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An Indepth Look at the Process 2012

Hard turning is an important process because all manufacturers are continu-

ally seeking ways to manufacture their parts with lower cost, higher quality,

rapid setups, lower investment, and smaller tooling inventory while eliminating

non-value added activities. The migration of processing from grinders to lathes

can satisfy each and every one of these goals. We’ll expore what hard turning

is, its advantages and limitations, the best machine for the job, and how to be

successful when implementing hard turning into your operation.







We would like to thank the experts at Hardinge for providing the content for this white

paper. Their invaluable expertise and knowledge on not only the products but also the

hard turning process shows their commitment and support for the machining industry.




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WHAT IT IS turning serves as a grinding replacement process, it

can also be quite effective for pre-grind preparation

Hard turning is defined as the process of single point
processes. The attractiveness of the process lies in
cutting of part pieces that have hardness values over
the performance numbers.
45 Rc. Typically, however, hard turned part pieces

will be found to lie within the range of 58-68 Rc. The

approach to machining hardened steel depends on

the degree of hardness and its depth (if case hard-

ened). The hard turning process is similar enough to

conventional “soft” turning that the introduction of

this process into the normal factory environment can

happen with relatively small operational changes when

the proper elements have been addressed.

A properly configured hard turning cell would typically

demonstrate the following:

Hard turning is best accomplished with cutting inserts

made from either CBN (Cubic Boron Nitride), Cermet • Surface finishes of 0.00011” (.003 mm)

• Roundness values of .000009” (.00025 mm)

or Ceramic. Since hard turning is single point cutting,
• Size control ranges of .00020” (.005mm)
a significant benefit of this process is the capability
• Production rates of 4- 6 over comparable
to produce contours and to generate complex forms grinding operations
with the inherent motion capability of modern ma-
Hard turning is a technology-driven process that re-
chine tools. High quality hard turning applications
quires certain performance features of the machine
do require a properly configured machine tool and
tool, workholding, process and the tooling.
the appropriate tooling. For many applications, CBN

tooling will be the most dominant choice. However,

Ceramic and Cermet also have roles with this process.
Hard turning can certainly be considered for most
The range of applications for hard turning can vary
pre-grind applications, which are followed by an ab-
widely, where at one end of the process spectrum hard

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breviated grinding cycle. In some cases, the hard Hard turning is a viable process that has real and

turned surface may complete the operation and will measurable economic and quality benefits. This is

completely eliminate the grinding cycle altogether. particularly true with a machine tool that has a high

level of dynamic stiffness and the necessary accuracy

If one were to list the current applications of hard
performance. The more demanding the application in
turning, it would certainly be a voluminous document.
terms of finish, roundness and size control, the more
On a daily basis, parts are being hard turned in the
emphasis must be placed upon the characteristics of
following industry segments: automotive, bearing, ma-
the machine tool.
rine, punch and die, mold, hydraulics and pneumatics,

machine tool and aerospace. While these industries

are representative, this list is certainly not conclusive 11 WAYS HARD TURNING REDUCES YOUR COST:

and new applications and industry segments are con-

1. You can “soft turn” and hard turn on
the same machine.
stantly being added.
2. It has a smaller floor space requirement.
3. There’s a lower overall investment.
The typical materials, which are routinely hard turned,
4. Metal removal rates are 4-6 times greater.
include those of the following broad category descriptions: 5. You can turn complex contours.
6. Multiple operations can be performed in a
• Steel alloys, single setup.
7. It allows for low micro finishes.
• Bearing steels
8. It’s easier to configure changes.
• Hot and cold work tool steels
9. There’s a lower cost tooling inventory.
• High speed steels 10. There are higher metal removal rates.
11. It’s easier on waste management
• Die Steels
(chips vs. “swarf”).
• Case hardened steels

• Waspoloy, Stellite and other aerospace alloys

• Nitrited irons and hard chrome coatings

• Heat treatable powered metallurgy

• Unique hard materials and aircraft types that fall

within the hardness range

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KNOWING THE ADVANTAGES & LIMITATIONS Flexibility. Changes are easier if the part configuration

Grinding does--and likely always will--have a place in changes. And lathes can handle small lot sizes and

manufacturing, as all components can not be hard complex shapes much more efficiently than a grinding

turned due to tolerance requirements and the surface machine. Single-point turning of complex contours

integrity of the part. can be accomplished, eliminating costly form wheels

However, hard turning does offer distinct advantages Environmental Issues. Lathes produce chips, which

when machining, including: are less costly to dispose of than the swarf produced

by grinding machines.
Price. Compared to grinding machines, lathes are

relatively inexpensive to purchase. Higher level grinders From the process standpoint, there are several areas

can perform multiple operations but are often more of consideration. With the correctly chosen cutting

expensive to operate due to setup and cycle times and tools, the hard turning process can support either

require more support equipment, such as balancers coolant cutting or dry cutting.

and dressers. With lathes, you get reduced machine

tool cost which adds up to greater productivity, better Dry Cutting

production control, shorter throughput and greater If the processing choice is to cut dry, then the tem-

profits. perature of the chips and the workpiece need to be

taken into account from both a safety and operational

Versatility. You can “soft turn” and hard turn on the
same machine tool. Multiple operations can be ma-

chined with one set-up, resulting in less part handling Other considerations when dry cutting:

and less opportunity for part damage • Consider the workpiece temp when gaging
• Expect higher tool temperatures and lower tool life
Metal Removal. You can achieve up to 4-1 and 6-1 • Surface finish is generally not as good as cuts
made with coolant
higher metal removal rates. Low micro-inch finishes
• Protection from high temperature chips is required
can be achieved from 4 to 16 micro.
• Correctly choose tool material (i.e., not Ceramic)
• The chip salvage may be more cost effective

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Some applications may be sensitive to the surface There are several key items when choosing to operate

condition caused by “white layer” formation, which wet, and the first of these is the type of fluid to be

appears as a white layer at the surface of the material used. Generally, straight oils should be avoided be-

under metallographic examination. This layer depth cause of the inherent fire hazard. This is particularly

can vary greatly but for general discussions it is in the true if during a cut the coolant flow is disrupted and

area of 1 micro-meter (.0000040”/.00010mm) thick. the unquenched, high temperature chips contact the

oil. Under these conditions, oils with a low flash point

The white layer cannot be seen visually but requires
could start and sustain a fire.
a metallographic examination to detect its presence.

According to Griffiths (1987), white layer can be caused Another point for wet operations is the importance to

by either 1) severe plastic deformation that causes properly direct the coolant flow by applying fluid to

rapid grain refinement or 2) phase transformations as both the top and the bottom of the tool tip simultane-

a result of rapid heating and quenching. White layer ously. Generated chip strings will frequently shield the

formation is not limited to hard turning operations coolant from the tool until the chip breaks away. The

but is also routinely found in grinding applications. It result is thermal shock and a process of degradation

is not desirable in products which have high contact of the cutting edge. Anticipate this when establishing

stresses and where fatigue failures can occur. the coolant nozzle locations from a slight sideward

vantage point. High-pressure coolant at pressures

Coolant Cutting of approximately 68-95 atmospheres seems to be
Wet operations refer to processes under flood or high- beneficial in keeping the chips small and manageable
pressure with a water-soluble coolant. The decision to and in making the overall process more robust. As
produce under wet or dry conditions is normally made previously stated, the shorter chip results in a reduced
at the individual factory level. Some facilities have a amount of coolant blockage and less thermal shock
local philosophy or mandate regarding the preference to the cutting edge.
to operate one way or the other and fortunately, either
Another variable in coolant cutting operations that can
form of hard turning can be accommodated.
easily sabotage a fine-tuned process is an improper

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coolant mixture. Concentration, cleanliness and pH

levels cannot be ignored for a proper application.

The one possible exception to coolant cutting is on

interrupted surfaces, which seem to perform better in

a dry environment. Logically, this is due to the higher

degree of thermal shock caused during the interrup-

tion when the coolant has a better access to the tool

tip and then immediately is followed by a re-entry into

the workpiece and the severe temperatures.

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FINISH REQUIREMENTS & SPECIFICATIONS able with multiple grades to suit different machining

requirements. Insert hardness; and therefore, wear

When considering the tooling material, it’s important
rate are traded for toughness and ability to withstand
to understand the application and critical attributes
shock loading from interrupted cuts, (i.e., keyways).
such as size and finish requirements. An acceptable

part length-to-diameter ratio is up to 4:1 for unsup- • Hardest (suitable for plain diameters only)

ported workpieces, and up to 8:1 for parts with tail- • Medium (suitable for moderate interruption)

• Toughest (suitable for machining gear o/d)

stock support. A harder part and tighter tolerance

requirement may change these guidelines. Typical cutting data for CBN:

• 315 - 335 feet per minute (96-102 m/min)

• .008” - .010” (0.2-0.25 mm) depth of cut
• .004” IPR (0.1 mm/rev) feedrate

The size of the insert nose radius determines the

The typical brazed tip CBN insert has a cost structure surface finish achieved within the limits of machine
3-4 times that of carbide. Ceramic, on the other hand, and component rigidity. CBN is undoubtedly the best
has a cost structure more similar to carbide but would option provided the workpiece material is uniformly
not be used for applications which have a tolerance hard. It will work on steel with a hardness above 50Rc.
range smaller then .001” (.02540mm). Parts requiring

a greater accuracy would logically use CBN. Ceramic

Ceramics in hardened steel turning have applications

Cubic Boron Nitride (CBN) and are very economically priced compared to other

If the hardness ranges between 50-68 Rc and the depth types of inserts. The nature of the material necessi-

of hardness is greater than the depth of material to tates the use of blunt edge geometry, which inevitably

be removed, then Cubic Boron Nitride (CBN) is the increases cutting forces and reduces surface finish

best medium. CBN will give good tool life and wear potential.

properties. Surface finishes of 11-15 micro-inches

can be achieved and maintained. ISO inserts are avail-

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Typical cutting data for steel at 60 Rc: Natural & Synthetic Diamonds

• 315 feet per minute (96 m/min) Natural diamond and synthetic diamond are the least

• .005 “ (0.127 mm) depth of cut preferred options for operations involving machining
• .005” IPR (0.127 mm/rev) feedrate of hardened steel. They have high costs per edge

Cost per edge can be low, but failures on ceramic and poor reliability in terms of interrupted cuts and

inserts can be catastrophic, in which case all edges wear mode. Brazing cannot always be guaranteed

may not be usable. Ceramic also does not perform and re-grinding is not always possible. Diamond also

well in the presence of high thermal shocks, so it is interacts chemically with steels and can cause failure.

not generally a good candidate for coolant cutting.

Understanding Material Science

Cermet (Solid Titanium Carbide) Certainly, an understanding of material science

Cermet inserts for hardened steel turning applications is vital to the heat treat operator so that the cor-

have some benefits over CBN and ceramics under par- rect process and hardness range is accomplished.

ticular conditions. If the application involves turning Material not properly drawn back might crack prema-

through a hard case into a soft core, then cermet will turely because of the high hardness. The best hard

respond better than CBN. It does not have the wear turning results will be achieved when the hardness

resistance of CBN, but the tool tip will wear propor- range is as small as possible (a spread of less then

tionally under most circumstances rather than fail 2 point is ideal), and the case depth is maintained

due to breakage. consistently.

Cutting data: The key to success is optimizing the hard turning

process to reduce overall cost(s). Factors that affect

• 315 feet per minute (96 m/min)
• .005” (0.127 mm) depth of cut this are: purity of material, tool life, surface finish,

• .004” IPR (0.101 mm/rev) feedrate and accuracy.

Cost per edge is equivalent to the latest type of multi-

coated carbides. Cermet inserts are available in most

ISO shapes and nose radii.

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Hot Pressed v. Cold Pressed Hot Pressed AI2O3 + TiC (Black) Ceramics offer the

Hot pressed Ceramic and PCBN are made in a similar following features/benefits:

fashion. The material is mixed/formulated, then placed • Can hold +/-.001” (/.0254mm) on diameter
into a die cavity. For PCBN material that is to be used • Best for open tolerance parts

for tipping carbide inserts, a carbide backing layer is • Up to eight edges per insert
• Economically priced
placed into the die before the raw material.
• Use for roughing and finish with PCBN
• Good Toughness (has the ability to withstand
interrupted cutting)
• Good Hardness
• For continuous cutting, tool life can be as
good as PCBN

A specific example of a hot pressed ceramic insert:

Under extreme pressure and temperature, the blank Kennametal K090 (Ceramic) is a TiC/alumina ce-

is formed and then ground, honed, and lapped. ramic (Black) Excellent edge wear provides good

size repeatability. Excellent Hot hardness permits

higher SFM, and better

toughness and thermal

shock resistance. It’s

recommended for high


feed applications, and

semifinishing and finishing of cast iron to 60 HRC,

Different types of binders are used: Steels to 65 HRC, and Nickel-base alloys. Recom-

mended SFM is 300 to 600; IPR .004” (.1016mm)

• TiC -- TiCn
• Tantalum -- Cobalt -- Tungsten. to .012” (.3048mm)

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Cold Pressed AI2O3 (White) Ceramics offer the There are only a few manufacturers of PCBN blanks;

following features/benefits: Kennametal works with GE and Deberrs material.

• Excellent wear resistance

PCBN/CBN inserts offer the following features/
• Relatively low toughness
• Thermal shock resistance
• Recommended for high speed/low feed finishing • Can hold +/- .0004” (.010159mm) on diameter.
of cast iron to 35 HRC, Carbon steel to 35 HRC Only grinding can hold better
• Up to 8 edges per insert
Most applications for • Low per-unit production cost

Cold Pressed Ceramic • PCBN holds better surface finishes due to finer
are soft steels and soft
• Excellent toughness permits interrupted cutting
irons, though due to • Excellent hardness provides superior edge wear
the high AI2O3 content, • Chips take heat away from the part and tool

they offer excellent edge wear resistance, and may ap-

The chart (right) shows the
ply to light finish machining of hardened steel.
comparative performance

of finish machining hard-

PCBN (CBN) INSERTS ened bearing steel (60

CBN inserts are produced through powdered metal HRC) with high and low

processes using Borazon/ceramic powder. Wafers are CBN content inserts.

cut into slices and brazed to a carbide insert, then

The level of CBN content directly affects the edge wear
edge preparation is done.
resistance and impact.

The char t (right) shows

the relationship of PCBN

Grades to CBN Content.

Low CBN Content provides improved edge wear; high

CBN content offers higher strength.

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THE IDEAL MACHINE FOR HARD TURNING larger axis motors and shorter pitch ballscrews

than most competitive machines, making for high

When considering hard turning, the question is not
dynamic stiffness--critical for successful hard
“Can it be done?” because many machine tools can
hard turn. Instead the question is, “How well can it be

done?” Success in hard turning is largely a measure

• The patented Hardinge spindle design on Hardinge
of the machine construction and design along with
QUEST and ELITE series lathes ensures that the
the workholding and tool holding. The level of rigidity
workpiece is seated as close as possible to the
and damping in a hard turning application cannot be
spindle bearings for maximum rigidity and ac-
minimized. That’s where Hardinge has a competitive
curacy. This greatly improves the Hard turning
process compared to competitive workholding

Success in Hard Turning is defined by a number

of factors:
• In addition, Hardinge is the largest manufacturer
• Machine rigidity
of lathe spindle tooling systems in the world. This
• Workholding Rigidity
ensures that the workholding systems made for
• Good vibration damping characteristics
• Rigid tool location our machines are designed specifically for our

• Component part rigidity machines.

• Rigid cutting tools and advanced insert materials
• QUEST lathes are built on a rigid cast iron base
Hardinge lathes meet these requirements with the
with HARCRETE Polymer Composite reinforcement.
following key features.
Vibration damping is critical to the successful ap-

• Machine Rigidity: Heavy-duty linear guideways plication of hard turning. HARCRETE is located

on Hardinge QUEST lathes are typically 40-60% in key positions of the base to assure maximum

heavier-duty units than those fitted to most com- rigidity. This unique design can help you save 30%

petitive machine tools of the same size. The low- or more on cutting tool expenses, and reduce

stress drive systems on QUEST machines have vibration at the spindle by 60%.

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• All external tools on QUEST machines equipped

with Hardinge turrets mount directly into the tool

slots provided in the turret body. The close prox-

imity of the cutting tool to the coupling reduces

the risk of vibration, thus improving the Hard

Turning process.

• QUEST lathes feature digital glass scales incorpo-

rated for both the X and Z axes. The spindle mo-

tor and collet closer assemblies are dynamically

balanced. And X and Z axis error compensation is

performed to fine tune positioning and compensate

offset at the tool tip.

In short, Hardinge machines offer the ideal machining

process from the standpoint of part cost, capability,

and accuracy.

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HARD TURNING SUCCESSFULLY the force to displacement at the exciting frequency, a

function of the static stiffness and the system damping.

Machining success depends largely on component
When the static stiffness cannot be increased, then
rigidity, the geometry to be turned, lathe rigidity, and
it’s necessary to increase the damping to increase the
vibration damping characteristics.
MDS. The upper bound in part surface finish quality is
Rigidity is critical for successful hard turning. The determined by MDS as is the upper bound in tool life.
rigidity of tooling, workholding, and the machine
The benefits of high dynamic stiffness include:
tool itself are all crucial elements that will affect your

ability to successfully hard turn. Hard turning is a • Lower operating vibration

• Substantially improved tool life
technology-driven process, dependent upon:
• Substantially improved part quality
• Machine technology • Higher through-put
• Process technology • Less machining parameter adjustments
• Materials and tooling technology
• Workholding technology

In the area of hard turning, it’s well-established that Feed Speed

the presence of vibration is not desirable from mul- When hard turning, the cutting zone temperature is

tiple standpoints. A machine which has improved approximately 1700 degrees (Fahrenheit). The majority

damping will demonstrate improvements in lower- of the heat from

ing the amplitude of vibration and the time to decay, the cutting appli-

all while maintaining static stiffness. The real and cation should be

measurable results are longer tool life, better surface carried away with

finishes, improved accuracy, increased productivity the chip. Excessive

and higher overall part quality. System rigidity is of heat increases tool
above: T
 he illustration shows how this
utmost importance. wear and reduces heat should be dispersed.

tool life, so proper application of speed and feeds

Machine Dynamic Stiffness (MDS) is one of the most
are critical.
important attributes for hard turning. MDS is a ratio of

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Machine Setup Negative rake consumes 20% more horsepower.

The key is to maximize rigidity. You should attempt Cutting forces are higher with negative rake.

to achieve the smallest possible tool overhang, and

spindle rotation should put cutting forces into the

machine bed. Stop cutting if chatter occurs. Coolant

(spray mist or flood) is appropriate for continuous

cutting--you can achieve up to a 20% increase in tool

life with high-pressure coolants. Spray mist is often

used in Europe, due to the high cost of disposal

(since less coolant is used in all applications), and dry

Cutting forces are at right angles to the insert cut-
machining is being investigated aggressively in Europe.
ting edge. Lead angle geometry helps reduce edge
For intermittent cutting, do not use coolant. Dry cut-
chipping. Lead angles help to protect the nose
ting may benefit from the application of compressed
radius from surface conditions, and permit the
refrigerated air.
use of the 100 degree corner of the 80 degree

insert. ALWAYS cut at a right angle to the cutting

plane, and increase the lead angle to protect the nose
Centerline position is important in hard turning.
radius (see illustration below).
The smaller the diameter, the more critical the

position. The tool should

range from on-center, to

a little below. Never above


In many cases, the work-

piece dictates the insert

geometry and rake angle.

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Tool overhang should be kept as short as possible. magnified (see illustration above):

The maximum is 1 to 1-1/2 times the shank height • Torsional forces try to twist he bar
(see illustration below) Eliminate any shim or spacer. • Tangential forces try to deflect the bar away

To reduce tool pressure while boring:

• Use positive rake tool geometry; use sharper

55- and 35-degree styles
• Use the smallest possible nose radius
• Reduce the depth of cut (two cuts are better
than one)
• Reduce feedrate
• Increase cutting speed

Boring When boring, cutting deflection will lower the effective

There are versatile options for boring. Both Ceramic centerline. To counter this “centerline effect,” set the

and PCBN inserts are available in ANSI-standard ge- tool either on center or slightly above — NEVER below.

ometries. Most standard combination boring bars can (see illustration below).

be converted with a simple seat change to use thick

ceramic inserts.

In general machining, you’ll experience tool deflection Lead angle cutting forces are at right angles to the

and chatter. In hard turning, the problems result- insert cutting edge. Lead angle geometry helps to

ing from tool pressure are multiplied, and forces are reduce edge chipping, and lead angle help protect the

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nose radius from surface conditions. The lead angle The chart below shows the relationship to length:diameter

permits the use of the 100-degree corner of the 80- ratio and the type of boring bar to be used.

degree insert. Use 0-degree whenever possible to send

pressure back to the spindle (see illustration below). LENGTH:DIAMETER RATIO BORING BAR
Up to 4:1 Steel
From 4:1 to 6:1 Steel with DeVibrator
From 4:1 to 6:1 Tungsten Carbide
From 4:1 to 6:1 Heavy-Metal Shank
From 6:1 to 8:1 Tungsten Carbide & DeVibrator
From 8:1 to 10:1 Tungsten Carbide & DeVibrator
Over 10:1 Special Tungsten Carbide
Composite with DeVibrator

The illustration (below) shows various clamping styles Coolant Application

and their relative merits. Single-point contact is “good,” The illustration below shows the correct application

Ericson or Collet Style is “better”, and Full-length split of coolant. The ideal application would be coolant

sleeve is “best.” supplied from above and below. The concept is simple.

Get coolant to the shear zone and flood it.

 Correct  Incorrect

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If you still have questions about hard turning or are

ready to include it in your operaton, that’s where

the applications experts at Gosiger can help. As a

nationally respected machine tool provider with an

unequalled technical service and support staff, we can

help you analyze your process and find a machine that

best suits your needs. Contact us to find out more at


Gosiger would like to thank Hardinge for their con-

tinued dedication to further develop the hard turning

process by providing the technology, expertise, and

equipment to allow this segment to grow.

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Since 1922, Gosiger has served the machine tool industry selling and servic-

ing top CNC machine brands including, Okuma and Hardinge. From Aerospace

to Clean Energy to Medical, Gosiger supplies the CNC machining centers,

equipment and technology you need to meet the challenges of today’s manu-

facturing business.

Our customers live in a world of intense pressure to make parts and products

better, faster and cheaper. They need a solution focused partner who under-

stands the connection between productivity and profitability, capacity and

efficiency and can offer invaluable insight.

At Gosiger, we recognize that time is money. Our goal is to help you make it

right each and every time. We’re not simply a distributor of CNC machine tools

and accessories. We’re a problem-solving company that helps manufacturers

improve their processes so they can be more competitive and profitable. To

accomplish this goal, Gosiger offers a full array of support and services such as

Factory Automation, Financing, Engineering, High Volume, and Parts & Service.



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