92
4th Year 8000 0.375 0.3 1 9.6 1.50 129.60 cum 368.19 47717.62
3 5th Year 8000 0.375 0.3 1 10.8 1.50 145.80 cum 368.19 53682.33
Sub sub Total 208764.60
B-50% by hard shoulder
1st year 8000 0.375 0.3 1 6.0 1.50 81.00 cum 368.19 29823.51
2nd year 8000 0.375 0.3 1 7.2 1.50 97.20 cum 368.19 35788.22
3rd year 8000 0.375 0.3 1 8.4 1.50 113.40 cum 368.19 41752.92
4th Year 8000 0.375 0.3 1 9.6 1.50 129.60 cum 368.19 47717.62
5th Year 8000 0.375 0.3 1 10.8 1.50 145.80 cum 368.19 53682.33
Sub sub Total 208764.60
SubTotal 417529.21
Labour for cleaning the exam. For 1 km length 5 labour
4 shoulders one labour for 8.000 hence for 5 year 5x5=25 man 25 man days 425.00 84999.99
200m for one year days
Subtotal 84999.99
Cleaning of CD opening
and maintenance of CD For 1 km length 6 labour hence
5 8.000 30 man days 425.00 101999.99
pitching etc 3 CD per KM for 5 year 5x6=30 man days
two labour or one
Subtotal 101999.99
Maintenance of 200 m 
stones and Km stones  by
way of refitting , repairing
with cement mortar , cleaning Once in year . 5 times in
6 8.000 5 km 940.55 37622.15
and lettering as per drawing 5 years
and technical specification
clause 1912 (Clause 2.3 of
OM for Frequency)
Subtotal 37622.15
Maintenance of Drains        
include erosion, repair,
clearing, reshaping, regarding
,Deepings of side drains as Twice in a year. For 5
7 825.00 1 10 Rmt 4.20 34649.96
well as catch water drains as years 10 times
per clause 1907 of the
specification. ( 50 % length
of drains , for
Subtotal 34649.96
Clearing wild seasonal
growth on berm/shoulders 1000 0.750 1 8.000 3750 sqm 3.50 104999.99
etc.  ( 50 % area)
Cutting of Tree Branches ( Once in a years 5 times
assuming 10 trees in 1 km 10 in 5 year 8.000 50 each 178.90 71559.99
White washing and Geo
painting of Tree Trunks ( 0.5 0.5 10 0.00 25 sqm 21.00 0.00
sqm per tree)
Subtotal 176559.98
Maintenance of Guard 
rails and parapet rails as  Once in a year 5 times
9 0 0 sqm 0.00
per 1911 clause                  in 5 year
(considering 10 sqm area )
Subtotal 0.00
Maintenance of culverts 
and cause ways as per 
1908 and 1909

Pipe Culverts / ASPER Twice in a year 10 times in 5 per row of

18 1 18 10 1417.50 255150.00
ACTUAL years Hume pipe

10 Slab Culverts ASPER Twice in a year 10 times in 5 per row of

0 1 0 10 2771.30 0.00
ACTUAL years Hume pipe

Cause way ( assuming 10

Twice in a year 10 times in 5
m causeway ) ASPER 0.00 1 years
0 RM 74.90 0.00
White washing parapets of
18 5.5 2 1 Once in a year 5 times in 5 year 990 sqm 21.00 20790.00
CD works
Subtotal                                                                            275940.00
Maintenance of Road 
Furniture & Signs
Road Furniture
Once in two
11 1 2.000 Kms 3410.200 6820.400

Subtotal 6820.40
Maintenance of Guard 
12 Refixing of Guard Stones ( Once in a years 5 times
0 0.2 0 each 0.00 0.00
20 % of total Numbers) in 5 year
White washing of Guard Twice in a year 10
0 0.2 0 each 0.00 0.00
Stone times in 5 years
Subtotal 0.00
Total  2924413
Page 108 of 154


@km-,,4.675,,,,,7.25,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, NO: of vents 1

Name of work:- Road From Maheswaram to Pulimamidi Pipe dia 1000

No. of culverts 2 No.s PRSD: MAHESWARAM Skew 0 1.000

S.N Measurements
Description of item No.s QTY Rate per Amount
o L B D
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
CW 5.50 m
1 Earth work excavation for structures as per drawing and technical specifications
Clause 305.1 including setting out, construction of shoring and bracing, removal of
stumps and other deleterious material and disposal up to a lead of 50 m, dressing
of sides and bottom and backfilling in trenches with excavated suitable material as
per Technical Specification No.304 MoRT&H, etc., complete- For Foundations
Body walls 1 x 2 5.86 1.40 1.35 22.14
Under Pipes 1 x 1 7.50 1.90 0.45 6.40

28.54 107.58 cum 3070

2 Filling in foundation trenches / Pipe bedding with Sand as per drawing and
technical specification Clause 304 MoRT&H etc., complete.
Body walls 1 x 2 5.86 1.40 0.20 3.28
Under Pipes 1 x 1 7.50 1.90 0.20 2.85
6.12 1501.86 cum 9198
3 Vibrated cement concrete M 15 Grade Concrete using 40mm , 20mm and 10mm
size HBG crushed stone aggregate (Coarse aggregate conforming to table 1000-1
and fine aggregate conforming to table 1000-2) including cost, and conveyance of
all materials to site and all labour charges for machine mixing, laying in position,
Compacting , Vibrating and curing including all other incidental and all other
operational charges of T&P required etc., complete as per MoRT&H Specification
1500,1700, 2100 (4th Revision) pipe bedding under pipes (As per IRC SP 48-
1998 cl and IRC SP13-2004 cl 16.6)
Under Pipes 1 x 1 8.07 1.90 0.250 3.82 5742.27 cum 21960
4 Vibrated cement concrete M 15 Grade Concrete using 40mm , 20mm and 10mm
size HBG crushed stone aggregate (Coarse aggregate conforming to table 1000-1
and fine aggregate conforming to table 1000-2) including cost, and conveyance of
all materials to site and all labour charges for machine mixing, laying in position,
Compacting, Vibrating and curing including all other incidental and all other
operational charges of T&P required etc., complete as per MoRT&H Specification
1500,1700, 2200 (4th Revision) for Sub structure.
Body wall Foundation 1 x 2 5.86 1.40 0.15 2.46
Body wall below GL 1 x 2 5.56 7)/2
1.00 12.321
Total 14.78 5547.10 cum 81991
Body wall Above GL 1 x 2 5.56 7)/2
1.83 14.412
Deduct pipe portion -0.79 x 2 1.23 1.23 0.793 -1.89
PP walls 1 x 2 5.56 0.45 0.45 2.25

14.78 6375.43 cum 94209

5 Providing and laying reinforced cement concrete pipe NP for culverts on first class
bedding of granular material including fixing collar with cement mortar 1:2 but
excluding excavation, protection works, backfilling, concrete and masonry works in
head wall and parapets.
Page 109 of 154

Cost of pipes FOR

1 x 3 2.50 7.50 11644.17 RM 87331
1,000mm dia RCC NP4

6 Painting two coats including primer coat after filling the surface with
synthetic enamel paint in all shades on new, plastered / concrete
surfaces as per drawing and Technical Specification Clause 1701MORD.
For body walls inside 2 x 1 5.56 0.45 5.00
For body walls out side 2 x 1 5.56 2.43 27.01
For body walls at sides 4 x 1 0.45 . 0.45 0.81
4 x 1 0.71 1.83 5.19
For body walls at top 2 x 1 5.56 0.45 5.00
Deduct pies -0.79 x 2 1.23 1.23 -2.38

40.63 123.25 Sqm 5008

7 LS for U/S items of work such as Jungle clearance ,Back filling of earth etc.,

Total 302767

0.45 Barrel thickness of pipe(t) = 115 mm

0.45 RTL As per IRC SP 13-2004 cl13.3.3 it is minimum 600mm
1.23 0.25 m PCC H= 1.83

0.90 0.20 m sand filling
CS of BODY WALL Note:- All dimensios are in metre
(As per SP 13-2004, plate12)

Asst.Engineer(PR) Dy.Executive Engineer


Executive Engineer Superintending Engineer

Page 110 of 154


@km-0.65,,,,,6.475,6.6,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, NO: of vents 2

Name of work:- Road From Maheswaram to Pulimamidi Pipe dia 1000

No. of culverts 3 No.s PRSD: MAHESWARAM Skew 0 1.000

S.N Measurements
Description of item No.s QTY Rate per Amount
o L B D
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
CW 5.50 m
1 Earth work excavation for structures as per drawing and technical specifications
Clause 305.1 including setting out, construction of shoring and bracing, removal of
stumps and other deleterious material and disposal up to a lead of 50 m, dressing
of sides and bottom and backfilling in trenches with excavated suitable material as
per Technical Specification No.304 MoRT&H, etc., complete- For Foundations
Body walls 1 x 2 7.59 1.40 1.30 27.62
Under Pipes 1 x 1 7.50 3.63 0.40 10.88

38.50 107.58 cum 4141

2 Filling in foundation trenches / Pipe bedding with Sand as per drawing and
technical specification Clause 304 MoRT&H etc., complete.
Body walls 1 x 2 7.59 1.40 0.20 4.25
Under Pipes 1 x 1 7.50 3.63 0.20 5.44
9.69 1501.86 cum 14551
3 Vibrated cement concrete M 15 Grade Concrete using 40mm , 20mm and 10mm
size HBG crushed stone aggregate (Coarse aggregate conforming to table 1000-1
and fine aggregate conforming to table 1000-2) including cost, and conveyance of
all materials to site and all labour charges for machine mixing, laying in position,
Compacting , Vibrating and curing including all other incidental and all other
operational charges of T&P required etc., complete as per MoRT&H Specification
1500,1700, 2100 (4th Revision) pipe bedding under pipes (As per IRC SP 48-
1998 cl and IRC SP13-2004 cl 16.6)
Under Pipes 1 x 1 8.05 3.63 0.200 5.84 5742.27 cum 33515
4 Vibrated cement concrete M 15 Grade Concrete using 40mm , 20mm and 10mm
size HBG crushed stone aggregate (Coarse aggregate conforming to table 1000-1
and fine aggregate conforming to table 1000-2) including cost, and conveyance of
all materials to site and all labour charges for machine mixing, laying in position,
Compacting, Vibrating and curing including all other incidental and all other
operational charges of T&P required etc., complete as per MoRT&H Specification
1500,1700, 2200 (4th Revision) for Sub structure.
Body wall Foundation 1 x 2 7.59 1.40 0.15 3.19
Body wall below GL 1 x 2 7.29 8)/2
0.95 15.413
Total 18.60 5547.10 cum 103173
Body wall Above GL 1 x 2 7.29 8)/2
1.83 19.023
Deduct pipe portion -0.79 x 4 1.23 1.23 0.800 -3.80
PP walls 1 x 2 7.29 0.45 0.45 2.95

18.17 6375.43 cum 115864

5 Providing and laying reinforced cement concrete pipe NP for culverts on first class
bedding of granular material including fixing collar with cement mortar 1:2 but
excluding excavation, protection works, backfilling, concrete and masonry works in
head wall and parapets.
Page 111 of 154

Cost of pipes FOR

1,000mm dia RCC NP4 2 x 3 2.50 15.00 11644.17 RM 174663

6 Painting two coats including primer coat after filling the surface with

synthetic enamel paint in all shades on new, plastered / concrete

surfaces as per drawing and Technical Specification Clause 1701MORD.

For body walls inside 2 x 1 7.29 0.45 6.56
For body walls out side 2 x 1 7.29 2.43 35.41
For body walls at sides 4 x 1 0.45 . 0.45 0.81
4 x 1 0.71 1.83 5.22
For body walls at top 2 x 1 7.29 0.45 6.56
Deduct pies -0.79 x 4 1.23 1.23 -4.75

49.81 123.25 Sqm 6139

7 LS for U/S items of work such as Jungle clearance ,Back filling of earth etc.,

Total 452046

0.45 Barrel thickness of pipe(t) = 115 mm

0.45 RTL As per IRC SP 13-2004 cl13.3.3 it is minimum 600mm
1.23 0.20 H= 1.83

0.90 0.20
CS of BODY WALL Note:- All dimensios are in metre
(As per SP 13-2004, plate12)

Asst.Engineer(PR) Dy.Executive Engineer


Executive Engineer Superintending Engineer

Page 112 of 154


@km-,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, NO: of vents 3

Name of work:- Road From Maheswaram to Pulimamidi Pipe dia 900

No. of culverts 0 No.s PRSD: MAHESWARAM Skew 0 1.000

S.N Measurements
Description of item No.s QTY Rate per Amount
o L B D
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
CW 5.50 m
1 Earth work excavation for structures as per drawing and technical specifications
Clause 305.1 including setting out, construction of shoring and bracing, removal of
stumps and other deleterious material and disposal up to a lead of 50 m, dressing
of sides and bottom and backfilling in trenches with excavated suitable material as
per Technical Specification No.304 MoRT&H, etc., complete- For Foundations
Body walls 1 x 2 8.50 1.40 1.30 30.94
Under Pipes 1 x 1 7.50 4.80 0.40 14.40

45.34 107.58 cum 4878

2 Filling in foundation trenches / Pipe bedding with Sand as per drawing and
technical specification Clause 304 MoRT&H etc., complete.
Body walls 1 x 2 8.50 1.40 0.20 4.76
Under Pipes 1 x 1 7.50 4.80 0.20 7.20
11.96 1501.86 cum 17962
3 Vibrated cement concrete M 15 Grade Concrete using 40mm , 20mm and 10mm
size HBG crushed stone aggregate (Coarse aggregate conforming to table 1000-1
and fine aggregate conforming to table 1000-2) including cost, and conveyance of
all materials to site and all labour charges for machine mixing, laying in position,
Compacting , Vibrating and curing including all other incidental and all other
operational charges of T&P required etc., complete as per MoRT&H Specification
1500,1700, 2100 (4th Revision) pipe bedding under pipes (As per IRC SP 48-
1998 cl and IRC SP13-2004 cl 16.6)
Under Pipes 1 x 1 8.07 4.80 0.200 7.75 5742.27 cum 44506
4 Vibrated cement concrete M 15 Grade Concrete using 40mm , 20mm and 10mm
size HBG crushed stone aggregate (Coarse aggregate conforming to table 1000-1
and fine aggregate conforming to table 1000-2) including cost, and conveyance of
all materials to site and all labour charges for machine mixing, laying in position,
Compacting, Vibrating and curing including all other incidental and all other
operational charges of T&P required etc., complete as per MoRT&H Specification
1500,1700, 2200 (4th Revision) for Sub structure.
Body wall Foundation 1 x 2 8.50 1.40 0.15 3.57
Body wall below GL 1 x 2 8.20 6)/2
0.95 17.241
Total 20.81 5547.10 cum 115441
Body wall Above GL 1 x 2 8.20 6)/2
1.70 19.700
Deduct pipe portion -0.79 x 6 1.10 1.10 0.797 -4.55
PP walls 1 x 2 8.20 0.45 0.45 3.32

18.48 6375.43 cum 117790

5 Providing and laying reinforced cement concrete pipe NP for culverts on first class
bedding of granular material including fixing collar with cement mortar 1:2 but
excluding excavation, protection works, backfilling, concrete and masonry works in
head wall and parapets.
Page 113 of 154

Cost of pipes FOR

900mm dia RCC NP4 3 x 3 2.50 22.50 8838.60 RM 198869

6 Painting two coats including primer coat after filling the surface with
synthetic enamel paint in all shades on new, plastered / concrete
surfaces as per drawing and Technical Specification Clause 1701MORD.
For body walls inside 2 x 1 8.20 0.45 7.38
For body walls out side 2 x 1 8.20 2.30 37.72
For body walls at sides 4 x 1 0.45 . 0.45 0.81
4 x 1 0.71 1.70 4.80
For body walls at top 2 x 1 8.20 0.45 7.38
Deduct pies -0.79 x 6 1.10 1.10 -5.70

52.39 123.25 Sqm 6458

7 LS for U/S items of work such as Jungle clearance ,Back filling of earth etc.,

Total 505904

0.45 Barrel thickness of pipe(t) = 100 mm

0.45 RTL As per IRC SP 13-2004 cl13.3.3 it is minimum 600mm
1.10 0.20 H= 1.70

0.90 0.20
CS of BODY WALL Note:- All dimensios are in metre
(As per SP 13-2004, plate12)

Asst.Engineer(PR) Dy.Executive Engineer


Executive Engineer Superintending Engineer

Page 114 of 154


@km-,0.825,,1.85,2.275,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, NO: of vents 4

Name of work:- Road From Maheswaram to Pulimamidi Pipe dia 1000

No. of culverts 3 No.s PRSD: MAHESWARAM Skew 0 1.000

S.N Measurements
Description of item No.s QTY Rate per Amount
o L B D
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
CW 5.50 m
1 Earth work excavation for structures as per drawing and technical specifications
Clause 305.1 including setting out, construction of shoring and bracing, removal of
stumps and other deleterious material and disposal up to a lead of 50 m, dressing
of sides and bottom and backfilling in trenches with excavated suitable material as
per Technical Specification No.304 MoRT&H, etc., complete- For Foundations
Body walls 1 x 2 11.05 1.65 1.30 47.39
Under Pipes 1 x 1 7.10 7.09 0.40 20.13

67.52 107.58 cum 7263

2 Filling in foundation trenches / Pipe bedding with Sand as per drawing and
technical specification Clause 304 MoRT&H etc., complete.
Body walls 1 x 2 11.05 1.65 0.20 7.29
Under Pipes 1 x 1 7.10 7.09 0.20 10.06
17.35 1501.86 cum 26063
3 Vibrated cement concrete M 15 Grade Concrete using 40mm , 20mm and 10mm
size HBG crushed stone aggregate (Coarse aggregate conforming to table 1000-1
and fine aggregate conforming to table 1000-2) including cost, and conveyance of
all materials to site and all labour charges for machine mixing, laying in position,
Compacting , Vibrating and curing including all other incidental and all other
operational charges of T&P required etc., complete as per MoRT&H Specification
1500,1700, 2100 (4th Revision) pipe bedding under pipes (As per IRC SP 48-
1998 cl and IRC SP13-2004 cl 16.6)
Under Pipes 1 x 1 8.03 7.09 0.200 11.38 5742.27 cum 65333
4 Vibrated cement concrete M 15 Grade Concrete using 40mm , 20mm and 10mm
size HBG crushed stone aggregate (Coarse aggregate conforming to table 1000-1
and fine aggregate conforming to table 1000-2) including cost, and conveyance of
all materials to site and all labour charges for machine mixing, laying in position,
Compacting, Vibrating and curing including all other incidental and all other
operational charges of T&P required etc., complete as per MoRT&H Specification
1500,1700, 2200 (4th Revision) for Sub structure.
Body wall Foundation 1 x 2 11.05 1.65 0.20 7.29
Body wall below GL 1 x 2 10.75 9)/2
0.90 21.629
Total 28.92 5547.10 cum 160421
Body wall Above GL 1 x 2 10.75 9)/2
1.83 28.246
Deduct pipe portion -0.79 x 8 1.23 1.23 0.806 -7.66
PP walls 1 x 2 10.75 0.45 0.45 4.35

24.94 6375.43 cum 158980

5 Providing and laying reinforced cement concrete pipe NP for culverts on first class
bedding of granular material including fixing collar with cement mortar 1:2 but
excluding excavation, protection works, backfilling, concrete and masonry works in
head wall and parapets.
Page 115 of 154

Cost of pipes FOR

1,000mm dia RCC NP4 4 x 3 2.50 30.00 11644.17 RM 349325

6 Painting two coats including primer coat after filling the surface with
synthetic enamel paint in all shades on new, plastered / concrete
surfaces as per drawing and Technical Specification Clause 1701MORD.
For body walls inside 2 x 1 10.75 0.45 9.67
For body walls out side 2 x 1 10.75 2.43 52.23
For body walls at sides 4 x 1 0.45 . 0.45 0.81
4 x 1 0.72 1.83 5.26
For body walls at top 2 x 1 10.75 0.45 9.67
Deduct pies -0.79 x 8 1.23 1.23 -9.51

68.13 123.25 Sqm 8398

7 LS for U/S items of work such as Jungle clearance ,Back filling of earth etc.,

Total 775783

0.45 Barrel thickness of pipe(t) = 115 mm

0.45 RTL As per IRC SP 13-2004 cl13.3.3 it is minimum 600mm
1.23 0.20 H= 1.83

0.90 0.20
CS of BODY WALL Note:- All dimensios are in metre
(As per SP 13-2004, plate12)

Asst.Engineer(PR) Dy.Executive Engineer


Executive Engineer Superintending Engineer

Page 116 of 154


@km-,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, NO: of vents 10

Name of work:- Road From Maheswaram to Pulimamidi Pipe dia 900

No. of culverts 0 No.s PRSD: MAHESWARAM Skew 0 1.000

S.N Measurements
Description of item No.s QTY Rate per Amount
o L B D
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
CW 5.50 m
1 Earth work excavation for structures as per drawing and technical specifications
Clause 305.1 including setting out, construction of shoring and bracing, removal of
stumps and other deleterious material and disposal up to a lead of 50 m, dressing
of sides and bottom and backfilling in trenches with excavated suitable material as
per Technical Specification No.304 MoRT&H, etc., complete- For Foundations
Body walls 1 x 2 19.35 1.65 1.30 83.01
Under Pipes 1 x 1 7.10 15.65 0.40 44.45

127.46 107.58 cum 13712

2 Filling in foundation trenches / Pipe bedding with Sand as per drawing and
technical specification Clause 304 MoRT&H etc., complete.
Body walls 1 x 2 19.35 1.65 0.20 12.77
Under Pipes 1 x 1 7.10 15.65 0.20 22.22
34.99 1501.86 cum 52556
3 Vibrated cement concrete M 15 Grade Concrete using 40mm , 20mm and 10mm
size HBG crushed stone aggregate (Coarse aggregate conforming to table 1000-1
and fine aggregate conforming to table 1000-2) including cost, and conveyance of
all materials to site and all labour charges for machine mixing, laying in position,
Compacting , Vibrating and curing including all other incidental and all other
operational charges of T&P required etc., complete as per MoRT&H Specification
1500,1700, 2100 (4th Revision) pipe bedding under pipes (As per IRC SP 48-
1998 cl and IRC SP13-2004 cl 16.6)
Under Pipes 1 x 1 8.05 15.65 0.200 25.21 5742.27 cum 144754
4 Vibrated cement concrete M 15 Grade Concrete using 40mm , 20mm and 10mm
size HBG crushed stone aggregate (Coarse aggregate conforming to table 1000-1
and fine aggregate conforming to table 1000-2) including cost, and conveyance of
all materials to site and all labour charges for machine mixing, laying in position,
Compacting, Vibrating and curing including all other incidental and all other
operational charges of T&P required etc., complete as per MoRT&H Specification
1500,1700, 2200 (4th Revision) for Sub structure.
Body wall Foundation 1 x 2 19.35 1.65 0.20 12.77
Body wall below GL 1 x 2 19.05 7)/2
0.90 38.115
Total 50.89 5547.10 cum 282270
Body wall Above GL 1 x 2 19.05 7)/2
1.70 46.086
Deduct pipe portion -0.79 x 20 1.10 1.10 0.804 -15.28
PP walls 1 x 2 19.05 0.45 0.45 7.72

38.52 6375.43 cum 245600

5 Providing and laying reinforced cement concrete pipe NP for culverts on first class
bedding of granular material including fixing collar with cement mortar 1:2 but
excluding excavation, protection works, backfilling, concrete and masonry works in
head wall and parapets.
Page 117 of 154

Cost of pipes FOR

900mm dia RCC NP4 10 x 3 2.50 75.00 8838.60 RM 662895

6 Painting two coats including primer coat after filling the surface with
synthetic enamel paint in all shades on new, plastered / concrete
surfaces as per drawing and Technical Specification Clause 1701MORD.
For body walls inside 2 x 1 19.05 0.45 17.15
For body walls out side 2 x 1 19.05 2.30 87.63
For body walls at sides 4 x 1 0.45 . 0.45 0.81
4 x 1 0.71 1.70 4.84
For body walls at top 2 x 1 19.05 0.45 17.15
Deduct pies -0.79 x 20 1.10 1.10 -19.01

108.56 123.25 Sqm 13381

7 LS for U/S items of work such as Jungle clearance ,Back filling of earth etc.,

Total 1415168

0.45 Barrel thickness of pipe(t) = 100 mm

0.45 RTL As per IRC SP 13-2004 cl13.3.3 it is minimum 600mm
1.1 0.20 H= 1.70

0.90 0.20
CS of BODY WALL Note:- All dimensios are in metre
(As per SP 13-2004, plate12)

Asst.Engineer(PR) Dy.Executive Engineer


Executive Engineer Superintending Engineer

Government of Telangana
NAME OF WORK :- Road From Maheswaram to Pulimamidi


LENGTH OF ROAD :: 8.00 km
Total length of drain (L) = 1650 m E/C 66.68 Lakhs
Sl. Description of From No.s Length Breadth Depth Qty Rate Unit Amount
No Item
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 Earthwork excavation in soils up to SDR by mechanical means for foundations of
structures as per drawing and technical specification including setting out, construction
of shoring and bracing, removal of stumps and other deleterious matter, dressing sides
of bottom, back filling the excavation earth to the extent required etc., complete
excluding seignioarge charges for finished item of work as per MoRT&H specification
304(5th Revision) and as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge.- For Foundations
Drain from 0.00 to 0.60 2 x 1 600.00 1.11 1.05 1398.60
Drain from 7.78 to 8.00 2 x 1 225.00 1.11 1.05 524.47

TOTAL 1923.07 107.58 cum 206884

2 Filling in foundation trenches / Pipe bedding with Sand as per drawing and
technical specification Clause 304 MORTH ,including contractors profit & Over head
charges, VAT and Seigniorage etc., complete.
Drain from 0.00 to 0.60 2 x 1 600.00 1.11 0.30 399.60
Drain from 7.78 to 8.00 2 x 1 225.00 1.11 0.30 149.85

TOTAL 549.45 1501.86 cum 825196

3 PCC (1:3:6) mix using 40mm size HBG crushed stone aggregate and fine
aggregate conforming to table 1000-2 of MoRT&H including cost, conveyance of all
materials to site and labour charges, centering, machine mixing, laying, Vibrating,
curing etc., including all other incidental and operational charges of all T&P etc.,
complete for finished item of work as per MoRT&H specification 1500,1700, 2100
(5th Revision) and as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge for Leveling coarse.,
Drain from 0.00 to 0.60 2 x 1 600.00 1.11 0.25 333.00
Drain from 7.78 to 8.00 2 x 1 225.00 1.11 0.25 124.88

TOTAL 457.87 5470.95 cum 2505009

Page 118 of 154

4 VPCC M 15 Grade Concrete using 40mm , 20mm and 10mm size HBG crushed
stone aggregate (Coarse aggregate conforming to table 1000-1 and fine aggregate
conforming to table 1000-2) including cost, and conveyance of all materials to site
and all labour charges for machine mixing, laying in position, Compacting, Vibrating
and curing including all other incidental and all other operational charges of T&P
required etc., complete as per MoRT&H Specification 1500,1700, 2200 (5th Revision)
for Sub structure.
Drain from 0.00 to 0.60 2 x 2 600.00 0.23 0.50 276.00
Drain from 7.78 to 8.00 2 x 2 225.00 0.23 0.50 103.50

TOTAL 379.50 6375.43 cum 2419473

5 Plastering 12mm thick double coat in CM (1:5) 8 mm thick base coat and
CM (1:3) of 4mm thick top coat with dubara sponge finish including c/c of
all materials like cement, sand, water etc., at site, other taxes on all
materials, all operational, incidental such as scaffolding charges, lift
charges, including cutting of Grooves, finishing, curing, etc., complete for
for finished item of work. (APSS 901,903 & 904) (CSSR) - Bottom floor
Drain from 0.00 to 0.60 2 x 1 600.00 0.50 600.00
Drain from 7.78 to 8.00 2 x 1 225.00 0.50 225.00

TOTAL 825.00 385.40 cum 317956

6 VRCC M25 grade using 20mm & 10mm HBG crushed stone aggregate
(Coarse aggregate conforming to table 1000-1 and fine aggregate
conforming to table 1000-2) including cost, conveyance of all materials to
site and labour charges, centering, machine mixing, laying, vibrating,
curing etc., including other incidental hire and operational charges of all
T&P as per approved drawings and as directed during execution but
excluding cost of steel and its fabrication charges for finished item as per
MoRT&H specification 1500,1600,1700 & 2200 (5th revision ) and as
directed by the Engineer-in-Charge. For Super structure (Deck Slab)

For slabs 1 x 54 3.75 0.96 0.20 38.88 7925.81 cum 308155

Page 119 of 154

7 Providing HYSD bars (Fe-500) from Primary Producers like
TATA,SAIL,VSP,Jindal etc.) of different diameters, wrought and put up bars
of all diameters including cost and conveyance of steel to site and all labour
charges for fabrication of reinforcement including cutting, bending, binding
rods, tying grills, placing them in position etc., complete including cost and
conveyance of binding wire and all handling charges and operational
charges etc., and including over lapping welding if required etc., complete
for all R.C.C items for finished item of work as per standard drawings, as
per the directions of the Engineer-in-Charge and as per MoRT&H
specification 1600 &2200 (5th revision) and as per I.S.1786 of 1985. For
Super Structure of R.C.C items.
12 1 x 54 25 1.11 0.89 1332.00
8 1 x 54 5 3.75 0.40 400.00

TOTAL 1732.00 49.41 kG 85570

8 LS for U/S items of work etc.,
Cost Per RM in Rs 4041 TOTAL :Rs. 6668243

Asst.Engineer(PR) Dy.Executive Engineer


Executive Engineer Superintending Engineer


Page 120 of 154

Page 121 of 154


Name of work:- Road From Maheswaram to Pulimamidi


As per MORT specifications CW 5.50 m Estt.Cost.Rs 135.94 Lakhs
Sl.N Length Width( Thick unit
Description of Item No Quantity Rate (Rs) Amount (Rs)
o. (m) m) ness) per
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 Clearing and grubbing road land including uprooting wild
vegetation, grass, bushes, shrubs, saplings and trees of girth up to
300 mm, removal of stumps of such trees cut earlier and disposal of
unserviceable materials and stacking of serviceable material to be
used or auctioned, up to a lead of 1000 m including removal and
disposal of top organic soil not exceeding 150 mm in thickness as
per Technical Specification Clause 201 MoRD / MoRT&H
including overhead & Contractor profit.

0.00 to 8.00 1 x 2 8000 2.00 32000.00

Deduct 40% voids -12800.00
19200.00 2.30 /Sqm 44160
2 Restoration of rain cuts with soil, morrum gravel or a mixture of
these, clearing the loose soil, benching for 300mm width laying
fresh material in layers not exceeding 250 mm and compaction with
plate compactor or power rammer to restore the original alignment,
level and slopes as per drawings and technical specifications Clause
1902 MORT / 3002 MoRT&H

0.000 to 8.000 7.50% x 2 8000 0.75 0.45 405.00

Total 405.00 368.19 /Cum 149118

3 Making up loss of material/irregularities on shoulders to the
design level by adding fresh approved selected soil and compacting
it with appropriate equipment at OMC up to a lead of 1000 m as
per technical specification Clause 1903 MORT / 3003 MORT&H

0.000 to 8.000 10.00% x 2 8000.00 1.875 3000.00

Total 3000.00 41.89 /Sqm 125658

4 Stripping excess soil from the shoulder surface to achieve the
approved level and compacting with plate compactor at OMC as
per drawings and Technical Specification Clause 1903 MORT /
3003 MORT&H
0.000 to 8.000 10.00% x 2 8000 1.875 3000.00

Total 3000.00 15.59 /Sqm 46769

Page 122 of 154

5 Repairs to Pot holes with 75mm BM by removal of failed materials

,trimming the sides to vertical and leveling the bottom, cleaning the
same with compressed air or any appropriate method ,filled with
75 mm BM after applying bitumen emulsion prime coat at bottom
& tack coat on sides and bottom as per specification Clauses
502,503and 504 including CP & OH

0.000 to 8.000 5.00% x 1 8000 3.75 0.075 112.50 8,027.09 /Cum 903047

6 Providing and applying tack coat with Bitumen emulsion (RS-1)

using emulsion distributor at the rate of 0.25 to 0.30 kg per sqm on
the prepared granular surfaces treated with primer & cleaned with
Hydraulic broom as per Technical Specification Clause 503 MoRD
,including overhead charges .

0.000 to 0.600 0 x 1 600 5.50 0.00

0.600 to 4.000 1 x 1 3400 5.50 18700.00
4.000 to 6.300 1 x 1 2300 5.50 12650.00
6.300 to 6.475 1 x 1 175 5.50 962.50
6.475 to 7.775 1 x 1 1300 5.50 7150.00
7.775 to 8.000 0 x 1 225 5.50 0.00

Total 39462.50 10.01 /1 sqm 394889

7 Providing and laying Bituminous concrete with 40- 60 TPH batch
type HMP producing an average output of 32.5 tonnes per hour
using crushed aggregates of specified grading, premixed with
bituminous binder @ 5.0 to 5.4 % per cent of mix and filler,
transporting the hot mix to work site, laying with a Mechanical
paver finisher to the required grade, level and alignment, rolling
with smooth wheeled, vibratory and tandem rollers to achieve the
desired compaction as per MORTH specification clause No. 509
complete in all respects, including overhead charges & Contractors
profit but excluding GST Charges. .

0.000 to 0.600 0 x 1 600 5.50 0.030 0.00

0.600 to 4.000 1 x 1 3400 5.50 0.030 561.00
4.000 to 6.300 1 x 1 2300 5.50 0.030 379.50
6.300 to 6.475 1 x 1 175 5.50 0.030 28.88
6.475 to 7.775 1 x 1 1300 5.50 0.030 214.50
7.775 to 8.000 0 x 1 225 5.50 0.030 0.00
Page 123 of 154

1183.88 8,062.16 /Cum 9544592

ADD25.00% extra for increase of SSRates after 5 years 25.00% 9544592 2386056


Asst.Engineer(PR) Dy.Executive Engineer


Executive Engineer Superintending Engineer

N/W:- Road From Maheswaram to Pulimamidi
Format F3‐  Typical cross section of the existing Pavement
Earthen surface road


1:1 1:1


(Cross section of the Existing Gravel Surface Road)

Worn out WBM Gr‐II Surface


1:1 1:1


(Existing  worn out WBM  Surface Road)

Designs By SRIRAM RAMULU,M-Tech.

Worn out BT Surface


1:1 1:1


0.6 km to 4km
4 km to 7.735km

(Existing  worn out BT surface Road)

Format F4‐  Typical cross section of the Proposed Flexible Pavement

BT carpet
5.50 Shoulder 1m width & 0.15m Thick

2 :1 2 :1

GSB Gr‐III with 5.75 m wide
WMM with 5.5 m wide

0.6 km to 4 km
4 km to 6.3 km
6.3 km to 6.475 km
6.475 km to 7.775 km

(BT Carpet)

Designs By SRIRAM RAMULU,M-Tech.

CC with M30 Rigid pavement
5.50 Shoulder 1m width & 0.15m Thick

2 :1 2 :1

GSB Gr‐III with 5.75 m wide
WMM with 5.5 m wide

0.000 km to 0.6 km
7.775 km to 8 km

(CC Pavement)

The side slopes of embankment should be (H:V) 1.5 :1 as per IRC 36-1970 cl 4.2

Asst.Engineer(PR) Dy.Executive Engineer


Executive Engineer Superintending Engineer


Designs By SRIRAM RAMULU,M-Tech.


N/W:- Road From Maheswaram to Pulimamidi


0.23 0.50 m 0.23

VCC in M15
Plastering 12MM thick

CC (1:3:6) 0.25


1.11 m

Asst.Engineer(PR) Dy.Executive Engineer


Executive Engineer Superintending Engineer

Name of Work:- Road From Maheswaram to Pulimamidi
e= 0.23 m


Ls Ls

 5.50

 31.41 o
R= 267.81 m
m= 3.05 m (Set back distance)
CW= 5.50 m
RW= 7.91 m (Road width)
Ls= 34.23 m (Transition length)
S= 146.83 m (length of curve)
SE(e) 0.23 m (Super elevation)
e= 0.14 m


Ls Ls

 5.50

 28.10 o
R= 434.59 m
m= 2.41 m (Set back distance)
CW= 5.50 m
RW= 7.81 m (Road width)
Ls= 21.09 m (Transition length)
S= 213.13 m (length of curve)
SE(e) 0.14 m (Super elevation)

e= 0.00 m


Ls Ls

 5.50

 0.00
R= 0.00 m
m= 1.38 m (Set back distance)
CW= 5.50 m
RW= 0.00 m (Road width)
Ls= 0.00 m (Transition length)
S= 0.00 m (length of curve)
SE(e) 0.00 m (Super elevation)

Note:- All values shows "Zero" means , The Curve does not exist

Page 128 of 154 Designs By SRIRAM RAMULU, M-Tech

Name of Work:- Road From Maheswaram to Pulimamidi
e= 0.00 m


Ls Ls

 5.50

 0.00
R= 0.00 m
m= 1.38 m (Set back distance)
CW= 5.50 m
RW= 0.00 m (Road width)
Ls= 0.00 m (Transition length)
S= 0.00 m (length of curve)
SE(e) 0.00 m (Super elevation)
Note:- All values shows "Zero" means , The Curve does not exist

e= 0.00 m


Ls Ls

 5.50

 0.00
R= 0.00 m
m= 1.88 m (Set back distance)
CW= 5.50 m
RW= 0.00 m (Road width)
Ls= 0.00 m (Transition length)
S= 0.00 m (length of curve)
SE(e) 0.00 m (Super elevation)
e= 0.00 m


Ls Ls

 5.50

 0.00
R= 0.00 m
m= 1.88 m (Set back distance)
CW= 5.50 m
RW= 0.00 m (Road width)
Ls= 0.00 m (Transition length)
S= 0.00 m (length of curve)
SE(e) 0.00 m (Super elevation)
Note:- All values shows "Zero" means , The Curve does not exist

Page 129 of 154 Designs By SRIRAM RAMULU, M-Tech

Name of Work:- Road From Maheswaram to Pulimamidi
e= 0.06 m


Ls Ls

 5.50

 18.30 o
R= 1100.75 m
m= 1.78 m (Set back distance)
CW= 5.50 m
RW= 7.68 m (Road width)
Ls= 8.33 m (Transition length)
S= 351.49 m (length of curve)
SE(e) 0.06 m (Super elevation)
e= 0.39 m


Ls Ls

 5.50

 69.53 o
R= 100.84 m
m= 5.88 m (Set back distance)
CW= 5.50 m
RW= 10.38 m (Road width)
Ls= 57.75 m (Transition length)
S= 122.37 m (length of curve)
SE(e) 0.39 m (Super elevation)

e= 0.00 m


Ls Ls

 5.50

 0.00
R= 0.00 m
m= 1.38 m (Set back distance)
CW= 5.50 m
RW= 0.00 m (Road width)
Ls= 0.00 m (Transition length)
S= 0.00 m (length of curve)
SE(e) 0.00 m (Super elevation)


Note:- All values shows "Zero" means , The Curve does not exist

Page 130 of 154 Designs By SRIRAM RAMULU, M-Tech

Name of Work:- Road From Maheswaram to Pulimamidi
e= 0.00 m


Ls Ls

 5.50

 0.00
R= 0.00 m
m= 1.88 m (Set back distance)
CW= 5.50 m
RW= 0.00 m (Road width)
Ls= 0.00 m (Transition length)
S= 0.00 m (length of curve)
SE(e) 0.00 m (Super elevation)

e= 0.00 m


Ls Ls

 5.50

 0.00
R= 0.00 m
m= 1.88 m (Set back distance)
CW= 5.50 m
RW= 0.00 m (Road width)
Ls= 0.00 m (Transition length)
S= 0.00 m (length of curve)
SE(e) 0.00 m (Super elevation)
e= 0.00 m


Ls Ls

 5.50

 0.00
R= 0.00 m
m= 1.88 m (Set back distance)
CW= 5.50 m
RW= 0.00 m (Road width)
Ls= 0.00 m (Transition length)
S= 0.00 m (length of curve)
SE(e) 0.00 m (Super elevation)
Note:- All values shows "Zero" means , The Curve does not exist

Page 131 of 154 Designs By SRIRAM RAMULU, M-Tech

Name of Work:- Road From Maheswaram to Pulimamidi
e= 0.39 m


Ls Ls

 5.50

 89.04 o
R= 153.32 m
m= 4.31 m (Set back distance)
CW= 5.50 m
RW= 8.81 m (Road width)
Ls= 57.75 m (Transition length)
S= 238.26 m (length of curve)
SE(e) 0.39 m (Super elevation)
e= 0.00 m


Ls Ls

 5.50

 0.00
R= 0.00 m
m= 1.38 m (Set back distance)
CW= 5.50 m
RW= 0.00 m (Road width)
Ls= 0.00 m (Transition length)
S= 0.00 m (length of curve)
SE(e) 0.00 m (Super elevation)

e= 0.00 m


Ls Ls

 5.50

 0.00
R= 0.00 m
m= 1.38 m (Set back distance)
CW= 5.50 m
RW= 0.00 m (Road width)
Ls= 0.00 m (Transition length)
S= 0.00 m (length of curve)
SE(e) 0.00 m (Super elevation)


Note:- All values shows "Zero" means , The Curve does not exist

Page 132 of 154 Designs By SRIRAM RAMULU, M-Tech

e= 0.00 m


Ls Ls

 5.50

 0.00
R= 0.00 m
m= 1.88 m (Set back distance)
CW= 5.50 m
RW= 0.00 m (Road width)
Ls= 0.00 m (Transition length)
S= 0.00 m (length of curve)
SE(e) 0.00 m (Super elevation)

e= 0.00 m


Ls Ls

 5.50

 0.00
R= 0.00 m
m= 1.88 m (Set back distance)
CW= 5.50 m
RW= 0.00 m (Road width)
Ls= 0.00 m (Transition length)
S= 0.00 m (length of curve)
SE(e) 0.00 m (Super elevation)
e= 0.00 m


Ls Ls

 5.50

 0.00
R= 0.00 m
m= 1.88 m (Set back distance)
CW= 5.50 m
RW= 0.00 m (Road width)
Ls= 0.00 m (Transition length)
S= 0.00 m (length of curve)
SE(e) 0.00 m (Super elevation)
Note:- All values shows "Zero" means , The Curve does not exist

Page 133 of 154 Designs By SRIRAM RAMULU, M-Tech

Page 134 of 154

NAME OF THE WORK :: Road From Maheswaram to Pulimamidi
Mandal MAHESWARAM Circle: RANGAREDDY CW 5.50 ESAL for Traffic category-2
S.No Reach Required crust as per IRC-37-2012 Existing Crust Details of CW(old) Proposed Crust Details for CW (old) Total Crust for CW(3.7
From TO GSB WBM/W CRM DBM SDBC Total CBR GSB in WBM WMM CC in CRM in BT / Existing GSB in WBM-II WBM- WMM CC in CRM in DBM / SDBC Existin Equivale WBM WMM CRM DBM /

value OGPC III in BM in g CW

MM / BM in % mm in mm inmm mm mm in mm CW in m mm in mm mm in mm mm mm mm in mm in m nt GSB BM
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

1 0.000 To 0.600 175 150 0 0 0 325 7.00 100 150 0 150 0 0 3.75 0 0 0 0 150 0 0 0 3.75 325 0 0 0 0

2 0.600 To 4.000 175 150 0 0 0 325 7.00 100 75 0 0 0 0 3.75 0 0 0 125 0 0 0 0 3.75 212.5 0 125 0 0

3 4.000 To 6.300 100 125 75 0 0 300 4.00 100 0 125 0 0 0 3.75 0 0 0 0 0 75 0 0 3.75 100 0 125 75 0

4 6.300 To 6.475 175 150 0 0 0 325 7.00 175 0 150 0 0 0 3.75 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3.75 175 0 150 0 0

5 6.475 To 7.775 175 150 0 0 0 325 7.00 175 0 150 0 0 0 3.75 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3.75 175 0 150 0 0

6 7.775 To 8.000 175 150 0 0 0 325 7.00 100 150 0 150 0 0 3.75 0 0 0 0 150 0 0 0 3.75 325 0 0 0 0

Asst.Engineer(PR) Dy.Executive Engineer


Executive Engineer Superintending Engineer


Designs By SRIRAM RAMULU,M-Tech.

Page 135 of 154


75) Proposed Crust Details for CW(5.5) Total Crust Details for CW 5.5)

32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53

0 300 625 OK 0 0 0 0 150 0 0 0 5.50 0 0 0 0 0 0 150 150 NoTOK

0 0 338 OK 175 0 0 150 0 0 0 0 5.50 175 0 150 0 0 0 0 325 OK

0 0 300 OK 100 0 0 125 0 75 0 0 5.50 100 0 125 75 0 0 0 300 OK

0 0 325 OK 175 0 0 150 0 0 0 0 5.50 175 0 150 0 0 0 0 325 OK

0 0 325 OK 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5.50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 NoTOK

0 300 625 OK 0 0 0 0 150 0 0 0 5.50 0 0 0 0 0 0 150 150 NoTOK

Designs By SRIRAM RAMULU,M-Tech.

Page 136 of 154


Name of work:- Road From Maheswaram to Pulimamidi


1 Traffic Count:
Average daily traffic (ADT) count station at KM 0.00
Cars/ Jeeps/ Taxies/ Van/ Three Wheelers (Auto Rickshaw) 34
Two Wheeler (Motor Cycle/ Scooters etc.) 68
LCV (Light Commercial Vehicles Ex. Mini Trucks) 24
Buses 10
Two Axle Truck/ Tanker 15
Multi Axle Truck/ Truck Trailer/ Tanker 16
Agricultural Tractor/ With Trailer 34
Cycle/ Cycle Rickshaw/ Other Human Powered 43
Bullock Cart/ Horse Cart/ Other Animal Drawn 0
Total 244
2 Average Annual daily traffic (AADT)
ADT during non harvesting season 244 /2 122.00
AADT = 122 1.20*75* 122.00 152.08
AADT before opening of the road to traffic 152.08 x 1.06 170.88
Heavy commercial vehicles (HCV) 26.00 /2 13.00
AADT = 13 1.20*75* 13.00 16.21
AADT before opening of the road to traffic,HCV 16.21 x 1.06 18.21
Medium commercial vehicles (LCV) 73.00 /2 36.50
AADT = 36.5 1.20 * 75 * 36.50 45.50
AADT before opening of the road to traffic,LCV 45.50 x 1.06 51.12
CVPD 18.21 + 51.12 69.33
Vehicle Damage Factor (VDF) No.s / Day To
for HCV Laden 18.21 2.86 52.08
Un Laden 18.21 0.31 5.64
for MCV Laden 51.12 0.34 17.38
Un Laden 51.12 0.02 1.02
To = ESAL applications(N)/day --> Total 76.13
Modified ESAL/DAY with correction of SWL=1.15*76.13= 87.50
Assuming traffic growth rate @ 6% over design life (n)= 10 years ,then To x365 ((1+ 0.01 r ) n-1
the Cumulative ESAL applications (N) for the design life of 10 years as = 4811
per IRC SP 72-2015 =
where L(Lane distribution factor) =1 for single lane & Intermediate lane roads & L= 0.75
for two lane
T0 is the Equivalent Standard Axle Load(ESAL) applications per day in the zero year, = no.

of commercial vehicles per day in the year of opening * VDF

r = traffic growth rate @ 6% = 0.06 , then ESAL =
And traffic category is To*4811*L= 420958 6
As per IRC 37-2012,The ESAL (N) count for traffic category-1 402810
say ESAL's= 0.40 <2.00msa,Hence apply IRC SP 72-2015 1

As per IRC SP 72-2015,The ESAL (N) count for traffic category-1 314318 6
and say 600000
say ESAL's= 0.31 <2.00msa,Hence apply IRC SP 72-2015
As per IRC 37-2012,The ESAL (N) count for traffic category-2 606150
say ESAL's= 0.61 <2.00msa,Hence apply IRC SP 72-2015 1

As per IRC SP 72-2015,The ESAL (N) count for traffic category-2 254829 5
and say 300000
And traffic category is 0.25 <2.00msa,Hence apply IRC SP 72-2015
3 Type of Predominant Soils Mixed Soils
4 For ESAL's of 314,318,which falls in the traffic Category-1 of IRC SP 72-2015
For ESAL's of 254,829,which falls in the traffic Category-2 of IRC SP 72-2015

Designs By SRIRAM RAMULU,M-Tech.

Page 137 of 154

The crust thickness for fair CBR values, the Pavement design as per the

Pavement design catalogue of IRC SP 72-2015 for ESAL=314,318

IRC SP72-2015 For ESAL 314318 6 600000
Traffic Category-1
2 400 150 0 0 550
3 250 225 0 0 475
4 250 225 0 0 475
5 225 150 0 0 375
6 225 150 0 0 375
7 175 150 0 0 325
8 175 150 0 0 325
9 175 150 0 0 325
10 150 150 0 0 300

11 150 150 0 0 300

12 150 150 0 0 300

13 150 150 0 0 300
14 150 150 0 0 300
15 150 150 0 0 300
The crust thickness for fair CBR values, the Pavement design as per the

Pavement design catalogue of IRC 37-2012 for ESAL=402,810

IRC 37-2012 For ESAL 402810 msa 1.00
Traffic Category-1
2 225 435 0 20 680
3 225 325 0 20 570
4 225 255 0 20 500
5 225 205 0 20 450
6 225 165 0 20 410
7 225 150 0 20 395
8 225 150 0 20 395
9 225 150 0 20 395
10 225 150 0 20 395
11 225 150 0 20 395
12 225 150 0 20 395
13 225 150 0 20 395
14 225 150 0 20 395
15 225 150 0 20 395

The crust thickness for fair CBR values, the Pavement design as per the
Pavement design catalogue of IRC SP 72-2015 for ESAL=254,829
IRC SP72-2015 For ESAL 254829 5 300000
Traffic Category-2
2 325 150 0 0 475
3 275 150 0 0 425
4 275 150 0 0 425
5 175 150 0 0 325
6 175 150 0 0 325
7 150 150 0 0 300
8 150 150 0 0 300
9 150 150 0 0 300
10 125 150 0 0 275
11 125 150 0 0 275
12 125 150 0 0 275
13 125 150 0 0 275
14 125 150 0 0 275
15 125 150 0 0 275

Designs By SRIRAM RAMULU,M-Tech.

Page 138 of 154

The crust thickness for fair CBR values, the Pavement design as per the
Pavement design catalogue of IRC 37-2012 for ESAL=606,150
IRC 37-2012 For ESAL 606150 msa 1.00
Traffic Category-2
2 225 435 0 20 680
3 225 325 0 20 570
4 225 255 0 20 500
5 225 205 0 20 450
6 225 165 0 20 410
7 225 150 0 20 395
8 225 150 0 20 395
9 225 150 0 20 395
10 225 150 0 20 395
11 225 150 0 20 395
12 225 150 0 20 395
13 225 150 0 20 395
14 225 150 0 20 395
15 225 150 0 20 395

The crust thickness for fair CBR values, the Pavement design as per the
Pavement design catalogue of IRC SP 72-2015 for ESAL=314,318
IRC SP72-2015 For ESAL 314318 6 600000
Traffic Category-1
2 125 150 75 0 0 350
3 100 125 75 0 0 300
4 100 125 75 0 0 300
5 100 100 75 0 0 275
6 100 100 75 0 0 275
7 100 100 75 0 0 275
8 100 100 75 0 0 275
9 100 100 75 0 0 275
10 100 100 75 0 0 275
11 100 100 75 0 0 275
12 100 100 75 0 0 275
13 100 100 75 0 0 275
14 100 100 75 0 0 275
15 100 100 75 0 0 275

The crust thickness for fair CBR values, the Pavement design as per the
Pavement design catalogue of IRC 37-2012 for ESAL=606,150
IRC 37-2015 For ESAL 402810 msa 1.00
Traffic Category-1
2 250 70 100 0 30 420
3 250 70 100 0 30 420
4 250 60 100 0 30 410
5 250 60 100 0 30 410
6 250 50 100 30 0 430
7 250 50 100 30 0 430
8 250 50 100 30 0 430
9 250 50 100 30 0 430
10 250 50 100 30 0 430
11 250 50 100 30 0 430
12 250 50 100 30 0 430
13 250 50 100 30 0 430
14 250 50 100 30 0 430
15 250 50 100 30 0 430

The crust thickness for fair CBR values, the Pavement design as per the
Pavement design catalogue of IRC SP 72-2015 for ESAL=254,829
IRC SP72-2015 For ESAL 254829 5 300000
Traffic Category-2
2 130 150 0 0 0 280
3 150 100 0 0 0 250
4 150 100 0 0 0 250
5 125 100 0 0 0 225
6 125 100 0 0 0 225
7 125 100 0 0 0 225
8 125 100 0 0 0 225
9 125 100 0 0 0 225

Designs By SRIRAM RAMULU,M-Tech.

Page 139 of 154

10 100 100 0 0 0 200

11 100 100 0 0 0 200
12 100 100 0 0 0 200
13 100 100 0 0 0 200
14 100 100 0 0 0 200
15 100 100 0 0 0 200

The crust thickness for fair CBR values, the Pavement design as per the
Pavement design catalogue of IRC 37-2012 for ESAL=402,810
IRC 37-2015 For ESAL 606150 msa 1.00
Traffic Category-2
2 250 70 100 0 30 420
3 250 70 100 0 30 420
4 250 60 100 0 30 410
5 250 60 100 0 30 410
6 250 50 100 30 0 430
7 250 50 100 30 0 430
8 250 50 100 30 0 430
9 250 50 100 30 0 430
10 250 50 100 30 0 430
11 250 50 100 30 0 430
12 250 50 100 30 0 430
13 250 50 100 30 0 430
14 250 50 100 30 0 430
15 250 50 100 30 0 430

5 The WBM surface may restricted to 75mm thickness duly increasing corresponding
thickness in GSB Layer. The recommended thickness in flexible pavement designs are
generally in multiples of 75 mm or 100mm


1 0.00 0.60 7 175 150 0 0 0 325
2 0.60 4.00 7 175 150 0 0 0 325
3 4.00 6.30 4 100 125 75 0 0 300
4 6.30 6.48 7 175 150 0 0 0 325
5 6.48 7.78 7 175 150 0 0 0 325
6 7.78 8.00 7 175 150 0 0 0 325
7 8.00 8.00 9 175 150 0 0 0 325
8 8.00 8.00 9 175 150 0 0 0 325
9 8.00 8.00 6 225 150 0 0 0 375
10 8.00 8.00 6 225 150 0 0 0 375
11 8.00 8.00 6 225 150 0 0 0 375
12 8.00 8.00 6 225 150 0 0 0 375
13 8.00 8.00 6 225 150 0 0 0 375
14 8.00 8.00 6 225 150 0 0 0 375
15 8.00 8.00 6 225 150 0 0 0 375
16 8.00 8.00 6 225 150 0 0 0 375
17 8.00 8.00 6 225 150 0 0 0 375
18 8.00 8.00 6 225 150 0 0 0 375
19 8.00 8.00 6 225 150 0 0 0 375


a) Average Yearly Rainfall in the District (As per Enclosed Sheet ) 1000 mm
b) Daily motorized traffic except 2 Wheelers in Base Year 133 VPD
c) Daily motorized traffic except 2 Wheelers in Design Year 252 VPD
Type of Surface Course as per IRC-SP-72 Table No. 4.0 is BT Surface
d) PMC+Seal Coat
Treatment for Traffic Category T4>ADT>200,& Rainfall < or > 1000mm.
Type of Seal Coat based on annual rainfall ( Type "A" >1000mm , Type "B" /
e) Type B OR C
"C" <1000mm as per IRC SP-20 Clause 4.11.5 )

Asst.Engineer(PR) Dy.Executive Engineer


Executive Engineer Superintending Engineer


Designs By SRIRAM RAMULU,M-Tech.

Name of work:- Road From Maheswaram to Pulimamidi
HORIZONTAL CURVE DESIGNS Carriage width 5.50 m
(As per IRC 38-1988) Is Rolling Terrain YES
Design speed 50 kmph
Max. super elevation 7%
Actual Raise of Curve
Length of
Super Allowabl outer edge Co-efficient Allowable Curve length (S) Speed
Design Transition Extra
Curve Chainage Curve Elevation e Super with of friction Co- angle() = *R Restrictio Chord
Speed (e) curve (Ls) widening Ls2 / (24R)
No. in KM Radius in M Elevation respect to efficient of /180 ns if any Length (L)
Kmph Adopted
V2 / "e" the inner V2 / (127xR) - friction in kmph
(225xR) edge (e+ f) Deg Meters Mtrs
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
C1 1.84 267.81 50.00 4.15% 4.15% 0.228 -0.15 0.15 31.41 146.83 34.23 0.00 50.00 0.18 145.00
C2 2.48 1100.75 50.00 1.01% 1.01% 0.056 -0.20 0.15 18.30 351.49 8.33 0.00 50.00 0.00 350.00
C3 6.94 153.32 50.00 7.25% 7.00% 0.385 -0.09 0.15 89.04 238.26 57.75 0.00 50.00 0.91 215.00
C4 7.45 434.59 50.00 2.56% 2.56% 0.141 -0.17 0.15 28.10 213.13 21.09 0.00 50.00 0.04 211.00
C5 7.75 100.84 50.00 11.02% 7.00% 0.385 -0.02 0.15 69.53 122.37 57.75 0.00 50.00 1.38 115.00
C6 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% 0.00% 0.000 0.00 0.15 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
C7 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% 0.00% 0.000 0.00 0.15 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
C8 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% 0.00% 0.000 0.00 0.15 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
C9 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% 0.00% 0.000 0.00 0.15 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
C10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% 0.00% 0.000 0.00 0.15 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
C11 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% 0.00% 0.000 0.00 0.15 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
C12 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% 0.00% 0.000 0.00 0.15 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Asst.Engineer(PR) Dy.Executive Engineer


Executive Engineer Superintending Engineer


Page 140 of 154 Designs By SRIRAM RAMULU , M-Tech

Name of work:- Road From Maheswaram to Pulimamidi
It is a plain & Rolling terrain,Therefore (e)= 7%
2 2
e= V and e+f = V
225 R 127R
Where e = Super elevation in M /RM
V = Design speed of Vehicles
R = Radius of the Curve in meters
f = 0.15 (as per IRC38-1998 cl 4.2)
Here V = 50
R = 267.81 meters
= 50 x 50 = 2500
225 x 267.813 60258
= 0.04 > 0.07
The super elevation is 0.07
Co-efficient of Friction (f) =
- 0.07
127 267.81

50 x 50 = 2500
- 0.07
127 x 267.813 34012.188

f= 0.00 < 0.15 OK

The Design speed is 50kmph

V = 27.94 X R

sqrt( 27.94 X 267.81 )

= 86.50 Kmph
Say 87.00 Kmph
There fore Design Speed = 50.00 Kmph
Curve radius = 267.81 m
Curve angle () = 31

Curve length (S) = *R/180 = 267.813 x 3.142 x 31.41

= 146.85 m
Say 146.90 m
OR Minimum Radius for Design speed of 50 kmph = 0.0358V2 = 89.5
As per IRC 38-1998 vide cl 4.4.5 , the minimum radius of turning cycle(swept radius) is 13m

Asst.Engineer(PR) Dy.Executive Engineer


Executive Engineer Superintending Engineer


Page 141 of 154 Designs By SRIRAM RAMULU, M-Tech.

1 Rate of change of centrifugal acceleration = 0.0215V
As per IRC SP 48-1992 cl C*R
Where V= 50.00 kmph
R= 267.81 m
C= 80 0.64 m/sec
(75+V) it is Less than max 0.80
Hence adopt C= 0.64 m/sec
2 Allowable Ls by rate of introduction of superelevation(E)
e= V = 0.04149 < 0.070
As this value is within the allowable limit 0.070, Hence adopt 0.041
Check against skidding for the design speed ,where f= the allowable friction=0.15
As per the above calculation the design speed is limited to 50.00 kmph
f= V - 0.07 0.00 < 0.15 Hence OK
B= width of pavement at the curve including extra widening
We= extra widening 0.000 m
Therefore B = (W+We)= 3.750 m
Raise of outer edge with respect to the inner edge =E=e*B 0.156 m
Rate of introduction of super elevation 1 in 150 150
1 Therefore Ls = 0.0215*V 15.68 m ------------ (i)
2 Therefore Ls= e *150 23.34 m ------------ (ii)
(IRC SP 48-1992 cl. it is 1 in 150 plain & 1 in 60 for mountainous terrain)
3 For plain and rolling terrain as per cl of IRC SP 48-1992
Ls = 2.7V 2 25.20 m ------------ (iii)
For Mountainous and steep terrain Ls = 1.0V 2 9.33 m
There fore maximum Ls out of 1,2& 3 is 25.20 m
(as per cl6.8.4.2 of IRC SP 48-1992)
shift(S) = Ls2 0.10 m
Set back distance from centre line of road (m)=R-(R-n) cos 1.68 m
where  in radians s 0.112 radians
Carriage width 5.50 m
for single lane road (n)= 0.00 m
R= 267.81 m
Sight distance = 60.00 m
V= 50.00 kmph

Asst.Engineer(PR) Dy.Executive Engineer


Executive Engineer Superintending Engineer


Page 142 of 154 Designs By SRIRAM RAMULU, M-Tech.

DATE : - 6 1 2020 Modified Plate III of IRC: 9-1972
DIRECTION OF TRAFFIC :- UP FROM(Place) :: Maheswaram ODR :
(Specify) all
Cars/ Jeeps/ Two Wheeler LCV (Light Buses Two Axle Multi Axle Agricultur Cycle/ Cycle Bullock Cart/
Taxies/ Van/ (Motor Cycle/ Commercial Truck/ Truck/ Truck al Tractor/ Rickshaw/ Horse Cart/
for Hour
COUNT HOUR Three Scooters etc.) Vehicles Ex. Tanker Trailer/ With Other Human Other Animal
Wheelers Mini Trucks) Tanker Trailer Powered Drawn
Note 2)
0000-0100 0
0100-0200 0
0200-0300 0
0300-0400 0
0400-0500 0
0500-0600 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 9
0600-0700 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 17
0700-0800 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 16
0800-0900 1 1 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 20
0900-1000 1 1 3 3 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 19
1000-1100 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 13
1100-1200 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 18
1200-1300 1 1 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 18
1300-1400 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 22
1400-1500 1 1 4 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 15
1500-1600 2 2 2 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 25
1600-1700 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 14
1700-1800 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 17
1800-1900 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 14
1900-2000 1 1 3 3 2 2 12
2000-2100 0
2100-2200 0
2200-2300 0
2300-2400 0
TOTAL 17 p 17 34 34 12 12 6 8 8 10 7 7 17 17 21 22 0 0 0 0 249
NOTE : Traffic D : Down Traffic
DATE : - 7 1 2020 Modified Plate III of IRC: 9-1972
DIRECTION OF TRAFFIC :- UP FROM(Place) :: Maheswaram ODR :
Cars/ Jeeps/ Two Wheeler LCV (Light Bus Two Axle Multi Axle Agricultur Cycle/ Cycle Bullock Cart/ (Specify) all
Taxies/ Van/ (Motor Cycle/ Commercial Truck/ Truck/ Truck al Tractor/ Rickshaw/ Horse Cart/ Vehicles
Three Scooters etc.) Vehicles Ex. Tanker Trailer/ With Other Human Other Animal for Hour
Wheelers Mini Trucks) Tanker Trailer Powered Drawn (See
(Auto Note 2)
0000-0100 0
0100-0200 0
0200-0300 0
0300-0400 0
0400-0500 0
0500-0600 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 9
0600-0700 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 17
0700-0800 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 16
0800-0900 1 1 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 21
0900-1000 1 1 3 3 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 19
1000-1100 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 12
1100-1200 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 14
1200-1300 1 1 3 3 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 17
1300-1400 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 20
1400-1500 1 1 4 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 14
1500-1600 2 2 2 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 25
1600-1700 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 14
1700-1800 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 2 17
1800-1900 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 14
1900-2000 1 1 3 3 2 2 12
2000-2100 0
2100-2200 0
2200-2300 0
2300-2400 0
TOTAL 17 17 34 34 12 12 4 4 7 7 8 8 17 17 21 22 0 0 0 0 241
NOTE : U : Up D : Down Traffic
DATE : - 8 1 2020 Modified Plate III of IRC: 9-1972
DIRECTION OF TRAFFIC :- UP FROM(Place) :: Maheswaram ODR :
(Specify) all
Cars/ Jeeps/ Two Wheeler LCV (Light Bus Two Axle Multi Axle Agricultur Cycle/ Cycle Bullock Cart/ Vehicles
Taxies/ Van/ (Motor Cycle/ Commercial Truck/ Truck/ Truck al Tractor/ Rickshaw/ Horse Cart/ for Hour
COUNT HOUR Three Scooters etc.) Vehicles Ex. Tanker Trailer/ With Other Human Other Animal (See
Wheelers Mini Trucks) Tanker Trailer Powered Drawn Note 2)
0000-0100 0
0100-0200 0
0200-0300 0
0300-0400 0
0400-0500 0
0500-0600 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 9
0600-0700 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 17
0700-0800 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 16
0800-0900 1 1 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 19
0900-1000 1 1 3 3 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 2 23
1000-1100 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 11
1100-1200 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 15
1200-1300 1 1 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 14
1300-1400 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 21
1400-1500 1 1 4 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 16
1500-1600 2 2 2 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 25
1600-1700 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 14
1700-1800 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 15
1800-1900 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 14
1900-2000 1 1 3 3 2 2 12
2000-2100 0
2100-2200 0
2200-2300 0
2300-2400 0
TOTAL 17 17 34 34 12 12 4 4 7 7 8 8 17 17 21 22 0 0 0 0 241
NOTE : U : Up D : Down Traffic
Mark out Highest Peak Hour for the Day in Red. Highest Peak Hour is the Hour in which the total number of Vehicles was highest over the census period (In this case the day)
DATE : - 9 1 2020 Modified Plate III of IRC: 9-1972
Pulimamidi ODR :
Cars/ Jeeps/ Two Wheeler LCV (Light Buses Two Axle Multi Axle Agricultur Cycle/ Cycle Bullock Cart/ (Specify) all
Taxies/ Van/ (Motor Cycle/ Commercial Truck/ Truck/ Truck al Tractor/ Rickshaw/ Horse Cart/ Vehicles
COUNT HOUR Three Scooters etc.) Vehicles Ex. Tanker Trailer/ With Other Human Other Animal for Hour
Wheelers Mini Trucks) Tanker Trailer Powered Drawn (See
(Auto Note 2)
0000-0100 0
0100-0200 0
0200-0300 0
0300-0400 0
0400-0500 0
0500-0600 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 9
0600-0700 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 17
0700-0800 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 16
0800-0900 1 1 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 21
0900-1000 1 1 3 3 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 19
1000-1100 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 11
1100-1200 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 14
1200-1300 1 1 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 15
1300-1400 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 21
1400-1500 1 1 4 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 14
1500-1600 2 2 2 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 25
1600-1700 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 16
1700-1800 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 2 17
1800-1900 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 14
1900-2000 1 1 3 3 2 2 12
2000-2100 0
2100-2200 0
2200-2300 0
2300-2400 0
TOTAL 17 17 34 34 12 12 4 4 7 7 8 8 17 17 21 22 0 0 0 0 241
NOTE : U : Up D : Down Traffic
DATE : - 10 1 2020 Modified Plate III of IRC: 9-1972
Pulimamidi ODR :
Cars/ Jeeps/ Two Wheeler LCV (Light Bus Two Axle Multi Axle Agricultur Cycle/ Cycle Bullock Cart/ (Specify) all
Taxies/ Van/ (Motor Cycle/ Commercial Truck/ Truck/ Truck al Tractor/ Rickshaw/ Horse Cart/ Vehicles
Three Scooters etc.) Vehicles Ex. Tanker Trailer/ With Other Human Other Animal for Hour
Wheelers Mini Trucks) Tanker Trailer Powered Drawn (See
(Auto Note 2)
0000-0100 0
0100-0200 0
0200-0300 0
0300-0400 0
0400-0500 0
0500-0600 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 9
0600-0700 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 17
0700-0800 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 16
0800-0900 1 1 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 22
0900-1000 1 1 3 3 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 21
1000-1100 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 11
1100-1200 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 14
1200-1300 1 1 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 15
1300-1400 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 20
1400-1500 1 1 4 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 16
1500-1600 2 2 2 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 25
1600-1700 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 14
1700-1800 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 15
1800-1900 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 14
1900-2000 1 1 3 3 2 2 12
2000-2100 0
2100-2200 0
2200-2300 0
2300-2400 0
TOTAL 17 17 34 34 12 12 4 4 7 7 8 8 17 17 21 22 0 0 0 0 241
NOTE : U : Up D : Down Traffic
DATE : - 11 1 2020 Modified Plate III of IRC: 9-1972
Pulimamidi ODR :
Cars/ Jeeps/ Two Wheeler LCV (Light Bus Two Axle Multi Axle Agricultur Cycle/ Cycle Bullock Cart/ (Specify) all
Taxies/ Van/ (Motor Cycle/ Commercial Truck/ Truck/ Truck al Tractor/ Rickshaw/ Horse Cart/ Vehicles
Three Scooters etc.) Vehicles Ex. Tanker Trailer/ With Other Human Other Animal for Hour
Wheelers Mini Trucks) Tanker Trailer Powered Drawn (See
(Auto Note 2)
0000-0100 0
0100-0200 0
0200-0300 0
0300-0400 0
0400-0500 0
0500-0600 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 9
0600-0700 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 17
0700-0800 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 16
0800-0900 1 1 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 20
0900-1000 1 1 3 3 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 19
1000-1100 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 11
1100-1200 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 14
1200-1300 1 1 3 3 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 16
1300-1400 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 20
1400-1500 1 1 4 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 16
1500-1600 2 2 2 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 25
1600-1700 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 15
1700-1800 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 15
1800-1900 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 16
1900-2000 1 1 3 3 2 2 12
2000-2100 0
2100-2200 0
2200-2300 0
2300-2400 0
TOTAL 17 17 34 34 12 12 4 4 7 7 8 8 17 17 21 22 0 0 0 0 241
NOTE : U : Up D : Down Traffic

Asst.Engineer(PR) Dy.Executive Engineer Executive Engineer Superintending Engineer


CW in
DATE FROM : 6-1-2020 Modified Plate III of IRC: 9-1972 m 5.50
TO : 11-1-2020 ODR : L correction YES
Name of the Road :- Road From Maheswaram to Pulimamidi KILOMETERAGE OF COUNT STATION : 0
From To Cars/ Two LCV (Light Buses/Mi Two Axle Multi Agricultural Cycle/ Bullock (Specif rks
Jeeps/ Wheeler Commercia ni Bus Truck/ Axle Tractor/ Cycle Cart/ y)
Taxies/ (Motor l Vehicles Tanker Truck/ With Ricksha Horse
Van/ Cycle/ Ex. Mini Truck Trailer w/ Other Cart/
Date / Hour Date / Hour Three Scooters Trucks) Trailer/ Human Other
Wheelers etc.) Tanker Powered Animal
(Auto Drawn
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

6-1-2020 6-1-2020 34 68 24 14 18 14 34 43 0 249

7-1-2020 7-1-2020 34 68 24 8 14 16 34 43 0 241

8-1-2020 8-1-2020 34 68 24 8 14 16 34 43 0 241

Total for the Work 102 204 72 30 46 46 102 129 0 731

Average Daily Traffic for the 34 68 24 10 15 15 34 43 0 244

PCU FACTOR 1 1 2 3 2 3 2 1 6
AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC 34 34 36 30 31 46 51 22 0
PCU's(Passenger car unit)
Peak Hour 1700 Hrs. to 1800
Hrs. on

Designs By SRIRAM RAMULU,M-Tech.



Name of the Road :- Road From Maheswaram to Pulimamidi

Location of the road :- 0.00 kM

Type of vehicle Day-1 Day-2 Day-3 Total Average

Two Axle Truck/ Tanker 18.00 14.00 14.00 46.00 15.00 15.00
Animal Drawn Vehicles 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Cycles 43.00 43.00 43.00 129.00 43.00 43.00
Motorized Two wheelers 68.00 68.00 68.00 204.00 68.00 68.00
Trucks Laden 7.00 8.00 8.00 23.00 8.00
Unladen 7.00 8.00 8.00 23.00 8.00 16.00
Buses Laden 7.00 4.00 4.00 15.00 5.00
Unladen 7.00 4.00 4.00 15.00 5.00 10.00
Agricultural Tractors / Trailers Laden 17.00 17.00 17.00 51.00 17.00
Unladen 17.00 17.00 17.00 51.00 17.00 34.00
Medium commercial vehicles Laden 12.00 12.00 12.00 36.00 12.00
Unladen 12.00 12.00 12.00 36.00 12.00 24.00
Cars, Jeeps, Vans, Three wheelers 34.00 34.00 34.00 102.00 34.00 34.00

Average Daily Traffic (ADT) = 244

Correction factor for SWL as per IRC 72-2007 vide cl 3.4.6 1.144
Total traffic (T) Lean Season 244
Total traffic (nT)Harvesting season 244
No. of Harvesting Season (s) 2
Duration of single Harvesting season (t) 75
Average Annual Daily Traffic AADT S x nT x 0.6 x t = 1.247*T
= T +
AADT = 304.16

Before opening of the road to traffic AADT = AADT X (1.06)2

304.16 x 1.06 x 1.06 = 341.80

Designs By SRIRAM RAMULU,M-Tech.

ESAL applications per day (Taking the VDF values in consideration)
Vehicle Damage Factor (VDF)values
Type MCV Laden Type Unlad
Laden Unladen Unladen Laden Unladen Laden
No. of Vehicles 13.00 13.00 36.50 36.50 Single 2.860 0.310 0.340 0.020
Proportion of
projected AADT / 1.401 1.401 1.401 1.401 Tandem 4.454 0.439 0.577 0.027
No. of Vehicles
Based on daily 18.21 18.21 51.13 51.13
VDF per Vehicle 2.860 0.310 0.340 0.020
52.08 5.65 17.38 1.02
ESAL / DAY 76.13

CVPD= 69.34
Correction factor for SWL(IRC 72-2007 cl 3.4.6) 1.14
Modified ESAL/Day =76.13*1.14= 87.11
VDF= 87.11/69.34= 1.26
ESAL(N)= 4,811*87.11 419090
4811 x (18 x 2.86 + 18 x 0.31 + 51x 0.34 + 51 x 0.02)
Cumulative ESAL Applications over 10 years @ 6% Growth rate
Lane Distribution factor 0.75
4811 x 87.11 x 0.75= 314318

ESAL = 314318 Traffic category = 6


Lane Distribution factor (D) where D=1 for single lane & D= 0.75 for two lane 0.75
vehicle damage factor(F) for commercial Vehicles 1.50
Design life (n) in Years 10
Initial traffic in the year of completion of construction(A) in CVPD 69.34
Annual growth rate 7.50%
Cumulative ESAL Applications over 10 years @ 7.50 % Growth rate (N) =
365 ((1+ r ) n-1 ) x A x D x F 402810 OR 0.40 msa

Designs By SRIRAM RAMULU,M-Tech.

DATE FROM : 6-1-2020 Modified Plate III of IRC: 9-1972
TO : 11-1-2020 ODR : L correction YES
NAME OF THE WORK : Road From Maheswaram to Pulimamidi KILOMETERAGE OF COUNT STATION : 0


From To Cars/ Two LCV (Light Buses/Mi Two Axle Multi Agricultural Cycle/ Bullock (Specif rks
Date / Hour Date / Hour Jeeps/ Wheeler Commercia ni Bus Truck/ Axle Tractor/ Cycle Cart/ y)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

9-1-2020 9-1-2020 34 68 24 8 14 16 34 43 0 241

10-1-2020 10-1-2020 34 68 24 8 14 16 34 43 0 241

11-1-2020 11-1-2020 34 68 24 8 14 16 34 43 0 241

Total for the Work 102 204 72 24 42 48 102 129 0 723

Average Daily Traffic for the 34 68 24 8 14 16 34 43 0 241
PCU FACTOR 1 1 2 3 2 3 2 1 6
AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC 34 34 36 24 28 48 51 22 0
Peak Hour 1700 Hrs. to 1800

Designs By SRIRAM RAMULU,M-Tech.

Name of the Road :- Road From Maheswaram to Pulimamidi
Location of the road :- 0.00 kM

Type of vehicle Day-1 Day-2 Day-3 Total Average

Two Axle Truck/ Tanker 14.00 14.00 14.00 42.00 14.00 14.00
Animal Drawn Vehicles 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Cycles 43.00 43.00 43.00 129.00 43.00 43.00
Motorized Two wheelers 68.00 68.00 68.00 204.00 68.00 68.00
Trucks Laden 8.00 8.00 8.00 24.00 8.00
Unladen 8.00 8.00 8.00 24.00 8.00 16.00
Buses Laden 4.00 4.00 4.00 12.00 4.00
Unladen 4.00 4.00 4.00 12.00 4.00 8.00
Agricultural Tractors / Trailers Laden 17.00 17.00 17.00 51.00 17.00
Unladen 17.00 17.00 17.00 51.00 17.00 34.00
Medium commercial vehicles Laden 12.00 12.00 12.00 36.00 12.00
Unladen 12.00 12.00 12.00 36.00 12.00 24.00
Cars, Jeeps, Vans, Three wheelers 34.00 34.00 34.00 102.00 34.00 34.00

Average Daily Traffic (ADT) = 241

Correction factor for SWL 1.149
Total traffic (T) Lean Season 241
Total traffic (nT)Harvesting season 241
No. of Harvesting Season (s) 2
Duration of single Harvesting season (t) 75
Average Annual Daily Traffic AADT S x nT x 0.6 x t = 1.247*T
= T +
AADT = 300.42

Before opening of the road to traffic AADT = AADT X (1.06)2

300.42 x 1.06 x 1.06 = 337.60

Designs By SRIRAM RAMULU,M-Tech.

ESAL applications per day (Taking the VDF values in consideration)
Vehicle Damage Factor (VDF)values
Type MCV Laden Type Unlad
Laden Unladen Unladen Laden Unladen Laden
No. of Vehicles 12.00 12.00 36.00 36.00 Single 2.860 0.310 0.340 0.020
Proportion of
projected AADT / 1.401 1.401 1.401 1.401 Tandem 4.454 0.439 0.577 0.027
No. of Vehicles
Based on daily 16.81 16.81 50.43 50.43
VDF per Vehicle 2.860 0.310 0.340 0.020
48.08 5.21 17.15 1.01
ESAL / DAY 71.44
CVPD= 67.24
Correction factor for SWL 1.15
Modified ESAL/Day =71.44*1.15= 82.12
VDF= 82.12/67.24= 1.221
ESAL(N)= 4,811*82.12 395061
4811 x (16.81 x 2.86 + 16.81 x 0.31 + 50.43x 0.34 + 50.43 x 0.02)
Cumulative ESAL Applications over 10 years @ 6% Growth rate
Lane Distribution factor 0.75
4811 x 82.12 x 0.75= 296296
ESAL = 296296 Traffic category = 5
Lane Distribution factor (D) where D=1 for single lane & D= 0.75 for two lane 0.75
vehicle damage factor(F) for commercial Vehicles 1.50
Design life (n) 10
Initial traffic in the year of completion of construction(A) 67.24
Annual growth rate 7.50%
Cumulative ESAL Applications over 10 years @ 7.50 % Growth rate (N) =
365 ((1+ r ) n-1 ) x A x D x F 390606 OR 0.39 msa
Asst.Engineer(PR) Dy.Executive Engineer

Executive Engineer Superintending Engineer


Designs By SRIRAM RAMULU,M-Tech.

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