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Raven of The Scythe Core Rules

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Raven of the Scythe

Fantasy Role Playing Game

Raven of the
Fantasy Role Playing Game

Core Rules

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

Raven of the Scythe

Fantasy Role Playing Game

Written By
James Embry
Olivia Embry

Updated: September 2019

Some artwork copyright William McAusland, used with permission.
The artwork in this book comes from: “Fantasy Clip Inks:: Spot Art set 1”, “Fantasy Clip Inks:: Spot
Art set 3”, ”, “Fantasy Clip Inks:: Spot Art set 4”, “Fantasy Clip Inks:: Spot Art set 6”, and Fantasy Clip
Inks:: Spot Art set 7”

Art by Jeff Preston used under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.
Check out his work in “108 Terrible Character Portraits”

Raven of the Scythe was written by and is the intellectual property of James Embry 2017.
Raven of the Scythe may not be reproduced for sale or distribution without the written permission of the creator.
For questions or concerns contact James Embry at:

[email protected]
Find me on facebook at Crossroadrpg
Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game


Thank you very much for giving my newest game “Raven of the Scythe” a chance. There are lots of
other games out there, so, I am eternally grateful you decided to pick mine up. My name is James.

I don’t know when exactly I started working on this game, but I do know I started working on a game
in the fall of 2015. At some point that game became Raven of the Scythe.

I am just one person who loves pen and paper roleplaying games lucky enough to have small group of
friends who are willing to indulge me in my efforts. I have a day job, or night job at the moment, and
I do what work I can do between my shifts and while balancing obligations to family and friends.
Thus, this has been a long, difficult, and sometimes frustrating task at times, but it has been one that I
have completely enjoyed. Every word of text in this document was put there by me, normally sitting
at my desk with my laptop listening to music. I have really gotten into “In This Moment” for the last
week or so, check them out if you haven’t heard of them. Also the “Deftones”.

Given that I am just one guy and a $300 laptop, I never intended to reinvent the wheel with this game.
Rather I just wanted to make a really good wheel. One that I hope people will play and enjoy. I love
this hobby and the people in it. With Raven of the Scythe I hope I can give back at least a little bit to
the community that I have enjoyed so much over the years. This is my first attempt at a fantasy game
and given that it was fantasy that got me into the hobby in the first place all those years ago I am very
excited to be able to share my work with you.

Thank you again for checking out my work.

I honestly hope you enjoy it.

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

Hit Points and Damage 32

Determination 33
Rest and Recovery 33
What is Raven of the Scythe? 8 Making a Standard Attack 34
What do you need to play? 8 Damage 34
How do you play 8 Critical Hits 34
What does RotS do Special Combat Maneuvers 35
that other fantasy Games don't 8 Fighting From Horseback 35
Inspiration 9 Brawling / Unarmed Attacks 36
Grappling 36
Conditions 37
Drowning 38
Character Creation 11 Falling 38
Character Creation Checklist 11 Prone 38
Basic Attributes 12 Controlling Space 39
Compiled Scores 13 Encumbrance 40
Skills 14
Favors 15
Personality 16
Background 19 Acrobatics 42
Family Trade 19 Archery 42
Childhood 19 Athletics 43
Home life 20 Channeling 43
Family Size 20 Charisma 43
Relationship 20 Craftsmanship 44
Event 21 Etiquette 45
Motivation 21 Fighting 45
Example: Guy Dupuis 22 Healing 46
Example: Ilsebe 23 Horsemanship 46
Example: Megan of Daradin 24 Intimidate 46
Example: Nathan Vandae 25 Investigate 46
Example: Emmerich Wolfhard 26 Lore 47
Menace 47
Mysticism 47
Nature 48
Taking Actions 29 Perform 48
Skills. Talent, Stealth 49
Training, and Proficiency 29 Thievery 49
Making a Skill Check 29
Attribute Check 29
Difficulty 29
Resistance 29 Favors 51
Reactions 30 General Favors 51
Time 30 Alchemy 53
Narrative Time 30 Animal Companions 54
Action Time 30 Arcana 55
Action Turn 31 Armor Proficiency 58
Action Turn Summary 31 Bard Songs 58

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

Combat Style: Archery 59 Crafting Materials Prices 78

Combat Style: Axes and Bludgeons 60 Clothing 79
Combat Style: Broadswords 61 Jewelry 79
Combat Style: Fencing 61 Gemstones 79
Combat Style: Pole Arms 62 Gear and Goods 79
Combat Style: Shields 62 Food and Lodging 79
Combat Style: Sickle Swords 63 Animals 79
Combat Style: Two Weapon Fighting 63 Vehicle 79
Craftsmanship 64 Medical Care 79
Education 65 Tools and Workshops 80
Mounted Combat 66 Books 80
Prayer 66 Property 80
Rogue Skills 67 Crafting Materials 80
Crime and Punishment 81

Small Weapons 69
Axes and Bludgeons 69
Broad Swords 69
Fencing 69 Character Advancement 83
Lances 69
Pole Arms 70
Sickle Swords 70 Invocations 85
Thrown Weapons 70 Spells 86
Bows 71 Schools of Magic 86
Crossbows 71 Abjuration 88
Armor 72 Divination 93
Light Armor 72 Enchantment 101
Medium Armor 72 Evocation 108
Heavy Armor 72 Illusion 116
Shields 72 Necromancy 124
Weapon and Armor
Chart and Traits 73
Mastercraft Weapons 74
Rusty and Subpar Weapons 74 i Crafting 132
Clothing Prices 75 ii Animal Companions 136
Jewelry Prices 75 iii Traps 142
Gemstones Prices 75 iv Treasure 147
Gear and Goods Prices 75 v Weather 190
Food and Lodging Prices 76 vi Sickness and Disease 192
Animals Prices 76 vii Rules Summary and Cheat Sheet 195
Vehicle Prices 76 viii Character Sheet 199
Tools and Workshops Prices 76
Books Prices 76
Medical Services Prices 77
Academic Services Prices 77
Property Prices 77
Furnishing 77

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

At the end of our days, there is a plain that stretches endlessly into twilight, between
day and night, between summer and winter.

In the middle of the plain there is a black tower.

We are led there by the Raven of the Scythe

“The End of Our Days”

Kander myth.

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

Chapter 1
Introduction to
of the Scythe

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

no point should you think to yourself “This thing is

of no threat to someone of my level.”
Raven of the Scythe is a pen and paper fantasy role-
playing game where players will take the role of I used hit points to keep track of character health in
heroic characters in a fantasy world as a game master this game because I wanted the iconic feel that comes
leads them through epic adventurers. from rolling a d8 and seeing how much damage you
did on an attack, but your hit points don’t really
increase all that much. A legendary warrior runs
Some friends, at least one set of gaming dice, this about the same risk of getting sniped with a single
document, some blank character sheets and some lucky hit with a longbow as anyone else. It isn’t that
pencils. You might want to have a bit of graph paper characters are fragile, but they aren’t immortal either.
if you like to run tactical style combat encounters. They can face danger, they can get hurt, and they can
die. It might be when they faced down a charging
monster, or it might be when they got pushed off a
twenty-foot tower and fell to their death.
Raven of the Scythe uses a pretty simply 2d10 based
system. Basically, each character will have a number There are no “Classes” in this game. While there are
of attributes that are further refined by skills or other certain ability combinations that play off of one
abilities. When the character tries to do something, another, each character in this game has control over
they will roll two ten-sided dice (2d10) which are how they develop. They can play to an archetype if
read as 0-9 and add any modifiers they need to, to the they like, or try to find something completely unique.
result of the roll and if the sum is equal to or greater
than the difficulty of the action, then they have All the characters in this game are human. Looking
succeeded. at it now, this may be a symptom of the time in which
the game was written, but I really wanted to
emphasise that this was a game about humans, and
about human mortality. The world is full of monsters
and magic and ageless dragons, and yet the greatest
threats a party is likely to face comes in the form of
That depends a lot on what you want to do with it. I
other humans. I want this to be a game where
tried to fit Raven of the Scythe into a sort of sweet
humans were good, noble, kind, and courageous; but
spot between classic fantasy and dark and gritty.
also vile, cruel, cowardly, and greedy. I wanted the
There are plenty of other games out there that do both
entire spectrum of humanity to be on display in this
of those genres better than I could hope to, but I was
game, both the good and the bad. I was concerned
trying to make the game that I have wanted to play
that having beautiful and noble elves and inherently
for quite some time, a game with all the elements of
evil races of spider people living below the ground
classic fantasy that I love, but also with a sense of
might delude that message. Thus while there are
grounded realism that sometimes gets overlooked by
monsters, there are no monster “races” like orcs,
the tropes of the genre. There are monsters and
goblin, or trolls. This is a game about humans, for
magic and dragons and warriors and priests and
better or for worse.
bards, but I have tried to keep these things grounded
(I refuse to use the word “realistic” when talking
about a game with magic lightning bolts).

All those fantasy elements are there, but there is also

very real danger. Characters don’t “Level up” in this
game. They improve and get better over time. But at

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

The Witcher Series (CD Projekt RED)

It would be hard to pin down everything that inspired I felt like this was the game I had waited my whole
me to make this game, in whole or in part, so I will life for.
list the things that I felt were the most influential.
The Dragon Age Series (Electronic Arts)
I love their take on RPGs, and for me, this got me
back into the genre after a very long break from it.
Dungeons & Dragons (Wizards of the Coast)
Without D&D my life would have been very Castlevania (Konami)
different and this game would have simply never Eu sunt Dracul
existed. Many thanks.

Dragon Age (Green Ronin)

It was during a game of the tabletop Dragon Age Game of Thrones (HBO)
game that my friends and I actually started talking Because of course it did.
about making a fantasy game and what it would look
like. Berserk 1997 (Kentaro Miura)
One of the most influential things I have ever
Call of Cthulhu: Dark Ages (Chaosium) watched. I think a lot of it may have made its way
It was during a CoCDA game that I really started into this game even when I wasn’t trying. Haven’t
using the type of world building that got me thinking seen the new one though.
about what a “middle magic” fantasy world might
look like if I made it.

Alternity (TSR)
Alternity is my favorite game. I have to assume that
everything I do is influenced by it in one way or

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

Chapter 2
Character Creation

Rain again. It was yet another wet gray day in another muddy little village and he was not any closer to finding the thief Kael
Barns. Kael the Black Knife. Kael the murderer.

Rawlins walked into yet another tavern. He didn’t bother to look at the sign; he didn’t care about the name. “The Drunk
Donkey”, “The Roaring Stag”, “The Beggars Cup”, “The Green Griffin” it just didn’t matter anymore. He was tired, wet, and
cold, and still no closer to finding the man he was looking for.

No one noticed him when he walked in. When he rested his great sword against the bar, they did. The room went quiet for
just a second while the other patrons sized up the newcomer. Then there were the whispers that always followed. Then people
began to resume their conversations or speculate about his business here in hushed tones.

Without a word, Rawlins placed three eagles on the counter. The tavern keeper seemed satisfied with that and brought him a

As he took his first drink, a rather pretty girl sat down next to him. She was attractive enough in a way common to this part of
the country. She smiled. Rawlins ignored her. Finally, she spoke.

“That’s quite a big sword.” She said. Her voice was beautiful. She had a version of the local accent, but it was refined. You
could be forgiven for calling her well-spoken.

Rawlins raised an eyebrow unsure of her meaning.

“For around here.” She continued.

“I’m not from around here.” He said.

“Then where are you from?”

Rawlins smiled, “You haven’t heard of it.”

Now it was her turn to smile. “So tell me about it. I intend to be a bard one day so I need songs and poems, and stories. Tell
me all about yourself and where you are from.”

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

mental abilities. Next are the compiled scores.

These scores are directly derived from the basic
To get started making your character spend some attributes, but start to show you how the attributes are
time thinking about who you want your character to going to affect play.
be. Are they a bold warrior, a cunning thief, or a sly
magician? Perhaps they are a devoted priest or a The next step is determining which skills your
spoiled noble who is used to getting their way. character will start play already knowing a little
about. At this point, you can really start to
It is ok to think about your character in broad terms at demonstrate with game rules what your character is
this stage because you really haven’t gotten to spend capable of.
much time with them yet. The fantasy genre is full of
archetypes you can pull from. You may decide to After skills have been determined, you can move
stick close to such an archetype such as the above onto favors. This step lets you put the final touches
mentioned bold warrior or you could intentionally try on your character and start to define some finer
to subvert an archetype such as a warrior that really details of your character. For example, you may
isn’t that good at fighting. Perhaps he was just really know your character is strong because you chose to
small and weak growing up but chose to work against give them a high might score, and you know the
his own physical limitations and do the best he could character knows how to fight because you gave them
anyway. the fighting skill, now you can think about things
like; do they prefer to fight with swords or axes?
(This character could be built by focusing on Which choice will better help express the character
willpower rather than might and stamina when you are seeing in your head?
determining basic attributes).
Lastly, you will purchase your character’s starting
Regardless of what type of character you chose to equipment. As a new character just starting out they
make, try to get to thinking of your character as a probably won’t be able to get every single item they
person rather than just a collection of stats and need or want, but the basics should be available to
abilities. Not to imply that the stats and abilities you.
aren’t important, just to suggest using them to
express the character rather than defining them.

Give your character a name and a personality. The

name can really be just about anything you want it to O Name and Description
be, just try to make it fit with the setting you are O Basic Attributes
playing in. O Compiled Scores
O Starting Favors
As for personality, there is a bit to consider here O Customization Option
because there are rules for role-playing a character O Starting Wealth and Gear
according to their personality. These are small rules O Background
that simply reward players who acknowledge the O Personality
character’s personality throughout the game, but
many players like to hold off on this part until later in ~~Customization Options~~
the character creation process. It can really be done No two people are alike, and the same should be true
at any time. with characters. Throughout character creation, you
will be made aware of customization options for your
The first numbers that you should put on the character. You may choose one such option for your
character sheet are your character’s basic attributes. character.
These broadly define your character’s physical and

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

To build a character, start with the six basic attributes Agility

common to all characters. The six attributes are: How fast and nimble you are.
Agility, Might, Mind, Perception, Stamina, and
Willpower. Might
How strong you are.
Each of these scores starts at 0
Each character starts with 4 points to distribute How intuitive you are.
among the four attributes to increase their scores. An
attribute can be raised as high as 5 which is the Perception
human maximum. How observant you are.

~~Customization Option~~ Stamina

Being born with above average natural abilities, you How tough you are.
may choose to have your character start with 5
attribute points rather than 4. However, you suffer Willpower
from a glaring detriment to one of your attributes. How confident and motivated you are.
You must lower one of your attributes to -1.

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

Next, look at your character’s compiled scores.

These are scores that are derived from your basic

Guard serves as your ability to defend yourself
against attacks. Guard is equal to agility +10.

Movement is the number of yards that you can move
in a round. Your movement score will be Agility +5.

Initiative is a modifier to the roll you will use to
determine the round order during combat. It is equal
to your perception.

Hit points determine how much damage you can take
before you are incapacitated or killed. The maximum
number of hit points you can have is 16 plus 4 times
your stamina score.

Determination is a pool of points that you can spend
to give yourself an advantage when making skill
checks and recover from minor damage. The
maximum number of determination points you can
have is equal to willpower +3.

Because of your character’s intelligence and
education, they may begin play with a number of
starting experience points equal to their mind score.
If you chose to reduce your mind score to -1 with the
attribute customization option, you will begin play
owing an experience point which will reduce the
number of xp you are awarded by 1 during your first

A character can only carry so much equipment before
they become encumbered. This limit is represented
with Item slots. Each character has a number of item
slots equal to their might score +3.

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

Each character may select three skills that they begin Acrobatics (Agility)
the game with some knowledge of. A character has a Use to jump, climb, and maneuver in combat.
training score of two in each of these skills.
Archery (Perception)
Use to make attacks with bows.
~~Customization Option: Focused~~
Rather than beginning player with three skills your Athletics (Might)
character will begin with only two skills. One of Use to grapple, lift, or swim.
these skills will have a training score of +2 like Channeling (Willpower)
normal, the other will have a training score of +4. Use to harness magical energy to cast spells with.
Charisma (Willpower)
~~Customization Option: Jack of all Trades~~
Use to influence others with kindness and
Rather than starting with three skills, your character
will begin play with five skills. Your character will
have a training score of +2 in each of these skills. Craftsmanship (Might)
Use to craft items.
Etiquette (Willpower)
Use to interact with noble or polite society.
Fighting (Might)
Use to make attacks with melee weapons.
Healing (Mind)
Use to care for the sick and wounded.
Horsemanship (Agility)
Use to ride horses.
Investigate (Perception)
Use to conduct searches.
Intimidate (Willpower)
Use to influence others through fear.
Lore (Mind)
Use to research academic knowledge.
Menace (Might)
Use to influence others with the threat of harm.
Mysticism (Mind)
Use to cast spells.
Nature (Perception)
Use to forage for food and water.
Perform (Willpower)
Use to play musical instruments and entertain.
Stealth (Agility)
Use to hide and sneak.
Thievery (Agility)
Use to pick pockets and steal.

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

Each character may select two favors at character Coins

creation. These favors are special abilities that will Each character begins with 50 Silver Eagles (SE),
give your character very specific advantages in commonly called “Eagles” these coins are the basic
certain situations. coin used in the economy. In addition to Silver
Eagles there are Copper Pennies (CP), commonly
There are many favors that you can choose from, called “pennies” and Gold Dragons (GD), often
each one offers advantages that may be useful to referred to as just “dragons”.
some characters and completely disregarded by
others. Spend some time thinking carefully about 100 CP = 10 SE = 1 GD
which favors you want to choose for your character.
~~Customization Option: Wealth~~
~~Customization Option: Extra Favor~~ Your character starts with above average wealth
Choose a new favor for your character. If you choose (covered in the next section). Rather than beginning
this option your character will begin play with three play with 50 SE your character begins play with 500
favors. SE.

Starting Gear
Each character begins play with basic clothing. This
could be a pair of pants and a tunic with boots, a
dress and shoes, or something else that is appropriate
to the setting.

Purchasing Equipment
After this has been taken care of, use the starting
wealth to purchase the goods your character will
begin play with. Your character is assumed to have
this gear with them at the very start of the first game.
50 SE isn’t going to go far though just starting out.
You may want to check out the rusty or subpar
weapons and gear which can be purchased much
cheaper than the standard quality gear and then
upgrade later.

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

Your character doesn’t like social situations and may
even find them uncomfortable. They will also avoid
Every character should have some personality that the company of others in most situations. Being
defines them as people and not just a collection of antisocial doesn’t mean that the character is
stats and score. necessarily awkward in social situations, just that
they don’t enjoy them.
Select two personality traits that you think would best
describe your character from the list below, or make Braggart
up your own (with the game master’s approval of Your character is convinced of their own worth and
course). accomplishments (real or imagined). They are likely
to boast of their own deeds to anyone and everyone
Think of these not so much as ironclad rules they encounter. Not only that, but they find it hard to
regarding your character’s behavior, but rather a way see someone else succeed or gain recognition without
to describe the way you want to play your character. interjecting regarding their own equal or greater
In addition to helping role-play your character, accomplishments (real or imagined).
personality traits will also come up again during
character advancement, granting xp bonuses for using Brave
your character’s personality in play. Your character is brave and courageous, though not
necessarily fool hearty or careless. They will put the
safety of others before their own and are not afraid to
take risks that put themselves in danger.

Your character is cold and distant. They do not
respond to others in social situations. Most characters
with this trait have suffered a great deal of emotional
trauma in the past and have dealt with it by putting up
an emotional wall between themselves and others. It
is hard for a character with this trait to form strong
emotional bonds with others.

Your character has a heightened sense of self-
preservation. He or she will do whatever is needed to
ensure their own survival. This includes abandoning
friends in battle or giving up information that will
cause harm to others. Whatever it takes to ensure
their next breath is a sacrifice that your character is
willing to make.

Your character is needlessly hurtful. He or she will
seek out ways to cause needless harm to others if
given the chance to do so. This may be in the form of
physical violence or torture but is just as likely to
manifest as social bullying.

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

Depressed Honorable
There is a gloom or sadness that seems to hang Your character follows a code of honor that forbids
around your character. This could be because of certain activities. They likely refrain from drinking
something specific or could be just an aspect of your heavily, engaging in promiscuous sex, or killing
character’s personality. If the depression is persistent without just cause. More extreme codes might forbid
enough, your character may attempt to somehow dull drinking, gambling, sex, or violence, entirely.
the pain with alcohol, self-harm, or some other act
that the character thinks might distract them from the Humorless
pain that they feel constantly. While some people are naturally good-natured or
funny, your character seems to make a point to
Drunkard forsake these qualities. Your character seldom
Some call your character a drunk… they may be smiles; they do not laugh at jokes or find humor in
right. Your character appreciates having a good any situation. Laughter and merriment are wastes of
drink (or a few) at the local tavern every chance they time and distractions.
get. Far beyond a social drinker, your character is
likely to indulge in drink past the point of good Intellectual
decision-making or even consciousness more often Your character values learning and education. They
than others may be willing to tolerate. are likely to be well read and may have gone to
college or may be self-taught. He or she is probably
Faithful smarter than the average person and can be seen as
Your character has some sort of faith in powers pretentious or stuck up, even though that isn’t always
beyond his or her control. This is most likely a faith the truth.
in a higher being or conviction in a particular
religion. The way this faith manifests is up to the Kind
character; it could be faith in a loving and all Your character has a genuinely kind heart and will try
forgiving god or an angry and wrathful one just as to do the right thing whenever possible. He or she is
easily. likely to be very empathetic to the feelings of others
and attempt to help those around them as much as
Fearful possible. Sometimes this kindness can manifest as
Your character has a specific fear of something. This gullibility, as your character is likely to give others a
could be something like snakes, heights, or fire. Your second chance even if they don’t deserve it.
character will avoid situations where the object of
their fear may be encountered and are likely to flee in Love Sick
the event that it is. Your character wants to feel loved and is likely to fall
in love very quickly, sometimes with little or no sign
Friendly of interest from the object of his or her desire. The
Your character is just a nice person. They enjoy the character is emotional and impulsive. This may make
company of others and are easy to get along with. them easily manipulated by others who are willing to
The character likely has a number of friends and take advantage of such affection or simply annoying
acquaintances and finds it easy to meet new people as they pine over someone who is clearly not
and make a good impression. interested.

Greedy Mysterious
Your character desires material wealth to a point that Your character cloaks themselves in mystery (and
overrides other feelings like loyalty or fairness. Your possibly the theatric). When they speak it is often in
character will do whatever is needed to ensure that he the form of riddles or parables that may or may not
or she gets the biggest piece of the pie. be useful.

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

Naïve Sardonic
Your character is largely innocent to the harsher Your character is witty and has quite a good sense of
ways of the world. The character likely trusts others humor and others may find them funny. But, the type
readily and assumes the best in people in spite of of humor your character tends to employ verges on
obvious warning signs to the contrary. Your the dark or grim. Even in situations where such
character is likely to be oblivious to innuendos and humor would be highly inappropriate. And while
take them entirely literally. your character is typically funny, they are likely to
annoy or enrage those who wish your character
Outcast would show more respect or restraint regarding
For whatever reason, your character is a pariah of sacred or sensitive topics.
their local community. Other people tend to look
down on them and treat them with disdain. This Superstitious
could be due to race, gender, family, history, or any Your character has a strong belief in the supernatural.
other real or imagined stigma, but the actual cause is This is beyond normal religious zeal and may involve
most likely more subconscious. Something about the the character believing they can communicate with
character simply causes them to be disliked by others. ghosts or spirits. They may also claim to have visions
Outcasts are often the target of bullies. or be convinced of the existence of a supernatural
creature that doesn’t exist.
Your character has very strong ideas regarding their Uneducated
own worth. They do not tolerate insult or rumor, Not only does your character lack a formal education,
particularly if it could damage their social standing. but is actively hostile to the concept of education.
They are likely to respond to any challenge to their They likely see no point in “book learning” and think
honor (real or imagined) swiftly and decisively. that people need to rely more on “common sense”,
however they interpret it.
Your character craves sex. He or she is likely to go Wise
out of their way to get sexual company and is not Regardless of your character’s level of education, he
above lying to potential partners in order to get it. or she seems to have great insight into the world
Your character likely sees members of their preferred around them and are often sought out for advice.
gender to be more like objects than people and feel Most of the time, wise characters are very perceptive.
that they have a right to use them however they
choose. They are likely to assume that everyone else Wrathful
feels this way too and are just too ashamed to admit Your character is angry at the world for some reason,
it. or for no reason at all. This anger compels the
character to lash out at others, even when doing so is
Protective counterproductive. The character isn’t necessarily
Your character cannot tolerate injustice inflicted violent, just hateful.
upon the weak. They are likely to speak up in the
defense of any person or group they feel is being
treated unfairly or being oppressed. Your character is
not one to sit by while others are suffering. This may
lead them to take up hopeless causes or activism in
the name of the oppressed.

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

17 Scholars: Your family was educated and

were professors, sages, or lecturers.
While thinking about your character and coming up 18 Servants: Your family served a wealthy
with the concept of who this person is, it might be land owner or noble lord.
helpful to know a little bit about where they came 19 Soldiers: Your family made their living
from and what their life was like prior to becoming through the military or were mercenaries or
an adventurer. sell swords.
20 Vagrants: Your family had no job or
The following tables are here to help give you some occupation, but may have done odd jobs
ideas about your character’s family, home life, and when they became available.
past. You can use these tables if you like, or come up
with a backstory all on your own. The tables listed
here have no game mechanics associated with them
and are just there as an aid if desired. Childhood (1d12)
1 You were well liked and respected by your
peers as well as adults. You were likely
popular and had a large number of friends.
Family Trade (1d20) 2 For one reason or another, you were the
1 Artists: Your family made their living target of bullying and abuse by your peers.
creating works of art. 3 You were sly and dishonest as a child. You
2 Clergy: Your family was in service to the likely sought to avoid punishment by
church blaming others.
3 Clerks: Your family tended a shop. 4 You were a troublemaker. You found it
4 Craftsmen: Your family created goods and difficult to follow rules or stay out of
wares for sale. trouble.
5 Criminals: Your family was involved in 5 You were a bully. You picked on and
criminal enterprises. abused those smaller and weaker than
6 Farmers: Your family were common farmers yourself when you could get away with it.
7 Fishermen: Your family made their living 6 You were a loner. You didn’t seek out the
by fishing. approval of your peers and were much
8 Gamblers: Your family survived through happier being by yourself.
games of chance. 7 You were easily overlooked as a child.
9 Laborers: Your family performed common Even those who grew up with you have a
labors. hard time remembering anything specific
10 Land Owners: Your family owned and about you. You were just kind of there.
tended a plot of land. 8 You were funny and outgoing. You won
11 Magic: Your family was involved in the people over with your humor and quick wit.
arcane arts. 9 You were bright and clever. You enjoyed
12 Medicine: Your family healed the sick and books, stories, and puzzles.
injured. 10 You were nervous, timid, and fearful. You
13 Merchants: Your family was a part of the likely dreaded the notion of getting in
merchant class. trouble and were reluctant to break the rules.
14 Outlanders: Your family lived away from 11 You were sensitive and thoughtful. You
civilization in the wilderness. likely formed very close bonds with others,
15 Performers: Your family were showmen, expressed affection, and cried easily.
actors, or musicians. 12 You were awkward. No matter how hard
16 Sailors: Your family made their living by you tried you never quite seemed to fit in.
sailing the seas.

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

Everyone had a home life and was in some way was Family Size (1d6)
shaped by it. For some people, home and family are 1-2 Your family was very small, just yourself
what forms the core of their personal value; for and one or two other people.
others, home is something they fled at the very first 3-4 Your family included yourself, your parents
chance they got. and one or two siblings.
5-6 Your family was large, including many
Home Life (1d8) siblings and members of your extended
1-2 Your home life was nurturing and family.
supportive. Your family did all they could
to provide for you.
3 Your family was dotting, overbearing, and
protective of you. You likely became Use this table to determine what the most important
spoiled by this treatment or found it relationship your character had when they were
suffocating. younger. Since this relationship is part of your
4 Your family was stern and authoritative. character’s past in most cases, the way the
You were taught to respect authority, or relationship ended is likely just as important as the
else. Rules were likely strictly enforced relationship itself.
with harsh punishments. You likely became
timid and fearful in this environment or Relationship (1d10)
learned to rebel against it. 1 Mother or Father
5 Your family was violent and abusive. 2 Aunt or Uncle
Punishments were likely unfair or outright 3 Brother or Sister
arbitrary. You likely became sorrowful and 4 Best Friend
depressed growing up in these conditions, or 5 Teacher or Mentor
you learned to fight back. 6 Grandparent
6 Your family didn’t seem all that interested 7 Lover or Romantic Partner
in you. You were mostly left to fend for 8 Animal or Pet
yourself as your parents pursued their own 9-10 No One
7 Your family was very demanding of you and Their Fate (1d12)
took a keen interest in your abilities and 1 They died peacefully
achievements. You were held to a high 2 They were killed by an act of violence
standard, but also given nearly constant 3 They died as a result of an accident.
tutelage. You were likely expected to carry 4 They died from a sickness
on a family business or live up to the 5 They vanished or went missing
achievements of your family members. You 6 They were kidnaped or arrested
likely thrived in this environment or 7 They turned evil or went mad
chafed under the high expectations. 8 You had a serious falling out and went your
8 You never knew your family. You were separate ways.
abandoned at a young age or your family 9 You had a serious falling out with them and
was lost. You have very little knowledge or became enemies
connection to your relatives. 10 You simply drifted apart over time.
11 You were separated by a traumatic event.
12 They are still around and are an important
part of your life.

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

While people go through many events in their lives, In a world full of dangerous monsters, evil spell
there is normally a handful that stands out in their casters, restless undead, and deadly traps; becoming
memories and play a pivotal role in their an adventurer is an odd choice for a profession.
development as a person. Below are a list of While most people take up more mundane lines of
suggestions to describe what the most important work like farming, trade work, or even serving in a
event in your character’s pre-adventuring life was. In standing army or militia; what was it that motivated
many cases, this was the event that caused your your character to become an adventurer and face the
character to become an adventurer in the first place. uncertainty and danger that comes with it?

Event (1d20) Motivation (1d12)

1 Accused or convicted of a crime 1 You were simply bored with the idea of
2 Death of a loved one living in the community you were born into
3 Encountered magic or a fantastic creature and being like everyone else, you were
4 Experienced a miracle or had a spiritual meant for something greater.
epiphany 2 The idea of lost treasures just waiting to be
5 Had an amazing but short lived romantic or found was too much for you to resist.
sexual relationship 3 The world is filled with monsters and evil,
6 Loss of family wealth or home someone needs to protect those who can’t
7 Met a famous or person who inspired you protect themselves and it might as well be
8 Suffered a sickness or injury you.
9 Survived a long and dangerous journey 4 The world is filled with monsters and evil,
10 Survived a natural disaster someone needs to protect those who can’t
11 Survived an attack by an animal or monster protect themselves…while getting paid
12 Was involved in a raid, skirmish, or battle handsomely for it and it might as well be
13 Was the victim of a crime or abuse you.
14 Witnessed a particularly gruesome or 5 Someday the bards will sing songs of your
horrific event exploits.
15 You were betrayed by a loved one 6 You will discover lost knowledge and
16 You were lost or separated from your family secrets that have been hidden away for
or home for a period of time ages.
17 You were rewarded for a heroic deed 7 You have nothing else in your life,
18-19 Roll Twice More adventure is the only thing you know.
20 No Event 8 You have been hurt enough, it’s time to hurt
9 You go where the gods have led you, yours
is a higher calling.
10 The world is full of strange and exotic lands,
and those lands are full of potential lovers, it
would be a shame to keep them waiting.
11 You will bring the evil doers to justice for
their crime. Let the guilty hang.
12 The world is vile place. Corrupt nobles,
greedy merchants, any lying priest. You
will have none it. You will make your own
way or die tying.

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

Chapter 3
Playing the Game

“The priest is hurt bad.”

“He’s breathing isn’t he?” Urian had too much to worry about at the moment. The map had taken them to the
valley, but after that everything seemed wrong. He should have expected it. No one had explored this region
since the Empire left. In all honesty, he was surprised it had gotten them as far as it had.

He studied the ground looking for anything that might tell him something about which way they needed to go.

Standing next to him, Isabellis had sheathed her sword, but she was still talking.

“Breathing yes, but the poison did some damage before I could get it stopped.”

“Then he’ll live. We can’t risk stopping here. This place is far too dangerous”

A short distance away, Night Fang perked his ears to listen and let out a low growl.

There was no threat in sight, but the dog had saved them more than once, and Isabellis put her hand back on her

“Easy boy,” Urian said as he continued to look at the ground.

“What are you looking for?” She asked him.

“Information,” he said. “They had us surrounded, but they broke off the attack. They got scared of something,
but it wasn’t us.”

“What do you think it was?”

“I am not sure.” As he spoke he spotted something half buried in the baked hard dirt. It was a scale, like from a
reptile. But it was large, about the size of a coin.

Urian picked up his bow.

“We have to run! Now!”

Something flew overhead covering them in shadow.

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

Proficiency is the total of your character’s talent and

For the most part, just about everything a character training in a given skill. When a character makes a
does in Raven of the Scythe will involve a character skill check, it is the proficiency of the skill that is
taking an action of some sort. used to make skill checks.

Some actions are simply narrative. A player says that

their character is lighting a candle, walking across a
room, or buying a drink at a tavern. These actions To make a skill check roll 2d10 with each die being
are simple. They require no special rules, and simply read as 0-9 and add result to your proficiency in the
establish where a character is and what they are skill being checked and any other modifies that may
doing. be in play. If the result is equal to or greater than the
difficulty of the check then the check is successful.
Other times, players will put their characters in
situations where they confront an obstacle that needs For Instance: Ilsebe is trying to pick the lock on a
to be overcome, with a significant consequence for door. Ilsebe has a talent of 3 thanks to her 3 in
failure. They may be swinging a sword at a dragon agility and a training score of 2; giving her a total
or trying to pick a lock before they are discovered by proficiency of +5. She will roll 2d9 and add 5 to the
the roving bandits. result of the dice to determine what her total roll on
this check will be. If the result of her check is equal
In these cases a character will need to make a skill to or higher than the difficulty set by the GM to open
check. Skill checks are the heart of Raven of the this lock, she will pass her check and the lock will
Scythe. open.

Attribute checks function the same way as skill

checks, only the character’s attribute score is used for
There are a number of skills in Raven of the Scythe.
this check.
Everything from riding a horse, to casting a spell is
covered by a skill.

Each skill has three separate scores; Talent, Training, The difficulty of a skill check is the number that you
and Proficiency. Proficiency is the most important, need to roll higher than on a skill check in order to be
but it is derived from talent and training. successful.

Talent represents your character’s natural inclination The default difficulty for most rolls is 10.
toward certain types of activities. It is equal to your
character’s score in the attribute related to the skill in Other circumstances may modify a roll or its
question. difficulty.

Training represents the amount of time and effort that

your character has devoted to bettering their ability in
a skill. As you play your character you will have the In some cases you will be taking actions that are
opportunity to increase your character’s training directly opposed by another character or creature, in
score by spending experience points to represent your these cases the difficulty of the roll will be 10+the
character’s ever increasing aptitude. A character can resisting attribute.
have a maximum score of 8 in training for any
particular skill.

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

In a combat situation, guard is normally used as a visiting a friendly town, or just sitting around a camp
resistance against the attack roll made by the attacker. fire.

For instance: Emmerich is trying to intimidate his

way past a member of the city guard. Emmerich will
Action time takes place in those situations where it is
need to make a check using the intimidate skill. The
important to know exactly what order characters are
difficulty for this check is 10 + the guard’s willpower
acting in from moment to moment. In this type of
score, which is 1. Emmerich will need to roll an 11
situation characters will employ initiative order and
or higher in order to pass this check.
perhaps even a battle map of some sort in order to
keep track of not only what each character is doing
but where they are in relation to each other.
A reaction takes place outside the normal turn
sequence, but otherwise function identically to This type of time-keeping is most often used in
normal skill checks. battles but may also be used during very tense social
The exact circumstances of the situation will
determine what attribute is needed for a reaction. Initiative
During an action scene it is incredibly important to
For instance: Megan of Daradin is being targeted by know exactly when each character is acting. To
a spell. The spell is a fire blast that allows Megan to determine this each character will need to make an
make an agility check to avoid taking damage. even initiative check at the beginning of the scene. To
though it is not her turn when the spell is casted. If make an initiative check, each character will roll
she fails this check she will take the full damage of 1d10 and add their initiative score to the result.
the spell.
The participant with the highest result on the
initiative check will act first, followed by the next
highest, then the next, and so on until everyone has
Time is important in Raven of the Scythe. Typically, taken a turn. This is called an action round.
time moves in one direction and characters make
choices and take actions based on events of the past, After an action round is complete the next round will
ever unsure about the future. Within the game there start using the same initiative order as the previous
are a few ways of keeping track of time that will need round.
to be employed during a game session.
For Instance: Ilsebe and Guy Dupuis have run afoul
a pair of ruffians and they are intent on violence.
The GM calls for an initiative to begin the action
The simplest way of keeping track of time is through scene. Ilsebe rolls 1d10 and adds her initiative score
narrative time. In these situations the exact order of of +0 to the result. She rolls a 3. Guy makes the
events is not really all that important. The GM will same roll and rolls a 5. After adding his initiative
tell the players what their situation is, each player score of +1 to the result he has an initiative of 6 for
will inform the GM what their intentions for their this encounter The GM rolls for each of the ruffians.
characters are and the GM will narrate the outcome. They both have and initiative score of +0. The first
This is sometimes referred to as a scene. one rolls a 1 and his partner rolls a 7. For this
encounter, the round order will be (Ruffian 1), Guy,
This type of time can be used for down-time such as Ilsebe, (Ruffian 2).
when the characters are hanging out in a tavern,

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

one extended action per turn and can do nothing else.

Some common extended actions are.
Each participant in an action turn gets to take actions
on their turn in the initiative round. Exactly what * Cast a spell: Some characters have access to
those actions are; is determined by what the character magical abilities.
is hoping to accomplish and what options they have
available to them. * Get up from prone: If a character has been
knocked prone, getting up is an extended action.
Standard Actions
Standard actions are the most common types of * Heal with Determination: A character may spend
actions a character can take during a combat round. a point of determination to heal themselves.
Each character is allowed to make 1 standard action
per round. Some common standard actions are:

* Attack: Make an attack against a target in range of 1 fast action and 1 standard action.
your weapon.
2 fast actions.
* Run: You may move a number of yards up to
double your normal movement score. 1 extended action.

* Assist: You may spend your standard action to

provide an adjacent character with a +2 bonus to one
skill check until the beginning of your next turn.

* Defensive Stance: You may spend your standard

action to provide yourself with a +2 bonus to your
guard score until the beginning of your next turn.

Fast Actions
A fast action is an action that doesn’t take quite as
long as a standard action. A character may make a
fast action during the same turn they make a standard
action or they may make two fast actions during the
same turn. Some common fast actions are.

* Move: You may move a number of yards equal to

your movement score.

* Draw a weapon: You may ready a weapon for


* Cast an Invocation: An invocation is a minor

magical effect that spell casters have access to.

Extended Actions
Extended actions take the longest amount of time
during a combat round. A character is able to take

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

Hit Points represent the degree of injury a character Once a character is reduced to 0 hit points or below,
can sustain. they die, or at least start the process. This is a
process called fading.
When a character is hit with a weapon, a harmful
spell, or some other calamity they will take damage. A downed character cannot move or take any actions.
A few last words are the extent of their capability.
The amount of damage that a character has taken is As they fade, they will lose a point of determination
subtracted from their hit points. When a character at the beginning of each turn. After losing this
loses all of their hit points to damage, they die. determination point the character may make a
stamina or willpower check (they get to pick which
If a character’s current hit points are reduced to 5 or one). The difficulty of this check is equal to 10 + the
less, that character becomes injured. Injury is a number of hit points below 0 to which the character
special condition that imposes a number of penalties has been reduced.
on the injured character. If a character is reduced to 0
or fewer hit points they risk death. If they are successful they pull through and recover a
single hit point.
For instance: Nathan Vandae has a maximum of 24
hit points and he is at full health. During a fight he is When a fading character loses their last point of
hit by a spear that does a total of 5 damage to him, determination, they die.
thus reducing his current number of remaining hit
points to 19. A character with the healing skill can also intervene
by performing first aid on the fading character.

If a character is ever reduced to 0 or less hit points

they become injured.

* An injured character suffers a -2 penalty to all


* An injured character is unable to gain complete


* An injured character cannot recover hit points by

spending determination.

Injury will not go away just by recover hit points.

The character needs to be treated by a skilled healer
to recover from this condition.

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

Determination is a pool of points that represents a After you make a successful attack, it is time to do
character’s ability to push themselves beyond their some damage.
normal abilities. Each character determines the
number of determination points by adding 5 to their The amount of damage is determined by the weapon
willpower score. Determination may be used for a you are using. Each weapon will list its damage
number of different activities. score along with any special traits the weapon might
Bonus to Skill Check
A character may spend a point of determination in If you are attacking with a melee weapon, you may
conjunction with making a skill check to gain a +2 add your might score as a bonus to the damage done
bonus to the check. A character may only spend 1 by the weapon.
point of determination per skill check.
If you are using the weapon in both hands, increase
Bonus to Guard the amount of damage done by +1.
A character that is the target of an attack may spend a
point of determination in order to increase their guard
score by +2 against that attack. A character may only
spend 1 point of determination per attack. In some rare situations, an attack will be made that is
simply too well placed or too quick to be defended
Recover against. These are called critical hits.
A character may use an extended action to spend a
point of determination to recover 4 hit points. To count as a critical hit, two conditions must be met.
Injured characters cannot recover hit points in this First, the check being made must be successful.
way. A character may only spend 1 point of Second, the dice used in the skill check must show
determination per turn in this way. doubles i.e. both dice showing a 7.

Exhaustion Many weapons do additional damage on a critical hit

A character that has spent all of their determination and certain favors and abilities may grant additional
points is exhausted. bonuses as well.

In addition to losing the ability to spend For Instance: Nathan Vandae is making an attack
determination, they suffer a -2 penalty to all checks against a monster with his great sword. Nathan has
they make. an attack score of +5 which is equal to his
proficiency in the fighting skill. Nathan rolls 2d9 and
adds his attack score. If the total of the attack is
greater than the monster’s guard score the attack
To make a standard attack, the attacker will make an will be a success and Nathan will do 1d10 points of
attack check against a target that is in range of damage to the monster plus an addition 3 points of
whatever form of attack they are using. The difficulty damage from his might score for a total of 1d10+3
for the attack will be the defenders guard score. damage.

If the attack is successful the attacker will roll for

damage based on their weapon or form of attack.
The defender will reduce this damage based on their
armor. Whatever damage is left over is applied to the
defenders health total as appropriate.

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

Enhanced Rest
A character gets enhanced rest only through specific
and usually magical circumstances.
Complete Rest
Compete rest assumes that the character is able to get * A character that gains enhanced rest recovers all or
at least six hours of sleep in a comfortable place with their lost hit points.
food and water available. To be considered complete
rest a character must be sleeping in a comfortable *A character that gains enhanced rest recovers all of
place and protected from the elements. Normally this their spent points of determination AND gains an
will mean the character is in a room and sleeping on a additional temporary point of determination above
bed of at least average quality. their normal maximum. This extra point of
determination will remain with the character until it
* A character that gains complete rest recovers a is used, or until the character gains complete or
number of hit points equal to their stamina score +5. impaired rest.

* A character that gains complete rest recovers all *A character that gains enhanced rest will gain a +2
spent points of determination. bonus on checks to recover from sickness.

Impaired Rest No Rest

A character gets impaired rest when they get less than Sometimes an unfortunate character will be unable to
six hours of sleep, if they have to sleep in get even impaired rest. Conditions that would cause
uncomfortable conditions, or if they are suffering this include being outdoors without shelter during
from a condition such as poison, sickness, or injury. adverse weather conditions including rain, snow or
A character sleeping on the floor or on the ground cold temperature.
with only a sleeping bag or blanket would get only
impaired rest. Also, if a character is sleeping out in * A character is unable to get rest, they will not
the open; any adverse weather such as rain, snow or recover hit points, determination, or mana.
cold temperature will completely eliminate a
characters ability to get even impaired rest. * A character that does not get rest will lose any of
their remaining points of determination and become
* A character that gains impaired rest recovers a exhausted.
number of hit points equal to their stamina score
(minimum 1). * On the up side, an exhausted character becomes
able to get impaired rest even in a situation where
* A character that gains impaired rest recovers 1 rest would normally be impossible.
point of spent determination.

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

It is possible that you will want to trip an opponent
Defensive Stance rather than do damage to them. To attempt a trip,
Rather than attacking, you may only be interested in make an agility check resisted by the target’s agility
defending yourself. To do this, you will need to score. If successful, the target is rendered prone.
assume a defensive stance. While in a defensive Performing a trip is a standard action. If the target of
stance you will gain a +2 bonus to their guard score this maneuver is larger than the tripping character or
until the beginning of their next turn. Assuming a has more than 2 legs the resistance for this check gets
defensive stance is a standard action. a +4 bonus.
Disarm Rush
It may be useful just to get an opponent’s weapon If you move at least 4 yards toward an enemy to
away from them. To perform a disarm make a become adjacent, you may choose to rush the enemy.
fighting check resisted by the target’s agility score. Doing so will grant you a +2 bonus to your attack roll
If successful their weapon will fly from their hand and your damage roll, but you will lose any bonus to
and land 1d6 yards away in a random direction. your guard score from agility until the beginning of
Performing a disarm is a standard action. If the target your next round.
is holding their weapon in two hands, the resistance
for this check gets a +4 bonus.

Grab An untrained rider (a person with 0 training in

To grab an opponent make a fighting check against horsemanship) must make an untrained horsemanship
the target’s guard. If you are successful, you have check as a standard action to move at the speed of
grabbed the opponent are now in a dominate position their mount. The normal difficulty for this check is
in a grapple. 10 but the GM may adjust it based on the horse’s
temperament. Normally such adjustments shouldn’t
be more than +/- 2. A character also risks being
Sometimes rather than do damage to an opponent,
dismounted if a mounted character takes damage they
you just need to get them to move. To perform a
must make a horsemanship check with a difficulty
push you must be adjacent to your target and make a
equal to the damage they sustained or they will be
might check resisted by their might score. If you are
knocked from the saddle.
successful you may move the target 2 yards in a
direction of your choosing. At the end of the While mounted on horseback a trained rider may
movement, they must make an agility check move at the same speed as their mount as a fast
(difficulty 10) or be rendered prone. Performing a action, essentially using their horse’s movement
push is a standard action. If the target of this speed as their own. With the horsemanship skill
maneuver is larger than the pushing character or has however, they may guide the hose with their knees
more than 2 legs the resistance for this check gets a and thus move at their mount’s speed as a free action.
+4 bonus. If the character fails this check they may still move as
a fast action.
A character may also make attacks from horseback.
Rather than attacking, you can, as a standard action,
Melee attacks are made at a -2 penalty and ranged
choose to set for an attack. While set, you may make
attacks such as with a bow or crossbow are
a free attack against any one opponent that comes
impossible. A character’s ability to fight from
into range of your attack at any point until your next
horseback may be augmented with the Mounted
turn, even if it means interrupting their turn. For
Archery and Mounted Combat favors.
instance, if you are set and someone tried to move
past you, you could choose to interrupt their Spell casting from horseback is also difficult.
movement and make an attack against them at any Imposing a -2 penalty on the caster’s mysticism
point when they are in range of your attack. check.

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

Grapple (Dominate Position)

* Attack: As an extended action, the character may
Not all conflicts involve swords and armor. Plenty of
try to attack their opponent doing damage. Only
fights take place where the combatants simply try to
small weapons may be used to attack while within a
beat each other with their fists. An unarmed attack
grapple. Otherwise the combatants simply attack
follows the exact same rules as any other method of
with their unarmed attacks. The character in the
attack, the only difference is that there is no damage
dominant position gets a +2 bonus to damage.
to roll. On a successful attack a character using their
bare hands inflicts an amount of damage equal to
* End: As a fast action, the character in the
their might score.
dominate position can simply choose to end the
grapple by letting go of their opponent. The grapple
ends, no check is needed for this action.
When a character is engaged in a grapple they will
either be in a dominate or a bottom position. * Force Drink: Particularly brutal, the target is
Whichever position the character is in will determine forced to drink a serum or concoction, normally
what options are available to them. poison, as an extended action.

A character in the dominate position in a grapple has * Drag: The character may move, taking their
a number of options. opponent with them as an extended action.

All actions taken within a grapple are made my * Take Down: As an extended action the character
making an athletics check (difficulty 10 + opponent’s forces themselves and their opponent to the ground.
might score or agility score) Both participants enter a prone position.

If both participants are prone, the character in the * Throw: As an extended action the character may
dominant position gets a +2 bonus on all checks throw their opponent. The grapple ends and the
made from within the grapple. participant in the bottom position is rendered prone
and takes 1d6 points of damage.
If both participants are prone, the character in the
bottom position suffers a -2 penalty on all checks Grapple (Bottom Position)
made from within the grapple. A character in the bottom position in a grapple has a
few options available to them.
Size is very important while grappling. The larger
creature in a grapple will gain a +4 bonus to their * Attack: As an extended action, the character may
athletics check to perform maneuvers and to their try to attack their opponent doing damage. Only
resistance against maneuvers of their opponent. small weapons may be used to attack while within a
grapple. Otherwise the combatants simply attack with
their unarmed attacks.

* Escape: As a standard action the character in the

bottom position can try to escape the grapple. If
successful the grapple ends.

* Switch: As an extended action the character in the

bottom position can try to achieve the dominant

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

If they succeed, they may act normally that round. In

either case the effect will persist to the next round. In
There are a number of different types of energy that order to end the effect, the confused character must
can cause damage to a character. The most common make a mind check (difficulty 12) as an extended
source of this type of damage is from a spell or from action to clear their head.
a special attack of a monster.
The seven types of energy damage are; acid, cold, A dazed character is unable to make standard or
electric, fire, necrotic, phantom, and poison. extended actions. They may only make a single fast
action per turn. Their they lose any bonus to their
Energy damage is not reduced by armor. But certain guard score from agility. At the beginning of their
magical effects provide Elemental Resistance against turn they may make a stamina check (difficulty 10) to
specific energy damage types. Elemental Resistance recover, otherwise the condition persists into the next
functions identical to Armor Rating, but only against round.
the type of damage specified.
Decay is a particularly foul affection to be visited on
In addition to damage done by weapons, hazards, and a character. A character suffering from decay can do
spells; characters also face threats in the form of a little but watch as their own flesh begins to rot away
number of special conditions that are detrimental to before their eyes.
their overall wellbeing. Each condition has its own
set of rules and consequences for characters and At the beginning of the affected character’s turn they
creatures unlucky enough to suffer them. will take 1d4 points of necrotic damage. After this
damage is taken, they may make a willpower check
Burning (difficulty 15) to end the affliction, otherwise it will
Sometimes an unfortunate character may find continue into the next round.
themselves on fire. A burning character will take 1d6
points of fire damage at the beginning of each turn Fearful
for the duration of this effect. A fearful character suffers a -2 penalty to all skill
checks. At the beginning of each turn a fearful
The fire can be put out by making a agility or mind character may make a willpower check to end this
check (difficulty 10) as an extended action or simply condition.
by dousing the character with water if any is
available. Petrification
A character unfortunate enough to become petrified,
Blind finds themselves temporarily turned to stone. While
If a character is unable to see, either because of low petrified a character cannot move or take any actions.
light conditions or some physical impairment, they Petrification normally only lasts for a number of
are blind. A blind character has a guard score of 10, rounds, at the end of which the character will return
any actions they take which would require sight to normal. While petrified a character or creature has
suffer a -2 penalty, and any attack made against them an Armor Rating of 10 and Elemental Resistance of
gains a +2 bonus. 10 against cold, electric, fire, phantom, and necrotic
A confused character makes a mind check (Difficulty The act of being turned to stone is very painful
10) at the beginning of each round. If they fail that however, and the victim of such an attack will take
check they are unable to take any action that round. 1d10 points of damage. If this kills the victim, they
will remain a statue.

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

Poison Stun
A character may, over the course of an adventure, A stunned character is unable to move or take actions
become poisoned. Each poison has different effects, on their next turn and their they lose any bonus to
Poison will damage the character each round and their guard score from agility.
some will even impair the characters in other ways.
After they take this damage, they may make a
stamina check in order to recover from the poison.
Unless your character can breathe underwater they
The difficulty of the stamina check to recover from run the risk of drowning. Once a character begins
poison is determined by the amount of damage the drowning they will suffer 1d6 points of damage at the
poison does. beginning of each turn. A drowning character also
becomes fearful. A drowning character will continue
Damage Difficulty to take damage until they are removed from the water
1d4 8 or until they can pass a swimming check to get their
1d6 10 heads out of water enough to breathe.
1d8 12
1d10 14
1d12 16
Characters tend to fall off of things a lot, and this
Poison damage is not reduced by armor. causes damage. The amount of damage taken from a
fall depends on the distance of the fall. Landing on a
Sickness soft surface can reduce the damage by one category.
The world is full of horrible plagues, fevers, and
afflictions. A character that suffers falling damage is rendered
While a character is sickened they suffer a -2 penalty
on all check for the duration of the sickness. Some Falling damage is not reduced by armor.
sicknesses may also impose additional conditions.
Short fall (6-12 ft.)
A sickened character gets impaired rest. 1d6 damage, ignores armor.

When a sickened character rests they suffer damage Long fall (12-30 ft.)
depending on the exact nature of the disease they are 3d6 damage, ignores armor.
infected with.
Deadly fall (30ft. +)
After they take this damage, they may make a 5d6+5 damage, ignores armor.
stamina check in order to recover from the sickness.
Consuming 1 medicine will provide a +2 bonus to
this check.
When a character is knocked prone (or chooses to go
Alternatively, a character can consume an herbal prone) they may only move 1 yard at a time. Their
remedy specific to the sickness to recover they lose any bonus to their guard score from agility.
automatically. They suffer a -2 penalty on any attack check. They
gain a +2 bonus on stealth checks. Getting up from
For more information on sickness and diseases refer prone in an extended action.
to the appendix.

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

Raven of the Scythe assumes that you will by playing

out combat encounters on some sort of grid or hex
mat to represent space, movement, and position. If
you are not that is fine too, but these next rules relate
specifically to that aspect of the game.

Each character or creature in a combat encounter is

assumed to control any square they can attack with a
melee attack. Thus, for most creatures and characters
they have control over every square adjacent to them.
There are a number of effects and considerations that
should be taken into account when a character is in a
square controlled by an enemy.

A character or creature cannot control a square

against a character or creature larger than themselves.
If a creature or character is in a space controlled by a
smaller creature or character, they may simply ignore
the control.

A character or creature that is prone cannot control


Once a creature or character moves into a space

controlled by an enemy, their movement ends. If a
character or creature begins its turn in a square
controlled by an enemy, they may move out of the
controlled square, but if they move into another
controlled square their movement will end as normal.

If a creature or character is in a square controlled by

an enemy, they suffer a -4 penalty to ranged attacks.

If a creature or character is in a square controlled by

an enemy they suffer a -4 penalty on mysticism
checks to cast spells (but not invocations).

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

“Reach” listed in its traits section counts as 3 items

for the sake of determining encumbrance. (Once
During the course of their adventuring careers, again common sense should prevail in cases where
players may encounter and acquire a vast number of this doesn’t make sense, for instance a whip should
strange and wondrous items in the course of their not take up the same amount of space as a trident).
travels. This begs the question; how are they
carrying all of this stuff. Small Items
Any weapon with the word “Small” listed in its traits
While the core assumption of Raven of the Scythe is section, only uses counts as ½ of an item for the sake
that the GM will take a sort of common sense of determining encumbrance.
approach regarding how much the players can carry
Very Small Items
with them and that they players will accept the GM’s
Clay bowls, bags of herbs, those little figurines that
judgements without argument or complaint, this just
keep showing up in treasure hordes can all be
doesn’t work for some groups. In some cases, groups
classified as very small items. Each of these type
prefer a much more hard and fast guideline to judge
item should count as 1/4 of an item for the sake of
what is too much for a character to reasonably carry.
determining encumbrance. (Again the GM and the
player should work together to determine the exact
While Raven of the Scythe is by no means a
specifications for each item in question.
simulationist game where every ouch of gear must be
accounted for, there are simpler ways of dealing with Coins
encumbrance and carrying limits on characters. Coins tend to be heavy, bulky, and jingly when
carried; but they are still tiny when compared to some
Item Slots of the other gear that characters carry around. Each
Each character as a number of item slots that they can coin should count as 1/100 of an item for the sake of
fill with their various gear, equipment, and treasure. determining encumbrance.
The number of slots that a player has is equal to their
might score +3. Armor
Armor, when worn has its own rules that are covered
So a character with a Might score of 0 is allowed to by armor proficiencies. If the armor is being carried
carry 3 items without difficulty or restriction. If a assume that it counts as a number of items equal to its
character is ever carrying more than that, they suffer armor rating.
a -1 penalty to their speed, guard, and initiative Increasing the amount a character can carry
scores. This penalty increases by 1 for each item slot Certain items can be used to help a character carry
above their carrying limit the character is carrying. more goods. These can be found in the equipment
chapter as well, but are provided here for
What Qualifies as an “Item” for the sake of convenience.
This is ultimately left up to the GM, but as a rule of Item Cost Item Slots
thumb an “item” would be anything that is bigger Canoe 50 SE 2
than the proverbial breadbox. This would include; Backpack 1 SE +3
Weapons, shields, tomes, and things of that nature. Raft 50 SE 4
While this system is rather simplistic there are a few Row Boat 100 SE 6
nuances that should be considered. Donkey Cart 50 SE 8
Horse Cart 100 SE 16
Large Items Carriage 300 SE 20
Any item with the word “Two Handed” listed in its Wagon 150 SE 24
traits section counts as 2 items for the sake of Covered wagon 200 SE 32
determining encumbrance. Any Item with the word

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

Chapter 4
Skill Descriptions

“Tell me what you know boy, or it will be your head.”

“I swear milord, I don’t know anything. I would help you if I could.”

Leon looked around the room. The fat bastard was sitting behind his table stuffing his face with mutton. 10
feet. There was a soldier to the right. Light plate armor. Pike. Leon hated pikes. There was a narrow
window behind the soldier. 30 feet drop to the ground. Cobble Stone. Smell of salt air.

“Lie to me again boy and it’ll be the last time.” Lord, whatever the hell his name was waggled a mutton
stained finger in Leon’s direction. “I know by the Martyr’s tits that you were the last person to see him alive.
So stop stalling and tell me what I need to know! You’re a dead man anyway. But I have yet to determine if
you get the noose of the fire.”

Leon let his head fall in a defeated posture. The chains on his wrists were heavy and he pulled them close to
his chest in the closest thing he could manage to a pleading gesture.

“Forgive me, milord. Everything went fine until we left Book Road. That’s when all hell broke out. Sir
Edmund was walking just in front of me when it happened...”

“Martyr’s tits you bastard!” The lord stood up to better roar out his anger. The plate of mutton clattered to the
floor. “When what bloody happened!?”

Leon looked up and smiled as the chains fell to the floor. “That was when I slit his damned throat!” There was
a flash of steel and the lord fell backward with the hilt of a knife protruding from his throat.

The soldier was too stunned to figure out what had just happened. He looked from the dead lord back to Leon,
but it was too late. He collapsed to his knees with blood pouring from his open throat.

Leon wiped his dagger clean on the dead lord’s cape.

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

Jump / Leap (Fast Action)

Below are the descriptions of each of the skills in You may make an acrobatics check to jump or leap
Raven of the Scythe and how they can be used in the distances. You may leap a distance of 3 yards or
game. jump a height of 1 yard as a fast action.

The normal difficulty of this check is 10, but by

taking a -2 penalty, you can increase the distance in
While many things can be attempted with talent either direction by 1 yard.
alone, some applications of skills require at least a
little bit of training. Any use of a skill designated as Break Fall (Reaction) [Trained Only]
trained only, can only be attempted by a character When you fall, you normally take damage based on
with at least 1 level of training in that skill. In some the distance of the fall. By making an acrobatics
cases, entire skills are only useable by characters with check as a reaction you may reduce the distance of
training in them. the fall by 1 category.

The difficulty of this check is 10.

Once a character has obtained a score of 8 for their Dodge and Weave (Fast Action) [Trained Only]
training in a particular skill, they are considered a You may make an acrobatics check in order to move
master of that skill. through squares controlled by one or more enemies.

Mastering a skill has a number of benefits and

advantages beyond the simple +8 to skill checks. Use to make attacks with bows or crossbows.
When a character makes a skill check with a skill
they have mastered they will roll 3d10 and keep the Ranged Attack (Standard Action)
two highest dice. You may use archery to make an attack against an
object or creature that is in range of your weapon.
When a character spends a point of determination
gain a bonus to a skill check they gain a +5 bonus
(rather than a +2).

Acrobatics represents your ability to jump, climb, and

keep your balance.

Climb (Standard Action)

You may use acrobatics to climb up a vertical
surface. As a standard action a character may move
vertically along a surface a number of yards equal to
their movement score.

The standard difficulty for this check is 10, but the

conditions of the surface may apply modifiers to the

If a character fails their climb check they do not fall

so long as they are trained in acrobatics, they are just
unable to make any progress that turn.

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

Use to grapple, lift, or swim. Use to influence others with kindness and
Grapple (Varies)
You may make an athletics check to perform a Charm (Standard Action)
grappling maneuver against any creature you are Unless another person is actively hostile towards you,
currently in a grapple with. you may attempt to charm them with a charisma
check. This will improve the target’s disposition
The difficulty of this check is 10 plus the target’s
towards you. Maybe even enough to request some
might score or agility score (their choice)
small favor or service.
Lift (Extended Action)
You may make an athletics check to lift a heavy Bargain (Standard Action) [Trained Only]
object. The amount of weight you can lift is You may use charisma to haggle for the price of
determined by your might score. Assume a person goods. With a successful charisma check you may
with a might score of 0 can lift 200lbs. For each choose to alter the price of goods by 25% in either
point above or below 0, adjust the maximum weight direction.
by 50lbs.
Deception (Standard Action) [Trained Only]
Swim (Standard Action) [Trained Only] One of the advantages of being charismatic is that
You may make an athletics check to move through people will often believe you, even when what you
water, either above or below the surface. While in say isn’t always entirely true. You may use charisma
water you may move a number of yards equal to your to tell a lie. The lie should be at least somewhat
movement score. believable, but people have been known to fall for
crazy things. It is amazing what can be accomplished
The difficulty for this check is normally 12, however
with little more than the right words and winning
conditions of the water may modify the check.
smile. Failing an attempt at deception will likely
worsen a target’s disposition towards you.
A character that fails a swim check does not drowned
so long as they are trained in athletics, they are just
The difficulty for this check is normally 10 + the
unable to move from their current location this turn.
target’s willpower score. A target with a negative
If the character is suffering from any penalties
attitude toward you may impose a -2 penalty to the
however (Such as from rough water conditions or
exhaustion) when the character fails a swim check
however, they will begin to drown. Flirt (Standard Action) [Trained Only]
You may use charisma to make a romantic or sexual
Push Throuh (Fast Action) [Trained Only] advance at another person.
You may make an athletics check in order to move
through squares controlled by one or more enemies. The difficulty for this check is normally 10 + the
target’s willpower score. A target with a negative
attitude toward you may impose a -2 penalty to the
Use to harness magical energy to cast spells with. check.

Harness Mana (Passive) [Trained Only] Taunt (Standard Action) [Trained Only]
There are very few times when a character will need Being charismatic doesn’t always mean being nice.
to make a Channeling check. Clever wordplay combined with a well-placed insult
might very well get under someone’s skin. Taunting
However, a character with any training in channeling another character successfully will worsen their
will gain a pool of mana equal to their channeling disposition towards you, but it can be useful. Anyone
proficiency times 4 that can be used to cast spells. who witness a successful taunt, who already had a

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

negative disposition towards the target will improve weapon, or Light Armor.
their disposition towards you, while those with a
positive disposition toward the target will have their For more information on crafting, see appendix 1.
disposition toward you worsen.
Trade Work [Trained Only]
A taunted character will suffer a -2 penalty on any You may use your skills as a smith to earn a living.
action they take next turn. For a week at work making small common items,
make a craftsmanship check. If you have a workshop
For better or worse a taunted character will focus on you earn an amount of silver equal to your
you next turn if at all possible. This can sometimes craftsmanship check x5.
be useful in combat situations.
If you have a working forge, multiply the results of
The difficulty for this check is normally 10 + the the check by ten.
target’s willpower score.
If you have neither, you can still earn an amount of
silver equal to the skill check by doing odd jobs and
Use to craft items.
The amount of silver that can be made from trade
You may use craftsmanship to craft items, typically
work is dependent in large part on the size of the
made out of metal. In order to craft an item you will
community you are in however. In a small
need tools and a work space, which may cost money
community you will simply not be able to make as
initially, but crafted items can be sold for a profit.
much regardless of skill. Modify your total earnings
In order to craft you will need access to a work shop on the chart below.
and the raw materials to craft with.
Hamlet Earnings /10
Craft Basic Items [Trained Only] Village Earnings /5
You may use craftsmanship to create basic items Small Town Earnings /2
such as pots pans or other tools. In addition to these Large Town Earnings x1
items you may craft weapons from the Axes and Small City Earnings x1.5
Bludgeon, Throwing Weapons, or Small class of Large City Earnings x2
Great City Earnings x3
Design Notes
Social Disposition

All of the social skills (Charisma, Etiquette, and Intimidate) mention something called disposition and mention it improving
or worsening based on the character’s actions. Disposition is simply a rough guideline to define how a NPC feels about
the character. Disposition can change based on a number of things. There are no hard and fast rules to determine what
exactly is going to change someone’s opinion of another person, thus rather than attempting to come up with a complex
system of actions and assumptions based on personality and predispositions. I don’t know if a system like that is even
possible in a game like this, but I am fairly sure that it wouldn’t be useful or fun to use.

So, in those cases where it is useful to understand someone’s disposition Disposition

toward a character I use a seven point scale to gauge the NPC’s attitude.
Of course this is all dependent on context. A hostile noble in the middle of a Friendly
feast is not likely to mean the same things as a hostile barbarian warrior during Pleasant
a random encounter. Some judgement is always required. Neutral
Use your best judgement. Unfriendly
-James 44 Hostile
Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

Use to interact with noble or polite society. Use to make fight with melee weapons.

Diplomacy (Standard Action) Melee Attack (Standard Action)

Diplomacy works very similar to a charm check You may use fighting to make an attack against an
using the charisma score but implies that the object or creature that is in range of your weapon.
character is carrying themselves in a respectable
manor. Grab (Standard Action)
You may use fighting to try to grab a creature you are
Ridicule (Standard Action) [Trained Only] adjacent to and begin a grapple.
Polite society has its one set of rules, and breaking
them is a serious breach of etiquette if you openly
taunting another person in just an environment is
likely to cause you to lose face with anyone who
witnesses the taunt, worsening their disposition
towards you. Instead, well-spoken individuals often
engage in thinly veiled insults and backhanded Design Notes
complements. Anyone who witnesses a successful Social Skills
use of ridicule, who already had a negative
disposition towards the target will improve their There are essentially four skills that cover basic social
disposition towards you, while those with a positive interactions: charisma, etiquette, intimidate and
menace. While this is by no means comprehensive
disposition toward the target will have their
when it comes to social situations, I do think that these
disposition toward you worsen.
three skills cover at least a sizable minority of the
social actions a character might attempt in game.
A ridiculed character will suffer a -2 penalty on any
action they take next turn. While some people would rather ignore social skills
entirely and leave all of the socializing up to role-
The difficulty for this check is normally 10 + the playing, I personally think that is a bit unfair. I have
target’s willpower score. played with more than one person who was not that
great socially. If I demanded that they role-play out
Woo (Standard Action) [Trained Only] tense social scenes, they would be at a huge
The advances made by those in a tavern to gain the disadvantage. When doing it that way, a character can
attention of the opposite (or same) sex would be out only ever be as charismatic as the player running
them. I wouldn’t ask a player to show me a
of place and inappropriate in the world of courtly
demonstration of how strong they were in order to see
love. A woo is a coded way of suggesting a more
if their character could pass a strength check, so why
personal relations. should social checks be any different? This issue is
especially compounded when you have one player
The difficulty for this check is normally 10 + the who is actively investing time and effort into increasing
target’s willpower score. A target with a negative their character’s social skills, but they get
attitude toward you may impose a -2 penalty to the overshadowed by a player who is just naturally more
check. talkative. I think that in the issue of fairness, success
and failure in social scenes should be handled by the
same game rules and systems should be governed by
the same rules and systems that govern everything
else in the game, and I have built the skill set here with
that assumption in mind.

But that is just me. Do what is best for your game and
your group in the end.

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

Stay Mounted (Reaction)

If you take damage while mounted and the amount of
Use to care for the sick and wounded. damage is greater than your horsemanship
proficiency, you must make a horsemanship check
Care and Comfort (Prolonged) [Trained Only]
with a difficulty equal to the damage you took in
You may care for others using the healing skill.
order to stay in the saddle.
After a patient has rested, you may make a healing
check (difficulty 10) to double the number of hit With the Knees (Free action) [Trained Only]
points they recovered. You may guide your mount with your knees,
meaning that you may move your mount as a free
Diagnose Sickness action, up to the mount’s normal movement score.
(extended action) [Trained Only]
As an extended action you may study a character The difficulty for this check is normally 12, but may
suffering from sickness and determine which illness vary based on circumstances. If you fail this check
they are infected with. This may however put you at you may still move at your mount’s speed as a fast
risk for contracting the disease. action.
First Aid (extended action) [Trained Only] Fast Mount (Fast Action) [Trained Only]
You may make a healing check to help a character Mounting or dismounting a horse is normally a
that is fading. By making a healing check the patent standard action. You may make a horsemanship
wakes up with a single hit point. The difficulty for check as a fast action to mount or dismount faster.
this check is equal to 10 + the number of hit points
the character at below 0. Attack (Fast Action) [Trained Only]
As a fast action, you may command your horse to
attack with either its kick or stomp attack.

Use to ride horses.

An untrained rider (a person with 0 training in Use to influence others through fear
horsemanship) must make an untrained horsemanship
Frighten (Standard Action)
check as a standard action to move at the speed of
Just as charisma can influence others through kind
their mount. The normal difficulty for this check is
words and a pleasant smile, so to can fear and the
10 but the GM may adjust it based on the horse’s
threat of harm get results from others. The difficulty
temperament. Normally such adjustments shouldn’t
for this check is normally 10 + the target’s willpower
be more than +/- 2.
Basic Horsemanship (Passive) [Trained Only]
While a successful charisma check makes others like
While mounted on horseback a trained rider may
you more while getting them to do what you want,
move at the same speed as their mount as a fast
intimidate actually worsens their disposition toward
action, essentially using their horse’s movement
you each time you use it. Still, it is sometimes faster
speed as their own. With the horsemanship skill
to demand than to ask.
however, they may guide the hose with their knees
and thus move at their mount’s speed as a free action.

Keep Control (Reaction) Use to conduct searches.

If a mount becomes panicked or injured, it is likely to
try to throw it’s rider. As a reaction you may make a Investigate (Extended Action)
horsemanship check to keep control of the mount and You may use investigate to search an area for hidden
remain in the saddle. objects, traps, secret doors, or hiding characters.

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

Make a lore check to represent coming up with a plan

or strategy. The target gains a +2 bonus on any skill
Use to research academic knowledge. check they make on their next turn.
Disable Traps (Extended Action)
If you are using this ability on yourself, it is a
Using a solid understanding of mechanical devices,
standard action, since essentially all you have to do is
you may use lore to disable traps as an extended
come up with the plan and act on it. If you are using
action, provided you have access to the trap or the
it to help another character they must be within 3
trigger. The difficulty of this check is determined by
yards of you and you must be able to effectively
the trap in question. Failure on this check will
communicate with them. It is an extended action
normally trigger the trap.
since you need to not only come up with the plan but
Identify Alchemic Items (Special Action) also communicate it to someone else.
[Trained Only]
Research [Trained Only]
As a special action that takes about a solid day of
If you have access to one or more books on the
study, and requires a book on alchemy as a reference,
related subject, you may use lore to try to gain
you may make a lore check (difficulty 14) to identify
information about a particular topic.
the alchemic properties of an item. If you happen to
have the craftsmanship favors needed to create the Book Smart
item, then identifying the item is an extended action
and neither a skill roll or a reference book are needed. The Lore skill is very dependent on a character’s access to books and a
successful lore check. The player will also need to spend the appropriate
Trade Work [Trained Only] amount of time to research the topic in the book. Books can be found in
You may use your knowledge of lore to make a the equipment section and are normally rather expensive. To mitigate
living. For a week at work providing clerical this expense players can also use the town libraries if it has any. As far
as what exactly a book covers, here are some guidelines:
services make a lore check. You earn a number of
SE equal to the results of this check times 5. General Books
These are listed as “books” and cover broad topics like “Arcana”,
The amount of silver that can be made from trade
“Monsters”, “History”, “Poetry”, etc. These books tend to have very
work is dependent in large part on the size of the shallow information about a very wide range of topics. A character
community you are in however. In a small using a book on monsters for example could likely find the name and
community you will simply not be able to make as type of a specific monster, but little to nothing else.
much regardless of skill. Modify your total earnings
Specialized books
on the chart below. These books are listed as “bestiaries” or “grimoires” and cover detailed
information about a specific topic. If a character were to research a
Hamlet Earnings /10 monster using a bestiary of the appropriate type, they could learn the
Village Earnings /5 creature’s, habits, abilities, and other useful information.
Small Town Earnings /2
Large Town Earnings x1
Small City Earnings x1.5
Use to influence others through the threat of harm.
Large City Earnings x2
Great City Earnings x3 Threaten (Fast Action) [Trained Only]
You may threaten a creature with a direct threat of
Plan Ahead (Standard Action or Extended Action) violence or harm or simply by assuming an
[Trained Only] intimidating posture or brandishing a weapon.
You may use your rational thinking to come up with An intimidated creature will suffer a -2 penalty on
a plan which may help you or another character any attack roll they make on the following around
succeed on a check. that targets you.

The difficulty for this check is normally 10 + the

target’s willpower score.

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

The difficulty for this check is normally 14 but the

environment may add bonuses or penalties to the
Use to cast spells. check.
Cast a Spell (Varies) [Trained Only] Track (Extended Action) [Trained Only]
A character that knows how can use mysticism to You may use nature to find and follow trails through
cast spells. The spell will need to be paid for with the wilderness. For obvious trails, such as fresh
mana. If you do not have enough mana to pay for the footprints through otherwise undisturbed snow or
spell, any remainder will be taken directly from your mud, no training or check is required. Beyond that
hit points as damage. you will need to make a nature check. The difficulty
Casting a spell requires very specific gestures and of this check is normally 14 but may be modified by
movements. In order to cast a spell a spell caster the terrain and the age of trail being followed.
must have at least 1 free hand. Armor impedes a
casters ability to channel the mystical force known as While finding a trail is an extended action, once
mana, which makes spell casting more difficult. found, the trail can be followed with no further
Most shields prevent spell casting outright. checks needed, so long as you move at half speed or

If a trail is lost (such as the quarry going through a

Use to forage for food and water. stream) the trail will need to be found again.

Forage (Special Action)

You may use nature to forage for food and water. On
a successful check you find enough food and water Use to play musical instruments and entertain.
for 1 person for 3 days.
Trade Work
The difficulty for this check is normally 12 but the You may use your skills as a performer to earn a
environment may add bonuses or penalties to the living. After a night of entertaining a crowd, make a
check. For instance finding water in a desert is very perform check. You earn a number of SE equal to
difficult. the result of this check.

Endure Elements (Passive) [Trained Only] The amount of silver that can be made from trade
When sleeping outdoors, you are able to get complete work is dependent in large part on the size of the
rest. As your proficiency in nature increase, you are community you are in however. In a small
able to get complete rest in increasingly harsh community you will simply not be able to make as
conditions that would normally allow only impaired much regardless of skill. Modify your total earnings
rest. on the chart below.
Proficiency 1, No Precipitation, Neutral Temperature
Hamlet Earnings /10
Proficiency 4, Light Precipitation, Cold
Proficiency 6, Heavy Precipitation, Very Cold Village Earnings /5
Small Town Earnings /2
Natural Medicine (Special Action) [Trained Only] Large Town Earnings x1
You may use nature to seek out curative herbs, roots, Small City Earnings x1.5
and salves. On a successful check you find a viable Large City Earnings x2
substitute for your choice of 1 of the following items: Great City Earnings x3
anti-venom, bandage, medicine. Seeking such an item
takes 1 hour.

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

Use to hide and sneak. Use to pick pockets and steal.

Hide (Standard Action) Pick Pocket (Fast Action)

You may make a stealth check as long as no one sees You may make a thievery check to attempt to steal an
you to become hidden. After making a stealth check, item from an unsuspecting target. The difficulty for
you may remain hidden for as long as you like as this check is normally 10 + the target’s perception
long as you remain quiet and do not enter into a score.
direct line of sight with anyone.
Open Lock (Extended Action) [Trained Only]
While hidden you may only move at half your You may make a thievery check to attempt to open a
movement speed. lock if you have a lock pick.

Once hidden, you can remain hidden until another The difficulty for this check is normally 10, but
creature or character begins their turn with a clear difficult locks may modify this.
line of sight to you, at which point they notice you.
Disable Traps (Extended Action) [Trained Only]
You may make a thievery check to disable a trap
Since other creatures or characters will not see you
provided that you have access to the trap or its
until the beginning of their turn, it is possible for you
trigger. The difficulty of this check is determined by
to hide, then move to a target and attack them while
the trap in question. Failure on this check will
they are unaware of your presence.
normally trigger the trap.
Attacking an unaware target grants you a +2 bonus to
your attack roll, the target does not get a bonus to
their guard score from agility against this attack, but
the target may still spend determination to increase
their guard against the attack.

As a standard action any creature may make a

investigate check to look for you, as long as they are
within 2 yards of your hiding spot. The difficulty of
this check to find you is equal to 10 + Your stealth

Defending Against Stealth Attacks

The best way to defend yourself against the stealth attack from a hidden opponent is
to use the “Set” combat option. This is a standard action that will allow you to
interrupt an enemies turn to attack them as soon as they come in range of you.

In game terms this represents your character focusing on their surroundings and
staying hyper alert against incoming attacks.

If a hidden character moves to become adjacent to you while you have an attack set,
you may make an immediate perception check to notice them before they make their
attack. If this check is successful, they are no longer hidden and will thus not gain
the benefits of attacking an unaware target.

Once you are aware of the would be attacker, you can attack them as normal using
the standard rules for a set attack (See page 35 for more information about the rules
for setting an attack).
Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

Chapter 5
Hammer met metal.
Sparks. Heat.

“You’ve been gone a long time girl.”

“Too long Master.” Verina took a moment to look around the workshop. To let the smells and the sounds take her back
to simpler happier times.

“I’m not your Master anymore,” Herrick growled. “Never was, when you get right down to it.”

“It isn’t your fault that I was a terrible student,” Verina said. The light from the forge reflecting off the coat of mail she

“Don’t disrespect me by lying to me in my own home.” Herrick snapped. “We both know you were a great student. The
best I ever had. I would have been happy to leave my shop to you if you had ever bothered to stick around instead of
running off with that damned fool brother of yours.”

“I always thought I would be able to come back.” Verina sighed. Her eyes almost teared when she thought about how
long ago that had been.
Before words like treason.
Before the war.

“Kings die.” Herrick brought the hammer down again. “You can’t save them, and it isn’t your place to avenge them.”

“I didn’t have choice, Herrick, this is family.” She saw that her words had wounded him and she regretted saying it.

He brought the hammer down again. “So, why did you come back?”

She pulled the scroll from her belt and handed it to him. “Have you ever seen anything like this?”

Herrick laid his hammer down to take a look. His eyes went wide. “By the Martyr, where did you get this?” he asked.

“Don’t worry about that.” She said.

“Can you build it?”

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

Favors are very specialized abilities or expansions of General Favors are the most common of all the
common skills that allow characters to do unique favors. Even non adventures will often possess one
things. or more of these abilities. General favors typically
do not have restrictive requirements and many have
Each character begins play with 2 favors at character no requirements at all.
Animal Kinship
Additional skills can be acquired through character Requirement: Nature Training 2
advancement by spending 5 experience points.
You have a unique way with animals that allows you
Many favors have prerequisites that must be met to communicate with them in ways that are beyond
before they can be acquired. These are written in most men.
italics under the name of the favor and followed by
the description. You may, as a standard action, use nature as if it were
charisma against animals.

You may, as a standard action, use nature as if it were

intimidate against animals.
Design Notes
Alchemic Item “Formulas” Brawling
Requirement: Fighting Training 2
One idea that I went back and forth on several
times was the idea of “Formulas” for alchemic You have learned to deliver hard blows with your
items. Basically each time a character learned an fists.
alchemy favor they would learn how to make one
item of the category they chose. So a character On a successful attack with an unarmed attack, you
that learned Alchemy (Rings) would have to do an additional +1 damage. On a critical hit, your
select a specific kind of ring that they would unarmed attacks do damage equal to 1d4+might
know how to make, but would need to take it
again if they wanted to learn how to make a Combat Surge
second type of ring. While others may be consumed by fear, exhaustion,
and panic during combat; you find yourself driven by
In the end I decided that this method was too it, lost in it, and even comforted by it.
restrictive and may cause players to decide that
alchemy simply wasn’t worth the effort. When you land a critical hit with a melee attack, you
-James recover 1 point of spent determination.

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

Contact Endurance
You have a social contact. This person is probably You are uncommonly durable, willing to withstand
on friendly terms with you, or is for some reason pain and injury.
compelled to supply you with information when
requested. Increase your maximum hit points by +4.

A contact is not obligated to supply your with You may spend determination to recover hit points as
material aid beyond information and will not put a standard action (instead of an extended action)
themselves in damage on your behalf.
Linguist (Common)
You and the game master should work together to You are proficient in a common language.
determine who this contact is, why they are willing to
supply you with information, and what the exact You gain fluency in a new common language.
scope of their knowledge is.
This favor may be taken multiple times, learn a new
Conviction language each time.
You have a strong belief in yourself and the things Your Game Master will have more information about
you fight for, allowing you to push yourself far past the common languages available in his or her setting.
the limits of other less devoted people.
Increase your maximum determination points by +2.
You are blessed with a strange sort of good luck that
Dagger Mastery seems to get you out of trouble more often than not.
Requirement: Fighting Training 2
When making an attribute check to resist effects, if
Daggers are an incredibly versatile weapon. You you roll a 0 on one or both dice, you may reroll one
have learned to use them to stunning effect. die and keep the second result even if it is also a 0.

You may draw and ready a dagger as a free action. Perceptive

You are uncommonly alert and aware of your
You may make an attack with a dagger as a fast

You may throw a dagger to attack a target up to 5 +2 to initiative.

yards away as a fast action.
You may spend a point of determination to move
If you roll a critical hit while attacking with a dagger yourself to the front of the initiative order.
the dagger does 3d6 points of damage.
Duelist Through luck or savings, you have acquired a
Requirement: Fighting Training 2 substantial amount of silver.
You fight by relying more on grace and quickness You gain 100 Silver Eagles.
than brute force.
You gain extra gold with xp spend during character
Choose a class of melee weapon other than axe and
bludgeons. When determining your attack score for a
melee weapon from this class. use your agility score Wrestling
rather than your might score.
Requirement: Fighting Training 2
You may choose this favor multiple times, each time
selecting a different class of weapon. You are uniquely skilled in grappling.

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

You gain a +2 bonus to athletics check made to

perform grappling maneuvers.
Alchemy involves the careful mixing of special
You may perform the grappling maneuvers ingredients to create items and elixirs with strange
“Submission hold” and “Submission” while in a properties and abilities. A portable laboratory is
grapple. sufficient to create candles, potions, and stones. A
full laboratory is required to create any of the more
*Submission Hold: As an extended action, you complex items.
may try to put their opponent into a submission hold
as a grappling maneuver. This maneuver can be Amulets
performed from either the dominate or bottom Requirement: Lore Training 2,
position in the grapple. Mysticism Training 6
You may create alchemic amulets.
If you begin your turn with your opponent in a
submission hold, you automatically do 1 point of Candles
damage and your opponent loses 1 point of Requirement: Lore Training 2,
determination as they quickly become exhausted Mysticism Training 2
from the strain of the hold.
You may create alchemical candles.
A person held in a submission hold cannot perform
any other action until they successfully perform a Explosives
maneuver to escape from the hold. They will still be Requirement: Lore Training 2,
in the grapple, but will be free from the hold. Mysticism Training 4

*Submission: This maneuver can only be used if you You may create alchemic explosives.
begin your turn with your opponent in a submission
hold. As an extended action you inflict 1d6 points of Garments
damage and your opponent must make either a might Requirement: Lore Training 2,
or willpower check (difficulty 10 + the damage they Mysticism Training 6
took) or be rendered unconscious.
You may create alchemic garments.

Requirement: Lore Training 2,
Mysticism Training 6

You may create alchemic Instruments.

Requirement: Lore Training 2, Nature Training 2

You may create potions.

Requirement: Lore Training 2,
Mysticism Training 4

You may create alchemic rings.

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

Sigils Animal Training (Attack)

Requirement: Lore Training 2, Requirement: Nature Training 4,
Mysticism Training 6 Animal Companion

You may create alchemic sigils. You have trained your animal to be particularly
vicious when it attacks.
Requirement: Lore Training 2, As an extended action your animal companion may
Mysticism Training 4 make an attack gaining a +2 bonus to its attack check
and increasing the die type used for damage by 1 step
You may create alchemic stones. (1d6 becomes 1d8, 1d8 becomes 1d10, etc.)

You animal companion increases their training in

fighting by +2.
The beast lord favors deal specifically with your
relationship with one or more unique animals that are You animal companion increases their training in
your companions. These animals can fight by your menace by +2.
side and aid you in combat. Additional favors can
increase your animal companions abilities to Animal Training (Deadly Pair)
represent special training that you have done with Requirement: Nature Training 4,
your companion Animal Companion

Animal Companion You and your animal companion have learned to

Requirement: Nature Training 2 make a deadly team in combat.

You gain a faithful animal companion. For more When you and your animal companion are both
information on animal companions see Appendix II. adjacent to the same enemy you each gain a +2 bonus
The animal companion moves and acts on your turn to your fight check to attack that enemy. If either
in the initiative order. your or your animal companion land a successful
attack, increase the damage done by your weapon by
As a fast action, you may command your animal 1 step (1d4 becomes 1d6, 1d6 becomes 1d8, etc.).
companion. Your animal companion follows the
same action turn sequence as any other character or Animal Training (Guardian)
creature as in it can may one standard action and one Requirement: Nature Training 4,
fast action, two fast actions, or an extended action. In Animal Companion
essence, you are spending your fast action to have
your animal companion take a turn. You and your animal companion have learned to
protect each other in combat.
You may use your animal companion’s determination
to grant them bonus to skill check, to grant bonuses While you and your animal companion are adjacent
to guard, and to heal them the same as you could use to one another, you each gain a +2 bonus to your
your own determination for yourself. guard scores.

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

Animal Training (Shadow) Animal Training (Toughness)

Requirement: Nature Training 4, Requirement: Nature Training 4,
Animal Companion Animal Companion

You have trained your animal companion to hide and Your animal companion is particularly tough.
attack from stealth.
Your animal companion gains an armor rating of +2.
This is in addition to any natural armor they may
As a fast action you may command your animal
already have.
companion to use stealth.
Small animal companions increase their hit points by
When your animal companion attacks while hidden
the attack does max damage.
Medium animal companions increase their hit points
Your animal increases their training in stealth by +2. by +10.

Animal Training (Swiftness) Your animal companion increases their training in

Requirement: Nature Training 4, athletics by +2.
Animal Companion

You have trained your animal companion to be The Arcana favors represent your training and
particularly swift. understanding of magic as well as the manipulation
of raw mana. These favors can grant you access to
Your animal companion gains +2 to its movement
spells and other magical abilities.
and guard score.
Arcane Initiate
Your animal increases their training in acrobatics by
Requirement: Mysticism Training 2
You are a student of the arcane. You have begun a
Animal Training (Run Down) study of magic and the arcane arts.
Requirement: Nature Training 4,
Animal Companion Select 3 invocations. You may cast these as a fast
You have trained your animal companion run after
Select 1 school of magic. You have access to that
and bring down prey.
school of magic and may learn spells from that
If your animal companion uses the rush action school by taking the Arcana (New Spell) favor.
(moving at least 4 yards to become adjacent to its
Blood Mana
target) in addition to the normal benefits of
performing a rush (+2 to attack and +2 to damage), Requirement: Channeling Training 2
increases its damage die by 1 step (1d6 becomes 1d8, You have sacrificed your physical health to increase
1d8 becomes 1d10, etc.). your ability to channel mana.

If the attack is successful, the target must make a Decrease your maximum hit points by 4.
might check (difficulty 10) or be pushed back, those
that are pushed must make an agility check (difficulty Increase your maximum mana by 8.
10) or be rendered prone.
You may, as a fast action, spend a point of
determination to recover 4 mana.

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

Mana Flair New Spell, Elective

Requirement: Channeling Training 2 Requirement: Mysticism Training 4,
Arcana (Initiate)
Using your understanding of arcane power, you have
learned how to lash out with your stored manna in the You have taken your study of magic into strange
form of a powerful attack composed of pure magical directions, outside of the limitations of your normal
energy. area of study.

So long as you have any amount of remaining mana You may learn one spell from any school of magic,
you may make a channeling check as an attack roll. even if you do not have access to that school through
The attack does 1d6 points of damage at a range of 5 the arcane initiate or arcane school experimentation
yards. On a critical hit the attack does 2d6 damage. favors.

Mana Flair, Greater Any spell from a school you do not have access to, is
Requirement: Channeling Training 4, Mana Flair more difficult to cast.

Your mana flair now does 1d8 points of damage + Increase the casting difficulty of the spell by +2.
your willpower attribute. On a critical hit it does 2d8
points of damage + your willpower attribute. Increase the mana cost of the spell by +2.

New Spell You may take this favor multiple times, learning a
new spell each time.
Requirement: Mysticism Training 2,
Arcana (Initiate) New School
You have devoted more time to your study of the Requirement: Mysticism Training 4,
arcane arts, learning more spells from your chosen Arcana (Initiate), Arcana (New Spell, Elective)
field of study.
You have begun study of a new school of magic.
You may learn one spell from a school of magic that
Before you can gain access to a school you must
you have access to or you may learn a new
know at least one spell from it through the Arcana
(New Spell, Elective) favor.
You may take this favor multiple times, learning a
You gain access to a new school of magic.
new spell each time.
You may learn one spell from your new school.
*If this is the very first time taking this favor you
learn 2 spells.

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

Sky Clad Casting

Requirement: Mysticism Training 2,
Arcana (Initiate)

Mages and wizards work magic by manipulating an

invisible force called mana which they channel
through their bodies. This is why wizards experience
more difficulty when they try to cast spells while clad
in most armor. Their ability to feel and channel the
manna is hampered. You have learned to channel
mana more easily when nude or very near so. Of
course, being naked is considered highly
inappropriate in most social situations.

While wearing no armor and very little or no clothing

you gain a +2 bonus to mysticism and channeling

Reduce the mana cost of spells casted while in this

state of undress by 4 (to a minimum of 1).

Requirement: Mysticism Training 4,
Arcana (Initiate), See Description

To specialize in a school of magic you must know at

least three spells from that school.

You have become a specialist of a particular field of


You gain the following abilities.

Select on school of magic that you have access to in

which to specialize in.

Decrease the casting difficulty of spells from your

specialized school by -2.

Increase the difficulty to resist spells from your

specialized school by +2.

You may learn two spells from your specialized


Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

Armor proficiency represents your characters comfort While the world is full of minstrels and performers,
wearing medium and heavy armor. none have the ability to stir the hearts and mind as the
bards. These singers of song and tellers of tales are
Light and Medium Armor Proficiency said to combine music with a subtle form of magic
Requirement: Fighting Training 2 that stirs the hearts of others.

You are proficient in wearing light or medium armor. Virtuoso

Requirement: Perform Training 2
You do not suffer a penalty to guard or initiative
while wearing light or medium armor. When you perform trade work using the perform
skill, you may double the amount of silver you earn
Heavy Armor Proficiency
for your performance. Also, those who hear you
Requirement: Fighting Training 4, perform will be friendlier to you by one degree for
Light and Medium Armor Proficiency the rest of the day.

You are proficient in wearing heavy armor. Dirge of the Undying

Requirement: Perform Training 4,
You do not suffer a penalty to guard or initiative
Bard Song (Virtuoso)
while wearing heavy armor.
Out of all of the strange abilities inherent to bardic
Iron Clad
music, this one makes the strongest argument to the
Requirement: Fighting Training 4,
magical nature of the abilities.
Medium Armor Proficiency
As an extended action you may make a perform
You are particularly adept at wearing medium and
check to cause harm to undead creatures. Any
heavy armor.
undead creature within 2 yards of the bard in any
When wearing medium armor, increase your Armor direction takes 1d6 points of damage and is stunned.
Rating by +2. Intelligent undead may make a willpower check to
ignore these effects, but mindless undead have no
When wearing heavy armor, increase your Armor protection from it. The difficulty of this check is 15.
Rating by +4.
Hope and Courage
Requirement: Perform Training 4,
Bard Song (Virtuoso)

While many people have the ability to inspire others,

none so excel at this as the bards, who use song to
inspire others to greatness and glory.

As an extended action you may make a perform

check (difficulty 15) to grant every ally within 2
yards of you a +2 bonus on any skill check they make
for the next 5 turns.

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

Last Stand Song of Ages

Requirement: Perform Training 4, Requirement: Perform Training 6,
Bard Song (Virtuoso) 3 other Bard Song Favors

By singing a rousing song of battle you can inspire You are able to inspire singular greatness as an
your allies to defend themselves. extended action make a perform check (difficulty 15)
targeting a single friendly character within 5 yards of
As an extended action make a perform check you. The target must be able to see and hear you.
(difficulty 15) to grant every ally within 2 yards of
you a +2 bonus to their guard score and +2 bonus to The target gains the following abilities:
any reaction check to resist effects such as spells for +4 bonus on all attack rolls they make.
the next 5 rounds.
The target will do maximum damage on successful
Mystic Melody attacks.
Requirement: Perform Training 4,
Bard Song (Virtuoso) These effects last for 5 rounds.

Your song draws forth mana from the world making

it easier to cast spells. Archery represent your improved ability to use a bow
and arrow.
As an extended action make a perform check
(difficulty 15) to reduce the cost of mana for spells Bow Proficiency
casted by all allies within 2 yards of you by 4 (to a
Archery Training 2
minimum of 1) for the next 5 rounds.
You have perfected the art of using a standard bow
Rest and Recover
and arrow.
Requirement: Perform Training 4,
Bard Song (Virtuoso) You do not suffer the penalty to accuracy that these
weapons normally impose.
By singing a soothing song of peace a bard is able to
bring comfort to the injured. You may place this Increase the range of the bow by 10%.
song to someone as they are settling in to rest as a
sort of lullaby by making a perform check (difficulty Combat Archery
15). Any friendly character within two yards of you Requirement: Archery Training 4,
who is able to get complete rest will get enhanced Archery (Bow Proficiency)
rest instead. A friendly character who is only able to
get impaired rest will instead get complete rest. You are uniquely skilled in archery while in the midst
of melee combat.

You do not suffer a penalty to ranged attacks made

with a bow while in a space controlled by an enemy.

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

Full Draw Rapid Shot

Requirement: Archery Training 4, Requirement: Archery Training 4,
Archery (Bow Proficiency) Archery (Bow Proficiency)

You have the ability to deliver devastating powerful You can rain down a hail of arrows at your foes.
attacks with a bow.
You may, as an extended action may two attacks.
As an extended action you may make an attack with a For these attacks, reduce the range of your weapon
bow and if successful increase the die type used for by 50%.
damage by 1 step (1d6 becomes 1d8, 1d8 becomes
1d10 etc.) This favor has no effect on attacks made with a
Increase the number of damage dice rolled on a
critical by 1 (ie. 2d8 becomes 3d8)

For this attack, reduce the range of your weapon by The axes and bludgeons combat style represents your
50%. increased ability to wield such weapons in combat.

This favor has no effect on attacks made with a Hammering Blow

crossbow. Requirement: Fighting Training 2

Long Range When using an axe or bludgeon increase the damage

Archery Training 4, Archery (Bow Proficiency) done on a successful hit by +1.

You can launch arrows at great distances to strike Bully Push

your enemies from incredible range. Requirement: Fighting Training 4,
Hammering Blow
You may, as an extended action, increase the range of
your bow by 50%. When using an axe or bludgeon after landing a
critical hit, you may make a free push against your
This favor has no effect on attacks made with a target with a +2 bonus. Those that are pushed must
crossbow. make an agility check (difficulty 10) or be rendered
Needle’s Eye
Requirement: Archery Training 4, Devastating Blow
Archery (Bow Proficiency) Requirement: Fighting Training 4,
Hammering Blow
You have the ability to deliver particularly well
aimed attacks when using a bow. When using an axe or bludgeon you may, as an
extended action, make an attack with a -2 penalty. If
As an extended action you may make an attack with a the attack is successful, you gain a +4 bonus to
bow gaining a +4 to your attack check. damage.

For this attack, reduce the range of your weapon by Stunning Blow
50%. Requirement: Fighting Training 4,
Hammering Blow
This favor has no effect on attacks made with a
When using an axe or bludgeon, on a critical hit, your
opponent must make a stamina check (difficulty 10 +
your might score) or be stunned.

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

Two Handed Smash Hilt Slam

Requirement: Fighting Training 4, Requirement: Fighting Training 4, Precision Strike
Hammering Blow
When using a broadsword, if you are attacked and
When using an axe or bludgeon while holding your missed by a melee attack, you may, once per turn,
weapon in both hands, on a critical hit increase the make a free counter attack against your attacker.
damage done by the weapon by 1 step (i.e. 1d6 You suffer a -2 on your attack roll and reduce the
becomes 1d8, 1d8 becomes 1d10, etc.). dice size of the damage die by 1 step (i.e. 1d6
becomes 1d4, 1d8 becomes 1d6, etc.). This attack
ignores any Armor Rating offered by the armor of
The broadswords combat style represents your your opponent greater than 2 as if your weapon had
increased ability to wield such weapons in combat. bashing.

Precision Strike Murder Stroke

Requirement: Fighting Training 2 Requirement: Fighting Training 4, Precision Strike

When using a broadsword as an extended action, you When using a broadsword you may choose to reduce
may make an attack with a +2 bonus to your attack the dice size of the damage die by 1 step (i.e. 1d6
roll or a +2 bonus to your damage roll if the attack is becomes 1d4, 1d8 becomes 1d6, etc.) in order to
successful. ignore any Armor Rating offered by the armor of
your opponent greater than 2 as if your weapon had
Bloody Path the bashing trait. On a critical hit your weapon will
Requirement: Fighting Training 4, Precision Strike do twice what it does on a normal attack (1d6
becomes 2d6).
When using a broadsword while holding your
weapon in both hands, on a critical hit increase the Using this favor requires the use of both hands.
damage done by the weapon by 1 step (i.e. 1d6
Master Strike
becomes 1d8, 1d8 becomes 1d10, etc.).
Requirement: Fighting Training 6, Precision Strike
When using a broadsword as an extended action, you
Requirement: Fighting Training 4, Precision Strike,
may make an attack with a -2 penalty. If this attack is
Follow Through
successful it is considered a critical hit.
When using a broadsword when making as second
attack, following a critical hit via the follow through
favor, you gain a +2 bonus to your attack and damage The fencing combat style represents your ability to
roll. use such weapons in combat. Note, Benefits from the
fencing favors can only be used if the character is
Follow Through
wearing light armor or no armor at all. The largest
Requirement: Fighting Training 4, Precision Strike
shield that a fencing character can use is a buckler.
When using a broadsword after landing a critical hit Good Stance
you may make a free melee attack against the same
Requirement: Fighting Training 2
target as your original attack or a different target in
range. When using a fencing weapon, after making a
successful attack, you may assume a defensive stance
as a free action.

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

Guard Up Focused Attack

Requirement: Fighting Training 4, Good Stance Requirement: Fighting Training 4, Control Space

When using a fencing weapon while in a defensive When using a pole arm when in a set position, you
stance or when using determination to increase your are also in a defensive stance.
guard score, increase your guard score by an
additional +2 (+4 total). When attacking from a set position, you gain a +2
bonus on your attack.
Requirement: Fighting Training 4, Good Stance Increase Reach
Requirement: Fighting Training 4, Control Space
When using a fencing weapon after making a
successful critical hit, you may make a free trip or When using a pole arm as an extended action, you
disarm attempt against the target with a +2 may attack foes up to two yards away. You may not
advantage. If you disarm an enemy and you have a attack a foe if there is another enemy between
free hand, you may take control of the enemy’s yourself and the target.

Shields are a remarkably useful tool to have that are
Requirement: Fighting Training 4, Good Stance tragically overlooked by amateur adventurers and
would be warriors. You are skilled at using these
When using a fencing weapon after being missed by
useful tools.
a melee attack, make a free attack with +2 bonus.
Shield Up
Master Fencer
Requirement: Fighting Training 2
Requirement: Fighting Training 6, Good Stance
When using a shield you may assume a defensive
When using a fencing weapon as an extended action,
stance as a fast action.
you may attack as if your weapon has reach even if it
doesn’t. You gain a +2 bonus to your attack check While in a defensive stance or when using
and if the attack is successful, increase the damage determination to increase your guard score, increase
dice by 1 step (1d4 becomes 1d6, 1d6 becomes 1d8, your guard score by an additional +2.
Requirement: Fighting Training 4,
The pole arms combat style represents your ability to Shields (Shield Up)
use such weapons in combat.
As an standard action you may provide an adjacent
Control Space ally with a +2 bonus to their guard score so long as
Requirement: Fighting Training 2 they remain adjacent to you. If the subject of your
protection is hit with a ranged or melee attack while
When using a pole arm, once per turn, if you are under your protection, once per turn you may
attacked and missed by a melee attack from an enemy immediately switch places with that ally and take the
that is adjacent to you, you may make an immediate damage they would have taken from the attack.
push against that enemy with a +2 bonus.

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

Shield Bash
Requirement: Fighting Training 4,
The sickle sword combat style represents your ability
Shields (Shield Up)
to use such weapons in combat.
When using a shield if you make a melee attack and
Blade Turning
miss, you may make an attack with your shield
against the same foe. Shields have the following Requirement: Fighting Training 2
attack stats.
When using a sickle sword if you are attacked and
Small Shield, Accuracy -2, Damage 1d4 missed by a melee attack, you may make a free
Light Shield, Damage 1d6 disarm check against the target that attacked you.
Middle Shield, Damage 1d8
Deep Cuts
Heavy Shield, Damage 1d10
Requirement: Fighting Training 4, Blade Turning
Counter Attack
When using a sickle sword when you roll a critical
Requirement: Fighting Training 6,
hit your weapon does the maximum damage possible.
Shields (Shield Up)
There is no need to even roll for damage.
When using a shield after being missed by a melee
Whirling Blades
attack, you may make a free attack against the foe
Requirement: Fighting Training 4, Blade Turning
that attacked you using a melee weapon. You gain a
+2 bonus to your attack check and do an additional
When using a sickle sword, as an extended action,
+2 damage.
you may make a single attack against each adjacent
enemy. You cannot use this ability in close quarters
or if you have allies that are also adjacent to you
(unless you don’t mind hitting them too).

Twin Blades
Requirement: Fighting Training 4

When armed with two weapons you do not suffer a

penalty for attacks made with light weapons used in
the off hand.

As a standard action you may make 2 melee attacks.

You may assume a defensive stance as a fast action.

Web of Steel
Requirement: Fighting Training 6, Twin Blades

When armed with two weapons, as an extended

action you may make 3 melee attacks.

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

Defensive Edge Broad Swords

Requirement: Fighting Training 6, Twin Blades Requirement: Craftsmanship Training 2,
Fighting Training 2
When armed with two weapons increase your guard
score by +1. You have learned how to craft broad swords.

If you are attacked and missed by a melee attack, you You may craft broad swords. If you have a
may make a free attack against the foe that attacked craftsmanship training score of 6, you are capable of
you. creating mastercraft versions of this item.

The craftsmanship favors represent your ability to use Requirement: Craftsmanship Training 4,
crafting materials to create weapons and armor. A Fighting Training 2, Craft (Broad Swords)
forge is required to create any item requiring iron or
You may craft fencing class weapons. If you have a
craftsmanship training score of 6, you are capable of
Armor, Medium and Heavy creating mastercraft versions of this item.
Requirement: Craftsmanship Training 4, Lances
Fighting Training 2
Requirement: Craftsmanship Training 2,
You may craft medium and heavy armor. If you Horsemanship Training 2
have a craftsmanship training score of 6, you are
You may craft lance class weapons. If you have a
capable of creating mastercraft versions of this item.
craftsmanship training score of 6, you are capable of
Crossbows creating mastercraft versions of this item.
Requirement: Craftsmanship Training 4,
Pole Arms
Archery Training 2, Craft (bows)
Requirements: Craftsmanship Training 2,
You may craft crossbows. If you have a Fighting Training 2
craftsmanship training score of 6, you are capable of
You have learned to craft pole arms.
creating mastercraft versions of this item.

Bows You may craft Pole Arm class weapons. If you have a
craftsmanship training score of 6, you are capable of
Requirement: Archery Training 2,
creating mastercraft versions of this item.
Craftsmanship Training 2
Sickle Swords
You may craft bows. If you have a craftsmanship
training score of 6, you are capable of creating Requirement: Craftsmanship Training 2, Fighting
Training 2
mastercraft versions of this item.

Bows, Composite You may craft sickle swords class weapons. If you
have a craftsmanship training score of 6, you are
Requirement: Archery Training 2,
capable of creating mastercraft versions of this item.
Craftsmanship Training 4, Craft (bows)

You may craft composite bows. If you have a

craftsmanship training score of 6, you are capable of
creating mastercraft versions of this item.

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

Healing Expert
Requirement: Healing Training 4, Healer
The education favors represent your academic
knowledge in a variety of topics. You gain the following uses of the Healing Skill

Formal Training Treat Injury

Requirement: Lore Training 4 Make a healing check (difficulty 15) after 1d4 hours
of surgery to remove the injured condition from a
Through careful study, you have learned a greater target. Performing surgery is very dangerous. Even if
insight into a particular field. the surgery check is successful, the patent takes 1d6
points of damage. If the surgery check fails the
You gain +1 training in any one skill. You cannot
patient will suffer 1d10 points of damage. There is
use this favor to raise your training score to greater
also a chance that the patient will contract a sickness
than 8.
during the surgery.
The risk to the patent and chance for success on the
Requirement: Healing Training 2
surgery is affected by where the surgery takes place
You are skilled in the healing arts far beyond the
Healing Contract
average healer. You gain the following uses of the
Location Check Sickness
Healing Skill
Outdoors -4 1 in 6
Inside -2 1 in 10
Treat Damage
Hospital, Poor +0 -
You may, as an extended action, you may make a
Hospital, Common +2 -
healing check (difficulty 10 + the amount of damage
Hospital, Good +4 -
the character has taken) to heal damage to an
uninjured target. The amount of damage healed is
Linguist (Rare)
determined by your training in Healing, doing so
Requirement: Lore Training 2
requires and consumes 1 bandage
You are proficient in a lost or secret language.
Healing Damage
Training Healed You gain fluency in a new lost or secret language.
1-2 1d4
3-4 1d6 This favor may be taken multiple times, learn a new
5-6 1d8 language each time.
7-8 1d10
Your Game Master will have more information about
Treat Sickness the lost and secret languages available in his or her
You may, as an extended action, make a healing setting, but some examples might include:
check (difficulty 12), create an herbal remedy for a
particular sickness. Each sickness requires a unique * The language of a fallen kingdom or empire.
combination of herbs to create, for more information * A sacred language used in religious rites.
on herbal remedies see appendix 6: sickness and * A secret language used by alchemists or
disease. mages.
* A thieves cant.

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

You sacrifice some of your own willpower to give to

another in need. You spend one point of
The mounted combat favors represent your increased determination and restore a spent point of the
ability to fight while mounted on horseback. recipients determination. You must be able to
Mounted Combat physically touch the recipient.
Requirement: Fighting Training 2, To use this rite you must make a lore check
Horsemanship Training 2 (Difficulty 10). Using this rite is an extended action.
You have learned to fight from the back of a horse. Rite of Departing
You do not suffer a penalty when making a melee Requirement: Lore Training 4, Rite of Blessing
attack from horseback.
This religious rite is placed upon the dead and the
While on horseback, you may move to a target and dying in order to send their spirits peacefully to the
attack, then move again. The total distance moved afterlife.
may not be greater than your mounts movement
score. Once this rite has been placed upon a body, it cannot
be resurrected by necromancy. If placed upon the
Horse Charge remains of someone who has lingered in this world as
Requirement: Mounted Combat, a ghost, the ghost will be pulled from the physical
Fighting Training 4, Horsemanship Training 4 world into the next.
When you make a successful rush attack from To use this rite you must make a lore check
horseback with a weapon that has the mounted trait, (Difficulty 12). Using this rite is an extended action.
you may increase the damage dice by one step (1d6
becomes 1d8, 1d8 becomes 1d10, etc.). Rite of Healing
Requirement: Lore Training 4, Rite of Blessing
Mounted Archery
Requirement: Archery Training 4, This rite allows you to heal others by the power of
Horsemanship Training 2 faith. This is sometimes called lying of hands.

You have learned the difficult ability of using a bow To uses this ritual you must be able to physically
from horseback. touch the intended recipient of the healing. You then
spend one of your determination points to heal the
You may make ranged attacks from horseback. recipient as if they had spent a point of determination
to heal themselves. You may use this rite even if the
Reduce the range of your weapon by half when
recipient is unable to spend determination to recover
attacking from horseback.
hit points themselves due to sickness, injury, or some
You may not gain the benefits of any other archery other condition.
favor while on horseback.
To use this rite you must make a lore check
(Difficulty 12). Using this rite is an extended action.

The prayer favors represent your ability to call upon Rite of Greater Healing
faith and devotion in a higher power to enact a
Requirement: Lore Training 6,
number of miraculous abilities.
Rite of Blessing, Rite of Healing
Rite of Blessing
You have improved your ability to heal using divine
Requirement: Lore Training 2
This religious rite empowers those who received it.

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

This rite functions the same as Rite of Healing, but

can be used on targets up to 5 yards away. While in a defensive stance or when using
determination to increase your guard score, increase
To use this rite you must make a lore check your guard score by an additional +2 (+4 total).
(Difficulty 15). Using this rite is an extended action.
Flanking Strike
Rite of Smite Undead Requirement: Stealth Training 4, Sneak Attack
Requirement: Lore Training 4, Rite of Blessing
You have perfected the art of attacking your foes
You lash out with the power of faith again those who while they are distracted by other combatants.
mock the order of the gods.
When you make a melee attack against an enemy that
A single undead target within 3 yards takes 2d10 is adjacent to another of your allies you gain a +2
points of holy damage and is stunned. Intelligent bonus to your fight check. If you do land a
undead may make a willpower check (difficulty 10) successful attack, increase the damage done by your
to negate this effect entirely, but mindless undead weapon by 1 step (1d4 becomes 1d6, 1d6 becomes
have no defense against it. This ability effects 1d8, etc.).
incorporeal undead as well.
Sneak Attack
To use this rite you must make a lore check Requirement: Stealth Training 2
(Difficulty 12). Using this rite is an extended action.
You are particularly adept at striking foes while they
Rite of Greater Smite Undead are unaware and defenseless.
Requirement: Lore Training 6, When you attack while hidden, your weapon ignores
Rite of Blessing, Smite Undead armor. Also, increase the damage done by your
weapon by 1 step (1d4 becomes 1d6, 1d6 becomes
This rite functions the same as Smite Undead, but
1d8, etc.).
does 4d10 points of holy damage. Intelligent undead
may make a willpower check (difficulty 12) to reduce Sneak Attack, Greater
this damage to 2d10, but mindless undead have no Requirement: Stealth Training 4, Sneak Attack
defense against it.
You are a master at dealing death from the shadows
To use this rite you must make a lore check and attacking your foes when they are most
(Difficulty 12). Using this rite is an extended action. vulnerable.

When you attack while hidden your attack does max

Rogue skills focus on the ability to move in shadow
and darkness striking enemies when they are Stealthy
unprepared and unable to defend themselves. Requirement: Stealth Training 2

Agile Defense You are comfortable in the dark. You know who to
Requirement: Stealth 2 hide yourself quickly and move through darkness
with ease.
You have learned to defend yourself by quickly
dodging blows. You may hide as a fast action.

While wearing light or no armor and using a shield You may move at your full movement score while
no larger than a buckler if any at all, you gain a +2 hidden.
bonus to guard.

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

Chapter 6

The crowd roared as the knight tumbled from his horse, lance, and shield flying in separate directions. From atop his
charger, Ser Jodoc gave a gallant salute to the attending lords and ladies which caused the crowd to cheer again, even as
his opponent was being helped to his feet by his squire.

Jodoc rode back to his side of the tilt where his own squire was waiting to take his gear and help him from his horse. As
he dismounted his horse he saw a young girl standing just off to the side. It was his opponent’s squire come to pay him
the ransom for the horse he had just won. The girl couldn’t be more than fourteen years old. Jodoc took the small purse
of coins from her.

“Tell Ser Easton he rode well.” Jodoc instructed her. She nodded and hurried back to her master. That had been the last
ride of the day and Jodoc wanted to get out of his armor as fast as possible. He sat down on a stump while his squire
started to undo the straps and fastens holding the plates in place. After only a moment, he felt the armor release and he
breathed a sigh of relief as the cool afternoon air touched his sweat soaked chest for the first time in hours.

Around his neck, a small blue gem hung from a leather cord.

“Ser?” His squire asked.

“You can lecture me about honor another time,” Jodoc said as he stuffed the amulet under his tunic before anyone else
noticed. “If we don’t get those eagles to Calvin before midnight, there isn’t enough honor in the kingdom to save me, or
you either by extension.”

“As you say, Ser.” His squire said as he worked removing the rest of the armor. Somewhere in the distance, the church
bells rang to mark the setting of the sun.

“Shall I take your sword as well Ser.” The squire asked.

“No,” Jodoc said. “I might still need that.”

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

Weapon Damage Accuracy Critical Traits Cost

Dagger 1d4 - - Off-Hand, Small 9 SE
Hand Axe 1d6 - - Off-Hand, Small 18 SE
Sickle 1d4 -2 - Off-Hand, Disarm+2, Small 9 SE
Whip 1d4 -2 - Reach, Trip +2, Small 3 SE

Weapon Damage Accuracy Critical Traits Cost

Battle Axe 1d10 + might - 2d10 + might Two Handed 36 SE
Club 1d4 + might -2 - Half-Handed 3 SE
Flail 1d8 + might -2 1d10 + might Bashing, Light 18 SE
Great Club 1d6 + might -2 - Bashing, Two Handed 6 SE
Great Axe 1d12 + might - 2d12 + might Two Handed 45 SE
Great Flail 1d10 + might -2 1d12 + might Bashing, Half Handed, Reach 24 SE
Mace 1d6 + might - 1d8 + might Bashing, Half Handed 12 SE
Morning Star 1d8 + might - 1d10 + might Bashing, Two Handed 18 SE
War Hammer 1d10 + might - 1d12 + might Bashing, Two Handed 24 SE

Weapon Damage Accuracy Critical Traits Cost

Great Sword 1d10 + might - 2d10 + might Reach, Two Handed 60 SE
Long Sword 1d8 + might - 2d8 + might Half-Handed 45 SE
Arming Sword 1d6 + might - 2d6 + might Light 30 SE
Short Sword 1d4 + might - 2d4 + might Light 15 SE

Weapon Damage Accuracy Critical Traits Cost

Curved Sword 1d6 +2 2d6 Light 60 SE
Fighting Spear 1d6 - 2d8 Two Handed, Reach 60 SE
Quarter Staff 1d4 +2 - Two Handed, Disarm+2, Trip+2 10 SE
Thin Blade 1d6 - 2d8 Light 60 SE

Weapon Damage Accuracy Critical Traits Cost

Lance, Light 1d10 + might - 2d12 + might Mounted 60 SE
Lance, Heavy 1d12 + might - 3d12+ might Mounted, Reach, Long 75 SE

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

Weapon Damage Accuracy Critical Traits Cost

Halberd 1d10 + might - 2d10 + might Two Handed, Reach, Long 45 SE
Pike 1d8 + might +2 2d8 + might Two Handed, Reach, Long 35 SE
Pole Axe 1d12 + might - 2d12 + might Two Handed, Reach, Long 45 SE
Trident 1d8 + might - 2d8 + might Two Handed, Reach, Long, 50 SE
War Scythe 1d12 + might -2 3d6 + might Two Handed, Reach, Long 55 SE

Weapon Damage Accuracy Critical Traits Cost

Medium 1d10 + might -2 2d10 Disarm +2, Light 40 SE
Large 1d12 + might -2 2d12 Two Handed, Disarm +2 50 SE

Weapon Damage Accuracy Range Critical Traits Cost

Bola - -2 10 yrds 1d4 +4 trip 3 SE
Chakram 1d4 - 20 yrds 2d4 - 9 SE
Javelin 1d6 +2 40 yrds 2d8 - 18 SE
Sling 1d4 -2 40 yrds 1d6 Bashing 3 SE
Throwing Knife 1d2 - 10 yrds 2d4 Quick Throw 9 SE
Throwing Spear 1d6 - 30 yrds 2d8 - 6 SE
Rock 1d4 -2 10 yrds 1d6 Bashing -

*Thrown weapons can be used as melee weapons using the fighting skill or used as ranged weapons using the archery skill.

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

Weapon Damage Accuracy Range Critical Traits Cost

Great Bow 1d10 -2 50 Yrds 2d10 Bow 40 SE
Great Bow, 1d10 + might -2 55 Yrds 2d12 + might Bow 80 SE
Long Bow 1d8 -2 50 Yrds 2d8 Bow 30 SE
Long Bow, 1d8 + might -2 55 Yrds 2d10 + might Bow 60 SE
Short Bow 1d6 -2 30 Yrds 2d6 Bow 20 SE
Short Bow 1d6 + might -2 33 Yrds 2d8 + might Bow 40 SE

Weapon Damage Accuracy Range Critical Traits Cost

Double 1d10/1d10 - 20 Yrds 2d10 Two Handed, 160 SE
Crossbow Double Shot
Hand Crossbow 1d8 - 15 Yrds 2d8 Light, Reload 60 SE
Heavy Crossbow 1d12 - 30 Yrds 2d12 Two Handed 100 SE
Light Crossbow 1d10 - 20 Yrds 2d10 Two Handed 80 SE

Design Notes
Bows vs Crossbows

By just looking at the weapon chart for a moment, you will see that bows have a rather odd disadvantage that
crossbows do not share, that being that every single bow imposes a -2 penalty to accuracy. Why is that?

Historically one of the reasons some people used crossbows was that they were easier to use. Sure they were
harder to make and probably more expensive, but as far as actually using them to launch projectiles, crossbows
were much easier. Thus, the crossbow did not require as much specialized training on the part of the end user. I
tried to reflect that with the accuracy penalty. This penalty means that an archer will always be at a disadvantage
against a crossbowman who has spent the exact same amount of time with their weapon.

But, a bow does have a number of advantages over a crossbow that might not be that obvious at first glance. There
are many favors related to the archery skill that can only be utilized by a character using a bow. The first of which, is
Bow Proficiency, which negates the penalty to accuracy all together. After an archer has that favor they can move
on to favors like long ranged shot, rapid shot, full draw, or needle’s eye. For the archer willing to do the work, a bow
can be a very powerful and versatile weapon that surpasses the crossbow in just about every way.

As a result; bows are a fantastic weapon for those who want to invest the time and energy into them, while
71in the extra features. -James
crossbows are a good, sturdy, reliable weapon but lacking
Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

Armor Armor Rating Cost Traits

Cloth (Quilted) 1 15 CP Imposes a -2 penalty to guard and initiative
Leather Jerkin 1 6 SE -
Cloth (Gambeson) 2 6 SE Imposes a -2 penalty to guard and initiative

Armor Armor Rating Cost Traits

Leather Cuirass 2 40 SE Imposes a -2 penalty to guard and initiative
Imposes a -2 penalty to stealth and acrobatics
Imposes a -2 penalty to mysticism and channeling
Ring Mail 3* 90 SE Imposes a -2 penalty to guard and initiative
Imposes a -2 penalty to stealth and acrobatics
Imposes a -2 penalty to mysticism and channeling
Scale Mail 3* 60 SE Imposes a -4 penalty to guard and initiative
Imposes a -4 penalty to stealth and acrobatics
Imposes a -4 penalty to mysticism and channeling
Chain Mail 4* 120 SE Imposes a -2 penalty to guard and initiative
Imposes a -2 penalty to stealth and acrobatics
Imposes a -2 penalty to mysticism and channeling

Armor Armor Rating Cost Traits

Steel Cuirass 4* 120 SE Imposes a -4 penalty to guard and initiative
Imposes a -4 penalty to stealth and acrobatics
Imposes a -4 penalty to mysticism and channeling
Light Plate 5* 180 SE Imposes a -4 penalty to guard and initiative
Imposes a -4 penalty to stealth and acrobatics
Imposes a -4 penalty to mysticism and channeling
Heavy Plate 6* 240 SE Imposes a -4 penalty to guard and initiative
Imposes a -4 penalty to stealth and acrobatics
Imposes a -4 penalty to mysticism and channeling

Armor Armor Rating Cost Traits

Light Barding 4* 360 SE -
Medium Barding 6* 540 SE Imposes a -2 penalty to movement
Heavy Barding 8* 720 SE Imposes a -4 penalty to movement

Shield Guard Cost Traits

Small Shield (Buckler) +1 10 SE Imposes a -4 penalty to mysticism and channeling
Light Shield +2 20 SE Push +2, Prevents Spell Casting
Middle Shield +3 30 SE Push +2, Prevents Spell Casting
Heavy Shield +4 40 SE Push +2, Prevents Spell Casting

* Against a weapon with the bashing trait, the Armor Rating of this
72 armor is reduced to 2.
Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

If a half handed weapon is used in the off-hand it imposes a

-2 penalty to attack checks and does not get a bonus to
Accuracy: Some weapons modify the attack check made damage from the character’s might score (if any).
with them.
Initiative: Amor imposes a penalty to the character’s
Armor Rating: Amor grants its wearer and armor rating. initiative score.
When a character takes damage from an most attacks they
will subtract their Armor Rating score from the damage Light: A light weapon is a melee weapon designed to be
done by the attack to determine how much damage they used in one hand. If a light weapon is used in the off-hand
actually suffer. it imposes a -2 penalty to attack checks and does not get a
bonus to damage from the character’s might score (if any).
Attacks done by bashing damage ignore any Armor Rating
offered by armor greater than 2. Long: The weapon cannot be used to attack targets
adjacent to the wielder.
Energy damage, such as cold, fire, electrical, phantom, or
necrotic, as well as certain other types of damage such as Mounted: This weapon can only be effectively used from
damage from falling are unaffected by armor. horseback, otherwise attacks made with it suffer a -2
penalty. Mounted weapons cannot be used in the off hand.
Bashing: A bashing weapon is less affected by armor than
other weapons. When a character wearing armor is struck Off Hand: Off hand weapons may be used in a character’s
by a weapon with the bashing trait, the Armor Rating of the off hand without penalty.
armor is normally reduced to no greater than 2.
Push: The weapon grants a bonus when attempting to
Bow: Weapons from the bow group cannot be used with push.
one hand.
Quick Throw: Throwing knives can be thrown as a fast
Critical: When a character makes a successful attack action.
check and the 2d10 they rolled for the check shows
doubles, the attack is considered a critical hit. On a critical Reach: The weapon may be used to attack targets up to
hit, use the damage listed in the critical column rather than two yards away.
normal damage listed for the weapon.
Reload: Crossbows must be reloaded after each attack
Damage: How much damage the weapon inflicts on a before they can be used again. Reloading is a standard
successful attack check. action.

Some weapons inflict additional damage due to the Small: Small weapons may be used in a grapple.
character’s might score.
Trip: The weapon grants a bonus when attempting to trip.
A character using a weapon in their off-hand normally does
not gain a bonus to damage from their might score. Two Handed: The weapon can only be effectively used in
both hands. If it is used in two hands as it was intended
Disarm: The weapon grants a bonus when attempting to add a +1 bonus to damage in addition to any other
disarm. modifiers the weapon may get. If the weapon is used in 1
hand it imposes a -2 penalty on attack checks. Using a two
Double Shot: A double crossbow can be fired twice before handed weapon in the off-hand imposes another -2 penalty
needing to be reloaded. (-4 total)

Reloading is an extended action.

Half Handed: The weapon can be used in either one or two

hands. If it is used in two hands add a +1 bonus to damage
in addition to any other modifiers the weapon may get.

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

The result of shoddy or rushed craftsman ship or of These weapons have names, histories, and in some
equipment left to the ravaged of time. Rusty and cases lore that places them at important events and
subpar weapons may serve those who cannot afford wielded by great rulers and heroes. These weapons
standard quality gear or those who are forced to may be family heirlooms passed down from one
scavenge for equipment. generation to the next; they may be a symbol of
nobility or office.
Purchasing a Subpar Weapon
Subpar weapons are remarkably common and can Purchasing a Mastercraft Item
normally be purchased second hand from just about Because it requires a very special set of skills beyond
any town or village rather easily. those of a common smith to create a mastercraft item,
even finding such a weapon to purchase could be
Market Value: Half of the standard price. difficult. Typically only larger cities with specialized
master craftsmen will have these items for sale.

Market Value: At least five times the standard price.

Subpar or rusty items have all of the follothe
following disadvantages.

Rusty or Subpar Weapons A mastercraft item has one of the following changes
Accuracy -2 to its stats determined by the craftsman and the time
This weapon cannot be inscribed with of creations.
alchemical sigils.
Mastercraft Weapons
Should the character ever roll double 0’s Accuracy +1
while attacking with a subpar weapon the Damage +1
weapon will simply break. Range +25% (Ranged Weapons Only)
This weapon can be inscribed with two
Rusty or Subpar Armor alchemical sigils.
Increase penalty to guard and initiative by 2
Mastercraft Armor
This armor cannot be inscribed with
Armor Rating +1
alchemical sigils. Reduce penalty to guard and initiative by 1
Should the wearer of the armor suffer a This armor can be inscribed with two
single blow that inflicts damage equal to or alchemical sigils.
greater than four times the items Armor
Rating, the armor is destroyed. Mastercraft Shields
Guard +1
This shield can be inscribed with two
Rusty or Subpar Shields alchemical sigils.
Guard -2
These enhancements are not magical or alchemical
This shield cannot be inscribed with but rather just properties of the fine craftsmanship of
alchemical sigils. the piece. As such the nature of the augmentation is
fairly obvious to anyone who examines the weapon
or piece and has any degree of familiarity with the
more standard versions. No special skill or magic is
needed to determine that the weapon or armor is a
mastercraft or the nature of the enhancement.

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

Apron 1 SE Backpack 1 SE
Belt 1 SE Bedroll 2 SE
Boots 5 SE Blanket 1 SE
Cape 5 SE Bottle (Glass) 5 CP
Cloak 1 SE Broom 1 CP
Dress 10 SE Candle 1 CP
Gloves 2 CP Chain (5ft) 2 SE
Gown 8 CP Clay Bowl 1 CP
Hat 5 CP Clay Jug 4 CP
Jacket 1 SE Clay Cup 1 CP
Long Coat 5 SE Climbing Hook 1 SE
Robe 5 CP Dice Set 2 CP
Shirt 5 CP Game Board 1 SE
Shoes 1SE Goblet (Iron) 5 SE
Skirt 5 CP Flask 5 CP
Trousers 1 SE Flute 10 SE
Vest 3 CP Harp 20 SE
Hammer 4 CP
Horn 5 SE
Ink 5 CP
Bracelet (silver) 50 SE Iron Bar (1ft) 1 SE
Bracelet (Gold) 500 SE Iron Pan 1 SE
Earrings (Gold) 250 SE Iron Pot 1 SE
Earrings (Silver) 25 SE Jar (Glass) 5 CP
Necklace (Bronze) 10 SE Knife 3 CP
Necklace (Gold) 1000 SE Lantern 2 SE
Necklace (Silver) 100 SE Lock 4 SE
Ring (Bronze) 5 SE Lute 10 SE
Ring (Gold) 5,500 SE Notebook 5 CP
Ring (Steel) 50 SE Oil Lamp 4 SE
Ox Plow 50 SE
Pick Axe 1 SE
Amethyst 15 SE Playing Card 2 CP
Cortez 15 SE Quill 3 CP
Diamond 500 SE Razor 3 CP
Emerald 150 SE Rope (12ft) 1 SE
Garnet 50 SE Shovel 8 CP
Jade 150 SE Smoking Pipe 1 SE
Moonstone 25 SE Tent 10 SE
Obsidian 50 SE Torch 5 CP
Pearl, Fresh Water 15 SE Twine 1 CP
Pearl, Saltwater 150 SE Wineskin 3 CP
Ruby 150 SE Saddle 20 SE
Sapphire 50 SE Saddle Bags 10 SE
Turquoise 25 SE Violin 40 SE

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

Ale/Beer (Mug) 2 CP Canoe 100 SE

Bath, Public 5 CP Carriage 300 SE
Bath, Private 1 SE Covered Wagon 200 SE
Bath, Luxury 20 SE Donkey Cart 50 SE
Coffee 10 SE Horse Cart 100 SE
Inn Raft 50 SE
Poor Quality 5 CP Row Boat 100 SE
Inn (1 Night) Sail Boat 200 SE
Average Quality 1 SE Ship, Small 1,000 SE
Inn (1 Night) Ship, Medium 2,000 SE
Fine Quality 500 SE Ship, Large 5,000 SE
Meal, Poor Quality+ 1 CP Ship, Huge 10,000 SE
Meal, Average Quality 5 CP Wagon 150 SE
Meal, Fine Quality 1 SE
Stabling a Mount 1 SE
Tea 10 SE
Wine, Poor Quality 1 CP Alchemist Lab
Wine, Average Quality 1 SE Portable 100 SE
Wine, Fine Quality 200 SE Anti-Venom 5 SE
Bandages (5) 1 SE
Dry Rations (1) 1 SE
Lock Pick 12 SE
Boar 30 SE Medicine 5 SE
Cat 5 CP
Chicken (Hen) 1 SE
Cow 50 SE
Bull 100 SE Bestiary (Dragons) 200 SE
Dog 5 SE Bestiary (Beasts) 50 SE
Donkey / Mule 20 SE Bestiary (Elementals) 200 SE
Falcon 10 SE Bestiary (Fant. Creatures) 100 SE
Goat 1 SE Bestiary (Humanoids) 200 SE
Horse 100 SE Bestiary (Ogres) 200 SE
Ox 75 SE Bestiary (Plants) 100 SE
Pig 10 SE Book (Alchemy) 200 SE
Pony 50 SE Bestiary (Restless Spirits) 200 SE
Ram 10 SE Bestiary (Walking Dead) 200 SE
Rat 1 CP Book (Alchemy) 200 SE
Raven 5 CP Book (Arcana) 200 SE
Rooster 2 SE Book (Classic Lit.) 50 SE
Songbird 1 CP Book (Erotic Poetry) 50 SE
Sheep 5 SE Book (History) 100 SE
Book (Monsters) 50 SE
Book (Poetry) 50 SE
Book (Religious) 50 SE
Book (Science) 100 SE
Book (Slimes) 100 SE
Grimoire (Per School) 300 SE

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

Care and Comfort 10 SE Bed, Small 100 SE

Recover Hit Points (1d4) 10 SE Bed, Medium 200 SE
Recover Hit Points (1d6) 20 SE Bed, Large 500 SE
Recover Hit Points (1d8) 30 SE Bookshelf 50 SE
Recover Hit Points (1d10 50 SE Chair, Armchair 100 SE
Remove Injury 100 SE Chair, Dinning 20 SE
Chair, Rocking 30 SE
Chandelier 500 SE
Dresser 100 SE
Research 20 SE Mirror 100 SE
Appraise an Item 10% of value Painting 50 SE
Identify Alchemical Item 100 SE Rug 5x5 10 SE
Rug 10x10 20 SE
Rug 20x20 40 SE
Land (per acre) Table, Small 20 SE
Land, Farmland / Pasture 1,000 SE Table, Medium 40 SE
Land, Urban (Low End) 2,000 SE Table, Large 100 SE
Land, Urban (Middle) 5,000 SE Tapestry 30 SE
Land, Urban (High End) 10,000 SE Wardrobe 200 SE
Land, Roadside 2,000 SE
Land, Wilderness 500 SE
Auditorium 200 SE
Houses* Bathhouse 200 SE
House, Shack (1 ) 3,000 SE 1 Bedroom 500 SE
House, Small (2) 10,000 SE 2 Bedroom, Master 800 SE
House, Medium (3) 30,000 SE 3 Chapple 200 SE
House, Large (5) 100,000 SE 5 Dining Hall 200 SE
House, Very Large (10) 500,000 SE 10 Dormitory / Barracks 500 SE
Dungeon 500 SE
Business * Forge 1000 SE
Small Building (2) 1,000 SE Hospital 500 SE
Medium Building (4) 4,000 SE Kitchen 500 SE
Large Building (6) 8,000 SE Laboratory 3000 SE
Very Large Building (8) 12,000 SE Library 1000 SE
Parlor 300 SE
Houses and business are listed with the number of Stable 100 SE
rooms slots they come with. Rooms can be Storefront 500 SE
purchased for a house or business from the table on Study 200 SE
the next page, up to the number of room slots that the Tavern 500 SE
building contains. Vault 1000 SE
Workshop 500 SE
A purchased room comes fully furnished. Additional
furnishings can purchased as well if desired. * These prices represent standard quality items,
luxury versions could easily cost as 5 times or more
the listed price while subpar version can normally be
acquired for half the listed price.

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

Bat Heart 10 SE
Crafting Materials
Bear Heart 10 SE
Beeswax x5 1 CP
Cockatrice Heart 30 SE
Cloth 5 CP
Griffon Heart 30 SE
Iron 2 SE
Manticore Heart 30 SE
Leather 1 SE
Spider Heart 15 SE
Parchment 1 CP
Wolf Heart 5 SE
Steel 3 SE
Wood 1 SE
Metal Essence
Brass Essence 5 SP
Common Herbs
Copper Essence 2 SP
Blood Root 3 SE
Bronze Essence 5 SP
Bride's Bane 3 SE
Gold Essence 20 SP
Corpse Seed 1 SE
Iron Essence 5 SP
Crypt Bloom 1 SE
Silver Essence 10 SP
Dog Weed 1 SE
Steel Essence 10 SP
Gold Root 1 SE
Maiden's Tear 2 SE
Gem Dust
Silver Petal 1 SE
Amethyst Dust 20 SP
Diamond Dust 100 SP
Rare Herbs
Emerald Dust 50 SP
Dragon Leaf 7 SE
Garnet Dust 20 SP
Fox Fire 9 SE
Moonstone Dust 20 SP
Horse Root 7 SE
Sapphire Dust 35 SP
Raven Leaf 5 SE
White Moss 5 SE
Widow Song 7 SE

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

How a character chooses to dress themselves says a Characters will often depend on rooms at inns and
lot about them. For the most part the clothing listed taverns for their lodging. Spending a night in a poor
is representative of simple durable versions of the quality inn will provide a character with only
garments. They aren’t going to impress anyone, but impaired rest unless they can improve their rest
in common society, the character isn’t going to be through some other means. The only real advantage
embarrassed either. to sleeping in such conditions is the slight levels of
privacy and safety that they may provide.
For a quality version of the clothing, double the listed
price. Such garments would be considered Characters staying in low quality inns may be
appropriate among the middle class of merchants and exposed to illnesses like Widow’s Fever, Blight
lower nobility. Worm, or Weeping Rot.

For fine versions of the clothing, multiply the listed A character than can afford to sleep in a fine quality
price by 5. Such fine garments would be required to inn on the other hand will benefit from enhanced rest.
interact with the upper classes and the aristocracy.

Underdressing for a particular class is sure to cause

most members of that class to look down on the Animals can be purchased as work animals or
characters and may even causes them to be barred companions. Once an animal is purchased, it will
from entering certain locations. While over dressing need to be fed, housed, and cared for. Such
may impress some, it may also cause others to dislike companion animals provide little to no mechanical
the characters because of their “fancy clothes” or benefit in most situations, unless the character has the
even mark them as potential targets for thieves or animal companion favor.

Character may purchase vehicles such as carts or

People wear jewelry for a variety of reasons. wagons to help transport themselves or their gear.
Personal keepsakes, badges of station, or simple Larger vehicles may even be used as short term
vanity. Jewelry can be set with gemstones, if this is shelters when traveling. Keep in mind that the listed
the case, the price will include the price of the gem as price does not include the cost of the animals needed
well. to pull the vehicle. Likewise, ships will require
crews of sailors to man them.

Gemstones are beautiful stones that are very

valuable. They are often set in pieces of jewelry. A character may seek medical attention from a
church, monastery, or hospital. The cost of the
treatment depends on what exactly it is the character
needs to have done.
Goods and gear is a catch all category that covers a
wide variety of items that characters may find useful
on their adventures.

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

Tools and workshops are important to characters that Buying property depends on many things. First and
wish to work with their hands and make things. This foremost, is if the concept of owning land is even
category also includes items that are required to use possible in a given place. It may very well be that the
certain skills or are consumed after their use. king or ruler is assumed to own all the land in a given
region and anyone living or working on said land is
Alchemical Laboratories merely a resident with no rights. Perhaps only those
A portable alchemical laboratory is mostly just a of noble blood can own land, or those native to the
backpack or case containing glass vials, purified area. Another barrier to landownership is that of
water, acids, and other chemicals that are needed in responsibility. Buying a thousand acres of land in the
the mixing of alchemical substances in addition to the wilderness might be within the reach of the very
ingredients required to make an alchemical item and wealthy, but if that land is home to a family of
is itself considered a large item for the sake of manticores, it falls to the landowner to deal with
encumbrance, requiring 2 item slots. A portable them or suffer fines or perhaps even prosecution.
laboratory can be used to create potions and stones,
Assuming that property ownership is an option (as is
but none of the more complex alchemical items can
the case in most cities), availability is the next hurdle.
be produced from such rudimentary conditions, for
A single family may own the same plot of land or
that, a full laboratory is required.
business of generations. The likelihood of finding a
willing seller may be very small, and persuading an
unwilling seller might increase the price of property
Anti-venom causes a character to recover from the
quite a bit.
poisoned condition. Anti-Venom is consumed during
its use. Finally is the subject of the land itself. Inside a city,
land price is based largely on the class of the district
it is in. When purchasing any property, the cost of
A bandage is required to use the healing skill to =
the land it is on must also be factored in. Thus a
treat damage or to treat injury and is consumed
tavern found high end district will cost much more
during its use.
than the same tavern found in the slums.

Dry Rations Each building (houses and businesses) come with a

Dry ration provides a relatively nutritious, if entirely number of room slots. For simplicity sake, simply
tasteless meal when consumed. purchase the desired room as a package as this will
include all the furnishings and minutia to make the
Lock Picks room usable. The one requirement is that all rooms
A lock pick consists of a number of thin, specially, in a house business must be of the same level of
constructed, metal wires of various sizes. A lock quality.
pick is required to pick locks using the thievery skill.

Medicine provides a +2 bonus to stamina checks to Bars of raw material, strange herbs, the life blood of
recover from sickness. The medicine is consumed monsters, purified metals transformed into a liquid
during its use. state, and powdered gems all fall under the category
of crafting materials.
These items are required to make items using the
craftsmanship skill. Each item requires a specific list
Books are rare and valuable items. Books tend to
of crafting materials which will be consumed during
relate to a specific subject and are required to use the
the creation of a new item.
lore skill to perform research.

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

Crime and Punishment

Players may from time to time, find themselves on
Petty Crimes Fine the wrong side of a legal situation. While laws vary
Assault, Petty 50 SE greatly from place to place, these are a set of very
Blasphemy 20 SE rough guidelines that GMs can use to determine what
Breaking a Curfew 10 SE penalties player might face if they are convicted of
Evading 20 SE certain acts. Not all laws will apply in every city,
Hersey 30 SE town, or location and some laws will carry greater
Housebreaking 100 SE penalties based on the attitudes of the court.
Loitering 10 SE
Petty Mischief 10 SE Petty Crimes
Public Indecency 30 SE Petty crimes are normally handled by a peasant court
Public Intoxication 20 SE and will be tried by a peasant magistrate. They
Resisting 100 SE normally carry no greater penalty than the fine that
Theft, Under 10 SE 10 SE they impose. If a guilty party is unable or unwilling
Theft, Under 100 SE 100 SE to pay a fine, they will most likely be imprisoned for
Threatening 20 SE one day for each SE of the fine they did not pay.
Trespassing 10 SE Other methods of punishment may cover the cost of
Vagrancy 10 SE the fines such as time spent in stocks, canings, lashes,
Vandalism 30 SE or some other hardship.

High Crimes Fine High Crimes

Arson 500 SE* High crimes are a very serious matter. The trial for a
Assault of a Noble 500 SE* high crime will normally be held before a lord, judge,
Assault of an or even a king. A high crime is normally punished
appointed official 250 SE* by a fine as well as a term of imprisonment for a
Assault, Armed 250 SE* number of days equal to the imposed fine.
Assault, Grievous 500 SE* If a person is convicted of high crimes resulting in a
Forging Official Documents 250 SE* fine of 1000 SE or more will most likely find
Kidnapping 250 SE* themselves facing the death penalty
Grievous Acts 1000 SE*
Manslaughter 500 SE*
Murder 1000 SE*
Theft, Over 100 SE 250 SE*
Treason 1000 SE*
Unlawful Imprisonment 500 SE*
Witchcraft 250 SE*

*These crimes will normally carry a prison sentence

of a number of days equal to the SE of the imposed

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

Chapter 7
Character Advancement

The campfire was starting to die down. It was little more than embers now, but it still cast warm light around the
clearing. The air was thick with smoke and the smell of cooked rabbits.

Markus checked his bandages. The wounds were healing, but it would still be a couple of days before these
wounds joined the collection of scars he had already acquired. He leaned back against a tree and allowed himself a
contented sigh. This was the most comfortable he had been in weeks and he wanted to savor it.

Laura was tuning the strings on her lute while humming quietly to herself. Her ridiculously thin bladed sword was
resting comfortably on her hip. Markus hadn’t thought much of the girl at first, but she had proven herself enough
times to earn his trust.

Lewin was stretched out across a fallen log. The remains of three rabbits lay scattered around him, at least the
parts that weren’t still in his beard. Markus noticed that Lewin had painted over the face of the shield he had
found with the symbols of his clan. A boar and a war hammer.

Even Jane, the normally unpleasant priestess, seemed content. She was reading from her holy book now by the
dim light. But less than an hour ago she had been smiling along with the rest of them as Laura had sung her bawdy
songs. She would deny it of course. She had replaced her cloth shoes with a pair of sturdy leather boots. A
dagger hung from her belt in a leather sheath. Markus didn’t know where she had gotten that.

Only Dedrick sat off by himself. His eyes were closed, but Markus knew he was awake. Thinking about whatever
it was that wizards think about. He was getting stronger. When they had started, Dedrick had struggled to light a
fire, but just earlier today Markus had seen him hurl arcs of lighting from his fingertips. It made Markus’s skin
crawl. But the wizard was one of them. He had fought and bled right alongside the other.

Markus closed his eyes. Tomorrow they should reach the tower.

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

qualify for this award, without the need to bust out

with “The Aristocrats” in the middle of a game
As character’s adventure and overcome challenges, session.
they learn, grown, and train in their skills and
abilities. This progression comes in the form of Improvements
experience points (XP) that the GM awards the To improve a character, a player needs to spend a
players after games. The players may then spend the number of XP based on what it is they are trying to
XP to improve their characters in various ways. improve.

XP should be awarded by the GM at the end of each Improving Skill Training

game session based on the following criteria. A player may improve their character’s training in a
skill by spending a number of XP equal to the level
It was an average game where the players worked of training they are obtaining. For instance,
together overcame minor obstacles and over all increasing training from 2 to 3 would cost 3 XP.
achieved their goals.
2 XP Skill training cannot be increased beyond 8.

It was an important game where the player worked Improving Attributes

together and overcame significant obstacles and A player may improve an attribute by spending a
achieved an important goal. 3 XP. number of XP equal to 5 plus the score they are
obtaining. For instance, increasing an attribute form
It was an epic game where the players worked 2 to 3 would cost 8 XP.
together and overcame a daunting obstacle to achieve
a monumental goal. Attributes cannot be increased beyond 5.
5 XP.
New Favors
It was a poor game where the players interfered with A player may obtain a new favor by spending 5 XP.
each other to the detriment of the group and they
were unable to achieve any meaningful objective. Gold
1 XP. A player may spend 1 XP to get a single gold dragon.
If the player’s character has the Wealth favor, they
Players may also gain bonus XP for their character if gain 10 GD instead.
they do something particularly noteworthy. A player
who goes out of their way to increase the fun for the
rest of the group or who role plays their character
particularly well in a way that adds to the game
should be given an award of 1 bonus XP.

If a player makes an effort to role play their character

in such a way that reinforces their character’s
personality traits they gain an award of 1 bonus xp.

For the most part, a player should just need to pay lip
service to their character’s personality to get this
award, not necessarily resort to high drama. For
instance the player of a character with the “sardonic”
personality trait might just say that the character
makes an off color joke at an inopportune time to

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

Chapter 8

The screaming stopped.

Reina threw another book into her backpack. She wasn’t even bothering to check the titles at this point. Outside, the
sounds of horses and screaming was growing louder. The air was thick with the smell of smoke.

She jumped a little when Nicholas ran into the laboratory He had his crossbow in his hand.

“Milady, Aldrick has the horses ready, we have to leave now!”

“I am Reina Adrienne of House Le’Gall.” She scolded him. “I will not flee from some horde of hillsmen.” She was
proud and posturing, but it wasn’t just her life at stake here. She threw another book into the bag.

“Apologizes milady.” Aldrick said flatly. “But the road to Castle Dresax won’t hold much longer. As Aldrick spoke he
noticed that there was a corpse lying against the wall of the laboratory. The dead man was still holding a hillsmen axe,
but he was little more than a skeleton. Aldrick held back a shudder as he tried not to think about what fate must have
befallen whatever poor soul had tried to take Lady Reina with an axe. He refused to remember whatever it was she
called her particular area of study, as much as it annoyed her “death magic” would suffice.

Reina took one last look around the laboratory. There was so much she couldn’t take. So much that was going to be
lost. She held out her arm and whistled. Her hawk landed gracefully on her outstretched arm. She quickly tied a note
to its leg.

“Take this to my sister.” She said, and without hesitation, the bird flew through an open window into the smoke black
sky beyond.

“I have done all I can. Come, let’s meet up with Aldrick”.

Nicholas loaded his crossbow and prepared to depart. He took one last look at the skeleton and the pair left.

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

Silk Words
Invocations are minor magical effects that require
The caster infuses their words with subtle magic that
very little training in magic to perform.
allows them to hold increased sway over others.
Invocations do not cost mana, but cannot be casted if
Unlike most invocations, silk words costs a single
the caster is exhausted (has no remaining
point of mana. The caster gains a +2 bonus on any
determination points).
charisma, etiquette, or intimidate check they make
during the same turn the this invocation is casted.
Invocations are casted as a fast action.
Wind Walk
Invocations are not associated with any school of
The caster is able to levitate themselves off the
ground. The caster may move horizontally or
vertically a number of yards equal to their
To cast an invocation, the caster must make a
proficiency in mysticism.
mysticism check, difficulty 8.

Witch Light
The caster creates a pale floating light. The light is
strong enough to light a 3x3 area centered on the
Arcane Shield caster. The light will last until it is dismissed by the
The caster surrounds their bodies with a thin layer of caster or until the caster becomes exhausted or dies.
magical protection. Until the beginning of their next
round the caster has an Armor Rating of 2. If the Whisper
caster is hit by an attack or takes any damage while The caster is able to send a message to another
arcane shield is in effect, the shield fades, making person that the caster can see. The caster need not
this invocation only effective against one attack at speak the message aloud, only think it. The target,
most. and only the target, will hear the message as a
disembodied whisper. The message may contain a
Ignite number of words equal to the caster’s mysticism
The caster lights a small fire on a flammable material proficiency or less.
such as lighting a candle, torch, or campfire adjacent
to the caster. The flame is very small and not very Wizard’s Blade
hot. This ability has no combat application, but given The caster uses highly focused telekinetic energy to
the right conditions the flame may grow. strike a target within 3 yards. Unlike most
invocations that require a mysticism check against a
Invisible Call difficulty of 10, in this case the mysticism check acts
The caster has some minor telekinetic abilities. They as an attack roll made against the target’s guard. If
may bring a small light object (up to 1lb) to their successful, this spell does 1d4 points of damage to
hand from up to three yards away. the target.

Invisible Push
The caster uses strong but unfocused telekinetic force
to shove a single target within 3 yards of them in a
direction of the caster’s choice. The target of this
spell are allowed to make a might check to resist. A
target that fails their might check must also make an
agility check or will be knocked prone. This ability
may only be used on small or medium creatures.

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

Spells are more powerful magical effects than

invocations. They require significant magical study to
Abjuration is a protective and regenerative school of
Spells cost mana to cast, the exact cost for each spell magic that focuses on magic related to healing and
will be listed with the spell description. protection against harm.
If a caster does not have enough mana to cast a spell,
any remaining mana cost will be applied as energy
damage to the caster’s hit points.
Divination is a type of magic devoted to the
acquisition of knowledge and information.
Each spell is associated with a school of magic. A
spell caster must have access to a school before they
can learn spells from it.
Enchantment deals with magical effects that change
Some spells have requirements that must be met the nature of things and with direct manipulation of
before the spell can be learned. The requirements magical forces.
will be listed in the spell description.

To cast a spell, the caster must make a mysticism

check, The difficulty of the check is determined by Evocation magic directly manipulates primal
the mana cost of the spell. elemental forces.

Mana Cost Difficulty

2 4
Illusion is the magic of creating glamers and mirages
4 8
that fool the senses.
8 10
12 12
16 16
20 18 Necromancy harnesses dark magic that manipulates
the powers of death and unlife
Many spells have the ability to afflict harmful effects
on other, be it in the form of damage or some other
magic induced condition that the target would rather

In these cases, the target is allowed to make a

reaction against the spell. The exact reaction needed
will depend on the spell being used, which will be
explained in the spells description.

The difficulty to resist a spell is 10 + the mind score

of the caster.

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

Design Notes
Spells and Magic

Spells were one of the most fun and also most difficult things to come up with when designing this
game, because essentially you are determining the exact limitations of what magic is capable of in an
entirely different world, when by definition, magic is supposed to be somewhat intangible and

In the end, I went with six schools of magic, because I felt like that provided an appropriate degree of
versatility, while at the same time not being overwhelming. I tried to make each school unique and have
a unique personality, while at the same time making each school useful for game play. A character that
uses divination is going to play much differently than a character that uses necromancy, but hopefully
both of the will be able to contribute to the game and feel useful.

One of the things I did struggle with was the duration of the spells. You will notice that for most spells,
the duration is 5 rounds. This is because I didn’t want to bog gameplay down with timekeeping or have
wizard characters that were constantly under the effect of one spell or another. Rather, the character
can cast a spell, try to accomplish a single task and then move on. If you are interested in more lasting
effects, you should check out alchemy, which offers a number of ways to make more permanent
magical items. -James
Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

Casting time: Standard Action

Mana Mana Cost: 4
Spells Cost Target: 1 living creature
Arcane Armor 4 Range: 5 yards
Arcane Armor, Greater 8 Area: NA
Wall of Force 12 Reaction: NA
Elemental Ward 4 Duration: 5 Rounds
Protection from Acid 8
Protection from Acid, Greater 12 Arcane armor creates a magical force field around the
Circle of Protection: Acid 16 caster. This force field acts as armor granting the
Protection from Cold 8 target an Armor Rating of 4.
Protection from Cold, Greater 12
Circle of Protection: Cold 16
Protection from Fire 8
Requirement: Arcane Armor
Protection from Fire, Greater 12
Casting time: Extended Action
Circle of Protection: Fire 16
Mana Cost: 8
Protection from Lightning 8
Target: 1 living creature
Protection from Lit. Greater 12
Range: 5 yards
Circle of Protection: Lightning 16
Area: NA
Glyph of Abjuration 2
Reaction: NA
Healing Touch 4
Duration: 5 Rounds
Healing Touch, Greater 12
Healing Touch, Salvation 16
One of the more powerful defensive spells available
Healing Aura 12
to spell casters, this spell creates a powerful force
Healing Aura, Greater 16
field around the caster that protects them from all but
Persistent Healing 8
the more grievous forms of mundane damage. This
Persistent Healing 12
force field acts as armor granting the target an Armor
Purify 4
Rating of 10.
Magic Ward 4
Pacify 12
Scry Ward 4
Unstone 8
Requirement: Elemental Ward, Protection from
Casting time: Extended Action
Abjuration is the magic of healing and protection. Mana Cost: 16
Spell casters that focus on this school of magic are Target: NA
sometimes called abjurers. Range: NA
Area: 3x3
There are those who might think that abjuration is a Reaction: NA
weak school of magic due to its lack of offensive Duration: 5 Rounds
capabilities, but this is missing the point of the school
entirely. Abjuration cannot be judged on its ability to All creatures within the affected area gain Elemental
cause harm any more than a glass of water can be Resistance 8 against acid damage.
judged on its ability to start a fire, but only one will
help you when you are thirsty.

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

Range: 5 yards
Area: NA
Requirement: Elemental Ward, Protection from Reaction: NA
Cold Duration: 5 Rounds
Casting time: Extended Action
Mana Cost: 16 The caster gains Elemental Resistance 4 against cold,
Target: NA fire, and electric damage.
Range: 5 yards
Area: 3x3
Reaction: NA
Duration: 5 Rounds Casting time: Fast Action
Mana Cost: 2
All creatures within the affected area gain Elemental Target: NA
Resistance 8 against cold damage. Range: NA
Area: 1x1
Reaction: NA
Duration: 5 Round
Requirement: Elemental Ward, Protection from Fire Damage: NA
Casting time: Extended Action
Mana Cost: 16 The caster causes a magical glowing symbol to
Target: NA appear at their feet forming a magical circle of sorts.
Range: 5 yards So long as the caster stands on this circle, the mana
Area: 3x3 cost for spells casted from the school of Abjuration is
Reaction: NA reduced by 4 to a minimum of 1. If the caster leaves
Duration: 5 Rounds the circle before the spell’s duration expires, the spell
ends and the glyph vanishes.
All creatures within the affected area gain Elemental
Resistance of 8 against fire damage.

Casting time: Extended Action

Mana Cost: 12
Requirement: Elemental Ward, Protection from Target: NA
Lightning Range: 5 yards
Casting time: Extended Action Area: 3x3
Mana Cost: 16 Reaction: NA
Target: NA Duration: Instant
Range: 5 yards
Area: 3x3 All living creatures in the area of effect recover 1d6
Reaction: NA hit points.
Duration: 5 Rounds

All creatures within the affected area gain Elemental

Resistance 8 against Electric damage. Requirement: Healing Touch, Healing Aura
Casting time: Extended Action
Mana Cost: 16
Target: NA
Casting time: Standard Action Range: 5 yards
Mana Cost: 4 Area: 5x5
Target: 1 living creature Reaction: NA

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

Duration: Instant Mana Cost: 4

Target: 1 living creature
All living creatures in the area of effect recover 2d6 Range: 5 yards
hit points. Area: NA
Reaction: NA
Duration: 5 Round
Damage: NA
Mana Cost: 4
Casting time: Standard Action This spell specifically disrupts the power of magic
Target: 1 living creature targeting those under this spells effects. For the
Range: 1 yard duration of this spell, the target gains a +4 bonus to
Area: NA any reaction check made to resist spells and other
Reaction: NA magical effects.
Duration: Instant

The target recovers 1d8 hit points.

Casting time: Extended Action
Mana Cost: 12
Target: 1 living creature
Requirement: Healing Touch Range: 5 yards
Casting time: Extended Action Area: NA
Mana Cost: 12 Reaction: Will to Negate
Target: 1 living creature Duration: 5 Rounds
Range: 1 yard
Area: NA The target of the spell cannot make any attacks with
Reaction: NA the fighting skill or archery skill for the duration of
Duration: Instant this spell. If the target is targeted by an attack while
this spell is in effect, the spell immediately ends.
The target recovers 2d8 hit points and 1 point of

Requirements: Healing Touch

Casting time: Extended Action
Requirement: Healing Touch, Greater Healing Mana Cost: 8
Touch Target: 1 living creature
Casting time: Extended Action Range: 5 yards
Area: NA
Mana Cost: 16
Reaction: NA
Target: 1 living creature Duration: 5 Round
Range: 1 yard Damage: NA
Area: NA
Reaction: NA This spell surrounds the recipient with healing energy
Duration: Instant that heals them over time. The beginning of each
round, the target of this spell recovers 1d6 hit points
The target recovers 4d8 hit points and recovers from for the duration of the spell.
injury and all spent determination.

Requirements: Healing Touch, Persistent Healing

Casting time: Standard Action Casting time: Extended Action

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

Mana Cost: 12 Reaction: NA

Target: 1 living creature Duration: 5 Rounds
Range: 5 yards
Area: NA
The target gains Elemental Resistance 8 against cold
Reaction: NA
Duration: 5 Round damage.
Damage: NA

More powerful than the lesser persistent healing

spell, this spell causes the target to recover 1d8 hit Requirement: Elemental Ward, Protection from
points per round. Cold
Casting time: Extended Action
Mana Cost: 12
Target: 1 living creature
Requirement: Elemental Ward Range: 5 yards
Casting time: Extended Action Area: NA
Mana Cost: 8 Reaction: NA
Target: Caster Duration: 5 Rounds
Range: NA
Area: NA The target gains Elemental Resistance 12 against cold
Reaction: NA damage.
Duration: 5 Rounds

The caster gains Elemental Resistance 8 against acid

damage. Requirement: Elemental Ward
Casting time: Extended Action
Mana Cost: 8
Target: 1 living creature
Requirement: Elemental Ward, Protection from Range: 5 yards
Acid Area: NA
Casting time: Extended Action Reaction: NA
Mana Cost: 12 Duration: 5 Rounds
Target: 1 living creature
Range: 5 yards The target gains Elemental Resistance 8 against fire
Area: NA damage.
Reaction: NA
Duration: 5 Rounds

The target gains Elemental Resistance 12 against acid Requirement: Elemental Ward, Protection from Fire
damage. Casting time: Extended Action
Mana Cost: 12
Target: 1 living creature
Range: 5 yards
Requirement: Elemental Ward Area: NA
Casting time: Extended Action Reaction: NA
Mana Cost: 8 Duration: 5 Rounds
Target: 1 living creature
Range: 5 yards The target gains Elemental Resistance 12 against fire
Area: NA damage.

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

Area: 3x3
Reaction: NA
Duration: 1 day
Requirement: Elemental Ward
Casting time: Extended Action For the duration of this spell the affected area and
Mana Cost: 8 everyone in it cannot be the target of divination spells
Target: 1 living creature nor can a diviner enter the area though the use of a
Range: 5 yards projection spell.
Area: NA
Reaction: NA
Duration: 5 Rounds
Casting time: Extended Action
The target gains Elemental Resistance 8 against Mana Cost: 8
electric damage. Target: 1 petrified creature
Range: 5 yards
Area: NA
Reaction: NA
Requirement: Elemental Ward, Protection from Duration: Instant
Lightning Damage: NA
Casting time: Extended Action
Mana Cost: 12 This causes 1 creature that has been turned to stone to
Target: 1 living creature return to flesh and recover 1d6 hit points.
Range: 5 yards
Area: NA
Reaction: NA
Duration: 5 Rounds Requirement: Arcane Armor
Casting time: Extended Action
The target gains Elemental Resistance 8 against Mana Cost: 12
Target: NA
electric damage.
Range: 10 yards
Area: 10 yards
Reaction: NA
Duration: 1 day
Requirement: Healing Touch
Casting time: Standard Action The caster creates a shimmering, glowing wall of
Mana Cost: 4 pure magical energy. The wall is about 10 feet tall
Target: 1 living creature and fills an area of equal to 10 yards arranged in any
Range: 1 yard shape the caster wishes so long as it is a continuous
structure. No part of the wall can be more than 10
Area: NA
yards from the caster.
Reaction: NA
Duration: Instant Sections of the wall can be destroyed if it is attacked
and takes 10 points of damage in any one location.
The target recovers from poison or sickness. However, the wall has an armor score of 8 and
protection of 10 from cold, fire, and electric damage.
If any one part of the wall is destroyed, the entire
wall will be dispelled.
Casting time: Standard Action
The wall for last about a day if the wall if left alone.
Mana Cost: 4
Target: Caster
Range: NA

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

Spells Cost
Analyze Creature 4
Analyze Object 4
Detect Magic 4
Illusionist's Bane 8
Unshroud 8
Favorable Fortune 8
Cursed Fortune 12
Foretell Weather 2
Gift of Tongues 4
Glyph of Divination 2
Hand of Fate 4
Heighten Senses 4
Mind Gaze 4
Mind Gaze, Greater 12
Voices 4
Signal 4
Compass 4
Far Seeing 8
All Seeing Gaze 12 Requirement: Compass, Far Seeing
Protection from Phantoms 8 Casting time: Extended Action
Protection from Phantoms, Greater 12 Mana Cost: 12
Time Gaze 16 Target: Caster
Time Gaze, Greater 20 Range: NA
Time Slip 8 Area: NA
Temporal Relocation 12 Reaction: NA
Time Push 12 Duration: Instant
Time Shadow 12
Omen Gazing 4 The caster can witness the events of a distant location
Oracle 12 as they unfold. The caster sees the events as if they
Projection 8 are standing at the location. At this level the caster
Well of Knowledge 4 may target the spell on a specific person that they
have made physical contact with within the last 24
hours, observing them wherever they are at the
Divination is the magic of information and prophesy.
current moment as if they are standing next to them.
Students of divination, called diviners, have access to
a wealth of knowledge and lore as well as means to The casting of this spell is normally accomplished by
acquire more. A skilled diviner can delve into the the caster looking into a mirror or looking glass but
minds of others and time itself to unlock secrets that any reflective surface will do, even a reflective pool
would otherwise be lost. of water.

Casting time: Standard Action

Mana Cost: 4

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

Target: 1 Creature
Range: NA
Area: NA Requirement: Favorable Fortune
Reaction: Willpower to Negate Casting time: Extended Action
Duration: Instant Mana Cost: 12
Target: 1 Living Creature
The caster becomes immediately aware of one of the Range: 5 Yards
creature’s abilities and state. For instance the caster Area: NA
may wish to know the creature’s max and current hit Reaction: Willpower to Negate
points, max and current determination, guard score, Duration: 5 Rounds
and the creature’s attacks, or attributes.
The caster continues to increase their control of fate
The creature becomes aware that the spell casters is with this spell. For the first check the target makes
casting a spell on them, but won’t be completely sure during the duration of the spell, the target rolls 3d10
what the spell is doing. The target may make a and keeps the two lowest dice.
willpower check to resist this spell and prevent the
caster from learning anything. The target may make a Willpower check to negate
this spell.

Casting time: Standard Action

Casting time: Standard Action
Mana Cost: 4
Mana Cost: 4
Target: 1 Object
Target: Caster
Range: NA
Range: NA
Area: NA
Area: 5x5
Reaction: NA
Reaction: NA
Duration: Instant
Duration: 5 rounds
The caster becomes immediately aware of the nature
With this spell the caster gains the ability to detect
of an object that they are physically touching. The the presence of active magical effects and spells that
caster will learn if the object has any sort of alchemic are being casted within 5 yards of them. The exact
nature or other enchantments it may have on it. way that the caster becomes aware of these effects is
different for each caster and may even be different
from casting to casting. Most describe it as a tingling
or skin crawling sensation when near magic, others
Casting time: Standard Action say that when looking at a magical effect or
Mana Cost: 4 witnessing a spell being casted that their vision blurs
Target: Caster or that the effect appears to glow.
Range: NA
Regardless of how the caster perceives the effect, the
Area: NA sensation is undeniable and unmistakable.
Reaction: NA
Duration: Instant

The caster learns the direction in which a specific Requirement: Compass

person, location, or object can be found. The caster Casting time: Extended Action
learns nothing about the distance or exact location of Mana Cost: 8
the desired target, only the direction relative to the Target: Caster
caster in which the target lies.
Range: NA
Area: NA

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

Reaction: NA
Duration: Instant
Casting time: Standard Action
The caster can witness the events of a distant location Mana Cost: 4
as they unfold. The caster sees the events as if they Target: Caster
are standing at the location. The spell is limited in Range: NA
Area: NA
the sense that the caster can only witness a location
Reaction: NA
that they have physically been to within the last 24 Duration: 5 Round
hours and the caster can only see what is happening, Damage: NA
other senses such as hearing, touch, or smell do not
register. For the duration of this spell the caster can
understand, speak, and even write any language.
The casting of this spell is normally accomplished by
the caster looking into a mirror or looking glass but
any reflective surface will do, even a reflective pool
of water. Casting time: Fast Action
Mana Cost: 2
Target: NA
Requirement: NA Range: NA
Casting time: Extended Action Area: 1x1
Mana Cost: 8 Reaction: NA
Duration: 5 Round
Target: 1 Living Creature
Damage: NA
Range: 5 Yards
Area: NA The caster causes a magical glowing symbol to
Reaction: Willpower to Negate appear at their feet forming a magical circle of sorts.
Duration: 5 Rounds So long as the caster stands on this circle, the mana
cost for spells casted from the school of Divination is
The caster blurs the lines between foretelling the reduced by 4 to a minimum of 1. If the caster leaves
future and altering it. For the first check the target the circle before the spell’s duration expires, the spell
makes during the duration of the spell, the target rolls ends and the glyph vanishes.
3d10 and keeps the two highest dice.

The target may make a Willpower check to negate

this spell. Casting time: Standard Action
Mana Cost: 4
Target: Caster
Range: NA
Casting time: Fast Action Area: NA
Mana Cost: 2 Reaction: NA
Target: Caster Duration: 5 Round
Damage: NA
Range: NA
Area: NA This spell is one of a handful of divination spells that
Reaction: NA blur the line between foretelling the future and
Duration: Instant manipulating outcome of events. For the duration of
this spell the caster may reroll any one die when
The caster becomes immediately aware of what the
making a skill check.
weather will be like for the next 24 hours in the area
where they are currently located.

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

context of a particular thought. For instance a caster

may use this spell on an individual only to be
Requirement: Detect Magic overcome with the smug satisfaction that very soon
Casting time: Standard Action the target will get their revenge, but have no idea who
Mana Cost: 4 the target is plotting against or what form the revenge
Target: Caster may take. The target could just as easily be planning
Range: NA to embarrass an unfaithful lover as they are to
Area: NA assassinate the king. In most cases the target is
Reaction: NA completely unaware of the mental probing, but they
Duration: 5 rounds may feel a small headache or perhaps the feeling of
being watched that will alert clever or experienced
For the duration of the spell the caster gains a +4
targets that something is wrong, but will not reveal
bonus on perception checks or any skill derived from
the identity of the caster or exactly what they have
perception as well as the caster’s guard score. While
been targeted with.
this spell is in effect the caster suffers no penalty for
acting in darkness. It is also worth noting that there is an inherent risk to
this spell when a caster makes contact with an
inhuman mind. Many a foolish spell caster has used
Requirement: Detect Magic this spell on an animal out of curiosity, only to
discover that they are overwhelmed by a rush of
Casting time: Extended Action
sensory input and instinctual desires that they have
Mana Cost: 8
no way of understanding. Fortuity for these curious
Target: Caster
sorcerers, the only consequence is that they are
Range: NA
Area: 5x5 stunned and disoriented, unable to take actions for 1
round. Some casters are persistent however and are
Reaction: NA
convinced that they will eventually be able to
Duration: Instant
understand the thoughts and desires of animals, so far
Divination is naturally opposed to illusion as none have been successful.
evidenced by this spell. The caster dispels any
Far worse is the consequence of trying to make
illusion that is currently within range of the spell.
contact with a truly alien mind. A caster may out of
desperation try to read the thoughts of a dragon,
unknowingly try to read the thoughts of a creature
Casting time: Standard Action that has disguised itself as a person, or cast the spell
Mana Cost: 4 only to discover that the target has been possessed by
Target: 1 living creature an incorporeal entity that is now controlling them. In
Range: 5 yards these cases the caster must make a Willpower check
Area: NA (Difficulty determined by the GM) of their own or be
Reaction: Willpower to Negate truly overcome by such intimate contact with an alien
Duration: Instant consciousness. A caster that failed this check will fall
unconscious for 1d4 rounds, which normally alerts
With this spell the caster becomes aware of whatever the target to the caster’s identity. The most
the target is thinking at the moment. This is often in information a caster is able to get out of such contact
the form of a rush of thoughts, feelings, and normally comes in the form of whatever primary
sensations that may be disorienting for novice impulse is motivating such a being like hate, lust,
sorcerers. The caster may not be able to detect hunger, or ambition.
complete thoughts with this spell or understand the

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

Requirement: Mind Gaze Requirement: Omen Gazing

Mana Cost: 12 Casting time: 1 Hour
Target: 1 living creature Mana Cost: 12
Range: 5 yards Target: Caster
Area: NA Range: NA
Reaction: Willpower to Negate Area: NA
Duration: Instant Reaction: NA
Duration: Special
The caster gains almost complete access to the
target’s mind. They may comb through the target’s The caster falls into a deep trance, while in this trance
thoughts and memories at will, gaining any they gain strange insight from the visions they
information that they seek. As this is an incredibly experience. The player of the caster is allowed to ask
violating spell, the target becomes aware of the the GM up to three yes or no questions regarding the
caster’s probing immediately, though they may not events of the game or the world.
be aware of who the caster is. Each round, the caster
may ask a question, and they will gain an answer to In order to cast this spell the caster needs to burn
that question from the perspective of the character special incense during the casting. Casting this spell
they are probing. The target is allowed to make a is a special action which takes about an hour.
willpower check to resist answering each question
and could potentially hold the caster off from a
particular bit of information until the duration of the
Casting time: Extended Action
spell expires.
Mana Cost: 8
Target: Caster
This spell carries with it all the risks and dangers of
Range: NA
the Mind Gaze spell.
Area: NA
Reaction: NA
Duration: 5 rounds
Casting time: 1 Hour
The caster falls into a deep trance, while in this trance
Mana Cost: 4
they can project their psyche out of their body to
Target: Caster
move about and explore unseen and unhampered by
Range: NA
physical barriers or obstacles. The caster may move
Area: NA
their projection at their normal movement speed, but
Reaction: NA
may move in any direction. Since the projection has
Duration: Special
no physical form they may move through walls or
other barriers without difficulty.
The caster falls into a deep trance, while in this trance
they gain strange insight from the visions they
A projection is incapable of interaction with the
experience. The player of the caster is allowed to ask
physical world at all. They are invisible and silent.
the GM a yes or no question regarding the events of
While outside of his or her body the caster cannot
the game or the world.
cast other spells. The projection cannot be harmed,
but the casters body is completely defenseless during
In order to cast this spell the caster needs to burn
this spell.
special incense during the casting. Casting this spell
is a special action which takes about an hour.
The caster may choose to end this spell at any time as
a free action.

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

Requirements: Time Slip

Casting time: Extended Action Casting time: Extended Action
Mana Cost: 8 Mana Cost: 12
Target: 1 living creature Target: Caster
Range: 5 yards Range: Special
Area: NA Area: NA
Reaction: NA
Reaction: NA
Duration: Instant
Duration: 5 Rounds Damage: NA

The target gains Elemental Resistance 8 against This spell allows the caster to realign their spatial
phantom damage. position with a different point in time. The caster
relocates themselves to a place they have been within
the last 24 hours. The caster may take up to two
other creatures with them when they cast this spell,
Casting time: Extended Action but they must be somehow making physical skin to
Mana Cost: 12 skin contact with their passengers, normally, they
Target: 1 living creature will simply hold hands.
Range: 5 yards
Area: NA
Reaction: NA
Duration: 5 Rounds Mana Cost: 16
Casting time: Extended Action
The target gains Elemental Resistance 12 against Target: Caster
phantom damage. Range: NA
Area: NA
Reaction: NA
Duration: Special
Requirement: Mind Gaze, Voices
Casting time: Standard Action The caster gains the ability to become aware of
Mana Cost: 4 events that took place in their current location during
Target: 1 Person the last 24 hours. The caster can focus on a specific
Range: NA event or simply watch the events of the previous day
Area: NA unfold.
Reaction: NA
Duration: Instant In order to cast this spell the caster needs to perform
some sort of ritual that normally involves throwing
This spell allows the caster to send a telepathic bones or teeth, however casters may also use a deck
message to another person regardless of distance. of tarot cards instead. Casting this spell is a special
This spell functions about the same as the voices action which takes about an hour.
spell, however, the target is not able to communicate
with the caster, only receive the message. The caster
is able to send a number of words equal to their
mysticism proficiency. Requirements: Time Gaze
Casting time: Extended Action
This spell can only be casted on a target that the Mana Cost: 20
caster has physically touched within the last 24 hours. Target: Caster
Range: NA

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

Area: NA order in addition to taking their turn on their normal

Reaction: NA initiative.
Duration: Special

The caster gains the ability to become aware of

Casting time: Extended Action
events that took place even in the distant past. The
Mana Cost: 8
caster can focus on a specific event or simply watch Target: Caster
the events of the previous year unfold. Range: 10 Yards
Area: NA
In order to cast this spell the caster needs to perform Reaction: NA
some sort of ritual that normally involves throwing Duration: Instant
bones or teeth, however casters may also use a deck Damage: NA
of tarot cards instead. Casting this spell is a special
Diviners have a strange ability to see through time in
action which takes about an hour.
ways that confound those without their powers, some
learn the ability to move through it in a similar
Requirements: Time Slip
Casting time: Extended Action With this spell the caster appears to fade from
Mana Cost: 12 existence only to rematerialize at a point up to 10
Target: 1 creature yards away. While the casters of this spell would
Range: 10 Yards argue that this spell causes a manifestation of
Area: NA temporal instability, for all others, the term
Reaction: Willpower to negate
teleportation is normally sufficient.
Duration: Instant
Damage: NA

The caster pushes a target into a different point in

Requirement: Detect Magic
time and space. The target of this spell blinks out of
Casting time: Extended Action
existence only to reappear at a different point up to
Mana Cost: 8
10 yards away. The target may make a Willpower
Target: Caster
check to resist this effect.
Range: NA
Area: NA
Reaction: NA
Requirement: Time Slip Duration: 5 rounds
Casting time: Extended Action
Mana Cost: 12 For the duration of this spell, the caster is unaffected
Target: Caster by invisibility. They can see invisible creatures
Range: NA perfectly. This applies not only to illusionists that
Area: NA cloak themselves with magic, but also ghosts and
Reaction: NA
other creatures that have the ability to become
Duration: 5 Yards
Damage: NA invisible.

The caster places themselves just outside of the

normal flow of time, which makes them appear to
move strangely and much faster from the perspective Requirement: Mind Gaze
of normal time. Casting time: Standard Action
Mana Cost: 4
For the duration of this spell, the caster has the ability
Target: 1 Person
to make a fast action at the beginning of the initiative
Range: 5 Yards

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

Area: NA
Reaction: Willpower to Negate
Duration: 5 rounds

For the duration of this spell, the caster is able to

speak directly into the mind of another. The caster is
unable to control or manipulate the target and the
target hears them in a voice they would recognize as
the caster if they heard them speak out loud. This
spell is useful for passing on information privately.

Casting time: Standard Action

Mana Cost: 4
Target: Caster
Range: NA
Area: NA
Reaction: NA
Duration: 5 rounds

For the duration of the spell the caster gains a +4

bonus on mind checks or mind checks or any skill
derived from mind.

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

Casting time: Extended Action

Mana Mana Cost: 8
Spells Cost Target: Caster
Beast Claws 8 Range: NA
Confusion Charm 12 Area: NA
Daze Charm 12 Reaction: NA
Dissolve Blade 8 Duration: 5 Rounds
Dull 4
The caster’s hands transform into vicious claws. The
Entangling Vines 12*
caster may make melee attacks with this calls,
Fatigue Charm 8
gaining a +2 to accuracy and doing 1d6 + might
Floating Sickle 8
points of damage on a successful hit,
Floating Sword 8
Floating Shield 8
Glyph of Enchantment 2
Harden Armor 4 Casting time: Extended Action
Mana Static 12 Mana Cost: 12
Empower Mana 4 Target: 1 living creature
Mana Drain 0 Range: 10 yards
Mana Freeze 20 Area: NA
Mind Haze 4 Reaction: Willpower to Negate
Ocean’s Calling 8 Duration: Instant
Ocean’s Grasp 8
The target becomes confused.
Sharpen 4
Stone Charm 16 The target may make a Willpower check to negate
Stone Transformation 4 this spell.
Stun Charm 8
Transmutation 12 A confused character makes a mind check (Difficulty
Transmutation (Bear) 16 10) at the beginning of each round. If they fail that
Transmutation (Hawk) 16 check they are unable to take any action that round.
Transmutation (Lynx) 16 If they succeed, they may act normally that round. In
Transmutation (Mimic) 16 either case the effect will persist to the next round. In
Transmutation (Other) 16 order to end the effect, the confused character must
Transmutation (Swarm) 16 make a mind check (difficulty 12) as an extended
Transmutation (Wolf) 16 action to clear their head.
Venom Charm 8
Wings of Arcana 8
Casting time: Extended Action
Enchantment is the art of altering the state of things Mana Cost: 12
through magic. Enchanters can make for Target: 1living creature
confounding enemies because of their ability to Range: 10 yards
manipulate the nature of objects at will. Powerful Area: NA
enchanters can even alter themselves, gaining strange Reaction: Willpower to Negate
abilities that are difficult to counter. Enchanters have Duration: Instant
a unique ability to manipulate mana itself, making
them uniquely dangerous foes for other spell casters The target becomes dazed.
to confront.

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

The target may make a Willpower check to negate Range: NA

this spell. Area: NA
Reaction: NA
A dazed character is unable to make standard or Duration: 5 Rounds
extended actions. They may only make a single fast
action per turn. Their they lose any bonus to their For the duration of this spell the caster increases the
guard score from agility. At the beginning of their difficulty for resisting their spells by +4.
turn they may make a stamina check (difficulty 10) to
recover, otherwise the condition persists into the next
Casting time: Extended Action
Mana Cost: 12*
Target: NA
Casting time: Extended Action Range: 10 yards
Mana Cost: 8 Area: 5 x 5
Target: 1 bladed weapon Reaction: NA
Range: 5 yards Duration: 5 Rounds
Area: NA
Reaction: NA The caster causes weeds, vines, and roots to spring
Duration: Instant
from the ground and grasp any creature in the area.
Damage: NA

The caster causes a single bladed weapon to dissolve Anyone within the affected area finds movement
into ash and smoke. Once the spell is casted there is difficult. A character within the affected area is only
a 1 in 10 chance that the weapon will endure the spell able to move 1 yard per turn. Any creature that
and be unaffected if it is made from a mundane metal begins their turn in the affected area must make a
such as iron or steel. might check (difficulty 10) or be pulled to the ground
and rendered prone. A creature that begins their turn
If the weapon is inscribed with an alchemic sigil the prone in the affected area must make a might check
odds that it will survive the spell increases to 1 in 4. (difficulty 12) before they can get up.

If the caster is in an area that already has vegetation,

the mana cost to cast the spell is 8.
Casting time: Standard Action
Mana Cost: 4
Target: 1 sharp weapon
Range: 10 yards Casting time: Extended Action
Area: NA Mana Cost: 8
Reaction: NA Target: 1 creature
Duration: 5 Rounds Range: 10 yards
Area: NA
The caster dulls one sharp weapon. Reduce the Reaction: Willpower to Negate
damage die of the weapon by 1 step (i.e 1d10 Duration: Instant
becomes 1d8, 1d8 becomes 1d6, ect.) and the weapon
The target loses 1d4 points of determination. The
is unable to inflict critical hits.
target may react by making a willpower check to
negate this spell.

Casting time: Standard Action

Mana Cost: 4
Casting time: Extended Action
Target: Caster
Mana Cost: 8

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

Target: Caster Target: NA

Range: NA Range: NA
Area: NA Area: 1x1
Reaction: NA Reaction: NA
Duration: 5 Rounds Duration: 5 Round
Damage: NA
The caster creates a shimmering shield that floats
around them. For the duration of this spell the caster The caster causes a magical glowing symbol to
may use the shield to gain a +2 bonus to their guard appear at their feet forming a magical circle of sorts.
score. So long as the caster stands on this circle, the mana
cost for spells casted from the school of Enchantment
is reduced by 4 to a minimum of 1. If the caster
leaves the circle before the spell’s duration expires,
Casting time: Extended Action
the spell ends and the glyph vanishes.
Mana Cost: 8
Target: Caster
Range: NA
Area: NA Casting time: Standard Action
Reaction: NA
Mana Cost: 4
Duration: 5 Round
Damage: NA Target: 1 medium or heavy armor
Range: 10 yards
The caster creates a shimmering sickle that floats Area: NA
around them. For the duration of this spell, as a free Reaction: NA
action the caster may command the sickle to attack Duration: 5 rounds.
any 1 creature within 3 yards of the caster. The caster
makes an attack roll using their mysticism skill. The The caster magically increases the Armor Rating
sword does 1d6 points of damage plus the caster’s offered by a piece of medium or heavy armor by +4.
mind score.

Casting time: Standard Action

Casting time: Extended Action Mana Cost: 4
Mana Cost: 8 Target: 1 Living Person
Target: Caster Range: 5 yards
Range: NA Area: NA
Area: NA Reaction: Willpower to Negate
Reaction: NA Duration: 5 Rounds
Duration: 5 Rounds
One of the more feared and insidious spells of the
The caster creates a shimmering sword that floats enchantment school. Mind Haze allows a caster to
around them. For the duration of this spell, as a free influence the target’s mind, making the caster seem
action the caster may command the sword to attack much more aggregable to them. For the duration of
any adjacent creature. The caster makes an attack this spell, the caster gains a +4 bonus on charisma,
roll using their mysticism skill. The sword does 1d8 etiquette, and intimidate checks against the target.
points of damage plus the caster’s mind score.

Casting time: Extended Action

Casting time: Fast Action Requirements: Mana Static
Mana Cost: 2 Mana Cost: 20

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

Target: 1 Creature Area: NA

Range: 10 Yards Reaction: NA
Area: NA Duration: 5 Rounds
Reaction: Willpower to negate
The caster becomes semi aquatic. Their skin
Duration: 5 Rounds
becomes scaly and their eyes change allowing them
At this level, the caster is able to cut off their target to see in the darkness of deep water. Their hands and
from mana entirely, making it impossible for them to feet grow webbing to help them swim. Most
cast spells or invocations for the duration of this importantly, while so enspelled, the caster is able to
spell. breath underwater as if it were air. They may move
through water at their normal movement speed
without the need to make a swim check and with no
danger of drowning.
Casting time: Extended Action
Requirements: Mana Static
Mana Cost: 0
Target: 1 Creature Casting time: Extended Action
Range: 10 Yards Mana Cost: 8
Area: NA Target: Caster
Reaction: Willpower to negate Range: NA
Duration: 5 Rounds Area: NA
Reaction: NA
The caster pulls mana from another creature. The Duration: 5 Rounds
target loses 2d6 points of mana. The caster regains
an amount of mana equal to half of the mana that was The caster’s hands transform into writhing tentacles
lost due to this spell. The target may make a for the duration of the spell. These tentacles make
willpower check to negate this effect. poor but functional melee weapons. The caster
suffers a -2 to accuracy when making melee attacks
with the tentacles. On a successful attack they do
1d4 points of damage. The tentacles grant a +4
Casting time: Extended Action
bonus to grapple checks and may initiate a grapple as
Mana Cost: 12
a free actions after making a successful attack.
Target: 1 Creature
Range: 10 Yards
Area: NA
Reaction: Willpower to negate Casting time: Standard Action
Duration: 5 Rounds Mana Cost: 4
Target: 1 sharp weapon
The caster affects a target with a magical Range: 10 yards
enchantment that disrupts the target’s ability to Area: NA
manipulate magical energy. As a result the target Reaction: NA
suffers -2 penalty on checks to cast spells and the Duration: 5 rounds.
mana cost of any spell casted is increased by 4.
The caster magically increases the sharpness of a
weapon increasing the die type used for damage by 1
step (1d6 becomes 1d8, 1d8 becomes 1d10, etc.).
Casting time: Extended Action
This spell has no effect on weapons with the bashing
Mana Cost: 8
Target: Caster
Range: NA

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

The target becomes stunned by the power of magic.

The target may react by making a willpower check to
Casting time: Extended Action negate this spell.
Mana Cost: 16
Target: 1 living creature A stunned character is unable to move or take actions
Range: 10 yards on their next turn and their they lose any bonus to
Area: NA
their guard score from agility.
Reaction: Willpower to Negate
Duration: 5 rounds
Damage: NA
Casting time: Extended Action
The caster of this spell causes the target to turn to
Mana Cost: 12
Target: Caster
Range: NA
While petrified, a character cannot move or take any
Area: NA
actions. While petrified a character or creature has an
Reaction: NA
armor score of 10 and protection of 10 against cold,
Duration: 5 Rounds
electric, and fire damage.
The caster transforms themselves into a small animal
The act of being turned to stone is very painful
such as a rodent, cat, or lizard. The caster retains
however, and the victim of such an attack will take
their current hit points, but loses any armor, or
1d10 points of damage. If this kills the victim, they
method of attack. The benefit of assuming this form
will remain a statue.
is that it allows the caster to gain access to areas
through small openings or move unnoted through an
Casting time: Standard Action
Mana Cost: 4 The caster cannot speak or cast spells while in an
Target: Caster alternate form. Any clothing or possessions that the
Range: NA caster was wearing or holding do not transform with
Area: NA them, so they will need to account for that when
Reaction: NA assuming a transmuted form.
Duration: 5 rounds.

The caster’s skin hardens and becomes stone-like.

Requirements: Transmutation
The caster gains armor 4 for the duration of this spell
Casting time: Extended Action
as well as Elemental Resistance 2 against cold, fire,
Mana Cost: 16
electric, phantom, and necrotic damage.
Target: Caster
Range: NA
Area: NA
Casting time: Extended Action Reaction: NA
Mana Cost: 8 Duration: 5 Rounds
Target: 1 creature
Range: 10 yards The caster transforms themselves into a bear.
Area: NA
Reaction: Willpower to Negate The caster cannot speak or cast spells while in an
Duration: Instant alternate form. Any clothing or possessions that the
caster was wearing or holding do not transform with
them, so they will need to account for that when
assuming a transmuted form.

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

Use the stats from Appendix ii, animal companions to

determine the stats the caster uses in this form. The Requirements: Transmutation
caster keeps their own mind score. Casting time: Extended Action
Mana Cost: 16
Target: 1 living creature
Range: 5 yards
Requirements: Transmutation Area: NA
Casting time: Extended Action Reaction: Willpower to negate.
Mana Cost: 16 Duration: 5 Round
Target: Caster Damage: NA
Range: NA
This spell is dangerous and much feared. The caster
Area: NA
transforms the target into a small animal such as a
Reaction: NA
rodent, cat, or lizard. The target retains their current
Duration: 5 Rounds
hit points, but loses any armor, or method of attack.
The caster transforms themselves into a hawk. The benefit of assuming this form is that it allows the
caster to gain access to areas through small openings
The caster cannot speak or cast spells while in an or move unnoted through an area. But it is often used
alternate form. Any clothing or possessions that the as a way to cripple otherwise fierce opponents. The
caster was wearing or holding do not transform with target cannot speak or cast spells while in the
them, so they will need to account for that when alternate form. Any clothing or possessions that the
assuming a transmuted form. target was wearing or holding do not transform with
Use the stats from Appendix ii, animal companions to
determine the stats the caster uses in this form. The While this spell is probably most often used to
caster keeps their own mind score. transform an enemy into a diminutive and harmless
creature, it can also be used to bolster allies. The
target can be transformed into the form of any
creature that the caster knows a transmutation for. If
Requirements: Transmutation the target is transformed willingly, there is no need to
Casting time: Extended Action make a willpower check to resist.
Mana Cost: 16
Target: Caster Whatever the form, being transformed into a creature
Range: NA against the will of the target is a jarring and
Area: NA unsettling experience. If a target is transformed
Reaction: NA against their will (fails a willpower check to resist)
Duration: 5 Rounds they also become confused upon assuming their new
The caster transforms themselves into a lynx.

The caster cannot speak or cast spells while in an

alternate form. Any clothing or possessions that the Mana Cost: 16
caster was wearing or holding do not transform with Casting time: Extended Action
them, so they will need to account for that when Target: Caster
assuming a transmuted form. Range: NA
Area: NA
Use the stats from Appendix ii, animal companions to Reaction: NA
determine the stats the caster uses in this form. The Duration: 5 Round
caster keeps their own mind score.. Damage: NA

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

By way of this spell the caster can assume the form them, so they will need to account for that when
and appearance of another person who is within 3 assuming a transmuted form.
yards of the caster at the time the spell is casted. The
consent of the person who’s form is to be assumed, or Use the stats from Appendix ii, animal companions to
even their knowledge is not required for this spell to determine the stats the caster uses in this form. The
be casted, they must simply be near enough for the caster keeps their own mind score..
caster to assume their form.

Casting time: Extended Action

Requirements: Transmutation Mana Cost: 8
Casting time: Extended Action Target: 1 creature
Mana Cost: 16 Range: 10 yards
Target: Caster Area: NA
Range: NA Reaction: Willpower to Negate
Area: NA Duration: Instant
Reaction: NA
The target suffers from poisoned by the power of
Duration: 5 Rounds
magic. The target may react by making a willpower
The caster transforms themselves into a swarm of
check to negate this spell.
flying and biting insects. The caster cannot speak or
cast spells while in an alternate form. Any clothing or
A poisoned creature takes 1d6 points of damage at
possessions that the caster was wearing or holding do
the beginning of their turn and may then make a
not transform with them, so they will need to account
stamina check (difficulty 10) to recover from the
for that when assuming a transmuted form.
effect, otherwise it persists to the next round.
When in this form the caster can fly at a movement
speed equal to their normal movement speed. The
caster cannot attack in this form, but may swarm a Casting time: Extended Action
creature to impose a -2 penalty to any checks their Mana Cost: 8
victim attempts. Harming the caster while in this Target: Caster
form, is very difficult. However, area effect abilities Range: NA
are just as effective as normal. Area: NA
Reaction: NA
Duration: 5 Rounds
Requirements: Transmutation
This spell causes the caster to sprout a set of wings at
Casting time: Extended Action
their shoulders. The exact appearance of the wings
Mana Cost: 16
depends on the caster, shimmering wings of pure
Target: Caster
magic, feathered birdlike wings, gossamer insect
Range: NA
wings, or large bat-like wings are just a few of the
Area: NA
Reaction: NA
Duration: 5 Rounds
While so enspelled, the caster has the ability to fly at
twice their normal movement speed.
The caster transforms themselves into a wolf.

The caster cannot speak or cast spells while in an

alternate form. Any clothing or possessions that the
caster was wearing or holding do not transform with

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

Spells Cost
Earth Spike 8
Acid Ball 8
Acid Ball, Greater 12
Pit 12
Wall of Earth 12
Fire Blast 4
Fire Blast, Greater 8
Fire Serpent 16
Inferno 16
Flame Armor 8
Heat Metal 4
Wall of Flame 12
Frost Blast 8 Requirements: Earth Spike
Frost Blast, Greater 12 Casting time: Extended Action
Frost Armor 12 Mana Cost: 8
Frost Bite 12 Target: 1 Creature
Wall of Ice 16 Range: 10 Yards
Winter's Rage 12 Area: NA
Gust of Wind 4 Reaction: Agility to Negate
Command the Winds 12 Duration: Instant
Shredding Wind 8
Glyph of Evocation 2 The caster creates a floating ball of acid that hurtles
Lightning Blast 8 toward the target. The target takes 1d4 points of
Ball Lightning 12 damage. If the target takes any amount of damage
Lightning Blast, Greater 12 from this spell (not negated by armor) the target takes
Lightning Wave 16 an additional 1d10 points of acid damage.
Storm Calling 20*
Lightning Armor 8
Mist 4
Acidic Mist 12 Requirements: Earth Spike, Acid Ball
Choking Mist 8 Casting time: Extended Action
Poison Mist 12 Mana Cost: 12
Target: 1-2 Creature
The classic war wizard calling lightning from the sky Range: 10 Yards
and burning their foes with magical fire, evokers use Area: NA
their magic to manipulate the elements themselves. Reaction: Agility to Negate
Normally this manipulation takes the form of Duration: Instant
powerful magical attacks. Some evokers prefer to go
by specialized names related to the elements they The caster creates two floating balls of acid that
specialize in such as pyromancer, cryomancer, or hurtles toward the targets. The caster may choose to
electromancer. What this schools lack in target up to two targets with this spell, or may choose
sophistication, it more than makes up for in raw to target the same creature twice. The target(s) takes
offensive power. 1d6 points of damage. If the target takes any amount

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

of damage from this spell (not negated by armor) the Casting time: Extended Action
target takes an additional 1d10 points of acid damage. Mana Cost: 8
Target: NA
Range: 10 yards
Area: 5x5
Requirements: Mist Reaction: NA
Casting time: Extended Action Duration: 5 rounds
Mana Cost: 12
Target: NA
The caster may now raise a cloud of choking mist.
Range: 10 yards
Area: 5x5 Anyone who begins their turn in the cloud must make
Reaction: NA a reflexive stamina check or will suffer -2 penalty on
Duration: 5 rounds all actions. At the beginning of each turn they may
make a stamina check to end this effect, otherwise it
The caster creates cloud of acidic mist. Anyone who continues.
begins their turn in the cloud or moves through it
takes 1d4 points of damage. If the creature takes any
amount of damage from this spell (not negated by
armor) they take an additional 1d6 points of acid Requirement: Gust of Wind
damage. Casting time: Extended Action
Mana Cost: 12
Target: Caster
Range: NA
Area: NA
Requirement: Lightning Blast
Reaction: NA
Casting time: Extended Action
Duration: 5 Round
Mana Cost: 12 Damage: NA
Target: Caster
Range: NA For the duration the caster can command the air
Area: NA around them with such accuracy that they can
Reaction: Agility to Negate effectively fly at their normal speed. The caster can
Duration: 5 Round even hover in the air as a free action.
Damage: 1d6 electric

The caster creates three glowing orbs of crackling

electricity that orbs them. On subsequent rounds the
Mana Cost: 8
caster may, as a free action, command one or more of
Casting time: Extended Action
the orbs to attack a target up to 10 yards away. Once
Target: 1 Creature
an orb makes an attack it dissipates regardless of if
Range: 10 Yards
the attack was successful. The target suffers 1d6
Area: NA
points of electric damage for each orb they are struck
Reaction: Agility to Negate
with. Anyone who takes damage from the spell is
Duration: Instant
The caster causes the ground to quickly form a spike
The target may make an agility check to negate this
to impale the target. The target suffers 1d8 points of
damage, but must make a separate check for each orb
attacking them
The target may make an agility check to negate this
Requirements: Mist

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

Area: NA
Reaction: NA
Casting time: Standard Action Duration: 5 Round
Mana Cost: 4 Damage: NA
Target: 1 creature or object
The caster creates a large snake like monster
Range: 5 yards
composed entirely out of fire. The serpent is a
Area: NA monster of large size.
Duration: Instant
Reaction: Agility to negate The caster may use a fire serpent as if it were an
Damage: 1d8 Fire animal companion. By using a fast action on their
turn, the caster can command the fire serpent to act.
Of all the elemental forces, fire is the simplest to A fire serpent gets to make a single fast action and
control with magic. A blast of heat and flame bursts standard action, two fast actions, or an extended
from the casters hand to strike a target within 5 yard. action. The fire serpent has an attack score equal to
This spell does 1d8 points of fire damage. the caster’s mysticism proficiency and does 1d6
points of fire damage on a successful attack and 2d6
The target may react by making an agility check to fire damage on a critical hit. On a critical hit, the
negate the damage. target suffers from burning. The fire serpent uses the
caster’s mind score for each of its abilities scores
which will affect other stats such as the fire serpent’s
movement score, initiative, guard, and bonus
Requirements: Fire Blast damage. When attacking the fire serpent uses the
Casting time: Extended Action caster’s training in mysticism as its training in
Mana Cost: 8 fighting, meaning that the fire serpent’s attack score
Target: 1 creature will be equal to the caster’s mysticism proficiency. A
Range: 5 yards fire serpent has hit points equal to 16 + (the caster’s
Area: NA mind score x 4)
Reaction: Agility for half damage
Duration: Instant A fire serpent cannot be stunned, dazed, petrified,
Damage: 2d8 Fire + Burning confused, poisoned, sickened, or poisoned. Fire
serpents are immune to necrotic damage and fear.
A blast of heat and flame bursts from the casters hand They cannot be affected by illusions and are immune
to strike a target within 5 yards. This spell does 2d8 to phantom damage.
points of fire damage.
If the serpent is not destroyed due to loss of hit
The target may react by making an agility check to points, the serpent will fade at the end of the spells
reduce the damage to 1d8. duration.

Anyone who takes full damage from this spell suffers

from burning and take 1d6 points of damage per turn
Requirements: Fire Blast
for the duration of this effect.
Casting time: Extended Action
Mana Cost: 8
Target: Caster
Requirement: Fire Blast, Greater Fire Blast Range: NA
Casting time: Extended Action Area: 3x3
Mana Cost: 16 Reaction: Agility to negate
Target: NA Duration: 5 rounds
Range: NA Damage: 1d8 Fire

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

The caster surrounds themselves with a barrier of

heat and flame. The caster gains Elemental Casting time: Extended Action
Resistance 10 against fire damage. Any creature that Mana Cost: 8
is adjacent to the caster, begins their round adjacent Target: 1 creature
to the caster, or becomes adjacent to the caster suffers Range: 3 yards
1d8 points of fire damage. Creatures in the affected Area: NA
area may react by making an agility check to negate Reaction: Stamina for half damage
the damage. Duration: Instant
Damage: 2d10 Cold
The armor will last for 5 rounds.
A swirling blast of cold air and ice emanates from the
casters hand to strike a target within 3 yards. This
spell does 1d10 points of cold damage.
Requirements: Frost Blast
Casting time: Extended Action
Mana Cost: 12
Target: Caster Requirements: Frost Blast
Range: Caster Casting time: Extended Action
Area: NA Mana Cost: 12
Reaction: NA Target: 1 creature
Duration: 5 rounds Range: 3 yards
Damage: NA Area: NA
Reaction: Stamina for half damage
The caster encases themselves in shimmering armor Duration: Instant
made of ice. While enspelled, the caster has an Damage: 4d10 Cold
Armor Rating of 4 and gains Elemental Resistance 10
against cold damage. A swirling blast of cold air and ice emanates from the
casters hand to strike a target within 1 yard. This
spell does 4d10 points of cold damage.

Requirement: Frost Blast The target may react by making a stamina check to
Casting time: Extended Action reduce the damage to 2d10.
Mana Cost: 12
Target: 1 Creature
Range: 3 Yards
Area: NA Casting time: Fast Action
Reaction: Stamina to Negate
Mana Cost: 2
Duration: 5 Round
Damage: 1d8 cold Target: NA
Range: NA
This spell surrounds the target with a persistent Area: 1x1
freezing wind and icy cold. At the beginning of the Reaction: NA
target’s turn they take 1d8 points of cold damage, the Duration: 5 Round
target is able to make a stamina check to negate this Damage: NA
damage but a success does not end the spell, it will
persist until the end of its duration. The caster causes a magical glowing symbol to
appear at their feet forming a magical circle of sorts.
So long as the caster stands on this circle, the mana
cost for spells casted from the school of Evocation is

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

reduced by 4 to a minimum of 1. If the caster leaves

the circle before the spell’s duration expires, the spell
ends and the glyph vanishes. Requirements: Fire Blast, Greater Fire Blast
Casting time: Extended Action
Mana Cost: 16
Target: NA
Casting time: Standard Action Range: 10 yards
Mana Cost: 4 Area: 5x5
Target: NA Duration: Instant
Range: 10 yards Reaction: Agility for half damage
Area: 5x5 Damage: 4d8 Fire + Burning
Reaction: Might to Negate
Duration: Instant The caster causes a blast of fire and intense heat to
fill an area within 10 yards of them. Anyone in the
The caster calls forth a strong wind. The wind covers affected area takes 4d8 points of fire damage.
an area of 5x5 centered at a point within 10 yards of
the caster. Anyone within the area must make a Any creature in the area may react by making an
might check or be pushed in a direction of the agility check to reduce the damage to 2d8.
caster’s choice. Anyone that fails their might check
must also make an agility check or be knocked down. Anyone who takes damage from this spell suffer
The spell will dissipate smoke or mist. from burning and take 1d6 points of damage per turn
for the duration of this effect.

Requirement: Fire Blast

Casting time: Standard Action Requirements: Lightning Blast, Greater Lightning
Mana Cost: 4 Blast
Target: 1 metal object Casting time: Extended Action
Range: 5 Yards
Mana Cost: 8
Area: NA
Reaction: NA Target: Caster
Duration: 5 Round Range: NA
Damage: 1d8 fire Area: 3x3
Reaction: NA
This spell causes an object made of metal to instantly Duration: 5 rounds
become red hot. If a creature is touching the object, Damage: 1d8 lightning
it will take 1d8 points of fire damage. If a creature is
touching the object at the beginning of their turn, The caster surrounds themselves with a barrier of
they will take an additional 1d8 points of damage. lightning and electricity. The caster gains Elemental
Resistance 10 against electric damage. For the
If the spell is casted on a weapon or object that a duration of the spell, any creature that damages the
person is holding, the person holding the object has caster with a melee attack suffers 2d6 points of
the option to drop to object to avoid taking damage. electrical damage and is stunned.

The spell can also be casted on metal armor which A stunned character is unable to move or take actions
will cause the wearer to take damage until they take on their next turn and their they lose any bonus to
the armor off. Medium armor takes a standard their guard score from agility.
action to remove, while removing heavy armor
requires an extended action. The armor will last for 5 rounds.

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

Casting time: Extended Action Requirements: Lighting Blast, Greater Lightning

Mana Cost: 8 Blast
Target: 1 creature Casting time: Extended Action
Range: 10 yards Mana Cost: 16
Area: NA Target: 1 – 5 Creatures
Reaction: Agility to Negate Range: 20 Yards
Duration: Instant Area: NA
Damage: 1d6 Electric Reaction: Agility for half damage
Duration: Instant
A bolt of electricity bursts from the caster’s hand. Damage: 2d6 Electric + Stun
This attack has a range of 10 and does 1d6 points of
electric damage. As with Greater Lightning Blast, but at this level the
caster is able to target up to 5 creatures.
Anyone who takes damage from the spell is stunned.

Casting time: Standard Action

Requirements: Lightning Blast Mana Cost: 4
Casting time: Extended Action Target: NA
Mana Cost: 12 Range: 10 yards
Target: 1 – 3 Creatures Area: 5x5
Range: 10 Yards Reaction: NA
Area: NA Duration: 5 yards
Reaction: Agility for half damage
Duration: Instant The caster raises a cloud of mist. The cloud has an
Damage: 2d6 Electric + Stun area of 5x5 centered on a point within 10 yards of the
caster. The cloud obscures vision. The cloud will
A bolt of electricity bursts from the casters hand. last for 5 rounds, although a strong wind may
This attack has a range of 10 and does 2d6 points of dissipate it earlier.
electric damage.
Creatures inside the mist cloud are effectively blind.
The target is allowed to make a reactive agility to
reduce the damage to 1d6.

Anyone who takes full damage from the spell is Requirements: Earth Spike
stunned. Mana Cost: 12
Target: 1 square yard
Range: 10 yards
A stunned character is unable to move or take actions Area: 1 yard
on their next turn and their they lose any bonus to Reaction: Agility to Negate
their guard score from agility. Duration: Instant

The caster may target up to three targets with this This spell opens a pit in the earth, normally under the
spell, or attack one target multiple times up to three feet of a creature. The creature standing in the area
times. Resolve each attack separately. of the spell suffers a short fall. A creature that
suffers a short fall takes 1d6 points of falling damage
and is rendered prone at the bottom of the pit.

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

Mana Cost: 20*

A creature in the area of this spell may make an Target: Caster
agility check to avoid falling, and thus taking the Range: NA
Area: NA
Reaction: Agility for half damage
Duration: 5 Round
This spell only works on the ground, not a wall or a Damage: 2d6 electric
cliff face. The spell can only work on dirt, soil, mud,
or sand. It has no effect on stone. The caster raises their hand to the open sky and
causes dark clouds to gather and roar of thunder to
announce this spells approach.

Requirements: Mist The caster creates a thunderstorm. For the duration

Casting time: Extended Action of this spell, as a fast action, the caster may call down
Mana Cost: 12 a bolt of lightning to strike any creature within 10
Target: NA
yards of them.
Range: 10 yards
Area: 5x5
Reaction: Stamina to Negate The target suffers 2d6 points of electric damage. The
Duration: 5 rounds target may make an agility check to reduce this
damage to 1d6.
The caster creates cloud of poisonous mist. Anyone
who begins their turn in the cloud or moves through Any target that suffers full damage from this spell is
it must make a stamina check or become poisoned. also stunned. A stunned character is unable to move
or take actions on their next turn and their they lose
A creature poisoned by poisonous mist takes 1d6 any bonus to their guard score from agility.
points of poison damage at the beginning of their
turn. After taking the damage they may make a This spell can only be casted if the caster is outdoors.
stamina check (difficulty 10) to recover from the If there is already a storm, reduce the mana cost of
poison, otherwise it persists until the next round. this spell by 4.

Requirements: Gust of Wind Requirements: Earth Spike

Casting time: Extended Action Casting time: Extended Action
Mana Cost: 8 Mana Cost: 12
Target: NA Target: NA
Range: 10 yards Range: 10 yards
Area: 5 yards
Area: 5x5
Reaction: NA
Reaction: might to negate Duration: 1 day
Duration: Instant
Damage: 1d4 The caster creates a solid wall of stone. The wall is
about 10 feet tall and fills an area of equal to 5 yards
As with Lesser Wind Gust, but creatures in the area arranged in any shape the caster wishes so long as it
take 1d8 points of damage. is a continuous structure. No part of the wall can be
more than 10 yards from the caster.

Sections of the wall can be destroyed if it is attacked

and takes 20 points of damage in any one location.
Requirement: Lightning Blast, Greater Lightning
The wall for last about a day if the wall is left alone.
Casting time: Extended Action

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

is a continuous structure. No part of the wall can be

more than 10 yards from the caster.

Requirements: Fire Blast Sections of the wall can be destroyed if it is attacked

Casting time: Extended Action and takes 10 points of damage in any one location.
Mana Cost: 12 However, freezing air emanates from the wall, and
Target: 1 creature any character that begins their turn adjacent to the
Range: 5 yards wall takes 1d10 points of cold damage.
Area: NA
Reaction: Agility for half damage Anyone adjacent to the wall may make a stamina
Duration: Instant check to negate the damage.
Damage: 2d8 Fire + Burning
The wall for last about a day if the wall is left alone.
The caster creates a wall of burning fire. The wall is
about 10 feet tall and fills an area of equal to 5 yards
arranged in any shape the caster wishes so long as it
is a continuous structure. No part of the wall can be Requirements: Frost Blast, Greater Frost Blast
more than 10 yards from the caster. Casting time: Extended Action
Mana Cost: 12
Creatures can more through the wall, but any creature Target: NA
that moves through the wall, begins their turn within Range: NA
the wall, or is standing in the area of the wall when it Area: 5x5
forms takes 2d8 points of fire damage. Reaction: Stamina for half damage
Duration: Instant
Any creature may react by making an agility check to Damage: 2d10 Cold
reduce the damage to 1d8 points of damage.
A swirling blast of cold air and ice emanates outward
Anyone who takes damage from this spell suffer from the caster creating a 5x5 area of effect centered
from burning and take 1d6 points of damage per turn on the caster. This spell does 2d10 points of cold
for the duration of this effect. damage to all creatures in range.

The wall will last for 5 rounds, although a strong Any creature in range may react by making a Stamina
wind may extinguish it before that time. check to reduce the damage to 1d10.

Requirements: Frost Blast

Casting time: Extended Action
Mana Cost: 16
Target: NA
Range: 10 yards
Area: 5 yards
Reaction: NA
Duration: 1 day

The caster creates a solid wall of ice. The wall is

about 10 feet tall and fills an area of equal to 10 yards
arranged in any shape the caster wishes so long as it

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

Spell Cost
Fade 4
Invisibility 8
Glyph of Illusion 2
Image 4
After Image 8
Image, Greater 8
Image, Perfect 12
Blinding Flash 4
Dazzling Display 8
Shimmering Armor 8
Gossamer Chains 8
Illusionary Affliction 12
Illusionary Fall 4
Greater Illusionary Fall 12
Illusionary Mist 12
Illusionary Trap 8
Illusionary Voices 4
Illusionary Weapon 8
Illusionary Wall 12
Phantasm 12
Phantasm, Greater 16 Requirement: Image
Casting time: Extended Action
Phantom Strike 8
Mana Cost: 8
Phantom Strike, Greater 12
Target: 1 Creature
Wail 8 Range: 5 Yards
Wild Illusions 8 Area: NA
Mask 4 Reaction: Perception to Negate
Mask, Greater 8 Duration: 5 Round
Mask of Charisma 8 Damage: NA
Mask of Eloquence 8
This spell causes the target to leave a near perfect
Mask of Fear 8
after image of its movements. In addition to being
visually impressive, any attack that the creature
makes has an interesting effect. If the target makes a
successful melee attack, the victim of that attack
suffers damage from the attack twice, once from the
Illusion is the magical ability to create magical actual attack and once for the illusionary attack that
images and mirages and phantasms. To an follows.
illusionist, just about anything is possible. The
largest criticism levied against the school of illusion The victim of the attack may make a perception
is that none of their creations are real or have any check to avoid the damage from the after image and
substance. But, the illusionist is often quick to end the illusion.
counter that so long as it is believed, is it any less

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

Mana Cost: 4
Target: 1 living creature
Requirements: Image Range: 1 yard
Casting time: Standard Action Area: NA
Mana Cost: 4 Reaction: Willpower to Negate
Target: 1 living creature Duration: 5 rounds
Range: 10 yards
Area: NA The caster and all of their clothing and gear become
Reaction: Perception to Negate invisible to the naked eye. However they are very
Duration: Instant restricted in this spell and cannot move or speak
while so enspelled, lest the spell is broken.
The spell causes a blinding flash of light. The target
is blinded and disoriented. A blind creature suffers a If the caster takes damage the spell is also broken.
-2 penalty to all actions while blind. At the The spell lasts for 5 rounds. The caster may also
beginning of each round they may make a stamina make others invisible if they are adjacent to them,
check to recover their sight, otherwise the effect this can be resisted with a reflexive Willpower check,
persists. if the target so wishes.

The target may make a perception check to negate

this effect.
Requirements: Image
Casting time: Extended Action
Mana Cost: 8
Requirements: Image, Blinding Flash Target: 1 creature
Casting time: Extended Action Range: 5 yards
Mana Cost: 8 Area: NA
Target: Caster Reaction: Perception to Negate
Range: 5 yards Duration: 5 rounds
Area: 3x3
Reaction: Perception to Negate The caster selects a target within 5 yards. The target
Duration: Instant believes that they are constricted in illusionary chains
and can take no actions for the duration of the spell.
The caster fills the effected arear with bright swirling The target may make a perception check each round
lights of every changing prismatic color. Anyone as a standard action to break free of the spell.
that begins their turn in the affected area must make a
perception check or become dazed.

A dazed character is unable to make standard or Casting time: Fast Action

extended actions. They may only make a single fast Mana Cost: 2
action per turn. Their they lose any bonus to their Target: NA
guard score from agility. At the beginning of their Range: NA
turn they may make a stamina check (difficulty 10) to Area: 1x1
recover, otherwise the condition persists into the next Reaction: NA
round. Duration: 5 Round
Damage: NA

The caster causes a magical glowing symbol to

Casting time: Standard Action appear at their feet forming a magical circle of sorts.

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

So long as the caster stands on this circle, the mana Casting time: Extended Action
cost for spells casted from the school of Illusion is Mana Cost: 12
reduced by 4 to a minimum of 1. If the caster leaves Target: 1 Creature
the circle before the spell’s duration expires, the spell Range: 10 Yards
ends and the glyph vanishes. Area: NA
Reaction: Perception to Negate
Duration: Instant
Damage: 3d6 Phantom
Requirements: Image
Casting time: Extended Action The caster causes the target to believe that they are
Mana Cost: 12 falling. The target suffers 3d6 points of falling
Target: 1 Creature damage and is rendered prone. Just as if they had
Range: 5 Yards suffered a medium fall.
Area: NA
Reaction: Perception to Negate The target may make a perception check to negate the
Duration: 5 rounds effects of this spell.

The caster causes the target to believe that they are

rotting away from some sort of magical affliction
such as decay. At the beginning of the target’s round Requirements: Image
they suffer 1d4 points of phantom damage. After Casting time: Extended Action
taking damage the target may make a perception Mana Cost: 12
check to end the affliction, otherwise it persists to the Target: NA
next round. Range: 10 yards
Area: 5x5
Reaction: Perception to Negate
Duration: 5 rounds
Requirements: Image
The caster creates cloud of shimmering multicolored
Casting time: Standard Action
mist. Anyone who begins their turn in the cloud or
Mana Cost: 4
moves through it must pass a perception check or
Target: 1 Creature
becomes confused.
Range: 5 Yards
Area: NA A confused character makes a mind check (Difficulty
Reaction: Perception to Negate 10) at the beginning of each round. If they fail that
Duration: Instant check they are unable to take any action that round.
Damage: 1d6 Phantom If they succeed, they may act normally that round. In
either case the effect will persist to the next round. In
The caster causes the target to believe that they are order to end the effect, the confused character must
falling. The target suffers 1d6 points of falling make a mind check (difficulty 12) as an extended
damage and is rendered prone. Just as if they had action to clear their head.
suffered a short fall.

The target may make a perception check to negate the

effects of this spell. Requirements: Image
Casting time: Extended Action
Mana Cost: 8
Reaction: Perception to Negate
Requirements: Image, Illusionary Fall Target: 1 Living Creature

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

Range: 10 yards Range: 10 Yards

Area: NA Area: NA
Duration: 5 rounds Reaction: Perception to Negate
Duration: 5 Rounds
The caster surrounds the target with some illusionary
danger, spikes, fire, pits, or swirling blades are all The caster creates a wall of illusion. The wall itself
common, but a creative caster could get more is normally transparent and seems to be filled with
inventive. slowly shifting colors.

As long as the target does not move from their The wall is about 10 feet tall and fills an area of equal
location they will be in no danger, but if they move in to 5 yards arranged in any shape the caster wishes so
any direction they will take 2d8 points of damage. long as it is a continuous structure.

The target may make a perception check each round Anyone adjacent to the wall must make a perception
as a standard action to negate the effects of this spell check (difficulty 12) or become confused.
and effectively end it.
A confused character makes a mind check (Difficulty
10) at the beginning of each round. If they fail that
check they are unable to take any action that round.
Requirements: Image If they succeed, they may act normally that round. In
Casting time: Standard Action either case the effect will persist to the next round. In
Mana Cost: 4 order to end the effect, the confused character must
Reaction: Perception to Negate make a mind check (difficulty 12) as an extended
Target: NA action to clear their head.
Range: 10 yards
Area: 1x1 A creature adjacent to the wall may use a standard
Duration: 5 rounds action to make a perception check against the wall to
realize the wall is an illusion. If this happens, the
The caster creates a disembodied sound of some sort. wall will vanish.
The sound can be of anything, but can only be as
loud as a shout or yell. A clever caster may work
with these limitations to create convicting auditory
illusions. (For instance, they might place the sound Requirement: Image
of faint bestial breathing at the mouth of a deep cave Casting time: Extended Action
so that anyone standing outside could be forgiven for Mana Cost: 8
Target: Caster
thinking that a large creature was sleeping deep
Range: NA
within the cave). The sound can be constant (such as Area: NA
the sound of running water) Sudden (Such as a Reaction: Perception to Negate
distant wolves howl). When combined with other Duration: 5 Round
illusions, this spell can create very believable Damage: See Description
The caster creates an illusionary melee weapon to
appear in their hands. The form of the weapon is
irrelevant for the sake of determining its damage.
Requirements: Image The weapon has a +2 to accuracy and does 1d10
Casting time: Extended Action points of phantom damage. Anyone struck with this
Mana Cost: 12 weapon may make a perception check to negate the
Target: 5 yards damage and end the spell.

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

Range: 10 yards
As a standard action, anyone witnessing this effect Area: 5x5
may make a perception check to end the illusion. Reaction: Perception to Negate
Duration: 5 rounds

The caster has now mastered the art of creating

Casting time: Standard Action
illusionary images. The images perfectly incorporate
Mana Cost: 4
sight and sound as well as have an increased area of
Reaction: Perception to Negate
effect making it possible for the caster to create very
Target: NA
complex illusions. For instance, the caster could
Range: 10 yards
change an empty room so that it appeared filled with
Area: 1x1
people dinning and drinking, complete with the
Duration: 5 rounds
sounds of talking and clattering dishes.

The caster constructs a static image in a 1x1 area.

Not only does the illusion look, sound, and move
The illusion is visible, but unable to move or produce
convincingly. The caster can program the illusions to
sound or smell. If touched it has the consistency of
react to specific situations. For instance in the above
thick smoke. The Illusion will last for 5 turns.
example when someone enters the illusionary room
one of the illusionary people may walk up and greet
them. If the caster is observing the illusion they can
Requirements: Image also directly control the actions of their illusions.
Casting time: Extended Action
Mana Cost: 8 Because Perfect Image implies an absolute mastery in
Target: NA constructing believable illusions, by simply knowing
Range: 10 yards this spell the caster increases the difficulty for targets
Area: 1x1 to resist any spell that includes the Image spell as a
Reaction: Perception to Negate requirement by +4.
Duration: 5 rounds

As with Lesser Image, only now the caster may

Requirements: Fade
create programed movements into the image. For
Casting time: Extended Action
instance, an illusionary guard may occasionally look
Mana Cost: 8
around or shift his weight. This opens the door for
Target: 1 living creature
more complex illusions for a clever wizard to
Range: NA
Area: NA
Reaction: Willpower to Negate
Because Greater Image implies an increased mastery
Duration: 5 rounds
in constructing believable illusions, by simply
knowing this spell the caster increases the difficulty
As with Fade, but at this level the caster may now
for targets to resist any spell that includes the Image
move, speak, and even attack while invisible.
spell as a requirement by +2.
Casting a spell or taking damage will still dispel the
spell however.

Requirements: Image, Greater Image

Casting time: Extended Action
Casting time: Standard Action
Mana Cost: 12
Mana Cost: 4
Target: NA
Target: Caster

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

Range: NA Target: Caster

Area: NA Range: NA
Reaction: NA Area: NA
Reaction: Perception to Negate
Duration: 5 rounds
Duration: 5 Round
Damage: NA
The caster veils themselves as another person. They The caster creates an illusion specifically crafted to
cannot assume the guise of a specific person. Rather alter their features in such a way that amplifies the
they appear as a non-descript individual of a specific perception of etiquette and grace. For the duration of
age, race, or gender with no distinguishing features. this spell, when making an etiquette check the caster
rolls 3d9 and keeps the two higher dice.

Requirements: Mask
Casting time: Extended Action Requirement: Mask
Mana Cost: 8 Casting time: Extended Action
Reaction: NA Mana Cost: 8
Target: Caster Target: Caster
Range: NA Range: NA
Area: NA Area: NA
Reaction: Perception to Negate
Duration: 5 rounds
Duration: 5 Round
Damage: NA
As with Mask, only now the caster may mimic a
specific individual very closely, to the point that only The caster creates an illusion specifically crafted to
someone very familiar with the person being alter their features in such a way that it instils fear in
mimicked has a chance to notice the deception. those that behold it. For the duration of this spell,
when making an intimidate check the caster rolls 3d9
and keeps the two higher dice.

Requirement: Mask
Casting time: Extended Action
Mana Cost: 8 Requirements: Image
Target: Caster
Range: NA Casting time: Extended Action
Area: NA Mana Cost: 12
Reaction: Perception to Negate Target: NA
Duration: 5 Round Range: 10 yards
Damage: NA Area: NA
Reaction: NA
The caster creates an illusion specifically crafted to
Duration: 5 rounds
alter their features in such a way that it projects a
demeanor of friendliness and trustworthiness. For The caster creates a phantasm. A phantasm is an
the duration of this spell, when making an charisma illusionary creature that has some degree of
check the caster rolls 3d9 and keeps the two higher sentience. The caster may use a phantasm as if it
dice. were an animal companion. By using a fast action on
their turn, the caster can command the phantasm to
act. A phantasm gets to make a single fast action and
Requirement: Mask standard action, two fast actions, or an extended
Casting time: Extended Action action. The phantasm has an attack score equal to the
Mana Cost: 8 caster’s mysticism proficiency and does 1d8 points of
damage on a successful attack and 2d8 damage on a

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

critical hit. The phantasm uses the caster’s mind *As a fast action the phantasm may make an attack
score for each of its abilities scores which will affect that does 1d8 points of damage or 2d8 on a critical
other stats such as the phantasm’s movement score, hit. The phantasm suffers a -2 penalty when using
initiative, guard, and bonus damage. When attacking this attack. This is in addition to its standard attack.
the phantasm uses the caster’s training in mysticism
as its training in fighting, meaning that the *As an extended action the phantasm may make an
phantasm’s attack score will be equal to the caster’s attack that does 1d12 points of damage or 2d12 on a
mysticism proficiency. critical hit. The phantasm gains a +2 bonus when
using this attack. This is in addition to its standard
A phantasm cannot be stunned, dazed, petrified, attack.
confused, poisoned, sickened, or poisoned.
Phantasms are immune to necrotic damage and fear. Greater Phantasms are more durable, there is only a 1
They cannot be affected by illusions and are immune in 10 chance that taking damage will cause the spell
to phantom damage. to end prematurely.

While the phantasm has some semblance of

sentience, it has no actual form. A phantasm does
Requirements: Image
not have hit points like a regular creature but, if the
Casting time: Extended Action
phantasm is ever hit with an attack or takes any
Mana Cost: 8
amount of damage there is a 1 in 6 chance that the
Target: 1 creature
spell will end and the phantasm will fade away.
Range: 10 yards
Area: NA
Reaction: Perception to Negate
Requirements: Image, Phantasm Duration: Instant
Casting time: Extended Action Damage: 2d6 Phantom
Mana Cost: 16
Target: NA The caster launches an illusionary attack against a
Range: 10 yards target within 10 yards. The appearance of the attack
Area: NA can take any from the caster wishes, but most of the
Reaction: NA time it resembles another spell or form of attack that
Duration: 5 rounds would seem believable. The target suffers 2d6 points
of phantom damage from the attack unless they make
As with Phantasm, however now the phantasm is able a reflexive perception check to realize that the attack
to appear as a medium or large creature. The is an illusion.
phantasm does 1d10 points of phantom damage on a
successful attack or 2d10 on a critical hit.

Requirements: Image, Phantom Strike

When greater phantasm is casted, the caster may give
Casting time: Extended Action
the phantasm any one of the following abilities,
Mana Cost: 12
chosen at the time of casting.
Target: 1 creature
Range: 10 yards
*As a standard action the phantasm may make an
Area: NA
attack with reach, that does 1d8 points of damage or
Reaction: Perception to Negate
2d8 on a critical hit. The phantasm suffers a -2
Duration: Instant
penalty when using this attack. This is in addition to
Damage: 2d8 Phantom
its standard attack.

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

As with Phantom Strike, only now the attack does

2d8 points of phantom damage.
Requirements: Image
Casting time: Extended Action
Mana Cost: 8
Requirements: Image, Blinding Flash Target: NA
Casting time: Extended Action Range: 10 yards
Mana Cost: 8 Area: 5x5
Reaction: Perception to Negate
Target: Caster
Duration: 5 rounds
Range: NA
Area: NA The caster unleashes wild illusionary magic within
Reaction: NA the area of effect. Lights of all colors dance around;
Duration: 5 rounds the ground appears to melt before sprouting strange
vegetation. Geometrically impossible objects spring
The caster cloaks themselves in a shimmering into existence before vanishing into bursts of light.
shifting armor of light that makes their actual Sound becomes muffled and distorted while strange
location and movements hard to discern. The spell voices and ambient sounds emanate from nowhere.
lasts for 5 rounds. The caster gains a +4 bonus to
their guard score. The spell is fragile however. If the Creatures within the area suffer a -2 penalty on all
caster is successfully hit with an attack the armor will checks they make, but are particularly susceptible to
prevent all damage, and then shatter, ending the spell. illusions. When resisting any other illusion spell or
effect creatures within the affected area suffer a -4
If the caster is hit, causing the spell to break, the spell penalty to their perception checks.
causes a blinding flash of light. Anyone adjacent to
the caster must make a reflexive perception check or During their turn a creature in the area of effect may
be blinded and disoriented. use a standard action to make a perception check to
negate the effects of the spell. Once anyone in the
A blind creature suffers a -2 penalty to all actions area negates the spell, it is dispelled.
while blind. At the beginning of each round they
may make a stamina check to recover their sight,
otherwise the effect persists.

Requirement: Image
Casting time: Extended Action
Mana Cost: 8
Target: NA
Range: 10 yards
Area: 3x3
Reaction: Perception to Negate
Duration: Instant
Damage: 1d6 Phantom

The caster causes a horribly loud and high pitched

sound to emanate from seemingly nowhere. Any
living creature in the area of the noise suffers 1d6
points of damage and is stunned unless they make a
perception check to negate.

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

Spell Cost
Bone Armor 8
Bone Sword 8
Undead Battery 0
Undead Bomb 12
Undead Martyr 12
Wall of Bones 12
Cloak of Darkness 4
Claws of Darkness 12
Fear Curse 4
Terror 12
Grasping Shadows 8
Shadow Armor 8
Shadow Stride 12
Wings of Shadow 12
Death Charm 4
Death Pact 4
Disrupt Undead 4
Ashes to Ashes 8
Festering Wound 4 Requirements: Disrupt Undead
Miasma 12 Casting time: Extended Action
Plague Shroud 8 Mana Cost: 8
Glyph of Necromancy 2 Target: 1 undead
Igneous Fatuous 8 Range: 5 yards
Raise Dead 12 Area: NA
Raise Dead, Greater 16 Reaction: Willpower to Negate
Raise Dead, Irevmoir 20 Duration: Instant
Syphon Life 12
Greater Syphon Life 16 As with Disrupt Undead, but now the spell instantly
Touch of Decay 4 destroys its target, leaving only a pile of ashes.
Necrotic Blast 8
Black Wave 12 Intelligent undead take 2d10 points of damage
instead, but may react by making a Willpower check
Necromancy is the magic of death. While there are to negate. This spell has no effect on incorporeal
those that argue necromancy is inherently evil, there undead.
are few necromancers that care about the opinions of
others. It takes a certain mindset to study this field of
magic and many questions of ethics and morality
Requirements: Necrotic Blast
have been discarded long ago. While there are most
Casting time: Extended Action
certainly noble and heroic necromancers, it is
Mana Cost: 12
undeniable that there is an inherently dark and
Target: 1-3 creatures
morbid motif that comes with this field of magic.

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

Range: 5 yards The caster causes their hand from the wrist down to
Area: NA transform into a wicked curved blade made of bone.
Reaction: Agility to Negate The sword does 1d10 points of damage on a
Duration: Instant successful attack. To attack with the sword the caster
Damage: 4d8 Necrotic + Decay uses their fight skill, but gains a +2 bonus to the
check. The caster suffers 1d6 points of necrotic
The caster unleashes a blast of necrotic energy at a damage when they cast this spell.
target within 5 yards. The target takes 4d8 necrotic
damage. The target may make a reactive agility
check to dodge the attack.
Requirement: Cloak of Darkness
If the target takes damage they suffer from decay and Casting time: Extended Action
take 1d4 points of damage per turn for the duration of Mana Cost: 12
Target: Caster
the effect.
Range: NA
Area: NA
The caster may target up to three targets with this Reaction: NA
spell, resolve each attack separately. Duration: 5 rounds
Damage: NA

The caster’s arms are covered in swirling shadows

Casting time: Extended Action forming long claws of pure blackness. The caster can
Mana Cost: 8 make melee attacks with these claws. The claws do
Target: 1 Mindless Creature or Caster 1d6 + might points of damage and have reach. On a
Range: 5 Yards critical hit the claws to 2d6 + might points of damage
Area: NA and the victim becomes fearful.
Reaction: NA
Duration: 5 rounds A fearful creature suffer a -2 penalty on all checks.
Each round, the target may make a willpower check
The caster may cast this spell on a mindless undead to end this effect.
creature causing a thick armor of bones to appear on
the creature. The target gains and armor score of 4
for the duration of this spell.
Casting time: Standard Action
Mana Cost: 4
The caster may choose to cast this spell on
Target: NA
themselves if they wish. When the caster does this,
Range: 10 yards
they will suffer 1d6 points of necrotic damage.
Area: 5 x 5
Reaction: NA
Duration: 5 Rounds
Requirements: Bone Armor
Casting time: Extended Action The caster creates magical darkness. Anyone within
Mana Cost: 8 the darkness is effectively blind, but the darkness
Target: Caster may also provide concealment.
Range: NA
Area: NA
Reaction: NA
Duration: 5 rounds Casting time: Standard Action
Mana Cost: 4
Target: NA

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

Range: Caster targets an undead creature within 10 yards, that

Area: NA creature is stunned.
Reaction: NA
Duration: 5 Rounds A stunned character is unable to move or take actions
on their next turn and their they lose any bonus to
A quite useful spell considering the kind of threats their guard score from agility.
necromancers are typically exposed to. This spell
makes the caster completely immune to necrotic Intelligent undead may make a reflexive Willpower
damage for its duration. check to completely negate this effect. This spell has
no effect on incorporeal undead.

Requirement: Death Charm

Casting time: Standard Action Requirements: Cloak of Darkness
Mana Cost: 4 Casting time: Standard Action
Target: Caster Mana Cost: 4
Range: NA
Target: 1 creature
Area: NA
Reaction: NA Range: 10 yard
Duration: 5 rounds Area: NA
Damage: NA Reaction: Willpower to Negate
Duration: Instant
As a last ditch effort to prevent their own demise Damage: NA
using their mastery over necromantic forces the
caster enters into a pact with death itself. The target becomes fearful. They suffer a -2 penalty
on all check. Each round, the target may make a
If the caster is reduced to 0 hit points during the willpower check to end this effect.
duration of this spell, they immediately die and
quickly decay into a skeleton that dissolves to ash
and dust. At the next sunset, the caster will reform
and then return to life. The caster returns to life with Casting time: Standard Action
a single hit point, no determination, and no mana. Mana Cost: 4
They are not however, injured or affected by any Target: 1 living creature at less than full health
conditions such as sickness, poison, or petrification Range: 10 yard
that they may have been suffering from when they Area: NA
died. Reaction: Willpower for half damage
Duration: Instant
Damage: 2d8 Necrotic

Casting time: Standard Action The caster causes necrotic energy to course through
Mana Cost: 4 the target’s wounds and painfully worsens them. In
Target: 1 undead addition, the target becomes sickened with Widow’s
Range: 5 yards Fever. The target may make a willpower check to
Area: NA reduce this damage to 1d8. Any creature that takes
Reaction: Willpower to Negate full damage from this spell is also sickened..
Duration: Instant
A creature sickened with Widow’s Fever takes 1d4
The caster uses their control of necrotic energy to points of damage each day and suffers a -2 penalty on
disrupt the powers animating the undead. The caster all actions. Each day the sickened creature may

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

make a stamina check (difficulty 15) to recover from Range: NA

the sickness, otherwise it persists. Area: NA
Reaction: NA
Duration: 5 Rounds
Damage: See Below
Casting time: Fast Action
The caster creates an eerie green flame which burns
Mana Cost: 2
about as bright as a torch but produces no heat and
Target: NA
burns nothing that is not alive. This fire engulfs the
Range: NA
hands of the caster and may be hurled at targets near
Area: 1x1
the caster.
Reaction: NA
Duration: 5 Round
For the duration of the spell the caster may, as a
Damage: NA
standard action, hurl a ball of the igneous fatuous at a
living creature within 5 yards of the caster. The
The caster causes a magical glowing symbol to
target suffers 2d8 points of necrotic damage. A
appear at their feet forming a magical circle of sorts.
creature may make an agility check to reduce this
So long as the caster stands on this circle, the mana
damage to 1d8.
cost for spells casted from the school of Necromancy
is reduced by 4 to a minimum of 1. If the caster
Any creature that takes full damage from this spell
leaves the circle before the spell’s duration expires,
suffers from an effect similar to burring save that the
the spell ends and the glyph vanishes.
fire does necrotic damage. A creature suffering from
this effect is also fearful.

Requirements: Cloak of Darkness A fearful creature suffer a -2 penalty on all checks.

Casting time: Extended Action Each round, the target may make a willpower check
Mana Cost: 8 to end this effect, but not while they are still burning
Target: NA from the Igneous Fatuous
Range: 10 yards
Area: 5 x 5
Reaction: NA
Requirement: Festering Wound
Duration: 5 Rounds
Casting time: Extended Action
Mana Cost: 12
The caster creates magical darkness. Anyone within Target: NA
the darkness is effectively blind, but the darkness Range: 10 yards
may also provide concealment. Area: 3x3
Reaction: Willpower for half damage
Anyone within the darkness finds movement Duration: 5 rounds
difficult. In addition to being effectively blinded, Damage: 2d6
those within the darkness suffer a -2 penalty to all
The caster unleashes a hideous black stinking cloud
skill checks as their movements are sluggish. A
that covers the affected area. Each living creature in
character within the darkness is only able to move 1
the area when the spell is casted or starts their turn in
yard per turn.
the area suffers 2d6 points of necrotic damage. A
creature in the affected area may make a willpower
check to reduce the damage to 1d6.
Casting time: Extended Action
Any creature that takes full damage from this spell is
Mana Cost: 8
Target: Caster sickened with Widow’s Fever.

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

all actions. Each day the sickened creature may

A creature sickened with Widow’s Fever takes 1d4 make a stamina check (difficulty 15) to recover from
points of damage each day and suffers a -2 penalty on the sickness, otherwise it persists.
all actions. Each day the sickened creature may make
a stamina check to recover from the sickness,
otherwise it persists.
Casting time: 1 hour
Mana Cost: 12
Target: 1 corpse
Requirements: Touch of Decay Range: 1 yard
Casting time: Extended Action Area: NA
Mana Cost: 8 Reaction: NA
Target: 1-2 creatures Duration: Instant
Range: 5 yards
Reaction: Agility to Negate The caster is able to harness necrotic energies to
Area: NA animate the dead and cause them to become undead.
Duration: Instant With this spell the caster can create a skeleton or a
Damage: 2d6 zombie. The type of undead that rises depends on the
condition of the body used to cast this spell. If the
The caster unleashes a blast of necrotic energy at a caster has a body that has been dead less than 24
target within 5 yards. The target takes 2d6 points of hours, it will become a zombie, but if it has been
necrotic damage. The target may make a reactive dead longer than that it becomes a skeleton.
Agility check to dodge the attack. If the target takes
damage they suffer from decay and take 1d4 points of To cast this spell the caster must perform a complex
damage per turn for the duration of the effect. and macabre ritual. Casting this spell is a special
action which takes about an hour.

Requirements: Festering Wound

Casting time: Extended Action Requirements: Raise Dead
Mana Cost: 8 Casting time: 1 hour
Target: 1 living creature at less than full health Mana Cost: 16
Range: 10 yard Target: 1 corpse
Area: NA Range: 1 yard
Reaction: NA Area: NA
Duration: Instant Reaction: NA
Damage: 2d10 Necrotic Duration: Instant

The caster calls forth a sickening cloud of necrotic This spell works the same way as raise dead, only at
energy that surrounds the target. The target takes this power level the undead created will be either a
2d10 points of necrotic damage. The target may Ravinous Skeleton or a Gorganoth Zombie.
make a stamina check to reduce the damage to 1d10.
To cast this spell the caster must perform a complex
A creature that takes full damage from this spell is and macabre ritual. Casting this spell is a special
also sickened with Widow’s Fever. action which takes about an hour.

A creature sickened with Widow’s Fever takes 1d4

points of damage each day and suffers a -2 penalty on

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

The armor causes a supernatural fear in all those near

it. Any creature that begins their turn adjacent to the
Requirements: Raise Dead, Greater caster is stricken with fear. The creature may make a
Casting time: 1 hour reflexive Willpower check to negate this effect.
Mana Cost: 20
Target: 1 Living Person
Range: 1 yard
Area: NA Requirements: Cloak of Darkness
Reaction: NA Casting time: Extended Action
Duration: Instant Mana Cost: 12
Target: Caster
To cast this spell the caster needs a living person that Range: NA
is completely helpless, either restrained or in some Area: NA
other way incapacitated. By performing an hours Reaction: NA
long ritual the caster reshapes the body of the victim Duration: Instant
until it is strong and fit. This process is agonizingly
painful to the victim, and ultimately fatal. Once dead This spell causes the caster to vanish in a swirling
the soul of the victim is prevented from departing the cloud of darkness, only to instantly reappear up to 10
body and is transformed into dark energy that will yards away. The caster must be in darkness (dark
power the new undead creature. The victim will rise enough to provide concealment) both when they cast
again as an Irevmori the “perfect dead”. the spell, and also at the destination.

To complete this complicated spell the caster must

make two mysticism checks. The first is done about
half way through the ritual to complete the Mana Cost: 12
transformation process. Failure on this check will Casting time: Extended Action
kill the victim prematurely and ruin any chance of Target: 1 creature
creating the Irevmori. The second check is made at Range: 3 yards
the end to of the ritual to convert the victim’s soul Area: NA
into energy. Failure at this stage will allow the soul Reaction: Willpower to Negate
to escape and prevent the Irevmori from reanimating. Duration: Instant
Damage: 2d6 Necrotic

The caster is able to harness necrotic energy to pull

Requirements: Cloak of Darkness the life force out of a target and restore the life of the
Casting time: Extended Action caster. The target must be adjacent to the caster. The
Mana Cost: 8 target takes 2d6 points of necrotic damage. The
Target: Caster caster recovers a number of hit points equal to half of
Range: NA the damage inflicted on the target. The target may
Reaction: Willpower to Negate make an willpower check to reduce the damage by
Area: NA half and prevent the caster from regaining hit points.
Duration: 5 rounds

The caster cloaks themselves in dark swirling energy

that has the vague appearance of plate armor. The Requirements: Syphon Life
spell acts as armor and has a duration of 5 rounds. Casting time: Extended Action
The armor grants the caster a Armor Rating of 2. Mana Cost: 16
Reaction: Willpower to Negate

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

Target: 1-2 creatures Range: 10 Yards

Range: 5 yard Area: NA
Area: NA Reaction: NA
Duration: Instant Duration: Instant
Damage: 2d6 Necrotic
The caster completely drains a mindless undead
As with Syphon Life, only now the range is increased creature of necrotic energy destroying it instantly.
to 5 yards and the caster may now target up to two The caster regains 4 points of mana.
creatures, resolve each attack separately.

Requirements: Bone Armor

Requirements: Cloak of Darkness, Fear Curse Casting time: Extended Action
Casting time: Extended Action Mana Cost: 12
Mana Cost: 12 Target:
Target: 1 creature Range: 10 Yards
Range: 10 yard Area: NA
Area: NA Reaction: NA
Reaction: Willpower to Negate Duration: Instant
Duration: Instant
Damage: NA The caster infuses a mindless undead creature with
necrotic energy destroying it instantly. The undead
The target is overcome by terror. They can take no creature will then explode causing 1d6 points of
actions. Each round, the target may make a necrotic damage to all adjacent creatures. The
willpower check to end this effect. adjacent creatures may make an agility check to
negate the damage from this spell.

Casting time: Standard Action

Mana Cost: 4 Requirements: Bone Armor
Target: 1 creature Casting time: Extended Action
Range: 3 yards Mana Cost: 12
Area: NA Target:
Reaction: Willpower to Negate Range: 10 Yards
Duration: Instant Area: NA
Damage: Decay Reaction: NA
Duration: Instant
The target suffers from decay. At the beginning of
their turn, a creature with decay takes 1d4 points of The caster infuses a mindless undead creature with
necrotic damage. After taking this damage, the necrotic energy destroying it instantly. The caster
creature may make a willpower check to end this may then direct a beam of necrotic energy from the
effect. undead creature to another target up to 5 yards away.
This new target suffers 2d8 points of necrotic

Requirements: Bone Armor Targets of the blast may make an agility check to
Casting time: Extended Action reduce the damage from the blast to 1d8 necrotic.
Mana Cost: 0
Target: 1 Mindless Undead Creature

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

Requirements: Bone Armor Requirement: Cloak of Darkness

Casting time: Extended Action Casting time: Extended Action
Mana Cost: 12 Mana Cost: 12
Target: NA Target: Caster
Range: 10 yards Range: NA
Area: 5 yards Area: NA
Reaction: NA Reaction: NA
Duration: 1 day Duration: 5 rounds
Damage: NA
The caster infuses a mindless undead creature with
necrotic energy destroying it instantly. The bones of This spell causes the caster to sprout a set of black
the creature then reform and multiply with necrotic shadowy wings at their shoulders.
energy to form a wall of bones and black energy.
The wall is about 10 feet tall and fills an area of equal While so enspelled, the caster has the ability to fly at
to 5 yards arranged in any shape the caster wishes so
twice their normal movement speed.
long as it is a continuous structure.
The wings cause a supernatural fear in all those near
Sections of the wall can be destroyed if it is attacked it. Any creature that begins their turn adjacent to the
and takes 10 points of damage in any one location. caster is stricken with fear. The creature may make a
The wall emanates magical fear, and any character reflexive Willpower check to negate this effect.
that begins their turn adjacent to the wall becomes A fearful creature suffer a -2 penalty on all checks.
fearful. Fearful creatures suffer a -2 penalty on all Each round, the target may make a willpower check
to end this effect.
Anyone adjacent to the wall may make a willpower
check to negate or recover from the fearfulness.

The wall for last about a day if the wall is left alone.

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

Appendix i

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

needed for the weapons and armor found in this book

are located on the next page.
Literally everything ever made was made by
someone. Without going into too much detail about This system isn’t meant to micromanage every single
every single basket the players encounter throughout nail that a was used to build a house or take into
the course of their adventures, players will have the account how many feet of bowstring the character
opportunity to try their hand at making a few things used, but instead it is mean to be a fun if abstract
along the way. method of accounting for a player’s possible desire to
show their character’s creative side and provide
There are three types of crafting that the players will opportunities for the GM to explore.
have the option to try their hand at in a game of
Raven of the Scythe. There is most obviously, the Bandits robbing shipments coming from an iron
crafting of weapons and armor made available mine, means a lot more if the players are waiting for
through the craftsmanship skill, there is the herbal that iron so they can get to work on a new battle axe.
concoctions of the nature skill that a player may wish
to brew up, and lastly there are the strange and arcane Time and Labor
creations of alchemy that the players may indulge it In real life it can take days, weeks, or even months to
through the lore skill. forge a sword or suit of armor. For game purposes
most craft times are kept down to a number of days.
While each one operates with different tools, they all
follow the same basic rules. The exact amount of time required is determined by
the materials being used and how many are required.
A place to work Each raw material going into a creation adds to the
All crafting has to be done in a workspace of some time required.
sort. Herbalism can be done in just about any kitchen
or even sitting around a camp fire. Forging requires a Raw Time
workshop with tools and fire and an anvil. Alchemy Material Required
requires a laboratory of sorts. Basic alchemy can be
done with a portable laboratory that amounts to a Herb 1 Hour
leather case of tools and vials, while more advanced Metal Essence 2 Hours
alchemy requires a dedicated laboratory. Gem Dust 3 Hours
Cloth 6 Hours
If the players don’t have access to a workspace they Leather 8 Hours
may be able to rent the use of one from someone who Wood 10 Hours
does. Raw Metal 12 Hours

Raw Materials Thus, if we were to use the above formula to

Every item requires the raw materials to make it. determine the amount of time required to craft a
These items are consumed when the player uses them battle axe, which requires 4 steel, it would take 48
to create an item, or ruined when the player fails at hours to make the axe. How the would-be axe smith
their attempt to do so. fits that 48 hours of crafting into their schedule is
entirely up to them.
For herbal concoctions and alchemic items, the
needed materials are listed with the description of the
specific items.

For craftsmanship it gets bit trickier since the skill

covers such a broad area, the required raw materials

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

Arming Sword Steel x2 Composite Wood x8

Battle Axe Steel x4 Great Bow
Club Wood x1 Composite Wood x6
Curved Sword Steel x2 Long Bow
Dagger Steel x1 Composite Wood x4
Fighting Spear Steal x2 Short Bow
Flail Iron x3 Double Iron x8
Great Axe Steel x5 Crossbow
Great Club Wood x2 Great Bow Wood x8
Great Flail Iron x4 Hand Iron x3
Great Sword Steel x4 Crossbow
Hand Axe Steel x2 Heavy Iron x5
Lance, Heavy Steel x5 Crossbow
Lance, Light Steel x4 Light Iron x4
Long Sword Steel x3 Crossbow
Mace Iron x2 Long Bow Wood x6
Morning Star Iron x3 Short Bow Wood x4
Pike Steel x3, Wood x1
Pole Axe Steel x5,
Wood x1
Quarter Staff Wood x1 Chain Mail Steel x4
Short Sword Steel x1 Gambeson Cloth x4
Sickle Steel x1 Quilted Amor Clothe x1
Sickle Sword Heavy Plate Steal x8
(Medium) Iron x4 Leather Cuirass Leather x4
Sickle Sword Leather Jerkin Leather x1
(Large) Iron x5 Light Plate Steel x6
Thin Blade Steel x2 Ring Mail Steel x3
Trident Steel x3, Wood x1 Scale Mail Steel x2
War Hammer Iron x4 Steel Cuirass Steel x4
War Scythe Steel x5,
Wood x1
Whip Leather x1 Heavy Barding Steal x24
Light Barding Steal x12
Medium Barding Steal x18

Heavy Shield Wood x16

Middle Shield Wood x12
Light Shield Wood x8
Bucker Wood x4

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

Re-forging The Market Price

Any item that is made of metal can be more or less To determine the market value of any crafted
broken down into its component parts to be used item. Take into account that you are not only asking
the buyer to pay for the raw materials needed to make
the item, but also the time and energy it took to make
it and the expertise required of the craftsman. Easy
This process takes 1 hour for each component that to make items can be bought quite cheaply, but items
was in the original. that require specialized training and skill are very
There is normally some loss though. When an item is
melted down the smith will get one less raw material For any crafted item that does not require any favors,
only ranks in a skill; the market price of the item is
than went into making it in the first place.
the cost of the raw materials times three.

For example: A smith has a heavy lance that he or For any crafted item that requires a favor with a
she wants melted down. A heavy lance requires 5 required training of 2 as a prerequisite. The market
steel to craft so it will take 5 hours to melt down the price of the item is the cost of the raw materials times
lance. At the end of that time the smith will have 4 five.
steel to work with or save for other projects.
For any crafted item that requires a favor with a
required training of 4 as a prerequisite. The market
The only exception to this rule is gold. Gold can be price of the item is the cost of the raw materials times
melted down over and over again with no loss of ten.
material. This is one of the strange properties that
have lead alchemist to believe that gold has inherent Mastercarft items require that a craftsman has the
mystical properties. required craftsmanship favor as well as a
craftsmanship score of 6, thus its price is the cost of
raw materials times twenty.

Skill Required Price

For Favor Modifier
0 x3
2 x5
4 x 10
6 x 20

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

Appendix ii
Animal Companions

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

Some characters may wish to acquire an animal Animal (Small), Badger

companion using the animal companion favor. These
animals are more than mere pets; they are trusted Attributes
allies and close friends to the character. Agility -2
Might 2
A character gains an animal companion with the Mind -2
animal companion favor, which assumes they already Perception 3
have the animal or will acquire it through role Stamina 4
playing very soon after taking the favor. While it Willpower 5
isn’t required, it may be important to the character to
know that they earned the trust of a wolf that was Compiled Stats
separated from its pack, or how they found a bear Guard 9 (Small Size +1)
caught in a trap. Movement 8
Initiative * (Companions act on their
A character is also responsible for their animal master’s turn)
companion. They will need to feed them and see that Determ. 8
they are provided with shelter. Animals that are
neglected or treated with cruelty lack the loyalty to Hit Points 19 (Small Size,
their master to become animal companions. Devotion +10)

The very first thing a character taking the animal Skills

companion favor needs to determine is what type of Fighting +4 (Talent +2, Training +2)
animal they are taking as their companion. Intimidate +6 (Talent +4, Training +2)

These animals represent standard examples of their Combat

respective species, but may be altered through the use Armor Rating 2 (Thick Hide)
of the animal training favors. Claws
Attack: +4 Damage 1d6+2,
Critical 2d6+2

Special Abilities and Traits

Animal Companions increase their hit points by +10.
If at the beginning of this creature’s turn, if it has 5 or
fewer hit points; any remaining determination; and is
not injured, it immediately recovers 1d4 hit points.
Small Size
Small creatures have hit points equal to 5 + stamina.

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

Animal (medium), Bear Animal (small), Pig

Attributes Attributes
Agility -2 Agility 0
Might 2 Might 2
Mind -2 Mind 0
Perception 2 Perception 0
Stamina 3 Stamina 3
Willpower 4 Willpower 4

Compiled Stats Compiled Stats

Guard 8 Guard 11 (Small Size +1)
Movement 8 Movement 10
Initiative * (Companions act on their Initiative * (Companions act on their
master’s turn) master’s turn)
Determ. 7 Determ. 7

Hit Points 38 (Devotion +10) Hit Points 18 (Small Size,

Devotion +10)
Fighting +4 (Talent +1, Training +3) Skills
Intimidate +6 (Talent +2, Training +4) Fighting +4 (Talent +2, Training +2)

Combat Combat
Armor Rating 2 (Thick Hide) Armor Rating 2 (Thick Hide)
Claws Gore
Attack: +4 Damage 1d6+2, Attack: +4 Damage 1d6+2,
Critical 2d6+2 Critical 2d6+2

Special Abilities and Traits Special Abilities and Traits

Devotion Devotion
Animal Companions increase their hit points by +10. Animal Companions increase their hit points by +10.
Relentless Relentless
If at the beginning of this creature’s turn, if it has 5 or If at the beginning of this creature’s turn, if it has 5 or
fewer hit points; any remaining determination; and is fewer hit points; any remaining determination; and is
not injured, it immediately recovers 1d4 hit points. not injured, it immediately recovers 1d4 hit points.

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

Animal (Small), Dog Animal (Small), Bird

Attributes Attributes
Agility 1 Agility 6
Might 1 Might -2
Mind 0 Mind 0
Perception 6 Perception 6
Stamina 0 Stamina -2
Willpower 2 Willpower 2

Compiled Stats Compiled Stats

Guard 12 (Small Size +1) Guard 17 (Small Size +1)
Movement 11 Movement 3
Initiative * (Companions act on their -fly 22
master’s turn) Initiative * (Companions act on their
Determ. 5 master’s turn)
Determ. 5
Hit Points 15 (Small Size,
+10 Devotion) Hit Points 13 (Small Size,
Devotion +10)
Athletics +2 (Talent +1, Training +1) Skills
Fighting +2 (Talent +1, Training +1) Investigate +7 (Talent +6, Training +1)
Intimidate +3 (Talent +1, Training +2) Intimidate +3 (Talent +1, Training +2)
Investigate +8 (Talent +6, Training +2)
Combat Armor Rating None
Armor Rating None Claws
Bite Attack: -2, Damage 1d4
Attack +2, Damage 1d6+1
Critical 2d6+1 Special Abilities and Traits
Special Abilities and Traits Animal Companions increase their hit points by +10.
Devotion Small Size
Animal Companions increase their hit points by +10. Small creatures have hit points equal to 5 + stamina.
Small Size Swoop
Small creatures have hit points equal to 5 + stamina. A hawk can move to become adjacent to a target to
make an attack, attack, and then move again. It’s
total movement in a round cannot exceed its flying

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

Animal (Large), Horse Animal (Small), Cat

Attributes Attributes
Agility 2 Agility 4
Might 4 Might 0
Mind -2 Mind -2
Perception 4 Perception 2
Stamina 3 Stamina 0
Willpower 0 Willpower 0

Compiled Stats Compiled Stats

Guard 11 (-1 Large Size) Guard 14 (+1 Small Size)
Movement 12 Movement 14
Initiative * (Companions act on their Initiative * (Companions act on their
master’s turn) master’s turn)
Determ. 5 Determ. 3

Hit Points 48 (+10 Large Size, Hit Points 15 (Small Size,

Devotion +10) Devotion +10)

Skills Skills
Acrobatics +6 (Talent +4, Training +2)
Combat Fighting +2 (Talent +2, Training +0)
Armor Rating 2 (Thick Hide) Stealth +8 (Talent +4, Training +4)
Attack: +4, Damage: 1d4+4 Combat
Critical 1d6+4 Armor None
Stomp: (Against Prone Targets) Claws:
Attack: +6, Damage: 1d6+6 Bashing Attack +2, Damage 1d6,
Charge: Critical 2d6
Attack: +4, Damage: 1d6+8 Bashing
This creature may make a charge attack if it has Special Abilities and Traits
moved at least half of its movement score to become Devotion
adjacent to its target. The target must make a might Animal Companions increase their hit points by +10.
check (Difficulty 14) or be pushed back, those that Small Size
are pushed must make an agility check (Difficulty Small creatures have hit points equal to 5 + stamina.
14) or be rendered prone.

Special Abilities and Traits

Animal Companions increase their hit points by +10.
Large Size
Large creatures have +10 hit points and -1 to guard.

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

Animal (Medium), Deer Animal (Small), Wolf

Attributes Attributes
Agility 2 Agility 1
Might 0 Might 2
Mind -2 Mind 0
Perception 6 Perception 4
Stamina 0 Stamina 1
Willpower 0 Willpower 2

Compiled Stats Compiled Stats

Guard 12 Guard 12 (+1 Small Size)
Movement 12 Movement 11
Initiative * (Companions act on their Initiative * (Companions act on their
master’s turn) master’s turn)
Determ. 3 Determ. 5

Hit Points 26 (Devotion +10) Hit Points 16 (Devotion +10)

Skills Skills
Stealth +4 (Talent +2, Training +2) Athletics +3 (Talent +2, Training +1)
Fighting +4 (Talent +2, Training +2)
Combat Intimidate +4 (Talent +2, Training +2)
Armor None
Gore: Combat
Attack +0, Damage 1d4 Armor None
Critical 1d6 Bite:
Attack +2, Damage 1d6+2
Special Abilities and Traits Critical 2d6+2
Animal Companions increase their hit points by +10. Special Abilities and Traits
Animal Companions increase their hit points by +10.
Small Size
Small creatures have hit points equal to 5 + stamina.

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

Appendix iii

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

In games that involve “dungeon crawling” traps can on their toes and then as you amp up the difficulty
be a great way to expose the player characters to you can have them face the death trap near the end.
danger from sources other than monsters and combat
as well as give them the opportunity to use skills that When placing traps, be aware that traps are
might otherwise be underused. indiscriminate. A trapped treasure chest sitting in a
hallway is one thing, but a trap on the door leading to
When done poorly, traps can cause game sessions to the only privy is quite another. If the traps are in an
grind to a halt as the players feel the need to carefully occupied location, it is unlikely that the traps will be
examine every single square foot of wall, corridor, in places where the people who live there are likely
and ceiling before they feel safe advancing. This can to trip them. Likewise, characters are unlikely to find
quickly become tedious and dull. traps in frequently used hallways. The trap would be
more of a threat to the trap maker or their allies then
At what point traps become a bore is up the group in they would ever be to a would be intruder. You don’t
question. Some players may enjoy the tense want to create a situation where the players watch a
exploration of some forgotten tomb as they carefully group of enemies casually walk through a door only
scan their surrounding for anything that could hide to have an axe blade drop when the players try to go
hidden danger, while other groups may quickly tire of through the same door moments later.
them all together. As in all things the GM is the final
say in just how much traps get used. But, “in
moderation” seems to be the right path to take, while
keeping in mind that what is moderation to one group Difficulty to Locate: Investigate 10
might be overkill to another. Difficulty to Disarm: Thievery or Lore 10
Difficulty to Avoid: Agility 10
At the very least, traps should appear where it makes
sense for them to. For instance, if the players are Damage: 1d8
storming the keep of a North Man warlord known for
his brute strength and ruthless brutality, then the At their most basic, traps should cause the players to
players should rightfully expect for there to be no pause and think about their next move in some cases.
traps in this keep unless the story up to that point has A trap can be discovered by making an investigate
established that the Warlord had a cunning trap check near either the trigger of the trap or the trap
maker as one of his or her minions. In this scenario itself. For instance a character might discover that a
the GM has already telegraphed to the players that hidden crossbow is set to fire down a hallway, but
there will or won’t be traps. On the other hand, if the will be unsure what exactly sets off the trap. By the
player are exploring a labyrinth surrounding the tomb same token, a character might discover a tripwire
of a legendary trap builder, then they should expect across a passageway, but would have no way of
the place to be filled with traps to the point that they knowing what exactly will happen once the trap is
are afraid of every step. A little forewarning can go a sprung. In the end, it doesn’t matter a great deal. A
long way, if you let the players know upfront that trap can be disarmed from either its trigger or at the
there will be traps (or established a situation where trap itself by making either a lore or a thievery check.
they could reasonably expect them) they are less Lastly, if a character does find themselves to be the
likely to call foul when they encounter a trap that target of a trap, they may make an agility check to
nearly takes one of their arms off. negate the damage or other consequences.

Sometimes, the GM may want to create a situation

where the players unknowingly stumble into a trap
infested area. In this case, just start out slow to let When the GM wishes to put a trap into his or her
them get use to the idea. A needle trapped door here, games, he or she should think for a moment about
a crossbow trap there to warm them up and put them what exactly they want to do with the trap. Is it a

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

minor obstacle? Is it deadly, but easily overcome

hazard? Or, is it a warning of dangers to come?
Cost Difficulty
Assume that traps are built off a point system and -1 8
each element costs a certain amount of points. The 0 10
basic trap listed above is the baseline from which all +1 12
traps are built. Improvements in one area require +2 14
degradation is another. For instance a trap might be +3 16
difficult to spot and inflict poison on its victim, but as
a result the trap does very little initial damage. This
is an abstract way of looking at traps that frees up
their mechanics from their forms and hopefully gives
GMs a little but more room for creativity when Some traps inflict extra woe on their victims than just
designing traps. initial damage.

Cost Damage Cost Damage

-3 no damage +1 1d8
-2 1d4 +2 1d10
-1 1d6 +3 1d12
0 1d8
+1 1d10 Acid traps inflict an extra amount of acid damage to
+2 1d12 anyone who takes damage from the trap.

Cost Difficulty Cost Area

-1 6 +1 3x3
0 10 +2 5x5
+1 14
+2 18 These traps are set up in such a way as to cause
+3 22 damage to not only the person who triggered the trap,
but anyone near them.

Cost Difficulty
-1 6 +2 Fire
0 10 +6 Cold, Electric
+1 14 +8 Necrotic
+2 18
+3 22 These traps do their damage in the form of elemental
damage. When creating an elemental trap consider
the following: Anyone who takes 1d8 or more fire
damage will also suffer from burning. Cold damage
is avoided by making a stamina check rather than an
agility check, and lastly, anyone who takes electric

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

damage is stunned. Anyone who suffers from

necrotic damage will suffer from decay.

Cost Depth This trap causes an acid coated blade to fall.

+2 Short Fall (1d6)
+4 Medium Fall (3d6) Difficulty to Locate: Investigate 6
+6 Long Fall (5d6+5) Difficulty to Disarm: Thievery or Lore 10
Difficulty to Avoid: Agility 8
The famous pit trap. These traps do their damage by
causing the victims to fall some distance. This Damage: 1d8
damage ignores armor, renders the victim prone, and Acid: 1d10
requires them to climb out of the trap. The trap may
cause additional damage in the form of spikes at the
bottom or other dangers.
Found on the lock of a chest, this trap will trigger if
anyone tries to pick or break the lock by stabbing the
intruder with a sharp blade
Cost Damage
+1 1d4 Difficulty to Locate: Investigate 10
+2 1d6 Difficulty to Disarm: Thievery or Lore 14
+3 1d8 Difficulty to Avoid: Agility 10
+4 1d10
+5 1d12 Damage: 1d6

Poison traps inflict poison on anyone who takes

damage from the traps. The potency of the poison
This trap will drop anyone who wanders down the
determines the cost.
wrong hallway into a shallow pit.

Difficulty to Locate: Investigate 10

Difficulty to Disarm: Thievery or Lore 10
Difficulty to Avoid: Agility 12

Damage: None
Pit: Short Fall (1d6)

This trap involves a hidden crossbow which will fire

at anyone who tries to force a door open. It isn’t all
that difficult to notice this trap, but avoiding it once it
is sprung could prove to be challenging.

Difficulty to Locate: Investigate 6

Difficulty to Disarm: Thievery or Lore 10
Difficulty to Avoid: Agility 14
Damage: 1d6

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

Once this trap is triggered it will fire a hail of This trap is found in the locking mechanisms of a
crossbow bolts, damaging everyone in the area. door and is intended to punish anyone who tries to
pick the lock. It is difficult to notice this trap, but can
Difficulty to Locate: Investigate 6 be disarmed with relative ease.
Difficulty to Disarm: Thievery or Lore 10
Difficulty to Avoid: Agility 10 Difficulty to Locate: Investigate 16
Difficulty to Disarm: Thievery or Lore 6
Damage: 1d8 Difficulty to Avoid: Agility 10
Area: 3x3
Damage: 1d4
Poison: 1d4

Once this trap is triggered it will fire a hail of painful

darts, damaging everyone in the area.
This trap will drop anyone who wanders down the
Difficulty to Locate: Investigate 10 wrong hallway into a shallow pit onto the short
Difficulty to Disarm: Thievery or Lore 10 spikes at the bottom.
Difficulty to Avoid: Agility 10
Difficulty to Locate: Investigate 6
Damage: 1d6 Difficulty to Disarm: Thievery or Lore 10
Area: 3x3 Difficulty to Avoid: Agility 10

Damage: 1d6
Pit: Short Fall (1d6)

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

Appendix iv
Alchemical Items

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

In a world full of forgotten crypts, old ruins, and A cache is simply a small supply of weapons, gear,
forgotten castles, characters are from time to time and maybe some coins that were probably hidden
going to come across useful and valuable items, in away to be collected later. To stock a cache roll 1d8
fact the search for such items may the reason they on the table below.
were there in the first place.
1d8 Cache
What follows are some tables to help game masters 1 2d10 CP, 1d10 SE, 1 rusty melee weapon,
randomly stock the game with treasures the players 1d6 mundane items
might discover. Keep in mind these are just 2 2d10 CP, 1d10 SE, 1d4 mundane weapons,
suggestions and there is nothing at all keeping a game 1 trinket
master from ignoring any random table all together 3 2d10 CP, 1d10 SE, 1 GD, 1d4 mundane
and simply placing the items that he or she want the items, 1 rusty armor
players to find. 4 2d10 CP, 1d10 SE, 1d4 crafting items, 1
5 2d10 CP, 1d10 SE, 1d4 common herbs
6 2d10 CP, 1d10 SE, 1d4 GD, 1 rusty melee
weapon, 1d4 Crafting items, 1d4 rare herbs,
1 alchemic item
7 4d10 CP, 2d10 SE
Design Notes 8 1 rusty melee weapon, 1d6 mundane items,
Random Treasure 1d4 Crafting items, 1d4 common herbs, 1
alchemic item
Personally, as a game master, I have always loved
rolling up random treasures for my games. I think it
is almost as fun to see what items are going to be
An armory is used to store weapons and gear. To
in an adventure as it is for the players to find them.
stock an armory roll 1d8 on the table below.
That’s just me though and your tastes might differ.
1d8 Armory
I have tried to include a simple yet robust system of
1 1d4 melee weapons, 1 1 rusty armor
treasure generation that allows for a variety of
2 1d4 melee weapons, 1 rusty melee weapon,
treasure finds that players might discover, and
1d4 armor
hopefully you find them fair and easy to use.
3 1d4 bows, 1d4 armor
4 2d4 melee weapons, 1d4 bows, 1d6
mundane items, 1 alchemic weapon
5 1d4 mundane items, 1d4 melee weapons,
1d4 rusty melee weapons 1d4 armor
6 2d6 melee weapons, 2d6 bows, 1d6 armor,
1d4 mundane items
7 1d4 melee weapons, 2d6 mundane items
8 1d6 melee weapons, 1d4 bows, 1 alchemic

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

A store room is a place where gear and supplies are Like their more mundane counterparts, but for the
stored. To stock a store room roll 1d8 on the table working of alchemy. To stock an alchemic workshop
below. roll 1d8 on the table below.

1d8 Store Room 1d8 Alchemic Workshop

1 1d4 mundane items, 1d4 crafting items, 1d4 1 1d6 common herbs,
common herbs, 1d4 trinkets 2 1d6 common herbs, 1d6 rare herbs, 1d4
2 1d6 mundane items, 1d6 crafting items, 1d6 alchemic items
common herbs 3 2d10 CP, 2d6 common herbs, 1d4 rare herbs
3 1d8 mundane items, 1d8 crafting items, 1d8 4 1d6 common herbs, 1d6 common herbs, 1d4
common herbs rare herbs, 1d4 metal essence, 1d4 alchemic
4 1d6 mundane items, 1d6 crafting items, 1d6 items, 1d4 trinkets
common herbs, 1d4 trinkets 5 1d4 rare herbs, 1 extract, 1d6 metal essence,
5 3d6 mundane items 1d6 metal essence, 1d6 metal essence.
6 1d6 mundane items, 1d6 common herbs 6 1d6 metal essence, 1d4 gem dust, 1 extract,
7 3d10 CP, 1d6 mundane items 3d10 CP, 1d4 alchemic items
8 2d10 CP, 3d6 mundane items, 1d6 common 7 1d6 common herbs, 1d4 extracts,
herbs, 1d4 trinkets 3d4 metal essence,
8 1d4 common herbs, 1d4 rare herbs, 1d4
extracts, 1d4 metal essence, 1d4 gem dust,
1d4 alchemic items, 1d4 trinkets
Workshops are places where craftsmen can work
their trade. To stock a workshop roll 1d8 on the table

1d8 Workshop
1 1d6 crafting items, 1 trinket
2 1d4 crafting items, 1d4 common herbs.
3 2d6 crating items
4 1d4 common herbs
5 1d10 CP, 2d10 SE, 1d6 crafting items,
6 1d6 crafting items, 1d4 mundane items.
7 3d6 crafting items, 1d4 mundane items, 1d4
common herbs
8 1d10 SE, 1d8 crafting items, 1d4 common
herbs, 1d4 trinkets

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

A treasury is a store house for coins and other Surrounded by bones and the discarded remains of
valuables. To stock a treasury roll 1d8 on the table past victims, a lair can hold many strange items. To
below. stock a lair roll 1d8 on the table below.

1d8 Treasury 1d8 Lair

1 4d20 CP, 4d10 SE, 1 GD, 1d4 gemstones 1 2d6 CP, 1d6 SE, 1d4 rusty melee weapons
2 4d20 CP, 2d20 SE, 1 mastercraft melee 2 1d4 CP, 1d4 rusty melee weapons, 1d4 rusty
weapon, 1d4 gemstones, 1d4 trinkets, 1 bows, 1d4 rusty armor, 1d4 trinkets, 1
treasure treasure
3 2d20 CP, 4d20 SE, 1d4 GD, 1d6 gemstones 3 1d4 melee weapons, 1 alchemic item.
4 1d100 CP, 1d100 SE, 1 mastercraft armor, 4 2d6 SE, 1d4 melee weapons, 1d4 rusty bows
1d2 gemstones, 1d4 alchemic items, 1d4 5 1 rusty armor, 1d4 mundane items,
trinkets, 1 treasure 1 treasure
5 1d100 CP, 2d100 SE, 2d4 gemstones 6 1 gemstone
6 4d100 CP, 2d100 SE, 1d10 GD, 2d4 7 1d4 melee weapons, 1 rusty armor,
gemstones, 1d6 trinkets, 1d4 treasures 1d4 mundane items
7 4d100 CP, 2d100 SE, 2d10 GD, 1 master 8 1d4 trinkets, 1 treasure
craft bow, 1d4 gemstones
8 5d100 CP, 5d100 SE, 4d20 GD, 1
mastercraft shield, 1d6 gemstones, 1d6
trinkets, 1d4 treasures, 1d4 alchemic items

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

1d100 Melee Weapons 1d20 Armor

1-7 Arming Sword 1-3 Chain Mail
8-12 Battle Axe 4-6 Cloth (Gambeson)
13-13 Curved Sword 7-8 Cloth (Quilted)
14-34 Dagger 9 Heavy Plate
35-39 Fighting Spear 10 Heavy Shield
40-44 Flail 11 Leather Cuirass
45-45 Great Sword 12-13 Leather Jerkin
46-50 Halberd 14 Light Plate
51-70 Long Sword 15 Light Shield
71-77 Mace 16-17 Middle Shield
78-80 Morning Star 18 Ring Mail
81-86 Pike 19 Small Shield (Buckler)
87-90 Pole Axe 20 Steel Cuirass
91 Short Sword
92 Sickle Mastercraft Armor
93 Sickle Sword (Medium) 1d6 Master Craft Effects
94 Sickle Sword (Large) 1-3 Armor Rating +1
95 Thin Blade 4-6 Reduce Penalty to guard and initiative by 1
96-99 War Hammer
100 War Scythe

Mastercraft Melee Weapons 1d20 Shield

1-6 Heavy Shield
1d6 Master Craft Effect
7-11 Middle Shield
1-3 +1 Accuracy
12-14 Light Shield
4-6 +1 Damage
15-20 Small Shield (Buckler)

Mastercraft Shields
1d20 Bow 1d6 Mastercraft Effects
1 Composite Great Bow 1-6 +1 Guard
2-3 Composite Long Bow
4-5 Composite Short Bow
6 Double Crossbow
7 Great Bow
8 Hand Crossbow
9-10 Heavy Crossbow
11-12 Light Crossbow
13-17 Long Bow
18-20 Short Bow

Master Craft Bows

1d6 Master Craft Effect
1-2 +1 Accuracy
3-4 +1 Damage
5-6 +25% Range

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

1d100 Mundane Items

1-2 Apron (1 SE)
3-4 Belt (1 SE)
5-6 Blanket (1 SE)
7 Boots (5 SE)
8-12 Bottle, Glass (5 CP)
13 Chain, 5ft (2 SE)
14-19 Clay Bowl (1 CP)
20-25 Clay Cup (1 CP)
26-31 Clay Jug (4 CE)
32-33 Climbing Hook (1 SE)
34-39 Dice Set (2 CP)
40-44 Flask (5 CP)
45 Flute (10 SE)
46-47 Game Board (1 SE)
48-53 Gloves (2 CP)
54 Goblet, Iron (5 SE)
55-59 Hat (5 CP)
60-61 Iron Bar, 1 ft (1 SE)
62-63 Iron Pan (1 SE)
64-65 Iron Pot (1 SE)
66-67 Jacket (1 SE)
68 Lantern (2 SE)
69 Long Coat (5 SE)
70 Lute (10 SE)
71 Oil Lamp (4 SE)
72-77 Playing Cards (2 CP)
78-82 Robe (5 CP)
83-84 Rope, 12 ft (1 SE)
85-86 Shoes (1 SE)
87-91 Skirt (5 CP)
92-93 Smoking Pipe (1 SE)
94 Tent (10 SE)
95-100 Wineskin (3 CP)

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

1d10 Crafting Item 1d10 Metal Essences

1-3 Cloth 1-2 Brass Essence
4-5 Iron 3-4 Bronze Essence
6-7 Leather 5-7 Copper Essence
8 Steel 8 Gold Essence
9-10 Wood 9 Iron Essence
10 Steel Essence

1d8 Common Herbs

1 Blood Root 1d12 Gem Dust
2 Bride's Bane 1-3 Amethyst Dust
3 Corpse Seed 4-6 Garnet Dust
4 Crypt Bloom 7-9 Moonstone
5 Dog Weed 10-11 Sapphire Dust
6 Gold Root 12 Rare Gemstone Dust
7 Maiden's Tear
8 Silver Petal

1d20 Gem Dust

1 Diamond Dust
1d6 Rare Herbs 2-20 Emerald Dust
1 Dragon Leaf
2 Fox Fire
3 Horse Root
4 Raven Leaf 1d100 Alchemic Items
5 White Moss 1-40 Potions
6 Widow Song 41-60 Candles
61-70 Explosives
71-77 Stones
78-84 Rings
1d10 Extract
85-89 Amulets
1-2 Bat Heart Extract
90-93 Garments
3-4 Bear Heart Extract
94-95 Instruments
5 Cockatrice Heart Extract
96-100 Sigils
6 Griffon Heart Extract
7 Manticore Heart Extract
8-10 Wolf Heart Extract

1d10 Metal Essences

1-2 Brass Essence
3-4 Bronze Essence
5-7 Copper Essence
8 Gold Essence
9 Iron Essence
10 Steel Essence

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

1d100 Gemstone 1d6 Qualities

1-13 Amethyst 1-3 Average
14 Diamond 4-5 Good
15-17 Emerald 6 Excellent
18-25 Garnet
26-28 Jade
29-40 Moonstone
41-48 Obsidian
49-61 Pearl, Salt Water
62-64 Pearl, Fresh Water
65-77 Quartz
78-80 Ruby
81-88 Sapphire
89-100 Turquoise

Gemstone Value

Gemstone Average Good Excellent
Amethyst 15 SE 30 SE 150 SE
Diamond 500 SE 1000 SE 5000 SE
Emerald 150 SE 300 SE 1500 SE
Garnet 50 SE 100 SE 500 SE
Jade 150 SE 300 SE 1500 SE
Moonstone 25 SE 50 SE 250 SE
Obsidian 50 SE 100 SE 500 SE
Pearl, Salt Water 150 SE 300 SE 1500 SE
Pearl, Fresh Water 15 SE 30 SE 150 SE
Quartz 15 SE 30 SE 150 SE
Ruby 150 SE 300 SE 1500 SE
Sapphire 50 SE 100 SE 500 SE
Turquoise 25 SE 50 SE 250 SE
Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

1d100 Trinkets 1d20 Figurine

1-10 Bell, Brass (5 SE) 1 Bard
11-12 Bell, Silver (20 SE) 2 Dancer
13-14 Book, Classic Lit. (50 SE) 3 Dog
15-16 Book, Erotic Poetry (50 SE) 4 Dragon
17 Book, History (100 SE) 5 Eagle
18-19 Book, Poetry (50 SE) 6 Fish
20-23 Book, Religious (50 SE) 7 Griffon
24 Book, Science (100 SE) 8 Hawk
25-26 Bracelet, Silver (50 SE) 9 Horse
27-28 Earrings, Silver (25 SE) 10 Knight
29-38 Figurine, Bone (2 SE) ** 11 Lion
39-48 Figurine, Bronze (5 SE) ** 12 Manticore
49-58 Figurine, Glass (5 SE) ** 13 Owl
59-62 Figurine, Iron (10 SE) ** 14 Rabbit
63 Figurine, Jade (100 SE) ** 15 Raven
64-67 Figurine, Obsidian (10 SE) ** 16 Serpent
68-69 Figurine, Silver (30 SE) ** 17 Spider
70-71 Figurine, Steel (20 SE) ** 18 Unicorn
72-81 Goblet, Iron (5 SE) 19 Wolf
82-85 Necklace, Bronze (10 SE) 20 Wyvern
86-87 Necklace, Pearl (50 SE)
88 Necklace, Silver (100 SE)
89-98 Ring, Bronze (5 SE) * For items containing a gemstone, roll to determine
99-100 Ring, Steel (50 SE) the exact stone and base the value of it on the
gemstone tables.
** For Figurines, roll on the figurine table to
determine the form.
1d100 Treasures
1-15 Bell, Gold (200 SE)
16-30 Book, Alchemy (200 SE)
31-45 Book, Arcana (200 SE)
46-53 Bracelet, Gold (500 SE)
54 Earrings, Gemstone (Varies) *
55-64 Earrings, Gold (250 SE)
65-73 Figurine, Gold (300 SE) **
74-75 Necklace, Gold (1000 SE)
76 Necklace, gold gemstone (Varies) *
77 Necklace, silver gemstone (Varies) *
78 Ring, Gold (2,500 SE)
79 Ring, Gold Gemstone (Varies) *
80-89 Ring, Silver (250 SE)
90 Ring, Silver Gemstone (Varies) *
91-98 Silk, Robe (700 SE)
99-100 Silk, Tapestry (1,000 SE)

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

1-100 Potions 1d8 Candles

1-6 Agaro 1 Candle of Far Seeing
7-13 Curian 2 Candle of Fatigue
14-19 Detoxin 3 Candle of Healing
20-23 Ember’s Bane 4 Candle of Omen Gazing
24-29 Emberthan 5 Candle of Projection
30-35 Eriago 6 Candle of Scry Warding
36-41 Fenri 7 Candle of Time Gazing
42-47 Genero 8 Candle of Truth
48-53 Light Potion
54-57 Mythiri
58-64 Night Eyes
65-68 Sespiri 1d100 Ring
69-74 Spider Wine 1-5 Archery Ring
75-80 Spiri 6-10 Armor Ring
81-84 Storm’s Bane 11-14 Cold Ring
85-90 Urthane 15-18 Death Ring
91-96 Vallothane 19-22 Fire Ring
97-100 Winter’s Bane 23-27 Guard Ring
28-31 Healing Ring
32-35 Ignite Ring
36-39 Invisible Call Ring
1d20 Explosives 40-43 Invisible Push Ring
1-3 Fire Bomb 44-47 Lightning Ring
4-6 Flash Bomb 48-52 Lucky Ring
7 Ice Bomb 53-56 Night Eye Ring
8-15 Smoke Bomb 57-60 Plague Ring
16-17 Storm Bomb 61-64 Quickness Ring
18-20 Poison Bomb 65-70 Skill Ring
71 Sorcery Ring, Lesser**
72-76 Striking Ring
77-80 Telekinetic Ring
1d20 Alchemic Stones 81-84 Venom Ring
1-3 Angel Stone 85-88 Whisper Ring
4-7 Dark Stone 89-92 Wind Walk Ring
8-10 Druid Stone 93-96 Witch Light Ring
11-14 Siren Stone 97-100 Wizard’s Blade Ring
15-17 Spider Stone
18-20 Spirit Stone *For a skill ring use the table below to determine
which skill the ring enhances.

** For rings of lesser sorcery roll on the table below

to determine which spell the ring contains.

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

1d100 Amulet 1d100 Garments

1-4 Abjuration Amulet 1-3 Belt of Agility
5-8 Armor Amulet 4-6 Belt of Might
9-12 Cold Amulet 7-9 Belt of Mind
13-16 Divination Amulet 10-12 Belt of Perception
17-20 Death Amulet 13-15 Belt of Stamina
21-24 Enchantment Amulet 16-18 Belt of Willpower
25-28 Endurance Amulet 19-22 Boots of Elusiveness
29-32 Evocation Amulet 23-27 Boots of Leaping
33-36 Fire Amulet 28-31 Boots of Levitation
37-39 Form of the Beast Amulet 32-36 Boots of Light Foot
40-42 Form of the Hawk Amulet 37-40 Boots of Stealth
43-45 Form of the Lynx Amulet 41-44 Boots of the Spider
46-48 Form of the Wolf Amulet 45-48 Boots of Trackless Step
49-51 Form of the Swarm Amulet 49-52 Boots of Wavestride
52-55 Guard Amulet 53-54 Cape of Armor
56-59 Healing Amulet 55-56 Cape of Arrow Guard
60-63 Illusion Amulet 57-58 Cape of Cold Bane
64-66 Life Saver Amulet 59-60 Cape of Death Bane
67-70 Lightning Amulet 61-62 Cape of Fire Bane
71-74 Manna Amulet 63-64 Cape of Guard
75-78 Necromancy Amulet 65-66 Cape of Levitation
79-82 Quickness Amulet 67-68 Cape of Storm Bane
83-86 Reflex Amulet 69-70 Cape of Striding
87-90 Quickness Amulet 71-72 Cape of Swiftness
91-93 Reflex Amulet 73-74 Cape of the Night
94-95 Sorcery Amulet* 75-76 Cape of Wings
96-99 Water Breathing Amulet 77-78 Robes of Abjuration
99-100 Wings Amulet 79-80 Robes of Divination
81-82 Robes of Enchantment
* For amulets of sorcery roll on the table below to 83-84 Robes of Evocation
determine which spell the amulet contains. 85-86 Robes of Guard
87-88 Robes of Illusion
89-90 Robes of Invisibility
91-92 Robes of Levitation
93-94 Robes of Many Faces
95-96 Robes of Necromancy
97-98 Robes of Telekinesis
99-100 Robes of Whispers

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

1d100 Instruments 1d100 Sigil

1-4 Flute of Far Seeing 1-4 Accuracy Sigil (Weapon)
5-8 Flute of Omens 5-13 Armor Sigil (Armor)
9-12 Harp of Fire 14-17 Beast Slayer Sigil (Weapon)
13-16 Harp of Healing 18-21 Blinding Shield Sigil (Shield)
17-20 Harp of Ice 22-30 Cold Sigil (General)
21-24 Harp of Pain 31-35 Damage Sigil (Weapon)
25-28 Harp of Storms 36-38 Dragon Slayer Sigil (Weapon)
29-32 Horn of Battle 39-47 Fire Sigil (General)
33-36 Horn of Darkness 48-51 Force Shield Sigil (Shield)
37-40 Horn of Devastation 52-55 Ghost Bane Sigil (Weapon)
41-44 Horn of Shockwave 56-59 Guard Shield Sigil (Shield)
45-48 Horn of Storms 60-61 Healing Armor Sigil (Armor)
49-52 Horn of Walls 62-65 Insect Slayer Sigil (Weapon)
53-57 Lute of Dirges 66-74 Lightning Sigil (General)
58-62 Lute of Fatigue 75-76 Mana Bane Sigil (Weapon)
63-67 Lute of Hope and Courage 77-80 Necrotic Sigil (Weapon)
68-72 Lute of Mist 81-88 Skill Sigil (General) **
73-77 Lute of Mystics 89-90 Sorcery Sigil (General) ***
78-82 Lute of Opening and Disarming 91-92 Spirit Dancing Sigil (Melee Weapon)
83-87 Lute of Phantasms 93-96 Undead Cleansing Sigil (Bashing Weapon)
88-94 Lute of the Bard 97-100 Undead Slayer Sigil (Weapon)
95-96 Violin of Necromancy
97-98 Violin of Spirit Calling *After determining the sigil, roll on the following
99-100 Violin of Spirit’s Bane tables from the sigil’s listing to determine exact item
on which the sigil has been placed.

** If a skill sigil has been found, roll on the skill ring

and sigils table to determine which skill is increased
by the sigil in question.

*** For sigils of sorcery roll on the table below to

determine which spell the sigil contains.

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

1d20 General 1d100 Ensigiled Melee Weapon

1-12 Ensigiled Weapon 1-6 Arming Sword
13-17 Ensigiled Armor 7-10 Battle Axe
18-20 Ensigiled Shield 11-14 Curved Sword
15-22 Dagger
23-28 Fighting Spear
29-34 Flail
35-40 Great Sword
1d100 Ensigiled Weapon 41 Halberd
1-7 Arming Sword 42-53 Long Sword
8-11 Battle Axe 54-63 Mace
12-13 Composite Great Bow 64-69 Morning Star
14-15 Composite Long Bow 70 Pike
16-17 Composite Short Bow 71 Pole Axe
18-21 Curved Sword 72 Sickle
22-28 Dagger 73-76 Sickle Sword (Large)
29-33 Fighting Spear 77-80 Sickle Sword (Medium)
34-37 Flail 81-90 Thin Blade
38-39 Great Bow 91-94 War Hammer
40-44 Great Sword 95-100 War Scythe
45-46 Halberd
47-51 Long Bow
52-60 Long Sword
61-65 Mace 1d20 Ensigiled Bashing Weapon
66-69 Morning Star 1-4 Flail
70-71 Pike 5-6 Great Flail
72-73 Pole Axe 7-12 Mace
74-75 Short Bow 13-17 Morning Star
76-80 Short Sword 18-20 War Hammer
81-82 Sickle
83-84 Sickle Sword (Large)
85-86 Sickle Sword (Medium)
87-91 Thin Blade
92-95 War Hammer 1d20 Ensigiled Armor
96-100 War Scythe 1-5 Chain Mail
6-10 Heavy Plate
11-15 Light Plate
16-20 Ring Mail

1d20 Ensigiled Shield

1-6 Heavy Shield
7-11 Middle Shield
12-14 Light Shield
15-20 Small Shield (Buckler)

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

1d20 Lesser Sorcery 1d20 Skill Ring

1 Arcane Armor 1 Acrobatics
2 Blinding Flash 2 Archery
3 Cloak of Darkness 3 Athletics
4 Detect Magic 4 Channeling
5 Disrupt Undead 5 Charisma
6 Elemental Ward 6 Craftsmanship
7 Fade 7 Etiquette
8 Fear Curse 8 Fighting
9 Festering Wound 9 Healing
10 Fire Blast 10 Horsemanship
11 Gift of Tongues 11 Investigate
12 Illusionary Fall 12 Intimidate
13 Image 13 Lore
14 Magic Ward 14 Menace
15 Mask 15 Mysticism
16 Mind Gaze 16 Nature
17 Mist 17 Perform
18 Omen Gazing 18 Stealth
19 Touch of Decay 19 Thievery
20 Well of Knowledge 20 Re-Roll

* These spells are by no means the only spells that

can be applied to these items, these are just some of
1d20 Sorcery the more common spells provided in a random table
1 Arcane Armor, Greater for a way to easily create random items for the heroes
2 Dissolve Blade to discover.
3 Far Seeing
4 Fatigue Charm
5 Fire Blast, Greater
6 Frost Blast
7 Gossamer Chains
8 Invisibility
9 Lightning Blast
10 Necrotic Blast
11 Persistent Healing
12 Phantom Strike
13 Projection
14 Protection from Acid
15 Protection from Cold
16 Protection from Fire
17 Protection from Lightning
18 Shadow Armor
19 Stun Charm
20 Time Slip

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

Each specific alchemical item provides different Potions are onetime use items that are normally
advantages and abilities based on the type of item. found in glass vials or small jars. Potions come in a
Some are passive, while others requires specific stunning variety of colors, textures, and flavors.
actions from the user to activate. See the individual Normally a potion only takes affect once it is drank
item description for the exact rules pertaining to it. but there are a few exceptions, such as potions that
activate once they are exposed to air.
Also listed, is a list of crafting ingredients that are
required to create the item should the character have Agaro
the appropriate favors. The cost of the raw materials For the next 5 rounds, the drinker gains a +2 bonus
as well as the market value of the completed item is on all agility checks and skill checks derived from
also listed here. agility.

Crafting Ingredients: Corpse Seed, Horse Root,

Design Notes Silver Petal
Buying Alchemic Items
Material Cost: 9 SE
Market Value: 45 SE
The prices listed with items such as amulets and sigils is
more of a means to express relative value, not to imply
availability on the open market. Curian
The drinker falls into a deep sleep, and will sleep for
In my mind, while a character may be able to the next 12 hours. The drinker may make a stamina
occasionally find a travelling merchant selling potions or
explosives, more powerful items would be very rare and
check to resist this effect if they desire.
difficult to find for sell. Very wealthy individuals may
have an alchemist on payroll, but even this is the The drinker of curian, if they were able to get
exception rather than the rule. Alchemy is an expensive complete rest will instead get enhanced rest. If the
and difficult profession to get into, making things like drinker was only able to get impaired rest, they will
“alchemy shops” very unlikely.
get complete rest.
If you want to run a game where alchemy is treated as
more accessible, feel free of course, it just wasn’t what I Crafting Ingredients: Crypt Bloom, Dog Weed,
was picturing when I wrote this. YMMV Widow Song
Material Cost: 9 SE
Market Value: 45 SE

The drinker recovers from any active poison
condition and for the next 5 rounds, the drinker gains
a +2 bonus to resist and recover from poison.

Crafting Ingredients: Corpse Seed, Gold Root, Horse


Material Cost: 9 SE
Market Value 45 SE

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

Ember’s Bane Genero

This potion causes the drinker to gain Elemental For the next 5 rounds, the drinker gains a +2 bonus
Resistance 5 against fire damage for the next 5 on all willpower checks and skill checks derived
rounds. from willpower.

Crafting Ingredients: Bat Heart Extract, Dragon Leaf, Crafting Ingredients: Corpse Seed, Silver Petal,
Gold Root x2, Manticore Heart Extract, White Moss Widow Song
Material Cost: 54 SE
Material Cost: 9 SE
Market Value 270 SE
Market Value: 45 SE
Light Potion
This potion is very volatile and will catch fire if it is
Once this potion is mixed, it will begin to glow
exposed to air.
brightly enough for a bottle to act as a light source.
Bottles of emberthan can be thrown as a grenade The light can illuminate a 5x5 area. If the potion is
style weapon. It does 1d8 points of fire damage in a exposed to the air, the light fades.
3x3 area centered on its point of impact. Any
creature in the area of effect (unless they were hit Crafting Ingredients: Corpse Seed x2, Dragon Leaf
with the bottle) may make an agility check to negate
Material Cost: 9 SE
the damage. Anyone that takes damage is also set on
Market Value: 45 SE
Crafting Ingredients: Bat Heart Extract, Horse Root,
Silver Petal x2, Spider Heart Extract, White Moss This potion is much prized among spell casters.
When this potion is drank, the user will recover 4
Material Cost: 39 SE points of spent mana up to their maximum.
Market Value: 195 SE
Crafting Ingredients: Crypt Bloom, Gold Root,
Eriago Raven Leaf, Widow Song, Wolf Heart Extract x2
For the next 5 rounds, the drinker gains a +2 bonus
Material Cost: 24 SE
on all perception checks and skill checks derived
Market Value 120 SE
from perception.
Night Eyes
Crafting Ingredients: Bride’s Bane, Dog Weed,
Widow Song For the next 5 rounds, the drinker suffers no penalty
for actions due to darkness.
Material Cost: 11 SE
Market Value: 55 SE Crafting Ingredients: Blood Root, Dog Weed, Dragon
Material Cost: 11 SE
For the next 5 rounds, the drinker gains a +2 bonus
Market Value: 55 SE
on all might checks and skill checks derived from

Crafting Ingredients: Corpse Seed, Crypt Bloom,

Horse Root

Material Cost: 9 SE
Market Value: 45 SE

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

Sespiri Material Cost: 33 SE

This healing potion will cause the drinker to recover Market Value: 165
4 hit points up to their maximum. This recovery takes Urthane
place even if the drinker is injured, but drinking the For the next 5 rounds, the drinker gains a +2 bonus
potion will not remove the injury status. on all stamina checks and skill checks derived from
Crafting Ingredients: Crypt Bloom x2, Spider Heart
Extract, White Moss x2, Wolf Heart Extract Crafting Ingredients: Crypt Bloom x2, Horse Root

Material Cost: 32 SE Material Cost: 9 SE

Market Value: 160 Market Value 45 SE

Spider Wine Vallothane

Spider Wine is a slow acting but persistent poison This potion is very volatile and will expel a thick
that threatens a slow and painful death to anyone who noxious mist if it is exposed to air.
drinks it.
The mist will fill a 5x5 area. Anyone that begins
The drinker must make a stamina check (difficulty their turn within the mist must make a stamina check
16) or become poisoned. or be poisoned.

At the beginning of each turn they take 1d4 points of A poisoned character is unable to move or take
damage. After taking the damage they may make a actions. At the beginning of each turn they may
stamina check to end the condition, otherwise it will make a stamina check to end this condition,
continue into the next round. otherwise it will continue into the next round.

Crafting Ingredients: Bride’s Bane, Crypt Bloom, Crafting Ingredients: Bear Heart Extract, Crypt
Dragon Leaf, Manticore Heart Extract, Spider Heart Blood, Dog Weed, Dragon Leaf, Widow Song, Wolf
Extract, Widow Song Heart Extract

Material Cost: 63 SE Material Cost: 31 SE

Market Value 315 SE Market Value 155 SE

Spiri Winter’s Bane

For the next 5 rounds, the drinker gains a +2 bonus This potion causes the drinker to gain Elemental
on all mind check and skill check derived from mind. Resistance 5 against cold damage for the next 5
Crafting Ingredients: Dog Weed, Dragon Leaf, Silver
Petal Crafting Ingredients: Bat Heart Extract, Bear Heart
Extract, Dog Weed, Crypt Bloom, Widow Song,
Material Cost: 9 SE White Moss
Market Value: 45 SE
Material Cost: 34 SE
Storm’s Bane Market Value 170 SE
This potion causes the drinker to gain Elemental
Resistance 5 against electric damage for the next 5
rounds. Magical candles come in huge variety of shapes,
sizes, and colors. A candle can be used for 10 hours
Crafting Ingredients: Bat Heart Extract x2, Maiden’s
before it is used up. When a candle is found, a GM
Tear, Raven Leaf x2, Silver Petal

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

may roll 1d10 to determine how many hours of use Candle of Projection
the candle as left. A person may light this candle and stare into its
flame to cast the spell Projection. Doing so takes 1
Candle of Far Seeing hour.
A person may light this candle and stare into its
flame to cast the spell Far Seeing. Doing so takes 1 Crafting Ingredients: Bat Heart Extract, Beeswax,
hour. Corpse Seed, Gold Root, Griffon Heart Extract

Crafting Ingredients: Bear Heart Extract, Beeswax, Material Cost: 43 SE

Silver Petal x2, Wolf Heart Extract Market Value: 210 SE

Material Cost: 18 SE Candle of Scry Warding

Market Value: 86 SE When this candle is lit, no person or place within a
5x5 area centered on the candle can be the target of a
Candle of Fatigue divination spell, nor can a diviner enter the area
The light of this candle causes those near it to through the use of a projection spell.
become exhausted very quickly. While the candle is
lit, a person within a 5x5 area centered on the candle Crafting Ingredients: Bear Heart Extract, Beeswax,
must make a willpower check (difficulty 10) or lose 1 Gold Root, Silver Petal, Spider Heart Extract
point of determination. If an exhausted character
Material Cost: 28 SE
(has no determination points left) fails this willpower
Market Value: 136 SE
check, they fall into a deep sleep.
Candle of Time Gazing
Crafting Ingredients: Beeswax, Bear Heart Extract,
Dog Weed, Griffon Heart Extract, Silver Petal A person may light this candle and stare into its
flame to cast the spell Time Gazing. Doing so takes 1
Material Cost: 43 SE hour.
Market Value: 211 SE
Crafting Ingredients: Bear Heart Extract, Beeswax,
Candle of Healing Corpse Seed, Silver Petal, Spider Heart Extract
The light of this candle causes those who sleep under
Material Cost: 28 SE
its light for at least 1 hour will have gained enhanced
Market Value: 136 SE
Candle of Truth
Crafting Ingredients: Beeswax, Crypt Bloom, Gold
Root, Griffon Heart Extract, Hear Heart Extract While candle is lit any illusion spells active within a
5x5 area centered on the candle are dispelled. While
Material Cost: 43 SE the candle is lit, no illusionary effects can enter into
Market Value: 210 SE the affected area.

Candle of Omen Gazing Crafting Ingredients: Beeswax, Cockatrice Heart

A person may light this candle and stare into its Extract, Dog Weed, Griffon Heart Extract, Silver
flame to cast the spell Omen Gazing. Doing so takes Petal
1 hour.
Material Cost: 62 SE
Crafting Ingredients: Bat Heart Extract, Beeswax, Market Value: 310 SE
Corpse Seed x2, Wolf Heart Extract

Material Cost: 43 SE
Market Value: 211 SE

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

Ice Bomb
An ice bomb explodes in a 5x5 area centered on the
Explosives are an alchemic concoction that is very
bomb. Anyone in the affected area must make a
volatile. They will activate if they are exposed to
might check or be pushed 1 yard away from the
force, making them excellent thrown weapons.
explosion, anyone who is pushed must then make an
Fire Bomb agility check or be rendered prone.
A fire bomb explodes in a 5x5 area centered on the Anyone in the affected area takes 2d10 points of cold
bomb. Anyone in the affected area must make an damage. Anyone who passed their initial might
might check or be pushed 1 yard away from the check may make an agility check to reduce the
explosion, anyone who is pushed must then make an damage by half.
agility check or be rendered prone.
Crafting Ingredients: Copper Essence, Bronze
Everyone in the affected area takes 2d8 points of fire Essence, Raven Leaf, White Moss x2
damage. Anyone who succeeded on their initial
might check may make a agility check to reduce the Material Cost: 22 SE
damage by half. Market Value: 220 SE

Anyone who takes full damage from a fire bomb Smoke Bomb
suffered from burning and will take 1d6 points of A smoke bomb explodes in a 5x5 area centered on
damage at the beginning of their turn until the fire is the bomb. Anyone in the affected area must make a
put out. might check or be pushed 1 yard away from the
explosion, anyone who is pushed must then make an
Crafting Ingredients: Bronze Essence, Copper
agility check or be rendered prone.
Essence, Horse Root, Widow Song, White Moss
The affected area fills with smoke that can act as
Material Cost: 26 SE
concealment and effectively blinds anyone inside of
Market Value 260 SE
Flash Bomb
The smoke will persist for 5 rounds, but a strong
A flash bomb explodes in a 5x5 area centered on the wind can dissipate it sooner.
bomb. Anyone in the affected area must make a
might check or be pushed 1 yard away from the Crafting Ingredients:
explosion, anyone who is pushed must then make an Brass Essence, Horse Root x2, Iron Essence, White
agility check or be rendered prone. Moss

Anyone in the affected area is blinded. Anyone one Material Cost: 29 SE

who passed their initial might check may make a Market Value 290 SE
stamina check to negate this effect.

A blinded character may make a stamina check at the

beginning of each round to end the effect, otherwise
it continues into the next round.

Crafting Ingredients: Bronze Essence, Copper

Essence, Fox Fire, Raven Leaf x2

Material Cost: 26 SE
Market Value 260 SE

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

Storm Bomb
A storm bomb explodes in a 5x5 area centered on the
A stone is a single use alchemic device that
bomb. Anyone in the affected area must make a
resembles a small rock or stone. They come in a
might check or be pushed 1 yard away from the
variety of colors and textures. They can be activated
explosion, anyone who is pushed must then make an
by anyone with even a single rank in mysticism as a
agility check or be rendered prone.
fast action. Once used a stone becomes powerless.
Anyone in the affected area takes 2d6 points of
Angle Stone
electric damage. Anyone that passed their initial
might check may make a agility check to reduce the These stones are rather non-descript and have a dull
damage by half. Anyone that takes full damage is brown color. When active mindless undead cannot
stunned. come within 2 yards of the stone. Mindless undead
that are within the effected area when the stone is
A stunned character is unable to move or take actions activated is stunned. Once activated, the stone will
on their next turn and their they lose any bonus to remain active or 5 rounds.
their guard score from agility.
A stunned character is unable to move or take actions
Crafting Ingredients: Brass Essence, Raven Leaf x2, on their next turn and their they lose any bonus to
Steel Essence, Widow Song their guard score from agility.

Material Cost: 32 SE Crafting Ingredients: Bear Heart Extract, Brass

Market Value 320 SE Essence, Corpse Seed, Dog Weed, Dragon Leaf,
Widow Song
Poison Bomb
A poison bomb explodes in a 5x5 area centered on Material Cost: 31 SE
the bomb. Anyone in the affected area must make a Market Value: 310 SE
might check or be pushed 1 yard away from the
Dark Stone
explosion, anyone who is pushed must then make an
agility check or be rendered prone. These dark blue stones are shiny and appear like they
are perpetually wet. When activated, the stone
The affected area fills with noxious smoke. Anyone produces darkness in a 5x5 yard area centered on the
who begins their turn within the affected area must stone. Once activated, the stone will remain active or
make a stamina check or be poisoned. 5 rounds.

A poisoned character takes 1d4 points of poison at Crafting Ingredients: Bat Heart Extract, Corpse
the beginning of each turn. After taking the damage Seed, Iron Essence, Maiden’s Tear, Widow Song,
they may make a stamina check to end this condition, White Moss
otherwise it will continue into the next round.
Material Cost: 30 SE
Crafting Ingredients: Copper Essence, Dragon Leaf, Market Value: 300 SE
Steel Essence, White Moss x2

Material Cost: 29 SE
Market Value 290 SE

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

Druid Stone Siren Stone

These white stones are the color of bleached bone. This smooth gray stone is slightly transparent and
Animals cannot come within 2 yards of the stone resembles foggy glass. When activated any creature
while it is active. Animals that are within the radius within a 2 yards of the stone except the person
when the stone is activated must make a willpower holding the stone must make a willpower check
check (difficulty 12) or are stunned. Once activated, (difficulty 12) or is dazed.
the stone will remain active or 5 rounds.
A dazed character is unable to make standard or
A stunned character is unable to move or take actions extended actions. They may only make a single fast
on their next turn and their they lose any bonus to action per turn. Their they lose any bonus to their
their guard score from agility. guard score from agility. At the beginning of their
turn they may make a stamina check (difficulty 10) to
Crafting Ingredients: Copper Essence, Corpse Seed, recover, otherwise the condition persists into the next
Dog Weed, Horse Root, Spider Heart Extract, Widow round.
Crafting Ingredients: Bear Heart Extract, Brass
Material Cost: 33 SE Essence, Crypt Bloom x2, Raven Leaf, White Moss
Market Value: 330 SE
Material Cost: 27 SE
Market Value: 270 SE
Light Stone
This dark brown stone is porous, resembling a bit of Spider Stone
coral. When activated the stone and produces light in
These stones are deep blue with black markings.
a 5x5 yard area centered on the stone. Once
Many people describe them as having a sort of sickly
activated, the stone will remain active or 5 rounds.
or unsettling appearance. Any creature except for the
person who activated the stone within 2 yards of the
Crafting Ingredients: Crypt Bloom, Gold Essence,
stone when it is activated must make a willpower
Horse Root, Manticore Heart Extract, Silver Petal,
check (difficulty 12) or is poisoned.
White Moss
Crafting Ingredients:
Material Cost: 64 SE Bronze Essence, Dog Weed, Horse Root, Silver
Market Value: 640 SE Petal, Spider Heart Extract, White Moss

Material Cost: 34 SE
Market Value: 340 SE
Spirit Stone
These stones are bright yellow and appear almost to
glow. Once activated incorporeal undead cannot
come within 2 yards of the stone. Incorporeal undead
that are within the effected area when the stone is
activated lose any protection from their semi-
corporeal status and will take full damage from all
attacks. Once activated, the stone will remain active
or 5 rounds.
Crafting Ingredients: Bat Heart Extract, Brass
Essence, Corpse Seed, Dragon Leaf, Silver Petal ,
White Moss
Material Cost: 29 SE
Market Value: 290 SE

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

Fire Ring
A fire ring grants its wearer Elemental Resistance 5
Alchemic rings are magical rings that have been
against fire damage.
created through alchemic processes and inscribed
with alchemic sigils and glyphs that grant the wearer Crafting Ingredients: Amethyst Dust, Bronze
special abilities. Rings are considered less powerful Essence, Iron Essence
than amulets, but are still sought after. A character
may wear two rings, one on each hand. Applying a Material Cost: 30 SE
third ring will negate the effects of all of them. Market Value: 300 SE
Guard Ring
Archery Ring
A ring grants the wearer a +1 bonus to their guard
The wearer of this ring does an additional +1 point of score.
damage with all bows weapons.
Crafting Ingredients: Copper Essence, Brass Essence,
Crafting Ingredients: Amethyst Dust, Copper Sapphire Dust
Essence, Gold Essence
Material Cost: 42 SE
Material Cost: 42 SE Market Value: 420 SE
Market Value: 420 SE
Healing Ring
Armor Ring Whenever the wearer of this ring recovers any
An armor ring grants the wearer a +1 bonus to their number of hit points for any reason, increase the
Armor Rating. number of hit points recovered by +2.
Crafting Ingredients: Bronze Essence x2, Sapphire
Crafting Ingredients: Copper Essence, Sapphire Dust,
Silver Essence
Material Cost: 45 SE
Material Cost: 47 SE Market Value: 450 SE
Market Value: 470 SE
Ignite Ring
Cold Ring The wearer of this ring can use the ignite invocation.
A cold ring grants its wearer Elemental Resistance 5 If the wearer of this ring already has the invocation,
against cold damage. they gain a +2 bonus on mysticism checks to use it.

Crafting Ingredients: Amethyst Dust, Iron Essence, Crafting Ingredients: Amethyst Dust, Bronze
Steel Essence Essence, Copper Essence

Material Cost: 35 SE Material Cost: 27 SE

Market Value: 350 SE Market Value: 270 SE

Invisible Call Ring

Death Ring
The wearer of this ring can use the invisible call
A death ring grants its wearer Elemental Resistance 5
invocation. If the wearer of this ring already has the
against necrotic damage.
invocation, they gain a +2 bonus on mysticism
Crafting Ingredients: Brass Essence, Emerald Dust, checks to use it.
Silver Essence Crafting Ingredients: Bronze Essence, Iron Essence,
Sapphire Dust
Material Cost: 65 SE
Market Value: 650 SE Material Cost: 45 SE
Market Value: 450 SE

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

Invisible Push Ring Plague Ring

The wearer of this ring can use the invisible push A plague ring grants the wearer a +2 bonus to check
invocation. If the wearer of this ring already has the to resist and recover from sickness.
invocation, they gain a +2 bonus on mysticism
checks to use it. Crafting Ingredients: Copper Essence, Garnet Dust,
Steel Essence
Crafting Ingredients: Bronze Essence, Copper
Essence, Sapphire Dust Material Cost: 32 SE
Market Value: 320 SE
Material Cost: 42 SE
Market Value: 420 SE Quickness Ring
The wearer of this ring gains a +1 bonus on their
Lightning Ring speed score.
A lightning ring grants its wearer Elemental
Resistance 5 against electric damage. Crafting Ingredients: Bronze Essence, Gold Essence,
Sapphire Dust
Crafting Ingredients: Bronze Essence, Copper
Essence, Sapphire Dust Material Cost: 60 SE
Market Value: 600 SE
Material Cost: 42 SE
Market Value: 420 SE Skill Ring
A lesser skill ring grants the wearer a +2 bonus to
Lucky Ring checks with a single skill choses by the creator of the
When making an attribute check to resist effects, if ring when it was crafted. When a character wearing a
one or both dice show a 0 the wearer of this ring may skill ring spends a point of determination to grant a
choose to reroll one die and keep the second result bonus to the skill the ring pertains to gains a +3
even if it is also a 0. bonus to that check rather than a +2.

Crafting Ingredients: Brass Essence, Moonstone Crafting Ingredients: Brass Essence, Bronze Essence,
Dust, Steel Essence Garnet Dust

Material Cost: 35 SE Material Cost: 30 SE

Market Value: 350 SE Market Value: 300 SE

Night Eye Ring

The wearer of this ring is able to see perfectly in
darkness and suffers no penalty to actions taken in

Crafting Ingredients: Amethyst Dust, Brass Essence,

Bronze Essence

Material Cost: 30 SE
Market Value: 300 SE

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

Sorcery Ring, Lesser Venom Ring

Grants the wearer the ability to cast a single spell A venom ring grants its wearer a +2 bonus to checks
chosen by the creator at the time the ring is made. to resist and recover from poison.
The creator must know the spell they are imbuing the
ring with and the spell must have a mana cost of 4 or Crafting Ingredients: Bronze Essence x2, Sapphire
less. Dust

The wearer of the ring may then cast the spell from Material Cost: 45 SE
the amulet just as if they were casting the spell Market Value: 450 SE
themselves complete with a mysticism check to cast
Whisper Ring
the spell. No mana is needed to cast the spell from
the amulet. The wearer of this ring can use the whisper
invocation. If the wearer of this ring already has the
Each time the ring is used, there is a 1 in 6 chance invocation, they gain a +2 bonus on mysticism
that the ring will fail. If this happens the ring checks to use it.
becomes fragile for 24 hours while the arcane
energies in the ring repair themselves. If the ring is Crafting Ingredients: Gold Essence x2, Garnet Dust
used during this time there is a 1 in 4 chance that the
Material Cost: 60 SE
ring will be completely burned out and it will become
Market Value: 600 SE
useless forever more.
Wind Walk Ring
Crafting Ingredients: Brass Essence, Diamond Dust,
Steel Essence The wearer of this ring can use the wind walk
invocation. If the wearer of this ring already has the
Material Cost: 115 SE invocation, they gain a +2 bonus on mysticism
Market Value: 1150 SE checks to use it.

Striking Ring Crafting Ingredients: Amethyst Dust, Brass Essence,

The wearer of this ring does an additional +1 point of Iron Essence
damage with all melee weapons.
Material Cost: 30 SE
Crafting Ingredients: Bronze Essence x2, Garnet Dust Market Value: 600 SE

Material Cost: 30 SE Witch Light Ring

Market Value: 300 SE The wearer of this ring can use the witch light
invocation. If the wearer of this ring already has the
Telekinetic Ring invocation, they gain a +2 bonus on mysticism
The wearer of this ring may pull any light object (up checks to use it.
to 1 pound to them from up to three yards away. The
wearer must spend a point of determination to use Crafting Ingredients: Copper Essence, Moonstone
this ability. Dust, Steel Essence

Crafting Ingredients: Brass Essence, Copper Essence, Material Cost: 42 SE

Moonstone Dust Market Value: 420 SE

Material Cost: 27 SE
Market Value: 270 SE

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

Wizard’s Blade Ring Cold Amulet

The wearer of this ring can use the wizard’s blade Grants the wearer Elemental Resistance 10 from cold
invocation. If the wearer of this ring already has the damage. If the wearer casts a spell that does cold
invocation, they gain a +2 bonus on mysticism damage, increase the damage by +2.
checks to use it.
Crafting Ingredients: Bronze Essence, Emerald Dust,
Crafting Ingredients: Copper Essence, Sapphire Dust, Gold Essence, Iron Essence, Raven Leaf x2
Steel Essence
Material Cost: 85 SE
Material Cost: 47 SE Market Value: 1700 SE
Market Value: 470 SE
Divination Amulet
Grants the wearer a +2 bonus to mysticism checks
Amulets are alchemic items that resembles a when casting spells from the divination school of
necklace. An amulet bestow upon their wearer a magic. If the spell does damage it does +2 damage.
permanent effect or ability that lasts for as long as the If the spell has a duration, double it.
caster is wearing the amulet. A character may only
Crafting Ingredients: Gold Essence, Dragon Leaf,
wear one amulet at a time, putting on more than one
Iron Essence, Sapphire Dust, Silver Essence, White
will cancel out the effects of both. Amulets can take
just about any form imaginable, but most resemble a
small stone or pendent that is worn on a chain around Material Cost: 82 SE
the casters neck. Market Value: 1640 SE

Abjuration Amulet Death Amulet

Grants the wearer a +2 bonus to mysticism checks Grants the wearer Elemental Resistance 10 from
when casting spells from the abjuration school of necrotic damage. If the wearer casts a spell that does
magic. If the spell does damage it does +2 damage. necrotic damage, increase the damage by +2.
If the spell has a duration, double it.
Crafting Ingredients: Bronze Essence, Copper
Crafting Ingredients: Bronze Essence x2, Horse Root Essence x2, Dragon Leaf, Garnet Dust, White Moss
x2, Sapphire Dust, Steel Essence
Material Cost: 41 SE
Material Cost: 69 SE Market Value: 820
Market Value: 1380 SE
Enchantment Amulet
Armor Amulet Grants the wearer a +2 bonus to mysticism checks
Grants the wearer a +2 bonus to their Armor Rating. when casting spells from the enchantment school of
magic. If the spell does damage it does +2 damage.
Crafting Ingredients:
If the spell has a duration, double it.
Brass Essence, Bronze Essence, Fox Fire, Iron
Essence, Raven Leaf, Sapphire Dust Crafting Ingredients: Copper Essence, Bronze
Essence, Iron Essence, Sapphire Dust, White Moss
Material Cost: 64 SE
Market Value: 1280 SE
Material Cost: 57 SE
Market Value: 1140 SE

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

Endurance Amulet Form of the Beast Amulet

Increases the maximum number of hit points of the With a standard action, the wearer of this amulet may
wearer by +4. When the wearer of an endurance spend a point of determination to activate it. The
amulet spends a point of determination they recover 6 effects of this amulet last for 5 rounds.
hit points rather than 4 and recovers from poison,
sickness, and decay. They may spend determination Once activated the wearer’s hands will transform into
to recover hit points even if they are injured or would vicious claws. The wearer may make melee attacks
otherwise be unable to do so. with these claws gaining a +2 to accuracy. The claws
do 1d6 + might points of damage on a successful hit.
Crafting Ingredients: Bronze Essence, Copper
Essence, Gold Essence, Sapphire Dust, White Moss, Crafting Ingredients: Brass Essence, Bronze Essence,
Widow Song Dragon Leaf, Coper Essence, Horse Root, Sapphire
Material Cost: 74 SE
Market Value: 1480 SE Material Cost: 61 SE
Market Value: 1220 SE
Evocation Amulet
Grants the wearer a +2 bonus to mysticism checks Form of the Hawk Amulet
when casting spells from the evocation school of With a standard action, the wearer of this amulet may
magic. If the spell does damage it does +2 damage. spend a point of determination to activate it. The
If the spell has a duration, double it. effects of this amulet last for 5 rounds.

Crafting Ingredients: Brass Essence, Copper Essence, The wearer transforms into a hawk. The wearer
Horse Root x2, Iron Essence, Sapphire Dust cannot speak or cast spells while they are in an
alternate form. Any clothing or possessions the
Material Cost: 61 SE wearer was wearing or holding will not transform
Market Value: 1220 SE with them, so they will need to account for that when
assuming an alternate form.
Fire Amulet
Grants the wearer Elemental Resistance 10 from fire Use the stats from appendix ii of the core rule book,
damage. If the wearer casts a spell that does fire “animal companions”, to determine the stats for the
damage, increase the damage by +2. wear’s hawk form. The wearer will keep their own
mind score.
Crafting Ingredients: Bronze Essence, Dragon Leaf,
Moonstone Dust, Silver Essence x2, White Moss Crafting Ingredients: Bronze Essence, Dragon Leaf,
Garnet Dust, Gold Essence, Steel Essence, White
Material Cost: 57 SE Moss
Market Value: 1140 SE
Material Cost: 67 SE
Market Value: 1340 SE

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

Form of the Lynx Amulet Form of the Swarm Amulet

With a standard action, the wearer of this amulet may With a standard action, the wearer of this amulet may
spend a point of determination to activate it. The spend a point of determination to activate it. The
effects of this amulet last for 5 rounds. effects of this amulet last for 5 rounds.

The wearer transforms into a lynx. The wearer cannot The wearer transforms into a swam of flying insects.
speak or cast spells while they are in an alternate The wearer cannot speak or cast spells while they are
form. Any clothing or possessions the wearer was in an alternate form. Any clothing or possessions the
wearing or holding will not transform with them, so wearer was wearing or holding will not transform
they will need to account for that when assuming an with them, so they will need to account for that when
alternate form. assuming an alternate form.

Use the stats from appendix ii of the core rule book, When in this form the wearer can fly at a movement
“animal companions”, to determine the stats for the speed equal to their normal movement speed. The
wear’s lynx form. The wearer will keep their own wearer cannot attack in this form, but may swarm a
mind score. creature to impose a -2 penalty to any checks their
victim attempts. Harming the wearer while in this
Crafting Ingredients: Copper Essence, Dragon Leaf, form, is very difficult. However, area effect abilities
Horse Root, Moonstone Dust, Steel Essence x2 are just as effective as normal.

Material Cost: 56 SE Crafting Ingredients: Amethyst Dust, Brass Essence,

Market Value: 1120 SE Gold Essence, Horse Root, Steel Essence, White
Form of the Wolf Amulet
With a standard action, the wearer of this amulet may Material Cost: 67 SE
spend a point of determination to activate it. The Market Value: 1340 SE
effects of this amulet last for 5 rounds.
Guard Amulet
The wearer transforms into a wolf. The wearer cannot Grants the wearer a +2 bonus to guard.
speak or cast spells while they are in an alternate
form. Any clothing or possessions the wearer was Crafting Ingredients:
wearing or holding will not transform with them, so Copper Essence, Fox Fire, Iron Essence, Sapphire
they will need to account for that when assuming an Dust, Steel Essence, Widow Song
alternate form.
Material Cost: 68 SE
Use the stats from appendix ii of the core rule book, Market Value: 1360 SE
“animal companions”, to determine the stats for the
wear’s wolf form. The wearer will keep their own Healing Amulet
mind score. Doubles the number of hit points the wearer recovers
from rest even if they can only get impaired rest. The
Crafting Ingredients: Horse Root, Widow Song, wearer gets +2 bonus to stamina and willpower
Bronze Essence, Brass Essence x2, Emerald Dust checks made while fading.

Material Cost: 79 SE Crafting Ingredients: Brass Essence x2, Dragon Leaf,

Market Value: 1580 SE Iron Essence, Sapphire Dust, Widow Song

Material Cost: 64 SE
Market Value: 1280 SE

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

Illusion Amulet Necromancy Amulet

Grants the wearer a +2 bonus to mysticism checks Grants the wearer a +2 bonus to mysticism checks
when casting spells from the illusion school of magic. when casting spells from the necromancy school of
If the spell does damage it does +2 damage. If the magic. If the spell does damage it does +2 damage.
spell has a duration, double it. If the spell has a duration, double it.

Crafting Ingredients: Dragon Leaf, Brass Essence, Crafting Ingredients: Brass Essence, Copper Essence,
Bronze Essence, Garnet Dust, Iron Essence, Widow Gold Essence, Moonstone Dust, Raven Leaf, White
Song Moss

Material Cost: 57 SE
Material Cost: 49 SE
Market Value: 1140 SE
Market Value: 980 SE
Quickness Amulet
Life Saver Amulet
Grants the wearer a +2 bonus to their movement
If the wearer of this amulet is reduced to 0 hit points
they will automatically succeed on their first check to
recover while fading. They will recover with full hit Crafting Ingredients: Bronze Essence, Copper
points and be uninjured. If this happens the amulet Essence, Fox Fire, Garnet Dust, Gold Essence, Raven
will lose its magical properties. Leaf

Crafting Ingredients: Brass Essence, Copper Essence, Material Cost: 61 SE

Emerald Dust, Iron Essence, Raven Leaf, White Market Value: 1220 SE
Reflex Amulet
Material Cost: 72 SE Grants the wearer a +2 bonus to initiative.
Market Value: 1440 SE Crafting Ingredients: Copper Essence, Horse Root,
Moonstone Dust, Silver Essence x2, White Moss
Lightning Amulet
Grants the wearer Elemental Resistance 10 from Material Cost: 54 SE
lighting damage. If the wearer casts a spell that does Market Value: 1080 SE
electric damage, increase the damage by +2..
Quickness Amulet
Crafting Ingredients: Grants the wearer a +2 bonus to their movement
Bronze Essence, Copper Essence, Dragon Leaf, score.
Sapphire Dust, Silver Essence, White Moss
Crafting Ingredients: Bronze Essence, Copper
Material Cost: 64 SE Essence, Fox Fire, Horse Root, Sapphire Dust, Silver
Market Value: 1280 SE Essence

Material Cost: 68 SE
Manna Amulet
Market Value: 1360 SE
Increases the maximum number of mana points of the
wearer by +4. Reflex Amulet
Grants the wearer a +2 bonus to initiative.
Crafting Ingredients: Copper Essence, Fox Fire, Iron
Essence, Raven Leaf, Sapphire Dust, Steel Essence Crafting Ingredients: Brass Essence x2, Bronze
Essence, Dragon Leaf, Moonstone Dust, White Moss
Material Cost: 66 SE
Market Value: 1320 SE Material Cost: 47 SE
Market Value: 940 SE

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

Sorcery Amulet Wings Amulet

Grants the wearer the ability to cast a single spell With a standard action, the wearer of this amulet may
chosen by the creator at the time the amulet is made. spend a point of determination to activate it. The
The creator must know the spell they are imbuing the effects of this amulet last for 5 rounds.
amulet with and the spell must have a mana cost of 8
or less. Once activated the wearer will sprout a set of wings
at their shoulders. The exact appearance of the wings
The wearer of the amulet may then cast the spell depends on the individual amulet and is determined
from the amulet just as if they were casting the spell when the amulet is created. Shimmering wings of
themselves complete with a mysticism check to cast pure magic, feathered birdlike wings, gossamer insect
the spell. No mana is needed to cast the spell from wings, or large bat-like wings are just a few of the
the amulet. possibilities.
While the amulet is active the wearer has the ability
Each time the amulet is used, there is a 1 in 10 to fly at twice their normal movement speed.
chance that the amulet will fail. If this happens the
amulet becomes fragile for 24 hours while the arcane Crafting Ingredients: Bronze Essence x2, Garnet
energies in the amulet repair themselves. If the Dust, Silver Essence, White Moss x2
amulet is used during this time there is a 1 in 6
chance that the amulet will be completely burned out Material Cost: 50 SE
and it will become useless forever more. Market Value: 1000 SE

Crafting Ingredients: Brass Essence, Bronze

Essence, Diamond Dust, Iron Essence, White Moss,
Music is said to have a unique magical property
Widow’s Song
about it that few if any can deny. The pious chants of
Material Cost: 127 SE the faithful, the war songs of men charging into
Market Value: 2540 SE battle, and the lewd tavern songs sang over strong
drinks on cold nights are all evidence of this power.
Water Breathing Amulet It is little wonder than that musical instruments are
The wearer of this amulet can breathe under water as especially susceptible to enchantment.
if it were air.
Flute of Far Seeing
Crafting Ingredients: Dragon Leaf, Garnet Dust, Gold The flute of far seeing can be played as an extended
Essence, Iron Essence, Raven Leaf, Silver Essence action with a successful perform check difficulty 12).
Doing so allows the user to cast the spell Far Seeing.
Material Cost: 67 SE Doing so requires 1 point of determination.
Market Value: 1340 SE
Crafting Ingredients: Amethyst Dust, Brass Essence,
Copper Essence, Crypt Bloom, Flute, Maiden’s Tear

Material Cost: 40 SE
Market Value: 800 SE

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

Flute of Omens Harp of Pain

The flute of omens can be played as an extended The harp of pain can be played as an extended action
action with a successful perform check difficulty 12). with a successful perform check difficulty 14).
Doing so allows the user to cast the spell Omen Anyone within 5 yards of the player takes 1d6 points
Gazing. Doing so requires 1 point of determination. of damage and become stunned, a successful
willpower check (difficulty 10) can negate this effect.
Crafting Ingredients: Amethyst Dust, Crypt Bloom, Doing so requires 1 point of determination. Once the
Flute, Iron Essence, Silver Petal, Steel Essence player has begun to play, they may keep playing from
round to round without spending additional
Material Cost: 47 SE
Market Value: 940 SE
Crafting Ingredients: Gold Root, Harp, Iron Essence,
Harp of Fire Bane
Moonstone Dust, Silver Petal, Steel Essence
The harp of fire bane can be played as an extended
action with a successful perform check difficulty 14). Material Cost: 57 SE
Doing so allows the user to cast the spell Circle of Market Value: 1140 SE
Protection: Fire. Doing so requires 1 point of
determination. Harp of Storm Bane
The harp of cold bane can be played as an extended
Crafting Ingredients: Copper Essence, Brass Essence, action with a successful perform check difficulty 14).
Dog Weed, Garnet Dust, Harp, Maiden’s Tear Doing so allows the user to cast the spell Circle of
Protection: Lightning. Doing so requires 1 point of
Material Cost: 50 SE
Market Value: 1000 SE
Crafting Ingredients: Amethyst Dust , Crypt Bloom,
Harp of Healing
Brass Essence, Dog Weed, Harp, Iron Essence
The harp of healing can be played as an extended
action with a successful perform check difficulty 14). Material Cost: 52 SE
Doing so allows the user to cast the spell Healing Market Value: 1040 SE
Aura. Doing so requires 1 point of determination.
Harp of Winter’s Bane
Crafting Ingredients: Brass Essence, Bride’s Bane, The harp of cold bane can be played as an extended
Bronze Essence, Corpse Seed, Garnet Dust, Harp action with a successful perform check difficulty 14).
Doing so allows the user to cast the spell Circle of
Material Cost: 54 SE
Protection: Cold. Doing so requires 1 point of
Market Value: 1080 SE

Crafting Ingredients: Amethyst Dust, Copper

Essence, Crypt Bloom, Gold Root, Harp, Silver

Material Cost: 54 SE
Market Value: 1080 SE

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

Horn of Battle Horn of Shockwave

The horn of battle can be blown as a standard action The horn of shockwave can be blown as a standard
with a successful perform check (difficulty 10). Any action with a successful perform check (difficulty
ally of the horn blower within 5 yards gains a +2 10). Anyone within 3 yards of the horn blower must
bonus on all attack rolls and do an additional +2 make an agility check or be knocked prone.
damage on successful melee attacks for the next 5 Sounding this horn requires 1 point of determination.
rounds. Sounding this horn requires 1 point of
determination. Crafting Ingredients: Copper Essence, Gold Essence,
Horn, Maiden’s Tear, Sapphire Dust, Silver Petal
Crafting Ingredients: Amethyst Dust, Dog Weed,
Horn, Iron Essence x2, Maiden’s Tear Material Cost: 65 SE
Market Value: 1300 SE
Material Cost: 38 SE
Market Value: 760 SE Horn of Storms
The horn of storms can be blown as a standard action
Horn of Darkness with a successful perform check (difficulty 10).
The horn of darkness can be blown as a standard When the horn is sounded it unleashes a bolt of
action with a successful perform check (difficulty lightning that strikes a target up to 10 yards away and
10). The horn issues forth a blast of powerful dark does 2d6 points of damage. The target may make an
energy. Any living creature within a 5x5 area agility check (difficulty 10) to reduce this damage to
centered on the horn blower must make an agility 1d6. Anyone who takes full damage from this attack
check (difficulty 10) or take 2d6 points of necrotic is stunned. Sounding this horn requires 1 point of
damage. Any creature that takes damage from this determination.
also suffers from decay. Sounding the horn requires
1 point of determination. Crafting Ingredients: Blood Root, Copper Essence
x2, Horn, Sapphire Dust, Silver Petal
Crafting Ingredients: Blood Root, Emerald Dust,
Horn, Silver Essence x2, Silver Petal Material Cost: 48 SE
Market Value: 960 SE
Material Cost: 79 SE
Market Value: 1580 SE Horn of Walls
The horn of walls can be blown as a standard action
Horn of Devastation with a successful perform check (difficulty 10).
The horn of devastation can be blown as a standard Sounding this horn creates a solid wall of stone. The
action with a successful perform check (difficulty wall is about 10 feet tall and fills an area of equal to 5
10). The horn issues forth a blast of power that yards arranged in any shape the horn blower wishes
functions similarly to a range attack doing 1d10 so long as it is a continuous structure. No part of the
points of damage to a target within 10 yards. Anyone wall can be more than 10 yards from the horn blower.
who takes damage from the horn must make a might Sections of the wall can be destroyed if it is attacked
check (difficulty 12) or be knocked prone. Sounding and takes 20 points of damage in any one location.
this horn requires 1 point of determination. The wall for last about a day if the wall is left alone.
Sounding this horn requires 1 point of determination.
Crafting Ingredients: Brass Essence, Bride’s Bane,
Horn, Moonstone Dust, Silver Petal, Steel Essence Crafting Ingredients: Bronze Essence, Horn,
Maiden’s Tear, Moonstone Dust, Silver Petal, Steel
Material Cost: 44 SE Essence
Market Value: 880 SE
Material Cost: 43 SE
Market Value: 860 SE

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

Lute of Mist
Lute of Dirges The lute of mist can be played as an extended action
The player of the lute of dirges may use bard song with a successful perform check difficulty 12). The
favor Dirge of the Undying. If they already have that lute player creates a 5x5 fog bank centered on
favor they gain a +2 bonus on any perform check to themselves. The cloud obscures vision. The cloud
use it. will last for 5 rounds, although a strong wind may
dissipate it earlier.
Crafting Ingredients: Copper Essence, Corpse Seed
x2, Lute, Moonstone Dust Creatures inside the mist cloud are effectively blind,
however the lute player can see perfectly fine within
Material Cost: 34 SE the mist. Playing this lute requires a point of
Market Value: 680 SE determination.

Lute of Fatigue Crafting Ingredients: Brass Essence, Copper Essence,

The lute of fatigue can be played as an extended Dog Weed, Lute, Sapphire Dust, Silver Petal
action with a successful perform check difficulty 12).
Anyone within 5 yards of the lute player must make a Material Cost: 54 SE
willpower check (difficulty 10) or lose 1 point of Market Value: 1080 SE
determination. Playing this lute requires a point of
determination. Lute of Mystics
The player of the lute of mystics may use bardic
Crafting Ingredients: Brass Essence, Gold Root, Lute, favor Mystic Melody. If they already have that favor
Maiden’s Tear, Sapphire Dust, Silver Essence they gain a +2 bonus on any perform check to use it.

Material Cost: 63 SE Crafting Ingredients: Bride’s Bane, Emerald Dust,

Market Value: 1260 SE Gold Root, Lute, Silver Essence

Lute of Hope and Courage Material Cost: 74 SE

The player of the lute of Hope and Courage may use Market Value: 1480 SE
bardic favor Song of Hope and Courage. If they
Lute of Opening and Disarming
already have that favor they gain a +2 bonus on any
The lute of opening and disarming can be played as
perform check to use it.
an extended action with a successful perform check
Crafting Ingredients: difficulty 12). Any locks within 5 yards of the lute
player are opened and any traps are disarmed.
Material Cost:
Market Value: Playing this lute requires a point of determination.

Crafting Ingredients: Corpse Seed, Iron Essence x2,

Lute, Maiden’s Tear, Moonstone Dust

Material Cost: 43 SE
Market Value: 860 SE

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

Lute of Phantasms Violin of Spirit Calling

The lute of phantasms can be played as an extended The violin of spirit calling can be played as an
action with a successful perform check (difficulty extended action with a successful perform check
12). The lute player creates a phantasm as per the difficulty 14). The violin creates 1d4+1 ectoplasmic
Phantasm spell. The lute player must continue to wisps. The wisps appear randomly around the violin
play in order to maintain the phantasm. Once the player within 3 yards of them. The violin player has
phantasm has been created, the lute player need only no direct control over the wisps, and they will
play as a standard action allowing them to command naturally seek out and attack the greatest source of
the phantasm as a fast action. mana near them. If there is no mana, they will attack
the nearest living creature. While the violin player
Crafting Ingredients: Corpse Seed, Gold Essence,
does not control the wisps, they will never attack the
Lute, Sapphire Dust, Silver Essence, Silver Petal
violin player on the first round after they are called,
Material Cost: 77 SE nor will they attack so long as the player continues to
Market Value: 1540 SE play the violin as a standard action each round.
Playing this lute requires a point of determination.
Lute of the Bard
The player of the lute of the bard may use bardic Crafting Ingredients: Corpse Seed, Bride’s Bane,
favor virtuoso. If they already have that favor they Garnet Dust, Silver Essence x2, Violin
gain a +2 bonus on any perform check to use it.
Material Cost: 84 SE
Crafting Ingredients: Gold Root, Lute, Sapphire Dust, Market Value: 1680 SE
Steel Essence
Violin of Spirit’s Bane
Material Cost: 56 SE
The violin of spirit’s bane can be played as an
Market Value: 1120 SE
extended action with a successful perform check
Violin of Necromancy difficulty 14). Any incorporeal undead within 5
The violin of necromancy can be played as an yards of the violin player suffers 1d10 points of
extended action with a successful perform check damage. This damage is not reduced by incorporeal
difficulty 14). The player causes a dead body to rise armor. Playing this violin requires a point of
as an undead, under the control of the player. The determination.
player can create a skeleton or a zombie. The type of
Crafting Ingredients: Copper Essence, Maiden’s Tear
undead that rises depends on the condition of the
x2, Sapphire Dust. Silver Essence, Violin
body used to cast this spell. If the player has a body
that has been dead less than 24 hours, it will become Material Cost: 91 SE
a zombie, but if it has been dead longer than that it Market Value: 1820 SE
becomes a skeleton. Once the dead is raised, the
player must play the violin again to give them
commands. If the undead isn’t given a command, it
will continue to try to follow the last command it was

Playing this violin requires a point of determination

to raise the dead, but not to command them.

Crafting Ingredients: Bronze Essence, Garnet Dust,

Gold Essence, Maiden’s Tear x2, Violin

Material Cost: 89 SE
Market Value: 1780 SE

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

Belt of Perception
This belt is colored with intricate patterns and
Magical belts, boots, robes, and capes all fall in a
designs. The wearer of this belt gains a +2 bonus on
category of alchemical items known as garments.
perception check sand to any skill check derived
These items are crafted using alchemical ingredients
from perception.
and formula to imbue the item with certain
properties. The effects are permanent unless the item Crafting Ingredients: Fox Fire, Leather, Silver
is somehow disenchanted. Unless otherwise noted, a Essence, Wolf Heart Extract
character may only wear one type of garment at a
time. For instance, if a character were to put on two Material Cost: 25 SE
magical belts, the effects of both would be nullified. Market Value: 500 SE
Also, a character cannot wear a magical robe at the
same time as a magical cloak. Also worth noting, Belt of Stamina
magical boots must be worn as a pair. The belt is made of hard stiff leather that is tough and
unyielding. The wearer of this belt gains a +2 bonus
Belt of Agility to stamina checks and to any skill check derived from
This belt is made of fine leather. It is soft to the touch stamina.
and very flexible. The wearer of this belt gains a +2
bonus to agility checks and to any skill check derived Crafting Ingredients: Bear Heart Extract, Iron
from agility. Essence, Leather, Widow Song

Crafting Ingredients: Copper Essence, Leather, Material Cost: 23 SE

Spider Heart Extract, White Moss Market Value: 460 SE

Material Cost: 23 SE Belt of Willpower

Market Value: 460 SE This belt is made of plain, unadorned black leather.
The wearer of this belt gains a +2 bonus to willpower
Belt of Might and to any check derived from willpower.
This belt is made of stiff hard leather. The wearer of
this belt gains a +2 bonus to might check and to any Crafting Ingredients: Bear Heart Extract, Gold
skill check derived from might. Essence, Leather, White Moss

Crafting Ingredients: Bear Heart Extract, Dragon Material Cost: 36 SE

Leaf, Iron Essence, Leather Market Value: 720 SE

Material Cost: 23 SE Boots of Elusiveness

Market Value: 460 SE These boots grant the wearer a +4 bonus to agility
checks to avoid damage or other effects.
Belt of Mind
This belt is made of leather braided into intricate Crafting Ingredients: Corpse Seed, Fox Fire, Leather
knots. The wearer of this belt gains a +2 bonus on x3, Raven Leaf, Silver Essence x2, Wolf Heart
mind check on to any skill check derived from mind. Extract

Crafting Ingredients: Cockatrice Heart Extract, Material Cost: 43 SE

Copper Essence, Horse Root, Leather Market Value: 860 SE

Material Cost: 40 SE
Market Value: 800 SE

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

Boots of Leaping Boots of the Spider

These boots enable the wearer to jump fantastic These boots provide the wearer with a +4 bonus to
distances. They provide a +4 to all checks to jump or acrobatics checks made to climb.
leap while wearing them.
They also protect the wearer from falling damage.
They also protect the wearer from falling damage. While wearing these boots the wearer gains a +4
While wearing these boots the wearer gains a +4 bonus to agility checks to reduce falling damage.
bonus to agility checks to reduce falling damage.
Crafting Ingredients: Fox Fire, Gold Root, Iron
Crafting Ingredients: Bear Heart Extract, Bronze Essence, Leather x3, Raven Leaf, Silver Essence,
Essence, Gold Essence, Horse Root, Leather x3, Spider Heart Extract
Silver Petal, White Moss
Material Cost: 48 SE
Material Cost: 51 SE Market Value: 960 SE
Market Value: 1020
Boots of Trackless Step
Boots of Levitation These boots allow the wearer to pass over just about
These boots enable the wearer to use the wind walk any type of terrain without leaving even the slightest
invocation. If the wearer already had that invocation, trace. Anyone attempting to tack the wearer using a
they gain a +2 bonus to use it. skill such as investigate or nature suffers a -4 penalty.

Crafting Ingredients: Dog Weed, Bear Heart Extract, Crafting Ingredients: Leather x3, Bat Heart Extract,
Bronze Essence x2, Leather x3, Horse Root, Raven Brass Essence, Corpse Seed, Raven Leaf x2, Steel
Leaf Essence

Material Cost: 25 SE Material Cost: 39 SE

Market Value: 700 SE Market Value: 780 SE

Boots of Light Foot Boots of Wavestride

These boots grant the wearer a +2 bonus to initiative These boots enable the wearer to walk across water
checks and a +1 bonus to their speed score. as if it were solid ground. The wearer may need to
make an acrobatics check in order to keep their
Crafting Ingredients: Brass Essence, Dog Weed, balance in particularly rough water. Getting up from
Dragon Leaf, Iron Essence, Leather x3, Spider Heart being prone always requires an acrobatics check in
Extract, White Moss the water. The difficulty will depend on how
turbulent the water is.
Material Cost: 41 SE
Market Value: 820 SE Crafting Ingredients: Copper Essence, Dragon Leaf,
Gold Root, Griffon Heart Extract, Iron Essence,
Boots of Stealth
Leather x3, Raven Leaf
These boots provide the wearer with a +4 bonus to
stealth checks. Material Cost: 53 SE
Market Value: 1060 SE
Crafting Ingredients: Bat Heart Extract, Brass
Essence, Dragon Leaf, Gold Root, Iron Essence,
Leather x3, White Moss

Material Cost: 36 SE
Market Value: 720 SE

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

Cape of Armor Cape of Fire Bane

The wearer of this cape gains a +2 bonus to their This cape grants the wearer elemental resistance 10
armor rating. from fire damage. If the wearer casts a spell that does
fire damage, increase the damage by +2.
Crafting Ingredients: Bat Heart Extract, Bear Heart
Extract, Cloth x3, Dog Weed, Garnet Dust, Iron Crafting Ingredients: Bat Heart Extract, Cloth x3,
Essence, Sapphire Dust Dog Weed, Garnet Dust, Griffon Heart Extract,
Moonstone Dust, Silver Essence
Material Cost: 82 SE
Material Cost: 92 SE
Market Value: 1650 SE
Market Value: 1850 SE
Cape of Arrow Guard Cape of Guard
The wearer of this cape is completely protected from This cape grants the wearer a +2 bonus to guard.
mundane bolts, arrows, and thrown weapon such as
spears or javelins. Any such weapon that strikes the Crafting Ingredients: Amethyst Dust, Bronze
wearer will simply burn away into smoke and ash Essence, Cloth x3, Crypt Bloom, Griffon Heart
before doing any damage. Extract, Moonstone Dust, Wolf Heart Extract

Material Cost: 82 SE
Crafting Ingredients: Amethyst Dust, Bear Heart
Market Value: 1650 SE
Extract, Cloth x3, Moonstone Dust, Silver Essence,
Silver Petal, Wolf Heart Extract Cape of Invisibility
This cape grants the wearer the ability to turn
Material Cost: 67 SE
invisible as if they were under the effects of the
Market Value: 1350 SE
Invisibility spell. While invisible, the wearer may
move, speak, and even attack while invisible.
Cape of Cold Bane
Casting spells or taking damage will end the effect.
This cape grants the wearer elemental resistance 10
Turning invisible while wearing the cape is an
from cold damage. If the wearer casts a spell that
extended action and requires the wearer to spend 1
does cold damage, increase the damage by +2.
point of determination. The wearer can remain
Crafting Ingredients: Amethyst Dust, Bear Heart invisible for up to 5 rounds. Becoming visible again,
Extract x2, Cloth x3, Copper Essence, Gold Root, is a free action.
Moonstone Dust Crafting Ingredients: Cloth x3, Bear Heart Extract,
Diamond Dust, Sapphire Dust, Silver Petal, Wolf
Material Cost: 64 SE
Heart Extract
Market Value: 1290 SE
Material Cost: 157 SE
Cape of Death Bane Market Value: 3150 SE
This cape grants the wearer elemental resistance 10
from necrotic damage. If the wearer casts a spell that Cape of Levitation
does necrotic damage, increase the damage by +2. The wearer of this cape can use the Wind Walk
invocation. If the wearer of the cape already has this
Crafting Ingredients: Amethyst Dust, Cloth x3, Dog invocation, they gain a +4 bonus on mysticism
Weed, Gold Essence, Griffon Heart Extract, Sapphire checks to use it.
Dust Crafting Ingredients: Cloth x3, Corpse Seed, Emerald
Dust, Garnet Dust, Silver Essence, Spider Heart
Material Cost: 122 SE Extract, Wolf Heart Extract
Market Value: 2450 SE
Material Cost: 102 SE
Market Value: 2050 SE

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

Cape of Wings
Cape of Storm Bane With a standard action, the wearer of this cape may
This cape grants the wearer elemental resistance 10 spend a point of determination to activate it. The
from electric damage. If the wearer casts a spell that effects of this cape last for 5 rounds.
does electric damage, increase the damage by +2.
Once activated the wearer will sprout a set of wings
Crafting Ingredients: Amethyst Dust, Bear Heart at their shoulders. The exact appearance of the wings
Extract x2, Cloth x3, Crypt Bloom, Emerald Dust, depends on the individual cape and is determined
Silver Essence when the cape is created. Shimmering wings of pure
magic, feathered birdlike wings, gossamer insect
Material Cost: 102 SE wings, or large bat-like wings are just a few of the
Market Value: 2050 SE possibilities.

Cape of Striding While the cape is active the wearer has the ability to
This cape grants the wearer the ability to teleport for fly at twice their normal movement speed.
short distances. As a fast action the wearer may
spend a point of determination to teleport up to three Crafting Ingredients: Bat Heart Extract, Bear Heart
yards in any direction. The wearer must be able to Extract, Brass Essence, Cloth x3, Corpse Seed,
see their destination before teleporting. Moonstone Dust, Sapphire Dust

Crafting Ingredients: Cloth x3, Copper Essence, Material Cost: 82 SE

Crypt Bloom, Moonstone Dust x2, Spider Heart Market Value: 1650 SE
Extract, Wolf Heart Extract
Robes of Abjuration
Material Cost: 64 SE Grants the wearer a +2 bonus to mysticism checks
Market Value: 1290 SE when casting spells from the abjuration school of
magic. If the spell does damage it does +2 damage. If
Cape of Swiftness the spell has a duration, double it.
This cape grants the wearer a +2 bonus to initiative
checks and a +1 bonus to their speed score. Crafting Ingredients: Bat Heart Extract, Brass
Essence, Cloth x3, Corpse Seed, Garnet Dust,
Crafting Ingredients: Cloth x3, Dog Weed, Sapphire Dust
Cockatrice Heart Extract, Garnet Dust, Sapphire
Dust, Silver Essence, Spider Heart Extract Material Cost: 82 SE
Market Value: 1650 SE
Material Cost: 112
Market Value: 2250 Robes of Divination
Grants the wearer a +2 bonus to mysticism checks
Cape of the Night when casting spells from the divination school of
The wearer of this cape gains a +4 bonus to stealth magic. If the spell does damage it does +2 damage. If
checks made when in darkness. In addition, the the spell has a duration, double it.
wearer can see perfectly fine in darkness.
Crafting Ingredients: Amethyst Dust, Bear Hear
Crafting Ingredients: Bat Heart Extract x3, Cloth x3, Extract, Blood Root, Cloth x3, Copper Essence,
Emerald Dust, Gold Root, Iron Essence, Sapphire Sapphire Dust
Material Cost: 81 SE
Material Cost: 112 SE Market Value: 1630 SE
Market Value: 2250 SE

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

Robes of Enchantment Robes of Invisibility

Grants the wearer a +2 bonus to mysticism checks As a fast action the wearer may make a mysticism
when casting spells from the enchantment school of check (difficulty 10) to become invisible. While
magic. If the spell does damage it does +2 damage. If invisible, they may speak, move, even attack, but if
the spell has a duration, double it. the wearer takes damage or casts a spell, the effect is
Crafting Ingredients: Bat Heart Extract, Bronze
Essence, Garnet Dust Crafting Ingredients: Bear Heart Extract, Brass
Cloth x3, Moonstone Dust, Silver Petal, Wolf Heart Essence, Cloth x3, Corpse Seed, Garnet Dust,
Extract Sapphire Dust, Wolf Heart Extract
Material Cost: 62 SE
Material Cost: 77 SE
Market Value: 1250 SE
Market Value: 1550 SE
Robes of Evocation
Robes of Levitation
Grants the wearer a +2 bonus to mysticism checks
The wearer of these robes can use the Wind Walk
when casting spells from the evocation school of
invocation. If the wearer of these robes already has
magic. If the spell does damage it does +2 damage. If
this invocation, they gain a +4 bonus on mysticism
the spell has a duration, double it.
checks to use it.
Crafting Ingredients: Cloth x3, Cockatrice Heart
Extract, Copper Essence, Garnet Dust, Sapphire Crafting Ingredients: Brass Essence, Cloth x3,
Dust, Silver Petal, Spider Heart Extract Cockatrice Heart Extract, Dog Weed, Sapphire Dust
x2, Wolf Heart Extract
Material Cost: 104 SE
Market Value: 2090 SE Material Cost: 112 SE
Market Value: 2250 SE
Robes of Guard
These robes grants the wearer a +2 bonus to guard. Robes of Many Faces
As a fast action the wearer may make a mysticism
Crafting Ingredients:
check (difficulty 10) to cast Mask on themselves.
Amethyst Dust, Bat Heart Extract, Cloth x3
Dog Weed, Garnet Dust, Iron Essence, Wolf Heart Crafting Ingredients: Cloth x3, Gold Root, Garnet
Extract Dust, Gold Essence, Griffon Heart Extract,
Moonstone Dust, Wolf Heart Extract
Material Cost: 62 SE
Market Value: 1250 SE Material Cost: 97 SE
Market Value: 1950 SE
Robes of Illusion
Grants the wearer a +2 bonus to mysticism checks Robes of Necromancy
when casting spells from the illusion school of magic. Grants the wearer a +2 bonus to mysticism checks
If the spell does damage it does +2 damage. If the when casting spells from the necromancy school of
spell has a duration, double it. magic. If the spell does damage it does +2 damage. If
the spell has a duration, double it.
Crafting Ingredients: Amethyst Dust x2, Bat Heart
Extract, Brass Essence, Cloth x3, Cockatrice Extract, Crafting Ingredients: Blood Root, Cloth x3, Garnet
Crypt Bloom Dust, Manticore Heart Extract x2, Sapphire Dust,
Material Cost: 87 SE Silver Essence
Market Value: 1750 SE
Material Cost: 129 SE
Market Value: 2590 SE

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

Robes of Telekinesis Armor Sigil

The wearer of these robes may use the Invisible Call, Apply to medium or heavy armor. Increase armor’s
Invisible Push, and Wizard’s Blade invocation. If the protection by +2.
wearer of these robes already has one or more of
these invocations, they gain a +4 bonus on mysticism Crafting Ingredients: Manticore Heart Extract,
checks to use it. Moonstone Dust, Silver Essence, Steel Essence,
White Moss, Widow Song
Crafting Ingredients: Amethyst Dust, Bat Heart
Extract x2, Bronze Essence, Cloth x3, Dog Weed, Material Cost: 82 SE
Emerald Dust Market Value 1640 SE

Material Cost: 97 SE Beast Slayer Sigil

Market Value: 1950 SE Apply to a melee weapon or bow.

Robes of Whispers Increase the die type used to determine damage (1d6
The wearer of these robes can use the Whisper becomes 1d8, 1d8 becomes 1d10, etc.). The weapon
invocation. If the wearer of these robes already has does an additional +6 damage to any animal or beast.
this invocation, they gain a +4 bonus on mysticism
Crafting Ingredients: Copper Essence, Fox Fire,
checks to use it.
Horse Root, Sapphire Dust, Silver Essence, Wolf
Crafting Ingredients: Cloth, Copper Essence, Heart Extract
Emerald Dust, Garnet Dust, Griffon Heart Extract,
Material Cost: 68 SE
Maiden’s Tear, Wolf Heart Extract
Market Value: 1360 SE
Material Cost: 110 SE
Blinding Shield Sigil
Market Value: 2210 SE
Apply to a shield.

When a weapon strikes this shield, it causes a

Sigils are complex glyphs or runes that are blinding flash that leaves the attacker blind and
painstakingly etched onto an item using special disoriented. When the wielder of this shield is
materials. Because the process is quite long and the attacked and missed, the shield causes a blinding
ingredients required are costly, it is not a process flash of light, the attacker becomes blinded if they do
which is undertaken lightly. Once the sigil has been not succeed at a stamina check (difficulty 10). While
applied it will grant the item some ability unique to blind the attacker suffers a -2 penalty to all of their
that particular sigil. The effects are permanent unless actions. At the beginning of each round, the attacker
the item is destroyed or the sigil is somehow may make a stamina check (difficulty 10) to recover
disenchanted. from this effect.

Accuracy Sigil Crafting Ingredients: Dragon Leaf, Griffon Heart

Apply to a melee weapon or bow. Increase weapon’s Extract, Horse Root, Iron Essence, Sapphire Dust,
accuracy by +2. Steel Essence

Crafting Ingredients: Sapphire Dust, Steel Essence Material Cost: 94 SE

x2, White Moss, Widow Song, Wolf Heart Extract Market Value: 1880

Material Cost: 72 SE
Market Value 1440 SE

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

Cold Sigil Dragon Slayer Sigil

Apply to a melee weapon or bow, medium or heavy Apply to a melee weapon or bow.
armor, or shield.
Increase the die type used to determine damage (1d6
If this sigil is applied to a melee weapon or bow. becomes 1d8, 1d8 becomes 1d10, etc.). The weapon
Increase the die type used to determine damage (1d6 does an additional +6 damage to any dragon or
becomes 1d8, 1d8 becomes 1d10, etc.). On a critical dragon-kin.
hit the blade does cold damage Increase the die type
used to determine damage again. Crafting Ingredients: Bear Heart Extract, Brass
Essence, Copper Essence, Sapphire Dust, White
If this sigil is applied to armor; the wearer of this Moss, Widow Song
armor gains Elemental Resistance 10 from cold
damage. Material Cost: 64 SE
Market Value 1280 SE
If this sigil is applied to a shield; the shield grants the
user Elemental Resistance 5 against cold damage. Fire Sigil
Apply to a melee weapon or bow, medium or heavy
Crafting Ingredients: Copper Essence, Dragon Leaf, armor, or shield.
Emerald Dust, Griffon Heart Extract, Raven Leaf,
Steel Essence. If this sigil is applied to a melee weapon or bow.
Increase the die type used to determine damage (1d6
Material Cost: 104 SE becomes 1d8, 1d8 becomes 1d10, etc.). On a critical
Market Value: 2080 SE hit the blade does fire damage and the victim of the
attack suffers from burning.
Damage Sigil
Apply to a melee weapon or bow. If this sigil is applied to armor; the wearer of this
armor gains Elemental Resistance 10 from fire
Increase the die type used to determine damage (1d6 damage.
becomes 1d8, 1d8 becomes 1d10, etc.). The weapon
does an additional +2 points of damage. On a critical If this sigil is applied to a shield; the shield grants the
hit the weapon does max damage with no need even user Elemental Resistance 5 against fire damage.
to roll for damage.
Crafting Ingredients: Bear Heart Extract, Copper
Crafting Ingredients: Brass Essence, Copper Essence, Essence x2, Horse Root, Raven Leaf, Sapphire Dust
Fox Fire, Horse Root, Moonstone Dust, Wolf Heart
Extract Material Cost: 61 SE
Market Value 1220 SE
Material Cost: 48 SE
Market Value: 960 SE

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

Force Shield Sigil Healing Armor Sigil

Apply to a shield. Apply to medium or heavy armor. While wearing this
armor, the wearer will recover 1 hit point at the
When the wielder of this shield is attacked and beginning of each round.
missed, they may, once per turn, strike back with a
telekinetic push against the attacker. The attacker Crafting Ingredients: Brass Essence, Cockatrice
must make a might check (difficulty 10) or be pushed Heart Extract, Copper Essence, Dragon Leaf,
back three yards in any direction of the shield Moonstone Dust, Widow Song
wielder’s choice. After being pushed, they must
make an agility check (difficulty 10) or be rendered Material Cost: 71 SE
prone. Market Value: 1420 SE

Crafting Ingredients: Brass Essence, Copper Essence, Insect Slayer Sigil

Garnet Dust, Horse Root, Raven Leaf, Wolf Heart Apply to a melee weapon or bow.
Increase the die type used to determine damage (1d6
Material Cost: 44 SE becomes 1d8, 1d8 becomes 1d10, etc.). The weapon
Market Value 880 SE does an additional +6 damage to any insect.

Ghost Bane Sigil Crafting Ingredients: Bear Heart Extract, Dragon

Apply to a melee weapon or bow. Leaf, Gold Essence, Sapphire Dust, Steel Essence,
White Moss
The weapon will bypass all armor resistance from
incorporeal armor, such as used by shades and other Material Cost: 87 SE
incorporeal undead. Market Value: 1740 SE

Crafting Ingredients: Bronze Essence x2, Lightning Sigil

Fox Fire, Sapphire Dust, Spider Heart Extract, Apply to a melee weapon or bow, medium or heavy
Widow Song armor, or shield.

Material Cost: 76 SE If this sigil is applied to a melee weapon or bow.

Market Value: 1520 Increase the die type used to determine damage (1d6
becomes 1d8, 1d8 becomes 1d10, etc.). On a critical
Guard Shield Sigil hit the blade does electric damage and the victim of
Apply to a shield. the attack is stunned.

This shield grants the wielder a +2 bonus to guard. If this sigil is applied to armor; the wearer of this
armor gains Elemental Resistance 10 from cold
Crafting Ingredients: Bronze Essence, Horse Root,
Iron Essence, Sapphire Dust, White Moss, Wolf
Heart If this sigil is applied to a shield; the shield grants the
user Elemental Resistance 5 against Electric damage.
Material Cost 62 SE
Market Value: 1240 SE Crafting Ingredients: Bat Heart Extract, Dragon
Leaf, Fox Fire, Gold Essence, Sapphire Dust, Steel

Material Cost: 91 SE
Market Value 1820 SE

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

Lock Sigil Necromancer Sigil

Apply to a door. The door will not open. When the Apply to a dead body that died no more than 1 day
sigil is applied, a unlock sigil is also created, anyone ago. The body rises as a zombie.
who knows the unlock sigil may open the door by
tracing a specific pattern on the surface of the door. Crafting Ingredients: Amethyst Dust, Bronze
Essence, Horse Root, Iron Essence, Raven Leaf,
Crafting Ingredients: Bear Heart Extract, Fox Fire, Spider Heart Extract
Garnet Dust, Gold Essence, Iron Essence, Raven
Leaf Material Cost: 57 SE
Market Value 1140 SE
Material Cost: 69 SE
Market Value: 1380 Skill Sigil
Apply to a melee weapon or bow, medium or heavy
Mana Bane Sigil armor, or shield.
Apply to a melee weapon or bow.
The bearer of this item gains a +2 bonus on one skill
Any creature that suffers damage from this weapon determined by the craftsman at the time of making
also loses an amount of mana equal to half of the inscribing the sigil.
damage inflicted (if they have any mana to lose).
Crafting Ingredients: Amethyst Dust, Copper
Crafting Ingredients: Amethyst Dust, Brass Essence, Essence, Horse Root, Iron Essence, Raven Leaf, Steel
Copper Essence, Dragon Leaf, Raven Leaf, Wolf Essence
Heart Extract
Material Cost: 49 SE
Material Cost: 44 SE Market Value: 980 SE
Market Value: 880 SE

Necrotic Sigil
Apply to a melee weapon or bow, medium or heavy
armor, or shield.

If this sigil is applied to a melee weapon or bow.

Increase the die type used to determine damage (1d6
becomes 1d8, 1d8 becomes 1d10, etc.). On a critical
hit the blade does necrotic damage and the victim of
the attack is suffers from decay.

If this sigil is applied to armor; the wearer of this

armor gains Elemental Resistance 10 from necrotic

If this sigil is applied to a shield; the shield grants the

user Elemental Resistance 5 against necrotic damage.

Crafting Ingredients: Amethyst Dust, Bear Heart

Extract, Bronze Essence, Fox Fire, Horse Root, Iron

Material Cost: 56 SE
Market Value: 1120 SE

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

Sorcery Sigil Undead Cleansing Sigil

Apply to a melee weapon, bow , medium or heavy Apply to a blunt melee weapon.
armor, or shield
This weapon is truly devastating to undead. Against
Grants the bearer of this item the ability to cast a undead, increase the damage done by the weapon by
single spell chosen by the creator at the time the sigil 1 step (1d4 becomes 1d6, 1d6 becomes 1d8, etc.)
is applied. The creator must know the spell they are against mindless undead the weapon does maximum
imbuing the sigil with and the spell must have a mana damage, there is no need even to roll for the damage.
cost of 8 or less. An undead creature destroyed by this hammer burns
away into ashes almost instantly.
The bearer of this item may then cast the spell from
the sigil just as if they were casting the spell Crafting Ingredients: Copper Essence, Garnet Dust,
themselves complete with a mysticism check to cast Griffon Heart Extract, Dragon Leaf, Raven Leaf,
the spell. No mana is needed to cast the spell from Silver Essence
the sigil.
Material Cost: 74 SE
Each time the sigil is used, there is a 1 in 10 chance Market Value: 1480 SE
that the sigil will fail. If this happens the sigil
becomes fragile for 24 hours while the arcane Undead Slayer Sigil
energies in the sigil repair themselves. If the sigil is Apply to a melee weapon or bow.
used during this time there is a 1 in 6 chance that the
sigil will be completely burned out and it will Increase the die type used to determine damage (1d6
become useless forever more. becomes 1d8, 1d8 becomes 1d10, etc.). The weapon
does an additional +6 damage to any undead.
Crafting Ingredients: Bat Heart Extract, Brass
Essence, Diamond Dust, Raven Leaf x2, Steel Crafting Ingredients: Amethyst Dust, Dragon Leaf,
Essence Brass Essence, Copper Essence, White Moss. Wolf
Heart Extract
Material Cost: 135 SE
Market Value: 2700 SE Material Cost: 44 SE
Market Value: 880 SE
Spirit Dancing Sigil
Apply to a melee weapon.

This weapon is able to act with a degree of

autonomy. Once drawn and turned lose, it will float
in the air near the wielder. Once per round as a fast
action, the wielder can command the blade to attack
an enemy adjacent to them. The blade isn’t all that
accurate however. When floating the blade attacks
with a +0 bonus (modified by accuracy) but does
damage normal for its type.

Crafting Ingredients: Copper Essence, Emerald Dust,

Horse Root, Iron Essence, Raven Leaf, Wolf Heart

Material Cost: 74 SE
Market Value: 1480 SE

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

Appendix v

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

Weather can be a great source of role playing and

world building if the GM chooses to include it. 1d20 Temperature
1-14 Normal for area
The first step will be determining the base 15-16 Unseasonably warm (Increase Temp)
temperature of the area where the game is taking 17-18 Unseasonably cool (Decrease Temp)
place, this may account for distance from a pole or 19 Unseasonably hot (Increase Temp x2)
equator, season, time of day, and even elevation. As 20 Unseasonably cold (Decrease Temp x2)
a guideline, assume that the base temperature is
“neutral” and then apply the following modifiers as 1d20* Precipitations (Effect)
appropriate. 1-4 None, clear skies
5-8 None, partly cloudy
Weather conditions can impose penalties or even 9-12 None, cloudy
damage characters that are unprepared. The GM 13-17 Light Precipitations (-2 to all actions)
should determine which actions receive penalties 18-19 Heavy Precipitations (-4 to all actions)
based on the weather. For instance, a character 20 Storm (-6 to all actions)
sitting inside a warm house making a lore check as
they research through an old book isn’t going to 1d20* Wind (Effect)
suffer a -2 to their lore check because it is cold and 1-12 None
raining outside, but a character outside trying to 13-17 Light wind (-2 to ranged attacks)
climb a stone wall will certainly suffer the penalties 18-20 Heavy wind (-4 to ranged attacks)
of the poor weather.
* The GM should feel free to modify these rolls
Temperature Effect based on the area the players are in. For instance,
Very Hot Lose 1 determination /10 minutes some places are known for their high amount of rain,
Hot Lose 1 determination / 1 hour or their lack thereof. Areas of higher elevation tend
Warm No Effect to have higher wind. Temperate climates are known
Neutral No Effect to experience very high amounts of wind and
Cool No Effect precipitation during the spring season.
Cold Impaired Rest
Very Cold Impaired Rest
-2 on all actions.
Extremely Cold Impaired Rest
-4 to all actions
1d6 cold damage / 10 minutes

Temperature Modifiers
Warm Region +2
Cold Region -2
Summer +1
Winter -1
Extremely High Elevation (Mountain Peaks) -3
Very High Elevation (Mountains) -2
High Elevation (Hills) -1
Low Elevation (Valley) +1
Night -1
Precipitation -1

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

Appendix vi
Sickness and Disease

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

The damage value listed is the damage that a
The world is full of virulent pathogens and sickened character suffers each day before they make
microorganisms that have plagued all animal live their stamina check to recover from the sickness.
since the very beginnings of life. If a character is
infected with a disease they are considered Stamina
“sickened”. A sickened character suffers a -2 penalty The listed stamina is the difficulty of the stamina
to all actions and will be unable to get complete rest check that an infected character must make in order
without intervention. When the character does rest, to recover from the illness. A skilled healer can
they will take damage from the sickness and then be administer medicine to a sick character which will
required to make a stamina check to try and fight off provide a +2 bonus to the stamina check to recover
the illness. If they fail this check, the sickness will from the sickness.
persist into the next day when the character will have
another chance to fight off the infection. Remedy
Treating a disease requires a number of herbs
Sickness depending on which disease the sickened character is
Each disease is listed with its common name as well suffering from. A character with the Skilled Healer
as its academic name. favor can create and herbal remedy from the specific
herbs listed which will cure a sick character of the
Type disease.
Diseases come in three types based on where the
pathogens lives. This will determine how the disease Notes
is spread. When a character is exposed to a disease Many diseases have unique conditions that make
the GM should roll a die in secret based on the them more dangerous or hard to fight. They are
diseases contagion score listed under its type. If a 1 listed here under notes.
is rolled on this die, the exposed character will
become sickened. Blindness: A disease the inflicts blindness on a
character will do so after the infected character fails
Airborne: Airborne pathogens are the most their first stamina check against the illness. The
contagious. Characters can be exposed to these character will remain blind until they recover from
diseases simply by walking through an area that is the disease.
infected or standing near an infected person.
Death Stroke: Death stroke is a particularly insidious
Bloodborne: Blood born pathogens typically require trait of some illnesses. The inflict an amount of
contact with infected blood. These diseases are damage to the infected character immediately as the
sometimes spread through the bites of infected character fights off the infection either by passing
animals, through eating injected meat, or through their stamina check or through the use of medical
sexual contact with an infected person. A bloodborne remedies.
disease that is highly contatious can also be spread by
insect bites. Highly Contagious: These diseases are more easily
spread as reflected in their contagion score.
Waterborne: A waterborne pathogen lives in water.
A character will be exposed to this sickness if they Persistent: A persistent illness is difficult to defeat. It
drink infected water or have intimate contact with an requires the infected character to fight it off twice
infected person. A waterborne disease that is highly either through passing their stamina checks or
contagious can also be spread by insect bites. through the use of medical remedies.

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

Sickness Type DMG STA Remedy Notes

Black Fever Airborne 1d8 15 Crypt Bloom x2 Death Stroke 1d10
(Laremwe) (1d6) Dragon Leaf Persistent

Black Heart Waterborne 1d4 12 Silver Petal x2 Persistent

(Ganedsil) (1d10) Dragon Leaf

Blight Worm Waterborne 1d4 10 Dragon Leaf x2 Persistent

(Findirsil) (1d10) Horse Root

Bone Lock Waterborne 1d4 10 Bride's Bane x2 Death Stroke (1d6)

(Rinevsil) (1d8) Raven Leaf Highly Contagious

Burning Chills Airborne - 10 Crypt Bloom x2 Highly Contagious

(Gelanwe) (1d4) Gold Root

Burning Lung Airborne 1d6 12 Silver Petal x2 Highly Contagious

(Mindaswe) (1d4) White Moss Persistent

Gravedigger's Cough Waterborne 1d4 12 Bride's Bane x2 Blindness

(Silmemsil) (1d10) Widow's Song

Huntsman's Blight Bloodborne 1d8 15 Bride's Bane x2 Death Stroke (1d10)

(Marebian) (1d10) Widow's Song

Harlot's Fever Bloodborne 1d4 15 Maiden's Tear x2 Blindness

(Maegolian) (1d10) Raven Leaf Persistent

Lantern Fever Waterborn - 12 Silver Petal x2 Blindness

(Aegalsil) (1d10) Fox Fire Death Stroke (1d4)

Rose Blight Airborne 1d6 12 Crypt Bloom x2 Highly Contagious

(Belolwe) (1d4) Fox Fire

Spider Pox Waterborne - 12 Gold Root x2 Highly Contagious

(Istensil) (1d8) Raven Leaf

Weeping Rot Waterborne 1d6 12 Dog Weed x2 Persistent

(Aethalsil) (1d10) White Moss

Widow’s Fever Airborne 1d4 15 Corpse Seed x2 -

Lindirwe (1d6) Horse Root

Witch Warts Waterborne - 15 Silver Petal x2 Persistent

(Erlinsil) (1d10) White Moss

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

Appendix vii
Rules Summary
Cheat Sheet

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

Attributes Character Creation

Agility: How fast and agile you are. Attributes: 4 points
Might: How strong you are. Skills: Pick 3 skills, each gets +2 training
Mind: How intuitive you are. Favors: Pick 2 favors.
Perception: How observant you are. Starting Wealth: Start with 100 SE
Stamina: How tough you are.
Willpower: How confident and motivated you are Character Creation Options
Attribute Option: +1 attribute point, one attribute
Compiled Scores starts with a score of -1.
Guard: Agility +10. Skill Option: Start with 5 skills +2 training in each.
Movement: Agility +5. Skill Option: Start with 2 skills +4 training in one,
Initiative: Perception. +2 training in one.
Hit Points: 16 + (Stamina x 4). Favors Option: 1 extra favor
Determination: Willpower +3. Starting Wealth Option: Start with 500 SE
Starting XP: Mind.
Mana: Channeling Proficiency x4 Character Advancement
Item Slots: Might +3 Improving Skill Training: XP cost = new score.
Improving Attribute: XP cost = new score +5
Skills New Favor: 5 XP
Acrobatics (Agility): Climbing, jumping, and Gold: A player may spend 1 XP for 1 GD, or 1 XP
leaping. for 10 GD’s if they have the Wealth favor.
Archery (Perception): Attacks with bows or
Athletics (Might) Grapple, lift, or swim.
Channeling (Willpower): Determine Mana
Charisma (Willpower): Kindness and friendliness.
Craftsmanship (Might): Craft items.
Etiquette (Willpower): With noble or polite society.
Fighting (Might) : Attacks with melee weapons.
Healing (Mind): Care for the sick and wounded.
Horsemanship (Agility) Use to ride horses.
Investigate (Perception): Conduct searches.
Intimidate (Willpower): Fear and the threat of harm.
Lore (Mind): Academic knowledge.
Mysticism (Mind): Use to cast spells.
Nature (Perception): Forage for food and water.
Perform (Willpower): Musical instruments and
Stealth (Agility): hide and sneak.
Thievery (Agility): pick pockets and steal.

Skill Mastery
A character with a training score of 8 in a skill rolls
3d10 when making skill checks and keeping the
highest 2 dice.

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

Action Turn Rest and Recovery

1 fast action and 1 standard action. Enhanced Rest
2 fast actions. Recovers hit points (All)
1 extended action. Recovers determination (All)
Gains bonus determination (1)
Standard Actions Bonus to recover from sickness (+2)
Run Complete Rest (6 hours or more)
Recovers hit points (Stamina score +5)
Fast Actions Recovers determination (All)
Move Recovers mana (All)
Draw a weapon
Impaired Rest
Extended Actions Recovers hit points (Stamina)
Cast a spell Recovers Determination (1)
Get up from prone Recovers Mana (4)

Determination Special Combat Maneuvers

+2 bonus to Skill Check Defensive Stance: +4 guard
+2 bonus to Guard Disarm: Fighting check resisted by fighting.
Recover 4 hit points (uninjured only) Grab: Fighting check resisted by guard.
Push: Might check resisted by might.
Set: Hold an attack to use later.
Trip: Agility check resisted by agility.
Rush: +2 attack, +2 damage, no agility bonus to

Regular Item: 1 Item Slot
Large Item: 2 Item Slots
Small Item: ½ Item Slot
Very Small Item: ¼ Item Slot
Coin: 1/100 Item Slot
Carried Armor: Equal to AR

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

Burning Petrification
1d6 fire damage per turn. Acrobatics or lore A character unfortunate enough to become petrified,
(difficulty 10) to recover. finds themselves temporarily turned to stone. While
petrified a character cannot move or take any actions.
Confusion Petrification normally only lasts for a number of
A confused character makes a mind check (Difficulty rounds, at the end of which the character will return
10) at the beginning of each round. If they fail that to normal. While petrified a character or creature has
check they are unable to take any action that round. an Armor Rating of 10 and Elemental Resistance 10
If they succeed, they may act normally that round. In against cold, electric, fire, phantom, and necrotic
either case the effect will persist to the next round. In damage.
order to end the effect, the confused character must
make a mind check (difficulty 12) as an extended Being turned to stone is a painful experience and
action to clear their head. causes the creature to take 1d10 points of damage.

Daze Poison Recovery

Only able to make 1 fast action per turn. Damage Difficulty
Remove bonus to guard from agility. 1d4 8
Stamina (Difficulty 10) to recover. 1d6 10
1d8 12
Decay 1d10 14
1d4 necrotic damage per turn. Willpower (difficulty 1d12 16
15) to recover.
A character may also recover from poison with the
Exhaustion use of the medicine skill as an extended action.
A character that has spent all of their determination
points is exhausted. Poison damage is not reduced by armor.

-2 on all actions Sickness

-2 on all actions. Cannot get complete rest.
Short fall (6-12 ft.) 1d6 damage, ignores armor. Damage based on specific disease.
Long fall (12-30 ft.) 3d6 damage, ignores armor.
Deadly fall (30ft. +) 5d6+5 damage, ignores armor. Stun
A stunned character is unable to move or take actions
Fearful on their next turn and their they lose any bonus to
A fearful character suffers a -2 penalty to all skill their guard score from agility.
checks. At the beginning of each turn a fearful
character may make a willpower check to end this Terrified
condition. A terrified character is so stricken with fear that they
cannot move or take actions. They lose any bonus to
their guard score from agility. Willpower (Difficulty
10) to recover. Creatures immune to fear cannot
become terrified.

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

Appendix viii
Character Record Sheet

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

Raven of the Scythe
Fantasy Role Playing Game

Thank you.



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