Detailed Lesson Plan in Science 7 Grade

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Fourth Quarter/ Fourth Grading Period

Prepared by: Shamarie Love Rosa Maribao


At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:

 Explain why there is the blowing of winds, the monsoons and the Intertropical
Convergence Zone;and
 Differentiate land breeze from sea breeze.


a. Subject Matter
Subject: Science 7
Topic: Solar Energy and the Atmosphere (Common Atmospheric Phenomena)
b. Integration: Biology, Earth Science, History
c. Values: Patience, Following Rules and Instruction and Collaboration
d. Strategies: Collaboration Learning, Inquiry-based Learning
e. Materials: Papers with picture, PPT presentation, Manila Paper, Marker, Laptop and
f. Reference(s): Science Learning Material, Department of Education and internet


a. Daily Routine

“Good morning/ Good afternoon Class” “ Good morning/ Good afternoon Ma’am”

How was your day class? Did you eat Yes Ma’am
your breakfast, snack or even your lunch
for today?
Since you are fine, let us check your
energy first!

Grade 7- _______ Energy Level Check? “ Okeeeey Keoyooooow”

So let us start checking your attendance!
Say present if your name is called.
Calling the names of the students

Saying present when their name was

b. Review of the Previous Topic

Last meeting we already discussed the

greenhouse effect and also the causes of
global warming, Right?
Yes Ma’am
What is a greenhouse again class?
“It is a house that made up of glass.”
That’s Right!
How about the Greenhouse effect? “ Greenhouse effect is a natural process
that warms the earth’s surface Ma’am”

Very Good! “These are the Carbon dioxide, Methane,

What are the different greenhouse gases Water Vapor, Ozone, Nitrous oxide and
that are present in the atmosphere? Chlorofluorocarbons.”

If we give off too much greenhouse gas in “ We will experience an increase in
the atmosphere, what will happen to our earth’s temperature which is also called
beloved earth? Global Warming”

Yes, What a sharp mind!

Since, each of us already know what is

the role of greenhouse effect and on how
it cause us a lot just like the burning of
plastics and other activities of human, “Protect and save the Mother earth. Use
which can destroy the Earth. What can a free energy wisely, plant more trees and
student do to prevent this from help prevent the ozone depletion in the
happening? Earth’s atmosphere.”
That was a very Good Idea!

c. Motivation

Today I prepared a short game!

This is called as “Peel the Cabbage” or
the Cabbage Game.
Is it familiar to all of you? Yes Ma’am

So, you already know how to play with Yes Ma’am

this game right?

This game has its own twist. I have here

some crumpled paper. One student will
give me a number and the paper will be
pass from one place to another. Each
paper has its corresponding written
instructions and questions to follow and
One must answer the question when you
are instructed to answer a question and if
the other way around follow what is

Did you get it class? “Yes Ma’am”

This is another way for doing the cabbage
game not the traditional peel the cabbage
that you used to know. Okay Ma’am
So let us start!

Calling a student to give a number.

Student giving a number.
(The game starts!)

The question was presented in a GIF

pictures. Other answers a question and other
follows what is instructed.
d. Lesson Proper

Imagine you are in a sea shore one night. “It’s cold Ma’am”
Do you feel cold or hot?

Yes is it. Have you tried touching the “ It feels warm maam”
water in the sea at night? How does it

Why do you think that the water at night

still warm?
Did you ever experience touching the “It is when me and my family go to a night
land in the seashore at night, how does it swimming. The water is still in its warm
feel? condition and the land in the shore is
Why does water at night is still warm in
the ocean? “ It is because of the temperature of air
Why does land at night is cold? Ma’am”

You have the idea!

Today let get to know the common
atmospheric phenomena that each of you
questioned already with their own minds.

Did you bring the materials I give you as Yes Ma’am

an assignment?

Good job.

Let’s set up that one. In your science

textbook there is a procedure that we
need to follow. By group, follow the
different procedure written. Each of you
must know what will happen to the lighted
and unlighted paper bag for you to
determine the rising and sinking of air in
the atmosphere and on where does the
air moves.

What do you think will happen to the

paper bag if it is lighted by a candle 5 “ I think it will burn Ma’am”
inches below?
Let’s check if it will be burned up.

What will happen with the lighted paper

bag using the candle?

Was your prediction accurate?

Describe what happened to your model

and explain why.

Is there any disturbance in your area?

Is the air rises or sinks?

Make sure that each of you know all

about, because later on I will choose a
reporter from the group and he/she will
explain in front on what was your
prediction at first and on how you come
up with the conclusion.

Are we clear with that class? Yes Ma’am

Okay you have only 10 minutes to make

the activity.

(after 10 minutes)

Let us start the presentation by group.

Group 1 presented
Group 2
Group 3
Group 4
Group 5
Wow, what a nice prediction and
conclusion class.

To deepen your understanding on why

the wind blows, let us watch this video.

(Presenting the video.)

Why the wind blows? Based on the video

presented? Did you ever question
yourself why the wind blows? Why the “the wind blows because of the warm air
trees always follows the wind direction? follows the direction of higher to lower
Why there is a wind that blows? pressure”

Yes, That is Right!

The warm air rises and follows the

direction of high pressure to lower
What do you think will happen to the
surroundings if the warm air rises? “The surrounding air will become warm. It
will moves toward the place where warm
air rising”

Yes, That’s Right!

The air around us moves towards the

place where warm air is rising.
Every time you feel the wind, it means
that air is moving toward the place where
warm air is rising.

“The faster to heat up Ma’am is the sea.”

So, which is the faster to warm or to heat
up? Is it the land or the sea? It is because as you can see the sand
Why do you say so? heats up faster than water and the sand
cools down faster than water.

Very Good.
During the day, the land heats up faster
So, imagine that you are standing by the than the water in the sea. The air above
sea, along the shore. Feel the air around the land will become warm ahead of the
you. What did you notice? air above the sea.

Yes, That’s Right!

The air above the sea will then move in to

replace the rising warm air.
It is sea breeze Ma’am
What do you call this kind of breeze?

Very Good!

If the sea breeze which is the air above

the sea will then move in to replace the
rising warm, what about the land breeze? “Air above the sea will be warmer than
that above land. The warm air above the
sea will then rise. Air from land will move
out to replace the rising warm air which is
called as the land breeze.


Have you ever heard about monsoon? “ Yes Ma’am”

The term is not new to you, right?

From your understanding about a

monsoon? What it is all about? “It is a rain Ma’am”

Yes Probably it is.

Another idea from the class? “Monsoons are wind system Ma’am”

That’s Right! A monsoon is the wind

system that bring usually abundant
rainfall to the country and probably this is
the reason why we mistakenly called for

There are 2 types of monsoons, what are

the 2 types of monsoons? “It is Amihan and Habagat Ma’am”

Yes That is Right!

Where can this Amihan occurred? “ It occurs from the Northeast Ma’am”

Very Good! If the Amihan occurred first in

the Northeast, what about the Habagat? “It occurs in the Southwest Ma’am”


Have you notice the air we experience

from the month of December to “ The air is cold Ma’am”

Yes, That’s Right!

This wind system is locally known as the
Amihan or the Northeast Monsoon. The
air during these days are cold that other
places experiences extreme coldness just
like in Baguio City.
Is there a rain experience during the
month of December to February?
“Yes, there is Ma’am but the it is not
Right! often.”

Why is it so?
Why does our wind when Amihan comes
bring a little amount of rainfall or “ It is because it was coming from Siberia
sometimes no rain at all? and China and blows down to Southeast
Anybody from the class? Asia which bring dry and cool


What about if the wind will move from the

high pressure area in the Australia to the
low pressure area in Asian. What do you
call this kind of monsoon?

(pointing some picture)

If the amihan is the Northern Monsoon,

what about area from Australia to Asia,
what do you call this monsoon? “It is the Habagat or the Southwest
Monsoon Ma’am”

If the Amihan experience in the month of

December to February, what about these “It is May to November, depending if El
habagat? Any idea from the class? Nino or La Nina. It brings rains in western
portion of Luzon.
That’s Right!

It is on the month of May to November.

Have you notice this months there are
this so much of the typhoons and too
much precipitation all around the world.
Other experiences snow and us in the
tropical country, we experience too much
of rain which causes sometimes typhoon
and floods, right? Why is this so?
Can you explain why the habagat brings “If you will trace the path of Habagat
so much rain? before it reaches the Philippines in which
the wind picks up moisture along the way
and brings rain to the eastern part of the

Yes That’s Right!

The monsoons, amihan and habagat,

affect people in many ways. Other thinks
it is a blessing and other think it is curse.

The monsoons has something to do with

the occurrence of Intertropical
Convergence Zone.

Did you ever hear the term intertropical

convergence zone (ITCZ)? “ Yes Ma’am”

Have you ever heard about Intertropical

Convergence Zone?
“ It is a weather phenomenon ma’am”
Yes,you have the idea!

We already know that the warm air rises

and air moves toward the place where
warm air rising. I have here a picture.
Look and observe carefully (presenting a

What if you are this man, Do you think

that the sun is directly above you?
Yes Ma’am
As you can see, the position of the Sun at
midday depends on where you are. At the
equator, the Sun will be directly overhead
and the rays of the Sun will hit the ground
Where do you think will it be wamer, in
the equator or in other regions of the
Earth? “It is very clear ma’am that in the equator
the air is warmer than the air over other
Very Good! parts of the Earth.

Do you notice the arrows in the figure?

Can you explain what the figure shows?
Yes Ma’am

Student volunteered.
The air from north of the equator and air
from south of the equator will move
toward the place where warm air is rising.
You are Right!
This phenomenon is called the
Intertropical Convergence Zone, which is
the zone northern and southern air
masses converge. “ In the picture the ITCZ there us the
white body or the clouds that surrounds
near the equator.”

Brilliant! “This is the place where winds in the

What is this ITCZ all about? tropics meet or converge Ma’am”

Yes, That is the Intertropical

Convergence Zone. In time the rising
warm air will form clouds which may lead
to thunderstorms.

The North hemisphere and south

hemisphere has something to do on how
does this ITCZ forms near the equator.
The sun is almost directly overhead for
most of the year in the equatorial region.
Warm air rises at the equator and moves
toward the poles. At the poles, the cooler
air sinks and moves back toward the
Do you think it is easy to follow the
movement of air from north to south and “ It is not Ma’am”
towards the poles?
Why do you say so? “ It is because our Earth Rotates”
Yes, it is.
The rotation of the earth affects the
transfer of air from one place to another.
The northern hemisphere All winds
appear to curve to right as they move.
In the southern hemisphere, winds
appear to curve to the left. This is known
as the Coriolis effect, which is the
apparent shift in the path of any fluid or
object moving about the surface of the
Earth due to the rotation of the Earth.

Now we all know why weather forecasters

often blame the ITCZ for some heavy
afternoon rains.

So again, what are the common

atmospheric phenomena in the “ It is the Land Breeze and Sea breeze,
atmosphere? monsoons and the Intertropical
Convergence Zone Ma’am”


Why the wind blows?

“ the uneven heating of the Earth’s
surface causes the wind and it blows to
the direction of high pressure to lower
pressure area.

Very Good! You really listen well to my



Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. What happen to the surrounding air when warm air rises?

I. Moves in all direction
II. Moves away from the rising air
III. It moves towards the place where warm air is rising.
a. I only b. II only c. III only d. I,II, and III
2. Which warms up faster, land or water?
I. Land warms up faster than water
II. Water warms up faster than land
III. Both land and water warms up at the same rate
IV. Rate of warming varies, depending on the weather conditions.
a. I only b. II only c. III only d. IV only
3. What is TRUE about the Intertropical Convergence Zone?
a. It occurs all year round
b. It occurs in country near the equator.
c. It is characterized by hot and humid weather
d. It is characterized by cold and humid and dry air.
4. Which of the following is NOT TRUE about amihan and habagat?
a. Amihan is known as the northeast monsoon
b. Habagat is known as the southwest monsoon
c. From October to March the habagat comes from the Northeast and moves
towards south
d. From October to March the amihan comes from the northeast and moves
towards the south.
5. Enumerate the 3 common atmospheric phenomena in the atmosphere and write
description on each phenomena.

Illustrate the transfer of air in land breeze and sea breeze.

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