Light Works

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The key takeaways are that color therapy uses color and light to balance energy fields in the body, and that different colors correspond to different healing properties. Conditions like auras, chakras, and imbalances can be addressed using color therapy.

Some applications of color therapy discussed are chakra balancing, aura cleansing, and using different colored oils, bath crystals, and soaps for relaxation and skin benefits.

The different types of light therapy discussed are color therapy, chromotherapy, light therapy, full spectrum light therapy, lasers, UV light therapy, and infrared light therapy.

Color Therapy

Color Healing, Light Therapy and Chromotherapy are all terms used interchangeably with
Color Therapy, which is a set of principles used to create harmonious color and color
combinations for healing. This form of energy medicine is based on the belief that the
human body is composed of energy fields. When the energy is properly distributed and
circulating freely, the body is healthy. Imbalances or abnormal amounts of energy are
believed to indicate an excess or deficency. Color is energy. The energy vibration of that
color is what you need, in the moment, in order to improve and balance your physical and
emotional state.

Chakra Balancing, Aura Cleansing, Light Therapy and Color Therapy modalities of healing
are profound and are great integrative therapies that can be used in conjunction with many
other forms of health care. Learn more about the history of color, healing with color.

Featured Products

Color Therapy Oils

We have designed our color therapy oils to bring color energy back into your life! Great in the
bath along with our color therapy salts or alone as a perfume oil. The sun-charged oils
incorporate natural color from different parts of fruits or flowers to infuse color into a base of
rich jojoba, sunflower and safflower oils. Great for all skin types. These are clear 1 ounce
glass bottles with gold tops. (Note: Some oils contain color so light, it appears transparent,
this is due to the fact that we blend only natural, 100% pure essential oils in this product!)

Product Name: Color Therapy Oil -1 ounce - $10.00

Select Color
Color Therapy Bath Crystals

Natural sea salts infused with organic Color Therapy for your bath or foot soak. They relax,
rejuvenate, and revitalize your skin, tone your body and make for a healing experience.
Enhance your color therapy experience with our Color Therapy Oil or the complete Color
Therapy Kit!

Product Name: Color Therapy Bath Crystals 8oz. $15.00

Select Color

Color Therapy Soap

Pure glycerin soap is infused with organic Color Therapy for your bath or facial regime. This
soap is enriched with the powerful antioxidant, Vitamin E and aloe vera in order to enhance
your facial rejuvenation every time you wash with it. Encompass your color therapy
experience with our Color Therapy Oil or the complete Color Therapy Kit!

Product Name: Color Therapy Soap $5.00

Select Color

Complete Chakra Healer© Kit

The Complete Chakra Healer© Kit are the seven healing crystals used for complete balancing
and healing of the Chakra energy system. The Chakra are energy centers that seem to be
aligned with the major nerve plexus centers in the body. This set includes your seven healing
crystals to align your Chakra, all come smudged (blessed), in a slik gift bag, with complete
instructions, tips, and specific healing information on how to balance, re-align and improve
your energies around these major nerve centers. $29.95

Product Name: Complete Chakra Healer© Kit $29.95

Aura Crystal Cleanse Kit

The Aura Crystal Cleanse Kit utilize the colors of the aura and provide a guide in
understanding our emotions, consciousness, energy processes and centers. This kit includes
seven color healing stones coordinating to the seven energy layers and accupressure points, as
well as One quartz point to complete the total aura balancing. All come smudged (blessed), in
its silk gift bag, with complete instructions, aura-color therapy cleansing tips, and healing
information on each layer of the aura.

Product Name: Aura Crystal Cleanse Kit $35.00

Chakra Candle Set

The seven candles of the Chakra in the seven rainbow colors. Each candle is 4 inches tall and
1/4 inch thick. They maybe burned separately or together, based on your healing needs. They
are wrapped in beautiful colored paper and tied with raffia - $8.00 per set
Product Name: Chakra Candle Set $8.00

History of Color Therapy

Color therapy is a technique of restoring imbalance by means of applying color to the

body. It was a popular method of cure even in ancient times. Some 2,500 years ago,
Pythagoras applied color light therapeutically and `color halls' were used for healing in
ancient Egypt, China and India.

The first color wheel was invented by Sir Isaac Newton. He split white sunlight into red,
orange, yellow, green, cyan, and blue. He then joined the two ends of the color spectrum
together to show the natural progression of colors. Newton went a step further and associated
each color with a musical note.

Johann Wolfgang Goethe began studying psychological effect of colors about a century
after Newton. Goethe created a color wheel showing the psychological effect of each color.
He divided all the colors into two groups: the plus group (red, orange, yellow) and the minus
group (green, blue, indigo, violet). Colors of the plus group produce excitement and
cheerfulness. Colors of the minus group are associated with weakness and unsettled feelings.
Goethe observed that blue gives a feeling of coolness and yellow has a warming effect.

The pioneer of modern color therapy was Niels Finsen of Denmark. Following the
discovery, in 1877, of the bactericidal action of solar ultra-violet energy, Finsen studied the
possibility of assisting the healing of wounds with visible light. He subsequently used red
light to inhibit the formation of smallpox scars and, in 1896, founded a Light Institute ( now
the Finsen Institute of Copenhagen) for the phototreatment of tuberculosis. In 1932, Gerrard
and Hessay, two Californian psychologists, scientifically established that:

• blue light has a calming effect

• red light has a stimulating power on human beings.

Blue and red colors are considered at the two extremes with yellow representing the
midpoint. These are also the three principal colors in a rainbow.

Dr. Edwin Babbitt has been called the modern founder of the principles of color therapy. His
work on treating a variety of ailments, including burns, nervous excitability, and cold in the
extremities are renowned. He introduced his basic principles of Rainbow Healing via
solarized water in 1878. After thousands of scientific experiments with water, the Sun,
colored jars and colored lenses, Dr. Babbitt concluded that water, becomes medicated by the
seven colored rays of light, which emanate from the Sun. By placing distilled water into a
glass colored jar or tumbler, he discoverd that one can manipulate matter by altering
vibrational frequencies through applied color or sound. This simple yet profound therapy can
be used in meditation, healing, or the co-operative building of form life. Some people apply
Dr. Babbitt's principles of Rainbow Healing, by drinking the colored, solarized water that
corresponds with the color of the Chakra energy center. Dr. Edwin Babbitt published his
findings in his book Principles of Light and Color as Revealed by the Material and Spiritual

Dinshah Ghadiali, PhD, MD, an American immigrant from India, was inspired by Babbitt's
work. In 1897, his life views on medicine were altered when he saved the life of a woman
dying from intractable dysentery. Dinshah proceeded to shine indigo light on the patient's
body. By the end of the first day, the number of bowel movements were reduced greatly. By
the third day she was out of bed.

By 1920, after 23 years of research and clinical observation, Dinshah, as he came to be

known in America, changed the system of color phototherapy he called Spectro-Chrome.
Dinshah's background in mathematics and physics, helped him to deduce the physiologic
effects of individual colors and how they would correspond with the actions of certain
minerals, which show that color on a spectometer. He assigned specific "attributes" of the
colors to behavioral attributes of physiology. He also determined formulations with applying
colored light directly to the body to influence physical injury and illness. He was the first to
develop a system of healing utilizing all the colors of the spectrum: red, orange, yellow,
lemon, green, turquoise, blue, indigo, violet plus purple, magenta and scarlet. The work of
Dinshaw Ghadiali was published in his book "The Triumph of Sprectro-Chrome".

In 1985, Darius Dinshaw published Let There Be Light based on his father's work. The
Dinshaw Health Society was formed in 1975 and still exists.

Every substance on earth contains color. Even the rays cast on earth by celestial bodies
contain color in the form of white light. The rays of the sun contain seven different colors -
violet, indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange and red. These are natural colors which are highly
beneficial to the maintenance of health and for healing diseases.

Healing With Color

There are numerous ways to heal and balance with color. A good rule of thumb is this:
“Energy follows thought”. Where we put our thoughts, this is where the energy goes. By
concentrating on a particular healing color, it is the visualization of that color that will be
projected. If we focus on a color, the energy emanates from our body and begins to change the
frequency that resonates with that particular color.

Color is light. Light, which is split into different wavelengths vibrating at different speeds
and different frequencies. Objects that ABSORB all wavelengths and DO NOT reflect any, is
black. Objects that REFLECT all wavelengths and DOES reflect everything, is white.
Between black and white lies COLOR. Colors are wavelengths of energy that, to us, appear
as color because of the potential and capabilities of the object to either absorb or reflect the
energy. This basic principle is how we experience color.

Every substance on earth contains color. The rays of the sun contain seven different colors
- violet, indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange and red. These are natural colors, which are
highly beneficial to the maintenance of health and for healing diseases.
Light Therapy

Light Therapy has been valued throughout history as a remarkable source of healing. Today,
the therapeutic applications of light and color are being investigated in major hospitals and
research centers worldwide. Results indicate that full-spectrum, ultraviolet, colored, and laser
light can have therapeutic value for a range of conditions from chronic pain and depression to
immune disorders.

The oldest form of light therapy is natural sunlight, which is the ultimate source of full-
spectrum light. For those living in areas that see very little sunlight this time of year, there are
other options; full-spectrum light therapy, bright light therapy, various forms of UV light
therapy, syntonic optometry, cold laser therapy, and visual color therapy.

Consulting A Color Wheel

Primary Colors (red, yellow, blue) are the base on which all other colors come from. When
you mix two primary colors together, 50% of one primary color and 50% of another primary
color you get a Secondary Color (orange, violet, and green). A Tertiary Color is created
when you combine a primary color with a secondary color. The Color Wheel describes the
relationships between colors.

Color Complements are color opposites. These colors contrast each other as they help to
make each other more active. In the Color Chart below, the complement of the colors are
within each other. Color Complements are shown this way in order to visualize how the work
In the Color Wheel below, the color and their complement is on opposite sides of each other.
The following is the color with its complementary color:
Red's complement Green
Orange - Blue
Yellow - Violet
Green - Red
Blue - Orange
Indigo - Orange
Violet - Yellow
The purpose of using the complementary color in healing, stems back to when their is an
excess or a deficency within our field of energy. See Chakra Balancing.

Color from a Psychological Perspective

This color experience provides the opportunity to discover for yourself, the impact colors
can have on your well-being. The need for a particular color's vibration seems to differ from
day to day or even from hour to hour. When you absorb a color vibration it travels, via the
nervous system, to the part of the body that needs it. Each body has its own optimum state of
well-being and is constantly seeking ways to maintain or restore a balanced state. Utilizing
color, is one way you can help yourself to harmony!

You will find yourself drawn to one color more than others. The energy vibration of that
color is what you need, at this moment, in order improve and balance your emotional state.
Selecting your chosen color by clicking on it with your left mouse button, will take you to the
large screen view. Position yourself at a comfortable distance from the screen and allow
yourself to relax. Gaze at the color for as long as you feel comfortable, blinking as you
need to. Move your eyes to different areas of the screen. Drink in the color through your eyes
until you feel satiated. This may take several minutes. Once satisfied you have absorbed
enough of the color's vibrations, use your browser's "back" button to return to the main color
therapy page. If another color appeals to you, repeat the above process. (Please note your
monitor must be able to show 256 colors for the best effect.) You may also consider having a
Color Analysis done.



This color experience provides the opportunity to discover for yourself, the impact colors can
have on your well-being. The need for a particular color's vibration seems to differ from day
to day or even from hour to hour. When you absorb a color vibration it travels, via the
nervous system, to the part of the body that needs it. Each body has its own optimum state of
well-being and is constantly seeking ways to maintain or restore a balanced state. Utilizing
color, is one way you can help yourself to harmony!
Position yourself at a comfortable distance from the screen and allow yourself to relax. Gaze
at the color for as long as you feel comfortable, blinking as you need to. Move your eyes to
different areas of the screen. Drink in the color through your eyes until you feel satiated. This
may take several minutes.

RED ENERGY- is governed by the spine or the Root Chakra. The power center is closely
grounded by earth, is outgoing, and portrays a positive attitude. The Root Chakra must be
grounded. Fatigue, fear, and anxiety are often caused by the missing contact with the earth

The Root Chakra - energizes the feet, legs, tailbone, vagina, urinary organs, and adrenaline

This energy -- gives power to the strong life qualities of courage, self-confidence, security,
positive love, and will power. Symbolic of heat, fire and anger. It is a stimulating and
energizing color. It stimulates arterial blood and brings warmth to cool extremities. Used as a
general tonic, it is very valuable in the treatment of diseases like low blood pressure,
rheumatism, paralysis, anemia and advanced cases of tuberculosis.

In using Red - you are striving for balance. This is the energy you need to help the chakras to
function in accordance with the others.

Red may help when:

*you need courage and self-confidence
*are anemic
*feel tired or indisposed
*have poor blood circulation
*you are cold
*need renewed energy

RED: governs the base of the spine, the spinal column, adrenals, kidneys, bladder, colon, legs
and blood. Red energy is used in relation to the physical, self-preservation and survival mode.
Red should be use for grounding, security and for courage. Use Red as a sensory stimulant,
creating instinctual behavior, getting in touch with primal instincts, family matters, as well as,
creating spontaneous and active behavior.


This color experience provides the opportunity to discover for yourself, the impact colors can
have on your well-being. The need for a particular color's vibration seems to differ from day
to day or even from hour to hour. When you absorb a color vibration it travels, via the
nervous system, to the part of the body that needs it. Each body has its own optimum state of
well-being and is constantly seeking ways to maintain or restore a balanced state. Utilizing
color, is one way you can help yourself to harmony!
Position yourself at a comfortable distance from the screen and allow yourself to relax. Gaze
at the color for as long as you feel comfortable, blinking as you need to. Move your eyes to
different areas of the screen. Drink in the color through your eyes until you feel satiated. This
may take several minutes.

BLUE ENERGY- Blue Energy is governed by the throat chakra. Blue represents the spiritual
aspects of our life. The sky and the ocean give us the feeling that life is an endless process.
Blue is the greatest healing power in the world. Blue is the color of purity and those who
enjoy it, carry with them a sense of calmness, peace, serenity, and beauty.

The Throat Chakra - is energized by blue. Through the throat, we express ourselves,
connecting with sound and voice, carrying power with our words.

This energy -- is peaceful and soothing. Calming tired nerves, alleviating agony and pain we
suffer from physical stress. It has a pacifying effect over our nervous system and brings us
great relaxation. Cool, soothing and sedative, blue alleviates pain, reducing bleeding and heals
burns. It is beneficial in the treatment of dysentery, colic, asthma, respiratory disorders, high
blood pressure and skin aberrations.

In using blue -- blue connects us to a spiritual and higher ground. The nature of blue energy is
to connect our beings with the cosmic universe.

Blue Energy may help when:

*you need to calm your mind and nerves
*have throat problems
*cannot sleep
*have menstrual problems
*eye, ear, nose, throat problems
*have had a shock
*have a fever

BLUE: controls the throat, thyroid, parathyroid, lungs, mouth. Blue allows for the freedom of
expression, both verbally and artistically. It helps with the easy flow of communication either
with other people or listening to your own thoughts and feelings. Blue offers reliability,
gentleness, kindness, integrity, honesty, loyalty, endurance and commitment.

Light Therapy and Color Therapy modalities of healing are profound and are great integrative
therapies that can be used in conjunction with many other forms of health care. Learn how to
use Chakra Balancing, Aura Cleansing, Colorpuncture, go back and choose another healing
color and get your color analysis done.

This color experience provides the opportunity to discover for yourself, the
impact colors can have on your well-being. The need for a particular color's
vibration seems to differ from day to day or even from hour to hour. When you
absorb a color vibration it travels, via the nervous system, to the part of the body
that needs it. Each body has its own optimum state of well-being and is constantly
seeking ways to maintain or restore a balanced state. Utilizing color, is one way
you can help yourself to harmony!

Position yourself at a comfortable distance from the screen and allow yourself to relax. Gaze
at the color for as long as you feel comfortable, blinking as you need to. Move your eyes to
different areas of the screen. Drink in the color through your eyes until you feel satiated. This
may take several minutes.

YELLOW ENERGY- Yellow Energy is governed by the Solar Plexus Chakra. This is often
referred to as the brain of the nervous system and is the most critical point of all vitalization
points in our body.

The Solar Plexus Chakra - when it is balanced we should not suffer from ulcers, gall stones,
catarrh of the large intestine or diabetes.

This energy -- gives power for digestion, constipation, flatulence in the intestine, liver
problems, diabetes, and skin problems. Yellow energy may help cleanse the pores of the skin
and is a great brain stimulant. Associated with joy and happiness, yellow is laxative and
diuretic. It is a stimulant to the brain, the liver and the spleen. It is also effective in the
treatment of indigestion, kidney and liver disorders, constipation, eye and throat infections,
syphillis and impotence.

In using yellow -- it allows clarity of thought. It gives good ideas and awareness. It has a
powerful effect on the nervous system and assists the left brain in operation. Yellow energy is
good for children in that it enhances their ability to perceive and understand.

Yellow may help when:

*you feel nervous or tired.
*you are sad.
*you have parasites
*skin problems
*wieght problems
*suffer from ulcers
*poor digestion

YELLOW: corresponds to the biggest nerve plexus in the body, the solar plexus. Through the
solar plexus, all the digestive organs such as the stomach, liver, spleen, gall bladder and
pancreas are affected. Yellow is used to find warmth and radiant energy. It helps with
flexibility, self awareness, self control and keeping your personal power. Yellow gives logic,
humor, efficiency and organization.

Light Therapy and Color Therapy modalities of healing are profound and are great integrative
therapies that can be used in conjunction with many other forms of health care. Learn how to
use Chakra Balancing, Aura Cleansing, Colorpuncture, go back and choose another healing
color and get your color analysis done.

This color experience provides the opportunity to discover for yourself, the impact colors can
have on your well-being. The need for a particular color's vibration seems to differ from day
to day or even from hour to hour. When you absorb a color vibration it travels, via the
nervous system, to the part of the body that needs it. Each body has its own optimum state of
well-being and is constantly seeking ways to maintain or restore a balanced state. Utilizing
color, is one way you can help yourself to harmony!

Position yourself at a comfortable distance from the screen and allow yourself to relax. Gaze
at the color for as long as you feel comfortable, blinking as you need to. Move your eyes to
different areas of the screen. Drink in the color through your eyes until you feel satiated. This
may take several minutes.

ORANGE ENERGY- Orange Energy is governed by the Spleen Chakra. Orange is the best
stimulant, helping us in times of depression, loneliness, and boredom. It is the best emotional
stimulant. Joy comes from orange energy. Orange has the love from red and the wisdom from
yellow. It strengthens confidence and allows independence.

The Spleen Chakra - gives energy to the bronchia, chest discomfort, disturbances in the
spleen, kidneys, stomach, gall stones. It increase the intake of oxygen, helps lungs, releases
flatulence from the stomach.

This energy -- gives power to remove suppression and inhibitions. It allows you to create
ideas and give courage and strength. Symbolic of prosperity and pride, orange is useful for
stimulating blood supply and energising the nerves. It is beneficial in the treatment of kidney
and gall stones, hernia and appendicitis. It is also used to stimulate the milk producing action
of breasts after childbirth.

In using orange -- you can learn to understand how the stomach tells us about our physical
situations. If the Spleen Chakra is out of balance, our stomach is usually the first thing to
warn us. You may have a nervous stomach, if you cannot control your feelings. Orange
allows you to balance your Spleen Chakra in such situations.

Orange energy may help when:

*you want to increase appetite
*you need joy and well-being
*have stomach disorders
*skin problems
*vertical grooves in your nails
*lack working energy
ORANGE: is in control of the reproductive system including the genitals, gonads, prostate,
vagina, uterus. Orange is a blend of red and yellow and offers procreation, vitality, sensuality
and passion. Use orange for enthusiasm, hospitable, optimism, tolerance and to create
communication between people.

Light Therapy and Color Therapy modalities of healing are profound and are great integrative
therapies that can be used in conjunction with many other forms of health care. Learn how to
use Chakra Balancing, Aura Cleansing, Colorpuncture, go back and choose another healing
color and get your color analysis done.


This color experience provides the opportunity to discover for yourself, the impact colors can
have on your well-being. The need for a particular color's vibration seems to differ from day
to day or even from hour to hour. When you absorb a color vibration it travels, via the
nervous system, to the part of the body that needs it. Each body has its own optimum state of
well-being and is constantly seeking ways to maintain or restore a balanced state. Utilizing
color, is one way you can help yourself to harmony!

Position yourself at a comfortable distance from the screen and allow yourself to relax. Gaze
at the color for as long as you feel comfortable, blinking as you need to. Move your eyes to
different areas of the screen. Drink in the color through your eyes until you feel satiated. This
may take several minutes.

GREEN ENERGY- Green Energy is governed by the Heart Chakra. Green is the
harmonizing, balancing energy. It has strong influences on the heart and blood supply. Green
has much to do with the way you feel about yourself. It is associated with abundance and
giving. It's strong tie to nature is very important in order to be balanced, peaceful,

The Heart Chakra - allows balance to the heart, lungs, bronchia, arms, hands, and secondary

This energy -- gives a feeling of renewal, new life, freshness, and clarity. The heart is the
center of the soul and it is the heart that makes us one with our fellow man. Most importantly,
it harbors love energy, the leading principle of life. Being with loved ones, family, and
friends, strengthens the heart energy. Made up of the blue and yellow, green is regarded as a
color of harmony. It is a mild sedative. It is useful in the treatment of nervous conditions, hay
fever, ulcers, influenza, malaria , colds, sexual disorders and cancer. It preserves and
strengthens eyesight. Being highly medicinal and depressive, it is of great help in the
treatment of inflammatory conditions.
In using green -- we must accept and allow love in our hearts and learn to give it without
expecting anything in return. When our heart center is balanced, we are able to give positive
feelings and happiness, unconditionally.

Green Energy may help when:

*you need to soothe your nerves
*you have tension headaches
*need peace and harmony
*have chronic problems
*digestive problems
*need to calm down

GREEN: governs the circulatory system, which includes the heart and its flow through the
arms hands, legs and feet. Green is a combination of both yellow and blue. Green energy
brings growth, compassion, unconditional love, openness, forgiveness, acceptance and
contentment. Use green for nurturing, generosity, harmony, assertiveness and to help heal

Light Therapy and Color Therapy modalities of healing are profound and are great integrative
therapies that can be used in conjunction with many other forms of health care. Learn how to
use Chakra Balancing, Aura Cleansing, Colorpuncture, go back and choose another healing
color and get your color analysis done.


This color experience provides the opportunity to discover for yourself, the impact colors can
have on your well-being. The need for a particular color's vibration seems to differ from day
to day or even from hour to hour. When you absorb a color vibration it travels, via the
nervous system, to the part of the body that needs it. Each body has its own optimum state of
well-being and is constantly seeking ways to maintain or restore a balanced state. Utilizing
color, is one way you can help yourself to harmony!

Position yourself at a comfortable distance from the screen and allow yourself to relax. Gaze
at the color for as long as you feel comfortable, blinking as you need to. Move your eyes to
different areas of the screen. Drink in the color through your eyes until you feel satiated. This
may take several minutes.

INDIGO ENERGY- Indigo Energy is governed by the Brow Chakra, or appropriately called
the "Third Eye." Indigo energy is where our intuitive experiences come from. In Indigo, lies
the understanding of the life process, the need to serve mankind, and gives energy to seekers
of beauty, love and justice.
The Brow Chakra -- allows you to withdrawal into your innerself. It allows you to withdraw
to obtain peace, quiet, and freedom to stretch boundaries. It is also the source for intuition,
clairvoyance, extrasensory perception.

This energy -- gives power to the pituitary gland, which is linked to the nervous system,
mental abilities, and psychic potential in all humans. The sense organs such as the eyes and
ears are also influenced by indigo. Purple or indigo combines the blood-warming red and the
cooling antiseptic blue. It is an excellent stimulant without being an irritant. It is beneficial in
the treatment of advanced stages of constipation, hydrocle , leucorrhoea, many disorders of
the stomach and womb , cataract , migraine and skin disorders. It exerts a soothing effect on
the eyes, ears and the nervous system.

In using Indigo - it has a psychological balancing influence on fear, frustration, and

distortions of inner energy.

Indigo Energy may help when:

*you need to find inner balance
*calm nerves and lymphatic systems
*have hearing problems
*have sleeping problems

INDIGO: corresponds to the pituitary gland, the left eye, sinus region, the nose as well as
vision. Indigo is blue/black on the cooling spectrum range, and assists in finding inspiration,
concentration, insight, imagination, focus, sheer devotion, clarity of awareness and intuition.
Indigo brings peace of mind.

Light Therapy and Color Therapy modalities of healing are profound and are great integrative
therapies that can be used in conjunction with many other forms of health care. Learn how to
use Chakra Balancing, Aura Cleansing, Colorpuncture, go back and choose another healing
color and get your color analysis done.


This color experience provides the opportunity to discover for yourself, the impact colors can
have on your well-being. The need for a particular color's vibration seems to differ from day
to day or even from hour to hour. When you absorb a color vibration it travels, via the
nervous system, to the part of the body that needs it. Each body has its own optimum state of
well-being and is constantly seeking ways to maintain or restore a balanced state. Utilizing
color, is one way you can help yourself to harmony!
Position yourself at a comfortable distance from the screen and allow yourself to relax. Gaze
at the color for as long as you feel comfortable, blinking as you need to. Move your eyes to
different areas of the screen. Drink in the color through your eyes until you feel satiated. This
may take several minutes.

VIOLET ENERGY- Violet Energy is governed by the Crown Chakra. This is the most
exhaulting, most enlightening of all the energy rays. An extremely balanced and refined space
of unconditional enlightenment is found here. It is the highest frequency of vibrational speed
and cannot be utilized by most people.

The Crown Chakra -- has the ability to obtain a connection with everything that is divine,
living or dead, spiritual helpers of human or non-human origin. Controller of the pineal gland
in the brain.

This energy -- has the most intense electrochemical power. With this energy we have the gift
and the possibilities that reach far beyond the physical plane. Violet is beneficial in the
treatment of nervous and emotional disturbances, arthritis, acute cases of consumption and

In using violet -- it enhances spiritual power and creativity and is known as the color of the

Violet Energy may help when:

*you have emotional problems
*want to clear an existing situation
*strengthen your spiritual values
*strengthen your creativity

VIOLET: governs the central nervous system (CNS), pineal gland, cerebral cortex, the right
eye and upper brain function. Violet is a combination of blue and red and helps to balance
spiritual growth, universal love, encourages the flow of imagination and the integration of
ideas and allows openness to divine wisdom, selflessness and speeds up natural healing.

Light Therapy and Color Therapy modalities of healing are profound and are great integrative
therapies that can be used in conjunction with many other forms of health care. Learn how to
use Chakra Balancing, Aura Cleansing, Colorpuncture, go back and choose another healing
color and get your color analysis done.

Nogier Frequencies

Using an exceedingly sensitive pulse test, a frequency generator, and a hand-held

probe Dr. Nogier had been able to discover frequencies-vibrations-that are in
resonance with various body tissues. The embryos of all animals, including us, form
into three tissues: ectoderm (outside skin), endoderm (inside skin), and mesoderm
(middle skin). All organs form from these three tissues. The pattern of resonating
frequencies is the same in all animals-"a monumental discovery." When illness
occurred in particular tissues and organs, Dr. Nogier found that he could initiate
dramatic healing responses by treating with the appropriately selected resonance
frequencies (pulsed on and off). "Nogier offered a basic theory of sickness and
healing. When we become ill, cells, molecules, or particles of matter are out of their
normal resonance, or vibratory pattern. They often can recover when they are
exposed to their normal resonance frequencies over and over in what could be
called a retraining program."
Setting Frequency Anatomical Function
1 73 Hz For use when cellular
activity is hypoactive,
such as chronic recurring
problems, nonunion
fractures and chronic
splints and for stimulation
of osteoid. It is also
helpful in activating
humoral and endocrine
functions. (Field work has
shown setting 1 helpful in
stimulating (tonifying)
acupuncture and trigger
points and increasing
circulation in areas being
treated, such as wounds
when past the acute
2 146 Hz Used for areas of yellow
scar tissue that are
generally formed
internally on tendons,
ligaments and sub-acute
(lingering but chronic)
conditions. (Field use has
shown setting 2 to be
helpful in reducing
inflammation associated
with injuries and
infections.) This is often
called the "universal
frequency" because most
problems involve
3 292 Hz For tissue of ectodermal
origin, such as body
openings, skin and
nerve, field applications
include wounds, eye
injuries and after surgery.
Setting 3 tends to tone
tissue while minimizing
the chance of
hemorrhaging fresh
wounds or recent
surgical sites. It is also
good for the treatment of
acupuncture and trigger
points, corneal ulcers,
and ulcerated mucous
membranes. This is
called the "universal
frequency" in
4 584 Hz Used for circulatory and
lymphatic stimulation,
and treatment of tissue of
endodermal origin. (In
field applications, setting
4 has been used in
conjunction with 5 and 2
for tendon, ligament, joint
and other injuries where
reaching secondary
levels of tissue needed.)
5 1168 Hz For tissue of mesodermal
origin, such as bone,
ligament, viscera and
tendon, field experience
has shown setting 5 to be
especially good for
tendon and ligament
injuries when used with
setting 4 and 2. It also
helps in relaxing large
muscle groups.
6 2336 Hz For chronic conditions
not responsive to setting
3 or 5, field experience
shows setting 6 to be a
good supplement to 3
when healing processes
appear to reach a
7 4672 Hz For pain control, primarily
when C nerve fibers are
transmitting to dorsal root
ganglia and when
involvement of
neurotransmitters is of
physiological importance,
field experience shows 7
to help suppress pain
and to sedate
acupuncture and trigger
points and aids in
diminishing excess
calcification associated
with chips, spurs and
arthritic conditions.
General Rule: When stimulation is required, use lower frequencies. When
sedation is required, use higher frequencies.

Nitric Oxide (NO) Nogier Frequencies Increased cellular activity,

collagen production, etc.
Depth of Penetration

Contraindications What Does Infrared What is the Difference

Therapy Actually Do? between LEDs and

Depth of Penetration
Depth of penetration is defined as the depth at which 60% of the light is absorbed
by the tissue, while 40% of the light will continue to be absorbed in a manner that is
less fully understood. Treating Trigger points with Light can have a dramatic effect on
remote and internal areas of the body through the stimulation of nerves, acupuncture
and trigger points that perform a function not unlike transmission cables. The diverse
tissue and cell types in the body all have their own unique light absorption
characteristics; that is, they will only absorb light at specific wavelengths and not at
others. For example, skin layers, because of their high blood and water content,
absorb red light very readily, while calcium and phosphorus absorb light of a different
wavelength. Although both red and infrared wavelengths penetrate to different
depths and affect tissues differently, their therapeutic effects are similar. Visible red
light, at a wavelength of 630-660 nanometers (nm - 1 nanometer is equal to one
billionth of a meter), penetrates tissue to a depth of about 8-10 mm. It is very
beneficial in treating problems close to the surface such as wounds, cuts, scars,
trigger and acupuncture points and is particularly effective in treating
infections. Infrared light (800-1000nm) penetrates to a depth of about 30-40 mm
which makes it more effective in the treatment of joints, deep muscle, etc.

What is the Difference between LEDs and LASERS?

Dr. Kendric C. Smith at the Department of Radiation Oncology, Stanford University
School of Medicine, concludes in an article entitled The Photobiological Effect of Low
Level Laser Radiation Therapy (Laser Therapy, Vol. 3, No. 1, Jan - Mar 1991) that
"1) Lasers are just convenient machines that produce radiation. 2) It is the radiation
that produces the photobiological and/or photophysical effects and therapeutic gains,
not the machines. 3) Radiation must be absorbed to produce a chemical or physical
change, which results in a biological response."
Light therapy has also been given the name "phototherapy". A study done by the
Mayo Clinic in 1989 suggests that the results of light therapy are a direct effect of
light itself, generated at specific wavelengths, and are not necessarily a function of
the characteristics of coherency and polarization associated with lasers. In a study
entitled Low-Energy Laser Therapy: Controversies and New Research Findings,
Jeffrey R. Basford, M.D. of the Mayo Clinic's Department of Physical Medicine and
Rehabilitation, suggests that the coherent aspect of laser may not be the source of its
therapeutic effect. He states "firstly, the stimulating effects (from therapeutic light) are
reported following irradiation with non-laser sources and secondly, tissue scattering,
as well as fiber optic delivery systems used in many experiments rapidly degrade
coherency. Thus any effects produced by low-energy lasers may be due to the
effects of light in general and not to the unique properties of lasers." This view is not
difficult to accept when it is remembered that wave-length dependent photo
biochemical reactions occur throughout nature and are involved in such things as
vision, photosynthesis, tanning and Vitamin D metabolism. In this view, laser
therapy is really a form of light therapy, and lasers are important in that they are
convenient sources of intense light at wavelengths that stimulate specific
physiological functions (Lasers in Surgery and Medicine 9:1-5, Mayo Clinic,
Rochester, Minnesota, 1989).


NASA News, Marshall Space Flight Center News Release 00-336 (12-18-

Doctors at the Medical College of Wisconsin in Milwaukee have discovered the

healing power of light with the help of technology developed for NASA's Space
Shuttle. Using powerful light-emitting diodes, or LEDs, originally designed for
commercial plant growth research in space, scientists have found a way to help
patients here on Earth.

Doctors are examining how this special lighting technology helps hard-to-heal
wounds, such as diabetic skin ulcers, serious burns, and severe oral sores caused by
chemotherapy and radiation. The project includes laboratory and human trials,
approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and funded by a NASA Small
Business Innovation Research contract through the Technology Transfer Department
at NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, AL.

"So far, what we've seen in patients and what we've seen in laboratory cell cultures,
all point to one conclusion;" said Dr. Harry Whelan, professor of pediatric neurology
and director of hyperbaric medicine at the Medical College of Wisconsin. "The near-
infrared light emitted by these LEDs seems to be perfect for increasing energy
inside cells. This means whether you're on Earth in a hospital, working in a
submarine under the sea or on your way to Mars inside a spaceship, the LEDs boost
energy to the cells and accelerate healing."

Dr. Whelan's findings will be summarized in upcoming issues of Space Technology

and Applications International Forum 2001 and in The Journal of Clinical Laser
Medicine and Surgery. Other related peer-reviewed journals have published articles
on Whelan's medical research with light emitting diodes.
Dr. Whelan's NASA-funded research has already seen remarkable results using the
light-emitting diodes to promote healing of painful mouth ulcers caused by cancer
therapies such as radiation and chemotherapy. The treatment is quick and painless.

The wound-healing device is a small, 3.5-inch by 4.5-inch (89-millimeter by 114-

millimeter), portable flat array of LEDs, arranged in rows on the top of a small box. A
nurse practitioner places the box of LEDs on the outside of the patient's cheek about
one minute each day. The red light penetrates to the inside of the mouth, where it
seems to promote wound healing and prevent further sores in the patient's mouth.

"Some children who probably would have had to be fed intravenously because of the
severe sores in their mouths have been able to eat solid food," said Dr. David
Margolis, an oncologist at Children's Hospital of Wisconsin in Milwaukee and an
assistant professor of pediatrics at the Medical College of Wisconsin. Margolis,
whose pediatric cancer patients are participating in the study, explained that,
"Preventing oral mucositis improves the patient's ability to eat and drink and also may
reduce the risk of infections in patients with compromised immune systems."

Dr. Whelan's collaboration with NASA began when Ronald Ignatius, owner of
Quantum Devices Inc. in Barneveld, WI, learned about Dr. Whelan's brain cancer
surgery technique using drugs stimulated by laser lights. Laser-light surgical probes
are costly and cumbersome in the operating room because they are heavy, with
refrigerator-size optical, electrical and cooling systems.

Ignatius originally designed the lights for plant growth experiments through the
Wisconsin Center for Space Automation and Robotics, a NASA commercial space
center at the University of Wisconsin in Madison.

"The LEDs needed to grow plants in space produced the same wavelengths of light
the doctor needed to remove brain tumors," said Ignatius. "Plus, when we developed
the LEDs for NASA, they had to be lightweight to fly aboard the shuttle and have
small cooling systems. These traits make the LED surgery probes easier to use in
the operating room and thousands of dollars cheaper than laser systems."

Quantum Devices altered the surgical probe to emit longer wavelengths of red light
that stimulate a photodynamic drug called Benzoporphyrin Derivativea. Doctors at
the Children's Hospital of Wisconsin recently completed the first-ever surgery with the
improved probe and medicine. The drug also has fewer side effects after surgery.
The ongoing brain surgery study is described in a 1999 peer-reviewed journal article
in Pediatric Neurosurgery.

"At NASA, we work with companies like Quantum Devices to take technologies
developed for use in space and bring the benefits back home to Earth," said Helen
Stinson of Marshall's Technology Transfer Department. "NASA is proud to support a
program that helps children with brain cancer - and promises to help even greater
numbers of people with technology to accelerate the healing process."

In the laboratory, Whelan and his team have shown that skin and muscle cells grown
in cultures and exposed to the LED infrared light grow 150 to 200 percent faster than
ground control cultures not stimulated by the light. Scientists are trying to learn how
cells convert light into energy, and identify which wavelengths of light are most
effective at stimulating growth in different kinds of cells.

To expand the wound healing study, Whelan - a commander and diving medical
officer in the U.S. Navy reserve assigned to Naval Special Warfare Command (Naval
Special Warfare Group TWO) - is working with doctors at Navy Special Warfare
Command centers in Norfolk, VA, and San Diego, CA. They reported a 40 percent
improvement in patients who had musculoskeletal training injuries treated with the
light-emitting diodes.

A wound-healing device was placed on the USS Salt Lake City submarine, and
doctors reported 50 percent faster healing of crewmember's lacerations when
exposed to the LED light. Injuries treated with the LEDs healed in seven days, while
untreated injuries took 14 days.

The LED research project will continue for the next 18 months, with doctors studying
100 patients at two major teaching affiliates of the Medical College of Wisconsin.
Researchers will continue to examine the influence of LEDs on cells grown in the
laboratory, and will explore the benefits that LEDs might provide to counteract
possible cell damage caused by exposure to harmful radiation and weightlessness
during long space missions.


Prof. Tiina Karu


1. What is photobiomodulation (low-power laser therapy?)

More than 30 year ago the first publications about low-power laser therapy or
photobiomodulation (at that time called laser biostimulation) appeared. Since then
approximately 2000 studies have been published on this topic (analysis of these
publications can be found in [1]). Medical treatment with coherent light sources
(lasers) or noncoherent light (Light Emitting Diodes, LED's) has passed through its
childhood and early maturity. Photobiomodulation is being used by physiotherapists
(to treat a wide variety of acute and chronic muscosceletal aches and pains), dentists
(to treat inflamed oral tissues, and to heal diverse ulcerations), dermatologists (to
treat oedema, indolent ulcers, burns, dermatitis), rheumatologists (relief of pain,
treatment of chronic inflammations and autoimmune diseases), and by other
specialists (e.g., for treatment of middle and inner ear diseases, nerve regeneration).
Photobiomodulation is also used in veterinary medicine (especially in racehorse
training centers) and in sports medicine and rehabilitation clinics (to reduce swelling
and hematoma, relief of pain and improvement of mobility and for treatment of acute
soft tissue injuries). Lasers and LED's are applied directly to respective areas (e.g.,
wounds, sites of injuries) or to various points on the body (acupuncture points,
muscle trigger points). For details of clinical applications and techniques used, the
books [ 1-3] are recommended.

2. What light sources (lasers, LED's) can be used?

The field of photobiomodulation is characterized by variety of methodologies and use
of various light sources (lasers, LED's) with different parameters (wavelength, output
power, continuous wave or pulsed operation modes, pulse parameters). These
parameters are usually given in manufacturers manuals.

The GaAlAs diodes are used both in diode lasers and LED's, the difference is
whether the device contains the resonator (as the laser does) or not (LED). In latter
years, longer wavelengths (-800-900 nm) and higher output powers (to 100 mW) are
preferred in therapeutic devices.

Should a medical doctor use a laser or a diode? The answer is - it depends on what
one irradiates, in other words, how deep tissue layers must be irradiated. By light
interaction with a biotissue, coherent properties of laser light are not manifested at
the molecular level. The absorption of low-intensity laser light by biological systems is
of a purely noncoherent (i.e., photobiological) nature. On the cellular level, the
biological responses are determined by absorption of light with photoacceptor
molecules (see the section 3 below). Coherent properties of laser light are not
important when cellular monolayers, thin layers of cell suspension as well as thin
layers of tissue surface are irradiated (Fig. 1). In these cases, the coherent and
noncoherent light (i.e., both lasers and LED's) with the same wavelength, intensity
and dose provides the same biological response. Some additional (therapeutical)
effects from the coherent and polarized radiation (lasers) can occur in deeper layers
of bulk tissue only and they are connected with random interference of light waves.
An interested reader is guided to the ref. [4] for more details. Here we illustrate this
situation by Fig. 1. Large volumes of tissue can be irradiated by laser sources only
because the length of longitudinal coherence Lcoh is too small for noncoherent
radiation sources [4].

3. Enhancement of cellular metabolism via activation of respiratory chain: a

universal photobiological action mechanism

A photobiological reaction involves the absorption of a specific wavelength of light by

the functioning photoacceptor molecule. The photobiological nature of
photobiomodulation means that some molecule (photoacceptor) must first absorb the
light used for the irradiation. After promotion of electronically excited states, primary
molecular processes from these states can lead to a measurable biological effect (via
secondary biochemical reaction, or photosignal transduction cascade, or cellular
signaling) at the cellular level. The question is, which molecule is the photoacceptor.
Fig. 1. Depth (On in which the beam coherency is manifested, and coherence length
Lcoh in various irradiated systems: (A) monolayer of cells, (B) optically thin
suspension of cells, (C) surface layer of tissue and bulk tissue. Lcoh, - length of
temporal (longitudinal) coherence of laser light, hw) marks the radiation.

When considering the cellular effects, this question can be answered by action
spectra. Any graph representing a photoresponse as a function of wavelength, wave
number, frequency, or photon energy, is called action spectrum. Action spectra have
a highest importance for identifying the photoacceptor inasmuch as the action
spectrum of a biological response resembles the absorption spectrum of the
photoacceptor molecule. Existence of a structured action spectrum is strong
evidence that the phenomenon under study is a photobiological one (i.e., primary
photoacceptors and cellular signaling pathways exist). Fig. 2 represents some
examples of action spectra for eukaryotic cells: two of them (A, B) consider the
processes occurring in cell nucleus, and one spectrum (C) is for cell membrane. Fig.
2D shows the absorption spectrum of the monolayer of the same cells.

In the constant quest to get athletes back on the field of play more quickly, IR
Therapies offers a revolutionary approach to an expedient recovery. After a hard hit
causing a bruise or contusion, to as little as a wound from sliding into second Near
Infrared/red light therapy (NIR™) is helping Athletic teams from the Pros to High
Schools compete and handle minor injuries.

The word "Infrared" is hardly foreign to athletic trainers. Found in most modality
texts and course syllabuses, the term usually refers to a source of heat, as in the
high school physics description of infrared energy as "heat waves" typically delivered
by far-infrared electrical lamp .NIR™ is instead based on harnessing the effects of
the light waves themselves and a cellular level re-education and grew out of research
from the early 1970s on the effects of infrared lasers and resonance frequencies.

During this time, light in the infrared spectrum showed to have the most positive
effects, and the field of low-level laser therapy was born. Lasers are expensive and,
even at low power, must be used carefully. As a result, researchers turned to less-
expensive light-emitting diodes as an alternative to lasers. NASA, interested in any
potentially effective, simple, and compact therapy for use during space flight, has
sponsored many studies. During the course of these studies, it was determined
that the therapeutic effects of lasers where not caused by the coherency of the light,
but the wavelength of light itself.

In promotional materials, IR Therapies points out that light-triggered biological

phenomena are ubiquitous, from photosynthesis in plants to tanning and vitamin D
synthesis in humans. Dr Whelan, among other scientists, have written that near-
infrared light penetrates skin more deeply than visible light, and that its energy is
absorbed by mitochondria to stimulate metabolism. It is also suggested that a free-
radical gas known as Nitric Oxide is released and triggers a number of biological

Currently, this is what we know about the therapy. The science behind this
technology is still relatively new, so the exact mechanisms or action and occurring
processes are not fully understood. In time more will be revealed, and the mystery
unlocked as more and more research studies are conducted. Basically for now, the
light gets into the cell and creates a photochemical response that leads to all these
great things.


Desktop Unit Handheld Units


• Auto-off function for safety

• Minimal heat output
• Easy Touch™ pushbuttons (low pressure touch operation)
• 7 selectable frequency user settings (NOGIER)
• Velcro straps for hands free operation
• Carrying case (handheld systems only, excluding PB and DB systems)
• Comprehensive user manual
• Free tech support
• Infrared (IR) LEDs (880nm) are rated at 100mw each
• Visible Red (VR) LEDs (640nm) are rated at 5mw each
• All therapy pads diodes are recessed and have an affixed clear vinyl
coating (OPTIONAL)
• The NIR™ Single™ has one standard pad and contains 50 LEDs (20VR
and 30 IR), approx. 3100mw of power over approx. 15 sq in of coverage
• The NIR™ Boot™ contains 122 LEDS (52 VR and 70 IR), approx. 7260mw
of power over approx. 72sq in of coverage area
• The NIR™ Twin™ has 2 standard pads and contains 100 LEDs (40VR and
60 IR), approx. 6200mw (3100mw avg.) of power over approx. 30 sq. in. of
coverage area
• The NIR™ Pro™ has 2 standard pads and 2, NIR™ Boots™, and contains
344 LEDs (144 VR and 200 IR), approx. 20,720mw (10,360mw avg.) of
power over approx. 174sq. in. of coverage area (also available with 8
standard treating pads)

Nitric Oxide (NO)

The Nobel Assembly in Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden awarded the 1998
Nobel Prize for Physiology of Medicine to # American Scientists for the discovery of
Nitric Oxide as a signaling molecule in the cardiovascular system. Researchers such
as Thomas J. burke believe NO to be one of the bodies most powerful vasodialators,
and the mechanism of action that allows infrared light therapy to be so effective.

Nitric Oxide (NO)

Nitric oxide is a gas. It is highly reactive; that is, it participates in many chemical reactions. (It
is one of the nitrogen oxides ("NOx") in automobile exhaust and plays a major role in the
formation of photochemical smog [Link].)

But NO also has many physiological functions.

They share these features:

• NO is synthesized within cells by an enzyme NO synthase (NOS).

• The human (and mouse) genome contains 3 different genes encoding NO synthases.
o nNOS (or NOS-1): found in neurons (hence the "n").
o iNOS (or NOS-2): found in macrophages. (the "i" stands for "inducible".
Whereas the levels of nNOS and eNOS are relatively steady, expression of
iNOS genes awaits an appropriate stimulus (e.g., ingestion of a parasite).
o eNOS (or NOS-3): found in
the endothelial (hence the "e")
cells that line the lumen of
blood vessels.
• All types of NOS produce NO from
arginine with the aid of molecular
oxygen and NADPH.
• NO diffuses freely across cell
• There are so many other molecules
with which it can interact, that it is quickly consumed close to where it is synthesized.
• Thus NO acts in a paracrine or even autocrine fashion — affecting only cells near its
point of synthesis.

This page examines some of the functions of NO.

Blood Flow

NO relaxes the smooth muscle in the walls of the arterioles. At each systole, the endothelial
cells that line the blood vessels release a puff of NO. This diffuses into the underlying smooth
muscle cells causing them to relax and thus permit the surge of blood to pass through easily.
Mice whose genes for the NO synthase found in endothelial cells (eNOS) has been "knocked
out" suffer from hypertension.

Nitroglycerine, which is often prescribed to reduce the pain of angina, does so by generating
nitric oxide, which relaxes the walls of the coronary arteries and arterioles.

Three of the pioneers in working out the biological roles of NO shared a Nobel Prize in 1998
for their discoveries. The award to one of them, Ferid Murad, honored his discovery that
nitroglycerine works by releasing NO. This seems particularly appropriate because Alfred
Nobel's fortune came from his invention of making dynamite from nitroglycerine!

NO also inhibits the aggregation of platelets and thus keeps inappropriate clotting from
interfering with blood flow.

Kidney Function

Release of NO around the glomeruli of the kidneys increases blood flow through them thus
increasing the rate of filtration and urine formation.

Link to discussion of kidney function.

Penile Erection

The erection of the penis during sexual excitation is mediated by NO released from nerve
endings close to the blood vessels of the penis. Relaxation of these vessels causes blood to
pool in the blood sinusesproducing an erection.

Three popular prescription drugs

• sildenafil (Viagra®)
• vardenafil (Levitra®)
• tadalafil (Cialis®)

enhance this effect by the mechanism described below.

Recent evidence suggests that NO's job in reproduction is not finished with producing an
erection. At the moment of contact, release of NO by the acrosome of the sperm activates the
egg to completemeiosis II and the other steps of fertilization.

Other Actions on Smooth Muscle


The wavelike motions of the gastrointestinal tract are aided by the relaxing effect of NO on
the smooth muscle in its walls.


NO also inhibits the contractility of the smooth muscle wall of the uterus. As the moment
of birth approaches, the production of NO decreases.

Nitroglycerine has helped some women who were at risk of giving birth prematurely to carry
their baby to full term.

NO and Inflammation

The NO produced by NOS-3 inhibits inflammation in blood vessels. It does this by blocking
the exocytosis of mediators of inflammation from the endothelial cells.

NO may also block exocytosis in other types of cells such as macrophages and cytotoxic T
lymphocytes (CTL).

Effects on Secretion

NO affects secretion from several endocrine glands.

For examples, it stimulates

• the release of Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) from the hypothalamus;

• the release of pancreatic amylase from the exocrine portion of the pancreas;
• the release of adrenaline from the adrenal medulla.

NO and the Nervous System

NO and the Autonomic Nervous System

Some motor neurons of the parasympathetic branch of the autonomic nervous system release
NO as their neurotransmitter. The actions of NO on penile erection and peristalsis are
probably mediated by these nerves.
NO and the Medulla Oblongata

Hemoglobin transports NO at the same time it carries oxygen [Link to discussion]. When it
unloads oxygen in the tissues, it also unloads NO.

In severe deoxygenation, NO-sensitive cells in the medulla oblongata respond to this release
by increasing the rate and depth of breathing.

NO and the Brain

In laboratory animals (mice and rats), NO is released by neurons in the CA1 region of the
hippocampus and stimulates the NMDA receptors there that are responsible for long-term
potentiation (LTP) — a type of memory (and learning).
Link to discussion of LTP.

The ease with which NO diffuses away from the synapse where it is generated enables it to
affect nearby synapses. So what may have begun as a localized action becomes magnified.

Laboratory rats treated with inhibitors of NOS synthesis fail to develop and/or retain learned
responses such as the conditioned response.

Mice whose genes for nNOS have been knocked out are healthy but display abnormal
behavior, e.g., they kill other males and try to mate with nonreceptive females.

NO and Fertilization

The acrosome at the tip of sperm heads activates its NO synthase when it enters the egg. The
resulting release of NO in the egg is essential (at least in sea urchins) for triggering the next
steps in the process :

• blocking the entry of additional sperm and

• orienting the pronuclei for fusion.


Killing Pathogens

NO aids in the killing of engulfed pathogens (e.g., bacteria) within

the lysosomes of macrophages.

Mice whose genes for the NO synthase found in macrophages (iNOS) have been knocked out
are more susceptible to infections by intracellular bacteria like Listeria monocytogenes.

Th1 cells, the ones responsible for an inflammatory response against invaders, secrete NO.

Harmless bacteria, living as commensals at the rear of our throat, convert nitrates in our food
into nitrites. When these reach the stomach, the acidic gastric juice (pH ~1.4) generates NO
from them. This NO kills almost all the bacteria that have been swallowed in our food.

(Since the dawn of recorded human history, nitrites have been used to preserve meat from
bacterial spoilage.)
NO and Longevity

Mice whose genes for eNos have been knocked out

• show signs of premature aging;

• have a shortened life span;
• fail to benefit from the life-extending effect of a calorie-restricted (CR) diet. [Link]

Mechanisms of NO Action

The signaling functions of NO begin with its binding to protein receptors on or in the cell.
The binding sites can be either:

• a metal ion in the protein or

• one of its S atoms (e.g., on cysteine.

In either case, binding triggers an allosteric change in the protein which, in turn, triggers the
formation of a "second messenger" within the cell. The most common protein target for NO
seems to be guanylyl cyclase, the enzyme that generates the second messenger cyclic

Three prescription drugs

• sildenafil (Viagra®)
• vardenafil (Levitra®)
• tadalafil (Cialis®)

enhance the effects of NO by inhibiting the enzyme that normally breaks down cGMP.

Fireflies Use NO To Turn On their Flashes

Link to a discussion.

Plants Also Use NO

NO has been implicated in many plant activities.

• It is a weapon against invading pathogens. Infection of the plant triggers the formation
of a NOS, that like the animal versions, makes NO from arginine. Release of NO by
the infected cell induces a number of defense responses.
• A gradient of NO may also guide the pollen tube to its destination in the ovule [Link].
The popular prescription drug sildenafil citrate (Viagra®) enhances its effect on
pollination (just as it does onpenile erection).
• NO inhibits flowering.
• NO promotes recovery from etiolation.
• and others.

What Does Infrared Therapy Actually Do?

Light therapy has been shown to Increase vascularity (circulation) by increasing the
formation of new capillaries, which are additional blood vessels that replace
damaged ones. New capillaries speed up the healing process by supplying
additional oxygen and nutrients needed for healing.

Stimulate the production of collagen. Collagen is the most common protein found in
the body. Collagen is the essential protein used to repair and replace damaged
tissue. It is the substance that holds cells together with a high degree of elasticity.
Increasing collagen production will decrease scar tissue at the injured site.

Stimulate the release of adenosine triphosphate (ATP). ATP is the major carrier of
energy to all cells. Increases in ATP allow cells to readily accept nutrients and expel
waste products faster by increasing the energy level in the cell. All food turns into
ATP before it is utilized by the cells. ATP provides the chemical energy that drives
the chemical reaction of the cell.

Increase lymphatic system activity. Edema, which is the swelling or natural splinting
process of the body, has two basic components. The first is a liquid part which can
be evacuated by the blood system and the second is comprised of the proteins which
have to be evacuated by the lymphatic system. Research has shown that the lymph
vessel diameter and the flow of the lymph system can be doubled with the use
of light therapy. The venous diameter and the arterial diameters can also be
increased. This means that both parts of edema (liquid and protein) can be
evacuated at a much faster rate to relieve swelling.

Increase RNA and DNA synthesis. This helps damaged cells to be replaced more

Reduce the excitability of nerve tissue. The photons of light energy enter the body
as negative ions. This requires the body to send positive ions, calcium among others,
to flow to the area being treated. These ions assist in regulating the nerves,
thereby relieving pain.

Stimulate fibroblastic activity which aids in the repair process. Fibroblasts are
present in connective tissue and are capable of forming collagen fibers.

Increase phagocytosis, which is the process of scavenging for and ingesting dead
or degenerated cells by the phagocyte cells. This is an important part of the infection
control process. The healing process depends upon the Destruction of infection and
cellular clean up.

Induce a thermal like effect in the tissue. The light raises the temperature of the cells
although there is no heat produced from the diodes themselves.

Stimulate tissue granulation and connective tissue projections, which are part of
the healing process of wounds, ulcers or inflamed tissue. Stimulate acetylcholine
release. Acetylcholine causes cardiac inhibition, vasodilation, gastrointestinal
peristalsis and other parasympathetic effects.
NIR Therapeutic - The Standard in Infrared Light Therapy™

With mildly recessed diodes the NIR™ therapy systems have an increased comfort
over most other IR devices on the market. In addition, this allows a thin layer of
protective vinyl to be affixed to the top of the therapy pad that makes sterilization
quick and easy. Therapy pads and boots are also available without protective cover
upon request at no additional cost.

If you are currently a RevitaMed® or Healthlight™ user, you now have the ability to
upgrade your currently therapy pads for a small service fee. Please inquire online or
call for current pricing.

The NIR™ Therapeutic system utilizes infrared LEDs with a peak power rating of
100mw. These high-powered infrared LEDs allow for effective, deep penetration into
soft tissue, which initiates many of the photobiological effects that take place.

The biochemical that is believed to enable infrared therapy to be so effective is Nitric

Oxide (NO). NO is a free radical gas that is believed to be one of the bodies most
powerful vasodilators. By causing the NO to become active and perform its natural
function, LED infrared light therapyhas shown to be an effective tool in healthcare.

Infrared LED therapy has certainly come along way since CEFCO, Inc brought forth
infrared therapy to the equine market over 20 years ago. In fact, NIR™ Therapeutic
is engineered and manufactured by some of the very same staff that was with
CEFCO, Inc almost 20 years ago. With so many years of experience with infrared
therapy, it is no wonder that NIR™ Therapeutic surpasses all other infrared light
therapy LED devices on the market today.

As you may already know, light therapy has many other effects that go beyond that
produced by near infrared therapy. UV light can be used for sterilization and tanning.
Far infrared light therapy is often used for body detoxification. Full spectrum light has
shown to aid in vitamin D synthesis and reduce the effects of Seasonal Affective
Disorder (SAD). Lasers have been used in surgery for years, and are now being
used as an effective aid for quitting smoking. The power of light is real. Its uses are
simply being realized and implemented.

Infrared light LED therapy has been used on countless conditions with great
success. Infrared therapy is only contraindicated for pregnancy and malignancy due
to the unknown effects that infrared light therapy might have on these conditions.


Infrared Light therapy has also been given the names LED therapy, infrared therapy,
light therapy, phototherapy, and more recently photodynamic therapy (PDT) or
Intense Pulsed Light therapy (IPL). A study done by the Mayo Clinic in 1989
suggests that the results of light therapy are a direct effect of light itself, generated at
specific wavelengths, and are not necessarily a function of the characteristics of
coherency and polarization associated with lasers. In a study entitled Low-Energy
Laser Therapy: Controversies and New Research Findings, Jeffrey R. Basford, M.D.
of the Mayo Clinic's Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, suggests
that the coherent aspect of laser may not be the source of its therapeutic effect. He
states, "Firstly, the stimulating effects (from therapeutic light) are reported following
irradiation with non-laser sources and secondly, tissue scattering, as well as fiber
optic delivery systems used in many experiments rapidly degrade coherency.

LEDs have seen a major increase in popularity and use since 1995. The first LED
therapy units available for purchase in the equine industry (CEFCO) used 8mW peak
power per diode, today the NIR™ system uses 100mW peak power (per diode)
infrared LEDs rated at 3,000mcd (millicandle power). This greatly influences the
treatment times. The NIR™ system provides power at an affordable cost.

In 1998 a Nobel Prize was awarded for the discovery of a free radical gas known as
Nitric Oxide (NO). Since its discovery, countless studies have been conducted
showing NO to be one of the bodyís most powerful vasodilators. This bio-chemical is
believed to be released by infrared light therapy, and the mechanism of action that
allows it to be so successful.

NIR™ infrared therapy pads make treatment easy and efficient. NIR™ pad(s) should
be placed as close as possible (skin contact, LED side to the skin) to the affected
area as to allow the infrared light photo energy to provide the maximum benefit.
Because the power density decreases (inversely proportional) with increasing
distance between the LEDs and treatment area when using the NIR™ system,
always keep the LEDs as near as possible to the area being treated.

While registered and proven to increase circulation and relieve pain, recent clinical
and field studies suggest that infrared LED light therapy treatment may ease the
symptoms and reduce the risk of many conditions caused by poor circulation such as
pain and numbness, chronic wounds, and other musculoskeletal injuries.

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