SoftwareTestingMethodologies Flipped HO

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Part A: Content Design

Course No(s) SE* ZG552 / SSZG552
Credit Units 4
Course Author
Version No

Course Objectives
No Objective

CO1 The course aims at providing a sound conceptual foundation in the area of Software Testing
Methodologies with emphasis on concepts and techniques for testing and analysis of software

CO2 The testing of software, at a unit, subsystem and system level. Various test techniques:
specification based testing and code based testing. Techniques and methods for software test
generation and validation.

CO3 The Software Analysis: Static and Dynamic. Test adequacy. Testing Object Oriented Software.
The types of software testing: Regression and interoperability. The software test processes and

Text Book(s)
T1 Software Testing – A Craftsman’s Approach, Fourth Edition, Paul C Jorgenson, CRC Press
T2 Foundations of Software Testing, Second Edition, Aditya P Mathur, Pearson

Reference Book(s) & other resources

R1 The Art of Software Testing, Third Edition, Glenford J. Myers, Tom Badget, Corey Sandler,
R2 Software Testing and Quality Assurance – Theory and Practice, Kshirasagar Naik, Priyadarshi
Tripathy, Wiley, 2013
R3 Testing Object Oriented Systems: Models, Patterns and Tools, Robert V Binder, Addison
R4 Guide to Software Engineering Body of Knowledge, Version 3, IEEE

Content Structure

Module 1: Introduction to Software Testing & Techniques

Topic No. Topic Title Reference
1.1 Introduction to Software Testing Lecture Notes
1.2 Overview of the Course Lecture Notes
1.3 Software Testing Techniques T1 Chapter 1 & T2 Chapter 1
1.4 Software Testing – Quality Attributes, Types and T1 Chapter 1 & T2 Chapter 1

Module 2: Mathematics & Formal Methods

Topic No. Topic Title Reference
2.1 Permutations and Combinations Lecture Notes & Slides
2.2 Propositional Logic T1 3.4
2.3 Discrete Math T1 Chapter 3
2.4 Graph Theory T1 Chapter 4

Module 3: Specification Based Testing

Topic No. Topic Title Reference
3.1 Specification Based Testing – Overview Lecture Notes
3.2 Equivalence Class T1 Chapter 6
3.3 Boundary Value Analysis T1 Chapter 5
3.4 Example & Case Study Lecture Notes, T1 Chapter 6 & 5

Module 4: Specification Based Testing

Topic No. Topic Title Reference
4.1 Domain Testing T2 Chapter 3
4.2 Combinatorial Lecture Notes
4.3 Decision Table Based Testing T1 Chapter 7
4.4 Example & Case Study T1 Chapter 7 & Lecture Notes

Module 5: Code Based Testing

Topic No. Topic Title Reference
5.1 Code Based Testing – Overview Lecture Notes
5.2 Path Testing T1 Chapter 8
5.3 Examples T1 Chapter 8

Module 6: Code Based Testing

Topic No. Topic Title Reference
6.1 Data Flow Testing T1 Chapter 9
6.2 Path Based Testing – Metric T1 Chapter 8 & Lecture Notes
6.3 Examples T1 Chapter 9 & T1 Chapter 8

Module 7: Model Based Testing

Topic No. Topic Title Reference
7.1 Model Based Testing – Introduction & Overview T1 Chapter 12
7.2 Finite State Machines & Fault Model T2 Chapter 5
7.3 Examples T1 Chapter 17
7.4 Case Study Lectures Notes & T1 Chapter 17

Module 8: Model Based Testing

Topic No. Topic Title Reference
8.1 Model Based Testing – Systems T1 Chapter 17
8.2 Model Based Testing – System of Systems T1 Chapter 17 & T2 Chapter 5
8.3 Example T1 Chapter 17 & Lecture Notes
8.4 Cases Study T1 Chapter 17 & Lecture Notes

Module 9: Object Oriented Testing

Topic No. Topic Title Reference
9.1 OO Software & OO Software test – Introduction & Lecture Notes & T1 Chapter 15
9.2 Issues in Testing OO Software T1 Chapter 15
9.3 OO Unit Testing T1 Chapter 15
9.4 Examples T1 Chapter 15 & Lecture Notes

Module 10: Object Oriented Testing

Topic No. Topic Title Reference
10.1 OO Integration Testing T1 Chapter 15
10.2 OO System Testing T1 Chapter 15
10.3 OO – GUI Testing T1 Chapter 15 & Lecture Notes
10.4 Examples & Cases T1 Chapter 15 & Lecture Notes

Module 11: Integration Testing

Topic No. Topic Title Reference
11.1 Integration Testing – Introduction, Overview & T1 Chapter 13
11.2 Integration Testing – Types & Strategies T1 Chapter 13
11.3 Examples T1 Chapter 13
11.4 Cases T1 Chapter 13 & Lecture Notes

Module 12: System Testing

Topic No. Topic Title Reference
12.1 System Testing – Introduction, Overview & Issues T1 Chapter 14
12.2 Systems Testing – Types, Techniques & Strategies T1 Chapter 14
12.3 Examples T1 Chapter 14 & Lecture Notes

Module 13: Life-Cycle Based Testing

Topic No. Topic Title Reference
13.1 Life-Cycle Based Testing – Overview and T1 Chapter 11
13.2 Life-Cycles – Water fall, Iterative, and Agile T1 Chapter 11
13.3 Implications and issues, Strategies & Models T1 Chapter 11
13.4 Example and Case Lecture Notes

Module 14: Test Adequacy and Enhancement

Topic No. Topic Title Reference
14.1 Test Adequacy – Need & Overview T2 Chapter 7
14.2 Test Adequacy Assessment – Data Flow T2 Chapter 7
14.3 Test Adequacy Assessment – Control Flow T2 Chapter 7
14.4 Examples & Cases T2 Chapter 7 & Lecture Notes

Module 15: Regression Testing

Topic No. Topic Title Reference
15.1 Need, Motivation & Techniques T2 Chapter 9
15.2 Regression Testing – Test Selection (Execution T2 Chapter 9
15.3 Regression Testing – Test Selection (Dynamic T2 Chapter 9

Module 16: Test Case Minimization, Prioritization & Optimization

Topic No. Topic Title Reference
16.1 Minimization, Prioritization & Optimization T2 Chapter 9
16.2 Test Selection Algorithms T2 Chapter 9
16.3 Examples T2 Chapter 9

Module 17: Testing Non-functional Requirements

Topic No. Topic Title Reference
17.1 Reliability Analysis T2 Chapter 9, R1
17.2 Fault Tolerance T2 Chapter 9, R1
17.3 Examples T2 Chapter 9, R1

Learning Outcomes:
No Learning Outcomes

LO1 Introduce the course and course handout. Bring a perspective of need and motivation for this
course. Provide an overview of the course, quality attributes, levels and types of Testing

LO2 Provide a base to the software testing techniques in form of mathematics and formal methods.
Review topics of permutation/combination, discrete mathematics and graph theory. Focus is
on the relevance to software testing.

LO3 Bring an approach to look at the system from specification perspective. Learn the relevant
techniques for testing specifications – Equivalence Class, Boundary Value Analysis,
Combinatorial, Decision Tables and Domain Testing

LO4 Take a code level approach to testing and assuring quality. Learn the relevant techniques for
testing code – Path Based Testing and Data Flow Testing
LO5 Introduce Model Based Testing. Various Model for Software testing, their choice and
techniques. Learn Finite State Machine, Petri Nets and State Charts. Learn to use these to
derive testing cases

LO6 Understand the issues in OO Software Testing. Learn techniques and sublets of Unit,
Integration and Systems Testing of OO Software. GUI Testing for OO Software

LO7 Overview and need for Integration and Systems Testing of Software. Learn the techniques of
Integration and Systems Testing

LO8 Provide an overview from a life-cycle perspective of Software and Software Products. Agile
Testing and Agile Model-Driven Development. Role of Test engineers in life-cycle-based

LO9 Learn the need for test adequacy and need for enhancement of test cases. Various techniques
and criteria for measuring of test adequacy (data and control flow). Using the criteria to
enhance test cases.

LO10 Explore and understand the need for minimization and prioritization. Review the regression
test problem. Selection of test cases for regression.

Part B: Contact Session Plan

Academic Term
Course Title Software Testing Methodologies
Course No
Lead Instructor

Glossary of Terms
1. Contact Hour (CH) stands for a hour long live session with students conducted either in a physical
classroom or enabled through technology. In this model of instruction, instructor led sessions will be
for 22 CH.
a. Pre CH = Self Learning done prior to a given contact hour
b. During CH = Content to be discussed during the contact hour by the course instructor
c. Post CH = Self Learning done post the contact hour
2. Contact Hour (CS) stands for a two-hour long live session with students conducted either in a
physical classroom or enabled through technology. In this model of instruction, instructor led
sessions will be for 11 CS.
a. Pre CS = Self Learning done prior to a given contact session
b. During CS = Content to be discussed during the contact session by the course instructor
c. Post CS = Self Learning done post the contact session
3. RL stands for Recorded Lecture or Recorded Lesson. It is presented to the student through an online
portal. A given RL unfolds as a sequences of video segments interleaved with exercises
4. SS stands for Self-Study to be done as a study of relevant sections from textbooks and reference
books. It could also include study of external resources.
5. LE stands for Lab Exercises
6. HW stands for Home Work.
7. M stands for module. Module is a standalone quantum of designed content. A typical course is
delivered using a string of modules. M2 means module 2.

Teaching Methodology (Flipped Learning Model)

The pedagogy for this course is centered around flipped learning model in which the traditional class-room
instruction is replaced with recorded lectures to be watched at home as per the student’s convenience and the
erstwhile home-working or tutorials become the focus of classroom contact sessions. Students are expected to
finish the home works on time.
Contact Session Plan
o Each Module (M#) covers an independent topic and module may encompass more than one
Recorded Lecture (RL).
o Contact Sessions (2hrs each week) are scheduled alternate weeks after the student watches all
Recorded Lectures (RLs) of the specified Modules (listed below) during the previous week
o In the flipped learning model, Contact Sessions are meant for in-classroom discussions on cases,
tutorials/exercises or responding to student’s questions/clarification--- may encompass more than
one Module/RLs/CS topic.
o Contact Session topics listed in course structure (numbered CSx.y) may cover several RLs; and as
per the pace of instructor/students’ learning, the instructor may take up more than one CS topic
during each of the below sessions.

Detailed Structure
Introductory Video/Document: << Introducing the faculty, overview of the course, structure and
organization of topics, guidance for navigating the content, and expectations from students>>

 Each of the sub-modules of Recorded Lectures (RLx.y ) shall delivered via 30 – 60mins videos
followed by:
 Contact session (CSx.y) of 2Hr each for illustrating the concepts discussed in the videos with
exercises, tutorials and discussion on case-problems (wherever appropriate); contact sessions (CS)
may cover more than one recorded-lecture (RL) videos.

Course Contents

Contact Hour 1
Time Type Description Content Reference

Pre CH RL1.1 Introduction to Software Testing Lecture Notes & Slides

RL1.2 Overview of the Course Lecture Notes & Slides

RL1.3 Software Testing Techniques T1 Chapter 1 & T2 Chapter 1

RL1.4 Software Testing – Quality Attributes, Types T1 Chapter 1 & T2 Chapter 1

and Levels

During CH CH1 CH1.1 = Specification-Based Versus Code T1 1.4.3

Based Testing debate T1 1.5
CH1.2 = Fault Taxonomies T2 1.3
CH1.3 = Requirements, Behaviour & T2 1.4
Correctness T2 1.6
CH1.4 = Correctness Versus Reliability
CH1.5=Test Metrics

Post CH SS1 SS1.1 Quality Attributes

SS1.2 Test Techniques

HW1 None

LE1 None

QZ1 Suitable quiz may be designed for the topics


Lab Reference
Contact Hour 2
Time Type Description Content Reference

Pre CH RL2.1 Permutations and Combinations Lecture notes & Slides

RL2.2 Propositional Logic T1 3.4

RL2.3 Discrete Math T1 Chapter 3

During CH CH2 CH2.1 = Examples for Permutations & T1 Chapter 3

Combinations (Develop examples to
CH2.2 = Examples for Propositional Logic understand the theory and its
CH2.3 = Examples on Set Theory application from Software
CH2.4 = Probability Theory Testing Perspective)

Post CH SS2 SS2.1 Map Test Technique and Math

SS2.2 Study of Chapter 3

HW2 None

LE2 None

QZ2 Suitable quiz may be designed for the topics


Lab Reference

Contact Hour 3
Time Type Description Content Reference

Pre CH RL2.4 Graph Theory T1 Chapter 4

During CH CH3 CH3.1 = Graphs for testing – FSM T1 4.3.2

CH3.2 = Graphs for testing – Petri Nets T1 4.3.3
CH3.3 = Graphs for testing – EDPN T1 4.3.4
CH3.4 = Graphs for testing – StateCharts T1 4.3.5

Post CH SS3 SS2.2 Study of Chapter 4

HW3 None

LE3 None

QZ3 Suitable quiz may be designed for the topics


Lab Reference

Contact Hour 4
Time Type Description Content Reference

Pre CH RL3.1 Specification Based Testing – Overview Lecture Notes & T1 1.4.3

RL3.2 Equivalence Class T1 Chapter 6

RL3.3 Boundary Value Analysis T1 Chapter 5

RL3.4 Example & Case Study Lecture Notes, T1 Chapter 6 &


During CH CH4 CH4.1 = Discuss examples from the text T1 Chapter 5 & 6
CH4.2 = Discuss and solve two examples
from day to day software

Post CH SS4 SS3.1 EC & BVA for a program

SS3.2 Analyse, Compare & Contrast the

HW4 None

LE4 None

QZ4 Suitable quiz may be designed for the topics


Lab Reference

Contact Hour 5
Time Type Description Content Reference

Pre CH RL4.1 Domain Testing T2 Chapter 3

RL4.2 Combinatorial Lecture Notes

RL4.3 Decision Table Based Testing T1 Chapter 7

RL4.4 Example & Case Study T1 Chapter 7 & Lecture Notes

During CH CH5 CH5.1 = Discuss examples from the text

CH5.2 = Discuss and solve two examples
from day to day software

Post CH SS4 SS4.1 = Elements of being systematic

SS4.2 = Compare & Contrast the test

HW5 None

LE5 None

QZ5 Suitable quiz may be designed for the topics


Lab Reference

Contact Hour 6
Time Type Description Content Reference

Pre CH RL5.1 Code Based Testing – Overview Lecture Notes

RL5.2 Path Testing T1 Chapter 8

RL5.3 Examples T1 Chapter 8

During CH CH6 CH6.1 = Compound conditions T1 8.3.3

CH6.2 = Discussion on examples T1 8.3.4 or faculty discretion

Post CH SS5 SS5.1 Design of unit test cases

SS5.2 Explore the tools for testing and

HW6 None

LE6 None

QZ6 Suitable quiz may be designed for the topics


Lab Reference

Contact Hour 7
Time Type Description Content Reference

Pre CH RL6.1 Data Flow Testing T1 Chapter 9

RL6.2 Path Based Testing – Metric T1 Chapter 8 & Lecture Notes

RL6.3 Examples T1 Chapter 9 & T1 Chapter 8

During CH CH7 CH7.1 = Discuss Coverage Metrics with T1 9.1.7

examples T1 9.2
CH7.2 = Slice based testing

Post CH SS6 At faculty discretion

HW7 None

LE7 None

QZ7 Suitable quiz may be designed for the topics


Lab Reference

Contact Hour 8
Time Type Description Content Reference

Pre CH RL7.1 Model Based Testing – Introduction & T1 Chapter 12


RL7.2 Finite State Machines & Fault Model T2 Chapter 5

RL7.3 Examples T1 Chapter 17

RL7.4 Case Study Lectures Notes & T1 Chapter


During CH CH8 CH8.1 = Discuss Patterson Lattice T1 12.2

CH8.2 = Discuss an Example for FSM Faculty discretion
CH8.3 =
CH8.4 =

Post CH SS7 SS7.1 Compare & Contrast FSM, State

Charts & Petri Nets
SS7.2 Using the FSM Model

HW8 None

LE8 None

QZ8 Suitable quiz may be designed for the topics


Lab Reference

Contact Hour 9
Time Type Description Content Reference

Pre CH RL8.1 Model Based Testing – Systems T1 Chapter 17

RL8.2 Model Based Testing – System of Systems T1 Chapter 17 & T2 Chapter 5

RL8.3 Example T1 Chapter 17 & Lecture


RL8.4 Cases Study T1 Chapter 17 & Lecture


During CH CH9 CH9.1 = Explain and discuss Systems of T1 17.2

systems Types
CH9.2 = Examples of Systems of Systems

Post CH SS8 SS8.1 Explore Systems of Systems around us

HW9 None

LE9 None

QZ9 Suitable quiz may be designed for the topics


Lab Reference

Contact Hour 10 (Review Session)

Time Type Description Content Reference

Pre CH All QR QR1 to QR8 These are all Quick Review

videos Sessions

During CH CH10 CH10.1 = Review of Modules 1 to 8

CH10.2 = Problem solving and Q&A

Post CH SS10 At the faculty discretion

HW10 None
LE10 None

QZ10 At the faculty discretion

Lab Reference

Contact Hour 11
Time Type Description Content Reference

Pre CH RL9.1 OO Software & OO Software test – Lecture Notes & T1 Chapter
Introduction & Overview 15

RL9.2 Issues in Testing OO Software T1 Chapter 15

RL9.3 OO Unit Testing T1 Chapter 15

RL9.4 Examples T1 Chapter 15 & Lecture


During CH CH11 CH11.1 = Discuss implications of T1 15.1.2

Composition & Encapsulation on from Test
Perspective T1 15.3.4
CH11.2 = Discuss implications of Addition info at Faculty
Inheritance & Polymorphism from Test discretion

Post CH SS9 SS9.1 OO Test methods for a program

SS9.2 Review of a OO Framework (Qt/GTK)
and OO Testing

HW11 None

LE11 None

QZ11 Suitable quiz may be designed for the topics


Lab Reference

Contact Hour 12
Time Type Description Content Reference

Pre CH RL10.1 OO Integration Testing T1 Chapter 15

RL10.2 OO System Testing T1 Chapter 15

RL10.3 OO – GUI Testing T1 Chapter 15 & Lecture


RL10.4 Examples & Cases T1 Chapter 15 & Lecture


During CH CH12 CH12.1 = Discuss Framework for OO T1 15.4.3

integration testing
CH12.2 = Discuss Use Case based System T1 15.5.1
Testing for OO software (Currency converter

Post CH SS10 At Faculty discretion

HW12 None

LE12 None

QZ12 Suitable quiz may be designed for the topics


Lab Reference

Contact Hour 13
Time Type Description Content Reference

Pre CH RL11.1 Integration Testing – Introduction, Overview T1 Chapter 13

& Issues

RL11.2 Integration Testing – Types & Strategies T1 Chapter 13

RL11.3 Examples T1 Chapter 13

RL11.4 Cases T1 Chapter 13 & Lecture


During CH CH13 CH13.1 = Examples of Call Graph Based T1 13.2

Integration T1 13.3
CH13.2 = Examples of Path Based

Post CH SS13 SS11.1 Integration strategies for a GUI


HW13 None

LE13 None

QZ13 Suitable quiz may be designed for the topics


Lab Reference

Contact Hour 14
Time Type Description Content Reference

Pre CH RL12.1 System Testing – Introduction, Overview & T1 Chapter 14


RL12.2 Systems Testing – Types, Techniques & T1 Chapter 14


RL12.3 Examples T1 Chapter 14 & Lecture


During CH CH14 CH14.1 = Coverage Metrics for System T1 14.7

Testing T1 14.9
CH14.2 = Non Functional System Testing
CH14.3 =
CH14.4 =

Post CH SS12 At faculty discretion

HW14 None

LE14 None

QZ14 Suitable quiz may be designed for the topics


Lab Reference

Contact Hour 15
Time Type Description Content Reference

Pre CH RL13.1 Life-Cycle Based Testing – Overview and T1 Chapter 11


RL13.2 Life-Cycles – Water fall, Iterative, and Agile T1 Chapter 11

RL13.3 Implications and issues, Strategies & Models T1 Chapter 11

RL13.4 Example and Case Lecture Notes

During CH CH15 CH15.1 = Discuss Agile methods and Take up an exercise in class
processes for Test Engineers (TDD, XP, for team understanding with
Scrum) use of a sport or a team game
CH15.2 =
CH15.3 =
CH15.4 =

Post CH SS13 SS13.1 Agile Methodologies – Mechanisms

and Tools

HW15 None

LE15 None

QZ15 Suitable quiz may be designed for the topics


Lab Reference

Contact Hour 16
Time Type Description Content Reference

Pre CH RL14.1 Test Adequacy – Need & Overview T2 Chapter 7

RL14.2 Test Adequacy Assessment – Data Flow T2 Chapter 7

During CH CH16 CH16.1 = Concepts, Adequacy criteria for T2 7.3/7.4

data flow – focus on examples

Post CH SS14 At faculty discretion

HW16 None

LE16 None

QZ16 Suitable quiz may be designed for the topics


Lab Reference

Contact Hour 17
Time Type Description Content Reference

Pre CH RL14.3 Test Adequacy Assessment – Control Flow T2 Chapter 7

RL14.4 Examples & Cases T2 Chapter 7 & Lecture Notes

During CH CH17 CH17.1 = Concepts, Adequacy criteria for T2 7.2

control flow – focus on examples

Post CH SS17 At faculty discretion

HW17 None

LE17 None

QZ17 Suitable quiz may be designed for the topics


Lab Reference

Contact Hour 18
Time Type Description Content Reference

Pre CH RL15.1 Need, Motivation & Techniques T2 Chapter 9

RL15.2 Regression Testing – Test Selection T2 Chapter 9

(Execution Trace)

RL15.3 Regression Testing – Test Selection T2 Chapter 9

(Dynamic Slicing)

During CH CH19 CH19.1 = Execution Trace Example T2 9.5

CH19.2 = Dynamic Slicing example T2 9.6

Post CH SS15 SS15.1 Compare and Contrast Execution

Trace & Dynamic Slicing

HW19 None

LE19 None

QZ18 Suitable quiz may be designed for the topics


Lab Reference
Contact Hour 19
Time Type Description Content Reference

Pre CH RL16.1 Minimization, Prioritization & Optimization T2 Chapter 9


RL16.2 Test Selection Algorithms T2 Chapter 9

RL16.3 Examples T2 Chapter 9

During CH CH19 CH19.1 = Pairwise – OATS as a reduction T2 6.6 & 6.8

technique T2 6.4
CH19.2 = Latin Squares

Post CH SS16 SS16.1 Compare and Contrast use of

combinatorial techniques for test reduction

HW19 None

LE19 None

QZ19 Suitable quiz may be designed for the topics


Lab Reference

Contact Hour 20
Time Type Description Content Reference

Pre CH All QR QR9 to QR16 These are all Quick Review

videos Sessions

During CH CH20 CH20.1 = Review of Modules 9 to 16

CH20.2 = Problem solving and Q&A

Post CH SS20 At the faculty discretion

HW20 None

LE20 None

QZ20 At the faculty discretion

Lab Reference

Contact Hour 21, 22: Review

Evaluation Scheme:
Legend: EC = Evaluation Component; AN = After Noon Session; FN = Fore Noon Session
No Name Type Duration Weight Day, Date, Session, Time
EC-1 Quizzes / Assignments 5% To be announced

EC-2 Mid-Semester Test Closed 2 hours 30% To be announced

EC-3 Comprehensive Exam Open Book 3 hours 50% To be announced
Note - Evaluation components can be tailored depending on the proposed model.

Important Information:
Syllabus for Mid-Semester Test (Closed Book): Topics in CS 1-5.
Syllabus for Comprehensive Exam (Open Book): All topics given in plan of study

Evaluation Guidelines:

1. For Closed Book tests: No books or reference material of any kind will be permitted.
Laptops/Mobiles of any kind are not allowed. Exchange of any material is not allowed.
2. For Open Book exams: Use of prescribed and reference text books, in original (not photocopies) is
permitted. Class notes/slides as reference material in filed or bound form is permitted. However,
loose sheets of paper will not be allowed. Use of calculators is permitted in all exams.
Laptops/Mobiles of any kind are not allowed. Exchange of any material is not allowed.
3. If a student is unable to appear for the Regular Test/Exam due to genuine exigencies, the student
should follow the procedure to apply for the Make-Up Test/Exam. The genuineness of the reason for
absence in the Regular Exam shall be assessed prior to giving permission to appear for the Make-up
Exam. Make-Up Test/Exam will be conducted only at selected exam centres on the dates to be
announced later.
It shall be the responsibility of the individual student to be regular in maintaining the self-study schedule as
given in the course handout, attend the lectures, and take all the prescribed evaluation components such as
Assignment/Quiz, Mid-Semester Test and Comprehensive Exam according to the evaluation scheme
provided in the handout.

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