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Power Systems and Artificial Intelligence • An electric power system is a

network of electrical components used to supply, transmit and use
electric power. Power system engineering deals with the generation,
transmission, distribution and utilization of electric power and other
electrical devices. • Artificial Intelligence is known to be the intelligence
exhibited by machines and software, for example, robots and computer
programs. • The term is generally used to the developing systems
equipped with the intellectual processes and characteristics of humans,
like ability to think, reason, find the meaning, etc.
2. 4. Need for AI in Power Systems Power system analysis by conventional
techniques becomes more difficult because of: (a) Complex, versatile and
large amount of information which is used in calculation, diagnosis and
learning. (b) Increase in the computational time period and accuracy due
to extensive and vast system data handling.
3. 5. Artificial Intelligence Techniques Three major families of AI techniques
are considered to be applied in modern power system protection • Expert
System Techniques (XPSs), • Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs), • Fuzzy
logic systems (FL).
4. 6. Expert Systems • An expert system obtains the knowledge of a human
expert in a narrow specified domain into a machine implementable form. •
Expert systems are computer programs which have proficieny and
competence in a particular field. • They are also called knowledge based
or rule based systems.
5. 7. Artificial Neural Netwoks Artificial neural network are biologically
inspired systems which convert a set of inputs into a set of outputs by a
network of neurons, where each neuron produces one output as a function
of input.
6. 8. Fuzzy Logic Fuzzy logic is the way in which human brain works, and we
can use this technology in machines so that they can perform somewhat
like humans. It provides expressive power and higher capability to model
complex problems.
7. 9. Applications • AI techniques can be used to improve the performance of
transmission line. • Control of power system like voltage control, stability
control, power flow control, load frequency control is possible. • Load
forecasting. • Fault diagnosis. • Stability analysis and enhancement. •
Reactive power planning and its control.
8. 10. Advantages • AI techniques are permanent and consistent. •
Processing speed is good. • Easy to document and reproduce. • They are
fast and robust. • They are fault tolerant.
9. 11. Disadvantages • AI techniques are unable to learn or adapt for new
problems or situations. • They have large dimensionality. • They are not
10. 12. Conclusion • The main feature of power system design and planning is
reliability. Conventional techniques don't fulfill the probabilistic essence of
power systems.This leads to increase in operating and maintenance
costs.Plenty of research is performed to utilize the current interest on
Artificial Intelligence for power system applications. • A lot of research is
yet to be performed to perceive full advantages of this upcoming
technology for improving the efficiency of electricity market, investment
and particularly power systems which use renewable energy resources for
11. 13. References • Warwick k, Ekwue A. and Aggarwal R.(ed).Artificial
intelligence techniques in power systems.The institution of Electrical
Engineers, London, 1997. • International Journal of Engineering Intelligent
Systems,The special issue on AI applications to power system protection,
edited by M.M.Saha and B.Kasztenny, vol.5,No.4,December 1997, pp.185-
93. • Artificial Intelligence in Power systems by R.Pasupathi Nath,
V.Nishanth Balaji IOSR Journal of Computer Enginering (IOSR-JCE) E-
ISSN:2278-0661, p-ISSN: 2278-8727.
12. 14. THANK YOU

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